ë´ | Num. Index: 41C.41-4 | £w£¶£¿ feng4 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) funeral gifts. |
ÃØ | Num. Index: 41C.41-8 | £¨£¶£¿ zeng4 . | |||||||
V.t. | (1) To present (s.o.) with a gift: ÃØ«~ zeng4pin3¡õ; ÃØ°e zeng4song4¡õ; Ãص¹ give a present to (friend); ÃØ¿ò send a gift to s.o.; ÃØ»P zeng4yU3¡õ; ¤¬ÃØ give presents to each other; ÃJÃØ make a present of; ·qÃØ ¡§cordially (respectfully) presented by¡¨; ¿òÃØ to leave as gift; ®½ÃØ donate, make financial or other contribution (for charity or other purpose). (2) Confer honorary titles on deserving government officials; °lÃØ confer posthumous honors; «ÊÃØ (of ancestors of officials) ditto; »¢ÃØ (of ancestors of high-ranking officials) ditto by royal mandate. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÃاO zeng4bie2, v.t., bid goodbye to (departing friend), see (s.o.) off. 2. ÃØÁÌ zeng4fu4, v.i., send money gift to a family in mourning. 3. ÃØ«~ zeng4pin3 (zeng4pin0), n., a present, gift. 4. ÃØ§Ç zeng4xU4, n., a form of literary composition conveying the writer's best wishes to a departing friend. 5. ÃØ°e zeng4song4, v.t., give a present to (s.o.). 6. Ãب¥ zeng4yan2, n., words of advice sent to a departing friend. 7. ÃØ»P zeng4yU3, v.t. & n., donate, -tion; 8. ÃØ»P zeng4yU3, v.t. & n., (make) a grant-in-aid (opp. ¶U´Ú loans). |
¸ì | Num. Index: 41C.42-1 | £~£¹£°£¿ hui4 (also £~£¹£°£¾ hui3 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) Bribery: ¦æ¸ìcommit bribery: ¨ü¸ì receive bribes. (2) Goods (related ³f). | ||||||||
V.t. | To bribe: ¸ì¸ï hui4lu4¡õ; ¸ì¿ï buy votes for election; ¸ì¶R buy votes or office appointment with money; ¸ì°U ask s. o. to do s. t. for a consideration. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸ì¸ï hui4lu4, n. & v.t., bribery; 2. ¸ì¸ï hui4lu4, n. & v.t., to bribe (s. o.). |
ÁÊ | Num. Index: 41C.42-2 | £|£²£¿ gou4 . | |||||||
V.t. | Buy, purchase: ÁÊ³Æ buy for future use; ±ÄÁÊ purchase suplies, goods (for business); ¦¬ÁÊ buy up; ¨DÁÊ offer to buy; ÁʤJ buy in; ÁʶR gou4mai3¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÁÊ¿ì gou4ban4, v.t., (business house) buy goods. 2. ÁʶR gou4mai3, v.t., to purchase. 3. ÁʶR¤O gou4mai3li4, n., the purchasing power. |
çê | Num. Index: 41C.42-4 | £¤£² zhou1 . | |||||||
V.t. | To help in charity: çêÀÙ¡Açê«ò (usu. wr. ©P). |
½ç | Num. Index: 41C.50-4 | syh (sp. pr. £©£¿ ci4 ). | |||||||
N. | A favor, a grant from a superior, a gift. | ||||||||
V.t. | To grant (favor, award): ½à½ç¡A´f½ç¡A½çµ¹ (court.) to give. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ½ç© syhbo2, phr., (of emperor) to grant a white silk for committing suicide by hanging. 2. ½ç´_ syhfu4, phr., be so kind as to grant a reply. 3. ½çºÖ syhfu2, v.i., (of god) to bless. 4. ½ç¥ú syhguang1, v.i., to give ¡§face,¡¨to honor one with presence. 5. ½çÅU syhgu4, v.i., (court.) to honor or one by visiting or buying from a shop. 6. ½çÀô syhhuan2, phr., (AC) grant a jade ring as a symbol to call back to office. 7. ½ç±Ð syhjiao4, phr., (court.) please advise, please let me know. 8. ½ç©m syhxing4, phr., an extraordinary honor of granting person the same surname as the emperor's. 9. ½ç¥Ü syhshi4, (1) n., (court.) your kind letter or reply; 10. ½ç¥Ü syhshi4, (2) v.i., be so kind as to reply. 11. ½ç¦º syhsi3, phr., formerly, (of emperor) grant a person the privilege of suicide. 12. ½ç®b syhyan4, phr., (court.) to give graciously a dinner (to a friend). 13. ½ç¤©¡]»P¡^ syhyU3, v.t., (AC) to give to (person). |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 41C.63-5 | £¡£¸£´£¿ jin4 . [Abbr. of öR 41C.30] |
Ûè | Num. Index: 41C.70-4 | £}£¹£µ£¿ kuang4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A surname. (2) (LL) a gift, present. |
¸é | Num. Index: 41C.71-7 | £¨£°£½ ze2 (sometimes AC re. pr. *£¨££½ ze2 ). | |||||||
N. | A thief, robber, traitor, rebel, enemy: µs¸é robbers, bandits; ¸é¤l a young rascal: ¶Ã¦Ú¸é¤l rebels and traitors; ½æ°ê¸é a traitor, a quisling; ¥Á¸é an enemy of the people; ®a¸é (Ãø¨¾) a thief from within (is hard to guard against); ¤ò¸é a term of abuse for thieves, a burglar; ¸éÄÒ band of rebels, gang of thieves (robbers); ¸é§L enemy forces, rebel troops; ¸éÃþ robbers, rebels, brigands; ¸éº a rebel chief, the leader of a gang of thieves (robbers); ¸éÀY¨à ditto; ¸é©ÊÃø§ï the habitual criminal is incorrigible; ¸é¥XÃöªù lock the barn after the horse is stolen; §@¸é¤ßµê uneasy lies the head of one with a guilty conscience; ¸é±_ thieves' (robbers') den; ¸é¸^¤l ditto; ¸é©± an inn run by a member of the underworld; ¸éÅB booty, spoils, plunder; ¸é¬Û criminal looks; ¸é°©ÀY a petty thief; ¸é¥}®Ú (¤l) (abusive) a bad egg; ¸é¨r (abusive) (of a monk) a shining pate. | ||||||||
V.t. | Kill: ¸é®` ze2hai4¡õ; ¸éh terrorize, ill-treat. | ||||||||
Adj. | Wily, treacherous, deceitful: ²´·úµo¸é with a villainous look in the eye; ¸é¬Ü¸é²´ roguish looks; ¸éÀY¸é¸£ treacherous looks; ¸é°·È·Æ dishonest, deceitful, tricky. | ||||||||
Adv. | Extraordinarily, unusually: ¸é«G ze2liang4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸é¦B ze2bing1, n., treacherous icy spots or road. 2. ¸é· ze2feng1 (ze2feng1), n., a draft which, unnoticed, may cause a cold. 3. ¸é° tzeir'gui1, adj., sensitive and wily, treacherous. 4. ¸é®` ze2hai4, (1) n., source of trouble, what is injurious; 5. ¸é®` ze2hai4, (2) v.t., to murder, kill (person). 6. ¸é¸Ü¨à ze2hua4er0, n., as in Å¥¸é¸Ü¨à to eavesdrop. 7. ¸é«G ze2liang4, adj., uncomfortably bright, glaring, dazzling. 8. ¸é¦× ze2rou4, n., (contempt.) fatty tissue: ªø¤@¨¸é¦× (of a person) overgrown with fat. 9. ¸é©Ê ze2xing4, n., (1) wiles, trickery; 10. ¸é©Ê ze2xing4, n., (2) wickedness, viciousness, villainy. 11. ¸é¤ß ze2xin1, n., a wicked heart. 12. ¸é¬P ze2xing1, n., (1) a meteor; 13. ¸é¬P ze2xing1, n., (2) an evil star: ¸é¬Pµo©ô (sarcastic) (of a mean fellow) have a streak of good luck. 14. ¸é²´ ze2yan3, n., a knavish look. |
½á | Num. Index: 41C.71-7 | £w£¹£¿ fu4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Tax, levy: ½á§Ð levy of labor; ¥Ð½á¡A½á½Ò tax, levies on crops, merchandise. (2) Natural endowment: ¤Ñ½á¡A¸[½á born gift (for music, poetry, etc.). (3) A special form of rhapsodic poem, chiefly in parallel constructions, often wr. for celebration of event. | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) To give, endow: ½á»P (¤©) give to; ¤Ñ½á¤§¤~ God-given talent; ½á¦³ be endowed (with some gift). (2) To levy or pay tax: ½áµ|. (3) To compose poetry: ½á¸Ö compose poem on occasion; ½á¨Æ³¯µü write poem descriptive of occasion. (4) (AC) spread (¡×¥¬). | ||||||||
Words | 1. ½á¸[ fu4bing3, n., natural endowment. 2. ½áÃB fu4e2, n., tax rate. 3. ½á°^ fu4gong4, v.t. & n., (pay) tribute to emperor. 4. ½áÀÄ fu4lian4, v.t. & n., levy taxes. 5. ½á¶~ fu4xian2, v.i., (euphem.) be unemployed (¡§compose peom on idleness¡¨). 6. ½á©Ê fu4xing4, n., natural temperament. 7. ½á§Ð fu4yi4, v.t. & n., gen. term for farm tax and labor levy (combined in Manchu Dyn.). |
½â | Num. Index: 41C.71-7 | £¡£¸£³£¿ jian4 . | |||||||
V.t. | Despise, look down upon: ½â¤§regard as worthless; ½âµø to disdain, scorn; »´½â treat with indifference. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Cheap, inexpensive, worthless: ½â»ù jian4jia4, ½âª« jian4wu4¡õ; ½â½æ sell cheap; ½â°â ditto. (2) Lowly, humble: §C½â lowly; ¨õ½â humble. (3) (Self-deprecatory) my, my humble: ½â¤ºjian4nei4, ½âÂßjian4qU1, ½â«Ç jian4shi4, ½â®~ jian4yang4¡õ; ½â©m my name. (4) Despicable: ½â¤H jian4ren2, ½â°©ÀY jian4gurtou0¡õ; ¤U½â low, mean, base, low-down; ½â¤k¤H a shameless woman, a cheap woman. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ½â©c jian4qie4, n., (1) a concubine of inferior rank; 2. ½â©c jian4qie4, n., (2) (of a woman referring to herself in speaking to her husband)¡§I, your unworthy wife.¡¨ 3. ½âÂß jian4qU1, n., my worthless self. 4. ½â°©ÀY jian4gurtou0, n., a worthless scamp. 5. ½â³f jian4huo4, n., (1) cheap goods; 6. ½â³f jian4huo4, n., (2) a contemptible fellow, a mean person, (abuse) ¡§hussy.¡¨ 7. ½â»ù jian4jia4, adj., low-priced. 8. ½â¤V¤Ò jian4jiang4fu1, n., a shameless and avaricious person. 9. ½â¤º jian4nei4, n., my (worthless) wife (cf. ¡§my better half¡¨). 10. ½â¦~ jian4nian2, n., a year of drought. 11. ½â¤H jian4ren2, n., a term of reprobation for women. 12. ½â®§ jian4xi2, n., (rare) my unworthy son. 13. ½â«Ç jian4shi4, n., my wife. 14. ½âª« jian4wu4, n., a thing of little or no value, trash. 15. ½â®~ jian4yang4, n., my illness. 16. ½â·~ jian4yieh, n., a dishonorable business, a lowly occupation. |
ÅB | Num. Index: 41C.71-7 | £¨£µ zang1 . | |||||||
N. | Booty: ÅBª« zang1wu42¡õ; ¸éÅB stolen goods; ¤ÀÅB divide booty among (between) thieves. | ||||||||
Adj. | Corrupt: ÅB©x zang1guan1¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÅB©x zang1guan1, n., a corrupt official. 2. ÅB®I zang1mai2, v.t., (MC) malign, slander, accuse falsely. 3. ÅB»z zang1wu41, v.t., ditto. 4. ÅBª« zang1wu42, n., booty, stolen goods. |
Å« | Num. Index: 41C.80-1 | £¦£¹£½ shu2 . [Abbr. ¡¼] | |||||||
V.t. | (1) To ransom, redeem: Å«¦^¡AÅ«¥X redeem (pawned article), buy back (sold children), pay ransom (for kidnapped person); Å«¨ shu2shen1¡õ; Å«©R shu2ming4¡õ; ¨úÅ« to ransom; ¦Ê¦º²öÅ« irredeemable mistake. (2) To atone for: Å«¸o shu2zui4¡õ. (3) To pay for (a prescription). | ||||||||
Words | 1. Å«·í shu2dang4, n., redeem pawns. 2. Å«¦^ shu2hui2, v.t., to redeem (pawn, life, sold child). 3. Å«©R shu2ming4, v.i., to pay price for pardon of criminal. 4. Å«¨ shu2shen1, v.i., to buy back freedom (for slaves, prostitutes). 5. Å«¸o shu2zui4, v.i., to atone for sin. |
¸ð | Num. Index: 41C.81-6 | £|£¯ gai1 . | |||||||
Adj. | Comprehensive, all-inclusive: ·N¡¼¨¥¸ða few simple ideas succinctly expressed; ¡¼¸ðsimple and concise. |
³c | Num. Index: 41C.82-9 | £w£³£¿ fan4 . | |||||||
N. | Pedlar, hawker, itinerant salesman, keeper of small booth (fan4zi0):¤p³c small pedlar; Åu³c booth keeper; ¥£³c¤l slave traffic dealer; ¤H¦×³c¤l white slave traffic dealer; ³c¤Ò¨«¨ò small tradesmen and porters. | ||||||||
V.t. | To peddle, vend, sell: ³cµæ¡A³c³½¡A³c¹ª« sell vegetable, fish, foodstuff; esp. ship and sell, see ³c½æ fan4mai4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ³c½æ fan4mai4, v.t., deal in some traffic: ³c½æ¾~¤ù deal in opium traffic; 2. ³c½æ fan4mai4, v.t., ³c½æ¤H¤f dealer in white slave traffic. 3. ³c¹B fan4yUn4, v.t., transport for trade. |
±Ñ | Num. Index: 41C.82-9 | £t£¯£¿ bai4 . | |||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To fail, usu. ¥¢±Ñ¡G¨Æ±¡¡Ap¹º¥¢±Ñ¤F. (2) (AC) to defeat: ±Ñ¯³®v defeated the qin2 army; (modn.) §â¼Ä¥´±Ñ defeat the enemy, also À»±Ñ. (3) To break (alliance, treaty ±Ñ·ù¡A±Ñ¬ù). (4) To spoil (good name of family ±Ñ®a·). | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Defeated: ±Ñ§L¡A±Ñx defeated troops; ¥´±Ñ¥M defeated in battle; ±Ñ¤£¦¨x army is completely routed. (2) Spoiled, broken-down: ±Ñ®a¤l§Ì children of broken-down family or children who ruin the family; ±Ñ¸¡A¯ó withered leaves, grass¡F ±Ñµ¶ old cotton wool as stuffing for quilts; ±Ñ¬h´Ýªá prostitutes no longer young, hags or women no longer pure; ±Ñ¦× bad flesh, like gangrene; ±Ñ¦å¯f bai4xUe4bing4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ±Ñ¥_ bai4bei3, v.i., be defeated. 2. ±Ñµ§ bai4bi3, n., a bad stroke in callig., a flaw in writing. 3. ±Ñ¸s¡]¤§°¨¡^ bai4qUn2, (¡×®`¸s) n., one whose conduct hurts the whole group (like ¡§scab¡¨ in labor union). 4. ±Ñ¹D bai4dao4, adj., one who fails in discipline to become Taoist immortal. 5. ±Ñ¼w bai4de2, n., atrocious behavior, licentious character. 6. ±ÑÃa bai4huai4, v.i. & t., to spoil, destroy, corrupt; 7. ±ÑÃa bai4huai4, v.i. & t., p.p., corrupt, spoiled: ±ÑÃaªù·° to shame the name of the house (ªù·° lintel). 8. ±Ñ¤õ bai4huo3, adj., (of medicine which) brings down fever. 9. ±ÑÁZ bai4ji1, v.i., (LL) suffers defeat. 10. ±Ñ®a¤l¡]¨à¡^ bai4jia1zi3 (bai4jia1tzel), n., black sheep of the family. 11. ±ÑÂæ bai4jiang4, n., (bot.) patrinia scabiosaefolia, with edible stem, so named because it smells like spoiled sauce, also called Wµæ (¡§bitter vegetable¡¨). 12. ±ÑÃþ bai4lei4, n., the bad elements of a class or group; 13. ±ÑÃþ bai4lei4, n., a shameless lout. 14. ±ÑÅS bai4lu4, v.i., (of secret plan) leak out. 15. ±Ñ¸¨ bai4luo4, v.i., fail, become poor, (of flower) wither. 16. ±Ñ¡¼ bai4nU4, v.i., (LL) be defeated in war. 17. ±Ñ¿³ bai4xing4, v.i., feel disappointed, frustrated; 18. ±Ñ¿³ bai4xing4, v.i., crestfallen. 19. ±Ñ¶D bai4shu4, n. & v.i., lose, loss in lawsuit. 20. ±Ñ¦å¯f bai4xUe4bing4, n., (med.) blood infection (septicemia). 21. ±Ñ·³ bai4sueh, n., year of bad crops. 22. ±Ñ°] bai4cai2, phr., (foretunetelling) destined to lose money. 23. ±Ñ®À bai4cuo4, p.p., routed. 24. ±Ñ°h bai4tui4, v.i., be defeated and flee. 25. ±Ñ¤l bai4zi3, n., prodigal son: ±Ñ¤l®¬§ï prodigal son's repentance; 26. ±Ñ¤l bai4zi3, n., ±Ñ¤l¦^ÀY return of prodigal son. |
¶S | Num. Index: 41C.83-9 | £t£¸£³£¾ bian3 . | |||||||
N. | Criticism, reduction in price, degrading in rank: ¶Sµü¡A¶Sµûwords of criticism; ½Ç¶S praise or blame, also v.t., criticize (person, work). | ||||||||
V.t. | Reduce: ¶S»ù reduce in price; degrade in rank, post; ¶SÂJ¡A¶S§í bian3chu4, bian3yi4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¶SÂJ bian3chu4, v.t., demote. 2. ¶SÂÖ bian3zhe2, v.t., degrade in rank, send to lower post (often in remote provinces). 3. ¶S·l bian3sun3, v.t., criticize (person), damage (reputation). 4. ¶S§í bian3yi4, v.t., put (person) in his place. |
÷D | Num. Index: 41D.00-2 | £¡£¸ ji1 . [Pop. ü§31.00; dist. Åù 41D.50] | |||||||
N. | An inn, a lodging house. | ||||||||
V.i. | To sojourn, be away from home: ÷D®Èji1lU3¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÷D·T ji1chou2, adj. & n., homesick (homesick-ness). 2. ÷Dº¢ ji1zhi4, v.i., (be) forced to remain at a place longer than one has expected. 3. ÷D«È ji1ke4, n., a traveller. 4. ÷D®È ji1lU3, n., one who is away from home: ÷D®È¤§¦Ú a government official living in exile. |
íä | Num. Index: 41D.00-5 | £¡£¸£¿ ji4 . | |||||||
N. | Rug, carpet. |
»@ | Num. Index: 41D.00-6 | £w£«£½ fa2 . [Pop. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. & v.t. | Punish, punish-ment, penalty, fine: ¨ü»@ be punished; ³B»@¡A¦D»@¡AÃg»@ punish; sentence to: »@¸÷¡A»@¥ß make person kneel, stand (in corner) as punishment; »@°µW¤u sentence to hard labor; »@°s drink (so many cups of) wine as forfeit; »@²y penalty kick (football); »@¿ú¡Aª÷¡A´Ú¡AÁì fine, be fined money. | ||||||||
Words | 1. »@ª÷ fa2jin1, n., fine money. |
Û@ | Num. Index: 41D.00-9 | £w£¹£½ fu2 . | |||||||
N. | A bird trap. |
²³ | Num. Index: 41D.02-9 | £¤£¹£¶£¿ zhong4 . [Var. of 91.02 ¡¼¡Fpop. ¡¼] |
¸A | Num. Index: 41D.10-1 | £|£± gao1 . | |||||||
N. | ¸A¤Y the testicles. |
¸n | Num. Index: 41D.10-2 | £¤£±£¿ zhao4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A bamboo basket for catching fish. (2) (zhao4zi0, zhao4er0) Cover: ¿O¸n lampshade; ¸nm¡A¸n³T outer jacket, garment. | ||||||||
V.t. | To cover from on top; (fig.) to darken one's heart like a shadow. |
Öñ | Num. Index: 41D.11-1 | £|£¹£«£¿ gua4 . | |||||||
V.t. | Hinder: Öñê obstruct, impede; Öñ»~ be delayed by some hindrance. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Öñê gua4ai4, v.t., obstruct, impede (also wr. ±¾Ãª). 2. Öñ»~ gua4wu4, n. & v.i., delay; 3. Öñ»~ gua4wu4, n. & v.i., missing word or error in print. |
¿© | Num. Index: 41D.11-2 | £{£¸£½ li2 . | |||||||
N. | Sorrow, grief, troubles. | ||||||||
V.t. | Be caught in: ¿©Ãø die a tragic death, fall victim to a disaster; ¿©º× be killed in an accident, implicated in a political crime. |
ù | Num. Index: 41D.11-9 | £{£¹£¬£½ luo2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A net for catching birds: ªù¥iù³¶ can set up bird trap at house door--complete absence of callers; ù±¸ to spread net for sparrows and dig for rats in times of starvation--forced to borrow, beg mortgage; ù±¸Ñ½a exhaust all sources of getting money; ¤Ñù¦aºô (Taoist magic) invisible net in air and on land to prevent escape. (2) A kind of gauze, muslim: ºðù different kinds of silks; ù»n¡AÄû¡AôË muslim skirts, stockings, underwear. (3) A bag for sifting (flour, powder, liquid). (4) A surname. (5) A gross, twelve dozen: ¤jù twelve gross. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To spread out, arrange: ù¦C¡Aù¥¬ luo2lie4, luo2bu4¡õ. (2) To gather, wind up: ùP luo2zhi41 ¡õ; ·jù to search out (talents, hidden goods); ù«ô form a line around a person to pay homage. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ù¥¬ luo2bu4, v.i., spread out (as stars in the sky). 2. ù®· luo2bu3, v.t., search for criminal. 3. ù«b luo2cha4, n., (Sanskr.) raksha, demon. 4. ù°é¨à luo2qUan1 (luo2chyuaer0), adv., as in ù°é¨à¬[ round after round of fights, quarrels; 5. ù°é¨à luo2qUan1 (luo2chyuaer0), adv., ù°é¨à´¥ make a general bow to all sides; 6. ù°é¨à luo2qUan1 (luo2chyuaer0), adv., ù°é»L¨à walk bowlegged. 7. ù¼Å luo2fu1, n., (allu.) a married woman: ù¼Å¦³¤Ò. 8. ùÁç¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ luo2guo1 (er0)(zi0), n., a humpback. 9. ùº~ luo2han4, n., (Budd.) lohan, arahat, Buddhist saint: ¤Q¤Kùº~ the eighteen disciples of Buddha; 10. ùº~ luo2han4, n., ùº~ªQ the Chinese yew; 11. ùº~ luo2han4, n., ùº~¬f a kind of cypress; 12. ùº~ luo2han4, n., ùº~ªG mangosteen; 13. ùº~ luo2han4, n., ùº~´È¤l a wooden easy chair; 14. ùº~ luo2han4, n., ùº~ûÒ a divan; 15. ùº~ luo2han4, n., ùº~ÂN special vegetarian dish; 16. ùº~ luo2han4, n., ¡¼Ã¹º~ pyramiding (gymnastics). 17. ùP luo2zhi41, v.t., to round up: ùP¤H¤~ look out for talents and engage their services. 18. ù´ luo2zhi42, v.i., of frame up (lit., to ¡§weave¡¨), build up case by unscrupulous methods: ù´¦¨º» frame up a case. 19. ù¦C luo2lie4, v.i., to spread out, arrange for show. 20. ù°¨ luo2ma3, adj., Roman; 21. ù°¨ luo2ma3, adj., °ê»yù°¨¦r guo2yU3roma1zi4, National Romanization; 22. ù°¨ luo2ma3, adj., ù°¨¦r¥À Roman alphabet; 23. ù°¨ luo2ma3, adj., ù°¨«Ò°ê the Roman Empire; 24. ù°¨ luo2ma3, adj., ù°¨±Ð©v the Pope in Rome. 25. ù°Ò¸¦§J luo2man4di4ke1, adj., (translit.) romantic. 26. ù°Ò¥v luo2man4shi3, n., romance (°Ò also wr. º©). 27. ù½L luo2pan2, n., the compass. 28. ù§º luo2song4, n., older translation for ¡§Russian¡¨: ù§º´ö Russian beef soup, borsch. 29. ùºô luo2wang3, n., a trap, snare: ¦Û§ëùºô playing into the trap. 30. ù¯¾ luo2wen2, n., (1) wood grain; 31. ù¯¾ luo2wen2, n., (2) fingerprint (usu. wr. Á³¯¾). |
¸o | Num. Index: 41D.22-2 | £¨£¹£°£¿ zui4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A criminal act: ¥Ç¸o commit crime; ¦³¸o guilty; µL¸oinnocent; ¦º¸o a capital crime; ¸o¤W¥[¸o doubly guilty; ¸o¦³À³±o serve you right; ¸o¸Ó¸U¦º hideous crime deserving the harshest punishment; ¸o¥Ç zui4fan4, ¸o¤H zui4ren2¡õ; ¸o¦W zui4ming2, ¸oª¬ zui4zhuang4¡õ; ¸o»í zui4kui2¡õ. (2) Wrongdoing, misconduct, a sin, moral transgression: ¸o¹L zui4guo4, ¸oÄ^ zui4nie4¡õ; ¸o¹L¨à a wicked act, (retribution for) wrongdoing; ¸o´c zui4e4¡õ ¸o©Ñ zui4li41 ¡õ; ¸o·^ zui4qian1 ¡õ; ±o¸o give offense to (s.o.); °Ý¸o denounce and punish: ¿³°Ý¸o¤§®v make a punitive expedition; §i¸o (LL) publicly announce criminal charges against person: (modn.) ¡§excuse me, please,¡¨¡§pardon me,¡¨¡§I am sorry¡¨; ½Ð¸o ask person for pardon, acknowledge one's guilt (fault, mistake). (3) Hardships, sufferings, painful experience: ¨ü¸o suffer mental agony (physical pain). | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸o®× zui4an4, n., (law) a criminal case. 2. ¸o·^ zui4qian1, n., a guilty conscience, wicked acts. 3. ¸o´c zui4e4, n., a deadly crime. 4. ¸o¥Ç zui4fan4, n., a criminal a condemned prisoner. 5. ¸o¹L zui4guo4, n., a guilty conscience: ¡§¸o¹L¡A¸o¹L¡¨(court.)¡§you give me a guilty conscience¡¨ (by extending courtesies). 6. ¸o¤v zui4ji3, v.i., to blame oneself for wrongdoing: ¤U¸o¤v¶@(of a ruler) acknowledge by royal decree one's responsibility for misgovernment or national calamity. 7. ¸oª¬ zui4zhuang4, n., an indictment against person for crime committed. 8. ¸o»í zui4kui2, n., chief culprit. 9. ¸o©Ñ zui4li41, n., criminal responsibility. 10. ¸oÁõ zui4li42, n., dependents of criminals forced into slavery. 11. ¸o¦W zui4ming2(zui4ming), n., criminal charges leveled against a person. 12. ¸oÄ^ zui4nie4(zui4nie0), n., (1) wrongdoing, sin; 13. ¸oÄ^ zui4nie4(zui4nie0), n., a (2) retribution for wrong done. 14. ¸o¤H zui4ren2, (1) n., a convict; 15. ¸o¤H zui4ren2, (2) v.i., to blame s.o. for misconduct. 16. ¸o¦æ zui4xing4, n., a criminal act. 17. ¸o³d zui4ze2, n., responsibility for misconduct. |
ÐM | Num. Index: 41D.22-3 | £w£¹£½ fu2 (also £w£²£½ fou2 ). | |||||||
N. | Net for catching hares. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÐMãz fu2syh, n., (AC) screen or latticed partition which one could see through. |
¸m | Num. Index: 41D.30-1 | £¤£¿ zhi4 [Usu. printed ¡¼] | |||||||
V.t. | (1) To place (s.t. in position), to put down, lay down: ³]¸m¡A¦w¸m to set s.t. in place (e.g., a bed, a table); ¸Ë¸m¡A°t¸m to arrange, set up (things) in place (e.g., a frigidaire); §G¸m or ¥¬¸m to spread out, to arrange (furniture), to deploy (troops); ¦ì¸m a given place for s.t., a position; ¦b¨ºÓ¦ì¸m in that position; ¸m©ó¦º¦a expose (s.o.) to mortal danger, doom a person to death ¸m¨§½¥~ to keep aloof from, refrain from getting involved. (2) To set aside, to leave unattended: ¸m¤§¤£²z to ignore it, put it on the shelf; ¸mYªÉ»D ignore completely; ¸mºÃ doubt, suspect (the feasibility, truthfulness, etc.); ¤£¸m¤@Ãã did not utter a comment; ÀÁ¸m to put aside; ±ó¸m to abandon (wife, lover). (3) To purchase provisions: ¸m²£·~ or Áʸm²£·~ buy up property; ¸m°s prepare wine for dinner; ¸m¿ì¡A¸m³Æ zhi4ban0, zhi4bei0¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸m¿ì zhi4ban0, v,t., to buy (provisions, wedding dresses, etc.), prepare (dinner). 2. ¸m³Æ zhi4bei0, v,t., to make preparations for things needed. 3. ¸mÅG zhi4bian4, v,t., to give reply in argument. |
Ó\ | Num. Index: 41D.30-3 | £|£µ gang1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (Astron.) short for ¤ÑÓ\¡Athe Great Dipper. (2) (Taoism) wind in upper space. (3) Also for the heroes of all men are brothers (¤ôâq¶Ç). |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 41D.32-9 | £{£¹£¬£½ luo2 . [Abbr. of ù 41D.11] |
¯Ë | Num. Index: 41D.40-1 | £|£¹£¾ gu3 . | |||||||
N. | A net for catching birds or fish: ºô¯Ë a fishing net. |
Ûà | Num. Index: 41D.40-6 | £{£¸£¿ li4 . | |||||||
V.t. | To scold, using severe language, curse¡GÛà½|¡A´cÛà. |
¸p | Num. Index: 41D.41-1 | £¦£¹£¾ shu3 (as n.; *£¦£¹£¿ shu4 , vb.). | |||||||
N. | An official bureau: ©x¸p¡A¤½¸pditto; ĵ¸p police station. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (*shu4) (1) To sign one's name: ¸p¦W *shu4ming2¡õ; ¸p©ã *shu4ya1¡õ; ñ¸p to sign signature. (2) To deputize, carry on as acting officer: ¸p²z¡A¸p¿ì *shu4li3, *shu4ban4 ¡õ. (3) Arrange, put in order ¥¬¸p: ¥¬¸p¤@¤Á make arrangements (as for journey). | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸p¿ì *shu4ban4, n., deputy. 2. ¸p²z *shu4li3, n., acting officer, also v.i., to act thus. 3. ¸p¦W *shu4ming2, v.t., sign signature. 4. ¸p¥ô *shu4ren4, v.i., see *shu4li3¡ô. 5. ¸p¨Æ *shu4shi4, v.i., see *shu4li3¡ô. 6. ¸p©ã *shu4ya1, v.i., to sign signature. |
íã | Num. Index: 41D.41-8 | £¨£¶ zeng1 (*£¨£¶£¿ zeng4 ). | |||||||
N. | A fishing net. | ||||||||
Adj. | (*zeng4) ¤Ú¤Úíã¨à knotty or pitted (face, surface). |
æñ | Num. Index: 41D.41-9 | £{£¸£²£¾ liu3 | |||||||
N. | Fishing trap. |
Åù | Num. Index: 41D.50-2 | £¡£¸ ji1 [Pop. ¡¼]. | |||||||
N. | (1) A halter: ÅùÚò ji1xie4¡õ. (2) A temporary lodging. (3) (Hairdressing) a bun. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) V.t., to tie, fasten, restrain, control: ¤£Åùunfettered, free from restraint; Åù²Ì ji1ban4¡õ. (2) V.t., to capture and put in chains: ÅùÚò ji1xie4¡õ. (3) V.i., to put up at a temporary lodging. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Åù²Ì ji1ban4, (1) n., a hindrance to action; 2. Åù²Ì ji1ban4, (2) v.t., serve as restraint, hinder; 3. Åù²Ì ji1ban4, p.p., hindered. 4. Åùªy ji1bo2, v.i., be away from one's native district. 5. Åù´Ï ji1chi1, v.i., (LL) to live temporarily abroad. 6. Åù²o ji1qian1, v.t., see ji1ban4¡ô. 7. Åùº¢ ji1zhi4, v.i. & adj., (be) forced to remain at a place longer than one has expected (also wr. ÷D). 8. Åù©~ ji1jU1, v.i., sojourn abroad. 9. Åù°Ç ji1le4, n., restraint, control bondage (also ÷D). 10. Åù¯d ji1liu2, v.t., (law) detain (a suspect); 11. Åù¯d ji1liu2, v.t., be detained on business abroad. 12. Åù®È ji1lU3, v.i., to live abroad (also wr. ÷D). 13. ÅùíÝ ji1mi2, v.t., to tie up, be tied up, by business or emotional ties; 14. ÅùíÝ ji1mi2, v.t., stay on (in post), continue. 15. ÅùÚò ji1xie4, (1) v.i., be fettered; 16. ÅùÚò ji1xie4, (2) n., fetters. 17. Åù§ô ji1shu4, v.t. & n., restrain(t), control. 18. Åù©ã ji1ya1, n., detention. |
½| | Num. Index: 41D.50-5 | £v£«£¿ ma4 . | |||||||
N. & v.t. | To scold, abuse, curse: ¥´½| beat and scold (s.o.); ½|¤Hscold person; ½|¤£µ´¤f let off a string of invectives, abuse; ½|¥L¤@¹y give him a good scolding; ©G½| curse; ®Á½| receive scolding; ½|¯R¥´®Q abuse and beat parents (unfilial); ½|¤H¤£±aż¦r¨à fine art of insulting people, difficult to reply to. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ½|¾×¤l ma4dang4zi0, n., butt, target, of scolding. 2. ½|µó ma4jie1, v.i., abuse people in public, esp. ¼â°ü½|µó woman hysterically shouting and cursing in public. 3. ½|ÃD ma4ti2, v.i., (1) stray off from subject of composition; 4. ½|ÃD ma4ti2, v.i., (2) conduct oneself in manner improper to one's station; 5. ½|ÃD ma4ti2, v.i., (3) fail to live up to what one preaches. 6. ½|®y ma4zuo4, v.i., scold at a party, with all present. |
¸¾ | Num. Index: 41D.50-9 | £¦£¹£¾ shu3 . | |||||||
N. | Ancient name for Szechuan Province: ¸¾¹DÃø celebrated difficult mountain paths of Szechuan; ¸¾¤ü§p¤é phr., a Szechuan dog barks when sun comes out (being so rare)--referring to astonish-ment at unfamiliar sights; ¤Ú¸¾ (AC) Szechuan region. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸¾º~ shu3han4, n., one of the Three Kingdoms (222-265 A.D.) in modn. Szechuan. 2. ¸¾´Ô shu3jiao1, n., wild pepper of Szechuan. 3. ¸¾¸ª shu3kui2, n., the mallow, althaea rosea. 4. ¸¾¶Á shu2shu3, n., Szechuan sorghum. |
ò¼ | Num. Index: 41D.63-9 | £u£¸£½ pi2 . | |||||||
N. | (Zoo.) the brown bear, also called ¤Hºµ because of its ability to stand on hind legs. |
ßj | Num. Index: 41D.70-1 | £¸£³£¾ yan3 . | |||||||
N. | (1)(Med.) a compress: §Nßjcold compress; ¼ößj hot compress. (2) (AC) a net, snare. |
½} | Num. Index: 41D.70-9 | £t£«£¿ ba4 . [Pop. ¡¼; var. of ¯h £u£¸£½ pi2 61B.82] | |||||||
Fin. part. | (Unaccented¡×§a) expressing mood of casual invitation, forced concurrence: §A¨Ó½} come, if you wish; or in simple command: ¥h½} well, go! or simple informal invitation: §¤½} please sit down; or termination of rambling or useless discussion: §A»¡½} say what you want to say, I am listening; ´N³o¼Ë¿ì½} all right (¡§we'll do it¡¨), do so (what we have been discussing so long); expressing doubt: ³o¼Ë¤£¦æ½} I doubt it will do. | ||||||||
N. | In §@½} (½×) tzuo bah, forget about it, ½}½× ba4lun4¡õ. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | Finish, dismiss, terminate, close, stop: ½}¡I½}¡I order to stop ceremonial forms (kowtowing); ½}¨Æ terminate official duties; ½}¤u ba4gong1¡õ; see other compp.¡õ. | ||||||||
Excl. | Usu. ½}¤F¡I½}¤F¡I(also wr.½}«¨)¡§have done with it,¡¨¡§it's all over,¡¨¡§I give up,¡¨ signifying admission of defeat, and of struggle or disappointment: ¤]½}all right, then (after tiresome discussion). | ||||||||
Words | 1. ½}ÂJ ba4chu4, v.t., dismiss (from office). 2. ½}©x ba4guan1, v.i., suspend, be relieved of, official duties. 3. ½}¤u ba4gong1, n. & v.i., labor strike. 4. ½}¾ ba4zhi2, v.i., retire from office. 5. ½}½Ò ba4ke4, n. & v.i., school strike. 6. ½}½× ba4lun4, n., as in ¦¹¨Æ¤w§@½}½× the case is already dropped. 7. ½}§K ba4mian3, v.t., dismiss (person from office); 8. ½}§K ba4mian3, v.t., ½}§KÅv (law) recall by popular vote. 9. ½}¶¢ ba4xian2, v.i., (MC) be dismissed and enjoying leisure, (euphem.) out of job. 10. ½}¥ð ba4xiu1, v.i., let go of (lawsuit, fight): ¤£ªÖ½}¥ð will not settle out of court, etc. 11. ½}¤â ba4shou3, v.i., stop: ¤£ªÖ½}¤â cannot, will not stop. 12. ½}¥« ba4shi4, n. & v.i., general strike of shopkeepers. 13. ½}ºt ba4yan3, v.i., walk out from performance. |
¶R | Num. Index: 41D.80-4 | £v£¯£¾ mai3 . | |||||||
V.t. | (1) To buy: ¶RÂøª« buy sundries; ¶R¦a¡A©Ð²£ buy land, property; ¶R¤£°_ cannot afford to buy; ¶R¤£¤F¡A¤£¡¼¡A¤£¨ì¡A¤£¨Ó cannot buy; ¶R¶i buy in (goods), opp. ½æ¥X sell out; ¶R¤è the buying party in a contract; ¶RÃpÁÙ¯] buy casket without the jewels; ¶Rµæ¨D¯q (LL) always want some more for the price; ¶R¸ô¿ú pay for protection on journey from robber gangs. (2) Pay bribe for: ¶R©x¡AÀï pay bribe to obtain official post; ¶R¤W§i¤U bribe all the way through bureaucracy; ¶RÃö¸` bribe the authorities concerned, see ¶R³q mai3tong1¡õ; ¶RÅñ bribe official to order (s.t.). (3) Cater to: ¶R¦W¡A¶RÅA cater to publicity by sordid methods. (4) Pay for certain objects: ¶R¯º visit prostitutes (¡§pay for smiles ¡¨); ¶R¬K¡A¶R¾K get a drinking spree; ¶R¼Ö pay for pleasures; ¶R¤H¤ß get people's support by money or political chicanery; ¶RÁy spend money to gain ¡§face¡¨ (show-off); ¶R¾F choose neighbors in buying land. (5) Hire: ¶R¦à¡AÂg hire a boat. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¶R¿ì mai3ban4, n., compradore, local chief for all local trade of foreign firms; 2. ¶R¿ì mai3ban4, n., formerly, supply master in coastal ships. 3. ¶R°© mai2gu3, v.t., make fervent quest for talent (allu.--if one could not find a thoroughbred, would be contented to buy its skeleton). 4. ¶R¦n mai2hao3, v.t., try to secure good will, friendship, etc. of (person); 5. ¶R¦n mai2hao3, v.t., try to please (person). 6. ¶R¥D mai2zhu3, n., customer, buying party. 7. ¶R«È mai3ke4, n., customer at shops. 8. ¶RªÅ½æªÅ mai3kong1mai4kong1, n. & v.i., speculate (-tion) on stock market, buy on margin. 9. ¶R½æ mai3mai4, n. & v.i., trade, buying and selling; 10. ¶R½æ mai3mai4, n. & v.i., °µ¶R½æªº a merchant; 11. ¶R½æ mai3mai4, n. & v.i., ¶R½æ¹D¨à (¦a¨à) the trade profession; 12. ¶R½æ mai3mai4, n. & v.i., ¶R½æ¤H¤f slave traffic, also white slave traffic. 13. ¶R¤s mai3shan1, v.i., (1) buy rural property; 14. ¶R¤s mai3shan1, v.i., (2) live in retirement. 15. ¶R³q mai3tong1, v.t., pay bribe to (s.o.). |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 41D.83-1 | £y£«£¿ ta4 . | |||||||
Adj. | Âø¡¼¡×ÌîÂø, see 22.41. |
ÁÙ | Num. Index: 41D.83-3 | £~£¹£³£½ huan2 (*£~£¯£½ hai2 ). [Abbr. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | A surname. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To return: ÁÙ¶m return to one's village; ÁÙ³£ (of ruler) return to the capital (after absence or flight); ©¹ÁÙ to go back and forth; ©M¤H©¹ÁÙ to have frequent contacts as between friends; ¥ÍÁÙ return alive; ¯Z®vÁÙ´Â recall the army and return to court. (2) To return (borrowed object), to repay: ÁÙ½ã¡AÁٶŠrepay loan: ÁÙ²M¨à fully repay; ÁÙ¤H±¡¡AÁÙ§ make gift in return; ÁÙ§ also to bow in return; ÁٽРgive a dinner in return for one given; ÁÙÁ^¤l (huan2beng1zi0) a tit for tat. | ||||||||
Adv. | (*hai2) (1) Still, yet: ¥LÁÙ¤£¨Ó he still has not appeared yet; ÁÙ¦³ still have some more; ÁÙ¶û¤£¨¬ still regard it as not enought; ÁÙ¬O¤£¦æ still won't do. (2) After all: ÁÙ¬O¥L¹ï after all, he is right; ÁÙ¬O§A¦Û¤v¨«¤@½ë after all, you'd better go yourself. (3) Besides, in addition: ¥LÁÙ»¡ he says besides; ¥LÁÙn¤@Âù¾c¤l he wants, besides, a pair of shoes; ÁÙ±oÁÂÁÂ¥L in addition, you have to thank him. | ||||||||
Conj. | ¥HÁÙ (¡×¥H¨Ó) since: ©°¤l¤§¶Ã¥HÁÙ (LL) since the Boxer Uprising. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÁÙ³ø huan2bao4, n. & v.t., a retribution. 2. ÁÙ¥» huan2ben3, v.i., to recover capital invested: °÷ÁÙ¥» come out even. 3. ÁÙ»î huan2hun2, v.i., (fiction) ¡§soul returns,¡¨ i.e., dead person revives after return of lover. 4. ÁÙ»ù huan2jia4, v.i., to haggle. 5. ÁÙ·q huan2jing4, v.i., to return bow or courtesy. 6. ÁÙ¤f huan2kou3, v.i., to talk back. 7. ÁÙ§ huan2li3, v.i., (1) to return courtesy; 8. ÁÙ§ huan2li3, v.i., (2) to bow in return as host. 9. ÁÙ®u huan2xi2, v.i., (1) to give a return dinner; 10. ÁÙ®u huan2xi2, v.i., (2) (facet.) to throw up everything when drunk at dinner. 11. ÁÙ¤â huan2shou3, v.i., to strike back after receiving blow. 12. ÁÙ«U huan2su2, v.i., (of monks) to leave the order, return to secular life. 13. ÁÙ¼L huan2zui3, v.i., to answer back in abuse or self-defense. 14. ÁÙ¶§ huan2yang2, v.i., (patient) to return to consciousness. 15. ÁÙÄ@ huan2yUan4, v.i., to redeem a vow pledged before Buddha. 16. ÁÙì huan2yUan2, (1) v.i., to be restored to original shape or position; 17. ÁÙì huan2yUan2, (2) n., (chem.) reduction; 18. ÁÙì huan2yUan2, (3) v.i., (math.) to return to original equation. |
ÅÞ | Num. Index: 41D.83-9 | £{£¹£¬£½ luo2 . | |||||||
N. & v.i. | A patrol, to patrol: ¨µÅÞ¡AÅÞ¨ò soldiers on patrol. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÅÞ¿è luo2ji2, n., (translit.) logic: ¤£¦XÅÞ¿è illogical. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 41D.93-1 | £t£«£¿ ba4 . [Abbr. of ½} 41D.70¡ô] |
·î | Num. Index: 41S.00-1 | £¡£¸ ji1 . | |||||||
N. | Small irregular pieces of land. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) (Of numbers) not round, odd: ·î¹s ji1ling2¡õ. (2) Onesided: ·î«·î»´ lopsided, unevenly balanced; ·î¨¤ ji1jiao3¡õ. (3) (Interch. ©_) strange, unique, extraordinary, unusual, abnormal: ·î¤H ji1ren2, ·îºA ji1tai4, ·î§Î ji1xing2¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ·î¨¤¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ ji1jiao3 (er0)(zi0), n., a corner, coign, edge. 2. ·î¹s ji1ling2, n., (1) (of numbers) a remainder after taking off round sum; 3. ·î¹s ji1ling2, n., (2) odds and ends; 4. ·î¹s ji1ling2, n., (3) a solitary person. 5. ·î¤H ji1ren2, n., (1) a person out of tune with the times; 6. ·î¤H ji1ren2, n., (2) an extraordinary person. 7. ·î§Î ji1xing2, n., (1) deformity; 8. ·î§Î ji1xing2, n., (2) abnormality. 9. ·îºA ji1tai4, n., an abnormal growth or development. |
Ã¥ | Num. Index: 41S.00-1 | £¥£²£½ chou2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (AC) farm, farmland. (2) (AC) farm boundary. (3) (AC var. of ¾©) rival, equal: Ã¥Ãþ¡AÃ¥½ú chou2lei4, bei4¡õ. | ||||||||
Adj. | Ancient: see Ã¥©õ¡AÃ¥¤é chou2xi2, chou2ri4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Ã¥½ú chou2bei4, n., (LL) equals, people of same class. 2. Ã¥Ãþ chou2lei4, n., (LL) ditto. 3. Ã¥Ää chou2nang2, adv., (LL) in ancient, early days. 4. Ã¥¤H chou2ren2, n., (LL) astronomers, mathematicians; 5. Ã¥¤H chou2ren2, n., Ã¥¤H¶Ç book about ancient astronomers. 6. Ã¥¤é chou2ri4, adv., (LL) in early days. 7. Ã¥©õ chou2xi2, adv., (LL) formerly. |
ç | Num. Index: 41S.00-2 | £y£¸ ti1 . | |||||||
V.t. | (1) To scrape meat off bone: ç¦×¡Aç°©ÀY. (2) To pick out, scrape off: ç¥X pick out and throw away; ç°£ ti1chu2¡õ; ¬Dç pick fault with; pick and select (goods, fruit, etc.); ç¤ú pick teeth; ¡]ç¡^¤úÅÒ toothpick; ç²Þ preen feather. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ç°£ ti1chu2, v.t., pick and get rid of (undesirable parts). 2. ç¬õ ti1hong2, n., carved lacquerware. 3. ç²ø ti1zhuang1, n., odd lots (goods, clothing) put out for cheap sale: also ç²ø³f. 4. çÄË ti1teng2, v.t., (MC) expose maliciously (secrets). 5. ç³z ti1tou4, adj., beautifully clear and well-expressed (writing), extremely keen, perceptive (person) (also ¬ÂÄnç³z). 6. ç¹Îùk ti1tuan2luan2, adj., (MC) beautifully round and clear (moon). |
Ëm | Num. Index: 41S.00-3 | £y£¸£¶£¾ ting3 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Raised path between farm fields. (2) A Japanese measure of length¡×119 yards; Ëm§ø a land division. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Ëm²¥ ting3xi1, n., a bank between fields. 2. Ëm¡¼ ting2tuaan, n., (AC) a waste land, a paddock. |
³¥ | Num. Index: 41S.00-3 | £¸£®£¾ ye3 . | |||||||
N. | (1) The open country, country-side: ¥Ð³¥ rural district. (2) (People, party) outside government, not in power: ´Â³¥ both the rulers and the people: ¦b³¥ (of party) not in power, opp. ¦b´Â party in government. (3) Field, district: ¤À³¥ different fields; ¤À³¥¡¼ boundary line. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Wild, not domesticated: ³¥°¨¡A³¥¤û¡A³¥¤ü¡Aetc. ye3ma3, ye3niu2, ye3qUan3¡õ; ³¥Âû¡A³¥½Þ ye3ji1, ye3zhu1¡õ. (2) Savage: ³¥ÆZ ye3man2¡õ; ³¥¤H ye3ren2¡õ. (3) Rustic, simple, primitive (manners): §ø³¥ ditto; ³¥¤p¤l¡A³¥«Ä¤l (abuse) ragamuffin; ³¥¤XÀY (abuse) flibbertigibbet, (sl.) cheap skirt; ³¥ÀY³¥¸£ silly blockhead. | ||||||||
