´ï Num. Index: 63A.21-2     £¤£³£¿ zhan4         (*£x£³ dan1    ).
N.A surname.
Adj.(1) Deep, profound: ºë´ï profound, deep (phil.).
(2) Clear, tranquil: ²M´ï clear (pond, lake).
(3) (*dan1) U.f. ¯Ô 31S.70.
Words1. ´ï®¦ zhan4en1, n., deep, profound favor or kindness.
2. ´ïÅS zhan4lu4, n., great imperial kindness (compared to ¡§heavy dew¡¨ on grass).
3. ´ïµM zhan4ran2, adj. & adv., tranquil, -ly, calm, -ly.

¦Â Num. Index: 63A.21-2     £¦£³£¿ shan4    .
N.(AC) a bamboo fish trap, a weir.
Words1. ¦ÂÀY shan4tou2, n., Swatow, a port in Kwangtung.

ªn Num. Index: 63A.21-2     £££¸£®£¿ xie4    . [Related Âm 63A.50; var. of ¬ª 63A.71]

²[ Num. Index: 63A.21-3     £~£³£½ han2    .
V.i. & t.To encompass;
to tolerate and forgive: ®ü²[ to be generous like the sea and forgive;
¥]²[ to include (also wr. ¥]§t), also to tolerate and forgive (errors).
Words1. ²[®e han2rong2, v.t., to tolerate or pardon.
2. ²[»W han2xU4, adj., restrained;
3. ²[»W han2xU4, adj., (in writing or speech) restrained but suggestive (also wr. §t»W).
4. ²[¾i han2yang3, (1) n., culture, polite restraint: ¦³²[¾i¡A²[¾i²`¡A²[¾i¤u¤Ò has deep culture, esp. shown in restraint, forbearance;
5. ²[¾i han2yang3, (2) v.t., (of nature) ²[¾i¸Uª« to nourish and cherish all things.

û¿ Num. Index: 63A.21-5     £~£¹£°£¿ hui4    . [Var. of ¶× 51.21]

âx Num. Index: 63A.21-5     £²£¿ ou4         (*ou    ).
N.(*ou) A bubble: ¯Bâx bubbles on water surface.
V.t.To soak in water: âx³Â to ret hemp.

·Ê Num. Index: 63A.21-9     £y£± tao1    .
Adj.Rampant, flooding, breaking restraint: see ·Ê·Ê¡A·Ê¤Ñ tao1tao1, tao1tian1¡õ.
Words1. ·Ê·Ê tao1tao1, adj., overflowing: ·Ê·Ê¤£µ´ incessant (talk);
2. ·Ê·Ê tao1tao1, adj., ¥Õ®ö·Ê·Ê crashing waves;
3. ·Ê·Ê tao1tao1, adj., ·Ê·ÊªÌ¤Ñ¤U¬Ò¬O¤] the world is full of garrulous reformers.
4. ·Ê¤Ñ tao1tian1, adj., filling the heavens: ·Ê¤Ñ¤j¸o iniquity stinks to heavens.

®ý Num. Index: 63A.22-1     £¤£­£¿ zhe4    .
N.Name of river and province: ®ý¦¿ Chekiang Province;
®ýªF East Chekiang.

²X Num. Index: 63A.22-1     £££¸ xi1    . [Dist. ®ý]
N.Water left after washing rice.
Adj.See compp.¡õ.
Words1. ²XÃw xi1li4, n., rustle of falling leaves, snow.
2. ²X»ã xi1sa4, adj., rustling, crackling sound.
3. ²X²X xi1xi1, adj., whistling of wind.

º¥ Num. Index: 63A.22-1     £¡£¸£³£¿ jian4         (*£¡£¸£³ jian1    ).
V.t.(*jian1) (1) (AC) flow into: ªFº¥©ó®ü it empties into the sea in the east.
(2) Moisten, soak: º¥º{ *jian1zi4¡õ;
º¥¼í saturate with water.
(3) Imbue, instil: º¥¼¯ jian1mo2, º¥¬V *jian1ran31¡õ;
º¥¥Á¥H¤¯ (AC) inspire the people with love.
Adj. & adv.Gradual(ly): º¥º¥ jian4jian4¡õ;
º¥¤J¨Î¹Ò (of circumstances) becoming more enjoyable;
³vº¥ step by step, little by little;
º¥¦¸ jian4ci4¡õ;
º¥¶i (¥D¸q) gradual(ism);
º¥¥T jian4ran3¡õ;
º¥©Î occasionally, rarely, now and then;
º¥ÁÍ´c¤Æ slowly deteriorate, go from bad to worse, degenerate.
Words1. º¥º¥ jian4jian4, adv., gradually, step by step, by degrees, little by little.
2. º¥¼¯ *jian1mo2, v.t., instil, inculcate, imbue.
3. º¥¬V *jian1ran31, v.i. & t., accustom(ed) to bad habits.
4. º¥¥T jian4ran32, adv., (LL) gradually, slowly, a little at a time.
5. º¥¦¸ jian4ci4, adv., gradually, slowly.
6. º¥º{ *jian1zi4, v.i., (lit. & fig.) become imbued, soaked.

Ãt Num. Index: 63A.22-2     £££¸£± xiao1    .
Words1. ÃtÅx xiao1sa3, adj., (1) free, emancipated, unhampered by conventions;
2. ÃtÅx xiao1sa3, adj., (2) (person, writing) spirited, wayward, forthright;
3. ÃtÅx xiao1sa3, adj., (3) (character) pure, noble.
4. ÃtÃt xiao1xiao1, adj., windy, rainy.

á@ Num. Index: 63A.22-2     £ª si1    .
V.i.(Of ice) break up into floes.

æB Num. Index: 63A.22-2     £ª si1    .
V.i.(Of water) to dry up, (of other things) vanish: æB·À (of fire) be extinguished, (of life) come to an end.

¨R Num. Index: 63A.22-2     £¥£¹£¶ chong1    . [Pop. úX]
V.i. & t.(1) To soar: ¨R¤Ñ¡A¨R¤J¶³¾]¡A¨R¾] to soar to the skies, the clouds.
(2) To pour boiling water over: ¨R¯ù make tea by pouring boiling water;
¨R¥¤¯»¡A¨R©@°Ø similarly make milk from powdered milk, coffee;
¨R¶}¤ô to prepare (drink) by adding boiling water: ¨RªA chong1fu2¡õ.
(3) (Of flood) to wash away: ¨R¶ò¡A¨RÃa destroy (bridge, building) by flood;
³Q¤ô¨R¨«¤F is washed away by flood.
(4) To violate (interch. ½Ä): ¨R¥Ç¡A¨R¾W chong1fan4, chong1feng1¡õ.
(5) To counteract bad luck: ¨R¹B®ð counter bad luck with s.t. good (as wedding);
¨R³ß chong1xi3¡õ.
Adj.(1) Modest, retired: ¨R©M¡A¨R°h chong1he2, chong1tui4¡õ.
(2) Mild: ¨R²H chong1dan4¡õ.
(3) (LL) young, tender: ¨R¦~¡A¨RÄÖ¡A¨R®z at a tender age;
¨R¬N young and ignorant.
Words1. ¨R¨R chong1chong1, adv., angrily: «ã®ð¨R¨R.
2. ¨R²H chong1dan4, (1) adj., mild (temperament), contented with few wants;
3. ¨R²H chong1dan4, (2) v.i. & t., dilute.
4. ¨R¥Ç chong1fan4, v.t., to antagonize (person, superior), transgress (law).
5. ¨R¾W chong1feng1, v.i., (u.f. ½Ä) dash to the front of battle, bear the brunt.
6. ¨RªA chong1fu2, v.i., to take medical powder or herbs by pouring boiling water over them.
7. ¨R©M chong1he2, adj., mild (temperament), amiable.
8. ¨R¿n chong1ji2, v.i., to be washed up and piled up by current;
9. ¨R¿n chong1ji2, v.i., ¨R¿nª« sedimentary, alluvial deposits.
10. ¨R¼² chong1zhuang4, v.t., to knock against, to collide (with another shop).
11. ¨RÀq chong1mo4, adj., quiet, reticent.
12. ¨R¤H chong1ren2, n., (AC) selfreference by a young ruler (¡§our tender selves¡¨).
13. ¨R¾P chong1xiao1, v.i., in business accounts, cancel out an error;
14. ¨R¾P chong1xiao1, v.i., also two accounts cancel out each other.
15. ¨R³ß chong1xi3, v.i., to save patient's life by giving him a wedding to counteract bad luck.
16. ¨Rµê chong1xU1, (1) adj., modest, open-minded, unburdened with material pursuits;
17. ¨Rµê chong1xU1, (2) v.i., to soar aloft.
18. ¨R¾Þ chong1cao1, adj., (LL) keep one's integrity by being contented with simple life.
19. ¨R°h chong1tui4, adj., retiring.
20. ¨RѺ chong1yi4, adj., ditto.

Ìþ Num. Index: 63A.22-2     £¡£¸£¾ ji3    .
N.A kind of white wine.

ªm Num. Index: 63A.22-2     £w£°£¿ fei4         (re. pr. *£w£¹£¿ fu4    ).
V.i.To boil, bubble: ªm´é (*fu4yong3, gush.
Adj.Boiling, bubbling: ªm¤ô (¡×usu. ºu¤ô¡A¶}¤ô) boiling water;
ªm´ö¡Aªmü boiling water, soup, also seething noise, criticism;
(fig.) seething, tumultuous: ªmÄË fei4teng2¡õ;
¤HÁn¹©ªm noise and shouts in great commotion.
Words1. ªm¬u fei4qUan2, n., bubbling spring.
2. ªmÂI fei4dian3, n., boiling point.
3. ªmªm *fu2fu2, adj., boiling.
4. ªm¥Û fei4shi2, n., (geol.) zeolite.
5. ªmÄË fei4teng2, adv., boiling over, seething: ÁֽתmÄË a great commotion in public criticism.

¬w Num. Index: 63A.22-2     £¤£² zhou1    .
N.(1) A continent: ¤C¤j¬w the seven continents;
¨È¬w Asia;
¼Ú¬w Europe.
(2) An islet, sandbar: ¨F¬w sandy islet;
¬w²Z¡A¬w¥Å ditto.
Words1. ¬w»Ú zhou1ji4, adj., intercontinental: ¬w»Ú¼u¹D­¸¼u Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.

²W Num. Index: 63A.22-2     £º£³ yUan1    . [Pop. ¡¼]
N.(1) A deep pond, abyss: ²`²W ditto;
¤Ñ²W¤§§O difference between high heaven and deep sea--completely different, apart.
(2) A surname.
Adj.Deep, profound: ²W³Õ¡A²W´I¡A²W»· yUan1bo2, yUan1fu4, yUan1yUan3¡õ;
²WµM¦ÓÀR (LL) profound and still.
Words1. ²W³Õ yUan1bo2, adj., profound (scholar, scholarship);
2. ²W³Õ yUan1bo2, adj., breadth and depth.
3. ²W¬u yUan1qUan2, n., deep springs.
4. ²W´I yUan1fu4, adj., rich and variegated.
5. ²W¼s yUan1guang3, adj., broad and dimensional (knowledge, experience).
6. ²W®ü yUan1hai3, n., big sea.
7. ²WÀq yUan1mo4, n., still and profound.
8. ²W²` yUan1shen1, adj., deep (knowledge).
9. ²WÃÑ yUan1shi4, n., deep knowledge, insight.
10. ²WÃÁ yUan1sou3, n., gathering ground of fish and beasts;
11. ²WÃÁ yUan1sou3, n., the great sources of knowledge.
12. ²W»· yUan1yUan3, adj., broad and deep.
13. ²W²W yUan1yUan1, adj., (1) deep and still;
14. ²W²W yUan1yUan1, adj., (2) (AC) sound of drums.
15. ²W·½ yUan1yUan2, n., source and origin (of thought, philosoply).

º¢ Num. Index: 63A.22-2     £¤£¿ zhi4    .
V.i.(1) To stagnate, be blocked up: º¢ªd zhi4ni4¡õ;
¾®º¢ freeze up, frozen, slow-moving;
º¢ªý block up;
º¢¹B slow up luck;
º¢³^¡Aº¢º» longscanding lawsuits.
(2) To loiter, not move forward: º¢¯d zhi4liu2¡õ.
Adj. & adv.Sluggish, slow-moving: º¢¬y sluggish stream or current;
º¢³f slow-selling goods.
Words1. º¢Ãª zhi4ai4, v.t., to obstruct (progress).
2. º¢®ð zhi4chi4, n., apathy and inertia.
3. º¢¥ñ zhi4fu2, v.i., (LL) be lacking in ambition, self-enclosed.
4. º¢¿n zhi4ji1, v.i., pile up (back log.).
5. º¢²Ö zhi4lei3, v.t., to be involved in material, sordid things.
6. º¢¯d zhi4liu2, v.i., to loiter (at a place), not move forward.
7. º¢ªd zhi4ni4, v.i., be a stickler, be obstructed or held up by trifles: º¢º¢ªdªd sticky (manner of doing things).
8. º¢¤U zhi4xia4, n., (AC) slowmoving bowels, a form of constipation.
9. º¢¾P zhi4xiao1, phr., slow-selling (goods).
10. º¢­G zhi4wei4, phr., sluggish digestion.
11. º¢²T zhi4yan1, v.i., (LL) linger in life.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.22-3     £{£¸£²£½ liu2    . [Anc. var. of ¬y 63A.70]

¨X Num. Index: 63A.22-6     £t£¸£³£¿ bian4    .
N.Ancient river and place name;
¨X¨Ê¡×Kaifeng (¶}«Ê), capital of Northern Suhng Dyn.

