¤~ Num. Index: 10.00     £©£¯£½ cai2    .
N.(1) Ability, aptitude, natural gift: ¤~¯à¡A¤~·F¡A¤~¤O¡Aetc., cai2neng2, cai2gan4, cai2li4¡õ;
¤å¤~¡A¸Ö¤~ literary, poetic gift.
(2) Person in regard to capability, personality, character: ¤H¤~ useful person;
¨S¦³¤H¤~ lacking in capable men;
·F¤~ practical ability, person with such ability;
¤Ñ¤~ genius;
¥£¤~ (contempt.) slave;
Äø¤~ (abuse) dullard, idiot, imbecile;
¤j¤~¤p¥Î an able man given a small job;
­^¤~¡A°ª¤~ great talent;
¤p¦³¤~ (person) gifted with a fair degree of cleverness, possesses certain but limited abilities;
¤~Ãø really able men are difficult to come by;
(closely related §÷ timber, 10B.00).
Adv.(1) (Emphatic assertion, similar to German doch) indeed: ¨º§Ú¤~¤£©È I'm certainly not afraid of that;
¨º¤~§®¤F would indeed be fun (if it should happen);
§A¤~¬O§Ú©Ò³ßÅwªº¤H you (not anybody else) are the one I love.
(2) Just, just now (in place of awkward character Å×): ­è¤~ just now;
¤~´¸¤S«B sky has just cleared and now it rains again;
¤~­n¶}¶º«È¤H¨Ó¤F just as we were sitting down to dinner, a guest appeared.
Words1. ¤~®ð cai2chi4 (cai2chi0), n., rich talent, brilliance of mind.
2. ¤~±¡ cai2qing2, n., great ability, esp. litr. aptitude.
3. ¤~½Õ cai2diao4, n., see cai2chi4¡ô.
4. ¤~¤À cai2fen4, n., inborn ability.
5. ¤~·F cai2gan4 (cai2gan0), n., practical ability.
6. ¤~µØ cai2hua2, n., see cai2chi4¡ô.
7. ¤~´¼ cai2zhi4, n., wisdom and ability.
8. ¤~¨ã cai2jU4, n., aptitude, capability (of person).
9. ¤~¤O cai2li4, n., force of personality, spirit.
10. ¤~²¤ cai2lUe4, n., resourcefulness, political ability.
11. ¤~»ª cai2mao4, n., personal appearance as reflecting ability.
12. ¤~¦W cai2ming2, n., literary reputation.
13. ¤~¯à cai2neng2, n., natural gift, talent, litr. or practical ability.
14. ¤~¤H cai2ren2, n., talented scholar.
15. ¤~¤h cai2shi4, n., good scholars.
16. ¤~¾Ç cai2xUe2 (cai2xUe0), n., ability and learning, person's scholarship.
17. ¤~«ä cai2si1, n., brilliance in writing.
18. ¤~Ħ cai2zao3, n., see stairsi1¡ô.
19. ¤~¤l cai2zi3, n., (1) brilliant writer;
20. ¤~¤l cai2zi3, n., (2) ¤~¤l¨Î¤H¤p»¡ popular romance with a handsome scholar and a pretty girl.
21. ¤~®© cai2wu4, n., aptitude for understanding.
22. ¤~¡¼ cai2ying3, n., intellectual brilliance.
23. ¤~´D cai2yUan2, n., a gifted maiden.

¨Æ Num. Index: 10.00     £¦£¿ shi4    .
N.(1) Affair, business, matter: ¨Æ°È¡A¨Æ¥ó¡A¨Æ±¡ shi4wu42, shi4jian4, shi4qing2¡õ;
affair: ³o¥ó¨Æ this affair, this business;
°ê¨Æ¡A®a¨Æ national, family affairs;
¤H¨Æ personnel (problems);
¤½¨Æ¡A¨p¨Æ public, private affairs;
¸U¨Æ all: ¸U¨Æ¦p·N have all one's wishes;
­·¬yÃý¨Æ a romantic affair, a scholar's gathering;
¨Æ¤£¤z¤v the affair does not concern one;
¨Æ«æ¡A¨Æ¦£ matter is urgent, business is pressing;
¨Æ¥b¥\­¿ half the work with double results;
¨Æ­¿¥\¥b twice the work with half of results.
(2) Fact, event, happening: ¨Æ¹ê shi4shi2¡õ;
¨Æ»PÄ@¹H events do not happen as one wishes;
¨Æ¹L¹Ò¾E events have passed and times have changed;
¨Æ¥X¦³¦] this happens not without reasom;
¨Æ«e¡A¨Æ«á before, after the event;
³ß¨Æ happy event (wedding, celebration);
³à¨Æ funeral;
¬õ¥Õ¨Æ happy and unhappy events;
¨Æ¬G¡A¨ÆºÝ shi4gu4, shi4duan1¡õ.
(3) Trouble, accident, undesirable event: ¥X¨Æ have an accident (in travel);
»F¨Æ cause trouble, a row;
¨ÆÅÜ shi4bian4¡õ;
¥­¦wµL¨Æ all is well;
¦h¨Æ¤§¬î year of many troubles;
¤j¨Æ¤Æ¬°¤p¨Æ¡A¤p¨Æ¤Æ¬°µL¨Æ reduce a big trouble into a small one, and a small one into nothing;
¬Ù¨Æ save trouble;
¶O¨Æ takes a lot of doing;
¤ÖºÞ¶¢¨Æ don't meddle in others' affairs;
³yÁÁ¥Í¨Æ cause trouble by spreading rumors;
·S¨Æ¥Í«D be meddlesome;
¤F¨Æ close a dispute, lawsuit;
®§¨Æ¹ç¤H stop dispute and live and let live;
Á|¨Æ¡A°_¨Æ start rebellion;
¨Æ¨ì¦p¤µ things have come to such a pass that.
(4) Matter in gen., matters: ³o¬O«ç»ò¤@¦^¨Æ What is all this? Âå¨Æ medical matters;
¬F¨Æ politics, government;
­x¨Æ military matters or affairs;
¥ô¨Æ take charge of matters;
¥v¨Æ historical matters;
¶c¨Æ¡A½ì¨Æ anecdotes;
©Ð¨Æ sexual intercourse;
¤ë¨Æ menstruation.
(5) Oft. part of title: ¸³¨Æ¡A²z¨Æ board directors;
ºÊ¨Æ supervisor;
·F¨Æ executive officer, secretary or manager;
±À¨Æ judge;
³q¨Æ formerly, official interpreter of foreigh language;
»â¨Æ consul;
°õ¨Æ (LL) oft. used in letters like ¥ý¥Í you, sir;
ºÞ¨Æ men in charge;
¿¤ª¾¨Æ county magistrate.
V.i. & t.(1) To do: ¤£¨Æ¹A°Ó will not take up farming or a trade;
¤£¨Æ¥Í²£ does not attend to business or hold a job;
±q¨Æ±Ð¨| devote oneself to education;
µL©Ò¨Æ¨Æ do nothing all day.
(2) To serve: ¨Æ¿Ë¡A¨Æ§g serve parents, ruler.
Words1. ¨ÆÅÜ shi4bian4, n., sudden turn of events (relellion, coup d'etat, etc.)
2. ¨Æ±¡ shi4qing2, n., (1) course of events, story;
3. ¨Æ±¡ shi4qing2, n., (2) (shi4qing0) affair, event: ³o¥ó¨Æ±¡ this affair;
4. ¨Æ±¡ shi4qing2, n., ¨S¦³¨Æ±¡ nothing has happened;
5. ¨Æ±¡ shi4qing2, n., ¦³¤°»ò¨Æ±¡ what is up?
6. ¨ÆÅv shi4qUan2, n., duties and responsibilities (of an official), legal power in a case.
7. ¨ÆºÝ shi4duan1, n., an event, a dispute: ¤Þ°_¨ÆºÝ causes disputes.
8. ¨Æ¬G¡]¨à¡^ shi4gu4(er0), n., an affair;
9. ¨Æ¬G¡]¨à¡^ shi4gu4(er0), n., some trouble.
10. ¨ÆÂÝ shi4ji11, n., record of events, a person's activities.
11. ¨Æ¾÷ shi4ji12, n., crux of a situation, happenings behind the scenes.
12. ¨Æ¥ó shi4jian4, n., an event, an item of business: ³o¨Ç¨Æ¥ó¥æµ¹§A you will take charge of these several items;
13. ¨Æ¥ó shi4jian4, n., ¨Æ¥óµo¥Í something happens.
14. ¨Æ¥D shi4zhu3, n., party in an accident dealing or lawsuit.
15. ¨Æ¨à shi4er0, n., see shi4qing2¡ô.
16. ¨Æ¨Ò shi4li4, n., case history, case law.
17. ¨Æ²¤ shi4lUe4, n., brief biographical sketch.
18. ¨Æ¶µ shi4xiang4, n., item of business, see shi4jian4¡ô.
19. ¨Æ¥ý shi4xian1, adv., prior to event.
20. ¨Æ¶Õ shi4shi41, n., trend of events.
21. ¨Æ¨Æ shi4shi42, pron., everything: ¨Æ¨Æ¤p¤ß be careful in everything.
22. ¨Æ¹ê shi4shi2, n., fact: ¨Æ¹ê¦p¦¹ that is the fact;
23. ¨Æ¹ê shi4shi2, n., ¨Æ¹ê¤W shi4shi2shang4, adv., as a matter of fact, factually (impossible, etc.).
24. ¨Æ¯b shi4xU4, v.i., (LL) to serve (parents) and raise (children).
25. ¨ÆºA shi4tai4, n., the look of things, situation, circumstances.
26. ¨ÆÅé shi4ti3, n., business (important, unimportant): ¨ÆÅ顼³æ¡A½ÆÂø matter is simple, complicated.
27. ¨Æª« shi4wu41, n., things, articles, objects: ¦UºØ¨Æª« different things (coats, umbrellas, etc.).
28. ¨Æ°È shi4wu42, n., business, business duties, gen. affairs;
29. ¨Æ°È shi4wu42, n., ¨Æ°È­û (also wr. ±f°È) man in business office in charge of business side (outings, arrangements, etc.);
30. ¨Æ°È shi4wu42, n., ¨Æ°È©Ò business office (as of lawyer, doctor).
31. ¨Æ¼Ë¨à shi4yang4er0, n., look or appearance of things: ¦¨¤°»ò¨Æ¼Ë¨à what will it look like?
32. ¨Æ·~ shi4ye4, n., (1) a man's business or life work, career;
33. ¨Æ·~ shi4ye4, n., (2) business enterprise: ¤½¦@¨Æ·~ a public enterprise.
34. ¨Æ©y shi4yi2, n., (official) event, case, subject dealt with.
35. ¨Æ¥Ñ shi4you2, n., story (of event, dispute, etc.);
36. ¨Æ¥Ñ shi4you2, n., ¨Æ¥Ñ¨à shi4you2er0, n., some kind of work or event: ¤°»ò¨Æ¥Ñ¨à¥L¤]°µ he'll take up any kind of work.

¤o Num. Index: 10.00     £©£¹£´£¿ cun4    .
N.An inch (cf. ¦T English inch): ¤T¤o¤B a three-inch nail, (fig.) a pint-sized person;
¤T¤oª÷½¬ 81.30;
¤è¤o square inch, also heart: ¤è¤o¤w¶Ã my heart is already upset;
¥ß¤è¤o cubic inch;
¤½¤o decimeter;
¤Ø¤o dimensions of anything;
¤Ø¦³©Òµu¡A¤o¦³©Òªø every man has his strong and weak points.
Adj.(1) Very small in amount: ¤âµL¤oÅK a man unarmed (¡§not a scrap of metal¡¨);
¤o¨BÃø¦æ cannot walk a step;
¤o¤g¤o¦a a wisp of territory;
¤oµ·¤£±¾ totally nude;
¤o¸z my little thoughts or feelings;
¤o¯È a short note;
¤o¨è¡A¤o¡¼¡A¤o´¾ even a brief moment (must be utilized);
¤o¥\ humble achievement or service;
¤o¶i small progress;
¤o¯ó¤£¯d complete devastation of land.
(2) (Coll.) just right, right moment: ¥L¨Ó±o¯u¤o he comes just at the right time.
Words1. ¤o°J cun4zhong1, n., (LL) my heart, innermost feelings.
2. ¤o¤f cun4kou3, n., (Chin. med.) a person's pulse on the wrist.
3. ¤o¤ß cun4xin1, n., see cun4zhong1¡ô.
4. ¤o¥Ð cun4tian2, n., the heart (from ¤ß¥Ð).
5. ¤o¤l cun4zi0, n., (Chin. opera) false sole worn by actress.
6. ¤o³± cun4yin1, n., a few minutes, a very short time (to be valued for study and not squandered.)

±M Num. Index: 10.00     £¤£¹£³ zhuan1    .
N.(1) A surname.
(2) Short for ±Mªù¾Ç®Õ, see ±Mªù zhuan1men2¡õ: °Ó±M commercial college;
Åé±M college of physical culture;
¤j±M universities and technical schools.
V.t.To monopolize, take possession alone: ±M¬ü monopolize credit, enjoy credit alone;
±MÅv¡A±M¬F zhuan1qUan2, zhuan1zheng4¡õ;
±M´x¨ä¨Æ take charge of matter alone.
Adj. & adv.(1) Concentrated, devoted: ¥Î¤ß¤£±M is not devoted to one thing: ±M¤ß¡A±M¸Û¡A±M¤@¡A±M±M zhuan1xin1, zhuan1cheng2, zhuan1yi1, zhuan1zhuan1¡õ.
(2) Special, -ly confined to one subject or area: ±Mªø¡A±M§Q zhuan1chang2, zhuan1li4¡õ;
±Mªù¡A±M¬ì zhuan1men2, zhuan1ke1¡õ;
±M®a zhuan1jia1¡õ;
±M§ð¾ú¥v specialize in history;
±Mºë¡A±M¾Õ be specially good at some field;
±M¹ï¥L¤@¤H»¡ talk specially to him along;
±M¦¹ (end of letter) the above is what I write about specially;
±M±æ I wait or hope specially;
±M®t¡A±M¨¬ by special messenger;
±M¥ÎüY Lines for special use, private line;
±M«ß special laws;
±M±ø special clause.
(3) Arbitrary, high-handed, tyrannical: ±M¾î¡A±M¨î zhuan1heng4, zhuan1zhi4¡õ;
¦Û±M arbitrary, willful.
Words1. ±M®t zhuan1chai1, adv., by special messenger.
2. ±Mªø zhuan1chang2, v.i. & n., to specialize in, be good specially at (oratory, criticism, etc.);
3. ±Mªø zhuan1chang2, v.i. & n., a specialty: ¨º¬O¥Lªº±Mªø that is his specialty.
4. ±M¨® zhuan1che1, n., special car or train.
5. ±M¸Û zhuan1cheng2, adv., specially: ±M¸Û«ô³X make a special trip to call on s. o.;
6. ±M¸Û zhuan1cheng2, adv., ±M¸Û©^´_ write a reply specially.
7. ±MÃd zhuan1chong3, v.i. monopolize ruler's favor.
8. ±MÅv zhuan1qUan2, (1) n., full power to do s. t.;
9. ±MÅv zhuan1qUan2, (2) v.i., to become absolute head of government.
10. ±M¹q zhuan1dian4, n., special or direct telegram.
11. ±MÂ_ zhuan1duan4, adj., arbitrary (in decisions).
12. ±M¾î zhuan1heng4, adj., arbitrary, intolerant, overbearing.
13. ±M¬F zhuan1zheng4, n., autocracy.
14. ±M©º zhuan1zheng1, v.i., formerly, to enjoy full powers in the field for all military decisions.
15. ±M®a zhuan1jia1, n., a specialist.
16. ±M±M zhuan1zhuan1, adv., specially: ±M±M¹ï¥L§h©J specially told him (to do s.t.).
17. ±M¨î zhuan1zhi4, n., absolute monarchy;
18. ±M¨î zhuan1zhi4, n., dictatorship;
19. ±M¨î zhuan1zhi4, n., tyrannical government.
20. ±M¬ì zhuan1ke1, n., special department or subject;
21. ±M¬ì zhuan1ke1, n., ±M¬ì¾Ç®Õ technical or professional school or college.
22. ±Mè§ zhuan1kun3, n., formerly, an army commander with full powers in his jurisdiction.
23. ±MÄæ zhuan1lan2, n., (newspaper) column, feature.
24. ±M§Q zhuan1li4, n., monopoly in trade, patent.
25. ±M½æ zhuan1mai4, n., ditto.
26. ±Mªù zhuan1men2, (1) n. & adj., a specialized science;
27. ±Mªù zhuan1men2, n. & adj., a specialty;
28. ±Mªù zhuan1men2, n. & adj., ±Mªù¾Ç®Õ a technological or professional school or college;
29. ±Mªù zhuan1men2, (2) adv., specially: ±Mªù»P§Ú§@¹ï obssessed in opposing me.
30. ±M©R zhuan1ming4, adv., formerly, without waiting for orders from above.
31. ±M¦W zhuan1ming2, n., (gram.) proper noun.
32. ±M¥ô zhuan1ren4, v.t., specially appointed to take full charge of (department, case, affair, etc.);
33. ±M¥ô zhuan1ren4, adj. & n., full-time job, opp. ­Ý¥ô concurrent.
34. ±M¤H zhuan1ren2, adv., by special messenger.
35. ±M¾Õ zhuan1shan4, v.t., specialize in, be especially good at (playing flute, etc.);
36. ±M¾Õ zhuan1shan4, v.t., take things into one's own hands, atc without authorization from superior.
37. ±M¤ß zhuan1xin1, adv., with concentration, devoted purpose.
38. ±M­× zhuan1xiu1, v.i., to specialize in study: ­^¤å±M­×¾Ç®Õ school of English, or specially for English only.
39. ±M¨Ï zhuan1shi3, n., special emissary of government.
40. ±M¥q zhuan1si1, v.t., see zhuan1ren4¡ô.
41. ±M¤~ zhuan1cai2, n., specialist, person specially good at s.t.
42. ±M¯¨ zhuan1ci2, n., temple specially in honor of s.o.
43. ±M·~ zhuan1ye4, n., special vocation.
44. ±M¤@ zhuan1yi1, adv., with single mind and purpose.
45. ±M­û zhuan1yUan2, n., an official (¡§specialist¡¨) attached to some ministry for a temporaty or mominal job.

§õ Num. Index: 10.00     £{£¸£¾ li3    .
N.(1) (lii zi0) (Bot.) the plum, prunus salicina: ®ç§õ peaches and plums. (fig.) one's students: ®ç§õº¡¤Ñ¤U with students all over the world;
§õ¥N®ç»ø (orig. allu.) two persons suffering for one another, (now) girl replaces another as wife;
¥Ê¥Ð§õ¤U or §õ¤U¤§¶û be found in a suspicions position.
(2) A surname.

§¸ Num. Index: 10.00     £t£°£¿ bei4         (*£t£¬£½ bo2    ).
N.§¸¬P a comet.
Adv.(*bo2) U.f. «k suddenly.

®² Num. Index: 10.00     £¢£¸£®£¿ qie4    .
V.t.To take by the hand, to lift or lead by hand: ´£®² to lift or carry, (fig.) ´£ºõ®²»â to give the main points (like ¡§drawing a net in by its main lines and taking a coat by its collar¡¨);
®²²²«n¤U bring one's family south;
®²¥X¬õ¹Ð lead a person away from this mortal life;
®²Úü¤§ª¾ (AC) trivial knowledge.
Words1. ®²®² qie4qie4, adj., (AC) in a hurry.
2. ®²»â qie4ling3, v.t., (1) to bring, lead (children, family);
3. ®²»â qie4ling3, v.t., (2) ´£ºõ®²»â, see V.t.¡ô.

´w Num. Index: 10.00     £¥£­£¿ che4    .
V.t.(1) To pull, to hinder by pulling back: ´w«á»L hinder progress by ¡§pulling leg¡¨;
´w®É che4zhou3¡õ.
(2) To strike like lightning: ­·¹£¹q´w to pass or strike swiftly like the wind or lightning.
Words1. ´w¨y che4zhou3, v.i., to tug at elbow to prevent action.
2. ´w¦² che4yi4, v.t., to drag along.

À» Num. Index: 10.00     £¡£¸£½ ji2    .
V.t.(1) To strike, hit: À»Åø to beat a drinking cup and sing;
À»¬l (of night watchmen) beat the rattle and go the rounds;
À»·ª to vow to bring peace to the country (allu. to the story of ¯ª³|);
À»¿v to strike the strings of an ancient lute;
À»¹ª to strike a drum;
À»üÊ¶Ê¸Ö celebration of festive occasions by poets writing poems within set time limits;
®±À» boxing;
ºVÀ» to pound, to bammer;
¥´À» to beat, to strike a heavy blow;
­«­«¤@À» give (s.o.) a pounding;
´ÎÀ» hit with a stick or club;
§ÞÀ» to fence;
·iÀ» to wrestle, engage in hand-fight scuffle;
ºjÀ» to shoot;
ÅFÀ» bombard with guns or from the air, (fig.) criticize severely;
À»¨H to bombard and sink (a ship);
À»¸¨¼Ä¾÷ to down an enemy plane;
À»¸` ji2jie2;
À»½à ji2shang3¡õ.
(2) To combat, to fight: §ðÀ» to attack, also attack, criticize in writing;
´åÀ» to wage guerrilla warfare;
¥´´åÀ» (now also)sponge meals on friends;
´åÀ»¾Ôª§ guerrilla warfare;
¬ðÀ» mount a sudden attack;
ŧÀ» make a surprise raid;
À»±Ñ defeat;
ÁnªFÀ»¦è feign attack on the east and strike on the west.
(3) Come in contact with: ¥ØÀ» see with one's own eyes.
Words1. À»¸` ji2jie2, v.i. & t., as in À»¸`ºÙ½à to clap and applaud.
2. À»½à ji2shang3, v.t., ditto.
3. À»¨ë ji2ci4, v.t., (1) stab with a sword;
4. À»¨ë ji2ci4, v.t., (2) (of troops) fight with swords and spears.

Ãk Num. Index: 10.00     £u£³ pan1    .
V.t. & t.(1) To climb: Ãk¾b¤W°¨ mount a horse, (lit.) mount by clasping saddle;
Ãkªþ (Åv¶Q) attach onseslf to (persons in power) as a means of securing promotion;
ÃkÀsªþ»ñ (LL) attach oneself to dragon and phoenix, with similar meaning;
Ãk°ª¿Ë to marry into rich, well-known family;
°ªÃk try to make friends with those higher-up;
Ãk¤£¤W dare not, be unworthy to seek connections with (persons);
Ãk®Û (LL) formerly, to succeed in civil examinations (¡§win the laurel¡¨);
Ãk§é pan1zhe2¡õ;
Ãkªá§é¬h phr., to philander.
(2) To implicate (accomplice) at court by accused: Ãk¥L¤@¤f make such statements, also Ãk¨Ñ.
Words1. ÃkÄñ pan1chan2, v.t., to keep annoying by inappropriate talk, request.
2. Ãk¿Ë pan1qin1, v.i., to betroth, discuss betrothal.
3. Ãkµn pan1deng1, v.i., climb up.
4. ÃkªR pan1zhe2, v.t., break branches: ¤£­ãÃk§é do not pick flowers, break branches.
5. Ãk½t pan1yUan21, v.i., (Budd.) be distracted by material world, like monkeys swinging from branch to branch.
6. Ãk´© pan1yUan22, n., seek help from those on top.
7. ÃkÁÖ pan1yU2, v.i., to surround carriage of departing magistrate in affectionate farewell.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.01     £u£¸£´£¿ pin4    .
¡¼¼Peel off the bark of hemp (³Â).

¥º Num. Index: 10.01     £¤£¹£½ zhu2    .
N.(Bot.) ¥Õ¥º 91.41.

¥¼ Num. Index: 10.01     £¹£°£¿ wei4    .
N.(1) Number 8 in duodecimal cycle, see Appendix A.
(2) ¥¼®É 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Adv.(1) Not, yet, have not yet (contrast ¤£ do not, will not): ¥¼´¿ wei4ceng2¡õ¡F
¥¼¯à have not been able to;
©|¥¼¹L¥Ø have not seen it yet;
¥¼¹J failed to see him on visit;
¥¼¶ù not yet married;
¥¼¦¨¦~ under age, or a minor;
©M¬ù¥¼¦¨ negotiations have not yet been concluded;
¥¼¦Ñ¥ý°I old before one's age;
¥¼¤§«e»D never heard of it;
¥¼¤§¦³¤] there never was such a thing.
(2) (LL) at the end of a sentence, equals ¡§or not?¡¨: ´H±öµÛªá¥¼ have the plum flowers come to bud yet?
Words1. ¥¼«K wei4bian4, phr., it's not convenient to.
2. ¥¼¥² wei4bi4, phr., is not sure (to, that), not definitely (usu. conjecture): ¥¼¥²¨Ó is not sure to come;
3. ¥¼¥² wei4bi4, phr., ¥¼¥²¬Ý¨£³o¥ó (s.o.)may not have seen this letter.
4. ¥¼¹Á wei4chang2, adv., never: ¥¼¹Á¹ï¥L»¡¹L never told him;
5. ¥¼¹Á wei4chang2, adv., used in double negative: ¥¼¹Á¤£¬O can't say that it is wrong, it is quite right, see wei4ceng2¡õ.
6. ¥¼©w¯ó wei4ding4cao3, n., author's manuscripts which are not final, also ¥¼©w½Z.
7. ¥¼«a wei4guan4, adj., (AC) not yet mature, before the ¡§capping ceremony¡¨ («a§).
8. ¥¼¹N wei4huang2, phr., have not had time to (do): ¥¼¹N°õµ§ have not had the time to write you a letter.
9. ¥¼±B©d wei4hun1chi1, n., fiancŽe
10. ¥¼´X wei4ji3, adv., (1) soon after, in a short time;
11. ¥¼´X wei4ji3, adv., (2) (LL) not much or many (¡×µL´X ).
12. ¥¼¸g wei4jing1, phr., have not yet (gone through) : ¥¼¸g¾\¹L have not read it yet.
13. ¥¼¤Î wei4ji2, phr., ont in time for, have not had time to;
14. ¥¼¤Î wei4ji2, phr., have not had time (to prepare, to answer your letter, etc.).
15. ¥¼ª¾¼Æ wei4zhi1shu4, n., an unknown quantity or number.
16. ¥¼¨Ó wei4lai2, n., the future, time to come;
17. ¥¼¨Ó wei4lai2, n., ¥¼¨Óªº adj., future (luck, etc.).
18. ¥¼¤F wei4liao3, adj., unfinished (business).
19. ¥¼§K wei4mian3, adv., (1) can't say that it isn't (tactful expression for ¡§is¡¨): ¥¼§K¹L¥÷ is rather too presumptuous;
20. ¥¼§K wei4mian3, adv., (2) could not help: ¥¼§Kµª¥L¨â¥y could not help saying a word or two in reply;
21. ¥¼§K wei4mian3, adv., ¥¼§K¦h±¡ could not help being sentimental.
22. ¥¼¯à wei4neng2, adv., could not: ¥¼¯à§K«U phr., (court.)have to follow the customs.
23. ¥¼µM wei4ran2, adj. & n., before event, before it happers: ¨¾±w©ó¥¼µM prevent trouble before it happens.
24. ¥¼¤J¬y wei4ru4liu2. adj., out of the run;
25. ¥¼¤J¬y wei4ru4liu2. adj., (of writers) not yet known or recognized.
26. ¥¼­Y wei4ruo4, phr., it would be better to (sell it, recognize its existence, etc.).
27. ¥¼±x wei4xi1, phr., (in letters) do not know (how you are, etc.), ¡×¥¼ª¾.
28. ¥¼¸Ô wei4xiang2, phr., is not expressly stated, not told: ±¡§Î¥¼¸Ô do not know the details.
29. ¥¼¹E wei4sui4, phr., (plan, wish) not realized or fulfilled.
30. ¥¼´¿ wei4ceng2, adv., never: ¥¼´¿¨£¹L never saw, have never seen.
31. ¥¼§¹ wei4wan2, phr., not yet finished.
32. ¥¼¤`¤H wei4wang2rern,, n., widow in self-reference (person who is due to die but ¡§hasn't yet¡¨).
33. ¥¼¥¡ wei4yang1, phr., (the night) is not far spent yet.
34. ¥¼¦³ wei4you3, phr., there never was: ¥¼¦³¦p¦¹§@ªk it was never done like this.

¥½ Num. Index: 10.01     £v£¬£¿ mo4    .
N.(1) Last part (versus ¥» fonrdation): ¥»¥½ beginning and end: ª«¦³¥»¥½¡A¨Æ¦³²×©l there is a proper sequence of foundation and end-results, of first and last things;
¼wªÌ¥»¤]¡A°]ªÌ¥½¤] charaeter is the foundation and wealth follows;
¥»¥½­Ë¸m put first things last or last things first.
(2) Dust, powder (oft. mo4zi0, mo4er0): ¯»µ§¥½ (¨à) chalk powder;
ÄÑ¥]¥½¨à bread crumbs;
¯ù¸­¥½ tea-leaves dust;
ÃÄ¥½ medical powder.
(3) Name of old man's role in Chin. drama.
Adj.(1) Last in time : ¥½¤F at the end;
¥½¯Z¨® the last train or bus;
¥½¦~ the last years of a period;
¥½¸­ the last generations of family, last part of century or dynasty;
¥½¬y¡A¥½¥N last generations.
(2) Last in place: ¥½®y¡A¥½¦ì¡A¥½®u the lowest seats at table.
(3) Last in importance: ¥¼§Þ¡A¥½ÃÀ small arts;
¥½µ¦¡A¥½­p the last resort after other methods fail;
¥½Ä³ insignificant criticism, (modest) my humble views;
¥½©x (modest) your humble servant, self-reference of official to superior.
Words1. ¥½«á mo4hou4, adv., later, after that.
2. ¥½´î mo4jian3, v.t., commute sentence, lighten punishment.
3. ¥½¸` mo4jie2, n., unimportant details.
4. ¥½¤F¡]¨à¡^ mo4liao3(er0), adv., at the end.
5. ¥½¬y mo4liu2, n., later and usually corrupted stage of movement.
6. ¥½¸ô mo4lu4, n., the end, death (of plans).
7. ¥½©R mo4ming4, n., last will (oral).
8. ¥½¥½¤F mo4mo4liao3, adv., at the very end.
9. ¥½¤é mo4ri4, n., the Judgment Day.
10. ¥½±é mo4shao1, n., small end, extremity;
11. ¥½±é mo4shao1, n.,¥½±é¯«¸g nerve endings, peripheral nerves.
12. ¥½¥@ mo4shi4, adj., last or declining years;
13. ¥½¥@ mo4shi4, ¥½¥@½× mo4shi4lun4, n., eschatology.
14. ¥½¾Ç mo4xUe2, n., shallow scholar, -ship: ¥½¾Ç«á¶i the younger superficial students;
15. ¥½¾Ç mo4xUe2, n., (oft. modest) one's own scholarship.
16. ¥½«U mo4su2, n., (derog.) modern customs;
17. ¥½«U mo4su2, n., latter-day fashions or fads;
18. ¥½«U mo4su2, n., decadent ways.
19. ¥½§À mo4wei3, n., end (of event, thing).
20. ¥½·~ mo4ye4, n., lower profersions (traditionally, commerce and industry).

¦¶ Num. Index: 10.01     £¤£¹ zhu1    .
N.A surname.
Adj.Vermilion, scarlet: ¦¶®Bµq¾¦ red lips and white teeth;
¶Ç¯»¶î¦¶ facial make-up of powder and rouge;
ªñ¦¶ªÌ¨ª phr. (fig.) be influenced by close association.
Words1. ¦¶³¯ zhu1cheng2, phr., µ²¦¶³¯¤§¦n marriage of two families, from AC allu., the clans ¦¶ and ³¯ traditionally married into each other.
2. ¦¶¶À zhu1huang2, n., ¡§yellow and red¡¨colors used in revising or correcting text¡Ðhence the work of correction.
3. ¦¶¬õ zhu1hong2, adj., scarlet. vermilion, a shade paler than ¤j¬õ deep red.
4. ¦¶åÓ zhu1jin3, n., (bot.) red hibiscus (¡×§ß®á 10A.81), described as similar to the mulberry.
5. ¦¶÷á zhu1luan2, n., (LL) the pomelo (¡×¤å¥¹) .
6. ¦¶ÆO zhu1lu4, n., (zoo.) a crane with white pinkish body, nipponia nippon.
7. ¦¶½ü zhu1lun2, n., red carriage wheels of noble or rich family, see zhu1xUan1 ¡õ.
8. ¦¶ªù zhu1men2, n., ¡§vermilion gate,¡¨(fig.) a rich mansion: ¦¶ªù°s¦×¯ä (allu.) meat is allowed to spoil in rich men's homes (while wayfarers die of cold).
9. ¦¶¾¥ zhu1mo4, n., red ink (made of cinnabar): ¦¶¾¥®M¦L bicolor printing in black and red.
10. ¦¶¾§ zhu1ru2, n., see ¨Ü¾§ 91A.001.
11. ¦¶¬â zhu1sha1, n., cinnabar, used as red ind and medicine.
12. ¦¶°a zhu1xUan1, n., red-painted carriage of the noblemen.
13. ¦¶µµ zhu1zi3, n., the noblemen and those of high official rank (in vermilion and purple costume).
14. ¦¶ÃC zhu1yan2, n., pink face, referring (1) to beautiful women;
15. ¦¶ÃC zhu1yan2, n., (2) to youth or in ¦¶ÃCµq¾v healthy old age.
16. ¦¶®ï zhu1yin1, adj., (AC) deep red.

¦Ô Num. Index: 10.01     £{£°£¾ lei3    .
N.A plough: ¦Ô²à ploughs and plowshares;
¦Ô¿® plough and rake.

¨Ó Num. Index: 10.01     £{£¯£½ lai2         (*£{£¯£¿ lai4    ). [Pop. ¡¼]
N.A surname.
V.i. & t.(1) Come: ¨Ó©¹ lai2wang3¡õ;
©¹¨Ó exchange of visits, goods, gifts, etc.;
¨Ó¨Ó©¹©¹ come and go;
¨Ó¦Ó¤£©¹ not to pay a return call on s.o.;
Âk¥h¨Ó¤¼ (LL) I am homeward bound;
»î¤¼Âk¨Ó (LL) may the spirit of the deceased come back to us! ¨Ó¦^ lai2hui2¡õ;
¶]¨Ó¶]¥h be ever coming and going;
¨Ó¨ì lai2dao4, ¨ÓÁ{ lai2lin2 ¡õ¡F
«e¨Ó»â¼ú come forward to receive a prize or award;
¤£¨Ó¤]¦n it's just as well that s.o. hasn't come;
¹L¨Ó§a come over here;
¨Ó§r¡A¨Ó§a come come;
¬Ü¨Ó²´¥h exchange glances between them.
(2) V.i., do: ¨Ó±o¤Î can be done, there is time enough;
¨Ó¤£¤Î cannot be done, time won't allow it;
¨Ó¤@¤U come and try it;
§A¨Ó you come and try;
§A¨Ó¤£¨Ó will you join us? ¤£¨Ó¤F won't do it, won't come, give up;
­J¨Ó¡A¶Ã¨Ó¡A½M¨Ó you are making a mess of it;
¥Õ¨Ó wasted one's time in coming;
·Ó¼Ë¦A¨Ó¤@¦^ let's do it over again;
§O¨Ó³o¤@®M don't give me ghat! ºC¨Ó¡AºCºC¨Ó ed it slowly, take your time;
³o¼Ë¤@¨Ó¡A³o¤@¨Ó by so doing, in this way.
(3) V.t., bring, let's do (s.t.): ¨Ó°s¡A¨Ó¶º bring some wine, rice;
¨Ó¥L¤­¤ç let me have five catties;
¨Ó¤K°é (of mahjong) let's play eight rounds;
¨Ó¨â½L (of chess) let's play a couple of games.
(4) (*lai4 (Interch. ±t) v.t., to comfort, encourage (s.o.) to come over to one's side.
Vb. complement.(1) Used after vb. to complement its meaning: (a) be able to, be worth: »¡¤£¤W¨Ó don't know how to say it, don't remember it now;
¿ì¤£¨Ó be unable to do it;
¶R¤£¨Ó be unable to buy it;
·m¤£¨Ó be unable to get it by fair means or foul;
»°¤£°_¨Ó be unable to finish it in time;
°µ¤£¨Ó don't know how to do it;
¦X±o¨Ó be able to get along wigh (s.o.);
(b) be worth the effort or money;
ªá±o¨Ó be not worth the money;
ªá¤£¨Ó be not worth it.
(2) Expressing an action begun: ¾h°_­·¨Ó a wind starts blowing;
¾x¥X¨Æ¨Ó have got into trouble;
¥´°_¬[¨Ó a fight has broken out;
´£°_µ§¨Ó take up a pen to write.
(3) Having the sense of ¡§having done!¡¨: §A¦P½Ö§n¼L¨Ó with whom are you quarrelling?§A­è¤~»¡¬Æ»ò¨Ó what were you saying just then?
(4) Oft. equiv. Eng. ¡§to¡¨: ¬Ý¨Ó¡A·Q¨Ó¡A»¡¨Ó¡AÅ¥¨Ó¦n¯º it's ridiculous to see it, to think of it, to speak of it, to hear it;
»¡¨Ó¸Üªø it's a long story to tell.
(5) Expressing direction toward speaker: ¨«¹L¨Ó come over here;
®³±i¯È¨Ó bring a piece of paper;
¤W¨Ó please come up;
¤U¨Ó please come down.
(6) With ¥h (¤@¨Ó¤@¥h) having the sense of ¡§over,¡¨ ¡§about,¡¨ ¡§in both directions¡¨: °á¨Ó°á¥h read it over and over again;
·Q¨Ó·Q¥h after thinking it over;
¼g¨Ó¼g¥h write it over and over again.
(7) Used as a final particle: ¯rÂk¥G¨Ó (AC) why not come home?§A³o¬O¦ó­W¨Ó why have you done such an abominable thing? ¬°ªº¬Æ»ò¨Ó what have you come or done such a thing for?
Adj.(1) Future, later on: ¨Ó¦~lai2nian2, ¨Ó¤é lai2ri4¡õ;
¨Ó¬K next spring;
¨Ó¤ë next month;
¨Ó·³ next year;
¨Ó¥@ lai2shi42, ¨Ó¥Í lai2sheng1¡õ.
(2) (Of person or thing) coming, incoming;
¨Ó¤H lai2ren2, ¨Ó¨Ï lai2shi3, ¨ÓªÌ lai2zhe3¡õ;
¨Ó¨ç¡A¨Ó¥¾¡A¨Ó¿« your letter;
¨Ó·N lai2yi4¡õ;
¨Ó±¡¥h·N mutual expressions of affection;
¨Ó¶Õ lai2shi44¡õ;
°e©¹ªï¨Ó be busy welcoming and bidding good-bye to friends.
Adv.(1) About, approximately: ¤T¤Q¨Ó·³ about 30 years old;
¤Q¨Ó­Ó approximately ten or so;
¤Ø¨Óªø about one foot long.
(2) As (big, small, etc.) as: §A¦âÁx¦³¤Ñ¨Ó¤j your daring in sex exploits is fantastic( ¡§big as the sky¡¨).
Special formations.(1) Forming words meaning ¡§since,¡¨ ¡§originally¡¨: ¥»¨Ó¡A­ì¨Ó original(ly);
¥Ñ¨Ó since.
(2) Part of n. denoting time: ªñ¨Ó recent(ly);
±N¨Ó¡A¥¼¨Ó in the future;
«á¨Ó later on;
¤é¨Ó the other day;
¥H¨Ó¡A¦Ó¨Ó since then;
±q¨Ó¡A¦V¨Ó usually, in the past.
(3) Adv. conj., in order to, so that, to: °Û­Óºq¨Ó´ê¼ö¾x sing us a song (in order) to make the party more lively (equiv. ¥H in LL);
¶}¤f¨Ó»¡¸Ü open one's mind and (to) talk.
(4) In enumeration: ¤@¨Ó¡A¤G¨Ó¡A¤T¨Ó firstly, secondly, thirdly.
Words1. ¨Ó»« lai2bin1, (1) n., guest(s);
2. ¨Ó»« lai2bin1, (2) v.i., (AC) come as guest(s).
3. ¨Ó¸V lai2qin2, n., (bot) the apple, pirus malus var. tomentosa (also ªLìþ ).
4. ¨Ó¥h lai2qU4, n., (1) a round trip;
5. ¨Ó¥h lai2qU4, n., (2) distance between two places;
6. ¨Ó¥h lai2qU4, n., (3) friendly contacts and intercourse.
7. ¨Ó¨ì lai2dao4, v.i., arrive at, come to (place).
8. ¨Ó±o lai2de0, v.i., as usual followed by a complement: (1) have the capacity for, be able to: ¥L«Ü¨Ó±o¤@¨âªM he is able to drink quite a few cups;
9. ¨Ó±o lai2de0, v.i., (2) act or speak with great force: §A³o¤@¥y¸Ü¨Ó±o§Q®` your words are most telling;
10. ¨Ó±o lai2de0, v.i., ³o¤@©Û¨à¨Ó±o¦n this move (parry) of yours is well aimed;
11. ¨Ó±o lai2de0, v.i., (3) happen, come: ¨Ó±o¤£¥© happens at the wrong (unfortunate) moment.
12. ¨Ó¹y²~ lai2dun1ping2, n., a Leyden jar or vial.
13. ¨Óªþ lai2fu41, v.i., submit as vassal state.
14. ¨Ó´_ lai2fu42, n., a seven-day cycle (as used in the book of change;
15. ¨Ó´_ lai2fu42, n., ¨Ó´_Âò a rifle (translit. also ¨ÓºÖºj).
16. ¨ÓªA lai2fu2, n., (bot. MC) the turnip (also µÜªA)=modn. ÅÚ ½³luo2bo0, 20A.11
17. ¨Ó½Z lai2gao3, n., manuscript submitted to an editor.
18. ¨ÓÂk lai2gui1, v.i. & t., (1) (AC) (of women) be married into husband's home;
19. ¨ÓÂk lai2gui1, v.i. & t., (2)submit as vassal;
20. ¨ÓÂk lai2gui1, v.i. & t., (3) return, come home.
21. ¨Ó¦ëÂû lai2heng1ji1, n., the Leghorn.
22. ¨Ó¦^¡]¨à¡^ lai2hui2 (lai2huerer0), n., return: ¥´¨Ó¦^ make a return trip;
23. ¨Ó¦^¡]¨à¡^ lai2hui2 (lai2huerer0), n., ¨Ó¦^¤@½ë ditto;
24. ¨Ó¦^¡]¨à¡^ lai2hui2 (lai2huerer0), n., ¤@­Ó¨Ó¦^ a return trip;
25. ¨Ó¦^¡]¨à¡^ lai2hui2 (lai2huerer0), n., ¨Ó¦^¨Ó¥hªº ever coming and going;
26. ¨Ó¦^¡]¨à¡^ lai2hui2 (lai2huerer0), n., ¨Ó¦^²¼ a return ticket.
27. ¨Ó´Â (1) lai2zhao1, n., (AC) tomorrow;
28. ¨Ó´Â (2) lai2chao2, v.i., (LL) come to pay homage or tribute.
29. ¨ÓµÛ lai2zhe0, auc. vb., expressing a continuing or completed action: ¥L»¡¬Æ»ò¨ÓµÛ what has he been saying? Å¥¨£»¡§A»{±o¥L¨ÓµÛit's said that you know him.
30. ¨ÓªÌ lai2zhe3, n., (1) anything in the future: ¨ÓªÌµS¥i°l (AC) the future is yet for oneself to shape or mold;
31. ¨ÓªÌ lai2zhe3, n., (2) anyone who has come: ¨ÓªÌ¤£µ½¡Aµ½ªÌ¤£¨Ó (AC) those who have come are not friendly, those who are friendly have not come;
32. ¨ÓªÌ lai2zhe3, n., ¨ÓªÌ¤£©Ú all comers welcome.
33. ¨Ó¥ó lai2jian4, n., incoming communication or other articles received.
34. ¨Ó¤µ lai2jin1, n., days to come.
35. ¨Ó«È lai2ke4, n., guests, visitors.
36. ¨Ó¨Ó lai2lai, v.t., try to do (s.t.): ¥L°µªº¤£¦n¡A§A¨Ó¨Ó¬Ý if he doesn't know how to do it, you come and try.
37. ¨Ó¾ú lai2li4, n., a person's background, career.
38. ¨ÓÁ{ lai2lin2, (1) v.i., come, arrive;
39. ¨ÓÁ{ lai2lin2, (2) n., advent, arrival.
40. ¨Ó¸ô lai2lu4, n., (1) see lai2li4¡õ;
41. ¨Ó¸ô lai2lu4, n., (2) anything from abroad: ¨Ó¸ô³f imported goods.
42. ¨ÓÀs lai2long2, n., (geomancy) a hill exerting a decisive influence (in selecting a site for a building or grave): ¨ÓÀs¥h¯ß a sequence of events, cause and effect.
43. ¨Ó¦È lai2mou2, n., (AC) wheat and barley.
44. ¨Ó¦~ lai2nian2, n., next year.
45. ¨Ó¬£ lai2pai4, n., onset, first symptoms (of a disease): ³o¯fªº¨Ó¬£¥i¤£»´: the disease comes with serious first symptoms.
46. ¨Ó¤H lai2ren2, n., (1) a messenger, bearer of note;
47. ¨Ó¤H lai2ren2, n., (2) in ¨Ó¤H¨à middleman in business deals or employment service.
48. ¨Ó¤é lai2ri4, n., (1) tomorrow;
49. ¨Ó¤é lai2ri4, n., (2) the future: ¨Ó¤é¤èªø there are many days yet to provide for or think about;
50. ¨Ó¤é lai2ri4, n., ¨Ó¤é¤jÃø difficult days are ahead.
51. ¨Ó¥Í lai2sheng1, n., future life.
52. ¨Ó¤â lai2shou3, n., the bearer of a letter: ½Ð¥æ¨Ó¤â±a¤U please give to the bearer.
53. ¨Ó¥Ü lai2shi41, n., (court.) your letter or note (same as ¨Ó¿Ù).
54. ¨Ó¥@ lai2shi42, n., (1) later generations;
55. ¨Ó¥@ lai2shi42, n., (2) future life.
56. ¨Ó¨Æ lai2shi43, n., future events.
57. ¨Ó¶Õ lai2shi44, n., (1) manner of approaching enemy, landslide, etc.: ¨Ó¶Õûºûº break in in full fury, also come to look for trouble;
58. ¨Ó¶Õ lai2shi44, n., (2) onset, first symptoms (of a disease).
59. ¨Ó¨Ï lai2shi3, n., a messenger;
60. ¨Ó¨Ï lai2shi3, n., repesentative from another country.
61. ¨ÓÀY¡]¨à¡^ lai2tou1(er0, n., (1) position or social status: ¤j¦³¨ÓÀY very influential socially or politically;
62. ¨ÓÀY¡]¨à¡^ lai2tou1(er0, n., ¨ÓÀY¤£¤p not to be taken lightly;
63. ¨ÓÀY¡]¨à¡^ lai2tou1(er0, n., ¦¹¤H¨ÓÀY¤j this person has influential backing;
64. ¨ÓÀY¡]¨à¡^ lai2tou1(er0, n., (2) fun in doing anything: ³oºØ½ä³ÕÁÙ¦³¬Æ»ò¨ÓÀY¨à what's the fun with this kind of gambling?
65. ¨Ó¯÷ lai2zi0, n., (LL) the future.
66. ¨Ó©¹ (1) lai2wang3, v.i., come and go: ¨Ó©¹©bªi ceaselessly come and go;
67. ¨Ó©¹ (1) lai2wang3, v.i., (2) lai2wang0, n., friendly intercouese: ±z©M¥L¦³¨Ó©¹»ò do you have dealings with him? ±`¨Ó±`©¹ frequently see each other;
68. ¨Ó©¹ (1) lai2wang3, v.i., ¨Ó©¹¤å¥ó correspondence, communication.
69. ¨Ó·N lai2yi4, n., purpose of one's coming.
70. ¨Ó»ö lai2yi2, phr., (AC) arrival of phoenixes as a good omen for the country: »ñ°Ä¨Ó»ö.
71. ¨Ó¥Ñ lai2you2, n., (also wr. ¨ÓíÙ) (1) cause: §Ú´M«äµÛ¬Æ¨Ó¥Ñ I've tried to find out its cause;
72. ¨Ó¥Ñ lai2you2, n., (2) backgrund: °Ý°_¥Lªº¨Ó¥Ñ asked where he had come from or purpose of his visit;
73. ¨Ó¥Ñ lai2you2, n., ¨S¨Ó¥Ñ wihtout rhyme or reason, (person) of unknown identity.
74. ¨Ó·½ lai2yUan2, n., origin, source (of water, news, word).

ªF Num. Index: 10.01     £x£¹£¶ dong1    .
N. & adj.(1) The east, eastern: ªF¤è east;
ªFÃä east side;
»·ªF the Far East: ªñªF Middle East;
ªF¥b²y Eastern Hemisphere;
ªF­·¹L¦Õ (advice) unheeded;
ªF¤s¦A°_ (of politician) to stage a comebake (allu.);
ªF¬I®ÄÆI (allu.) ugly woman (ªF¬I) trying to imitate famous beauty (¦è¬I) knitting her brows.
(2) Host, landlord, owner: ©ÐªF landlord;
ªÑªF shareholder;
§@ªF be host of dinner;
ªF¹D¡AªF¨à¡AªF®a dong1dao4, dong1er0, dong1jia1¡õ.
(3) (MC) toilet, latrime ªF´Z¡AªF¥q.
(4) A surname.
Adv.ªF¦æ going east;
oft. coupled with ¦è west, describing confusion, on all sider: ªF­Ë¦è¬n¡AªF¹s¦è¶Ã lying on all sides;
ªF¤@­Ó¡A¦è¤@­Ó lying here and there, spread everywhere;
ªF¤@®±¡A¦è¤@¸} a blow here, a kick there;
ªF¤£¦¨¡A¦è¤£´N cannot or will not accept post and be without job;
ªF¶î¦è©Ù draw paint everywhere;
ªF­¹¦è±J without definite place for board or lodging;
ªF©Ô¦è§è (of talk) rambling, incoherent, disorderly;
ªF©b¦è¨« going in all directions for s.t.;
ªF±i¦è±æ to look in all directions.
Words1. ªF¥_ dong1bei3, n., northeast, usu. reference to Manchuria.
2. ªFÃä dong1bian1, adj., east side, on the east.
3. ªFûÒ dong1chuang2, n., son-in-law: ªFûÒ§Ö´B¡A©Z¸¡ªFûÒ (allu.).
4. ªF¹D dong1dao4, n., host for party: °µªF¹D, also ªF¹D¥D.
5. ªF¤B dong1ding1, n., jingling sound.
6. ªF³£ dong1du1, n., Loyang in Suhng Dyn.
7. ªF¤è dong1fang1, n., (1) the east, the Orient: ªF¤è¤å¤Æ oriental culture;
8. ªF¤è dong1fang1, n., (2) a surname.
9. ªF®c dong1gong1, n., the crown prince;
10. ªF®c dong1gong1, n., his residence;
11. ªF®c dong1gong1, n., also empress in East Palace.
12. ªF®a dong1jia1, n., (1) landlord, house owner;
13. ªF®a dong1jia1, n., (2)the person whom one serves as tutor, secretary or domestic help;
14. ªF®a dong1jia1, n., (3) eastern neighbor.
15. ªF¨Ê dong1jing1, n., Tokyo;
16. ªF¨Ê dong1jing1, n., ªF¨ÊÆW Gulf of Tonkin, also Tokyo Bay.
17. ªF¨à dong1er0, n., host for party.
18. ªF«n¨È dong1nan2ya3, n., Southeast Asia;
19. ªF«n¨È dong1nan2ya3, n., ªF«n¨È¤½¬ù²Õ´ Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO).
20. ªF¤T¬Ù dong1san1sheng3, n., Manchuria.
21. ªF¦è dong1xi1, n., (1) east and west;
22. ªF¦è dong1xi1, n., (2) (dong1xi0) a thing: «Ü¦hªF¦è many things;
23. ªF¦è dong1xi1, n., ¬Æ»òªF¦è what, what things;
24. ªF¦è dong1xi1, n., §A¬O¬Æ»òªF¦è (abusive) what are you anyway? ¤£¬OªF¦è a rascal, scoundrel.
25. ªF´Z dong1ce4, n., latrine.
26. ªF¨È dong1ya3, n., East Asia.
27. ªF¬v dong1yang2, n., Japan;
28. ªF¬v dong1yang2, n., ªF¬v¤H Japanese;
29. ªF¬v dong1yang2, n., ªF¬v¨® rickshaw, also called ¤H¤O¨® jinrickshaw.
30. ªFÃs dong1ying2, n., Jajpan.

¬Z Num. Index: 10.01     £¡£¸£³£¾ jian3    .
N.(Interch. ¡¼) a written note, calling cards: ³ß¬Z invitation to a wedding;
¬Z©«¡A¦W¬Z a visiting card;
½Ð¬Z a formal invitation;
¬õ¬Z formerly, red visiting cards;
§¬Z a card sent with presents;
©°¬Z¡A´C¬Z betrothal card giving the name of the betrothed and the year, month, day, and hour of his (her) birth.
V.t.(Interch. ´z) select, choose.

§ô Num. Index: 10.01     £¦£¹£¿ shu4    .
N.(1) A bundle, bale, bunch: ¤@§ôªá a bunce of flowers;
¤@§ô¯ó a bundle of straw;
§ô¯ì¡A§ô²ç shu4chu2, shu4shior¡õ.
(2) A surname.
V.t.To tie, tie up, keep immobile, put away: §ô¿£ shu4fu2¡õ;
§ô¾v to tie up hair;
§ô¤â shu4shou3¡õ;
§ô¤§°ª»Õ to shelve a matter (put it away unheeded);
©ë§ô exercise rigid control over, not free;
ºÞ§ô¡A¬ù§ô control, put restraint (on children);
µ²§ô conclude (matter, discussion).
Words1. §ô©­ shu4bo2, v.i., (AC) ancient rite of betrothal, the bridegroom giving a roll of silks.
2. §ô¯ì shu4chu2, n., a bundle of grass in sacrifice at grave.
3. §ô¾v shu4fa3, v.i., tie up the hair;
4. §ô¾v shu4fa3, v.i., (AC) cercmony of capping boy on maturity.
5. §ô¿£ shu4fu2, v.t. & adj. & n., constraint, rihid control: ¤£¨ü§ô¿£ will not submit to control.
6. §ô°` shu4gong1, v.i., (LL) exercise self-control in conduct.
7. §ô¸Ë shu4zhuang1, v.i., as in §ô¸Ë´N¹D to pack up for journey.
8. §ô¨­ shu4shen1, v.i., see shu4gong1¡ô.
9. §ô²ç shu4xiu1, n., a teacher's salary¡Ðin Confucius' time, a parcel of dried meat (²ç).
10. §ô¤â shu4shou3, v.i., to fold one's hands in gesture of hopelessness: §ô¤â«ÝÀÅ wait helplessly for death;
11. §ô¤â shu4shou3, v.i., ¡¼Âå§ô¤â the doctors can do nothing to help.
12. §ô¯Ý shu4xiong1, n., a brassiere.
13. §ô¸y shu4yao1, (1) n., a girdle;
14. §ô¸y shu4yao1, (2) v.i., to girdle the waist.

´Ç Num. Index: 10.01     £¨£±£¾ zao3    .
N.(Bot.) the date tree or its fruit: ´Ç¤l zao3zi0;
´Ç¨à zao3er0¡õ;
»e´Ç preserved dates;
¬õ´Ç¡A¶Â´Ç red, black dates.
Words1. ´Ç®Ö¨à zao3he2er0, n., datestones;
2. ´Ç®Ö¨à zao3he2er0, n., ´Ç®ÖÂb·} seezao3er0¡õ;
3. ´Ç®Ö¨à zao3he2er0, n., ´Ç®Ö¨à®ç a kind of slender peach;
4. ´Ç®Ö¨à zao3he2er0, n., shaped like date-stones.
5. ´Ç¬õ zao3hong2, n., red like dates (also ´Ç¨à¬õ).
6. ´Ç¨à zao3er0, n., dates;
7. ´Ç¨à zao3er0, n., ´Ç¨à or ´Ç®Ö¨àÂb·} the betel nut;
8. ´Ç¨à zao3er0, n., ´Ç¨àâU steamed cake with dates.
9. ´Çªd zao3ni2(er0), n., date paste.
10. ´Ç¤¯ zao3ren2, n., kernel of dates.
11. ´Ç¿}¨à¦â zao3tang2er0shai3, n., reddish-brown.