Adv. | (Coll.) extremely: ·¤j³¥¤F storm is mounting fast; ¤Ñ§N³¥¤F it's getting bitterly cold. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ³¥¦Ê¦X ye2bai3he2, n., (bot.) crotalaria sessiliflora. 2. ³¥Á¥Á¨ ye3qiang2wei2, n., (bot.) rambler rose, rosa multiflora. 3. ³¥¤ü ye2qUan3, n., wild dog. 4. ³¥¦a ye3di4, n., open country. 5. ³¥ªA ye3fu2, n., rustic dress; 6. ³¥ªA ye3fu2, n., simple dress, opp. formal. 7. ³¥¸¯ ye3ge2, n., (bot.) rhus toxicodendron. 8. ³¥ª¯ ye2gou3, n., wild dog. 9. ³¥µÝ ye3gu1, n., (bot.) aeginetia indica. 10. ³¥º~¤l ye3han4zi0, n., (abuse) a woman's lover. 11. ³¥Åb ye3he4, phr., ¶¢¶³³¥Åb a free and happy recluse. 12. ³¥¦X ye3he2, phr., to have illicit sexual union. 13. ³¥ªá¡]¨à¡^ ye3hua4 (ye3hua1er0), n., wild flower; 14. ³¥ªá¡]¨à¡^ ye3hua4 (ye3hua1er0), n., (fig.) girl or woman not one's wife: ®aªá¤£¦p³¥ªá» wild flowers smell sweeter--ex-marital relationships more pleasurable. 15. ³¥¤õ ye2huo3, n., (1) prairie fire; 16. ³¥¤õ ye2huo3, n., (2) will-o' -the-wisp. 17. ³¥ª°ÁI ye3hu2chan2, n., not orthodox teaching. 18. ³¥¾Ô ye3zhan4, n., (1) field battle; 19. ³¥¾Ô ye3zhan4, n., (2) irregular guerrilla warfare: ³¥¾Ô¯¥ field artillery; 20. ³¥¾Ô ye3zhan4, n., ³¥¾Ô¯f°| field hospital. 21. ³¥Âû ye3ji1, n., (1) pheasant; 22. ³¥Âû ye3ji1, n., (2) street walker, a low-class prostitute; 23. ³¥Âû ye3ji1, n., (3) any fly-by-night operation, as ³¥Âû©±¡A³¥Âû²î such shop, boat. 24. ³¥²½ ye3ji4, n., sacrifices in the open during ²M©ú festival. 25. ³¥½Þ ye3zhu1, n., boar. 26. ³¥ºØ ye2zhong3, n., (abuse) hybrid, bastard. 27. ³¥µâ ye3jU2, n., (bot.) chrysanthemum indicum. 28. ³¥°¨ ye3ma3, n., (1) a mustang; 29. ³¥°¨ ye3ma3, n., (fig.) uncontrollable person; 30. ³¥°¨ ye3ma3, n., (2) (AC) mirage (images in clouds). 31. ³¥ÆZ ye3man2, adj. & n., (1) savage: ³¥ÆZ¥Á±Ú savage tribe; 32. ³¥ÆZ ye3man2, adj. & n., (2) (person) unruly, violent, discourteous. 33. ³¥¿ß ye3mao1, n., (1) mountain cat; 34. ³¥¿ß ye3mao1, n., (2) (sl.) hare; 35. ³¥¿ß ye3mao1, n., (3) (abuse) ragamuffin. 36. ³¥¨d¤¦ ye3mu3dan1, n., (bot.) melastoma candidum. 37. ³¥¤û ye3niu2, n., wild ox; 38. ³¥¤û ye3niu2, n., bison. 39. ³¥¯¥ ye3pao4, n., field gun, field-piece. 40. ³¥¤H ye3ren2, n., a savage. 41. ³¥¹¨à ye3she2er0, n., food picked from the fields (cf. ye3can1¡õ); 42. ³¥¹¨à ye3she2er0, n., (fig.) extra irregular income. 43. ³¥©Ê ye3xing4, n., violent, untamed nature. 44. ³¥¤ß ye3xin1, n., greed; 45. ³¥¤ß ye3xin1, n., illegitimate ambition, wild hope; 46. ³¥¤ß ye3xin1, n., ³¥¤ß®a adventurist. 47. ³¥Ã~ ye3shou4, n., beasts. 48. ³¥¥v ye3shi3, n., romance; 49. ³¥¥v ye3shi3, n., unofficial historical record. 50. ³¥»O¤lÀ¸ ye3tai2zi0xi4, n., temporary theater put up in country places. 51. ³¥¯ó ye2cao3, n., wild vegetation: ³¥¯ó¶~ªá (fig.) loose women picket up by men. 52. ³¥µæ ye3cai4, n., vegetable grown in nature. 53. ³¥À\ ye3can1, n., picnic. 54. ³¥Åú ye3can2, n., wild silkworms. 55. ³¥¨ß ye3tu4, n., hare 56. ³¥¥~ ye3wai4, n., open air, suburbs. 57. ³¥¨ý ye3wei4, n., game (food). 58. ³¥Àn¡]¤l¡^ ye3ya1 (zi0), n., mallard. 59. ³¥®b ye3yan4, n., picnic, open-air dinner. 60. ³¥·N¨à ye3yieher0, n., rustic flavor (on an outing). 61. ³¥ÀpÀm ye3yUan1yang1, n., illicit lovers. |
õ´ | Num. Index: 41S.01-6 | £¢£¸£¶£½ qing2 . | |||||||
V.t. | To brand (criminal): õ´¦D such punishment; õ´±¡Aõ´º brand the face, the head. |
¿¤ | Num. Index: 41S.01-9 | £££¸£³£¿ xian4 . | |||||||
N. | A country, subdivision of ©² (fu3) prefecture, district: ¿¤©x¡A¿¤ªø xian4guan1, xian4zhang3¡õ; ª¾¿¤ formerly, county magistrate; ¿¤¤Ó·Ý formerly, address of county magistrate; º¿¤ the capital or first county of a ©²; ¿¤Ä³·| county assembly. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¿¤¤À xian4fen4, n., county area. 2. ¿¤©x¡]¨à¡^ xian4guan1 (xian4gua1er0), n., county magistrate. 3. ¿¤ªø xian4zhang3, n., administrative head of county. 4. ¿¤ªv xian4zhi4, n., county jurisdiction. 5. ¿¤¥O xian4ling4, n., see xian4guan1¡ô. 6. ¿¤®_ xian4zai3, n., formerly, county magistrate. 7. ¿¤´L xian4zun1, n., ditto. |
¯` | Num. Index: 41S.10-2 | £u£³£¿ pan4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Boundary, esp. field boundary; lake or river bank: ªe¯`¡A´ò¯` river front, lake front. (2) (AC) var. of «q to rebel, a rebellion. | ||||||||
V. | (AC) to deviate from, to rebel against: Â÷¸g¯`¹D deviate from orthodox truth; ¯`¬ù (AC) break agreement (¡×«q¬ù) | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¯`´© pan4yUan3, adj., (AC) recalcitrant. |
²¥ | Num. Index: 41S.11-1 | £££¸ xi1 (*£¢£¸£½ chi2 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) An area of 50 mou ¯a. (2) A division of farm land (sp. pr. *chi2). | ||||||||
Words | 1. ²¥¤B xi1ding1, n., gardener. 2. ²¥ÒÁ xi1zhen3, n., (LL) (1) field boundary; 3. ²¥ÒÁ xi1zhen3, n., (2) difference of opinion, dispute. 4. ²¥®| xi1jing4, n., a bypath. |
àÕ | Num. Index: 41S.11-9 | £¡£º jU1 . [Dist. ¸F 41B.11] | |||||||
N. | A kind of fish hawk: àÕ¡¼ the male and female fish hawk, symbols of conjugal felicity. | ||||||||
V.i. | Interch. Ûí 11.83 |
ÂJ | Num. Index: 41S.21-2 | £¥£¹£¿ chu4 . | |||||||
V.i. | (1) To demote, downgrade. (2) To dismiss from office: ÂJ§K chu4mian3¡õ; ½}ÂJ to dismiss from office. (3) To rebuke: ÂJ¥¸ chu4chi4¡õ; ÂJ°h chu4tui4 ¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÂJ¥¸ chu4chi4, v.t., to rebuke (person). 2. ÂJÔF chu4zhi4, v.t. & n., to promote and downgrade; 3. ÂJÔF chu4zhi4, v.t. & n., promotion and demotion. 4. ÂJ§K chu4mian3, v.t., to dismiss from office. 5. ÂJ¤É chu4sheng1, v.t. & n., see chu4zhi4¡ô. 6. ÂJ°h chu4tui4, v.t., to bawl out (person). |
öÌ | Num. Index: 41S.21-2 | £y£³£¾ tan3 . | |||||||
Adj. | Dark, unclear: öÌîî (LL) dark, blurred. |
Àr | Num. Index: 41S.32-8 | £¢£¸£³£½ qian2 . | |||||||
N. | Short name for Kweichow (¶Q¦{) Province: ÀrÆj§Þ½a show feet of clay (from allu. a donkey, newly imported into Kweichow, got on very well and was feared by the tiger until he tried to kick the tiger). | ||||||||
Adj. | (AC) black, see Àrº qian2shou3¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Àr¾¤ qian2li2, n., (AC) the common people (¡§black-haired¡¨). 2. Àrº qian2shou3, n., (AC) ¡§black-haired tribe,¡¨ curiously used by Chirn ¯³ ruler to refer to the local people. |
¹Ù | Num. Index: 41S.32-9 | £~£¹£¬£¾ huo3 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Companion, co-worker: ©±¹Ù shop employees; ¹Ù¦ñ¡A¹Ù¤Í huo3ban4, huo3you3¡õ. (2) Partner, -ship: ¦X¹Ù¡A¤J¹Ù join partnership; ©î¹Ù¡A´²¹Ù dissolve partnership. (3) A crowd: ¤@¤j¹Ù a great number of people or things; ¤@¤p¹Ù a small group; ¦P¹Ù in partnership, together. | ||||||||
Adj. | (LL) many: ¬Æ¹Ù (of crowd, products, etc.) very many. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¹Ù¦ñ¡]¨à¡^ huo3ban4 (huo3ba4er0), n., co-worker in shop (also wr. ¤õ¡A¥ë). 2. ¹Ùp huo3ji0 n., employee in shop, waiter (also wr. ¥ë¡A¤õ). 3. ¹ÙÀ[ huo3yi2 adj., very many. 4. ¹Ù¤Í huo2you3 n., (a more polite form of huo3ji0 ¡ô) fellow employees. |
Ã\ | Num. Index: 41S.40-1 | £££¸£«£½ xia2 . | |||||||
Adj. | (1) Cunning, resourceful: ¬¾Ã\ crafty; Ã\¦O crafty officials; Ã\¹« alert and resourceful rat. (2) Intelligent. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Ã\¼z xia2hui4 adj., intelligent, smart. 2. Ã\´¼ xia2zhi4 adj., ditto. |
ÂI | Num. Index: 41S.40-2 | £x£¸£³£¾ dian3 . [Pop. ¡¼¡A¡¼] | |||||||
N. | (1) A drop (of liquid): «BÂI raindrops; a tiny amount; esp. ¤@ÂI¨à yi1diaaer0, a little bit, a litte; ¤@ÂI¨à¤£©È not the least bit frightened, also ¤@ÂIÂI ditto; ¤@ÂIÂI¹s¿ú a small amount of change or spare money; ¤@ÂI¡]¨à¡^¤p·N«ä (modest of gift) just a small token; ¤£¯à¦³¤@ÂI¿ù do not allow the slightest mistake; ®t¤@ÂI¨à a little off, by a small margin, almost; ¤j¤@ÂI slightly bigger; ÂIºwÂk¤½ every cent goes into the public account. (2) A dot in callig.: ¦ÃÂI a dirty mark, a blot (on paper, upon character). (3) A point: ¥æ¤eÂI (in geometry) point of intersection; °_ÂI¡A²×ÂI point of departure, terminal point; «ÂI¡AnÂI important point; µJÂI focal point; ²Ä¤@ÂI firstly, the first point; the decimal point: ¹sÂI¤@ (0.1); ¹sÂI¤Q¤G (0.12). (4) An hour: ¨âÂI¥b half past two; ¤@ÂIÄÁ one hour, one o'clock. (5) Light refreshment: ¦ÂI breakfast; ÂI¤ß dian3xin1¡õ. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) Touch lightly, as with finger, brush or rod, make slight movement: ÂIº (¥Ü·N) make a slight nod; ÂI¤â beckon with hand; ÂIÀY«¢¸y¨à make a nod and bend slightly in greeting; »fãéÂI¤ô use a light touch in writing as dragonfly skims water surface; ÂIÅK (or ¥Û) ¦¨ª÷ the golden touch in writing by dextrous use of a word; ÂIª÷¦¨ÅK disastrous correction; µeÀsÂI·ú put life into, like dotting the eyeball in painting a dragon; ÂI¯}¡AÂI¬ï expose (lie, falsehood), point out the secret; ÂI¿ô remind gently (of a mistake), make a timely reminder, help understanding by a clue. (2) Mark off, tick off, punctuate, underline: ÂI¥h¿ù¦r cross out wrong word; °éÂI¥y¤l mark off sentence by punctuation or making circles and dots along line (for good or important sentences); ÂI¥yŪ (dian3jU4dou4) mark by commas and periods; ÂI©w in editing, decide on correct word among variant texts; ÂI« delete and interpolate. (3) Check, tick off on inventory: ÂI¥æ¡AÂI¦¬ thus deliver, receive; ÂI°É¡AÂIÀË inspect, check item by item; ½Ð§AÂI¤@ÂI please check if all is there; ÂI¦W¡AÂI¥f make roll call; ÂI»ô see that all is in, all accounted for; select by marking off: ÂI±N (select and) appoint commander for war; ÂIµæ select dishes from menu, ˆ la carte; ÂIÀ¸ select play from repertoire offered. (4) Light, kindle: ÂI»·Ï¡A¿O¡A¤õ light a cigarette, lamp, fire. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÂI§L dian3bing1, v.i., muster soldiers. 2. ÂIºw dian3di2, n., droplet: ÂIºw¦b¤ßÀY much left unsaid. 3. ÂIÄÈ dian3ji1, v.i., have slight snack to relieve hunger. 4. ÂI¸}¡]¨à¡^ diarnjiao3 (er0), v.i., walk lamely, with one foot barely touching the ground. 5. ÂIºó dian3jueh, v.t. & n., add a lively detail on painting or writing or furniture in a room, such details serving for contrast or ornament: ÂIºó¤@¤U give a touch of color, embellish a little. 6. ÂIÄÁ dian3zhong1, n., hour, o'clock: ¨âÂIÄÁ two hours or two o'clock. 7. ÂI¥D diarnzhu3, v.i., formerly, to officiate at a funeral ceremony, to consecrate spirit tablet (¯«¥D) by putting dot on the character ¥D. 8. ÂI¦W dian3ming21, v.i. & n., (make) roll call. 9. ÂI©ú dian3ming22, v.t., point out (importance, meaning). 10. ÂI¬V diarnran3, v.t. & n., add little details in writing, painting. 11. ÂI¤ß dian3xin1, n., snack; 12. ÂI¤ß dian3xin1, n., pastry. 13. ÂI¥Þ dian3xUe2, v.i. & n., part of Chin. karate, hitting at selected points, capable of causing internal bleeding and death. 14. ÂIÀY dian3tou2, v.t., give a nod: ÂIÀY¥Ü·N do so as a signal. 15. ÂI¤l dian3zi0, n., a drop, a dot, point (as in price index). 16. ÂI¦r dian3zi4, n., braille. 17. ÂI²´ diarnyan3, v.i., secure a point of anchorage in Chin. chess or go. |
²¤ | Num. Index: 41S.40-9 | £{£º£®£¿ lUe4 (also £{£¸£±£¿ liao4 ). [Var. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | (1)Essentials, main points, resumŽ: ¤j²¤ main points, also adv., mostly, about; ¬ù²¤ about (1,000 people); ¥v²¤ outline history. (2) Strategy: ¿Ñ²¤¡Aµ¦²¤ strategy; ¾Ô²¤ military strategy. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1)To supervise, plan: ¸g²¤. (2)To ignore: ©¿²¤ to neglect. (3)To invade (interch. ±°)¡G §ð«°²¤¦a capture territory; «I²¤ commit aggression, invade; §T²¤ rob, loot. | ||||||||
Adv. | About, cursorily, not intensely: ²¤¦p±q«eabout like what it was; ²¤¬Ý¤@¬Ý take a cursory glance; ²¤ª¾¤@¤G know just a little; ²¤¨¥±ð·§ just tell the main points; ¤jP²¤¦P mostly similar; | ||||||||
Words | 1. ²¤·L just a little (show gratitude, dissatisfaction, remonstrate, etc.) |
Åf | Num. Index: 41S.41-6 | £³£¿ an4 . | |||||||
Adj. | Dark, dismal, dreary. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÅfÅf an4an4, adj., dark. gloomy. 2. Åf²H an4dan4, adj., dull, lacking in life, dreary (situation, prospect). 3. ÅfµM an4ran2, adj. & adv., gloomy, -mily, sad, -ly. |
§U | Num. Index: 41S.50-9 | £¤£¹£¿ zhu4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Help: ɧU¡A¨D§U ask for help (from s. o.); µL§U©ó of no help to; ¸É§U subsidy. (2) ¤º§U a good wife; ½å¤º§U your excellent wife. | ||||||||
V.t & n. | Help, assist, aid: ¬Û§U help each other; §U§Ú¤@Áu¤§¤O lend me a hand; §U¤H help others; ÃÙ§U to assist by action, to give moral support; Á¸§U (¨ä¦¨) to help accomplish s. t.; »²§U to help on the side, to lend support to; ¤Ñ§U§Ú¤] thanks be to God; §U¬ô¬°h give support to a tyrant; ¤Ñ§U¦Û§UªÌ heaven help those who help themselves. | ||||||||
Words | 1. §U°Êµü zhu4dong4ci2, n., (gram.) auxiliary verb. 2. §Uªø zhu4zhang3, v.t., to accelerate growth artificially, to force growth: ¤Åªø¤Å§U let the good in man grow naturally (without too much conscious cultivation)--Mencius. 3. §U½ã zhu4zhen4, v.i., to give aid in famine relief. 4. §U±Ð zhu4jiao4, n., an assistant at college. 5. §U¸Ë zhu4zhuang1, n., money given friends on departure (to help buy ¦æ¸Ë or things needed on journey). 6. §U¤O zhu4li4, n., help, a helping hand. 7. §U²z zhu4li3, v.t. & n., to assist; 8. §U²z zhu4li3, v.t. & n., an assistant. 9. §U¤â zhu4shou3, n., an assistant (in surgery, etc.). 10. §U¶Õ zhu4shi4, v.i., give oral or moral support. 11. §U¾Çª÷ zhu4xUe2jin1, n., scholarship for needy students. 12. §U²£¤h zhu4can3shi4, n., midwife. 13. §Uµü zhu4ci2, n., (gram.) an auxiliary, also used of grammatical particles. 14. §U«Â zhu4wei1, v. i., see zhu4shi4¡ô. |
Ôm | Num. Index: 41S.50-9 | £££º£¿ xU4 . [Err. var. ±å] | |||||||
V.t. | To enjoin, advise, preach to (persons). | ||||||||
V.i. | To endeavor. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Ôm«j xU4mian3, ÔmÀy xU4li4, v.i. & t., to admonish, preach; 2. Ôm«j xU4mian3, ÔmÀy xU4li4, v.i. & t., to endeavor, encourage. |
ÏÚ | Num. Index: 41S.50-9 | £º£´£½ yUn2 . | |||||||
Adj. | ÏÚÏÚ (AC) well-cultivated(farms). |
ÂK | Num. Index: 41S.50-9 | £¸£²£¾ you3 . | |||||||
Adj. | Jet black: ÂK¶Â dark, overcast mirky (sky): ÂKÂK swarthy, dark-skinned. |
ìÐ | Num. Index: 41S.50-9 | £z£¸£±£¾ niao3 . | |||||||
V.t. | To tease, to flirt with. |
Àn | Num. Index: 41S.50-9 | £¸£« ya1 . | |||||||
N | (ya1tz,er0) Duck, wild duck, mallard: ¯NÀn¡AþÀn roast, preserved duck; ªOÀn flattened prepared duck, preserved in oil; ³¥Àn wild duck, mallard; µfÀn imported duck. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Àn³J ya1dan4, n., duck's egg; 2. Àn³J ya1dan4, n., Àn³JÁy¨à oval face; 3. Àn³J ya1dan4, n., Àn³J¶ê¨à oval shape. 4. Àn¶À ya1huang2, n., a duckling. 5. Àn´x ya1zhang3, n., duck's webbed feet--a delicary. 6. ÀnÛô¯ó ya1zhi2cao3, n., (bot.) commelina communis, a herb whose juice is used as blue pigment. 7. Àn¨àªà ya1er0qin2, n., (bot.) cryptotaenia japonica (also called ³¥¸¾¸ª) 8. Àn¨à±ù ya1er0li2, n., a kind of juicy pear (also called ¼s±ù) 9. ÀnÄl ya1lu2, n., a duck-shaped incense container. 10. Àn¦Þ´U ya1she2mao4, n., a cap. 11. Àn¦Þ¯ó ya1she2cao3, n., (bot.) pickerelweed, monocharia vaginalis, a flowering plant; 12. Àn¦Þ¯ó ya1she2cao3, n., broom plant. 13. Àn±ø ya1tiao2, n., fine sliced duck. 14. Àn¤l ya1zi0, n., (1) duck; 15. Àn¤l ya1zi0, n., (2)(coll.) the foot (also called ¸}¤X¤l). 16. Àn¤l¨à ya1tzeeer0 n., duck's egg. 17. Àn¼Lµ§ ya1zui3bi3, n., compasses for drafting; 18. Àn¼Lµ§ ya1zui3bi3, n., Àn¼L´U a cap. 19. Àn¼LÃ~ ya1zui3shou4, n., (zoo.) a duckbill, platypus. 20. Àn¶ê¨à ya1yuarer0, n., an oval shape. |
Æx | Num. Index: 41S.50-9 | £¸£¶ ying1 . | |||||||
Words | 1. Æxô ¡]¨à¡^ ying1ge1(er0), n., the parrot. 2. ÆxÄM ying1wu3, n., ditto; 3. ÆxÄM ying1wu3, n., ÆxÄMÁ³ the pearly nautilus, nautilus pompilius. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 41S.50-9 | £¢£º£½ qU2 . [Var. ì© 92S.50.] |
ö» | Num. Index: 41S.50-9 | £¸£³£¿ yan4 . | |||||||
N | The quail (also called ÄOÄL 12S.50). |
¬s | Num. Index: 41S.70-2 | £u£¸£½ pi2 . | |||||||
V.t. | Connect; assist; see ¬s»² pi2fu4¡õ. | ||||||||
Adj. | Connecting, adjacent to. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¬s»² pi2fu4, v. t., be support for (ruler). 2. ¬s³s pi2lian2, adj., adjacent to (of territory). 3. ¬sÊ pi2yi3, v. t., lean for support. |
ÞÄ | Num. Index: 41S.70-6 | £¹£³£¾ wan3 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) land measure of 20 or 30 ¯a mou3, 60S.81. |
öç | Num. Index: 41S.70-9 | £¢£º£½ qU2 . | |||||||
Words | 1. öçÞ@ qU2shu1, n., wool carpet, rug. |
Æu | Num. Index: 41S.80-1 | £x£¹£½ du2 . | |||||||
V.t. | To besoil, besmirch (var. of Âp). | ||||||||
Adj. | Dirty, soiled: Æu¶Â black and dirty. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÆuªZ du2wu3, v.i., be bellicose: ½a§LÆuªZ (of ruler) love wars and military exploits. |
Áû | Num. Index: 41S.80-3 | £}£ ke1 (*£}££¾ ke3 ). | |||||||
N. adjunct. | ¤@Áû¬Ã¯] a pearl; ´XÁû¬P a few stars; ¤@Áû¤ß one's heart (feelings); Áû²É a round piece, grains (of sand, etc.)(cf. ´Ê 10B.01). | ||||||||
N. | (*ke3)(AC)a clod of earth. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 41S.80-3 | £ª£¯ sai1 . [Common var. ¸|] |
ñª | Num. Index: 41S.80-3 | £º£¶£½ yong2 . | |||||||
Adj. | (1)Grand, majestic. (2)Hoping: ñª±æ hoping anxiously (cf. Øq 40A.42). |
ÅV | Num. Index: 41S.80-3 | £~£±£¿ hao4 . | |||||||
Adj. | (AC) white (related µq). |
Åã | Num. Index: 41S.80-3 | £££¸£³£¾ xian3 . | |||||||
V.i. & t. | (1)V.i., to show, appear: Åã¥Ü xian3shi4, ÅãÅS xian3lu4, Åã©ú xian3ming2¡õ; to appear (¡Ïadj.): Åã±o¦n¬Ý¡A«G appear good-looking, bright; Åã±o¤p®ð would appear niggardly (too small present). (2)V. t., show (s. t.): Åã¥X¯u·N show real intentions, see Åã¥Xxian3chu1¡õ; Åã¤â¬q¡AÅ㥻»â¡AÅ㥻¨Æ or Åã¥X¥»¨Æ show one's skill; Å㤣¥X¦oªº¬ü¨Ó does not show her at her best. (3)V.t., (of gods) to reveal oneself: Åã§Î¡]¨à¡^¡AÅãÆF¡AÅã¸t xian3xing2 (er0), xian3ling2, xian3sheng4¡õ. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1)Manifest, clear, distinct: Åã©ú xian3ming2¡õ; Åã¦Ó©ö¨£ obvious, easy to see. (2)Illustrious, in honored position: Åã©x¡AÅã«Æ high officials; Åã¤h (MC)wellknown scholar; Åãn xian3yao4¡õ. (3)(Specifically on tombstones) illustrious: Åã¦Ò¡AÅ㧡AÅ㯪 the late illustrious father, mother, grandfather. | ||||||||
Adv. | Clearly: Å㦳Ãö«Y clearly there is a connection; Å㨣 it clearly shows; Åã¹Hªk¥O clearly violates the law; Åã¼® openly executed by law; ÅãµM xian3ran2¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÅãÂ\ xian3bai0, v.t., reveal, show (s. t.). 2. Åã¤ñ xian2bi0, n., a simile. 3. Åã¥Õ xian3bo0, (1) v.t., reveal, show (one's intentions, loyalty, etc.); 4. Åã¥Õ xian3bo0, (2) adj., clear, obvious. 5. Åã¥X xian3chu1, v.t., to show out, make (s. t.) stand out; 6. Åã¥X xian3chu1, v.t., show (one's prowess, skill, etc.): Åã¥Xì§Î (of spirit) show its original shape (a snake, etc.). 7. Åã¹F xian3da2, adj. & n., successful, occupying high position; 8. Åã¹F xian3da2, adj. & n., the successful politicians, very important people. 9. Åã»® xian3he4, adj., impressive, powerful, resplendent. 10. ÅãÃh xian3huai2, v.i., (of woman) pregnancy already shows. 11. Åã±â xian3hui4, n., the ups and downs of political career or man's reputation. 12. ÅãÁÅ xian3huo4, adj., bright and clear (space); 13. ÅãÁÅ xian3huo4, adj., clear and good (reputation). 14. Åã³¹ xian3zhang1, v.t., to be distinguished. 15. Å㡼 xian3zhe0, v.i., become (¡Ïadj.): ¥«±¤W§óÅ㡼¼ö¾x the market becomes still more crowded; 16. Å㡼 xian3zhe0, v.i., Å㡼¤£¤è«K one feels it is inconvenient. 17. ÅãªÌ xian2zhe3, n., the very important people. 18. Å㨣 xian3jian4, phr., (s.t.) clearly shows. 19. ÅãµÛ xian3zhu4, adj., distinct (results, difference), prominent: ¥Zµn©óÅãµÛ¦a¦ì published prominently in the papers. 20. Åã¦Ò xian2kao3, n., one's own deceased father. 21. ÅãÆF xian3ling2, v.i., (of idols, spirits) to show bodily presence, to show supernatural power. 22. ÅãÅS xian3lu4, (1) v.t., reveal, (weakness), uncover (past misdeeds); 23. ÅãÅS xian3lu4, (2) adj., revealed, exposed. 24. Åã©ú xian3ming2, (1) v.t., show, show off; 25. Åã©ú xian3ming2, (2) adj., obvious, plain. 26. Åã§Ë xian3nuhng, v.i., to show off (skill, etc.). 27. ÅãµM xian3ran2, adv., clearly, evidently. 28. Åã¸t xian3sheng4, v.i., (1) (of gods, spirits) show supernatural power; 29. Åã¸t xian3sheng4, v.i., (2) n., epiphany. 30. ÅãÅã xian2xian3, adj., as in ÅãÅã¥O¼w (AC) how illustrious the virtue. 31. Åã²{ xian3xian4, v.i., (ghosts, spirits) materialize; 32. Åã²{ xian3xian4, v.i., Åã²{¤é epiphany. 33. Åã¹³ xian3xiang4, v.i., (photography) develop; 34. Åã¹³ xian3xiang4, v.i., Åã¹³²G developer. 35. Åã§Î¡]¨à¡^ xian3xing2 (er0), v.i., xian3xian4¡ô. 36. Åã¥Ü xian3shi4, v.i. & t., to show, reveal (power, weakness); 37. Åã¥Ü xian3shi4, v.i. & t., (spirits) show themselves to believers. 38. Åã·L xian3wei2, phr., to show the minute points; 39. Åã·L xian3wei2, phr., Åã·LÃè microscope; 40. Åã·L xian3wei2, phr., Åã·L³n¤ù microfilm. 41. Åã²´¨à xian2ya3er0, adj., (1) plainly visible (cause of trouble); 42. Åã²´¨à xian2ya3er0, adj., (2) attracting attention, attractive (dress). 43. Åã´ xian3yang2, v.t., to glorify, make widely known. 44. Åãn xian3yao4, n., the very important people. |
¬Ê | Num. Index: 41S.81-1 | £¢£º£³£¾ qUan3 . | |||||||
N. | A field ditch: ¬Ê¯a the fields; µÏ¥Í©ó¬Ê¯a (AC) Emperor Shun was born a farmer's son. |
Àq | Num. Index: 41S.81-1 | £v£¬£¿ mo4 . | |||||||
N. & v.i. | Recitation from memory; recite. | ||||||||
Adj. & adv. | Silent, -ly: ¨IÀq silent; Àq§¤ sit silently; Àqë silent prayer, pray silently; Àq°O¡AÀqÃÑ mo4ji4, mo4zhi4¡õ; Àq¦ö silently protect (of God) | ||||||||
Words | 1. Àq«´ mo4chi4, n., tacit understanding (between parties, governments). 2. ÀqŪ mo4du2, v.i., mental reading. 3. Àq½Z mo4gao3, n., mental notes for speech, composition, not written down. 4. Àq°O mo4ji4, v.i. & t., silently remember. 5. ÀqÃÑ mo4zhi4, v.i. & t., ditto. 6. Àq¼@ mo4jU4, n., pantomime. 7. ÀqÀq mo4mo4, adj., (1) silent, without saying anything; 8. ÀqÀq mo4mo4, adj., (2) unnoticed: ÀqÀqµL»D (of person) not known to public. 9. Àq©À mo4nian4, n. & v.i., recite, -tation; 10. Àq©À mo4nian4, n. & v.i., to teach with book closed; 11. Àq©À mo4nian4, n. & v.i., silently think of. 12. Àq¤ù mo4pian4, n., silent movie. 13. ÀqµM mo4ran2, adj. & adv., silently, speechless. 14. Àq»{ mo4ren4, n. & v.t., tacit recognition, permission; 15. Àq»{ mo4ren4, n. & v.t., recognize tacitly. 16. Àq·Q mo4xiang1, v.i. & t., meditate, contemplate. 17. Àq¥Ü mo4shi4, v.t. & n., reveal, revelation (by God). 18. Àq³\ mo4xU3, n. & v.t., tacit approval; 19. Àq³\ mo4xU3, n. & v.t., approve tacitly: ªÚ¤ßÀq³\ give a woman's heart to one without some open admission. 20. Àq»w mo4song4, v.t., (at school) recite a passage with book closed. |
·² | Num. Index: 41S.81-9 | £££¸£® xie1 . | |||||||
V.i. & t. | To rest, to stop (work). | ||||||||
Adj. | (AC) finished, over: ¼~¥¼·²¤] still had not got over his grief. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ·²ªy xie1bo2, v.i., to lie at anchor. 2. ·²³B xie1chu3, n., a place to stop over for the night. 3. ·²³» xie1ding3, adj., bald-headed. 4. ·²¥F xie1fa2, v.i., to rest when fatigued. 5. ·²¥ñ xie1fu2, v.i., to stop work during the hottest summer days (¤T¥ñ). 6. ·²¤u xie1gong1, v.i., to stop work for holiday. 7. ·²«á»y xie1hou4yU3, n., (a custom, esp. in Peking dial.) have the last word of a well-known phrase understood and not spoken; 8. ·²«á»y xie1hou4yU3, n., §¸q·G¡×§¸q·G®¢ with ®¢ omitted, which means without shame (µL®¢). 9. ·²¸}¡]¨à¡^ xie1jiao3 (er0), v.i., ¡§rest one's foot¡¨--stop a while during a walk. 10. ·²ªK¡]¨à¡^ xie1zhi1 (xie1zhe1er0), phr., (of fruit trees) bear less fruit the year after a big crop. 11. ·²°¨ xie1ma3, v.i., (1) stop work in gen.; 12. ·²°¨ xie1ma3, v.i., (2) dismount for rest. 13. ·²©ç xie1pai1, n., the last beat, or last bar (of tzyr µü a verse form, 60A.50). 14. ·²ÅT¡]¨à¡^ xie1shang3 (er0), v.i., to rest or take a nap after lunch. 15. ·²®§ xie1xi0, v.i., to stop for rest; 16. ·²®§ xie1xi0, v.i., to stop over for night. 17. ·²·²¨à xie1xie0er0, v.i., take a little rest. 18. ·²¤ß xie1xin1, v.i., to dismiss thoughts from one's mind, to relax, stop worrying. 19. ·²¤â xie1shou3, v.i., stop, give up (doing work, fighting): ¤£ªÖ·²¤â keep on (beating, pushing, etc.). 20. ·²±J xie1su4, v.i., to stop for the night, to sleep (at some place). 21. ·²´µ©³¨½ xie1si1di3li3, n. & adj., (translit.) hysteria; 22. ·²´µ©³¨½ xie1si1di3li3, n. & adj., hysterical. 23. ·²»L¡]¨à¡^ xie1tui3 (xie1tueeer0), v.i., see xie1jiao3¡ô. 24. ·²·~ xie1ye4, v.i., close up business. |
¬Ë | Num. Index: 41S.82-9 | £y£¸£³£½ tian2 . | |||||||
V.i. | (AC) to till the farm: ¬ËÂy to hunt. |
Ú | Num. Index: 41S.82-9 | £¡£º£´£¿ jUn4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) An anc. agricultural officer: ¥ÐÚ (AC) a bailiff. (2) Poor, rugged grassland: ´HÚ a poor scholar. |
ìî | Num. Index: 41S.82-9 | £¸£¿ yi4 (*£x£¹£¿ du4 ). | |||||||
V.i. | (1) (AC) be weary of: µLìî without tiring. (2) (*du4) To spoil, waste: ¯Óìî. |
ÒÁ | Num. Index: 41S.91-8 | £¤£´£¾ zhen3 . | |||||||
N. | Boundary. | ||||||||
V.t. | (AC) to inform the spirits. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÒÁ°ì zhen3yU4, n., proper area or field, limits: ¤£¤ÀÒÁ°ì draws no line between. |
¼v | Num. Index: 41S.91-9 | £¸£¶£¾ ying3 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (ying3tz, er0) Shadow cast by object: §ë¼v cast shadow; ¤é¼v shadow in the sun; ³±¼v¡A·t¼v penumbra, a blurred shadow; §Î¼v¬ÛÀH two persons inseparable, like object and its shadow. (2) Trace: ¨S¼v¨à no trace (of person); ²×¤é¤£¨£¼v¨à never saw person the whole day; ¨SÁn¨S¼v¨à without any trace. (3) Image, photograph, portrait, reflection: ¤p¼v portrait, Äá¼v (to, a) photograph; ¯d¼v a memento; to take photography as souvenir; ©w¼v to fix photographic film; ¤ô¼v¡A˼v reflection in water; ¼vÅT ying3xiang3¡õ. (4) Short for ¹q¼v movie: ¼v¬P¡A¼v°g¡A¼v¤ù ying3xing1, ying3mi2, ying3pian4¡õ. | ||||||||
V.i. | To project a shadow: ¥u¦³ªQªL¡¼¼vµÛ¤@Ó¤H saw a human figure flit across the pine forest; ¼v®g ying3she4¡õ. | ||||||||
Adj. | Shadowy, see ¼v¼v ying3ying3¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¼v¾À ying3bi4 (ying3bi0), n., a screen wall opposite gate or inside gate. 2. ¼v¶r ying3chao1, v.i. & n., (to make) an exact replica by hand of some old editions; 3. ¼v¶r ying3chao1, v.i. & n., to reproduce thus. 4. ¼v¿O ying3deng1, n., a lantern with rotating or moving shadows. 5. ¼vÝv ying3gai4, n., imitation, forgery of trademark goods. 6. ¼v®æ¡]¨à¡^ ying3ge2er0, n., exercise book with model calligraphy under a sheet for copying. 7. ¼v®i ying2zhan3, n., photographic exhibition, film festival: °ê»Ú¼v®i International Film Festival, International Exhibition of Photography. 8. ¼v¼@ ying3jU4, n., see ying3xi4¡õ. 9. ¼v°g ying3mi2, n., a movie fan. 10. ¼v¤ù¡]¨à¡^ ying3pian4 (ying3piaher0), n., movie film. 11. ¼vµû ying3ping2, n., movie review. 12. ¼v®g ying3she4, v.t., to describe a figure in novel or to imitate on stage, in order to suggest a certain person. 13. ¼vÅT ying2xiang3 (ying3xiang0), n., (1) influence: ¨ü¤H¼vÅT was in fluenced by certain person; 14. ¼vÅT ying2xiang3 (ying3xiang0), n., Ãaªº¼vÅT bad influence; 15. ¼vÅT ying2xiang3 (ying3xiang0), n., (2) hearsay and not direct testimony: ¼vÅT¤§½Í. 16. ¼v¹³ ying3xiang4, n., a portrait. 17. ¼vÀ¸ ying3xi4, n., (1) movie; 18. ¼vÀ¸ ying3xi4, n., (2) an anc. form of projecting cut-out and manipulated paper shadows on screen, somewhat similar in effect to marionette. 19. ¼v¬P ying3xing1, n., a movie star. 20. ¼v¤l ying3zi0, n., shadow: ¼v¤l¤º»Õ shadow cabinet. 21. ¼v¼v ying2ying3, adj., as in ¼v¼vºïºï ying2ying3chocho indistinct, shadowy. 22. ¼v°| ying3yUan4, n., movie theater (also ¼vÀ¸°|). |
øv | Num. Index: 41S.91-9 | £©£³£¾ can3 . | |||||||
Adj. & adv. | Dark, darkly: ¶Âøvøvªº dismally dark. |
¥× | Num. Index: 42.30 | £v£¸£´£¾ min3 (also miing ). | |||||||
N. | (1) A vessel, utensil: ¾¹¥× utensil. (2) A radical, category for vessels, such as ª»¡A½L¡A²°¡A¬Ö. |
¥B | Num. Index: 42.30 | £¢£¸£®£¾ qie3 (*£¡£º jU1 ). | |||||||
Fin.part. | (*jU1) (AC) ¤h¤ê¬J¥B the man said, ¡§I have been already¡¨; ¤ê¤÷¥À¥B I call you our parent; cf. (MC) ªÌ and modn. ¡¼, possibly related. | ||||||||
Adv. | (1) Expressing a temporary request or order: ¥B¦í please stop (for a while); ¥BºC slowly please, let's stop and discuss; ¥B§OºÞ¥L let's forget about him for the present; ¥B½Ðµy§¤ please take a seat (and wait); ³o¦çªA¥B¬ïþ keep the dress, don't throw it away; ¼È¥B¡A©h¥B for the time being; ©h¥B¸m¤§¤Å½× let's not discuss it for the present. (2) Expressing impending event: «°¥B©Þ¨o the city will soon be taken. (3) Even (¡×©|¥B): ¤ü¥B¦³©¾¸q even a dog has a sense of loyalty. (4) At random: e¥B°½¦w seek peace at any price, without ambition or at sacrifice of principles. | ||||||||
Conj. | (1) Now (introducing a new thought): ¥B¤Ò now (introducing a gen. statement); ¥B»¡ formula for opening or continuing a story. (2) Furthermore, besides: ¥Bº¸¨¥¹L¨o and further you are wrong in your statement; ¥B¦p and besides for example; ¦Ó¥B moreover; §í¥B¡Aªp¥B moreover, besides; ©Î¥B perhaps. (3) And, while: ¥B¾Ô¥B¨« fight a retreat back, fight while falling back; §g¤l¦³°s¡A¦h¥B¦® (AC) the gentleman has wine, good and plenty of it. |
¤ë | Num. Index: 42.42 | £º£®£¿ yUe4 . | |||||||
N. | (1 ) The moon: ¤ë«G¡A¤ë²y yUe4liang4, yUe4qiu2¡õ; ¤ë¡¼¹ß®Z fabled lady who ran to the moon to escape from her husband; ¤ë¤U¦Ñ¤H (allu.) the old man found in moonlight night in charge of tying a red silk of new-born boys and girls destined to be married; ¤ë¤Uªá«e under the moon and flowers, evoking love or longing; º¡¤ë¡A·s¤ë¡A¤ë¤ú¡A¥b¤ë¡A¤W©¶¤ë¡A¤U©¶¤ë: full, new, crescent, half, first quarter, last quarter moon. (2) A month: ¤ë¤ë¡A¨C¤ë¡A³v¤ë every month; ¤W¤ë¡A¤U¤ë last month, next month; «ö¤ë (pay, etc.) by the month; ¤ëªì¡A¤ëªW¡A¤ë©³ yUe4chu1, yUe4miao3, yUe4di3¡õ; º¡¤ë¡AÀ±¤ë baby's completed first month (a celebration); ¤G¤ë February; ¤C¤ë July; ¤Q¤@¤ë November; ¤Q¤G¤ë December. (3) A surname. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤ë¥b yUe4ban4, n., about the 15th day of the month. 2. ¤ë¥Õ yUe4bai2, adj., pale bluishwhite. 3. ¤ë³ø yUe4bao4, n., a monthly, monthly bulletin, see yUe4kan1¡õ. 4. ¤ë»æ yUe4bing0, n., ¡§moon cake¡¨ eaten during Mid-Autumn Festival. 5. ¤ë¥¬ yUe4bu4, n., sanitary belt. 6. ¤ë«° yUe4cheng2, n., semi-circular enclosure between outer and inner city gates. 7. ¤ë¿ú yUe4qian2, n., monthly payment. 8. ¤ëÀð¨à yUe4qiang2er0, n., see yUe4cheng2¡ô. 9. ¤ë²y yUe4qiu2, n., the moon as a heavenly body. 10. ¤ëµ^ yUe4qin2, n., a moonshaped guitar. 11. ¤ëªì¡]¨à¡^ yUe4chu1(er0), n., the beginning of the month. 12. ¤ë¥¹ yUe4dan4, n., usu. ¤ë¥¹µû (litr. allu.) criticism. 13. ¤ë©³ yUe4di3, n., the end of the month. 14. ¤ë¤À¡]¨à¡^ yUe4fen4(yUe4feher0), n., month as a period of time: ¦h¤ë¤À¨à many months long; 15. ¤ë¤À¡]¨à¡^ yUe4fen4(yUe4feher0), n., ¤ë¤ÀµP (¨à) a monthly calendar hung on the wall. 16. ¤ë¶O yUe4fei4, n., monthly expense. 17. ¤ë®Û yUe4gui4, n., the laurel; 18. ¤ë®Û yUe4gui4, n., ¤ë®Û«a laurel wreath. 19. ¤ë®c yUe4gong1, n., (alleged) the palace of the moon. 20. ¤ë¶Â¤Ñ yUe4hei1tian1, n., a moonless night. 21. ¤ëµØ yUe4hua2, n., corona of the moon. 22. ¤ë½ã yUe4zhang4, n., monthly account. 23. ¤ë©u yUe4ji4, n., the monthly rose. 24. ¤ë¸g yUe4jing1 (yUe4jing0), n., menstruation, the menses; 25. ¤ë¸g yUe4jing1 (yUe4jing0), n., ¤ë¸g±a sanitary belt. 26. ¤ë²× yUe4zhong1, n., end of the month. 27. ¤ë¥Z yUe4kan1, n., a monthly. 28. ¤ë¸^¨à yUe4ke1er0, n., the period of the baby's first month. 29. ¤ë¦Ñ yUe4lao3, n., see ¤ë¤U¦Ñ¤H under N.1¡ô. 30. ¤ëÁñ yUe4lan2, n., halo of the moon. 31. ¤ë«G yUe4liang4, n., (1) usu. vern. term for the moon; 32. ¤ë«G yUe4liang4, n., (2) moonlight. 33. ¤ë§Q yUe4li41, n., see yUe4xi2¡õ. 34. ¤ë¾ä yUe4li42, n., calendar by the month. 35. ¤ë¨Ò yUe4li43, n., (MC) monthly allowance. 36. ¤ë½ü yUe4lun2, n., (LL) the moon. 37. ¤ëªW yUe4miao3, n., the end of the month. 38. ¤ë¥½ yUe4mo4, n., ditto. 39. ¤ë¦â yUe4se4, n., moonlight. 40. ¤ë¤U» yUe4xia4xiang1, n., the tuberose. 41. ¤ë«H yUe4xin4, n., see yUe4jing1¡ô. 42. ¤ëÁ~ yUe4xin1, n., monthly salary. 43. ¤ë®§ yUe4xi2, n., monthly interest. 44. ¤ë§Î yUe4xing2, n., (math.) lune, a crescent-shaped figure. 45. ¤ë¨Æ yUe4shi4, n., see yUe4jing1¡ô. 46. ¤ë¹ yUe4shi2, n., (¤ë»k) eclipse of the moon. 47. ¤ë»O yUe4tai2, n., car or railway platform. 48. ¤ëÀY yUe4tou2, n., beginning of the month; 49. ¤ëÀY yUe4tou2, n., ¤ëÀY¨à monthly account which begins on the first of the month. 50. ¤ë¤l yUe4zi0, n., as in §¤¤ë¤l woman's special care during first month after childbirth. 51. ¤ëÁ` yUe4zong3, n., monthly reckoning of accounts. 52. ¤ë§À yUe4wei3, n., end of the month. 53. ¤ë¤ú¨à yUe4ya2er0, n., the new moon; 54. ¤ë¤ú¨à yUe4ya2er0, n., things resembling it. 55. ¤ëÂ`¤é yUe4yao4ri4, n., (LL) Monday. 56. ¤ë¤ë¬õ yUe4yUe4hong2, n., the monthly rose, see yUe4ji4¡ô. 57. ¤ë·w yUe4yUn4, n., halo of the moon. |
°© | Num. Index: 42.42 | £|£¹£¾ gu3 (gur ). | |||||||
N. | (1) A bone: °©¬[¡A°©¤l¡A°©ÀY¡A°©Àf¡A°©¦× gu3jia4, gu3zi0, gu3tou0, gu3ge2, gu3rou4¡õ; ±Æ°© the ribs, spareribs, (sl.) a skinny person; °©½G¦p®ã emaciated like a stick; ¥Ö¥]°© skinny; °©¥ß gu3li42¡õ. (2) Bone structure, type of personality, moral character: ·°© a person's temperament and character; ¶Æ°© a proud character; °©®ð gu3chi0¡õ. (3) A corpse, skeleton: ¤UµL«è°©¡A¤WµL«è¤H no one, whether dead or living, will have any cause to complain; ¦¶ªù°s¦×¯ä¡A¸ô¦³á¦º°© while the rich dine and wine, the poor die of cold by the roadside. | ||||||||
Words | 1. °©´Î gu3bang0, adj., very hard in character. 2. °©®ð gu3chilh, n., (1) independence of character: ³o¤H«Ü¦³°©®ð the man is noted for his backbone, i.e., for his sterling character; 3. °©®ð gu3chilh, n., (2) (callig.) firm and steady strokes. 4. °©¸³ gu3dong0 (gu3dong3), n., curios, antiques (also wr. ¥j¸³). 5. °©¦·¨à gurduo0er0, n., an unopened flower bud. 6. °©ªk gurfa3, n., (Chin. painting) building of the structure of a picture. 7. °©¯» gurfen3, n., fertilizer made from bones. 8. °©ªÎ gu3fei2, n., fertilizer made from animal bones. 9. °©·F gu3gan4, n., (1) leading spirit in group, leading staff; 10. °©·F gu3gan4, n., (2) practical ability. 11. °©ñÇ gu3geng3, adj., upright, fair and just (also wr. °©ïd). 12. °©Àf gu3ge2, n., a skeleton, structural pattern (also wr. °©®æ). 13. °©§é gu3zhe1, n., fracture of bones. 14. °©¬[ gu3jia4, n., a framework, skeleton structure. 15. °©¸` gu3jie2, n., (physiol.) joints. 16. °©½è gu3zhi2, n., bone substance or structure. 17. °©¬ì gu3ke1, n., orthopedics: °©¬ìÂå¥Í an orthopedist, a bone specialist. 18. °©¤O gu3li41, (1) n., (callig.) strength or force of strokes; 19. °©¤O gu3li41, (2) (gurli0) adj., strong; 20. °©¤O gu3li41, (3) (gurli0) adj., of strong texture: ³o±i¯È«Ü¦³°©¤O this piece of paper has a very strong texture. 21. °©¥ß gu3li42, adj., bony, with bones sticking out. 22. °©¸L gurlu0, adj., rolling, spinning, turning round and round. 23. °©½¤ gu3mo2, n., (physiol.) periosteum. 24. °©µP gu3pai2, n., dominoes. 25. °©½L gu3pan2, n., (physiol.) the pelvis (also °©¬Ö). 26. °©¦× gu3rou4, n., blood relationships, kith and kin: °©¦×¦Ü¿Ë of one's own flesh and blood. 27. °©¬Û gu3xiang4, n., a person's bone structure as indicating type of personality: ½â°©¬Û lazybones; 28. °©¬Û gu3xiang4, n., s.o. not worthy of help; 29. °©¬Û gu3xiang4, n., °©¬Û¾Ç the study of bone structure as indicating character (as in phrenology). 30. °©¦å gu3xUe4, n., one's flesh and blood, see gu3rou4¡ô. 31. °©Åè gursui3, n., (physiol.) marrow. 32. °©¬´ gu3tan4, n., bone black. 33. °©ÀY gurtou0, n., (1) a piece of bone: °©ÀY¨à¸_¤l chopsticks made of bone; 34. °©ÀY gurtou0, n., (2) (abusive) a person with ugly looks: Á@§A³o¶ô°©ÀY just see what a figure you are cutting! 35. °©ÀY gurtou0, n., (3) one's moral character: µw°©ÀY a person of moral integrity; 36. °©ÀY gurtou0, n., ¦³°©ÀY has backbone; 37. °©ÀY gurtou0, n., ¨S°©ÀY weak-kneed; 38. °©ÀY gurtou0, n., »´°©ÀY flippant; 39. °©ÀY gurtou0, n., ½â°©ÀY (abusive) you cheap skate, louse. 40. °©¤l gu3zi0, n., (1) ribs of umbrella, fan: ³Ê°©¤l¡A®°°©¤l; 41. °©¤l gu3zi0, n., (2) innermost part: ³o¬O¥L°©¤l¡¼ÀYªº¨Æ that's his most personal affair; 42. °©¤l gu3zi0, n., ³o¤H°©¤l¡¼«Ü¼F®` this man is really very shrewd inside. 43. °©Àù gu3yan21, (gu3ai2 preferred), n., cancer in the bones. 44. °©ª¢ guryan22, n., osteitis; 45. °©ª¢ guryan22, n., °©Å誢 osteomyelitis. 46. °©ºÅ gu3yang2, n., (med.) bone ulcer. |
¤¦ | Num. Index: 42.42 | £x£³ dan1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Pill: »I¤¦¤Y´² medical pill, ointment and powder, esp. the pill of immortality sought by alchemists: ª÷¤¦¡A¥P¤¦ elixir of life, the philosopher's stone; ·Ò¤¦ the practice to form this pill. (2) Cinnabar: ¤¦¬â dan1sha1¡õ. | ||||||||
Adj. | Red: ¤¦·¬ red maple; ¤¦®Û cinnamon; ¤¦®Ñ¡A¤¦¶@ imperial edict written in red. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤¦§Õ dan1chen2, n., pure loyalty of heart. 2. ¤¦¸Û dan1cheng2, n., ditto. 3. ¤¦¹] dan1qian1, n., the business of proofreading or revision, from practice of using red ink (¤¦ vermilion and ¹] white lead powder). 4. ¤¦«C dan1qing1, n., painting (red and green). 5. ¤¦¼U dan1chi1, n., terrace area in imperial palace. 6. ¤¦²Ä dan1di4, n., (translit.) Dante (usu. ¦ý¤B). 7. ¤¦¹© dan1ding3, n., furnace of alchemists for concoction of pill of immortality. 8. ¤¦¬r dan1du2, n., (med.) erysipelas, a streptococcus disease of the skin. 9. ¤¦¤è dan1fang1, n., medical prescription; 10. ¤¦¤è dan1fang1, n., prescription for making pill of immortality. 11. ¤¦¶À dan1huang2, n., red and yellow ink used in proofreading and revising. 12. ¤¦¾z dan1po4, n., amber. 13. ¤¦¬â dan1sha1, n., cinnabar, material for red color. 14. ¤¦°Ñ dan1shen1, n., (bot.) salvia, scutellaria indica. 15. ¤¦¤ß dan1xin1, n., heart of pure loyalty: ¯d¨ú¤¦¤ß·Ó¦½«C that my loyalty may leave a page in the annals. 16. ¤¦¥Ð dan1tian2, n., the pubic region (seat of prostate and ovary) considered as region for forming internal pill of immortality; 17. ¤¦¥Ð dan1tian2, n., ¤¦¥Ð®ð n., breath control by the exercise of diaphragm. |
¥U | Num. Index: 42.42 | £©££¿ ce4 (* chaai ). [Var. ¥U; cogn. µ¦] | |||||||