¨K Num. Index: 63A.22-6     £u£°£¿ pei4    .
N.(1) Marsh grounds.
(2) Name of district.
V.t.(1) To irrigate.
(2) to falter, drift in ÄA¨K 10S.80.
Adj.Handsome, full: ¥R¨K full, rich (in energy, etc.).
Words1. ¨K¦ã pei4ai4, adj., (AC) handsome and tall (of person).
2. ¨K¨K pei4pei4, adj., (AC) swift (of current).
3. ¨KµM pei4ran2, adj., (of rain) pouring with force, voluminous.

¾ü Num. Index: 63A.22-6     £{£¸£³£½ lian2    .
N.Name of river in Hunan.

ÀÙ Num. Index: 63A.22-6     £¡£¸£¿ ji4         (*£¡£¸£¾ ji3    ).
V.t.(1) (Of rivers) go across, pass over: ÀÙªe cross a stream;
¦P¦à¦@ÀÙ be all in the same boat.
(2) To help, aid, relieve: ÀÙ«æ ji4ji2¡õ;
ÀÙ³h¡AÀÙ§x help the poor, people in distress;
±ÏÀÙ give relief;
ÀÙ®z§ß¶É to champion the cause of the underdog;
½ÐÀÙ®v©ó¤ý request the king for reinforcements.
(3) Be helpful to, succeed in: ÀÙ¨Æ ji4shi42¡õ.
Adj.See ÀÙÀÙ ji4ji4¡õ.
Words1. ÀÙ«× ji4du4, v.t., deliver from worldly miseries.
2. ÀÙ´c ji4e4, v.t., aid and abet (s.o.) in wrongdoing.
3. ÀÙÀÙ ji4ji4,(also *ji2ji3), adj., numerous, a multitude of: ¤H¤~ÀÙÀÙ a galaxy of talent;
4. ÀÙÀÙ ji4ji4,(also *ji2ji3), adj., ÀÙÀÙ¦h¤h legions of men.
5. ÀÙ«æ ji4ji2, v.i., give urgent relief.
6. ÀÙ«n ji4nan2, n., capital of Shantung Province.
7. ÀÙ¥@ ji4shi41, v.i., be a benefactor to society.
8. ÀÙ¨Æ ji4shi42, v.i. & adj., (be) of help: ¤£ÀÙ¨Æ does not help at all;
9. ÀÙ¨Æ ji4shi42, v.i. & adj., µLÀÙ©ó¨Æ of no help to the matter.

®÷ Num. Index: 63A.22-8     £y£¸£¿ ti4    .
N.(1) (LL) tears: ®÷²\ tears;
®÷ªr·¼ªb phr., a flood of tears;
·P¿E®÷¹s phr., shed tears of gratitude;
®÷ª_ to cry, sob;
µh­ú¬y®÷ phr., shed tears over some loss, feel loss bitterly or regret.
(2) Mucus from the nose: »ó®÷.

¨^ Num. Index: 63A.22-9     £¸£½ yi2    .
N.A river in Confucius' home district.

´í Num. Index: 63A.30-1     £¤£« zha1        . (*£¤£«£¾ zha3    ).
N.(1) (ja-tz, er0) Dregs: ´í·º zha1zi3¡õ;
¿}´í sugar dregs.
(2) (*zha3) Leftovers after burning or processing: ·Ñ´í¨à (¤l) not completely burned-out coal bits;
¥Ì½©´í sugar cane pulp.
Words1. ´í¨à zha1er0, n., (1) dregs, sucked out pulp;
2. ´í¨à zha1er0, n., (2) (*zha3er0) small bits (of coal).
3. ´í¤l zha1zi0, n., see zha1er0¡ô.
4. ´í·º zha1zi3, n., dregs, sediment.

·Â Num. Index: 63A.30-1     £}£­£¿ ke4    .
Adv.Abruptly (disappear, pass away), see ·ÂµM ke4ran2¡õ;
·Â³u pass away suddenly.
Words1. ·Â·Â ke4ke4, adj., (MC) descriptive of splash of waves against rocks;
2. ·Â·Â ke4ke4, adj., (MC) cold: ´H·Â·Â.
3. ·ÂµM ke4ran2, adv., as in ·ÂµMªø³u (person) pass away all of a sudden.

ËT Num. Index: 63A.30-2     £¤£¾ zhi3    .
N.(AC) a small pond.

òc Num. Index: 63A.30-2     £££¸£®£¿ xie4    .
Phr.See ¨Yòc 63A.70.

Ãy Num. Index: 63A.30-2     £{£¹£½ lu2    .
N.Name of a river and district in Szechuan.

õÓ Num. Index: 63A.30-2     £w£¶ feng1    .
N.Name of river is Shensi.

ùÐ Num. Index: 63A.30-2     £¸£³£¿ yan4    .
Adj.See ÄkùÐ 63A.81.
Words1. ùпH±À yan4yU4duei, n., name of a gorge in Szechuan.

¿C Num. Index: 63A.30-2     £{£¸£¾ li3    .
N.Name of river in Hunan.

¦¿ Num. Index: 63A.30-3     £¡£¸£µ jiang1    .
N.(1) A river: ªø¦¿ the Yangtse River;
¤j¦¿ªF¥h¡A¦¿¤ôªF¬y eastward flows the Yangtse;
¦¿ªe¦æ¦a as immutable as the rivers;
gravitate downwards ¦¿ªe¤é¤U fast deteriorating, going from bad to worse;
¦¿¤f¡A¦¿¤ß¡A¦¿Ãä (¦¿¯`) the mouth, the middle, the bank, of a river.
(2) A surname.
Words1. ¦¿ªí jiang1biao3, n., regions south of the Yangtse.
2. ¦¿¨¾ jiang1fang2, n., flood control or defense works on the Yangtse.
3. ¦¿¤z jiang1gan1, n., (LL) riverside.
4. ¦¿¡¼ jiang1gao1, n., (LL) river bank.
5. ¦¿´ò jiang1hu2, (1) n., ¨«¦¿´ò or ¦¿´ò«È live life of adventurer, boxer, salesman, etc.;
6. ¦¿´ò jiang1hu2, n., ¦¿´òÂå¥Í a quack;
7. ¦¿´ò jiang1hu2, (2) (jiang1hu0) adj., wise in the ways of the world, slippery, untrustworthy.
8. ¦¿÷ð jiang1li2, n., (bot.) gracilaria confervoides.
9. ¦¿¦Ì jiang1mi3, n., glutinous rice.
10. ¦¿«n jiang1nan2, n., regions south of the Yangtse.
11. ¦¿¤s jiang1shan1, n., the national territory or authority over it: ±o¡]¥¢¡^¦¿¤s capture (lose) political power.
12. ¦¿¶m jiang1xiang1, n., a river or lake district.
13. ¦¿º½ jaingyao21, n., usu. ¦¿º½¬W edible ligament of a shellfish, pinna japonica.
14. ¦¿Ò° jiang1yao22, n., ditto.

¨[ Num. Index: 63A.30-3     £~£¹£¿ hu4    .
Adj.(AC) blocked up.

¬§ Num. Index: 63A.30-3     £~£¹£³£½ huan2    .
N.Name of river in Honan.

®ù Num. Index: 63A.30-3     £¡£¸£¶ jing1    .
N.The name of a river, usu. referred to in conjunction with another river ´ô to form a contrast: ®ù´ô¤À©ú make a clear distinction between purity and impurity;
¤£¤À®ù´ô make no such distinction between good and evil, black and white.

¼á Num. Index: 63A.30-3     £¥£¶£½ cheng2         (*£x£¶£¿ deng4    ).
V.t.(Also *deng4) to clarify water by letting it stand;
to purify: ¼á²M cheng2qing1¡õ;
¼á¤ß purify the heart;
¼á¨ä«ä¼{ purify one's thoughts.
Adj.Limpid, clear and quiet: ¼á©ú¡A¼áº« cheng2ming2, cheng2che4¡õ;
¼áªÅ a clear, cloudless sky.
Words1. ¼áº« cheng2che4, adj., transparently clear and limpid.
2. ¼á²M cheng2qing1, v.t., purify: ¼á²M¦Oªv to cleanse out political corruption;
3. ¼á²M cheng2qing1, v.t., ¼á²M¤Ñ¤U bring peace and order to the country.
4. ¼á©ú cheng2ming2, adj., transparently clear.

·Å Num. Index: 63A.30-4     £¹£´ wen1    . [Usu. wr.¡¼]
N.(1) A surname.
(2) Place name: ·Å¦{ Wenchow in Chekiang.
V.t.(1) To review, go over what has been learned before: ·Å²ß wen1xi2¡õ;
·Å¬Gª¾·s review what has been learned and learn s.t. new;
­«·ÅÂÂ¹Ú relive an old dream, oft. said of lovers' reunion;
·Å±¡ renew old friendship.
(2) To warm up, reheat (food, wine).
Adj.(1) Warm (water, tea, wine).
(2) Hot: ·Å¬u¡A·ÅûÒ wen1qUan2, wen1chuang2¡õ.
(3) Gentle, mild in temperatment: ·Å©M¡A·Å¬X¡A·Å¶¶ wen1he2, wen1rou2, wen1shun4, etc.¡õ.
(4) (Coll.) over-cautious (person), dull, flat (play, writing).
Words1. ·Å¹¡ wen1bao3, adj., warmly clothed and well-fed.
2. ·Å¯f wen1bing4, n., (Chin. med.) fever without chills.
3. ·Å±¡ wen1qing2, n., warm feeling.
4. ·ÅûÒ wen1chuang2, n., hotbed for forcing plants.
5. ·Å¬u wen1qUan2, n., hot springs.
6. ၱa wen1dai4, n., (geog.) temperate zone.
7. ·Å«× wen1du4, n., degree of temperature;
8. ·Å«× wen1du4, n., ·Å«×­p thermometer.
9. ·Å©M wen1he2 (wen1he0), adj., mild (weather), gentle (person).
10. ·Å«p wen1hou4, adj., kind (person): (AC) ©~¬Ò·Å«p luxurious (living).
11. ·Å²M wen1jing4, phr., (AC) see that parents live in warm rooms in winter and cool rooms in summer.
12. ·Å©~ wen1jU1, phr., to give house -warming party.
13. ·Å¨÷ wen1jUan4, phr., (Tarng-Dyn.) repeatedly send in one's writings to examiner together with names of well-known friends who know him.
14. ·Åª¡ wen1kang4, n., warm or heated earthen bed.
15. ၤJ wen1ke41, adj., (MC dial.) gentle (disposition).
16. ·Å½Ò wen1ke42, v.i., to review lesson.
17. ၬ} wen1liang2, adj., gentle and kind.
18. ·Å¤ò¤F wen1mao2le, phr., to overheat wine until it bubbles over.
19. ·Å·Ü (·x) wen1nuan3, adj., warm (sun, bed, human fellowship).
20. ·Å¦µ wen1pu0, n., a kind of sugarcoated berry (cf. û²ÕÅ 10B.30).
21. ·Å¬X wen1rou2, adj., gentle, pleasingly affectionate, esp. toward lover;
22. ·Å¬X wen1rou2, adj., hence ·Å¬X¶m wen1rou2xiang1, n., (AC allu.) lover nest, bedroom pleasures.
23. ·Å¼í wen1run4, adj., (1) soft (luster of jade);
24. ·ÅÄÉ wen1xing1, adj., softly fragrant.
25. ·Å²ß wen1xi2 (wen1xi0), v.t., to review (lessons).
26. ·Å®Ñ wen1shu1, v.i., to review lessons.
27. ·Å¶¶ wen1shun4, adj., filial, obedient.
28. ·Å«Ç wen1shi4, n., hothouse.
29. ·Å·Ö wen1xU3, adj., warm, gentle, mild.
30. ·Å¦s wen1cun2 (wen1cun0), (1) adj., gentle, kind;
31. ·Å¦s wen1cun2 (wen1cun0), (2) v.i., to be kind and attentive to (person): ·Å¦s¸Ü¨à comforting words.
32. ·Åé´ wen1tun1, adj., (LL) warm, lukewarm (also wr. ¿L).
33. ·Å°û wen1wan3, adj., filial, gentle, obedient.
34. ·Å·Å wen1wen1, adj., kindly, mildmannered.
35. ·Å¤å wen1wen2, adj., cultured in manners.
36. ·Å¶® wen1ya3, adj., refined (person).

ªq Num. Index: 63A.30-4     £¡£º£¿ jU4         (*£¡£º jU1        , *£¡£º£¾ jU3    ).
N.(*jU1) A surname.
V.i. & t.(*jU3) (1) Be dejected, lose heart: ªq³à jU3sang4¡õ.
(2) Stop, prevent: ªq¤î to hale, stop, put an end to;
ªq¤§¥H§L stop him with armed force;
ªq®æ prevent;
ªqÀb obstruct.
Adj.Marshy, boggy, swampy: ªqÏv jU4ru4¡õ;
ªq¿A jU4ze2¡õ.
Words1. ªqÏv jU4ru4, adj., marshy, damp.
2. ªq³à *jU3sang4, v.i., be dispirited, downcast, gloomy.
3. ªq¿A jU4ze2, n., a swamp, marsh.