¤ì Num. Index: 10.01     £v£¹£¿ mu4    .
N.(1) Wood: ¤ì¤w¦¨¦à too late to change.
(2) Trees, timber: ¾ð¤ì trees;
ªL¤ì forest;
¤ì¥Ö bark;
¤ì®h sawdust, wood chips;
¤ì±í¡A¤ì¾ô wooden pail, bridge, etc.;
¤ì¨è¡A¤ìÀJ wood carving, carved of wood;
¤ì°¸¡A¤ì¹³ wooden idol, figure;
¤ì°¸À¸ puppet show;
¤ì¯¾¡A¤ì²z wood grain;
¤ì¦æ timber shop, etc.
(3) One of five elements ¤­¦æ, the elenent of growth and expansion.
(4) The planet ¤ì¬P Jupiter;
¤ìÂ`¤é Friday.
(5) A surname.
Adj.(1) Wooden.
(2) Insensitive: ¤ì¤F¡A³Â¤ì (¤F) benumbed, paralyzed;
¤ì³[ mu4na4¡õ¡F
¤ìÀY¤ì¸£ blockhead, stupid;
¤ì¥ß stand like a post;
¤ìÀJªd¶ì (person like) clay or wooden statue, blockhead.
Words1. ¤ìªO mu4ban3, n., wooden board, plank;
2. ¤ìªO mu4ban3, n., ¤ìªOµe woodcut.
3. ¤ì¥b®L mu4ban4xia4, n., (bot.) wild cherry.
4. ¤ì¥» mu4ben3, n., trees (a classification as dist. from grass ÊJ¥»)
5. ¤ì¡¼ mu4bie1, n., (bot.) momordica, a tropical fruit.
6. ¤ìµ§ mu4bi3, n., magnolia, also called ¨¯¦i.
7. ¤ì¼t mu4chang3, n., timber mill.
8. ¤ì±j mu4qiang2, adj., stiff, insensitive. also wr. ¤ìæ.
9. ¤ì§÷ mu4chai3, n., timber.
10. ¤ì¾¹ mu4chi4, n., wooden vessels, wooden furniture.
11. ¤ìÅû¸¿ mu4du4e2, n., (zoo.) a moth which eats into trees, cossus lignipera.
12. ¤ìÅM mu4duo2, n., (AC) a bell with wooden clapper, used for communal signal.
13. ¤ì¦Õ mu4er3, n., edible tree fungus.
14. ¤ìµ­ mu4fa2, n., wooden raft.
15. ¤ìªÜ»T mu4fu2rong2, n., (bot.) hibiscus.
16. ¤ì¥Ê mu4gua1, n., papaya.
17. ¤ìºÞ¼Ö¾¹ mu4guan3yUe4chi4, n., wood-wind instruments.
18. ¤ì¤u mu4gong1, n., carpenter.
19. ¤ì¥¾ mu4zha2, n., slips of wood.
20. ¤ìÂû mu4ji1, n., (AC) insensate like a wooden chicken.
21. ¤ì®j¡]¤l¡^ mu4ji1(zi0), n., wooden sandals.
22. ¤ì¦K mu4jiang4, n., carpenter.
23. ¤ìµJªo mu4jiao1you2, n., (chem.) wood tar.
24. ¤ìåÓ mu4jin3, n., hibiscus.
25. ¤ìºë mu4jing1, n., wood alcohol.
26. ¤ì¼Î mu4zhuang1, n., wooden pile.
27. ¤ì¥D mu4zhu3, n., spirit tablet¡×¯«¥D.
28. ¤ì¨è mu4ke4, n. & adj., woodcarved (object);
29. ¤ì¨è mu4ke4, n. & adj., wood carving;
30. ¤ì¨è mu4ke4, n. & adj., woodcut.
31. ¤ìÄú mu4la4, n., wood wax, Japan wax.
32. ¤ìÄõ mu4lan21, n., magnolia;
33. ¤ìÄõ mu4lan21, n., name of famous girl impersonating as man soldier, celebrated in song and drama;
34. ¤ìÄõ mu4lan21, n., ¤ìÄõªá (ºC) name of melodic form in Suhng poetry.
35. ¤ìÂÅ mu4lan22, n., indigo dye stuff, made from °¨´Æ indigofera tinctoria.
36. ¤ì®Æ mu4liao4, n., timber.
37. ¤ì°¨ mu4ma3, n., wooden horse (gymnastics)
38. ¤ì´Ö mu4mian2, n., cotton.
39. ¤ì¤D¥ì mu4nai3yi1, n., mummy.
40. ¤ì³[ mu4na4, adj., silent, slow of speech.
41. ¤ì¤û¬y°¨ mu4niu2liu2ma3, n., military transport vehicles, with control mechanism, credited to ½Ñ¸¯«G around 220 A.D.
42. ¤ì°¸ mu4ou3, n., wooden figure;
43. ¤ì°¸ mu4ou3, n., a blocehead, puppet;
44. ¤ì°¸ mu4ou3, n., ¤ì°¸À¸ a puppet show.
45. ¤ì±Æ¡]¨à¡^ mu4pai2 (mu4pai1er0), n., raft.
46. ¤ì¨¢ÃÄ mu4shao2yao4, n., (MC) peonia.
47. ¤ìµR mu4xi0, n., (bot.) cassia.
48. ¤ì­» mu4xiang1, n., putchuck, an incense of Cambodia;
49. ¤ì­» mu4xiang1, n., ¤ì­»ªá n., banksia rose.
50. ¤ì¬P mu4xing1, n., planet Jupiter.
51. ¤ì®Þ mu4shu1, n., comb.
52. ¤ì½¾ mu4si4, n., wood louse, bedbug.
53. ¤ìéÊ mu4xU1, n., (bot.) the cassia;
54. ¤ìéÊ mu4xU1, n., ¤ìéÊ¦× scrambled egg;
55. ¤ìéÊ mu4xU1, n., ¤ìéÊ´ö egg soup (from gen. Peking custom to avoid the word ³J dan4).
56. ¤ì¬´ mu4tan4, n., charcoal.
57. ¤ìÀY mu4tou0, n., wood, wood block;
58. ¤ìÀY mu4tou0, n., blockhead.
59. ¤ìÂO mu4cong2, n., copse, wood, grove.
60. ¤ì¸é mu4ze2, n., a short, stiff grass, used for polishing wood.
61. ¤ì§@ mu4zuo4, n., carpentry.
62. ¤ì³½ mu4yU2, n., wooden fish used for beating rhythm during Buddhist incantations.
63. ¤ì«M mu4yong3, n., (AC) wooden idol.

´Ë Num. Index: 10.01     £ª£´ sen1    .
N.Forest: ´ËªL sen1lin2¡õ
Adj.(1) In close rows as trees in forest: ´Ëù sen1luo2¡õ;
in close rows.
(2) Dark: ³±´Ë dark in dealings, cunning;
¶Â´Ë´Ë very dark;
´ËµM see sen1yan2¡õ.
(3) Severe: ´ËÄY sen1yan2¡õ.
Adv.(LL) rising or growing closely: ªL½Ý¡A´ËÁq (buildings, trees) rising closely together or in a row;
´Ë¦C displayed, stacked closely (weapons, armed soldiers, monuments, etc.).
Words1. ´ËªL sen1lin2, n., forest, cultivated or wild.
2. ´Ëù sen1luo2, adj., formidable: ´Ëù¸U¶H in formidable array;
3. ´Ëù sen1luo2, adj., ´Ëù·µ palace of the King of Hell¡×ÀFù·µ.
4. ´Ë´Ë sen1sen1, adj. & adv., dark, close, thick (vegetation): ¶Â´Ë´Ë frightfully dark.
5. ´ËÄY sen1yan2, adj., (laws, regulations) severe.
6. ´ËÆ{ sen1yU4, adj., thickly overgrown.

åÞ Num. Index: 10.01     £¢£¸£³£¿ qian4    .
N. & v.t.Engraving on woodblock;
§ºåÞ a Suhng (wood-block) edition.

éÑ Num. Index: 10.01     £y£¹£¬£½ tuo2    .
N.A hollow bag open on both ends, dist.
Ån closed on one end.
Words1. éѵ§ tuo2bi3, phr., formerly, poor scholar with a bag of books and a pen stuck in hair, symbolic of writing profession.
2. éѾm tuo2tuo21, n., camel;
3. éѾm tuo2tuo21, n., a hunchback.
4. éÑéÑ tuo2tuo22, adj., click-clack, sound of footsteps.
5. éÑÅÔ tuo2yUe4, n., a (pair of) bellows.

òS Num. Index: 10.01     £|£± gao1    .
N.(AC) case or bag for bows and arrows.
V.t.(AC) to put away in bag.

ÏU Num. Index: 10.01     £z£¯£¿ nai4    .
N.A crab apple.
Adv.(Corrupt var. of ©` 12.01).

¸T Num. Index: 10.01     £¡£¸£´£¿ jin4         (*£¡£¸£´ jin1    ).
N.(1) Royal residence: ®c¸T palace grounds;
µµ¸T«° the Forbidden City in Peking;
¸T«° jin4cheng2¡õ, ¸T­b jin4yUan4¡õ;
¸T¤¤ imperial quarters;
¸Tü}­x jin4wei4jUn1¡õ.
(2) Sorcery, witchcraft.
V.t.(1) Prohibit, forbid: ¸T¤î jin4zhi3, ¸T¥O jin4ling4¡õ;
¹H¸T illegal acts;
¹H¸T«~ n., & adj., contraband;
¸T¨î jin4zhi4¡õ;
¸T±O days on which no meat is sold;
¸T·Ï¡A¸T½ä¡A¸T±@ ban on opium-smoking, gambling, prostitution;
¸T°s (U.S history) Prohibition;
ÄY¸T strictly forbid(den);
¶}¸T lifting of a ban;
¸T¹B trade embargo;
¸T¦a forbidden ground;
Ãø¸T difficult (impossible) to suppress;
¤£¸T cannot help it;
±¡¤£¦Û¸T cannot control oneself (one's own feelings).
(2) Take into custody, imprison: ºÊ¸T throw into prison;
¥}¸T imprison, incarcerate;
¸T³¬ jin4bi4, ¸TÀD jin4gu4, ¸T¨ò jin4zu2, ¸T¤l jin4zi0¡õ.
(3) To taboo: ¸T§Ò jin4ji4¡õ.
(4) (*jin4) Be able to withstand or endure: ¸T±o°_¡A¸T¤£°_ (¦í) can, cannot stand.
Adj. & adv.(*jin1) Durable, -bly: ¸T¬ï (of clothes) to wear well;
¸T¥Î long-lasting, serviceable for a long time;
¸T¿N (of fuel) slowburning.
Words1. ¸T³¬ jin4bi4, v.t., to jail, lock up, detain.
2. ¸T«° jin4cheng2, n., palace grounds;
3. ¸T«° jin4cheng2, n., µµ¸T«° the Forbidden City in Peking.
4. ¸T¦a jin4di4, n., forbidden ground.
5. ¸T¤è jin4fang1, n., a secret formula or prescription.
6. ¸TÀD jin4gu4, v.t., (1) imprison;
7. ¸TÀD jin4gu4, v.t., (2) (AC) debar from holding office.
8. ¸Tük jin4guo3, n., the forbidden fruit.
9. ¸T§Ò jin4ji4, n. & v.i., taboos (in food, superstitution).
10. ¸T¨î jin4zhi4, v.t., restrict, prohibit, forbid, ban.
11. ¸T­x jin4jUn1, n., short for ¸Tü}­x jin4wei4jUn1¡õ.
12. ¸T¤î jin4zhi3, v.t., forbid, prohibit, ban: ¸T¤î§l·Ï ¡§no smoking.¡¨
13. ¸T¨Ò jin4li4, n., an official ban or restraint.
14. ¸T¥O jin4ling4, n., legal restriction or ban.
15. ¸TùC jin4luan2, n., (LL) the ¡§forbidden fruit,¡¨ much desired but inaccessible woman.
16. ¸T®Ñ jin4shu1, n., an officially banned book.
17. ¸T¤g jin4tu3, n., (astrology) days on which all ground-digging is forbidden.
18. ¸T¤l jin4zi0, n., a jailer.
19. ¸T¨ò jin4zu2, n., ditto.
20. ¸Tºô jin4wang3, n., network of legal restrictions.
21. ¸Tü}­x jin4wei4jUn1, n., imperial guards.
22. ¸T©] jin4yieh, v.i. & n., (declare) a curfew.
23. ¸T±³ jin4yi4, n., palace grounds.
24. ¸T­b jin4yUan4, n., imperial gardens.
25. ¸T¼¤ jin4yU4, v.i., suppress sensual passion;
26. ¸T¼¤ jin4yU4, v.i., ¸T¼¤¥D¸q asceticism.

¯Á Num. Index: 10.01     £ª£¹£¬£¾ suo3    .
N.(1) suo3zi0 A rope: ÅK¯Á iron cable: ¯ÁÀY suo3tou2¡õ.
(2) A surname.
V.t.(1) To search, try to get: ©Ü¯Áditto;
¯Á¨D¡A¯Á¸Ñ suo3qiu2, suo3jie3¡õ;
¯Á¨ú suo3qU3¡õ.
(2) To demand (payment): ¯Á¤í¡A¯ÁÁ~ suo3qian4, suo3xin1¡õ.
Vb. aux.(MC) must (¡×¶·): ³o¼Æ¦~¯Á¬O¡]¡×¶·¬O¡^¨¯­W¤] these last few years must be hard indeed;
§A¯Á±Ð¡]¡×¶·¨Ï¡^·N¨à·Å¦s you must try to be gentle;
¤£¯Á¡]¡×¤£¶·¡^¥ÍÜÒ don't be angry.
Adj.Lonely, depressed: ¯ÁµM suo3ran2¡õ;
Â÷¸s¯Á©~ live alone, cut off from society.
Adv.(*suor) ¯Á©Ê suorxing4¡õ.
Words1. ¯Á¤í suo3qian4, v.i., to demand pay.
2. ¯Á¨D suo3qiu2, v.t., to seek (person, job, etc.).
3. ¯Á¨ú suorqU3, v.i., try to get, obtain.
4. ¯Á¦X suo3he2, aux. vb., (MC) must (¡×¶··í).
5. ¯Á¸Ñ suorjie3, phr., requires explanation.
6. ¯Á¸¨ suo3luo4, v.t., (coll.) to berate (person).
7. ¯Á¹æ suo3mo4, adj., lonely, bored, depressed (also wr. ¯Á²ö¡A¯Áºz).
8. ¯Á½ß suo3pei2, v.t., claim.
9. ¯ÁµM suo3ran2, adj., (1) dull, uninteresting: ¯ÁµMµL¨ý;
10. ¯ÁµM suo3ran2, adj., (2) quiet, isolated: ¤úªù¯ÁµM (AC) commandant's office is quiet, without callers;
11. ¯ÁµM suo3ran2, adj., (3) depressed: ¯ÁµM¥X®÷ (AC) depressed and shed tears.
12. ¯Á©Ê *suorxing4, adi., (1) straight-tempered;
13. ¯Á©Ê (2) (*suorxing4), adv., may just as well, simply, without further ado: ¯Á©Êµ¹¤F¥L might just as well make it a gift to him;
14. ¯Á©Ê (2) (*suorxing4), adj., ¯Á©Ê¨«¤F left without further trouble.
15. ¯ÁÁ~ suo3xin1, phr., to demand payment of salary in arrears.
16. ¯Á¬O suo3shi4, aux. vb., (MC) must be.
17. ¯Á¯Á suorsuo3, adj., (1) a rustle, whispering sound;
18. ¯Á¯Á suorsuo3, adj., (2) (AC) frightened, startled;
19. ¯Á¯Á suorsuo3, adj., (3) bored, see suo3ran2¡ô.
20. ¯ÁÀY suo3tou2, n., end of a rope.
21. ¯Á­n suo3yao4, v.t., to demand (money, etc.).
22. ¯Á¤Þ suoryin31, n., an index: ®Ñ¦W¯Á¤Þ title index;
23. ¯Á¤Þ suoryin31, n., §@ªÌ¯Á¤Þ author index, etc.
24. ¯ÁÁô suo3yin32, phr., (1) ±´ðó¯ÁÁô (AC) to search for hidden meanings;
25. ¯ÁÁô suo3yin32, phr., (2) ¯ÁÁô¦æ©Ç to look for the abstruse and behave eccentrically.

¯À Num. Index: 10.01     £ª£¹£¿ su4    .
N.(1) White silk;
(LL) a letter;
¿¥¯À white of mourning.
(2) Vegetarian food: ¦Y¯À¡A¯ø¯À be vegetarian;
¯À­¹ su4shi2¡õ.
(3) Element, factor: ­ì¯À chemical element;
factor in situation.
Adj.(1) White, color of mourning: ¯ÀªA su4fu2¡õ;
¯À¨®¥Õ°¨ white horse and unadorned carriage used at funeral;
¯À¤â su4shou3¡õ;
¯À¤ë the bright moon.
(2) Simple, unadorned: ¾ë¯À (person) simple, without ostentation of any kind;
¯À½è su4zhi2¡õ;
¯ÀªA¡A¯À¦ì¡A¯ÀÀ\ su4fu2, su4wei4, su4can1¡õ.
(3) Usual, habitual, present and past: ¯À±æ usual, habitual reputation;
¯ÀÄ@ lifelong wish;
¯À¦æ su4xing2, ¯À¥æsuh-jiau¡õ;
¯À­· habitual manner.
(4) Vegetarian, opp. ¸§ hun1, meat: ¯À¤õ»L ham made of bean curd;
¯ÀÄÑ noodles with vegetarian garnish;
¯Àªo su4you2¡õ;
¯À®u su4xi21¡õ.
(5) Poor: ´H¯À (family) poor;
µL©`¦Û¤v¤âÀY¨à¯À unfortunately have no money.
Adv.Usually, in the past, heretofore: ¥­¯À ditto;
¯À¨Ó¡A¯À¤é¡A¯À©õ su4lai2, su4ri4, su4xi22¡õ;
¯À¤£¬ÛÃÑ didn't know him before;
¯À¤£³q«H haven't written each other before;
¯ÀºÙ has been known to be;
¯ÀÃÑ have known (person) for a long time;
¯Àª¾ I have known always.
Words1. ¯À±` su4chang2, adv., usually (comes to office punctually, etc.).
2. ¯À¬î su4qiu1, n., autumn.
3. ¯Àµ^ su4qin2, n., a stringed instrument without strings typical of ³³²W©ú Taur Yuanmirng's easy, simple nature.
4. ¯À¤Ø su4chi3, n., (LL) a letter.
5. ¯À«Ê su4feng1, adj., (AC) rich without ranks.
6. ¯ÀªA su4fu2, n., (1) white dress;
7. ¯ÀªA su4fu2, n., (2) white of mourning.
8. ¯À¥æ su4jiao1, n., long-known friend.
9. ¯À¸` su4jie2, n., (1) habitual conduct;
10. ¯À¸` su4jie2, n., (2) personal integrity;
11. ¯À¸` su4jie2, n., (3) (LL, rare) autumn season.
12. ¯À²b su4jing4, adj., simple and neat (dress).
13. ¯À§Ó su4zhi4, n., life ambition.
14. ¯À½è su4zhi2, n., (1) innate quality (of material) or character;
15. ¯À½è su4zhi2, n., (2) white background.
16. ¯À¨Ó su4lai2, adv., see su4chang2¡ô.
17. ¯À½m su4lian4, n., (LL) waterfall (coming down like a sheet of white silk).
18. ¯À´y su4miao2, v.i. & n., to sketch, a sketch (painting);
19. ¯À´y su4miao2, v.i. & n., delineate (character in novel).
20. ¯À¦µ su4pu2, adj., simple, unadorned (also wr. ¯À¾ë).
21. ¯À¤é su4ri4, adv., usually, in the past, see su4chang2¡ô.
22. ¯À©Ê su4xing4, n., one's nature, temperament.
23. ¯ÀÄÉ su4xin11, n., jasmine.
24. ¯À¤ß su4xin12, n., one's simple, habitual nature;
25. ¯À¤ß su4xin12, n., ¯À¤ß¤H person of simple character;
26. ¯À¤ß su4xin12, ¯À¤ßÄõ su4xin1lan2, n., a kind of orchid with undotted petals.
27. ¯À®u su4xi21, n., a vegetarian meal.
28. ¯À©õ su4xi22, adv., here to fore.
29. ¯À¦æ su4xing2, n., habitual conduct.
30. ¯À¤â su4shou3, (1) n., white hand;
31. ¯À¤â su4shou3, (2) adj., empty-handed.
32. ¯À¡]¦]¡^¼Æ su4 (yin1) shu4, n., (math.) prime (factor) number.
33. ¯À¨Æ su4shi41, n., funeral affairs.
34. ¯ÀÃÑ su4shi42, n., old acquaintance.
35. ¯À­¹ su4shi2, n. & v.i., (1) (be) vegetarian;
36. ¯À­¹ su4shi2, n. & v.i., (2) (AC) eat without work, see su4can1¡õ.
37. ¯Àµæ su4cai4, n., vegetarian dish.
38. ¯ÀÀ\ su4can1, v.i., hold sinecure job.
39. ¯À±Ú su4zu2, n., (come from) common folks without rank.
40. ¯À¤ý su4wang2, n., the uncrowned king-Confucius.
41. ¯À¦ì su4wei4, phr., ¯À¨ä¦ì¦Ó¦æ (AC) act according to one's status or station in life.
42. ¯À¾i su4yang3, n., cultivated manners or poise;
43. ¯À¾i su4yang3, n., cultivation of learning.
44. ¯Àªo su4you2, n., vegetable oil.
45. ¯ÀÄ@ su4yUan4, n., (my) cherished ambition or wish.
46. ¯À¬ù su4yUe1, n., long-standing promise.

²Ï Num. Index: 10.01     £¤£«£½ zha2         (*£¨£« za1    ).
N.A bundle (of flowers, etc.).
V.t.(1) To tie up, pack up: ²Ï»q zha2guo0¡õ;
¥]²Ï¡A¥Î÷¤l²Ï°_¨Ó to pack with strings, tape, rope.
(2) (*za1) ²Ï¦í¡A²Ïºò tie up fast;
²Ï¿O¡A²Ï­·ºå make paper lantern, kite, with string;
²ÏÄ|¤l make a queue.
(3) To pitch (tent, camp): ²ÏÀç¡A²Ï¹ë zha2ying2, zha2zhai4¡õ.
Words1. ²Ï»q zha2guo0, v.i., (coll.) adjust girdle and shoes;
2. ²Ï»q zha2guo0, v.i., tidy up.
3. ²Ï¹ë *za2zhai4, v.i., pitch tent, to encamp (usu. of brigands).
4. ²Ïªù *za2men2, v.i., to stand guard at gate.
5. ²ÏÀç *za2ying2, v.i., (of army units) set up base camp.

üW Num. Index: 10.01     £¤£«£½ zha2         (*£¨£« za1    ). [Var. of ²Ï]

Úô Num. Index: 10.01     £££¸£®£½ xie2         (*£¡£¸£®£½ jie2    ).
Adj.(*jie2) U.f. ¼ä 63A.01.
Words1. Úô¯x xie2jU3, v.i., follow the golden rule: Úô¯x¤§¹D the principle of reciprocity.

ô Num. Index: 10.01     £££¸£¿ xi4         (*£¡£¸£¿ ji4    ). [Cf. related «Y 91A.01, ¨t 90.01]
V.t.(1) To tie up, around (also *ji4): ô¦ñ¡Aô¥} xi4ban4, xi4qiu2¡õ.
(2) To remember in mind: ô±¾¡AôÃh xi4gua4, xi4huai2¡õ.
(3) To be in contact: Ápô to contact (person), ¨úÁpô get in contact.
Words1. ô²Ì xi4ban4 (*ji4ban4), n., a stumbling rope across roadway (¡×Åù²Ì);
2. ô²Ì xi4ban4 (*ji4ban4), n., a burden, added responsibility, what impedes movement.
3. ô¥} xi4qiu2 (*ji4qiu2), n., a prisoner in fetters.
4. ô±¾ xi4gua4, v.t., to be concerned with, think always of (person perhaps in need).
5. ôÃh xi4huai2, v.i. & t., to have constantly on one's mind.
6. ôÅÊ xi4lian4, v.i. & t., ditto.
7. ô©À xi4nian4, v.i. & t., ditto.
8. ô¸y xi4yao1, n., (MC) a girdle.

ùA Num. Index: 10.01     £x£±£¿ dao4         (or £x£¹£½ du2    ).
N.Big square army banner.

¨D Num. Index: 10.02     £¢£¸£²£½ qiu2    .
N.A surname.
V.i. & t.(1) To beg for, to seek or look for, to demand: ­n¨D to demand;
­V¨D to demand too much (of person) or criticize by severe standards;
¨D¯Á to seek for;
¨D°¸ seek for life mate;
¨D±B¡A¨D¤H qiu2hun1, qiu2ren2¡õ;
¨D¾¡A¨D¨Æ seek for job;
¨D¤~ look for real talents;
¤Ï¨D½Ñ¤v to look for cause of failure in oneself;
¨Dªv (the people) yearn for peace, (ruler) tries to put country in order;
¨D¤§¤£±o just what one wished for;
¥i¹J¦Ó¤£¥i¨D s.t. unique which may come by chance but not by diligent search;
¨Ñ¹L©ó¨D supply exceeds demand;
¨D¼ß±o°s get more than that one was looking for ;
¨D¥Ð°ÝªÙ to busy oneself with business deals and have no higher ambition in life, looking for a site for a permanent home.
(2) To beg, request, pray for: ¨D¤^¡A¨D¤Æ¡A¨D±¡ qiu2chi3, qiu2hua4, qiu2qing2¡õ;
¨D§A¡A¨D¨D§A I beg you;
¨D­É beg to borrow;
¨D¨£ beg for an interview;
¨D¤l¡A¨D«B pray for the birth of a son, for rain;
¨D¥Í¤£±o¡A¨D¦º¥¼¯à can neither live nor die-utter misery;
¦³¨D¥²À³ (of god, gentleman) never refuses a request.
(3) Set one's mind to, try to: ¤O¨D¤W¶i try to make progress in studies;
¤£¨D¦³¥\¡A¥u¨DµL¹L dare not hope for great accomplishment, but only to be free from mistakes;
¤O¨D try very hard to;
¨D¦W¡A¨D§Q set one's mind to obtain fame, wealth;
¨è·N¨D¤u try to do one's best (in writing, workmanship);
(oft. +adj.);
¨D³t¡A¨D² try to be efficient, simple;
¨D³Æ¡A¨D¥þ qiu2bei4, qiu2qUan2¡õ.
Words1. ¨D³Æ qiu2bei4, phr., to ask for perfection: ¤ð¨D³Æ©ó¤@¤H don't ask for perfection in any man.
2. ¨D¦¨ qiu2cheng2, phr., hope for success.
3. ¨DÅÒ qiu2qian1, v.i., to pray and draw divination sticks at temple.
4. ¨D¤^ qiu2chi3, v.i., & t., to ask s.o. for s.t. (help, pardon, etc.).
5. ¨D¿Ë qiu2qin1, v.i., (1) to ask for marriage between two families;
6. ¨D¿Ë qiu2qin1, v.i., (2) to ask for help from relatives.
7. ¨D±¡ qiu2qing2, v.i., to ask for special consideration, make appeal as friend or for friend.
8. ¨D¥þ qiu2qUan2, v.i., to ask for perfection: ¸U¨Æ²ö¨D¥þ don't ask for perfection;
9. ¨D¥þ qiu2qUan2, v.i., ¨D¥þ¤§·´ (AC) one tries one's best and still gets criticized for it;
10. ¨D¥þ qiu2qUan2, v.i., see ©e¦±¨D¥þ 90.93.
11. ¨D¶U qiu2dai4, v.i., to ask for loan.
12. ¨D©M qiu2he2, v.i., to beg for peace by offering surrender.
13. ¨D¤Æ qiu2hua4, v.i., (Budd.) to ask for subscriptions.
14. ¨D°Ä qiu2huang2, v.i., a man looking for a life mate.
15. ¨D±B qiu2hun1, v.i., ask for a girl's hand.
16. ¨D¿nªk qiu2ji1fa3, n., (math.) mensuration.
17. ¨D°² qiu2jia4, phr., to ask for leave of absence.
18. ¨D±Ð qiu2jiao4, v.i., (court.) to ask for advice (cf. ½Ð±Ð 60A.42).
19. ¨D±Ï qiu2jiu4, phr., to cry (ask) for help.
20. ¨D¨d qiu2mu3, v.i., (AC) as in ¹n»ï¨D¨ä¨d a female pheasant calls for mate, (fig.) a girl courts a boy.
21. ¨DÄÇ qiu2rao2, v.i., to ask for pardon.
22. ¨D¤H qiu2ren2, phr., (1) to ask others for help;
23. ¨D¤H qiu2ren2, phr., (2) to look for talents.
24. ¨D®e qiu2rong2, phr., ask to be permitted to stay, also to be pardoned for slight oversights.
25. ¨D¥P qiu2xian1, phr., seek to meet with (Taoist) immortals.
26. ¨D¤ß¤O qiu2xin1li4, n., (phys.) centripetal force.
27. ¨D¾Ç qiu2xUe2, v.i., to go to school or college for further studies;
28. ¨D¾Ç qiu2xUe2, v.i., try to improve oneself in studies.

Õà Num. Index: 10.02     £¢£¸ chi1    . [Var. of º£ 63A.02; dist. ¶Á]

åú Num. Index: 10.02     £{£¸£½ li2    .
N.Saliva: Àsåú (myth.) dragon's saliva (symbol of dyn.'s downfall).
V.i.(AC) to flow downstream.

ªí Num. Index: 10.02     £t£¸£±£¾ biao3    .
N.(1) Outside, surface, contrasted with úG li3, inside: ªíúG¬ÛÀ³ front attack helped by people inside the city;
ªíúG¬°¦l conspiracy with people working inside;
ªíúG¦p¤@ conformity of profession and conduct;
·¸©ó¨¥ªí (feeling) shows between the lines, in overtones;
¥X¤F·Nªí(¤§¥~) beyond expectations, unexpectedly;
ªí­± biao3mian4¡õ.
(2) External appearance: »öªí¤£¤Z handsome looks;
µê¦³¨äªí deceptively handsome, good in appearance only.
(3) Memorial to emperor: ªí³¹¡Aªí«µ¡A«µªí.
(4) Chart, graph, any chart for consultation, meter, watch: ¤âªí wrist watch;
ÄÁªí clock and watch (also wr. ÄÁ¿ö);
­pµ{ªí taximeter;
·Å«×ªí thermometer;
®ðÀ£ªí barometer;
¹qªí¡A¤ôªí power, water meter;
¤@Äýªí general chart;
¹Ïªí chart;
ªí®æ biao3ge2¡õ.
(5) Memorial tablet: ¬ö¥\ªí¡A¸Oªí.
(6) Cousin on mother's side, contrasted with °ó on father's side: ªí©f¡A§Ì cousin sister, brother;
ªí¿Ë mother's relatives;
¤¤ªí first cousin, child of father's sister or mother's brother.
V.t.To show, manifest, bring to surface, mention: ªí¦P±¡ show sympathy: ²¤ªí¤o¤ß just to show my gratitued, remembrance;
ªí¹L¤£´£ merely mention by the way;
ªí¹F¡Aªí¥Ü¡Aªí©ú biao3da2, biao3shi4, biao3ming2, etc.¡õ;
ªí¦½ bring about perspiration.
Words1. ªí¥Õ biao3bai2, v.t., express (real feelings, intentions, usu. under clouded circumstances).
2. ªí±¡ biao3qing2, v.i., & n., (of actors) express feelings, such performance or expression.
3. ªí¤Ø biaurchi3, n., gun sight.
4. ªí¹F biao3da2, v.t., express (ideas, feelings).
5. ªí®æ biao3ge2, n., blank form;
6. ªí®æ biao3ge2, n., chart
7. ªí¹ü biao3zhang11, v.t., commend (work);
8. ªí¹ü biao3zhang11, v.t., publicize (good works).
9. ªí³¹ biao3zhang12, n., memorial to emperor.
10. ªí°O biao3ji4, n., a mark;
11. ªí°O biao3ji4, n., souvenir, mark of remembrance.
12. ªí¨M biao3jUe2, v.t., decide by vote: ¥Iªí¨M put to the vote.
13. ªí´ß¨à biao3ke2er0, n., cover of watch.
14. ªí§ biaurli31, n., gift at first meeting.
15. ªíúG biaurli32, n., outside and inside.
16. ªí»X¤l biao3meng2zi0, n., (dial.) watch cover.
17. ªí­± biauumian4, n. & adj., outside, surface;
18. ªí­± biauumian4, n. & adj., on the outside, superficial: ¥Ñªí­±Æ[¤§ look at on the surface;
19. ªí­± biauumian4, n. & adj., ·íªí­± as a front;
20. ªí­± biauumian4, n. & adj., ªí­±¤W biao3mian4shang4, adj. & adv., superficial, -ly: ªí­±¤Wªº¶i¨B¡AªB¤Í superficial progress, friends;
21. ªí­± biauumian4, n. & adj., ªí­±¤Æ biao3mian4hua4, v.i., come to the surface (of hidden feelings, currents).
22. ªí©ú biao3ming2, v.t. & n., express, demonstrate (friendship, etc.), give expression to: ªí©ú¦l±¡ show up conspiracy, hypocrisy.
23. ªí¥Ö biao3pi2, n., (biol.) epidermis;
24. ªí¥Ö biao3pi2, n., (bot.) bark, outer layer.
25. ªíÅ{¡]¨à¡^ biao3rang2(er0), n., inside mechanism of watch (Å{=meat of melon).
26. ªí²{ biao3xian4, v.t., give evidence of, show (work, results), demonstrate (ability).
27. ªí¶H biao1xiang41, n., signs (of heavens, approval, etc.).
28. ªí¬Û biao1xiang42, n., external appearance.
29. ªí²v biao3shuai4, n., model, personal example for others.
30. ªí¥Ü biao3shi4, v.i., show, express, demonstrate: ªí¥Ü¦P·N¡A¤Ï¹ï express consent, disagreement;
31. ªí¥Ü biao3shi4, v.i., ªí¥Ü¼ÖÆ[ show optimism.
32. ªí¤g biaurtu3, n., (geol.) top layer of soil.
33. ªí¦r biao3zi4, n., secondary personal name=§O¸¹.
34. ªíºt biauryan3, v.t. & n., perform (-ance).
35. ªí´­ biao3yang2, v.t., give public recognition.

³à Num. Index: 10.02     £ª£µ£¿ sang4         (*£ª£µ sang1    ). [Pop. ¡¼]
N.(*sang1) (1) A funeral: ³à¨Æ ditto;
¥X³à hold funeral procession;
°e³à partake in above;
¤Ý³à attend funeral.
(2) Mourning: ©~³à be in mourning;
°ê³à national mourning;
¥}­º³à­± with disheveled hair and dismal looks;
³àÁn¬n®ð (of servants) dismal and lazy.
V.t.(sang4) To lose (life, parents, country): ³à©R sang4ming4¡õ;
³à©d¡A³à°¸ lose one's wife (through death);
³à®aª¯ as tray dag (homeless), (fig.) dismal, crestfallen appearance;
¦p³à¦Ò§­ wearing a funeral face as if newly bereft of both parents.
Adj.(*sang4) Downcast, outcast: ³à®ð sang4chi4¡õ: ÀZ³à downcast, given up hope, dismal.
Words1. ³àº] *sang1bang3, n., white notice of funeral in home.
2. ³àÁ½ sang4bang0, v.t., to blaspheme;
3. ³àÁ½ sang4bang0, v.t., to revile, slander.
4. ³à®ð sang4chi4, adj., (1) downcast, frustrated;
5. ³à®ð sang4chi4, (2) (sang4chi0) adj., unlucky.
6. ³àÁx sang4dan3, v.i., to lose heart.
7. ³àªA *sang1fu2, n., funeral costume.
8. ³à°ê sang4guo2, v.i., to lose one's country to conqueror, see one's country subjugated.
9. ³à®a *sang1jia1 (*sang1jia0), n., family of deceased.
10. ³à²½ *sang1ji4, n., funeral sacrifices.
11. ³à¥D *sang1zhu3, n., eldest son during a parent's funeral or eldest grandson in absence of eldest son.
12. ³àºØ *sang1zhong3, n., a corruption of *sang1zhu3¡ô.
13. ³à§Ó *sang4zhi4, v.i., to lose ambition: ª±ª«³à§Ó be a playboy without ambitions.
14. ³à©~ *sang1jU1, v.i., live in mourning.
15. ³à¶Ã *sang4luan4, n., (AC) war and turmoil.
16. ³àªù *sang1men2, n., bereft family;
17. ³àªù *sang1men2, n., ³àªù°­ an evil spirit in charge of death (Death with a sickle).
18. ³à©R sang4ming4, v.i., to die, esp. during war and turmoil.
19. ³à©ú sang4ming2, v.i., (1) become blind;
20. ³à©ú sang4ming2, v.i., (2) (AC allu. to father who) mourns the death of his son.
21. ³à·Ù *sang1sha4, n., return of the ghost of deceased to his home for a last look.
22. ³à¨­ sang4shen1, v.i., to lose one's life (in accident, through drowning, incurring punishment, etc.).
23. ³à¤ß sang4xin1, phr., ³à¤ß¯f¨g seized with crazy ideas, losing all balance of judgment.
24. ³à®v sang4si4, v.i., be defeated in battle.
25. ³à¨Æ *sang1shi4, n., funeral affair.
26. ³à¥¢ sang4shi2, v.i., to lose (a wallet, ambition, etc.).
27. ³àÀY *sang1tou2, n., a slight nodding of head, less than usual, made by one in mourning.

¸Ê Num. Index: 10.02     £¢£¸£²£½ qiu2    .
N.(1) A surname.
(2) A fur coat: ¥Ö¸Ê¡A¸Ê¦ç ditto;
ª°¸Ê a fox coat;
»´¸ÊªÎ°¨ (AC) rich style of living (¡§light fur and well-fed horses¡¨);
¸Ê°¨ ditto;
¸Ê½ªª÷ºÉ (allu.) short of living expenses abroad (¡§coat tattered, gold gone¡¨);
ºß ¸Ê 92A.80;
¸Ê¸¯ change from fur to linen-passing of one year;
¸Ê½Å simple gown of hempen material.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.02     £z£¹£¶£½ nong2    . [Arch. of ¹A 22.02]

»s Num. Index: 10.02     £¤£¿ zhi4    .
V.t.To cut and make (dresses), to make (shoes, movies, clocks), to manufacture: ¤g»s home-made;
»s¦¨ make into (utensils);
ÅK»s¡A»É»s¡A¥Ö»s made of iron, copper, leather;
»s¯È paper-making;
»s¤ù make (produce) films;
»s¹Ï make charts or blueprints;
»sª© set up (printing) plates;
¥é»s make copy after ancient model;
½Æ»s make duplicates;
»sªk method for making;
»sÃÄ make medical pills, powder or lotion;
»s«~ product.
Words1. »s¤ù zhi4pian4, n., film producer.
2. »s³y zhi4zao4, v.t. & n., manufacture: ¤é¥»»s³y made in Japan.
3. »s§@ zhi4zuo4, v.t., to create;
4. »s§@ zhi4zuo4, v.t., manufacture.

Ån Num. Index: 10.02     £z£µ£½ nang2    .
N.(1) A bag, case, sack, purse: ¥ÖÅn a leather case;
­²Ån ditto;
¦æÅn travelling bag;
­IÅn knapsack;
³QÅn sleeping bag;
ÅnªÅ¦p¬~ without a penny in one's purse;
±´Ån¨úª« things which one can readily lay hands on, easily, as easy as picking one's own pocket;
¨¿Ån²ÛÀß (allu.) lacking sufficient funds to meet necessary expenses;
Ån¤¤ª« things already in the bag;
Ån¤¤¿o talent is bound to make its mark (as point of awl in pocket) ÀAÅn§®­p have s.t. up one's sleeve;
°sÅn¶º³U ¡§wine bag and rice basket¡¨¡Ð(derog.) a glutton and a drunk, a good-for-nothing.
(2) A surname.
V.t.To put in a bag: Ån¬A nang2gua1¡õ;
Ån¿Ã¬M³· (allu.) to study hard in spite of poverty (lit., to read by the light of bagged fireflies or the reflected light of snow).
Words1. Ån¡¼ nang2chuai4, n., (also nangchuai4) pork near the pig's nipples.
2. Ån¬A nang2gua1, v.t., to bag (wealth, etc.): Ån¬A¤@¤Á sweep up everything.

¤Q Num. Index: 10.10     £¦£½ shi2    
N. & adj.Ten: ¤Q¦h­Ó¡A¤Q¨Ó­Ó over ten (pieces);
¤Q¦h·³¡A¤Q¨Ó·³ over ten (of age);
´X¤Q­Ó several tens or dozens;
¦Ê¤Q¨Ó­Ó over hundred (pieces);
¤Q¤G¨Ï®{ the Twelve Disciples;
¤Q¤Kùº~ the eighteen Lohans (Arahats);
¤k¤j¤Q¤KÅÜ a growing girl changes a great deal, how a teenage girl changes from year to year;
¤Q¤K¯ëªZÃÀ various skills in boxing, fighting with sword, spear, etc.;
¤Q¤T¸g the Thirteen Classics, see ¸g 93B.30;
¤Q¦³¤K¤E eight or nine out of ten;
¤QµL¤G¤T less than two or three out of ten;
¤Q¤À¤§¤@ one-tenth;
¤Q¤@ (a) eleven, (b) one-tenth;
¤Q¦¨¡A¤Q¤À shi2cheng2, shi2fen1¡õ;
¤Q«Ç¤EªÅ almost all (nine-tenths) houses empty after raid;
¤Q®³¤Eí almost (nine-tenths) certain, 90 percent sure;
¤Q¦Ï¤Eªª nine shepherds for ten sheep-more officials than residents;
¤Q¥Ø©Òµø¡A¤Q¤â©Ò«ü (AC) all eyes see it and all fingers point to it-useless to hide;
¤Q¦~¾ð¤ì¡A¦Ê¦~¾ð¤H it takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men-long-term plan.
Adj. & adv.Complete: ¤Q¥þ¤Q¬ü perfect (beauty, character);
¤Q¨¬ shi2zu2¡õ.
Words1. ¤Q¦¨¡]¨à¡^ shi2cheng2(er0), adj., hundred per cent (gold content, etc.): ¦³¤Q¦¨§â´¤ hundred, percent certain.
2. ¤Q¥þ shi2qUan2, adj., perfect, all complete (happiness, etc.).
3. ¤Q¥V¡]þ¤ë¡^ shi2dong1, n., the winter months (10th, 11th and 12th).
4. ¤Q¤G shi2e4 (she4), adj., twelve: ¤Q¤G¤À©êºp¡Aº¡·N hundred percent (¡§120%¡¨) sorry, satisfied;
5. ¤Q¤G shi2e4 (she4), adj., ¤Q¤G®c the twelve constellations of the zodiac;
6. ¤Q¤G shi2e4 (she4), ¤Q¤G«ü¸z shi2e4zhi3chang2, n., the duodenum;
7. ¤Q¤G shi2e4 (she4), adj., ¤Q¤G®É the twelve two-hour periods, ¤l¡A¤¡¡A±G¡A¥f (see Appendix A);
8. ¤Q¤G shi2e4 (she4), adj., ¤Q¤G¤p®É twelve hours;
9. ¤Q¤G shi2e4 (she4), adj.,¤Q¤GÄÝ shi2e4shu3, ¤Q¤G¨v shi2e4xiao4, the twelve animals corresponding to twelve-year cycle (see Appendix A).
10. ¤Q¤è shi2fang1, n., (Budd.) the ten directions, north, south, east, west, four intermediate and above, ablow.
11. ¤Q¤À shi2fen1, adj. & adv., (1) hundred per cent (satisfied, pleased, etc.);
12. ¤Q¤À shi2fen1, adj. & adv., (2) tenth part: ¤Q¤À¤§¤@¡A¤§¤T one-tenth, three-tenths.
13. ¤Q­ÓÀY¨à shi2ge0tou2er0, adv., (coll.) very, extremely: ¤Ñ®ð¤Q­ÓÀY¨àªº§N bitterly cold.
14. ¤Q­J shi2hu2, n., name of card game (also wr. ¤Q´ò).
15. ¤Q¶iªk shi2jin4fa3, n., the decimal system;
16. ¤Q¶iªk shi2jin4fa3, n., the metric system.
17. ¤QÀA shi2jin3, adj., (dish) garnished with various ingredients: ¤QÀA¤jÁç casserole with defferent meat and vegetable contents.
18. ¤Q´c shi2oh, n., (1) the ten cardinal sins;
19. ¤Q´c shi2oh, n., (2) (law) ¤Q´c¤£³j formerly, ten unpardonable crimes, including rebellion and other not well-defined items, as lack of filial piety, of harmony in family relationships, lack of righteousness, of humanity, etc.;
20. ¤Q´c shi2oh, n., beyond redemption.
21. ¤Q¶µ¹B°Ê shi2xiang1yUn4dong4, n., decathlon.
22. ¤Q¨¬ shi2zu2, adj., hundred percent (pleased, arrogant, etc.): ¤Q¨¬¨ªª÷ 24-karat gold;
23. ¤Q¨¬ shi2zu2, adj., ¤Q¨¬¬v¥£ completely denationalized person, subservient to foreigners.
24. ¤Q¦r¡]¨à¡^ shi2zi4 (shi2ze4er0), n. & adj., cross-shaped like letter ¡Ï¡G¤Q¦r¬[ the Christian cross;
25. ¤Q¦r¡]¨à¡^ shi2zi4 (shi2ze4er0), n. & adj., ¤Q¦rµó or µó¤f crossroads;
26. ¤Q¦r¡]¨à¡^ shi2zi4 (shi2ze4er0), n. & adj., ¤Q¦r­x the Crusades;
27. ¤Q¦r¡]¨à¡^ shi2zi4 (shi2ze4er0), n. & adj., ¤Q¦r¤õ cross fire;
28. ¤Q¦r¡]¨à¡^ shi2zi4 (shi2ze4er0), n. & adj., ¬õ¤Q¦r·| the Red Cross.
29. ¤Q©n©f shi2zi3mei4, n., (1) (zoo.) a kind of small singing birds, uroloncha domestica;
30. ¤Q©n©f shi2zi3mei4, n., (2) (bot.) a plant of rose family, rosa multiflora;
31. ¤Q©n©f shi2zi3mei4, n., (3) certain sisterhoods of Kwangtung, in which girls prefer independent work and pledge never to marry.
32. ¤Q¤ë shi2yUe4, n., October;
33. ¤Q¤ë shi2yUe4, n., ¤Q¤ë­²©R shi2yUe4ge2ming4, October Revolution (the Russian Revolution in 1917).

¥» Num. Index: 10.10     £t£´£¾ ben3    .
N. adjunct.A volume: ¤@¥»®Ñ a book.
N.(1) Stem, root of plants: ÊJ¥» grass family;
¤ì¥» plants with stiff trunks;
¥»¯óºõ¥Ø classical Chinese materia medica, a treatise on medicinal plants.
(2) Foundation of things: ¥»¥½­Ë¸m¡A±Ë¥»³v¥½ attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials;
¨Æ¦³¥»¥½ (AC) there is distinction of the basic essentials and the periphery.
(3) Origins: ·½·½¥»¥» (trace) from the origins;
²Ó»¡¥»¥½ recount the development from the beginning;
see ¥»·½ ben3yUan2¡õ;
§Ñ¥» (derog.) forget one's ancestry or ancestral tradition.
(4) Capital (vs. interest), capital investment: ¸ê¥» capital in gen.;
¥»§Q capital and interest;
¤£°÷¥»¡AÁ«¥»¡A½ß¥»¡A§é¥» lose money, cannot cover cost;
¤p¥»¡AµL¥» small, inadequate capital;
see ¥»¿ú ben3qian2¡õ.
(5) Edition, manuscript copy: ­ì¨è¥» original edition;
§Û¥» manuscript copy;
Á{¥» copy of calligraphy or painting;
©Ý¥»¡AÝ­¥» rubbings from stone inscriptions;
«µ¥» memorial to emperor;
see ¥»¨à¡A¥»¤l ben3er0, ben3zi0¡õ.
Adj.(1) This, the present, our: ¥»¤é¡A¥»¤ë¡A¥»¶g¡A¥»¦~ this day,month, week, year;
¥»°ð¡A¥« local (mail), this city;
¥»°ê¡A¥»¬Ù our country, this or our province;
¥»¶m or ¥»¶m¤g¨à our (one's) local district;
¥»®Õ our school;
¥»¸¹ our shop;
¥»¤H ben3ren2¡õ;
¥»¤g native (products, etc.).
(2) Original: ¥»Äy one's ancestral district;
¥»·N original meaning or intention;
¥»¸q original meaning.
Adv.Originally, indicating what is not, but should be (short for ¥»¨Ó): ¥»¡]¨Ó¡^À³¸Ó¦p¦¹ should have been so anyway, similarly ¥»À³¡A¥»¸Ó¡A¥»·í¡F
¥»¡]¨Ó¡^¤£¦p¦¹ originally it was not so;
¥»ÄÝ¡A¥»¬O¡A¥»¥i originally belong, should be, might;
¥»¥i¦X¨Ö°Q½× (the two problems) could have been discussed together.
Words1. ¥»³¡ ben3bu4, n., headquarters, as °Ñ¿Ñ¥»³¡ military staff headquarters.
2. ¥»¿ú ben3qian2, n., capital investment, layout, sometimes display of a person's stock in trade, as physical charms of an attractive woman.
3. ¥»¦a ben3di4, n., & adj., native place or people, local;
4. ¥»¦a ben3di4, n., & adj., ¥»¦a¤H¡A¸Ü local people, dialect;
5. ¥»¦a ben3di4, n., & adj., ¥»¦a¥X²£ local product.
6. ¥»¤À ben3fen4, n., duty.
7. ¥»¤u¨à ben3hong1er0, n., (coll.) what is one's duty.
8. ¥»¦æ ben3hang2, n., (1) one's own profession: ³o¬O§Ú¥»¦æ this is my line;
9. ¥»¦æ ben3hang2, n., (2) our firm.
10. ¥»®a ben3jia1, n., same clan or family: ¥»®a¨à (a) same clan;
11. ¥»®a ben3jia1, n., (b) the family of bride, groom or deceased, etc. on occasions (wedding, funeral, accident, etc.): ·s®Q¥»®a bride's family.
12. ¥»ª÷ ben3jin1, n., ¡× ben3qian2¡õ.
13. ¥»¦{ ben3zhou1, n., (1) Honshu, Japan's largest island;
14. ¥»¦{ ben3zhou1, n., (2) this district.
15. ¥»¥D¨à bernzhu3er0, n., (law) rightful owner;
16. ¥»¥D¨à bernzhu3er0, n., person involved on certain occasions.
17. ¥»½è ben3zhi2, n., innate character (of metal, children), essential character (of teachings).
18. ¥»¦® ben3zhi3, n., main purpose, tenet.
19. ¥»¨à ben3er0, n., (1) capital (money);
20. ¥»¨à ben3er0, n., (2) a copy, volume.
21. ¥»¨Ó ben3lai2, adv. & adj., originally, as a matter of fact: ¥»¨Ó¤£¸Ó¥Lªº¨Æ (this matter) should not comcern him;
22. ¥»¨Ó ben3lai2, adv. & adj., ¥»¨Ó­±¥Ø real (unmasked), original appearance or character.
23. ¥»§Q ben3li4, n., capital and interest;
24. ¥»§Q ben3li4, n., ¥»§Q©M total of capital and interest.
25. ¥»»â bernling3, n., skill, skillful ability.
26. ¥»½× ben3lun4, n., main tenet.
27. ¥»©R¦~ ben3ming4nian2, n., recurrent year in the ewelve-year cycle, of the same animal (rat, cow, etc.) as one's year of birth.
28. ¥»¥½ ben3mo4, n., beginning and end, see N. 1¡õ;
29. ¥»¥½ ben3mo4, n., ¬ö ¨Æ¥»¥½93B.70
30. ¥»¯à ben3neng2, n., instinct, born ability.
31. ¥»²¼ ben3piao4, n., promissory note;
32. ¥»²¼ ben3piao4, n., »È¦æ¥»²¼ cashier's check;
33. ¥»²¼ ben3piao4, n., ½è©ã¥»²¼ collateral note;
34. ¥»²¼ ben3piao4, n., °Ê²£©è©ã¥»²¼ cognovit note.
35. ¥»¤H ben3ren2, n., the person himself (applicant, plaintiff, etc.);
36. ¥»¤H ben3ren2, n., (court.) I, myself¡×»À¤H 40S.22
37. ¥»¦â ben3se4, n., true color: ­^¶¯¥»¦â true color of a hero;
38. ¥»¦â ben3se4, n., natrual color;
39. ¥»¦â ben3se4, n., ¥»¦â¨à ben3se4er0, n., unstained, undyed color of article.
40. ¥»¨­ ben3shen1, n., self, person himself: ¥»¨­«~¦æ person's own conduct (apart from his preachings);
41. ¥»¨­ ben3shen1, n., itself (¥Á±Ú¥»¨­ the nation itself).
42. ¥»¥Í ben3sheng1, adj., natural;
43. ¥»¥Í ben3sheng1, adj., ¥»¥Í¤÷¥À one's real, natural parents.
44. ¥»©Ê ben3xing4, n., man's natural character, what is born in man.
45. ¥»¤ß ben3xin1, n., true intention;
46. ¥»¤ß ben3xin1, n., conscience: «D¥X©ó¥»¤ß was forced by others, not one's free will.
47. ¥»®§ ben3xi2, n., capital and interest (®§¡×§Q®§).
48. ¥»®v ben3si4, n., one's master (in trade, religion).
49. ¥»¨Æ ben3shi4, n., (1) bernling3¡ô;
50. ¥»¨Æ ben3shi4, n., (2) resumŽ of story in plays, movies.
51. ¥»ÃD ben3ti2, n., subject (of discussion).
52. ¥»¤l ben3zi0, n., volume, edition, version, see N.5¡ô.
53. ¥»¦r ben3zi4, n., the formal or early form of character, as opposed to later forms.
54. ¥»°Ý ben3wen4, v.i., (arch.) investigate, question (¡×½L°Ý).
55. ¥»¦ì ben3wei4, n., basis, basic unit: ª÷¥»¦ì¡A»È¥»¦ì gold, ailver standard of currency;
56. ¥»¦ì ben3wei4, n., ¥»¦ì¥D¸q working for self as motive;
57. ¥»¦ì ben3wei4, n., ¥»¦ì¤u§@ one's proper duty.
58. ¥»°È ben3wu4, n., proper duty.
59. ¥»·~ ben3ye4, n., one's main profession;
60. ¥»·~ ben3ye4, n., original profession.
61. ¥»Ä@ ben3yUan4, n., true, real desire.
62. ¥»·½ ben3yUan2, n., origins.

¤¥ Num. Index: 10.10     £w£¶ feng1    . [Var. of Â× 21.30]
Adj.Good-looking handsome, full and round.
Words1. ¤¥¼Ð feng1biao1, n., looks, appearance.
2. ¤¥®e feng1rong2, n., (court. to ladies) your face.
3. ¤¥¯« feng1shen2, n., handsome looks.
4. ¤¥ºA feng1tai4, n., demeanor.
5. ¤¥ªö feng1cai3, n., personal appearance: ¤@¤¤¥ªö (court.) to have a look at person's beautiful appearance, i.e., to meet personally.
6. ¤¥«º feng1zi1, n., handsome or pretty looks, demeanor (oft. of ladies).
7. ¤¥»ö feng1yi2, n., esteemed personality.
8. ¤¥Ãý feng1yUn4, n., personal charm.

¨® Num. Index: 10.10     £¥£­ che1         (re. pr. *£¡£º jU1    ).
N.(1) A vehicle: ¨®½ø che1liang4¡õ;
¨T¨® an automobile, a motor car;
¤õ¨® a railway train: ¤õ¨®ÀY a locomotive;
°¨¨® a chariot, a carriage;
¤û¨® an ox cart;
¤â¨® a handcart;
Âû¤½¨® (Szechuan dial.) a wheelbarrow;
¾Ô¨® chariot;
©Z§J¨® a tank;
Ã⨮ a sedan;
¸}½ñ¨®¡A¦Û¦æ¨® a bicycle;
¼¯¦«¨®¡A¾÷¨® a motorcycle;
¹q¨® a tramcar, streetcar;
³f¨® a motor truck, a lorry, a freight car;
®È¦æ¨® a station wagon;
ªo¨® a tank truck;
¶]¨® a sport(s) car;
®Õ¨® school bus;
±Ï¤õ¨® a fire engine;
±ÏÅ@¨® an ambulance;
ÆF¨® a hearse;
ĵ¨® a police van;
±M¨® a special car (train);
«È¨® a railway coach;
¬v¨®¡A¤H¤O¨®¡A¶À¥]¨® a rickshaw;
¤T½ü¨® a pedicab, a tricycle.
À\¨®¡A¶º¨® a dining car, a diner;
ª×¨® a sleeping car, a sleeper, Pullman (car);
ªá¨® floats: ªá¨®¹C¦æ a float parade;
¾r¨®¡A¶}¨® drive a car;
­¼¨®¡A§¤¨®¡A·f¨® go by car (train);
¤W¨® board a car (train);
¤U¨® alight from a car (train);
¨®¸ü¤æ¶q immense quantities;
¨®¤ô°¨Às heavy traffic on street (¡§an endless stream of horses and carriages¡¨)
¨®¦K a wheel wright;
»°¨®ªº a carter;
¶}¨®ªº a car driver, chauffeur;
¨®º× traffic accident;
¨®²Á¤§·ù true friendship.
(2) Any device which operates with the help of wheels: ¯¼¨® a spinning wheel;
¦Q¨® a crane;
·Æ¨® a pulley;
­·¨® a windmill;
¦ç¨® (Cantonese dial.) a sewing machine;
¤ô¨® a water cart, a water wheel, a wooden treadmill for lifting water.
(3) (*jU1) A surname.
(4) A pawn in chess, the ¡§chariot.¡¨
V.t.(1) Carry in a cart: ¨®·Ñ¡A¨®¦Ì to cart away coal, rice.
(2) To lift (water): ¨®¤ô do this by means of a water wheel.
(3) To shape (things) on a lathe.
Words1. ¨®§â che1ba3, n., the handle bars of a bicycle or rickshaw.
2. ¨®«e che1qian21, n., (bot.) the plantain, plantago major var. asiatica.
3. ¨®¿ú che1qian22, n., money paid for hiring a car (cart, rickshaw, etc.).
4. ¨®ûÒ che1chuang2, n., a turner's lathe.
5. ¨®¹D che1dao4, n., a driveway.
6. ¨®¿O che1deng1, n., the headlight of an automobile or motorcycle, abicycle lamp.
7. ¨®¹Ô¡]¤l¡^ che1dian4(zi0), n., car cushions.
8. ¨®¶O che1fei4, n., cartage, car fare, car hire.
9. ¨®¤Ò che1fu0, n., a carter, a cart driver;
10. ¨®¤Ò che1fu0, n., also chauffeur.
11. ¨®ÁÔñF che1gu1lu0, n., car wheels: ¨®ÁÔñF¸Ü the same words repeated again and again;
12. ¨®ÁÔñF che1gu1lu0, n., ¨®ÁÔñF¶ê (sp. pr. che1gu1lu0yUan4 a children's game in which they join hands to form a circle and dance and sing.
13. ¨®¦æ che1hang2, n., (1) a place where carts may be bought or hired;
14. ¨®¦æ che1hang2, n., (2) a garage;
15. ¨®¦æ che1hang2, n., (3) a car dealer's.
16. ¨®«á³Ý che1hou4chuan3, n., (sl.)part of retinue running after a carriage-a lackey.
17. ¨®ªø che1zhang3, n., the conductor of a train.
18. ¨®¯¸ che1zhan4, n., (1) a railway station;
19. ¨®¯¸ che1zhan4, n., (2) a bus stop.
20. ¨®·Ó che1zhao4, n., a car license.
21. ¨®Âá che1zhe2, n., (1) a rut made by a passing vehicle;
22. ¨®Âá che1zhe2, n., (2) a driveway or track for cars.
23. ¨®¸}¿ú che1jiao3qian0, n., fee paid for the deoivery of goods.
24. ¨®¬[ che1jia4, n., a lathe.
25. ¨®¾r *jU1jia4, n., carriage.
26. ¨®æÆ *jU1jie2, n., (AC) formerly, dismenberment of a person by making carts pull in different directions.
27. ¨®ÃM *jU1ji4, n., (1) carriages and horses;
28. ¨®ÃM *jU1ji4, n., (2) formerly, title of a military commander.
29. ¨®¶b che1jour, n., the axle.
30. ¨®®½ che1jUan1, n., a vehicle license fee.
31. ¨®Áå che1lian4, n., the roller chain of a bicycle, the tire chain of an automobile.
32. ¨®½ø che1liang4, n., vehicles, carriages, carts, cars, esp. in traffic.
33. ¨®µõ *jU1lie4, n., (¡×¨®æÆ che1jie2¡ô).
34. ¨®½ü¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ che1lun2 (che1luener0)(zi0), n., car wheels: ¨®½ü·| a group of persons who take turns to invite one another to dinner;
35. ¨®½ü¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ che1lun2 (che1luener0)(zi0), n., ¨®¿é¾Ô formerly, a fight in which several persons take turns to engage one opponent in combat to tire him out.
36. ¨®°¨ che1ma3, n., carriages and horses: ªù«e§N¸¨¨®°¨µ} the house was deserted and there were few callers;
37. ¨®°¨ che1ma3, n., ¨®°¨¶O travel allowance.
38. ¨®¹÷ che1man4, n., the curtain of a carriage.
39. ¨®ªù¨à che1men2 (che1merer0), n., side doors of a motor vehicle or carriage.
40. ¨®µP che1pai2, n., the number plate of a vehicle.
41. ¨®´× che1peng21, n., a shed for vehicles.
42. ¨®ÁO¡]¤l¡^ che1pergn2(zi0), n., the awning of a cart.
43. ¨®²¼ che1piao4, n., a train or bus ticket.
44. ¨®¥Ö che1pi2, n., (railway) unloaded rolling stock.
45. ¨®¨­ che1shen1, n., the body of a car or carriage.
46. ¨®½c che1xiang1, n., (1) compartments of a railway train;
47. ¨®½c che1xiang1, n., (2) railway coaches;
48. ¨®½c che1xiang1, n., ¨®½c¨à (a) the inside of a car or carriage;
49. ¨®½c che1xiang1, n., (b) the boot (trunk) of an automobile.
50. ¨®­L che1tai1, n., car tires.
51. ¨®ÀY che1tou2, n., a train locomotive.
52. ¨®¹­ che1tong2, n., attendants on a railway train.
53. ¨®¤l (1) *jU1zi0, n., formerly, a cart driver;
54. ¨®¤l (2) (che1zi0), a cart, carriage, wagon.
55. ¨®¸ê che1zi1, n., car fare.
56. ¨®±c che1wei21, n., see che1man4¡ô.
57. ¨®³ò¡]¤l¡^ che1wei22(zi0), n., the cloth hood of a carriage.
58. ¨®ªu¨à che1ya2er0, n., the edge of a carriage.
59. ¨®ÁÕ¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ che1yUan2 (che1yuarer0)(zi0), n., the shafts of a cart or carriage.