N. | (1) Anc. form of book consisting of series of bamboo strips strung together. (2) A volume: ²Ä¤@¥U volume one; ¦@¤Q¥U in ten volumes; ¥U¤l¡A¥U¶ ce4zi0, ce4ye4¡õ. (3) A formal writ, conferring honors, praising service: «Ê¥U¡A¥É¥U etc., see ¥U®Ñ ce4shu1¡õ. (4) (Rarely u.f.) µ¦ strategy, 92A.01. (5) (*chaai) ¼Ë¥U¨à pattern book. | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) To confer title of prince (¿Ë¤ý): imperial concubine (¦m). (2) To adopt, set up formally, invest with office: ¥U©R¡A¥U«Ê¡A¥U¥ß ce4ming4, ce4feng1, ce4li4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¥U«Ê ce4feng1, v.t., to invest with rank, title. 2. ¥U©² ce4fu3, n., (LL) library, hall of books. 3. ¥U¥¿ ce4zheng4, v.t., to set up formally as legal wife. 4. ¥U¥ß ce4li4, v.t., to crown (empress). 5. ¥U©R ce4ming4, v.t. & n., formal order, esp. in conferring honors. 6. ¥U®Ñ ce4shu1, n., (AC) a formal writ conferring honors, ranks, etc. 7. ¥U¤l ce4zi0, n., a small volume, pamphlet oft. ¤p¥U¤l small pamphlet. 8. ¥U¶ ce4ye4, n., an album of unbound sheets, paintings, calligraphy (also wr. ¥U¸). |
¥Î | Num. Index: 42.42 | £º£¶£¿ yong4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Use, function: ¥Î³B yong4chu4¡õ; ¥\¥Î function (of medicine, etc.); ©Ò¾Ç«D©Ò¥Î a person's education does not fit him for a certain job; ¹ê¥Î practical use; ¾A¥Î¡A¦X¥Î convenient for use. (2) Expenses: ¶O¥Î ditto; °ê¥Î national expenditures; ®a¥Î domestic expenses; ¤é¥Î daily expenses. | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) To use, employ (person): ¥Î¤H yong4ren2¡õ; ¥ô¥Î appoint to post; ¥Î½å to use able men; ¸u¥Î to appoint (teacher, musician, etc.); ¹µ¥Î to employ (servants, etc.); ¥Î¤H¤£·í use wrong or incompetent men for jobs; ¸Õ¥Î use on probation; «¥Î to commission s. o. and rely on him heavily. (2) To spend: ®¿¥Î to use certain funds temporarily; ɥΠto borrow; ¥Î¤£¤F do not need so much (money); ÀݥΤ½´Ú irregularities in use of public funds; ¥Î¿úµL«× extravagant with money. (3) To apply, operate (tool, instrument), to make use: ¹B¥Î to apply (brains, learning, common sense, etc.); À³¥Î to serve a purpose; §Q¥Î to utilize, make use (of person for certain end), take advantage (of wind for sail, of certain regulations, loopholes, etc.); µ½¥Î know how to handle (men, money, time). (4) To serve as, in order to: ¥Î¥H¼W¥[ª¾ÃÑ in order to increase one's knowledge. (5) As more elegant substitue for ¡§eat,¡¨ ¡§drink¡¨: ¥Î¯ù drink tea; ¥Î¶º eat rice; ½Ð¥Î please help yourself to food. | ||||||||
Prep. | With: ¥Î¤M±þ¤H kill with a knife; ¥Î¥Øªý¤î stop (s.o.) with a look; ¥Î¤ß¡A¥Î¤O yong4xin1, yong4li4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¥Î§L yong4bing1, phr., skill in military command. 2. ¥Î¤£µÛ yong4bu0jaur, phr., there is no need to (do); 3. ¥Î¤£µÛ yong4bu0jaur, phr., useless. 4. ¥Îúè yong4chang2, n., use, application: ¨S¦³¥Îúè is of no use. 5. ¥Î¿ú yong4qian2, (1) to spend money; 6. ¥Î¿ú yong4qian2, (2) (yong4qian0) commission fee. 7. ¥Î±¡ yong4qing2, n., quality in directing one's affections: ¥Î±¡¤£±M liable to change lovers. 8. ¥Î³B yong4chu4, n., use, practical application. 9. ¥Î«× yong4du4, n., habit of spending money. 10. ¥Îªk yong4fa3, n., handling of justice. 11. ¥Î¶O yong4fei4, n., fees, expenses. 12. ¥Î¥\ yong4gong1, v.i., to work hard, esp. at studies. 13. ¥Î¤u¤Ò yong4gong1fu0, v.i., to study hard, practice hard. 14. ¥Î¤á yong4hu4, n., subscriber to electric power, telephone, etc. 15. ¥Î¶¡ yong4jian4, phr., see Â÷¶¡ 60S.11. 16. ¥Îp yong4ji4, phr., by strategy, plan, trick. 17. ¥ÎºÉ yong4jin4, v.t., to exhaust (efforts, etc.) 18. ¥Î¨ã yong4jU4, n., appliance (s). 19. ¥Î¨Ó yong4lai2, v.i., for use (convenient, etc.). 20. ¥Î¤O yong4li4, adv., (work) hard, with concentrated effort. 21. ¥Î©R yong4ming4, phr., (LL) obey orders. 22. ¥Î«~ yong4pin3, n., appliance (s), material or articles for use (as cosmetics). 23. ¥Î¤H yong4ren2, n., (1) employee; 24. ¥Î¤H yong4ren2, n., (2) skill or tact in handling personnel. 25. ¥Î¶µ yong4xiang0, n., expenditures. 26. ¥Î¤ß yong4xin1, adv., with concentrated effort. 27. ¥Î¥@ yong4shi41, phr., to serve in society. 28. ¥Î¨Æ yong4shi42, v.i., (1) to be in power; 29. ¥Î¨Æ yong4shi42, v.i., (2) (litr.) literary allusions. 30. ¥ÎÀY yong4tou0, n., (coll.) some specific use. 31. ¥Î³~ yong4tu2, n., purpose of expenditure. 32. ¥ÎªZ yong4wu3, phr., to choose the warpath. 33. ¥Î·N yong4yi4, n., intention, careful thought or hidden purpose: ¥Î·N¬Æµ½ (law, etc.) serves a very good purpose. |
ÊI | Num. Index: 42.42 | £¹£µ£¾ wang3 . [Arch. var. of ºô 93B.42] |
¦P | Num. Index: 42.42 | £y£¹£¶£½ tong2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Commonwealth: ¤j¦P¥@¬É the world commonwealth; ¥@¬É¤j¦P the world is a commonwealth, Confucius' ideal of human society. (2) A surname. | ||||||||
Adj. & adv. | (1) Same, similar: ¦P¤@ tong2yi1¡õ; ¬Û¦P are alike; ¦p¦P as if; ¦p¦P¨¨ü would consider it as a personal favor to me; ¦p¦P¤M³Î like cutting of one's own flesh; ¤£¦P be different; ¦P¼Ëªº similar (ly), in the same manner; ¦P¦~¡A¦P¤ë¥Í born in same year and month; ¦Pµ¦r homonym; ¦P¸q¦r synonym; ¦P®É same time; ¦P¸ô¤H tong2lu1hrern¡õ; ¦PÃþ same kind, class or species; ¦PÃþ¬Û´Ý kill one's own kind; ¦P¦C some rank; opp. ²§¡G¤j¦P¤p²§ are alike with minor differences; ¦P²§ similarities and differences; ¦P¤u²§¦± or ²§¦±¦P¤u s. t. which achieves same goal with different means; ¦P¤÷²§¥À same father, different mothers; ¦PM tong2bao1¡õ; ¦P³T tong2pao2¡õ; ¦P«Ç¾Þ¤à internecine warfare; ¦P¯f¬Û¼¦ fellow sufferers (of same illness) understand one another; ¸t¤H¥ý±o§^¤ß©Ò¦PµM the sage discovered what was common in the human heart. (2) Together, in common: ¦@¦P¡A¤@¦P (work, proceed, leave) together; ·|¦P¡A¨ó¦P in conjunction or cooperation with one another; ¦P¨Ó¦P¥h come and go together; ¦P§¤¦P¹ sit together, eat together; ¦P¹C take pleasure trip together; ¦P¥ÌW fare and share alike for better, for worse; ¦P¦í¡A¦P±J live together; ¦P©~ tong2jU1¡õ; ¦P¦à¦@ÀÙ¡A·«B¦P¦à people ¡§in the same boat¡¨ help each other in distress; ¦PÓÚ¦@ªE (of husband and wife) share same quilt and pillow; ¦PûÒ²§¹Ú strange bedfellows, persons thrown together but each having a different problem or ambition; ¦PÁnÆg³\ give praise in unison; ²§¤f¦PÁn all agree; ¦P¤@»ó¤Õ¥X®ð talk exactly one like the other; ¦P¬y¦X¦Ã associate oneself with undesirable elements or trend; ¦PÂk©óºÉ all perish together; ®í³~¦PÂk reach same goal by different means (cf. ¡§all roads lead to Rome¡¨); ¦P¥Þ husband and wife buried in same grave. | ||||||||
Prep. | With (used like vern. ©M, LL »P): ¥L¦P§A¦b¤@°_ he is together with you; §Ú¦P§A¥h I'll go with you; ¦P¥L»¡¸Ü talking with him. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¦P®× tong2an4, n., formerly, one who was admitted to school in the same year in the civil service system. 2. ¦P¦ñ tong2ban4, n., companion (in travel, etc.). 3. ¦P¯Z tong2ban1, n., fellow classmate. 4. ¦PM tong2bao1, n., brothers of the same mother; 5. ¦PM tong2bao1, n., term for compatriot. 6. ¦P½ú tong2bei4, n., person of the same generation. 7. ¦P¨B tong2bu4, v.i. & adj., synchronize, synchronous. 8. ¦P¾« tong2chai3, n., (LL) fellow, colleague. 9. ¦P±¡ tong2qing2, v.i. & t., to sympathize: ¦P±¡§A or ©ó§A sympathize with you; 10. ¦P±¡ tong2qing2, v.i. & t., ¦P±¡¤ß n., sympathy. 11. ¦Pµ¡ tong2chuang1, n., schoolmate, classmate (¡§same window¡¨). 12. ¦P¹D tong2dao4, n., person of same belief or convictions. 13. ¦Pµ¥ tong2deen, adj. & n., equal, -ity; 14. ¦Pµ¥ tong2deen, adj. & n., same in status, energy, remuneration, etc. 15. ¦P½Õ tong2diao4, n., person with same common purpose or taste: ¤Þ¬°¦P½Õ draw person into the same political group. 16. ¦P©Ð tong2fang2, v.i., cohabit; 17. ¦P©Ð tong2fang2, v.i., share the same room. 18. ¦P¦æ¡]¨à¡^ tong2hang2 (er0), n., fellow craftsman, person of same profession; 19. ¦P¦æ¡]¨à¡^ tong2hang2 (er0), n., (2) (tong2xing2) v.i., go together. 20. ¦P¦n tong2hao4, n., same tastes or hobby. 21. ¦P¤Æ tong2hua4, v.t., (1) assimilate, be assimilate; 22. ¦P¤Æ tong2hua4, v.t., (2) (of foreign tribes) adopt Chin. dress, language and customs. 23. ¦P¹Ù tong2huo3, n., fellow worker in same shop; 24. ¦P¹Ù tong2huo3, n., member of group or gang. 25. ¦PºØ tong2zhong3, adj. & n., (person) of same race. 26. ¦P§Ó tong2zhi4, n., comrade; 27. ¦P§Ó tong2zhi4, n., member of same party. 28. ¦P©~ tong2jU1, v.i., live together, esp. live as husband and wife without marriage, cohabit: ¦P©~¤ÀÆy live in the same house, but eat separately (of relatives). 29. ¦P¹± tong2liao2, n., colleague in office. 30. ¦P¸ô¤H tong2lu4ren2, n., (communist) fellow traveller. 31. ¦Pªù tong2men2, n., (1) pupils of same master; 32. ¦Pªù tong2men2, n., (2) husbands whose wives are sisters; 33. ¦Pªù tong2men2, n., ¦Pªù²§¤á holding the same views with minor differences. 34. ¦P·ù tong2meng2, n., allies; 35. ¦P·ù tong2meng2, n., ¦P·ù°ê allied nations; 36. ¦P·ù tong2meng2, n., ¦P·ù·| tong1menghui, China's revolutionary party which later became the kuomintang. 37. ¦P¿Ñ tong2mou2, v.i., conspire together: ¦P¿ÑªÌ conspirator. 38. ¦P¦~ tong2nian2, phr., (1) in or of the same year; 39. ¦P¦~ tong2nian2, phr., ¤£¥i¦P¦~¦Ó»y should not be mentioned in the same breath -- far inferior, now usu. ¦P¤é (see tong2ri4¡õ); 40. ¦P¦~ tong2nian2, phr., (2) graduates of the same class in the civil examinations. 41. ¦P³T tong2pao2, n., comrades in the same army: ¦P³T¦P¿A ditto. 42. ¦P¤H tong2ren21, n., (fellow-member) member of a group (such as cosponsors of meeting, audience being addressed in meeting). 43. ¦P¤¯ tong2ren22, n., ditto. 44. ¦P¤é tong2ri4, phr., in the same day: ¤£¥i¦P¤é¦Ó»y, see tong2nian2¡ô. 45. ¦P¶m tong2xiang1, n. & adj., person of the same village, country or province. 46. ¦P©m tong2xing41, member of the same clan. 47. ¦P©Ê tong2xing42, n., same sex; 48. ¦P©Ê tong2xing42, n., ¦P©Ê·R¡A¦P©ÊÅÊ homosexual, -lity. 49. ¦P¤ß tong2xin1, adj., united at heart or in common purpose; 50. ¦P¤ß tong2xin1, adj., ¦P¤ß¦P¼w with one heart and one mind; 51. ¦P¤ß tong2xin1, adj., ¦P¤ß¶ê (math.) concurrent circle; 52. ¦P¤ß tong2xin1, adj., ¦P¤ßµ² a ¡§lovers' knot,¡¨ also used on Buddhist cassocks. 53. ¦P¨Æ tong2shi4, n., common term for ¡§colleague.¡¨ 54. ¦P®É tong2shi2, adv., at the same time, simultaneously, in the meantime. 55. ¦P¾Ç tong2xUe2, n., fellow student; 56. ¦P¾Ç tong2xUe2, n., ¦P¾Ç·| alumni association. 57. ¦P°ó tong2tang2, n., cousin (¡×°ó¥S§Ì) of same family name. 58. ¦P©v tong2zong1, adj., of the same clan branch. 59. ¦P±Ú tong2zu2, adj., of the same tribe. 60. ¦P¦ì¯À tong2wei4su4, n., (chem.) isotope. 61. ¦P·Å¼h tong2wen1ceng2, n., stratosphere. 62. ¦P¤å tong2wen2, adj., of the same language and culture. 63. ¦Pµx tong2yan4, n., fellow student (¡×¦P¾Ç). 64. ¦P¼Ë tong2yang4, adv., equal, -ly: ¦P¼Ë¬üÄR¡A³ø¹S equally beautiful, equally paid. 65. ¦P·~ tong2ye4, n., member of the same profession; 66. ¦P·~ tong2ye4, n., ¦P·~¤½·| a trade union. 67. ¦P¤@ tong2yi1, n., same: ¦P¤@¤è¦V¡A¨B¥ï same direction, steps. 68. ¦P·N tong2yi4, v.i. & n., agree, consent: §Ú¤£¦P·N I disagree; 69. ¦P·N tong2yi4, v.i. & n., ±o§A¦P·N have your consent; 70. ¦P·N tong2yi4, v.i. & n., ¦P·N®Ñ letter of agreement. |
©P | Num. Index: 42.42 | £¤£² zhou1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Name of dynasty (Wade: Chou Dyn.). (2) A surname. (3) Circumference: ©P®|¡A©P³ò zhou1jing4, zhou1wei2¡õ. (4) A week (interch. ¶g); anniversary: ©P¦~ zhou1nian2¡õ. (5) (Phys.) cycle: ¤d¶g kilocycle; ¥ü©P megacycle; ©P²v, ©Pªi zhou1lU4, zhou1bo1¡õ. | ||||||||
V.t. | To help tide over (crisis): ©P«æ ditto; ©P¥þ¡A©PÀÙ zhou1qUan2, zhou1ji42¡õ. | ||||||||
Adj. & adv. | Complete, thorough: ©P¨ì¡A©P¦Ü zhou1dao4, zhou1zhi4 ¡õ; ©P±K¡A©P¸Ô zhou1mi4, zhou1xiang2¡õ, cf. ¶g 42.83¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ©P¹M zhou1bian4, adj. & adv., (interch. ¶g) all around, all over a place, also prep., ©P¹M¥þ²y all over the world. 2. ©PÃä zhou1bian1, n., (math.) perimeter. 3. ©Pñ¹ zhou1bi4, n., an anc. work on astronomy and trigonometry, based on conception of the sky as a vault. 4. ©Pªi zhou1bo1, n., (phys.) cycle. 5. ©P¿Ë zhou1qin1, (AC) closest relatives. 6. ©P¥þ zhou1qUan2, v.t., to help others, esp. with money: ©P¥þ¤H®a. 7. ©P¨ì zhou1dao0, adj., thorough and satisfactory (in service, hospitality). 8. ©P¦^ zhou1hui2, adv., around, back and forth. 9. ©P³¹ zhou1zhang1, adj., (1) around; 10. ©P³¹ zhou1zhang1, adj., (2) flurried (also wr. àz±i); 11. ©P³¹ zhou1zhang1, adj., (3) full of difficulties, see zhou1zhe2¡õ. 12. ©P¥¿ zhou1zheng0, adj., properly in place: ´U¤lÀ¹©P¥¿¤F put hat on properly. 13. ©P§é zhou1zhe2, adj., (affair) difficult to deal with: ¦¹¨Æ»á¶O©P§é this matter is quite complex. 14. ©P¨¤ zhou1jiao3, n., (math.) perigon. 15. ©P¯H zhou1jia2, (1) adj., very attentive (to guests); 16. ©P¯H zhou1jia2, (2) adv., ¡×©P¥` zhou1za1¡õ. 17. ©P§Ò zhou1ji41, n., first anniversary of person's death. 18. ©PÀÙ zhou1ji42, v.t., to help (person) in charity. 19. ©P®| zhou1jing4, n., diameter. 20. ©PÂà zhou1zhuan0, v.i., to have cash available: ©PÂणÆF not enough cash to answer needs. 21. ©P®à zhou1zhuo1, v.i., to turn over table in anger. 22. ©P¦Ü zhou1zhi4, adj., very attentive (to guests), providing for all needs. 23. ©P¬y zhou1liu2, v.i., to circulate; 24. ©P¬y zhou1liu2, v.i., to travel around. 25. ©P²v zhou1lU4, n., radio frequency. 26. ©P±K zhou1mi4, adj., see zhou1zhi4¡ô. 27. ©P¤º zhou1na4, v.i., (AC) to weave a legalistic trap to condemn person (now commonly ²`¤å©P¯Ç). 28. ©P¦~ zhou1nian2, n., anniversary: ¤©P¦~¬ö©À fifth anniversary (usu. wr. ¶g¦~). 29. ©P¨ zhou1shen1, n., adv., all over the body (ache, bruise). 30. ©P¸Ô zhou1xiang2, adj., detailed and complete (report, etc.). 31. ©P±Û zhou1xUan2, v.i., (1) to go back and forth; 32. ©P±Û zhou1xUan2, v.i., (2) make the social round of dinners; 33. ©P±Û zhou1xUan2, v.i., (3) (AC) to meet on battlefield (¡§chase back and forth¡¨); 34. ©P±Û zhou1xUan2, v.i., (4) deal with person in complex or changing situation. 35. ©P·³ zhou1sui4, n., first anniversary of child (also wr. ¶g). 36. ©P¤Ñ zhou1tian1, n., (astron.) a complete circle of 360 degrees. 37. ©P¥` zhou1za1, adv., in one round. 38. ©P¾D zhou1zao1, adj. & adv., (LL) around. 39. ©P³ò zhou1wei2, n., (1) surroundings; 40. ©P³ò zhou1wei2, n., (2) circumference. 41. ©P©µ zhou1yan2, adj., the complete round. 42. ©P©ö zhou1yi4, n., book of changes, one of the ¡§Six Confucian Classics,¡¨ (also called ©ö¸g yi4jing1). |
©£ | Num. Index: 42.42 | £|£µ gang1 (also £|£µ£¾ gang3 ). | |||||||
N. | The crest of a hill: ¤s©£ a mountain ridge. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ©£³® gang1ling2, n., a high mound. 2. ©£®ä gang1tong2, n., (bot.) aleurites cordata, the wood oil tree (also Ä¢¤l®ä¡Aªo®ä). |
ªÉ | Num. Index: 42.42 | £¹£µ£¾ wang3 . [Dist. ©£¡ô] | |||||||
N. | U.f. ºô a net, 93B.42. | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) To deceive: ´ÛªÉ to cheat, deceive; ´Û¤ÑªÉ¤H deceive God and man. (2) U.f. ºô to net: ªÉ§Q (AC) to net profits. | ||||||||
Adj. | U.f. ±¦: ªÉµM wang3ran2¡õ. | ||||||||
Adv. | (LL) no, not (related µL): ªÉ¤£ all, without exception (¡×µL¤£); ªÉ·¥ wang3ji2¡õ; ªÉ¨£ fail to see (¡×¤£¨£); ªÉ®Ä without results (¡×µL®Ä); ªÉÅU disregard (¡×¤£ÅU); ªÉ¦³ have not (¡×µL¦³). | ||||||||
Words | 1. ªÉ·¥ wang3ji2, adv., (AC) boundless, extremely, beyond all bounds. 2. ªÉ¨â wang2liang3, n., (1) spirits, demons of the wilds (also wr. ÃSÃR); 3. ªÉ¨â wang2liang3, n., (2) (AC) the penumbra, fringe shadow. 4. ªÉµM wang3ran2, adj., feeling lost, disconcerted. 5. ªÉ¾i wang2yang3, v.i., (AC) hesitate, without decision. |
ÎJ | Num. Index: 42.42 | £}£¹£¯ kuai1 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ÎJ¬ì kuai1xie2, adj., twisted (mouth), squint-eyed. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42.50 | £~£¹£°£½ hui2 . [Anc. var. of ¦^ 41.41] |
¤L | Num. Index: 42.70 | £¡£¸£¾ ji3 . (sp. pr. *£¡£¸ ji1 ). | |||||||
N. | A small or low table: ¤L®× ji3an4¡õ; ¯ù¤L a teapoy, a small side table. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤L®× ji3an4, n., (1) an office desk; 2. ¤L®× ji3an4, n., (2) a small table. 3. ¤L»Õ ji3ge2, n., (MC) a shelf (for books, etc.). 4. ¤L®u ji3xi2, n., a desk. 5. ¤Lºá ji3yan2, n., (AC) ceremonial dinner. |
¤Z | Num. Index: 42.70 | £w£³£½ fan2 . | |||||||
N. | The secular world, life of the senses: ¹Ð¤Z¡A¤Z¥@ (Budd. & LL) the material world, life of the senses; ¯«¥P¤U¤Z fairy becomes incarnate; ¥§©h«ä¤Z a nun desires normal human life; ¶W¤Z¤J¸t phr., overcome all worldly thoughts and enter sainthood. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Common, ordinary: ¥¤Z ordinary (writing, person); ¤Z¤H ordinary mortal; ¤Z¤Ò¡A¤Z¥Á ordinary people; ±e¤Ò¤Z¨ò common laborer and private; ¤£¤Z distinguished, uncommon (talent, person); ¤£¦P¤ZÂQ phr., not of the common sort; «D¤Z¤Hª« extraordinary person. (2) Any, all: ¤Z¤H all people; ¤Z¨Æ all things; ¤Z¨Æ¤p¤ß be careful in all things. | ||||||||
Pron. & adv. | Any, all, anybody, anytime, everytime: ¤Z¦³ whenever there is; ¤Z¨£ everytime you meet or see, also all who see; ¤Zn all who wish, everytime you wish; | ||||||||
Pron. & adv. | ¤Z¦Ê all and sundry. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤Z¶¡ fan2jian1, n., the material life subject to the senses. 2. ¤Z¨Ò fan2li4, n., part of foreword setting out principles of editing, selection, etc.; 3. ¤Z¨Ò fan2li4, n., guiding formation of book. 4. ¤Z¥Ø fan2mu4, n., main idea and contents of book. 5. ¤Z¥@ fan2shi4, n., see fan2jian1¡ô. 6. ¤Z¤hªL fan2shi4lin2, n., (translit.) vaseline. |
¥Ï | Num. Index: 42.70 | £¦£¹£¯£¾ shuai3 . [Var. of ºL £¦£¹£¯ shuai1 , 10A.10] | |||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To cast away, abandon (friend, lover): §âªB¤Í¥Ï¤F abandon friend; ³Q¤kªB¤Í¥Ï¤F thrown overboard by a girl friend; ¥Ï¥~¦ç throw down overcoat. (2) To wag tail: ¥Ï§À¤Ú. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¥Ï¨® shuai3che1, v.i., to detach coaches from locomotive, free car being trailed by unhooking it. 2. ¥Ï¤j¾c shuai3da4xie2, v.i., to strut about, carry a haughty, overbearing manner. 3. ¥Ï¾v shuairfa3 (shuairfa0), n., (Chin. opera) long, hanging wig; 4. ¥Ï¾v shuairfa3 (shuairfa0), v.i., to swing such hair. 5. ¥ÏÁy¤l shuairlian3zi0, v.i., pull a long face, turn hostile look. 6. ¥Ï«¨¤l shuairlie1zi0, v.i., grumble. 7. ¥Ï½æ shuai3mai4, v.t., to dump, sell at cheap price. 8. ¥Ï¶¢¸Ü shuai3xian2hua4, v.i., to grumble. 9. ¥Ï¤â¡]¨à¡^ shuairshou3(er0), v.i., wash one's hands of the matter. 10. ¥Ï¤l shuairzi3, v.i., (of insects) lay eggs. |
¦g | Num. Index: 42.70 | £ª£¹£¿ su4 . [Related ¯À 11.01, ±J 62.41] | |||||||
Adj. | (1) Early: ¦g©] su4ye4¡õ; ¦g¿³©]´K (LL) get up early and go to bed late. (2) (Interch. ±J) old: ¦g¤³¡A¦g«è¡A¦g©õ¡A¦g½t su4qiu2, su4yUan4, su4xi2, su4yUan2¡õ. (3) (Interch. ±J) (Budd.) inborn, inherited: see ±J½t¡A±J^·~ 62.41. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¦g¤³ su4qiu2, n., old enemy. 2. ¦g¼z su4hui4, n., (Budd.) inborn intelligence. 3. ¦g¾r su4jia4, phr., (LL) come early (¡§early carriage¡¨). 4. ¦g©õ su4xi2, adv., of old, in olden times. 5. ¦g¯À su4su4, n., old, deep wish. 6. ¦g©] su4ye4, adv., morning and night: ¦g©]ê¾Ó (LL) never relax morning and night. 7. ¦g«è su4yUan4, n., old grudge (also wr. ±J). 8. ¦g½t su4yUan2, n., (Budd.) fate inherited from previous incarnations (also wr. ±J). |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42.70 | £w£¶ feng1 . [Abbr. of · 42.70] |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42.70 | £w£¶£¿ feng4 . [Abbr. of »ñ 42.70] |
°Ä | Num. Index: 42.70 | £~£¹£µ£½ huang2 . | |||||||
N. | See »ñ°Ä 42.70¡õ. |
»ñ | Num. Index: 42.70 | £w£¶£¿ feng4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A mythic bird, the phoenix: »ñ¬Ó (also °Ä) female (°Ä) and male, (»ñ), symbol of married couple; »ñ°Ä¤_¸ the pair fly together happily; a wedding compliment; »ñ°Ä¨Ó»ö phoenix appears at court, an auspicious omen; »ñ¨D°Ä the male chasing after the female; »ñ°Ä (fig.) the elite scholars; oft. coupled with Às : Às½»ñ»R dance in swirling motion; see also Æ} 93.50; »ñ«a bride's headdress; »ñ¤òÅ﨤 s.t. rare, unique (talent, etc.); »ñ»ï´Â¶§ phoenix singing in morning sun, unusually good omen for country. (2) A surname. | ||||||||
Words | 1. »ñ¼ feng4qiao2, n., (1) a ladies' hair ornament; 2. »ñ¼ feng4qiao2, n., (2) ladies' turn-up shoes. 3. »ñÂú feng4chu2, n., child prodigy, promising young man (oft. of friend's son). 4. »ñ½º feng4die2, n., common white butterfly, papilio xuthus. 5. »ñ¶@ feng4zhao4, n., imperial edict. 6. »ñÁ| feng4jU3, v.i., soar aloft, achieve heights (of fame); 7. »ñÁ| feng4jU3, v.i., (MC) be sent on mission abroad. 8. »ñ±ù feng4li2, n., pineapple. 9. »ñ¥Pªá feng4xian1hua1, n., balsam flower, balsaminaceae. 10. »ñ feng4xiao1, n., flute. 11. »ñ¤l feng4zi0, n., a variety of big butterfly. 12. »ñĦ feng4zao3, n., flowery passage in writing. 13. »ñ§À¿¼ feng4wei3jiao1 or »ñ§ÀªQ feng4wei3song1, n., (bot.) a graceful palm, cycas revoluta; 14. »ñ§À¿¼ feng4wei3jiao1 or »ñ§ÀªQ feng4wei3song1, n., »ñ§À¯ó feng4wei3cao3, ferns. |
àï | Num. Index: 42.70 | £v£¸£´£¾ min3 . | |||||||
Words | 1. àï«j mi2mian3, v.i., work hard, try hard. |
· | Num. Index: 42.70 | £w£¶ feng1 . | |||||||||||||
N. | (1) Wind, breeze, storm: ²M· (®}¨Ó), ²D· pleasant breeze; »ä·¡A¤j· typhoon; ±Û·¡A¦Ï¨¤· whirlwind, tornado; ©uÔ· monsoon; ¨g·¼É«B¡A·¼É¡A»ä·¡A·¨a storm; ·§j¯ó°Ê grass bends as wind blows -- influence, also state of restlessness, sensitive to slight upsets; ·ÁnÅb°æ wind whistles and wild geese cry -- state of fear and turmoil; ¾ð±ýÀR¦Ó·¤£¤î¡A¤l±ý¾i¦Ó¿Ë¤£«Ý (AC allu.) a son's regret at not being able to serve parents in their old age, shortened as ·¾ð or ·¤ì ; ·«eÀë candle before a draft, short time left for aged people, also ·Àë´Ý¦~. (2) A prolific term, associated with clouds, rain, moon, frost, water: ·¶³¡A·«B¡A·¤ë¡A·Á÷¡A·¤ô feng1yUn2, feng1yU3, feng1yUe4, feng1shuang1, feng1shui0¡õ; with waves, stream, tide: ·®ö¡A·¬y¡A·¼é feng1lang4, feng1liu2, feng1chao2¡õ; with light, landscape: ·¥ú¡A·´º ·ªá³·¤ë wind, flower, snow and moon--romantic themes. (3) Of utensils having to do with wind: ·®°¡A·´U feng1shan4, feng1mao42, etc. ¡õ. (4) Of customs, atmosphere: usu. ·®ð feng1chi4¡õ; ·«U¡A·¤g feng1su2, feng1tu3, etc. ¡õ; ¥Á· people's customs; ¤å· literary atmosphere; ªù·¡A®a· traditional atmosphere, culture of family; §¯·¡A¤N· immoral atmosphere; ¬n· eccentric or corrupt atmosphere; ¨k· sodomy; °ê· collection of folk songs in classical book of poetry. (5) Charm, tone, style: ·Ãý charm¡F ·½ì¡A·«×¡A·¨ý¡A·®æ¡A·P feng1qU4, feng1du4, feng1wei4, feng1ge2, feng1zhi4¡õ; character: °ª·«G¸` (in praise of a person's) high and upright character; »D·¦Ó°_ (AC) heard of the reputation and came; ·°©¡A·¸`¡A feng1gu3, feng1jie2¡õ; appearance, demeanor: ·«º¡A·»ö¡A·½d¡A·ªö feng1zi1, feng1yi2, feng1fan4, feng1cai3¡õ. (6) Various ailments: ¶Ë· common cold; ÀY·¯k headache, migraine: ·Àã¡A·µh feng1si41, feng1tong4¡õ. (7) A surname. V.i. | (1) Spread rumor: ·»D¡A·¶Ç feng1wen2, feng1chuan2¡õ; | var. of ¿Ø to criticize: ·¥Ü¡A·Ä³ show opinion, criticize by innuendo; ¥i· (¡×¥i¬°·½d) (LL) may be a model for others. (2) To move, spread out, like air: ·¦æ¤@®É be popular; ·µo¡A·N®ð·µo angers rise; ·¹£¹q»s come like a storm, flash like lightning; ·°_¶³´é erupt like a storm. Adj. | (1) Handsome, romantic, talented, elegant: ·¶® feng1ya3¡õ. | (2) (MC) u.f. ºÆ¡G¥L·¤F he has gone crazy. (3) In heat, see ·°¨¤û feng1ma3niu2¡õ. Words | 1. ·¼É feng1bao4, n., storm. | 2. ··ô feng1bi4, n., paralysis. 3. ·§B feng1bo2, n., god of wind. 4. ·¼é feng1chao2, n., crisis, school or labor strike: ¾x·¼é create a crisis. 5. ·¨® feng1che1, n., windmill; 6. ·¨® feng1che1, n., propeller-like toy. 7. ·¹Ð feng1chen2, n., hardships of journey, dust of journey: ·¹Ð¹²¹² hard journey; 8. ·¹Ð feng1chen2, n., secular world of trials and temptations: ¼Z¸¨·¹Ð (of woman) become prostitute; 9. ·¹Ð feng1chen2, n., ·¹Ð¤k¤l such professional women. 10. ·®ð feng1chi4, n., current customs, fashion: ¤£¨}·®ð badmoral atmosphere; 11. ·®ð feng1chi4, n., style of character: »¨ÁÚ·®ð a heroic air or style. 12. ·µ^ feng1qin2, n., reed or pipe organ. 13. ·±¡ feng1qing2, n., romantic feeling (of friendship, love): ¤@¬q·±¡ a romantic episode; 14. ·±¡ feng1qing2, n., ·±¡¸UºØ exceedingly fascinating and charming (woman). 15. ·¶Ç feng1chuan2, v.i., it is rumored. 16. ·°é feng1qUan1, n., halo around moon on windy night. 17. ·½ì feng1qU4, n., charm of personality: ¦¹¤H¬Æ¦³·½ì this man has an exceedingly charming personality. 18. ·¿O feng1deng1, n., storm lantern. 19. ·½Õ feng1diao4, n., tone or style (of personality, writing). 20. ·«× feng1du4, n., suavity of style. 21. ·¬} feng1dong4, n., wind tunnel. 22. ·½d feng1fan4, n., ideal or ideal personality. 23. ·¦| feng1fan2, n., sail of boat. 24. ··§ feng1gai4, n., inspiring personality. 25. ·°® feng1gan1, adj., sun-dried or dried by hanging (duck, sausage, etc.). 26. ·®æ feng1ge2, n., style of person, writing; 27. ·®æ feng1ge2, n., mode of a generation. 28. ·¥ú feng1guang1, n., landscape; 29. ·¥ú feng1guang1, n., special atmosphere; 30. ·¥ú feng1guang1, n., beautiful impression. 31. ·°© feng1gu3, n., (exotic, strong) character; 32. ·°© feng1gu3, n., personality. 33. ·´H feng1han2, n., cold: ¨ü¤F or ·P«_·´H catch cold. 34. ·ªáµæ feng1hua1cai4, n., (bot.) nasturtium. 35. ·¤Æ feng1hua4, n., (1) moral atmosphere: ¦³¶Ë·¤Æ corrupting atmosphere; 36. ·¤Æ feng1hua4, n., hence ·¤Æ°Ï district of loose women; 37. ·¤Æ feng1hua4, n., (2) (geol.) weathering of rocks; 38. ·¤Æ feng1hua4, n., (3) (chem.) efflorescence. 39. ·Ãh feng1huai2, (1) n., poetic or romantic sentiment; 40. ·Ãh feng1huai2, (2) v.t., worship (the anc. great). 41. ·µØ feng1hua2, n., beauty, elegance; 42. ·µØ feng1hua2, n., µ´¥N·µØ unsurpassed beauty (woman) of a generation. 43. ·¯l feng1zhen3, n., a kind of measles; 44. ·¯l feng1zhen3, n., German measles (urticaria). 45. ·ºå feng1zheng1, n., kite. 46. ·Å² feng1jian4, n., (1) (LL) knowledge of human character; 47. ·Å² feng1jian4, n., (2) physiognomist: ·Å²®a. 48. ·±Ð feng1jiao4, n., moral culture, moral customs. 49. ·¸` feng1jie2, n., integrity of character. 50. ·¬ö feng1ji4, n., moral standards: ·¬ö¿ºµM moral standards have disappeared. 51. ·Ãè feng1jing4, n., glasses worn as protection against sandstorm. 52. ·´º feng1jing3, n., scenery; 53. ·´º feng1jing3, n., ·´º°Ï scenic spots. 54. ·P feng1zhi4, n., charm (of painting, person). 55. ·¤f feng1kou3, n., draft: ¯¸¦b·¤f stand in a draft. 56. ·¨à feng1er0, n., breath of rumor: ¦³ÂI·¨à there is a kind of rumor. 57. ·®ö feng1lang4, n., storm during voyage; 58. ·®ö feng1lang4, n., crisis: ¸g¹L¦h¤Ö·®ö went through many crises; 59. ·®ö feng1lang4, n., ¿³·§@®ö create nuisance, stir up trouble; 60. ·®ö feng1lang4, n., ·¥®öÀR the storm abates, all is calm. 61. ·Äõ feng1lan2, n., a kind of orchid, angraecum falcatum. 62. ·²D feng1liang2, adj., cool: ·²D¦a¤è a cool corner; 63. ·²D feng1liang2, adj., »¡·²D¸Ü make cool, sly criticism. 64. ·¬y feng1liu2, adj., (1) romantic: ·¬y¤Hª« a romantic person; 65. ·¬y feng1liu2, adj., (2) distinguished, handsome, lovable: ·¬y¥i·R¡A·¬yÄÂÇ¡AÐ×Ål ditto; 66. ·¬y feng1liu2, adj., (AC) ¡×¬y·¾lÃý surviving influence of poets, high characters. 67. ·°¨¤û feng1ma3niu2, adj., when a horse and a cow are in heat, they have nothing to do with each other (¤£¬Û¤Î)--gen. term for ¡§totally unconnected¡¨ affair. 68. ·»ª feng1mao41, n., handsome appearance. 69. ·´U feng1mao42, n., a cowl, storm cap, covering jowl and neck. 70. ·Ãû feng1mi3, v.i., be popular, fashionable: ·Ãû¤@®É (LL) be popular for a time. 71. ·Å] feng1mo2, n., as in ¤¤·Å] become crazy; 72. ·Å] feng1mo2, n., (v.t.) ·Å]¤F¥L made him head over heels in love. 73. ·¤ì feng1mu4, phr., see N.1¡ô. 74. ·³¾ feng1niao3, n., bird of paradise. 75. ·ªi feng1po1, n., upsets, trials during progress, crisis: ´ç¤F³o¤@³õ·ªi pass over this crisis; 76. ·ªi feng1po1, n., ¥¦a°_·ªi a crisis out of nowhere. 77. ·¤H feng1ren2, n., poet. 78. ·ÄÌ feng1sao1, adj., (1) (of woman) men-crazy, amorous; 79. ·ÄÌ feng1sao1, adj., (2) poetically sentimental. 80. ·¦â feng1se4, n., force of wind; 81. ·¦â feng1se4, n., changing weather; 82. ·¦â feng1se4, n., changing countenance: ¬Ý·¦â watch a person's countenance or moods. 83. ·Ú¯ feng1sha1, n., see feng1zhen3¡ô. 84. ·®° feng1shan4, n., rotating fan; 85. ·®° feng1shan4, n., electric fan. 86. ·©| feng1shang4, n., fashion of the times. 87. ·Án feng1sheng1, n., rumor, news: ·Án¤£¹ï bad news. 88. ·¯« feng1shen2, n., handsome looks or expression. 89. ·¦V feng1xiang4, n., direction: ¥¢¤F·¦V lost bearings. 90. ·½c feng1xiang1, n., bellows. 91. ·íw feng1xian2, n., epilepsy. 92. ·¨¸ feng1xie2, n., ailment said due to cold or exposure. 93. ·«H feng1xin4, n., seasonal wind; 94. ·«H feng1xin4, ·«H¤l feng1xin4zi3, n., (bot.) hyacinth; 95. ·«H feng1xin4, n., ·«H¤l¥Û (geol.) hyacinth, a semi-precious stone. 96. ·¦æ feng1xing2, v.i., be fashionable, popular: ·¦æ¥þ¥@¬É popular all over the world; 97. ·¦æ feng1xing2, v.i., ·¦æ¯ó°³ phr., where the wind passes, the grass bends--influence of gentlemen. 98. ·Á÷ feng1shuang1, n., wind and frost; 99. ·Á÷ feng1shuang1, n., climatic hardships: ¨üºÉ·Á÷¤§W endure all the hardships of exposure; 100. ·Á÷ feng1shuang1, n., severity of countenance. 101. ·¤ô feng1shui0, n., Chin. science of geomancy or the influence of landscape (hills, river, layout of land) on people and their fortunes, esp. concerning gravesites, orig. esthetic: ³o¦a·¤ô¦n the feng1shui3 is good or propitious; 102. ·¤ô feng1shui0, n., ·¤ô¥ý¥Í geomancer; 103. ·¤ô feng1shui0, n., ¬Ý·¤ô examine site of building, grave from geomantic point of view. 104. ·¾ð feng1shu4, n., an allu., see N.1¡ô. 105. ·Àã feng1si41, n., arthritis, rheumatism. 106. ·®v feng1si42, n., see feng1bo2 ¡ô. 107. ·«U feng1su2, n., social customs (good or bad). 108. ·ÀY feng1tou2, n., person's prestige, pomp: ·ÀY¤Q¨¬ very pompous; 109. ·ÀY feng1tou2, n., ¥X·ÀY in the limelight, given to publicity; 110. ·ÀY feng1tou2, n., to show off. 111. ·ªö feng1cai3, n., (court.) your elegant appearance; 112. ·ªö feng1cai3, n., person's attractive looks. 113. ·±q feng1cong2, v.i., (LL) follow the lead: ¥|®ü·±q the world follows. 114. ·µh feng1tong4, n., arthritic pain. 115. ·¤g feng1tu3, n., locality: ·¤g¤H±¡ local customs, practices. 116. ·¨a feng1zai1, n., disaster of storm. 117. ·«º feng1zi1, n., looks: ·«ººï¬ù (of lady) charming appearance and personality. 118. ·¨ý feng1wei4, n., flavor (of prose, personality, regional cooking). 119. ·»D feng1wen2, v.i. & t., hear by rumor or current talks, get wind of. 120. ·ª« feng1wu4, n., local customs and products. 121. ·¶® feng1ya3, adj. & n., elegant, -ce, cultured, sometimes affected: ªþ±e·¶® do the culture bit, join the art or literary cult; 122. ·¶® feng1ya3, adj. & n., ·¬y¾§¶® cultured. 123. ·ÁÁ feng1yao2, n., ¡×¥Á·ºqÁÁ folk rhymes, folk songs, oft. a criticism of current affairs. 124. ·¸q feng1yi4, high conduct, high principles; 125. ·¸q feng1yi4, deep respect among friends: ·¸q¤H±¡ deep respect and friendship. 126. ·»ö feng1yi2, n., (court.) your noble appearance. 127. ·¤ë feng1yUe4, n., wind and moon, romance, romantic (talk, affairs). 128. ·Ãý feng1yUn4, n., charm and tone of person's style, appearance, character or poetry: ®}®Q¥b¦Ñ¡A·ÃýµS¦s the woman in her thirty-forties still retains a great deal of charm. 129. ·¶³ feng1yUn2, n., winds and clouds; 130. ·¶³ feng1yUn2, n., high position; 131. ·¶³ feng1yUn2, n., austere heights: ·¶³»Ú·| riding the crest of fortune; 132. ·¶³ feng1yUn2, n., ¥w¡¼·¶³ (of great spirit) can command the sea and waves; 133. ·¶³ feng1yUn2, n., ·¶³¤£´ú sudden change of fortune; 134. ·¶³ feng1yUn2, n., disaster; 135. ·¶³ feng1yUn2, n., ·¶³¤Hª« men in the news, headlines. 136. ·«B feng1yU3, n., stormy weather: ··«B«B disturbances, rumor. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42.70 | £t£¸£± biao1 . [Var. öt] | |||||||
N. | Storm, hurricane. |
äÌ | Num. Index: 42.70 | £¤£³£¾ zhan3 . | |||||||
Adj. | (AC) äÌäÌ floating in wind. |
ÄB | Num. Index: 42.70 | £ª£² sou1 . | |||||||
V.t. | (Of wind) blow: ³Q·ÄB°®¤F has been dried in the wind. | ||||||||
Adj. | Descriptive of sousing sound: ÄBÄB. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42.70 | £u£¸£± piao1 . [Var. of ÄÆ 31S.70] |
Áü | Num. Index: 42.70 | £¡£º£¿ jU4 . | |||||||
N. | Áü· a hurricane. |
ÃG | Num. Index: 42.70 | £¸£µ£½ yang2 . | |||||||
V.i. | To float, to flutter, to soar aloft, see ´ 10A.50. |
¾h | Num. Index: 42.70 | £|£¹£« gua1 . | |||||||
V.i. | (Of wind) to blow: ¾h· a storm is blowing; ¤µ¤Ñ¾h· it is windy today. |
»ä | Num. Index: 42.70 | £y£¯£½ tai2 . | |||||||
N. | Typhoon: »ä·¡A·»ä. |
É_ | Num. Index: 42.82 | £¦£¹ shu1 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) a long pole, an anc. weapon. |
~ | Num. Index: 42.83 | £¡£º£¶£¾ jiong3 . [Pop. ¡¼] | |||||||
Adj. & adv. | Far, vast(ly): ~~ jiong3jiong3¡õ; ~»· jiong3yUan3¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ~§O jiong3bie2, adj., entirely different. 2. ~~ jyurngjiong3, adj., faraway, distant. 3. ~ªÅ jiong3kong1, n., the sky as a boundless open space. 4. ~µM jiong3ran2, adv., utterly, entirely: ~µM¤£¦P definitely different. 5. ~®í jiong3shu1, adj. see jiong3bie2¡ô. 6. ~²§ jiong3yi4, adj., ditto. 7. ~»· jyurngyUan3, adj., far, faraway. |
¶g | Num. Index: 42.83 | £¤£² zhou1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A week: ¶g¥½ zhou1mo4¡õ; ¶g¥Z¡A¶g³ø zhou1kan1, zhou1bao4¡õ. (2) One year: ¶g·³ one full year, first anniversary; ¶g¦~ zhou1nian2¡õ. (3) One round: ¶³õ¤@¶g walk one round; Àô¹C¥@¬É¤@¶g make a trip round the world. | ||||||||
Adv. | All around: ¶gª¾ it is known to all; ¶g¦Ó´_©l round and round. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¶g¥b¨à zhou1ba4er0, n., a child is full eighteen months. 2. ¶g³ø zhou1bao4, n., a weekly. 3. ¶g´Á zhou1chi2, n., a period, time for one full circle of movement; 4. ¶g´Á zhou1chi2, n., ¶g´Á©Ê periodic, cyclical; 5. ¶g´Á zhou1chi2, n., ¶g´Áªí periodic table (chem.); 6. ¶g´Á zhou1chi2, n., ¶g´Á«ß periodic law. 7. ¶gÂà zhou1zhuan1, n. & v.i., turnover (finance). 8. ¶g¥Z zhou1kan1, n., a weekly. 9. ¶g²v zhou1lU4, n., (phys.) frequency. 10. ¶g¥½ zhou1mo4, n., weekend. 11. ¶g¦~ zhou1nian2, n., anniversary. |
¹L | Num. Index: 42.83 | £|£¹£¬£¿ guo4 (* £|£¹£¬ guo1 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) Error, mistake, fault, anything wrong: ¹L¿ù¡A¹L¥¢ guo4cuo4 guo4si0¡õ; ª¾¹L¥²§ï if a mistake is found, then correct it; »D¹L«h³ß thankful for being told of one's errors; °O¹L give s.o. a demerit for misconduct; ¤j¹L a serious offense; ¹L³B guo4chu4¡õ; (2) (*guo1) A surname. (3) Number of times: ¦h¤Ö¹L¨à how many times? | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) Pass over or through, go across: ¹L¤£¥h cannot pass through, also feel embarrassed: ¥L¦Ñ©M§Ú¹L¤£¥h he is ever trying to pick on me; ¹L¸ô¨àªº a pedestrian; ¹Lªe§é¾ô burn the bridge after crossing it; ¹L¤é¤l to while away time, eke out a living; ®É¹L¹Ò¾E times have passed and circumstances have changed; ¹L¤£¨Ó cannot come over, be unaccustomed to; Ãø¹L feel uneasy, vexed or embarrassed. (2) Surpass, exceed, be in excess of: ¹L¥b(¼Æ) more than one half, a majority; ºë¤O¹L¤H strength surpasses others; ¹L¶q¡A¹L¤À¡A¹L·í¡A¹L«× guo4liang4, guo4fen4, guo4dang4, guo4du41¡õ; ¹LµS¤£¤Î too much is as bad as too little. (3) Indulge oneself in: see ¹L¹L guo4guo0¡õ; ¹L¹L·¨à enjoy a little breeze; ¹LÅ} guo4yin3¡õ. (4) To strain, sift, cause to go through: ¹LÆY¡A¹L¯¯ gou4luo2, gou4cheng4¡õ. ¹L¤ô dunk hot noodles in cool water before serving them; ¹Lªo skim off the fat. (5) To present as gift: ¹L¶ù¡¼ send dowries to the bridegroom's family before wedding; ¹L§ gou4li3¡õ; ¹L¿ú make money payment. (6) Celebrate; ¹L¦~¡A¹L¸` gou4nian2, gou4jie2¡õ; ¹L¥Í¤é¡A¹L¹Ø hold a birthday party. (7) Be chummy with: ¹L¤£¡¼ (of relations between friends) be incompatible with; ¹L±o¦h be on most intimate terms with; ¹L°] be generous in lending money between friends; ¹L¹x¯º play jokes at one another's expense without taking offense. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Past: ¹L¥h gou4qU4¡õ. (2) Later on: ¹L´X¤Ñ¡A¹L¨â¤Ñ (¨à) in a few, a couple of days; ¹L«á gou4hou4¡õ; ¹L¤@·| in a moment or a few minutes. | ||||||||
Adv. | Too much, to an excessive extent or degree: ¹L³Ñ¡A¹L¿E¡A¹L¦h gou4sheng4, gou4ji1, gou4duo1¡õ; ¹L¦£ too busy; ¾Þ¤§¹L«æ to act precipitately or impulsively. | ||||||||