Àß Num. Index: 63A.30-5     £ª£­£¿ se4    .
Adj.(1) Harsh, acrid, astringent in taste (like unripe fruit).
(2) Rough, not smooth, not even (wooden surface);
difficult, hard to read, abstruse (reading, style).
(3) Slow of speech: Àß³[ se4neh¡õ.
Words1. Àߺ¢ se4zhi4, adj., rough-going, not flowing easily (of writing).
2. Àߧo she1na4, adj., see se4neh¡õ.
3. Àß©` se4nai4, adj., (MC) uneasy.
4. Àß³[ se4neh, adj., slow of speech.
5. ÀßÁY se4suo1, adj., (MC) dillydallying, undecided, vacillating.

ÀÝ Num. Index: 63A.30-5     £{£³£¿ lan4    .
V.t.(1) Overflow: ¥ÆÀÝ to flood, inundate.
(2) (AC) to covet.
Adj. & adv.Excessive(ly), immoderate(ly), indiscriminate(ly), illegal(ly), without restraint, without scruples: ¤p¤H½a´µÀݨo a mean man, when reduced to poverty, will do anything to gain his ends;
Àݵo issus excessive numbers of (banknotes, invitations, etc.);
ÀݶO spend money immoderately;
Àݨú accept illegal payments;
ÀݥΠmisuse, abuse: ÀݥξÅv abuse one's authority;
ÀݯӤ½©® spend public funds too freely;
ÀÝ¥ï illegal felling of trees;
Àݱþ slaughter people without discrimination;
ÀÝ¥æ lan4jiao1¡õ;
ÀÝ«O be guarantor for (s.o.) without due consideration;
Àݤä lavish expenditure;
Àݶ}¼Æ¥Ø charge excessive amounts for services rendered;
ÀÝ´c extremely bad, wicked or evil.
(2) Stale, hackneyed, trite: ÀÝ½Õ lan4diao4, ÀÝ®M lan4tao4¡õ.
Words1. Àݽըà lan4diao4(er0), n., hackneyed words and phrases: ³¯µÄÀÝ½Õ hot air without substance, jargon, cliche.
2. ÀÝ¥æ lan4jiao1, v.i., fall into bad company, make friends without discrimination.
3. ÀÝÂÒ lan4shang1, n. & v.i., (LL) origin;
4. ÀÝÂÒ lan4shang1, n. & v.i., originate.
5. ÀÝ®M¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ lan4tuah('l)(zi0), n., platitudes.
6. Àݦà lan4wu1, adj., (Soochow dial.) dirty, tricky, unchaste: ©îÀݦà neglect one's duty;
7. Àݦà lan4wu1, adj., Àݦóf woman of loose morals.
8. Àݬò lan4yU2, adj., as in Àݬò¥R¼Æ (of an untrained person) be included among a group of experts;
9. Àݬò lan4yU2, adj., just to fill up a vacancy.

Ãw Num. Index: 63A.30-5     £{£¸£¿ li4    .
N.Sediment of wine, dregs.
V.i. & t.To drip, trickle, strain: ºwÃw drip and trickle;
©Ü¨xÃwÁx lay bare my heart (lit., drip blood, blie).
Words1. Ãw«C li4qing1, n., (1) pitch, as phalt;
2. Ãw«C li4qing1, n., (2) resin: Ãw«C¬´ (min.) bituminous coal.
3. ÃwÃw li4li4, adj., (1) (of wind) whistling, rustling;
4. ÃwÃw li4li4, adj., (2) (of flowing water) babbling;
5. ÃwÃw li4li4, adj., (3) dripping: ÃwÃw©Ô©Ô§Ë¤F¤@®à¤l´ö the table is dripping with soup all over.

ª_ Num. Index: 63A.30-6     £¢£¸£¿ chi4    .
V.i. & t.(1) To sob, weep noiselessly: ®÷ª_¡A´dª_ to weep silently;
­úª_ to weep;
¶¼ª_ to swallow one's tears;
·tª_ to sob secretly.
(2) Cause to weep: °Ê¤Ñ¦a¦Óª_°­¯« (rhet.) move the universe and cause the gods to weep--very moving.
(3) To weep and (¡Ïvb.) (used like weepingly, adv.): ª_¥n¡Aª_½Ð¡Aª_¶D weepingly implore, request, complain;
ª_¸o please pardon the offender (used by sentenced prisoner).
Words1. ª_¦å chi4xUe4, phr., (rhet.) weep tears of blood: ª_¦å½]ó¨ ¡§shed tears of blood and kotow on the ground¡¨--formula used in obituary for loss of a parent.
2. ª_®÷ chi4tit, to weep, shed tears.

¿G Num. Index: 63A.30-6     £¥£³£½ chan2    .
Words1. ¿Gº© chan2man2, adj., (AC) usu. in ¿Gº©¬°¼Ö have swing and rhythm in music.

Õã Num. Index: 63A.30-6     £}£¹£¶ kong1    .
Words1. ÕãÀÛ kong1meng2, adj., descriptive of fine drizzle (also wr. ªÅÀÛ).

´è Num. Index: 63A.30-6     £££º£³£¿ xUan4    .
Words1. ´è¬V xUan4ran3, v.t., to add touches or color (to a story): ´è¬V¨Æ¹ê to distort facts by adding touches.

²h Num. Index: 63A.30-8     £|£³£¿ gan4    .
N.Water in ship's hold.

·¸ Num. Index: 63A.30-8     £¸£¿ yi4    .
V.i.To overflow: ¥~·¸ (currency, money) flows out of country;
¬y·¸ (of influence) spread;
¥|·¸ spread in all directions.
Adj. & adv.Overflowing, -ly: º¡·¸ full to overflow;
exaggerated: ·¸¬ü¡A·¸´c exaggerated praise, detraction;
·¸ÅA exaggerated reputation.
Words1. ·¸¥X yi4chu1, phr., flow outward, overflow.
2. ·¸º¡ yi4man3, adj., full to overflow.

ÚK Num. Index: 63A.30-8     £u£´£½ pen2    .
N.Name of place, also of river in Kiangse.
V.i.To gush forth (of water): ÚK·¸.

¬® Num. Index: 63A.30-9     £££º£¿ xU4    .
N.(AC) gutters: ·¾¬® a field ditch;
drain, gutters.

û¾ Num. Index: 63A.30-9     £z£¸£®£¿ nie4    . [Pop. of ¯I 63A.11]

û½ Num. Index: 63A.30-9     £{£¸£¿ li4    .
N.Arrival, advent.
V.t.(Var. of ¡¼) come to, arrive at: û½¤î¡Aû½Á{ (court.) be present at;
û½¥ô assume office.
Adj.û½û½ (AC) descriptive of rippling water.

¯K Num. Index: 63A.32-2     £©£´£½ cen2    .
Adj. & adv.¯K¯K (1) Dripping (sweat, rain).
(2) Murky sky (³··N¯K¯K).
(3) Dizzy (headache);
tearful, -ly (¯K¯K²\¤U).

¦Á Num. Index: 63A.32-9     £££¸£¿ xi4    .
N.The eventide ebb tide.

ªf Num. Index: 63A.40-1     £|£¹ gu1    .
V.t.(1) Sell: ¥«ªf sell in the market;
ªf°s sell wine.
(2) Buy: ªf°s buy wine or wine bought from the market;
ªfª« make purchases;
ªf¦W³¨ÅA to fish for fame and social recognition.

¯E Num. Index: 63A.40-1     £~£±£¿ hao4    .
N.Large, great, expansive: ¯E§T¡A¯E¤j hao4jie2, hao4da4¡õ;
¯EµM hao4ran2¡õ.
Adv.Greatly: ¯E¶¼ drink inordinately;
¯E¼Û (a matter of) great regret, sigh deeply.
Words1. ¯E³Õ hao4bo2, n., abundant, extensive (knowledge, thoughts and ideas).
2. ¯E®ð hao4chi4, n., (Mencius) man's expansive nature, idealistic impulse.
3. ¯E¤j hao4da4, adj., very great (expenses, enginering works, achievements).
4. ¯E¿º hao4dang4, adj., onrushing (flood), wide and expansive (waters, lakes): ¯E¯E¿º¿º coming with great force, in formidable array.
5. ¯EÁc hao4fan2, n., bulky and multifarious, great and painstaking (work).
6. ¯EÃv hao4han4, adj., limitless, expansive.
7. ¯E¯E hao4hao4, adv., like rushing flood.
8. ¯E§T hao4jie2 n., a great crisis, physical suffering;
9. ¯E§T hao4jie2 n., period of trials and tribulations.
10. ¯E´ù hao4miao3, adj., (of water) limitless.
11. ¯EµM hao4ran2, adj., usu. (Mencius) ¯EµM¤§®ð the idealistic impulse in man, great moral force.

ÚF Num. Index: 63A.40-1     £~£¹£¬£¿ huo4    .
Adj.(AC) sound of crashing, (var. of Ïñ).

ªg Num. Index: 63A.40-2     £¤£³ zhan1    .
V.i. & t.(1) To wet, soak: ªg¤ô soak in water;
ªgÀã¡Aªg¬V zhan1si4, zhan1ran3¡õ;
ªg²å (of drinking) barely wet the lips;
°s¤£ªg²å never touch a drink;
ªgªd (of flowers) stained with mud;
ÁI¤ß¤w§@ªgªdµ¶ my heart is like mud-coated catkins--no longer moved by passing winds;
²\ªgÃÌ tears wet the jacket.
(2) To touch, be touched with: ªg´H¡Aªg¯e be touched with a cold, illness;
ªgªá·S¯ó phr., to be promiscuous in sex relations.
(3) To benefit or be influenced by touching: ªg«K©y¡AªgÃä¨à to benefit on the sly, make secret or unnoticed gains;
ªg¼í¡Aªg¥ú zhan1run4, zhan1guang1¡õ;
ªg¿Ë±a¬G to share (benefit) with relatives and friends.
Adj.ªgªg¦Û³ß very pleased with oneself.
Words1. ªgµ@ zhang1ai4, v.t., to irrigate (fields);
2. ªgµ@ zhang1ai4, v.t., (fig.) to spread benefit to people (as rain benefits the fields).
3. ªg¥ú zhan1guang1, v.i., to share in reflected glory, to benefit by s.o.'s influence: ³o¦^¹ê¦bªg¤F§Aªº¥ú¤F all thanks to you;
4. ªg¥ú zhan1guang1, v.i., it was all due to your influence.
5. ªg¬V zhan1ran3, v.i. & t., (1) to contract (bad habits) by association;
6. ªg¬V zhan1ran3, v.i. & t., (2) to take part in illegal benefit.
7. ªg¼í zhan1run4, v.i., to make gains on the sly.
8. ªg¬¢ zhan1xia2, adj., (1) soaked;
9. ªg¬¢ zhan1xia2, adj., (fig.) soaked with learning;
10. ªg¬¢ zhan1xia2, adj., (2) (litr.) permeated, immersed extensively with royal favors.
11. ªg¤â zhan1shou3, v.i. & t., (1) touch with hand: ³oªá¤@ªg¤â´NÃa¤F this flower is easily spoiled by touch;
12. ªg¤â zhan1shou3, v.i. & t., (2) to take part in: ³o¨Æ§A¤£¥²ªg¤â you need have no part in this matter.
13. ªgÀã zhan1si4, v.t., to wet (clothing, etc. as by rain).

ªu Num. Index: 63A.40-4     £¸£³£½ yan2         (*£¸£³£¿ yan4    ). [Related ½t 93B.02]
N.(1) (yan2er0, yan2zi0) Border (of dress, quilts, territory).
(2) (*yan4) (Coll.) ªeªu river bank;
Ãäªu edge, border of anything.
V.t.(1) To follow (street, river, customs, tradition): ªuµó¥s½æ to peddle s.t. in the streets;
ªuªe¦Ó¤W follow the river up;
¬Ûªu¦¨²ß (a practice) has come down from the past and become customary;
ªuŧ¡Aªu­²¡Aªu¥Î yan2xi2, yan2ge2, yan2yong4¡õ.
(2) (Tailoring) to fringe, furnish with border: ªu±ø¨à¡AªuÃä¨à yan2tiao2er0, yan2biaer0¡õ.
Prep.Along (road, stream, shore): ªu¹D¡Aªu¸ô¡Aªu³~ yan2dao4, yan2lu4, yan2tu2¡õ;
ªuµÛªeÃ䨫 go along the river bank.
Words1. ªu©¤ yan2an4, adv., along the shore.
2. ªuÃä¨à yan2biaer0, n., braid (of dress);
3. ªuÃä¨à yan2biaer0, n., border piece of quilts.
4. ªu¹D¡]¨à¡^ yan2dao4(er0), adv., all along the road, see yan2lu4(er0)¡õ.
5. ªu­² yan2ge2, n., the history and development (of a district, customs, institutions).
6. ªu¨Ò yan2li4, adv., according to precedents, old rules.
7. ªu¸ô¡]¨à¡^ yan2lu4(er0), adv., along the road, on the roadside.
8. ªuªù yan2men2, phr., ªuªù¦«üÊ (of monks) beg for alms from house to house.
9. ªuŧ yan2xi2, v.t. & n., to follow (old customs).
10. ªu±ø¨à yan2tiao2er0, n., a braid or tape for joining parts of dress.
11. ªu³~ yan2tu2, adv., see yan2lu4(er0)¡ô.
12. ªu¥Î yan2yong4, v.t., continue to use (old terms, etc.).

