Bibliography of Phonosemantics
by Margaret Magnus

copyright 1997, 1998
all rights reserved


Index to the Bibliography
Dictionaries, Lists

General Phonosemantics

African and Other Ideophones
Poetry and Literature Analysis
Arbitrariness of the Sign
Other Related Scholarly Works

Mythic and New Age

Other Related
Basic Linguistics Texts


Other Links
Web Sites on Linguistic Iconism
Annotated Bibliography

The intent is that this should become an exhaustive bibliography of phonosemantics.
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Dictionaries, Lists

· Amanuma (1974), Giongo-Gitaigo Jiten (Dictionary of Sound and Manner-Imitative Words), Tokyo: Tokyo Publishing House.
· Bloomfield, Leonard (1909-1910), "A Semasiological Differentiation in Germanic Secondary Ablaut", Modern Philology 7: 245-288, 345-382, partially reprinted in Charles F. Hockett, (ed.), A Leonard Bloomfield Anthology, Bloomington Indiana U. Press.
· Kakehi, Hisao (1998), A Dictionary of Iconic Expressions in Japanese, Mouton, The Hague.
· McCune, Keith M. (1983), The Internal Structure of Indonesian Roots, Pd.D. dissertation, University of Michigan.
· Nodier, Charles (1808), Dictionnaire raisonnée des onomatopées françaises, Demonville, Paris., republished 1828 by Delangle, Paris., edited and published 1984 by Trans-Europ-Repress, Mauvezin.
· Sadasivam, M. (1966), Olikkurippakarati, [Dictionary of Expressives in Tamil], Pari Nilaiyam.
· Thun, Nils (1963), "Reduplicative Words in English: A Study of Formations of the Types tick-tock, hurly-burly, and shilly-shally", PhD dissertation, Uppsala University.


General Phonosemantics

· Aarsleff, Hans (1964), From Locke to Saussure: Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
· Abel, Carl (1883), The Ilchester Lectures on Comparative Lexicography, London, Trubner and Co..
· Alfonso, A. (1966), Japanese Language Patterns, Sophia University Press, Tokyo 1: 450-454.
Allott, Robin (1974), "Some apparent uniformities between languages in colour-naming", Language and Speech 17: 377-402.
· Allott, Robin (1989), The Motor Theory of Origin. Book Guild, Lewes.
· Allott, Robin (1991), "The Motor Theory of Language", In Studies in Language Origins 2. W. von Raffler-Engel et al. (eds.) John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
· Allott, Robin (1991), "Japanese and the Motor Theory of Language", Language Origins Society, De Kalb. Illinois.
· Allott, Robin (1992), "The Motor Theory of Language: Origin and Function", in Language Origin: A Multidisciplinary Approach B.A. Chiarelli et al. (eds.) NATO Advanced Study Institute. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
· Allott, Robin (1993), "The Articulatory basis of the Alphabet", forthcoming in Studies in Language Origins 4: Linstock Press.
· Allott, Robin (1994), Gestural Equivalence (Equivalents) of Language, Berkeley .
· Allott, Robin (1995), "Sound Symbolism", in Language in the Ice Age U. Figge and W. Koch (eds.), Brockmeyer, Bochum.
· Allport, G. (1935), "Phonetic Symbolism in Hungarian Words", unpublished ms., Harvard University.
· Anisfeld, Moshe (1968), "Subjective Approximation of Relative Letter Incidence in Pleasant and Unpleasant Words", Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 7: 33.
· Annamalai, E. (1968), "Onomatopoetic Resistance to Sound Change in Dravidian", in M. B. Emeneau, Studies in Indian Linguistics, Sastipurti 15-9, Poona and Annamalainagar.
· Antilla, Raimo and William J. Samarin (1970), "Inventory and Choice in Expressive Language", Word 26: 153-169.
· Aoki, Haruo (1994), "Symbolism in Nez Perce", in Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nicols and John J. Ohala, (eds.), Sound Symbolism, Cambridge University Press.
· Ashmarin, N.I. (1918), Osnovy Huvawskoj Mimiologii, Kazan;.