Vb.suffix. | Used to express a completed action (pr. 'guo1): Ū¹L have read about it; Å¥»¡¹L have heard of it; ¬Ý¨£¹L have seen it; ¦Y¹L¤F have had one's meal; ¥´¹L©Û©I have said hello to s.o.; »¼¹L·t¸¹ have given s.o. a secret signal. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¹LªO¡]¨à¡^ guo4ban3 (guo1ba3er0), n., (mus.) interval between singing when string accompaniment plays alone (also ¹Lªù¨à¡õ). 2. ¹L¹¡©M guo4bao3he2, n., (chem.) supersaturation. 3. ¹L½S guo4bang4, v.t., to weigh (luggage, etc.) (also pr. guo4beng4). 4. ¹L¯Z guo4ban1, v.t., formerly, get an official promotion. 5. ¹L¯¯ guo4cheng4, v.t., to weigh. 6. ¹LºÙ guo4cheng1, n., discrepancy between praise and real worth. 7. ¹Lµ{ guo4cheng2, n., a process. 8. ¹LÁ¾ guo4qian1, adj., overmodest. 9. ¹L¾ôÄÑ guo4qiao2mian4, n., (Yunnanese cuisine) a special form of preparing noodles. 10. ¹L´Á guo4chi2, adj., overdue, after the expiration of a set time limit. 11. ¹L³B guo4chu4, n., misdeed, error. 12. ¹L¥h guo4qU4, (1) adj., past; 13. ¹L¥h guo4qU4, (2) v.i., pass through; 14. ¹L¥h guo4qU4, be gone; 15. ¹L¥h guo4qU4, go over; 16. ¹L¥h guo4qU4, die. 17. ¹L·í guo4dang4, adj., excessive (praise, punishment): ¥¢¤§¹L·í (praise, judgement) excessive, unfair. 18. ¹L¹D¨à guo4dao4er0, n., (Peking sp. pr. guo4dao3er0) a passageway, corridor. 19. ¹L±o¥h guo4de2qU4, adj., (1) (of road, etc.) passable; 20. ¹L±o¥h guo4de2qU4, adj., (2) (things, performance) fairly good; 21. ¹L±o¥h guo4de2qU4, adj., (3) µ¹¥L¹L±o¥h do not embarrass him; 22. ¹L±o¥h guo4de2qU4, adj., (4) ¤ß¡¼¹L±o¥h feel at ease (not guilty). 23. ¹L¹q guo4dian4, v.t., to conduct or transmit electricity; 24. ¹L¹q guo4dian4, v.t., short-circuit. 25. ¹L«× guo4du41, (1) adv., excessively: °s¦â¹L«× too much wine and women; 26. ¹L«× guo4du41, adv., ¹L«×®ö¶O too extravagant; 27. ¹L«× guo4du41, (2) v.i., to while away time, eke out a living. 28. ¹L´ç guo4du42, n. & adj., (1) transition(al): ¹L´çª¬ºA¡A¹L´ç®É¥N¡A¹L´ç±¹¬I transitional condition, period, measure; 29. ¹L´ç guo4du42, n. & adj., (2) a ford, ferry. 30. ¹L¥V guo4dong1, phr., pass the winter. 31. ¹L¦h guo4duo1, adj., too much, too many, excessive. 32. ¹L³X guo4fang3, v.t., to visit (s.o.): ¬Q©Ó¹L³X thank you for your visit yesterday. 33. ¹L¶º guo4fan4, v.i., have meat and vegetables to go with rice. 34. ¹L©Ð guo4fang2, v.t., adopt a brother's son as one's heir. 35. ¹L¤À guo4fen4, adj. & adv., excessive, -ly: §A°µ±o¤Ó¹L¤À¤F (of action) you have gone too far; 36. ¹L¤À guo4fen4, adj. & adv., ³o¤H¹L¤À½k¶î the man is far too muddle-headed. 37. ¹L·¨à guo4feng1er0, adj., with good ventilation. 38. ¹L¥I guo4fu4, v.t., pay through an intermediary in a business deal. 39. ¹LºÖ *guo1fu2, v.i., (of well-to-do persons) be dissatisfied with what one has in terms of creature comforts. 40. ¹LÃö guo4guan1, v.i., go through a mountain pass or (fig.) a critical period. 41. ¹L¹L guo4guo0, v.t., satisfy (one's desires, etc.): ¹L¹L·ÏÅ} enjoy a smoke. 42. ¹L«á¡]¨à¡^ guo4hou4 (er0), adv., later on, some time later: ¹L«á¤èª¾ learned only after the event. 43. ¹L¸Ü guo4hua4, v.t., (1) to talk with; 44. ¹L¸Ü guo4hua4, v.t., (2) transmit a verbal message through an intermediary. 45. ¹L¤á guo4hu4, v.t., (law) to transfer the ownership of (s. t.) to another person. 46. ¹L¤õ¡]¨à¡^ guo4huo3 (er0), adj., intemperate. 47. ¹L¬¡ guo4huo2, v.i., make a living. 48. ¹L»¬ guo4zhang4, v.t., (banking) to transfer accounts. 49. ¹L¿E guo4ji1, adj., too much excited, emotional, precipitate or radical (opinion or action). 50. ¹L¼ú guo4jiang3, v.t., (court.) as in ©Ó»X¹L¼ú thank you for the undeserved compliments. 51. ¹Lµó¼Ó¡]¨à¡^ guo4jie1lou2 (er0), n., an overhead pass across the street. 52. ¹L¸` guo4jie2, n., (1) a festival; 53. ¹L¸` guo4jie2, n., (2) festivities: ¹L¸`¨à celebrate festivities; 54. ¹L¸` guo4jie2, n., after the festivities; 55. ¹L¸` guo4jie2, n., (3) grudge: ¥L̦³¹L¸`¨à they bear grudges against each other; 56. ¹L¸` guo4jie2, n., (4) ¤p¹L¸`¨à trivialities, trifles. 57. ¹LÄ~ guo4ji4, v.t., adopt a brother's or close relative's son as one's heir. 58. ¹L¹Ò guo4jing4, (1) adj., in transit: ¹L¹Ò®È«È a transient passenger; 59. ¹L¹Ò guo4jing4, (2) v.i., to pass in transit. 60. ¹L´º guo4jing3, adj., unseasonable, past the season. 61. ¹L« guo4zhong4, adj., overweight. 62. ¹L«È guo4ke4, n., a traveller, passenger, in transit. 63. ¹L¨Ó guo4lai, v.i., come over: ½Ð¹L¨Ó½Í¤@½Í come over and have a chat; 64. ¹L¨Ó guo4lai, v.i. ¹L¨Ó¤H an experienced hand. 65. ¹L¶q guo4liang4, adv., exceed one's capacity, said esp. of wine. 66. ¹L§ guo4li3, v.t., to present gifts to the bride's family before marriage. 67. ¹LÆY guo4luo2, v.t., cause (s.t.) to pass through a sieve. 68. ¹L¼{ guo4lU41, (1) n., needless worries; 69. ¹L¼{ guo4lU41, (2) v.i., to worry needlessly. 70. ¹LÂo guo4lU42, v.t., filter; 71. ¹LÂo guo4lU42, v.t., ¹LÂo©Ê¯f¬r virus infection. 72. ¹Lªù guo4men2, v.i., (of woman) get married (lit. ¡§to go across the threshold¡¨); 73. ¹Lªù guo4men2, v.i., ¹Lªù¨à see guo4men2ban3¡ô. 74. ¹L±Ó guo4min3, adj., allergic; 75. ¹L±Ó guo4min3, adj., ¹L±Ó¤ÏÀ³ allergy; 76. ¹L±Ó guo4min3, adj., ¥ú½u¹L±Ó¯g photosensitivity (of skin). 77. ¹L¥Ø guo4mu4, v.t., read over: ½Ð§A¹L¥Ø please read it over; 78. ¹L¥Ø guo4mu4, v.t., ¹L¥Ø¤£§Ñ gifted with an extraordinarily retentive memory. 79. ¹L¦~ guo4nian2, (1) v.i. & n., (hold) a party on New Year's Eve, celebrations on New Year's Day; 80. ¹L¦~ guo4nian2, (2) adv., the next year, also (guo4nian2er0). 81. ¹L±Æ guo4pai2, v.t., (dramatics) rehearse. 82. ¹L¤sÀs guo4shan1long2, n., (sl.) a siphon. 83. ¹L¤s¯¥ guo4shan1pao4, n., a light artillery piece. 84. ¹L¬Æ guo4shen4, adv., excessively, too much. 85. ¹L³Ñ guo4sheng4, n. & v.i., (have) a surplus. 86. ¹L¤â guo4shou3, v.i., pass through s.o.'s hands; 87. ¹L¤â guo4shou3, v.i., change ownership. 88. ¹L¼Æ¡]¨à¡^ guo4shu4 (er0), v.t., to count. 89. ¹L¥¢ guo4si0, n., a mistake, an error, a fault. 90. ¹L¥@ guo4shi4, v.i., (1) die, pass away; 91. ¹L¥@ guo4shi4, v.i., (2) rise superior to all others. 92. ¹L®É guo4shi2, adj., (1) late, past a set time limit: ¹L®É¤£Ô we'll not wait for you if you come late; 93. ¹L®É guo4shi2, adj., (2) (style) out-of-date. 94. ¹L°ó guo4tang2, v.i., appear before a law court; 95. ¹L°ó guo4tang2, v.i., ¹L°ó·¨à wind gusts coming through a narrow passageway. 96. ¹L¤Ñ guo4tian0, adv., a few days later. 97. ¹LÀY¡]¨à¡^ guo4tou2 (er0), adj. & adv., (1) beyond a given point: §A¶]¹LÀY¨à¤F you've overshot youself; 98. ¹LÀY¡]¨à¡^ guo4tou2 (er0), adj. & adv., (2) excessive(ly): ¥L§j±o¹LÀY¨à¤F he has bragged too much. 99. ¹L¿ù guo4cuo4, n., a wrong doing, fault, mistake, error. 100. ¹L±q guo4cong2, v.i., have friendly intercourse with s.o.: ¹L±q¬Æ±K be on very intimate terms with one another. 101. ¹L©¹ guo4wang3, v.i., (1) come and go; 102. ¹L©¹ guo4wang3, v.i., (2) see guo4cong2, ¡ô. 103. ¹L±æ guo4wang4, adj. & adv., beyong one's expectations: ¤j³ß¹L±æ delighted with unexpectedly good results. 104. ¹L°Ý guo4wen4, v.t., have a hand in, interfere with: ·§¤£¹L°Ý won't have anything to do with it. 105. ¹L¤Ãö¡]¨à¡^ guo4wu3gua1(er0), n., a kind of Chin. solitaire. 106. ¹L²´ guo4yan3, adj., (1) (of anything wr.) that is read over; 107. ¹L²´ guo4yan3, adj., (2) passing: ¹L²´·Ï¶³ (lit.) like floating smoke and passing clouds, (fig.) fleeting, ephemeral, transient; 108. ¹L²´ guo4yan3, adj., (3) pleasant to the sight: ¹L¤£±o²´ unsightly. 109. ¹L©] guo4ye4, v.i., to stay overnight. 110. ¹L·N guo4yi4, adj., (1) feeling offended: ¤£©È§A¹L·N I do not care if you are over-sensitive; 111. ¹L·N guo4yi4, adj., (2) comfortable, at ease: ¹L·N¤£¥h feel sorry; 112. ¹L·N guo4yi4, adj., ¤£¹L·N ill at ease. 113. ¹LÅ} guo4yin3, v.t., satisfy one's craving for (gambling, wine, tobacco, etc.). 114. ¹L©ó guo4yU41, adv., too much: ¹L©ó¤p¤ß too careful; 115. ¹L©ó guo4yU41, adv., ¹L©óÄY»Å too strict and ruthless. 116. ¹LÅA guo4yU42, v.t., over praise. |
èQ | Num. Index: 42.83 | £x£¹£´£¿ dun4 . | |||||||
V.i. | (1) To flee, escape, hide away, (var. of ¹P see 90.83). (2) (AC) deceive. |
ãó | Num. Index: 42.93 | £w£°£½ fei2 . | |||||||
N. | ãóÂÎ fei2chong2 bedbug. |
¨y | Num. Index: 42A.00-1 | £¤£²£¾ zhou3 . | |||||||
N. | (zhou3zi0, er0) The elbow: ´w¨y have no elbowroom, i.e., be controlled by others; ®»Ą̃£¨y describing a jacket which is too small, pulled from the front, it shows at the elbow--hard up for cash; ¨yµÅ elbow and armpit; ¨yµÅ¤§±w trouble coming from those closest. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¨y¤l zhou3zi0, n., (1) shoulder of pork; 2. ¨y¤l zhou3zi0, n., (2) the elbow. |
»K | Num. Index: 42A.00-1 | £t£¬£½ bo2 . | |||||||
N. | Arm: Áu»K upper arm; Ëv»K the arm, 42A.70; ¨ª»K barechested and barebacked; completely naked; Âà»K change shoulders when carrying a load. | ||||||||
V.i. | (AC) dismember criminal's corpse. | ||||||||
Words | 1. »K»K bo2bo2, n., (AC) sound of crowing cocks. 2. »K· bo2feng1, n., var., of ·i· 10A.00 3. »K¥Ò bo2jia4, n., shoulder blade. |
²ä | Num. Index: 42A.00-1 | £t£¬£½ bo2 . | |||||||
N. | (bo2zi0, ' er0) Neck: ¥´²ä¨à©ä to twist the neck; ©Ù²ä¤l to commit suicide by slashing one's neck. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ²äÀV¤l bo2jing4zi0, n., (also bo2jing4er0) the neck. 2. ²ä»â¨à bo2ling3er0, n., collar. |
ç@ | Num. Index: 42A.00-1 | £¤£¹£³ zhuan1 . | |||||||
N. | Crop or maw of a bird. |
¦G | Num. Index: 42A.00-2 | £º£®£¿ yUe4 . | |||||||
V.t. & n. | Cutting off the feet as an ancient punishment. |
µÆ | Num. Index: 42A.00-6 | £w£¹£¾ fu3 . | |||||||
N. | The chest; internal organs usu. in combb.: ¯ÝµÆ the breast: ªÍµÆ¤§¨¥ talk from the heart; ŦµÆ gen. term for internal organs, comprising the stomach, liver, intestines, spleen and bladder. |
×K | Num. Index: 42A.00-9 | £u£± pao1 . | |||||||
N. | §¿×K (niao4pao1)urine bladder. |
Ðb | Num. Index: 42A.00-9 | £w£¹ fu1 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) var. of ½§ skin. |
㥠| Num. Index: 42A.01-1 | £ª£¹£¿ su4 . [Var. of ¶è 40A.01] |
ê× | Num. Index: 42A.01-1 | £y£¶£½ teng2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (AC) cord binding: ¦æê× leggings. | ||||||||
V.t. | (AC) to bind as with cord. |
íë | Num. Index: 42A.01-4 | sauh (*£ª£± sao1 ). | |||||||
N. | (MC) (sauhzi0) minced meat. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Ashamed: ®`íë feel ashamed; ¤£®`íë how shameless; í뤣·f¡Aíë¬Ü·f²´ªº looking ashamed; íë±oº¡Áy³q¬õ blush to the ears. (2) (*sao1) Having body odor: íë®ð sao1chi4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. íë®ð *sao1chi4, adj., having body odor. 2. íë®Ú *sao1gen1, n., (MC sl.) male genitals. 3. íë¥Ö sauhpi2, adj., ashamed, ¡§lose face.¡¨ |
½¥ | Num. Index: 42A.02-1 | £££¸ xi1 . | |||||||
N. | The knee: Âù½¥¸÷¤U kneel down (¡§on both knees¡¨); ©}½¥¦Ó½Í bend one's leg, have a talk together ¡§on bent legs,¡¨ i.e., freely and informally; ½¥¦æ¡A½¥¨B to move forward on one's knees, i.e., in kneeling position. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ½¥»\ xi1gai4, n., kneecap. 2. ½¥¤U xi1xia4, n., (1) address in letter beginning to one's parents; 3. ½¥¤U xi1xia4, n., (2) children conceived as surrounding parents' knees: ½¥¤U¨à¤k. |
¼ð | Num. Index: 42A.02-1 | £y£¶£½ teng2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A surname. (2) (AC) name of a country. |
Âa | Num. Index: 42A.02-2 | £v£¶£½ meng2 . [Cf. ïÚ¡Aé¡AÃj all cogn. words] | |||||||
Words | 1. ÂaÄg meng2long2, adj., hazy, drowsy: ¾K²´ÂaÄg eyes drowsy from drink; 2. ÂaÄg meng2long2, adj., hazy (moonlight). |
Áw | Num. Index: 42A.02-2 | £z£¹£¶£½ nong2 (re. pr. £z£¶£½ neng2 ). | |||||||
N. | Pus. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Áw¥] neng2bao1, n., (derog.) a worthless scoundrel. 2. Áw½H neng2chuang1, n., an abscess. 3. Áw¸~ nong2zhong3, n., abscess. 4. Áw¤ô neng2shui3, n., pus. 5. Áw¦å neng2xUe4 (neng2xie3), n., bloody pus. |
³b | Num. Index: 42A.02-3 | £y£¹£´£½ tun2 . | |||||||
N. | A suckling pig: ³b¨à¡A³b¤ü (court.) formerly, reference to one's own children; ³b³½ (lit.) ¡§suckling pigs and fish,¡¨ (AC) «H¤Î³b³½ one's sincerity can move even the lowest creatures. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ³b¹« tun2shu3, n., (zoo.) the guinea pig, cavia cobaya. |
µÈ | Num. Index: 42A.02-5 | £¤£µ£¿ zhang4 . | |||||||
V.i. | (1) To swell up (balloon, stomach): ¼ê¡]¿±¡^µÈ ditto; µÈ¯}¤F burst open (from swelling); ¸¡µÈ the stomach is swollen. (2) To swell up from inflammation: ¸~µÈ ditto; ¤ôµÈ dropsy; µÈ®ð flatulence, gas in the belly. | ||||||||
Words | 1. µÈ²v zhang4lU4, n., (phys.) degree of expansion caused by heat. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42A.02-6 | £v£¬£¿ mo4 . [Pop. of ¯ß 42A.02¡õ] |
¯ß | Num. Index: 42A.02-9 | £v£¬£¿ mo4 (also £v£¯£¿ mai4 ). [Pop. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | (1) Pulse, pulse beat: °Ê¯ß artery; ÀR¯ß vein; ¦å¯ß blood, blood circulation; blood kinship. (2) Vein, vein pattern: ¤s¯ß mountain range; ¦a¯ß geological pattern; Äq¯ß veins of minerals; ¸¯ß veins on leaves; ¯ßµ¸ mo4luo4¡õ; ¤@¯ß¬Û¶Ç master-disciple tutorship in certain arts or crafts. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¯ß·i mo4bo2, n., pulse beat. 2. ¯ß¿ú mo4qian2, n., doctor's fee for visit. 3. ¯ß¯ÍÃþ mo4chi4lei4, n., (zoo.) neuroptera, family of fourwinged insects (dragonfly, etc.). 4. ¯ßºÞ mo4guan3, n., blood vessel. 5. ¯ß²z mo4li31, n., (wood) grain; 6. ¯ß²z mo4li31, n., (Chin. med.) condition of pulse (good, bad, etc.). 7. ¯ß§ mo4li32, n., present to physician. 8. ¯ßµ¸ mo4luo4, n., (wood) grain, vein; 9. ¯ßµ¸ mo4luo4, n., (fig.) thread of thought, argument: ¯ß¯Þ¤À©ú clear line of thought; 10. ¯ßµ¸ mo4luo4, n., ¯ß¯Þ½¤ mo4luo4mo2, n., choroid coat in eye. 11. ¯ßªù mo4men2, n., location near wrist for feeling pulse. 12. ¯ß¯ß mo4mo4, adj., loving (look): ¯ß¯ß§t±¡¡A±¡¯ß¯ß¡A·Nºøºø very much enamored. 13. ¯ß®§ mo4xi2, n., pulse beat. 14. ¯ß¥Û mo4shi2, n., (min.) gangue, veinstone. 15. ¯ß©¥ mo4yan2, n., vein rock. |
¸¢ | Num. Index: 42A.02-9 | £££¸£³£¿ xian4 . | |||||||
N. | Ductless gland: ¥Òª¬¸¢ thyroid; ²O¤Ú¸¢ lymphatic gland; ³è¸¢ salivary gland; µÇ¤W¸¢ adrenal glands; ½º¾b¸¢ pituitary gland (also called ««Åé); «e¦C¸¢¡AÄáÅ@¸¢ prostatic gland; ¸¢¸~ swelling of gland (adenoma). |
êì | Num. Index: 42A.10-2 | £©£¹£°£¿ cui4 . | |||||||
N. | The pancreas: êìŦ ditto; êìµÅ (cui4yi4 or cui4yieh) pancreatic juice; êìµÅ¯À pancreatin. |
D | Num. Index: 42A.10-2 | £u£µ£¿ pang4 (*£u£µ£½ pang2 ). | |||||||
Adj. | (1) Fat (of person), of wide girth: ªÎD fat; D¹Ê¹Ê¨à said of a plump, handsome baby; DD¤j¤j¨à very fat, paunchy. (2) (*pang2) (AC) ¤ß¼sÅéD of wide girth and ample heart. | ||||||||
Words | 1. DÃÍ pang4ao3, n., padded jacket worn under gown by opera actors to simulate chest of military heroes. 2. D¯f pang4bing4, n., obesity. 3. D¤l pang4zi0, n., (coll.) fatty, a fat person, also ¤jD¤l:¥´¸~Áy¥RD¤l stretch one's means to put up a big front (lit., ¡§beat up face and pretend being plump¡¨). |
¨x | Num. Index: 42A.10-3 | £|£³ gan1 . | |||||||
N. | (Physiol.) the liver: ¨xŦ gan1zang4, ¨xÁx gan1dan3, ¨x¸z gan1chang2¡õ; ¤ß¨x beloved person: §Úªº¤ß¨x my darling, sweetheart; ¨S¦³¤ß¨x heartless; ©Ü¨xÅSÁx lay bare one's heart; ¨x¸£¶î¦a scene of a bloody battle (disemboweled bodies are strewn over the ground); (to emperor) willing to repay a favor with extreme sacrifice. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¨x¸z gan1chang2, n., (1) the liver and the intestines; 2. ¨x¸z gan1chang2, n., (2) feelings, emotions: ¨x¸z¤oÂ_ emotionally upset; 3. ¨x¸z gan1chang2, n., úÂ_¨x¸z cry one's heart out. 4. ¨x®ð gan1chi4 n., (1) (Chin. med.) a pain or congested feeling in the chest and the gen. region below; 5. ¨x®ð gan1chi4 n., (2) nervous symptoms with tendencies to anger, melancholy, and depression. 6. ¨xÁx gan1dan3, (1) n., liver and gall, courage: ^¶¯¨xÁx heroic spirit; 7. ¨xÁx gan1dan3, (2) adj., ¨xÁx¬Û·Ó openheartedness between intimate friends. 8. ¨x¤õ gan1huo3, n., (1) an inflammatory condition of the liver; 9. ¨x¤õ gan1huo3, n., (2) anger: °Ê¨x¤õ get angry; 10. ¨x¤õ gan1huo3, n., ¨x¤õ©ô¡A¨x¤õ²± easily given to anger (cf. Eng. ¡§bilious temperament.¡¨) 11. ¨xºë gan1jing1, n., (med.) liver extract. 12. ¨xµí gan1zhi4, n., (zoo.) liver flukes, distoma. 13. ¨xŦ gan1zang4, n., (physiol.) the liver. 14. ¨xª¢ gan1yan21, n., (med.) hepatitis; 15. ¨xª¢ gan1yan21, n., ¦å²M¨xª¢ serum hepatitis. 16. ¨xÀù gan1yan22 (gan1ai2), n., (med.) cancer in the liver. 17. ¨xµw¤Æ gan1ying4hua4, n., (med.) cirrhosis. 18. ¨xªo gan1you2, n., cod-liver oil (also ³½¨xªo). |
Í® | Num. Index: 42A.10-8 | £££¸£¿ xi4 . | |||||||
V.i. & Adj. | (To) spread about; boisterous. |
µÊ | Num. Index: 42A.10-9 | £u£¸£½ pi2 . | |||||||
N. | (Biol.) the pancreas, sweetbread, the spleen. | ||||||||
Words | 1. µÊ®ð pi2chi4, n., temperament: µÊ®ð¦n¡AÃa good, bad temperament; 2. µÊ®ð pi2chi4, n., anger: µoµÊ®ð vent one's spleen, burst of anger; 3. µÊ®ð pi2chi4, n., µÊ®ð¤j violent-tempered. 4. µÊ¯i pi2gan1, n., (med.) swelling of pancreas. 5. µÊ´H pi2han2, n., (med.) inflammation of pancreas. 6. µÊªn pi2xie4, n., (med.) diarrhoea. 7. µÊŦ pi2zang4, n., the pancreas. 8. µÊG pi2wei4, n., appetite, also (fig.) tastes: µÊG¬Û§ë have similar tastes, like the same things. |
¨{ | Num. Index: 42A.11-1 | £x£¹£¿ du4 (*£x£¹£¾ du3 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) The belly (du4tz, duher0): ¤j¨{¤l be pregnant, big belly; the belly as seat of feeling or learning: ¤@¨{¤l¤õ (®ð) a bellyful of anger; ¤@¨{¤l¾Ç°Ý a bellyful of learning; ¨{¡¼©ú¥Õ¡A¨{¡¼¦³¼Æ know in one's heart (without saying anything). (2) (*du3) The stomach, tripe: ¨{¤l usu. pig's tripe; ª£¨{¦y fried ridge of pig's tripe; ¤û¨{¡A¦Ï¨{ cow's, sheep's tripe. (3) (du4) Bowel movement: ©Ô¨{¤l¡AÂm¨{¤l have loose bowels. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¨{ÂÀ²´¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ du4chi2yan3 (du3chi2ya3er0) (du3chi2zi0), n., the navel. 2. ¨{¨à du4er0, n., as in ¦³¤F¨{¨à¤F be pregnant. 3. ¨{¶q du4liang4, n., generosity, capacity for tolerating others or offence: ¨{¶q¤j¡A¨{¶q¤p generous or narrow-minded. 4. ¨{¥Ö du4pi2, n., belly¡×¨{, see N.1¡ô. |
Üæ | Num. Index: 42A.11-1 | £¥£¶£½ cheng2 . [Var. of ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | Boundary path of rice field. |
çD | Num. Index: 42A.11-2 | £¥£¹£¯£½ chuai2 . | |||||||
Adj. | (Coll.) fat, fatty: ¥L¨¤l«ÜçD he is very fat; çD¦× very fat pork. |
×L | Num. Index: 42A.11-2 | £©£¹£¬£¾ cuo3 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) minced meat. |
½£ | Num. Index: 42A.11-2 | £y£µ£½ tang2 . | |||||||
N. | (tang2er0, tang2zi0) (1) The chest: ©ç©ç¯Ý½£ beat one's chest, a gesture indicating self-confidence; ®¼°_¯Ý½£ stick out one's chest (in defiance, to show one is not afraid); ½£¨à¡¼ÀYµÎªA feel good at heart; ½£¶Ú¨à big chest voice; ½£¤l¤j big chest. (2) Inside cavity: ºj½£ bore, barrel of gun or rifle; ½£¤f muzzle of gun. |
¸{ | Num. Index: 42A.11-4 | £££¸£¶ xing1 . | |||||||
N. | Raw meat. | ||||||||
Adj. | Rank, smelling like stale rancid meat, gamy; (fig.) ill-smelling: ¸{¼w notorious reputation; ¸{½ä gambling with loaded dice; ¸{»D ill repute. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸{®ð xing1chi4, n., gamy or provoking smell (of goats, fish, etc.). 2. ¸{¯ä xing1chou4, adj., rank-smelling. 3. ¸{íë xing1sao1, adj., raw, rancid smelling, fishy. 4. ¸{û xing1shan1, adj., goaty smell. 5. ¸{¨ý xing1wei4, n., fishy or gamy smell. |
÷E | Num. Index: 42A.11-4 | £¢£º£½ qU2 . | |||||||
Adj. | Thin, emaciated (also wr. ¡¼) |
Ás | Num. Index: 42A.11-6 | £º£¶£¾ yong3 (also £º£¶ yong1 ). | |||||||
Adj. | Swollen. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÁsªÎ yong3fei2, adj., staunchy, stodgy. 2. Ás¸~ yong2zhong3, adj., swollen (with inflammation). |
æý | Num. Index: 42A.11-6 | £¤£¿ zhi4 . | |||||||
N. | The vagina: æýª¢ vaginal inflammation. |
¸~ | Num. Index: 42A.11-9 | £¤£¹£¶£¾ zhong3 . | |||||||
V.i. & adj. | To swell up with inflammation: ¸~°_¨Ó swell up; (as p.p.) swollen; ¬õ¸~ swollen and inflamed; ¸~¯k swollen and painful; Ás¸~ swollen big; ¥´¸~Áy¥RD¤l, see D¤l pang4zi0¡ô. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸~¯p zhong3bao4, n., pimples (also wr. ¡¼). 2. ¸~¤j zhong3da4, adj., swollen up. 3. ¸~µÈ zhong3zhang4, adj., ditto. 4. ¸~éD zhong3kuai4, adj., (AC) coarse and freckled. 5. ¸~ºÅ zhong3yang2, n., (AC) an ulcer, benign or malignant. |
¯â | Num. Index: 42A.20-8 | £u£¸£³£½ pian2 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ¯âO pian1zhi1, n., calluses. |
Îù | Num. Index: 42A.21-2 | £w£°£¾ fei3 . | |||||||
Adj. | (LL) descriptive of translucent light of nascent noon. |
Ðd | Num. Index: 42A.22-2 | £¨£¾ zi3 . | |||||||
N. | Dried meat with bones. |
µÌ | Num. Index: 42A.22-2 | £w£°£½ fei2 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) calf muscle. | ||||||||
V.t. | (AC) avoid; (AC) wither. |
K | Num. Index: 42A.22-4 | £¡£¸£«£¾ jia3 . | |||||||
N. | The shoulder blade, (fig.) backbone: ¦³ªÓK¡A¨SªÓK (Shanghai dial. pr. jia3ga4) have, have no guts; stouthearted, weak-kneed; have, have no sense of responsibility. |
ªÍ | Num. Index: 42A.22-6 | £w£°£¿ fei4 . | |||||||
N. | Lungs: ªÍ¨x; ¦p¨£¨äªÍ¨xµM as if one could see into his inner thoughts (¡§lungs and liver¡¨): ¯T¤ßª¯ªÍ the heart of a beast; ªÍ¸ the lobes of lungs; ªÍ¬¡¶q lung capacity, vital capacity. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ªÍ¯f fei4bing4, n., tuberculosis. 2. ªÍ¸z fei4chang2, n., heart feelings: ¤£ª¾¬O¦óªÍ¸z how beastly! how cruel-hearted! 3. ªÍµÆ fei4fu3, n., a man's heart: ªÍµÆ¤§¨¥ hearty talk, heart-to-heart talk; 4. ªÍµÆ fei4fu3, n., ªÍµÆ¤§¥æ bosom friend; 5. ªÍµÆ fei4fu3, n., cf. fei4chang2¡ô; 6. ªÍµÆ fei4fu3, n., °Ê¤HªÍµÆ¡A·P¤HªÍµÆ touch one's heart. 7. ªÍµÈ fei4zhang4, n., emphysema. 8. ªÍµ²®Ö fei4jie1he2, n., tuberculosis. 9. ªÍÀ÷ fei4lao2, n., tuberculosis; 10. ªÍÀ÷ fei4lao2, n., also À÷¯f lao2bing4. 11. ªÍ¤ô¸~ fei4shui2zhong3, n., pulmonary edema. 12. ªÍÀù fei4yan21 (fei4ai2), n., lung cancer. 13. ªÍª¢ fei1yan22, n., pneumonia. 14. ªÍ³½Ãþ fei4yU2lei4, n., lung-breathing fish. |
ÂÀ | Num. Index: 42A.22-6 | £¢£¸£½ chi2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) The navel: ¨{ÂÀ ditto. (2) The belly flap in crabs (round in females, pointed in males). (3) Ligament at base of pearl in mother-of-pearl. (4) Base of melon where it joins the stem. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÂÀ±a¡]¨à¡^ chi2dai4 (chir-dah-'l), n., placenta cord ending in the navel. 2. ÂÀ«Ë chi2shi3, n.,first bowels in new-born babe. |
¸} | Num. Index: 42A.22-8 | £¡£¸£±£¾ jiao3 (sp. pr.); £¡£º£®£½ jUe2 (re. pr. rare). [Pop. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | (1) The foot: ¥ú¸}¡A¨ª¸} barefooted; ¤p¸}¡AÄñ¸} bound feet; ¤j¸}¡A¤Ñ¸} unbound feet; ¦«¤j¸} (Cantonese) to flatter; ¸}©³¤U the sole of the foot, near one's feet: ¸}©³¤U¤H (Szechuan dial.) people from the lower reaches of the Yangtse (¡§down under¡¨); ¸}½ò to tread on; ¸}½ð to kick; ¸}½ñ¹ê¦a stand on solid ground; ¸}½ñ¨â±ø²î to sit on the fence. (2) The leg or base on which a thing stands or rests: ®à¸}¡A´È¸} the legs of a table, chair; ¤s¸} foot of a mountain; ªM¸} the base of a drinking vessel; °ª¸}ªM a goblet. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸}¥» *jUe2ben3, n., the libretto of a play or song. 2. ¸}²ä¡]¤l¡^ jiao3bo2 (zi0), n., the ankle. 3. ¸}¨B jiao3bu4, n., (1) manner of walking, gait; 4. ¸}¨B jiao3bu4, n., (2) (fig.) footsteps: ½ñ¡¼«e¤Hªº¸}¨B¨à follow in the footsteps of one's predecessor. 5. ¸}¨BÀn¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ jiao3bu4ya1 (er0) (zi0), n., (coll.) the foot. 6. ¸}¿ú jiao3qian2, n., (1) delivery fee; 7. ¸}¿ú jiao3qian2, n., (2) formerly, transportation cost. 8. ¸}®ð jiao3chi4, n., (med.) beriberi. 9. ¸}µn¤l jiao3deng1zi0, n., (1) a foot-stool; 10. ¸}µn¤l jiao3deng1zi0, n., (2) a pedal. 11. ¸}©³ªO¨à jiao3di2ba3er0, n., the sole of a foot. 12. ¸}¤Ò jiao3fu1, n., a coolie, a porter. 13. ¸}¡]«á¡^¸ò jiaau-(hou4)-gen, n., the heel. 14. ¸}¦æ jiao3hang2, n., an agent or firm rendering carrier service. 15. ¸}ôï jiao3liao4, n., shackles. 16. ¸}¤O jiao3li4, n., (1) a messenger or carrier; 17. ¸}¤O jiao3li4, n., (2) see jiao3qian2¡ô. 18. ¸}Äl jiao3lu2, n., a foot warmer. 19. ¸}± jiao3mian4, n., the instep. 20. ¸}¦â *jUe2se4, n., (¡×¨¤¦â) a dramatic actor, a person of outstanding ability. 21. ¸}¤U jiao3xia4, n., (1) the place where one stands; 22. ¸}¤U jiao3xia4, n., (2) the foot; 23. ¸}¤U jiao3xia4, n., (3) the present moment. 24. ¸}¤ß jiao3xin1, n., the sole of the foot. 25. ¸}½ñªO jiao3ta4ban3, n., a pedal. 26. ¸}½ñ¨® jiao3ta4che1, n., a bicycle. 27. ¸}µÃ¡]¤l¡^ jiao3wan4 (zi0), n., the ankle. 28. ¸}Àn¡]¤l¡^¡]¨à¡^ jiao3ya1 (zi0) (er0), n., (coll.) the foot. 29. ¸}¤XÁ_¨à jiao3ya1feng4er0, n., the space betwen toes. 30. ¸}¦L¡]¤l¡^ jiao3yin4 (zi0), n., footprints. |
Ð_ | Num. Index: 42A.22-9 | £¨£¹£¬£¿ zuo4 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) sacrificial meat. | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) To bless: ¤Ñ¦a©ÒÐ_ (AC) blessed by the gods. (2) Confer on: Ð_¤§¤g (AC) grant him a fief. |
Ĥ | Num. Index: 42A.30-2 | £{£¹£½ lu2 . | |||||||
V.t. | To arrange in a row: Ĥ¦C show item by item; Ĥ¦C¦p¥ª as enumerated below; ¶ÇĤ 91A.00. |
¨z | Num. Index: 42A.30-3 | £|£µ gang1 . | |||||||
N. | (Physiol.) the anus: ¨zªù. |
F | Num. Index: 42A.30-3 | £u£° pei1 [Anc. var. ¡¼]. | |||||||
N. | Early form of embryo; developing form of sprout in plant seeds. | ||||||||
Words | 1. F¶b pei1jour, n., (bot.) hypocotyl. 2. F¯] pei1zhu1, n., (biol.) ovule. 3. FÅn pei1nang2, n., (biol.) gastrula. 4. F½L pei1pan2, n., (biol.) blastoderm. 5. F¨Å pei1ru3, n., (biol.) albumen. 6. FL pei1tai1, (1) n., embryo, (fig.) young beginnings; 7. FL pei1tai1, (2) v.i., to form beginnings, to conceive. 8. F¤l pei1zi0, n., biological strain or type: ¦nF¤l¡AÃaF¤l person with good, bad traits (cf. Ëò¤l 11A.30). |
×H | Num. Index: 42A.30-3 | £¡£¸£¶£¿ jing4 . | |||||||
N. | The shank: ×H°© the shinbone. |
û| | Num. Index: 42A.30-4 | £x£³£¾ dan3 . [Pop. of Áx 42A.40] |
㦠| Num. Index: 42A.30-4 | £¹£«£¿ wa4 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ã¦Í° wa4na4, n., the otter; 2. ã¦Í° wa4na4, n., ã¦Í°¾¯ dried genital organs of male otter, used for promoting virility. |
íè | Num. Index: 42A.30-6 | £¦£³ shan1 . [Var. of û 80S.30] |
µÄ | Num. Index: 42A.30-6 | £¢£¸£µ qiang1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (qiang1zi0) A cavity: ¯ÝµÄ¡A¸¡µÄ chest, belly cavity; ¤fµÄ mouth cavity, also speech accent. (2) (qiang1er0) The belly or chest as seat of emotions (¡×Eng. ¡§breast¡¨): ¤@µÄ¼ö¸Û (¦å) great (chestful of) enthusiasm; º¡µÄ«è®ð a chestful of hate. (3) (qiang1er0) Speech accent, tone melody of local music: µÄ½Õ qiang1diao4¡õ; «nµÄ¥_½Õ mixed accent of north and south--hybrid, nondescript; ¤gµÄ local accent; §ïµÄ change accent; ªáµÄ (music) coloratura, (Chin. opera) a long drawn-out aria; ¸éµÄ (Shanghai dial.), ®Q®QµÄ (disgusting), having the air of a sissy; ¸ËµÄ§@¶Õ make pretense of dignity, assume airs; ³¯µÄÀÝ½Õ hackneyed phrases, clichŽs, platitudes. | ||||||||
Words | 1. µÄ½Õ¨à qiang1diao4 (er0), n., (1) tone of speech; 2. µÄ½Õ¨à qiang1diao4 (er0), n., (2) melody or tune. 3. µÄ¸^ qiang1ke1, n., as in ¸¨µÄ¸^ get into a rut, follow old routine (cf. ¸^¦Ý 62A.01). |
Áà | Num. Index: 42A.40-1 | £y£¶£½ teng2 . | |||||||
V.t. | To make clean copy: ÁùL¡AÁä@ÁáAÁä@¹M¡AÁÃ¥¿ make a clear copy; Áä夽 a copycat writer. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÁòM teng2qing1, v.i., make a clean copy. 2. Áÿý teng2lu4, v.t., copy clearly. 3. Áüg teng2xie3, v.t., ditto. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42A.40-6 | £¥£¹£¯£¿ chuai4 . | |||||||
N. | The fatty part of belly pork; see Ån¡¼ 10.02 (cf. çD 42A.11). |
¿¯ | Num. Index: 42A.40-8 | £¦£³£¿ shan4 . [Interch. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | Board, meals: ¦¿¯¡A¤È¿¯¡A±ß¿¯ breakfast, lunch, supper; ¥Î¿¯ take meal; ¿¯¶O boarding fees; ¿¯±J¡A¿¯¹ shan4su4, shan4shi2¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¿¯©Ð shan4fang2, n., (short for ±s¿¯©Ð) royal dining room. 2. ¿¯¹ shan4shi2, n., the meals; 3. ¿¯¹ shan4shi2, n., ¿¯¹¶O boarding fees. 4. ¿¯±J shan4su4, n., board and lodging. 5. ¿¯°ó shan4tang2, n., mess hall. |
¯Þ | Num. Index: 42A.40-9 | £|£ ge1 . [Var. of Ëv¡A¡¼, see Ëv 42A.70] |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42A.40-9 | £¹£´£¾ wen3 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ¡¼¦X wen3he2, see §k¦X 40A.50. |
Áx | Num. Index: 42A.40-9 | £x£³£¾ dan3 . [Pop. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | (dan3zi0, er0) (1) Gall bladder. (2) Courage, ¡§guts¡¨: ¨S¦³Áx¤l timid; ©ñ¶}Áx¤l stop being afraid; ¥M¡¼Áx¤l summon up enough courage; Áx¤j brave; Áx¤p timid; Áx¤j¤ß²Ó brave but not reckless; Áx¾Ô tremble with fear; Áx¯} frightened to death; Áx´H¡AÁxµê¡AÁx©Ä afraid, disheartened, nervous; ³àÁx lose heart (for battle); ¦âÁx¥]¤Ñ phr., driven by passion, risk sex adventures; Áx¤p¦p¹« cowardly as a mouse; ª×Á~¹ÁÁx (allu.) sleep on firewood and taste gall--in determination for revenge. (3) Inner tube of thermos bottle or football. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Áx®ð dan3chi4, n., courage. 2. Áx¥Û¯g dan3chi2zheng4, n., gallstone. 3. Áx¡¼ dan3fan2, n., sulphate of copper. 4. Áx´± darngan3, v.i., dare to; 5. Áx´± darngan3, v.i., to have the gall to. 6. Áx¥Ä dan3zhi1, n., gall, bile. 7. Áx¶q dan3liang4, n., courage (¡§big¡¨ or ¡§small¡¨). 8. Áx¤O dan3li4, n., strength of purpose. 9. Áx²¤ dan3lUe4, n., daring plan: ³o¤H«Ü¦³Áx²¤ this man has daring. 10. ÁxÅn dan3nang2, n., gall bladder. 11. Áx²~ dan3ping2, n., big-bellied vase. 12. ÁxÃÑ dan3shi4, n., daring, superior judgment. |
L | Num. Index: 42A.40-9 | £y£¯ tai1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Pregnancy, embryo: ¦³L¡AÃhL¡AM¥¥ pregnant; ML¡AL¨à embryo in the womb; ¥´L¡A¼ZL abortion; L¦º¸¡¤¤ a plot (scheme, idea) died abortively; §ëL (of spirit) be conceived of woman; ¦wL (medicine to) prevent miscarriage; birth: ¤@L¤T¤l triplet birth; ÀYL¡A²Ä¤GL first, second baby; L«e²£«á pre-and postnatal period; ¨pL illegitimate birth; Ãh°L (fig.) entertain fear from sense of guilt conceiving a plot or fear of suspicion; L¡¼¬õ born in rich family; L¡¼Ãa born wicked; (fig.) of embryonic growth: FL (v. i.) form rudiments; ²æL´«°© imitation of litr. model keeping form but changing substance; º×L roots of trouble. (2) (Translit.) tyre: ¨®L¡A½üL. | ||||||||
Words | 1. LM tai1bao1, n., the placenta. 2. L®ð tai1chi4, n., sense of life in the womb: °Ê¤FL®ð. 3. L¬r tai1du2, n., congenital disease. 4. L¨à tai1er2, n., embryo: ÀYL¨à first-born. 5. L±Ð tai1jiao4, n., prenatal influence. 6. L°O tai1ji4, n., birthmark. 7. L½L tai1pan2, n., placenta. 8. L¥Í tai1sheng1, adj., viviparous, life-born (not by eggs) as some fish and all mammals; 9. L¥Í tai1sheng1, adj., L¥Í¾Ç embryology. 10. L®§ tai1xi2, n., (Taoist) art of controlling and swallowing breath from mouth. 11. L®y tai1zuo4, n., (bot.) placenta of a flower, bearing ovules. 12. L¦ç tai1yi1, n., placenta. |
ÛK | Num. Index: 42A.41-2 | £££¸£½ xi2 (*£{£«£¿ la4 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) Abbr. for þ (*la4): ÛK¦× (¡×þ¦×) preserved meat (sausage, etc.). (2) (AC) (pr. xi2) preserved meat, esp. used in sacrifices. |
¯× | Num. Index: 42A.41-2 | £¤ zhi1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Fat, fatty tissue: ªo¯× ointment; ¾ð¯× resin; ¥Á¯×¥Á»I (fig.) the fat of the land and its people, i.e., taxes which could be squeezed out of the people; ¯×ªÕ¯À chloresterol. (2) Short for ¯Ú¯× rouge, lipstick: ¯×¯» zhi1fen3¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¯×ªÕ zhi1fang2, n., fat of beef, pork, etc.; 2. ¯×ªÕ zhi1fang2, n., adipose tissue; 3. ¯×ªÕ zhi1fang2, n., ¯×ªÕ»Ä see zhi1suan1¡õ. 4. ¯×¯» zhi1fen3, n., rouge and powder: ¯×¯»ú褤¡A¶¤¤¤ among pretty ladies; 5. ¯×¯» zhi1fen3, n., ¯×¯»®ð (of man) sissy 6. ¯×»I zhi1gao1, n., (1) ointment; 7. ¯×»I zhi1gao1, n., (2) fat, see N.1¡ô. 8. ¯×»Ä zhi1suan1, n., (chem.) fatty acids. 9. ¯×¿A zhi1ze2, n., luster of skin. 10. ¯×ªo zhi1you2, n., pork fat. |
ßt | Num. Index: 42A.41-3 | £t£¸£¿ bi4 . | |||||||
N. | ßtßt»K»K bi4bi4bo2bo2, n., flip-flap sound (of wings); crackle of breaking ice. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42A.41-3 | £v£¸£³£¾ mian3 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ¡¼µÉ mian3tian0, adj., embarrassed; 2. ¡¼µÉ mian3tian0, adj., blushing. |
¯Ú | Num. Index: 42A.41-4 | £¸£³ yan1 . [Var. ô´] | |||||||
Words | 1. ¯Ú¯» yan1fen3, n., rouge and powder. 2. ¯Ú¯× yan1zhi1 (yan-'jy), n., rouge, lipstick; 3. ¯Ú¯× yan1zhi1 (yan-'jy), n., ¯Ú¯×ªê a ferocious woman, a shrew. |
ßr | Num. Index: 42A.41-6 | £³ an1 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ßr¡¼ an1zan1, adj., dirty, filthy (place), disgraceful (affair). 2. ßrÅØ an1zang1, adj., ditto. |
Áz | Num. Index: 42A.41-8 | £}£¹£¯£¿ kuai4 . | |||||||
N. | Minced meat; Ázª¥¤H¤f phr., (of food, good story) popular and much relished, pleasant to eat (hear). |
êî | Num. Index: 42A.41-9 | £w£³£½ fan2 . | |||||||
N. | Sacrificial meat. |
¸£ | Num. Index: 42A.41-9 | £z£±£¾ nao3 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (Physiol.) the brain: ¤j¸£ the cerebrum; ¤p¸£ the cerebellum; ¸£¾_Àú concussion of the brain; ¹q¸£ computer; ¸£º¡¸zªÎ (derog.) a person with a fair round belly and a swelled head. (2) Head: ¥D¸£ the mastermind; º¸£¤Hª« leading personages; º¸£ head, leader. (3) Brains: ¦¹¤H«Ü¦³ÀY¸£ this man has brains: ¥ÎÀY¸£ use your head; ¨SÀY¨S¸£ listless, absent-minded, without any clues. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸£¥X¦å nao3chu1xUe4 (naau-chu-shiee), n., (med.) apoplexy, a stroke; 2. ¸£¥X¦å nao3chu1xUe4 (naau-chu-shiee), n., brain hemorrhage. 3. ¸£¥R¦å nao3chong1xUe4 (naau-chung-shiee), n., (med.) hyperemia cerebri, cerebral blood obstruction. 4. ¸£³U nao3dai4, n., (physiol.) the cranium: ¸£³U¥Ê¤l¡A¸£³U¥Ê¨à (sl.) s.o.'s block. 5. ¸£»\¡]¨à¡^ nao3gai4 (nao3ga4er0), n., the top of the skull, cranium. 6. ¸£¥Ê¡]¤l¡^¡]¨à¡^ nao3gua1 (zi0) (er0), n., the head: ¸£¥Ê³»¨à the crown of the head. 7. ¸£®ü nao2hai1, n., the brain, the mind. 8. ¸£¼ß nao3jiang1, n., the substance of the brain. 9. ¸£¿n¤ô nao3ji1shui3, n., hydrophalus. 10. ¸£µ¬ nao3jin1, n., (1) the cranial nerves; 11. ¸£µ¬ nao3jin1, n., (2) brains, intelligence, mental ability: ¥Î¸£µ¬ do a lot of thinking; 12. ¸£µ¬ nao3jin1, n., ¶Ë¸£µ¬ (s.t.) requires a lot of careful thinking, vexations. 13. ¸£¥Ä nao3zhi1, n., (1) (¡×¸£¼ß) the substance of the brain; 14. ¸£¥Ä nao3zhi1, n., (2) the cranial nerves: µ±¸£¥Ä doing feverish mental work, engaged in mental drudgery. 15. ¸£´ß nao3ke2, n., the skull. 16. ¸£¨à nao3er0, n., (1) the brain of an animal; 17. ¸£¨à nao3er0, n., (2) any semi-liquid substance: ¨§»G¸£¨à semi-congealed bean curd. 18. ¸£¤O nao3li4, n., mental power, intelligence. 19. ¸£ªù¡]¤l¡^¡]¨à¡^ nao3men2 (zi0) (nao3merer0), n., the forehead. 20. ¸£½¤ nao3mo2, n., (phys.) the three membranes that envelop the brain and the spinal cord; 21. ¸£½¤ nao3mo2, n., ¸£½¤ª¢ nao3mo2yan2, n., (med.) meningitis. 22. ¸£¿]¨à nao3piao2er0, n., the pate: «G¸£¿]¨à a shining pate; 23. ¸£¿]¨à nao3piao2er0, n., ¨r¸£¿]¨à a baldhead. 24. ¸£³h¦å nao3pin2xUe4 (nao3pin2xie3), n., (med.) anaemia cerebri, anemia in the brain. 25. ¸£¤c¡]¤l¡^¡]¨à¡^ nao3shao2 (zi0) (er0), n., the hind part of the head. 26. ¸£¤U««Åé nao3xia4chui1ti3, n., pituitary gland. 27. ¸£¦åºÞ¦å®ê¯g nao3xUe4guan3xUe4qUan2zheng4, n., cerebral artery thrombosis. 28. ¸£Åè nao2sui2, n., the substance of the brain. 29. ¸£¤l nao3zi0, n., (1) the brain; 30. ¸£¤l nao3zi0, n., (2) mental power, intelligence: ¨S¸£¤l no brains. 31. ¸£ª¢ nao3yan2, n., (med.) encephalitis. 32. ¸£·¸¦å nao3yi4xUe4 (naau-yih-shiee), n., (med.) apoplexy, a stroke. |
²ã | Num. Index: 42A.42-1 | £w£¹£¾ fu3 (*£u£¹£½ pu2 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) Preserved meat or fruit: ¦×²ã¡A¤û²ã¡A³À²ã preserved pork, beef, venison; ®ç²ã¡A§ö²ã preserved peach, plum; ²ç²ã teacher's salary, anciently consisting of preserved meat. (2) (*pu2) (fu3zi0) The breast: ¯Ý²ã. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ²ãîÆ fu3hai3, n., anciently, making minced meat of enemy prisoner--the extreme punishment. |
ßv | Num. Index: 42A.42-1 | £z£³£¾ nan3 . | |||||||
N. | Dried meat: ¤ûßv fillet, sirloin, tenderloin; ¦×ßv dried pork. |
»J | Num. Index: 42A.42-3 | £|££½ ge2 . | |||||||
Words | 1. »J½¤ ge2mo2, n., (physiol.) the diaphragm, midriff (also ¾î»J½¤). |
ªB | Num. Index: 42A.42-4 | £u£¶£½ peng2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Friend, esp. ªB¤Í peng2you3¡õ; ¨}ªB good, worthy friends; °ªªBº¡®y a party of many distinguished friends. (2) Political clique: ªBÄÒ¡AªB¤ñ peng2dang3, peng2bi4¡õ. (3) (AC) comparison, equal: ºÓ¤jµLªB huge without compare. (4) (AC) an ancient coin. | ||||||||
Adv. | Together, as a group: ªB¤À (AC) share together; ªB§T (AC) group robbery, referring to corrupt officials. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ªB¤ñ peng2bi4, adv., in ªB¤ñ¬°¦l phr., conspire for illegal or selfish ends. 2. ªB¾© peng2chou2, n., (LL) friends and associates. 3. ªBÄÒ peng2dang3, n., political clique. 4. ªBªþ peng2fu4, v.t., join hands, team up with (person in power). 5. ªB¹± peng2liao2, n., friends and colleagues. 6. ªBªB peng2peng2, n., sound of winds. 7. ªB±q peng2zong4, n., friends and companions. 8. ªB¤Í peng2you3, n., friends: ¦n¡AÃaªB¤Í good, bad friends; 9. ªB¤Í peng2you3, n., ±wÃøªB¤Í friends in need or during crisis; 10. ªB¤Í peng2you3, n., °s¦×ªB¤Í playboy friends. |
¯Û | Num. Index: 42A.42-4 | £x£¹£¶£¿ dong4 . | |||||||
N. | Large intestine. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¯ÛÅé dong4ti3, n., the trunk of human body. |
ߢ | Num. Index: 42A.42-4 | £{£¹£¬£½ luo2 . | |||||||
N. | Fingerprint (¡×Á³±Û 22D.01): ߢ¦Ù fingerprint part of finger. |
Í° | Num. Index: 42A.42-8 | £z£«£¿ na4 . | |||||||
N. | See ã¦Í° 42A.30. |
¯ã | Num. Index: 42A.50-1 | £}£¹£«£¿ kua4 . | |||||||
N. | Pelvis: ¯ã¤U between the thighs; ¯ã¤U¤§°d the grossest insult. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¯ã°© kua4gu0, n., the pelvic bones; 2. ¯ã°© kua4gu0, n., ¯ã°©¶b¨à the hip joint; 3. ¯ã°© kua4gu0, n., (coll.) ¯ã°©¶b¨à¤Wªº¿Ë± a remote relative. |
³Ó | Num. Index: 42A.50-1 | £¦£¶£¿ sheng4 (*£¦£¶ sheng1 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) Victory: ³Ó§Q sheng4li4, ³Ót¡A³Ó±Ñ sheng4fu4, sheng4bai4¡õ; ¾Ô³Ó¡A±o³Ó win victory, to triumph; ¤j³Ó a great victory; ¨î³Ó to hold superiority or advantage; ³Ó§Q¨R©üÀY¸£ to be dizzy with success. (2) Scenic view: ´M«ÕÄý³Ó visit places of scenic beauty. (3) A woman's hairdress: ¤è³Ó¡A¬K³Ó formerly, slanting hair decorations. | ||||||||