ÅF Num. Index: 10.10     £~£¹£¶ hong1    .
V.i. & t.(1) To explode or make noise of explosion: ¹pÅF the thunder strikes.
(2) To attack by bomb, shell or by violence: ¬¶ÅF¡AÅFÀ» shell (enemy position);
¥L¦bij·|¤WÅF¥«ªø he attacked the mayor in the Assembly;
¼g¤å³¹ÅF¥L attack him in writing;
ÅF¨« show s.o. the door, run a person out of town;
ÅF¥X¥h druve (person) out;
ÅF¨I to shell an sink (a boat).
Adj.A booming noise: see ÅFÅF hong1hong1¡õ.
Words1. ÅF°Ê hong1dong4, v.i. & t., as in ÅF°Ê¤@®É cause a sensation;
2. ÅF°Ê hong1dong4, v.i. & t., ÅF°Ê¥þ°ê make a sensation all over the country.
3. ÅFÅF hong1hong1, adj., descriptive of big, booming noise: ÅFÅF¯P¯P with a heroic determination or in a sensational manner.
4. ÅF¬µ hong1zha4, v.t., to bomb (a place).
5. ÅFÀ» hong1ji2, v.t., to shell by artillery.
6. ÅFµM hong1ran2, adj. & adv., with booming noise.

¶d Num. Index: 10.10     £|£¹ gu1    .
N.(1) A crime, a criminal offense.
(2) A surname.
V.i.Be ungrateful: ¶d­t gu1fu0, ¶d®¦ gu1en1¡õ.
Adj.Guilty: µL¶d innocent, free from guilt.
Words1. ¶d®¦ gu1en1, v.i., show ingratitude for favors or kindnesses received.
2. ¶d­t gu1fu0, v.t., be ungrateful to (person, his good intentions): ¶d­tªB¤Í to fail a friend;
3. ¶d­t gu1fu0, v.t., ¶d­t¤÷¥À fail one's parents for their solicitude, expectations (also wr. ©t­t).

¤û Num. Index: 10.10     £z£¸£²£½ niu2    .
N.(1) (Zoo.) cattle: ¤ûÀY°¨­± (chin. myth.) messenger boy of Hell;
¤û°­³D¯« (of things) supernatural, (of a person's appearance) ugly, (now) bad elements;
¤ûÀY¤£¹ï°¨¼L (of speech or action) incongruous;
¤ô¤û water buffalo;
¶À¤û common yellow cow or ox, also illegal agent for tickets or crossing forbidden territory;
¨Å¤û milk cow;
¥À¤û cow.
(2) (Astron.) Sagittarius, one of the twenty-eight Chinese zodiac constellations.
(3) A surname.
Words1. ¤ûã® niu2bang4, n., (bot.) burdock, arctiun lappa.
2. ¤û«ó niu2bian3, n., (bot.) aconitum lycoctonum.
3. ¤û»ó¤l niu2bi2zi0, n., (¤û»ó¤l¦Ñ¹D) (derog.) formerly old Taoist.
4. ¤û²ä¤l niu2bo2zi0, n., person obstinate like cattle.
5. ¤û¨® niu2che1, n., ox cart.
6. ¤û®ð niu2chi0, adj., arrogant.
7. ¤û¤M niu2dao1, n., butcher's lnife: ³ÎÂû²j¥Î¤û¤M (lit.) why use a butcher's chopper to kill a chicken? ¡Ðmaking unnecessarily great efforts to do trivial things;
8. ¤û¤M niu2dao1, n., wasting of talent on trivials;
9. ¤û¤M niu2dao1, n., ¤û¤M¤p¸Õ (fig.) (of person of great potentials) give a little inkling of what one is capable of.
10. ¤ûµk niu2dou4, n., vaccine against smallpox.
11. ¤û¹y niu2dun4, n., Sir Isaac Newton.
12. ¤ûÃ}¤l niu2du2zi0, n., a calf.
13. ¤û¦Õ niu2er3, n., the cars of an ox or cow: °õ¤û¦Õ (AC) to ¡§hold the cow's ear¡¨ before slaughter for blood sacrifice¡Ðan honor reserved for leader during conference of states¡Ðhence to be acknowledged leader.
14. ¤û¶À niu2huang2l, n., (Chin. med.) bile juice from the body of a diseased ox, congealed, and used for the cure of infant cramps.
15. ¤û¨¤ niu2jiao3, n., ox horn.
16. ¤û«l niu2jin4, n., as in (1) ¤@¨­¤û«l as strong as an ox;
17. ¤û«l niu2jin4, n., (2) ¥Ç¤F¤û«l obstinate like an ox.
18. ¤û¬z niu2jin1, n., Oxford.
19. ¤û°s niu2jiu3, n., (lit.) beef and wine;
20. ¤û°s niu2jiu3, n., (fig.) gifts for soldiers at the front.
21. ¤û­¦ niu2lang2, (1) n., a cowboy;
22. ¤û­¦ niu2lang2, (2) n., one of the Chinese zodiac conatellations: ¤û­¦Â´¤k the Cowboy and the Spinning Maid, two constellations, the separated lovers in Chinese mythology.
23. ¤û¹T niu2luo4, n., cheese, yogurt.
24. ¤û°¨ niu2ma3, (1) n., cattle and horses;
25. ¤û°¨ niu2ma3, (2) v.i., slave for others: ²ö¬°¨à®]§@¤û°¨ do not slave for your children.
26. ¤û¤ò niu2mao2, n., (1), ox hair;
27. ¤û¤ò niu2mao2, n., (2) innumerable: ¦h¦p¤û¤òinnumerable as ox hair;
28. ¤û¤ò niu2mao2, n., ¤û¤ò²Ó«B fine drizzling rain.
29. ¤û¡¼ niu2mang2, n., (zoo.) horsefly, gadfly (also wr. ­j).
30. ¤û¥¤ niu2nai3, n., cow's milk;
31. ¤û¥¤ niu2nai3, n., ¤û¥¤¿} butter eandy, toffee.
32. ¤û±Æ niu2pai21, n., beefsteak.
33. ¤û¡]¨à¡^µP niu2(er0)pai22, n., set of playing cards made of cattle bone (also called °©µP).
34. ¤û¥¶ niu2pa2, n., beefsteak.
35. ¤û¥Ö niu2pi2, (1) n., ox hide, leather: ¤û¥Ö¹u leather boots;
36. ¤û¥Ö niu2pi2, ¤û¥Ö±a leather belt;
37. ¤û¥Ö niu2pi2, (2) gross exaggeration: ¤û¥Ö¤j¤ý person given to gross exaggerations: §j¤û¥Ö to brag;
38. ¤û¥Ö niu2pi2, n., ¤û¥Ö¯È brown packing paper;
39. ¤û¥Ö niu2pi2, n., ¤û¥Ö¿} a kind of chewing candy, also one who persists in forcing his attentions on others.
40. ¤û¦× niu2rou4, n., beef.
41. ¤û¨Å niu2ru3, n., cow's milk, see niu2nai3¡ô.
42. ¤û½¥ niu2xi0, n., (bot.) hyssop.
43. ¤û©Ê niu2xing4, n., obstinacy.
44. ¤ûÞY niu2sou1, n., in ¤ûÞY°¨«k two lowly plants¡Ðworthless trifles.
45. ¤û¤l²´¡]¨à¡^ niu2zi0yan3 (niu2zi0ya3er0), n., a tumor-like growth on the eyeball obstructing eyesight.
46. ¤û½E niu2wen1, n., rinderpest.
47. ¤û¦ç niu2yi1, n., cattle blanket.
48. ¤û¬Ì niu2yi4, n., cattle plague.
49. ¤û¶¼ niu2yin3, n., unrestrained drinking bout (lit., ¡§drinking like a cow¡¨).
50. ¤ûÃÇ niu2ying2, n., (zoo) gadfly.
51. ¤ûªo niu2you2, n., butter.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.10     £t£´ ben1    . [Var. of ©b 12.20]

¼ù Num. Index: 10.10     £{£¸£½ li2         (also £v£±£½ mao2    ).
N.(Zoo.) the yak.

Ám Num. Index: 10.10     £±£½ ao2    .
Words1. Ám¤ú ao2ya2, phr., (1) in ¸×©}Ám¤ú (of ancient writings) full of characters that are difficult to make out and pronounce, descriptive of foreign sounds, unpronounceable, crotchety writing;
2. Ám¤ú ao2ya2, phr., (2) twisting (old trunke);
3. Ám¤ú ao2ya2, phr., rough (experience).

¥Í Num. Index: 10.11     £¦£¶ sheng1    .
N.(1) Life: ¥Í©R sheng1ming4¡õ;
¥Í¬¡ sheng1huo2¡õ;
¦X¥Í¨ú¸q sacrifice life for honor;
»´¥Í risk one's life;
°_¦º¦^¥Í (of good doctors) effect a miraculous cure;
±Ï¥Í°é lifebelt;
¾i¥Í cultivate health.
(2) Lifetime, life span: ¤@¥Í whole life;
¥b¥Í half one's life (struggling, etc.);
¦¹¥Í¡A¤µ¥Í this present life or incarnation;
¨Ó¥Í future life;
¥Í¥Í¥@¥@ generation after generation;
¥Í®É when one was alive;
´Ý¥Í the remaining years of one's life;
°½¥Í keep alive without serious ambition or purpose;
¦A¥Í¡A­«¥Í next incarnation, also rebirth;
¥Ã¥Í eternal life, also ±`¥Í¡C
(3) Living beings : ¥ÍÆF sheng1ling2¡õ;
²³¥Í¡A¡¼¥Í all animal kingdom;
¯b¥Í the beasts;
±þ¥Í kill animate beings;
©ñ¥Í (Budd.) buy fish and turtle and keep them alive in a pond (called ©ñ¥Í¦À).
(4) A living: ¿Ñ¥Í¡AÀç¥Í make a living;
¥Í¬¡¡A¥Í­p¡A¥Í²P sheng1huo2, sheng1ji42, sheng1ya2¡õ.
(5) Student, pupil, scholar: ¾§¥Í Confucian scholar;
®Ñ¥Í a scholar, a pedant: ®Ñ¥Í¤§¨£ pedantic views;
¾Ç¥Í¡A¥Í®{ student, also apprentice;
¥ý¥Í teacher, also ¡§Mr.¡¨ (placed after surname), also (polite and friendly) after personal name;
¥Í­û sheng1yUan2¡õ;
ªù¥Í formerly, personal student or pupil of a master, also successful candidate visˆvis the examiner;
¨k¥Í¡A¤k¥Í boy, girl student;
¤p¥Í¡A±ß¥Í selfreference of student, esp. in letter to teacher;
²¦·~¥Í graduate student.
(6) Male actor, opp. ¥¹ dan4, actress.
V.i. & t.(1) Happen, occur: ¥Í°_ sheng1chi3¡õ;
µo¥Í v.i., (s.t.) happens, or v.t., produce (accident).
(2) Produce, give birth to: ¥X¥Í be born;
¥X¥Í¦~¤ë date of birth;
¥Í¤U¤F¨k«Ä give birth to a boy;
¥Í¨|¡A¥Í´Þ sheng1yU4, sheng1zhi2¡õ;
¥Í°]¡A¥Í²£ sheng1cai2, sheng1chan3¡õ;
¥Í»E sheng1jU4¡õ;
­L¥Í viviparous, -ity;
§Z¥Í oviparous, ovipara, -ity, those that produce offspring by eggs;
±µ¥Í midwifery.
(3) Create (accident, trouble, etc.): ¥Í¨Æ¡A¥Í¥X¨Æ¨Ó cause trouble;
¥Íªá¼Ë make difficulties;
¸`¥~¥ÍªK bring up unnecessary ramifications;
µL¨Æ¥Í«D make uncalled-for trouble.
(4) Be born (handsome, stupid, etc.), to grow: ¥Í±o«Üº}«G grow up beautiful;
¥Í±o¸G be born short;
¥Íªø¡A¥Í¦¨ sheng1iaang, sheng1cheng2¡õ.
Adj.(1) Raw.uncooked (meat, fruit), not processed (iron, copper, silk, oil, etc.): ¥Íµæ nucooked, fresh vegetable;
¥Íªo sheng1you2¡õ;
unripe: Ä«ªG¥Í±o«Ü the apple is still quite unriupe;
¥Í¦a one's birthplace, a strange place, a piece of uncultivated land;
¥Í®Ñ¡A¥Í½Ò a new, yet untaught lesson.
(2) Crude, inexperienced, not smooth, not well learned: ¥ÍÀß¡A¥Íµw sheng1se42, sheng1ying4¡õ;
¥Í¤â sheng1shou3¡õ.
(3) Strange, unfamiliar: ¥Í¤H¡A¥Í«È sheng1ren2, sheng1ke41¡õ;
­±¥Í¡A­¯¥Í (face) not seen before;
¥Í¦r new, unlearned character.
(4) Alive: ¥Í¾à capture alive;
¥Í§]¬¡­é interpret text, passage crudely without real understanding (¡§eat it alive¡¨);
¥Í©Ôµw«û do arm-twisting, force s.o. to do s.t.
Adv.(1) Keenly in ¥Í®£¡A¥Í©È sheng1kong3, sheng1pa4¡õ;
¥Í¯k keenly painful;
¬¡¥Í¥Í very much alive.
(2) Abruptly, rudely, by force: ¥Í§â¥L©Ô¤U¨Ó pull him down by force;
µw¥Í¥Í abruptly.
(3) Used as adv. ending: ¦n¥Í¨«¸ô walk cardfully;
°¾¥Í unfortunately;
°¾¥Í§Ú¤S¤£·| unfortunately, I don't know how;
«ç¥Í how: ¤£ª¾«ç¥Í¬O¦n don't know what to do (esp. in MC¡×«ç»ò, also wr. §@»ò¥Í).
Words1. ¥ÍÅÜ sheng1bian4, v.i., trouble arises (mutiny, etc.).
2. ¥Í¯f sheng1bing4, v.i., fall ill.
3. ¥Í²£ sheng1chan3, v.i. & t. & n., (1) produce, production: ¥Í²£¹L³Ñ overproduction;
4. ¥Í²£ sheng1chan3, v.i. & t. & n., ¥Í²£¤O productivity;
5. ¥Í²£ sheng1chan3, v.i. & t. & n., ¥Í²£²v rate of production;
6. ¥Í²£ sheng1chan3, v.i. & t. & n., ¥Í²£¶O cost of production;
7. ¥Í²£ sheng1chan3, v.i. & t. & n., ¥Í²£¶q volume of production;
8. ¥Í²£ sheng1chan3, v.i. & t. & n., (2) give birth to children.
9. ¥Í¨° sheng1chen2, n., birthday.
10. ¥Í¦¨ sheng1cheng2, adj., born (clever, stubborn, etc.).
11. ¥Í«e sheng1qian2, adv., while person was living.
12. ¥Í®ð sheng1chi4, (1) v.i., to get angry;
13. ¥Í®ð sheng1chi4, (2) n., vitality (of vegetation, wrting, also pr. (sheng1chi0).
14. ¥Í°_ sheng1chi3, v.t., to bring about.
15. ¥Í¯ì sheng1chu2, n., hay;
16. ¥Í¯ì sheng1chu2, n., (allu.) offering at grave, funeral gift.
17. ¥Í¥þ sheng1qUan2, v. i., return alive, survive.
18. ¥Í½ì sheng1qU4, n., as in ¦³¥Í½ì (writing) has lively interest;
19. ¥Í½ì sheng1qU4, n., full of vitality.
20. ¥Í¾¦ sheng1chi3, n., population: ¥Í¾¦¹L³Ñ overpopulation.
21. ¥Í°Ê sheng1dong4, adj., moving: ®ðÃý¥Í°Ê (painting) has rhythmic vitality.
22. ¥Íµo sheng1fa1, v.i., produce (profit).
23. ¥Í¾vªo sheng1fa3you2, n., hair oil.
24. ¥Íµf sheng1fan1, n., savage, cannibal;
25. ¥Íµf sheng1fan1, n., savage tribe.
26. ¥Í¤À sheng1fen0, adj., (person) not intimate enough, not well known to one: ¤£¥Í¤À quite familiar with each other.
27. ¥Í®Ú sheng1gen1, v.i., take root (habit, studies).
28. ¥Íªá sheng1hua1, phr., ¥Íªá¤§µ§¡Aµ§¥Íªá gifted pen, a rich style (Li Po dreamed that his ¡§pen grew blossoms¡¨).
29. ¥ÍÁÙ sheng1huan2, phr., return alive.
30. ¥Í³f sheng1huo4, n., raw goods, material.
31. ¥Í¤õ sheng1huo3, v.i., to light a fire.
32. ¥Í¬¡ sheng1huo2, (1) n., life, living, profession: ¥Í¬¡ºûÁ} it is hard making a living;
33. ¥Í¬¡ sheng1huo2, n., °µ¥Í¬¡ make a living;
34. ¥Í¬¡ sheng1huo2, n., ¦Y¥Í¬¡ (Shanghai dialect) get a beating;
35. ¥Í¬¡ sheng1huo2, n., ¥Í¬¡¶O living expenses, cost of living;
36. ¥Í¬¡ sheng1huo2, n., ¥Í¬¡¤O vitality;
37. ¥Í¬¡ sheng1huo2, n., ¥Í¬¡¯À vitamin (also ºû¥L©R);
38. ¥Í¬¡ sheng1huo2, (2) v.i., to live: ¥Á«D¤ô¤õ¤£¯à¥Í¬¡ man cannot live without fire and water.
39. ¥Íªê¤l sheng1hu3zi0, n., (sl.) an inexperienced hand.
40. ¥Íªø sheng1zhang3, v.i., (1) (plants) grow;
41. ¥Íªø sheng1zhang3, v.i., (2) (the young) grow up: ¥Íªø±o¤£¿ù grow up quite handsome.
42. ¥Í¾÷ sheng1ji1, n., spring of vitality, a new lease of life.
43. ¥ÍÁ¤ sheng1jiang1, n., raw ginger.
44. ¥Í§Ò sheng1ji41, n., birthday of deceased person.
45. ¥Í­p sheng1ji42, n., living, means of livelihood, profession.
46. ¥Í´N¡]ªº¡^ sheng1jiu4(de0), adj., born one way or another (nervous, suspicious, etc.).
47. ¥Íª¾ sheng1zhi1, n., (AC) those who are born wise.
48. ¥Í´Þ sheng1zhi2, (1) v.i., (plants) grow, multiply;
49. ¥Í´Þ sheng1zhi2, (2) v.i. & n., (men) reproduce, multiply,reproduction;
50. ¥Í´Þ sheng1zhi2, v.i. & n., ¥Í´Þ¾¹ seaual organs (male and female).
51. ¥Í»E sheng1jU4, v.i., (AC, LL of a nation) grow in population.
52. ¥Í«È sheng1ke41, n., a stranger.
53. ¥Íúú sheng1ke42, v.i., mutually accelerate, reinforce, or counteract, neutralize;
54. ¥Íúú sheng1ke42, v.i., phr. in ¤­¦æ (the five movements): ¥Í accelerate, úú counteract (¤ì¥Í¤õ¡A¤õúúª÷ ¡§wood¡¨ accelerates ¡§fire¡¨, and ¡§fire¡¨ is inimical to ¡§metal¡¨).
55. ¥Í¤f sheng1kou3, n., (1) domestic animals (usu. wr. ¬¹¤f);
56. ¥Í¤f sheng1kou3, n., (2) (AC) war prisoners.
57. ¥ÍÂR sheng1kuang4, n., tomb erected by person or for oneself, while living.
58. ¥Í®£ sheng1kong3, v.i., to fear, be afraid, see sheng1pa4¡õ.
59. ¥Í¨Ó sheng1lai2, adj., see sheng1jiu4, sheng1cheng2¡ô.
60. ¥Í§N sheng1leng3, adj., cold (in style, approach);
61. ¥Í§N sheng1leng3, n., (Chin. med.) cold dishes, cold drinks, fruits.
62. ¥ÍÁy¨à sheng1liaaer0, n., a stranger.
63. ¥Í¼¦ sheng1lian2, v.t., to love (child, helpless or small being).
64. ¥Í®Æ sheng1liao4, n., dry goods;
65. ¥Í®Æ sheng1liao4, n., ¥Í®Æ¼t timber shop.
66. ¥Í§Q sheng1li4, v.i., (capital) bears interest;
67. ¥Í§Q sheng1li4, v.i., (business) makes profit.
68. ¥Í¤O­x sheng1li4jUn1, n., (mil.) fresh reinforcement.
69. ¥Í²z sheng1li3, n., (1) ¥Í²z¾Ç physiology: ¥Í²z¤Æ¾Ç physiological chemistry;
70. ¥Í²z sheng1li3, n., ¥Í²z¾Ç®a physiologist;
71. ¥Í²z sheng1li3, n., (2) (dial.) business;
72. ¥Í²z sheng1li3, n., (3) ®ÆµL¥Í²z it is feared s.o. will not live.
73. ¥ÍÆF sheng1ling2, n., all living things: ¥ÍÆF¶î¬´ the people's life destroyed, all life decimated.
74. ¥Í¸ô sheng1lu4, n., way out: µL¥Í¸ô no way out or chance of escape;
75. ¥Í¸ô sheng1lu4, n., ¥t¿Ñ¥Í¸ô find another way of living.
76. ¥ÍÀs (¬¡ªê) sheng1long2, phr., ¥ÍÀs¬¡ªê (of fighter or painting) extremely forceful or vivid.
77. ¥Í·Ñ sheng1mei2, n., unburnt coal.
78. ¥Í©R sheng1ming4, n., life: ¥Í©R¤§«O»Ù protection of life;
79. ¥Í©R sheng1ming4, n., ¥Í©R«OÀI life insurance.
80. ¥Í¥Á sheng1min2, n., (LL) the people, mankind: ¥Í¥Á¥H¨Ó since creation of mankind.
81. ¥Í¥À sheng1mu3, n., one's own mother.
82. ¥Í©È sheng1pa4, v.i., to fear, be afraid, lest: ¥Í©È¨Ó¤£¤Î afraid it is too late;
83. ¥Í©R sheng1ming4, n., ¥Í©È¥L¤£µªÀ³ afraid that he will not consent.
84. ¥Í¥­ sheng1ping2, adv. phr., all one's life;
85. ¥Í¥­ sheng1ping2, adv. phr., usually: ¥Í¥­¤£¦n°s usually (one) does not drink or never drinks.
86. ¥Í¤H sheng1ren2, n., a stranger.
87. ¥Í¤é sheng1(')ri4, n., birthday.
88. ¥Í¦â sheng1se41, (1) v.i., add color or luster (to gathering), come alive;
89. ¥Í¦â sheng1se41, (2) adj., distinctive (performance).
90. ¥ÍÀß sheng1se42, adj., crude, faulty (knowledge), lacking in fluency (in reading).
91. ¥Í¨­ sheng1shen1, n., as in ¥Í¨­¤÷¥À parents who give you birth;
92. ¥Í¨­ sheng1shen1, n., the (Mongolian) one who has not had smallpox.
93. ¥Í¥Í sheng1sheng1, adv., (1) generation after generation: ¥Í¥Í¥@¥@ ditto;
94. ¥Í¥Í sheng1sheng1, adv., (2) well and healthy: ¥Í¥Í¼~¼{¥X¯f¨Ó get sick from sheer worry (for a healthy person);
95. ¥Í¥Í sheng1sheng1, adv., ¦n¥Í¥Íªº«ç»ò´N¦º¤F how could he die so suddenly-he was looking so well? ¥Í¥Í¤£®§ life and growth in nature, continuous reproduction (of plants and animals).
96. ¥Í¨v sheng1xiao4, n., the year of the animal in which one was born: ¤Q¤G¥Í¨v (the year of the) rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, lamb, monkey, chicken, dog, pig-corresponding to the duodecimal cycle ¤l¤¡±G¥f, etc.;
97. ¥Í¨v sheng1xiao4, n., see Appendix A.
98. ¥Í»Ø sheng1xi4, v.i., cause friction (between people).
99. ¥Í©Ê sheng1xing4, (1) n., one's born nature (violent, gentle, etc.);
100. ¥Í©Ê sheng1xing4, (2) (sheng1xing0) adj., aloof, solitary in nature: ¥L¦³ÂI¨à¥Í©Ê he does not get along well with people.
101. ¥Í¤ß sheng1xin1, v.i., (AC) begin to feel disloyal.
102. ¥Í®§ sheng1xi2, v.i., (1) (money) bear interest;
103. ¥Í®§ sheng1xi2, v.i., (2) (of animal herds) multiply.
104. ¥Í¤â¡]¨à¡^ sheng1shou3(er0), n., an inexperienced hand.
105. ¥Í¨ü sheng1shou4, v.i., (esp. Mc) to suffer: ¤£¦n¥Í¨ü difficult to bear;
106. ¥Í¨ü sheng1shou4, v.i., (MC) to suffer: ¤£¦n¥Í¨ü difficult to bear;
107. ¥Í¨ü sheng1shou4, v.i., (MC) ¥Í¨ü§A (=modn. Ãø¬°§A) thanks for the trouble.
108. ¥Í²¨ sheng1shu1, adj., (1) (of friends) having less contact, getting more distant;
109. ¥Í²¨ sheng1shu1, adj., (2) (piano playing, sleight-of-hand, etc.) having not played for a long time, getting rusty.
110. ¥Í¤ô sheng1shui3, n., unboiled water;
111. ¥Í¤ô sheng1shui3, n., fresh water.
112. ¥Í¨Æ sheng1shi4, v.i., to cause trouble.
113. ¥Í¥Û¦Ç sheng1shi2hui1, n., (chem.) calcium oxide.
114. ¥Í¦º sheng1si3, phr., life and death: ¥Í¦ºÃöÀY grave crisis between life and death;
115. ¥Í¦º sheng1si3, phr., ¥Í¦º¤§¥æ a friend until death.
116. ¥ÍºA¾Ç sheng1tai4xUe2, n., ecology, study of environmental influence on living beings.
117. ¥ÍÅK sheng1tie3, n., pig iron, cast iron.
118. ¥Íµæ sheng1cai4, n., (1) uncooked or fresh vegetable;
119. ¥Íµæ sheng1cai4, n., (2) lettuce.
120. ¥Í°] sheng1cai2, v.i., to make money.
121. ¥Í¦s sheng1cun2, v.i. & n., survive, survive-al.
122. ¥Í¯¨ sheng1ci2, n., temple to one still living.
123. ¥Í¯k sheng1tong4, (1) adj., very painful;
124. ¥Í¯k sheng1tong4, (2) v.t., to love dearly.
125. ¥Í®{ sheng1tu2, n., disciple;
126. ¥Í®{ sheng1tu2, n., pupil of private school;
127. ¥Í®{ sheng1tu2, n., apprentice.
128. ¥Í¤l sheng1zi3, v.i., to give birth to a son.
129. ¥Íª« sheng1wu4, n., living creatured or plants;
130. ¥Íª« sheng1wu4, n., ¥Íª«¾Ç sheng1wu4xUe2, biology;
131. ¥Íª« sheng1wu4, n., ¥Íª«¤Æ¾Ç biochemistry.
132. ¥Í¾i sheng1yang3, v.i., (of parents) give birth to and bring up children.
133. ¥Í²P sheng1ya2, n., see sheng1ji42¡ô.
134. ¥Í·~ sheng1ye4, n., business: ¤£ªv¥Í·~ does not attend to business or hold a job.
135. ¥Í·N sheng1yi4, n., (1) prospect of living or survival;
136. ¥Í·N sheng1yi4, n., (2) (sheng1yi4 or sheng1yi0) a business or business deal: °µ¥Í·N run a business (shop, etc.);
137. ¥Í·N sheng1yi4, n., (sheng1yi0) a crooked deal;
138. ¥Í·N sheng1yi4, n., ¥Í·N¤f sheng1yi4kou3, n., words of a petty dealer, not to be trusted;
139. ¥Í·N sheng1yi4, n., business man's ways or know-how;
140. ¥Í·N sheng1yi4, n., ¥Í·N¸g sheng1yi4jing1, business sense, business expertise.
141. ¥Íµw sheng1ying4, adj., not smooth, not polished, crude (writing), rigid, stern, stiff.
142. ¥Íªo sheng1you2, n., (1) peanut oil;
143. ¥Íªo sheng1you2, n., (2) unrefined oil.
144. ¥Í­û sheng1yUan2, n., formerly, students.
145. ¥Í¨| sheng1yU4, v.t. & n., give birth to and raise (children);
146. ¥Í¨| sheng1yU4, v.t. & n., growth (of population);
147. ¥Í¨| sheng1yU4, v.t. & n., ¥Í¨|¯à¤O fertility.

Ô± Num. Index: 10.11     £¸£®£¾ ye3    . [Arch. of ³¥ 41S.00]

¹Õ Num. Index: 10.11     £¢£¸£³£¿ qian4    .
N.A trench, moat: ¤Ñ¹Õ natural terrain for defense.
Words1. ¹ÕÀ¢ qian4hao2, n., city moats;
2. ¹ÕÀ¢ qian4hao2, n., trench.

Âç Num. Index: 10.11     £{£¸£½ li2         (*£££¸ xi1    ).
N.(1) One thousandth of a Chinese ¤Ø foot.
(2) One hundredth of a ¯a mow.
(3) One thousandth of a ¨â liang or tael;
see Appendix C.
(4) (Rate of interest) one tenth of one per cent: ¤ë®§¥|Âç a monthly interest of 0.4 per cent;
¦~®§¥|Âç an annual interest of four per cent.
(5) Short for Âçª÷¡GÂçª÷¡AÂ箽¡AÂç¥d li2jin1, li2jUan1, li2chiaa¡õ.
(6) (Interch. ÁH *xi1) happiness: ®¥¯¬·sÂç a Happy New Year!
V.t.To regulate, rectify: ¤¹Âç¦Ê¤u (AC) regulate the different offices;
Âç©w¡AÂ祿 li2ding4, li2zheng4¡õ.
Words1. Âç¥d li2chiaa, n., see li2jin1¡õ.
2. Âç©w li2ding4, v.t., to work out or draw up (rules, regulations, etc.), also Âç­q.
3. Âç­² li2ge2, v.t., to reform, readjust (old practices, rules, etc.).
4. Â祿 li2zheng4, v.t., to correct, amend, edit (texts, drafts, etc.).
5. Âçª÷ li2jin1, n., an internal tax on the transit of goods (formerly, spelled¡§likin¡¨).
6. Â箽 li2jUan1, n., (¡×Âçª÷ li2jin1¡ô).
7. Âç­ç li2ti4, v.t., to strike out, expunge (anything superfluous).

¥c Num. Index: 10.20     £~£¹£°£¿ hui4    .
N.ªá¥c flowers and grass, plants in gen. flora (in painting).

Åj Num. Index: 10.21
N.(AC) a dent in a sword.
V.t.(1) Bite: ÅjÁu bite one's arm, as a pledge;
(of a man and a woman) as a pledge of love.
(2) Erode, as water erodes a bank.

¾a Num. Index: 10.22     £}£±£¿ kao4    .
V.i. & t.(1) To rely on: ­Ê¾a¡A¨Ì¾a to depend on (s.o.);
µL¨ÌµL¾a no one to support for living, quite alone;
¾a¤Ñ¦Y¶º without visible means of support;
¾a¦¹¬°¥Í depend on this for a living;
¾a¦Û¤v depend on oneself;
¾a§O¤H depend on others;
¥i¾a dependable;
¤£¥i¾a not dependable;
see ¾a±o¦í¡A¾a¤£¦í kao4de2zhu4, kao4bu2zhu4¡õ.
(2) To lean on: ¾aûó leaning on;
¾a¦b¤@°_ huddle together.
Prep.Near, along, toward, by: ¾aªñ kao4jin4¡õ;
¾a©¤ alongshore;
¾aÀð toward or by the wall;
¾a®ü (city) on the coast;
¾aÃä¨à¨« walk on the side (not in the middle);
¾a¥kÃ䨫 walk on the right;
­I¾a­I (sleeping, sitting) back to back;
¾a¤s¦Y¤s¡A¾a¤ô¦Y¤ô on the mountain one lives by mountain products, near the water one lives by the sea or river.
Words1. ¾a­I kao4bei4, n., back of chair;
2. ¾a­I kao4bei4, n., (Chin. opera) armor;
3. ¾a­I kao4bei4, n., ¾a­I¦Ñ¥Í (opera) military officer in armor.
4. ¾a¤£¦í kao4bu2zhu4, adj., undependable.
5. ¾a±`¨à kao4chang2er0, adj., (coll.) long lasting, wearing well.
6. ¾aºX kao4chi2, n., (Chin. opera) pennant on back of military officer.
7. ¾a±o¦í kao4de2zhu4, adj., dependable.
8. ¾aªE kao4zhen3, n., hard cushion used as arm rest on couch.
9. ¾aªñ kao4jin4, adj. & prep., near: ¾aªñ¨ºÃä near that side.
10. ¾a¿à kao4lai4, v.t., depend on (s.o.).
11. ¾aÃl kao4long3, v.i. & t., lean toward;
12. ¾aÃl kao4long3, v.i. & t., ¾aÃl¥÷¤l opportunist elements.
13. ¾a¤s¡]¨à¡^ kao4shan1 (kao4sha1er0), n., person for political or financial backing.
14. ¾a¤â kao4shou3, n., arm rest.
15. ¾a¤l kao4zi0, n., hard cushion for arm or back support: ¨®¾a¤l (in cart).
16. ¾a¦« kao4tuo1, v.t., depend on (s.o. to do s.t.).
17. ¾a´È kao4yi3, n., easy chair;
18. ¾a´È kao4yi3, n., lounge chair.

ì· Num. Index: 10.22     £¨ zi1    .
N.(AC) a tripod tapering off towards the top.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.30     £¦£¿ shi4    . [Pop. of ¥@ 22.21]

ª½ Num. Index: 10.30     £¤£½ zhi2    . [Usu. wr. ª½]
V.t.To straighten up or out: ª½¨ä­Þ to redress a wrong done to s.o.;
ª½ª½¸y¨à stretch (body) a bit.
Adj.(1) Erect, vertical, straight, not crooked: ««ª½ perpendicular, hang straight;
ª½¤W straight up;
ª½¤Wª½¤U perpendicular;
¦ùª½»L stretch legs straight;
ª½®¼®¼¡Aª½ÃÝÃÝ straight and stiff (in erect or prostrate position);
ª½¤Ä¤Ä¡Aª½ÀüÀü stare bluntly, scared stiff;
µ§ª½ very straight;
¦±ª½ the right and wrong of parties in quarrel.
(2) Straight and honest: ¥¿ª½ fair and honest;
©¾ª½ loyal;
ª½¹D zhi2dao42¡õ.
(3) Straight forward: ª½µÊ®ð straight temper: ª½©Ê zhi2xing4¡õ;
­èª½ honorable, inflexible, incorruptible;
ª½¤ß²´¨à forthright (person);
ª½º~ an honest fellow;
©Zª½¡A²vª½ frank, candid, straight forward (confession, admission);
»¡ª½¸Ü give a straight talk;
ª½²n zhi2shuang3¡õ.
(4) On duty: ª½¤é (=­È¤é) day on duty.
Adv.(1) Straight, directly: ª½¹F go straight or directly;
ª½µø look straight;
ªÃµ§ª½µe write the truth without fear or favor;
ª½¨¥¡Aª½»¡ talk straight;
ª½¥´ª½ in a straight manner;
ª½«e¡Aª½¦V«e©¹ go straightforward;
ª½³¯ to present (facts) straight.
(2) Continuously: ¤@ª½¨« go without stop;
¤@ª½»¡ (or ­ú) ¤U¥h talk (or cry) on and on;
ª½¥hª½¨Ó go and come back without stopover;
ª½µ¥¤@­Ó¤H keep waiting (without stop) for a person;
ª½¨ì (conj.) until: ª½¨ì¤é¤J until sundown;
ª½¨ì¤µ¤é until today.
(3) Just, only indeed: ª½¬O be indeed, be just (a shadow, a phantasy, a joke, etc.);
ª½¶· need only to (ask him direct, etc.);
ª½¤£¦Ê¨B¦Õ (©s¤l) (of a retreating army retreating fifty paces) only difference is that it did not retreat a hundred paces.
Words1. ª½µ§ zhi2bi3, phr., record historical events without fear or favor.
2. ª½¸z zhi2chang2, n., the rectum.
3. ª½¦Ú zhi2chen2, n., an outspoken minister.
4. ª½¨ì zhi2dao41, prep. & conj., until.
5. ª½¹D zhi2dao42, adj. & n., honest, straight dealing, the straight and narrow path.
6. ª½ÂI¨à zhi2diaaer0, adv., (apologize, etc.) continuously, repeatedly without stop.
7. ª½ä@ zhi2duo2, n., (of jacket or ancient robe) open with line of buttons straight down the center.
8. ª½®Ú zhi2gen1, n., (bot.) axial root.
9. ª½Æ[ zhi2guan1, n., intuition, intuitive perception, see zhi2jUe2¡õ.
10. ª½°` zhi2gong1, phr., (LL) see zhi2dao42¡ô.
11. ª½´Ò¨à zhi2guo4er0, n., (pop.) an honest fellow.
12. ª½Á¿ zhi2jiang3, n., formerly, a lecturer at government college (°ê¤lºÊ).
13. ª½¨¤ zhi2jiao3, n., (math.) right angle;
14. ª½¨¤ zhi2jiao3, n., ª½¨¤¬W right prism;
15. ª½¨¤ zhi2jiao3, n., ª½¨¤À@ right pyramid;
16. ª½¨¤ zhi2jiao3, n., ª½¨¤Åé a cuboid;
17. ª½¨¤ zhi2jiao3, n., ª½¨¤¤T¨¤§Î rightangled triangle.
18. ª½¿Ï zhi2jian4, phr., to advise or admonish emperor at risk of latter's wrath.
19. ª½±µ zhi2jie21, adj. & adv., direct, direct-ly;
20. ª½±µ zhi2jie21, adj. & adv., ª½±µ¥ÁÅv rights of referendum and recall;
21. ª½±µ zhi2jie21, adj. & adv., ª½±µ±Ð±Âªk direct method of teaching modern language.
22. ª½±¶ zhi2jie22, adj. direct (communication, line): ª½±¶ (or ª½ºI) ¤F·í phr., simple and direct (opp. beating about the bush).
23. ª½®| zhi2jing4, n., (math.) diameter.
24. ª½¤v zhi2ji3, phr., see zhi2dao42¡ô.
25. ª½­P zhi2zhi4, (1) adj., straight, without wavering;
26. ª½­P zhi2zhi4, (2) adv., until, so that.
27. ª½Ä± zhi2jUe2, n., intuition.
28. ª½½Ì zhi2liang4, adj., (AC) right and honorable (persons).
29. ª½Áõ zhi2li4, n., formerly, name for Hopei Province.
30. ª½·È zhi2liu0, adj., very smooth and straight.
31. ª½¬y zhi2liu2, n., (phys.) direct current.
32. ª½¯ß zhi2mo4, (1) adj., (bot.) straight-veined;
33. ª½¯ß zhi2mo4, (2) n., direct line of descent, see zhi2xi4¡ô.
34. ª½Án zhi2sheng1, (1) n., reputation for honesty;
35. ª½Án zhi2sheng1, (2) phr., (cry) aloud.
36. ª½¤É¾÷ zhi2sheng1ji1, n., helicopter (or ª½ª@).
37. ª½½u zhi2xian4, n., (math.) straight line, or right line.
38. ª½ÁÒ zhi2xia2, adj., under direct jurisdiction of central government.
39. ª½¨t zhi2xi4, n., direct line (relatives).
40. ª½©Ê¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ zhi2xing4er0, (-zi0), adj., forthright (character).
41. ª½¨ü¨à zhi2shou4er0, phr., to receive gifts without giving in return.
42. ª½²n zhi2shuang3, adj., outspoken, straightforward, forthright.
43. ª½²v zhi2shuai4, adj., ditto.
44. ª½Ä¶ zhi2yi4, v.t. & n., (to render) literal translation.
45. ª½¡¼ zhi2yU4, n., simile.

Å÷ Num. Index: 10.30     £¥£¹£¿ chu4    .
Adj. & adv.Perpendicular: Å÷¥ß stand erect;
ª½Å÷Å÷ very straight, straight up.

¬d Num. Index: 10.30     £¥£«£½ cha2         (*£¤£« zha1    ).
N.(*zha1) A surname.
V.t.(1) To investigate, audit, check, find out, inspect: Àˬd to inspect (luggage), have physical checkup;
½Õ¬d to investigate;
½L¬d investigate thoroughly, crossexamine;
²M¬d examine accounts;
¬d¦¬ (in letter) please receive;
¬d·Ó cha2zhao4¡õ;
¬d¬Ý¡A¬d¹î look into;
©ú¬d·t³X investigate (crime);
¬d¯Z inspect class;
¬d½ã cha2zhang4¡õ;
¬d¦r¨å look up dictionary;
¬d¹ïµL³_ formula for okaying accounts;
¬d¤á¤f check residents;
take census.
(2) In opening paragraph relating findings: have gone into the matter and found that.
Words1. ¬d¿ì cha2ban4, v.i., to investigate and prosecute (case, person).
2. ¬d§Û cha2chao1, v.t., to confiscate (property; lit., ¡§take inventory¡¨).
3. ¬dÂI cha2dian3, v.t., check (inventory) item by item.
4. ¬d«Ê cha2feng1, v.t., to confiscate and seal up (property, goods).
5. ¬d®Ö cha2he2, v.t., to examine (accounts).
6. ¬d½ã cha2zhang4, v.i., examine accounts.
7. ¬d·Ó cha2zhao4, v.i., (in official communications among equals) am submitting for your attention: ¬d·Ó¿ì²z please consider and act accordingly.
8. ¬d¸T cha2jin4, v.i., search for violations of ban (smuggled goods, etc.).
9. ¬d¨s cha2jiu4, v.i., to investigate, follow up (a case): ¬d¨s¿ì²z investigate and act accordingly;
10. ¬d¨s cha2jiu4, v.i., ¬d¨s­ì¦] find out the cause.
11. ¬d¦Ò cha2kao3, v.t., look up for reference, data.
12. ¬d°É cha2kan4, v.t., to investigate on the spot.
13. ¬d©ú cha2ming2, v.t., to find out: ¬d©ú¯u¬Û find out the true facts.
14. ¬d­ï cha2shao4, v.t., search passengers at sentry point.
15. ¬dÅç cha2yan4, v.t., to check up (physical conditions);
16. ¬dÅç cha2yan4, v.t., inspect, (goods).
17. ¬d¾\ cha2yUe4, v.t., read (report, correspondence).

±k Num. Index: 10.30     £~£¹£°£¿ hui4    .
N.(1) A broomstick.
(2) ±k¬P a comet.

¾ã Num. Index: 10.30     £¤£¶£¾ zheng3    .
V.t.To put to order;
to adjust: ¾ã²z¡A¾ã¹y zheng3li3, zheng3dun4¡õ;
¾ã¦ç«a to adjust hat and dress;
¾ã¸Ë´N¹D dress up and prepare for journey (also ¾ãÑÏ);
¾ã¸Ë«Ý©R ready to move at short notice in full array;
¾ã¦n put in good shape;
§O§â¥L¾ãÃa¤F don't spoil it, trying to fix it;
¾ã¶¤¡A¾ã®È put army unit in good shape;
also the whole unit, see Adj.2¡õ;
to discipline, see ¾ãµÂ zheng3shu42¡õ.
Adj.(1) Neat, tidy, orderly: ¾ã»ô¡A¾ã¼ä zheng3chi0, zheng3jie2¡õ;
»ô¾ã tidy.
(2) Whole, not divided: §¹¾ã intact;
¾ã­Ó¨à¡A¾ã¼Æ zheng3ge4er0, zheng3shu41¡õ;
¾ã¤é¾ã©] whole day and night;
¾ã©]¤£¯v did not sleep the whole night;
¾ã¶ôµ¹¥L give him the whole piece;
¾ã¥y°á¥X¨Ó read the whole sentence;
»¡¤£¥X¤@¥y¾ã¸Ü cannot say a complete sentence;
¾ã°|¤l³£Å¥¨£§A¥s¤F the whole courtyard heard your scream.
Words1. ¾ã½s zheng3bian1, v.t., to reorganize (army).
2. ¾ã»ô zheng3chi0, adj., tidy, trderly, well-arranged (group or row), forming a complete set.
3. ¾ã¶½ zheng3chi4, adj., clean and orderly, sharply disciplined (conduct): ­x®e¾ã¶½ in fine battle array.
4. ¾ã¹y zheng3dun4, v.t., to put to order, to restore to good shape: ¾ã¹y¾Ç­· restore good order among the students.
5. ¾ã­· zheng3feng1, v.t., (in Communist China) to rectify atmosphere of schools, party, etc.
6. ¾ã­Ó¨à zheng3ge4er0, adv., the whole piece or lot;
7. ¾ã­Ó¨à zheng3ge4er0, adv., completely (fail, destroyed, etc.).
8. ¾ã¾ã jerngzheng3, (1) adv., exactly: ¾ã¾ã¤@¦Ê¤¸ exactly $100;
9. ¾ã¾ã jerngzheng3, (2) adj., as in ¾ã¾ã»ô»ô very neat and orderly, see zheng3chi0¡õ.
10. ¾ã¼ä zheng3jie2, adj., clean and neat.
11. ¾ã²ø zheng3zhuang0, n., the whole amount.
12. ¾ãªv (1) zheng3zhi4, v.t., see zheng3li3¡õ;
13. ¾ãªv zheng3zhi4, v.t., (2) (zhi0), to prepare (food), mend (clothing);
14. ¾ãªv zheng3zhi4, v.t., (3) to teach a lesson, punish: §ÚÁ`±o¾ãªv¥L.
15. ¾ã¨à zheng3er0, n., round number.
16. ¾ãÁy¤l zheng3lian3zi0, n., person habitually wearing a severe countenance.
17. ¾ã²z zheng3li3, v.t., to put to order (accounts), tidy up (room, appearance), shape up, revise (material for book).
18. ¾ã®e zheng3rong2, v.i., to dress up, esp. to shave.
19. ¾ã¤é zheng3ri4, adv., the whole day;
20. ¾ã¤é zheng3ri4, adv., ¾ã¤é»ù ditto.
21. ¾ã¤Ñ zheng3tian1, adv., the whole day: ¤@¾ã¤Ñ.
22. ¾ã§Î zheng3xing2, n., orthopedics: ¾ã§Î¤â³N plastic surgery.
23. ¾ã¼Æ zheng3shu41, n., a whole number, integral.
24. ¾ãµÂ zheng3shu42, v.t., (in communist China) to purge;
25. ¾ãµÂ zheng3shu42, v.t., also shortened to ¾ã: ¾ã¥L¤@¤U to discipline him.
26. ¾ãÅé zheng3ti3, n., the whole;
27. ¾ãÅé zheng3ti3, n., ¾ãÅé¤Æ integrate, integration.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.30     £|£¹£¾ gu3    .
N.A pot:¡]¨F¡^¡¼¤l an earthen pot (related Áç¤l guo1zi0).

ól Num. Index: 10.30     £±£½ ao2    .
N.(AC) a flat iron plate for making cakes.

Ãõ Num. Index: 10.30     £¨£³£¿ zan4    .
N.A small chisel;
engraving tool.
V.t.Engrave, carve: Ãõªá carve flowers;
Ãõ¦r engrave characters.
Words1. Ãõ¤M zan4dao1, n., a graving knife.
2. Ãõ¤l zan4zi0, n., (1) a small chisel;
3. Ãõ¤l zan4zi0, n., (2) a graving tool.
4. Ãõµæ zan4cai4, n., (bot.) leomurus macranthrs.

³Á Num. Index: 10.32     £v£¯£¿ mai4        . (sp. pr.); £v£¬£¿ mo4     (re. pr.).
N.(1) Wheat, (oft. mai4zi0): ¤j³Á barley;
¤p³Á wheat;
ªo³Á¡A¿P³Á oats;
ëL³Á¡A¯Q³Á buckwheat.
(2) A surname.
Words1. ³Á»æ mai4bing3, n., wheaten cake.
2. ³Áâí¨à mai4cha2er0, n., potato grown on wheat field after wheat crop.
3. ³Áúè mai4chang2, n., thrashing floor for wheat.
4. ³Á¬î mai4qiu1, n., wheat harvest in 4th or 5th lunar month.
5. ³Á¥V mai4dong1, n., see mai4men2dong1¡õ.
6. ³Á¸¿ mai4e2, n., a moth that feeds on wheat, gelechia cerealella.
7. ³Á¾¢¤l mai4fu2zi0, n., chaff, bran.
8. ³Á½k mai4hu2, n., oatmeal.
9. ³Á¨¤¡]µß¡^ mai4jiao3(jUn4), n., ergot, a wheat disease, caused by claviceps purpurea, a fungus.
10. ³Á°s mai4jiu3, n., beer (usu. °à°s mai4pu2.
11. ³Á§J­· mai4ke4feng1, n., (translit.) microphone.
12. ³Á®ö mai4lang4, n., waves of billowing wheat field carsrd by breeze.
13. ³Á¨~ mai4mang2, n., the awn (bristly fibers) of wheat, or prickly wheat sheaf.
14. ³ÁªùªF mai4men2dong1, n., (bot.) a plant of leek family, liriope graminfolia, much used as herb medicine.
15. ³Á­] mai4miao2, n., wheat seedling.
16. ³Á¤ù mai4pian4, n., oatmeal.
17. ³Á«H­· mai4xin4feng1, n., the northeast wind in 5th lunar month.
18. ³ÁÁJ¨à mai4sueher0, n., (1) ears of wheat;
19. ³ÁÁJ¨à mai4sueher0, n., (2) lambskin with long hair resembling ears of grain.
20. ³Á¤l mai4zi0, n., wheat or barley.
21. ³Á¤ú¿} mai4ya2tang2, n., malt sugar.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.32     £v£¶£¿ meng4    . [Abbr. of ¹Ú 20A.23-4]

¥j Num. Index: 10.40     £|£¹£¾ gu3    .
N.(1) Time long past: »·¥j time immemorial;
¤W¥j (¥v)¡A¤¤¥j (¥v) ancient, medieval times (history);
¥j©¹¤µ¨Ó from ancient to modern times.
(2) Ancient artifacts, relics of the past: ¦Ò¥j to study ancient relics;
¦Ò¥j¾Ç (®a) archeology, archeologist.
(3) A particular style of painting or pottery of the past: ¥é¥j in the style of an ancient master or period;
ªk¥j (painting) imitate an ancient master;
(of political or social institutions) follow an ancient practice.
(4) The ancient people: ºÃ¥j to doubt the ancients;
«ä¥j¡AÃh¥j nostalgia, thinking of the past;
§@¥j (of person) passed away, died (joined the ancients).
(5) A surname.
Adj.(1) Old, ancient, classic, oldfashioned: ¥j¥N gu3dai4, ¥j¤H gu3ren2, ¥jª« gu3wu4¡õ;
¥j¿ú¡A¥jµe¡A¥jÄy ancient coins, paintings, books;
¥j¸Ë old-fashioned binding or dress;
¥j§© in ancient costume;
¥j»y¡A¥j¿Î an old saying, proverb;
¥j¤«µLªi (usu. of women) have no more sexual desire, (lit., ¡§not a ripple in an ancient well¡¨);
¥j¦â¥j­» (of ancient objects of art) having antique flavor;
¥j¶® gu3ya3¡õ;
¥jªk time-honored methods.
(2) (Of persons or things) different from the gen. accepted norm: ¥j©Ç gu3guai0, ¥jªO gu3ban3¡õ.
Words1. ¥jªO gu3ban3, adj., (1) ultraconservative, aingle-track-minded;
2. ¥jªO gu3ban3, adj., unavvommodating;
3. ¥jªO gu3ban3, adj., (2) oldfashioned, out-of -date.
4. ¥j«b gu3cha4, n., an ancient temple.
5. ¥j¥N gu3dai4, n., ancient times.
6. ¥j¹D gu3dao4, (1) adj., kind, considerate, generous (lit., ¡§acting like a gentleman of old¡¨): ¥j¹D¼ö¸z considerate and warmhearted;
7. ¥j¹D gu3dao4, (2) n., ancient rules and methods;
8. ¥j¹D gu3dao4, (3) n., ancient road.
9. ¥j¨å gu3dian3, n., & adj., classic, classical: ¥j¨å¥D¸q classicism;
10. ¥j¨å gu3dian3, n., & adj., ¥j¨å¬£ classicist;
11. ¥j¨å gu3dian3, n., & adj., ¥j¨å­µ¼Ö classical music.
12. ¥j¸³¡]¨à¡^ gu3dong3(er0), n., curios, antiques (also wr. °©¸³).
13. ¥j¤è gu3fang1, n., (1) an ancient medical recipe;
14. ¥j¤è gu3fang1, n., (2) old methods or ways of doing things.
15. ¥j­· gu3feng1, n., (1) ancient manners, customs and habits;
16. ¥j­· gu3feng1, n., (2) ancient style poetry.
17. ¥j©Ç gu3guai0, adj., peculiar, eccentric,exotic: §Æ©_¥j©Ç strange and eccentric.
18. ¥j¸ñ gu3ji1, n., historic monunents, sites.
19. ¥j°O¨à gu3jie4er0, n., ancient events or incidents: Å¥¥j°O¨à listen to a storyteller telling old stories.
20. ¥j¤µ gu3jin1, n., ancient and modern times.
21. ¥j¦Ñ gu3lao3, adj., old-fashioned, outmoded.
22. ¥j¨Ó gu3lai2, adv., since ancient times.
23. ¥j¾ë gurpu3, adj., (of manners) simple and plain, uncontaminated by modern fads.
24. ¥j¤H gu3ren2, n., (1) the ancients;
25. ¥j¤H gu3ren2, n., (2) a person who has passed away.
26. ¥jµ} gu3xi1, adj., seventy years old: ¥jµ}¦Ñ¤H an old man aged three score and ten;
27. ¥jµ} gu3xi1, adj., ¦~ªñ¥jµ} approaching seventy in age.
28. ¥j©õ gu3xi2, adj., of old, in times gone by.
29. ¥j¾Ç gu3shyeur, n., ancient learning, knowledge of the classic.
30. ¥j®É gu3shi2, n., ancient times.
31. ¥j°V gu3xUn4, n., (1) ancient maxims or precepts;
32. ¥j°V gu3xUn4, n., (2) ancient meanings of words.
33. ¥j»É gu3tong2, n., (1) ancient bronze works;
34. ¥j»É gu3tong2, n., (2) the color of ancient bronzes.
35. ¥jª± gu3wan3, n., curios.
36. ¥j¤å gu3wen2, n., (1) archaic script of Jou period;
37. ¥j¤å gu3wen2, n., (2) ¥j¤å¾Ç¬£ a school of Confucian classicists believing in the authenticity of parts of classics doubted by ¤µ¤å¬£;
38. ¥j¤å gu3wen2, n., (3) the classic style of writing.
39. ¥jª« gu3wu4, n., (1) ancient relics;
40. ¥jª« gu3wu4, n., (2) ancient objects of art.
41. ¥j¶® gu3ya3, adj., with a classic touch and in the best taste.

§ö Num. Index: 10.40     £££¸£¶£¿ xing4    .
N.Apricot: §ö¤¯ almond, see xing4ren2¡õ.
Words1. §ö²ã xing4fu3, n., preserved apricot.
2. §ö°®¨à xing4ga1er0, n., dried apricot.
3. §öªá xing4hua1, n., apricot flower;
4. §öªá xing4hua1, n., §öªá§ø oft. used to describe a spring rustic scene.
5. §ö¶À xing4huang2, adj., apricot yellow.
6. §öÁy xing4lian3, n., oval face of girl or woman.
7. §öªL xing4lin2, n., (allu., rare) medical doctor.
8. §ö¤¯ xing4ren2, n., almond;
9. §ö¤¯ xing4ren2, n., §ö¤¯¨à¯ù almond cream;
10. §ö¤¯ xing4ren2, n., §ö¤¯¨à¯» almond powder;
11. §ö¤¯ xing4ren2, n., §ö¤¯ºë almond essence;
12. §ö¤¯ xing4ren2, n., §ö¤¯¤ô almond drink.
13. §ö¾Â xing4tan2, n., school platform, the teaching rostrum;
14. §ö¾Â xing4tan2, n., orig.the apricot grove where Confucius taught.
15. §ö²´ xing4yan3, n., woman's apricot-like eyes.
16. §öÅâ xing4ye4, n., a woman's oval face;
17. §öÅâ xing4ye4, n., see xing4lian3¡õ.