· Atzet, J. and H. B. Gerard (1965), "A Study of Phonetic Symbolism among Navajo Speakers", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1: 524-528.
· Austerlitz, Robert (1994), "Finnish and Gilyak Sound Symbolism ­ the Interplay between System and History", in Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nicols and John J. Ohala, (eds.), Sound Symbolism, Cambridge University Press.
· Baindurashvil, A. G. (1966), "Experimental Data on the Psychological Nature of Naming." (in Russian), in: Trudy
Tbilisskogo Universiteta, t.124.
· Baindurashvil, A. G. (1967), "Results of Some Experimental Studies on Naming", International Journal of Psychology 2: 161-169.
· Baindurashvil, A. G. (1971), ~ksperimental;naq psixologiq naimenovaniq, Tblisi.
· Belardi, Walter (1966), "Il significato del fonema", Word 25-36.
· Beneveniste, Emile (1971b), Problems of General Linguistics, University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL.
· Bentley, Madison and Edith J. Varon (1933), "An Accessory Study in Phonetic Symbolism", American Journal of Psychology 45: 76-86.
· Berlin, Brent and J. O'Neill (1981), "The Pervasiveness of Onomatopoeia in the Jivaroan Language Family", Journal of Ethnobiology 1 : 95-108.
· Berlin, Brent (1994), "Evidence for Pervasive Synesthetic Sound Symbolism in Ethnozoological Nomenclature", in Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nicols and John J. Ohala, (eds.), Sound Symbolism, Cambridge University Press.
· Bernard-Thierry, S. (1960), "Les onomatopées en malgache", Bulletin de la Societé de Linguistique de Paris 50,55: 240-269.
· Birch, D. and M Erikson (1958), "Phonetic Symbolism with Respect to Three Dimensions from the Semantic Differential", Journal of General Psychology 58: 291-297.
· Bloomfield, Maurice (1891), "On Adaptation of Suffixes in Congeneric Classes of Substantives", American Journal of Philology 12: 1-29.
· Bloomfield, Maurice (1893), "On the Origin of So-Called Root Determinatives", Indogermanische Forschungen 4: 66-78.
· Bloomfield, Maurice (1895), "On Assimilation and Adaptation in Congeneric Classes of Words", American Journal of Philology 16: 409-434.
· Bloomfield, Morton (1953), "Final Root-Forming Morphemes", American Speech, 28: 158-164.
· Blust, Robert A. (1988), "Beyond the Morpheme: Austronesian Root Theory and Related Matters", Studies in Austronesian Linguistics, Ohio University Center for SE Asian Studies.
Bolinger, Dwight (1940), "Word Affinities", American Speech 15: 69-70.
· Bolinger, Dwight (1949), "The Sign is not Arbitrary", Boletín del Instituto Caro y Cuervo 5: 56-62.
· Bolinger, Dwight (1950), "Chiviarri and the Phonestheme", American Speech, 25: 134-135.
· Bolinger, Dwight (1950), "Rime, Assonance and Morpheme Analysis", Word, 6: 2,117-136.
· Bolinger, Dwight (1965b), "Atomization of Meaning", Language 41.
· Bolinger, Dwight (1980), "Signs and Symbols", in Language , the Loaded Weapon, Chapter 3, 17-24.
· Brackbill, Y. and K. B. Little (1957), "Factors Determining the Guessing and Meaning of Foreign Words", Journal of Abnormal and Social Pychology 54: 312-318.
· Brik, O. M. (1964), "Zvukovye povtory", in Two Essays on Poetic Language, Michigan Slavic Materials, Ann Arbor.
· Brock, Erich (1944), "Der heutige Stand der Lautbedeutingslehre", Trivium Schweizerische Vierteljahresschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Stilkritik: 2, Horgen, Zürich.
· de Brosses, Charles (1765), Traité de la formation mécanique des lnguages et des principes physiques de l'étymologie, Saillant, Vincent & Desaint, Paris.
· Brown, Roger (1956), [Review of] "Untersuchungen zur Onomatopoiie by Heinz Wissemann", Language 31.
· Brown, Roger W. (1958), Words and Things, Macmillan and Company, NY.