V.t. & adj. | (1) To excel, be better than: ³Ó¹L¡A³Ó§Q sheng4guo4, sheng4shi4¡õ; ³Ó©ó sheng4yU0¡õ. (2) (* sheng1) To be competent, able to bear: ³Ó¥ô sheng4ren4¡õ; esp. ¤£³Ó extremely, unbearably: ¤£³Ó·P¿E¡A´dµh extremely grateful, grieved; ¤£³Ó¨ä·Ð extremely difficult or trouble-some; ¤£¥i³Ó¼Æ innumerable; «ü¤£³Ó©} more than one can count on one's hand; ¤p§O³Ó·s±B a brief parting is as sweet as honeymoon. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Triumphant. (2) Excellent, distinctive: ³Ó¦a sheng4di4¡õ; ³Ó·| sheng4hui4¡õ; ³Ó¤Í distinguished friends; ³Ó¹C a glorious outing or trip. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ³Ó±Ñ sheng4bai4, n., victory and defeat. 2. ³Ó´Â sheng4chao2, n., the defunct dynasty. 3. ³Ó¦a sheng4di4, n., a divine spot; 4. ³Ó¦a sheng4di4, n., a place of glorious views. 5. ³Ót sheng4fu4, n., victory or defeat: ¨M³Ót decide victory; 6. ³Ót sheng4fu4, n., ³Ót¥¼¤R cannot predict winner. 7. ³Ó·§ sheng4gai4, n., an overwhelming emotion. 8. ³Ó«a *sheng1guan1, phr., (AC of children) to reach puberty. 9. ³Ó¹L sheng4guo4, v.i., to excel, be better than (person, thing). 10. ³Ó°ê sheng4guo2, n., the conquered nation or (defunct) dynasty. 11. ³Ó·| sheng4hui4, n., a great, festive occasion. 12. ³Ó¡¼ sheng4ji1, n., (LL) places of historic interest. 13. ³Ó®a¡]¨à¡^ sheng4jia1 (er0), n., (gambling) the winner; 14. ³Ó®a¡]¨à¡^ sheng4jia1 (er0), n., Singer (sewing machine). 15. ³Ó§Q sheng4li4, n., victory, triumph. 16. ³Ó¥ô *sheng1ren4, adj., competent: ³Ó¥ô´r§Ö very competent at a job. 17. ³Ó¦p sheng4ru2, adj., see sheng4shi4¡õ. 18. ³Ó¦ü sheng4shi4, adj., (esp. MC or poetic) better than, also as good as (seeing you in person, etc.). 19. ³Óºâ sheng4suan4, n., a good plan, sure of success: ¥i¾Þ³Óºâ can be sure of success. 20. ³Ó¶D sheng4su4, v.i., to win lawsuit; 21. ³Ó¶D sheng4su4, n., favorable decision at court trial. 22. ³Ó¦ç *sheng1yi1, v.i., (AC of child) be big enough to wear a formal dress: ®z¤£³Ó¦ç (gen. of a woman) very delicate. 23. ³Ó¸q sheng4yi4, n., (Budd.) higher understanding of truth. 24. ³Ó©ó sheng4yU0, adj., better than: ²á³Ó©óµL better than nothing; 25. ³Ó©ó sheng4yU0, adj., ³Ó©ó±`¤H better than average person. |
ÄË | Num. Index: 42A.50-1 | £y£¶£½ teng2 (*teng ). | |||||||
V.i. | (1) To mount, ascend: ÄˤW°¨ mount a horse; ÄË°_ soar up; Ä˶³¾rÃú fly up to the cloudy regions; Ä˵ë°_»ñ (complim.) a rapidly rising talent; ÄË° (of prices) go up and down; Ä˪šAÄ˶Q teng2kong1, teng2gui4¡õ. (2) Gallop, prance, fly swiftly: ©bÄË dash about (¸U°¨©bÄË); Ä˳v dash after; ¸ÄË fly about; ÄËù³ prance. (3) Signifying commotion: ªmÄË (public opinion) seethes in protest; ÄËÅw in a wave of joy, hilarity; Á¡®üÄËÅw¡A¸U²³ÅwÄË universal rejoicing. (4) V.t., move aside, make space: ÄË¥X¤@¶¡©Ð¶¡ make available one room; ÄË¥X¨Ó set aside for some purpose; ÄË®¿ teng2nuo2. | ||||||||
adv. | Ä˦a (*tengdi4) abruptly. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Ä˹F teng2da2, v.i., (of career) soar aloft: ¸¶ÀÄ˹F. 2. ÄËÅw teng2huan1, v.i., be joyous, roar with joy. 3. Ä˶Q teng2gui4, v.i., (of prices) soar. 4. Ä˪Šteng2kong1, v.i., soar to the skies. 5. ÄË®¿ teng2nuo2, v.t., set aside, make available (a sum). 6. Ä˯º teng2xiao4, invite laughter: Ä˯º®ü¤º be laughed at in the whole country. 7. ÄËÄË teng2teng2, adv., as in ºCÄËÄË very slowly; 8. ÄËÄË teng2teng2, adv., (MC) in great prosperity; 9. ÄËÄË teng2teng2, adv., descriptive of flying, ¾KÄËÄË torpid, drunk. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42A.50-4 | £®£¿ e4 [Var. of øí 21S.50]. | |||||||
N. | Palate. |
¸z | Num. Index: 42A.50-4 | £¥£µ£½ chang2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Intestines: ª½¸z rectum; ¤j¸z lower intestines; ¤p¸z intestines; ¤Q¤G«ü¸z duodenum; ªÎ¸z fatty and stuffed intestines. (2) Sausage: »¸z¡Aþ¸z ditto. (3) (Intestines as seat of emotions like ¡§heart¡¨ in Eng.) deep emotions, esp. of longing: ¤ß¸z heart; ¦n¤ß¸z a good heart, ¡§bowels of mercy¡¨; Ãa¸z¤l a wicked heart; Â_¸z broken heart (¡§broken intestines¡¨); Â_¸z¤H one broken-hearted; ¨x¸z¤oÂ_ sorrow-stricken (¡§gall and intestines broken to bits¡¨); Àú®ð°j¸z agitated (¡§in the intestines¡¨); ¨x¸z esp. courage (¡§liver and intestines,¡¨ see ¨x 42A.10); ¸z¨{ chang2du4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸z¥X¦å chang2chu1xie3, n., (med.) intestinal bleeding, enterorrhagia. 2. ¸z¬ï¤Õ chang2chuan1kong3, n., perforated intestines, enterobrosia. 3. ¸z¨{ chang2du4, n., similar to Eng. ¡§heart¡¨; 4. ¸z¨{ chang2du4, n., also ¨{¸z¡G¦n¨{¸z a good heart; 5. ¸z¨{ chang2du4, n., ²o¸z±¾¨{ infinite longing; 6. ¸z¨{ chang2du4, n., ª½¨{¸z straight-for-ward. 7. ¸zµ²®Ö chang2jie1he2, n., (med.) phthisis abdominalis. 8. ¸zG chang2wei4, n., appetite; 9. ¸zG chang2wei4, n., digestive system: ¸zG¤£¦n lose appetite. 10. ¸zª¢ chang2yan2, n., (med.) enteritis, bowel catarrh. |
ÄP | Num. Index: 42A.50-4 | £u£¶£½ peng2 . | |||||||
N. | The roc, a mythical bird of giant size and terrific flying power: ÄPóË the giant bird and giant fish, symbol of hugeness; ÄPö» the giant bird and the tiny bird in the bush--contrast of size; a symbol of person soaring to the cloudy heights, esp. said of young man of great promise in court: ÄP¸ soaring flight; ÄPÁ|¡AÄP·i great start; ÄPµ{¸U¨½ rise to unknown heights; ÄP¹Ï any great (esp. commercial) plan for expansion. |
ªÕ | Num. Index: 42A.50-6 | £w£µ£½ fang2 (also £w£µ fang1 ). | |||||||
Words | 1. ¯×ªÕ zhi1fang2 (zhi1fang1), n., animal fat, fatty tissue. |
»H | Num. Index: 42A.50-6 | £t£µ£¾ bang3 (*£t£µ£¿ bang4 , * pang, *pang2 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) (baang) The arm: Áu»H upper arm, (fig.) right-hand man; ªÓ»H shoulder; ¯Í»H wing of birds; »H¤l bang3zi0¡õ. (2) (*parng) Bladder in »H¯Ö barngguang1¡õ. (3) (*pang1) Breast in ¥¤»H¤l woman's breast. | ||||||||
Adj. | (*pang1) Swollen (of muscles). | ||||||||
Words | 1. »H¯Ö pang2guang1, n., urine bladder; 2. »H¯Ö pang2guang1, n., »H¯Öª¢ inflammation of the bladder; 3. »H¯Ö pang2guang1, n., »H¯Öµ²¥Û pang2guang1jie1shi2 stone in the bladder. 4. »H¤l bang3zi0 n., arm; 5. »H¤l bang3zi0 n., ¦Q»H¤l pr. diao4bang4zi0, go out with a girl (arm in arm) in the street, to seek company of member of an opposite sex. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42A.50-8 | £££¸£¿ xi4 [Err. var. of Í® 42A.10] | |||||||
V.i. | To spread about. |
¦Ø | Num. Index: 42A.50-9 | £{££¿ le4 (*£{£°£¿ lei4 ). | |||||||
N. | A rib. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¦Ø°© le4gu3, n., ribs (also ¦Ø¤Ú°©¡A¦Ø±ø). 2. ¦Ø½¤ le4mo2, n., (physiol.) the pleura; 3. ¦Ø½¤ le4mo2, n., ¦Ø½¤ª¢ le4mo2yan2, n., (med.) pleuritis, pleurisy. 4. ¦Ø³n°© le4ruan3gu3, n., (physiol.) intercostal muscles (also ¦Ø¶¡°©). 5. ¦ØºÛ *lei4wo1, n., the armpit. |
û~ | Num. Index: 42A.50-9 | £££¸£®£½ xie2 , [Var. ¯Ù 91.42] | |||||||
N. | Armpit; ribs. |
Îú | Num. Index: 42A.50-9 | £¢£º£½ qU2 | |||||||
N. | (AC) dried flank meat: Îú¦×¡AÎú²ã ditto. |
¯Ý | Num. Index: 42A.50-9 | £££º£¶ xiong1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) The chest, the thorax: ¯Ý³¡¡A¯ÝµÄ xiong1bu4, xiong1qiang1¡õ; ¼¾¯Ý beat the breast (chest); Âû¯Ý pigeon breast, a rickety disease. (2) Woman's breast: ÅS¯Ý¡A©Z¯ÝÅS¨Å go topless, bare breast; ¶©¯Ý full bosom; ¥¯Ý flat-chest (-ed). (3) Degree of generosity, capacity for greatness, tolerance, largeness of view: ¤ß¯Ý see ¯ÝÃÌ¡A¯ÝÃh xiong1jin12, xiong1huai2¡õ; ¯Ý¦³¦¨¦Ë phr., allu., having ready plans to meet a situation; ¯ÝµLÂI¾¥ completely illiterate; ¯ÝµL¤j§Ó with no ambition at all; ¯ÝÃh¯U¯¶ narrow-minded; ¯Ý¤¤¤@¶ô¥ÛÀY¸¨¦a as if a great burden had been taken off one's mind; ¯Ý¤¤¥Ò§L said of armchair strategist; ¯Ý¤¤Åì¥Ò vicious (¡§chest of scales and armor,¡¨ like a reptile's); ¯Ý¤¤¥CÀ¤ what is seen by the mind and imagination; ¯Ý©I§l costal respiration, breathing by rib motion. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¯Ý³¡ xiong1bu4, n., the chest. 2. ¯ÝµÄ xiong1qiang1, n., the chest cavity, see xiong1kuo4¡õ. 3. ¯ÝÀð xiong1qiang2, n., (mil.) breastwork. 4. ¯ÝÅ_ xiong1chi2, n., pectorial fin. 5. ¯Ý¸¡ xiong1fu4, n., ¡§chest and belly,¡¨ (fig.) like Eng. ¡§belly,¡¨ the vulnerable spot of enemy territory. 6. ¯ÝºÞ xiong1guan3, n., (physiol.) the thorax. 7. ¯Ý°© xiong1gu3, n., breastbone. 8. ¯Ýªá xiong1hua1, n., corsage. 9. ¯ÝÃh xiong1huai2, n., man's breadth of mind, capacity forrising above trivialities: ¯ÝÃhÁŹF open-minded, having a large view or breadth of mind (also ¯ÝÃÌ). 10. ¯Ý°w xiong1zhen1, n., brooch. 11. ¯Ý¦Ù xiong1ji1, n., (physiol.) (1) chest muscles; 12. ¯Ý¦Ù xiong1ji1, n., (2) transversal muscles of the thorax which help breathing. 13. ¯Ý¥ÒÃþ xiong1jia3lei4, n., (zoo.) thoracostraca, certain crustacean animals (like crabs, shrimp) with chest formations of various shapes. 14. ¯Ýµ¬ xiong1jin11, n., see xiong1ji1¡ô. 15. ¯ÝÃÌ xiong1jin12, n., see xiong1huai2¡ô. 16. ¯Ý´Õ xiong1zhui1, n., thoracic vertebrae. 17. ¯Ý¤f xiong1kou3, n., the center of chest. 18. ¯Ý¹ø xiong1kuo4, n., (physiol.) the thorax. 19. ¯Ý¦Ø½¤ xiong1lei4mo2, n., (physiol.) pleura of chest. 20. ¯Ý¤ò xiong1mao2, n., chest hair. 21. ¯Ý½¤ª¢ xiong1mo4yan2, n., pleuritis. 22. ¯Ý²ã xiong1pu3, n., chest: ®¼°_¯Ý²ã throw out one's chest, (fig.) show courage in the face of danger. 23. ¯Ý¸¢ xiong1xian4, n., (physiol.) the thymus gland. 24. ¯Ý¹³ xiong1xiang4, n., sculpture or portrait of bust. 25. ¯Ý½£ xiong1tang2, n., see xiong1pu3¡ô. 26. ¯Ý¦¸ xiong1ci4, n., see xiong1huai2¡ô. 27. ¯Ý³ò xiong1wei2, n., chest circumference. 28. ¯Ý¦ç xiong1yi1, n., brassiere (usu. called ¥¤¸n). 29. ¯ÝÁr xiong1yi4, n., one's feelings, heart; 30. ¯ÝÁr xiong1yi4, n., see xiong1huai2¡ô. 31. ¯Ý¦t xiong1yU3, n., (LL) see xiong1huai2¡ô. |
ô´ | Num. Index: 42A.63-2 | £¸£³ yan1 . [Var. ¯Ú 42A.41] |
ò | Num. Index: 42A.63-6 | £t£¸£± biao1 . | |||||||
Adj. | (AC) well-bred, fat (of horses). |
ªÒ | Num. Index: 42A.70-1 | £¤£¹£´ zhun1 . | |||||||
N. | Gizzard: ÂûªÒ chicken gizzard; ªÒ¨x gizzard and liver. | ||||||||
Adj. | (AC) sincere: ªÒªÒ¡AªÒ¿w¡AªÒ¸Û sincere, -ly. |
µË | Num. Index: 42A.70-1 | £µ ang1 . [Related ¾M £¸£³ yan1 , 31C.70, »ê 42B.70] | |||||||
Words | 1. µËż¡]»êż¡^ ang1zang1 (atza), adj., dirty, filthy, also wr. µËÅØ. |
¯Ö | Num. Index: 42A.70-2 | £|£¹£µ guang1 . | |||||||
N. | (Physiol.) »H¯Ö the bladder. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42A.70-3 | £¸£¿ yi4 . [Var. of Ár 42A.72] |
¦Ù | Num. Index: 42A.70-4 | £¡£¸ ji1 . | |||||||
N. | Muscles of flesh, meat on the bones: see compp.¡õ; »¦Ù¡A¥É¦Ù a woman's lovely flesh or skin. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¦Ù½§ ji1fu1, n., the skin: ¦Ù½§¤§¿Ë blood relations, intimate relations between man and woman. 2. ¦Ù°© ji1gu3, n., muscles and bones, the body as a whole. 3. ¦Ù²z ji1li3, n., skin texture: ¦Ù²z²Ó¿° a fine-textured skin; 4. ¦Ù²z ji1li3, n., (litr. criticism) texture theory of poetry of ¯Î¤èºõ. 5. ¦Ù¦× ji1rou4, n., muscles, flesh. 6. ¦ÙÅé ji1ti3, n., the body. |
ªÎ | Num. Index: 42A.70-5 | £w£°£½ fei2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Fertilizer: ÁTªÎ natural fertilizer; ´áªÎ nitrogen fertilizer, etc, see ªÎ®Æ fei2liao4¡õ. (2) Spoils: ¤ÀªÎ divide the spoils or illegal gain. | ||||||||
V.t. | To enrich in ªÎ¤v¡§fatten oneself¡¨ by illegal transactions; cf. ¤¤¹¡ 81B.70. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Fat, greasy, well-bred, see compp.¡õ. (2) Fertile (of soil): ªÎ¥Ð¡AªÎ¦a. (3) Fat (jobs): ªÎ®t¡AªÎ¯Ê official post with good (usu. illegal) revenue; ªÎ¦~ a prosperous year. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ªÎÄø fei1chun3, adj., fat and stupid; 2. ªÎÄø fei1chun3, adj., awkwardly fat. 3. ªÎ¤j fei2da4, adj., plump; 4. ªÎ¤j fei2da4, adj., ªÎ¤j¯g hypertrophy. 5. ªÎèQ fei2dun4, v.i., (LL) retire in comfort. 6. ªÎ¥Ì fei2gan1, adj. & n., things good to eat, delicacies. 7. ªÎ®Æ fei2liao4, n., fertilizer; 8. ªÎ®Æ fei2liao4, n., ¤Æ¾ÇªÎ®Æ chemical fertilizer. 9. ªÎ¬ü fei2mei3, n., plump; 10. ªÎ¬ü fei2mei3, n., well-fed (of horses, etc.); 11. ªÎ¬ü fei2mei3, n., rich (soil). 12. ªÎ¿° fei2ni4, n., rich, greasy (food). 13. ªÎD fei2pang4, n., fat, plump (of person); 14. ªÎD fei2pang4, n., ªÎD¯g obesity. 15. ªÎÄÇ fei2rao2, adj., rich (soil). 16. ªÎ¼í fei2run4, n., sleek, smooth and glossy. 17. ªÎ½G¡]¨à¡^ fei2sou3, (er0) n., width of gown, girth: ªÎ½G±o¤¤ good figure (not too slender or plump); 18. ªÎ½G¡]¨à¡^ fei2sou3, (er0) n., half lean pork. 19. ªÎ¥Ð¯» fei2tian2fen3, n., chemical fertilizer, potassium sulphate. 20. ªÎËq fei2zao4, n., soap; 21. ªÎËq fei2zao4, n., ªÎËq¯» soap powder; 22. ªÎËq fei2zao4, n., detergent. 23. ªÎ¨U fei2wo1, adj., (LL) rich (soil). |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42A.70-5 | £©£¹£°£¿ cui4 . [Common var. ¯Ü 42A.70] |
Äg | Num. Index: 42A.70-6 | £{£¹£¶£½ long2 . | |||||||
Adj. | ÂaÄg 42A.02. |
×E | Num. Index: 42A.70-6 | £|£¹£³£¾ guan3 (£¹£³£¾ wan3 ). | |||||||
N. | The internal cavity of the stomach. |
µÃ | Num. Index: 42A.70-6 | £¹£³£¿ wan4 . | |||||||
N. | The wrist: ¤âµÃ ditto; ¸}µÃ ankle; §ãµÃ wring hands in regret. | ||||||||
Words | 1. µÃ³© wan4chuan4, n., (MC) bracelet. 2. µÃªk wan4fa3, n., (callig.) method of holding wrist: (a) ªEµÃ resting wrist on table, (b) ´£µÃ lifting wrist, (c) ÄaµÃ keeping wrist and elbow suspended in air--in writing characters of progressively bigger sizes. 3. µÃÅN wan4zhuo2, n., bracelet. 4. µÃ¤O wan4li4, n., wrist power. |
²æ | Num. Index: 42A.70-8 | £y£¹£¬ tuo1 . | |||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To cast off, take off: ²æ¥h¡A²æ¤U¨Ó take off, strip off; ²æ¨ø¡A²æ±¼ tuo1xie4, tuo1diao4¡õ; ²æ¦ç to strip; ²æ¦ç»R strip tease; ²æ¦ç»R¤k stripteaser; ²æ»K¡A²æ¥ú strip naked; ²æ´U take off one's hat; ²æ¤ò (¾v) lose hair; ²æ´ß hatch (as chicken), come out of egg. (2) To escape (danger): ²æ¥X escape; ²æÀI¡A²æÃø escape from crisis or accident; ²æºô escape from encirclement, physical or legal; ª÷ÂͲæ´ß (phr.) cicada leaving behind its cast-off part in molting, a disappearance act from an entangled situation; ²æ¤f¦Ó¥X words escape from one's lips, speak by impulse or without forethought; ²æ¤f¦¨³¹ speak beautifully (worthy to be written down); ²æ¤â tuo1shou3¡õ. (3) To drop out, drop out by mistake: ²æº|¡A²æ»~ tuo1lou4, tuo1wu4¡õ; ²æÅ·³¥°¨ uncontrollable as wild horse without bridle. | ||||||||
Vb.suffix. | Off: ¥¢²æ¡A¿ò²æ lose, drop (line, words, in printing); µê²æ so weak as to be prostrate; ¨ø²æ cast off (responsibility); °k²æ effect an escape. | ||||||||
Adv. | (MC) perhaps: ²æ¨Ï¥i¦æ perhaps it can be done. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ²æ¯Z tuo1ban1, v.i., miss schedule (of train, etc.). 2. ²æ¸z tuo1chang2, n., prolapsus of the rectum, hernia. 3. ²æÄÒ tuo1dang3, v.i., renounce party membership. 4. ²æ±¼ tuo1diao4, v.t., discard, take off (dress). 5. ²æ´T tuo1fu2, v.i., (AC) dispute between husband and wife. 6. ²æ½Z tuo1gao3, v.i., finish manuscript, ready for printing. 7. ²æ¨z tuo1gang1, n., see tuo1chang2¡ô. 8. ²æ·Æ¡]¨à¡^ tuo1hua2, (er0), adj., slippery (character). 9. ²æ¸` tuo1jie2, v.i., lose continuity or proper contact, become disjointed. 10. ²æ¦Ý tuo1jiu4, v.i., (med.) (be) dislocate (-ed.) 11. ²æÄy tuo1ji2, v.i., drop party membership (ÄÒÄy) or nationality (°êÄy); 12. ²æÄy tuo1ji2, v.i., formerly, (of women sold or sentenced to become singsong girls) be officially released from profession (§²Äy). 13. ²æ¶} tuo3kai0, v.i., to get away, be separated from. 14. ²æªÅ tuo1kong1, v.i., come out a loser or without results; 15. ²æªÅ tuo1kong1, v.i., (of plan, promise) fail. 16. ²æÃi¡]¨à¡^ tuo1lan3 (tuo1la3er0), v.i., play hooky, escape from duty, also tuo2lan3. 17. ²æÂ÷ tuo1li2, v.i., to escape from, sever connections, leave, separate from: ²æÂ÷Ãö«Y break off relations; 18. ²æÂ÷ tuo1li2, v.i., ²æÂ÷²{¹ê divorced from reality. 19. ²æº| tuo1lou4, v.i. & t., be dropped by mistake (of words, letters in printing). 20. ²æ¸¨ tuo1luo4, v.i. & t., drop, fall off (as hair, leaves). 21. ²æ²¤ tuo1lUe4, adj., unrestrained. 22. ²æ¥f tuo1mao3, v.i., miss roll call. 23. ²æ¤òªº tuo1mao2de0, n. & adj., depilatory. 24. ²æµM tuo1ran2, adj. & adv., free, untrammeled. 25. ²æÅx tuo1sa3, adj., easy and unrestrained; 26. ²æÅx tuo1sa3, adj., handsome in manner. 27. ²æ¨ tuo1shen1, v.i., get away: ¤£±o²æ¨¡A²æ¤£¶}¨ cannot get away (from business). 28. ²æÀI tuo1xian3, v.i., escape from crisis, danger, accident. 29. ²æ§µ tuo1xiao4, v.i., pass the period of mourning. 30. ²æ¨ø tuo1xie4, v.t., shake off (duty, etc.). 31. ²æᢠtuo1xi3, n., cast off slippers--s.t. of no consequence. 32. ²æ¤â tuo1shou3, v.i., get rid of, sell (property, stocks). 33. ²æ¤ô tuo1shui3, v.i. & n., dehydrate, -tion. 34. ²æµ¯ tuo1su4, n., hulled but not yet polished rice. 35. ²æ«U tuo1su2, v.i., shake off, not be bound by conventions (of person's character). 36. ²æL¡]¨à¡^ tuo1tai1 (tuo-ta-'l), v.i., (lit.) ¡§come from a certain placenta,¡¨ to compose by borrowing the form of some anc. model but changing the subject--curiously approved in art of composition from emphasis on copying ancients; 37. ²æL¡]¨à¡^ tuo1tai1 (tuo-ta-'l), v.i., also ²æL´«°©. 38. ²æ®M tuo1tao4, v.i., do not observe formalities. 39. ²æ°k tuo1tao2, v.i., to escape. 40. ²æÅé tuo1ti3, v.i., (1) shake off disease and get well; 41. ²æÅé tuo1ti3, v.i., (2) (of Chin. characters) be written out of shape. 42. ²æ¨ß tuo1tu4, phr., (fast as) an escaped hare. 43. ²æºô tuo1wang3, v.i., escape net or encirclement. 44. ²æ»~ tuo1wu4, v.i., drop out (word or letter) by mistake. 45. ²æ¿o tuo1ying3, v.i., (allu.) you cannot keep a good man down (as the ¡§awl-point finds its way out of pocket¡¨). |
Ëv | Num. Index: 42A.70-9 | £|£ ge1 . [Var. of ¯Þ¡A¡¼] | |||||||
Words | 1. Ëv»H ge1bang3, n., the upper arm. 2. ËvÁu ge1bi4, n., the arm. 3. Ëv»K ge1bo0, n., the arm: ¤jËv»K the upper arm; 4. Ëv»K ge1bo0, n., ¤pËv»K the lower arm; 5. Ëv»K ge1bo0, n., Ëv»K¨y ge1bo1zhou3, the elbow (¡×¨y¤l); 6. Ëv»K ge1bo0, n., Ëv»KµÃ ge1bo1wan3, the wrist. 7. ËvªÏºÛ ge1zhi1wo1, n., the armpit. 8. Ëvíë ge1sao1, n., armpit odor. |
M | Num. Index: 42A.70-9 | £t£± bao1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) The womb. (2) The placenta of a child: M¦ç. (3) (Biol.) the cell: ²ÓM. (4) Abbr. for ¦PM (lit.) ¡§same womb,¡¨ term emphasizing consanguinity: M¥S¡AM§Ì brothers of the same mother; M§B¡AM¨û father's brothers of the same mother; ¦PM fellow countryman, common term for compatriots; ¹´M overseas compatriots (¡×µØ¹´); ÃøM compatriot refugees; ¤sM aboriginal compatriots (in Taiwan). |
¯Ü | Num. Index: 42A.70-9 | £©£¹£°£¿ cui4 . [Pop. of ¡¼ 42A.70¡ô] | |||||||
Adj. | (1) Crisp in flavor, voice or style (not drawn-out). (2) Brittle, frail, fragile. (3) Clear-cut, simple: °®¯Ü simply (do s.t.), without hemming and hawing. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¯ÜÁ¡ cui4bo2, adj., brittle (friendship), thin (wafer). 2. ¯Ü©Ä cui4qie4, adj., timid. 3. ¯Ü°© cui4gu0, n., cartilage. 4. ¯Ü§Ö cui4kuai4, adj., simple and direct (in doing things). 5. ¯Ü®z cui4ruo4, adj., weak, fragile. 6. ¯Ü©Ê cui4xing4, n., brittleness (of glass, ice). |
þ | Num. Index: 42A.70-9 | £{£«£¿ la4 . [Pop. ÛK] | |||||||
N. | (1) Year-end sacrifice to the gods, hence the 12th lunar month: þ¤ë la4yUe4, þ¤é la4ri4¡õ; þºÉ¥V´Ý end of the year. (2) Dried or preserved meat or fish made in winter: þ¦× la4rou4, þ¨ý la4wei4¡õ; ¿Nþ collective name for all dried and preserved meat and fish; þ³½¡AþÀn dried or salted fish, duck. (3) (LL) the age of a Buddhist monk. | ||||||||
Words | 1. þ¤K la4ba1, n., the 8th day of the 12th lunar month; 2. þ¤K la4ba1, n., þ¤Kµ° la4ba1zhuo1, gruel with nuts and dates eaten on that day. 3. þ¸z la4chang2, n., sausage; 4. þ¸z la4chang2, n., þ¸zª¯ la4chang2gou3, n., dachshund, so called presumably for its physical likeness to a sausage. 5. þ¹ª la4gu3, n., drum beaten on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, hence the approaching year-end. 6. þ±ö la4mei2, n., (bot.) the winter-sweet, calycanthus praecox (same as Äú±ö). 7. þ¦× la4rou4, n., dried or preserved meat. 8. þ¤é la4rhy, n., the 8th day of the 12th lunar month (same as þ¤K). 9. þ¨ý la4wei4, n., (1) collective name for all dried and salted meat and fish; 10. þ¨ý la4wei4, n., (2) wine brewed in winter. 11. þ¤ë la4yUe4, n., the 12th lunar month. |
Ŧ | Num. Index: 42A.71-2 | £¨£µ£¿ zang4 . | |||||||
N. | The internal organs: ¤Å¦¤»µÆ the viscera, the entrails; ¤ßÂà the heart; ¨xŦ the liver; ªÍŦ the lungs. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ŦµÆ zang4fu3, n., (1) the internal organs of the body; 2. ŦµÆ zang4fu3, n., (2) one's mental attitude, disposition, frame of mind. |
¿° | Num. Index: 42A.71-7 | £z£¸£¿ ni4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Grease, fat. (2) Dirt, grime: ¹Ð¿° dust and dirt; º¡¨ªo¿° covered with grime. | ||||||||
V.i. | (1) Feel dull and listless or depressed: ¿°±o·W feel extremely dull and bored; ·Ð¿° be disgusted or depressed. (2) Be boring, annoying, annoyed: ¿°·Ð ni4fan2¡õ; ¿°¤H ni4ren2¡õ; ¿°¬È ni4wei0¡õ. | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) (Of food) be disagreeable to: ¿°G ni4wei42¡õ; ¦n¿°¤H too greasy; ¿°¦º¤F too greasy, exhausted by tedious work; ¿°¨ý ni4wei41 ¡õ. (2) Fill small cracks with putty: ¥Î¿°¤l¿°¤W¥h apply some putty to keep it in place. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Oily: ªÎ¿° (of food) rich, greasy; ªo¿° ditto. (2) Smooth, glossy: ¿°²z ni4li3¡õ. (3) Tired or sick of, satiated with ª±¿°¤F tried of playing or loafing; ¦Y¿°¤F satiated with eating. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¿°·Ð ni4fan2, v.i., & adj., (be) boring, annoying, annoyed: ¥L¦n¿°·Ð¤H he is so tiresome or boring; 2. ¿°·Ð ni4fan2, v.i., & adj., §Ú¤@¬Ý¨£³oªF¦è¡A¤ßúG´N¿°·Ð I am disgusted at seeing this (loathsome person or thing). 3. ¿°¯» ni4fen3, n., cosmetics, (LL) rouge and powder. 4. ¿°½k ni4hu0, adj., (of liquids) well diluted and mixed. 5. ¿°²z ni4li3, adj., smooth and glossy. 6. ¿°©Ù ni4mo1, (1) n., a trowel for plaster (nih-moo-'l); 7. ¿°©Ù ni4mo1, (2) v.t., make dirty, to soil; 8. ¿°©Ù ni4mo1, v.t., to smear. 9. ¿°¤H ni4ren2, adj., (1) be boring, tiresome; 10. ¿°¤H ni4ren2, adj., (2) too greasy: ³o¦×¤Ó¿°¤H¤Fthis meat is too greasy for me. 11. ¿°¤l ni4zi0, n., (1) putty for fixing small cracks; 12. ¿°¤l ni4zi0, n., (2) a customer who lingers in a place of business unnecessarily long: ¯ù¿°¤l¡A°s¿°¤l¡A¾þ¿°¤l such customer in a teahouse, a restaurant, a bathhouse. 13. ¿°¨ý ni4wei41, adj., (of food) be too rich and greasy. 14. ¿°G ni4wei42, adj., (of food) too rich and greasy: ³oµæ¯u¿°G this dish is too rich to be agreeable to the stomach. 15. ¿°¬È ni4wei0, v.i., invite dislike by forcing one's attentions on another: ¥L¤ÓÅý¤H¿°¬È¤F he is tiresome with his attentions. 16. ¿°¤Í ni4you3, n., a very close friend: »Ó¤¤¿°¤Í a woman's paramour. |
O | Num. Index: 42A.71-9 | £¤ zhi1 . | |||||||
N. | Callus, -es: usu. ¯âO calluses. |
¸| | Num. Index: 42A.72-4 | £ª£¯ sai1 . [Common var. of ¡¼ 41S.80] | |||||||
N. | The cheek: ¸¨¸|ÄG whiskers. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸|À°¤l sai1bang1zi0, n., (coll.) the cheek. 2. ¸|°© sai1gu3, n., cheekbone. 3. ¸|ÀU sai1jia2, n., the cheek. 4. ¸|¸¢ sai1xian4, n., parotid; 5. ¸|¸¢ sai1xian4, n., also Ð_¸|; 6. ¸|¸¢ sai1xian4, n., ¸|¸¢ª¢ mumps (parotitis). |
Ár | Num. Index: 42A.72-6 | £¸£¿ yi4 . | |||||||
N. | The chest: ¯ÝÁr breadth of view, tolerance, generosity. | ||||||||
V.i. | To conjecture: see compp.¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÁrÂ_ yi4duan4, v.i., (1) to make arbitrary decision; 2. ÁrÂ_ yi4duan4, v.i., (2) to guess. 3. Ár«× yi4du4, v.i., to conjecture. 4. Ár»¡ yi4shuo1, n., guesswork, what is pure imagination. 5. Ár´ú yi4ce4, v.i. & n., (to, a) conjecture. |
ÅØ | Num. Index: 42A.80-1 | £¨£µ zang1 . | |||||||
Adj. | See µËÅØ ang1zang1, filthy, 42A.70. |
ÁË | Num. Index: 42A.80-1 | £¦£¶£¿ sheng4 . | |||||||
V.t. | To leave over, be left over (usu. wr. ³Ñ 90S.00). |
µÉ | Num. Index: 42A.80-2 | £y£¸£³£¾ tian3 . | |||||||
Adj. | (1) (AC) proper, decent: ÃãµL¤£µÉ all words were proper; ¤£µÉ¤§»ö (AC) my unworthy present. (2) To throw forward or expose: µÉ¯Ý¡AµÉ¨{¤l¡AµÉI to expose chest, belly, back. (3) Unashamed, see ¡¼µÉ42A.41. |
ÂÁ | Num. Index: 42A.80-6 | £t£¸£´£¿ bin4 . [Var. of øÔ] | |||||||
N. | Kneecap; anc. punishment of removing kneecap. |
¯Ø | Num. Index: 42A.81-1 | £¸£½ yi2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Pancreas: ¯ØŦ. (2) Soap. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¯Ø¤l yi2zi0, n., soap (also called ªÎËq). 2. ¯ØŦ yi2zang4, n., pancreas (also called ¯Ø¸¢). |
ßs | Num. Index: 42A.81-1 | £©£²£¿ cou4 . | |||||||
N. | ßs²z the natural fibre line of meat; (fig.) the thread of thought in writing. |
½¤ | Num. Index: 42A.81-2 | £v£¬£¿ mo4 (*£v£¬£½ mo2 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) Membrane in plants or animals, such as diaphragm, peritoneum, mucous membrance. (2) See ½¤«ô mo4bai4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ½¤«ô *mo2bai4, n. & v.i., religious prostrations, adore, worship: µI»½¤«ô worship at temples. 2. ½¤¥~ mo4wai4, phr., not one's concern (seat of feeling being considered in abdominal organs). |
®Ó | Num. Index: 42A.81-8 | £¤£´£¿ zhen4 . | |||||||
Pron. | The first person, I, since ¯³ Chirn Dyn., restricted to imperial use. | ||||||||
N. | An omen, foreboding: ®Ó¥ü ditto. |
Áy | Num. Index: 42A.81-8 | £{£¸£³£¾ lian3 . | |||||||
N. | (lian3er0, lian3zi0) Face: Àn (ÃZ) ³JÁy¨à oval-faced; Áy¤Õ¡AÁy± lian3kong3, lian3mian0¡õ. (2) Facial expression of anger, embarrassment, shame, etc.: Áy®e¡AÁy¦â facial expression; Áy¤WµL¥ú a dull face; Áy¬õ face red with anger, shame; º¡Áy³q¬õ face reddens all over; ¯ºÁy smiling face; ÁàÁy ugly face, angry look; °Áy grimace; ÂàÁy¡AÅÜÁy¡A½Áy face changes, become angry; Áy¤W¤U¤£¨Ó embarrassed; Áy«æ lian3ji2¡õ; Áy¬õ²ä¤l²Ê hot-tempered. (3) Oriental ¡§face,¡¨ the ability to face fellowmen with self-respect, akin to ¡§honor¡¨: ¥áÁy ¡§lose face¡¨ (to be known to do s.t. improper); ¨SÁy¨£¤H cannot face fellowmen; ½àÁy give ¡§face,¡¨ honor one by accepting invitation, etc.; ¤£nÁy shameless; Áy¤l¤j used to being treated with respect. (4) Sensitivity: Áy³n¡AÁyµw easily, not easily persuaded to give in; Áy¹à easily ashamed, a sensitive face; Áy¼ö easily excited; Áy³n easily persuaded; Áy¥Ö lian3pi2¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Áy³J¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ lian3dan4 (lian3da4er0) (liaan-dahn-tz), n., face (pretty, reddens, etc.). 2. Áy¬õ lian3hong2, v.i. & adj., blush, feel ashamed or angered. 3. ÁyÀU lian3jia2, n., cheeks. 4. Áy«æ lian3ji2, phr., hot-tempered, excitable. 5. Áy¤Õ lian2kong3, n., face, (fig.) ¡§face,¡¨ see N.3¡ô. 6. Áy± lian3mian0, n., face: §Ú¦³¬Æ»òÁy±¨£¤H how can I face people? ¬Ý¦b¥L¦Ñ¤H®aÁy±¤W or Áy¤W out of respect for the old man (do what he desires). 7. Áy½L¡]¤l¡^¡]¨à¡^ lian3pan2 lian3pan2zi0 lian3pa2er0, n., facial contour (long, square, etc.). 8. Áy¥Ö¡]¨à¡^ lian2pi2 (liaan-pier-'l), n., sensitivity to shame: Áy¥Ö«p thick-skinned, ¡§thick-skinned,¡¨ unashamed; 9. Áy¥Ö¡]¨à¡^ lian2pi2 (liaan-pier-'l), n., Áy¥ÖÁ¡ thin-skinned, timid, sensitive to shame, ¨SÁy¥Ö without shame. 10. ÁyÃС]¨à¡^ lian2pu3 (er0), n., theatrical mask, make-up; 11. ÁyÃС]¨à¡^ lian2pu3 (er0), n., (fig.) facial sketch. 12. Áy®e lian3rong2, n., facial expression. 13. Áy¦â lian3se4, n., facial expression: ¬Ý¤HÁy¦â watch another's expression, also to have to please s.o. 14. Áy¤ô lian2shui3, n., basin of water for washing face. 15. Áy½£¨à lian3tang2er0, n., facial contour (long, square, etc.). 16. Áy¤l lian3zi0, n., (1) facial expression, usu. unpleasant: Áy¤l¤£¦n¬Ý ugly expression on face; 17. Áy¤l lian3zi0, n., (2) oft. a pretty face. |
µÍ | Num. Index: 42A.81-9 | £º£½ yU2 . | |||||||
N. | Fat part of belly pork. | ||||||||
Adj. | Fat, rich, fertile (land): »IµÍ¤§¦a rich soil. |
ªÏ | Num. Index: 42A.82-1 | £¤ zhi1 . | |||||||
N. | The legs of animals, wings and feet of birds, arms and legs of man: ¥|ªÏ arms and legs; ¤WªÏ arms; ¤UªÏ legs; ÀY¸£Â²³æ¡A¥|ªÏµo¹F well-developed limbs but head of a moron; ªÏ°© bones of arms or legs. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ªÏ¸Ñ zhi1jie3, v.i., ancient practice of dismembering a criminal. 2. ªÏÅé zhi1ti3, n., person's physique. |
íê | Num. Index: 42A.82-1 | £|£¹£¾ gu3 . | |||||||
Words | 1. íêµÈ gu3zhang4, (1) n., an abnormal swelling of any part of the body: ®ðíê swollen with gas; 2. íêµÈ gu3zhang4, n., ¤ôíê dropsy; 3. íêµÈ gu3zhang4, (2) v.i., to swell, protuberate, bulge; 4. íêµÈ gu3zhang4, (3) adj., bloated, swollen. |
ÐZ | Num. Index: 42A.82-1 | £t£«£½ ba2 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) Hair on calves, arms. |
ªÑ | Num. Index: 42A.82-4 | £|£¹£¾ gu3 . | |||||||
N.adjunct. | ¤@ªÑ»®ð¡A¤@ªÑ·sÂAªÅ®ð a whiff of fragrance, fresh air; ¤@ªÑÀY¾v a strand of hair; ¤@ªÑ¼ö®ð a blast of hot air; ¤@ªÑ¼ö±¡ a spell of enthusiasm; ¤@ªÑ¤gê a band of robbers. | ||||||||
N. | (1) The thigh, the haunches, the rump: §¾ªÑ the buttocks; §¾ªÑ²´ the anus. (2) A share of capital stock: ¦XªÑ¥Í·N joint partnership; pªÑ¤À§Q distribute dividends by shares; ªÑ¥« gu3shi4, ªÑ¥» gu3ben3, ªÑª÷ gu3jin1, ªÑ²¼ gu3piao4, ªÑ®§ gu3xi2, ªÑªF gu3dong1¡õ; ¤JªÑ buy shares; °hªÑ sell shares. (3) A section of a government office: ²Ä¤@ªÑ¡A²Ä¤GªÑ first, second section. (4) (AC) (math.) the longer side of a right triangle. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ªÑ¥» gurben3, n., shares of capital investment. 2. ªÑªF gu3dong1, n., a shareholder: ªÑªF¤j·| a shareholders' (stock-holders') meeting. 3. ªÑ¥÷ gu3fen4, n., shares of capital stock (also ªÑ¤À): ªÑ¥÷¤½¥q joint-stock company. 4. ªÑªÐ gu3gong1, n., one's right-hand man: ªÑªÐ¤§¦Ú (AC) the most trustworthy ministers or advisers. 5. ªÑ´x gurzhang31, n., (1) (LL) the palm of a man's hand: ª±¤§©óªÑ´x¤§¤W have s.o. under one's complete control; 6. ªÑ´x gurzhang31, n., (2) (AC) gu3gong1¡ô. 7. ªÑªø gurzhang32, n., a section chief of a government office. 8. ªÑª÷ gu3jin1, n., cash payment for shares. 9. ªÑ¨à gu3er0, n., (1) a stock share; 10. ªÑ¨à gu3er0, n., (2) a strand, band, bundle (of hair, thread). 11. ªÑ§Q gu3li4, n., interest on shares. 12. ªÑ²¼ gu3piao4, n., stock shares: ªÑ²¼¥«úè the stock market (abbr. ªÑ¥«); 13. ªÑ²¼ gu3piao4, n., ªÑ²¼¥æ©ö©Ò the stock exchange. 14. ªÑ®§ gu3xi2, n., annual dividends per share. 15. ªÑ¥« gu3shi4, n., the stock market. 16. ªÑ¤l gu3zi0, n., (1) see gu3fen4¡ô; 17. ªÑ¤l gu3zi0, n., (2) a strand, band, bundle. |
ªA | Num. Index: 42A.82-5 | £w£¹£½ fu2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A surname. (2) Dose: ¤@ªAÃÄ a dose of medicine. (3) Dress, garment, clothes: «KªA informal, daily wear; §ªA formal dress; ¬vªA¡A¤¤ªA Western, Chinese dress; xªA¡A¨îªA uniform; ´ÂªA court costume; µØªA¡A¬üªA beautiful dress, attire; ¯ÀªA white mourning garment; ªA¹¢¡AªA¸Ë¡AªA¦â fu2shi41, fu2zhuang1, fu2se4¡õ. (4) (AC) subjugated territory; ¤ªA¡A¤»ªA. (5) Mourning, period of mourning: ³àªA mourning dress; ¦³ªA in mourning; ªAº¡¡A°£ªA¡AªA°£¡A²æªA mourning over; °êªA national mourning; ´ÁªA one-year mourning, see ªA¨î fu2zhi4¡õ; ªA¤º during mourning; ªA¤º¯Ç©c take concubine during mourning, an offense; ªA¤º¥Í¤l have son after 10 months of parents' death and before end of 27th month--a sin and disgrace. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To dress: ªA³æ¦ç put on unlined gown; ªA¸Ë fu2zhuang1¡õ. (2) Take, swallow: ªAÃÄ¡AªA¬r take medicine, poison: ªA»ç take Taoist concoctions to become immortal; ¤ºªA¡A¤fªA take (medicine) orally: ªAªk directions for taking medicine. (3) Take well: ¤£ªA¤ô¤g do not agree with climate of place; ³oÃĦY¤£ªA do not take well this medicine, it does not agree. (4) To serve: ªA°È¡AªA§Ð¡AªA¨Í fu2wu4, fu2yi4, fu2shi42¡õ; ªA¦D receive meted-out punishment; be executed. (5) Obey: ªA¡]±q¡^©R¥O¡Aªk«ß obey orders, law. (6) Surrender, obey, submit, respect: ¨ØªA respect (person); ´ÜªA¡A·qªA respect and admire, -tion; °ªA surrender, also compel to surrender; ¤ß®®¸ÛªA¡A®®ªA gladly surrender, admire, accept leadership; ¶¶ªA obery; ÂkªA come under control (of neighboring country); ©}ªA accept defeat; force (person) to accept defeat; ¤£ªA¡A¤ßúG¤£ªA be not convinced; ¤£ªAij½× cannot accept statement; ¤£ªA¿é defeated but not convinced. (7) V.t., compel submission, convince: ¥H¼wªA¤H compel submission by kindness or generosity; ªA¤H¤§¤ß make people accept at heart; »¡ªA¥L convince him by argument. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ªA®ð fu2chi4, v.i., accept inwardly, esp. ¤£ªA®ð be not convinced. 2. ªA¸Ë fu2zhuang1, n., dress, attire: ªA¸Ë³]p costume design. 3. ªA¨î fu2zhi4, n., (1) dress regulations; 4. ªA¨î fu2zhi4, n., (2) elaborate system of prescribed mourning dress and periods; 5. ªA¨î fu2zhi4, n., ±Ù°I 27 months for parents (3 times period of pregnancy); 6. ªA¨î fu2zhi4, n., »ô°I¡A´ÁªA 1 year for grandparents and certain others; 7. ªA¨î fu2zhi4, n., ¤j¥\ 9 months for brothers, sisters, etc; 8. ªA¨î fu2zhi4, n., ¤p¥\ 5 months for uncles, aunts, etc.; 9. ªA¨î fu2zhi4, n., æë³Â 3 months for distant relatives. 10. ªA³Ò fu2lao2, v.i., serve; 11. ªA³Ò fu2lao2, v.i., work as employee. 12. ªA³n fu2nuan3, v.i., admit mistake. 13. ªA³à fu2sang1, n., mourning. 14. ªA¦â fu2se4, n., color of dress. 15. ªA¿é fu2shu1, v.i., admit defeat. 16. ªA¹¢ fu2shi41, n., gen. attire. 17. ªA¨Í¡]¨Æ¡^ fu2shi42, v.t., serve (person, parents, etc.). 18. ªA¶K fu2tie1, adj., willing to follow or obey wish: ¥L¹ï§A«ÜªA¶K he always does what you want; 19. ªA¶K fu2tie1, adj., also ªAªA¶K¶K very loving and obedient; 20. ªA¶K fu2tie1, adj., ¬ï°_¨Ó«ÜªA¶K fit well. 21. ªA±q fu2cong2, v.t., obey (person, orders, discipline). 22. ªA¸o fu2zui4, v.i., be executed. 23. ªA°È fu2wu4, v.i. & n., serve, service; 24. ªA°È fu2wu4, v.i. & n., ªA°È¤¤¤ß service center; 25. ªA°È fu2wu4, v.i. & n., ªÀ·|ªA°È social service; 26. ªA°È fu2wu4, v.i. & n., ªA°ÈªÀ·| serve society; 27. ªA°È fu2wu4, v.i. & n., ªA°Èû attendant, steward. 28. ªA§Ð fu2yi4, n. & v.i., labor service, to serve (corps, etc.) military service. 29. ªAÁt fu2ying1, v.t., admire, render homage; 30. ªAÁt fu2ying1, v.t., remember (advice) at heart. 31. ªA¥Î fu2yong4, n., articles for personal use. |
¸¡ | Num. Index: 42A.82-9 | £w£¹£¿ fu4 . | |||||||
N. | (1)Belly, abdomen, specifically the stomach: ¨{¸¡ the stomach; ¯Ý¸¡ chest and belly; ¸¡³¡ belly; ¤j¸¡ big belly; ¤f¸¡¤§±ý the bodily wants of food and drink; ±M¬°¤f¸¡ just for animal sustenance; ªG¸¡ to fill the belly; ±·¸¡ hold the sides in laughter; ¤f»e¸¡¼C honeyed words and a dagger at heart; ¤ß¸¡¤§¥æ bosom friend; ¤ß¸¡¤§±w enemy within, danger of betrayal or revolt from those closest; 帡©ú¤ß slit belly (i.e., lay all open, conceal nothing) to show loyalty; ¸¡I¨ü¼Ä surrounded by enemy at the front and rear; ¸¡I¬Û¿Ë very intimate; ¸¡I¤§¤ò (LL) insignificant trifle. (2) In the mind only: ¸¡½Z ¡§belly manuscript,¡¨ i.e., mental notes before lecture or writing; ¸¡Ä³¡A¸¡½Ú criticism or opposition in the heart, not expressed; ¸¡ÖÎ ¡§belly as satchel,¡¨ store of learning in the mind; ¸¡ÖάƼe¡A¬Æ»ü well-read, scope of knowledge limited. | ||||||||
V.t. | (AC) carry: ¥X¤J¸¡§Ú (of mother) nursed me. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸¡µÄ fu4qiang1, n., abdominal cavity. 2. ¸'a fu4di4, n., central region, opp. frontier, Ãä¦a. 3. ¸¡µÈ fu4zhang4, n., swelling of the belly, dropsy. 4. ¸¡µ² fu4jie2, n., constipation. 5. ¸¡¤òÃþ fu4mao2lei4, n., (zoo) gastrotricha. 6. ¸¡½¤ fu4mo2, n., peritoneum; 7. ¸¡½¤ fu4mo2, n., ¸¡½¤ª¢ fu4mo2yan2, n., peritonitis. 8. ¸¡Âm fu4xie4, n., diarrhoea. 9. ¸¡¤ß fu4xin1, n., as in ´±¥¬¸¡¤ß make frank statement without reservations; 10. ¸¡¤ß fu4xin1, n., ¸¡¤ß¤H¡A¸¡¤ß¤§¥æ bosom friend. 11. ¸¡µh fu4tong4, n., bellyache. 12. ¸¡¨¬Ãþ fu4zu2lei4, n., (zoo) gastropoda. 13. ¸¡»y fu4yU3, n., ventriloquism. |
Õ¯ | Num. Index: 42A.82-9 | £¡£º£³ jUan1 (*tzuei ). | |||||||
N. | (*tzuei) (Coll.) a child's penis. | ||||||||
V.t. | Exploit, deprive of. |
¸x | Num. Index: 42A.83-2 | £¡£¸£³£¿ jian4 . | |||||||
N. | (Beef) shank. |
»L | Num. Index: 42A.83-5 | £y£¹£°£¾ tui3 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Leg, thigh: »L¤l¡A¤j»L thigh; ¤p»L calf; ¥É»L beautiful legs (of women); ªø»L long-legged person, ²Ê»L big legs; ¥ú»L bare legs; ÅK»L good hiker whose legs are never tired; ¸¤ò»L a fast runner. (2) Capacity for walking, running, leg action: »L§Ö¡A»L¶Ô one who is on his toes all the time; ¶]»L to run about on errands; ¶]»Lªº one assigned to run errands, etc.; ª¯»L¤l (contempt.) ¡§running dog¡¨; ¤j»L»R burlesque, leg show; »L¤W¤u¤Ò beautiful leg work. (3) Condition of legs: »L»Ä leg sore, have stiff legs; ¸}»L¤£«K have difficulty in walking; ÁÚ¤£¶}»L too weak to stand or walk or have no room for action. (4) Ham, leg of pork, mutton, etc.: ½Þ»L leg of pork; ¤õ»L ham; ¶³»L¡A«n»L ham of Yunnan; ª÷µØ¤õ»L Kinhua ham; Âû»L chicken leg. | ||||||||
Words | 1. »L¨{¡]¤l¡^ tui3du4 (zi0), n., the calf (of leg). 2. »L¸ò tui3gen1, n., the heel. 3. »L°© tui2gu3, n., leg bone. 4. »L¸}¡]¨à¡^ tui2jiao3 (er0), n., steps (firm, weak, etc.). 5. »L¤ò tui3mao2, n., hair on legs. 6. »LµÃ¡]¨à¡^ tui2wan3 (tui3wa3er0), n., ankle. |
µÅ | Num. Index: 42A.83-6 | £¸£¿ yi4 (sp. pr. £¸£®£¿ ye4 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) Armpit. (2) The fur on the legs of a fox: ¶°µÅ¦¨¸Ê make fur coat from many pieces of felt--get the benefit of many opinions. | ||||||||
Words | 1. µÅ®ð ye4chi4, n., armpit odor. 2. µÅ¯ä ye4chou4, n., ditto. 3. µÅ¤U ye4xia4, n., under the armpit. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42A.83-6 | £x£¸£¶£¿ ding4 . | |||||||
N. | Hips (pop. cogn. of Áv 52.42): ¥ú¡¼ bare buttocks. |
¿± | Num. Index: 42A.91-1 | £u£¶£½ peng2 . | |||||||
V.i. & adj. | Swell, swollen, inflated (prices, belly). | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¿±µÈ peng2zhang4, v.i. & adj. & n., inflate (-ed, -tion); 2. ¿±µÈ peng2zhang4, v.i. ³q³f¿±µÈ gen. inflation; 3. ¿±µÈ peng2zhang4, v.i. inflated. |