ªh Num. Index: 63A.40-5     £¤£±£¾ zhao3    .
N.(AC & LL) a pond: ¦Àªh¡Aªh¿A ponds;
´òªh lakes and ponds.
Words1. ªh®ð zhao3chi4, n., marsh gas.

²e Num. Index: 63A.40-6     £w£¹£½ fu2    .
N.Name of river in Szechuan.

ÞF Num. Index: 63A.40-6     £y£µ£½ tang2    .
Adj.Not hardened: ÞF¤ß³J softboiled or soft-fried egg, fluid in center;
ÞF«K (Chin. med.) loose bowels.

·» Num. Index: 63A.40-6     £§£¹£¶£½ rong2    .
V.i. & t.Dissolve in water: ·»¤Æ rong2hua4¡õ;
·»¸Ñ rong2jie3¡õ;
·»¤J dissolve into;
·»¶} separate by dissolution;
·»¦X make a solution of.
Adj.Overflowing with water: ·»·» rong2rong2¡õ.
Words1. ·»¤Æ rong2hua4, n., (chem.) solution, dissolution.
2. ·»¸Ñ rong2jie3, n., ditto;
3. ·»¸Ñ rong2jie3, n., ·»¸Ñ«× (chem.) solubility, soluble point;
4. ·»¸Ñ rong2jie3, n., ·»¸Ñ¼ö (chem). melting point;
5. ·»¸Ñ rong2jie3, n., heat of solution.
6. ·»¾¯ rong2ji4, n., (chem.) a solvent.
7. ·»½è rong2zhi2, n., (chem.) the substance dissolved in a solution.
8. ·»´C rong2mei2, n., (chem.) a solvent (also ·»¾¯).
9. ·»·» rong2rong2, adj., (LL) (1) (of rivers) roaring, rushing;
10. ·»·» rong2rong2, adj., (2) vast, spacious, broad: ¤ß·»·»¨ä¤£¥i¶q¤¼ so immeasurably broad is his mind.
11. ·»Åé rong2ti3, n., (chem.) a solution, a fluid.
12. ·»²G rong2ye4, n., ditto.

¯D Num. Index: 63A.40-8     £º£¿ yU4    .
N.A bath: ®ü¤ô¯Dúè bathing beach.
V.i.To bathe: ¨N¯D¡A¬~¯D take a bath;
¯D¬Ö¡A¯D¦À¡A¯D«Ç yU4pen2, yU4chi2, yU4shi4¡õ;
¯D¤é (water, lake) bathe in the sunlight;
¯D¦å a blood bath.
Words1. ¯D¦À yU4chi2, n., swimming pool.
2. ¯D¬Ö yU4pen2, n., bathtub.
3. ¯D«Ç yU4shi4, n., bathroom.
4. ¯D°ó yU4tang2, n., a public bath.

¬¢ Num. Index: 63A.40-8     £££¸£«£½ xia2         (also £¢£¸£«£¿ qia4    ).
V.i.(1) To join or unite happily, to blend agreeably.
(2) To meet and discuss: °Ó¬¢ or ¬¢°Ó xia2shang1, ¬¢½Í xia2tan2¡õ;
¬¢½Ð discuss na invitation;
±µ¬¢ contact and discuss (wiht person): ©M¬Y¤H±µ¬¢ contact certain person.
Adj.Happy together, happily united: Åw¬¢ jolly (meeting), cordial, friendly;
¢ (of feelings) very cordial.
Adv.Widley: ¬¢»D widely read.
Words1. ¬¢¤Æ xia2hua4, v.i., (LL) (society) morally reformed.
2. ¬¢ù xia2huan1, adj., (LL) happy, cordial together.
3. ¬¢°Ó xia2shang1, v.i. & t., discuss (problems, terms of contract, etc.).
4. ¬¢½Í xia2tan2, v.i., to discuss (problems) together.
5. ¬¢Ä³ xia2yi4, v.i. & t., meet and discuss (with person), discuss (plans, etc.).

·É Num. Index: 63A.40-8     £©£µ cang1    .
Adj.(1) Blue (sea): ·É®ü¡A·É®á cang1hai3, cang1sang1¡õ.
(2) Cold: ·É·É cang1cang1¡õ.
Words1. ·É®ü cang1hai3, n., the wide, blue sea (related »a): ·É®ü®á¥Ð what was the sea is now mulberry fields--(fig.) evanescence of worldly affairs, great changes in the course of time;
2. ·É®ü cang1hai3, n., ·É®ü¤@µ¯ a droplet in the vast ocean--(fig.) very small portion oif s.t. vast.
3. ·É¦¿ cang1jiang1, n., (poet.) the blue river.
4. ·É®ö cang1lang2, adj., (of water) translucent.
5. ·ÉÞH cang1ming2, n., (LL) the ocean, the briny deep.
6. ·É®á cang1sang1, phr., see cang1hai3¡ô.
7. ·É·É cang1cang1, adj., usu. ·É·É²D²D descriptive of coldness (of atmosphere).

¬¡ Num. Index: 63A.40-9     £~£¹£¬£½ huo2    .
N.Work, livelihood: °µ¬¡ make a living: ³o­Ó¬¡°µ±o¯u¦n this work is very neatly done;
§äÂI¬¡¨Ó°µ find some work to do:
oft. ¥Í¬¡ (a) life, (b) livelihood;
¬¡­p (¡×¥Í­p) huo2ji0¡õ.
v.i. & t.(1) To live: ¬¡ûó¤­¤Q·³ lived 50 years;
¬¡¤£¤F cannot live longer;
¥Õ¬¡¤F¤@¥@ lived a life in vain (i.e., wasted).
(2) Become alive, interested: ¤ß¬¡¤F become interested (in plan, etc.).
(3) To save lives: ¬¡¤HµLºâ saved many lives.
Adj.(1) Live, alive, living: ¬¡¤H person still alive, opp. ¦º¤H dead person;
¬¡³½ live fish.
(2) Moving, alive: ¬¡¤ô fresh water, current (opp. stagnant);
¥ÍÀs¬¡ªê¡A¬¡¼â¼â (painting, descriptive) very much alive;
¬¡¥Í¥Í¥´¦º beat a person to death;
ÆF¬¡ (style) alive, (skill) expert;
¬¡¼â¡A¬¡²{ huo2po1, huo2xian4¡õ;
¬¡°Ê huo2dong4¡õ.
(3) Not fixed: ¬¡´Á¦s´Ú demand deposit;
¬¡­¶ huo2ye4¡õ.
Adv.¬¡¹³ huo2xiang4¡õ;
¥Í§]¬¡­é (lit.) skin alive, (fig.) force an interpretation of text without understanding.
Words1. ¬¡ª© huo2ban3, n., (also ¬'rª©) printing from movable type.
2. ¬¡´Á huo2chi2, n., as in ¬¡´Á¦s´Ú deposit on demand.
3. ¬¡°Ê huo2dong4, (1) n., activity (-ties): ¦UºØ¬¡°Ê various activities;
4. ¬¡°Ê huo2dong4, n., Åé¤O¡A¬Fªv¬¡°Ê physical, political activities;
5. ¬¡°Ê huo2dong4, (2) v.i. & t., to move, exercise: ¬¡°Êµ¬°© move muscles in exercise or work;
6. ¬¡°Ê huo2dong4, v.i. & t., ¬¡°Ê¤@©x¥b¾ run about to get an official post;
7. ¬¡°Ê huo2dong4, v.i. & t., come alive, show a change: ªñ¨Ó¥«­±¤W¦³ÂI¬¡°Ê some sign of life in the market;
8. ¬¡°Ê huo2dong4, v.i. & t., ¤f®ð¦³ÂI¬¡°Ê his tone has changed somewhat;
9. ¬¡°Ê huo2dong4, v.i. & t., become flexible, loose (chair legs, etc.);
10. ¬¡°Ê huo2dong4, v.i. & t., (3) active: «Ü¬¡°Ê very active.
11. ¬'ò huo2fuor, n., Living Buddha (in Tibet, Mongolia): ¯ZÁI¬'ò Panchan Lama.
12. ¬¡¸Ó huo2gai1, vb. aux., deservedly should: ¬¡¸Ó¦p¦¹ deservedly so.
13. ¬¡µÛ¡]¨à¡^ huo2zhao1(er0), n., a flexible move (in chess), a step that allows for flexibility.
14. ¬¡¨£°­ huo2jian4gui3, excl., utter nonsense! impossible!
15. ¬¡­p huo2ji0, n., needlework.
16. ¬¡¼@ huo2jU4, n., a drama in real life.
17. ¬¡§½¤l huo2jU2zi0, n., a trap.
18. ¬¡¤f huo2kou3, n., (1) person captured alive;
19. ¬¡¤f huo2kou3, n., (2) a living witness of a murder case;
20. ¬¡¤f huo2kou3, n., ¬¡¤f¦Ì rice for famine relief.
21. ¬'©¨à huo2kou4er0, n., a knot that can be easily untied.
22. ¬¡¨à huo2er0, n., a livelihood: ·F¬¡¨à¡A°µ¬¡¨à make a living, do what is one's profession.
23. ¬¡¤O huo2li4, n., vitality.
24. ¬¡¸ô huo2lu4(er0), n., a way out a means of survival.
25. ¬¡®I huo2mai2, v.t., bury alive.
26. ¬¡ªù huo2men2, n., (1) a piston;
27. ¬¡ªù huo2men2, n., (2) a chance to live.
28. ¬¡©R huo2ming4, n., (save, spare) life.
29. ¬¡¼â huo2po1 (huo2po0), adj., lively, active, energetic.
30. ¬¡¶ë huo2sai1, n., a piston.
31. ¬¡²{ huo2xian4, (1) adj., arrogant, self-satisfied (air);
32. ¬¡²{ huo2xian4, adj., coming alive (portrait);
33. ¬¡²{ huo2xian4, (2) v.t., reveal: ÁàºA¬¡²{ reveal one's weakness, shortcomings.
34. ¬¡¹³ huo2xiang4, adj., remarkably like (the dead person, etc.);
35. ¬¡¹³ huo2xiang4, adj., looking as if indeed.
36. ¬¡¨ü huo2shou4, v.i., usu. in ¬¡¨ü¸o suffer terribly.
37. ¬¡¤ô huo2shui3, n., fresh current.
38. ¬'º¤H huo2si3ren2, n., a deadalive person.
39. ¬¡ÀY¨à huo2tou0er0, n., interest to live: ¨ºÁÙ¦³¬Æ»ò¬¡ÀY then what does one want to live for?
40. ¬¡²æ huo2tuo1, adj., (LL) remarkably like (spring).
41. ¬'rª© huo2zi1ban3, see huo2ban3¡ô.
42. ¬¡­¶ huo2ye4, n., loose-leaf (album).
43. ¬¡ÅD huo2yUe4, adj., very lively, active.
44. ¬¡¥Î huo2yong4, v.t., make flexible use of.

¬¥ Num. Index: 63A.40-9     £{£¹£¬£¿ luo4    .
N.Name of river and place: in Honan ¬¥¶§ Loyang, capital of Northern Suhng Dyn.: ¬¥¶§¯È¶Q (allu.) overwhelming popularity of a new work (causing shortage of printing paper).

¿F Num. Index: 63A.40-9     £x£³£¿ dan4    .
Adj.Calm, detached.
Words1. ¿Fªy dan4bo2, adj. & v.t., usu. in ¿Fªy©ú§Ó live simple life, showing one's true goal in life;
2. ¿Fªy dan4bo2, adj. & v.t., ¿Fªy¦W§Q indifferent towards fame and wealth also wr. ²Hªy.

Ïv Num. Index: 63A.40-9     £§£¹£¿ ru4    .
N.Name of a river in Hopei Province.
Adj.Damp: ªqÏv marshy, swampy.

§M Num. Index: 63A.40-9     £¸£®£¾ ye3    . [Dist. ªv]
N.(AC) blacksmith: ¨}§M a good blacksmith.
V.i. & t.(1) To forge (iron): §Mª÷ smelt metals;
(fig.) to shape (character): ³³§M to shape character by gradual influence.
(2) To do make-up: §M®e to touch up face;
§M®e»£²] to dress prettily is to arouse sex desires.
Adj.Well made-up: §¯§M seductive-looking;
§MÆv ye3yan4¡õ.
Words1. §M¤u ye3gong1, n., blacksmith.
2. §Mª÷ ye3jin1, v.i., to smelt metal;
3. §Mª÷ ye3jin1, v.i., §Mª÷¾Ç metallurgy.
4. §MÆv ye3yan4, adj., attractive looking, gorgeous.
5. §M¹C ye3you2, v.i., to philander.