· Brown, Roger W., A. H. Black and A. E. Horowitz (1955), "Phonetic Symbolism in Natural Languages", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 50: 388-393.
· Brown, Roger W. and R. Nuttall (1959), "Methods in Phonetic Symbolism Experiments", Journal of Abnormal and Social Pychology 59: 441-445.
· Bühler, Karl (1933), "L'onomatopée et la fonction representative du language", in Pierre Jarret and George Dumas, (eds.) Psychologie du Language, Paris: Alcan: 101-109.
· Carnoy, Albert J. (1917), "Apophony and Rhyme Words in Vulgar Latin Onomatopoeias", American Journal of Philology, 38.
· Carr, Denzel (1966), "Homorganicity in Malay/Indonesian Expressives and Quasi-Expressives", Language 42: 370-377.
Chan, Marjorie K.M. (1995), "Sound symbolism and water sizes: a preliminary Fuzhou study", Second Symposium of the Chao Yuen Ren Center for Chinese Linguistics, Institute of East Asian Studies, U.C. Berkeley, California.
Chan, Marjorie K.M. (1996), "Sound Symbolism and the Chinese Language",Proceedings of the 7th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL) and the 4th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (ICCL), Tsai Fa Cheng, Yafei Li, and Hongming Zhang (eds.), Volume 2. Los Angeles, CA: GSIL Publications, University of Southern California. pp. 17-34.
· Chang, Andrew C. A (1990), Thesaurus of Japanese Mimesis and Onomatopoeia: Usage by Categories. Taishukan, Tokyo.
· Chastaing, Maxime (1958), "Le symbolism des voyelles: significations des 'i'", I and II Journal de Psychologie 55: 403-423, 461-481.
· Chastaing, Maxime (1962), "La brillance des voyelles", Archivum linguisticum, 14: 1-13.
· Chastaing, Maxime (1964a), "L'opposition des consonnes sourdes aux consonnes soneres et muettes: a-t-elle une valeur symbolique?", Vie et Language 147: 367-370.
· Chastaing, Maxime (1964b), "Nouvelle recherches sur le symbolisme des voyelles", Journal de Psychologie 61: 75-88.
· Chastaing, Maxime (1965a), "Dernières recherches sur le symbolisme vocalique de la petitesse", Revue Philosophique 155: 41-56.
· Chastaing, Maxime (1965b), "Pop-fop-pof-fof", Vie et language 159: 311-317.
· Chastaing, Maxime (1966), "Si les r étaient des l", Parts 1, 2, Vie et language 173: 468-472; 174: 502-507.
· Chu, Chia-ning ªÇ ®a 1ç (1995), "Lun nishengci shengyin jiegouzhong-de bianyin chengfen. _x ÀÀ Án µü Án ­µ µ2 ºc ¤¤ ªº Ãä ­µ |¨ ¤À", Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (ICCL-4)/Seventh North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-7), U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison.
· Claudel, Paul (1965), "L'Harmonie imitative", in Jacques Petit and Charles Galperine (eds.), Oeuvres en prose, Gallimard, Paris, p. 96.
· Collins, Leslie (1977), "A Name to Conjure With," European Journal of Marketing , 11 (5), 340-363.
· Copineau (1774), Essai synthétique sur l'origine et la formation des languages, Rualt, Paris.
· Coquet, Jean-Claude (1972), "La Lettre et les idéogrammes occidentaux", Poétique 11.
· Crockett, Dina B. (1968), "Secondary Onomatopoeia in Russian", Word, 107-111.
· Croft, Lee B. (1978), "The Mnemonic Use of Linguistic Iconicity in Teaching Language and Literature", Slavic and East European Journal, 22: 4.
· Crystal, David (1987), "Sound Symbolism", The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 174-75, 250-253.
· Dagiri, O. (1958), "On Phonetic Symbolism", in Y. Endo, K. Hatano, H. Kobayashi, M. Koshimizu, O. Miyagi, H. Hakajima and T. Obonai (eds), Science of Language 3, Hakayama Shoten, Tokyo.