½¦ | Num. Index: 42A.91-5 | £¡£¸£± jiao1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Glue, gum, rubber or similar substance: ½¦¤ô jiao1shui3¡õ; ¾ð½¦ resin, gum; ¾ó½¦ rubber; ¥Ö½¦ common glue; ³½½¦ fish glue; ¶ì½¦ plastics; ¨Å½¦ foam rubber; »¤f½¦ chewing gum. (2) (AC) an imperial academy: ªF½¦ the East Academy. (3) A surname. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) V.t., to glue: ½¦¦í¤F stuck together; ½¦ªþ jiao1fu4¡õ; ½¦¤W glue together. (2) V.i., (AC) run aground: ¸mªM²j«h½¦ (AC) a cup placed in a cupful of spilled water will be stranded. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Sticky, gluey: ½¦ªd jiao1ni2¡õ. (2) Stubborn, obstinate: ½¦©T jiao1gu4¡õ; ½¦°õ¦¨¨£ bigoted, prejudiced, diehard; ½¦¬W¹ª·æ acting with a one-track mind, unadaptable to changing circumstances. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ½¦ª© jiao1ban3, n., a manifolding apparatus. 2. ½¦º£ jiao1chi1, n., (of friends or couple) mutual attachment: ¦p½¦¦üº£ inseparable, closely bound together (¡§like glue and varnish¡¨) between lovers. 3. ½¦±a jiao1dai4, n., insulating tape. 4. ½¦ªþ jiao1fu4, v.t., to stick together (as) with glue. 5. ½¦¸¯ jiao1ge2, n., complications, confusion, dispute. 6. ½¦ºÞ jiao1guan3, n., a rubber tube. 7. ½¦©T jiao1gu4, adj., (1) firm, solid, immovable; 8. ½¦©T jiao1gu4, adj., (2) pigheaded, dogged, unyielding. 9. ½¦±²¡]¨à¡^ jiao1zhuan3 (jiao1jyuaaer0), n., (a roll of) photographic film. 10. ½¦½è jiao1zhi2, n., glue, gum, any gelatinous substance. 11. ½¦Ån jiao1nang2, n., gelatine capsules. 12. ½¦ªd jiao1ni2, (1) n., clay, cement; 13. ½¦ªd jiao1ni2, n., ½¦ªd¤Ú¨à caked mud; 14. ½¦ªd jiao1ni2, (2) adj., sticky. 15. ½¦¤ù jiao1pian4, n., photographic film. 16. ½¦¥Ö jiao1pi2, n., (1) India rubber; 17. ½¦¥Ö jiao1pi2, n., (2) (northern dial.) rickshaw with rubber tires (opp. ÅK¥Ö (¨®) rickshaw with iron tires). 18. ½¦¤ô jiao1shui3, n., glue. 19. ½¦Äò jiao1xU4, v.i., remarry after wife's death. 20. ½¦¦ç jiao1yi1, n., (1) rubber coat; 21. ½¦¦ç jiao1yi1, n., (2) gelatine capsules. |
Ðe | Num. Index: 42A.91-8 | £¤£´ zhen1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Gizzard of birds, fowl: Ðe¨x¨à gizzard and liver. (2) U.f. ¯l (pr. zhen3) 61A.91. |
ÐX | Num. Index: 42A.93-1 | £¢£º qU1 . | |||||||
V.t. | (AC) to pry open: ÐXæ× open a trunk to steal. |
ªÐ | Num. Index: 42A.93-1 | £|£¹£¶ gong1 . | |||||||
N. | The forearm: ªÑªÐ right-hand man, able and reliable assistant, loyal ministers. |
Üù | Num. Index: 42A.93-1 | £¸£¶£¿ ying4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A personal maid who goes with bride to new home. (2) A concubine: Üù©c. | ||||||||
V.t. | To escort (bride). |
ëf | Num. Index: 42A.93-1 | £y££¿ te4 . | |||||||
N. | A small insect destroying rice seedlings or young sprouts. |
¸y | Num. Index: 42A.93-3 | £¸£± yao1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (yao1er0) The waist: Ås¸y bend from the waist; §é¸y (LL) bow in courtesy; ¬h¸y¡A²Ó¸y slender waist; ºµ¸yªêI thick powerful back (and shoulders); ¸Á¸y ¡§bee's waist¡¨--(fig.) an error in versification or slender middle part of writing; ûq¸y¡A©ê¸y to back and support s.o. (2) (yao1zi0) The kidney: ½Þ¸y pork kidneys. (3) Middle part or kidney-shaped object: ¤g¸y an isthmus; ®ü¸y strait(s); ´Ò¤l¥b¸y middle part of stick; ¬G¨Æ¤¤¸y middle part of story. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¸yªO¨à yao1ba3er0, n., waist, back: ®¼ûó¸yªO¨à stand up straight. 2. ¸y¥] yao1bao1, n., wallet carried on girdle, hence ¸yÄñ money carried on body. 3. ¸y±a yao1dai4, n., belt, girdle. 4. ¸y¤M yao1dao1, n., knife on girdle. 5. ¸y©Ð yao1fang2, n., side rooms connected with main court by corridor. 6. ¸yÂd yao1gui4, n., cash box. 7. ¸yªá¡]¨à¡^ yao1hua1 (er0), n., kidney finely slit: ª£¸yªá fried kidney. 8. ¸y±Ù yao1zhan3, v.t., to cut things in half; 9. ¸y±Ù yao1zhan3, v.t., formerly, to execute criminal by cutting body in half at the waist. 10. ¸y¯¸¨à yao1zha4er0, n., a wayfarer's station. 11. ¸yªÏ yao1zhi1, n., waistline. 12. ¸y¯ã yao1kua4, n., hip, hip joint. 13. ¸yúGµw yao1li0ying4, n., broad trousers belt or hard braid girdle, oft. used for carrying things. 14. ¸y»â yao1ling3, n., see n»â 31.93. 15. ¸yªù¡]¨à¡^ yao1men2 (yao1merer0), n., a side door. 16. ¸y¨ yao1-(') shen1, n., (tailor) waist-line. 17. ¸y»L¡]¨à¡^ yao1tui3 (yao1tueeer0), n., strength or weakness of one's steps. 18. ¸y³ò yao1wei2, n., (1) girth (of body, tree); 19. ¸y³ò yao1wei2, n., (2) girdle; 20. ¸y³ò yao1wei2, n., (3) waist measure. 21. ¸yºÛ¨à yao1wo1er0, n., lamb flank. 22. ¸y²´¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ yao1yan3 (yao1ya3er0) (zi0), n., hip spine. 23. ¸y¶ê¡]¨à¡^ yao1yUan2 (yao1yuarer0), adj., oval-shaped, kidney-shaped. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42A.93-8 | £}£¹£¯£¿ kuai4 . [Abbr. of Áz 42A.41] |
õf | Num. Index: 42B.00-1 | £t£¬£½ bo2 . | |||||||
N. | Shoulder blade (cf. »K 42A.00). |
ÃN | Num. Index: 42B.01-4 | £}£ ke1 . | |||||||
N. | Thigh bone; kneecap. |
ñ¹ | Num. Index: 42B.10-9 | £t£¸£¿ bi4 . | |||||||
N. | The thigh; thigh bone: ̹ñ¹ (LL) slap the thigh; ñ¹¦×´_¥Í phr., getting stout again (allu. to regret of ¼B³Æ for not riding on horseback for a long time.) | ||||||||
Words | 1. ñ¹üã bi4di3, n., the red, exposed buttocks of monkey. 2. ñ¹°© bi4gu3, n., thigh bone; 3. ñ¹°© bi4gu3, n., pelvic bones. |
ż | Num. Index: 42B.20-2 | £¨£µ zang1 . | |||||||
Adj. | Dirty: żªF¦è foul stuff; ż¦º¤F abominably dirty; ż¡¼¡¼ disgustingly dirty; ż¬Û unkempt (unwashed), dirty looks; »êż unclean, dirty; ż¤F soiled, smudged. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ż½H zang1chuang1, n., pop. term for syphilis. 2. ż©Ð zang1fang2, n., a house in which s.o. has died a violent death. 3. ż¯g zang1zheng0, n., syphilis (¡§the dirty disease¡¨). 4. ż¤ß zang1xin1, adj., evil-minded. 5. ż¦r¡]²´¡^¨à zang1ze4 (ya1) er0, n., four-letter words. |
Åé | Num. Index: 42B.30-2 | £y£¸£¾ ti3 . [Common abbr. Ê^] | |||||||
N. | (1) The body: ¨Åé¡A¨Åé°·±d physical health; ¤T¦ì¤@Åé Trinity. (2) Style, structure, form: ¤åÅé style of writing, literary style of a period; ¬FÅé form of government (monarchy, republic, oligarchy, etc.). (3) Physical state: ª«Åé material body; ²GÅé fluid; ®ðÅé gas, gaseous state; ©TÅé solid state. (4) Åé¨t («ä·QÅé¨t) systems of thought; ¥»Åé essence; ¥»Åé½× ontology; Åé¤j«äºë broad in conception and meticulous in details. | ||||||||
V.t. | To place oneself mentally in another, to realize, understand: Åé¹î¡AÅé·|¡AÅé½Ì ti3cha2, ti3hui4, ti3liang0¡õ; Åé¨ý to savor s.t. carefully. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Åé¹î ti3cha2, v.t., to understand (another's situation). 2. Åé¨I ti3chen2, adj., heavy. 3. Åé®ð ti3chi4, n., style and character (of writing), character (of person, vigor (of body). 4. Åé»@ ti3fa2, n., corporeal punishment. 5. Åé®æ ti3ge2, n., person's physical stature or health. 6. Åé·| ti3hui4 (ti3hui0), v.t., to try to realize (another's situation). 7. Åé¿n ti3ji1, n., physical volume. 8. Åé¤v ti3ji0, (1) adj., intimate, confidential: »¡Åé¤v¸Ü confidential talks; 9. Åé¤v ti3ji0, (2) a confidant (e); 10. Åé¤v ti3ji0, personal possessions. 11. Åé¨î ti3zhi4, n., form and structure, system (of government, etc.). 12. Åé½è ti3zhi2, n., one's physical endowments; 13. Åé½è ti3zhi2, n., born constitution (person's). 14. Åé½Ì ti3liang0, v.t., to understand and forgive. 15. Åé¨Ò ti3li4, n., form and arrangement of a book. 16. Åé± ti3mian4, adj. & n., outward show of honor: «ÜÅé± given honor, be honored, it's an honor. 17. Åé¾z ti3po4, n., a person's physique. 18. Åé»{ ti3ren4, v.t., to examine what is not obvious, to understand motives. 19. Åé¨t ti3xi4, n., a system; 20. Åé¨t ti3xi4, n., ¤Ó¶§Åé¨t the solar system. 21. Åé¦æ ti3xing21, v.i., to do, perform, behave personally. 22. Å髬 ti3xing22, v.i., body (of car), bodily form, model. 23. Å馡 ti3shi4, n., form (of ceremony, etc.). 24. Åé«ò ti3xU4, v.t., to show consideration to. 25. ÅéºA ti3tai4, n., form, body contour and gesture: ÅéºA»´¬Õ a supple body. 26. Åé¶K ti3tie0, v.t., to show consideration to (one in distress, etc.): Åé¶K¤J·L to be extremely considerate, thoughtful. 27. Åéµô ti3cai2, n., form of writing. 28. Åé¾Þ ti3cao1, n., physical exercise. 29. Åé²Î ti3tong3, n., social form and behavior: ¤£¦¨Åé²Î behave very badly. 30. Åé·Å ti3wen1, n., bodily temperature; 31. Åé·Å ti3wen1, n., Åé·Åªí clinical thermometer. 32. ÅéÅç ti3yan4, v.t., to examine and understand, to place oneself in another's position. 33. Åé¨| ti3yU4, n., physical education; 34. Åé¨| ti3yU4, n., Åé¨|À] gynasium. 35. Åé¥Î ti3yong4, n., substance and function. |
¾u | Num. Index: 42B.40-1 | £}£¹ ku1 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ¾uÅ\ ku1lou2, n., dry skeleton, dugup skull. |
óÁ | Num. Index: 42B.40-6 | £}£«£¿ ka4 . | |||||||
N. | Pelvic bones. |
Àf | Num. Index: 42B.40-9 | £|££½ ge2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) The bone: °©Àf bones, the skeleton, the gen. physical build of a man. (2) Dead man's bones. (3) Var. of ¯Þ 42A.40. |
ìm | Num. Index: 42B.50-1 | £}£¹£«£¿ kua4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Hipjoint. (2) Space between the thighs (var. ¯ã). |
Åê | Num. Index: 42B.50-4 | £x£¹£½ du2 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ÅêÅ\ du2lu2, n., dead man's skull. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42B.50-6 | £t£µ£¾ bang3 . [Var. of »H 42A.50] |
÷¤ | Num. Index: 42B.70-1 | £££¸£± xiao1 . | |||||||
Adj. | ÷¤µM¦³§Î (AC) (of a skull) with well-defined features. |
»ê | Num. Index: 42B.70-6 | £µ ang1 (*£}£µ kang1 ). | |||||||
Words | 1. »êż ang1zang1, adj., (1) dirty, filthy (also wr. µËÅØ). 2. »êż ang1zang1, adj., (2) (*kang1zang1) (AC) fat, upright. |
àé | Num. Index: 42B.70-9 | £¹£°£¾ wei3 . [Err. var. ¡¼] | |||||||
Words | 1. àéñ¹ wei3bi4, adj., (AC) complicated. 2. àéªk wei2fa3, phr., (AC) to violate the law. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42B.70-9 | £t£¬£½ bo2 . | |||||||
N. | Bone arrowhead: ¡¼ÀY ditto. |
üã | Num. Index: 42B.71-9 | £x£¸£¾ di3 . | |||||||
N. | Pelvis, pelvic bones. |
øÔ | Num. Index: 42B.80-6 | £t£¸£´£¿ bin4 . [Var. of ÂÁ 42A.80] |
Àe | Num. Index: 42B.81-6 | £~£¯£½ hai2 . | |||||||
Words | 1. Àe°© hai2gu3, n., (1) the tibia bone; 2. Àe°© hai2gu3, n., (2) a human skeleton: ¤^Àe°© formerly, asking for one's remains to be buried at home town, phr. in requesting permission to resign from office. |
èÒ | Num. Index: 42B.82-2 | £t£¸£¿ bi4 . | |||||||
Adj. | See àéñ¹ 42B.70. |
ïd | Num. Index: 42B.82-3 | £|£¶£¾ geng3 . [Interch. ñÇ] | |||||||
N. | S.t. that sticks in the throat. | ||||||||
V.i. | To stick in the throat: °©ïd¦b³ï¡A¤@¦R¬°§Ö feel suffocated (lit. choked) if I do not speak out. |
»ë | Num. Index: 42B.82-4 | £¦£¯£¾ shai3 . | |||||||
N. | (shai3zi0, shai3er0) Dice: ÂY»ë¨à¡A¥´»ë¨à throw dice; »ëªá¨à dots indicating number on side of a dice; »ë¤l¶ô¨à shapes like dice, as diced chicken. |
Åè | Num. Index: 42B.83-1 | £ª£¹£°£¾ sui3 . [Abbr. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | (1) Bone marrow: (fig.) °©Åè¡AºëÅè¡A¯«Åè essence, vital part (of writing, thinking): «ë¤J°©Åè hate (s.o., s.t.) to the bones. (2) ªÛÅè resinous formation; ¥ÛÅè stalactite, chalcedony, crystalline vein in rocks. |
Å\ | Num. Index: 42B.93-2 | £{£²£½ lou2 . | |||||||
N. | The skull or skeleton of a dead person: ÅêÅ\ a skull; ¾uÅ\ a skeleton. |
§R | Num. Index: 42S.00-2 | £¦£³ shan1 . | |||||||
V.t. | To delete, eliminate: §R¥h¡]§R¤F¡^¨â¦æ deleted two lines; §R±¼ strike off (words, sentences); see compp. ¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. §R°£ shan1chu2, v.t., to eliminate (undesirable elements). 2. §Rq shan1ding4, v.t., revise (edition). 3. §R§ï shan1gai3, v.t., to revise, including cutting out lines. 4. §R¼í shan1run4, v.t., to revise and polish (manuscript). |
è | Num. Index: 42S.00-2 | £|£µ gang1 . | |||||||
Adj. | Hard, unyielding, rigid (opp. ¬X soft, pliant, flexible): è±j gang1qiang0, 誽 gang1zhi2¡õ; ¦å®ð¤èè (of young men) impetuous and ready to pick quarrels; ¬X¯à§Jè gentleness can overcome strength; è¬X¬ÛÀÙ to temper force with mercy; è¤ò tough bristles; èªOµw¥¿ upright and outspoken. | ||||||||
Adv. | (1) Just, a very short time ago: è¤~¡AèÅ× gang1cai2¡õ; èè gang1gang1¡õ; 訫¤F¤£¨ì¤@¤ÀÄÁ went out less than a minute ago; 讳¨ì¤â have just come to hand; è¨ì have just arrived; è¦Y be just eating; è¶}©l just beginning to do s.t. (2) Only, barely, at an opportune moment: 襩 gang1qiao3, è¦n gang1hao3¡õ; è³Ñ¤@¤f just a mouthful is left over; è°÷¶R¨®²¼ just enough money to buy a ticket. | ||||||||
Words | 1. è´p gang1bi4, adj., obstinate, stubborn: è´p¦Û¥Î obstinate and self-willed. 2. 襩 gang1qiao3, adv., (1) by a happy coincidence; 3. 襩 gang1qiao3, adv., (2) at a most opportune moment. 4. è±j gang1qiang0, adj., firm and uncompromising. 5. èè¡]¨à¡^ gang1gang1(er0), adv., (1) just now, a short while ago; 6. èè¡]¨à¡^ gang1gang1(er0), adv., (2) by chance or coincidence. 7. è¦n gang1hao3, adv., at the right moment: è¦n¥L¨Ó just at the right moment he turned up. 8. 西 gang1zheng4, adj., upright, impartial: 西¤£ªü standing on principles and not yielding to pressure. 9. 誽 gang1zhi2, adj., upright, firm in principle. 10. è©Ê gang1xing4 (gang1xing0), n. & adj., rigid, (-ity), inflexible, (-bility). 11. èÅ× gang1cai2, adv., (usu. è¤~) just a moment ago, just now. 12. è¼Ý gang1yi4, adj., resolute and firm; 13. è¼Ý gang1yi4, adj., fortitude. |
Ôl | Num. Index: 42S.00-2 | £|£¹£«£¾ gua3 . | |||||||
V.i. | (1) Cut off the flesh from the bones. (2) (AC) punish a criminal by cutting pieces of his flesh--a form of slow death as extreme punishment. (3) Get cut by anything sharp: Ôl¤F¤@Ó¤f¤l have got a cut on the body. |
ÀJ | Num. Index: 42S.11-9 | £x£¸£± diao1 . | |||||||
N. | Var. of óç a hawk, bird of prey. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. & adj. | To carve, carved (wood, figurine, stone, pillars): ÀJÂΤp§Þ (contempt. of writing) ornate writing, occupied with embellishments. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÀJªO diao1ban3, n., wood block for printing. 2. ÀJº£ diao1chi1, n., carved and lacquered objects. 3. ÀJªá diao1hua1, n. & v.i. & t., carving, to carve. 4. ÀJµZ diao1zhuo2, v.i., chisel and embellish (prose, jade, art objects). 5. ÀJ¨è diao1ke4, v.i. & t., to carve; 6. ÀJ¨è diao1ke4, n., carving, sculpture. 7. ÀJÀs diao1long2, adj., masterly in rhetoric. 8. ÀJ¶ì diao1su4, v.i. & t., carve (wood) and mold (plaster) figures. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 42S.42-4 | £v£¸£¶£½ ming2 . [Rare var. of ©ú 41A.42] |
óç | Num. Index: 42S.50-9 | £x£¸£± diao1 . | |||||||
N. | Eagle, falcon, vulture (¡×øl): óç®° fan of eagle feathers óç²Þ an arrow with eagle feathers. | ||||||||
Words | 1. óçõ§ diao1e4, n., hawk, person of extraordinary strength. 2. ó箫 diao1han4, adj., fierce (¡×¤N®«). |
ñt | Num. Index: 42S.82-2 | £~£¹£¬£¿ huo4 . | |||||||
N. | A red mineral dye. |
§Í | Num. Index: 42S.91-9 | £y£¹£¶£½ tong2 . | |||||||
Adj. | (1)(AC) red, vermilion: §Í¤} red painted bow; §ÍºÞ red pipe. (2) (MC) §Í¶³ dark clouds. |
±n | Num. Index: 42S.91-9 | £x£¸£± diao1 . | |||||||
V.t. | (1) To carve, carved (var. of ÀJ): ±n¤} engraved bow. (2) Wither, -ed (var. of ä): ±nÁ withered; ±n´Ý¡A±n³à (AC) derelict, dissipated, exhausted. |
´M | Num. Index: 50.00 | £££º£´£½ xUn2 (*£££º£®£½ xUe2 ). | |||||||
N. | Ancient measure of eight ancient feet, approximately a fathom. | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) To search, look for: ´M³V xUn2mi4¡õ; ´M¨s¡A´M¨D¡A´M§ä xUn2jiu4, xUn2qiu2, xUn2zhao3¡õ; ´M¤£µÛ¡A´M¤£¨£¡A´M¤£¨ì cannot find (person, object); ´M¤H look for lost relative (esp. in newspaper advertisements); ´M«Î look for house for rent; ´M¥Î¤H look for household help; ´M¦r look for word in dictionary; ´M¸Ö look for inspiration for a poem; ´M«Õ¡A´M³Ó seek some quiet, beautiful spot; ¦Û´M·Ð´o to torture oneself with unpleasant thoughts, give oneself unnecessary trouble; ´M®Ú¨s©³ investigate, probe to the bottom; ´M³¹ºK¥y look for quotes in order to criticize or to embellish one's writing; ´Mªá°Ý¬h visit the brothels. (2) (*xUe2) To grope for: ´MºN xUe2mo0¡õ; ´MºO¡A´M·È xUe2lou0, xUe2liu0¡õ. (3) To resort to: ´M¦º¡A´Mµu¨£ try to commit suicide. (4) To ask for: ´M·ù¡A´M©M ask for alliance, for peaceful settlement. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ´M¬d xUn2cha2, v.t., to search for (evidence, cause, etc.). 2. ´M±` xUn2chang2, adj. & adv., usual, -ly. 3. ´M¶X xUn2chen4, v.i. & t., (coll.) (1) to run about, hustle for trade or profit; 4. ´M¶X xUn2chen4, v.i. & t., (2) to quarrel; 5. ´M¶X xUn2chen4, v.i. & t., (3) to pick fault and scold. 6. ´M¨D xUn2qiu2, v.t., to seek (friends, lost relative, truth, origin, etc.). 7. ´MªÚ xUn2fang1, v.i., to go about in the hope of finding girls or flowers. 8. ´M§ä xUn2zhao3, v.i., to look for (s.t. lost). 9. ´M¨s xUn2jiu4, v.i. & t., to investigate, find out (cause, origin). 10. ´M¼Ö xUn2le4, v.i., look for distractions, seek pleasures. 11. ´M·È *xUe2liu0, v.t., (coll.) to run hands over body. 12. ´MºO *xUe2lou0, v.t., ditto; 13. ´MºO *xUe2lou0, v.t., (hands) ramble over body and hug. 14. ´M·ù xUn2meng2, phr., seek alliance. 15. ´M³V xUn2mi4, v.t., to look for. 16. ´MºN (1) *xUe2mou, v.i., grope for (object, truth); 17. ´MºN (2) *xUe2mo0, v.i., to touch and fondle (body). 18. ´MÆ] xUn2xin4, v.i., pick a quarrel, find pretext for war. 19. ´M¥ð¨à shirnxiu1er0, phr., (coll.) look for lodging (also wr. ´M±J¨à). 20. ´M¨Æ xUn2shi4, v.i., try to pick a quarrel. 21. ´M»w xUn2song4, v.t., (LL) peruse repeatedly. 22. ´M«U xUn2su2, adj., (MC) ordinary: ³o¤H¤£´M«U this man is not an ordinary person. 23. ´M«ä xUn2si1, v.i., to meditate, ponder. 24. ´Mö xUn2yi4, v.i., look for meaning of certain lines. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 50.01 | £~£¹£°£¿ hui4 . [Var. of ·J 92.01] |
»A | Num. Index: 50.10 | £©£¹£°£¿ cui4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) »B»A jadeite, malachite. (2) »B»A³¾ the kingfisher whose blue feathers are used in decorations. | ||||||||
Adj. | Kingfisher-blue. | ||||||||
Words | 1. »A¼ cui4qiao2, n., (AC, MC) woman's hair decoration, studded with kingfisher feathers. 2. »AÂL cui4dai4, n., formerly, eyebrow pencil; 3. »AÂL cui4dai4, n., painted eyebrows. 4. »AµØ cui4hua2, n., (AC) imperial colors framed with kingfisher feathers. 5. »AøU cui4huan2, n., a woman's hair-do. 6. »Aµâ cui4jU2, n., (bot.) a Chin. variety of chrysanthemum, callistephus chinensis. 7. »Aºñ cui4lU4, adj., jade-green (vegetation). 8. »A³¾ cui4niao3, n., a kind of kingfisher (also »AºÑ³¾). 9. »AëB cui4rui2, n., (MC) a flowery colored flag. 10. »A·L cui4wei2, n., (1) the bluish-green soft tints of hillside; 11. »A·L cui4wei2, n., (2) hill slope. 12. »A¤ë cui4yUe4, adj., aquamarine color. 13. »A¥É cui4yU4, n., chrysoprase (cf. ºñÄ_¥Û emerald). 14. »A¦Ð cui4yU3, n., kingfisher feathers. |
æø | Num. Index: 50.10 | £~£¹£° hui1 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) a pheasant, known for beautiful plumes, associated with queen's carriage. | ||||||||
Adj. | Of variegated colors like pheasant. |
»C | Num. Index: 50.11 | £¤£¯£½ zhai2 (re. pr. £¤££½ zhe2 , *£x£¸£½ di2 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) (AC) (*di2) a long-tailed pheasant. (2) A surname. |
¬ý | Num. Index: 50.20 | £¸£¿ yi4 . | |||||||
N. | Name of legendary famous archer (also called ¦Z¬ý). |
Éà | Num. Index: 50.21 | £¹£³£¿ wan4 . [Symbolic sign for ¸U in ¸UºÖ good luck.] |
¤Ý | Num. Index: 50.22 | £x£¸£±£¿ diao4 (*£x£¸£¿ di4 ). [Pop. ¦Q, esp. in V.i. & t.2¡õ] | |||||||
N. | Formerly, a string of 100 cash, (¡×one dollar). | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To console with the bereaved, to lament, esp. diao4sang1¡õ; ¤Ý²½¡A¤Ý¤å¡A¤Ý³à diao4ji4, diao4wen2, diao4sang1¡õ; ¤Ý«È guests at funeral ceremony; ¶}¤Ý hold a funeral ceremony; (AC) to console and comfort: ¤Ý¥Á¥ï¸o punish the tyrant and comfort the people; ¤Ý¥j¾Ôúè think of the dead on ancient battlefields; ¾Ì¤Ý think of the dead and gone on historic sites. (2) To hang up: ¤Ý°_¨Ó hang it up; ¤Ý¤ô haul water from well; objects that can be opened and suspended: ¤Ýµ¡¡A¤ÝûÒ¡A¤Ý¾ô diao4chuang1, diao4chuang2, diao4qiao2¡õ; hang to death: ¤Ý¦º¡A¤W¤Ý. (3) (Peking coll.) ¤Ý¥ÖÃÍ fix cover on fur coat. (4) Identical with ½Õ: ¤Ý®×¡A¤Ý¨÷¡×½Õ®×¡A½Õ¨÷; see ½Õ 60A.42. (*di4) (AC) be present (of deities); ¯«¤§¤Ý¨o. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤Ý»H¤l diao4bang4zi0, v.i., (Shanghai coll.) to accost a passing girl one doesn't know, go out with girl ¡§arm in arm.¡¨ 2. ¤Ý¾ô diao4qiao2, n., suspension bridge. 3. ¤Ýµ¡ diao4chuang1, n., window which can be propped up, hinged on top. 4. ¤ÝûÒ diao4chuang2, n., hammock. 5. ¤Ý³J diao4dan4, n., (sl.) term of abuse to inferiors. 6. ¤Ý¸Þ diao4gui3, adj., bizarre: ¤Ý¸Þ¬á©_ try to be novel for effect. 7. ¤Ý²½ diao4ji4, v.i., participate in worship ceremony for the dead. 8. ¤ÝÄÁªá diao4zhong1hua1, n., (bot.) flowers like inverted cups or bells, Chinese New Year flower: enkyanthus quinque florus. 9. ¤Ý¤ò¨à diao4mao2er0, v.i., make a kind of somersault in stage plays. 10. ¤Ý³à diao4sang1, v.i., offer condolences at funeral. 11. ¤Ý¾P diao4xiao1, v.t., suspend (license). 12. ¤Ý§µ diao1xiao4, v.i., condole with bereaved son. 13. ¤Ý¦º° diao4syrgui3, n., ghost of person who hanged himself. 14. ¤Ý±í¡]¤Ý¤ô±í¡^ diao4tong3, n., well bucket. 15. ¤Ý¤å diao4wen2, n., prayer for the dead, written out and burned. 16. ¤Ýñ diao4yan4, v.i., offer condolences. 17. ¤Ý¼v diao4ying3, v.i., be lonely, from §Î¼v¬Û¤Ý body has only its shadow for company. |
©ª | Num. Index: 50.22 | £¤£²£¾ zhou3 . | |||||||
N. | A broomstick: ±½©ª. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ©ª¬P jourxing1, n., a comet. |
¤¡ | Num. Index: 50.30 | £¥£²£¾ chou3 . | |||||||
N. | (1)(chou3er0) A clown. (2) Number two of the duodecimal cycle (Appendix A); ¤¡®É 1¡Ð3 a.m. period. (3) A surname. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤¡¥¹ chou3dan4, n., a woman clown on stage. 2. ¤¡¨¤¡]¨à¡^ chou2jiao3 (er0) (chou3jUe2er0), n., the role of a clown; 3. ¤¡¨¤¡]¨à¡^ chou3jiao3 (er0) (chou3jUe2er0), n., one who plays such role. 4. ¤¡±C¤l chou3po2zi0, n., (coll.) a hag on stage, see chou3dan4¡ô. |
²Ý | Num. Index: 50.30 | £¸£¿ yi4 . | |||||||
Adj. | (LL) The next in time: ²Ý¤é¡A²Ý¦~ (LL) the next day, year. |
¥l | Num. Index: 50.40 | £¤£±£¿ zhao4 (*£¦£±£¿ shao4 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) An imperial decree (interch. ¶@ 61A.40). (2) A surname (*shao4). | ||||||||
V.t. | (Except in sense ¡§1,¡¨ interch. ©Û). (1) (Of emperor) to summon: ¥l¨£ to command an audience with ruler or emperor; ¥l¹ï have interview with emperor; «Å¥l have the imperial decree read publicly; ¼x¥l (government) call for possible talents to join government. (2) To gvie notice of ¡§want ads¡¨ (house to let, tenant, business apportunities, etc.): ¥l½L¡A¥l¯² zhao4pan2, zhao4zu1¡õ. (3) To solicit (recruits, etc.): ¥l¶Ò¡A¥l¶° zhao4mu4, zhao4ji2¡õ. (4) To cause, engender: ¥lº× zhao4huo4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¥lº× zhao4huo4, v.i., to invite disaster. 2. ¥l¶° zhao4ji2, v.t., to assemble (people) for some purpose. 3. ¥l¶Ò zhao4mu4, v.t., to recruit (soldiers, volunteers). 4. ¥l½L zhao4pan2, v.i., offer to sell out business. 5. ¥l¯² zhao4zu1, v.i., (give notice of) house to let. |
²ß | Num. Index: 50.41 | £££¸£½ xi2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A surname. (2) Habit, customs: ´c²ß bad habits; ®²ß bad customs; ¿n²ß old habits; ²ßºD¡A²ß®ð¡A²ß©Ê xi2guan4, xi2chi0, xi2xing4¡õ; ²ßºD¦¨¦ÛµM what is habitually done becomes natural; ²ß»P©Ê¦¨ (AC) habit becomes second nature; ©Ê¬Ûªñ¡A²ß¬Û»· men are born about the same, but habits make them differ. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To learn, practise, exercise: ¾Ç²ß learn (writing, medicine, technique, etc.); ½m²ß to exercise, an exercise; ·Å²ß¡A½Æ²ß review (lessons); Á¿²ß teach (history, etc.); ºt²ß (n. & v.i.) exercise, military drill, practice. (2) Be used to, accustomed to, form habit: ²ß«D¦¨¬O what becomes customary is accepted as right; ²ß´k (LL) become habitually lazy; ²ß¥H¬°±` get accustomed to s.t. | ||||||||
Adj. | Familiar: ²ß«U xi2su2¡õ; ª²ß become intimate with (person). | ||||||||
Adv. | Often: ²ß¨£ see oftentimes; ²ß be familiar with (a fact); ²ß»D have often heard. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ²ß§L xi2bing1, (1) v.i., to be trained as soldier; 2. ²ß§L xi2bing1, (2) adj., versed in military matters. 3. ²ß®ð xi2chi0, n., habits (good, bad), habitual temperament. 4. ²ß±o©Ê xi2de2xing4, phr., acquired habit, response. 5. ²ß©w xi2ding4, v.i., (Budd. & Neo-Confucian) mental discipline to free mind of thoughts and desires. 6. ²ßºD xi2guan4, n., habits; 7. ²ßºD xi2guan4, n., customs: ´c²ßºD bad customs or habits (cf. xi2su2¡õ); 8. ²ßºD xi2guan4, n., ²ßºDªk common law based on actual practice; 9. ²ßºD xi2guan4, n., ²ßºD©Ê habitual nature. 10. ²ß¬y xi2liu2, n., (AC) soldiers trained in swimming. 11. ²ß·À xi2mie4, phr., from ²ßµ½·À´c (Budd.) learn good and forsake evil. 12. ²ß¬V xi2ran3, n., habit (from ¡§contagion¡¨). 13. ²ß©Ê xi2xing4, n., temperament, habitual nature. 14. ²ß²ß xi2xi2, adj., (AC) rustling of wind or wings; 15. ²ß²ß xi2xi2, adj., (AC) gaily gathered together. 16. ²ß¼ô xi2shu2, adj., familiar. 17. ²ß«U xi1su2, n., local customs. 18. ²ßÃD xi2ti2, n., exercises provided in textbooks. 19. ²ß¦r xi2zi4, v.i., to learn calligraphy; 20. ²ß¦r xi2zi4, v.i., learn new words. |
÷§ | Num. Index: 50.42 | £º£¿ yU4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) ÷§¤l (AC) a child. (2) A surname. | ||||||||
V.t. | (LL) to sell: ÷§¤å make a living by writing, selling articles; ÷§©d¡A÷§¤k¡A÷§¤l sell one's wife, daughter, son. |
¤N | Num. Index: 50.50 | £x£¸£± diao1 . | |||||||
N. | A surname. | ||||||||
Adj. | Artful, knavish, rascally, see compp.¡õ: ¤N´Ò rascal; ¤N°ü shrew: ¤Nµ§ rabid, wretched writing; ©ñ¤N act rascally, play the bully. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤N¤N diao1diao1, (AC) adj., flickering in the wind. 2. ¤N¤æ diao1dou3, n., army cooking pot, formerly used as alarm gong at night, hence ¤N¤æ´ËÄY strict army discipline. 3. ¤N´c diao1e4, adj., rascally brutal, wicked. 4. ¤N®« diao1han4, adj., strong and arrogant, fierce. 5. ¤N·â diao1hua2, adj., artful, deceitful. 6. ¤N¿à diao1lai4, v.i., repudiate (loans), make groundless accusations. 7. ¤NÆZ diao1man2, adj., obstinate, unruly. 8. ¤NÃø diao1nan2, v.i. & t., purposely make difficulties for (person), also ¬DÃø. 9. ¤NµÊ¡]¥Ö¡^ diao1pi2, adj., knavish, (of children) naughty. 10. ¤NÆp diao1zuan1, adj., wily. 11. ¤N¹x diao1wan3, adj., stubborn, obstinate. |
¤M | Num. Index: 50.50 | £x£± dao1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) The radical ¤M, appearing on right as ¡¼. (2) Various kinds of knives: ¤@§â¤M a knife; µæ¤M kitchen chopper; ÅI¤M sickle; «c¤M¡A¨íÄG¤M razor; °Å¤M scissors; ¤j¤M long-handled sword; ³æ¤M broad sword; ¨ë¤M bayonet; ¤MI dull side of knife; ¤M¤f knife edge; ³o¤M¨S¦³¤f knife is dull; ¤M¹v knife handle; (fig.) ¥s¤H®³¤M¹v¨à let opponent hold the power. (2) (AC) ancient coin in form of knife. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤Mµ§ dao1bi3, n., in ¤Mµ§¦O¡A¤Mµ§¥ý¥Í man versed in law or in charge of legal documents (who uses the pen like a knife). 2. ¤M§L dao1bing1, n., war, battle. 3. ¤M³ÐÃÄ dao1chuang1yao4, n., herb for treating wounds. 4. ¤M¤Ø dao1chi3, n., (1) scissors and tapeline; 5. ¤M¤Ø dao1chi3, n., (2) standards for judging the fitness of people for jobs. 6. ¤M¨§ dao1dou4, n., bean, canavallia ensiformis. 7. ¤M©ò¤â dao1fu2shou3, n., executioner. 8. ¤M¦c dao1gui1, n., ancient small measure of Chin. medicine; 9. ¤M¦c dao1gui1, n., the practice of medicine. 10. ¤MÀ@¡]¤§§Q¡^ dao1zhui1, n., small amount (of profit). 11. ¤M½¸ dao1lang2, n., (zoo.) mantis (¡×Á®½¸). 12. ¤M§L dao1bing1, n., war, battle. 13. ¤M°¨¥¹ dao1ma3dan4, n., actress versed in swordplay. 14. ¤MµP¤â dao1pai2shou3, n., soldier equipped with knife and shield. 15. ¤M¤ù¨à dao1piaher0, n., razor blade. 16. ¤M«[ dao1zu3, n., chopping board: ¤H¬°¤M«[¡A§Ú¬°³½¦× at people's mercy (like fish or meat on chopping board). 17. ¤M³½ dao1yU2, n., the long-tailed anchovy, coilia nasus. |
¤b | Num. Index: 50.50 | £§£´£¿ ren4 . | |||||||
N. | The cutting edge of a knife or sword: ¤b¨à¡A¤M¤b ditto; ¶}¤b sharpen a knife or sword; §L¤b arms, weapons. | ||||||||
V.t. | Kill: ¦Û¤b commit suicide; ¤b¤û to slaughter cattle; ªï¤b¦Ó¸Ñ solve problems (difficulties) with the greatest ease; ¤b¶Ë¨Æ¥D cut and injured the victim; ¤â¤b¨ä¤l killed his son with his own hand. |
¤} | Num. Index: 50.50 | £|£¹£¶ gong1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A bow: ¤}½b bow and arrow; ¤}©¸ a cross bow; ±j¤} a heavy bow; ±i¤}·f½b with bows drawn and arrows set; ¤}©¶ a bow string; ¤}³U a bow case; ¤}¤â an archer; ¤}¤H a bow maker. (2) A land measure equal to five Chinese feet. (3) A surname. (4) A radical, ¡§50A¡¨ in this index. | ||||||||
Adj. | Bent, crooked: ¤}¸y¾mI hunch backed. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤}I¨à gong1bei4 (gong1beher0), (1) n., the back of a bow; 2. ¤}I¨à gong1bei4 (gong1beher0), (2) adj., hunchbacked, arched. 3. ¤}¾c gong1xie2, n., shoes worn by women with bound feet. 4. ¤}¤l gong1zi0, n., a bow-shaped article. 5. ¤}¨¬ gong1zu2, n., formerly, bound feet of Chin. women. |
¥q | Num. Index: 50.50 | £ª si1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) An administrative department, an independent bureau: ¥qªø si1zhang3¡õ; ³£¥q¡A¤g¥q¡Aÿ¥q bureau in charge of frontier regions; µ|°È¥q Commissioner of Customs. (2) Official: ¦³¥q (AC, LL) officials; ¤W¥q superior in government office ¥´©x¥q go to court; µ§¾¥©x¥q controversy in articles; ¾¥q official duties. (3) Part of compound surnames: ¥q°¨¡A¥q®{¡A¥qªÅ si1ma3, si1tu2, si1kong1¡õ. | ||||||||
V.t. | To take charge of: ¥q¨ä¨Æ be in charge of certain tasks; ¦U¦³©Ò¥q each has his duties; forms compounds designating offices in many words, like ¥qìN si1hun1, doorkeeper; ¥q½ã¡A¥q»ö si1zhang4, si1yi2¡õ¡F ¥qªk si1fa3¡õ; ¥q¾÷ si1ji1¡õ; ¦ÉÂû¥q±á a hen cries cock-a-doo-dle-doo--domineering wife. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¥qÅM si1duo2, n., Roman Catholic priest. 2. ¥qªk si1fa3, n., the judiciary; 3. ¥qªk si1fa3, n., ¥qªk°| the Judicial Yuan; 4. ¥qªk si1fa3, n., ¥qªk©x a judge; 5. ¥qªk si1fa3, n., ¥qªk¬É judicial circles. 6. ¥qªø si1zhang3, n., department or section chief. 7. ¥q½ã si1zhang4, n., treasurer, cashier. 8. ¥q¾÷ si1ji1, n., driver; 9. ¥q¾÷ si1ji1, n., private chauffeur. 10. ¥q±F si1kou4, n., (AC) minister of justice. 11. ¥q®w si1ku4, n., official treasurer; 12. ¥q®w si1ku4, n., keeper of treasury vaults. 13. ¥qªÅ si1kong1, n., (1) a compound surname; 14. ¥qªÅ si1kong1, n., (2) (AC) minister of public works. 15. ¥q¥O si1ling4, n., commander: Á`¥q¥O commander in chief; 16. ¥q¥O si1ling4, n., ¥q¥O³¡ commander's headquarters; 17. ¥q¥O si1ling4, n., ¥q¥O¶ð conning tower; 18. ¥q¥O si1ling4, n., ¥q¥O»O reviewing stand. 19. ¥q²z si1li3, n., officer in charge. 20. ¥q°¨ si1ma3, n., (1) (AC) minister of war; 21. ¥q°¨ si1ma3, n., (2) a compound surname. 22. ¥q©R si1ming4, n., an arbiter of human destiny; 23. ¥q©R si1ming4, n., (coll.) kitchen god. 24. ¥qªª si1mu4, n., (AC) the ruler (lit., ¡§shepherd¡¨). 25. ¥q®Ñ si1shu1, n., formerly, official copyist. 26. ¥q¨Æ si1shi4, n., person in gen. charge. 27. ¥q®{ si1tu2, n., (AC) minister of culture; 28. ¥q®{ si1tu2, n., ¤j¥q®{ cabinet minister or premier in various dynasties; 29. ¥q®{ si1tu2, n., (Manchu Dyn.) minister of finance; 30. ¥q®{ si1tu2, n., a compound surname. 31. ¥q°È si1wu4, n., gen. reference to workman in charge; 32. ¥q°È si1wu4, n., esp. ¤j¥q°È¡A¼p¥q°È the chef. 33. ¥q»ö si1yi2, n., master of ceremony. |
§K | Num. Index: 50.70 | £v£¸£³£¾ mian3 . [Var. §K 92.70] | |||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) Be free from, absolved, excused, relieved from (work), used oft. as vb. aux.: §K¥h¡A§K±o¥h excused from going, do not have to go; ¥i§K«h§K¥h don't go unless you have to; §K±o¡A¥H§K so that one need not, to save (embarrassment, offending, etc.); oft. negative §K¤£¤F¡A§K¤£±o cannot help; §K¤£¤F¸Õ¤@¸Õ cannot help trying; esp. Ãø§K¡A¥¼§K¡G¥¼§K¶Ë±¡ cannot help feeling sad; (in depreciation) ¥¼§KµL²á really boring; ¥¼¯à§K«U (slightly apologetic) have to follow the conventions. (2) (Imperative) do not: §K¶}´L¤f you had better shut up; ½Ð§K¤¶·N please do not worry; §K³Ò¾r please do not bother. (3) V.t., dismiss: §K¾ dismiss from office; §K©x¡A§KÂJ mian3guan12, mian3chu4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. §KÂJ mian3chu4, v.t., dismiss, degrade. 2. §K°£ mian3chu2, v.t., dismiss, excuse; 3. §K°£ mian3chu2, v.t., to clear up, remove, save from (worries). 4. §K¶O mian3fei4, adv., free of charge. 5. §K«a mian3guan11, v.i., take off the hat. 6. §K©x mian3guan12, v.t., dismiss from office. 7. §K¾ÔµP mian3zhan4pai2, n., formerly, signal for truce, (like white flag). 8. §K¾ mian3zhi1, v.t., dismiss: µ¹¥L§K¾ dismiss him from post. 9. §K§ mian3li3, v.i., be excused from usual courtesy gestures. 10. §K²¼ mian3piao4, adv., free admission. 11. §K³à mian3sang1, v.i., terminate mourning when period is over. 12. §K¨ mian3shen1, v.i., (AC) deliver baby. 13. §K®u mian3xi2, v.i., excuse oneself from table. 14. §Kµ| mian3shui4, adv., tax-free, tax-exempt. 15. §K¸Õ mian3shi4, v.i., be excused from examination. 16. §K§Ð mian3yi4, v.i., be excused from conscription. 17. §K¬Ì©Ê mian3yi4xing4 n., (biol.) immunity; 18. §K¬Ì©Ê mian3yi4xing4 n., §K¬Ì§@¥Î immunization. |
¨ß | Num. Index: 50.70 | £y£¹£¿ tu4 . [Var. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | (tu4zi0, er0) Rabbit, hare: ®a¨ß rabbit; ³¥¨ß hare; ¥É¨ß the rabbit in the moon, (poet.) the moon; ¨ß¨à·Ý tu4er0ye2¡õ; ¨ß¦ºª°´d the fox is sad at death of hare--sympathy for one of its kind; ¨ß¦ºª¯²i cook the hound (as no longer needed) when the hares have been run down--allu. when country was unified, the king killed off his underlings; ¨ß°_ö¼¸¨ the moment a hare is flushed out, the falcon swoops down--said of quick flow of writer's thoughts and imagination; ²æ¨ß (fig.) swift-footed hare, which has escaped a chase. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¨ß²å tu4chun2, adj., hare-lipped. 2. ¨ß¯Ê tu4chyuei, adj., ditto. 3. ¨ß²@ tu4hao2, n., writing brush made of rabbit's hair. 4. ¨ß¸ª tu4kui2, n., (1) (zoo.) the sea anemone; 5. ¨ß¸ª tu4kui2, n., (2) (bot.) the winter aconite (also wr. µé¸ª). 6. ¨ß¨à·Ý tu4er0ye2 n., (1) clay rabbit at Mid-Autumn Festival; 7. ¨ß¨à·Ý tu4er0ye2 n., (2) (coll.) a pederast. 8. ¨ßµ· tu4si1, n., the dodder (also wr. µéµ·). 9. ¨ß²æ tu4tuo1, v.i., make good one's escape. 10. ¨ß¤l tu4zi0, n., rabbit. 11. ¨ß¶éµ¦ tu4yUan2ce4 n., popular books for villagers; 12. ¨ß¶éµ¦ tu4yUan2ce4 n., chapbooks (also wr. ¨ß¶é¥U). |
§Ò | Num. Index: 50.72 | £¡£¸£¿ ji4 . | |||||||
N. | Anniversary of the death of one's father or mother: §Ò¨° ji4chen2¡õ. | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) To envy, to hate: §Ò«ë ji4hen4¡õ; §Ò¨è ji4ke4¡õ; ²q§Ò be suspicious and jealous of; ºÃ§Ò ditto; úí§Ò be envious of. (2) To dread, to fear: §Ò¼ª ji4dan4¡õ; ¬È§Ò be afraid of. (3) Shun, avoid: §Ò½ä¡A§Ò°s¡A§ÒûÇ abstain from gambling, wine, tobacco; §Ò¼L ji4zui3, §Ò¤f ji4kou3¡õ; §Ò¿Ð jih-(') hui4¡õ; ¸T§Ò taboos: ¦ÊµL¸T§Ò nothing is taboo; µ£¨¥µL§Ò children say what they like. | ||||||||
Words | 1. §Ò¨° ji4chen2, n., date of the death of one's father or mother. 2. §Ò¼ª ji4dan4, v.i., have scruples: ¸vµL§Ò¼ª utterly unscrupulous. 3. §Ò«ë ji4hen4, v.t., be jealous of and hate. 4. §Ò¿Ð ji4hui4 (ji4hui0), n., (1) taboos; 5. §Ò¿Ð ji4hui4 (ji4hui0), n., (2) (northern coll.) another name for vinegar. 6. §Ò¨è ji4ke4, adj., mean and cruel. 7. §Ò¤f ji4kou3, v.i., avoid certain foods. 8. §Òªù ji4men2, n., formerly, taboo for women from other clans to visit family during New Year. 9. §Ò¤é ji4ri4, n., see ji4chen2¡ô. 10. §Ò¼L ji4zui3, v.i., see ji4kou3¡ô. |
§Ô | Num. Index: 50.72 | £§£´£¾ ren3 . | |||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) V.t., endure, suffer, tolerate, bear: ®e§Ô be tolerant of; §Ô@ ren3nai4¡õ; §Ô®ð§]Án suffer indignities without a protest; §Ô®÷ refrain from crying; §Ôµh endure pains silently; §Ô¤×§t«¯ passively accept insults and humiliations; §Ô¦í³o¤f®ð suppress one's anger, control oneself without blowing up; §Ô¨ü ren3shou4¡õ; §Ô°d ren3ru4¡õ; §Ô¦r¤ßÀY¤@§â¤M even the most forbearing, if provoked too far, may become desperate; §ÔµL¥i§Ô come to the end of one's patience, to tax one's patience to the limit; §ÔÄÈ¡A§Ô¾j suffer hunger (starvation); ¦Ê©m¥±¯à§Ô the people can no longer tolerate (such excesses). (2) Would not, short for °Z§Ô (¡§how could¡¨): §Ô§ó«ä¶q how could I think of it again? ©v±Ú§Ô¬Û¿ò you wouldn't leave your family and clan, would you? (3) V.i., (coll.) live in seclusion, cut oneself off from the outside world. (4) (Coll.) take a nap. | ||||||||
Adj. | Cruel, merciless: ´Ý§Ô ruthless. | ||||||||
Words | 1. §Ô¥V ren3dong1, n., (bot.) the honeysuckle (also ª÷»Èªá). 2. §Ô«¯ ren3gou4, v.i., meekly submit to insults: §Ô«¯³g¥Í allow oneself to be insulted to remain alive. 3. §Ô±Ð ren3jiao4, phr., how could one bear to: §Ô±Ð¨à³ÚÄȸ¹´H how could I bear to let my child cry from hunger and cold? 4. §Ô«T ren3jUn4, v.i., to smile gently: §Ô«T¤£¦í (¸T) cannot help smiling. 5. §Ô@ ren3nai4, v.t., endure patiently. 6. §Ô°d ren3ru4, v.i., meekly accept abuses, insults: §Ô°dt« discharge one's duties conscientiously in spite of slanders. 7. §Ô©Ê ren3xing4, v.i., restrain oneself, try to be patient. 8. §Ô¤ß ren3xin1, adj., hardhearted, unfeeling, pitiless: §Ô¤ß®`²z ruthless and devoid of human feelings. 9. §Ô¨ü ren3shou4, v.t., endure, suffer (cold, hunger, privations, physical pain, mental anguish). 10. §Ô¨Æ ren3shi4, v.i., put up with adversities. 11. §Ô¦º ren2si3, v.i., hold on to life and save it for some worthy cause. |