ªv Num. Index: 63A.40-9     £¤£¿ zhi4    .
N.(1) Administration, government, jurisdiction: ¬Ùªv provincial capital;
¿¤ªv county seat, jurisdiction.
(2) A surname.
V.t.(1) to govern, administer, take charge of: ªv²z¡Aªv°ê¡Aªv®a zhi4li3, zhi4guo2, zhi4jia1¡õ;
²Îªv to rule (a country);
¦Ûªv self-governing, -ment.
(2) to set up, manage, prepare: ªv¸Ë¡Aªv³à zhi4zhuang1, zhi4sang1¡õ;
ªv°s set up a wine dinner;
ªv®b prepare a dinner;
¤j¬êªv¤ô The Great Yuu regulated the courses of rivers.
(3) To treat (a disease): ªv¯f¡AªvÀø zhi4bing4, zhi4liao2¡õ;
医v to treat (a disease);
ªv¦n¤F has been cured;
¤£ªv¤§¯g incurable disease.
(4) to punish: Ãgªv ditto;
ªv¸o zhi4zui4¡õ;
ªv¦º punish to death;
³Bªv to deal punishment to.
(5) To study a special branch of learning: ªvÂå¡Aªv¥v¡Aªv¸g study medicine, history, classics;
ªv¾Ç zhi4xUe2¡õ.
Words1. ªv¦w zhi4an1, n., public security (from thefts, riots, etc.): ¦a¤èªºªv¦w¦p¦ó how is the public security of the place?
2. ªv¿ì zhi4ban4, v.t., to deal with officially, to administer s.t.
3. ªv¥» zhi4ben3, v.i. & n., (to effect) basic, fundamental reform;
4. ªv¥» zhi4ben3, v.i. & n., basic cure in medicine;
5. ªv¥» zhi4ben3, v.i. & n., cf. zhi4biao1¡õ.
6. ªv¼Ð zhi4biao1, v.i. & n., alleviate symptoms of disease or social ills: temporary remedy;
7. ªv¼Ð zhi4biao1, v.i. & n., cf. zhi4ben3¡ô.
8. ªv¯f zhi4bing4, v.i., to cure illness.
9. ªv§L zhi4bing1, v.i., to train,or command an army.
10. ªv²£ zhi4chan3, v.i., to manage business or property.
11. ªv°` zhi4gong1, v.i., to take care of personal conduct.
12. ªv°ê zhi4guo2, v.i., to rule a country.
13. ªv¤Æ zhi4hua4, v.i., to rule and educate a people.
14. ªvü½ zhi4ji11, n., results of regime.
15. ªvÁZ zhi4ji12, n., ditto.
16. ªv®a zhi4jia1, v.i., to run a family properly.
17. ªv¸g jhyjing1, v.i., to study the classics.
18. ªv¸Ë zhi4zhuang1, v.i., to pack up for journey.
19. ªv¨ã zhi4jU4, v.i., prepare a wine dinner.
20. ªv­x zhi4jUn1, v.i., train and command an army.
21. ªvÀø zhi4liao2, (1) n., therapy: ºë¯«ªvÀø psychotherapy, psychiatric treatment;
22. ªvÀø zhi4liao2, (2) v.t., to cure.
23. ªv²z zhi4li3, v.t., to rule, manage, put in order.
24. ªv¥­ zhi4ping2, v.i., from ªv°ê¥­¤Ñ¤U rule the country and give peace to the world.
25. ªv¦¥ jhyrong2, v.i., see zhi4bing1¡ô.
26. ªv³à zhi4sang1, v.i., manage, set up a funeral.
27. ªv¥Í zhi4sheng1, v.i, make a livelihood.
28. ªv¤U zhi4xia4, phr., under a jurisdiction.
29. ªv¦æ zhi4xing2, (1) (AC) prepare for journey;
30. ªv¦æ zhi4xing2, (2) (zhi4xing4) (AC) results of an administration.
31. ªv³N zhi4shu4, n., statecraft, the art of government.
32. ªv¥@ zhi4shi4, v.i., to rule the country.
33. ªv¾Ç zhi4xUe2, v.i., to make a study of subjects.
34. ªv¸o zhi4zui4, v.i., to punish.
35. ªv­n zhi4yao4, n., elements of art of government.

´ð Num. Index: 63A.41-1     £££¸£µ xiang1    .
N.Name of river in Hunan;
Hunan Province: ´ð¦m fabulous queen of Emperor Shun µÏ, see xiang1fei1zhu2¡õ;
short for Hunan Province: ´ð¸ Hunan embroidery.
Words1. ´ð¦m¦Ë xiang1fei1zhu2, n., spotted bamboo, said to grow from the tears of the queens of Emperor Shun µÏ.

²Z Num. Index: 63A.41-1     £¤£¹£¾ zhu3    .
N.(LL) an islet in river.

Ìô Num. Index: 63A.41-2     £|£³ gan1    .
Words1. Ìô¤ô gan1shui3, n., (1) water left after washing rice;
2. Ìô¤ô gan1shui3, n., (2) slop, kitchen waste water: Ìô¤ô±í slop pail.

º¨ Num. Index: 63A.41-2     £©£±£½ cao2         (also £¨£±£¿ zao4    ).
N.Canal, canal transport, esp. Grand Canal, used in transporting tribute grain to Peking from the south: ÁV¦Ì¡AÁV³¡AÁV¹B cao2mi3, cao2liang2, cao2yUn4¡õ.
Words1. º¨´ë cao2qU2, n., canal.
2. º¨¯Ó cao2hao4, n., wastage of grain through canal transport.
3. º¨Âà cao2zhuan3, n., transport, by water º¨ and land Âà.
4. º¨Â³ cao2liang2, n., tribute grain, see N¡ô.
5. º¨¦Ì cao2mi3, n., tribute rice.
6. º¨»µ cao2wan3, n., see cao2zhuan3¡ô.
7. º¨¹B cao2yUn4, n., canal transport, formerly, a bureau in charge of tribute grain.

º± Num. Index: 63A.41-2     £{£¹£¾ lu3    .
N.(lu3zi0) Thick gravy: ÆQº± salted gravy.
V.t. & adj.(1) To treat by marinating, method of cooking, by boiling or simmering after treating with soya sauce and spices.
(2) Marinated: º±Àn¡Aº±³J¡Aº±¦×¡Aº±µæ marinated duck, egg, pork, vegetable.
Words1. º±´ò lu3hu2, n., salty lake.
2. º±üù lu3mian4, n., vermicelli coated with gluey sauce.
3. º±½¼ªo lu3xia1you2, n., shrimp sauce made from crushed shrimp.
4. º±ÆQ lu3yan2, n., natural salt.

Àà Num. Index: 63A.41-2     £¡£º£´£¿ jUn4    . [Interch. ¯C]
V.t.Dredge (a river).

ªo Num. Index: 63A.41-2     £¸£²£½ you2    .
N.(1) Oil: ½Þªo lard;
¤ûªo (¶À¤û) butter;
¥Íªo peanut oil;
摦o vegetable oil, rapeseed oil;
­»ªo (ªÛürªo) sesame oil;
·Ñªo¡A¥Ûªo petroleum;
¨Tªo gasoline;
¤õªo kerosene;
¨§ªo soya sauce;
¯ùªo hair-oil made from camellia seeds;
®äªo wood oil.
(2) Varnish: ªoº£ you2chi1¡õ.
V.t.To varnish: ªo¤@ªo¤jªù varnish the gate;
ªoº£ you2chi1¡õ.
Adj.(1) Greasy, oily: ¦çªA³£ªo¤F dress gets greasy;
ªo¥ú you2guang1¡õ;
ªo®Ì®Ìªº very oily;
ªo¨L¨L very shiny, -ing.
(2) Glib, flippant: ªoµÄ·Æ½Õ¡Aªo¼L·Æ¦Þ said of persuasive but not reliable talker;
³o¤Hªo·¥¤F this fellow is as slippery as an eel;
¦Ñªo¤l a crafty fellow.
Adv.Abundantly, spontaneously: ªoµM you2ran2¡õ.
Words1. ªoºÑ¼l you2bi4chuang2, n., (1) cart with green oiled cloth cover;
2. ªoºÑ¼l you2bi4chuang2, n., (2) painted cart cover.
3. ªoºÑ¨® you2bi4jU1, n., painted cart.
4. ªo»æ you2bing3, n., (1) oil cake used as fertilizer;
5. ªo»æ you2bing3, n., (2) fried cake.
6. ªo¥¬ you2bu4, n., waterproof cloth treated with wood oil.
7. ªoª£üù¨à you2chao3miaher0, see you2cha2¡õ.
8. ªo¯ù you2cha2, n., a pasty drink made of butter, fried flour and sugar.
9. ªoº£ you2chi1, v.t. & n., varnish, oil paints;
10. ªoº£ you2chi1, v.t. & n., ªoº£¦K a (house) painter.
11. ªoº÷¤l you2chou2zi0, n., waterproof silks, used for package.
12. ªoÂÎ you2chong2, n., cockroach.
13. ªo¸È you2qUn2, n., cook's apron.
14. ªoÂI¨à¡]¤l¡^ you2diaaer0(zi0), n., grease spots, stains.
15. ªo¿O you2deng1, n., oil lamp.
16. ªo§{ you2fang2, n., an oil store.
17. ªo­À¯È you2fang2zhi3, n., a semitransparent paper used for tracing calligraphy.
18. ªo­· you2feng1, n., a disease characterized by falling hair, peeling and itchy skin.
19. ªo»\ you2gai4, n., (MC) (1) painted top of carriage or cart;
20. ªo»\ you2gai4, n., (2) oiled-paper umbrella.
21. ªoºÞ you2guan3, n., oil pipe.
22. ªo¥ú¡]¨à¡^ you2guang1(er0), adj., oily smooth.
23. ªoÁç you2guo1, n., cauldron of boiling oil--one of punishments of Buddhist hell.
24. ªoµe you2hua4, n., oil painting.
25. ªo·Æ you2(')hua2, adj., glib, flippant, not reliable.
26. ªoÀô you2huan2, n., (mech.) scraper ring.
27. ªo¦Ç you2hui1, n., putty.
28. ªo¹Ù¨à you2(')huo3er0, n., cook's assistant.
29. ªo¸¬Äª you2hu2lu2, n., a kind of cricket, gryllodes mitratus.
30. ªo¬µ°­ you2zha0gui3, n., fritters.
31. ªoº^ you2zha2, n., an oil press.
32. ªo¬µªG¡]¨à¡^ you2zha2guo3(er0), n., see you2zha1gui3¡ô, also called ªo±ø.
33. ªo¸ñ you2ji1, n., grease spots, oil stains.
34. ªo·Î you2jian1, v.t., to fry in oil.
35. ªo¦K you2jiang0, n., house painter.
36. ªo¤« you2jing3, n., an oil well.
37. ªo¯× you2zhi1, n., olein;
38. ªo¯× you2zhi1, n., fatty tissue.
39. ªo¯È you2zhi3, n., oilpaper.
40. ªo®w you2ku4, n., oil tank.
41. ªo¨à you2er0, n., (1) oil, lard, fat;
42. ªo¨à you2er0, n., (2) see you2shui3¡õ.
43. ªo«G¡]¨à¡^ you2liang4(er0), adj., shining, shiny.
44. ªoÁM you2lou3, n., oil hamper.
45. ªoºñ you2lU4, adj., dark green.
46. ªo³Â you2ma2, n., linseed.
47. ªoªù you2men2, n., (mech.) accelerator.
48. ªo¾¥ you2mo4, n., printing ink.
49. ªo¿° you2ni4 (your-'ni), adj., greasy, too rich in oil.
50. ªoªd you2ni2, n., oily dandruff, greasy dirt.
51. ªo½L you2pan2, n., lacquer tray.
52. ªo¥Ö¨à you2pierer0, n., epidermis.
53. ªoµM you2ran2, adv., (of rain, cloud) fully, densely: ªoµM¦Ó¥Í arise spontaneously (a feeling).
54. ªo¦â you2se4, n., oil color.
55. ªo¨@¡]¨à¡^ you2shao2er0, n., see you2zi0¡õ.
56. ªo­» you2xiang0, n., (a Moslem food) oil cake of flour, salt, fried in sesame oil.
57. ªo¾c you2xie2, n., waterproof shoes.
58. ªo¬P¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ you2xing1(er0)(zi0), n., small marks from cooking oil.
59. ªo¤ô¡]¨à¡^ you2shui3(er0), n., that which is grease for the palm, illegitimate profit.
60. ªo¹¢ you2shi4, v.t., to paint over with wood oil.
61. ªo¹u you2xUe1, n., waterproof boots.
62. ªo¯À you2su4, n., fine gauze for painting or calligraphy.
63. ªoµ·¸h you2si1zhuan4, n., ditto.
64. ªo¥Ð you2tian2, n., olifield.
65. ªo±ø you2tiao2, n., friters of twisted dough (see you2zha2guo3¡ô).
66. ªoµæ you2cai4, n., rape.
67. ªo¨ë you2ci4, n., blackheads.
68. ªo®ä you2tong2, n., (bot.) aleurites cordata.
69. ªo¤l you2zi0, n., (coll.) old blackguard, an old fox.
70. ªo¼L you2zui3, adj., quick-tongued, flippant, argumentative.
71. ªo²´ you2yan3, n., (mech.) oil hole.
72. ªo·Ï¡]¤l¡^ you2yan1 (you2yan1zi0), n., soot, lamp-black.
73. ªoÆQ©± you2yan2dian4, n., drygoods store.
74. ªo¦ç you2yi1, n., oilskins.
75. ªo¦L you2yin4, v.t. & n., mimeograph.
76. ªoªo you2you2, adj., (AC) floating, billowing;
77. ªoªo you2you2, adj., unctuous.