· Davis, R. (1961), "The Fitness of Names to Drawings: a Cross-Cultural Study in Tanganyika", British Journal of Psychology 52: 259-268.
· Debrunner, Albert (1926), "Lautsymbolik in alter und neuester Zeit", Germanische-Romanische Monatsschrift 14: 321-328.
· Deed, F. I. (1939), "Ideophones and Onomatopoetics in Swahili", Interterritorial Language Committee, Bulletin 13.
· Dempwolff, Otto (1925), " Die L-, R- und D-Laute in Austronesischen Sprachen", Zeitschrift für eingeborenen, Sprachen, 15: 19-50, 116-138, 228-238, Berlin.
· Dempwolff, Otto (1938), "Vergleichende Lautlehre des Austronesischen Wortschatzes III", Zeitschrift für eingeborenen, Sprachen, Beiheft 19, Berlin.
Denofsky, Murray Elias (1994), "Indo-European B Root Classes", ms..
Denofsky, Murray Elias (1994), "Radial Sets of Dictionary Words Used to Define the Sound Symbolism of /sh/ in English", ms..
Denofsky, Murray Elias (1996), "What's in a Word?", The Boston Poet.
· DeReuse, Willem (1986), "The Lexicalization of Sound Symbolism in Saniago del Estero Quechua", International Journal of American Linguistics 52: 54-64.
· Dick, Russell, Ed Williams and Arie Poldervaart (1987), Yerington Paiute Grammar, Yerington, Nevada, Yerington Paiute Tribe.
· Diffloth, Gérard (1972), "Notes on Expressive Meaning", Papers from the Eighth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: 440-448.
· Diffloth, Gérard (1976), "Expressives in Semai", in Austroasiatic Studies, Oceanic Linguistics, Special Publications 13: 1, Hawaii University Press, 249-264.
· Diffloth, Gérard (1979), "Expressive Phonology and Prosaic Phonology in Mon-Khmer", in Studies in Thai and Mon-Khmer Phonetics and Phonology, Chulalongkorn University Press, Bangkok, 49-59.
· Diffloth, Gérard (1994), "i: big, a: small", in Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nicols and John J. Ohala, (eds.), Sound Symbolism, Cambridge University Press.
· Dimock, Edward C. (1957), "Symbolic Forms in Bengali", Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute, 18: 22-29.
· Durand, M. (1961), "Les impressifs en Vietnamien, étude préliminaire", Bulletin de la Société des Etudes Indochinoises, Nouvelle Série 36: 1, Saigon.
· Durbin, Marshall E. (1973), "Sound Symbolism in the Mayan Language Family", in Munro S. Edmonson, (ed.) Meaning in Mayan Languages, Mouton, The Hague.
· Eberhardt, Margarete (1940), "A Study of Phonetic Symbolism of Deaf Children", Psychological Monograph, 52: 23-42.
· Emeneau, M. B. (1969), "Onomatopoetics in the Indian Linguistic Area", Language 45: 274-299.
· Emerson, Ralph H. (1995), "Some English Phonesthemes". ms..
Emerson, Ralph H. (1996), "Bang: A Look at Nasal-Stop Semantics", ms..
· English, G. (1916), "On the Psychological Response to Unknown Proper Names", American Journal of Psychology 27: 430-434.
· Erlich, Julie. "Giving Drugs a Good Name," The New York Times Magazine, September 3, 1995, 36-37.
· Ernst, Eva-Maria (1990), "Die Onomatopoetik der Tierlaute und der entsprechende Verben im Deutschen, Französischen und Italienischen", MA thesis, U. of Vienna.
· Ertel, Suitbert (1965), "Der Lautcharakter künstlicher Lautgebilde", Psychologische Forschungen 28: 491-578.
· Ertel, Suitbert (1969), Psychophonetik: Untersuchungen über Lautsymbolik und Motivation, Göttingen Verlag für Psychologie C. J. Hogrefe.
· Ertel, Suitbert and R. Dorst (1965), "Expressive Lautsymbolik: eine Überprüfung der Hypothese mit 25 Sprachen", Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie 12: 557-569.