§i Num. Index: 10.40     £|£±£¿ gao4         (*£|£¹£¿ gu4    ).
N.A declaration, announcement: ¤å§i statement by ruler or superior;
³q§i public notice;
¼s§i advertisement;
§i¥Õ gao4bai2¡õ.
V.t.(1) Tell, inform, announce: (LL) §i§Ú, (vern.) §i¶D§Ú tell me;
³ø§i v.i. & n., (to, a) report to a superior;
§i±K give secret information against s.o., see §i±K gao4mi4¡õ.
(2) Oft. used in the sense of ¡§be¡¨or ¡§reported to be¡¨in certain phrr.: §iÁj be exhausted: ¦s³f§iÁj all our stock has been exhausted;
§i¥F be tired or exhausted;
§i±¶ gao4jie22¡õ;
§i²×¡A§i¦¨¡A§iµ¤ be completed, see gao4zhong1, gao4cheng2, gao4jyuhe¡õ.
(3) Sue, accuse: §i¶D gao4su4¡õ;
§iµo gao4fa1¡õ;
§i¥L¤@ª¬ file a suit against him;
­ì§i the plaintiff;
³Q§i the defendant.
(4) Ask for: §i¦Ñ gao4lao3¡õ;
§i°² gao4jia4¡õ;
§i°h gao4tui4¡õ;
§i¯f ask for sick leave, be sick;
§i¶U gao4dai4¡õ;
§iÀ° gao4bang1¡õ;
§iÄÇ ask for pardon;
¦Û§i¾Ä«i offer one's free services.
(5) (*gu4) In ©¾§i tell a.o. honestly what one thinks (also gao4);
§i®Ò (AC) ancient sacrifice at ancestral temple.
Words1. §i¥Õ gao4bai2, n., a public notice.
2. §iÀ° gao4bang1, v.i., ask for financial assistance.
3. §iÒö gao4bian3, n., an obituary notice.
4. §i«K¡]¨à¡^ gao4bian4 (gao4biaher0), v.i., (1) bid bood-bye to friends for a short leave of absence;
5. §i«K¡]¨à¡^ gao4bian4 (gao4biaher0), v.i., (2) go to the toilet.
6. §i§O gao4bie2, v.i., take leave.
7. §i¸[ gao4bing3, v.i., to file a petition, to request from superior.
8. §i¦¨ gao4cheng2, v.t., announce the completion of s.t. important: ¤j¥\§i¦¨ the great task has been (reported) completed.
9. §i¶U gao4dai4, v.i., make a request for a loan, borrow money: §i¶UµLªù nowhere to borrow money.
10. §iµo gao4fa1, v.t., formally inform court of a crime committed, lodge complaint.
11. §i°² gao4jia4, v.i., asd for leave of absence.
12. §i»| gao4jie4, v.t., warn, enjoin, admonish.
13. §i°P gao4jie21, v.i., inform against s.o.
14. §i±¶ gao4jie22, v.i. & t., announce victory, be victorious.
15. §iĵ gao4jing3, v.i., to sound an alarm, give report of danger.
16. §i«æ gao4ji2, v.i., make an emergercy request for help.
17. §iª¬ gao4zhuang4, v.t. & n., to sue at court;
18. §iª¬ gao4zhuang4, v.t. & n., text of formal complaint.
19. §i²× gao4zhong1, v.i., be completed.
20. §iª¾ gao4zhi1, v.i. & t., tell, inform, notify.
21. §iµ¤ gao4jUn4, see gao4zhong1¡ô.
22. §i¦Ñ gao4lao3, v.i., retire from age.
23. §i±K gao4mi4, v.i., give secret information against s.o.
24. §iÂZ gao4rao3, v.i., to thank one's host for his hospitality, a phr. used on taking leave: §iÂZ¤F.
25. §i¥Ü gao4si0, n., a public announcement.
26. §i¶D gao4su4, v.t., (1) (law) bring a suit against s.o.: §i¶D¤D½× a case will be taken cognizance of by the court only if s.o. files a suit;
27. §i¶D gao4su4, v.t., (2) (gao4su0) tell, inform: §Ú§i¶D§A I tell you;
28. §i¶D gao4su4, v.t., ¤£¯à§i¶D§A I can't tell you.
29. §iÃã gao4ci2, v.i., bid good-bye, take leave.
30. §i°h gao4tui4, v.i., ask to be excused from meeting;
31. §i°h gao4tui4, v.i., resign from office.
32. §i¸o gao4zui4, v.i., (court.) please excuse me for any unintentional offense;
33. §i¸o gao4zui4, v.i., §iµL¸o can say I have a clear conscience, have done my best.

­õ Num. Index: 10.40     £¤£­£½ zhe2    .
N.(1) Wisdom: ­õ¾Ç¡A­õ²z zhe2xUe2, zhe2li3¡õ.
(2) Sage, wise man: ¸t­õ the sages.
Adj.Wise: ©ú­õ discreet;
©ú­õ«O¨­ keep out of harm by discretion.
Words1. ­õ²z zhe2li3, n., philosophy, philosophical principle.
2. ­õ¤H zhe2ren2, n., a wise man, the sage master.
3. ­õ¾Ç zhe2xUe2, n., philosophy;
4. ­õ¾Ç zhe2xUe2, n., ­õ¾Ç®a philosopher.
5. ­õ¶à zhe2syh, n., (court.) your son.

»} Num. Index: 10.40     £¦£¿ shi4    .
N.An oath, a pledge: »}Ä@¡A»}¨¥¡A»}¬ù shi4yUan4, shi4yan2, shi4yUe1¡õ;
«Å»} take oath in public;
¥ß»}¡A°_»}¡Aµo»} take an oath;
­I»}¡A¹H»} break one's pledge.
V.i. & t.To swear: »}¤£¨â¥ß swear that one of the two must be destroyed;
»}¤£¥Ì¥ð swear to fight to the finish;
»}¦º¤£©} swear to die rather than submit;
»}¥² swear to.
Words1. »}µü shi4ci2, n., text of oath.
2. »}¨¥ shi4yan2, n., a pledge.
3. »}Ä@ shi4yUan4, v.i., to swear before God;
4. »}Ä@ shi4yUan4, n., a pledge.
5. »}¬ù shi4yUe1, v.i. & n., (to make) a pledge (of alliance, marriage, etc.).

ðæ Num. Index: 10.40     £±£½ ao2    .
V.t.To deride, clamor: ðæðæ.
Adj.(AC) magnificent: ðæ¥G¤j«v.

Ïñ Num. Index: 10.40     £~£¹£¬£¿ huo4    .
Adj.(AC) sound of crashing.

Äs Num. Index: 10.40     £w£³£½ fan2    .
N.Alum: ©úÄs¡A¥ÕÄs alum;
¨mÄs¡A«CÄs copperas, ferrous sulphate.
Words1. Äs¯È fan2zhi3, n., sized paper (for painting).
2. Äs¥Û fan2shi2, n., (min.) alum shale.
3. Äs¤g fan2tu3, n., (min.) alumina.

ªH Num. Index: 10.41     £¸£±£¾ yao3         (also £v£¸£±£¾ miao3    ).
Adj.(1) Deeply hidden: ªH­ß¡AªH»·yao3ming2, yao3yUan3¡õ.
(2) Dark, silent: ªHµM yao3ran2¡õ;
(3) ªHµL­µ«H completely not heard from;
ªHªHµLü² left without a trace;
ªH¦p¶ÀÅb (LL) gone like the yellow stork.
Words1. ªH­ß yao3ming2, adj., dark and fathomless.
2. ªHµM yao3ran2, adj., without any sound.
3. ªH»· yao3yUan3, adj., far distant.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.41     £¥£¹£´ chun1    . [Anc. var. of ¬K 12.41]

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.41     £££¸ xi1    .
Adj.(1) Clear (¡×´· 41A.22).
(2) White (u.f. ÞÕ).

¼È Num. Index: 10.41     £¤£³£¿ zhan4         (re, pr. £¨£³£¿ zan4    ). [Related º¥ 63A. 22]
Adj. & adv.(1) Temporary, for the time being: ¼È¥B¡A¼È®É zhan4qie3, zhan4shi2¡õ;
¼È©w temporarily decide(d);
¼È¦í stop at place for a while;
¼È¥Î¡A¼È­É use, borrow, for a short period;
¼È½w postpone for the moment;
¼È¤£¬I¦æ hold up measure for the present.
(2) (AC) suddenly: ¼È­± suddenly see one's face.
Words1. ¼È¥B zhan4qie3, adv., for the time being.
2. ¼È®É zhan4shi2, adv., ditto.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.41     £©£±£½ cao2    . [Form of callig. of ±ä 20.41]

ÞÕ Num. Index: 10.41     £££¸ xi1    . [Var. ¡¼]
Adj.(1) (Of human skin) white: ¥ÕÞÕ¡A¥ÕÞÕÞÕ very white.
(2) Clear (var. of ´· 41A.22)

ÒÖ Num. Index: 10.41     £¦£¶£¾ sheng3    .
N.(AC) (1) (med.) eye cataract.
(2) Unfortunate mistakes: °£ÒÖ eliminate errors, malpractices;
ÒÖ¨a (AC) calamities.

¶Þ Num. Index: 10.41     £ª£­£¿ se4    .
Adj.Miserly, stingy: §[¶Þ ditto.

¨j Num. Index: 10.42     £w£¹£¾ fu3    .
N.(1) A man's courtesy name ¦r: ¥x¨j (court.) your personal name.
(2) (Court.) ´L¨j your father ¡×¤÷.
Adv.(LL) Just: ¨j¦Ü¡A¨j²¦ just arrived, just closed (meeting);
¨j¯à be just able to;
¨jÃÑ just begin to know.

«C Num. Index: 10.42     £¢£¸£¶ qing1    .
N.(1) (LL) bamboo strip, formerly used for writing: «C¡¼ such bamboo strip;
«C¥v qing1shi3¡õ;
±þ«C completion of a book or film production;
¦½«C prepared bamboo strip for writing (¡§sweated bamboo,¡¨ i.e., heated bamboo to drive out moistrue, also called ¦½¡¼).
(2) Green pastures: «C¨à qing1er0¡õ.
Adj.(1) Green, greenish, sometimes blue;
cf. «C¿ý¡A«C»A qing1lU4, qing1cui4¡õ;
«Cµêµê very green;
«C¤sºñ¤ô green hills and blue waters;
«C¤Ñ the blue sky;
Áy¦âµo«C sallow, greenish complexion;
«C¸~ bluish swelling on skin;
«C¥X©óÂŦӳөóÂÅ pupil excels teacher (¡§green comes from blue but excels blue¡¨);
¤£ºÞ«C¬õ¨m¥Õ phr., irrespective of right or wrong in dispute (¡§green, red, black or white¡¨).
(2) Not ripe: «C±ö¡A«C§ö green prune, apricot;
¾ï¤lÁÙ«C©O the orange is not ripe yet;
«C¶À¤£±µ food shortage between two harvests, gap between generations or any gap in succession.
(3) Young: ¦~«C (of person) young, immature;
¥L«Ü¦~«C he is very young;
«C¬K¡A«C¦~ qing1chun1, qing1nian2¡õ.
(4) Black, dark, greyish: «C¤û¡A«Cª° black ox, black fox;
«CÆz¡A«C°¨ grey horse;
ÂëC dark, heavy blue;
¥Û«C dark green;
¦ò«C purplish black;
«C¯À black and white (clothing);
«Cµ· black hair.
(5) Gracious: «C²´ (the black of eye) sympathetic look, dist. ¥Õ²´ (white of eye) look of disdain;
«CÄý¡A«Cų¡A«C¤Î (in letters) for your gracious perusal;
«C²´¡A«C·ý qing1yan3, qing1lai4¡õ;
«««C show favor to (person), kindly look or consideration.
Words1. «C¿ú qing1qian2, n., coins of copper or copper alloys.
2. «C«C qing1qing1, adj., green (grass).
3. «C¬K qing1chun1, adj. & n., (1) young, period of youth: «C¬K®É¥N years of one's youth;
4. «C¬K qing1chun1, adj. & n., «C¬K´Á puberty;
5. «C¬K qing1chun1, adj. & n., (2) age (in asking of a youth): §A«C¬K´X¦ó how young (i.e., old) are you?
6. «CÂÎ qing1chong2, n., a caterpillar.
7. «C³¶ qing1qUe4, n., a small singing bird, eophona personata.
8. «CÂL qing1dai4, n., a Chinese medicine made from scum on indigo, for external use.
9. «C¿O qing1deng1, n., an oil lamp, esp. in temple.
10. «C¨§ qing1dou4, n., green beans in gen.
11. «C¸¿ qing1e2, n., moth;
12. «C¸¿ qing1e2, n., (LL) (fig.) eyebrow (resembling moth's feelers).
13. «CÄs qing1fan2, n., ferrous sulphate.
14. «C¸Á qing1feng1, n., a kind of wasp, stilbum amethyslinum.
15. «CÓº qing1fu2, n., (LL) money, cash.
16. «Cµð qing1ge2, n., a kind of edible clam (¡×µð¸Ä).
17. «C¥ú²´ qing1guang1yan3, n., (Chin. med.) glaucoma (cf. qing1mang2¡õ).
18. «C®c qing1gong1, n., (LL) residence of crown prince.
19. «CªG qing1guo3, n., (1) the olive;
20. «CªG qing1guo3, n., (2) fresh fruit;
21. «CªG qing1guo3, n., «CªG¤½·| fruitdealers' association.
22. «C»U qing1hao1, n., (bot.) artemisia apiacea.
23. «Cªá qing1hua1, n., (1) fine grains on ink stone;
24. «Cªá qing1hua1, n., (2) flower design on porcelain.
25. «Cªá³½ qing1hua1yU2, n., a fish, scomber japonicus.
26. «C¦Ç qing1hui1, n., greenish lime.
27. «C¡¼ qing1jian3, n., (LL) books in gen. (¡¼ being bamboo strips).
28. «C´Ô qing1jiao11, n., green pepper.
29. «CÂB qing1jiao12, n., a ferocious sea fish, isuropsis glauca.
30. «Cª÷ qing1jin11, n., lead or tin.
31. «CÓס]ÃÌ¡^ qing1jin12, n., (LL) students, youth (from students'dress in classical times).
32. «C¦Ëµ· qing1zhu2si1, n., a small, green, poisonous snake.
33. «C¸\ qing1ke1, n., a variety of wheat grown in high plateaus of Tibet and Chin. Turkestan.
34. «C¨à qing1er0, n., (1) green pasture, green fields: ³}«C¨à take a walk in the countryside;
35. «C¨à qing1er0, n., ©ñ«C¨à to pasture cows, sheep;
36. «C¨à qing1er0, n., (2) seedlings in field: ¬Ý«C¨à watch seedlings against birds;
37. «C¨à qing1er0, n., (3) (coll.) egg white.
38. «CÆV qing1lan3, n., olive.
39. «C·ý qing1lai4, n., (LL) your gracious look or consideration.
40. «C©© qing1lian21, n., sign of wine shop.
41. «C½¬ qing1lian22, n., lotus, (fig.) Buddha's eyes.
42. «CòÔ qing1li2, n., walking stick.
43. «C³M qing1ling2, n., a dragonfly.
44. «CÅì³½ qing1lin2yU2, n., herring.
45. «C¼Ó qing1lou2, n., (LL) a singsong house;
46. «C¼Ó qing1lou2, n., a brothel.
47. «CÆ} qing1luan2, n., a bird with many bright colors, related to »ñ 42.70.
48. «CÁ³ qing1luo2, n., a kind of clam, acmaea schrenckii.
49. «CÀs qing1long2, n., (1) dragon, as a symbol of good omen;
50. «CÀs qing1long2, n., (2) the left side (opp. ¥Õªê the right side).
51. «Cºñ qing1lU4, n., green color: «Cºñ¤s¤ô landscape painting of northern school with fine lines and bluish-green colors;
52. «Cºñ qing1lU4, n., «C¤sºñ¤ô beautiful country scene (¡§green mountains and blue waters¡¨).
53. «Cª¼ qing1mang2, n., amaurosis, due to optic nerve, but without organic trouble;
54. «Cª¼ qing1mang2, n., color blind;
55. «Cª¼ qing1mang2, n., see qing1guang1yan3¡ô.
56. «C­T qing1mao2, n., (bot.) miscanthus tinctorius, a grass whose stem and leaves are used for yellow dye.
57. «C±ö qing1mei21, n., green prunes: «C±ö¦Ë°¨ the games of childhood, hence, the period when a boy and girl grew up together.
58. «CÅð qing1mei22, n., a green mold, penicillium;
59. «CÅð qing1mei22, n., «CÅð¯À ditto.
60. «C­] qing1miao2, n., system of farmers' loan at planting time, to be returned at harvest, instituted in 1069 A.D. by ¤ý¦w¥Û, (also called «C­]¿ú).
61. «C¥Ø qing1mu4, see qing1yan3¡õ.
62. «CÅn qing1nang2, n., geomancy (from a book on geomancy «CÅn¸g).
63. «C³¾ qing1niao3, n., (myth.) bird messenger of Fairy God-Moth-er ¦è¤ý¥À;
64. «C³¾ qing1niao3, n., (LL) messenger;
65. «C³¾ qing1niao3, n., the blue bird by Maurice Maeterlinck.
66. «C¦~ qing1nian2, n. & adj., youth;
67. «C¦~ qing1nian2, n. & adj., youthful;
68. «C¦~ qing1nian2, n. & adj., «C¦~´Á adolescence;
69. «C¦~ qing1nian2, n. & adj., «C¦~·| Y.M.C.A.;
70. «C¦~ qing1nian2, n. & adj., «C¦~°Ó·| Junior Chamber of Commerce;
71. «C¦~ qing1nian2, n. & adj., «C¦~¸` Youth Day.
72. «C¤k qing1nU3, n., the goddess of frost.
73. «C¬ß qing1pan4, n., your gracious look or consideration.
74. «C¥Ö qing1pi2, n., (1) a tree, ilex macropoda;
75. «C¥Ö qing1pi2, n., (2) orange peel, used in medicine;
76. «C¥Ö qing1pi2, n., (3) (coll.) a ne'er-do-well, an eccentric or impertinent fellow.
77. «CµÓ qing1ping2, n., duckweed.
78. «C¯½»Ù¡]±b¡^ qing1shajahng, n., (in Manchuria) tall growing Indian corn, sorghum, etc. convenient for hiding of rebels.
79. «C­m qing1shan1, n., (1) plain dress;
80. «C­m qing1shan1, n., (2) see qing1yi1¡õ.
81. «C½¼ qing1xia1, n., shrimp;
82. «C½¼ qing1xia1, n., prawn.
83. «C¤h qing1shi4, n., (LL) bamboo.
84. «C¥Û qing1shi2, n., granite;
85. «C¥Û qing1shi2, n., also lapis lazuli.
86. «C¥v qing1shi3, n., history: «C¥v¯d¦W have a niche in history, leave one's name to posterity.
87. «C»[ qing1suan4, n., leek.
88. «Cµ· qing1si1, n., black hair: ±ÙÂ_«Cµ· shave off one's hair to enter monastery.
89. «C­a qing1tai2, n., moss, lichens.
90. «C¤Ñ qing1tian1, n., (1) the clear, blue sky: «C¤Ñ¥Õ¤é in broad daylight;
91. «C¤Ñ qing1tian1, n., (2) as symbol of justice: ­«¨£«C¤Ñ regain freedom, freed from prison;
92. «C¤Ñ qing1tian1, n., formerly, address to judge: «C¤Ñ¤j¤H.
93. «CÀYµß qing1tou2jUn4, n., a mushroom, lactaris hatsudake.
94. «Cµæ qing1cai4, n., fresh vegetables in gen.
95. «C»A qing1cui4, adj., beautiful green (garden, etc.).
96. «C½µ qing1cong1, (1) adj., ditto;
97. «C½µ qing1cong1, (2) n., onion.
98. «C½µ qing1ci21, n., pure palegreen porcelain, much valued.
99. «Cµü qing1ci22, n., Taoist prayer, written on special paper.
100. «C®ä qing1tong21, n., the wurturng (±ï®ä 10A.40).
101. «C»É qing1tong22, n., bronze;
102. «C»É qing1tong22, n., «C»É®É¥N the Bronze Age;
103. «C»É qing1tong22, n., «C»É¾¹ bronze vessels.
104. «Cµµ qing1zi3, adj. & n., (1) purple and blue (bruise);
105. «Cµµ qing1zi3, adj. & n., (2) ancient officials of high rank (dressed in purple and green).
106. «Cµì qing1wa1, n., the common frog.
107. «C²´ qing1yan3, v.t., look on with favor or pleasure, dist. ¥Õ²´ show white of eye in disdain.
108. «C¶§ qing1yang21, n., (LL) springtime.
109. «C·¨ qing1yang22, n., a kind of willow, salix thunbergiana (also called ·¨).
110. «C¦ç qing1yi1, n., (1) (AC) servant, maid;
111. «C¦ç qing1yi1, n., (2) plain informal dress: «C¦ç¤p´U;
112. «C¦ç qing1yi1, n., (3) (AC) green robes worn in spring;
113. «C¦ç qing1yi1, n., (4) (Chin. opera) role of simple good young woman (dressed in black, specializing in singing).
114. «Cº· qing1ying21, adj., shining (of lamp light, jade).
115. «CÃÇ qing1ying22, n., green flies, lucilia caecar (also called ª÷ÃÇ).
116. «C¥É qing1yU4, n., sapphire (=ÂÅÄ_¥Û).
117. «C³½ qing1yU2, n., a carp-like fish.
118. «C¶³ qing1yUn2, n., the region of clouds: (a) symbolic of great official career or literary rank;
119. «C¶³ qing1yUn2, n., ª½¤W«C¶³ hit the highest literary honors;
120. «C¶³ qing1yUn2, n., and (b) symbolic of retirement to nature.

«n Num. Index: 10.02     £z£³£½ nan2    .
N.(1) The south: «n¤è nan2fang1¡õ;
«n­± nan2mian4¡õ;
«nÁÕ¥_Âá to head for the wrong. direction, diametrically opposite;
¤Ñ«n¦a¥_ (of friends or relatives) be separated far and wide.
(2) The southern parts of a country: «nµÄ¥_½Õ (of speech) talk with mixed accents;
¥_¤H«n¬Û a northerner with the looks of a southerner.
(3) A surname.
Adv.Southward: «n¨µ (or kings) make an inspection trip in the south;
«n©b escape southward;
«n§ë go southward;
«n¦æ ditto;
«n¤U go down south.
Words1. «n¥b²y nan2ban4qiu2, n., the Southern Hemisphere.
2. «n¥_´Â nan2bei3chao2, n., era of the Southern and Northern Dyns., 420-589 A.D.
3. «n¤è nan2fang1, n., (1) (of direction) the south: ¦b«n¤è in the south;
4. «n¤è nan2fang1, n., ­±¦V«n¤è facing the south;
5. «n¤è nan2fang1, n., (2) the southern parts of a country: «n¤è¤H a southerner;
6. «n¤è nan2fang1, n., «n¤è¤k­¦ a girl from the south.
7. «n«D nan2fei1, n., South Africa;
8. «n«D nan2fei1, n., «n«DÁp¨¹ namfei liarnbang1, Union of South Africa;
9. «n«D nan2fei1, n., Republic of South Africa since 1961.
10. «n¥Ê nan2gua1, n., (bot.) the pumpkin, cucurbita pepo.
11. «n¥Ê¤l¨à nan2gua0tzeeer0, n., pumpkin seeds.
12. «n°ê nan2guo2, N., the south in general: «n°ê¨Î¤H a beauty from the south.
13. «n¦^Âk½u nan2hui2gui1xian4, n., the Tropic of Capricorn.
14. «n³f nan2huo4, n., (orig.) products from southern China;
15. «n³f nan2huo4, n., now, any native product, foodstuff, ham, etc.
16. «n­J nan2hu2, n., a kind of musical instrument.
17. «nîÓ nan2zhen1, n., (also «n°w) a compass, (fig.) a guide or guideline, abbr. from «ü«n°w.
18. «nºß nan2ji1, n., as in «nºß¥_¤æ (lit.) the Sagittarius and the Dipper;
19. «nºß nan2ji1, n., (fig.) nominal things without any practical use.
20. «n¨Ê nan2jing1, n., Nanking.
21. «n·¥ nan2ji2, n., (geog.) the South Pole;
22. «n·¥ nan2ji2, n., «n·¥°é the Antarctic Circle;
23. «n·¥ nan2ji2, n., «n·¥¬w Antartica.
24. «nÀë nan2zhu2, n., (bot.) (also «n¤ÑÀë) andromeda ovalifolia.
25. «n¬_ nan2ke1, n., in «n¬_¤@¹Ú (allu.) an imaginary or empty dream, symbolic of man's life.
26. «n¬ü nan2mei3, n., South America.
27. «n­± nan2mian4, n., (1) the south;
28. «n­± nan2mian4, n., (2) (AC) a king or emperor: «n­±ºÙ¤ý to ascend the throne (from ancient practice that all kings sat facing the south in holding audience).
29. «nµL nan2mo2 (nan2mo0), v.t., (Sanskrit) namo, take refuge in (the Buddha, the dharma or the sangha).
30. «n¤s¹Ø nan2shan1shou4, phr., ¹Ø¤ñ«n¤s many, many happy returns of the day (lit., ¡§as longlived as Mt. Nanshan¡¨).
31. «n´µ©Ô¤Ò nan2si1la1fu1, n., Yugoslavia.
32. «n¤Ñ¦Ë nan2tian1zhu2, n., (bot.) nandia domestica.
33. «n»L nan2tui3, n., a kind of ham produced in southern China.
34. «n½n nan2wei3, n., (geog.) southern latitudes.
35. «n¬v nan2yang2, n., the South Seas;
36. «n¬v nan2yang2, n., «n¬v¸s®q the South Sea Islands.

¬r Num. Index: 10.50     £x£¹£½ du2    .
N.Poison: ¦³¬r be poisonous;
¤¤¬r (zhong4du2) get poisoned;
¤U¬r put poison in (drink);
ªA¬r commit suicide by. poison;
¬y¬r deleterious effect, harm to society;
®ø¬r to disinfect, sterilize;
¸Ñ¬r counteract poison;
¸Ñ¬rÃÄ antidote.
V.t.To poison: ¬r±þ¡A¬r¦º¡A¬rÀÅ poison to death;
¬r®` to harm gravely, persecute to death.
Adj. & adv.(1) Poisonous: ¬rÂΡA¬r³D poisonous insect, snake;
¬r¤ú¡A¬r¨ë poison fangs, poisonous sting;
¬r½b¡A¬r°s poisoned arrow, wine.
(2) Malicious, murderous, with hate or intention to harm: (¤U) ¬r¤â use murderous means;
¬r­p dastardly plan to hurt or persecute;
¬r¤ß murderous heart;
¬½¬r¤ß¸z cruel heart;
¬r«ë bitter hate;
´c¬r evil, cruel;
¬r¥´ beat mercilessly;
¬r½| revile, rail at madly.
Words1. ¬r®ð du2chi4, n., poisonous gas.
2. ¬rµÛ¨à du2zhao1er0, n., a murderous plan.
3. ¬r½è du2zhi2, n., poisonous material, element.
4. ¬r»¶ du2la4, adj., murderous, cruel, devilish (plan).
5. ¬r¬â du2sha1, n., (min.) arsenopyrite.
6. ¬r¯À du2su4, n., toxin.
7. ¬r¦å¯g du2xUe4zheng4, n., toxemia.
8. ¬r¥Ë´µ du2wa3si1, n., poison gas.
9. ¬rÃÄ du2yao4, n., poison.

ÙÈ Num. Index: 10.50     £w£´£½ fen2    .
N.(1) (AC) cross beams on roof.
(2) A kind of hemp cloth.
Adj.Confusing, tangled.

ÜÆ Num. Index: 10.50     £{£¸£½ li2    .
ÜÆÆTo scrape with a knife.

ö} Num. Index: 10.50     £±£½ ao2    .
N.A steed, charger;
an uncontrollable wild horse, mustang.
Adj.Unruly, uncontrollable, proud: ®åö} violent-tempered;
ö}©ñ proud and disdainful of conventions.

ªN Num. Index: 10.63     £¡£¸£®£½ jie2    . [Var. of ³Ç 91A.01]

¼õ Num. Index: 10.63     £±£½ ao2         (*£± ao1    ).
V.i. & t.(1) To stew (beef, vegetable), decoct (medicine), simmer (gruel) and make thick soup.
(2) To suffer (as in Eng. ¡§stew in one's own juice¡¨): ¼õ¤£¹L­W¦D could endure no longer the tortures;
¼õ¹L³o¤@©] (of dying patient) pull through this night;
¼õ©]¡A¼õ²´¥Ö¤l to go without sleep the whole night;
¼õ¬\¨ü²H drag through a monotonous life.
Adj.(*ao1) Worried, despondent: ¤µ¤Ñ¥L¼õ¤F he is in a bad mood today;
¼õ¤ß¡A¼õ´o ao2xin1, ao2nao3¡õ;
¼õÀY¡A¼õ³å¨à ao2tou0, ao2cha2er0¡õ.
Words1. ¼õ¼õ ao2ao2, adj., (AC) discontented, clamorous (=¹È¹È).
2. ¼õ³å¨à *ao1cha2er0, adj., depressed, indifferent to everything.
3. ¼õ·Î ao2jian1, v.i. & t., to endure, drag through unhappy days: ©È®a²²¨ü¼õ·Î afraid that one's family will live through hard days.
4. ¼õ·Ò ao2lian4, v.t., to let (person, body) go through hard training.
5. ¼õ´o *ao1nao3, adj., irritated, vexed.
6. ¼õ¼f ao2shen3, v.t., to apply third degree.
7. ¼õ¤ß *ao1xin1, adj., see ao2nao3¡ô.
8. ¼õ¦D ao2xing2, v.t., to endure tortures by court, police.
9. ¼õÀY *ao1tou0, n., mental torment;
10. ¼õÀY *ao1tou0, n., ¤ßúG³o¤@¤À¼õÀY this torment, anguish in my heart;
11. ¼õÀY *ao1tou0, n., ¼õÀY¨à reward for long hardships and patience;
12. ¼õÀY *ao1tou0, n., ±N¨Ó¦³­Ó¼õÀY¨à will be well rewarded (for present suffering).
13. ¼õªo¡]¨à¡^ ao2you2(er0), v.i., to waste lamp oil by not sleeping at night.

÷´ Num. Index: 10.63     £±£½ ao2    . [Pop. of ÆR 10.70]

¤C Num. Index: 10.70     £¢£¸ chi1         (£¢£¸£½ chi2     before 4th tone (h) and unaccented syllable).
N.A seventh day after death, when sacrifice is offered until seven times seven days (forty-ninth) is over;
¤C¤C forty-ninth day;
ÀY¤C the first seventh;
¤T¤C the third seventh, etc.
Adj.Seven, seven times;
¤C¾à¤C©ñ (allu.) ½Ñ¸¯«G¤C¾à©sÀò Juker Liahng subjugated a native chief by capturing him and releasing him seven times;
¤C¤Q¤G a round number;
¤C¤Q¤G¦æ every one of the seventy-two professions;
¥X¤C an impossible number in dice where the maximum is six, hence a miracle: »¡¥X¤C¨Ó¤]¤£¦æ even a miracle won't make (s.o.) budge;
¥L¥i³h¥X¤C¨Ó¤F he is down to the last cent;
¤C¡K¤K¡K higgledy-piggledy, pellmell;
¤C¤j¤K¤p¡A¤Cªø¤Kµu of uneven size;
¤CÄA¤K­Ë totter in any and all directions;
¶Ã¤C¤KÁV¡A¤C¹s¤K¸¨ all a hideous mess;
¤C§á¤K¬n (of things) in a state of great disorder: ¤C·«¤Kä of most uneven size and formation;
¤C¤â¤K¸} to serve hand and foot;
¤C¤W¤K¤U (or ¸¨) in a mental flurry of indecision;
¤C¼L¤K¦Þ¡A¤C¨¥¤K»y all talking in confusion or offering different opinions;
¤C«÷¤K´ê to scrape together;
¤C§é¤K¦© not pay up full amount;
¤C³q¤K¹F (of location) reaching out in all directions;
¤C¦Ñ¤K¤Q in one's seventies.
Words1. ¤CÄ_ chi1bao3, n., (Budd.) seven kinds of gems (and other explanations): ¤CÄ_¼Ó»O tower of seven jewels.
2. ¤C¤C chi1chi1, n., (1) the seven times seven days after death. see N.¡ô;
3. ¤C¤C chi1chi1, n., (2) the seventh day of seventh lunar month, see chi1xi4¡õ;
4. ¤C¤C chi1chi1, n., ¤C¤C¨ÆÅÜ July 7, 1937, the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War.
5. ¤C¥©¡]ªO¡^ chi1qiao3(ban3), n., (1) see chi1xi4¡õ;
6. ¤C¥©¡]ªO¡^ chi1qiao3(ban3), n., (2) the magic square, cut into seven pieces, which could be arranged in many different shapes, an educational puzzle.
7. ¤C¬ chi1qiao4, phr., the seven apertures of human face (eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth): ¤C¬¬y¦å bleeding from nose and mouth, etc.;
8. ¤C¬ chi1qiao4, phr., ¤C¬¥ÍûÇ fumigate with anger.
9. ¤C±¡ chi1qing2, phr., the normal human emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate and desire.
10. ¤C¥X chi1chu1, phr., formerly, the seven valid reasons for divorce: (1) barrenness,
11. ¤C¥X chi1chu1, phr., (2) adultery,
12. ¤C¥X chi1chu1, phr., (3) disrespect to parents-in-law,
13. ¤C¥X chi1chu1, phr., (4) wicked tongue,
14. ¤C¥X chi1chu1, phr., (5) theft,
15. ¤C¥X chi1chu1, phr., (6) jealousy and (7) heinous disease.
16. ¤C¤Ø chi1chi3, phr., ¤C¤Ø¤§Âß the human adult body, seven ¡§foot¡¨ ¤Ø in ancient measure (a foot being perhaps seven modern inches).
17. ¤C¥j chi1gu3, n., see chi1yan2¡õ.
18. ¤C¥ó¨Æ chi1jian4shi4, phr., the seven household needs: ®ã fuel, ¦Ì rice, ªo oil, ÆQ salt, Âæ sauce, ¾L vinegar, ¯ù tea.
19. ¤Cµ´ chi1jUe2, n., see chi1yan2si4¡õ.
20. ¤C«ß chi1lU4, n., see chi1yan2si4¡õ.
21. ¤C¦â chi1se4, n., the seven colors of spectrum or rainbow.
22. ¤CÁn chi1sheng1, phr., the seventone scale of music: ®c¡A°Ó¡A¨¤¡A¼x¡A¦Ð (pentatonic) plus Åܼx fa1 and ÅÜ®c ti1.
23. ¤C­» chi1xiang1, n., a mixture of seven spices.
24. ¤C²Í chi1xian2, n., the sevenstringed instrument.
25. ¤C¤i chi1xi4, n., the festival of the seventh day of seventh month, celebrating the annual reunion of lovers, the Cowherd and the Spinster, two stars in heaven, also called ¤^¥©.
26. ¤C¬P chi1xing1, n., (astron.) the Great Dipper;
27. ¤C¬P chi1xing1, n., ¤C¬PªO a panel in coffin carved with design of the Great Dipper.
28. ¤C±ø chi1tiao2, n., Buddhist cassock: ¤C±ø³P¸Æ.
29. ¤C¨¥¸Ö chi1yan2si4, n., a poetic form of seven syllables to a line;
30. ¤C¨¥¸Ö chi1yan2si4, n., ¤C«ß such poem of eight lines with prescribed tonal pattern;
31. ¤C¨¥¸Ö chi1yan2si4, n., ¤Cµ´ of four lines with prescribed tonal pattern;
32. ¤C¨¥¸Ö chi1yan2si4, n., ¤C¥j poem of seven syllables to a line, without tonal prescription and of any number of lines.
33. ¤CÂ` chi1yao4, n., the seven days of the week, named after the sun (Sunday), the moon (Monday) and five planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn).
34. ¤C­µ chi1yin1, n., (1) (phonetics) the seven classes of consonants;
35. ¤C­µ chi1yin1, n., ²å labial, ¦Þ lingual, ¤ú back teeth, ¾¦ dental, ³ï guttural, ¥b¦Þ lateral and ¥b¾¦ dental sibilant;
36. ¤C­µ chi1yin1, n., (2) see chi1sheng1¡ô.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.70     £¦£´£½ shen2    . [Abbr. of ¬Æ20.21]

¤Ù Num. Index: 10.70     £y£¹£´£½ tun2         (*£¤£¹£´ zhun1        , *£¥£¹£´£½ chun2    ).
N.(1) (tun2zi0, tun2er0) A small hamlet.
(2) (*chun2) Anc. place name.
V.t.(1) To hoard, stock up for sale:¤Ù³f stock up goods;
¤Ù³¡]mil.) stock up food supplies;
gather, accumulate,¤Ù»E¡A¤Ù¿n tun2jU4,tun2ji¡õ.
(2) To station soldiers at place for defense:¤Ù§L.
Adj.(*zhun1) (In AC compp. only) ¤Ù­é (tun2bo1), ¤Ù§_ (tun2pi3), ¤ÙÃø (zhun1nahn), ¤Ù½è (tun2zhi4), ¤Ù§¢ (tun2kan3),all meaning encountering hard knocks in life, buffeted.
Words1. ¤Ù³ù tun2bao3, n., military outpost.
2. ¤Ù¿n tun2ji1, v.t., to store up (gold, goods, food supplies).
3. ¤Ù»E tun2jU4, v.i.(of people) flock together, form a crowd (at a place).
4. ¤Ù¾Á tun2ken3, v.i., open up frontier land.
5. ¤Ù³ tun2liang2, v.i. & n., store(d) up food supplies (chiefly rice);
6. ¤Ù³ tun2liang2, v.i. & n., sometimes farm tax on colonizing farmers.
7. ¤Ù¥Ð tun2tian2, v.i. & n., to station soldiers on borders, making them raise their own food.

ÆR Num. Index: 10.70     £±£½ ao2    . [Pop. ÷´]
N.A big sea turtle;
oft. a stone turtle supporting a tablet and associated with Hanlin Academy ¿«ªL°|¡G¿W¦ûÆRÀY to come out first in national civil examinations as ª¬¤¸.

¥ý Num. Index: 10.70     £££¸£³ xian1         (*£££¸£³£¿ xian4    ).
N.(1) Place ahead, time before: ¦b§A¤§¥ý ahead of you;
¥¼¶}©l¤§¥ý before it began;
see ¥ý«exian1qian2¡õ.
(2) A surname.
V.t.(1) To precede: ¥ý·N©Ó§Ó do things before one is told.
(2) (pr. *shiahn in AC classics)To go before, precede: ª¾©Ò¥ý«á to know what should precede, and what follow;
¥ý¤v«á¤H put self before others;
¥ý¤U¤â¬°±j advantage for striking first.
Adj.(1) Ahead in place, before in time, opp. «á behind: ¥ý¸ô road ahead, those leading;
(2) The deceased, the late (uncle, mother, husband, wife, etc.): ¥ý¤j¤Ò¡A¥ý©²§g my (our) late father;
¥ý¯³ pre-Chirn period.
(3) Pertaining to past ages: ¥ý¸t¡A¥ý½å¡A¥ý­õ¡A¥ý½ú xian1shiehng, xian1xian2, xian1zhe2, xian1bei4¡õ.
(4) Of prime importance or prior in importance: ¥ý­nxian1yao4¡õ.
Adv.First, before (other things): §Ú¥ý¦Y¤F I have eaten already (ahead of dinner hour);
first: §A¥ý¥h or ¦b¥ý, you go first;
(used after vb.) before: ¥¼¥h¤§¥ý before he went away;
¥ýµo¨î¤H(mil.) the advantage of initiative or initial attack, also in social or political fights;
¥ý§«á§L first a courteous exchange of words, then war;
¥ý¤J¬°¥D the first speaker has the advantage to instil certain notions;
¥ý¤J¤§¨£ prejudice;
¥ýªá«áªG¡§first flower, then fruit¡¨-first have daughters, then sons;
¥ý¿ú«á°s first pay, then deliver goods;
¥ý±Ù«á«µ (general) empowered to kill first then report later;
¥ý¿Ë«á¤£§ï the form of address of a relative does not change if a new relationship develops;
¥ý¼~«á¼Ö first labor, then enjoy later;
¥ý¤Ñ¤U¤§¼~¦Ó¼~¡A«á¤Ñ¤U¤§¼Ö¦Ó¼Ö a leader should plan and worry ahead of the people, and enjoy the fruits after the people.
Words1. ¥ý½ú xian1bei4, n., the elder generation.
2. ¥ý§­ xian1bil, n., my deceased mother.
3. ¥ý«e xian1qian2, adv., in times before: ¥ý«e¤£³o¼Ë it was not so before.
4. ¥ý´Á xian1chi2, (1) adv., beforehand: ¥ý´Á³qª¾¥L inform him beforehand;
5. ¥ý´Á xian1chi2, (2) in earlier period.
6. ¥ýÅX xian1qU1, n., pioneer, vanguard.
7. ¥ý¹F xian1dao4, n., the elder leaders, leaders of the past generation, see xian1sheng4, xian1xian2¡õ.
8. ¥ý¾É xian1dao4, n., pioneer;
9. ¥ý¾É xian1dao4, n., guide, leader setting example for others.
10. ¥ý¼w xian1de2, n., (1)the respected elders;
11. ¥ý¼w xian1de2, n., (2)(court.) another's ancestors.
12. ¥ý¾W xian1feng1, n., vanguard;
13. ¥ý¾W xian1feng1, n., leader of a movement.
14. ¥ýªe xian1he2, n., (LL) beginnings, breaking of path for others to follow (as the sea can be traced back to the rivers).
15. ¥ý«á xian1hou4, (1)adv., successively: ¥ý«á¨ì·|(guests)come in succession;
16. ¥ý«á xian1hou4, (2)n., order of precedence.
17. ¥ý¥ü xian1zhao4, n., omen, foreboding of what is to come.
18. ¥ý¥¿ xian1zheng4, n., see xian1xian2¡õ.
19. ¥ý­õ xian1zhe2, n., wise men of the past.
20. ¥ý¨£ xian1jian4, n., foresight, vision: ¥ý¨£¤§©ú the ability to discern what is coming.
21. ¥ý¶i xian1jin4, n., the forerunners: ¥ý¶i°ê®a the countries that have progressed ahead.
22. ¥ýª¾ xian1zhi1, n., prophet, seer.
23. ¥ý¨M xian1jUe21, adj., first to be determined: ¥ý¨M°ÝÃD¡A±ø¥ó problem, terms, to be decided first, precondition.
24. ¥ýı xian1jUe22, n., prophet: ¥ýª¾¥ýı phr., seexian1zhi1¡ô.
25. ¥ý§g xian1jUn1, n., my late father;
26. ¥ý§g xian1jUn1, n., ¥O¥ý§g your late father.
27. ¥ý¦Ò xian1kao3, n., deceased father;
28. ¥ý¦Ò xian1kao3, n., cf. ¥ý§­xian1bi3¡ô.
29. ¥ý¯P xian1lie4, n., the martyrs of the past.
30. ¥ý¨Ò xian1li4, n., a precedent: ¥jµL¥ý¨Ò unprecedented in history.
31. ¥ý¥O xian1ling4, n., (translit.) a shilling.
32. ¥ý¥Á xian1min2, n., ancestors of a race, primitive forbears.
33. ¥ý¤H xian1ren2, n.,ancestors.
34. ¥ý®e xian1rong2, v.i., to speak for person before one contacts or sees persons on business: ¬°§Ú¥ý®e speak for me first.
35. ¥ý¸t xian1sheng4, n., sages of the past.
36. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., (1)teacher;
37. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., (2) Mr.(used after surname) ªL¥ý¥Í Mr. Lin (or after personal name, which is also courteous among friends and acquaintances: §J±j¥ý¥Í);
38. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., ¬Y¬Y¥ý¥Í¤Ò¤H Mr. & Mrs. So-and-so;
39. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., (3) a court. address to scholars, elders: ½Ñ¦ì¥ý¥Í gentlemen (opening address);
40. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., (4) as address to literate profession: ½ã©Ð¥ý¥Í Mr. treasurer;
41. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., ­·¤ô¥ý¥Í necromancer;
42. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., ¬P¬Û¥ý¥Í astrologer;
43. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., (5) a singsong girl: ¤p¥ý¥Í non-adult girl;
44. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., ¤j¥ý¥Í adult girl;
45. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., (6) reference to husband: §Úªº¡A¥Lªº¥ý¥Í¤£¦b®a my ,her, husband is not at home;
46. ¥ý¥Í xian1sheng0, n., (7)(in Yuarn Dyn.) a Taoist priest.
47. ¥ýÁn xian1sheng1, n., first signs, herald, precursor (to an event or change).
48. ¥ý½å xian1xian2, n., wise men;
49. ¥ý½å xian1xian2, n., scholars of the past.
50. ¥ý¦æ xian1xing2, adv., first: ¥ý¦æ¸Õ¿ì try first this arrangement.
51. ¥ý¤â xian1shou3, n., the first by turn or in action.
52. ¥ý®v xian1si4, n., teacher or master of the past: ¦Ü¸t¤j¦¨¥ý®v¤Õ¤l Confucius, the ultimate teacher and master.
53. ¥ý¥@ xian1shi41 n., former generations.
54. ¥ý¨Æ xian1shi42 adv., first: ¥ý¨Æ«Å¶Ç begin first with publicity, propaganda.
55. ¥ý¬O xian1shi43 adv., (LL) to go back to the beginning (introducing background of story).
56. ¥ý«Ç xian1shi44 n., my late wife.
57. ¥ýÃÑ xian1shi45 n., foresight.
58. ¥ýºü xian1xU4, n., ancestral heritage.
59. ¥ý¥v xian1shi3, adj., prehistoric: ¥ý¥v®É¥N prehistoric times.
60. ¥ý¤Ñ xian1tian1, n., (1) born constitution, physique or mental energy;
61. ¥ý¤Ñ xian1tian1, n., (2)instinctive, inborn, innate (kindness);
62. ¥ý¤Ñ xian1tian1, n., (3) ¥ý¤Ñ©Ê adj.&. n., (disease) congenital.
63. ¥ýÀY xian1tou2, adv.,(1) at first: ¥ýÀY¥L¤£ª¾¹D at first he did not know;
64. ¥ýÀY xian1tou2, adv., (2) formerly.
65. ¥ýµ¦ xian1ce4, v.t., to foretell, predict (outcome).
66. ¥ý·O xian1ci2, n., my deceased mother.
67. ¥ý¿A xian1ze2, n., benefits from one'ancestor(s).
68. ¥ý¤l xian1zi3, n., (AC) a deceased father, or ancestor or uncle.
69. ¥ý¤ý xian1wang2, n., (AC) the great kings of past dynasties;
70. ¥ý¤ý xian1wang2, n., ¤T¥N¥ý¤ý refers to the great kings of early periods: ¬ê¡A´ö¡A¤å¤ý¡AªZ¤ý of ®L¡A°Ó¡A©P Dyns.
71. ¥ý°È xian1wu4, phr., ¥ý°È¤§«æ first things first.
72. ¥ýÄY xian1yan2, n., my deceased father.
73. ¥ý­n xian1yao4, n., first essentials.
74. ¥ý¤Þ xian1yin3, n., guide (who leads the way).
75. ¥ý¶÷ xian1ying2, n., ancestral graveyard.

§J Num. Index: 10.70     £}£­£¿ ke4    .
N.Gram, weight unit: ²@§J¡AÍù§J¡A§J¡A¤d§J (¤½¤ç) milligram, centigram, gram, kilogram.
Aux. vb.(AC, LL) can=modn. ¯à¡G¤£§J¤À¨­ cannot leave here;
§J¶Ô§J»ü have capacity for industry and thrift;
§J²Ðºß¸Ê can carry on father's tradition;
¥±§J¦pÄ@ could not have it as one wished;
§J¨É can enjoy;
§J·í be worthy;
§J³ô be worthy to receive.
V.t.To overcome, conquer: §JÃø overcome difficulty, crisis;
¬X¯à§J­è softness can overcome strength;
§J¨p¡A§J±ý overcome selfishness, desires;
§J¤v¡A§J¨î¡A§JªA¡A§J´_ ke4ji3, ke4zhi4, ke4fu2, ke4fu4¡õ.
Adj.The very (day): §J¤é¡A§J´Á§¹¦¨ finish the very day, on set date (also wr. úú).
Words1. §J´_ ke4fu4, v.t., recover (lost territory).
2. §JªA ke4fu2, v.t., overcome (difficulty, opposition).
3. §J®a ke4jia1, adj., (AC) be worthy to carry on family fortune;
4. §J®a ke4jia1, adj., §J®a¤l such worthy son.
5. §J¤v ke4ji3, adj., unselfish, or v.i., overcome selfishness;
6. §J¤v ke4ji3, adj., (in business sales) sacrifice, cheap;
7. §J¤v ke4ji3, adj., selfdenial.
8. §J¨î ke4zhi4, v.t., overcome (feelings, desires), rule over (territory).
9. §J©Ô ke4la1, n., (translit.) carat unit of weight (also wr. ¥d¨ë¯S).

«g Num. Index: 10.70     £}£­£¿ ke4    . [Var. úú]
v.t.(1) Cut down, reduce, see «g¦© ke4kou4¡õ.
(2) Overcome, work against: «g¨î¡A«gªA;
see §J 10.70;
¬Û¥Í¬Û«g (yin1 and yang2) reinforce or counteract each other;
«g¤Ò¡A«g©d (fortunetelling) destined to mourn husband's or wife's death.
(3) As var. of ¨è to carve;
­V«g (=­V¨è) mean and cruel.
Words1. «g´Á ke4chi1, phr., on set date (oft in mil. orders).
2. «g¦© ke4kou4, v.t., have illegal ¡§cut¡¨: «g¦©­x»è take illegal cut on soldiers' pay.

±ë Num. Index: 10.70     £w£³£¿ fan4    .
Adj.(1) Buddhist: ±ë®c¡A±ë«b¡A±ë¦t Buddhist temple;
±ë®v Buddhist monk;
±ë·A Buddhist monk's wife (facet.).
(2) Sanskrit: ±ë¤å¡A±ë¦t Sanskrit script, language;
±ë»y Sanskrit language.
Words1. ±ëÐù fan4bei4, n., Buddhist song, singing.
2. ±ë¸¦©£ fan4di4gang1, n., the Vatican, also ±ë¿Í©£.
3. ±ë°ê fan4guo2, n., India.
4. ±ë²³ fan4zhong4, n., Buddhist monks.
5. ±ë§Ó fan4zhi4, n., Brahma.
6. ±ë¤Ñ fan4tian1, n., one of the three heavens or heavenly states;
7. ±ë¤Ñ fan4tian1, n.,¤j±ë¤Ñ the highest abode of ±ë¤ý fan4wang2¡õ.
8. ±ë¤ý fan4wang2, n., (Budd.) the King of Heaven.
9. ±ë¨È¬Â fan4ya4ling2, n., (translit.) violin, usu. called ¤p´£µ^.
10. ±ë­µ fan4yin1, n., the sound of Buddhist incantations.

åø Num. Index: 10.70     £{£¸£½ li2         (*£v£±£½ mao2    ).
N.(1) Yak's tail.
(2) Long curly hair.
(3) The yak (¡×¼ù) åøîÓ li2zhen1, n., (Chin. med.) a needle broader at one end.

ÄS Num. Index: 10.70     £{£¹£¿ lu4    .
N.Foothill: ¤sÄS;
«nÄS (¥_ÄS) foothill on south (north) side.

Ñ| Num. Index: 10.72     £¡£¸£«£½ jia2    .
V.t.Neglect, pay no attention to: Ñ|¸m ignore.
Adj.Without care or worry: Ñ|µM indifferent, unconcerned.

´f Num. Index: 10.72     £~£¹£°£¿ hui4    .
N.(1) Kindness, compassion, grace: ¤¯´f.
(2) Favor, gift: ®¦´f s.o.'s kindness, generosity;
¬I´f give gifts, charity;
¨ü´f¡A»X´f (court.) be favored with (kindness, gift, letter, etc.).
(3) A surname.
V.t.Give: ¨£´f¤@²¼ kindly present me with a vote;
´f§Ú¨}¦h (LL) have reveived your many favors.
Adj.Kind, generous: ´f­µ your kind letter;
´f¬F benevolent policy;
´fÁn reputation for kindness;
´f­· mild air or breeze;
´f¦Ó¤£¶O phr., a kind act which does not cost much.
Adv.Kindly, graciously, be so kind as to: ´f½ç¡A´fÃØ (court.) so kind as to give;
´fÁ{¡A´fµMªÖ¨Ó honor(me) with your presence;
´fÅU (court. of prospective customer) graciously come to our shop, to patronize;
´f¦s (court.) keep as souvenir.

·Q Num. Index: 10.72     £££¸£µ£¾ xiang3    .
N.A thought, thinking, speculation: «ä·Q thought, ideas;
¤Û·Q imagination, fantasy, daydream;
ºc·Q speculation, imagination, plan for (novel, etc.);
¦k·Q crazy or absurd idea(s);
²§·Q¤Ñ¶} phr., have strange, fantastic ideas;
²z·Q ideal: ²z·Q¥D¸q (ªÌ) idealism(-t);
·Qªk viewpoints;
·P·Q thoughts and impressions after reading a book, visiting a country, see also V.i. & t.¡õ.
V.i. & t.(1) To think, speculate, suppose: §Ú·Q I think;
§O·Q¡A¥ð·Q don't think that;
·Q¨Ó·Q¥h turn over in one's mind, see ·Q¨Ó xiang3lai2¡õ;
·Q¶}¤F to put s.t. out of mind, stop worrying, take it easy;
·Q¤£¶} keep on worrying, commit suicide, cannot put out of one's mind;
·Q³q¤F¡A·Q¤£³q have found, cannot find a way out, a suitable solution (to a problem);
·Q·íµM¦Õ just a conjecture;
·Q¤J«D«D have daydreams, fantastic ideas, improper thoughts.
(2) To think of, to remember (oft. followed by adv., ¨ì¡A°_): Á«§A·Q±o¨ì how good of you to think of it;
·Q¤£¨ì¦o·|Â÷¶}§Ú never thought she would leave me;
·Q®a be homesick;
·Q±o¦n­W long for s.o.;
·Q§Ú¥À¿Ë am thinking of my mother;
¦^·Q remember, recall (a past event), think back (of old days);
·Q¿ú think of, be preoccupied with money;
·Q­Ó¨Æ°µ think of s.t. to do;
·QÂI¿ìªk think of some way to do it;
·Q°_¤@¥ó¨Æ suddenly remember one thing.
(3) To wish, have a mind to: §Ú·Q¥h I want to go;
·Q¤£¥h don't want to go;
§Ú·Q¨ì§O³B¥h I am thinking of going elsewhere.
(4) Short for¡§I think,¡¨¡§I suppose¡¨: ·Q¬O¨®»~ÂI¤F I think the train is late;
·Q¥²¦³½t¬G I think there must be a reason;
·Q¦³°ÝÃD I am afraid there might be some hitch;
·Q¥L¤£ªÖ I believe he will not consent.
Words1. ·Qâí¨à xiang3cha2er0, phr., to ruminage (over past errors, events).
2. ·Q°_ xiang3chi3, n., recall (some past event, or s.t. forgotten).
3. ·QµÛ xiang3zhe0, v.i. & t., pres. p. of ·Q in all senses, see V.i. &t.¡ô: §Ú·QµÛ¥L I am always thinking of him;
4. ·QµÛ xiang3zhe0, v.i. & t., ·QµÛ¥h¤S·QµÛ¤£¥h thinking of going one moment, and not going the next.
5. ·Q¨£ shianngjian4, v.i., (1) (LL) imagine:·Q¨£¨ä¬°¤H imagine what he was like;
6. ·Q¨£ shianngjian4, v.i., (2) wish to see (s.o.).
7. ·Q¨Ó xiang3lai2, phr., after thinking, I suppose, I imagine: ·Q¨Ó¬O®aúG¦³¤H¯f¤F I suppose somebody at home is sick;
8. ·Q¨Ó xiang3lai2, phr., ·Q¨Ó¯u¤£À³¸Ó when I come to think of it, I really should not have done it.
9. ·Q©À xiang3nian4, v.t., remember, long for (person, home).
10. ·Q¹³ xiang3xiang4 v.i. & n., to imagine, -tion: ·Q¹³¤O imaginative power;
11. ·Q¹³ xiang3xiang4 v.i. & n., ·Q¹³¤å¾Ç imaginative literature.
12. ·QÀY shiaang'tou, n., (1) a thought, idea (¡×©ÀÀY)¡G§A¦³³o¨Ç·QÀY you have such ideas;
13. ·QÀY shiaang'tou, n., (2) hope,wish: ¨S·QÀY (the matter) is hopeless, there's no more use thinking.
14. ·Q±æ xiang3wang4, v.i., (1) to hope to, that;
15. ·Q±æ xiang3wang4, v.i., (2) (LL) admire¡G¤Ñ¤U·Q±æ­·ªö you are the admiration of the world.
16. ·Q­n xiang3yao4, phr., want to, feel like: ·Q­n¦^®a want to go home.

¼z Num. Index: 10.72     £~£¹£°£¿ hui4    
N.(1) wisdom: ´¼¼z ditto.
(2) (Budd.) intelligence, latent or developed in man, for knowledge of God: ¼z¤ß wisdom-mind, see ¼z¤ß¡A¼z¼C¡A¼z®Ú¡A¼z²´ hui4xin1, hui4jian4, hui4gen1, hui4yan3¡õ
Adj.Intelligent: Áo¼z bright, (mind, child);
ÆF¼z¡AÃ\¼z quick in understanding;
¨q¥~¼z¤¤ (usu. of child, girl) pretty and intelligent;
²Q¼z bright and good (woman).
Words1. ¼z®Ú hui4gen1, n., (Budd.) born, latent intelligence for understanding God or religious enlightenment.
2. ¼z¼C heihjian4, n., (Budd.) the sword of wisdom which cuts through the illusions of matgerial world.
3. ¼z¤ß hui4xin1, n., (Budd.)th enlightened mind, wisdom.
4. ¼z²´ hui4yan3, n., (Budd.) the eye of wisdom, religious insight;
5. ¼z²´ hui4yan3, n., (complim.) your penetrating insight.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.72     £©£³£½ can2    . [Var. of ºF 22A.22]

À· Num. Index: 10.72     mouh        (£v£±£¿ mao4    ).
V.i.&t.(1) Reward with money, rank. etc.:À·½à¡AÀ·±e.
(2) (AC) try hard, endeavor: ºû®ÉÀ·«v do your duty well¡I
Adj.Splendid, worthy: À··~¡AÁZ¡A¥\ splendid achievement;
À·¨å impressive ceremony.
Words1. À·¾E mouhqian1, n., & v.i., trade, barter¡×¶T©ö90.80.

¯u Num. Index: 10.80     £¤£´ zhen1    . [Oft. printed ¡¼]
N.(1) A surname.
(2) (Taoist) the true, original, unspoiled character of man: ¥þ¯u¡A¸¶¯u keep the original character;
¯u¤H¡A¯u§g zhen1ren2, zhen1jUn1¡õ.
Adj.Real, genuine, true: ¯u¹ê¡A¯u½T zhen1shi2, zhen1qUe4¡õ;
(opp. to °°¡A°²) ¯u°° zhen1wei4¡õ;
³o¥É¬O¯uªº this jade is genuine;
¯uªº¨Æ¹ê real, true facts;
¯u±¡¡A¯uü½zhen1qing2, zhen1ji1¡õ;
¯u­±¥Ø the real or close view of person or thing, dist. hearsay or reputation;
¯uª¾¨`¨£ insight won from close knowledge of subject;
¯uµ½¬ü(nn.) the true, the good nad the beautiful;
¥¢¯u (of portrait, copy) not true to life or to original;
¤Ñ¯u innocent, naive;
»{¯u earnest;
¼g¯u¡A¶Ç¯u portrait;
¼g¯u also (Japanese) photograph;
¹G¯u lifelike.
Adv.Really, truly: ¯u¥¿zhen1zheng4¡õ;
¯uºç zhen1ge4¡õ;
¥L¯u¤F¤£°_ he is really marvellous;
¯uªº¨º»ò¼F®` is he really that capable or ruthless? §A¯u¦æ you are really wonderful;
¯u¤jÁx¡AÁo©ú¡Aetc. really daring, clever.
Words1. ¯u¤Á zhen1qie4, adj., realistic, close to life (description);
2. ¯u¤Á zhen1qie4, adj., earnest (appeal).
3. ¯u±¡ zhen1qing2, n., (1) the real facts of a situation;
4. ¯u±¡ zhen1qing2, n., (2) genuine feeling: ¯u±¡¹ê·N out of genuine friendship.
5. ¯u°£ zhen1chu2, v.t., to give real post, not merely rank to person: ¯u°£³¡ªø confirm as regular minister (person who has been ¡§acting¡¨ only).
6. ¯u¸à zhen1qUan2, n., the real meaning of text or teaching.
7. ¯u½T zhen1qUe4, adj., true, not false (facts, opinion).
8. ¯u¿Í zhen1di4, n., (Budd.) true meaning of teaching or doctrine.
9. ¯uºç zhen1ge4, adv., (esp. MC) really (¡×¯uªº)¡G¯uºç¾P»î (of woman) really captivating;
10. ¯uºç zhen1ge4, adv., really surrender in love.
11. ¯uºçªº zhen1ge2de0, adv., ditto.
12. ¯uªG zhen1guo3, n., (bot.) true. fruit.
13. ¯u¥¿ zhen1zheng4, adv., really, truly.
14. ¯uü½ zhen1ji1, n., real handwriting of famous men (not reproduction).
15. ¯u°² zhen1jia3, n., question of truth in strory (¡§true¡¨or ¡§false¡¨).
16. ¯u¯] zhen1zhu1, n., pearl (usu.wr. ¬Ã¯]).
17. ¯u§g zhen1jUn1, n., (Taoist) title of immortal or fairy.
18. ¯uªÅ zhen1kong1, n., (phys.) vacuum;
19. ¯uªÅ zhen1kong1, n., ¯uªÅºÞ vacuum tube.
20. ¯u²z zhen1li3, n., truth (religious, scientific).
21. ¯u¥Ö zhen1pi2, n., (physiol.) real skin, dermis, dist. epidermis.
22. ¯u¤H zhen1ren2, n., (Taoist) a perfect man, an immortal.
23. ¯u¬Û zhen1xiang4, n., real condition or aspect of situation.
24. ¯u©Ê zhen1xing4, n., the real nature, natural character of man and animals.
25. ¯u¤ß zhen1xin1, n., real feeling;
26. ¯u¤ß zhen1xin1, adv., genuinely, sincerely: ¯u¤ß«H¦ò genuinely believe in Buddhism.
27. ¯u®Ñ zhen1shu1, n., another name for ·¢®Ñ the formal script of characters.
28. ¯u²v zhen1shuai4, adj., genuine, forthright, without affectations.
29. ¯u¹ê zhen1shi2, adj. & adv. & n., true, -ly, real, -ly, factual, -ly, (facts, opinions, feelings, etc.).
30. ¯u®_ zhen1zai3, n., true lord of the universe (²ø¤l)
31. ¯uÅB zhen1zang1, n., factual evidence (loot, etc.) of burglars.
32. ¯u¦k zhen1wang4, n., (Budd.) reality and illusion.
33. ¯u°° zhen1wei4, n., question of truth (of story).
34. ¯u¡¼ zhen1yan4, n., question of genuineness (of painting, etc.)
35. ¯u¤¸ zhen1yUan2, n., (Taoist) vital spirit of man.