Ïs Num. Index: 63A.41-3     £ª£«£¾ sa3    .
Pron.(MC) Ïs®a I (first person).
V.i. & t.interch. Åx 63A.70.

°s Num. Index: 63A.41-3     £¡£¸£²£¾ jiu3    .
N.Wine, spirits, liquors, alcoholic beverages: °s¨¬ (¾K) ¶º¹¡ have dined and wined to satiety;
°s¶o¦Õ¼ö in a state of drunken ecstasy;
°s®ð¼Q¼Q breathing alcohol;
°s®ðâÀ¤H ditto;
°sÅn¶º³U a good-for-nothing person (a ¡§rice bag, wine bag¡¨);
°s¦×ªB¤Í friends only for wining and dining together, not in case of need;
°s¦â°]®ð wine, women, avarice, and pride--the four cardinal vices;
°s¨¥°s»y words uttered under the influence of liquor;
°s¤£¾K¤H¡A¤H¦Û¾K if your get drunk, it's your own fault and not that of the wine;
§Ù°s to swear off wine;
³¤°s intoxicating liquor;
·q°s to toast s.o.;
§â°s serve wine, hold up wine cup;
¶Ý°s be addicted to wine;
¬v°s imported wine;
¨p°s bootleg liquor.
Words1. °s§a jiu3ba1, n., (translit.) a bar saloon.
2. °s«O¡]¨à¡^ jiourbao3(er0), n., a bartender, barkeeper.
3. °sªM jiu3bei1, n., wine cup.
4. °s¡¼ jiu3bie3, n., formerly, a leather flask for wine.
5. °s¿ú¡]¨à¡^ jiu3qian2(jiu3qia1er0), n., tips, gratuities (cf. G. trinkgeld, Fr. pourboire).
6. °sºX jiu3chi2, n., a streamer hanging in front of a wine shop.
7. °sÄw jiu3chou2, n., wine counters.
8. °s¼w jiu3de2, n., (1) winedrinking as a test of one's character and personality;
9. °s¼w jiu3de2, n., (2) unwritten rules observed by gentlemen drinkers.
10. °s©± jiu3dian4, n., a wine shop.
11. °sºÆ¡]¨à¡^ jiu3feng1(er0), n., the silly behavior of a drunkard: ¼»°sºÆ¨à behave ridiculously, like a drunkard.
12. °s¬û jiu3gang1, n., a wine jar.
13. °sÀ] jiourguan3, n., an alehouse, a tavern, a bar.
14. °s°­ jiourgui3, n., a drunkard.
15. °s¯î jiu3huang1, n., (1) excessive indulgence in wine;
16. °s¯î jiu3huang1, n., (2) shortage of wine.
17. °s·| jiu3hui4, n., cocktail party.
18. °sùf»ó jiu3zha1bi2, n., red nose from excessive drinking.
19. °s®a jiu3jia1, n., (1) a wine shop, a tavern;
20. °s®a jiu3jia1, n., (2) a girlie restaurant.
21. °sºë jiu3jing1, n., spirit of wine, alcohol: °sºë¿O jiu3jing1deng1, n., a spirit lamp.
22. °s¬Ø¡]¨à¡^ jiu3zhong1(er0), a small wine cup.
23. °s¨g jiu3kuang2, n., (¡×°sºÆ jiu3feng1¡ô).
24. °s¶q¡]¨à¡^ jiu3liang4(er0), n., a person's capacity for liquor.
25. °s©© jiu3lian2, n., see jiu3chi2¡ô.
26. °s¤O jiu3li4, n., (1) wine capacity;
27. °s¤O jiu3li4, n., (2) tips, gratuities;
28. °s¤O jiu3li4, n., (3) the strength of wine or spirits.
29. °s¥O jiu3ling4, n., a wine drinking game with difficult questions (literary, opera titles, etc.) with wine as forfeit: ¦æ°s¥O to play such a game.
30. °s¼Ó jiu3lou2, n., a restaurant of the more sumptuous type.
31. °s¥À jiourmu3, n., yeast for making wine.
32. °sÂH¡]¨à¡^ jiu3niang2(er0), n., a toper, drunkard.
33. °sÆC jiu3niang2, n., fermented rice for wine.
34. °s«~ jiourpin3, n., (1) ability to remain sober and act normally in drinking;
35. °s«~ jiourpin3, n., (2) conduct becoming a gentleman-connoisseur of wines.
36. °sçE¨à jiu3pu4er0, n., a wine shop.
37. °s®u jiu3xi2< n., an elaborate feast, a formal banquet.
38. °s¥Û»Ä jiu3shi2suan1, n., tartaric acid (also ªG»Ä).
39. °s㥤l jiu3su4zi0, n., a wine jug, wine pot.
40. °s¸v jiu3syh, n., a wine shop, tavern, alehouse.
41. °sü`¤l jiu3tan2zi0, n., a wine jar.
42. °sµæ jiu3cai4, n., dishes to go with wine.
43. °s¨ë jiu3ci4, n., acnes,pimples.
44. °s®{ jiu3tu2, n., a drunkard.
45. °sÁV jiu3zao1, n., wine less (also °s´í): °sÁV»ó¤l see jiu3zha1bi2¡ô.
46. °s¾K jiao3zui4, adj., drunk, overcome by liquor.
47. °s¸ê jiu3zi1, n., see jiu3qian2¡ô.
48. °s·º jiourzi3, n., wine dregs.
49. °sºÛ¨à jiu3wo1er0, n., dimples.
50. °sªÔ jiu3yao2, n., wine and delicacies, a feast.
51. °s¤Í jiouryou3, n., fellow lovers of the cup.

µB Num. Index: 63A.41-3     £v£¸£³£¾ mian3    .
V.i.See ¨HµB 63A.70.

ïõ Num. Index: 63A.41-3     £¤£¹ zhu1    .
N.A cesspool;

ËS Num. Index: 63A.41-4     £|£¹£¾ gu3         (*£º£¿ yU4    ).
V.t.Sink: ËS¨S gu3mo4¡õ.
Adj.(1) Confused, disorderly: ËS¶Ã.
(2) (Of water) rushing, precipitate.
(3) (*yU4) (AC) hurry.
Words1. ËSËS gurgu3, adj., descriptive of the rushing and dashing of waves;
2. ËSËS gurgu3, adj., (fig.) quick flow of thoughts.
3. ËS¨S gu3mo4, adj., (1) submerged, fallen into oblivion;
4. ËS¨S gu3mo4, adj., (2) sound of rushing water.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.41-4     £{£°£¿ lei4    . [Var. of ²\ 63A.81]

ªr Num. Index: 63A.41-4     syh    .
N.(1) Name of a river where Confucius taught: Ïxªr.
(2) (AC) nose mucus: ®÷ªr·¼ªb shed streams of tears and mucus.

ªs Num. Index: 63A.41-4     £¢£¸£²£½ qiu2    .
V.i.To swim: ªs¤ô ditto;
ªs¤ô¦À swimming pool (more commonly called ´åªa¦À).

Ïw Num. Index: 63A.41-4     £~£¹£°£½ hui2    .
V.i. & adj.(Of water) to whirl, churn about.
Words1. ÏwÏ{ hui2fu2, (1) n., eddy, whirlpool;
2. ÏwÏ{ hui2fu2, (2) v.i., to churn about.
3. ÏwÄi hui2lan2, n., eddy.

²U Num. Index: 63A.41-4     £~£­£½ he2         (sp. pr. £~£±£¿ hao4    ).
Adj.Dry, dried up: °®²U¡A²U°®¤F (*hao4) (pond, river) have dried up;
²UÂáì{³½¡A²UÂá²Uì{ (allu. of poor people) hard up (like fish in dry pond).

ÞT Num. Index: 63A.41-4     £~£¹£´£¿ hun4    .
N.(1) Lavatory.
(2) Pen for animals.
V.i.To mingle, muddle (interch. ²V): ÞT¸ñ to drift along, to live among people without special merit or purpose.
Adj.Muddy, addled: ÞT¿B (¡×²V¿B 63A.70).

µD Num. Index: 63A.41-5     £v£°£½ mei2    .
N.(AC) river bank.

Ân Num. Index: 63A.41-6     £¦£´£¾ shen3    .
N.¾¥Ân ink fluid (esp. as shown on paper): ¶ÂÂn¥¼°® before the ink is dry--soon after a document was signed, see Ân¶§ shen3yang2¡õ.
Words1. Ân¶§ shen3yang2, n., Mukden.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.41-6     £¥£¹£´£½ chun2    . [Var. of ²E 63A.00]

éø Num. Index: 63A.41-8     £}£¹£¯£¿ kuai4    .
N.(1) Name of a river in Shansi.
(2) Ditch: ·¾éø ditch by roadside or in fields.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.41-9     £¢£¸£³£½ qian2    . [Usu wr. ¼ç]
V.i.(1) To hide, go under.
(2) To go underwater.
(3) (AC) to wade across water.
Adj. & adv.Latent: secret, -ly, unnoticed: ¡¼ÂÜ to tail (a person);
¡¼®v (AC, of army) make a secret march;
¡¼¦æ go out in secret, travel incognito;
¡¼©~ live quietly unknown to public;
¡¼¼w a person's good deeds, unknown to the public;
¡¼²¾Àq¤Æ a silent transforming influence (of culture, religion);
¡¼´þ·tªø grow secretly and gradually (like underground movement);
¡¼Às¤Å¥Î (AC) the dragon hiding in deep waters--it's not time for action;
(of a person) biding one's time;
See ¡¼¤J qian2ru4¡õ.
Words1. ¡¼ªó qian2di3, n., house lived in by a future emperor.
2. ¡¼¥ñ qian2fu2, v.i., to hibernate;
3. ¡¼¥ñ qian2fu2, v.i., live in hiding.
4. ¡¼¤O qian2li4, n., latent energy.
5. ¡¼¯à qian2neng2, n., latent force or capability.
6. ¡¼¼ö qian2re4, n., (phys.) latent heat.
7. ¡¼¤J qian2ru4, v.i., to infiltrate, enter secretly.
8. ¡¼¤ß qian2xin1, v.i., to concentrate: ¡¼¤ß¬ã¨s concentrate on studies.
9. ¡¼¤ô qian2shui3, adj., underwater, submarine: ¡¼¤ô¤Ò frogman, diver;
10. ¡¼¤ô qian2shui3, adj., ¡¼¤ô¦ç diving suit;
11. ¡¼¤ô qian2shui3, adj., ¡¼¤ô¸¥ submarine.
12. ¡¼¶Õ¡]¤O¡^ qian2shi4(li4), n., potentialities, latent force, a force in the making.
13. ¡¼µê qian2xU1, v.i., to live in quiet retirement for religious attainment.
14. ¡¼¦b qian2zai4, adj., latent, unexpressed, in abeyance.
15. ¡¼±æÃè qian2wang4jing4, n., periscope.
16. ¡¼·NÃÑ qian2yi4shi4, n., the subconscious.