· Firmage, Richard A. (1993), The Alphabet Abecedarium, David Godine Publisher, Boston.
· Firth, John Rupert (1935), "The Use and Distribution of Certain English Sounds", English Studies, 17: 8-18.
· Firth, John Rupert (1951), "Modes and Meaning", Papers in Linguistics, London.
· Fischer, S. (1922), "Über das Entstehen und Verstehen von Namen", Archiv für die gesamte Psychologie 42: 335-368; 43: 32-63.
· Fischer-Jørgensen, Eli (1967), "Perceptual Dimensions of Vowels", for Roman Jakobson I: 667-671, Mouton, the Hague.
· Fischer-Jørgensen, Eli (1978), "On the Universal Character of Phonetic Symbolism with Special Reference to Vowels", Studia Linguistica 32: 80-90.
· Fónagy, Ivan (1963), Die Metaphern in der Phonetik, Mouton, The Hague.
· Fónagy, Ivan (1979), La métaphore en phonétique Ottowa, Didier.
· Fónagy, Ivan (1983), La vive voix: Essais de psycho-phonétique, Paris, Payot.
· Fónagy, Ivan (1988), "Live Speech and Preverbal Communication", in Marge E. Landsberg (ed.), The Genesis of Language: A Different Judgement of the Evidence, Mouto, NY.
· Fordyce, J. Forrest (1988), "Studies in sound symbolism with special reference to English", Linguistics.
· Foster, Mary LeCron (1978), "The Symbolic Structure of Primordial Language", in Sherwood Washburn and Elizabeth McCown (eds.), Human Evolution, Biosocial Perspectives, Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA, pp. 77-121.
· Fox, C. W. (1935), "An Experimental Study in Naming", American Journal of Psychology 47: 545-579.
· Frei, Henri (1970), Cinquante onomatopées japonaises", in D. Cohen, (ed.), Mélanges Marcel Cohen, Janua Linguarum, Series Maior 27, Mouton, the Hague.
· French, Patrice L. (1977), "Toward an Explanation of Phonetic Symbolism", Word 28: 305-322.
· Fukuda, H. (1993), Flip, Slither, Bang; Japanese Sound in Action, Kondansha Intl.
· Gazov-Ginzberg, A.M. (1965), Byl li jazyk
izobrazitelen v svoix istokax?, Moscow.
· Gébelin, Antoine Court de (1775), "Origine du langage et de l'écriture", Le Monde primitif, considéré dans l'histoire naturelle de la parole, Paris.
· Gebels, Gustav (1969), "An Investigation of Phonetic Symbolism in Different Cultures", Journal of Verbal Learning 8: 310-.
· Genette, Gérard (1976), Mimologiques, Paris, Seuil; (1995) Mimiologics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
· Gerganov, Ancho, Taseva Krasimira (1985), "Eksperimentalno isledovane na emocianalnoto v=zdejstvie na nqkoi zvuko=hetaniq v b=lgarskiq ezik".
· Gonda, Jan (1940), "Some Remarks on Onomatopoeia, Sound Symbolism and Word Formation a propos of the Theories of C. N. Maxwell", Tidschrift voor Indische Taal, Land- en Volkenkunde, uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Bataviaasch Genootschep van Kunsten en Wetenschappen 80: 133-210.
· Gonda, Jan (1948), "The Comparative Method as Applied to the Indonesian Languages", Lingua 1: 86-101.
· Gonda, Jan (1949-1950), "The Function of Word Duplication in Indonesian Languages", Lingua 2: 170-197.
· Gorelik, Marina (1993), "Russian /m/ and /b/ Phonesthemes", ms..
· Graham, Joseph F (1992), Onomatopoetics: Theory of Languae and Literature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
· Grammont, Maurice (1901), "Onomatopées et mots expressifs", in Tretenaire de la Societé pour l'Etude des Langues Romanes, 261-322, Montpellier.
· Greenberg, S. and J. D. Sapir (1978), "Acoustic Correlates of 'Big' and 'Thin' in Kujamutay", Proceedings of the Fourth Annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley, CA, 293-310.