³d Num. Index: 10.80     £¨£­£½ ze2    .
N.One's duty, responsibility: ³d¥ô ze2ren4¡õ;
³d¥ô¤ß sense of responsibility;
³d¥ô·P moral obligation;
³dµL®Ç¶U duty-bound;
¼Å­l¶ë³d do things perfunctorily;
¾³d official responsibility;
­t³d be responsible, have sense of responsibility.
V.t.(1) To blame, condemn, censure: ³d¸×¡A¸×³d chide, rebuke;
³d°Ý take to task;
³dÃø nan2¡õ;
³dÅý to reprimand, to lash out at;
³d¨¥ words of censure.
(2) (AC) to demand, ask for: ³d¸ï¤_¾G demand tribute from jehng.
(3) Punish: ³d»@ ze2fa2¡õ;
³d½| chide, revile;
³d³Æ ze2bei4¡õ;
³d¥´ ze2da3¡õ;
§ú³d flog with a cane;
²Ç³d flog with a bamboo stick;
µh³d scold severely;
Äþ³d lash out at, make verbal attacks on;
¦Û³d reproach oneself.
Words1. ³d³Æ ze2bei4, v.t., (1) expect too much of (another): ¨D¥þ³d³Æ take to task severly, expect (people) to be saints;
2. ³d³Æ ze2bei4, v.t., (2) to rebuke, reprimand.
3. ³d¦¨ ze2cheng2, v.t., entrust a task to (s.o.).
4. ³d¥´ ze2da3, v.t., (LL) mete out corporeal punishment to, punish by flogging.
5. ³d»@ ze2fa2 (ze2fa0), v.t., punish (a child, pupil).
6. ³d¤À ze2fen4, n., one's bounden duty.
7. ³dÃø ze2nan2, v.t., (1) to call upon (s.o.) to make superhuman efforts;
8. ³dÃø ze2nan2, v.t., (2) (ze2nahn) rebuke severely: ¨ü¤H³dÃø be taken to task ( censured).
9. ³d¥ô ze2ren4, n., (1) one's duty, responsibility;
10. ³d¥ô ze2ren4, n., (2) one's moral or legal obligation;
11. ³d¥ô ze2ren4, n., ³d¥ô·Ç³Æª÷ liability reserve funds.
12. ³dµ½ ze2shan4, v.t., expect the best of (s.o.): ¤÷¤l¤§¶¡¤£³dµ½ between father and son there is no room for sermonizing.
13. ³d±æ ze2wang4, v.i., cause misgivings between friends by expecting too much of each other.

¶N Num. Index: 10.80     £t£´ ben1         (*£t£¸£¿ bi4    ). [Cogn. of ©b¡Aåý]
v.i.(AC) Flee, dash (=©b) ¶N­x fleeing troops: ªê¶N 21A.70 (ben1) brave like ¡§dashing tiger.¡¨
Adj.(*bi4) Shining.
Words1. ¶N¶N ben1ben1, adj., (AC) making chattering noise (of birds).
2. ¶NÁ{ *bi4lin, v.i., (LL & court.) condescend and attend my humble dinner¡×¥úÁ{.

çì Num. Index: 10.80     £{£¯£¿ lai4    .
N.A surname.
V.t.çì«~ a gift.

ÂØ Num. Index: 10.80     £¤£¹£°£¿ zhui4    .
N.(1) (AC) a pawn.
(2) Appendage, what is extra: ÂجСAÂؽF zhui4you2, zhui4liu22¡õ.
(3) A son-in-law who marries into bride's family and takes her family name.
(4) To be married into brides home and take her name, see N.3¡ô.
V.i. & t.(1) (AC) to pawn, also to offer oneself as hostage: Âؤl (AC) to sell son as slave.
(2) To hang like an appendage: ³o«Ä¤lÂØµÛ§Ú this child hangs on to me everywhere.
(3) (AC)ÂØ»E to assemble, meet.
(4) To say what is not necessary, to talk incessantly or repetitiously: ¤£ÂØ ¡]in letters) will stop here (and you will understand the rest).
Adj. & adv.Extra, supernumerary: Âب¥¡AÂصü¡AÂØ­z zhui4yan2, zhui4ci2, zhui4shu4¡õ;
²ÖÂØ wordy, repetitious.
Words1. ÂØÙ~ zhui4liu21, n., (AC) a figurehead, a mere adornment.
2. ÂؽF zhui4liu22, n., a goiter, a thing of no purpose, unneeded thing.
3. ÂØ­z zhui4shu4, v.i., in ¤£¥²ÂØ­z it's unnecessary to go into details.
4. ÂØ¡¼ zhui4xU4, n., see N.3¡ô.
5. Âصü zhui4ci2, n., unnecessary talk.
6. Âب¥ zhui4yan2, n., see jueih-tsyr¡ô.
7. ÂجРzhui4you2, n., see zhui4liu22¡ô.

ÃÙ Num. Index: 10.80     £¨£³£¿ zan4    .
N.A literary eulogy.
V.t.(1) Help, assist ,support: ÃÙ§U to support (plan, program) morally or financially;
ÃÙ²z¡AÃÙÁ¸ assist (person) with a task;
ÃÙÁl serve as an assistant to (person).
(2) Praise, laud: ÃÙ¬ü zan4mei3¡õ;
ÃÙ¼Û to praise highly;
ÃÙ½à appreciate (a job well done, a work of art);
ºÙÃÙ speak well of;
ÃÙ³\ endorse, approve;
ÃÙ´­ speak favorably of , sing the praises of;
ÃÙ¹| laud to the skies.
(3) Agree with, assent to: ÃÙ¦P be in agreement with, approve of (action, proposal).
ÃÙ¦¨ zan4cheng2¡õ.
(4) Assist in a ceremony: ÃÙ§ zan4li3¡õ;
ûTÃÙ»««È to greet all guests.
Words1. ÃÙ¦¨ zan4cheng2, v.t., to approve: §Ú¤£ÃÙ¦¨ I do not approve;
2. ÃÙ¦¨ zan4cheng2, v.t., to second (s.o.'s proposal, motion) during discussion or debate;
3. ÃÙ¦¨ zan4cheng2, v.t., (2) help (s.o.) to succeed.
4. ÃÙ§ zan4li3, v.i., serve as a program announcer;
5. ÃÙ§ zan4li3, v.i., ÃÙ§¤H master of ceremonies.
6. ÃÙ¬ü zan4mei3, v.t., to praise: ÃÙ¬ü¤W«Ò praise God;
7. ÃÙ¬ü zan4mei3, v.t., ÃÙ¬ü¸Ö n.,hymn.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.80     £¡£¸ ji1    . [Var. öÒ]
N. & v.t.A gift, to give.

«´ Num. Index: 10.81     £¢£¸£¿ chi4         (*£¢£¸£®£¿ qie4    ). [Var. «´]
N.A written agreement, a deed: see «´¬ù chi4yUe1¡õ;
¦a«´¡A¥Ð«´¡A©Ð«´ title deed of land, farm, house;
¯²«´ lease contract: ¤å«´ written contract.
Adj.Sworn: «´¥S§Ì sworn brother;
«´¤÷¡A«´¥À chi4fu4, chi4mu3.¡õ.
V.t.(1) To match, to be attached closely as friend: ¬Û«´ get along together beautifully;
«´¤Í close friend;
«´¦X chi4he2¡õ.
(2) (LL) to bite, bite off: «´Áu¤§¥æ (lit.) ¡§bite shoulder¡¨--sworn friend;
«´Â_ to bite off.
(3) (*qie4) To carve: «´¦à¨D¼C (¡×¨è«´) to carve on gunwale of moving boat, marking where a sword was dropped-foolish undertaking;
«´Áï chi4kuo4¡õ.
(4) Adopted (father, mother, brother).
Words1. «´«´ chi4chi4, adv., (AC) sorrowfully.
2. «´¤¦ chi4dan1, n., the Kitan tribe (ruled China 907-1115 A.D.).
3. «´¤÷ chi4fu4, n., adopted father.
4. «´¦X chi4he2, (1) v.i., agree, match together;
5. «´¦X chi4he2, (2) adj., intimate, suitable, friendly.
6. «´½b chi4jian4, n., (AC) military order, in form of an arrow.
7. «´¨é chi4jUan4, n., contractual agreement, deed of sale or ownership.
8. «´¾Ú chi4jU4, n., written contract, papers of agreement.
9. «´¯È chi4zhi3, n., a title deed.
10. «´Áï *chieihkuo4, adj., (LL) separated: «´Áï¤T¦~ absence of three years;
11. «´Áï *chieihkuo4, adj., «´Á蠟±¡ remembrance during absence.
12. «´¥À chi4mu3, n., adopted mother.
13. «´¤k chi4nU3, n., adopted daughter.
14. «´µ| chi4shui4, n., tax on landownership registration.
15. «´¥S§Ì chi4xiong1di4, n., sworn brothers.
16. «´¤l chi4zi3, n., adopted son.
17. «´§À¡]¤l¡^ chi4wei1(zi0), n., formerly, landownership regisgtration paper.
18. «´¤å chi4wen2, n., (1) text of agreement;
19. «´¤å chi4wen2, n., (2) bone insciptions of Shang Dyn., being earliest known forms of writing.
20. «´¦L chi4yin4, n., official seal stamped on agreement.
21. «´¬ù chi4yUe1, n., a written contract.

æv Num. Index: 10.81     £±£½ ao2    .
N.A mastiff, a large fierce dog.

¼Ô Num. Index: 10.81     £w£³£½ fan2    .
N.(1) A surname.
(2) Bird cage.
Words1. ¼ÔÅ¢ fan2long3, n., bird cage;
2. ¼ÔÅ¢ fan2long3, n., (fig.) deadening confinement in art, literature.
3. ¼ÔµM fan2ran2, adj., (LL) confusing.

µI Num. Index: 10.81     £w£´£½ fen2    .
V.i. & t.(LL) Burn (=vern. ¿N shao1): µI·´ destroy by fire;
µIÀÅ burn (-ed) to death;
µI±°¡AµI§T (of troops and bandits) burn houses and loot;
µI½Z burn manuscipts;
µI­» burn incense and pray at temple;
µIµ^µNÅb (derog.) burn famous string instrument for fuel and cook crane for meat, vandalism, offence against culture;
µI®Ñ§|¾§ burning of books and burying Confucianists alive in ravine by ¯³©l¬Ó in 213¡Ð212 B.C.;
µI»IÄ~´¾ ¡§burn midnight oil¡¨in hard study;
ª±¤õ¦ÛµI play with fire, burn one's finger's;
µI·Ä fire and drowning flood, symbol of people's misery under oppression.
Words1. µI¿N fen2shao1, v.i. & t., to burn.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.81     bo2    .
N.bo2 (or ¡¼¤H bo2ren2), an aboriginal tribe in Southwest China.

¤ä Num. Index: 10.82     £¤ zhi1    .
N.adjunct.A stick (u.f. ªK): ¤@¤äÄúÀë one candle;
hence, candle power: ¤­¤Q¤ä¥ú fifty candle power;
number of threads per inch in gauze or silk material.
N.(1) A surname.
(2) A branch office, branch line, a branch of family (related ªK 10A. 82): ¤ä³¡ branch office;
¤ä©±¡A¤ä¦æ local office;
¤ä¶¤ an army column;
¤ä½u branch telegraphic or railway line (opp. ·F½u trunk line);
¤ä¬y tributary, branch of river;
©v¤ä,¤ä¯ß branch of family;
¥»¤ä same branch of family;
¤ä¸ô feeder road, branch of road
(3) U.f. ªÏ limbs: ¤ä¸Ñ¡A¤äÀe zhi1jie3, zhi1hai2¡õ.
(4) ¦a¤ä the duodecimal cycle for counting years, days and hours: ¤l¡A¤¡¡A±G¡A¥f¡A¨°¡A¤x¡A¤È¡A¥¼¡A¥Ó¡A¨»¡A¦¦¡A¥è used in conjunction with the decimal cycle ¤Ñ¤z
see Appendix A.
V.t.(1) To disburse, pay out: ¤ä¥I¡A¤ä¥X zhi1fu4, zhi1chu1¡õ;
¤ä¼· pay (a certain sum);
¤äµ¹ pay to (person, etc.);
¶}¤ä expenditures, disbursements;
¦¬¤ä¬Û©è (¥­¿Å) balance of income and expenditures.
(2) To receive, get payment: ¤ä¨ú zhi1qU3¡õ;
¤ä´Ú¡A¤ä¿ú take out cash;
¤ä­É borrow on account;
¹w¤ä prepay, (receive) advance payment;
³z¤ä overdraw, overdraft;
°±¤ä stop payment;
Àݤä improperly disburse.
(3) To support: ¤ä«ù¡A¤ä¼µ¡A¤ä´© zhi1chi2, zhi1cheng1, zhi1yUan3¡õ;
¤ä¤£¦í or ¤ä («ù) ¤£¦í cannot hold back (onslaught), cannot hold up against (illness);
¤äÁç¥Ë¨à a three-legged support of iron or brick for round cauldrons.
(4) To send about, to order, to control: ¤ä¨Ï¡A¤ä°tzhi1si0, zhi1pei4¡õ;
¤ä¼L¨à to order others about while not moving oneself;
§â¥L¤ä¨« send him away.
Adj.Disperse: ¤äÂ÷ zhi1li2¡õ.
Words1. ¤äûq zhi1cheng1, v.t., to prop up, to hold up a collapsing or collapsible structure: ¤äûqªù­± to maintain the front or show.
2. ¤ä®ðºÞ zhi1chi4guan3, n., bronchi;
3. ¤ä®ðºÞ zhi1chi4guan3, n., ¤ä®ðºÞª¢ bronchitis.
4. ¤ä¥X zhi1chu1, v.t., to pay out, take out (sum);
5. ¤ä¥X zhi1chu1, v.t., n., outlay, expenses, expenditures.
6. ¤ä²Ò zhi1chu4, adj., short of money.
7. ¤ä«ù zhi1chi2 (zhi1chi0) v.t., to support (leader, cause, campaign, theory, etc.).
8. ¤ä¨ú zhi1qU3, v.t., to draw out (money).
9. ¤äÂI zhi1dian3, n., (phys.) fulcrum.
10. ¤ä¹ï zhi1dui4, v.t., (LL) to reply to question.
11. ¤ä¶O zhi1fei4, n., expenses.
12. ¤ä¥I zhi1fu4, v.t., to disburse;
13. ¤ä¥I zhi1fu4, v.t., to take out (sum.).
14. ¤äÀe zhi1hai2, n., human limbs and skeleton (¡×ªÏÀe).
15. ¤ä©Û¨à zhi1zhao1er0, v.i., (coll.) to help to plan.
16. ¤ä¸Ñ zhi1jie3, v.t., (AC) to dismember (criminal) as form of punishment.
17. ¤ä¸` zhi1jie2, n., detail: ¤ä¸`°ÝÃD problems of detail (also wr. ªK)
18. ¤ä¼Î zhi1zhuang1, v.i., (coll.) to stall an argument, to give non-commital reply.
19. ¤ä¬W zhi1zhu4, n., a propor supporting pillar.
20. ¤ä·« zhi1leng, v.t., to prick up (one's ears).
21. ¤äÂ÷ zhi1li2, adj., broken up, piecemeal: ¤äÂ÷´²¶Ã all jumbled up;
22. ¤äÂ÷ zhi1li2, adj. ¤äÂ÷¯}¸H all broken up, (of arguments) occupied with unimportant details;
23. ¤äÂ÷ zhi1li2, adj. ¨¥»y¤äÂ÷ give ambiguous statements.
24. ¤äÄl¨à zhi1lu2er0, n., an earthen pan with holes, used over oven for baking cakes.
25. ¤ä¬£ zhi1pai4, n., branch of family or school of thought.
26. ¤ä°t zhi1pei4 (zhi1pei0), v.t., (1) to allot (money, manpower) , to have (time) available for service, to control, regulate (nation, resources, etc.).
27. ¤ä²¼ zhi1piao4, n., a check payable: ªÅÀY¤ä²¼ rubber check, overdrawn check without coverage in deposits;
28. ¤ä²¼ zhi1piao4, n., «O¥I¤ä²¼ certified check;
29. ¤ä²¼ zhi1piao4, n., Âd»O¤ä²¼ counter check.
30. ¤ä±f zhi1shu4, n., the collateral branches of family.
31. ¤äÄÝ zhi1shu3, n., relatives from branches of family.
32. ¤ä¨Ï zhi1si0, v.t., to control: ¬°¥L©Ò¤ä¨Ï be controlled by him.
33. ¤ä§^ zhi1wu2 (zhi1wu0), v.i., to prevaricate, to stall with words: §A¥Î¸Ü¤ä§^¥L make excuses with words to hold off s.o.;
34. ¤ä§^ zhi1wu2 (zhi1wu0), v.i., (AC) to resist (¡×ªK±ï)
35. ¤äÀ³ zhi1ying4 (zhi1ying0), v.t., (1) to control (receipts and disbursements);
36. ¤äÀ³ zhi1ying4 (zhi1ying0), v.t., (2) to keep on the lookout;
37. ¤äÀ³ zhi1ying4 (zhi1ying0), v.t., (3) see zhi1wu2¡ô.
38. ¤ä²¾ zhi1yi21, v.i., to transfer fund for another purpose where it is needed.
39. ¤äÀ[ zhi1ji22, phr., to rest chin in palm or cheek in hand.
40. ¤ä´© zhi1yUan3, v.t., to support with money needed or send military reinforcements.
41. ¤ä¥Î zhi1yong4, v.i., &t. to defray expenses.

³Á Num. Index: 10.82     £v£¯£¿ mai4    . [Pop. of ³Á 10.32]

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.82     £©£¹£¶£½ cong2    . [Var. of ÂO 22.82]

·¡ Num. Index: 10.83     £¥£¹£¾ chu3    .
N.(1) (AC) a thistle.
(2) A punishing rod: ®L·¡ (LL) spanking, spanking rod.
(3) Name of ancient kingdom, roughly modern Hupei: ·¡§÷®Ê¥Î (allu.) a great person given important post by another country;
·¡¤}·¡±o (·¡¤H¥¢¤}¡A·¡¤H±o¤§) (AC) the King of chu3 lost a bow and gave up the serch, contenting himself with the thought that it was most probably found by one of his countrymen and therefore not a loss.
(4) A surname.
Adj.(1) Painful: µh·¡ pain, -ful
­W·¡ (also v.t. & n.) a distress, distressed, to distress;
»Ä·¡ pitiful, sad.
(2) Neat, clear: ²M·¡ clear;
·¡·¡ chu3chu3¡õ.
Words1. ·¡¥} chu3qiu2, n., (allu.) a held prisoner, man in difficult straits.
2. ·¡·¡ chu2chu3, adj., (1) bright and clear;
3. ·¡·¡ chu2chu3, adj., (2) luxuriant;
4. ·¡·¡ chu2chu3, adj., (3) ·¡·¡¥i¼¦ delicate and touching (girl);
5. ·¡·¡ chu2chu3, adj., ·¡·¡°Ê¤H delicate and attractive.
6. ·¡ªA chu3fu2, n., (AC) full formal dress
7. ·¡ºq chu3ge1, phr., ¥|­±·¡ºq (allu.) surrounded on all sides by enemy (who sang¡§the Songs of chu3¡¨).
8. ·¡¸y chu3yao1, n., slender waist--from allu., the King of chu3 loved women with slender waistline.

ä` Num. Index: 10.83     £££º£®£½ xUe2         (*£¥£¿ chi4    ).
V.i.(1) To go around, whirl around.
(2) (*chi4) (AC) to limp on one foot.
Words1. ­õÂà xUe2zhuan3, v.i., to go around (hill, etc.)
2. ­õ·È­· xUe2liufeng1, v.i., a whirlwind.
3. ­õ±´ xUe2tan4, v.i.,to go around from house to house.

âÙ Num. Index: 10.83     £¤£¿ zhi4    .
V.i.Totter (related Å® 40B.80).

ÍÏ Num. Index: 10.83     £¤£¹£´ zhun1    .
Words1. ÍÏî zhun1zhan1, v.i., (AC) move forward with difficulty.

­z Num. Index: 10.83     £¦£¹£¿ shu4    .
V.t.(1) To transmit, hand down: ­z¦Ó¤£§@ ¡§I pass on (the ancient culture) and do not create¡¨(Confucius).
(2) To narrate, to compose, express in writing: ûx­z to narrate, tell (what has happened, origin of conflicts, etc.);
­z¤H¤§¨¥ (LL) tell what s.o. said;
¤f­z dictate (book, speech) and have s.o. record it (µ§¿ý);
³¯­z to present (a case, reasons for action), to tell (story);
µÛ­z¡A­z§@ to write (books);
½×­z to discuss (subjects);
¦æ­z biographical sketch (of deceased).
Words1. ­z¾ shu4zhi1, v.i., to return to capital and report.
2. ­z§@ shu4zuo4, v.t. & n., to write;
3. ­z§@ shu4zuo4, v.t. & n., writings.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.83     £££º£³£¾ xUan3    . [Abbr. of ¿ï 52.83]

¯Í Num. Index: 10.83     £¥£¿ chi4    .
N.(1) (er0)Wings: ®¶¯Í¡A®i¯Í flap wings.
(2) (chi4zi0) Fins, esp. ³½¯Í sharks' fins.
Words1. ¯Í»H chi4bang3, n., wings (of chicken, etc.)
2. ¯ÍªG chi4guo3, n., (bot.) winged seed vesels.

³t Num. Index: 10.83     £ª£¹£¿ su4    .
V.t.To invite (s.o.): ¤£³t¤§«È a guest who comes uninvited.
Adj. & adv.Quick, -ly, rapid, -ly: ¨³³t¡A§Ö³t quickly: §Ö³t¤½¸ô freeway;
¤õ³t¡A¯«³t as quickly as possible;
°ª³t supra-speed (highway);
¥[³t go faster, accelerate;
³t¬°¿ì²z do it quickly;
³t«×¡A³t²v su4du4, su4lU4¡õ.
Words1. ³t¦¨ su4cheng2, v.i. & adj., do hurriedly, cram: ³t¦¨¬ì a short course (in subject).
2. ³t«× su4du4, n., speed, velocity;
3. ³t«× su4du4, n., ³t«×­p (astron.) accelerometer.
4. ³t¾r su4jia4, adv., (invitation) to come early, start early on journey.
5. ³t°O su4ji4, n., shorthand, stenography;
6. ³t°O su4ji4, n., ³t°O­û stenographer.
7. ³t«È su4ke4, v.i., to send servant to beg guest to come.
8. ³t²v su4lU4, n., velocity, seedu4¡ô.
9. ³t­» su4xiang1, n., perfume from gum of tropical trees.
10. ³t¼g suhshiee, v.i. & n., (painting) sketch.

³y Num. Index: 10.83     £¨£±£¿ zao4        (*£©£±£¿ cao4    ).
N.(1)One of the parties (to a contract, dispute, lawsuit): ¨â³y both parties
(2)Era, epoch, period: ¥½³y in the latter days.
(3) (Also *cao4) achievements, accomplishments: (AC) ¤p¤l¦³³y the young man has made a name for himself;
³y¸Ú zao4yi42, ³y´N zao4jiu4¡õ;
°ª³y higher studies;
²`³y higher specialized training.
V.t.(1) Establish, set up, build: ³y¨¹ build up a nation, nation-building;
«Ø³y construct;
Àç³y ditto;
©Ó³y enter into a contract to build;
³y«Î¡A³y¾ô¡A³y²î build a house, bridge, ship;
­×³y repair.
(2) Make, shape, manufacture, produce: ¤H³yªº man-made, artificial;
¤H³yªá artificial flowers;
³y¥y¤l make sentences;
³y§@ zao4zuo4¡õ;
§ï³y reform, reshape, remodel, reconstruct;
¤Ñ³yªº natural;
¦Û³y made by oneself;
³yÄ^ zao4nie4,³y¤Ï zao4fan3¡õ;
³yºÖ¤H¸s confer benefits on society (one's fellow-men), be a benefactor of mankind;
³Ð³y create;
»s³y manufacture.
(3) Fabricate: ³yÁÁ zao4yao2¡õ;
³yÁÁ¨¥ spread rumors;
³y¨¥ (AC) ditto;
®º³y fabricate, invent (a story, an alibi);
°°³y forge, falsify.
(4) Begin, commence, start: ³yºÝ make a beginning;
³y»F make a start, get under way;
³y©l come into being.
(5) (Also *cao4) go to : ³y©² call at your home;
³y³X pay a visit to;
³y½Ð go to invite.
(6) Prepare (report, etc.): ³y³ø¡A³y¨ã zao4bao4, zao4jU4¡õ.
Words1. ³y³ø zao4bao4, v.i., compile a report on funds expended.
2. ³y¤Ï zao4fan3, v.t., (1) to revolt, rebel: ³y¤Ï¤F this is rebellion!
3. ³y¤Ï zao4fan3, v.t., (2) (of children) be noisy.
4. ³yºÖ zao4fu2, v.t., to benefit.
5. ³y¤Æ zao4hua4, n., (1) the Creator, God;
6. ³y¤Æ zao4hua4, n., (2) (*zao4hua0) fortune: §Ú­Ì¤]¨S¦³³o»ò¤jªº³y¤Æ we have no such good fortune, are not so lucky.
7. ³y´N zao4jiu4, v.t., (1) (sp. pr.jiu0) help (a promising person) to succeed in life;
8. ³y´N zao4jiu4, v.t., (2) visit with;
9. ³y´N zao4jiu4, v.t., (3) n., acccomplishments.
10. ³y¨ã zao4jyuyh v.t., compile (tables, reports).
11. ³yªL zao4lin2, v.i. & n., afforest (-ation).
12. ³y©R zao4ming4, v.i., (LL) be the master of one's or other people's fate.
13. ³yÅ] zao4mo2, v.i talk like a false prophet, rumor monger.
14. ³yÄ^ zao4nie4, v.i., do evil, to sin (also wr. ³y·~);
15. ³yÄ^ zao4nie4, v.i., (fig.) to do s.t. execrable.
16. ³y¹³ zao4xiang4 n., (1) a statue of the Buddha or of a god;
17. ³y¹³ zao4xiang4 n., (2) a photographic portrait;
18. ³y¹³ zao4xiang4 n., (3) v.i., to make a statue.
19. ³y§ÎÃÀ³N zao4shirng yihshu4, n., plastic arts.
20. ³y¤h zao4shi4, n., (LL) an accomplished scholar.
21. ³y¦¸ *cao4ci4, adv., abruptly, quickly, without too much care.
22. ³y¸o zao4tzueh, v.i., to sin, esp. against the gods.
23. ³y§@ zao4zuo4, (1) v.t., make, manufacture;
24. ³y§@ zao4zuo4, (2) adj., artificial, labored;
25. ³y§@ zao4zuo4, (3) as in ÁB´|³y§@ falsify, -fied, done for effect.
26. ³yÁÁ zao4yao2, v.i., fabricate rumors.
27. ³y·N zao4yi41, n., concept, -tion of a piece of art or writing.
28. ³y¸Ú zao4yi42, (1) n., scholastic attainments;
29. ³y¸Ú zao4yi42, (2) v.t., call on, visit with.

×ã Num. Index: 10.83     £t£¹ bu1     [Dist. ®· 10A. 42]
V.i. & t.(1)To flee: ×ã¶Å flee creditors.
(2) Owe, evade: ×㯲 fail to pay rent;
×ã¤í¡A×ã­t fail to pay debt.
Words1. ×ã°k bu1tao2, v.i., flee from justice;
2. ×ã°k bu1tao2, v.i., ×ã°kÃÁ asylum for refugees.
3. ×ã« bu1cuan4, v.i., run away from justice.
4. ×ã¤` bu1wang2, v.i., flee from justice.

³u Num. Index: 10.83     £¦£¿ shi4    .
V.i.(1) To pass away, to flow on (as water, time): ³u¤ô flowing water;
¤é¤ë³u¨o months and days have passed;
¥ú³±­¸³u time flies, passes on.
(2) To die: ³u¥@ shi4shi4¡õ;
³u¨S¡Aªø³u¡A¥P³u (LL) pass away;
°º³u die together.
Words1. ³u¤î shi4zhi3, v.i., (AC) stop or pass on.
2. ³u¥@ shi4shi4, v.i., to pass away from this world.

×ä Num. Index: 10.83     £¢£¸£²£½ qiu2    .
N.(AC) life mate: §g¤l¦n×ä a gentleman's good mate.

³s Num. Index: 10.83     £{£¸£³£½ lian2    . [Dist. Áp same pr.=¡§unite¡¨; ³s=¡§continue¡¨; interch. Ãì]
N.(1) A surname.
(2) (Mil.) a company: see ³sªø lian2zhang3¡õ;
¯¥§L³s artillery corps.
(3) (AC) iron chain (u.f. Ãì).
V.i. & t.Join, continue: ¬Û³s join or be joined together, continuous;
³sÄò¡A³s¤Ñ lian2xU4, lian2tian1¡õ;
³sûó continued, -ing, -uous;
³sûó¯Z¨à one after another, continuously, in a row;
³sû󤣰± without stop;
³s¤T¨Ö¥|¡A±µ¤G³s¤T continuously, one after another.
Adj. & adv.Continuous, -ly, joined: ³s¦~¡A³s¤é¡A³s¤Ñ year after year, day after day;
³s³s continuous, -ly;
see ³s¡¼¡A³sÄò lian2mian2, lian2xU4¡õ;
§L³sº×µ² continuous wars and turmoil;
³s½g²ÖÃ| pages and pages (of persiflage);
³s¸p sign joint signatures;
³s°Oªk lian2ji4fa3¡õ;
³s¦W (write letter, statement) with joint signatures;
in comb. ³s¡K±a¡G³s½ð±a¥´ both kick and hit (a person);
³s¥»±a§Q both capital and interest.
Adv.Even: ³s¬Ý³£¤£¤@¬Ý won't even take a look;
³s²z³£¤£²z won't even pay any attention.
Prep.Even (used like ±N¡A§â¡Aµ¹ preceding objective n. or pron. and, like the above, making the vb. follow the object): ³s§A¦b¤º that includes you, too;
³s¥L¤@¦P¥h go together,with him included;
usu. in comb. ³s¡K¤]¡Aor ³s¡K³£;
³s¸Ü³£¤£·|»¡ can't even talk;
³s¤ô¤]¤£³Ü won't even take water;
³s¦Û¤v¨à¤k¤]±þ¤F killed even one's own children;
³s§A¤]¤£¬O you, too, will be blamed for this.
Words1. ³sÂz lian2bi4, phr., (of two good things) combined together.
2. ³s«° lian2cheng2, n., a series of towns: »ù¦P³s«° very valuable, commanding a high price (worth a couple of towns together).
3. ³s¼ lian2qiao2 (lian2qiao4), n., (bot.) forsythia.
4. ³s®ð¨à lian2qie4er0, adv., in a fit of determination, anger, etc.: ¤@³s®ð¨à§i¤F¤T¤Ñ°² asked for three day's leave straight;
5. ³s®ð¨à lian2qie4er0, adv., ¤@³s®ð¶]¤F¤T¨½¸ô ran for a mile at one stretch.
6. ³s¦ê¡]¨à¡^ lian2chuan4 (lian2chuaher0), n., a whole series (of disasters, mishaps).
7. ³s±a lian2dai4, adj., connected: ³s±aÃö«Y (two events) are connected.
8. ³s¸¹ lian2hao4, n., (1) consecutive numbers;
9. ³s¸¹ lian2hao4, n., (2) formerly, firms of same owner;
10. ³s¸¹ lian2hao4, n., (3) the hyphen.
11. ³s¦X lian2he2, v.i. & adj., combine(d), join (efforts, pieces together);
12. ³s¦X lian2he2, v.i. & adj., cf. Áp¦X unite(d), 31S.22.
13. ³sÀô lian2huan2, n., a chain of rings linked together: ³sÀô­p strategy of making A cause B, B cause C, etc.);
14. ³sÀô lian2huan2, n., ³sÀô¹Ï comic strips.
15. ³sªø lian2zhang3, n., company captian.
16. ³s±µ lian2jie1, v.i.& adj.,¡]happen) together, one after another: ³s±µ¨£¥|­Ó«È¤H receive four visitors in succession.
17. ³sµ² lian2jie2, v.i., to bind ,join up together (threads, clues, societies).
18. ³s°Oªk lian2ji4fa3, n., system of booking accounts in parallel columns.
19. ³s¯] lian2zhu1, adj., joined like a string: ³s¯]¬¶ a string of firecrackers;
20. ³s¯] lian2zhu1, adj., ³s¯]½b a volley of arrows.
21. ³sºó lian2jueh, v.i., join together (pieces) to form a whole.
22. ³s²Ö lian2lei, v.t., to cause or bring trouble to another: ³s²Ö¤F§A cause you inconvenience.
23. ³s³s lian2lian2, adv., continuously, in succession: ³s³sÂIÀY nod repeatedly.
24. ³s²z lian2li3, adj., in ³s²zªK two trees with a joined branch;
25. ³s²z lian2li3, adj., (fig.) marital love.
26. ³sµ¸ lian2luo4, v.i. & t., as in ³sµ¸¬Y¤H or ¦P¥L³sµ¸ get in touch with(s.o.), keep in contact with, strengthen connections, (usu. Ápµ¸ preferred):³sµ¸©x liaison officer.
27. ³s¦£ lian2mang2, adv., quickly, without hesitation.
28. ³sºø lian2mian2, adj., continuous, -ly: ³sºø¤£Â_ without stop or break.
29. ³s¦~ lian2nian2, adv., year after year.
30. ³s½g lian2pian1, phr., whole essay, whole pages: ¥Õ¦r³s½g full of ¡§misspelled¡¨ or incorrect forms of words;
31. ³s½g lian2pian1, phr., ³s½g²ÖÃ| whole pages (of trite, insipid talk).
32. ³s²¼ lian2piao4, n., coupon.
33. ³sÃÐ lian2pu3, n., person regarded as same branch (¦P©v) of clan (¦P©m).
34. ³s¥ô lian2ren4, v.i., serve second term of office.
35. ³s¤é lian2ri4, adv., day after day (it rains, etc.)
36. ³s¤ß lian2xin1 adj., deeply attached to one another.
37. ³s¤â lian2shou3 v.i., take concerted action;
38. ³s¤â lian2shou3 v.i., (gambling) gang up to cheat.
39. ³s®Ñ lian2shu1, v.i., to write two or more syllables of a word together (as in Chin. alphabet ª`­µ¦r¥À): µüÃþ³s®Ñ such practice ,socalled because the part of speech (µüÃþ) then becomes clear.
40. ³s¸p lian2shu3, v.i., sign jointly.
41. ³sÉ] lian2shi4, v.i., to keep shop, business open on holidays.
42. ³s¥v¯È lian2shi2zhi3, n., a finequality paper, designed for letters, scrolls.
43. ³sÄò lian2xU4, adj. & adv., continuous, -ly: ³sÄò¤U«B rains continuously;
44. ³sÄò lian2xU4, adj. & adv., ³sÄò¥Ç repeated offender.
45. ³sÂê lian2suo3, adj., linked together: ³sÂêÃö«Y causally related;
46. ³sÂê lian2suo3, adj., ³sÂê¤ÏÀ³ chain reaction.
47. ³s»O lian2tai2, n., (1) ¡§continuous¡¨theatrical performance;
48. ³s»O lian2tai2, n., (2) ¥´´X­Ó³s»O work several shifts in succession.
49. ³s¤Ñ lian2tian1, adj., & adv., (1) for days;
50. ³s¤Ñ lian2tian1, adj., & adv., ³s¤Ñ³±«B rainy for days;
51. ³s¤Ñ lian2tian1, adj., & adv., (2) ¡§touching the sky¡¨;
52. ³s¤Ñ lian2tian1, adj., & adv., ¥s­W³s¤Ñ cry to heavens;
53. ³s¤Ñ lian2tian1, adj., & adv., ³ÛÁn³s¤Ñ(¡×¾_¤Ñ) screams pierce the sky;
54. ³s¤Ñ lian2tian1, adj., & adv., ¤j¤ô³s¤Ñ the flood reaches the horizon.
55. ³sµü lian2ci2, n., conjunction.
56. ³s§¤ lian2tazoh, v.i., be punished as accomplice in crime.
57. ³s©µ lian2yan2, v.i., & adj., stretch on , spread (as mountain range).
58. ³s©] lian2yieh, adv., (1) the very same night;
59. ³s©] lian2yieh, adv., (2) all night.
60. ³s«Ã lian2nyin, n., relation by marriage.
61. ³s»y lian2yU3, n., a polysyllabic word, a compound word.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.83     £¸£²£½ you2    . [Pop. of ¹C 6.83]

¾C Num. Index: 10.83     £±£½ ao2    .
Words1. ¾C¹C ao2you2, v.i., to roam about at pleasure, spend one's time in idle pursuits.

¾¢ Num. Index: 10.83     £w£¹ fu1    . See ¡¼ 10S. 81.

üù Num. Index: 10.83     £v£¸£³£¿ mian4     See ¡¼ 10S.50.

ÄÑ Num. Index: 10.83     £v£¸£³£¿ mian4     See ¡¼ 10S.50.

ÄT Num. Index: 10.83     £¢£º£½ qU2     See ÄT 10S.50.

Æ{ Num. Index: 10.91     £º£¿ yU4     [Var. Æ{¡Aû¶]
N.A surname.
Adj.(1) Dense (forest): Æ{«k yU4bo2¡õ;
Æ{¨I¨I very dense or deep.
(2)Melancholy, pent up, repressed in feeling: Æ{´e¡AÆ{¬ú¡AÆ{¥ìyU4men4, yU4yU1, yU4yi1¡õ.
Words1. Æ{«k yU4bo2, adj, dense (growth).
2. Æ{µ² yU4jie2, adj., tied up, tangled up, depressed in feeling.
3. Æ{ª÷ yU4jin1, n., (bot.) a fragrant herb, curoma longa;
4. Æ{ª÷ yU4jin1, n., also Æ{ª÷­» tulip.
5. Æ{¿n yU4ji2, adj., tangled up, see yU4jie2¡ô.
6. Æ{´e zhu4men4, adj., depressed, melancholy.
7. Æ{¶ë yU4se4, adj., see yU4jie2¡ô .
8. Æ{³³ yU4tao2, adj., (AC) longing, anguished.
9. Æ{¥ì yU4yi1, adj., melancholy, depressed.
10. Æ{¨¶ yU4ji4, adj., ditto (also wr. Æ{Ñ¥).
11. Æ{¬ú yU4yU1, adj., ditto.
12. Æ{­§ yU4yU41, adj., fragrant.
13. Æ{Àî yU4yU42, adj., (1) hot, murky (weather);
14. Æ{Àî yU4yU42, adj., (2) melancholy.
10.chang2. [Pop. of ªø 51.02]

©d Num. Index: 10.93     chi. (*chi4    ).
N.A wife: ©d¤k wife and daughter(s);
©d©®¡A©dÌV (AC) wife and children;
©d¤p¡A©d¨à¦Ñ¤p wife and family;
©dÄÒ wife's relations (esp. those influential politically);
©d§Ì wife's brother;
½å©d¨}¥À ideal type of womanhood as an understanding wife and loving mother;
©d°] money that bride brought with her.
V.t.(*chi4) (AC) to marry a girl to (a person): ¥H¨ä¥S¤§¤k©d¤§ married his brother's daughter to him.
Words1. ©d¸¤ chi1jiu4, n., wife's brother.
2. ©d«Ç chi1shi4, n., wife (and home).
3. ©d¤l chi1zi3 n., (1) wife;
4. ©d¤l chi1zi3 n., (2) wife and children: ©dÂ÷¤l´² family broken up.

°ý Num. Index: 10.93     £{£³£½ lan2    .
N.Greed, avarice.
Adj.Greedy, avaricious: ³g°ý.
Words1. °ý¶o lan2han1, adj., gluttonous.
2. °ý°ý lan2lan2, adj., insatiably greedy.
3. °ý§À¬K lan2wei3chun1, n., (¡×¨¢ÃÄ) (AC) the peony, the last of all flowers in spring;
4. °ý§À¬K lan2wei3chun1, n., °ý§À°s lan2wei3jiu3, n., (AC)the last cup of wine passed around among friends at a drinking party (also Äx§À°s¡AÁñ§À°s).

áu Num. Index: 10.93     £{£¸£½ li2    .
N.A widow.
Words1. áu°ü li2fu4, n., (LL) widow.
2. áu¸` li2jie2, n., (LL) chaste widowhood.

¸½ Num. Index: 10.93     £¤£­£½ zhe2    .
N.®ü¸½ jellyfish;
pressed and drid variety, usu. served cold on table.
V.t.(MC) bite (by insect) (cf. Á± 11.93).

¡¼ Num. Index: 10.93     £¤£½ zhi2    . [Abbr. of îh11.93]

îg Num. Index: 10.93     £±£½ ao2    .
N.A crab's nippers: «ùîg§â°s enjoy a cup of wine eating crabs.

Åû Num. Index: 10.93     £x£¹£¿ du4    . [Var. of ¡¼¡A ¡¼]
N.Insects that eat into clothing, books: Åû³½ du4yU2¡õ;
®ÑÅû bookworm;
Åû¦O officials who fatten themselves on national treasury.
V.t.Åû°ê®`¥Á to eat up public funds and prey upon the people.
Words1. Åû³½ du4yU2, n., cloth-eating or book-eating insect, silverfish.

«ù Num. Index: 10A.00-1     £¥£½ chi2    .
V.i. & t.(1) To hold (pen, knife, etc.): «ùµ§ hold a pen¡K write;
«ùÃØ to present gift with both hands.
(2) To hold fast, hold the ground, sustain: §â«ù to monopolize (position, power);
¬Û«ù¤£¤U both hold their grounds, neither yielding.
(3) To manage, maintain: ¥D«ù to head some undertaking;
«ù®a¡A¥D«ù®a¬F manage the home, household;
ºû«ù maintain, keep s.t. going;
ºû«ùúè­± maintain the front;
«O«ù maintain (status, distance), guard (treasure, tradition);
¤ä«ù¡A§ß«ù sustain, support (person to stand up, tottering regime, etc.).
(4) To hold by force: §T«ù hold for ransom;
®µ«ù control s.o. in one's power (as emperor by warlord).
Words1. «ùªk chi2fa3, v.i., maintain the law: «ùªk´ËÄY administer sharp justice.
2. «ùªA chi2fu2, v.i., resign and stay at home during parents' mourning of three years.
3. «ù§ó chi2geng1, v.i., keep night watch by sounding drum at intervals.
4. «ù¿Å chi2heng2, (1) v.i., (LL) maintain standard by criticism of events, personalities;
5. «ù¿Å chi2heng2, (2) adj., balanced (criticism).
6. «ù»ô chi2zhai1, v.i., keep vegetarian fast.
7. «ù¥¿ chi2zheng4, v.i., support what is right.
8. «ù®a chi2jia1, v.i., (1) run a household;
9. «ù®a chi2jia1, v.i., (2) maintain family fortune and status.
10. «ù§Ù chi2jie4, v.i., (Budd.) observe monastic rules.
11. «ù¸` chi2jie2, v.i., be sent abroad as ambassador (see ¸` 92A.22).
12. «ù¤[ chi2jiu3, v.i., hold out long, last: ¤£¯à«ù¤[ this will not last;
13. «ù¤[ chi2jiu3, v.i., «ù¤[¾Ô protracted warfare, war of endurance.
14. «ù­« chi2zhong4, v.i., act with gravity, not flighty or frivolous: ¦Ñ¦¨«ù­« experienced and steady (person).
15. «ù¸S chi2lu4, v.i., hold sinecure jobs.
16. «ù½× chi2lun4, v.i., hold views: «ù½×¤½¥­ hold impartial views.
17. «ùº¡ chi2man3 v.i., be pround of oneself or of success.
18. «ù¥­ chi2ping2, v.i., hold just views: «ù¥­¤§½× a balanced view.
19. «ù¨­ chi2shen1, v.i., conduct oneself (properly).
20. «ù¦æ chi2xing2, v.i. & n., (Budd.) conduct.
21. «ùÄò chi2xU4, v.i., carry on.
22. «ù¾i chi2yang3, v.i., take good care (of health), cultivate spiritual regimen.
23. «ù¬Õ chi2ying2, v.i., maintain a good luck or success: «ù¬Õ«O®õ maintain good luck by restraint.

·i Num. Index: 10A.00-1     £t£¬£½ bo2    . [Dist. ·i]
V.t.To strike, pounce upon, attack physically, catch (prey): ·i¼v beat at shadows ( cf. ®·­·®»¼v 10.A.42);
·i¤â (AC) slap one's hand helplessly;
·iÁt (AC), beat one's chest=modn. ©ç¯Ý¡A¦×·i hand-to-hand fight.
Words1. ·iüç bo2dou4, n., physical fight;
2. ·iüç bo2dou4, n., fisticuffs.
3. ·i­· bo2feng1, n., cornice work under eaves.

áÞ Num. Index: 10A.00-1     £y£¹£³£½ tuan2    .
V.t.(AC) to knead (rice, etc.);
to turn s.t. round.

ìê Num. Index: 10A.00-1     £x£±£¾ dao3    . [Var. ·o 10A.50]
V.t.To pound: ìê¦ç washing clothing by beating it on stone slab;
ìê¦Ì hull rice in mortar;
beat (enemy).
Words1. ìêµê dao3xU1, v.i., attack enemy at his weakest.

Õq Num. Index: 10A.00-1     £¡£¸£¾ ji3    .
V.t.Drag, pull: see compp.¡õ.
Words1. ÕqºT ji3zhe2, v.t., draw near and take in one's hand: ÕqºT¬P±J reach up for the stars;
2. ÕqºT ji3zhe2, v.t., ÕqºT¯f§Q distinguish between advantages and disadvantages.
3. Õq¨¤ ji3jUe2, v.i., (of troops) bedeployed for attack from different sides.

¼µ Num. Index: 10A.00-2     £¥£¶ cheng1    . [Var. Úg¡Aûq]
V.i. & t.(1) To prop up, to support from under: ¤ä¼µ ditto;
¼µ¦í cheng1zhu4¡õ;
¼µ³õ­± to maintain the front or appearance: ¼µ°_ªEÀY¨Ó fill out the pillow (with cotton wool).
(2) To punt a boat: ¼µ¬ñ¡A¼µ¿t punting pole;
¼µ·n to work the sweeps of a boat.
(3) To stretch tight, to burst: ¨{¤l¼µªº·W stomach is bursting;
¼µ¯f¤F sick with bursting pressure, breakdown due to overwork;
§âªù³£¼µ¯}¤F (crowd) bursts open the door.
Words1. ¼µ¬ñ cheng1gan1, n., a punting pole;
2. ¼µ¬ñ cheng1gan1, n., ¼µ¬ñ¸õ (°ª) pole vault.
3. ¼µ¦í cheng1zhu4, v.t., to set up with props: ¼µ¤£¦í cannot hold it up.
4. ¼µ¦í cheng1zhu3, v.t., to prop from under.
5. ¼µÏ@ cheng1jU4, v.t., to prop against.
6. ¼µ¶} cheng1kai1(kai0), v.t., to push open.

Õr Num. Index: 10A.00-3     £x£±£½ dao2    . [Dist. ­Ë 91A.00]
V.t.Pick up thread: ³o®×¤l¤wÕr¥XÂIÀYºü¨Ó have found certain clues in this case;
Õr½u draw in thread in flying kite.
Words1. Õr®ð¡]¨à¡^ dao2chi4 (dao2qie4er0), v.i., talk garrulously;
2. Õr®ð¡]¨à¡^ dao2chi4 (dao2qie4er0), v.i., feel short of breath.
3. Õr¶½ dao2chi0, v.i., (of woman) touch up appearance: Õr¶½Õr¶½ doll up a little.

¥´ Num. Index: 10A.00-3     £x£«£¾ da3    .
N.A dozen (eggs, etc.).
V.i. & t.(1) To strike (a bell): ÄÁ¥´¤@¤U the clock strikes one;
¥´¹a press a bell.
(2) To fight: ¥´¬[¡A¥´¥M da3jia4, da3zhang4¡õ: ¥´¼L¤Ú give a slap on the mouth.
(3) Hunt, fetch, purchase: ¥´³½ to fish, esp. as a profession;
¥´Ây to hunt;
¥´ªo¡A¥´°s to purchase some oil, wine;
¥´®ã to cut wood (from the mountain);
¥´¬~Áy¤ô fetch a basin of water;
¥´¤ô to fetch water;
¥´¦B to fetch ice from frozen river.
(4) To make article by weaving, plaiting, knitting or forging: ¥´¤ò¦ç knit a sweater;
¥´Ä|¤l plaint a queue;
¥´¤@§â¤M (blacksmith) make or shape a knife;
¥´ª÷ÅN¤l¡A»È¸_¤l have a gold bracelet, silver chopsticks made.
(5) To do or make some kind of action, to send, put through,put on, etc.: ¥´¹q¸Ü make a telephone call;
¥´¹q³ø send a telegram: ¥´´åÀ» fight a guerrilla war, hit and run in different directions, also (fig.) obtain benefits by various means;
¥´¦¨¤@¤ù to merge with, to become a harmonious whole, to be in line;
¥´¥D·N make a decision;
¥´©Û©I say¡§hello¡¨on the street;
¥´¼QÀ¡ make a sneeze;
¥´­Ó·Ó­± meet person face to face;
¥´½Z¡A¥´©³¤l maker a draft;
¥´©x¥q file or get into a lawsuit;
¥´¦X¦P make a contract;
¥´©xµÄ¡A¥´©x¸Ü put person off by talking formalities as an excuse (¡§we are not allowed to ,etc.¡¨);
see compp. & phrr.
(6) To play (games, mahjong, etc.): ¥´µP da3pai2¡õ;
¥´¸ò¤æ turn a somersault;
¥´¼u¤l play billiard;
¥´ÂþÆH sit on swing;
¥´¿OÁ¼ guess riddles as party game.
(7) To carry: ¥´ºX¤l carry a flag;
¥´µÛ³Ê carry an umbrella opened;
¥´¿OÅ¢ carry a lantern lighted.
Prep.From: ¥´¬Æ»ò¦a¤è¨Óªº where does one come from? ¥´¨º¨à»¡°_ where am I to begin (telling a story)?
Words1. ¥´¼õ da3ao2, v.i., to harden body through endurance;
2. ¥´¼õ da3ao2, v.i., to endure.
3. ¥´¹v¡]¤l¡^ da2ba3(zi0), phr., practise shooting;
4. ¥´¹v¡]¤l¡^ da2ba3(zi0), phr., engage in target practice.
5. ¥´Â\¤l da2bai3zi0, phr., have an attack of malaria.
6. ¥´§ê da3ban4, v.i. & n., make up, to dress: ¦o¥´§êªº«Ü¬ü she dresses very prettily.
7. ¥´¥] da3bao1, n. & v.i., packing;
8. ¥´¥] da3bao1, n. & v.i., to pack.
9. ¥´©b¨à da3beer0, v.i., to make a slip in recital.
10. ¥´«ó¨à da3biaaer0, v.i., to lose appetite, (patient) to have difficulty in swallowing.
11. ¥´Ã乪 da3bian1gu3, v.i., to spread or circulate praise of actor,etc.
12. ¥´¸É¤l da2bu3zi0, v.i., (person) bo be used as a substitute.
13. ¥´§n¤l da2chao3zi0, v.i., to make a row, create a lot of noise.
14. ¥´³å³å da3cha'cha, v.i., to talk in whisper.
15. ¥´§Ã da3cha4, v.i., to interrupt a conversation;
16. ¥´§Ã da3cha4, v.i., to talk off the mark.
17. ¥´¯ù³ò da3cha2wei2, v.i., to have a visit or round of visits in brothels and have tea.
18. ¥´·m da2qiang3, v.i., to loot.
19. ¥´¤d¡]¨à¡^ da3qian1(da3qia1er0), v.i., to make a greeting by dipping the body, hands at the sides.
20. ¥´¿ú da3qian2, phr., (1) place money on table for bet;
21. ¥´¿ú da3qian2, phr., (2) (acrobats) to collect cash from onlookers;
22. ¥´¿ú da3qian2, phr., (3) to collect debts.
23. ¥´«e¥¢ da3qian2si0, v.i., (esp. horse) to trip, to stumble.
24. ¥´ºX¨àªº da3qie2er0de0, n., (Chin. opera) foot soldiers and retinue.
25. ¥´®ð da3chi4, v.t., (1) to inflate (tire);
26. ¥´®ð da3chi4, v.t., (2) to boost morale.
27. ¥´°_ da2chi3, v.t., to lift up: ¥´°_ºë¯« to buck up, brace up energy.
28. ¥´¬î­· da3qiu1feng1, phr., to obtain gifts of money (as by sending obituary notices around to mere acquaintances), to collect tips on occasions (lit., ¡§have a windfall¡¨).
29. ¥´©âÂ× da3chou1fing, phr., ditto.
30. ¥´¥X¤â¨à da3chu1shou3er0, phr., (Chin. opera) throw weapons back and forth on stage (also called ¹L³Ã¥ë).
31. ¥´®± da3qUan2, v.i., to box as sport.
32. ¥´½ì da3qU4, v.i., to make fun, indulge in raillery.
33. ¥´­Ë da2dao3, phr., to overthrow (regime);
34. ¥´­Ë da2dao3, phr., (in slogans) ¡§down with.¡¨
35. ¥´·í da3dang1, v.i. & t., to put in order, to pack up.
36. ¥´¹D da3dao4, v.i., to open the way.
37. ¥´ÂI da2dian0, (1) v.t., to pack up (luggage);
38. ¥´ÂI da2dian0, (2) to ask a third party to speak on one's behalf, usu. implying sending bribes.
39. ¥´Å| da3die2, v.i., to arrange (things) in order.
40. ¥´¦aÅu¨à da3di4ta1er0, phr., to fall down flat on ground
41. ¥´µu¨à da2duaaer0, phr., to pick up odd jobs for living;
42. ¥´µu¨à da2duaaer0, phr., to appear in jacket and trousers.
43. ¥´°Ê da3dong4, v.t., to strike, to arouse: µ¹³oµf¸Ü¥´°Ê¤F was struck or roused to action by these words.
44. ¥´½ä da2du3, v.i., to bet, wager.
45. ¥´¬Ú (¨à) da2dun3(da2dueeer0), v.i., to take a nap, to doze off.
46. ¥´µo da3fa0, v.i. & t., (1) to send (s.o. to go);
47. ¥´µo da3fa0, v.i. & t., (2) to dismiss (personnel);
48. ¥´µo da3fa0, v.i. & t., (3) to send (person) away by yielding to request or by force.
49. ¥´°ªªÅ da3gao1kong1, phr., to embellish narrative or rumors.
50. ¥´ÜС]¨à¡^ da3ge2(er0), v.i., to hiccup.
51. ¥´°` da3gong1, v.i., to make a deep bow.
52. ¥´¹ª da2gu3, v.i., to beat the drum: ¤ßúGª½¦b¥´¹ª have¡§butterflies in the stomach¡¨¡Ðof excitement.
53. ¥´ºu¡]¨à¡^ da2gun3(da2gueeer0) v.i., to frolic, roll on the ground.
54. ¥´«¢«¢ da3ha'ha, v.i., to laugh out loud;
55. ¥´«¢«¢ da3ha'ha, v.i., to make fun.
56. ¥´ÂM da3han1, v.i., to snore.
57. ¥´Éq da3hang1, v.i., to drill piles in construction (from rhythmic cries of workmen ¡§hangah!¡¨)
58. ¥´®Ì¨à da3huahnger0, v.i., to sway one's body before falling down.
59. ¥´ë¡ da3hun4, v.i., to indulge in raillery, to mock in fun.
60. ¥´¹Ù da2huo3, v.i., to pool resources, joint make a enterprise.
61. ¥´¤õ¾÷ da2huo3ji1, n., lighter.
62. ¥´¾Ô da3zhan4, v.i., to shiver;
63. ¥´¾Ô da3zhan4, v.i., to engage in war.
64. ¥´¥M da3zhang4, v.i., to fight each other;
65. ¥´¥M da3zhang4, v.i., to fight a war.
66. ¥´°w da3zhen1, v.i., to have an injection.
67. ¥´ÅÍ da2jiao3, v.t., to disturb;
68. ¥´ÅÍ da2jiao3, v.t., (court.) to trouble (person), to take person's time.
69. ¥´¬[ da3jia4, v.i., to fight, engage in a broil.
70. ¥´»ù¨à da3jia4er0, v.i., to haggle.
71. ¥´¦y da3jian1, v.i, to have a snack and rest during journey.
72. ¥´¥æ¹D da3jiao1dao0, v.i., do s.t. as a social act or for friendship's sake.
73. ¥´Ãç da3jiao4, v.i., say (Taoist, Budd.) mass for departed souls.
74. ¥´§T da3jie2, v.i., to loot.
75. ¥´ºò da2jin3, (1) v.i., as in ¤£¥´ºò does not matter, of no importance;
76. ¥´ºò da2jin3, (2) adj., critical, urgent.
77. ¥´§ó da3jing1, v.i., to patrol streets at night and announce the watches (1 to 5) of the night.
78. ¥´À» da3ji2, n., a setback blow, v.t., to deal a blow.
79. ¥´Âà¨à da3juaher0, v.i., to turn round and round.
80. ¥´¦í da3zhu4, v.i., to stop;
81. ¥´¦í da3zhu4, v.i., (oft. vocative) ¡§stop!¡¨
82. ¥´¶} da3kai1 (da3kai0) v.i., to open up.
83. ¥´¼´ da3lau, v.i., to draw dragnet for recovering things in water.
84. ¥´¹p da3lei2, v.i., to thunder (as ¡§it thunders¡¨).
85. ¥´¶q da3liang4, v.i., conjecture.
86. ¥´½| da3ma4, v.i., to beat and scold (person).
87. ¥´©Ù da2mo3, v.t., to wipe (shoes, dust).
88. ¥´¾x da3nao4, v.i., to make a row, create trouble.
89. ¥´µP da3pai2, v.i., to play,cards.
90. ¥´¯Ò da3pa2, v.i., (coll) to change one's mind.
91. ¥´¯} da3po4, v.t., to break: ¥´¯}¬ö¿ý break records;
92. ¥´¯} da3po4, v.t., ¥´¯}°g«H destroy superstitions.
93. ¥´ÂZ de2rao3, v.t., seejiao3¡ô.
94. ¥´°{ da2shan3, v.i., lightning flashes.
95. ¥´¶¢ da3xian2, v.i., to be unemployed.
96. ¥´®ø da3xiao1, v.t., to cancel, withdraw (a decision, etc.)
97. ¥´¤â da2shou3, n., a bodyguard, employed for committing violence (throwing people out, etc.).
98. ¥´±Û¨à da3xUan2er0, v.i., to turn round and round.
99. ¥´ºâ da3suan4, v.i., intend, have a mind to: §A¥´ºâ«ç¼Ë what do you intend to do?
100. ¥´ºâ½L da3suahpan0, v.i., to calculate costs or gains.
101. ¥´±´ da3tan4, v.t., to find out.
102. ¥´­L da3tai1, phr., to cause abortion.
103. ¥´ÅKªº da2tie3de0, n., a blacksmith.
104. ¥´®¼¨à da2ting3er0, v.t., to stand up straight in gesture of defiance.
105. ¥´Å¥ da3ting0, v.i., & t., to find out (news, happenings).
106. ¥´±q da3cong2, prep , from, (to come) from.
107. ¥´°h da3tui4, v.t., to defeat troops, to send rolling back.
108. ¥´³q da3tong1, v.t., to break through (hindrances): ¥´³qÃö¸` to bribe officials in charge.
109. ¥´Âø¡]¨à¡^ da3za2(er0), v.i.& n., serve as handy man, run errands.
110. ¥´¼L da2zui3, v.i., to give a slap in the face;
111. ¥´¼L da2zui3, v.i., (fig.) to break one's promise, to lose¡§face.¡¨
112. ¥´§¤ da3zuo4, v.i., (Budd.) to go into meditations;
113. ¥´§¤ da3zuo4, v.i., to sit in crossed-leg position as physical regimen.
114. ¥´Á`¨à da2zong3er0, adv., altogether.
115. ¥´¦r da3zi4, v.i., to type;
116. ¥´¦r da3zi4, ¥´¦r­û da3zi4yUan1, n., typist;
117. ¥´¦r da3zi4, ¥´¦r¾÷ da3zi4ji1, n., typewriter.
118. ¥´³ò da3wei2, v.i., to hunt.
119. ¥´¼Ë¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ da3yang4(er0)(zi0), n., printer's proof;
120. ¥´¼Ë¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ da3yang4(er0)(zi0), n., construction model.
121. ¥´¤ú¨à da3ya2er0, v.i., chat at people's expense.
122. ¥´¼O da3ye1, v.i., to hiccup.
123. ¥´ªo¸Ö da3you2si4, n., a light poem, satiric poetry (similar to limerick).