·È Num. Index: 63A.41-9     £{£¸£² liu1         (*£{£¸£²£¿ liu4    ). [Interch. ¡¼]
N.(1) (*liu4) Eaves: «Î·È (also Âü) eaves.
(2) (Coll.) lot, place: ³o¤@·È©Ð«Î this lot of houses;
³o·È¨à¨S¦³½æ¤ôªGªº there are no fruitsellers round here.
V.i.(1) To slip, slip off, slip away: ·È¨«¡A·È±¼¡A·È¶} slip away;
·È¸¹¨à fail to appear as one should, play hookie;
¥L·È¤F he has gone away without attracting notice;
·È¤§¥G¤]¡A·È¤§¤j¦N let's abscond;
·ÈÃä¨à¡A·Èªù¤lªº liu1biaer0, liu1men2zi0de0¡õ.
(2) (Of stock prices) ¤U·È slip down, take a dip.
(3) To skate on ice: ·È¦B.
(4) Look, glance: ·È¦o¤@²´ give her a meaningful look;
·È¤@·È¨º¤k¤H take a good look at that woman.
(5) To quick-fry (food): ¾L·È³½¤ù quick-fry fish slice with vinegar.
(6) (*liu4) Heat up (food): ·È§N¶º heat up rice already cooked.
Adj. & adv.(1) Fast-flowing: ¶¶·È flow easily.
(2) As adv. adjunct: ¥ú·È·È (¨à)¡A¶ê·È·È (¨à) very bare, very round;
»Ä·È·È (¨à) (flavor) very sour;
µ}·È·È (¨à) very thin.
Words1. ·ÈÃä¨à liu1biaer0, v.i., to slink away, slough off.
2. ·È¦B liu1bing0, v.i., to skate.
3. ·ÈÚG liu1qiu0, adj. & adv., (also ·È·ÈÚGÚG) secretive: ·ÈÚGûó²´ a secretive or falsely timid look;
4. ·ÈÚG liu1qiu0, adj. & adv., ·È·ÈÚGÚG©¹³oúG¨Ó slyly came over.
5. ·È¹F liu1da0 (*liu4da0), v.i., take a stroll, go for a leisurely walk: ·È¹F·È¹F have a short walk.
6. ·È·¾¤l liu1gou1zi0, v.i., find secret connections to gain one's end (as in seeking official promotion).
7. ·È¥ú¡]¨à¡^ liu1guang1(er0), adj., (1) smooth and shining;
8. ·È¥ú¡]¨à¡^ liu1guang1(er0), adj., (2) (people) have all gone away.
9. ·È°©Åè liu1gursui0, phr., to indulge in sex (¡§drain bone marrow¡¨).
10. ·È¸¹ liu1hao4, v.i., (coll.) slink away when one should not.
11. ·È·Æ liu1hua2, adj., (of road) slippery;
12. ·È·Æ liu1hua2, adj., (of person's eyes) shifty: ¸é°­·È·Æªº¨â°¦²´·ú two shifty eyes.
13. ·È«¡ liu1hong0, v.t., flatter, please: ¨º«Ä«Ü·|·È«¡¤H¨à that child knows how to please people to get what he wants.
14. ·ÈªÓ»H¨à liu1jian1bang3er0, phr., (1) with sloping shoulders;
15. ·ÈªÓ»H¨à liu1jian1bang3er0, phr., (2) irresponsible.
16. ·ÈÅ· liu1jiang1, V.i., (of horses) slip the reins and run wild.
17. ·È·È¡]¨à¡^ liu1liu1 (er0), adj. & adv., (1) (wind) softly stirring;
18. ·È·È¡]¨à¡^ liu1liu1 (er0), adj. & adv., (2) see Adj. & adv.¡ô;
19. ·È·È¡]¨à¡^ liu1liu1 (er0), adj. & adv., (3) slipping by silently: µ¥¤F·È·È¨àªº¤@¦~ waited a whole year as it slipped by.
20. ·Èªù¤lªº liu1men2zi0de0, n., person who slips into house unnoticed to steal.
21. ·È²´ liu1yan3, v.i., cast a darting glance.

¼ï Num. Index: 63A.41-9     £u£³ pan1    .
N.A surname;
(obs. Ac) liquid in which rice has been washed.

ªy Num. Index: 63A.41-9     £t£¬£½ bo2         (*£u£¬£¿ po4    ). [Dist. ¡¼ 63A.41¡ô]
N.(Ac) a swamp, marshes.
V.i. & t.To lie at anchor: ªy°± moor at place;
ªy©¤ lie alongshore;
º}ªy to drift on water;
(fig.) drift aimlessly.
Adj.(*po4) Mild, tranquil: ªyµM calm and at rest;
¿Fªy 63A.40, serene with few desires.

¬­ Num. Index: 63A.41-9     £¡£¸£¿ ji4    .
N.(AC) meat juice, broth.
V.i.Pour water into a pot.
Prep.(LL) up to (a point or period of time): ¬­¥Gªñ¥@ until recent times;
¬­¤µ till now (¡×¦Ü¤µ).

²d Num. Index: 63A.41-9     £¨ zi1    .
N. & adj.(AC) black.

²M Num. Index: 63A.42-1     £¢£¸£¶ qing1    .
N.Name of Manchu Dyn. (1644¡Ð1911): ´Â²M¡A²M¥N¡A«e²M¡Aº¡²M ditto;
²M§Ê the Manchu Court;
²M®c the Ching palaces;
²M©u¡A²M¥½ the latter part, the end, of the Manchu Dyn.
V.t.To clear up, to settle: ²M½ã¡A²M¤í clear up the accounts, debts;
²Mºâ qing1suan4¡õ;
clear up (room, table) ²M²z qing1li3¡õ;
²M°ï¨à clear up rubble or heaps;
°í¾À²M³¥ clear the decks for action.
Vb. complement.Up, fully, clearly: ¥I²M paid in full;
ÁÙ²M«e¤í clear up outstanding accounts;
ºâ²M (accounts) have been settled or put in order;
¼Æ¤£²M innumerable;
»¡¤£²M cannot tell clearly (who was to blame, etc);
°O¤£²M cannot remember clearly.
Adj.(1) Pure, clean: ²M¼ä¡A²M²b qing1jie21, qing1jing42¡õ;
²M¤ô clear water;
²M´ö consomme, clear soup;
²M­» subtle fragrance;
¨â³S²M­· having not a cent;
²M¤ß¹è±ý (Budd. & Taoism) a pure heart and few desires;
²M½Ò (Budd.) daily lessons;
²M³W qing1gui1¡õ.
(2) Morally elevated, incorrupt: ²M·G qing1lian2, ²M¾Þ qing1cao1¡õ¡A²M¥Õ¡A²M°ª¡A²M¤¶¡A²M¸` qing1bo2, qing1gao1, qing1jie4, qing1jie21¡õ;
²M©x an honest official;
²M¯Õ¯Õ (LL) very upright and incorruptible.
(3) Cool: ²M­· cool air;
²M¦± a sweet melody;
²M²D fresh and cool;
²M¬î the fresh air of autumn.
(4) Esteemed--oft. court. address¡×¡§your¡¨: ²M»£ your advice;
(³ÒÂp) ²M¯« (take so much of) your valuable time or attention;
²MÅ¥ your ears, i.e., your attention;
²M±æ your great reputation;
²MÃC your ¡§face,¡¨ i.e., presence;
²M¬ß your ¡§look,¡¨i.e., attention (also wr. «C).
(5) Peaceful, undisturbed, serene: ²M®É¡A²M¥@¡A²M¥­¥@¬É peaceful times.
(6) (Of photograph, print, account, etc.) sharp, welldefined: ²M·¡¡A²M´· qing1chu0, qing1xi1¡õ.
(7) Lonely, poor: §N²M²M lonely;
²MÁç¨à§N¨_ living quite alone;
²M´H¡A²M³h poor;
²M­W hard up;
see also ²M¥Õ qing1bo2¡õ.
Words1. ²M©Þ qing1ba2, adj., (of writing) distinguished.
2. ²M¼Ð qing1biao1, (1) adj., (AC) handsome (man);
3. ²M¼Ð qing1biao1, (2) n., (LL) the moon: ²M¼Ð·Ó¤H´H the moon casts its cool light.
4. ²MÂÞ qing1bi4, v.t., to clear the way for imperial carriage.
5. ²M¥Õ qing1bo2 (qing1bai2), adj., pure, unsullied (reputation): ²M¥Õ®a¥@ come from a law-abiding family background.
6. ²M°Û qing1chang4, v.i., (Chin. opera) to sing selections without stage make-up, as at parties, (cf. ²M§u qing1yin2¡õ).
7. ²M¯ù qing1cha2, n., (1) green tea;
8. ²M¯ù qing1cha2, n., (2) ²M¯ù­Ô±Ð inviting person to a tea without snacks or dinner.
9. ²MÀv qing1chang2, v.t., to pay back (debt).
10. ²Mº« qing1che4, adj., (of water) crystal clear;
11. ²Mº« qing1che4, adj., (of voice) clear, ringing.
12. ²M±á qing1chen21, n., early morning.
13. ²M¹Ð qing1chen22, n., (LL, court.) your honorable presence: ¦Û©^²M¹Ð¡A©ó¤µ¤­¸Z It's five years since meeting you.
14. ²M¤Á qing1qie4, adj., (1) sad, forlorn (music);
15. ²M¤Á qing1qie4, adj., (2) spotless, cozy (place).
16. ²M¾¹ qing1chi4, n., (AC) night pot.
17. ²Mºö qing1chi3, adj., beautiful, elegant: ²Mºöµ´¥@ of unexcelled elegance.
18. ²M²M qing1qing1, adj., (in all senses of Adj.¡ô);
19. ²M²M qing1qing1, adj., (1) cool;
20. ²M²M qing1qing1, adj., (2) lonely (§N§N²M²M);
21. ²M²M qing1qing1, adj., (3) clear;
22. ²M²M qing1qing1, adj., (4) pure.
23. ²M©_ qing1chi2, adj., (of callig., composition) novel and interesting.
24. ²M°£ qing1chu2, v.t., (1) to clear out (debris, corrupt practice);
25. ²M°£ qing1chu2, v.t., (2) to clean up (room, street).
26. ²M·¡ qing1chu0, adj., (1) clear: »¡¸Ü¤£²M·¡¡A¤£²M¤£·¡ never talk clearly;
27. ²M·¡ qing1chu0, adj., ¬Ý¤£¡AÅ¥¤£²M·¡ cannot see, hear clearly;
28. ²M·¡ qing1chu0, adj., (2) neat, well-arranged (dress, room).
29. ²M¡¼ qing1qU2, adj., (LL, court.) thin-looking.
30. ²M²H qing1dan4, adj., (1) quiet and simple (life);
31. ²M²H qing1dan4, adj., (2) unexciting, placid (life);
32. ²M²H qing1dan4, adj., (3) mild (flavor).
33. ²M³æ¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ qing1dang1 (qing1da0er0)(zi0), n., detailed list or account.
34. ²M¹D qing1dao4, v.i., (1) to act as scavenger;
35. ²M¹D qing1dao4, v.i., (2) see qing1bi4¡ô.
36. ²M±ë qing1fan4, n., (Budd.) sound of religious litany, chanting.
37. ²Mªâ qing1fen1, adj. & n., pure, subtle fragrance, -ant.
38. ²MºÖ qing1fu2, n., blessing of quiet, peaceful life.
39. ²M°ª qing1gao1, adj., (of scholar) self-contained, aloof from politics or material possessions, of simple living and high thinking.
40. ²MñÇ qing1geng3, adj., blunt, straightforward (advice, etc.).
41. ²M­¾¡]¨à¡^ qing1guang1 (ching-gua-'l), n., formerly, singsong girl who is still a virgin (also ²M­¾¤H).
42. ²M³W qing1gui1, n., (Budd.) monastic rules.
43. ²M¶Q qing1gui4, adj. & n., (1) eminent (persons);
44. ²M¶Q qing1gui4, adj. & n., (2) elite, not vulgar (office, duty);
45. ²M¶Q qing1gui4, adj. & n., ²M¶Q¸Åªù (sl.) formerly, the Hanlin Academy (¿«ªL°|).
46. ²M´H qing1han2, adj., (1) cold and pure (moonlight);
47. ²M´H qing1han2, adj., (2) a nice reference to the ¡§poor¡¨: ²M´H¤l§Ì (°òª÷) (scholarships for) poor students.
48. ²M©M qing1he2, adj., (1) peaceful (times);
49. ²M©M qing1he2, adj., (2) (coll.) lunar fourth month (about May).
50. ²MµØ qing1hua2, adj., (of landscape) lush green in vegetation;
51. ²MµØ qing1hua2, adj., (of composition) beautiful and pleasing;
52. ²MµØ qing1hua2, adj., (of person) eminent, refined.
53. ²MÀ² qing1hui1, adj., see qing1cao1¡õ.
54. ²M¤V qing1zhang4, v.i. & n., (land) survey;
55. ²M¤V qing1zhang4, v.i. & n., official determination of land measurements.
56. ²Mñé qing1zhai1, n., (1) (Budd.) vegetarian fast, abstinence from meat;
57. ²Mñé qing1zhai1, n., (2) a clean studio.
58. ²M´Â qing1zhao1, (1) n., early morning;
59. ²M´Â qing1zhao1, (2) (qing1chao2) n., the Manchu Dyn.
60. ²M¥¿ qing1zheng4, adj., upright (official).
61. ²M¯u qing1zhen1, adj., of Moslems: ²M¯u±Ð Islam, Moslem religion;
62. ²M¯u qing1zhen1, adj., ²M¯u¦x a mosque.
63. ²M»] qing1zheng1, v.t., to steam, -ed (chicken, etc.).
64. ²M´î qing1jian3, adj., (MC) for qing1shou4¡õ.
65. ²MÂæ qing1jiang4, n., soya sauce.
66. ²M¤¶ qing1jie4, adj., see qing1gao1¡ô.
67. ²M¸` qing1jie21, adj., incorrupt (official) , see qing1cao1¡õ.
68. ²M¼ä qing1jie22, adj., clean;
69. ²M¼ä qing1jie22, n., cleanliness (of street, dress, etc.).
70. ²M²b qing1jing41, (1) adj., clean, not cluttered;
71. ²M²b qing1jing41, (2) (Budd.) not bothered by material concerns.
72. ²MÀR qing1jing42, adj., quiet, tranquil, serene: ²MÀRµL¬° (Taoism) quiet and inaction.
73. ²M°u qing1zhuo21, n., (AC) another name for wine.
74. ²M¿B qing1zhuo22, adj. & n., (1) the pure and the impure;
75. ²M¿B qing1zhuo22, adj. & n., the morally clean and the corrupt;
76. ²M¿B qing1zhuo22, adj. & n.,(2) ²M voiceless and ¿B voiced consonants.
77. ²M«È qing1ke4, n., literary friends of officials or rich men who help with conversaton and advice;
78. ²M«È qing1ke4, n., ²M«È¦ê (¨à) amateur opera singers.
79. ²M¨g qing1kuang2, adj., (a type) romantic, abandoned and affecting disregard for common formalities.
80. ²M­W qing1ku3, adj., poor and hard up (euphemistically used ): ¥L«Ü²M­W he is rather hard up.
81. ²M®Ô qing1lang0, adj., (of weather) clear, bright.
82. ²M§N qing1leng3, adj., lonesome;
83. ²M§N qing1leng3, adj., (of business) dull.
84. ²M«G qing1liang4, adj., pure, shining.
85. ²Mº§ qing1lian21, adj., (of water) clear with light ripples.
86. ²M·G qing1lian22, adj., honest (as an official), not corrupt.
87. ²M²D qing1liang2, adj., fresh and cool.
88. ²M¨æ qing1lie4, adj., (of springs) clear and cool.
89. ²MÄR qing1li4, adj., (of style) clear and lucid.
90. ²M²z qing1li3, v.t., to clean up, put in order: ²M²z½ã clear up old accounts.
91. ²M¬y qing1liu2, n., (1) a clear stream;
92. ²M¬y qing1liu2, n., (2) scholars who keep away from politics.
93. ²M©ú qing1ming2, (1) n., a spring festival corresponding to Easter, on April 5th or 6th--a festival for visiting family graveyards;
94. ²M©ú qing1ming2, (2) adj., (of patient's mind) clear: ¯«§Ó²M©ú;
95. ²M©ú qing1ming2, (3) adj., peaceful (times).
96. ²M³h qing1pin2, adj., ¡§poor and unburdened¡¨--a nice way of referring to s.o. being ¡§poor.¡¨
97. ²M¥­ qing1ping2, adj., pure and peaceful.
98. ²M©| qing1shang4, adj., see qing1gao1¡ô.
99. ²MÁn qing1sheng1, n., (1) a voiceless consonant;
100. ²MÁn qing1sheng1, n., (2) a clean unsullied name, reputation for honesty.
101. ²M´· qing1xi1, adj., clear and precise (mind, explanation).
102. ²MÅã qing1xian3, adj., esteemed, honored (official position).
103. ²M¾å qing1xiao3, n., early morning.
104. ²M­» qing1xiang1, adj. & n., purefragrance, -ant.
105. ²M¶~ qing1xian2, adj., enjoying leisure, unburdened with work;
106. ²M¶~ qing1xian2, adj., euphem. for being ¡§out of work.¡¨
107. ²M¿³ qing1xing4, n., leisurely mood for enjoying wine, poetry, flowers, etc.
108. ²M¿ô qing1xing3, adj., wide awake: ²M¿ô¥Õ¿ô ditto.
109. ²M·s qing1xin1, adj., delightfully fresh (writing), free from cliches, etc.
110. ²M­× qing1xiu1, adj., (AC) leading a mild and simple life.
111. ²M¨q qing1xiu4, adj., (of girl, callig.) delicate.
112. ²M½G qing1shou4, adj., a nice reference to s.o. being ¡§thin.¡¨
113. ²M²n qing1shuang3, adj., (weather) clear, dry;
114. ²M²n qing1shuang3, adj., (mind, mood) feeling good and fit.
115. ²M¤ô³f qing1shui3huo4, n., unadulterated merchandise.
116. ²Mµê qing1xU1, adj., (Taoism culture) having simple life and few worries.
117. ²Mºâ qing1suan4, v.t., (1) to liquidate (assets, undertaking);
118. ²Mºâ qing1suan4, v.t., (2) to liquidate a person under Communist regime.
119. ²M®õ qing1tai4, adj., (LL) enjoying good health: ¬F°`²M®õ (to official) wish you good health.
120. ²M½Í qing1tan2, n., a trend in 3rd-5th cen. (ÃQ®Ê²M½Í) under Taoist influence for airy, philosophical discussions and dissociation from politics.
121. ²M«ï qing1tian2, adj., (LL) peaceful and quiet.
122. ²MÀY qing1tou2, n., (coll.) as in §Ë­Ó²MÀYmake things clear, clear up mess.
123. ²M¾Þ qing1cao1 (qing1cao4), adj., untarnished (conduct).
124. ²M¯Ü qing1cui4, adj., clear, well enunciated (voice).
125. ²M³q qing1tong1, adj., conversant with (branches of knowledge).
126. ²M¦­ qing1zao3, n., early morning;
127. ²M¦­ qing1zao3, n., also ²M¦­¨à¡A²M¦­°_¡A¤j²M¦­.
128. ²Mª± qing1wan2, n., elegant, refined pastimes (curios, incense, poetry).
129. ²M¶® qing1ya3, adj., elegant, refined.
130. ²M§° qing1yan2, adj., (face, writing) delicately beautiful.
131. ²M´­ qing1yang2, adj., (1) (AC) bright-eyed, clear-featured;
132. ²M´­ qing1yang2, adj., (2) widespread influence (of Budd.).
133. ²M­n qing1yao4, adj. & n., much honored (position), such person.
134. ²M©] qing1ye4, n., quiet, still night.
135. ²M¤@¦â qing1yi1se4, n., (1) flush (in card games and mahjong);
136. ²M¤@¦â qing1yi1se4, (2) adj., without divergent colors, beliefs or partisans (in group).
137. ²Mij qing1yi4, n., political criticism by scholars, esp. in later Hahn Dyn.;
138. ²Mij qing1yi4, n., public opinion.
139. ²M­µ qing1yin1, n., (1) a kind of string orchestra used at funerals;
140. ²M­µ qing1yin1, n., (2) see qing1chang4¡ô.
141. ²M§u qing1yin2, n., usu. ²M§u¤p¯Z formerly, first-class singsong house in Peking.
142. ²M«Õ qing1you1, adj., nice and secluded (place).
143. ²M¶V qing1yUe4, adj., (of song, voice) clear and carrying far.