Grew, Philip (1998), "Phonological Clusters of Semantically Similar Words", Linguist's List re: 9:1050.
· de Grolier, Eric (1983), Glossogenetics: The Origin and Evolution of Language, Harwood, NY.
· Gudava, Togo (1958), "Ob odnom vide zvukopodra'aniq v megrel;skom dialekte zanskogo qzyka", Tezsy Dokladov 16 Nauhnoj Sessii Instituta Qzykoznaniq, Akademii Nauk GSSR, Tblisi.
· Haas, Mary R. (1970), "Consonant Symbolism in Northwestern California", in Earl H. Swanson, Jr, (ed.), Languages and Cultures of Western North America: Essays in Honor of Sven S. Liljeblad, Idaho State University Press, Pocatello, 86-96.
· Hamano, Shoko (1994), "Palatalization in Japanese Sound Symbolism", in Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nicols and John J. Ohala, (eds.), Sound Symbolism, Cambridge University Press.
· Hamano, S. (1986), "The Sound Symbolic System of Japanese", PhD dissertation, University of Florida.
· Hata, K. (1983), "Two Experiments in Sound Symbolism", University of California at Berkeley ms..
· Heise, David (1966), "Sound-Meaning Correlations among 1000 English Words", Language and Speech 9: 14.
· Herlofsky, William J. (1981), Phonetic Symbolism in Japanese Onomatopoeia, University of Minnesota MA thesis.
· Hill, Archibald A. (1972), "Sound Symbolism in Lexicon and Literature", Studies in Linguistics in Honor of George L. Trager, Mouton, the Hague.
· Hilmer, H. (1914), Schallnachahmung, Wortschöpfung und Bedeutungswandel, Halle.
· Hines, Caitlin (1994), "What's so Easy about Pie? The Lexicalization of a Metaphor", Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language Conference, San Francisco State University.
Hinton, Leanna, Joahanna Nichols, and John J. Ohala (1994), Sound Symbolism, Cambridge University Press.
· Hiraga, Masako K. (1994), "Diagrams and Metaphors: Iconic Aspects in Language", Journal of Pragmatics 22: 5-21.
· Hoffman, Karl (1952), "Wiederholende Onomatopoetika im Altindischen", Indogermanische Forschungen 60: 254-264.
· Hornbostel, E. M. von (1927a), "Laut und Sinn", in Festschrift für C. Meinhof, 329-348, Hamburg.
· Horowitz, A. E. et. al (1955b), "Phonetic Symbolism in Natural Languages", Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology 50: 338.
· Householder, Fred W. (1946), "On the Problem of Sound and Meaning, an English Phonestheme", Word 2: 83-84.
· Householder, Fred W. (1962), "Azerbaijani Onomatopes", N. Poppo (ed.), American Studies in Altaic Linguistics, Bloomington, IN, 115-121.
· Hu, Mingyang (1991), "Feminine accent in the Beijing vernacular: a sociolinguistic investigation", Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 26:49-54.
· Hu, P'u-An ­J _3 |w (1969), Cong wenzixue-shang kaojian Zhongguo guodai-zhi shengyun yu yanyu. ±q ¤å |r _Ç ¤W |Ò ¨£ ¤¤ °ê ¥j ¥N ¤§ Án Ãy »P ¨¥ »y, Hong Kong: Longmen Shudian.
· Huang, Yau-Huang, Sawal Pratoomraj and Ronald C. Johnson (1969), "Universal Magnitude Symbolism", Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 8: 155-156.
· Conference on African Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
· Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1836), Über die Verschiedenheit des Menschlichen Sprachbaues und ihren Einfluß auf die geistige Entwicklung des Menschengeschlechts, Druckerei der Könglichen Akademie, Berlin, Reprinted Bonn: Dummler, 1960.
· Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1905), "Über die allgemeinen Grundsätze der Wortbetonung", Werke, Albert Leitzmann (ed.), Behrs, Berlin.
· Iritani, T. (1969), "Dimensions of Phonetic Symbolism: an Inquiry into the Dynamic-Expressive Features in the Symbolization of Non-Linguistic Sounds", International Journal of Psychology 4: 9-19.