§ç Num. Index: 10A.00-3     £¦£¹ shu1    .
V.t.(1) To pour out, give relief, unburden (feelings): §ç±¡¡A§ç·N shu1qing2, shu1yi4¡õ.
(2) To untie, straighten (difficulties): §çÃø shu1nahn¡õ, (related µÎ to relax).
Words1. §ç±¡ shu1qing2, v.i., to express feelings, sentiments: §ç±¡¸Ö lyric poetry.
2. §çÃø shu1nahn, v.i., to allay troubles, settle difficulties, give relif (also wr. ÓVÃø).
3. §ç©À shu1nian4, v.i., allay friend's anxiety.
4. §ç·N shu1yi4, v.i., to express thoughts, ideas.

®Ã Num. Index: 10A.00-4     £t£« ba1    . [Var. of ¥¶]
N.¡§Spelling out¡¨ of character for ¤K, used in checks to avoid mistakes.
V.t.To pull apart, break: ®Ã¶}¡×À¼¶}.

å´ Num. Index: 10A.00-5     £££º£´£½ xUn2    .
V.t.To take hold of, to pick (hair).
Words1. å´§è xUn2che3, v.t., to get hold of (some trifle, minor defect,(also wr. å´áä).

±¿ Num. Index: 10A.00-5     £v£´£½ men2    .
V.t.Touch, feel by hand: ±¿¤ß¦Û°Ý examine one's own conscience;
±¿¤ßµL·\ honestly feel I have not done anything wrong;
±¿½¾¦Ó½Í (allu.) attitude of complete informality during conversation (¡§while scratching for lice on body¡¨).
Words1. ±¿Ý» men2sun0, v.i., feel by hand, grope.

åµ Num. Index: 10A.00-5     £§£¹£³£½ ruan2    .
V.t.(1) Demolish, destroy.
(2) Rub with both hands.

ÀÁ Num. Index: 10A.00-5     £|£­ ge1    .
V.t.(1) To place, lay, keep, preserve: ÀÁ¦b®à¤l¤W put on the table;
ÀÁ¦b¦B½cúG keep (s.t.) in the refrigerator;
³o«Î¤l¤Ó¤p¡AÀÁ¤£¤U³o»ò¦hªF¦è the room is too small for so many things;
ÀÁ¦n place in a safe place;
¤j¼ö¤Ñ³½©M¦×³£ÀÁ¤£¦íªº fish and meat won't keep on very hot days;
§â³o¨Ç¤å¥óµ¹§ÚÀÁ°_¨Ó please file these papers for me.
(2) To postpone, shelve, delay, put aside: ¨ÆÁÙ¨S¿ì§¹¡A«ç»ò¯àÀÁ±o¤U©O how can you put it aside, as it isn't finished yet? ÀÁ¸m ge1zhi4, ÀÁ²L ge1qian3, ÀÁµ§ ge1bi3¡õ;
ü¶ÀÁ to delay;
©µÀÁ postpone.
Words1. ÀÁµ§ ge1bi3, v.i., (of writers) stop writing either temporarily or for good (lit., ¡§put down the pen¡¨).
2. ÀÁ²L ge1qian3, v.i., (of ships) run aground, (fig.) held up by some obstacle.
3. ÀÁ¸m ge1zhi4, v.t., to put in place, put off.

Äd Num. Index: 10A.00-5     £{£³£½ lan2    .
V.t.To bar, separate, cut off, hinder, obstruct: ¾BÄd to screen, cut off from;
ªýÄd hinder, obstruct;
Äd¦í stop, hold back;
Äd¤£¤F cannot be stopped or held back;
ÄdµÛ hinder or bar;
Äd¾× lan2dang3, Ädªý lan2zu3, ÄdºIlan2jie2, Äd¶} lan2kai1¡õ;
Ädªù bar the gateway;
Äd¸ô bar the road;
Ädµóªý¸ô obstruct traffic;
Äd¸ôªê a highwayman;
ÄdªùÀð¨à just talk for form's sake (not to be taken seriously);
ÄdÄU lan2qUan4¡õ;
Äd¸y©ê¦í hold (s.o.) by the waist, usu. from behind.
Words1. ÄdÄU lan2qUan4, v.t., dissuade from.
2. Äd¾× lan2dang3, v.t., restrain (s.o.), stop, persuade not to.
3. Ädå· lan2gui4, n., a shop counter.
4. ÄdºI lan2jie2, v.t., (¡×ÁñºI) intercept, hinder ,cut off.
5. Äd¶} lan2kai1, v.t., break off (fight).
6. Ädªý lan2tauu, v.t., hinder, obstruct.

À¾ Num. Index: 10A.00-6     £z£¸£¶£½ ning2         (*niing         *£z£¸£¶£¿ ning4    ).
V.t.(1) To wring, pinch: À¾¤ò¤y wring out the towel;
À¿°® wring (s.t.) dry;
À¾¥Lªº¼L pinch his lips (threat to s.o. thought to have lied);
À¾»L pinch(s.o.'s)leg.
(2) À¾¬ÜÀü²´, À¾¬Ü¥ß¥Ø (lit.) raise one's eyebrows and stare in anger.
(3) (*niing) To wrench, twist or pull violently: À¾¶}ªùÂê wrench a locked door open.
Adj.(1) (*niing) Wrong, mistaken: À¾¤F make mistake, make a correction;
(n.,) À¾¨à a difference of opinion: ¥L­Ì­Ç¦³ÂIÀ¾¨à.
(2) (*nigng) À¾©Ê stubborn by nature;
À¾ºØ such a stubborn fellow!
Words1. À¾Â® *niinghuang2, v.i., & t., make a mistake;
2. À¾Â® *niinghuang2, v.i., & t., to spoil s.t. by mistake.
3. À¾üp *niingcong1, v.i., ditto.

¼Á Num. Index: 10A.00-8     £¨£¹£´£¾ zun3    .
V.i. & t.Economize.
Words1. ¼Á¸` zun3jie2, v.i. & t., economize, cut down expense.
2. ¼Á¬Ù zun3sheng0, v.i.& t., ditto.

Ùg Num. Index: 10A.00-8     £º£½ yU2         (*£¸£²£½ you2    ).
V.t.(1)To lift, raise.
(2) Flap (long sleeves).
(3) (*you2) ©Î²ê©ÎÙg(AC) some pound the rice in mortar and some winnow it.
Words1. Ùg´­ yU2yang2, v.t., to praise, make known s.o.'s merits.

Ñ» Num. Index: 10A.00-9     £{£­£¿ le4         (*£{£º£¾ lU3        , *£{£¹£¬ luo1    ).
V.t.(1) Pick, take.
(2) Stroke, rub hands (also *lU3): Ñ»ÄGŽ stroke one's beard and whiskers;
Ñ»ªêŽ pluck the tiger's whiskers;
(fig.) be foolhardy, do ( s.t) to offend the powerful;
¼¯Ñ» rub one's own hands.
(3) (*luo1) Pinch, squeeze off: Ñ»¾ð¸­¨à rub and crush leaves;
Ñ»¦½ wipe off sweat;
Ñ»¯Þ»K pinch and rub the arms;
Ñ»¥¤ to milk (cow) by pinching and squeezing nipples.

±Ã Num. Index: 10A.00-9     £¤£¶ zheng1         (*£¤£¶£¿ zheng4    ).
V.i.(1) To struggle to free oneself or s.t., to stretch, push and pull:±Ã¶} free oneself or s.t. from tangle;
±ÃÃa¤F tear by too much pulling;
±Ã¤ã zheng1zha2¡õ.
(2) (*zheng4) To earn, to obtain by struggle or effort: ±Ã¿ú¡A±Ã©R zheng4qian2, zheng4ming4¡õ;
±Ã¨Óªº it is earned (not given).
Words1. ±Ã¿ú *zheng4qian2, v.i., to earn money: ±Ã¦h¤Ö¿ú how much have you earned
2. ±Ã¤ã zheng1zha2, n. & v.i., (to) struggle (for goal);
3. ±Ã¤ã zheng1zha2, n. & v.i., to suffer privations and hardships in order to reach goal.
4. ±Ã©R¡]¨à¡^ *jehangming4(er0), v.i., make a life-and death struggle.

̹ Num. Index: 10A.00-9     £w£¹£¾ fu3    . [Cf.¼¾ 10A.63]
V.t.(1) To strike, slap, beat: ̹¤â¡A̹´x (¤j¯º) slap hands (and laugh), also wr. ¼¾;
̹¤ß¡A̹Át beat one's chest;
̹ñ¹ (LL) slap one's thigh;
̹­I§ã³ï (AC) (of strategic post) have a squeeze hold on enemy (¡§slap back and strangle throat¡¨).
(2) (Var. of ¼¾)̹´` to pat in a comforting gesture.

©Ù Num. Index: 10A.01-1     £v£¬£¾ mo3         (*£v£¬£¿ mo4        ). [Cogn. ºN £v£¬ mo1    , 10A.81]
V.t.(1) To brush off, wipe clean, wipe off: ©Ù©Ù®à´È wipe tables and chairs;
©Ù±¼¦Ç¹Ð dust off;
©Ù²´²\¡A»ó®÷ wipe off tears, mucus;
©Ù¤F¨}¤ß ignore conscience, be ruthless;
©Ù¹s¨à wipe off decimals, forget the small change.
(2) To smear, apply on: ©Ù¯» apply powder;
¶î¯×©Ù¯» apply facial make-up;
©Ùªd (*mo4) smear mud;
©Ù¤ôªd (*mo4) apply cement;
©Ùµ}ªd soften a person's anger by gentle words;
©Ù¤F¤@»ó¤l¦Ç get an awkward rebuff;
¤s©Ù·L¶³ (*mo4) the hills touched with a wisp of clouds.
(3) To play (mahjong): ©Ù°©µP (running hand over the pieces).
(4) (mo3 or *mo4) To straighten one's face: ©Ù¤UÁy¨Ó.
(5) (*mo4) To turn: ©ÙÀY¶i«ÎúG¥h turned one's head and went in;
©Ù¹LªL¤l turn past a grove;
ÂàÅs©Ù¨¤ turn at different corners.
Words1. ©Ù¡]¤F¡^²ä¤l mo3(le)bo2zi0, phr., (facet.) commit suicide.
2. ©Ù§G mo3bu4, n., dishcloth, rag for wiping tables.
3. ©Ù¿° mo3ni, adj., very neat and precise.
4. ©Ù±þ mo3sha1, v.t., annihilate: ©Ù±þ¨Æ¹ê ignore or suppress certain facts (also wr. ©Ù·Ù¡A©Ùáé).
5. ©Ù­»ÄH mo4xiang1jing1, n., big whale, physeter macrocephalus, so named on account of ambergris Às²C­»¡A aromatic substance found in its intestines.
6. ©Ù¯Ý *mo4xiong1, n., formerly, woman's vest for pressing down and concealing breasts.
7. ©Ù¤l mo3zi0, n., mason's spade for applying mortar.

´z Num. Index: 10A.01-1     £¡£¸£³£¾ jian3    .
V.t.(1) Choose, select: ´z¾Ü choose, pick out;
´z¬£ select and appoint;
´z¿ï select, choose for office;
¬D´z select, pick out;
´z¦nªº choose the best, select a good one (the better ones).
(2) (Interch.¾ß) pick up, gather: ¾ß°_¨Ó pick (s.t.) up;
¾ß¨ì¡]¨Ó¡^ªº (of things) obtained without working for it, acquired through luck;
´z®ã gather firewood;
´z¯}Äꪺ a ragpicker;
´z·Ñ´í pick unburnt coal from cinders;
´z­»·ÏÀY make a living by picking cigaret ends;
´z¨ì«K©y get the better of a bargain.

±Ì Num. Index: 10A.01-1     £z£«£¿ na4    .
N.(Chin. calling.) a slanting downward stroke towards the right.
v.t.To press with force: ±Ì¦L put the seal on (a document, etc.);
«ö±Ì restrain, keep (s.t.) down with force;
±Ì«ü¦L take fingerprints.
Words1. ±Ì·æ na4se4, n., a set of clapping boards, used for marking rhythm, esp. in monologue story telling (¤j¹ª), also called ÀȪO sandalwood boards.

¼º Num. Index: 10A.01-1     £{£¸£±£½ liao2         (*liau    ).
V.t.(1) Take or stir lightly: ¼º°Ê¨x¤õ stir up s.o.'s anger (¡§bile fire¡¨);
¼º°Ê¬K±¡ stir up love in young person;
¼º±¡ liao2chiring¡õ;
¼º¿ô wake up;
¼º¾Ô challenge to battle;
¼º¼·¡A¼º³r liao2bo1, liao2dou4¡õ.
(2) (*liau) To lift up (dress, skirt, curtain): ¼º¶}¡A¼º°_¦ç»n;
to sprinkle water with fingers: ¼º¤ô.
(3) (*liau) To throw a quick glance: »´»´¼º¤F¥L¤@²´ .
Words1. ¼º¼· liao2bo1, v.i., to incite to trouble;
2. ¼º¼· liao2bo1, v.i., to stir up sentiments.
3. ¼º±¡ liao2qing2, v.i., to flirt.
4. ¼º³r liao2dou4, v.i., seebo1¡ô.
5. ¼º¶Ã liao2luan4, adj., in confusion.
6. ¼º¤H liao2ren2, adj., stirring, moving.

·g Num. Index: 10A.01-2     £¥£«£½ cha2         (also £©£« ca1    ).
v.i. & t.To wipe, rub, smear, apply: ·g°_¨Ó rub off s.t.;
·g§G rag for wiping;
·g¤f¬õ¡A·g¯Ú¯× put on lipstick or rouge;
·gÃÄ»I apply ointment to skin (also wr. À¿).

áá Num. Index: 10A.01-3     £t£¸£± biao1         (*£t£¸£±£¿ biao4         *£u£¸£±£¾ piao3    ). [Var. of ¼Ð in ááµP¡Aáá¼m ]
V.i. & t.(1) (*piao3) (AC) dismiss with a hand gesture.
(2) (*biao4) (Coll.) lock together: ¥L­Ì­ÇááµÛÀfõf¨« they walk locked arm in arm;
¨â±ø»Láá±o«Üºò the two legs locked tight togeter;
(coll.) snuggle close.
Words1. áá±ö *piao3mei2, phr., (AC) marriageable age of girls.
2. ááµP biao1pai2, n., rattan shield, ancient weapon of defense.

´| Num. Index: 10A.01-3     £§£²£½ rou2    .
V.t.(1) Rub: ´|´|²´·ú rub one's eyes;
´|¤@´| rub gently;
´|¥X²\¨Ó cause tears to flow by too much rubbing;
´|±Ì to massage.
(2) Knead: ´|ÄÑ knead dough;
´|¦¨¤@¹Î to roll into a mass by kneading;
´|¸H crush into pieces with hands.
Adj.Mixed, mingled, confused: ´|Âø disordered, jumbled, intermingled.
Words1. ´|¨àçE rou2er0pu4, n., a secondhand goods shop dealing in jewels.
2. ´|½ü rou2lun2, v.i., bend wood and shape it into wheels.
3. ´|·b rou2cuo0, v.t., (1) to roll between hands;
4. ´|·b rou2cuo0, v.t., (2) to play with, make fun of, put through trials and tribulations.

ݺ Num. Index: 10A.01-3     £ª£µ£¾ sang3    .
V.t.To push: ³Q¤Hݺ¤F¤@¥æ was pushed and fell down.

Ý» Num. Index: 10A.01-3     £ª£¹£´ sun1    .
V.i.See ±¿ ¡¼ 10A.00.

¾Þ Num. Index: 10A.01-4     £©£± cao1         (*£©£±£¿ cao4    ).
N.(1) (Also *cao4) integrity, moral principle in person's conduct: ¾Þ¦u¡A¾Þ§@¡A¾Þ¸`cao1shou3, cao1xing4, cao1jie2¡õ;
§Ó¾Þ a person's stern principles.
(2) Drill, exercise: §L¾Þ¡A­x¾Þ military drill;
¾\¾Þ review troops;
Åé¾Þ physical exercise.
(3) A song played on µ^ qin2.
(4) Name of famous historical person ±ä¾Þ (pr. *cao4).
V.t.(1) To hold (weapon, moral principle): ¾Þ¤M¡A¾Þ¼C to hold a knife, sword;
¾Þ¤à cao1ge1¡õ;
¾Þ«ù¡A¾Þ¦u cao1chi2, cao1shou3¡õ.
(2) To run (a boat, a firm), to control: ¾ÞÁa cao1zong4¡õ.
(3) To carry a profession: ¾Þ·~ ditto;
¾ÞÂå·~ pratice medicine;
¾Þ§@ cao1zuo4¡õ.
(4) To drill (troops), exercise (body): ¾Þºt¡A¾Þ½m cao1yan3, cao1lian4¡õ.
(5) To speak a certain language: ¾Þ­^»y speak English.
Words1. ¾Þ¶Ë cao1chang3, n., drill ground.
2. ¾Þ¤Á cao1qie4, v.i., to be overfastidious, control too tightly.
3. ¾Þµ^ cao1qin2, v.i., play on qin2 instrument.
4. ¾Þ«ù cao1chi2 (cao1chi0), v.t., to manage (business, shop);
5. ¾Þ«ù cao1chi2 (cao1chi0), v.t., to control or guide (conduct).
6. ¾Þ¨é cao1qUan4, v.i., ¡§hold the card¡¨--be sure to succeed.
7. ¾Þ¤à cao1ge1, v.i., ¡§hold spear¡¨: ¦P«Ç¾Þ¤à internecine fight.
8. ¾ÞÛÔ cao1gu1, v.i., (LL) (1) to write (ACÛÔ=a strip for writing);
9. ¾ÞÛÔ cao1gu1, v.i., (2) practise a profession or craft.
10. ¾Þ³Ò cao1lao2, v.i., to work hard at domestic chores, to labor intensively.
11. ¾Þ½m tsau-liahn (cao1lian), v.t. & n., to drill, a drill.
12. ¾Þ¼i cao1lU3, n., upright personal conduct.
13. ¾Þ¯« cao1shen2, v.i., to tax the mind or energy.
14. ¾Þ¦æ cao1xing4 (*cao4xing4), n., moral conduct.
15. ¾Þ¤ß cao1xin1, v.i., (1) to worry;
16. ¾Þ¤ß cao1xin1, v.i., (2) to harbor certain ideas.
17. ¾Þ¦u cao1shou3 (*cao4shou3), n., a person's moral principles, personal integrity.
18. ¾ÞÁa cao1zong4, v.i., & t., to control (another's movements): ¨ü¤H¾ÞÁa be contrloued by others;
19. ¾ÞÁa cao1zong4, v.i., & t., pull the lines (as in marionette);
20. ¾ÞÁa cao1zong4, v.i., & t., manipulate, control (stock market, etc.).
21. ¾Þ§@ cao1zuo4, (1) n., work, esp. manual or household work;
22. ¾Þ§@ cao1zuo4, (2) v.t., operate, manipulate, handle (process, machine, etc.).
23. ¾Þºt cao1yan3 (cao1yan0), n. & v. i., (hold) military exercise;
24. ¾Þºt cao1yan3 (cao1yan0), n. & v. i., athletic practice, etc.

±° Num. Index: 10A.01-6     £{£º£®£¿ lUe4    .
N.The long left slanting stroke in calligraphy.
V.i. & t.(1) To ransack, sack;
rob: ±°­¹ hunt for food;
±°¤H capture and take away inhabitants;
±°¦a take away territory;
±°¹Ü¡A±°¨ú¡A§T±°¡A·m±° to rob;
¤£´±±°¬ü dare not conceal debt to another author or previous work-acknowledge such debt.
(2) To pass quickly: ±°¹L¡A±°­±¤@¹L pass lightly like wind, brush past.
(3) To lash: ±°²Ç lash (s.o.) with whip.

À¿ Num. Index: 10A.01-6     £©£« ca1    .
V.i. & t.(1) To rub, wipe as with rag, mop, polish: À¿¾c to polish shoes;
À¿ºj clean refle;
À¿»Éªo copper polish;
¼¯À¿ v.i. & n., friction, have differences of opinion with each other;
À¿¦½ wipe perspiration;
«øÀ¿ clean and polish (table, etc.).
(2) To bruise (skin): À¿¯}¤F¥Ö;
(*tsaa) to scrape, grate (carrot, etc.).
(3) To brush past: À¿¨­¦Ó¹L ditto.
(4) To apply (powder, rouge, oinment, color, etc.): À¿­I to massage (back-ofbody).
Words1. À¿¥¬ ca1bu4, n., a wiper, rag for wiping.
2. À¿ûÒ¨à *tsaachuang2er0, n., kitchen utensil for grating potatoes, etc.
3. À¿¶Â¨à tsaheer0, adv., about or toward dusk.
4. À¿À¿ ca1ca1, adj., descriptive of scraping sounds.

±´ Num. Index: 10A.01-6     £y£³£¿ tan4    .
N.(tan4zi0) Detective, esp. private agent: °»±´¡A±K±´ detective, spy.
V.t.(1) look for, investigate (bottom, origins): ±´²`²L take soundings;
±´¥»¡A±´­ì trace to origins, make a fundamental study;
±´´ö thrust hand to feel boiling water--dangerous thing to do;
±´Áô¡A±´À[¯ÁÁô delve into secret facts or principles;
±´Æz±o¯] writing which brings out important points from a mass of facts.
(2) Spy on, look in: ±´¤@±´ go and take a look;
±´±´µê¹ê try to find out the true situation;
±´¥Þ explore cave;
±´ÀY±´¸£ pop in to look without being seen;
±´ª¾¡A±´±x ascertain, find out that;
±´¨­¤l bend over to look below (e.g., at a well);
±´Ån¨úª« delve into pocket to fish out s.t.--easy thing to do;
±´¨D¡A±´¨s¡A±´°Q tan4qiu2 tan4jiu4 tan4tao3¡õ.
(3) To visit, pay a call: ±´¿Ë¡A±´¤Í visit relatives, friends;
±´³à visit family of bereaved;
±´¯f visit the sick;
±´³X tan4fang3¡õ.
Words1. ±´¨D tan4qiu2, v.t., investigate, find out.
2. ±´¬K tan4chun1, v.i., make a spring outing.
3. ±´³X tan4fang3, v.t., find out (news, situation);
4. ±´³X tan4fang3, v.t., ±´³X­û reporter.
5. ±´¤à tan4ge0, n., & v.i., (translit). tango.
6. ±´®ü¿O tan4hai3deng1, n., searchlight, see tan4zhao1hdeng¡õ.
7. ±´ªá tan4hua0, n., number three in former national civil examinations.
8. ±´·Ó¿O tan4zhao4deng1, n., searchlight.
9. ±´¨s tan4jiu4, v.t. & n., investigate, -tion.
10. ±´ÀI tan4xian3, n. & v.i., adventure, explore, -ation (e.g., Arctic regions).
11. ±´±x tan4xi2, v.i. & t., ascertain, find out that.
12. ±´¸Õ tan4shi4, v.t., try to find out (person's opinions, etc.).
13. ±´¸ß tahn-shyurn v.i., see tan4wen4¡õ.
14. ±´°Q tan4tao3, v.i. & n., study, investigate, -tion.
15. ±´Å¥ tan4ting1, v.i. & t., find out (news, situation): ±´Å¥±¡§Î¡A®ø®§ .
16. ±´´ú tan4ce4, v.t. & n., probe into, probings;
17. ±´´ú tan4ce4, v.t. & n., conjecture.
18. ±´¤l tan4zi0, n private spy.
19. ±´±æ tan4wang4, v.t., visit (old friends, relatives).
20. ±´°Ý tan4wen4, v.t., find out (news, facts).

±Ä Num. Index: 10A.01-9     £©£¯£¾ cai3    .
V.t.(1) (Interch. ªö) to pluck, gather, collect (flowers, mulberries, tea), mine for (minerals).
(2) To select, adopt: ±Ä¾Ü¡A±Ä¨ú¡A±Ä¥Î cai3ze2 cai3qU3 cai3yong4¡õ.
Words1. 񎨍 cai3ban4, v.t., to purchase shop supplies, (as tea, herbs, cloth) by careful seletion.
2. ±Ä¸É cai2bu3, v.t., (Taoist) short for ±Ä³±¸É¶§ borrow feminine force to strengthen male health by sleeping with women.
3. ±Ä¨ú cai2qU3, v.t., adopt (policy, system, method).
4. ±Ä³X cai2fang3, v.t., gather (news) as reporter.
5. ±ÄÁÊ cai3gou4, v.t., to procure (machinery, raw materials, office supplies).
6. ±ÄºK cai3zhe2, v.t., pick, select for use.
7. ±ÄÂ^ cai3jie1, v.t., ditto.
8. ±Ä¶° cai3ji2, v.t., to collect (samples, specimens, material for writing, etc.).
9. ±ÄÄq cai3kuang4, v.i., to mine for minerals.
10. ±Ä¶R cai2mai3, v.t., see cai2ban4¡ô.
11. ±Ä¯Ç cai3na4, v.t., to adopt, take in (advice).
12. ±Ä¿ï cai2xUan3, v.t., select and purchase, see cai2ban4¡ô.
13. ±Ä¾Ü cai3ze2, v.t., to select for use, to adopt (method, name, etc.).
14. ±Ä¥Î cai3yong4, v.t., to adopt (method, system, etc.) for use.

÷Ý Num. Index: 10A.01-9     £¨£¹£³£¿ zuan4    .
V.t.Grasp, clutch: ¤@§â÷ݦí¥Lªº¤â caught hold of his hand;
÷ݦb¤â¤ßúG clasp in hand.

ѵ Num. Index: 10A.02-1     £¡£¸£²£¿ jiu4    . [Var. of ±Ï 10S.82]

øï Num. Index: 10A.02-1     £z£µ£¾ nang3    .
V.t.(1) To repel: ±Àøï to ward off.
(2) To stab: øï¥L¤@¤M give him a stab;
ø了¤H stab (s.o.) to death.
Words1. øï¤l nang3zi0, n., a dagger.

¾Ú Num. Index: 10A.02-2     £¡£º£¿ jU4    
N.Proof, evidence: ¦¬¾Ú receipt;
¦r¾Ú written evidence;
ÃÒ¾Ú testimony, proof;
½T¾Ú irrefutable evidence;
¹ê¾Ú factual proof;
¾Ì¾Ú¡A®Ú¾Ú proof, testimony, evidence;
«´¾Ú written agreements (contracts).
V.t.(1) Base or be based on: ¾Ú²z¤Oª§ argue on the basis of reason;
¾Ú¹ê³ø§i make a factual report;
¾Ú»¡ jU4shuo1¡õ;
¨Ì¾Ú rely on;
®Ú¾Ú on the basis of;
¾Ú¤ª it is said that;
¾Ú¦¹ jU4ci3¡õ;
¾Ú¥L»¡ªk according to what he says;
¾Ú§Ú¬Ý¨Ó as I see it.
(2) Take possession of: ¦û¾Ú occupy, take hold of ,lay hands on;
½L¾Ú seize illegally and entrench oneself in;
¾Ú¦³ jU4you3¡õ;
¾Ú¬°¤v¦³ appropriate to oneself (what rightfully belongs to another).
Words1. ¾ÚÂI jU4dian3, n., a base for action.
2. ¾Ú»¡ jU4shuo1, phr., it is said that¡K
3. ¾Ú¦¹ jU4ci3, adv., on these grounds, for this reason, therefore, hence.
4. ¾Ú¦³ jU4you3, v.t., take possession of.

®¶ Num. Index: 10A.02-5     £¤£´£¿ zhen4         (*£¤£´ zhen1    ).
V.i. & t.(1) To rise, move up, move to action: ®¶§@¡A®¶¿³ zhen4zuo4, zhen4xing1¡õ;
¤@Ãݤ£®¶ fall, never to rise again.
(2) To relieve (famine, etc.): ®¶ÀÙ¡A®¶±Ï zhen4ji4, zhen4jiu4¡õ.
(3) To raise, to take up: ®¶²Þ¡A®¶¯Í flap (bird's) wings to rise;
®¶¦ç to lift up and put on garment, ®¶Áu¡A®¶µ§ zhen4bei4, zhen4bi3¡õ;
®¶§L to strengthen army for action;
®¶®È to call army to order after battle, esp. after victory to return.
(4) To shake: «Â®¶¤Ñ¤U s.o's power shakes the world.
Prep.From: ®¶¥j¥H¨Ó since the ancient times.
Words1. ®¶Áu zhen4bei4, v.i., raise arm in call for action: ®¶Áu¤@©I.
2. ®¶µ§ zhen4bi3, v.i., take up pen: ®¶µ§ª½®Ñ take up pen and write rapidly.
3. ®¶°_ zhen4chi3, v.t., to restore spirit: ®¶°_ºë¯« put forth fresh energy.
4. ®¶°Ê zhen4dong4, v.i. & n., (1) vibrate, -tion;
5. ®¶°Ê zhen4dong4, v.i. & n., (2) to cause to shake.
6. ®¶¾Ä zhen4fen4, v.i., to bestir oneself: ®¶¾Äºë¯« put forth new energy.
7. ®¶´T zhen4fu2, n., (phys.) amplitude of vibration.
8. ®¶®¶ *zhen1zhen1, adj., (AC) kind, generous;
9. ®¶®¶ *zhen1zhen1, adj., impressive-looking;
10. ®¶®¶ *zhen1zhen1, adj., ®¶®¶¦³µü with eloquence (argumentatively).
11. ®¶ÀÙ zhen4ji4, v.t., to relieve (famine, flood victims; also wr. »¬).
12. ®¶±Ï zhen4jiu4, v.t., to relieve, help (those in distress);
13. ®¶±Ï zhen4jiu4, v.t., to rescue from predicament.
14. ®¶¿³ zhen4xing1, v.t., to develop (industries, etc.).
15. ®¶§@ zhen4zuo4, v.i., to determine to make good, feel heartened.

ݪ Num. Index: 10A.02-5     £¤£³£¾ zhan3    .
V.i.To wipe lightly;
to lay on lightly (as a blotting paper, to soak up extra ink): »´»´Ýª¤@ݪ.
Words1. ݪ¥¬ zhan3bu4, n., cloth used in wiping and cleaning.

Äc Num. Index: 10A.02-6     £§£µ£¾ rang3        (*£§£µ£½ rang2    ).
V.t.(1) (*rang2) Take away by force, plunder, loot: ÄcÅÑ steal, pilfer, swipe;
Äc¹Ü pillage, sack, rob;
Äcµ½ rang3shan4¡õ.
(2) (*rang2) Get rid of, free from: Äc¦i¨f drive out the barbarian invaders;
Äc°£ discard, reject, cast out;
Äc¨a ward off misfortune (disaster, calamity);
Äc¸á rehabilitate one's good name, cleanse oneself of dishonor;
Äc¥~ resist foreign aggression (encroachments).
Adj. & adv.In a state of confusion: ¤Ñ¤UÄcÄc¡A¬Ò¬°§Q©¹ (AC) all the hustle and bustle in the world is only for money;
º³º³ÄcÄc (LL) streams of people busily coming and going.
Words1. ÄcÁu rang2bi4 v.i., bestir oneself to action.
2. Äc³õ rarangchang2, phr., (of farmers) strew fields with grain and return home after harvesting.
3. Äc°L rang2mei4, v.i., roll up one's sleeves and be ready for action.
4. Äcµ½ rang2shan4, phr., appropriate to oneself credit (honor) rightfully due to s.o. else.
5. Äc³S rang2xiu4, v.i., roll up one's sleeves.
6. Äc¦Ï rang2yang2, phr., keep a neighbor's stray sheep for oneself.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.02-8     £¢£¸£´£¿ qin4    . [Var. of ¼Ã 10A.81]

Õm Num. Index: 10A.02-9     £y£¸£³£¿ tian4    .
V.t.(1) To dip (brush) in ink:Õmµ§¡AÕm¾¥.
(2) To raise wick in oil lamp: Õm¿O.

Ùd Num. Index: 10A.02-9     £º£³£¿ yUan4    .
N.(LL) minor official or officer.

§Ý Num. Index: 10A.10-1     £x£²£¾ dou3    .
V.i. & t.(1) Shake up, give a shake: §â³o±i´à¤l§Ý¤@§Ý give this blanket a shake;
¥´§Ý tremble from cold.
(2) To wake up, put up energy: §ÝÂ] dou3sou3¡õ;
to succeed in staging comeback: ³o¤U¤l¥L¥i§Ý°_¨Ó¤F this time he has made good;
§Ý¾÷ÆF (or §D) ¨à use one's wits.
(3) To play certain toy: §ÝªÅ¦Ë¡A§ÝªÅÄÁ to suspend string around axis of carved bamboo disk and whirl it by hand, causing the bamboo to make a steady whirling sound.
Words1. §Ý½ dou3fan0 v.i., dig up old stories to discreit s.o.: §Ý½¦Ñ©³ also wr. °Â½.
2. §ÝÅó dourlan3, v.i. & t., to solicit business: §ÝÅó¥Í·N;
3. §ÝÅó dourlan3, v.i. & t., §ÝÅóµü³^ try to get lawsuits as a huckster;
4. §ÝÅó dourlan3, v.i. & t., also wr.°ÂÅó.
5. §ÝºO dou3lou0, v.i. & t., to shake off (dust, contents) in a blanket;
6. §ÝºO dou3lou0, v.i. & t., to dig up (scandals).
7. §ÝÂ] doursou3, v.t., arouse spirit, pick up energy: §ÝÂ]ºë¯«°_¨Ó pull oneself together and do things;
8. §ÝÂ] doursou3, v.t., §ÝÂ]¦Ç¤g shake off dust;
9. §ÝÂ] doursou3, v.t., §Ý§ÝÂ]Â] or §Ý§ÝÁYÁY adv., cringing, trembling with fear or embarrassment.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.10-1     £|£³£¾ gan3    .
V.t.To stretch (s.t.) with the hand: ¡¼ÄÑ to roll out dough;
¡¼ÄÑ¥Ö to roll out dough wrappings;
¡¼Äѧú (´Ò) a rolling pin;
¡¼ÀÖ flatten out a piece of rug: ¥ÖÃͳ£¡¼ÀÖ¤F fur coat has been shaken smooth.

±· Num. Index: 10A.10-1     £u£¶£¾ peng3    . [Cogn. of ©^]
V.t.(1) Hold up with both hands:±·¤ô¶¼ drink from cupped hands;
§âªF¦è±·¦í hold up article to prevent toppling;
±·¤ß (AC) allu. to famous beauty ¦è¬I suffering from angina pectoris, covering chest with hands, imitated by ugly women;
±·¤é (LL) show loyalty to emperor.
(2) Serve with bothhands:±·¯ù¡A±·ÃÄ serve tea, medecine;
(3) To pay public tribute to actor, applaud in public:§â¥L±·¨ì¤Ñ¤W applaud person to the skies;
±·±o¤Ó°ª praise person too highly;
±·¯ä¸} lick one's boots, see ±·úè peng3chang2¡õ.
(4) Holding with two hands as gesture of respect: ±·Åª¡A±·»w read your letter held in two hands.
Words1. ±·úè peng3chang2, v.t., to pay tribute to actor or public person, usu. with idea of building up popularity: ½Ð±·úè please give me support or patronage.
2. ±·¸¡ peng3fu4, v.i., have a belly laugh (with hands holding the sides).

Â[ Num. Index: 10A.10-1     £z£¸£³£¾ nian3    .
V.t.To drive away, pursue: Â[¨«¡AÂ[¥X¥h drive (s.o.) away, esp. fire a servant;
Â[¤W¥h pull up to.

±¼ Num. Index: 10A.10-2     £x£¸£±£¿ diao4    .
V.i. & t.(1)To turn about, turn sideways, wag: ±¼¹L¨Ó turn over or around;
±¼­IÁy¨à turn face away;
±¼ÀY shake or turn one's head;
±¼ÀY¤£ÅU turn away and leave;
±¼Áu¦Ó¥h part hands and separate;
±¼§À¤Ú wag tail;
§À¤j¤£±¼ litr. phr., tail is wagging the dog.
(2) To change from one to another: ±¼¤â change hands;
±¼¸} change shoes from foot to foot;
±¼¨®ÀY change locomotive, or direction of;
±¼´«¡A±¼¥] diao4huan4, diao4bao1¡õ.
(3) To drop down, to lose: ±¼¤U¨Ó drop down;
±¼¦â lose color, fade;
±¼»î¨à (coll.) lose one's wits;
±¼»ù¨à decrease in price, value or prestige.
(4) To play or show off for effect: ±¼ºjªá play tricks or make moves to deceive;
±¼®Ñ³U ¡§shake book bag¡¨¡Ðto fill writing with quotations, just to parade learning;
±¼¤å»R¾¥ write showy style;
±¼¦ÞÀY talk garrulously;
±¼¬n diao4wai1¡õ.
V.b.Complement.Off, signifying loss: ¥á±¼¡A¥¢±¼ lose;
¦Y±¼¡A±þ±¼ eat off, kill off;
½æ¤£±¼ cannot sell off, dispose of in trade.
Words1. ±¼¥] diao4bao1, v.i., replace s.t. valuable with a worthless one.
2. ±¼´« diao4huan4, v.i. & t., exchange, change one for another: ±¼´«¦a¦ì change places.
3. ±¼¦Þ diao4she2, v.i., chatter, stir up ill will between others by loose gossip.
4. ±¼¬n diao4wai1, adj., naughty, mischievous.

©Õ Num. Index: 10A.10-2     £t£³£¿ ban4         (*£u£³£¿ pan4    ).
V.t.Stir and mix (mustard, etc.): ©Õ¤@©Õ mix;
²D©Õ¨§»G bean curd served cold with bits of onion, etc.
©Õ¤Ã mix even.
Words1. ©Õ±ó *pan4chi4, v.t., abandon (err. for «÷).
2. ©Õ»[ ban4suan4, v.i., walk knock kneed, bandy-legged;
3. ©Õ»[ ban4suan4, v.i., (fig.) meet constant frustrations;
4. ©Õ»[ ban4suan4, n. & adj., gauche, gaucherie, clumsy, -siness.
5. ©Õ¼L ban4zui3, v.i. & n., bicker, have little quarrels or exchange heated remarks¡×§n¼L.

Éä Num. Index: 10A.10-3     £~£³£¿ han4     ¡]®Â¡^.
V.t.To defend by force: see Éäü} han4wei4¡õ;
Éä©Ú resist by force;
Éä¿m resist (invader).
Words1. É佪 han4bi4, n., (AC) bufferstate.
2. Éä®æ han4ge2, adj., incompatible, ill-fitting: Éä®æ¤£¤J do not mesh, (ideas) mutually conflict.
3. Éä©Ú han4jU4, v.t., to resist (force, invasion).
4. Éäü} han4wei4, v.t., to defend: Éäü}°ê®a defend the country.
5. Éä¿m han4yU4, v.t., resist (invader).

©á Num. Index: 10A.10-3     £u£¶ peng1    .
V.t.Criticize, attack verbally.
Words1. ©á¨ð peng1he4, v.t., (of legislature) move for censure (of person).
2. ©áÀ» peng1ji2, v.t., make attack, accusations on (person, measures).
3. ©á¼u peng1tan2, v.t., see peng1he4¡ô.

¼Â Num. Index: 10A.10-3     £x£³£¾ dan3    . [U.f. ±´ 10A.01]

Äá Num. Index: 10A.10-3     £¦£­£¿ she4         (*£z£¸£®£¿ nie4    ).
V.t.(1) To gather up (skirts going up steps): to grab Äá¨ú she4qU3¡õ;
¤ÄÄá to hook up;
to attract by magnetic force (related §l);
Äá¤O she4li4¡õ;
(fig.) to photograph (¡§grab image¡¨) Äá¼v she4ying3¡õ.
(2) To act as regent or deputy: Äá¬F she4zheng4¡õ;
Äá¥ô,Äá½f to act as deputy;
­ÝÄá to act concurrently as deputy or acting officer;
(3) To conserve (life, energy): Äá¥Í¡AÄáÅ@¡AÄáü} she4sheng1, she4hu4, she4wei4¡õ.
(4) (*nie4) To pacify: ÂíÄá.
Words1. Äá¨ú she4qU3, v.t., to absorb, assimilate (nutrition, food), take between the fingers.
2. ÄáÅ@ she4hu4, v.t., to conserve energy, life force;
3. ÄáÅ@ she4hu4, v.t., ÄáÅ@¸¢ the prostate gland.
4. Äá¬F she4zheng4, n., (also Äá¬F¤ý) prince regent.
5. Äá¤O she4li4, n., magnetic force.
6. Äá²z she4li3, v.i., to be acting officer.
7. Äá¥Í she4sheng1, v.i. & n., the art of conserving life energy.
8. Äá¦æ she4xing2, v.i., to act in some capacity.
9. Äá¤óªí she4shi4biao3, n., Celsius thermometer, centigrade.
10. Äáü} she4wei4, v.i., seeshe4sheng1¡ô.
11. Äá¼v she4ying3, v.i. & n., photograph, -y;
12. Äá¼v she4ying3, v.i. & n., Äá¼v¾÷ camera (also ·Ó¬Û¾÷);
13. Äá¼v she4ying3, v.i. & n., Äá¼v®v photographer, cameraman.

å¸ Num. Index: 10A.10-4     £x£³£¾ dan3    .
N.(dan3zi0) Duster: ü÷¤ò帤l feather duster.
V.t.(1) To dust: 带ç¡A帾c wipe dust off clothing, shoes;
å¸¦Ç beat off dust.
(2) U.f. ±´ pr. tan4, to pry into.

´¥ Num. Index: 10A.10-4     £¸ yi1    .
V.i. & t.(1) To make a bow;
to bow to (person): §@´¥ ditto;
´¥«È bow to a visitor.
(2) (AC) u.f. ¿è to put together.
Words1. ´¥Åý yi1rang4, v.i., (1) to bow and concede;
2. ´¥Åý yi1rang4, v.i., to observe courtesy in gen.;
3. ´¥Åý yi1rang4, v.i., (2) (AC) to yield the throne to a worthy successor, and not to one's son.

¾Ü Num. Index: 10A.10-4     £¨£­£½ ze2         (*£¤£¯£½ zhai2    , coll.).
V.t.(1) Select, choose: ¿ï¾Ü pick and choose;
¾Ü¿ï choose from among many;
¾Ü°t choose a spouse;
¾Ü°¸ ditto;
¾Ü´B select a husband for one's daughter;
¾Ü¿Ë make marriage arrangements for one's children;
¾Ü¹ï ze2dui4¡õ;
¾Ü¤H¦Ó¨Æ choose a master (prince) to serve;
¾Ü¤§¦ÓÂk ditto;
¾Ü¾F pick a suitable place to live in, esp. for the rearing of one's children;
¾Ü¥æ ze2jiao1¡õ;
¾ÜÀu choose the best there is;
¾Üµ½©T°õ find out what is good and hold fast to it;
¾Ü´Á pick a date (for marriage, burial, business venture);
¾Ü¤é¤l ditto;
¾Ü¦N (¶}±i) choose an auspicious day to start a business;
¾ÜªÎ¦Ó¾½ to victimize the rich.
(2) Differentiate: ¤û¦Ï¦ó¾Ü°¨ (AC) why differentiate between cattle and sheep?
Words1. ¾Ü¤£¶} *zhai2bu0kai1, v.i., (1) cannot be separated: ¥L­Ì­Ç¬O¾Ü¤£¶}ªº¤@¹ï¨à the two of them are an inseparable pair;
2. ¾Ü¤£¶} *zhai2bu0kai1, v.i., (2) cannot get away: §Ú¦£±o¤@ÂI¨à¥\¤Ò¾Ü¤£¶} I'm so busy that I can't tear myself away for a moment.
3. ¾Ü¹ï ze2dui4, (1) v.i., choose a spouse;
4. ¾Ü¹ï ze2dui4, (2) (*jia2duei) v.t., make a careful choice of : ¾Ü¹ï¦n¤F¤é¤l choose an auspicious day.
5. ¾Ü°®²b¨à *zhai2gan1jing4er0, v.i., shirk one's responsibility.
6. ¾Ü¥æ ze2mao2er0, phr., choose friends carefully.
7. ¾Ü¤ò¨à *zhai2mao2er0, phr., find fault with;
8. ¾Ü¤ò¨à *zhai2mao2er0, phr., fault-finding, captious, cavilling, carping.
9. ¾Ü¤ì ze2mu4, v.i., (lit.) (of birds) choose a tree to nestle in, (fig.) choose a master to serve.
10. ¾Ü®u *zhai2xi2, v.i., be choosy about the bed in which one sleeps.
11. ¾Ü¤â³f *zhai2shou0huo4, n., inferior goods left over unsold.
12. ¾Ü­¹ *zhai2shi2 (ze2shi2), v.i., be particular about the food one eats: ÄȤ£¾Ü­¹ when one is hungry, one will eat anything given him.
13. ¾Ü¨ë *zhai2ci4, v.i., pick fish bones;
14. ¾Ü¨ë *zhai2ci4, v.i., (fig.) remove misunderstandings.

é¤ Num. Index: 10A.10-5     £u£¸£¿ pi4    
V.t.To break open
to pound, see é¤ä\ pi4yong3¡õ.
Words1. é¤áá pi4biao1, v.i., (AC) be frightened.
2. é¤ä\ pi4yong3, v.i., to pound the heart and stamp the ground as expression of sorrow at parents' funeral.

Õj Num. Index: 10A.10-6     £¨£¹£½ zu2         (sp. pr. *£©£¹£¬£½ cuo2    ).
V.t.(1) To grasp, clutch, grip: Õj¾v grasp by the hair
(2) (*cuo2) To pull up: Õj¯ó pull up grass (weeds).
(3) Be in conflict with: ¦¥®L¥æÕj the barbarian tribes and China oft. came into open conflict.

ºL Num. Index: 10A.10-6     £¦£¹£¯ shuai1        . [Related ¥Ï £¦£¹£¯£¾ shuai3    , 42.70]
V.t.To throw down, fling down (s.t.): ºL¦b¦a¤W dash it to the ground;
ºLªF¦è throw s.t. with force;
ºL¯}, ºL¸H dashed to pieces;
ºL±¼ shuai1diao4¡õ.
V.i.To trip, be thrown down:ºL¤U¨Ó thrown as from a horse or cart;
ºL­Ë shuai1dao3¡õ;
ºL¸òÀY,ºL¸ø shuai1gen1tou0, shuai1jiao1¡õ;
ºL¦º¤F fallen dead.
Words1. ºL¥´ shuai1da3, v.i., receive hard knocks: ¦b¥~ÀYºL¥´¹L went through the rough and tumble of life-experienced hardships;
2. ºL¥´ shuai1da3, v.i., ºL¥´Ëß©Ô shuai1da3za2la2, adj., tough (person), letting nothing stand in the way.
3. ºL­Ë shuai1dao3, v.i., be thrown down, slip down.
4. ºL±¼ shuai1diao4, v.t., cast away.
5. ºL¸òÀY shuai1gen1tou0, v.i., fall head over heels.
6. ºL® shuai1huang2, v.i., make innuendoes.
7. ºL¨¤ shuai1jiao3, n. & v.i., wrestle.
8. ºL¸ø shuai1jiao1, v.i., (1) to trip and fall down: ºL¤@¸ø;
9. ºL¸ø shuai1jiao1, v.i., (2) to wrestle.
10. ºLµP shuai1pai2, v.i., lose face (lit., ¡§throw cards down¡¨).
11. ºL¯¥¡]¨à¡^ shuai1pao4(er0), n., toy cracker which explodes on being thrown to the ground.
12. ºL¬Ö¨à shuai1perer0, n., custom for the son of deceased to dash an earthen basin to pieces before starting funeral procession.
13. ºL³à shuai1sang1, n., ditto, also ºL³à¬Ö¤l.
14. ºLÆg¨à shuai1tzaher0, v.i., (coll.) to grumble.

´§ Num. Index: 10A.10-6     £~£¹£° hui1    
V.i. & t.(1) To brandish (a sword, whip), to brush, make a light or rapid stroke: ´§¤â¦Ó§O wave hand on departure;
´§¦½¦¨«B (great number of troops) brushing their sweat drops makes it look like rain;
´§²\ flick a tear;
´§²@ to write;
´§®± lift a fist to fight;
«ü´§ to direct (troop movements, a concert, course of action).
(2) To squander: ´§ª÷¦p¤g squander money like dust.
Words1. ´§µo hui1fa1, v.i., to vaporize, volatize;
2. ´§µo hui1fa1, v.i., ´§µoªo volatile oil.
3. ´§¿« hui1han4, v.i., to write (brandish the pen).
4. ´§²@ hui1hao2, v.i., ditto.
5. ´§ÀN hei1huo4, v.i. & t., to squander money, spend lavishly.
6. ´§Åx hui1sa3, v.i., to write or paint freely.
7. ´§´² hui1san3, v.i., to evaporate, vaporize, to dissipate (wealth).

Éç Num. Index: 10A.10-9     £¢£¸£³ qian1    .
N.(qian1zi0) A wooden pick or iron poker for poking into sacks, etc.: ¤úÉç toothpick, also wr. ÅÒ 92A.71;
·ÏÉç¤l a wire-like appliance for cleaning pipe bowl.
V.i.To poke at or into.
Words1. Éç¸} qian1jiao3, v.i., to pedicure (also called ­×¸}).
2. Éç¤â qian1shou3, n., formerly, customs inspector (who pokes at sacks of goods)

Õy Num. Index: 10A.10-9     £t£¯£¾ bai3    .
Words1. ÕyÂó bai3he2, phr., open and close as in Áa ¾îÕyÂó 93B.83.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.10-9     £ª£¹£´£¾ sun3    ,

®À Num. Index: 10A.11-1     £©£¹£¬£¿ cuo4    
V.t.(1) To chop down, break down: ®À§é cuo4zhe2¡õ.
(2) To frustrate, be frustrated.
Words1. ®À§é cuo4zhe2, v.t. & n., frustrate, -ed, -tion.
2. ®À¿i cuo4mo0, v.t., to persecute (person) by daily scolding, ridicule, etc.
3. ®À°d cuo4ru4, v.t., to humiliate (person).

ûu Num. Index: 10A.11-1     £y£¯£½ tai2    . [Pop. ©ï]
V.t.To lift up, raise (table, etc.): ûuµÛÀY lift up one's head, see ûuÀY tai2tou2¡õ;
ûu»ù raise price;
ûu¥X¥h carry it out;
ûu°_¨Ó lift up;
ûu¤£°Ê cannot lift up;
ûu¨­ straighten up from bending position;
ûu¤âûu¸} gesticulate;
°ªûu¶Q¤â phr., used in asking for pardon, more tips, or higher pay;
ûu¦ª¡A¦ªûu carry s.t. heavy with hands on shoulders or the back;
ûuÃâ¤l carry a sedan chair, (gambling) gang up on a player;
ûu°ª¨­»ù put higher value on oneself.
Words1. ûuºb tai2gang4, v.i., to wrangle, quarrel, argue for argument's sake.
2. ûuªÓ tai2jian1, n., a tailor's term, width from armpit to middle of back.
3. ûuûs tai2jU0, v.t., encourage by words or deeds, to help by promoting: ¤£ÃÑûuûs not worth, do not appreciate, such help.
4. ûuÀY tai2tou2, v.i., (1) raise one's head: ûuÀY¤@¬Ý raise one's head and look;
5. ûuÀY tai2tou2, v.i., ¥Ã»·¤£¯àûuÀY doomed to an inferior status;
6. ûuÀY tai2tou2, v.i., ûuÀY¯¾ lines on forehead;
7. ûuÀY tai2tou2, v.i., (2) rule in documents to begin new line above margin on mentioning superior's or king's name;
8. ûuÀY tai2tou2, v.i., (3) become firmer (in stock prices).

Åu Num. Index: 10A.11-2     £y£³ tan1    .
N.adjunct.A collection of liquid: ¤@Åu¤ô¡A¤@Åuªd a pool of water, mud.
N.(tan1zi0, tan1er0) A stall, booth, mat on sidewalk displaying goods for sale: ­»·ÏÅu cigarette booth
´ú¦rÅu fortuneteller's booth
ük¤lÅu fruit stall
Â\Åu spread out goods for sale in booth or (±Æ¦aÅu ) on mat.
V.t.(1) To spread out: Åu¶} spread out;
Åu¤@Åu¡AÅuÅu¬Ý spread out and see;
Åu¦ì assign seats;
ÅuµP tan1pai2¡õ.
(2) To distribute: ÅuÁÙ¡AÅuÀv tan1huan2, tan1chang2¡õ;
¤ÀÅu³d¥ô distribute responsibility;
Åu»{¡AÅu¬£ tan1ren4, tan1pai4¡õ.
Words1. ÅuÀv tan1chang2, v.t., to pay back (debt) by installment.
2. Åu³c tan1fan4, n., stall keeper;
3. Åu³c tan1fan4, n., seller on sidewalks.
4. ÅuÁÙ tan1huan2, v.i. & t., to pay back by installment.
5. Åu® tan1huang2, n., a form of storytelling in rhymes at teahouses, partly sung (also wr.Åy).
6. Åu¶Àµæ tan1huang2cai4, n., scrambled eggs. (from Peking custom of avoiding word §Z¡§egg¡¨).
7. Åu¬£ tan1pai4, v.t., assign contributions, work.
8. ÅuµP tan1pai2, v.i. & n., make a showdown (lay cards on the table).
9. Åu»{ tan1ren4, v.i. & t., to pledge contribution individually to gen. fund.
10. Åu¾P tan1xiao1, v.t., amortization;
11. Åu¾P tan1xiao1, v.t., also distribute sales.

ºR Num. Index: 10A.11-2     tsue    . [Dist. ±À 10A.11, ¶Ê 91A.11]
ºRRTo smash, destroy: ºR¬\©Ô¦´ smash (enemy) easily like breaking dry branches:ºR´Ý¡AºR³´¡AºR·´ tsuecan2, tsuexian4, tsuehui3¡õ.
Words1. ºR·´ tsuehui3, v.t., to destroy, smash to pieces, wreck (buildings, enemy power,etc.).
2. ºR³´ tsuexian4, v.t., destroy (enemy city, army): ºR³´¹ø²M exterminate, destroy, uproot entirely (evil systems) and clear the ground.
3. ºR´Ý tsuecan2, v.t., to trample down (life, ideas), tyrannize over, destroy wantonly.
4. ºRÀZ tsuetui2, v.i., (1) to falter (¡×ÁζY 40B.30);
5. ºRÀZ tsuetui2, v.i., (2) to decay.

òE Num. Index: 10A.11-3     £~£¹£¬£¿ huo4    .
V.t.To pick: ¬D¤TòE¥| to pick and choose.

ûv Num. Index: 10A.11-4     £{£¹£¬ luo1    .
V.t.(Vern.) to lift up, tuck up (end of gown or trousers).

À Num. Index: 10A.11-5     £¤£¹£¬£½ zhuo2    .
V.t.(1) To select and promote: À¤ɡAÀ¥Πzhuo2sheng1, zhuo2yong4¡õ;
©ÞÀ¤H¤~ to pick out and promote talents.
(2) To pull out: À¾vÃø¼Æ (transgressions, etc.) too numerous to count (like ¡§pulling out a tuft of hair¡¨ and trying to count it).
Adj.Tall, erect (trees): À¤ì¤d´M trees hundreds of feet tall.
Words1. ÀÂ²Ä zhuo2di4, v.i., to pass the civil examinations.
2. ÀÂ¤É zhuo2sheng1, v.t., promote specially (not by routine).
3. ˬq zhuo2xiu4, adj., (1) outstanding (talent, character);
4. ˬq zhuo2xiu4, adj., (2) luxuriant (plant).
5. À¥Πzhuo2yong4, v.t., promote specially in government service.