Ál | Num. Index: 50.80 | £¸£¿ yi4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (LL) a wing: ©çÁl flap wings; §éÁl ¡§broken wing¡¨--(lit.) with clipped wings, (fig.) the death of a brother; ¾÷Ál plane wing; (rare, poet.) boat sails. (2) Front fins of fish. (3) A surname. | ||||||||
V.t. | To shelter as with wings: ÁlÅ@ yi4hu4¡õ; to support as with wings: ÁlÀ¹ yi4dai4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Ál¯Í yi4chi4, n., wings; 2. Ál¯Í yi4chi4, n., fins. 3. ÁlÀ¹ yi4dai4, v.t., (LL) to support (ruler). 4. ÁlÅ@ yi4hu4, v.t., (LL) to shelter and protect. 5. ÁlÁl yi4yi4, adj., (LL) as in ¤p¤ßÁlÁl very, very careful. |
t | Num. Index: 50.80 | £w£¹£¿ fu4 . [var. t] | |||||||
N. | (1) Burden: ¦pÄÀ«t as if relieved of a heavy burden. (2) Loss: Á«t deficit, debt. (3) Defeat: ³Ót (¥¼¤R) victory or defeat (not yet decided). | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To carry, to shoulder, to carry on back: t¡]°_¡^³d¥ô to shoulder responsibility; t¾á¡AÀ¹²Ö¡A see fu4dan1, fu4dai4, fu4lei4¡õ; t¼C¡A¯ì carry sword, firewood; t¦Ì carry bags of rice (to feed parents); tÓD¨D®v ¡§carry suitcase¡¨ (go abroad) as student to seek teacher; t¯ð½Ð¸o carry rod to ask for punishment, i.e., to apologize; tÁ½ bear the blame, see t©} fu4qU1¡õ. (2) To back against as defense: ¦pªêtØá like a tiger at bay; tØá¨ÌÀI to fight from high position, back to cliffside. (3) To rely on: t©T¦º¾Ô fight hard, relying on strategic strength; ¦Ût rely on one's own ability, think too highly of oneself. (4) To owe, to bear debt: t¶Å fu4zhai4¡õ; t¯² owe rent. (5) To show loss, deficit, therefore to owe debt of gratitude; Á«t show deficit, fail to square one's debt; ¶dtªB¤Í to fail a friend; ¤ít¶Å°È owe debts. (6) To run out on debt, to fail to meet obligations: t¬ù fail in treaty obligations, break one's promise; t©R fail in mission, act contrary to one's mission; t¼w¡A§Ñ®¦t¸q be ungrateful; ¦³t²³±æ¡A«p±æ to disappoint those who had hopes or confidence in person. (7) V.i., be defeated in battle: t±Ñ¦Ó°k be defeated and run away. | ||||||||
Adj. | Negative, opp. of ¥¿ positive: t¹q¡At¸¹¡At¼Æ fu4dian4, fu4hao4, fu4shu4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. t®ð fu4chi4, v.i., be in fit of resentment and self-reliance: t®ð¤£ªA rely on oneself to fight again. 2. t©} fu4qU1, v.i., suffer a wrong or injustice. 3. tÀ¹ fu4dai4, v.i., carry on the head. 4. t¾á fu4dan1, n. & v.t., (bear) burden of responsibilities; 5. t¾á fu4dan1, n. & v.t., t¾á¤Ó« the responsibilities, expenses, are too great; 6. t¾á fu4dan1, n. & v.t., t¾á¤£°_ cannot bear the expenses or take the responsibility. 7. t¹q fu4dian4, n., negative electricity. 8. tt fu4fu4, n., sound of panting: ®{©Itt only blow one's breath, admitting defeat. 9. t¸¹ fu4hao4, n., the minus sign. 10. t¶Å fu4zhai4, v.i. & n., to owe debts; 11. t¶Å fu4zhai4, v.i. & n., debit; 12. t¶Å fu4zhai4, v.i. & n., (finance) liability: t¶Å²Ö²Ö owe lots of debts. 13. tª¹¡]©S¡^ fu4jiu4, v.i., feel guilty, feel the blame. 14. t³Ò fu4lao2, n., (zoo.) a species of dragonfly, also known as »f³M. 15. t²Ö fu4lei4, n. & v.t., burdens of debt or expenses. 16. t¼Æ fu4shu4, n., (algebra) negative quantity. 17. t³d fu4ze2, adj., responsible: ³oÓ¤H¤£t³d the man is irresponsible. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 50.81 | £{£¸£¶£½ ling2 . [Pop. for ÆF] |
| | Num. Index: 50.83 | £y£¸£±£½ tiao2 . | |||||||
Adj. | Distant. | ||||||||
Words | 1. |»¼ tiao2di4, adj., (LL) faraway. 2. || tiao2tiao2, adj., (LL) far, faraway: ||¤d¨½. 3. |»» tiao2yao2, adj., far, faraway. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 50.83 | £|£¹£° gui1 . [Var. of Âk 91S.22] |
ã| | Num. Index: 50.93 | £¦£«£¿ sha4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (AC) a decorative covering for coffin. (2) (AC) a large flag. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ã|¦Þ sha4she2, n., a disease of swollen tongue which could be fatal; 2. ã|¦Þ sha4she2, n., ã|¦Þ· a disease in which the patient lolls his tongue continuously. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 50A.01-9 | £v£¸£½ mi2 . [Abbr. of À± 50A.42] |
±i | Num. Index: 50A.02-5 | £¤£µ zhang1 (*£¤£µ£¿ zhang4 ). | |||||||
N.adjunct. | (1) A flat piece, a leaf: ¤@±i¯È a piece of paper; ¤@±i§i¥Õ a public notice; ¤@±iµP a playing card; ¤@±i®à a table. (2) A piece which can be stretched or opened: ¤@±i¤} a bow; ¤@±i¼L a mouth. | ||||||||
N. | (1) A surname: ±i and §õ are commonly taken to mean ¡§this ... and that¡¨: ±i¤T§õ¥| Tom, Dick or Harry, this or that person, i.e., any common person; ±i®aªø¡A§õ®aµu gossip about this or that person; ±i«a§õÀ¹ fasten one person's story upon another person. (2) ¥D±i one's decision, position one has taken, see ¥D 63.11. | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) To stretch a bow or string: ±i¤}å¼½b stretch bow and fix arrow; §ï©¶§ó±i refix bowstring--change business or policy; ¥~±i¤º¦¢ empty bombastic talk. (2) To open wide: ±i¤f«K«r (dog) opens mouth and bites; ±i¤f«K»¡ talk carelessly or out of place; ±i¤fµ²¦Þ tongue-tied; ±i¤ú»R¤ö show one's fangs and claws--ready to fight; ±i¤â or ±i¶}¤â open one's hand; ±i²´ open one's eyes; ±i±æ zhang1wang4¡õ. (3) To set up: ¶}±i open new shop, firm, etc.; ±i¼Ö (zhang1yUe4) ³]¶¼ set up orchestra and drinks; ¨Ñ±i (*zhang4) the setup for occasions; ±i¿Oµ²ºù hang up lanterns and silk festoons. (4) To open up, expand: ÂX±i¡A¦ù±i (v.i. & t.) expand (market, power). (5) To boast, exaggerate: ¸Ø±i to boast; ¾Q±i to embellish for show, deceive by putting up front; ÄÛ±i make a boisterous show or demand, (adj.) unruly. | ||||||||
Adj. | Nervous: ·W±i flurried; ºò±i tense, nervous; ±i¬Ó zhang1huang2¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ±i¥» zhang1ben3, n., a copy as model; 2. ±i¥» zhang1ben3, n., a ground plan or outline for future reference. 3. ±i¤j zhang1da4, v.t., to exaggerate: ±i¤j¨äµü exaggerate situation, paint picture as darker than the reality. 4. ±i¬Ó zhang1huang2, (1) adj., flurried, nervous: ±i¬Ó¥¢±¹ nervous, lose mental control; 5. ±i¬Ó zhang1huang2, (2) v.t., (AC) ±i¬Ó¤»®v to expand or increase effect of the army. 6. ±iP zhang1zhi4, v.i., (MC) make pretense, show false modesty. 7. ±i¶} zhang1kai1, v.i. & t., to open up or wide: ±i¶}²´·ú open eyes wide; 8. ±i¶} zhang1kai1, v.i. & t., ±i¤£¶} cannot open. 9. ±i¨g zhang1kuang2, v.i., to be unruly, insolent. 10. ±iù zhang1luo2, (1) v.i., to set bird snares; 11. ±iù zhang1luo2, (2) (zhang1luo0) (a) to attend to person's needs: ±iù»ñ©j¦Yük°s have wine and fruit served to Fehngjiee; 12. ±iù zhang1luo2, (b) to try by various ways to get: ±iù»È¤l try to find money for certain needs. 13. ±i³] zhang1she4, v.i. & t., to set up (curtains, tables, decorations) for occasions. 14. ±i¤ß zhang1xin1, v.i., to trouble oneself or person with request (¡×³Ò¯«). 15. ±i¶K zhang1tie1, v.t., to post (bills). 16. ±i¼L zhang1zui3, v.i., bring up matter which is embarrassing or out of place; 17. ±i¼L zhang1zui3, v.i., speak out of turn (cf. opp. ³¬¼L ¡§shut up¡¨). 18. ±i±æ zhang1wang4, v.i., to look about or watch for (signs of enemy, etc.). 19. ±i´ zhang1yang2, v.i., & t., to make open, publicize: ¦¹¨Æ¤£¥i±i´°_¨Ó must hush up the matter. |
«Ú | Num. Index: 50A.10-3 | £v£¸£¾ mi3 . | |||||||
N. | A surname. | ||||||||
V.t. | To quell, stop, prevent: «Ú§L stop warfare; «Ú¶Ã suppress rebellion; «Ú±w prevent troubles, revolts; «ÚÁ½ quell rumors. |
¼u | Num. Index: 50A.10-4 | £x£³£¿ dan4 (*£y£³£½ tan2 ). | |||||||
N. | Bullet: ºj¼u¡A¤l¼u rifle bullet; ¯¥¼u artillery shell; ì¤l¼u atomic bomb; ¬µ¼u bomb; ¤âºh¼u grenade; ¸¼u rocket; ²B¼u hydrogen bomb; ûǹõ¼u smoke screen bomb; ¶Ê²\¼u tear-gas bomb. | ||||||||
V.t. | (*tan2) (1) To shoot (pellet). (2) To play on string instrument: ¼u¿ûµ^¡A¼uµ\µ] play piano, pipa. (3) To impeach: ¼u¨ð tan2he2¡õ. (4) To twang the bow: ¼u¤}; ¼u´Öªá to flick cotton with a bow and make it fluffy; ¼u¸õ to bounce. (5) To flick (dust) with a finger: ¼u¦Ç; ¼u«a flick cap--expression of joy; ¼u«ü¤§¶¡ in a short moment, quickas snapping a finger. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¼u´Ñ *tan2chi2, v.i., play chess or chess-like game. 2. ¼u¹D dan4dao4, n., ballistic curve; 3. ¼u¹D dan4dao4, n., ¼u¹D¤Þ¾É ballistic guidance; 4. ¼u¹D dan4dao4, n., ¼u¹D¾Ç ballistics; 5. ¼u¹D dan4dao4, n., ¤Ï¼u¹D¸¼u¨t²Î anti-ballistic missile system (ABM). 6. ¼u¨ð *tan2he2, v.t., to impeach. 7. ¼u® *tan2huang2, n., mechanical spring, spring coil; 8. ¼u® *tan2huang2, n., ¼u®©Ê elasticity. 9. ¼u´ß dan4ke2, n., cartridge or shell. 10. ¼u¤O *tan2li4, n., elasticity. 11. ¼u©Ê *tan2xing4, n., (lit. & fig.) elasticity, flexibility. 12. ¼uÀY dan4tou2, n., bullet. 13. ¼u¤l dan4zi0, n., (1) bullet; 14. ¼u¤l dan4zi0, n., (2) billiard. 15. ¼uµü *tan2tzyr, n., a form of recital of story or its text, told partly with accompaniment of string and drum. 16. ¼u¤Y dan4wan2, n., a bullet; 17. ¼u¤Y dan4wan2, n., more commonly ¼u¤Y¤§¦a a tiny place. 18. ¼uÀ£ *tan2ya1, v.t., to quell (a riot, rebellion). |
á¾ | Num. Index: 50A.21-5 | £}£² kou1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (AC) a ring. (2) (AC) notch for bowstring on the bow. |
¤Þ | Num. Index: 50A.22-2 | £¸£´£¾ yin3 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Introduction, foreword to a book: ¤p¤Þ a brief foreword; ¤Þ½× gen. introduction to subject of a book. (2) A medical infusion or concoction in which medicine is suspended: ¤Þ¤l yin3zi0¡õ. (3) A short song, a prelude. (4) A fuse, a conductor, a guiding rope: ¤Þ¤õ¡A¤Þ±a¡A¤Þ¥¬ yin3huo3, yin3dai4, yin3bu4¡õ; ¤Þ½u¡A¤Þ¾ÉÅé yin3xian4, yin3dao4ti3¡õ. (5) Formerly, ÆQ¤Þ¡A¯ù¤Þ government license for sale of salt, tea: ¤Þ¦a yin3di4¡õ; ¿ú¤Þ a kind of paper money in the Suhng Dyn. (6) Formerly, a measure of distance¡×100 feet or 10 ¤V zhang4. (7) Formerly, a measure of weight, of varying value, usu. of several catties; ¤ô¤Þ 50 bags of salt of 100 catties each, term used in water transportation. | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) To introduce, to quote, to present (person), to induce (evidence): ¤Þ¨£¡A¤Þ¥Î¡A¤Þ¸¹ yin3jian4, yin3yong4, yin3hao4¡õ; ¤ÞÃÒ yin3zheng4¡õ; ¤Þ¶i to usher in; help (younger generation); ÂË¤Þ to recommend one for post. (2) To draw out, to stretch out (one's neck): ¤Þ¤} draw a bow full; ¤ÞÀV¡A¤Þ»â yin3jing4, yin3ling3¡õ; ¤Þ§\ to stretch neck and sing. (3) To seduce: ¤Þ»¤ yin3you4¡õ; ³r¤Þ¡A¤Ä¤Þ to seduce. (4) To lead, induce, guide gently: ¤Þ¤H¤J³Ó open up a new view, vista; ¤Þ¤H¬°µ½ lead one to right conduct; ¤Þ°_ to cause, lead to, yin3chi3¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤Þ©¤ yin3an4, n., see yin3di4¡õ. 2. ¤ÞÁ× yin3bi4, v.i., (1) to withdraw to avoid meeting person, (of lady) to avoid meeting men; 3. ¤ÞÁ× yin3bi4, v.i., (2) to retire and give room to better men: ¤ÞÁ×½å¸ô. 4. ¤Þ¥¬ yin3bu4, n., two parallel strips of outstretched white cloth within which the closest relatives of deceased march behind the coffin. 5. ¤Þ®ã yin3chai3, n., kindling wood. 6. ¤Þ¿k yin3qing4, n., a brass hand bowl, struck like a bell by Budd. priest during service. 7. ¤Þ°_ yin2chi3, v.t., to cause (dispute, dissatisfaction, war, lawsuit, etc.); 8. ¤Þ°_ yin2chi3, v.t., to attract (attention). 9. ¤ÞÀº yin3qing2, n., (translit.) engine. 10. ¤Þ±a yin3dai4, n., (mech.) conductor belt. 11. ¤Þ¾É yin3dao4, v.i. & t., to lead, to conduct; 12. ¤Þ¾É yin3dao4, v.i. & t., ¤Þ¾ÉÅé yin3dao4ti3, (electricity) conductor. 13. ¤Þ±o yin3de2, n., (translit.) the index of a book (also called ¯Á¤Þ). 14. ¤Þ¦a yin3di4, n., formerly, licensed area for sale of government salt; 15. ¤Þ¦a yin3di4, n., see yin3shui4¡õ. 16. ¤Þ¹ï yin3dui4, v.i., introduce (scholar) to emperor, ruler for personal interview. 17. ¤Þ´ç yin3du4, v.t., (law) to extradite (criminal). 18. ¤ÞªA yin3fu2, v.i., to plead guilty under torture. 19. ¤Þ´ä yin2gang3, n., harbor pilot. 20. ¤Þ¸¹ yin3hao4, n., quotation marks. 21. ¤Þªe yin3he2, n., a man-made canal outlet to reduce force of river current. 22. ¤Þ¤õ yin2huo3, v.i., to kindle fire; 23. ¤Þ¤õ yin2huo3, v.i., ¤Þ¤õÂI yin2huo3dian3, n., (phys.) flash point. 24. ¤ÞÃÒ yin3zheng4, v.i., to cite (past events, facts) as evidence. 25. ¤Þ¨£ yiin-(')jiahn, v.t., to present s.o. to ruler. 26. ¤Þ±µ yin3jie1, v.t., to welcome and introduce visitor. 27. ¤ÞÀV yin2jing4, v.i., to crane one's neck to look forward. 28. ¤Þ¸g yin3jing1, phr., ¤Þ¸g¾Ú¨å to give quotations from classics or ancient works. 29. ¤Þ©S yin3jiu4, v.i., to take the blame on oneself (and resign). 30. ¤Þ¯e yin3ji2, v.i., to take illness as reason for resignation. 31. ¤Þ« yin3zhong4, v.t., (1) to speak highly of (person); 32. ¤Þ« yin3zhong4, v.t., (2) to place trust and responsibility on (person). 33. ¤Þ¨M¡]³Z¡^ yin3jUe2, v.i., (LL) to commit suicide. 34. ¤Þ¤O yin3li4, n., (phys.) gravitation, attraction: ¸U¦³¤Þ¤O universal gravitation; 35. ¤Þ¤O yin3li4, n., ¦a¤ß¤Þ¤O gravitation pull of the earth. 36. ¤Þ»â yin2ling3, v.i., to crane one's neck in hope. 37. ¤Þ¦~ yin3nian2, phr., (1) (AC) to resign from age; 38. ¤Þ¦~ yin3nian2, phr., (2) (LL, rare) to extend life span (¡×©µ¦~). 39. ¤Þ¦ù yin3shen1, v.t., to extend meaning of word in a new context; 40. ¤Þ¦ù yin3shen1, v.t., to mean figuratively. 41. ¤Þ½u yin3xian4, n., (1) a fuse; 42. ¤Þ½u yin3xian4, n., (2) a contact man. 43. ¤Þ¶û yin3xian2, phr., ¤Þ¶ûÃã°h to withdraw from post to avoid suspicion. 44. ¤Þ«H yin3xin4, n., gun fuse. 45. ¤Þ¤ô¤H yin2shui3ren2, n., harbor pilot, see yin3gang3¡ô. 46. ¤Þµ| yin3shui4, n., formerly, salt tax. 47. ¤Þ°h yin3tui4, v.i., to resign. 48. ¤Þ¤l yin3zi0, n., (1) (Chin. drama) an opening song of four sentences; 49. ¤Þ¤l yin3zi0, n., (2) an infusion in which medicine is suspended. 50. ¤Þ»¤ yin3you4, v.i., to seduce (person); 51. ¤Þ»¤ yin3you4, v.i., (MC, rare) to induce to do good. 52. ¤Þ¥Î yin3yong4, v.t. & n., to quote, a quotation; 53. ¤Þ¥Î yin3yong4, v.t. & n., ¤Þ¥Î¸¹ a quotation mark. |
¾Ê | Num. Index: 50A.30-3 | £¢£¸£µ£½ qiang2 . [Dist. æ 50A.30] | |||||||
N. | A surname. In all other senses, interch. ±j 50A.93, strong, etc. |
À± | Num. Index: 50A.42-3 | £v£¸£½ mi2 . [Abbr. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | A surname. | ||||||||
V.t. & adj. | (1) (LL¡×modn. º¡) to fill, filling, be filled: À±¯Ê fill vacancy; À±¤Ñ¤j¸o one's sins fill the sky; À±Á_¡AÀ±¸É mi2feng01, mi2bu3¡õ. (2) Full, whole: À±¦~¡AÀ±¤é whole year, whole day, À±¤ë mi2yUe4¡õ. | ||||||||
Adv. | (LL) the more (¡×·U): ¦Ñ¦ÓÀ±°í become more firm as one grows old; ¥õ¤§À±°ª the higher it seems; À±¦h all the more numerous. | ||||||||
Words | 1. À±¸É mi2bu3, v.t., make amends for past mistakes; 2. À±¸É mi2bu3, v.t., fill (a crack); 3. À±¸É mi2bu3, v.t. fulfill (a wish). 4. À±Á_ mi2feng0, v.i. & t., to join a seam or crack; 5. À±Á_ mi2feng0, v.i. & t., to forestall discovery by covering up. 6. À±«Ê mi2feng1, v.t., to seal completely examination papers. 7. À±·q mi2jing4, n., gift for child's full month (mi2yUe4¡õ). 8. À±°Ç¡]¦ò¡^ mi2le (fo2), n., Buddha Maitreya, the ¡§Laughing Buddha¡¨ (with big belly), the friendly Buddhist Messiah. 9. À±¯d mi2liu2, v.i., be in a critical period, dying but not dead: À±¯d¤§»Ú while life was still lingering. 10. À±ºú mi2lun2, v.i., restore deficiencies. 11. À±º¡ mi2man3, adj., vigorous, full of energy: ºë¤OÀ±º¡. 12. À±º© mi2man4, adj., widespread, filling the sky, boundless. 13. À±¼» mi2sa4, n., Catholic mass. 14. À±ÁÉ¨È mi2sai4ya4, n., Messiah. 15. À±ªû mi2tuo2, n., (Budd.) Amitabha, the perfect one. 16. À±±æ mi2wang4, adj., covering the horizon, filling the landscape: ¨U³¥À±±æ¡AÀ±±æµL»Ú boundless horizon. 17. À±¤ë mi2yUe4, n., a child's first full month. |
ÕM | Num. Index: 50A.42-4 | £t£¶ beng1 . | |||||||
Adj. | Tensely drawn, drawn to the full (of bow); ÕM¤¤³C¥~ (LL) smooth, beautiful appearance resulting from solid worth. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÕM¤}¡]¤l¡^¡]¨à¡^ beng1gong1 (zi0) (beng1gong1er0), n., automatic spring device for closing door. |
µ° | Num. Index: 50A.50-2 | £¤£¹£¿ zhu4 (sp. pr. £¤£² zhou1 ). | |||||||
N. | Gruel, congee: ¤p¦Ìµ° millet congee; ²¢µ° sweetened congee. | ||||||||
Words | 1. µ°·| zhu4hui4, n., a luncheon meeting where congee with simple fare is served. 2. µ°µ° zhu4zhu4, adj., (1) chuck-chuck sound: üc»Ûµ°µ° gathering of women with cackling or gurgling voices; 3. µ°µ° zhu4zhu4, adj., (2) µ°µ°µL¯à weak and incompetent. 4. µ°ïO zhu4xing2, n., (MC) sweetened congee. |
´] | Num. Index: 50A.50-3 | £t£¸£¿ bi4 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) Device for keeping proper form of bows. | ||||||||
V.t. | (LL) To assist, esp. assist king in government: ´]¦Ú minister assisting the king. |
¦¢ | Num. Index: 50A.70-2 | £¦£¾ shi3 (also £¥£½ chi2 ). | |||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To relax, loosen: ÃP¦¢ to relax, go slow. (2) To fall off, fall out of use: ¼o¦¢ (laws, regulations) be forgotten, ignored, fall into desuetude. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¦¢½w shi2hyaan, adj. & adv., slow, -ly; 2. ¦¢½w shi2hyaan, adj. & adv., loosely held (statutes). 3. ¦¢±i shi3zhang1, phr., degree of tension; 4. ¦¢±i shi3zhang1, phr., tension and relaxation. 5. ¦¢¸T shi3jin4, v.i., to lift a ban or restrictions. |
ÊÓ | Num. Index: 50A.70-5 | £t£«£¿ ba4 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) handle of sword; center of bow where it is held in position. |
ûS | Num. Index: 50A.80-6 | £}£¹£¬£¿ kuo4 . | |||||||
V.t. | (AC) ûS©¸ to bend bow for shooting. |
Ìq | Num. Index: 50A.82-2 | £y£± tao1 . [Var. of Ãü 22S.21] |
©· | Num. Index: 50A.83-9 | £~£¹£½ hu2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A bow. (2) An arc: ©·§Î arc-shaped. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ©·«× hu2du4, n., (math.) radian. 2. ©·¥ú hu2guang1, n., arc light; 3. ©·¥ú hu2guang1, n., ©·¥ú¿O an arc lamp. |
©¶ | Num. Index: 50A.93-6 | £££¸£³£½ xian2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) String on musical instrument (also wr. ²Í) or on a bow: ¤}©¶ bowstring; ½b¦b©¶¤W the arrow is on the bow--poised to strike; ©¶µ^ xian2qin2¡õ; ©¶¤l xian2zi0¡õ; ¤ß©¶ heartstring; °Ê¤H¤ß©¶ tuck at one's heartstrings. (2) (Math.) a chord, hypotenuse; ¥¿©¶ sine; ¾l©¶ cosine. (3) Jumpy pulse: ©¶¯ß. (4) The crescent moon: ¤W©¶ the new moon; ¤U©¶ the crescent after full moon. (5) Fig. of wife: Â_©¶ wife dies (string of musical instrument snaps); Äò©¶ to remarry or n., second wife (lit., ¡§restring¡¨ instrument). | ||||||||
V.i. | (AC) to play on stringed instrument. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ©¶µ^ xian2qin2, n., a stringed instrument with a number of strings: ¤T©¶ a popular three-stringed instrument, used for telling stories; 2. ©¶µ^ xian2qin2, n., ¥|©¶¡A¤»©¶¡A¤Q¤T©¶ of 4, 6, 13 strings. 3. ©¶ºq xian2ge1, v.t., to sing with stringed accompaniment, sign of calm in crisis, and (allu.) good government. 4. ©¶¯Ã xian2niu3, n., peg on stringed instrument. 5. ©¶½u xian2xian4, n., cord, thread, line. 6. ©¶»w xian2song4, v.i., sing aloud a text, read with intonation. 7. ©¶¯Á xian2suo3, n., stringed instruments collectively. 8. ©¶¤l xian2zi0, n., a stringed instrument, esp. ¤T©¶. 9. ©¶³ xian2wei3, n., girdle hangings (with ©¶ silk strings, and ³ leather strips). |
¥° | Num. Index: 50A.93-9 | £~£¹£¶£½ hong2 . | |||||||
N. | A surname. | ||||||||
V.t. | To promote, expand (interch. §» 62.93): ¥°¹D to promote, expand the teachings; ¥°´ hong2yang2¡õ. | ||||||||
Adj. | (LL) great (interch. §»): ¥°Ä@ (LL) great wish; ¥°§Ó (LL) great ambition. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¥°´ hong2yang2, v.t., to develop and expand: ¥°´¤å¤Æ to promote and develop the culture (also §»). |
±j | Num. Index: 50A.93-9 | £¢£¸£µ£½ qiang2 (*£¢£¸£µ£¾ qiang3 , *£¡£¸£µ£¿ jiang4 ). [Err. var. ±j] | |||||||
N. | (1) A surname. (2) Short for ±j°ê big country: ¦C±j the powerful nations; ¤±j The Big Five in United Nations. | ||||||||
V.t. | (*qiang3) To insist, to accomplish by force or against person's will: ±j¹G¡A±j¢ qiang3bi1, qiang3po4¡õ; ±j¶R±j½æ to buy or sell by force; ±jµü¹Ü²z to exaggerate by rhetoric, to quibble; ±j°O to memorize; «j±j to do s.t. against one's will, also to strive one's best; ¤£¥²«j±j don't do it if you do not wish. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Strong, powerful: ±j°ê a powerful nation; ±j¦³¤O qiang2yooulih¡õ; ±j¼É qiang2bao4¡õ; ±j©¸¤§¥½ on the decline, no longer what it was. (2) Better: ±j¦ü¤@Ó¤H¦b¦¹ or ±j¥G better than be here alone. (3) Over: ¤T¤Q±j thirty plus. (4) (*jiang4) Stubborn: ¤ì±j stiff; ϱj stubborn. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ±j¥b qiang2ban4, n., over half, the great half. 2. ±j¼É qiang2bao4, adj., violent, brutal; 3. ±j¼É qiang2bao4, adj., v.t., to violate (girl). 4. ±j¹G *qiang3bi1, v.t., coerce (person). 5. ±jÅG qiang2bian4, v.i., to argue forcefully; 6. ±jÅG qiang2bian4, v.i., (*qiang3bian4) to call white black, refuse to admit one's mistake. 7. ±j¨D *qiang3qiu2, v.t., to insist on getting s.t. 8. ±jÅv qiang2qUan2, n., force, autocracy; 9. ±jÅv qiang2qUan2, n., ±jÅv¬Fµ¦ policy of force. 10. ±jµs qiang2dao4 (chiarng-'dau), n., a robber. 11. ±j½Õ qiang2diao4, v.t. & n., to emphasize, -sis: ±j½Õ¥L¤£¯à°Ñ¥[ emphasized he could not take part. 12. ±j«× qiang2du4, n., degree of strength; 13. ±j«× qiang2du4, n., adv., (interfere, etc.) with force. 14. ±j·F qiang2gan4, v.i. & t., to rely on force or persistence (to do s.t.). 15. ±j±ð qiang2geng3, adj., stubborn. 16. ±j®« qiang2han4, adj., powerful, brutal. 17. ±j¾î qiang2heng2, adj., arrogant, brutal. 18. ±j°· qiang2jian4, adj., physically strong. 19. ±j«Á qiang2jian1, v.t., to rape (woman). 20. ±j°O qiang3ji4, adj., good in memory: (*qiang3ji4) to memorize by rote. 21. ±j§§ qiang3zhuang4, adj., powerful, strong. 22. ±j¨î *qiang3zhi4, (1) v.t., to force, enforce, restrain by law; 23. ±j¨î *qiang3zhi4, (2) adj. & adv., compulsory: ±j¨î°õ¦æ compulsory execution. 24. ±j±ç qiang2liang2, adj., unruly, defiant. 25. ±j¢ *qiang3po4, v.t., to force, coerce s.o. to do s.t. 26. ±j¶´ qiang2ren4, adj., durable. 27. ±j¤H qiang2ren2, n., robber. 28. ±j¦p qiang2ru2, phr., better than, see qiang2syh¡õ. 29. ±j²± qiang2sheng4, adj., strong, prosperous (nation). 30. ±jŧ qiang2xi1, v.t., lay down artillery barrage, spring mass attack. 31. ±j¶µ qiang2xiang4, adj., resolute, inflexible. 32. ±j¤ô qiang2shui3, n., popular term for strong acids (like sulphuric acid). 33. ±j¦ü qiang2syh, phr., better than. 34. ±j¦º qiang2si3, v.i., (AC) meet violent death. 35. ±j®¼ qiang2ting3, adj., obdurate, inflexible. 36. ±j©v qiang2zong3, n., powerful clan. 37. ±jÃC *qiang4yiarn, v.i., (1) to force a smiling face; 38. ±jÃC *qiang4yiarn, v.i., (2) (jiang4yiarn) shamelessly. 39. ±jµw qiang2ying4, adj., unyielding. 40. ±j¦³¤O qiang2you3li4, adj., powerful (person, country). |
¸s | Num. Index: 50S.10-8 | £¢£º£´£½ qUn2 . [Pop of üc 52.10] |
¨º | Num. Index: 50S.22-3 | £z£«£¿ na4 (oft. unaccented neh ; in questions *£z£«£¾ na3 , ¡§which one?¡¨; £z£«£¿ na4 in sense ¡§that one¡¨; *£z£°£¿ nei4 ¡×¨º¤@; in AC re. pr. *£z£¹£¬£½ nuo2 , unacented 'nuo ; as surname *na ). | |||||||
Fin.part. | *neh (¡×þ *'na): ÁÙ¦hµÛ¨º (þ) there are a lot more, don't worry! °Ý¨¬¤UÄ@¨º¤£Ä@ would you rather like it or not? | ||||||||
N. | (*na) A surname. | ||||||||
Pron. | That, what (when used as object, usu. precedes vb.): ¨º§Ú¤£ª¾¹D that I do not know; ¨º§Ú¤£ºÞ I don't bother with that; ¨º¤£¬O§A·Fªº¦n¨Æ isn't that mess made by you? ¨º¦³¤°»ò¥i»¡ what is there to say about such a thing; (as subject) ¨º¤£¦æ that won't do; ¨º´N§¹¤F then it is all over. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) That (opp. ³o zhe4, this; pl. ¨º¨Ç those; opp. ³o¨Ç these): (pr. na4, also *nei4 when it is contracted from na4yi1 ¨º¤@) ¨ºúG na4li3 ¡õ; ¨º¨à na4er0¡õ; ¨º³B¡A¨ºÃä¡A¨º¾À´[¡A¨º´[ (na4) that place, there or (*na3) what place, where? ¨ºÓ na4ge0¡õ; ¨º¶ô that piece or place; ¨º¦ì (court.) that one, referring to person; ¨º¼r (contempt.) that fellow; ¨º¯ë¡A¨º»ò¼Ë in that manner; ¨º¼Ë¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^na4yang4 (er0) (zi0)¡õ; ¨º»ò na4mo0¡õ; ¨º¸Ü¨à that story, that thing (where speaker wishes not to be explicit); ¨º¨ä¶¡ during the interval; ¨º®É at that time; ¨ººØ that kind of; ¨ºÃþ ditto; ¨º©v that bunch of, that batch of; ¨º¤Ñ¡A¨º¦~¡A¨º·|¨à that day, year, moment; ¨º·í¨à that juncture; ¨º°}¨à that moment; ¨º¦^ that time; ¨º¨B¥Ð¦a in that condition, plight. (2) In questions, (na3 or nei3) which one, in what manner, how: ¨ºúG na2li3¡õ; ¨º·f¨à which place? ¨º´[¡A¨º³B ditto; ¨º¨à na4er0¡õ; ¨º¤@ªù¤l what kind of? ¨º¤£¬O that's the one, isn't it? ¨º±o how can? ¨ºª¾ how can anyone know? ¨º¯à how can it possibly be? ¨º³ô how can one stand such a (thing)? ¨º§ó³ô how can anyone stand any more of such (a thing)? | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¨ºÓ na4ge0, adj., (1) that one; 2. ¨ºÓ na4ge0, adj., (2) (sarcastic, humorous) ¥L³o¤H§@¨Æ¡A¯u¦³ÂI¨ºÓ he is a bit what-do-you-call-it; 3. ¨ºÓ na4ge0, adj., ¥L¯u¤Ó¨ºÓ he is really too much (I refuse to say ¡§too much what¡¨). 4. ¨º¨à *na3er0, adv., where: §A¦b¨º¨à where are you? ¨º¨àÅ¥¨£ where did you hear (this)? 5. ¨ºúG *na2li3, adv., (1) where: ®Ñ¦b¨ºúG where is the book? 6. ¨ºúG *na2li3, adv., (2) how could: ¨ºúG¦³ (¡×¨S¦³) ³o¼Ë¨Æ how could such a thing be? ¨ºúG·| (¡×¨º¤£·|) could not be; 7. ¨ºúG *na2li3, adv., »¡¨ºúG¸Ü how could you say so? ¨ºúG¡A¨ºúG¡A§A¤Ó«È®ð¤F don't mention it, you are too kind (formula in reply to ¡§thank you¡¨); 8. ¨ºúG *na2li3, adv., ¨ºúGªº¸Ü ditto; 9. ¨ºúG *na2li3, adv., (3) (na4li3) over there. 10. ¨º»ò na4mo0, adv., (also ¨º»òûó¡A¨ºÌ) (1) so, to such a degree: §A¦ó¥²¨º»òºò±i©O why should you be so wrought-up? 11. ¨º»ò na4mo0, adv.,(2) then: ¥L¬J¤£¨Ó¡A¨º»ò§Ú¤]¤£¨«½} since he doesn't come, then I won't go, either. 12. ¨º©È na4pa4, (1) conj., even if: ¨º©È¬°§Au´öÁФõ¡A§Ú¤]±¡Ä@ I would be willing to die for you even; 13. ¨º©È na4pa4, (2) phr., nothing to fear: ¨º©È¤°»ò what are you afraid of? 14. ¨º«¥Øs na4zan0, n., (coll.) at that time. 15. ¨º¼Ë¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ na4yang4 (er0) (zi0), adv., so, in such a manner, to such a degree. |
ªò | Num. Index: 50S.22-3 | £¦£±£¿ shao4 . | |||||||
N. | A surname. |
æ | Num. Index: 50S.30-3 | £¡£¸£µ jiang1 . | |||||||
N. | A border, boundary, frontier: æ¤g jiang1tu3¡õ, æ°ì jiang1yU4¡õ; Ãäæ the border region, frontier area; æ¬É boundaries; ·sæ Sinkiang; «Êæ¤j¦O civil or military governors of provinces; µLæ limitless: ¸U¹ØµLæ many happy returns of the day to eternity! (formerly, restricted only to rulers.) | ||||||||
Words | 1. æúè jiang1chang3, n., battlefield. 2. æéu jiang1jiao4, n., border area, frontier districts. 3. æ¤g jiang1tu3, n., the territory of a country. 4. æ°ì jiang1yU4, n., national territorial limits. |
¦Ð | Num. Index: 50S.50-5 | £º£¾ yU3 . [Usu. wr. ¦Ð] | |||||||
N. | (1) A surname. (2) Feather: ¦ÐÃþ¡A¦Ð¤ò yU3lei4, yU3mao2¡õ. (3) Wing: ¦ÐÁl yU3yi4¡õ. (4) A light cloth, camlet: ¦Ð¯½¡A¦Ð½K yU3sha1, yU3zhou4¡õ. (5) Fifth note of pentatonic scale, la1, see ¤µ 31.30. | ||||||||
Adj. | Made of feather: ¦Ð»\¡A¦ÐºX yU3gai4, yU3chi2¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¦Ð¸¶ yU2bao3, n., see yU3yi2¡õ. 2. ¦ÐºX yU3chi2, n., feather flag or pennant. 3. ¦Ð½v yU3duan4, n., camlet, a silk and wool fabric. 4. ¦Ð»\ yU3gai4, n., a feathered parasol in parade. 5. ¦Ð¤Æ yU3hua4, v.i., (Taoist) to fly away as disembodied spirit and become a fairy immortal. 6. ¦Ð½K yU3zhou4, n., a kind of crepe. 7. ¦Ð¶b yU3jour, n., (zoo.) feather quill. 8. ¦Ðª¬¯ß yU3zhuang4mo4, n., (bot.) feather-like veins on leaves. 9. ¦ÐÃþ yU3lei4, n., feathery tribe. 10. ¦ÐÂy yU3lie4, v.i., (AC) to hunt. 11. ¦Ð¬y yU3liu2, n., Taoist (cf. yU3shi4¡õ, yU3hua4¡ô). 12. ¦ÐªL yU3lin2, n., formerly, imperial palace guards. 13. ¦Ðºð yU3ling2, n., a silk and wool fabric; 14. ¦Ðºð yU3ling2, n., ¦Ðºð½v see yU3duan4¡ô. 15. ¦Ð¤ò yU3mao2, n., feather; 16. ¦Ð¤ò yU3mao2, n., ¦Ð¤ò¯½ a light cloth; 17. ¦Ð¤ò yU3mao2, n., ¦Ð¤ò®Ñ urgent military despatch, marked with a feather, see yU3xi2¡õ. 18. ¦ÐÑÏ yU3pei4, n., flag decorated with feathers. 19. ¦Ð¯½ yU3sha1, n., a light cloth camlet, lastings. 20. ¦Ð®° yU3shan4, n., feather fan. 21. ¦ÐÂÒ yU3shang1, n., (AC) wine vessel which was in shape of a sparrow. 22. ¦ÐÀÊ yU3xi2, n., an urgent military despatch marked with a feather. 23. ¦Ð¤h yU3shi4, n., a Taoist, cf. yU3hua4¡ô. 24. ¦ÐĦ yU2zao3, n., plants whose leaves are arranged on stalk like wings. 25. ¦Ð±Ú yU3zu2, n., the feathered tribe--fowls. 26. ¦Ð¦ç yU3yi1, n., a garment made of feather. 27. ¦ÐÁl yU3yi4, n., a wing, (fig.) an assistant, right-hand man; 28. ¦ÐÁl yU3yi4, n., camp followers. 29. ¦Ð»ö yU3yi2, n., parade of insignias and parasols in procession. |
®z | Num. Index: 50S.50-5 | £§£²£¿ rou4 . [Usu. wr. ®z] | |||||||
Adj. | (1) Weak (opp. ±j strong): ®zªÌ rou4zhe3¡õ; ®zÂI rou4dian3¡õ; ±j®z strong or weak; ®z¤p¥Á±Ú small and weak nations; ®z¤£³Ó±j the weak are no match for the strong; ®z¦×±j¹ the weak at the mercy of the strong; ®z¤£¸T· (of a person) too frail to stand a gust of wind; ®z¤£³Ó¦ç (rhet.) tender and frail; ´G®z frail, weak; µê®z delicate, feeble; °I®z weak, sickly; ¬X®z flabby, flaccid; ¯h®z tired out and weak; ³n®z weak-kneed, fickle, irresolute; ¯Ü®z brittle, easily broken; Åé®z physically weak; ¦Ñ®z old and infirm: ¦Ñ®z´Ý§L motley troops unfit for combat duty, (fig.) incompetent persons for a given job. (2) Young: ®z«a rou4guan4 ¡õ; ®z·³ childhood; ®zÄÖ youthful; ®z¤k a young girl; ®z¤£¦n§Ë not fond of childish pranks, though young. | ||||||||
V.i. | Die off, pass away: ¤S®z¤@Ó another one has passed away. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ®zÂI ruo4dian3, n., weaknesses, weak points. 2. ®z· ruo4feng1, n., southeast wind. 3. ®z«a ruo4guan4, n., (1) formerly, the coming of age at 20; 4. ®z«a ruo4guan4, n., (2) youth. 5. ®z¿« ruo4han4, n., the writing brush. 6. ®zªÌ ruo4zhe3, n., the weaker of two parties, the weak, the underdog, the weaker sex. 7. ®z´Ó ruo4zhi21, adj., (of a person's character) weak and unable to stand up firmly. 8. ®z½è ruo4zhi22, n., tender body (gen. of women). 9. ®z²Ö ruo4lei4, n., the burden of rearing one's children. 10. ®z®§ ruo4xi2, n., one's children. 11. ®z¦æ ruo4xing2, v.i., (AC, of a crippled person) be unable to walk properly. 12. ®zÃC ruo4yan2, v.i., (LL) be ashamed to face others. 13. ®zµ¾¹ ruo4yin1chi4, n., (mus.) a damper. |
Êo | Num. Index: 50S.50-9 | £¦£±£¿ shao4 . | |||||||
Adj. | (AC) beautiful (character): ¦~°ª¼wÊo of venerable age and respected character. |
ù_ | Num. Index: 50S.50-9 | £¤£¹£¬£½ zhuo2 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ù_¹n zhuo2zhi4, n., a kind of pheasant, phasianus scintillaus (also called ¤s¡¼). |
æö | Num. Index: 50S.70-3 | £¹£³£½ wan2 (also £¹£³£¿ wan4 ) [Var. of ª± 31A.70]. |
¼® | Num. Index: 50S.71-7 | £{£¹£¿ lu4 . | |||||||
V.t. | (1) To kill: ¼®«Í to chop up corpse (as revenge). (2) ¼®¤O¦P¤ß to pull together and work hard as a team. |
ÂW | Num. Index: 50S.71-7 | £¥£¹£¬ chuo1 . | |||||||
N. | (chuo1zi0, chuo1er0) A business stamp: ¶lÂW post office stamp to cancel postage; ¾ó¥ÖÂW rubber stamp; ÂW°O chuo1ji4¡õ. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | (1) To stab, poke, pierce: ÂW¥L¤@«ü poke him with a finger; ÂW¬ï pierce through, also leak a secret; ÂW¦º stab to death; §A³o¸Ü¥L¯uÂWªÍºÞ¤l your words hurt him badly; ÂW¯á±ç°© back-bite (¡§poke on spine¡¨). (2) To stand up, as a bag packed solid, not collapse (like Eng., ¡§the law still stands,¡¨ ¡§the charge won't stand up¡¨): ÂW±o¦í will stand up, (fig.) will hold one's ground or enjoy public confidence; ÂW¤£¦í fail to hold public confidence. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÂWÓ¨à chuo1ge1er0, n., bodily height, stature. 2. ÂW¬¡¨à chuo1huo2er0, v.i., to select number for monologuist (¤j¹ª®Ñ) to sing. 3. ÂW°O chuo1ji4, n., a business or shop stamp. 4. ÂW¯½ chuo1sha1, n., needle-point lace. 5. ÂW¦Þ chuo1she2, v.i., to talk too much: ¨âÀYÂW¦Þ carry gossip. 6. ÂW¨Æ chuo1shi4, v.i., (of swindler) look for chance to poke one's hand into. 7. ÂW¦L chuo1yin4, v.i. & n., to stamp; 8. ÂW¦L chuo1yin4, v.i. & n., a stamp. |
¤ú | Num. Index: 51.00 | £¸£«£½ ya2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A tooth: ¤ú¾¦ yar-(')chyy¡õ; ¥¤¤ú milk tooth; ¤j¤ú¡AªO¤ú¡A¼Ñ¤ú molar; ªù¤ú incisor; Æ^¤ú have tooth filled; ³E¤ú¡AÄê¤ú decayed tooth; ¼É¤ú projecting tooth; ¯Ê¤ú missing tooth; «ëªº¤úÄoÄo gnash one's teeth with hatred; «r¤ú¤Á¾¦ ditto; ±i¤ú»R¤ö let out the fangs and claws; §D¤ú§Q¾¦ sharp-ton-gued; ¤ú¥Õ¤f²M pronounce words very distinctly. (2) Ivory: ¶H¤ú ditto; ¤ú³¹ ivory seal; ¤ú¡¼ ivory chopsticks; ¤úÄw ivory chips for gambling; ¤úµP ivory mahjong set. (3) A broker: ¤ú¦æ¡A¤ú¤l¡A¤ú±C ya2hang2, ya2zi0, ya2po2¡õ; ¤ú»û¡A¤ú¤H ya2kuai4, ya2ren2¡õ. | ||||||||
Adj. | (Sl.) smart: ³o«Ä¤l¯u¤ú this child is very smart. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤úÀ°¨à¡]¤l¡^ ya2bang1er0 ya2bang1zi0, n., (satir.) a smart aleck; 2. ¤úÀ°¨à¡]¤l¡^ ya2bang1er0 ya2bang1zi0, n., a too calculating fellow. 3. ¤úê§ ya2chen0, phr., (food) gritty, grates the teeth; 4. ¤úê§ ya2chen0, phr., (words) offensive to good taste; 5. ¤úê§ ya2chen0, phr., (sound) grating (to the ear). 6. ¤ú«° ya2cheng2, n., formerly, commander's headquarters or fort. 7. ¤úÅÒ ya2qian1, n., (1) ivory pin on de luxe book cover; 8. ¤úÅÒ ya2qian1, n., (2) (ya2qia1er0) a toothpick. 9. ¤úûÒ ya2chuang2, n., (1) (ya2zi0) jawbone; 10. ¤úûÒ ya2chuang2, n., (2) (phonetics) alveolus, -lar; 11. ¤úûÒ ya2chuang2, n., (3) ivory-inlaid bed. 12. ¤úÂÎ ya2chong2, n., ¡§tooth-worm¡¨, formerly, believed to be the cause of tooth decay. 13. ¤ú¾¦ yar-(')chyy, n., tooth. 14. ¤ú¯» ya2fen3, n., tooth powder. 15. ¤úÁ_¨à ya2feng4er0, n., crevice between teeth. 16. ¤ú· ya2feng1, n., tooth decay; 17. ¤ú· ya2feng1, n., toothache. 18. ¤ú¯i ya2gan1, n., pyorrhea, alveolus. 19. ¤ú»I ya2gao1, n., tooth paste. 20. ¤úÃö ya2guan1, n., maxillary joint. 21. ¤ú¦æ ya2hang2, n., a broker house, house of commission agents. 22. ¤úªá¤l ya2hao1zi0, n., (coll.) dirt accumulated on teeth. 23. ¤ú¼z ya2hui4, n., trite expression: ¬B¤H¤ú¼z (contempt.) words (pickings) copied from anoher source. 24. ¤ú±N ya2jiang4, n., formerly, a loose term denoting an officer subordinate to general, an aidede1camp. 25. ¤ú²½ ya2ji4, n., usu. in ¥´¤ú²½ have a great ¡§feed,¡¨ a special dinner (esp. for shop employees on first and fifteenth of month). 26. ¤ú½è ya2zhi1, n., dentine. 27. ¤ú¬ì ya2ke1, n., dentistry; 28. ¤ú¬ì ya2ke1, n., ¤ú¬ìÂå¥Í dentist. 29. ¤ú»û ya2kuai4, n., a broker. 30. ¤ú¦ ya2lang2, n., ditto. 31. ¤úªù ya2men2, n., (1) (AC) yamen, magistrate's or other officials' office (now currently wr. ¸Åªù), orig. wr. ¤úªù from following usage; 32. ¤úªù ya2men2, n., (2) general's camp where the general's flag stood. 33. ¤úµP ya2pai2, n., ivory blocks used in mahjong; 34. ¤úµP ya2pai2, n., any ivory chips. 35. ¤ú±C ya2po2, n., procuress; 36. ¤ú±C ya2po2, n., woman trading in girls as slaves, concubines, etc. 37. ¤ú¤H ya2ren2, n., a broker, middleman. 38. ¤ú¦â ya2se4, n., ivory color. 39. ¤ú¨ê¡]¤l¡^ ya2shua1 (zi0), n., tooth-brush. 40. ¤ú¯k©G¡]¨à¡^ ya2teng2zhou4 (er0), n., (coll.) a worthless oath, swearing only a toothache as punishment. 41. ¤úºÏ ya2ci2, n., tooth enamel. 42. ¤úµh ya2tong4, n., toothache. 43. ¤ú¤l ya2zi0, n., (1) a broker; 44. ¤ú¤l ya2zi0, n., (2) an expert (on curios, etc.); 45. ¤ú¤l ya2zi0, n., (3) inlaid part of furniture. 46. ¤ú¤ú ya2ya2, n., inarticulate sound of infant. 47. ¤úÂå ya2yi1, n., a dentist. 48. ¤ú¦L¤l ya2yin4zi0, n., tooth mark. |
ïg | Num. Index: 51.00 | £{£¸£¿ li4 . | |||||||
N. | See óÄïg 51.00¡õ. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.00 | £¤£¶ zheng1 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ¡¼¡¼ zheng1ning2, adj., shaggy-haired. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.00 | £{£«£¿ la4 . | |||||||
Words | 1. óÄïg la4li4, n., (usu. wr. âܵg) in óÄïgÀY head bald from scabies. |
ó | Num. Index: 51.00 | £¡£¸£³ jian1 . | |||||||
N. | (Women's) bangs. | ||||||||
V.t. | To shave (var. of °Å). |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.00 | £z£¸£¶£½ ning2 . | |||||||
Adj. | ¡¼¡¼ (Of hair) dishevelled. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.00 | £{£³£¾ lan3 . [Var. of Åó 10A.70] |
ºò | Num. Index: 51.01 | £¡£¸£´£¾ jin3 . | |||||||
Adj. | (1) Tight, tense (opp. ÃP loose): ºòÁ^ jin3beng1¡õ; §ìºò hold firmly in hand; ©Ôºò pull tight; ¸jºò fasten tight; ºò´¤ grip, keep strong grasp, firm hold. (2) Urgent, pressing: ºò«æ jin3ji2, ºò¢ jin3po4¡õ; ºòºC¿ð«æ¨à in case of emergency (a crisis); ºònÃöÀY a turning point, a crisis; nºò most urgent, pressing, important; ¥[ºò¿ì²z expedite, do with dispatch; »°ºò make redoubled efforts; ºò±i jin3zhang1¡õ; ¾Ôª§¦Yºò fighting has become critical. (3) Close at hand, near, hard by: ºò±K jin3mi4¡õ; ºò¨¾ take precautionary measures against; ¥[ºò¬Ý¦u keep a close watch over; ºò¸ò follow close behind; ºòÀH close on the heels of. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ºòÁ^ jin3beng1, v.t., draw tight (as drum surface). 2. ºòŨ jin3chen4, v.t., (1) fit to a T; 3. ºòŨ jin3chen4, v.t., (2) fasten, make secure. 4. ºò±i jin3zhang1, adj., (of situation) critical; 5. ºò±i jin3zhang1, adj., (of person) nervous, tense. 6. ºò«æ jin3ji2, adj., dangerously critical, calling for immediate action: ºò«æÁ×Ãø avert imminent danger; 7. ºò«æ jin3ji2, adj., ºò«æª¬ºA state of emergency. 8. ºò±K jin3mi4, adj., close fitting: ºò±Kª`·N pay close attention to. 9. ºò¢ jin3po4, adj., pressing hard, allowing of no respite. 10. ºò¨¨à jin3she1er0, n., a close fitting undergarment. 11. ºòÁY jin3suo1, v.t., cut down (expenses, personnel, budget); 12. ºòÁY jin3suo1, v.t., ºòÁY¬Fµ¦ policy of retrenchment. 13. ºò¡¼ jin3cou4, adj., (1) (of writing) concise and to the point (opp. ÃP¾Ó rambling, disconnected); 14. ºò¡¼ jin3cou4, adj., (2) (successive events) tightly packed or arranged. 15. ºò«P jin3tsuh, adj., urgently pressing. 16. ºò¦Û jin3zi0, adv., often, repeatedly, over and over: ºò¦Û¤@»¡´N¥i¹½¤F to repeat oneself again and again would be boring. 17. ºòn jin3yao4, adj., important, essential, vital, crucial. |