· Ivanova-Luk'yanova, G. N. (1966), "O vospriqtii zvukov", in M. V. Vysotskii, M. V. Panov and V. N. Sidorov, (eds.) (1966), Razvitie fonetiki sovremennogo russkogo qzyka, Nauka, Moscow.
· Jacobsen, William H., Jr. (1994), "Nootkan Vocative Vocalism and its Implications", in Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nicols and John J. Ohala, (eds.), Sound Symbolism, Cambridge University Press.
· Jakobson, Roman (1978a), Sound and Meaning, MIT Press, London.
· Jakobson, Roman (1978b), "Sound Symbolism and Distinctive Features", unpublished ms. presented at the Conference on Semiotics and the Arts, University of Michigan.
· Jakobson, Roman (a), "Speech Sounds and their Tasks", in Roman Jakobson Selected Writings VIII, Mouton de Gruyter.
· Jakobson, Roman (b), "Six leçons sur le son et le sens", in Roman Jakobson Selected Writings VIII, Mouton de Gruyter.
· Jakobson, Roman and L. R. Waugh (1979), The Sound Shape of Language, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN.
· Jespersen, Otto (1922a), "Lydsybolik", Nordisk Tidsskrift för Vetenskap, Konst och Industri, Stockholm.
· Jespersen, Otto (1933b), "The Symbolic Value of the Vowel i", Linguistica, College Park, MD, or in Selected Papers of O. Jespersen in English French and German, Levin and Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 283-303, or (1922c), Philologica 1: 1-19.
· Jin, Shunde (1995), Sound symbolism in Shanghai onomatopoeia, Ohio State University, MS.
· Johnson, Ronald C. (1967), "Magnitude Symbolism of English Words", Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 6: 508-511.
· Johnson, Ronald C., N.S. Suzuki and W.K. Olds (1964), "Phonetic Symbolism in Artificial Language", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 69: 233-236.
· Joseph, Brian D. (1984), "Balkan Expressive and Affective Phonology ­ the Case of Greek ts/dz", in K. Shangriladze and E Townsend, (eds.), Papers for the Fifth Conference of Southeast European Studies, Balgrade, Slavica Publishers, Colombus, OH, 227-237.
· Joseph, Brian D. (1994), "Modern Greek ts: Beyond Sound Symbolism", in Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nicols and John J. Ohala, (eds.), Sound Symbolism, Cambridge University Press.
· Jurafsky, Daniel (1996), "Universal Tendencies in the Semantics of the Diminutive", Language 72: 533-578.
· Kaesmann, Hans (1992), "Das englische Phonasthem sl-" in H. Kaesmann, H. Gneuss, E. Wolff and Th. Wolpers, Anglia, Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen, 110: 307-346.
· Kahlo, G. (1960), "Der Irrtum der Onomatopoetiker", Phonetica, 5.
· Kakehi, Hisao and Ikuhiro Tamori, eds. (1993), Onomatopoeia, Keiso-Shobo, Tokyo.
· Kallir, Alfred (1961), Sign and Design, James Clarke and Co., London.
· Karlgren, Bernhard (1934), "Word families in Chinese", Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 5.9-120.
· Karlgren, Bernard (1962), Sound and Symbol in Chinese, Hong Kong.
· Kaufman, Terrence (1994), "Symbolism and Change in the Sound System of Haustec", in Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nicols and John J. Ohala, (eds.), Sound Symbolism, Cambridge University Press.
· Khlebnikov, Velemir (1987), Tvoreniq, Izdatel;stvo ^Sovetskij Pisatel;&, Moscow.
· Kim, Kong-On (1977), "Sound Symbolism in Korean", Journal of Linguistics, 13: 67-75.
· Kinkade, M. Dale (1976), "Columbian Salishan Imitative Words", presented at the American Anthropological Association.
· Klank, L. J. K. , Y. Huang and R. C. Johnson (1971), "Determinants of Success in Matching Word Pairs in Tests of Phonetic Symbolism", Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 10: 140-148.
· Knapp, R.H. and H. J. Ehlinger (1968), "Study of Semantic Associations to the Alphabet", Perception Motor Skills 26: 939-942.
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