±º Num. Index: 10A.11-5     £¯£½ ai2        . [Interch. ®Á £¯£½ ai2    , see 10A.81]

´¤ Num. Index: 10A.11-5     £¹£¬£¿ wo4    .
N.To grasp, take by the hand: ´¤¤â¡A´¤ºÞ wo4shou3, wo4guan3¡õ;
´¤µ§, see ´¤ºÞ wo4guan3¡õ;
´¤¦í hold in grasp;
´x´¤ to control, manage;
§â´¤ firm control, full confidence;
¦b´¤ in control;
¤jÅv¦b´¤ hold real power in one's hand.
Words1. ´¤§O wo4bie2, v.i., part with a hand grasp.
2. ´¤ºÞ wo4guan3, v.i., to write (hold the pen).
3. ´¤¤â wo4shou3, v.i., shake hands.

©Ö Num. Index: 10A.11-6     £¤£¹£¾ zhu3    .
V.i. & t.To rest on support: ©ÖÉé¦Ó¨« went leaning on a cane;
©ÖÀ[ rest chin in hand.

¼² Num. Index: 10A.11-6     £¤£¹£µ£¿ zhuang4        . (re. pr. also £¥£¹£µ£½ chuang2    ).
V.t.(1) To collide, strike with force, knock (down): ¼²¨®¡A¼²²î cars, ships,collide;
¼²¤W knock against;
²î¼²¨I¤F ship sinks from collision;
­¸¾÷¼²¤s an airplane hits a peak;
¼²Ãa destroyed by knocking;
¼²­Ë to fell (a tree);
¬Û¼² collide with each other;
úX¼² bump into: ¨¥»y¤WúX¼²°_¨Ó to get into argument, exchange words.
(2) Find, meet unexpectedly: ¼²¨£ bump into (person);
¼²°­ encounter a ghost, also run around in distraction.
Adj.¼²»ó rebuffed.
Words1. ¼²¾À zhuang4bi4, adj., up against a blind wall.
2. ¼²²y zhuang4qiu2, n., billiard (also called Âi²y).
3. ¼²Âk zhuang4gui1, n., a metod of division in using abacus.
4. ¼²¨£ zhuang4jian4, v.t., to encounter, run into, meet or discover by chance.
5. ¼²«È zhuang4ke4, n., formerly, a person possessed by the devil.
6. ¼²­â zhuang4ling2, v.i., to break ice by icebreaker.
7. ¼²¤ìÄÁ zhuang4mu4zhong1, phr., (coll.) to swindle.
8. ¼²ÄF zhuang4pian4, v.i., to swindle.

¾Ö Num. Index: 10A.11-6     £º£¶£¾ yong3         (also £º£¶ yong1    ).
V.t.(1) To embrace: ¾Ö©ê yong3bao4¡õ;
to hold: ¾Öí¼ hold a broomstick.
(2) To support (leader): ¾ÖÅ@¡A¾ÖÀ¹ yong3hu4, yong3dai4¡õ.
(3) To jostle, pack tight: ¾ÖÀ½ yong3ji3¡õ.
(4) To heave, dash forward in swarm or group: ¤@¾Ö¦Ó¤W dash up, jostle up;
¾Ö¤W¨Ó (crowd) push and egg forward.
Words1. ¾Ö©ê yong3bao4, v.t., embrace each other.
2. ¾ÖÀ¹ yong3dai4, v.t., to support and adore (leader).
3. ¾Ö¹K yong3e4, v.t., to obstruct;
4. ¾Ö¹K yong3e4, p.p., blocked up.
5. ¾ÖÅ@ yong3hu4, v.t., to support (leader, candidate).
6. ¾ÖÀ½ jurngji3, adj., crowded.
7. ¾Ö¶ë yong3se4, v.t., to obstruct;
8. ¾Ö¶ë yong3se4, p.p., blocked up.

Ý| Num. Index: 10A.11-6     £¢£º£®£¿ qUe4    .
V.i. & t.(1) To strike (part of body),
(2) To discuss: °Óºe discuss, -ion.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.11-6     £ª£¯ sai1    .
V.t.To tuck s.t. in or under (as pocket, mattress).

¬C Num. Index: 10A.11-8     £¦£¹£³ shuan1    .
V.i. & t.To tie (horse) to a post, to tie with rope: ¬C¦í fasten with rope;
see compp.¡õ;
¬C¶ë¡A¦åºÞ¬C¶ë clotting of blood vessel, thrombosis.
Words1. ¬C´¡ shuan1cha0, v.i., to look after food and clothing of child.
2. ¬C¨® shuan1che1, v.i., to provide carts and carriages.
3. ¬C¿£ shuan1fu2, v.t., to tie up (s.t.) usu. with rope.
4. ¬C¦©¨à shuan1kou4er0, v.i., (1) to tie a knot;
5. ¬C¦©¨à shuan1kou4er0, v.i., (2) try to alienate friends.
6. ¬C§ô shuan1shu4, v.t., see shuan1fu2¡ô.
7. ¬C«½«½ shuan1wa2wa0, v.t., (woman) take a wooden doll home after praying to goddess of fertility.

´¨ Num. Index: 10A.11-9     £¥£¹£°£½ chui2    .
N.(chui2zi0) A stick for beating: ¹ª´¨¤l drumstick (cf. Âñ 81A.83, ºl 10B.83 and Ý´ 10A.83).
V.t.To pommel, pound, cudgel (person): ´¨¥L¤@®± pommel him with a fist.

±À Num. Index: 10A.11-9     £y£¹£° tui1    .
V.t.(1) To push, push open, push down push on: ±À¶} push away, ±À¥h push out;
§â¥L±À±Àݺݺ (sang3) ¨ì´Y¤U push and pull him to the corridor;
±Àªù push door open;
±À¨® push cart;
±À°Ê to propel, give impetus to;
±À°Ê¤O motivation force, force of propulsion;
¶¶¤ô±À¦à go with the current, take advantage of favorable trend;
±Àªi§UÄi follow and hasten movement of waves--to aggravate dispute by third party, add to quarrel;
±À³¯¥X·s (biol.) assimilation, process of change, make renovations;
±À¶}¤Ñµ¡»¡«G¸Ü talk frankly without hedging about (pun on «G meaning ¡§clear¡¨and ¡§daylight¡¨);
´H´»¬Û±À the seasonal changes hurry on.
(2) Push away offer, or step back in favor of s.o. else: ±ÀÅý tui1rang4¡õ.
(3) Push forward, promote, elect, recommend: ±À¬°²Ä¤@ regard as No. 1;
±À¥L°µ­º choose him as leader;
±À½å»P¯à select the capable men and put them in power;
±ÀÂË¡A±ÀÁ|¡A±À±R¡A±À³\ tui1jian4, tui1jU3, tui1chong2, tui1xU3¡õ.
(4) Reject, make excuse, give as reaon or pretext: ±À¯f¤£¥h did not go on pretext of illness;
±À¬G give as an excuse or reason.
(5) Shake off, shirk, refuse: ±À¨ø¡A±À½Ó¡A±À°U¡A±ÀÃã tui1xie4, tui1wei3 ,tui1tuo1, tui1ci2¡õ;
±À°®²b¨à, ±À­Ó¤@°®¤G²b push all blame on others;
±À¶}³d¥ô shake off all responsibility;
±À¨ì§O¤H¨­¤W put the blame on others;
±À§@ (±À¬°) ¤£ª¾ pretend not to know;
±À¤Tªý¥|, ±À¨Ó±À¥h make all sorts of excuses;
¥b±À¥b´N (of woman) half refusing and half yeilding.
(6) Trace origings, investiagte, deduce, calculate: ±À­ì trace origins;
±À¨s (­ì¦]) investigate, study causes;
±À¨ä¬G find out the cause.
±ÀºV¡A±À´ú tui1qiao1, tui1ce4¡õ;
¦]¤@±À¤Q deduce ten from one;
¥H¦¹Ãþ±À and so on (one can deduce the rest from this);
±À¤v¤Î¤H ¡§place yourself in another's place¡¨--do unto others what you would do unto yourself;
±À¤ß¸m¸¡ show the greatest consideration or confidence (treat s.o. as yourself).
(7) Certain actions: ±ÀµP¤E to play dominoes;
±À¥ú rub and polish (wood surface);
±À¦aªO polish floor.
Words1. ±À¹^¡]¤l¡^ tui1bao4(zi0), n., carpenter's plane.
2. ±À­I tui1bei4 n., Chin. massage;
3. ±À­I tui1bei4 n., ±À­I¹Ï the name of a pop. book of prophecy.
4. ±À¨B tui1bu4, v.i., (LL) make astronomical calculations.
5. ±À¸Û tui1cheng2, phr., open one's heart to another, as sincere friend: ±À¸Û¬Û»P.
6. ±ÀºV tui1qiao1, v.t., try to find out, to fathom (meaning, cause).
7. ±À¨D tui1qiu2, v.t., to reason out.
8. ±À±R tui1chong2, v.t., to worship, admire, acknowledge as leader.
9. ±À«o tui1qUe4, v.t., reject, shirk (responsibility).
10. ±À­Ë tui1dao3, v.t., (1) to overthrow;
11. ±À­Ë tui1dao3, v.t., (2) to push down.
12. ±ÀÌX tui1dang4, v.t,. procrastinate (also ©ìÌX)
13. ±ÀÀ¹ tui1dai4, v.t., acclaim as leader.
14. ±À©w tui1ding4, v.i., (1) predict outcome;
15. ±À©w tui1ding4, v.i., (2) elect or nominate s.o. for office.
16. ±ÀÂ_ tui1duan4, v.i., predict.
17. ±À«× tui1du4, v.i., conjecture.
18. ±À®¦ tui1en1, v.i., extend favors, kindness.
19. ±À½ tui1fan1, v.t., to overthrow (government, previous thiory).
20. ±ÀªA tui1fu2, v.t., admire, consider as better than oneself.
21. ±À¼s tui1guang3, v.t., to extend, expand (area, sales, etc.).
22. ±À¬G tui1gu4, v.i., give as reason or pretext.
23. ±ÀÁÔ tui1gu3, v.t., recommend for high post.
24. ±ÀÂË tui1jian4, v.t., to recommend (person).
25. ±À¶i tui1jin4, v.t., to push forward , propel;
26. ±À¶i tui1jin4, v.t., ±À¶i¾÷ propeller.
27. ±À¨s tui1jiu4, v.i. & t., conjecture, figure out (reason, principles, etc.), make a careful study of.
28. ±À­« tui1zhong4, v.t., regard with respect, place importance upon (person).
29. ±Àûs tui1jU3, v.t., to elect person to post;
30. ±Àûs tui1jU3, v.t., to recommend.
31. ±ÀÃþ tui1lei4(or Ãþ±À ) v.i., reason by analogy: ±ÀÃþ¦ÜºÉ push to logical extreme.
32. ±À²z tui1li3, v.i., to reason logically, study the reason.
33. ±À½× tui1lun4, n., conclusion;
34. ±À½× tui1lun4, n., reasoning.
35. ±À¿i tui1mo4, v.i., turn the grindstone;
36. ±À¿i tui1mo4, v.i., (fig.) pass the bucket, shirk duty.
37. ±ÀÎÔ tui1na2, v.i. & n., (Chin. med.) a kind of massage, kneading and rubbing.
38. ±À©À tui1nian4, v.i., think of s.o. distant or past.
39. ±À±Æ tui1pai2, v.i., (MC) see tui1qiao1¡ô.
40. ±ÀÅý tui1rang4, v.i., courteously ask s.o. to precede or take post.
41. ±À·Q tui1xiang3, v.i., imagine, reckon (s.o. must have arrived, etc.).
42. ±À¾P tui1xiao1, v.t., promote sales of;
43. ±À¾P tui1xiao1, v.t., ±À¾P­û salesman.
44. ±À¨ø tui1xie4, v.t., to evade, to shove off (duty etc.), be irresponsible.
45. ±À¦æ tui1xing2, v.t., promote (system, ideas), carry into effect (new laws, practices).
46. ±À¨Æ tui1shi4, n., a judge.
47. ±À¿ï tui1xUan3, v.t., elect (person).
48. ±À³\ tui1xU3, v.t., praise, esp. by s.o. above, commend favorably by superior.
49. ±Àºâ tui1suan4, v.i. & t., reckon (dates, etc.);
50. ±Àºâ tui1suan4, v.i. & t., predict (future).
51. ±À´ú tui1ce4, v.i. & t., calculate, conjecture.
52. ±ÀÃã tui1ci2, v.i. & t., decline (offer).
53. ±À°U tui1tuo1, v.i. & t., give reasons, excuses, for not doing.
54. ±À»µ tui1wan3, v.t., (LL) recommend, urge forward (lit., ¡§push and pull carriage¡¨).
55. ±À½Ó tui1wei3, v.i. & t., shirk (responsibility).
56. ±À°Ý tui1wen4, v.i. & t., investigate, interrogate.
57. ±À©µ tui1yan2, v.i., delay, procrastinate.
58. ±À²¾ tui1yi2, v.i., change or move round (as the seasons).
59. ±À­ì tui1yUan2, v.i., find out reason, or cause.

´¬ Num. Index: 10A.20-5     £t£¸£¶£¿ bing4    . [Var. ìè]
V.t.Remove (obstacles);
cast aside: ´¬¶} move away, see compp.¡õ.
Words1. ´¬±ó bing4chi4, v.t., abandon, cast aside (old freinds, honors, family).
2. ´¬°£ bing4chu2, v.t., remove (prejudices ¦¨¨£);
3. ´¬°£ bing4chu2, v.t., overcome (obstacles »Ùûû)
4. ´¬¾× bing4dang4, v.t., clean up and put in order (as before departure): ´¬¾×¤@¤Á get everything ready.
5. ´¬µ´ bing4jUe2, v.t., cut loose entirely.

Ùf Num. Index: 10A.20-8     £¸£³£¾ yan3    . [Var. of ±» 10A.70]

«÷ Num. Index: 10A.20-9     £u£¸£´ pin1        . [Dist. ©é £u£³£¿ pan4        , see pin1ming4    ¡õ]
V.t.Assemble, put together, throw all in: «÷©R pin1ming4¡õ;
to spell: «÷­µ pin1yin1¡õ.
Words1. «÷ªk pin1fa3, v.t. & n., seepin1yin1¡õ.
2. «÷©R pin1ming4, v.i., do everything to (even at the risk of life): «÷©R¤u§@¡AŪ®Ñ work, study very hard (neglecting health);
3. «÷©R pin1ming4, v.i., ©M¥L«÷©R fight him with all one has got;
4. «÷©R pin1ming4, v.i., «÷¦Ñ©R fight regardless of life or death (in this sense, also ©é©R 10A.20).
5. «÷­µ pin1yin1, v.t. & n., spell, -ing: ³o¦r«ç¼Ë«÷ªk how do you spell this word?

ìì Num. Index: 10A.20-9     £££¸£¶£¾ xing3    .
V.t.ìì»ó¤l blow the nose.

©é Num. Index: 10A.20-9     £u£³£¿ pan4         (coll, also £u£³ pan1    ). [Dist. «÷ 10A.20]
V.t.Abandon, discard.
Words1. ©é±ó pan4chi4, v.t., to abandon (person, thing).
2. ©é©R pan4ming4, v.i., (lit.) risk life to, i.e., to try very hard to: ©é©RŪ®Ñ¡A°µ¥Í·N to study, or keep business, with heart and soul;
3. ©é©R pan4ming4, v.i., also «÷©R ping1ming4, 10A.20.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.21-1     £¥£¹£¶ chong1    .
V.t.To strike at;
to pound (wall, etc.).

Ù_ Num. Index: 10A.21-2     £¤£´£¿ zhen4    .
V.t.(AC) to stab.

©å Num. Index: 10A.21-2     £¤£¹£¬£½ zhuo2    .
Adj.(1) Stupid, dull: ²Â©å ditto;
¤f©å slow of speech;
©å²´ zhuo2yan3¡õ.
(2) (Court., self-deprecating) my (¡§stupid¡¨): ©å¨£ my opinion;
©åµÛ my book or essay;
©å¯ð my wife;
®¤§Ú²´©å I beg to differ (¡§excuse my stupid view¡¨).
Words1. ©å²Â zhuo2ben4, adj., stupid.
2. ©åµ§ zhuo2bi3, n., (Chin. painting) spontaneous unadorned lines.
3. ©å¤u zhuo2gong1, n., (AC)coarse workman.
4. ¤ã¯ð zhuo2jing1, n., (court.) my wife.
5. ©å¦H zhuo2lie4, adj., inferior, execrable (work).
6. ©å¹ê zhuo2si0, adj., solidly built.
7. ©å²´ zhuo2yan3, n., (LL) common, philistine view: Æ[¤H¦pÆ[¥É¡A©å²´³ßÃÕµû judging character is like judging jade, the uninformed like to criticize.

±¸ Num. Index: 10A.21-5     £¡£º£®£½ jUe2    .
V.t.Dig, excavate: ±¸¦a¡A±¸¤« dig the earth, a well;
«õ±¸ scoop (dig) out;
±¸¬ï make a hole, as in a wall, by digging;
±¸§| dig a pit;
µo±¸ excavate, -tion, to discover, exploit: µo±¸¤H§÷ to discover talents;
±Ä±¸ to mine (ores);
±¸¤g¾÷ a bulldozer.

©Ú Num. Index: 10A.21-5     £¡£º£¿ jU4    .
V.t.(1) Resist, oppose: §Ü©Ú to offer resistance to;
©Ú¼Ä repel or resist the enemy;
©Ú¦u jU4shou3¡õ.
(2) Refuse, decline to accept: ©Úµ´ jU4jUe2¡õ;
©Ú®· resist arrest;
¨ÓªÌ¤£©Ú all are welcome, none will be turned away.
Words1. ©Ú¥V jU4dong1, n., (bot.) the caper spurge, mole plant.
2. ©Ú¥I jU4fu4, v.i., go on default, refuse payment.
3. ©Úµ´ jyuhjyuer, v.t., to reject (request, etc.), to refuse to do.
4. ©Ú¦u jU4shou3, v.t., to guard, defend against enemy attack.

áà Num. Index: 10A.21-5     £}£² kou1    .
V.t.(1) To pick (s.t. as from pocket): áण¥X¨Ó cannot get it out;
áà»ó¤Õ to pick the nose.
(2) To follow up clue, to fish out details: ¥L¹J¨ì¤@­Ó°ÝÃD¡AÁ`·R¦ºáà he wants to get all the details when he comes to a problem.
(3) To lift up (dress): áà¦ç¤É°ó lift up skirt or dress as one enters the hall.
Words1. áàºO kou1lou0 adj., sunken: ²´·úáàºO¨à the eyes are sunken (as from lack of sleep).
2. áàªù¨à kou1merer0, n., a miser: ³o­Ó¤H¯u¬Oáàªù¨à he is really a miser.

Ù] Num. Index: 10A.21-5     £¸£«£¿ ya4    .
V.t.(AC) to pull up: Ù]­]§Uªø ¡]AC) to pull up seedling in mistaken hope of helping it to grow.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.21-5     £}£¹£¯£¾ kuai3    .
V.t.¡¼Äo to scratch an itch.

·n Num. Index: 10A.21-9     £¸£±£½ yao2    .
V.t. & t.To shake, quake, wag, flutter: ·n°Ê yao2dong4¡õ;
·n¨Ó·n¥h to rock (as a cradle), to swing (as pendulum);
·nÀY¡A·n­º shake one's head;
·n§À to wag (dog's tail);
·n§À¤^¼¦ to beg like a dog;
·n®B¹ª¦Þ, see ·n¦Þ yao2she2¡õ;
·n¤â¡A·n­º yao2shou31,2¡õ;
oft. coupled with ®Ì yao2huang0 and Â\ yao2bai3¡õ;
·nºX§o³Û to wave the flag and shout, oft. said of political followers;
·n¨­¤@ÅÜ shake and be transformed by magic.
Words1. ·nÂ\ yao2bai3, v.i., to stagger, to walk with a swinging gait: ·n·nÂ\Â\ walk thus, esp. with an air of importance;
2. ·nÂ\ yao2bai3, v.i., ·nÀYÂ\§À waggling tail to please the master.
3. ·nªO yao2ban3, n., (Chin. opera) a continuing slow rhythm without definite beat (also called ´²ªO).
4. ·n¿ú¾ð yao2qian2shu4, n., a ¡§money tree¡¨ which sheds coins upon shaking--a singsong girl binging lots of income for madam.
5. ·n²î yao2chuan2, v.i., to row a boat.
6. ·n°Ê yao2dong4, v.i. & t., (1) to cause to move by touch or pull;
7. ·n°Ê yao2dong4, v.i. & t., (2) to be pried loose, to lose stability of position (also °Ê·n );
8. ·n°Ê yao2dong4, v.i. & t., to wave.
9. ·nºu»R yao2gurnwu3, n., rock-and-roll dance.
10. ·n¾Ù yao2han0, v.t., to shake (branches), to cause displacement.
11. ·n®Ì yao2huang0, v.i., (of flags) to flutter, sway;
12. ·n®Ì yao2huang0, v.i., to walk with swaying motion, oft.with cultivated air of importance: ·n¨à®Ì¨à (huang3)ªº walking with affected swing and sway.
13. ·n·| yao2hueh, n., an old-style mutual loan club, the monthly sum going to highest bidder of interest.
14. ·nÄx¡]¨à¡^ yao2lan2(yuarla2er0), n., a cradle.
15. ·n¦Þ yao2she2, v.i., to wag one's tongue, to talk glibly.
16. ·n¤â¡]¨à¡^ yao2shou31(er0), v.i., to make a hand motion showing disapproval.
17. ·n­º yao2shou32, v.i., to shake one's head in disapproval.
18. ·nÅu yao2tan1, n., a gambling game played with four dice in a bowl;
19. ·nÅu yao2tan1, n., the game being to guess the total number being a multiple of four (4), or any remainder (1, 2, or 3).
20. ·nÀY ¡]¨à¡^ yao2tou2(er0), v.i., to shake one's head in disapproval.
21. ·n·n yao2yao2, adj. & adv., shaky, -ily.
22. ·n¦² yao2yi4, v.i., to flutter in the wind, to walk with a swing.
23. ·n´È yao2yi3, n., a rocking chair.

´¡ Num. Index: 10A.21-9     £¥£« cha1    . [Var. ´¡]
V.t.(1) To insert, stick in: ´¡¶i¥h stick in (flower in vase, pole in ground, etc.);
´¡ªá cha1hua1¡õ;
´¡¯Í (or Ál) stick on wings (which cannot help escape);
´¡¸Ü¡A´¡¤@¥y¸Ü to interrupt, to insert a remark;
´¡¹Ï cha1tu2¡õ: ´¡¹Ï§Ë­pset up a trap;
´¡¼Ð esp. ´¡¯ó¼Ð put a tag of straw showing s.t. is for sale;
´¡¤Ñ (hign peaks) seem to stick into the sky;
´¡¬h¦¨½® do s.t. which brings results without effort and easily;
´¡¬ì¥´ë¡ (Chin. opera) insert dialogue for comic relief.
Words1. ´¡ªO cha1ban3, n., formerly, plank to double-secure city gate;
2. ´¡ªO cha1ban3, n., door bar;
3. ´¡ªO cha1ban3, n., ´¡ªO¨à (coll.) close up business (¡§board up¡¨shop).
4. ´¡¯Z cha1ban1, v.i., to put new student in grade according to his ability.
5. ´¡³¦ cha1chai1, v.i., to formalize marriage engagement, see cha1ding4¡õ.
6. ´'± cha1qU3, n., (mus.) an interlude, intermezzo, episode.
7. ´¡À¹ cha1dai4, v.i., (1) seecha1ding4¡õ;
8. ´¡À¹ cha1dai4, (2) n., what one wears (hat, girdle, hair decorations, etc.).
9. ´¡³æ cha1dan1, v.i., (of monk) take up abode in monastery.
10. ´¡©w cha1ding4, v.i., to formalize marriage engagement of girl.
11. ´¡Ãö¨à cha1gua1er0, n., door bar.
12. ´¡ªá cha1hua1, v.i., (1) to insert flower (on hair, in vase);
13. ´¡ªá cha1hua1, v.i., (2) arrange flowers in vase, (Japanese) ikebana;
14. ´¡ªá cha1hua1, v.i., (3) to pay land tax in a county other than the one where it is due.
15. ´¡¸Ü cha1hua41, v.i., to interrupt in speech.
16. ´¡±Þ cha1hua42, n., an illustration in book.
17. ´¡¸} cha1jiao3, n., a foothold, a place to rest one's foot.
18. ´¡¬[ cha1jia4, n., a bamboo book shelf, wall shelf.
19. ´¡ªK cha1zhi1, v.i., to plant (willows, etc.) by sticking branch in soil.
20. ´¡¥y cha1jU4, n., an inserted remark, insertion.
21. ´¡¤f cha1kou3, v.i., to put in a word, to interrupt speech, also cha1tzuee¡õ.
22. ´¡«Ì¡]¨à¡^ cha1ping2(er0), n., a standing screen (with marble, or painting);
23. ´¡«Ì¡]¨à¡^ cha1ping2(er0), n., a partition or wall frame for painting.
24. ´¡¤J cha1ru4, v.i., to insert;
25. ´¡¤J cha1ru4, v.i., to add remark.
26. ´¡¨­ cha1shen1, v.i., to gain a place (in group).
27. ´¡®ø cha1xiao1, n., eletric plug.
28. ´¡¤â cha1shou3, v.i., to meddle lay hands on.
29. ´¡ÀY cha1tou2, n., eletric pulg.
30. ´¡¹Ï cha1tu2, n., illustration in book.
31. ´¡¼L cha1tzuee, v.i., to put in a word, to interrrupt speech, also cha1kou3¡ô.
32. ´¡¨¬ cha1zu2, v.i., to gain a place (in group).
33. ´¡¯± cha1yang1, v.i., to transplant rice seedlings.

Ý° Num. Index: 10A.21-9     £y£± tao1    .
V.t.(1) To take out (as from pocket): Ý°¥X¨Ó take out from pocket, also wr. ±Ç;
Ý° (or ±Ç)¸y¥] pay out money, oft. unwillingly, take out pocketbook;
Ý°¿ú take out cash.
(2) To clean up: Ý° (or ²^¡A±Ç) ¤«¡A¤ô·¾ clean out a well , a sewer;
Ý°¦Õ¦· pick the ears.

Õt Num. Index: 10A.,21-9     £¢£¸£« qia1    . [Dist. Ý° tau]
V.t.(1) To gather with the hand (cogn. §¨ jia2): §âªF¦èÕt¦b¤@°_ gather the things together with fingers;
§â¯ÈÕt¦b¤@°_ nip the papers together with paper nip;
§âÀY¾vÕt°_¨Ó gather up one's hair;
¤âúGÕtµÛ¤@§â«Cµæ holding or grasping a bunch of vegetables in his hand.
(2) To pinch, nip: Õt¥L¤@§â pinch (s.o.);
Õt±o¦nµh give a painful pinch;
ÕtÂ_¤F break off with hand;
Õtªá break off a flower from stem;
ÕtÀY¥h§À to nip off unwanted parts (of vegetables, etc.).
(3) To choke: Õt¦í¤F¡AÕt³ïÄV to choke, be choked in the throat;
Õt¦º¤F choked to death.
To bend fingers in counting: Õtºâ¡AÕt«ü¤@ºâ¡AÕt§Ë count by fingers.
Words1. Õt§â qia1ba1, v.t., to pinch, hurt by pinching;
2. Õt§â qia1ba1, v.t., (fig.) to treat harshly.
3. Õt¦y¨à qia1jiaeer0, v.i., (1) to nip off young branches for better growth of plants;
4. Õt¦y¨à qia1jiaeer0, v.i., (2) Õt¦y¨à¡AÕt¦y¸¨¶r make illegal profit, nip off profits for oneself.
5. Õt³Z qia1jUe2, v.i., (Taoist) to make finger gestures during incantations.

±¾ Num. Index: 10A.22-1     £|£¹£«£¿ gua4     [Interch. ¬E]
V.t.(1) Hang up, suspend: Äa±¾ hang (pictures, scrolls, etc.) on the wall;
°ª±¾ hang high up;
±¾°_¨Ó have (s.t.) hung up;
±¾¤W ditto, pin up;
±¾¦ÏÀY¡A½æª¯¦× carry high-sounding but misleading names (lit., ¡§hang a sheep's head as shop sign and sell dog meat¡¨);
±¾·E¤l (of shops) put up a signboard to advertise goods, give oneself away: ¥L­è¤~·Ç¬O³Ü¤F°s¡AÁy¤W³£±¾·E¤l¤F he must have had a drink or two a moment ago, for his face shows it.
(2) Put on record, register: ±¾¦W gua4ming2, ±¾½ã gua4zhang4, ±¾¸¹ gua4hao4¡õ;
±¾¤@º|¸U (author's apologetic phrase) I may have left out many important facts, cases.
(3) Have or keep in mind, remember: °O±¾ think of;
±¾©À gua4nian4¡õ;
±¾¦b¤ß¤W keep in mind;
²o±¾ be concerned about;
±¾¼{ be anxious about;
±¾Ãh gua4huai2¡õ.
Words1. ±¾Ãª gua4ai4, n., a hindrance, impediment;
2. ±¾Ãª gua4ai4, v.i., to be concerned.
3. ±¾¤í gua4qian4, v.i., charge to one's account.
4. ±¾¾¦ gua4chi3, v.t., (LL) to mention, refer to (lit., ¡§hang on one's teeth¡¨): ¦ó¨¬±¾¾¦ don't mention it.
5. ±¾³æ gua4dan1, v.i., (of Buddhist priest) put up at a temple for a short stay.
6. ±¾üÆ gua4gou1, n., (of railway cars) the coupling links.
7. ±¾«a gua4guan1, v.i., (of official) resign from office (lit., ¡§hang up the official hat¡¨): ±¾«a¦Ó¥h resign and go home.
8. ±¾¸¹ gua4hao4, v.t., to regsiter (at school, hospital, etc.);
9. ±¾¸¹ gua4hao4, v.t., ±¾¸¹«H a registered letter.
10. ±¾Ãh gua4huai2, v.t., be ever thinking of, bear in mind.
11. ±¾¤õ¡]¨à¡^ gua4huo3(er0), v.i., (coll.) be furious.
12. ±¾¬õ gua4hong2, v.i., hang up a red banner on festive occasions.
13. ±¾½ã gua4zhang4, v.t., charge to one's account.
14. ±¾»ø¡]¨à¡^ guahjiang1('l), v.i., be humiliated and burst into a fury.
15. ±¾«l¡]¨à¡^ gua4jin4(gua4jie4er0), v.i., be furious, see gua4huo3¡ô.
16. ±¾¼Î gua4zhuang1, v.t., to shadow s.o. before arresting him.
17. ±¾ÄÁ gua4zhong1, n., a wall clock.
18. ±¾²Ö gua4lei3, v.t., implicate, involve s.o. in trouble.
19. ±¾¹s¡]¨à¡^ gua4ling2('l), adj., odd, with a little extra: ¥L¤w¸g¤­¤Q±¾¹s¤F he is over fifty (¡§fifty plus¡¨)
20. ±¾ÄÑ gua4mian4, n., noodles made by hanging dough-strings to dry on a frame.
21. ±¾¦W¡]¨à¡^ gua4ming2('l), v.i., hold a position in name but not in fact: ±¾¦W®t¨Æ a sinecure.
22. ±¾©À gua4nian4, v.t., be ever thinking of, bear in mind.
23. ±¾«Ì¨à gua4ping2er0, n., a hung picture used as wall decoration.
24. ±¾§µ gua4xiao4, v.i., wear mourning.
25. ±¾¤ß gua4xin1, v.i., be concerned about.
26. ±¾¿ü gua4xi2, v.i., (of Buddhist priest) putup in a temple for the night (from ¡§hang the pewter staff¡¨)
27. ±¾«Ó gua4shuai4, v.t. & n., (1) be appointed a commanding general;
28. ±¾«Ó gua4shuai4, v.t. & n., (2) such appointment.
29. ±¾¥¢ gua4sky, v.t., give notice of the loss of (bank checks, important papers, etc.)
30. ±¾±m gua4cai3, v.i., (1) hang up red ribbons on festive occasions, seegua4hong2¡ô;
31. ±¾±m gua4cai3, v.i., (2) (of soldiers) be wounded in action.
32. ±¾¹Ï gua4tu2, n., a wall map or chart.
33. ±¾¨ý¨à gua4weher0, adj., (of singing or food) pleasing to the ear or palate, pleasant to listen to or to eat.

¼¹ Num. Index: 10A.22-2     £ª si1    .
V.t.(1) To tear:¼¹¶} tear open;
¼¹µõ¡A¼¹¸H tear to pieces;
¼¹¯} break, scratch (skin, cover) by hand, claws.
(2) (Coll.) to cut a piece of material at a shop: ¨ì§GçE¼¹¥b¤Çº÷¤l¨Ó please go and buy (¡§cut¡¨) half a bolt of silk for me.
Words1. ¼¹¥´ si1da3, v.i., engage in fisticuffs.
2. ¼¹Ã¹¡]¾Û¡^ si1luo0, v.t., (1) to break up (a fight);
3. ¼¹Ã¹¡]¾Û¡^ si1luo0, v.t., (2) to deal with some difficult matter;
4. ¼¹Ã¹¡]¾Û¡^ si1luo0, v.t., to disentangle (affair);
5. ¼¹Ã¹¡]¾Û¡^ si1luo0, v.t., (3) to romp and play with (person).
6. ¼¹®Ç§Ã¨à si1pang2cha4er0, v.i., to beat about the bush, evade question and confuse issue.
7. ¼¹²¼¡]¨à¡^ si1piao4('l), v.i., to kill kidnapped person (²¼ person kidnapped and held for ransom, see ¸j ²¼ 93B.22).

¥· Num. Index: 10A.22-2     £u£¹ pu1    .
N.(AC) the teacher's rod.
V.t. & i.Var. of ¼³ 10A.81.

̽ Num. Index: 10A.22-2     £¦£´£¿ shen4         (also £¥£´ chen1    ).
V.t.To pull, strecth: §â³o±i¯È̽¶} stretch out this piece of paper.

±Æ Num. Index: 10A.22-2     £u£¯£½ pai2    .
N.(1) Row: ²Ä¤@¡A«e¡A«á±Æ first, front, back row;
¤@±Æ¤@±Æªº¤H rows of people.
(2) An army unit, platoon: ±Æªø pai2zhang3¡õ.
(3) A volley, a string of shots, cartridges: ¤@±ÆÂò¡A¤l¼u.
V.t.(1) To set, arrange in order, in a row or formation: ±Æ±oºò arrange closely;
¨Ã±Æ arrange alongside;
±Æ¦C pai2lie4¡õ;
±Æ¶} spread out ,also break off scuffle;
±Æ°_¨Ó set up (objects) for show;
±ÆµÛ arranged for show, showing in place;
¦w±Æ set in proper place;
±Æ¶¤ form in line;
±Æ¶¤¹C¦æ parade;
±Æ¯Z arrange teams for turns of work;
±Æ°} deploy troops;
±Æ°}¶Õ in battle formation;
±ÆÀs ªù°} 60S.70;
±Æ¶º¡A±Æ®à¤l set table;
±Æ¦ì set seating order at table;
±Æ¡]¤K¡^±¾ arrange the eight diagrams;
±Æª© compose type;
±ÆÀY±Æ§À set or stand first ,last;
¦w ±Æ 62.93.
(2) To push out, dispel: ±Æ´e dispel boredom;
±Æ°£ to exclude, to push aside, to overcome;
±ÆÃø¸Ñ¯É mediate disputes;
±Æ¤s­Ë®ü overwhelm by hordes of troops (like crushing waves);
±Æ¨F¡¼ª÷ sift sand for gold, (fig.) sift minutely, also ©Ü¨F´zª÷;
(3) To campaign against: ±Æ¥~¹B°Ê anti-foreign movement;
±Æ«X¡A±ÆµØ anti-Russian, anti-Chinese, etc.;
(4) ±ÆÀ¸ -to cast, rehearse or present play.
Words1. ±Æµ§ pai2bi3, n., a form of multiple brushes used in painting.
2. ±ÆËC¨à pai2cha4er0, n., a kind of latticework in window;
3. ±ÆËC¨à pai2cha4er0, n., a crisp, fluffy, eatable made of flour.
4. 񒣊 pai2chang2, adj., impressive looking (of dress, feasts, gatherings).
5. ±Æ²y pai2qiu2, n., volleyball.
6. ±Æ¥¸ pai2chi41, v.t., to boycott, attack, discard, condemn (foreign goods, influence, school of thought).
7. ±Æ¯Í pai2chi42, n., whole-piece sharks' fin, as defferent from loose ends.
8. ±Æ°© pai2gu3 (pai2gu0), n., pork ribs.
9. ±Æ¦æ pai2hang2, n., seniority among brothers, sisters: ±Æ¦æ²Ä¤­ No.5.
10. ±Æªø pai2zhang3, n., lieutenant.
11. ±Æ¸Ñ pai2jie3, v.t., mediate.
12. ±ÆÀ½ pai2ji3, v.t., team up against, boycott (goods), squeeze out (person).
13. ±Æ¦C pai2lie4, v.t., arrange (objects, persons) in order.
14. ±Æ«ß pai2lU4, n., a form of Tarng poetry, with at least three antithetical couplets (see «ß ¸Ö 91B.10).
15. ±Æªù¡]¨à¡^ pai2men2 (pai2merer0), adv., (sell) door to door.
16. ±Æ¤ñ pai2pi3, v.t., to arrange in order (for comarison);
17. ±Æ¤ñ pai2pi3, v.t., to criticize (people, faults);
18. ±Æ¤ñ pai2pi3, n., (rhetoric) parallel construction.
19. ±Æ­ pai2xiao1, n., a form of ancient panpipes.
20. ±Æ¬ª¡]ªn¡^ pai2xie4, v.t., execrete, let off (anger, excrement);
21. ±Æ¬ª¡]ªn¡^ pai2xie4, ±Æ¬ªª« n., excrement;
22. ±Æ¬ª¡]ªn¡^ pai2xie4, ±Æ¬ª¾¹ n., stool, organ for draining fluid.
23. ±Æ¤ô¶q pai1shui3liang4, n., (of ships) displacement.
24. ±ÆÙU pai2xUan1, v.t., to make satirical remarks about (person), humiliate by scoffing.
25. ±Æök¦Ó¤J pai2ta4er2ru4, phr., (LL) break into room unceremoniously.
26. ±Æ¤l¨® pairtzyche1, n., large handcart used for hou

©Ø Num. Index: 10A.22-2     £w£¹£½ fu2         (*£t£¸£¿ bi4    ).
N.(fu2zi0) A duster.
V.i. & t.(1) Brush, brush off: ©Ø¹Ð¡A©Ø¦Ç brush off dust, ashes;
©Ø²\¦Ó§O wipe tears and leave;
©Ø®à¤l to dust table;
©Ø©Ù clean up;
©Ø«ø fu2shi4¡õ.
(2) To touch lightly as light breeze:¬K­·©Ø­± the spring wind caresses the cheek;s
©Ø¾å¡A©Ø±á fu2xiao3, fu2chen21¡õ.
(3) To make a rapid sweeping motion: ©Ø³S¦Ó¥h giving a sweeping jerk with (his) sleeves, (he) left;
©Ø¦ç¦Ó¥h ditto, leave abruptly;
©Ø¦çshake the clothing.
(4) To cross one's wishes, to defy: ©Ø²±·N disobey your warm friendly wishes.
©ØÁÖ±¡ defy public sentiment;
©Ø°f¡A©Ø·N fu2ni4 fu2yi4¡õ.
(5) (AC) (*bi4) ©Ø¤h (AC) straight-speaking advisors.
Words1. ©Ø±á fu2chen21, adv., at daybreak.
2. ©Ø¹Ð fu2chen22, v.i., (LL)shake off the dust of journey, give welcome dinner, more commonly ¬~¹Ð.
3. ©Ø©Ø fu2fu2, adv., flapping.
4. ©Ø©Ñ fu2li4, adj. disobedient, unruly.
5. ©Ø°f fu2ni4, v.t., ditto:¤£´±©Ø°f§Aªº¦n·N dare not but obey your wishes.
6. ©Ø¾å fu2xiao3, adv., at break of day.
7. ©Ø¤â fu2shou3, n., a duster.
8. ©Ø«ø fu2shi4, v.t., brush clean (a mirror, etc.).
9. ©Ø¤l¤¶ fu2zi3jie4, n., Portuguese man-of-war, sponge-like creature, hyalomena sieboldi.
10. ©Ø·N fu2yi4, v.i., go against wishes;
11. ©Ø·N fu2yi4, v.i., feel one's wishes thwarted.

Ù^ Num. Index: 10A.22-3     £¸£®£½ ye2    .
Words1. Ù^Ùg ye2yU2, v.t., to deride, tease, taunt (person).

Êë Num. Index: 10A.22-3     £u£²£½ pou2    .
V.t. & n.To hold, catch (soil) by cupped hands (Êë¤g).
drink from cupped hands (Êë¤ô¦Ó¶¼).

©ã Num. Index: 10A.22-4     £¸£« ya1         (*£¸£«£½ ya2    ).
V.t.(1) To pawn, mortgage: ©è©ã v.t. & n., (put up) security for loan;
¨å©ã v.t. & n., mortgage.
(2) To detain by police, to guard or watch from behind:¦©©ã¡A©ã°_¨Ó to detain person;
¬Ý©ã keep under detention;
©ã¸Ñ¡A©ã°e ya1jie4, ya1song4¡õ;
©ã¨ìĵ¹î§½escort (suspect) to the police station;
©ã¨® to accompany and guard goods in cart;
©ã§À ya1wei3¡õ.
(3) To affix signature:ñ©ã attach signature to contrac;t
µe©ã make a sign in lieu of signature for the illiterate;
ªá©ã affix private mark (some kind of monogram) at the end.
(4) U.f. ˣ 51A.11, (a) press down, repress;
(b) to shelve (a paper) for later attention.
Words1. ©ã¼Ðª÷ ya1biao1jin1, n., bond for a bid.
2. ©ã«´ ya1chi4, n., a mortgage deed.
3. ©ãûÒ ya1chuang2, n., formerly, a torture bed, to which prisoner was fastened, (cf. Procrustean bed).
4. ©ã·í ya1dang4, v.i. & t., to pawn (s.t.).
5. ©ã©è ya1di3, v.t., to mortgage, use as security for loan (also ©è©ã).
6. ©ãµo ya1fa1, v.t., to send away (prisoner) under guard, see ya1song4¡õ.
7. ©ãÁ_ *ya2feng4, v.t., formerly, to sign on last and/or first page of old manuscript as testimonial.
8. ©ã«Ê ya1feng1, v.t., to seal and attach (property).
9. ©ã¸¹ ya1hao4, n., a private mark as signature.
10. ©ã«á ya1hou4, v.i., to defer;
11. ©ã«á ya1hou4, v.i., to remand (in law).
12. ©ãû¿ ya1hui4, n., a bill of exchange.
13. ©ã½ã ya1zhang4, v.i. & n., (use as) security for loan.
14. ©ã¸Ñ ya1jie4, v.t., to send away (prisoner, goods) under guard.
15. ©ãª÷ ya1jin1, n., deposit, security money.
16. ©ã½è ya1zhi4, v.t. & n., to pawn, mortgage.
17. ©ã´Ú ya1kuan3, v.i. & t., to borrow money with security.
18. ©ã·³ ya1sui4, n., a New Year gift esp. for children (usu.wr. À£·³)
19. ©ã°e ya1song4, v.t., to send away under guard.
20. ©ãÀY (¨à) ya1tou0(er0), n., (1) security, collateral;
21. ©ãÀY (¨à) ya1tou0(er0), n., (2) (MC) officer in charge of prisoner being transported.
22. ©ã¯² ya1zu1, n., deposit for rent.
23. ©ã¦r *ya2zi4, n., signature.
24. ©ã§À *ya2wei3, n., (1) seefeng4¡ô;
25. ©ã§À *ya2wei3, n., (2) v.i., to bring up the rear.
26. ©ã¹B ya1yUn41, v.t., to transport goods under guard.
27. ©ãÃý ya1yUn42, v.i., to rhyme (verse).

®¿ Num. Index: 10A.22-5     £z£¹£¬£½ nuo2    .
V.t.To move, transfer:®¿°Ê¡A®¿­É¡A®¿¥Î nuo2dong4, nuo2jie4, nuo2yong4¡õ;
®¿Ä̺ۨà an infant baby's first visit after birth to the outside world, which must be the home of its maternal grandmother;
®¿¶} draw apart, move away.
Words1. ®¿°Ê nuo2dong4, v.t., move (furniture, etc.) to another place;
2. ®¿°Ê nuo2dong4, v.t., touch, dislocate.
3. ®¿­É nuo2jie4, v.t., apply funds temporarily for some other use.
4. ®¿«Â nuo2wei1, n., Norway.
5. ®¿¥Î nuo2yong4, v.t., see nuo2jie4¡ô;
6. ®¿¥Î nuo2yong4, v.t., ®¿¥Î¤½´Ú appropriate public funds for personal use.

±½ Num. Index: 10A.22-5     £ª£±£¾ sao3         (*sauh    ). [Usu. wr. ±½]
N.(*sauh) (1) (shao1zi0) A broom.
(2) Special bags of willow branches, framed by bamboo, for buiding dykes;
mattress used in dyke construction.
V.t.(1) To sweep (floor): ¥´±½¡A²M±½ ditto;
Åx±½ spray and sweep;
gen. clean up room;
Åx±½À³¹ï cleaning up room and good manners in replying to questions as part of child's education.
(2) To sweep clean, or sweep off: ±½°£ sao3chu2¡õ;
±½¼Æ sao3shu4¡õ;
±½®g to strafe;
±½¥Ð¨í¦a do menial work;
±½¿º sao3dang4¡õ.
(3) To paint the eyebrow: ²H±½¸¿¬Ü´Â¦Ü´L went to see the emperor with touched-up eyebrow--without heavy rouge;
see ±½¬Ü sao3mei2¡õ.
(4) To take in a sweeping glance: ¬Ü¥ØúG±½¤H saw at gance.
Words1. ±½§â *sauhba3, n., a broomstick.
2. ±½Ãä sao3bian1, n., minor role in Chin. opera.
3. ±½´¸®Q (¨à) sao3qing2niang2(er0), n., a cut-paper figure of woman with a broom, put under eaves to pray for clearing up of skies.
4. ±½°£ sao3chu2, v.t., to sweep away (obstacles).
5. 񫨧 sao3dang4, v.t., to clean up, to wipe out, to map up (all enemy).
6. ±½¦a sao3di4, v.i., to sweep the floor;
7. ±½¦a sao3di4, v.i., ´µ¤å±½¦a the cultural tradition topples over.
8. ±½©Ð sao3fang2, v.i., make gen. house-cleaning.
9. ±½­y saurgui3, phr., (AC) sweep off, i.e., obliterate the tracks, to show there have been no (political) visitors.
10. ±½®ü saurhai3, v.i., sweep off mines in sea.
11. ±½©ª sauhzhou0, n., a broomstick. ±½©ª¬P sauhzhou0xing1, n., a comet.
12. ±½¹p¸¥ sao3lei2ting1, n., mine sweeper.
13. ±½Áy saurlian3, v.i., to ¡§lose face¡¨: ±½Áyªº¨Æ a disgraceful affair.
14. ±½¬Ü sao3mei2, phr., ±½¬Ü¤~¤l a girl poet or author (¡§scholar with picked eyebrows¡¨).
15. ±½¹Ó sao3mu4, v.i., visit grave on ²M©ú chingmirng day.
16. ±½¥­ sao3ping2, v.t., to squelch, quash (rebellion).
17. ±½¿³ sao3xing4 (sauhxing4), v.i., feel disappointed;
18. ±½¿³ sao3xing4 (sauhxing4), v.i., adj., disappointing.
19. 񫬒 sao3shu4, adv., the whole amount (repaid, etc.).
20. ±½ºf sao3ta4, v.i., (LL) to welcome visitor (¡§sweep the mat¡¨).
21. ±½°ó»L sao3tang2tui3, n., a move in boxing, stretch leg on floor to topple opponent.
22. ±½Å¥ sao3ting0, v.i., to pick up, fish for, news (¡×¥´Å¥).
23. ±½Àç¨à sao3ying2er0, adv., (coll.) see sao3shu4¡ô.

Êç Num. Index: 10A.22-6     £t£¸£³£¿ bian4    .
V.i.(LL) show happiness: Êç´x clap applause
Êç»R¡AÊçÅD jump and dance for joy.

À½ Num. Index: 10A.22-6     £¡£¸£¾ ji3    .
V.t.To crowd, push against, exert pressure on: ¾ÖÀ½ crowd together;
À½¦º¤F be squeezed to death;
À½À½´¡´¡ jammed with people;
À½º¡ be filled to overflowing, overcrowded;
À½¤W«e¥h push to the front;
À½¶i¥h to force a passage through;
À½¨ÓÀ½¥h push about;
±ÆÀ½ discriminate against;
À½¥¤ to milk an animal;
À½¤ô wring out water;
À½¥j²´¨à make grimaces;
À½¬Ü§Ë²´ ditto;
À½¹ï ji3dueir, À½³´ ji3xian4¡õ.
Words1. À½¹ï ji3duei, v.t., to force (s.o.'s) hand, embarrass.
2. À½§I ji3dui4, v.i., & n., run on a bank.
3. À½³´ ji3xian4, v.t., plot to cause (s.o.'s) downfall.

·c Num. Index: 10A.22-6     £¤£«£¿ zha4    . [Var. º^]
V.i. & t.(1) To squeeze (tax, money): ·c¨ú zha4qU3¡õ.
(2) To press (wine, juice): À£·c to press (juice), also to squeeze (money) by pressure, to oppress (people).
Words1. ·cûÒ zha4chuang2, n., wine press, oil press and the like.
2. ·c¨ú zha4qU3, v.t., to obtain (money) by political pressure, or tyranny.
3. ·cµæ zha4cai4, n., a kind of pickled vegetable root, much used for flavoring.

ݸ Num. Index: 10A.22-8     £¡£¸£³ jian1    .
V.t.Pick up with a forked instrument: ݸµæ pick up food with chopsticks, help guest to some food.

ÂY Num. Index: 10A.22-8     £¤£½ zhi2    .

ÂY Num. Index: N.1

ÂY Num. Index: N.1
V.t.To throw (ball, spear, dice, rock, etc.): ÂY¤U¡AÂY¥h throw away;
ÂYÁÙ (court. in letter) please return (borrowed book, etc.);
ÂY¤¤ (zhi2zhong4) hit by throwing;
ÂYÅK²y put the shot ÂYÅK»Ð throw the discus;
ÂY¼Ðºj throw javelin.
Words1. ÂY¦Ñ¦Ï zhi2lao3yang2, phr., a dice game.
2. ÂY»ë¤l zhi2shai3zi0, phr., to throw dice (also wr. ÂY¦â¤l).
3. ÂYÙ± zhi2suo1, phr., a passing of loom shuttle, (fig.) the quick passing of time.
4. ÂYªö zhi2cai3, phr., see zhi2shai3zi0.

§í Num. Index: 10A.22-9     £¸£¿ yi4    .
V.t.(1)To stop, block, hinder, repress: §í±j§ß®z restrain the powerful and help the weak;
§í¨î¡A§í¤î yi4zhi4, yi4zhi3¡õ;
§í³Î (AC) abandon, cut off.
(2) (AC) to bend (head);
to concede.
Conj.(LL) or, or else (somewhat rhet.): ¤HÂj¡A§í°­­C is it a human being or is it a ghost?
¤£ª¾¥G¡A§í¤£¬°¥G didn't he know, or didn't he want to do it? §í©Î yi4huo4¡õ;
§í¥B yi4qie3¡õ.
Words1. §í¥B yi4qie3, conj., furthermore, besiders.
2. §í÷@ yi4di2, v.i., compulsorily buy grain from the people at reduced prices.
3. §í©Î yi4huo4, conj., or else, or perhaps (rhet.).
4. §í¨î yi4zhi4, v.t., to repress (desire, rebellion, etc.);
5. §í¨î yi4zhi4, v.t., §í¨î¾¯ n., depressant, sedative.
6. §í¤î yi4zhi3, v.t., to stop;
7. §í¤î yi4zhi3, v.t., suppress.
8. §í°Ç yi4le4, v.t., to restrain by force, to suppress.
9. §í·k yi4sao1, v.i., (AC) to massage (parents) and scratch itches for them.
10. §í¶ë yi4se4, (LL)(1) v.i. & t., to block propress;
11. §í¶ë yi4se4, (2) adj., or p.p., (drain) blocked;
12. §í¶ë yi4se4, adj., (people) hindered from rising to top.
13. §í·l yi4sun3, (1) v.t., (LL) to restrain (excesses);
14. §í·l yi4sun3, (2) v.i., to minimize oneself, be modest.
15. §í´­ yi4yang2, (1) adj., rising and falling (of tones, rhythm);
16. §í´­ yi4yang2, (2) n., praise and blame;
17. §í´­ yi4yang2, (3) adj., drifting aimlessly.
18. §í§í yi4yi4, adj., (AC) meticulously correct (manners).

§é Num. Index: 10A.22-9     £¤£­£½ zhe2        (*£¦£­£½ she2         *£¤£­ zhe1    ).
N.(1) A bend, a twist :¦±§é 22.41.
(2) Discount: ¤C§é 30% discount;
¤»§é 40% discount;
§éÀY zhe2tou0¡õ.
(3) An act in Yuarn drama
(4) A surname.
V.i. & t.(1) To break off: §éÂ_ zhe2duan4¡õ;
Ãk§éªá¤ì to break off flowers and branches;
§é¬h¡A§é®Û zhe2liu3, zhe2gui4¡õ;
§é°© break a bone;
§é¡¼ open a letter;
§é¨é burn I.O,U. (act of generosity).
(2) (*she2) Break: ´Ò¤l§é¤F the cane is broken in two.
(3) To pronounce verdict, to judge: §éº» zhe2yU4¡õ.
(4) To die young: ¤Ô§é¡A¦­§é.
(5) (zhe2 or *she2) To lose money in business: Á«§é ditto;
§é·l ,§é¥» zhe2sun3, zhe2ben3¡õ;
§é¯Ó depreciate in value.
(6) To admire (person): ¤ß§é admire person's superior ability;
§éªA zhe2fu21¡õ.
(7) To discount, sell at lower rate, convert property into cash: ¤£§é¤£¦© no discount, also completely (true, etc.);
§é¥b 50% discount;
§éÅÜ¡A§é½æ to sell property, zhe2bian4, zhe2mai4¡õ;
§é¦X¡A§é½ã zhe2he2 zhe2zhang4¡õ.
(8) To humiliate: §é¿i¡A§é°d zhe2mo0, zhe2ru42¡õ.
(9) (*zhe1) To toss about: §é¸òÀY turn somersault:§é¹L¨à turn over
§é»æ¡A§éÄË¡A§éÆY zhe2bing3, zhe2teng, zhe2luo2¡õ.
(10) To cool (liquid) by pouring into another cup successively.
(11) To turn back: §é¦^ zhe2hui2¡õ;
§é¤J turn into another street.
Words1. §é¥b zhe2ban4, v.i., to sell at half price.
2. §é¥_ zhe2bei3, v.i., be defeated.
3. §é¥» zhe2ben3 (*she2ben3), v.i., sell below cost.
4. §éÅÜ zhe2bian4, v.i., (1) to sell property to pay debt;
5. §éÅÜ zhe2bian4, v.i., (2) (in Suhng Dyn.) to pay tax by equivalent value in some other goods.
6. §é»æ *zhe1bing3, v.i., to toss about in bed (as in colic, like ¡§turning over cake¡¨ in oven).
7. §é½Ä zhe2chong1, v.i., to blunt enemy attack: §é½Ä¾ê«[ to conduct diplomatic negotiations (¾ê«[ ¡§over wine. and meat¡¨ dinners).
8. §éÂ_ zhe2duan4, v.t., to break in two.
9. §éªA zhe2fu21, v.i., to admit defeat, admit another's superiority (also wr. §é¥ñ).
10. §éºÖ zhe2fu22, v.i., to be extravagant or enjoy inordinately (lit., ¡§overdraw on reserve of happiness¡¨).
11. §é°®¨à zhe2gan1 (zhe2ga1er0), v.i., to give gifts of cash instead of articles.
12. §é®Û zhe2gui4, v.t., to pass the degree in civil examinations (¡§break the laurel branch¡¨ like Eng. ¡§win the laurel wreath¡¨).
13. §é¦X zhe2he2, v.t., to be worth (thirty dollars, etc.) after discount or accouding to exchange rates.
14. §é¦^ zhe2hui2, v.t., to turn back on the road.
15. §é½ã zhe2zhang4, v.i., to pay by goods in lieu of cash.
16. §é¼i zhe2ji1, phr., (allu.) joy of receiving a great friend-- ¡§break the wooden clogs¡¨over a threshold in the rush of welcome.
17. §é»ù zhe2jia4, v.i., mark down price;
18. §é»ù zhe2jia4, v.i., make cheap sale.
19. §é¸` zhe2jie2, v.i., (1) to lower or humiliate oneself;
20. §é¸` zhe2jie2, v.i., (2) to change one's beliefs or loyalties.
21. §é¤¤ zhe2zhong1, v.i., to compromise;
22. §é¤¤ zhe2zhong1, v.i., §é¤¤¿ìªk a compromise (also wr. §é°J).
23. §éªK zhe2zhi1, v.i., (1) to paint only two or three branches in a painting;
24. §éªK zhe2zhi1, v.i., (2)¬°ªøªÌ§éªK (allu.) s.t. very easy to do.
25. §é¦© zhe2kou0, n., discount: ¦h¤Ö§é¦© what is the discount?
26. §é¬h zhe2liu3, v.i., (allu.) ¡§break a willow branch¡¨ when parting with friend.
27. §éÆY *zhe1luo2, n., leftover of a banquet, collected in a basket, chop suey.
28. §é½æ zhe2mai0, v.i., to sell property to pay debt (¡×Åܽæ), see §é V.i. & t.7¡ô
29. §é¿i zhe2mo2, v.i. & n., (or ¿i§é) a series of mishaps, hardships or slow torture by mistress: ¸g¹L¤F³o³õ§é¿i after the series of persecutions.
30. §é¤J zhe2ru41, v.i., (1) turn into another street;
31. §é¤J zhe2ru41, v.i., (2) recovered capital at discount.
32. §é°d zhe2ru42, v.t. & n., humiliate, -ed, -tion.
33. §é·Ù zhe2sha0, v.t., (or §é±þ) break the luck: §A§é·Ù§Ú you overwhelm me with more than what I deserve, see zhe2fu22¡ô.
34. §é®g zhe2she4, v.t. & n., (phys.) refract, -tion.
35. §é²{ zhe2xian41, phr., convert into cash.
36. §é½u zhe2xian42, n., (math.) broken line.
37. §é¨ü zhe2shou41, v.t., see zhe2fu22¡ô.
38. §é¹Ø zhe2shou42, phr., to do s.t. (such as overindulgence) which cuts short a man's normal span of life;
39. §é¹Ø zhe2shou42, phr., enjoy now, pay later.
40. §é¤ô zhe2shui3, n., discount in exchange.
41. §é·l zhe2sun3, v.t. & n., to damage, a damage (in property, flowers in garden, reputation, etc.).
42. §éÄË *zhe1teng, v.i. & t., (1) to toss about;
43. §éÄË *zhe1teng, v.i. & t., (2) indulge or spend freely: ¥L§â¤W¸U®a·í³£§éÄˤF he has squandered away a fortune of over ten thousand dollars.
44. §éÀY zhe2tou0, n., discount, discount for commission agent.
45. §é¸y zhe2yao1, phr., to ¡§bend one's waist¡¨: ¤£¯à¬°¤­¤æ¦Ì§é¸y (³³²W©ú) cannot make curtsies for the salary of five bushels of rice-sick of officials life.
46. §éº» zhe2yU4, phr., to decide a legal case: ¤ù¨¥¥i¥H§éº» (AC) can settle a case at court with a few simple words.