íß | Num. Index: 51.01 | £¸ yi1 . | |||||||
Fin.part. | (AC) used like ¨o 93.81. | ||||||||
íßß | (AC) to be. |
ÃO | Num. Index: 51.01 | £¨£¹£¶ zong1 . [Var. of ó½¡A¡¼¡A¡¼] | |||||||
N. | Animal hair growing on the neck: °¨ÃO a horse's mane; ½ÞÃO pig's bristles; ÃO¤ò bristles in gen. |
ìp | Num. Index: 51.01 | £££¸£² xiu1 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) light brown lacquer. | ||||||||
V.t. | (AC) to coat with lacquer; ìpº£ ditto. |
ªø | Num. Index: 51.02 | £¥£µ£½ chang2 (*£¤£µ£¾ zhang3 , *£¤£µ£¿ zhang4 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) Specialty, what one excels in: ¯Sªø¡A¾Õªø¡A±Mªø¡A©Òªø ditto; ªø³B chang2chu0¡õ. (2) (*zhang3) Head, chief (of bureau, department, etc.): ³¡ªø minister of governement; ºªø the ministers and chiefs of special bureaus; ®Õªø president, principal of school; ®vªø division commander; ¹Îªø regiment commander; ¸³¨Æªø chairman of the board; ®aªø head of family, parents of students. | ||||||||
V.i. | (*zhang3) (1) To grow up, grow in years: ªø¤j¡Aªø¦¨ zhang3da4, zhang3cheng2¡õ; ªø¤F¤@·³ become one year older; grow up to be: ªø±o¤ÓÃø¬Ý¤F¡A«Üº}«G grow up to look awful, to look pretty. (2) To grow, increase (in wisdom, price, etc.): ªø¨£ÃÑ open mental horizon; ªø»ù zhang3jia4¡õ; ªø¦æ¥« increase in price; ªøµÊ®ð grow proud; ªø½Õªù¤l grow in (assumed) stature, airs; ªø¥L¤H§Ó®ð¡A·À¦Û¤v«Â· to puff up the enemy and lower our morale. | ||||||||
V.t. | (*zhang3) To grow s.t.; ªøÄG¤l grow a beard; ªøª¸ûê¡Aªø½H grow pimples, sore; ªø¤ú put forth teeth; ªøªÞ¡Aªø¾` put forth sprouts, get moldy. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Long, opp. short µu¡Gªø³~ long journey; ªø«° chang2cheng2¡õ; ªø· swift wind; ªø¹Ä long sigh; ªø¦Sµu¹Ä sigh incessantly; ªø¸¹ throw up a long yell; ªø¼S to give a long whistle; ªøµu chang2duan3¡õ; ªø¸Üµu»¡ to make a long story short; ªø³Sµ½»R long sleeves help in dancing (as ªø°]µ½¸ë) ample capital makes it easy to trade. (2) (*zhang3) Elder, senior, opp. ¥® junior: ªøªÌ¡Aªø¦Ñ¡Aªø½ú chang2zhe3, chang2lao3, chang2bei4¡õ. (3) (*zhang3) The eldest: ªø¤l¡Aªø®] eldest son, grandson, ªø©Ð branch of the eldest son; ¥L©~ªø he is the eldest; ªø¥S¡Aªø©n eldest brother, sister. (4) (*zhang4) Extraneous: ¨µLªøª« (LL phr.) have only bare necessities at home (no savings); ¤¾ªø long drawn-out, wordy. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ªø¦w chang2an1, n., capital of Tarng Dyn. (¡×modn. ¦è¦w), famed in Tarng poetry; 2. ªø¦w chang2an1, n., ªø¦w¸ô¡Aªø¦w¹D¤W route to Charng-an, associated with route to officialdom and civil examinations. 3. ªø½ú *zhang3bei4, n., the elder generation, an elder. 4. ªøÁu·á chang2bei4yUan2, n., type of long-armed ape in India and Malaysia, hylobates lar. 5. ªø½s chang2bian1, n., book of full data and detailed stories, from which a particular history is compiled--full version of chronicles. 6. ªøªi chang2bo1, n., (electronics) long wave. 7. ªø¦¨ *zhang3cheng2, v.i., (1) to grow up (in certain city), become adult; 8. ªø¦¨ *zhang3cheng2, v.i., (2) grow into (anulcer, etc.). 9. ªø«° chang2cheng2, n., the Great Wall, symbol of eternal strength; 10. ªø«° chang2cheng2, n., (fig.) a great warrior. 11. ªø´Á chang2chi2, adj., long-term (deposit, etc.). 12. ªø¤t chang2chuan1, adj. & adv., continually, normally (write each other, etc.). 13. ªø³B chang2chu0, n., one's strong points. 14. ªøÂÎ chang2chong0, n., (coll.) snake. 15. ªøÅX chang2qU1, phr., ªøÅXª½¤J drive straight in (into enemy city). 16. ªø¤j *zhang3da4, v.i., grow up. 17. ªøµu chang2duan3, n., (1) length: ¤T¤Øªøµu three-foot long (also er0); 18. ªøµu chang2duan3, n., (2) criticism, discussion as to who is right (long) and who is wrong (short): »¡¤Hªøµu criticize people; 19. ªøµu chang2duan3, n., (3) s.t. untoward: ¸U¤@¦³¤°»òªøµu if s.t. untoward should happen; 20. ªøµu chang2duan3, n., ªøµu¥y¡×§ºµü the ci2 form of verse, with varying sentence lengths; 21. ªøµu chang2duan3, n., ªøµu¸Ö verse in which some sentence lengths vary. 22. ªø«× chang2du4, n., length. 23. ªøªk¨à chang2fa3er0, n., a regular way: ¤£¬OÓªøªk¨à shouldn't be a regular way, but occassionally allowable. 24. ªø¤è chang2fang1, n., rectangle: ªø¤è§Î rectangular. 25. ªø©Ð *zhang3fang2, n., the eldest branch of family. 26. ªø©° chang2geng1, n., the planet Venus (ª÷¬P). 27. ªø©x *zhang3guan1, n., superiors in office; 28. ªø©x *zhang3guan1, n., officers. 29. ªø¸÷ chang2gui4, v.i., to prostrate on the ground. 30. ªø¤u chang2gong1, n., formerly, hired farm hand on permanent or yearly basis. 31. ªø¤½¥D *zhang3gong1zhu3, n., the emperor's sisters. 32. ªø¬¡ chang2huo2, n., see chang2gong1¡ô. 33. ªøÂN chang2zhai1, v.i., to fast from meat for a long period. 34. ªøªÌ *jarngzhe3, n., elders, aldermen; 35. ªøªÌ *jarngzhe3, n., village gentry. 36. ªø©º chang2zheng1, v.i., to go on a long journey or campaign. 37. ªø¨¤ chang2jiao3, n., (bot.) elongated pod of seeds. 38. ªø°² chang2jia4, n., (take) long leave, i.e., resign. 39. ªø»ù *zhang3jia4, v.i., rise in price. 40. ªø¦¿ chang2jiang1, n., the Yangtze River. 41. ªø§Þ chang2ji4, n., special skill. 42. ªø¶i *zhang3jin0, v.i., to improve (in character, studies): ¥Ã¤£ªø¶i be a sluggard. 43. ªø®| chang2jing4, n., (math.) major axis. 44. ªøÀV³À chang2jing3lu4, n., giraffe. 45. ªøÄH chang2jing1, n., the big whale as symbolic of great drinking capacity. 46. ªø¤[ chang2jiu3, adj. & adv., for long, lasting: ªø¤[¤§p a permanent arrangement. 47. ªø¤ä chang2zhi1, v.i., formerly, for shop employees to draw money on credit, the accounts to be reckoned at year's end. 48. ªø¦Ü chang2zhi4, n., (AC) winter solstice (¡§longest day¡¨), also (AC) summer solstice. 49. ªø§½ chang2jU2, n., permanent arrangement, see chang2fa3er0¡ô. 50. ªøªÅ chang2kong1, n., the sky. 51. ªø¨à chang2er0, n., (1) length; 52. ªø¨à chang2er0, n., (2) a long time: ³oªF¦è¤£@ªø¨à this article will not last long. 53. ªø¦Ñ *jarnglao3, n., (1) elder, alderman; 54. ªø¦Ñ *jarnglao3, n., (2) elder in Presbyterian Church; 55. ªø¦Ñ *jarnglao3, n., (3) senior monk; 56. ªø¦Ñ *jarnglao3, n., ªø¦Ñ·| Presbyterian Church. 57. ªø¦O *zhang3li4, n., superior officer. 58. ªø¾ä chang2li4, n., (lunar) calendar which reckons the dates of seasons for centuries. 59. ªø¤ò (1) *zhang3mao2, v.t., to mildew; 60. ªø¤ò (2) (chang2mao2), n., long hair. 61. ªø¯v chang2mian2, n. & v.i., death (¡§the long sleep¡¨). 62. ªø©R chang2ming4, n., long life: ªø©R´I¶Q longevity with wealth and honor, a long life of abundance and respectability. 63. ªø©ú¿O chang2ming2deng1, n., altar lamp which burns day and night. 64. ªø¦~ chang2nian2, adv., regularly: ªø¦~¦b³oúG¦í stay here regularly; 65. ªø¦~ chang2nian2, adv., for a long time. 66. ªø¶] chang2pao3, n., (track and field) long-distance run. 67. ªø½g chang2pian1, (1) phr., ªø½g¤j½× discourse eloquently on subject; 68. ªø½g chang2pian1, (2) ªø½g¤p»¡ a novel. 69. ªøm¡]¨à¡^ chang2shan1 (chang2sha1er0), n., long gown. 70. ªø¥Í chang2sheng1, n., long life, longevity: ªø¥Í¤£¦Ñ perpetual rejuvenation; 71. ªø¥Í chang2sheng1, n., ªø¥Í¸S¦ì a tablet and altar in honor of great benefactor, for whom prayer is said. 72. ªø¥ÍªG chang2sheng1guo3, n., peanut (¡×¸¨ªá¥Í). 73. ªø¦Þ chang2she21, adj., as in ªø¦Þ°ü a loquacious woman. 74. ªø³D chang2she22, n., as in «Ê¨¨ªø³D (fig.) a greedy monster; 75. ªø³D chang2she22, n., ªø³D°} snake formation (as in snake dance). 76. ªø¬Û¨à *zhang3xiang4er0, n., usual appearance or condition. 77. ªø¨¯Á³ chang2xin1luo2, n., (zoo.) long shellfish, fusus perplexus. 78. ªø¹Ø chang2shou4, n. & adj., longevity. 79. ªø³u chang2shi4, v.i., to pass away. 80. ªø¥Û chang2shi2, n., (geol.) feld-spar. 81. ªø¤Ñ chang2tian1, adv., as in ªø¤Ñ¤j¤é¡Aªø¤Ñ¦Ñ¤é in broad daylight, all day (doing nothing, etc.). 82. ªø¬D chang2tiao0, adj., (person) tall and slender. 83. ªø±ø¨à chang2tiao2er0, n., a long slip. 84. ªø«F chang2ting2, n., formerly, rest pavilion on highway: ¤Q¨½¤@ªø«F¡A¤¨½¤@µu«F a big station every ten li3, a small station every five li3. 85. ªø³~ chang2tu2, (1) n., long journey; 86. ªø³~ chang2tu2, (2) adj., long distance: ªø³~¹q¸Ü long-distance telephone call; 87. ªø³~ chang2tu2, adj., ªø³~¨T¨® bus system between cities. 88. ªø§ÀÂû chang2wei3ji1, n., (zoo.) a special variety of fowl with a long tail, gallus domesticus, cultivated in Japan. 89. ªø§À·á chang2wei3yUan2, n., (zoo.) an African ape with long tail, cercopithecus aethiops. 90. ªøª« *zhang4wu4, n., surplus: ¥Í¥µLªøª« have no savings--have just the necessities of living. 91. ªø©] chang2ye4, adv., all night long. 92. ªø´¥ chang2yi1, v.i., to make a long bow, the clasped hands reaching to the knees. 93. ªøµµ{ chang2yin1cheng2, n., (mus.) major interval. 94. ªøµ¶¥ chang2yin1jie1, n., (mus.) major scale. 95. ªø¥® *zhang3you4, n., the young and old. 96. ªø»· chang2yUan3, adj., long, distant: ªø»·¤§p a long plan for the future. 97. ªø¶ê chang2yUan2, adj., oval in shape. |
øU | Num. Index: 51.02 | £~£¹£³£½ huan2 . | |||||||
N. | A coil of hair: øUÀg a woman's hairdo; ¤XøU¡A¤p¤XøU formerly, young maidservant. |
°í | Num. Index: 51.11 | £¡£¸£³ jian1 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Armor: ©Ü°í°õ¾U be fully armed and ready for combat (¡§put on armor and hold weapons¡¨). (2) A stronghold, citadel, fortress: §ð°í¡A³´°í to assault the enemy's stronghold, take it by storm; ¤¤°í the main body of an army: ¤¤°í¤À¤l¡A¤¤°í¤Hª« key personnel. (3) A surname. | ||||||||
Adj. | (1) Solid, firm, durable, strong: °í¨c jian1lao2¡õ; °í©T jian1gu4, °í¹ê jian1shi2, °íµw jian1ying4¡õ; °í¾À²M³¥ (of army) clear the deck for action: °í¥Ò§Q§L equipped with strong armor and sharp weapons. (2) Resolute, steadfast, staunch: °í©w jian1ding4, °íW jian1ku3, °í¨M jian1jUe2, °ís jian1zhen1, °í§Ô jian1ren3, °í¼Ý jian1yi4¡õ. (3) (Of prices) strong, rapidly rising, (of business conditions) booming (opp. ¯h weak): °í®¼ jian1ting3¡õ; Âà°í (of market conditions) turning strong, (of prices) becoming higher. | ||||||||
Adv. | Firmly, resolutely, steadfastly: °í°õ jian1zhi2¡õ; °í«H firmly believe; °í¦u guard securely, hold fast, keep (promises); °í©Ú flatly refuse; °íºÙ declare categorically, positively assert; °í¤£¦R¹ê (of criminal suspects) obstinately refuse to speak up. | ||||||||
Words | 1. °í¥Õ¡]¦P²§¡^ jian1bo2, n., sophistry, a school of sophists during the Warring Kingdoms. 2. °í¥© jian1qiao3, adj., of good quality and fine workmanship. 3. °í«ù jian1chi2, v.t. & adj., insist (ent). 4. °í©w jian1ding4, adj., resolute, firm, determined. 5. °í©T jian1gu4, adj., strong, firm, unshakable. 6. °ís jian1zhen1, adj., faithful (loyal) to the bitter end. 7. °í½o jian1zhi4, adj., of strong make and finely finished. 8. °í°õ jian1zhi2, v.t., insist strongly, declare emphatically. 9. °í¨M jian1jUe2, adj. & adv., decided, -ly, determined, -ly. 10. °íW jian1ku3, adj., staunch: °íW¨ôµ´ staunch through trials and tribulations. 11. °í¨c jian1lao2, adj., (of articles) strong and durable, strongly built. 12. °í¾® jian1ning2, adj., (of things) congealed, solidified, hardened, (of persons) firm, resolute, unwavering. 13. °í§Ô jian1ren3, adj., persevering, unrelenting, indefatigable: °í§Ô¤£©Þ firm and unyielding. 14. °í¶´ jian1ren4, adj., flexible, elastic, pliant, malleable. 15. °í¹ê jian1shi2, adj., solid, strong, durable (fabric). 16. °í®¼ jian1ting3, adj., (of business condition) booming, flourishing, (of prices) strong, rising, (stock exchange) bullish. 17. °í¼Ý jian1yi4, adj., resolute, with firm determination. 18. °íµw jian1ying4, adj., strong and tough, hard and solid. |
Ôo | Num. Index: 51.21-1 | £|£¹£°£¾ gui3 . | |||||||
N. | A casket, small box (as ballot box). |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.21-1 | £x£¹£½ du2 . | |||||||
N. | Cabinet, casket (var. of Ãp), (AC) animal cage. |
¹¼ | Num. Index: 51.21-2 | £}£¹£°£¿ kui4 (*£|£¹£°£¿ gui4 ). | |||||||
N. | (*gui4) A desk counter, a cabinet, abbr. for Âd 10B.21. | ||||||||
Adj. | Exhausted: ¤O¹¼. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¹¼¥F kui4fa2, adj., lacking, short (of money): ¤£¸·¹¼¥F freedom from want, one of Franklin D. Roosevelt's ¡§Four Freedoms.¡¨ |
°Î | Num. Index: 51.21-2 | £z£¸£¿ ni4 . | |||||||
V.i. | Hide: °k°Î escape and hide oneself; °ÎÁ× ni4bi4¡õ; ÂðΠbe hidden; °Î¥ñ ni4fu2¡õ; Áô°Î be concealed; °Îü½¾PÁn abscond quietly, cease all public activities. | ||||||||
Words | 1. °ÎÁ× nibbi4, v.i., run away to escape notice or capture. 2. °Î±¡ ni4qing2, v.i., conceal fact before the law. 3. °Î¥ñ ni4fu2, v.i., hide oneself to escape capture. 4. °Î¦W ni4ming2, adj., anonymous: °Î¦W«H an anonymous letter; 5. °Î¦W ni4ming2, adj., °Î¦W§ë®Ñ write an anonymous letter. 6. °Î³à ni4sang1, v.t., conceal the fact of the death of s.o., esp. one's parents. 7. °Î«è ni4yUan4, v.t., entertain secret grudge. |
¥` | Num. Index: 51.21-2 | £¨£« za1 . | |||||||
N. | A full circle: ¤@¥` make a full circle: ¥`¤ë one full month: ¥`¦a here, there, and everywhere. |
Él | Num. Index: 51.21-2 | £¸£½ yi2 . | |||||||
N. | (AC) a wash basin; a wine vessel with a spout. |
¦Ú | Num. Index: 51.21-2 | £¥£´£½ chen2 . | |||||||
N. | (1) A minister visa1vis §g the ruler; a public servant: ©¾¦Ú¡A¦l¦Ú a loyal, disloyal minister; ¤H¦Ú a minister at court; ¤j¦Ú minister of state, high minister. (2) Subject or servant owing allegiance to the ruler: ¦Ú¥Á¡A¦Ú¹²¡A¦Ú¤U chen2min2, chen2pu2, chen2xia4¡õ; used by minister in self-reference when speaking to emperor, like Eng. ¡§Your servant.¡¨ | ||||||||
V.t. | (1) (LL) to subjugate or be subjugated: ¦ÚªA chen2fu2¡õ; ¥H¤O¦Ú¤Ñ¤U to subjugate world by force. (2) (LL) to regard as subject: ¤ý¦Ú¤½¡A¤½¦Ú¤j¤Ò (AC) the king is lord to the duke, and the duke is lord to the barons. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¦Ú©c chen2qie4, n., (AC) male and female servants. 2. ¦ÚªA chen2fu2, v.i., to swear allegiance to another. 3. ¦Ú¤u chen2gong1, n., (AC) the ministers and officials (under a king). 4. ¦Ú¹± chen2liao2, n., the officials at court. 5. ¦Ú¥Á chen2min2, n., the subjects of a ruler. 6. ¦Ú¹² chen2pu2, n., officials as servants to the king. 7. ¦Ú¤U chen2xia4, n., self-reference of minister to king. 8. ¦Ú±f chen2shu4, n., all the king's subjects. 9. ¦Ú¨Æ chen2shi4, v.t., to owe allegiance as subject or vassal. 10. ¦Ú¤l chen2zi3, n., official as subject to the king. |
ê | Num. Index: 51.21-2 | £w£°£¾ fei3 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Bandit: ¤gê¡Aµsê; ê±_ bandits' lair; 꺡Aê© bandit chief. (2) Criminal class, criminals: ¦lê; ê¤H¡AêÃþ fei3ren2, fei3lei4¡õ. (3) Rebel: êÄÒ¡Ax rebel gang, army; êº× evil brought about by rebels; ê¿Ò fei3die2¡õ. | ||||||||
Adv. | (AC, LL) not (¡×modn. «D): ê¦i©Ò«ä phr., fantastic, what one could never imagine; ¦g©]ê¾Ó phr., never slacken morning or night; êÁÁ not far; ê¯S not only (¡×modn. «D¯S). | ||||||||
Words | 1. ê¿Ò fei3die2, n., enemy spy. 2. ê¸Ü fei3hua4, n., thief's slang. 3. êÃþ fei3lei4, n., banditry; 4. êÃþ fei3lei4, n., criminals, ex-convicts. 5. ê¤H fei3ren2, n., bandit; 6. ê¤H fei3ren2, n., bad character. 7. ê®{ fei3tu2, n., bandits; 8. ê®{ fei3tu2, n., scamps, vagrants, rascals. |
¦J | Num. Index: 51.21-3 | £}£¹£µ kuang1 . | |||||||
V.t. | (1) To restore, recover, revise (mistakes): ¦J´_¡A¦J¥¿ kuang1fu4, kuang1zheng4¡õ. (2) To help: ¦J±Ï kuang1jiu4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¦J´_ kuang1fu4, v.t., to restore (lost territory). 2. ¦J¥¿ kuang1zheng4, v.i., to correct (errors). 3. ¦JÀÙ kuang1ji4, v.t., to relieve distress, help over (crisis). 4. ¦J±Ï kuang1jiu4, v.t., to rescue (from disaster, errors). 5. ¦J§U kuang1zhu4, v.t., to help, lend a helping hand. 6. ¦J®É kuang1shi2, v.i. & adj., guide country over crisis, do things for the good of society. |
¥r | Num. Index: 51.21-4 | £u£¬£¾ po3 . [Cogn. of §_¡Acontraction of ¤£¥i¡Fdist. ¥¨] | |||||||
Vb. | Cannot: ¥r«H¡×¤£¥i«H (MC) cannot believe. | ||||||||
Adv. | (AC) forthwith. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¥rù po3luo2, n., (AC) anc. goblet. 2. ¥r©` po3nai4, phr., MC equiv. modn. µL©` despite everything, but unfortunately: ¥r©`¤@¦æ®Ñ¤]µL alas! despite everything, (he) did not write a single letter, also ¥r@. 3. ¥r´ú po3ce4, adj., unfathomable, unpredictable (of human heart). |
§X | Num. Index: 51.21-4 | £££¸£«£½ xia2 . | |||||||
N. | (xia2zi0, xia2er0) A box (for jewels, antiques, pastry, etc.) |
°Ï | Num. Index: 51.21-4 | £¢£º qU1 (*ou ). | |||||||
N. | (1) Region, area: ¤À°Ï subdistrict, subdivision of an area; ¦a°Ï area; °Ï°ì qU1yU4¡õ; ¦í¦v°Ï residential area; ·´º°Ï park area, one noted for scenic beauty; °Ó·~°Ï downtown district of city. (2) Precinct, a subdivision of district. (3) (*ou) A surname. | ||||||||
V.t. | To classify, subdivide: °Ï¤À¡A°Ï§O qU1fen1, qU1bie2¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. °Ï§O qU1bie2, v.t., to distinguish between (sexes, classes, sizes); 2. °Ï§O qU1bie2, v.t., °Ï§Oµü (gram.) modifier. 3. °Ï³B qU1chu3, v.t., to handle or dispose of. 4. °Ï°Ï qU1qU1, (1) adj., tiny, very small (used also of one's own contributions, etc.); 5. °Ï°Ï qU1qU1, (2) pron., my humble self. 6. °Ï¤À qU1fen1, v.t., to separate into classes or categories. 7. °Ï²z qU1li3, v.t., to deal with separately. 8. °Ï°ì qU1yU4, n., area, region in gen.; 9. °Ï°ì qU1yU4, n., °Ï°ì¦w¥þ regional security. 10. °Ï¦t qU1yU3, n., (AC) territory. |
¥¨ | Num. Index: 51.21-5 | £¡£º£¿ jU4 . | |||||||
N. | A surname. | ||||||||
Adj. | Great, huge, immense (opp. ²Ó tiny, small, little): ¥¨´I (loosely) a millionaire, a very wealthy person; ¥¨µs a notorious robber (bandit); ¥¨¦l a very treacherous person; ¥¨ÃB a huge sum of money, (of bank notes) large denominations; ¥¨À¼ jU4bo4, ¥¨²Ó jU4xi4¡õ. | ||||||||
Adv. | Interch. ÛÖ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¥¨À¼ jU4bo4, n., (1) the thumb; 2. ¥¨À¼ jU4bo4, n., (2) the most outstanding of all. 3. ¥¨Åû jU4du4, n., a gangster leader. 4. ¥¨ÆF jU4ling2, n., a monster spirit. 5. ¥¨¤H jU4ren2, n., giant. 6. ¥¨²Ó jU4xi4, n. & adj., (the) big and (the) small: ¨ÆµL¥¨²Ó all matters whether important or trivial. 7. ¥¨«¬ jU4xing2, n., large model (of cars, etc.). 8. ¥¨«Ç jU4shi4, n., (1) a mansion; 9. ¥¨«Ç jU4shi4, n., (2) (AC) a family wielding great social and political influence. 10. ¥¨ÀY jU4tou2, n., a great leader; 11. ¥¨ÀY jU4tou2, n., ¤T¥¨ÀY a triumvirate; 12. ¥¨ÀY jU4tou2, n., ¥|¥¨ÀY the Big Four. 13. ¥¨¤l jU4zi3, n., (1) a leading expert; 14. ¥¨¤l jU4zi3, n., (2) a leader of ¾¥¤l Motse school. 15. ¥¨¸U jU4wan4, n. & adj, a hundred million, myriads. |
É | Num. Index: 51.21-6 | £}£µ£¿ kang4 . | |||||||
N. | A divan for two. |
°Ð | Num. Index: 51.21-6 | £t£¸£³£¾ bian3 . | |||||||
N. | (1) (Dial.) flat, round split-bamboo container. (2) See °ÐÃB bian3e2¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. °ÐÃB bian3e2, n., horizontal tablet over door; 2. °ÐÃB bian3e2, n., shop sign; 3. °ÐÃB bian3e2, n., inscribed hall name, (also wr. «óÃB). |
¶× | Num. Index: 51.21-6 | £~£¹£°£¿ hui4 . [Common var. û¿] | |||||||
N. | Concourse (of rivers, people): Á`¶× a great clearinghouse (of knowledge), a compendium, gen. depository or gathering up (of many streams, currents of thought, etc.). | ||||||||
V.i. | (1) To flow into, gather together: ¶×¶° gather together; ¶×ª` flow into (common stream). (2) Transmit, remit money: ¶l¶× postal money order; ¹q¶× telegraphic transfer; «H¶× mail transfer; ¶×²¼¡A¶×§I¡A¶×¶O hui4piao4, hui4dui4, hui4fei4¡õ; ¥~¶× foreign exchange; µ²¶× money transfer; ®M¶× (foreign exchange) arbitrage. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¶×¼· hui4bo1, v.t., transfer (sum), give a draft on. 2. ¶×³æ hui4dan1, n., see hui4piao4¡õ. 3. ¶×§I hui4dui4, n., transfer of funds. 4. ¶×¶O hui4fei4, n., bank charge for transmitting money. 5. ¶×¥I hui4fu4, v.t., pay to. 6. ¶×´Ú hui4kuan3, n., a remittance, sum transferred. 7. ¶×²v hui4lU4, n., rate of exchange; 8. ¶×²v hui4lU4, n., ¦¬½L¶×²v closing rate; 9. ¶×²v hui4lU4, n., ªk©w¶×²v¡A¯B°Ê¶×²v¡A¶}½L¶×²v fixed rate, floating rate, opening rate of exchange. 10. ¶×²¼ hui4piao4, n., a money order, draft; 11. ¶×²¼ hui4piao4, n., bill of exchange; 12. ¶×²¼ hui4piao4, n., §Y¥I¶×²¼ sight draft; 13. ¶×²¼ hui4piao4, n., »È¦æ¶×²¼ bank draft; 14. ¶×²¼ hui4piao4, n., °Ó·~¶×²¼ commercial draft; 15. ¶×²¼ hui4piao4, n.,»È³æ¶×²¼ documentary draft. 16. ¶×¤ô hui4shui3, n., see hui4fei4¡ô. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.21-8 | £{£¸£³£½ lian2 . | |||||||
N. | Mirror box; casket: »¡¼ container for incense; ¡¼¡¼ dowry; ¡¼·q gifts to bride. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.21-9 | £¸ yi1 . [Pop. abbr. of Âå 51.41] |
¦K | Num. Index: 51.21-9 | £¡£¸£µ£¿ jiang4 . | |||||||
N. | A workman, a mechanic: ¤ì¦K a carpenter; ¥Ë¦K a bricklayer; ¥Û¦K a mason; ÅK¦K a blacksmith; ¦K¤H jiang4ren2¡õ; ¦K®ð jiang4chi4¡õ. | ||||||||
Adj. | Skillful: ¦K¤ß jiang4xin1¡õ; ¦K·N jiang4yi4¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¦K®ð jiang4chi4, adj., tone, style of commercial artist, lacking in creative imagination. 2. ¦K¤H jiang4ren2, n., an artisan, a craftsman. 3. ¦K¤ß jiang4xin1, n., mental strategy, a master craftsman's conception: ¦K¤ß¸gÀç original thought in any creation. 4. ¦K·N jiang4yi4, adj. & n., ditto. |
¤Ç | Num. Index: 51.21-9 | £u£¸£¾ pi3 . | |||||||
N.adjunct. | ¤@¤Ç°¨ a horse; ¤Ç°¨ lone rider; ¤T¤Ç°¨ three horses: ¤Ç°¨³æºj phr., go to battle single-handed; ¤@¤Ç¥¬ a length of clothing material; a roll of clothing material (also wr. ¥Ô). | ||||||||
N. | Mate, match, equal: µL¦³¨ä¤Ç without equal; «i´±µL¤Ç brave without equal; ¤Ç°¸ pi3ou3¡õ. | ||||||||
V.t. | To match: ¤Ç¼Ä pi3di2¡õ. | ||||||||
Adj. | Equal; lone: ¤Ç¤Ò pi3fu1¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¤Ç¾© pi3chou2, n., equal, a worthy match. 2. ¤Ç¼Ä pi3di2, n., worthy opponent, good match (in strength). 3. ¤Ç¤Ò pi3fu1, n., an ordinary person, a lone person, everyman: ¤Ç¤Ò¤Ç°ü everyman, common people, person without rank; 4. ¤Ç¤Ò pi3fu1, n., ¤Ñ¤U¿³¤`¡A¤Ç¤Ò¦³³d everyman is responsible for his country; 5. ¤Ç¤Ò pi3fu1, n., ¤Ç¤Ò¤§«i (derog.) mere physical courage; 6. ¤Ç¤Ò pi3fu1, n., ¤Ç¤Ò¤£¥i¹Ü§Ó even an ordinary person has his unchangeable ambitions; 7. ¤Ç¤Ò pi3fu1, n., ¤Ç¤ÒµL¸oÃhÂz¨ä¸o (AC) a man's wealth is his own ruin (by causing others' greed). 8. ¤Ç½m pi3lian4, n., (LL) waterfalls (similar to a stretch of shining silk). 9. ¤Ç³¾ pi2niauu, n., (LL) mandarin ducks who always go in pairs. 10. ¤Ç°¸ pi2ou3, n., mate, life mate. 11. ¤Ç°t pi3pei4, n., life mate; 12. ¤Ç°t pi3pei4, n., equal match. 13. ¤Ç±f pi3shu4, n., common people. 14. ¤Ç¨È pi3ya4, n. & adj., match, equal. |
üå | Num. Index: 51.22 | £w£¹£½ fu2 . | |||||||
Words | 1. äÛüå fang3fu2, v.i., it seems to, seems like: äÛüåÅ¥¨£ seem to hear a voice (var. of §Ï©» 91B.50). |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.22 | £y£¸£¿ ti4 . [Var. «c 80S.00] |
üM | Num. Index: 51.30 | £¦£¹£¿ shu4 . [Pop. for ½Ý¡õ] |
½Ý | Num. Index: 51.30 | £¦£¹£¿ shu4 . [Pop. üM¡ô] | |||||||
N. | (1) (AC) a boy before puberty: ½Ý¤l shu4zi3¡õ; µ£½Ý children under age; boy servant. (2) Eunuch: ½Ý¦Ú¡A½Ý«Æ shu4chen2, shu4huan4¡õ¡F ¤º½Ý palace eunuch. (3) (shu4er0) The vertical stroke in calligraphy. | ||||||||
Adj. | Vertical: ½Ý¥ß standing vertically; ¾î½Ý ¡§horizontal or vertical¡¨--either way, see ¾î 10B.80. | ||||||||
V.i. & t. | To stand up: ¤ò¾v½Ý°_¨Ó (¾v½Ý) one's hair stands up; ½ÝºX¬ñ plant flagstaff; ½Ý¸O set up monument; ½Ý°_¯á±ç straighten one's back, i.e., show backbone, self-reliance. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ½Ý¦Ú shu4chen2, n., small palace attendants. 2. ½Ýµ^ shu4qin2, n., a harp. 3. ½Ý½Å shu4he2, n., (AC) a servant's coarse jacket (also wr. µu½Å). 4. ½Ý«Æ shu4huan4, n., eunuch (s). 5. ½Ý¬W shu4zhu4, n., a vertical post. 6. ½Ýª½¥ß shu4zhi2li4, v.i., to stand on one's head. 7. ½Ý¥ß shu4li4, v.i. & t., to stand up; 8. ½Ý¥ß shu4li4, v.i. & t., to set up, to plant. 9. ½Ý¾§ shu4ru2, n., (Hahn Dyn.) contempt. term for petty Confucians. 10. ½Ý¤ß¨à shu4xie1er0, n., The ¤ß radical, wr. ¡§¡¼¡¨. 11. ½Ý¤l shu4zi3, n., (LL) children in gen.; 12. ½Ý¤l shu4zi3, n., also an AC term of abuse, like ¡§young rascal.¡¨ 13. ½Ý²´ shu4yan3, n., an angry look. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.30 | £¸ yi1 . [Anc. var. of Âå 51.41] |
ų | Num. Index: 51.30 | £¡£¸£³£¿ jian4 . | |||||||
V.t. | (1) To discern; (in letter) for s.o.'s perusal: as in ´Lų¡A¥xų. (2) Var. of Ų 81A.30. |
ºÊ | Num. Index: 51.30 | £¡£¸£³ jian1 (*£¡£¸£³£¿ jian4 ). | |||||||
N. | (1) A jail, prison: ºÊº» jian1yU4, ºÊ¨c jian1lao2, ºÊ¥Ç jian1fan4¡õ; ¦¬ºÊ throw into prison; §¤ºÊ serve a prison term. (2) (*jian4) ¤ÓºÊ a eunuch. (3) (*jian4) Formerly, certain government offices: °ê¤lºÊ the Imperial Academy; ´Ü¤ÑºÊ the Imperial Observatory. (4) Inspector supervisor: Á`ºÊ director general; ¾ÇºÊ a school proctor; ºÊ·þ jian1du1, ºÊ¹î jian1cha2¡õ. | ||||||||
V.t. | Supervise, ºÊ¦Ò¡AºÊ¸Õ serve as an examiner; ºÊ²¼ supervise (-visor) at ballot; ºÊ¤u jian1gong1¡õ; ºÊ¦u¦Ûµs custodian turned thief. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ºÊúè lianchang3, v.i. & n., supervise, supervisor at, examination. 2. ºÊ¹î jian1cha2, (1) v.t., supervise; 3. ºÊ¹î jian1cha2, (2) n., a supervisor; 4. ºÊ¹î jian1cha2, ºÊ¹î¤H controllers. 5. ºÊ¬d¤H jian1cha2ren2, n., inspector. 6. ºÊ¹î°| jian1cha2yUan4, n., the Control yUan1. 7. ºÊ·þ jian1du1, (1) v.t., inspect, supervise; 8. ºÊ·þ jian1du1, (2) n., an inspector, a supervisor: ®üÃöºÊ·þ Superintendent of Customs. 9. ºÊ¥Ç jian1fan4, n., a prison convict. 10. ºÊºÞ jian1guan3, v.t., to take charge of. 11. ºÊ¤u jian1gong1, v.i. & n., oversee workers, such an overseer. 12. ºÊ°ê jian1guo2, n., (1) (AC) the crown prince acting for the king; 13. ºÊ°ê jian1guo2, n., (2) the Lord Protector during an interregnum; 14. ºÊ°ê jian1guo2, n., (3) the regent. 15. ºÊÔ jian1hou4, v.i. & n., formerly, a death sentence not immediately carried out, pending imperial review. 16. ºÊÅ@ jian1hu4, v.t., serve as a guardian for (a minor): ºÊÅ@¤H a guardian. 17. ºÊ¸T jian1jin4, v.t., incarcerate, throw into prison. 18. ºÊ¨c jian1lao2, n., a cell, a prison, a detention house. 19. ºÊ²z jian1li3, v.t., to supervise; 20. ºÊ²z jian1li3, n., supervisor. 21. ºÊ× jian1xiu1, v.i., supervise construction; 22. ºÊ× jian1xiu1, n., such supervisor. 23. ºÊ¨Æ jian1shi41, n., a member of the board of supervisors. 24. ºÊµø jian1shi42, v.t., keep a close watch over (s.o.), keep an eye on, to shadow (a suspicious character); 25. ºÊµø jian1shi42, v.t., ºÊµø¥Ç prisoner under surveillance. 26. ºÊ³y jian1zao4, v.t., made under supervision (of bureau, etc.). 27. ºÊ¦L jian1yin4, n., a keeper of the seal. 28. ºÊº» jian1yU4, n., a prison, a jail: ºÊº»©x a jail warden. |
ðS | Num. Index: 51.30 | £|£¹£¾ gu3 . [Dist. ÆQ] | |||||||
N. | (1) (AC) salt pond. (2) Leisure: ¤ý¨ÆÃûðS there was no let-up in the king's affairs. | ||||||||
V.t. | (AC) to suck. |
ÆQ | Num. Index: 51.30 | £¸£³£½ yan2 . (*£¸£³£¿ yan4 ). [Abbr. ¡¼¡A¡¼] | |||||||
N. | Salt: ¹ÆQ¡A¥ÕÆQ table salt; ÂmÆQ Epsom salt; ©xÆQ legal salt which has paid salt duty; ¨pÆQ smuggled salt; ÆQ½Ò¡AÆQµ| salt tax. | ||||||||
V.t. | (*yan4) to treat with salt. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÆQ¦À yan2chi2, n., natural deposits of salt. 2. ÆQ¬u yan2qUan2, n., brine-spring. 3. ÆQªá¡]¨à¡^ yan2hua1 (er0), n., fine grains of salt. 4. ÆQ¤« yan2jing3, n., salt well in Szechuan, worked with derricks. 5. ÆQº± yan2lu3, n., salt sediments. 6. ÆQ»Ä yan2suan1, n., (chem.) hydrochloric acid. 7. ÆQÅy yan2tan1, n., salt pans. |
èÔ | Num. Index: 51.40 | £y£¸£±£½ tiao2 . [Cogn. õ»] | |||||||
N. | Tufts of hair at front of child's head. | ||||||||
Words | 1. èÔïµ tiao2chen4, v.i., see õ»ïµ 21S.40. 2. èÔ¦~ tiao2nian2, n., young age. |
Àg | Num. Index: 51.40 | £¡£¸£¿ ji4 . | |||||||
N. | A woman's dressed hair, a bun or coil. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.41 | £¸£¿ yi4 . [Var. Ák] | |||||||
N. | Cataract (of the eye). |
Âå | Num. Index: 51.41 | £¸ yi1 . [Abbr. ¡¼] | |||||||
N. | A physician: Ã~Âå a veterinary, -rian; Âå¤R¬P¬Û doctors, fortunetellers and astrologers or their arts. | ||||||||
V.t. | To cure (patient, illness): Âåªv yi1zhi4¡õ; Âå¦n get cured; ÀYµhÂåÀY¡A¸}µhÂå¸} take stop-gap measures. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Âå¹D yi1dao4, n., a doctor's knowledge or skill, see yi1shu4¡õ. 2. Âå¤è yi1fang1, n., doctor's prescription. 3. ÂåÀ] yi1guan3, n., hospital; 4. ÂåÀ] yi1guan3, n., see yi1yUan4¡õ. 5. Âå®a yi1jia1, n., a physician. 6. Âåªv yi1zhi4, v.t., to cure (illness, patient). 7. ÂåÀø yi1liao2, v.t., ditto. 8. Âå²z yi1li3, n., principles or person's understanding of medicine. 9. Âå¥Í yi1sheng1, n., a doctor. 10. Âå³N yi1shu4, n., a doctor's art. 11. Âå®v yi1si4, n., (court.) a doctor. 12. Âå¾Ç yi1xUe2, n., science of medicine. 13. ÂåÃÄ yi1yao4, n., medicine. 14. Âå°| yi1yUan4, n., hospital. |
µÇ | Num. Index: 51.42 | £¦£´£¿ shen4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) The kidney (also ¤ºµÇ); urinary functions or system. (2) The testes (also ¥~µÇ): see µÇ¤l shen4zi3¡õ; sexual functions: µÇÁ« shen4kui1¡õ; ¸ÉµÇ (of med.) restore virility. (3) Gizzard (also wr. ªÒ): ÀnµÇ duck gizzard. | ||||||||
Words | 1. µÇÁ« shen4kui1, phr., (1) sexual debility; 2. µÇÁ« shen4kui1, phr., (2) incontinence of urine (also µÇ¤lÁ«). 3. µÇªù shen4men2, n., (physiol.) hilum of kidney. 4. µÇÅn shen4nang2, n., the scrotum. 5. µÇ¤W¸¢ shen4shang4xian4, n., suprarenal or adrenal glands. 6. µÇŦ shen4zang4, n., the kidney; 7. µÇŦ shen4zang4, µÇŦª¢ shen4zang4yan2, n., nephritis. 8. µÇ¤l shen4zi3, n., the testicles. 9. µÇª» shen4yU2, n., the pelvis. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.42 | £§£³£½ ran2 . [Pop. ¾w] | |||||||
N. | (1) The whiskers, the beard. (2) A person with bushy whiskers or a long beard: ¬ü¡¼¤½ a whiskered (bearded) gentleman; ¡¼¯Î an old man with whiskers (beard). | ||||||||
Words | 1. ¡¼¤f ran2kou0, n., (Peking opera an artificial beard worn by an actor.) 2. ¡¼³D ran2she2, n., a boa constrictor (also פ³D¡A¡¼³D). |
ñ½ | Num. Index: 51.42 | £u£¶£½ peng2 . | |||||||
Words | 1. ñ½÷¥ peng2seng1, adj., see peng2song1¡õ. 2. ñ½ÃP peng2song1, adj., fluffy, (hair); 3. ñ½ÃP peng2song1, adj., more commonly wr. ½´ÃP. |
ÄG | Num. Index: 51.42 | £~£¹£½ hu2 . | |||||||
N. | Beard; whiskers. | ||||||||
Words | 1. ÄGê hu2fei3, n., (Manchurian) bandits, see hu2zi0¡õ. 2. ÄGŽ hu2xU1, n., beard, moustache. 3. ÄG¤l hu2zi0, n., (1) (hu2) (Manchurian) bandits: ¤jÄG¤l ditto; 4. ÄG¤l hu2zi0, n., (2) beard, moustache, whiskers: ¤jÄG¤l bushy beard; 5. ÄG¤l hu2zi0, n., ¤K¦rÄG¡A¨âºJÄG moustache extending both sides; 6. ÄG¤l hu2zi0, n., µ¸¸|ÄG whiskers; 7. ÄG¤l hu2zi0, n., ³sÆKÄG side whiskers extending to temples; 8. ÄG¤l hu2zi0, n., ÄG¤l©Ôâí face covered with beard and whiskers. |
°¨ | Num. Index: 51.50 | £v£«£¾ ma3 . | |||||||
N. | Horse, things that have to do with riding and carriage: °¨Ã@ horsewhip; °¨´Î short stick for urging horse; °¨µ£ stable boy; °¨³c horse dealer; °¨¦ç cover for horse; °¨Âå horse doctor, veterinary; °¨´× shed for horses; °¨§L¡A°¨¶¤ cavalry; pertaining to battle: ¤H¥õ°¨Â½ confused fighting on battlefield; °¨²»q«Í terrible battle (¡§corpses wrapped in horses' hides¡¨); ¤dx¸U°¨ hordes of troops and horses; pertaining to racing: ÁÉ°¨¡A¶]°¨¡F pertaining to journey: ¤H°¨¤w»ô all vehicles and servants are ready; ¨®°¨ traffic; ¨®¤ô°¨Às 10.10; °¨¤W ma3shang4¡õ; °¨«e¼Æ a form of quick divination ¡§while you wait¡¨; °¨¨ì¥\¦¨ immediate success (upon arrival); Ê°¨¥i«Ý (of fast talented writer) dash off a piece in no time--(¡§leaning on a horse¡¨); °¨«á¯¥ parting shot, a belated effort; °¨º¬O¤ follow one's lead; °¨¤£°±¿á hurried journey without stop; °¨ÃO (Æc) horse's mane; ¤ûÀY°¨± devils in animal forms; °¨¥Í¨¤ an impossibility (¡§horse grows horn¡¨); °¨¾¦¤wªø (fig.) advanced in age; °¨¸}¡AÅS¥X°¨¸} show feet of clay, betrayed by a slip (in lies, etc.); °¨¦ÕªF· hear s.t. through one ear and out the other. | ||||||||
Words | 1. °¨¾b¡]¤l¡^ ma3an1 (zi0), n., saddle. 2. °¨Ä_ ma3bao3, n., (Chin. med.) a hard growth found inside horses, said to cure epilepsy. 3. °¨´Î ma3bang4, n., short stick for urging horse. 4. °¨ªí¡]¿ö¡^ ma3biao3, n., a large watch. 5. °¨Ã@ ma3bian1, n., horsewhip. 6. °¨¡¼ ma3bie1, n., horseleech, see ma3zhi4¡õ. 7. °¨§L ma3bing1, n., cavalry. 8. °¨«k ma3bo2, n., (bot.) a kind of mushroom, lycoperdon boviste, used as medicine. 9. °¨§B¤» ma3bo2liu4, n., (MC) one who arranges rendezvous for men and women. 10. °¨¨® ma3che1, n., horse carriage, buggy. 11. °¨«e ma3qian21, adv., posthaste; 12. °¨«e ma3qian21, adv., °¨«e¨ò foot soldier attendant going before officer. 13. °¨¿ú ma3qian22, n., formerly, fee for doctor's visit. 14. °¨²y ma3qiu2, n., polo. 15. °¨¾¦³A ma3chi3xian4, n., (bot.) portulaca oleracea. 16. °¨¹D ma3dao4, n., bridle path or ground for training horses. 17. °¨¦Q ma3diao4, n., a 16th cen. card game, possibly forerunner of mahjong. 18. °¨°Â¹a ma3dou1ling2, n., (bot.) aristlochia debilis. 19. °¨©Ð ma3fang2, n., stables. 20. °¨ÁT¯È ma3fen4zhi3, n., strawboard. 21. °¨¸Á ma3feng1, n., (zoo.) hornet. 22. °¨¤Ò ma3fu1, n., horse buggy driver; 23. °¨¤Ò ma3fu1, n., stable boy. 24. °¨§ý¡]¨à¡^ ma3gan1 (ma3ga1er0), n., blind man's staff. 25. °¨»o ma3gua4, n., jacket put on top of gown, sometimes as part of formal dress (ªø³T°¨»o). 26. °¨¸¹ ma3hao4, n., (1) formerly, parking area for horses; 27. °¨¸¹ ma3hao4, n., (2) cavalry signals. 28. °¨ðÁ ma3huang2, n., horseleech (see ma3bie1¡ô). 29. °¨ªê¤l ma2hu3zi0, n., tiger (°¨ªê¤l¨Ó¤F) a term used to frighten children (also ³Âªê¤l). 30. °¨´x ma2zhang3, n., horse hoof; 31. °¨´x ma2zhang3, n., horseshoe. 32. °¨¥Ò ma2jia3, n., (1) armor on horse; 33. °¨¥Ò ma2jia3, n., (2) (Soochow dial.) vest. 34. °¨µí ma3zhi4, n., horseleech. 35. °¨§J ma3ke4, n., German currency, mark. 36. °¨§J´µ ma3ke4si1, n., Karl Marx; 37. °¨§J´µ ma3ke4si1, n., °¨§J´µ¥D¸q n., Marxism. 38. °¨¤fÅK ma3kourtie3, n., tin. 39. °¨§Ö ma3kuai4, n., formerly, sheriff's help for catching thieves. 40. °¨©ÔªQ ma3la1song1, n., Marathon race. 41. °¨Äõ ma3lan2, n., (bot.) aster trinervius, of aster family. 42. °¨¨c¤l ma3lao2zi0, n., (coll.) stable boy. 43. °¨¦C¥D¸q ma3lieh juuyi4, n., Marxism-Leninism. 44. °¨¤O ma3li4, n., horsepower (of engines). 45. °¨¹a¥Ê ma3ling2gua1, n., (bot.) a long-shaped melon. 46. °¨¹aÁ¦ ma3ling2shu3, n., potato, also called ¬v¤s¨¡. 47. °¨³° ma3lu41, n., name of a worm, millipede, julus. 48. °¨¸ô ma3lu42, n., modn. surfaced street in city, avenue. 49. °¨ªù ma3men2, n., door in Chin. houseboat, connecting compartment. 50. °¨¤Ç ma3pi1, n., horse. 51. °¨§¾ºë ma3pi4jing1, n., (sl.) lick-spittle, toady. 52. °¨¤W ma3shang4, adv., (1) at once: §Ú°¨¤W¨Ó I will come at once; 53. °¨¤W ma3shang4, adv., (2) on horseback; 54. °¨¤W ma3shang4, (3) phr., (fig.) military rule: °¨¤Wªv¤Ñ¤U rule the world by force. 55. °¨ï ma3shao4, n., formerly, security officer charged with security duties. 56. °¨¤c ma3shao2, n., dipper for serving rice. 57. °¨À¸ ma3xi4, n., circus. 58. °¨³N ma3shu4, n., circus acts. 59. °¨¹u ma3xUe2, n., riding boots. 60. °¨¿á ma3ti2, n., horse's hoof, things resembling it: °¨¿áªí desk clock; 61. °¨¿á ma3ti2, °¨¿áª÷ ma3ti2jin1, n., (1) gold ingot; 62. °¨¿á ma3ti2, n., (2) a kind of lichee tree; 63. °¨¿á ma3ti2, °¨¿á¨à ma3tierer0, n., horse-hoof shaped pastry; 64. °¨¿á ma3ti2, °¨¿á³S (¨à) ma3ti2xiu4 (er0), n., a form of sleeve in Manchu Dyn. costume; 65. °¨¿á ma3ti2, °¨¿á»È ma3ti2yin2, n., silver ingot (in form of a horse hoof). 66. °¨±í ma3tong3, n., night stool. 67. °¨¤l ma3zi0, n., (1) chips in gambling; 68. °¨¤l ma3zi0, n., (2) ma3tong3¡ô. 69. °¨§À¸Á ma2wei3feng1, n., (zoo.) a long tailed wasp, bracon penetrans. 70. °¨§ÀĦ ma2wei3zao3, n., (bot.) a water weed growing on sea rocks, halochloa macrantha. 71. °¨ÃÇ ma3ying2, n., (zoo.) a large fly, whose eggs hatch in horses' intestines, gastrophilus equina. |
äÛ | Num. Index: 51.50 | £w£µ£¾ fang3 . | |||||||
Words | 1. äÛüå fang3fu2, it seems like, var. of §Ï©» 91B.50. |
¡¼ | Num. Index: 51.50 | £t£¸£´£¿ bin4 . [Pop. of ÆK 51.80] |
Ák | Num. Index: 51.50 | £¸£¿ yi4 . | |||||||
N. | (1) Cataract (in the eye). (2) Pheasant tail fan in anc. dance. | ||||||||
V.i. | (AC) wither and die. | ||||||||
Words | 1. Ák»Ù yi4zhan4, n., cataract in eye, any obstruction to vision or understanding. 2. ÁkÁk yi4yi4, adv., (AC) darkly. |
ñ¼ | Num. Index: 51.50 | £y£¸£¿ ti4 . [Var. of ¡¼ 51.70 wig, cf. «c 80S.00 to shave] |
º³ | Num. Index: 51.63 | £££¸ xi1 . | |||||||
Adj. | (1) Prosperous; bright; broad: º³´Â prosperous and peaceful reign. (2) Happy: º³º³¯º¡A¼Öº³¡A©É happy, joyful; º³¬K joyful spring. (3) Noisy, restless: º³º³ xi1xi1¡õ. | ||||||||
Words | 1. º³Ä[ xi1rang3, adj., restless, see xi1xi1¡õ, also º³Äc. 2. º³º³ xi1xi1, adj., (1) happy, contented; 3. º³º³ xi1xi1, adj., (2) º³º³Ä[Ä[ (ÄcÄc) restless, hustle and bustle about. |
øw | Num. Index: 51.63 | £¸ yi1 . | |||||||
N. | A birthmark. | ||||||||
Adj. | Dark, black. |