©î Num. Index: 10A.22-9     £¥£­£¿ che4         (sp. pr. *£¥£­£¿ che4         or £¥£¯ chai1     both allowable).
V.i. & t.(1) (*che4) To tear apart, break up: ©î«H¡A©î«Ê open letter, envelope;
©î¶}¨Ó¬Ý open (letter, package) and see;
©îµõ split up.
(2) (*chai1) To break up, tear down, wreck (house): ©î©Ð¤l tear down house;
©î»O che4tai2¡õ;
©î¥­ to level (building);
©î·´ che4hui3;¡õ
(3) (che4) To break up and analyze, dissect: ©î¦r¡A©îÅG che4zi4, che4bian4¡õ.
Words1. ©î¥ÕÄÒ chai1bai2dang3 (che4berdang3), n., gang of swindlers, oft. practising confidence game: ¤k©î¥Õ woman swindler.
2. ©îÅG *che4bian4, v.i., (MC) to argue law case.
3. ©î¬ï *chai1chuan1, v.t., reveal (secret, motive): ©î¬ï¦è¬v´º (Ãè) destroy illusory setup, expose trickery.
4. ©î·´ *che4hui3, v.t., to destroy, tear down (bridge, etc.), dismantle (house).
5. ©î³f *chai1huo4, v.i., deal in the business of wrecking (houses, etc.) and selling broden-up timber, tiles, etc.
6. ©î¶} *che4kai1, v.t., break open (letter);
7. ©î¶} *che4kai1, v.t., take things apart to study.
8. ©îÄê¦Ã *chai1lan4wu1, v.i., to do things lousily and leave a mess.
9. ©î²¼ *chai1piao4, v.i., formerly, settle transfer of accounts between local banks morning and noon.
10. ©î´² *che4san3, v.t., break up (family, mother and son).
11. ©î±é *chai1shao1, v.i., (Shanghai dial.) to swindle.
12. ©î¬~ chai1xi3, v.t., take off and wash (bed sheets, etc.).
13. ©î®§ *chai1xi2, v.i. & n., (pay) daily interest on loan.
14. ©î»O *chai1tai2, v.i., (lit.) tear down stage¡Ðto expose or otherwise do harm to a program: §O©î§Úªº»O do not undermine what I am doing.
15. ©î¦r *che4zi4, v.i., (fortune telling) dissect components of character to give an esoteric meaning.

´¡ Num. Index: 10A.22-9     £¥£« cha1    . [Pop. of ´¡ 10A.21]

ûj Num. Index: 10A.30-1     £¤£« zha1    .
V.i. & t.To grasp by hand: ûj±oí¡Aûjºò grasp tight
ûjÄê¡Aûj¸H crush by hand.

ݤ Num. Index: 10A.30-1     £}£­ ke1    .
V.i. & t.To knock, hit: ݤ«ó to flatten
ݤ¸H smash to pieces
(cf. ½W 31B.30).

§è Num. Index: 10A.30-2     £¥£­£¾ che3    .
V.i. & t.(1) To pull (apart, off): §è¯}¤F¡A§èÃa¤F¡A§èÄê to pull about and spoil, break by pulling and fumbling;
§è¶}¼L¤Ú open mouth wide;
§è¶}¶Ú¤l speak or sing out loud;
§è¦í³S¤l pull by the sleeve;
§è¦í¤£©ñ grab (person) and will not let go;
§è¹a pull the bell;
§è¦ç»â grab by the collar;
§èÀY¾v pull by the hair;
§è¤W§è¤U pull up and down;
ªF©Ô¦è§è talk incoherently, also put together (money, etc.) from different sources or do patch work in writing.
(2) To tear (off, apart): §è¸H tear to pieces;
¼¹§è crumble up and tear (paper);
§è²¼ che3piao4¡õ.
(3) To hoist (sail, flag).
(4) To involve by talk, to ramble in all directions, to lie: ²o§èªº¤H¤Ó¦h involve too many persons (in scandal);
§è©Ô che1la1¡õ;
©Ô©Ô§è§è or §è§è©Ô©Ô pull and push, ramble in talk;
§èªF§è¦è ditto.
(5) To gossip, talk irresponsibly, to lie: §èÁÀ che3huang3¡õ;
½M§è¡A­J§è¡A¶Ã§è gable, gossip irresponsibly.
Words1. §è­Ë cherdao3, v.i., quit: ­Õ¤£Ä@·N¡A§è­Ë½}¥ð if you don't like it, you can just quit.
2. §è²H che3dan4, v.i., talk idly.
3. §èÁÀ cherhuang3, v.i., to lie: ¤£¥Î§èÁÀ don't lie to me.
4. §è©Ô che3la1, v.t., involve (person) in talk: §è©Ô¤W¤H (or §O¤H) mention names, involve others.
5. §è¸¨ che3luo0, v.i., as in ¤ß·Rªº¤H§è¸¨ûó§A (MC) s.o., who loves you will not let you go.
6. §è²¼ che3piao4, phr., (1) destroy (a ballot, ticket);
7. §è²¼ che3piao4, phr., (2) (coll) kill kidnapped person when ransom is not paid.
8. §èíë che3sauh, v.i., should be ashamed, shame on you! talk nonsense.
9. §è¤â chershou3, n., the reins.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.30-2     £x£µ£¾ dang3         £x£µ£¿ dang4    . [Pop. of ¾× 10A.41]

¦ª Num. Index: 10A.30-3     £|£µ gang1         (*karng    ).
V.t.(1) Lift up, heave (a heavy object with both hands or by two or more persons at the same time): ¤O¯à¦ª¹© so strong as to be able to lift up a tripod.
(2) (*karng) Carry on the shoulders: ¦ªªF¦è¡A¦ª¦bªÓ»H¤W carry on one's shoulers.
(3) (*karng) Answer back.
Words1. ¦ª¤eªº *karngcha1de0, n., a person who protects prostitutes from molestation.
2. ¦ª¤Ò *karngfu1, n., a worker employed to carry loads on shoulders.
3. ¦ªªÓ¨àªº *karngjialde0, n., a porter who carries heavy objects on back.
4. ¦ªÀY *karngtou2, v.i., to throw one's head up in a gesture of disdain, said esp. of proud prostitutes.

Õo Num. Index: 10A.30-3     £¸£«£¿ ya4    .
V.t.To hold, grasp fast, to hold and shake.
Words1. Õo§â yah'ba, v.t., (MC) to have in one's grasp or firm control.
2. ÕoÂ\ ya4bai3, v.t., (MC) ditto.

¬@ Num. Index: 10A.30-3     £¤£¶£¾ zheng3    .
V.t.To rescue from fire or flood: ¬@±Ï zheng3jiu4¡õ
to save (souls).
Words1. ¬@±Ï zheng3jiu4, v.t., to rescue, aid, relieve (the distressed);
2. ¬@±Ï zheng3jiu4, v.t., to save from sin.
3. ¬@«ò zheng3xU4, v.t., to give relief (to the poor).

ûb Num. Index: 10A.30-4     £x£³ dan1        , £x£³£¿ dan4    . [Pop. of ¾á 10A.40]

ݯ Num. Index: 10A.30-4     £¹£´£¿ wen4    .
V.t.To press down with knuckles: ݯ²\, see §î²\ 10A.82.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.30-4     £z£¸£® nie1    . [Var. of ®º¡A¡¼; cf. û¾]
V.t.(1) Seize, take hold of, pinch, apply pressure with hands, strangle: ¡¼ (¤@) §â¦½ be seized with fear or deep concern;
¡¼µÛ hold between fingers;
¡¼µÛ»ó¤l suffer patiently and silently;
¡¼µÛÀY¥Ö ditto;
¡¼¦í¤F have finally caught (s.t.);
¡¼¤â¡¼¸} do things stealthily;
¡¼¯«¡¼°­ plan behind (s.o.'s) back;
¡¼¥Lªº»L pinch his leg;
¡¼¥L¤@§â give him a pinch;
¡¼¦º strangle (s.o.) to death;
(2) Knead with the fingers, mold: ¡¼¶ì nie1su4¡õ;
¡¼ªd¤H make an earthen figurine;
¡¼ÄѹΠknead dough;
¡¼¤@¼¼¤g knead a pinch of earth;
¡¼¤@§âªd knead a handful of mud;
(3) Fabricate, trump up: ¡¼³y nie1zao4¡õ;
¡¼³ø nie1bao4¡õ;
®³¡¼ hesitant, wavering.
Words1. ¡¼³ø nie1bao4, v.t., make a false report.
2. ¡¼¯f nie1bing4, v.i., feign sickness.
3. ¡¼§i nie1gao4, v.t., accuse (s.o.) falsely.
4. ¡¼©B neigu0, v.t., reconcile, mediate, bring together (¡×¼¼¦X).
5. ¡¼¦X nie1he2, v.t., (1) reconcile, mediate;
6. ¡¼¦X nie1he2, v.t., (2) flirt with, have illicit sexual relations with.
7. ¡¼§Ë nie1nuhng, v.t., (1) fabricate, trump up;
8. ¡¼§Ë nie1nuhng, v.t., (2) reconcile, mediate;
9. ¡¼§Ë nie1nuhng, v.t., manipulate.
10. ¡¼³´ nie1xian4, v.t., implicate (s.o.) by groundless accusations.
11. ¡¼»Ä nie1suan1, v.i., to carry on with pompous air or affected scholar's gait, to strut.
12. ¡¼¶ì nie1su4, v.t., to mold (clay figures).
13. ¡¼µü nie1ci2, v.t., make a false statement, tell a lie.
14. ¡¼³y nie1zao4, v.t., fabricate, trump up.

§á Num. Index: 10A.30-5     £z£¸£²£¾ niu3    .
V.t.(1) Twist, wrench, turn round, sprain: §á°e seize and turn over to (police, etc.);
§á¥´ to tussle, wrestle;
§áµ² to tussle together;
§áÂ_ wrench off;
§á¶} break (s.t.) open by force;
§áµ¬ sprain (ankle, wrist, etc.);
§á¶Ë sprain;
§áÃa (of human body) sprain, (of things) damage by manipulation;
§á¤F²ä¤l have one's neck sprained;
§á¹LÁy turn one's face away;
§áÀY turn one's head;
§á°® wring (s.t.) dry;
§á¦±§@ª½ (lit.) ¡§turn (s.t.) crooked straight¡¨¡Ð(fig.) turn black into white.
(2) (Of bodily movement) swing from side to side: §á¡¼ wriggle;
§á¸y wriggle one's waist;
§á§¾ªÑ¡A§áÁv wriggle one's buttocks.
Adj. & adv.§á§á¡¼¡¼ bashful;
§áªÑ¨à¿} in a twisting or wriggling manner;
§á§á·f·f swinging from side to side.
Words1. §áÂà niu3zhuan3, v.t., turn round: §áÂàÀY¥h turn round your head;
2. §áÂà niu3zhuan3, v.t., §áÂà¦H¶Õ to check deteriorating conditions;
3. §áÂà niu3zhuan3, v.t., §áÂà¤j§½ save a critical situation;
4. §áÂà niu3zhuan3, v.t., §áÂà°®©[ save a country or the world from disaster;
5. §áÂà niu3zhuan3, v.t., §áÂà¤ß¸z make (s.o.) change his mind.
6. §á§á»R niu2niu2wu3, n., rock-and-rolk.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.30-5     £{£³£¾ lan3    . [Var. of Åó 10A.70]

©Ô Num. Index: 10A.30-6     £{£« la1         (*£{£«£½ la2        , *£{£«£¾ la3    ).
V.i. & t.(1) To pull, drag, draw: ©Ô§è la1che3¡õ;
©Ô©Ô§è§è pull and drag this way and that;
©Ô¹L¨Ó pull (s.t.) over here;
©Ô¥X¥h drag (s.t. or s.o.) out;
©Ôªø¤èÁy¨à pull a long face;
©Ôªº¤UÁy¨Ó can pull a long face;
©Ô¤£¤UÁy¨Ó embarrassed;
©Ô¶} la1kai1¡õ;
©Ô¤Uµ¡Ã® pull down the blinds;
©ÔÁd la1qian4, ©Ô­Ë la1dao3, ©Ô¹B la1yU4, ©Ô¦² la1yi4¡õ;
©ì©Ô drag on or out;
©Ô¹a pull the bell rope;
©Ôºò (¨Ç) draw (s.t.)tight (er);
©Ôªñ la1jin4¡õ;
©Ôªø pull or make (s.t.) longer, (fig.) cause (conversation, speech, or a piece of writing) to be tediously long;
©Ô¹õ draw the cutain;
©Ô½u pull the wires;
©Ô½u¤H a wirepuller;
©ÔÃl la1lung¡õ;
©ÔÃö«Y try to draw close to (s.o.), (lit.) ¡§draw relations with s.o.¡¨;
©Ô°¨ la1ma3¡õ;
©Ô®a±a¤f bear family burdens;
©Ô¿÷ la1jU4¡õ;
©Ô´£µ^ play the Chin. fiddle;
©Ô­Jµ^ play a violin;
©Ô­·ºå fly kite;
©Ôºô draw a net in;
©Ô¨® pull cart;
©ÔªO¨® pull a handcart;
©Ô¬v¨® pull a rickshaw;
©Ô¨®ªº a rickshaw puller;
©Ôµw¤} force (s.o.) to do (s.t.) against his will;
©Ô¤j¤ù (¨à), ©Ô¬v¤ù run a peep show.
(2) To hold: ¤â©Ô¤â hold one another's hand;
©Ô¤â la1shou3¡õ;
¤@§â©Ô¦í¤£©ñ hold and won't let go;
©Ô¥L¤@§â give him a helping hand.
(3) To solicit: ©Ô¶R½æ¡A©Ô¥Í·N¡A©Ô¥D¹D solicit business;
©Ô«È solicit customers, said esp. of streetwalkers;
©Ô²¼ solicit votes;
©ÔªÑ solicit shareholders.
(4) To recruit, impress, look for: ©Ô¨¤ recruit actors for play;
©Ô¤H recruit men for service;
©Ô¥í¡A©Ô¤Ò la1fu1¡õ;
©Ô´À¨­¨à look for (s.o.) to be the scapegoat for oneself.
(5) To cut, amputate, eliminate, move bowels: ©Ô±¼ (surg.) amputate (any diseased part of the body);
ºR¬\©Ô¦´(AC) (of obstacles easily overcome) like tearing down dried-up trees or buildings in decay;
©Ô«Ë la1shi3, ©Ô§¿la1niao42, ©Ôµ} la1xi1¡õ;
©Ô¤F¤@¿Ç¤l wet one's underwear;
©Ô¨{¤l have loose bowels;
©Ô¤£¥X¨Ó have difficulty in moving one's bowels;
ÁÙ¨S©Ô§¹ have not yet finished moving one's bowels;
©Ô¤F¨â¤Ñ have had loose bowels for two days in succession.
(6) To borrow or owe money: ©Ô½ã la1zhang4, ©ÔªÅ la1kong4¡õ;
©Ô¤@§¾ªÑ¶Å owe a mountain of debts;
©ÔÄȯî la1ji1huang1¡õ;
ªF©Ô¦è§è owe debts all around, see la1che3¡õ.
(7) To leave behind, leave undone: ©Ô¦b«á­± (of runners or cars) leave (s.o.) behind;
©Ô«á¤Ä¨à let (s.t.) remain unfinished with a view to its possible continuation later on;
©Ôªø½u (¨à) leave (s.t.) for future decision.
(8) To talk or gossip: ©Ô¤£Â_¡A§è¤£Â_ talk on and on without end;
©Ôµu¨à talk behind s.o.'s back;
©Ô¦ÞÀY¡A©Ô¦Ñ±C¦ÞÀY (or ¦Þ²G) to gossip.
(9) (*la2) (Var. «f) cut into two ,slash (*la2).
Words1. ©Ô¤Ú la1ba01, v.t., pull and drag (¡×©Ô§è).
2. ©Ô©Þ la1ba02, v.t., promote a person's career, help advance (person).
3. ©Ô²Ì la1ban0, v.t., hamper, obstruct.
4. ©Ô¤e la1cha1 (sp. pr. la1cha4), v.i., (of limbs, branches) extend in all directions.
5. ©Ôúè la1chang3, n., (of supporting actors in Chin. opera) intentional prolongation of time on stage to wait for the appearance of the leading actor or actress;
6. ©Ôúè la1chang3, n., ©Ôúè¤l acrobatic and other shows in market place.
7. ©Ô§Ã la1cha4, n., a kind of card game played for money.
8. ©Ôªø la1chang2, v.i.& t., to prolong (business, voice).
9. ©Ô§è la1che3, v.t., (1) pull and drag;
10. ©Ô§è la1che3, v.t., (2) (la1che0) involve other persons by loose talk;
11. ©Ô§è la1che3, v.t., give a helping hand to;
12. ©Ô§è la1che3, v.t., help and support (s.o.);
13. ©Ô§è la1che3, v.t., (3) (la1che3er0) to even up, stretch even.
14. ©ÔÁd la1qian4, v.t., (1) (of boat going upstream) pull the towrope;
15. ©ÔÁd la1qian4, v.t., (2) (fig.) act as a go-between (also--¨à).
16. ©Ô©â±P¡]¨à¡^ la1chou1ti0 (la1chou1tie0er0), v.i., pull out desk drawer;
17. ©Ô©â±P¡]¨à¡^ la1chou1ti0 (la1chou1tie0er0), v.i., (fig.) go back on one's word;
18. ©Ô©â±P¡]¨à¡^ la1chou1ti0 (la1chou1tie0er0), v.i., make seesaw action.
19. ©Ô«ù la1chi0, v.t., (dial.) bring (s.o.) up.
20. ©Ô­Ë la1dao3, v.t., (1) pull down;
21. ©Ô­Ë la1dao3, v.t., (2) (coll.) forget about it: ³o¥ó¨Æ§Ú¬ÝÁÙ¬O©Ô­Ë½}¡I
22. ©Ôµª la1da2, adj., untidy, slovenly (of composition, furniture, etc.).
23. ©Ô¤B la1ding1, n. & adj., (translit.) Latin (also wr. þ¤B).
24. ©Ô¤Ò la1fu1, v.t., press men for miliatary or coolie service.
25. ©Ô©¿ *la3hu0, adj., (1) careless, negligent;
26. ©Ô©¿ *la3hu0, adj., (2) stupid, foolish, muddle-headed.
27. ©Ô¤õ la1huo3, n., fuse used for ancient-type cannon.
28. ©Ô½ã la1zhang4, v.t., buy things on credit.
29. ©ÔÄȯî la1ji1huang1, v.t., (coll.) run short or money.
30. ©Ô¨¤ la1jiao3, v.t., recuit supporters or players.
31. ©Ô¬[ la1jia4, v.t., mediate between two persons quarrelling or fighting.
32. ©Ôªñ la1jin4, v.t., draw nearer.
33. ©Ô¿÷ la1jU4, v.t., (1) cut with a saw;
34. ©Ô¿÷ la1jU4, v.t., (2) make seesaw movements: ©Ô¿÷¾Ô (fight) a seesaw battle.
35. ©Ô¶} la1kai1, v.t., (1) pull or draw (s.t.) open or apart;
36. ©Ô¶} la1kai1, v.t., (2) (fighters) draw apart.
37. ©Ô¸ó la1kua4, v.i., limp, walk lamely or unevenly.
38. ©ÔªÅ la1kong4, v.i., run into debt.
39. ©Ô¤F la1le, (1) v.t., take off (boots, necktie);
40. ©Ô¤F la1le, (2) v.i., acknowledge defeat.
41. ©ÔÁå la1lian4, n., zipper.
42. ©ÔÃl la1lung, v.t., draw (s.o.) over to one's side, draw persons with different views together.
43. ©Ô°¨ la1ma3, v.i., act as a pimp (also ©Ô¥Ö±ø ).
44. ©Ô·Ä la1niao41, v.i., to pass water.
45. ©Ô§¿ la1niao42, v.i., ditto.
46. ©Ô§Ë la1nung, v.t. & n., (1) pull apart: ³o¥»®Ñ³Q§A©Ô§Ë´²¤F you hav pulled the book apart;
47. ©Ô§Ë la1nung, v.t. & n., (2) wear and tear: ³o¥ó¦ç»n¤£¸T©Ô§Ë this dress cannot stand wear and tear.
48. ©Ô¥Ö±ø la1pi2tiao0, v.i., act as a pimp (also ©Ô¥Ö±øÁd la1pi2tiao0qian4).
49. ©Ô¥Ö¤l la1pi2zi0, v.i., be thickskinned or unashamed.
50. ©ÔÂÄ la1sa1, n. Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet.
51. ©Ô»ã la1sa4, n., & adj., (MC & Soochow dial.) dirt, -ty, garbage (var. of ©U§£, le4se4).
52. ©Ôµ} la1xi1, v.i., (1) have loose bowels;
53. ©Ôµ} la1xi1, v.i., (2) (coll.) acknowledge defeat.
54. ©Ô¤â¡]¨à¡^ la1shou3(er0), v.t., (1) hold hands;
55. ©Ô¤â¡]¨à¡^ la1shou3(er0), v.t., (2) shake hands;
56. ©Ô¤â¡]¨à¡^ la1shou3(er0), v.t., (3) join hands: ¤H®a­Ç¤H¤@©Ô¤â¡A´N§â§Aµ¹·´¤F when they two work together, you are done for.
57. ©Ô«Ë la1shi3, v.t. move bowels.
58. ©ÔÂê¤l la1suo3zi0, n.(in embroidery) setting contour of flower patterns.
59. ©Ôµ· la1si1, adj., (1) (of action) hesitating: ¤H®a¨M¤£©Ôµ·¡A»¡¨«´N¨«they never hesitate and, if they agree to go, will go right away;
60. ©Ôµ· la1si1, adj., (2) (of speech) longwinded: »¡ªº¡¼±¶¯Ü§Ö¡A¨Ã¤£©Ôµ· what (he) said was perfectly clear-cut and not long-winded.
61. ©Ô»½ la2ta0, adj. dirty, untidy.
62. ©ÔÂø la1za2, adj. & adv. untidy, confused, (of room, etc.): ©ÔÂø®Ñ¨Ó write at random.
63. ©Ô±ß¨à la1wa3er0, v.i., (of persons) be a night owl;
64. ©Ô±ß¨à la1wa3er0, v.i., (2) (of ricksaw puller) work at night.
65. ©Ô¦² la1yi4, v.t. drag along, trail (skirts).
66. ©Ô¹B la1yUn4, v.t. transport by handcarts.

¾Õ Num. Index: 10A.30-6     £¦£³£¿ shan4    .
V.i.(1) To arrogate to oneself, to claim arbitrarily: ¾Õ§L¡A¾ÕÅv shan4bing1, shan4qUan2¡õ.
(2) To make special claim to: ±M¾Õ to be law unto oneself, also to excel in some specialty;
¤£´±¾Õ¬ü dare not claim all credit to oneself.
Adv.Arbitrarily: ¾Õ¦Û§@¥D act arbitrarily;
¾Õ´± dare without permission (open letters, etc.);
¾Õ«K shan4bian4¡õ.
Words1. ¾Õ«K shan4bian4, adv., arbitrarily: ¾Õ«K¦æ¨Æ act arbitrarily.
2. ¾Õ§L shan4bing1, phr., (of governors) hold independent military power.
3. ¾Õúè shan4chang3, v.i., to excel in some field.
4. ¾Õªø shan4chang2, v.i. & n., to excel;
5. ¾Õªø shan4chang2, v.i. & n., one's speciality (in some field).
6. ¾ÕÅv shan4qUan2, v.i., to hold absolute power, to hold power illegally (as eunuchs in certain periods).
7. ¾Õ°ê shan4guo2, v.i., (AC) to rule country as sovereign.
8. ¾Õ§Q shan4li4, v.i., to enjoy monopoly in trade.
9. ¾Õ©R shan4ming4, phr., to arrogate power to oneself, be defacto ruler.

ÙU Num. Index: 10A.30-6     £££º£³ xUan1    .
V.i.To roll up sleeves: ÙU®±¾Û³S roll up sleeves and raise fists to fight;
ÙUÀ» to hit with bare fists.

±± Num. Index: 10A.30-6     £}£¹£¶£¿ kong4    .
V.t.(1) To accuse at court: ±±§i¡A±±¶D kong4gao4, kong4su4¡õ.
(2) To subject to control, to curb (horse): ±±¨î kong4zhi4¡õ.
(3) (AC) to draw a bow: ±±©¶.
(4) (AC) to fall upon the ground: ±±©ó¦a.
Words1. ±±§i kong4gao4, (1) v.t., to complain, accuse;
2. ±±§i kong4gao4, (2) n., a complaint.
3. ±±¨î kong4zhi4, (1) v.t., to keep in control: ±±¨î¤£¤F cannot control;
4. ±±¨î kong4zhi4, (2) n., control: ¨ü¥L±±¨î under his control and direction;
5. ±±¨î kong4zhi4, n., ±±¨î¿µ (astron.) service module.
6. ±±¶D kong4su4, v.t. & n., see kong4gao4¡ô.
7. ±±±s kong4yU4, v.t., to control and direct.

·b Num. Index: 10A.30-8     £©£¹£¬ cuo1     [Related À¿ 10A.01, ®À 10A.11, ¾V 81A.11, ½R 31B.30]
V.i. & t.To rub or roll with hand: ·b´| cuo1rou2¡õ;
·b÷¤l roll a rope;
·b§@¤@¹Î roll into a ball;
·b¯È±É¨à 93B.71.
Words1. ·bªO¨à cuo1ba3er0, n., washing board.
2. ·b¸}¥Û cuo1jiao3shi2, n., stone near gate for wiping shoes.
3. ·b§Ë cuo1nung (sp. pr. also cuo2nung), v.i. & t., to rub s.t. between hands.
4. ·b´| cuo1rou2, v.i. & t., ditto.
5. ·b¸H tsouosui4, v.t., rub into powder or bits.

Ý~ Num. Index: 10A.30-8

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.30-8     £¢£¸£´£½ qin2    .
V.t.(1) To grasp by hand.
(2) To seize enemy (var. of ¾à).

Îß Num. Index: 10A.32-9     £¨£«£½ za2         (also £¨£³£¾ zan3    ).
V.t.To press, squeeze hard, to subject to pressure.
Words1. Îß«ü za2zhi3 (zan2zhi3) v.i., press fingers between sticks as a form of torture.
2. Îߤl zan3zi0, n., such instruments of torture.

«ú Num. Index: 10A.40-1     £¡£¸£®£½ jie2    .
Words1. «úÕu jie2jU1, (1) n., a sore hand;
2. «úÕu jie2jU1, (2) adj., lacking financial resources: ¤âÀY«úÕu broke , short of funds.
3. «ú§Üµ¬ jie2kang4jin1, n., (physiol.) antagonistic muscles (opp. ¨ó¦Pµ¬ synergistic muscles).

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.40-2     muoh    . [Related Ý« 10A.50 in Ý«¾Ô]
V.t.To hold in hand, grasp: ¤â¡¼Âù©ò (MC) holding a battle-axe in each hand
¾Ô¼r±þ (MC) challenge to fight.

·f Num. Index: 10A.40-2     £x£« da1    .
N.1 adjunct.(MC) ¤T¤­·f¤H®a three or four houses.
N.Linking stroke in same character or adjacent characters in calligraphy.
V.i. & t.(1) To put up, put together: ·f´×¡AÀ¸»O¡A¯B¾ô put up a shed, a temporary theatrical stage, a pontoon bridge;
·f±m put up festoons;
see ·f¬[¤l da1jia4zi0¡õ.
(2) To join up , attach to : ·fÀ°¡A·f¹Ù¡A·f¦ñ travel with others in same vehicle, esp. ·f²î¡A·f¨® go aboard a boat, a car, thus ·f«È (be) a passenger;
·f«¹ÀY (and dial. ·f¹Ù­p) man and woman live together without marriage;
±i¤}·f½b attach arrow to bow;
¦çªA·f¦b¦Ë¬ñ¤W hang laundry on bamboo pole;
²o·f¡A¤Ä·f to induce attachment to ,work in collusion with s.o.;
·fªB¤Í attach or attract s.o. as friend;
·f¿ù½u (Cantonese phr.) cross wire, wrong number (in telephoning).
(3) To make certain gestures: ·f§â¤â, ·f¬[¤l da1ba2shou3, da1jia4zi0¡õ.
(4) To copulate: ·f°t ditto.
Words1. ·f§â¤â da1ba2shou3, phr., as in ½Ð±z·f§â¤â¨à¡AÀ°§Ú¤@¤Uplease give me a hand.
2. ·f¥] da1bao0, n., waistband outside jacket, used for carrying things (also wr. ¿Ê¥] 63C.40).
3. ·f»K da1bo0, n., (MC) see da1bao0¡ô.
4. ·f¸É da1bu3, v.t., to make up what is needed or missing.
5. ·f·f¸} da1da1jiao3, v.i., (1) to rest one's feet;
6. ·f·f¸} da1da1jiao3, v.i., (2) da1jiao3er0¡õ.
7. ·f¸Ü da1hua4, v.i., strike up a conversation with s.o..
8. ·f¹Ù da1huo3, v.i., travel with others;
9. ·f¹Ù da1huo3, v.i., join up with party.
10. ·fµÛ da1zhe0, phr., in addition: ·fµÛ¥L¦Ñ¤l¹G¥L©À®Ñ besides, his father forced him to study.
11. ·f¬[¤l da1jia4zi0, v.i., (fig.) put on airs;
12. ·f¬[¤l da1jia4zi0, v.i., (lit.) put up scaffolding.
13. ·f¸}¨à da1jiao3er0, v.i., take vehicle to rest one's legs.
14. ·fµó§{ da1jie1fang0, v.i., be neighbors.
15. ·f¬É da1jie4, v.i., be adjacent.
16. ·f±Ï da1jiu4, v.t., to rescue (s.o. in distress).
17. ·f¦í da1zhu4, v.i., take up lodging: ©M¤H·f¦í share house with s.o.
18. ·f®à da1zhuo1, v.i., (formerly of theatrical troupe) give performance for relief.
19. ·f©Ô da1la0, v.i., hang down: ·f©Ô¤U¨Ó;
20. ·f©Ô da1la0, v.i., ·f©Ô§À¤Ú da1la0yi3ba0, hang tail (of dog);
21. ·f©Ô da1la0, v.i., ·f©Ô³f da1la0huo4, bad or damaged goods (also wr. ÐU©Ô).
22. ·f¼» da1sa1, v.i., (eyelids) droop.
23. ·f°SµÛ da1shan4zhe0, adv., (reply, leave) in a listless or embarrassed manner.
24. ·f¤â da1shou3, n., tumor around shouler blads;
25. ·f¤â da1shou3, n., accomplice in swindle, gambling, etc.
26. ·f¸ü da1zai4, v.i., go on boat or car as additional passenger.

©à Num. Index: 10A.40-2     £z£¸£³£½ nian2         (*£z£¸£³£¾ nian3    ).
V.t.(1) To take or pick up s.t. with one's fingers: ©à§Ë examine, fondle s.t. in hand;
©à­» (rel.) burn incense sticks before the altar;
©àŽ stroke one's beard;
©àªá·S¯ó have many love affairs;
©àµ§ pick up the pen to write.
(2) (*nian3) (Interch.±É) roll up s.t. with one's fingers or between palms.
Words1. ©àùÄ nian2jiu1, v.t., draw lots.
2. ©à»Ä nian2suan1, v.t., be jealous.

©Ý Num. Index: 10A.40-3     £y£¹£¬£¿ tuo4         (*£y£«£¿ ta4    ).
V.i. & t.(1) To expand (territory, etc.): ¶}©Ý¡A©Ý¦a¡A©Ý¯î develop waste land;
©ÝÃä develop frontier regions, expand boundary.
(2) Push (object) with hand.
(3) (*ta4) To make rubbings of inscriptions: ³o´T¸O©«©Ý±o«Ü¦n this rubbing of inscription is well done.
Words1. ©Ý¥» *ta4ben3, n., a rubbing, esp. of ancient inscription, (the rubbing itself could be ancient and therefore important).
2. ©Ý¼³¾Ç tuo4bu2xUe2, n., (math.) topology.
3. ©Ý¯î tuo4huang1, v.t., to develop waste land.
4. ©Ý®i tuo4zhan3, v.i. & t., to develop, expand (business, industry).
5. ©Ý´Þ tuo4zhi2, v.t., to colonize.
6. ©Ý¸¨ tuo4luo4, adj., in hard luck, unsuccessful in career.

¦© Num. Index: 10A.40-4     £}£²£¿ kou4    .
N.(1) A knot: ¦©¤l¡A¦©¨à kou4zi0, kou4er0¡õ;
¶s¦© cloth button;
ªá¦© decorative button;
¾c¦© shoe buckle;
¥´¤F¦º¦© a knot that does not get loose by itself;
µ·µ·¤J¦© (of novels, fine reasoning) all threads neatly tied up, closely knit.
(2) A bunch, bundle: ¤@¦©½u a bundle of thread;
¤@¦©¤å®Ñ a sheaf of documents, letters.
V.t.(1) To tie up, together, button up:¦©ºò tie up well;
§â¦çªA¦©¦n button up dress;
¦©¦b¤@°_ tie up together;
¦©°¨ (¡×²o°¨ ) lead horse on strap.
(2) To arrest: ¦©©ã¡A¦©¯d kou4ya1, kou4liu2¡õ;
§â³o¤H¦©°_¨Ó arrest this person;
§â¦æ¨®°õ·Ó¦©¤U¨Ó take away driving license.
(3) To discount, deduct, take off, hold back part or whole: ¦©°£ kou4chu2¡õ;
¦^¦© discount for agent;
¦©©³¤l (coll.) ditto;
¦©¿ú deduct money;
¦©Á~¤ô deduct part of salary;
¦©¤À¼Æ deduct school marks;
«g¦© illegally deduct (soldier's pay, ration).
(4) Cover on top: ¦©ûó¥Ë»\ cover with roof tiles;
§â¸J¦©¦b½L¤l¤W turn bowl over on the plate;
¦©¦b§ÚÀY¤W put (unpleasant duty) on my shoulder.
(5) To strike, knock: (interch.¥nªù) ¦©ªù knock at door;
¦©²ì knock on boat's side (for rhythm while singing);
¦©¨ä­I slap one's back.
Words1. ¦©°£ kou4chu2, v.t., to deduct (expenses, etc.).
2. ¦©¨à kou4er0, n., a knot.
3. ¦©¯d kou4liu2, v.t., detain (person, car, etc.)
4. ¦©¦× kou4rou4, n., a Szechuan specialty, a dish of richly seasoned steamed pork.
5. ¦©ÀY kou4tou0, n., discount on price.
6. ¦©¤l kou4zi0, n., (1) a knot;
7. ¦©¤l kou4zi0, n., (2) a knot or bottleneck in affairs;
8. ¦©¤l kou4zi0, n., (3) suspense at end of chapter in novels.
9. ¦©©ã kou4ya1, v.t., to detain (person).

áæ Num. Index: 10A.40-4     £{£¸£±£¿ liao4    .
V.t.(1) To drop: §âªF¦èáæ¤U¨Ó drop things on the ground;
áæ¤â¤£ºÞ wash one's hands of the matter;
¤Ó¤Ó¦º¤F¡Aáæ¤U¨â­Ó«Ä¤l the mother died, leaving two children behind.
(2) (Coll.) die, pop.áæ¤F.
Words1. áæ¦a liao4di4, v.i., show acrobatic skill in open spaces (also called ©Ôúè).
2. áæ¸ø liao4jiao1, v.i., a form of wrestling.

©Û Num. Index: 10A.40-5     £¤£± zhao1    .
N.(1) One move in boxing (hold, thrust, catch, counterblow, etc.) ©Û or ©Û¼Æ zhao1shu4¡õ;
³o¤@©Û¯u¼F®` that was a beautiful move (strike, parry, etc.);
§®©Û,¥©©Û beautiful move;
µ´©Û (boxing) master blow, against which there is no defense.
(2) (AC) target.
V.i. & t.(1) To beckon: ¥H¤â©Û¤§ beckon him to come;
©Û¤§§Y¨Ó¡A¾£¤§«h¥h at beck and call.
(2) To-enlist, invite to be member, enlist solidiers: ©Û§L¡A©Û¶Ò¡A©Û¦w zhao1bing1, zhao1mu4, zhao1an1¡õ;
enlist students ©Û¥Í zhao1sheng1¡õ;
©Û¤k´B to take in a son-in-law to bear bride's clan name, rather than marry her out, see ©Û¿Ë zhao1qin1¡õ;
©Û¤Í§@¬K¹C invite a friend to a spring outing;
©Û·|­û enlist new members;
©Û¯² (house) to let.
(3) To incite, incur, to court disaster:©Û¨a,©Ûº× zhao1zai1, zhao1huo4¡õ;
to provoke laughter, contempt: ©Û¯º(©Û¤H¯º), ©ÛÀü¡A©Û¥´ zhao1xiao4,zhao1deng4, zhao1da3¡õ;
incite hatred, etc.: ©Û«è zhao1yUan4¡õ;
º¡©Û·l (AC) pride leads to loss or downfall.
(4) To provoke, flirt with: ©Û·S zhao1re¡õ;
§O¦A©Û¥L¤F don't provoke him again;
©Û¸Á¤Þ½º (of women) flirt with men.
(5) To receive (guests, customers), extend (business, clientele): ©Û¥Í·N to get new customers;
©Û©I¡A©Û±t¡A©ÛÅó zhao1hu1, zhao1lai, zhao1lan3¡õ.
(6) To confess: ¤£¥´¦Û©Û make a confession, admit fault freely or unintentionally;
©Û¨Ñ¡A©Û»{ zhao1gong1, zhao1ren4¡õ.
(7)To infect: ³o¯f¥i©Û¤H (coll.) this disease is infectious.
(8) (AC) to tie up: ¬J¤J¨äÐk¡A¤S±q¦Ó©Û¤§(AC) after they have got (the pig) into pen, they begin to tie it up.
Words1. ©Û¦w zhao1an1, v.t., see zhao1fu3¡õ.
2. ©Û¼Ð zhao1biao1, v.i., invite bids (for contract).
3. ©Û§L zhao1bing1, v.i., to recruit men for army, enlist men for armed forces: ©Û§L¶R°¨ prepare for war;
4. ©Û§L zhao1bing1, v.i., to expand a fighting force.
5. ©Û©Ó zhao1cheng2, v.i., to confess, own to (act).
6. ©Û¿Ë zhao1qin1, v.i., (1) to look for or take son-in-law who will marry into bride's family (taking her family name and living with her family);
7. ©Û¿Ë zhao1qin1, v.i., (2) (in vern. literature) to elope.
8. ©Û¥´ zhao1da3, v.i., to invite or deserve a spanking.
9. ©Û«Ý zhao1dai0, (1) n., reception of guest (attentive, negligent, etc.) : ©Û«Ý¤£¶g (pardon us for) any lack of attention;
10. ©Û«Ý zhao1dai0, (2) v.i. & t., to receive guests, visitors: ®¤¤£©Û«Ý¤k«È sorry we don't receive lady guests;
11. ©Û«Ý zhao1dai0, (3) to serve, look after: ¦n¦nªº©Û«Ý¥L look after him well;
12. ©Û«Ý zhao1dai0, ³o©±¹Ù¤£·|©Û«Ý«È¤H this shop employee does not know how to serve customers;
13. ©Û«Ý zhao1dai0, ©Û«Ý­û steward or usher;
14. ©Û«Ý zhao1dai0, ¤k©Û«Ý stewardess;
15. ©Û«Ý zhao1dai0, ©Û«Ý©Ò reception room or house, clubhouse for members.
16. ©ÛÀü zhao1deng4, v.i., ¡§invite stare¡¨--be annoying.
17. ©Û­·¦Õ zhao1feng1er3, n., projecting ears.
18. ©Û¼¾ zhao1fu3, v.t., to pacify rebellious area by offering amnesty.
19. ©Û¨Ñ zhao1gong1, v.i. & n., to confess;
20. ©Û¨Ñ zhao1gong1, v.i. & n., a confession, affidavit.
21. ©ÛªÑ zhao1gu3, v.i., offer shares to public.
22. ©Û©I zhao1hu1, v.i., (1) to invite (able men at court);
23. ©Û©I zhao1hu1, v.i., (2) zhao1hu0, (a) to acknowledge acquaintance on the road: ¥´©Û©I say ¡§hello¡¨;
24. ©Û©I zhao1hu1, v.i., (b) look after, take care of (child in public square, etc.);
25. ©Û©I zhao1hu1, v.i., (c) get into a fight: ¥L­Ì­Ç©Û©I¤W¤F (coll.) they have started fighting;
26. ©Û©I zhao1hu1, v.i., (d) call: ¦³¤H©Û©I§A s.o. is calling you;
27. ©Û©I zhao1hu1, v.i., (e) instruct s.o. to do s.t.;
28. ©Û©I zhao1hu1, v.i., (f) take care lest: ©Û©IÀY¤Wªº¿jÀY±¼¤U¨Ó take care lest the brick overhead drops down.
29. ©Ûº× zhao1huo4, v.t., to invite disaster.
30. ©Û»î zhao1hun2, v.i., (1) (AC) ¡§call the soul back¡¨when s.o. is dying, by going up te roof, facing the north and crying his name three times;
31. ©Û»î zhao1hun2, v.i., (2) to call the soul back of s.o. who died abroad unburied ,into an empty coffin prepared with his shoes and dress for proper burial;
32. ©Û»î zhao1hun2, v.i., ©Û»îïÙ formerly, a pennant before the coffin.
33. ©Û®i zhao1zhan3, v.i., to float in the wind (as a flag): ªáªK©Û®i flower branches move, or a lady's hair decorations move as she passes by.
34. ©Û¬[ zhao1jia4, v.i., (1) to parry a blow, come out and offer combat: ©Û¬[¤£¦í cannot sustain the blows;
35. ©Û¬[ zhao1jia4, v.i., (2) receive guests, see zhao1dai4, (2)¡ô;
36. ©Û¬[ zhao1jia4, v.i., (3) (MC) to confess, (see zhao1ren4¡õ): ¥L­Y´Û¤ß¤£¬[®É if he is dishonest and will not admit.¡K
37. ©Û©S zhao1jiu4, v.i., give cause for blame or disaster.
38. ©Û¶° zhao1ji0, v.t., to assemble (men, members);
39. ©Û¶° zhao1ji0, v.t., call for conference.
40. ©ÛÂØ zhao1zhui4, v.i., see zhao1qin1¡ô.
41. ©Û­P zhao1zhi4, v.t., to invite (learned men) to serve at court or college.
42. ©Û¦Ò zhao1kao3, v.i. & n., (give) entrance examination.
43. ©Û¨à zhao1er0, n., (1) (coll.) plan or strategy: §A¥Xªº¦n©Û¨à you have suggested a good plan;
44. ©Û¨à zhao1er0, n., (2) posted bill, a signboard: ©Û¶K¡A©ÛµP zhao1tie1, zhao1pai0¡õ.
45. ©ÛÅó zhao1lan3, v.t., (1) to invite (able men);
46. ©ÛÅó zhao1lan3, v.t., (2) to extend business by securing new customers: ©ÛÅó¥Í·N.
47. ©Û±t zhao1lai, v.t., see zhao1zhi4¡ô.
48. ©Û»â zhao1ling3, v.t., to take home (lost child, dog, article) by presenting oneself as owner;
49. ©Û»â zhao1ling3, v.t., advertise for owner of lost thing.
50. ©Û¶Ò zhao1mu4, v.t., to enlist men for army or other form of service.
51. ©ÛµP zhao1pai0, n., a shop signboard;
52. ©ÛµP zhao1pai0, n., established trademark or trade name: ¦n©ÛµP a name or person enjoying popularity.
53. ©Û½L zhao1pan2, v.i., to sell shop and contents to prospetive buyer.
54. ©Û·S zhao1re, v.t., to provoke (person, resentment).
55. ©Û»{ zhao1ren4, v.i., to confess (crime);
56. ©Û»{ zhao1ren4, v.i., to claim (lost articles).
57. ©Û¥Í zhao1sheng1, v.i., to hold entrance examinations, see zhao1kao3¡ô.
58. ©Û¯º¡]¨à¡^ zhao1xiao4(er0), v.i., to invite or provoke laughter: §A»¡¸Ü¯u©Û¯º¨à what you say is laughable.
59. ©Û¤â¨à zhao1shou3er0, v.i., to beckon with the hand.
60. ©Û¼Æ zhao1shu4, n., one move in boxing, see N.1¡ô.
61. ©Û»¡ zhao1shuo1, v.i., be annoying (as a too restless child).
62. ©Û¨Æ zhao1shi4, v.i., cause trouble by reckless words or action.
63. ©Û°Q zhao1tao3, v.t., to suppress (rebels) by force and calling for surrender.
64. ©Û¶K zhao1tie1, n., bills on wall, billboards.
65. ©Û´£ zhao1ti2, n., (Budd.) a monastery;
66. ©Û´£ zhao1ti2, n., the Sangha or Buddhist Church (corruption from ©Ýüç´£ªÙ Sanskr.¡ÐKaturdisa).
67. ©Û¤l zhao1zi0, n., (1) bills on walls;
68. ©Û¤l zhao1zi0, n., (2) shop sign.
69. ©Û¨a zhao1zai1, v.i., to invite calamity.
70. ©Û¯² zhao1zu1, v.i., (house) to let.
71. ©Û²´ zhao1yan3, adj., conspicuous;
72. ©Û²´ zhao1yan3, ©Û²´¬r zhao1yao1du2, v.i., cause jealousy.
73. ©ÛÁÜ zhao1yao1, v.t., to invite (to party, etc.)
74. ©Û·n zhao1yao2, v.i., show off, attract too much attention: ©Û·n (¦Ó) ¹LÉ] pass along the streets dressed to attract attention;
75. ©Û·n zhao1yao2, v.i., ©Û·n¼²ÄF to swindle by false pretenses.
76. ©Û¤Þ zhao1yin0, v.i., see zhao1zhi4¡ô.
77. ©Û«è zhao1yUan4, v.i., to cause hatred by reckless words or behavior.

Õu Num. Index: 10A.40-5     £¡£º jU1     [Pop. of ¾Ú jyuh 10A.02]
Words1. «úÕu jie2jU1, adj., short of money.

Ѹ Num. Index: 10A.40-5     £¡£º£´£¿ jUn4    .
V.t.(LL) choose, select, see compp.¡õ.
Words1. ѸµØ jUn4hua2, v.i., extract the essence, select the most essential points.
2. ѸºT jUn4zhi2, v.t., collect, gather (quotations, etc.)
3. Ѹ¬B jUn4shi2, v.t., ditto.

Õh Num. Index: 10A.40-6     £u£²£½ pou2        , £u£²£¾ pou3    
V.t.(1) To attack physically: ÕhÀ» give blows, attack physically or verbally.
(2) U.f. §¥ to cup (soil) in hand.
(3) U.f. ¸Ï to gather, haul: Õh§J levy heavy taxes from people.

Õi Num. Index: 10A.40-6     £x£¸£³ dian1    . [Anc. var.Îç]
V.i. & t.To weigh in the hand, to estimate:Õi¤@Õi¦³¦h­« weigh in hand and see how heavy it is;
Õi¤ç¼½¨â to argue about little details (also wr. áî¨â).
Words1. Õi¹ï dian1dui4, v.i., estimate and consider relative importance.
2. ©àÙt dian1duo1, v.i., to estimate weight of s.t. held in hand;
3. ©àÙt dian1duo1, v.i., estimate and consider relative importance (also wr.Îç Ùt).
4. Õi¹L¨à dian1guo4er0, v.i., enumerate s.o.'s mistakes: Õi¤Q¨Ó­Ó¹L¨à has repeatedly mentioned some mistakes a dozen times.
5. Õiºâ dian1suan4, v.i., estimate, calculate (costs, etc.).

·e Num. Index: 10A.40-6     £y£µ£½ tang2    .
V.t.(1) To block: ·e®t¨Ï fulfill assignment nominally;
·eÄȾj stop hunger by eating s.t.;
·e½ã evade payment of debts;
¦A·e´X¤Ñ delay for a few days;
·e¤£¦í­·«B cannot keep out wind and rain;
see ·e¶ë tang2se4¡õ.
(2) (MC) ·e°s¦Y ask for wine.
Words1. ·e¶ë tang2se4, v.t., fulfill assignment nominally, use evasive answers.
2. ·e²¡ tang2ci2, n., enamelware
3. ·e¬ð tang2tu2, v.t., see ­ð ¬ð 61.40.

¡¼ Num. Index: 10A.40-6     £}£­£½ ke2    .
V.i. & t.(1) To catch in hand: ¤âúG¡¼ûó¤@¤j§â¿ú holds a lot of cash in his hand;
catch , get stuck: ¡¼¦íªº¥Lªº³ïÄV s.t. caught in his throat;
©â±P¡¼¦í¤F¡A¥´¤£¶} drawer gets stuck.
(2) To make difficulties for (person): ¬G·N¡¼¤H embarrass person on purpose.

¬B Num. Index: 10A.40-8     £¦£½ shi2         (*£¦£­£¿ she4        , *£ª£¿ si4    ).
V.t.(1) To pick up: ¬B°_¨Ó pick it up;
¬B¤H¤ú¼z, ¬B¤H³è¾l (contempt.) pick up what others say or write;
¬Bª«©Û»â articles found, owner please contact;
¬Bª÷¤£¬N return money found;
¬B¯Å (*sheh-jir) ¦Óµn mount up a flight of steps;
¬B¿ò shi2yi2¡õ;
¦pÍé¬Bªã(AC) as easy as to pick dirt from the floor (ªã s.t. insignificant).
(2) To gather: ´z¬Bselect and gather;
¬B¨ú shi2qU3¡õ;
¦¬¬B put (room, objects) in order.
(3) To turn (things) about: ¬B½ shi2fan0¡õ.
Words1. ¬B¨ú shi2qU3, v.t., (1) collect, gather: ¬B¨ú­·¥ú¤ë¦â (LL) to take in and enjoy the air and the moon;
2. ¬B¨ú shi2qU3, v.t., (2) to pick up from the ground.
3. ¬BÕs shi2duo0, v.t., (1) to assemble and put to order;
4. ¬BÕs shi2duo0, v.t., (2) to gather (sundry things, quotations);
5. ¬BÕs shi2duo0, v.t., (3) to punish: «D¬BÕs¬BÕs¥L¤£¥i must teach him a lesson.
6. ¬B½ *si4fan0, v.t., to turn upside down: §â¤@©â±PªºªF¦è³£¬B½¶Ã¤F has turned over the contents of the drawer.
7. ¬Bº| (¨à) (¤l) shi2lou4(er0)(zi0), v.i., to find a chance to pick up some money.
8. ¬B¨S shi2mo0, adj., (MC) ¡×¤°»ò¡A¬Æ»ò what?
9. ¬B¯º¨à shi2xiao4er0, v.i., to join in laughter.
10. ¬B¿ò shi2yi2, n. & v.i., (1) (to make) a supplement of omissions in some work;
11. ¬B¿ò shi2yi2, n. & v.i., (2) to pick up lost articles.

±Ë Num. Index: 10A.40-8     £¦£­£¾ she3    .
V.t.(1) To part with (what is dear): Ãø¤ÀÃø±Ë (of lovers) find it difficult to tear apart;
³Î±Ë cut off (what is dear);
±Ë±¼ abandon, forsake;
±Ë±o¡A±Ë¤£±o she3de0, she3bu4de2¡õ;
±Ë©R she3ming4¡õ;
±Ë¦º§Ñ¥Í risk one's life for some worthy cause;
±Ë¨­±Ï¤H sacrifice one's life to save others;
±Ë¥Í¨ú¸q prefer honor to life;
±Ëªñ¨ú»· go for the abstruse and forget the obvious;
±Ë¤v±q¤H give up one's own views and follow others.
(2) To give alms: ±Ëµ°¡A±Ë¶º to give gruel or rice to the poor;
¬I±Ë give alms, contribute to a monastery.
Words1. ±Ë¤£±o she3bu4de2, v.t., loath to give up: ±Ë¤£±o¥h unwilling to go;
2. ±Ë¤£±o she3bu4de2, v.t., ±Ë¤£±o©ñ unwilling to let go.
3. ±Ë±ó she3chi4, v.t., to abandon (lover), cut out (bad habits), give up (one's contention).
4. ±Ë±o she3de0, v.i., (1) be willing to give up or away: ±Ë±o¤@­Ó°²´Á sacrifice a holiday (for some work);
5. ±Ë±o she3de0, v.i., (2) can be parted with;
6. ±Ë±o she3de0, v.i., see she3bu4de2¡ô.
7. ±Ë­ô¨à she3ge0er0, n., (coll.) a hapless and friendless person.
8. ±ËµÛ she3zhe0, v.i., (MC) forced to part with s.t.: ±ËµÛÁÙ¤F¥L¤Q¨âª÷¤l had to return him ten ounces of gold.
9. ±Ë©R she3ming4, adv., at the risk of one's life (¡×«÷©R).
10. ±Ë¨­ she3shen1, v.i., (Budd. & gen.) risk one's life to (save others, country).

·m Num. Index: 10A.40-8     £¢£¸£µ£¾ qiang3         (*£¢£¸£µ qiang1    ).
V.i. & t.(1) To rob, loot, take by violence: ·m¹Ü¡A·m±° qiang3duo2, qiang3lUe4¡õ;
·m¿Ë capture bride from bride's family for wedding (by those too poor to pay for ceremony), see ·m±B qiang3hun1¡õ;
·mªF¦è scramble for things in a riot or fracas;
·m¨Óªº obtained by loot or scramble.
(2) To wrangle for first place: ·m¥ý compete in being the first to;
·m«eµo¨¥ (several persons) try to speak first;
·mºÉÃèÀY phr., steal the spotlight;
·m¥X­·ÀY try to outshine others.
(3) To rush in an emergency: ·m¤W´X¨B rush forward a few steps;
·m­×ªe¶¬ rush to repair dykes;
·mÁʪ««~ rush to buy up things (anticipating higher prices, etc.);
·m±Ï qiang3jiu4¡õ.
(4) To bruise: ·m¯}¥Ö bruise skin.
(5) To sharpen (knives, scissors).
(6) (*qiang1) To brave: ·m­· brave the wind;
·m¾W³´°} to smash into enemy ranks.
(7) (*qiang1 or *chuang3) ÀY·m¦a knock head on the ground.
Words1. ·m®× qiang3an4, n., a case of robbery.
2. ·m­I qiang3bei4, v.i., (old opera) a way of somersault landing on one's back.
3. ·m¥Õ qiang3bo2, v.t., berate (person) openly, cut short abruptly: ³Q¥L·m¥Õ¤F¤@¹y was cut short by him rudely, berated.
4. ·m¹Ü qiang3duo2, v.i. & t., to loot;
5. ·m¹Ü qiang3duo2, v.i. & t., to wrangle for (profit, power, territory).
6. ·m¾W qiang3feng1, v.i., (callig.) a stroke made by reversing tip of brush, dist. ¶¶¾W.
7. ·mÁÊ qiang3gou4, v.t., to rush to buy, anticipating scarcity.
8. ·m±B qiang3hun1, v.i., to kidnap or carry off a woman and marry her.
9. ·m¬õ qiang3hong2, n., a form of dice game.
10. ·m§T qiang3jie2, v.t., to rob, commit robbery.
11. ·m±Ï qiang3jiu4, v.t., rush to save (from fire, flood).
12. ·m±°¡]²¤¡^ qiang3lUe4, v.t., to loot (town, village).
13. ·m¼L qiang2zui3, v.t., (several persons) shout and talk in confusion.

¬A Num. Index: 10A.40-9     £|£¹£« gua1         (also £}£¹£¬£¿ kuo4    ).
V.t.(1) Include, enclose, embrace, comprise: ¥]¬A consist of;
Á`¬A to sum up;
Ån¬A bag everything, monopolize.
(2) Scrape up or together: ·j¬A ransack, be carpetbagger.
(3) To tie, fasten: ¬A¾v (AC) bind up the hair with hemp as a symbol of mouring.
Words1. ¬A·f gua1da0, v.t., as in ¬A·fµÛÁy pull a long face.
2. ¬A¸¹ gua1hao4, n., brackets or parentheses (also ¬A©·).
3. ¬A©· gua1hu2, n., (¡×¬A¸¹), see hua4¡ô.

©ï Num. Index: 10A.40-9     £y£¯£½ tai2     [Pop. of ûu 10A.11]

¾á Num. Index: 10A.40-9     £x£³ dan1         (as vb.), *£x£³£¿ dan4     (as n.). [Pop. ûb]
N.(*dan4) (dan1zi0) A carrier load, two units on ends of pole carried on shoulder: ¤@¾áµæ¡A¦Ì such a load of vegetables, rice;
¾á¾á¤l dan1*dan4zi0, carry a load;
«ó¾á¡A¾á§ý carrying pole.
(2) A picul, unit of measure.
V.t.(1) Carry, bear (lit. & fig.): ¾á¤ô¡A¦Ì carry water, rice;
¾á¤ô¦VªeÀY½æ carry coal to Newcastle;
¾á±o°Ê¡A¤£°Ê can or cannot, lift up and carry;
¾á±o°_¡A¤£°_ can ,cannot bear responsibility, oft. ¾á·í¡A¾á«Ý (±o°_¡A¤£°_) dan1dang1, dan1dai4¡õ;
take blame for: ¾á¿ù¡A¾á¤£¬O take blame for mistakes;
¾á¬O¤£¾á¿ù will take credit for what is right, but not bear blame for mistakes;
¾á³B¤À will bear responsibility if s.t. fails.
(2) Suffer, endure: ¾á­·¡A¾áÀI endure hardships of weather, risks;
¾áÅå bear the worries, be exposed to fears;
¾á¤ß dan1xin1¡õ.
Words1. ¾á«O dan1bao3, v.t. & n., guarantee: ¾á«O§A¨S¨Æ guarantee you will not be in trouble;
2. ¾á«O dan1bao3, v.t. & n., ¾á«O¤H be guarantor.
3. ¾á©Ó dan1cheng2, v.t., shoulder up responsibility: ¾á©Ó³d¥ô¡A see dan1dang1, dan1dai4¡õ.
4. ¾á«Ý dan1dai4, v.t., ¾á: see V.t.1¡ô;
5. ¾á«Ý dan1dai4, v.t., ¾á«Ý (¾á°_¡A¤£°_) can, cannot bear responsibility (also ¾á·ídan1dang1).
6. ¾á­t dan1fu4, v.t., carry (burden, responsibility).
7. ¾áÀÁ dan1ge0, v.i. & t., delay: ¾áÀÁ¤@¥ó¨Æ cause s.t. to be delayed;
8. ¾áÀÁ dan1ge0, v.i. & t., usu. wr. ü¶ÀÁ¡A¯ÔÀÁ.
9. ¾á²ü da4nheh, v.t. & n., (carry) burden.
10. ¾á¬[ûÒ dan1jia4chuang2, n., stretcher.
11. ¾á¥ô dan1ren4, v.t., fill (post), take charge of (responsibility): ¾á¥ô½ã¶µ take charge of accounts;
12. ¾á¥ô dan1ren4, v.t., ¾á¥ô¯µ®Ñ act as secretary.
13. ¾á¤ß dan1xin1, v.i., worry, be worried: ¤£¥²¾á¤ß don't worry.
14. ¾á¼~ dan1you1, v.t., be worried.