Ðá Num. Index: 63A.42-1     £¡£¸£¶£¿ jing4    .

®ú Num. Index: 63A.42-1     £u£¹£¾ pu3    .
N.(1) River bank;
river area.
(2) A surname.

¬¨ Num. Index: 63A.42-1     £¹£°£¾ wei3    .
N.Name of river in Honan.

´ò Num. Index: 63A.42-1     £~£¹£½ hu2    .
N.Lake: ¦è´ò West Lake;
´òÀØ lake front;
¤­´ò Taihu (in Soochow) and its neighboring lakes;
´ò¤ß«F a pavilion in midlake, ´ò¥Ð farms in lake area;
see ¦¿´ò 63A.30.
Adj.Bluish-grey color: ´ò¦â.
Words1. ´ò¥_ hu2bei3 (hu1pei1), n., name of a province.
2. ´ò«n hu2nan2 (hu1nan1), no., name of a province.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.42-1     £¦£³ shan1    .
Adj. & adv.Tearful, -ly: ¡¼¡¼¡A¡¼ª_ ditto.

¼é Num. Index: 63A.42-1     £¥£±£½ chao2    .
N.(1) Tide: ¼é¤ô chao2shui3¡õ;
º¦¼é¡A°ª¼é flood tide, (fig.) crest of luck, fortune peak of romance, success;
°h¼é low tide, ebb;
§C¼é ebb;
(fig.) low point of fortune, romance;
¼é¦Á chao2xi4¡õ.
(2) Stream of events, current of thought: ¼é¬y chao2liu2¡õ;
­·¼é crisis in school, strike in factory;
«ä¼é current of thought;
·s¼é new current of ideas;
¨g¼é¡A«ã¼é storm or flood of protests, violent radicalism;
¤ß¦å¨Ó¼é a sudden inspiration.
Adj.(1) Moist, damp: ¼é®ð¡A¼éÀã chao2chi4, chao2si4¡õ.
(2) (Coll.) inferior: »È¤l¦¨¦â¼é low content of silver;
¤âÃÀ¼é inferior skill.
Words1. ¼é¥Õ chao2bai2, n., a kind of sugar, produced in ¼é¦{ Swatow.
2. ¼é®ð chao2chi4, n., dampness.
3. ¼é¸Ñ chao2jie3, v.i. & n., (chem.) deliquesce, -cence, liquify.
4. ¼é¦{ chou2zhou1, n., Swatow.
5. ¼é¬y chao2liu2, n., (1) current (in sea, river);
6. ¼é¬y chao2liu2, n., (2) trend or current of thought.
7. ¼é¸£ chao2nao3, n., camphor of ¼é¦{ (Swatow).
8. ¼é¼ö chao2re4, n., (Chin. med.) intermittent fever (like ¡§tides¡¨).
9. ¼é¦Á chao2xi4, n., morning and evening tides.
10. ¼é«H chao2xin4, n., hours of flood tide.
11. ¼é¤ô chao2shui3, n., side, flood water.
12. ¼éÀã chao2si4, adj., damp.
13. ¼é­µ chao2yin1, n., (Budd.) swelling sound, litany.

º¡ Num. Index: 63A.42-2     £v£³£¾ man3    .
N.Manchu, Manchus: º¡²M the Manchu or Ching Dyn.;
º¡º~¥þ®u a full, formal banquet, combining Manchurian and Chinese delicacies.
V.i. & t.Fill to full capacity, fill time, fill limit, usu. in participial use, filled: ¤ô¡A¤Hº¡«Î the room is filled with water, people;
º¡°² leave of absence expires;
º¡ªA mourning period is over;
º¡´Á¡Aº¡­­¡Aº¡ÃB man3chi2, man3xian4, man3e4¡õ.
Adj.(1) Full, satisfied, satisfactory;
¹¡º¡ vigorous (see ¹¡ 81B.70);
µ²ªG§¹º¡¡A¶êº¡ satisfactory results.
(2) Everywhere, filled full: º¡µó all over the street;
º¡³B¡Aº'a everywhere;
º¡®y full house, all assembled;
º¡³B¬O¤H people are everywhere;
º¡§|º¡¨¦ valley is full of;
º¡ªù the whole house is filled with;
º¡«°­·«B (news, rumor) spread all over city;
º¡½L¤lº¡¸J (results) completely satisfactory;
º¡¤ßÅw³ß heart is full of joy;
º¡¸¡¨cÄÌ seem to have a grudge against everything;
º¡¸¡¸gºú full of ideas for state policy or programs;
º¡­±¬K­· face radiates happiness;
º¡¥Ø½H²­ see evidence of people's distress everywhere;
º¡¸ü¦ÓÂk come home loaded with (honors, money).
(3) Proud, self-satisfied: ¦Ûº¡¡A§Ó±o·Nº¡ ditto;
º¡·N man3yi4¡õ.
Adv.(1) Completely, wholly: º¡¤£¦b¥G totally unconcerned, do not mind at all (losses);
º¡¨SÅ¥¨£ completely ignore (what is said);
º¡À³º¡³\ promise anything and everything;
º¡±iù do everything to give a welcome.
(2) Fully prepared: º¡¥´ºâ¡Aº¡¥´ (ûó)¡Aº¡ÀÀ was fully prepared to (do s.t. before meeting with obstruction).
Words1. º¡´Á man3chi2, phr., (time) limit expires.
2. º¡³B man3chu4, adv., everywhere.
3. º¡¤j¤H man3da4ren2, n., supposed to be phr. of which ¡§mandarin¡¨ (a Manchu official) is a transliteration.
4. º¡ÃB man3e4, phr., capacity filled, all taken.
5. º¡³e man3guan4, n., a full house, a flush (in cards, mahjong etc.).
6. º'¿¬õ man3jiang1hong2, n., name of melody for Suhng poem (µü).
7. º'{ man3zhou1, n., Manchuria;
8. º'{ man3zhou1, n., º'{¤H man3zhou1ren2, Manchus.
9. º¡º¡·í·í man2man3dang1dang1, adj., descriptive of fullness, full capacity.
10. º¡°ó¬õ man3tang2hong2, n., red sashes, red scrolls and red candles on happy occasions.
11. º¡­­ man3xian4, phr., capacity filled up;
12. º¡­­ man3xian4, phr., time limit expires.
13. º¡¤H man3ren2, n., a Manchu;
14. º¡¤H man3ren2, n., see man3zhou1¡ô.
15. º¡¤ß man3xin1, adv., with full intention;
16. º¡¤ß man3xin1, adv., see man3yi4¡õ.
17. º¡¤Ñ¬P man3tian1xing1, n., (bot.) a plant, serissa foetida;
18. º¡¤Ñ¬P man3tian1xing1, n., enkianthus japonicus;
19. º¡¤Ñ¬P man3tian1xing1, n., sky covered with stars.
20. º¡¨¬ man3zu2, v.t. & adj., satisfy;
21. º¡¨¬ man3zu2, v.t. & adj., be satisfied.
22. º¡¤l man3zi3, n., (coll.) youngest child.
23. º¡·N man3yi4, v.t. & adj., satisfy, be satisfied;
24. º¡·N man3yi4, v.t. & adj., satisfactory: ¤£º¡·N not satisfied;
25. º¡·N man3yi4, v.t. & adj., ¤£¯à¨Ï¤Hº¡·N leave s.t. to be desired.
26. º¡¤ë man3yUe4, n., full month;
27. º¡¤ë man3yUe4, n., celebration of baby's first full month.

·¾ Num. Index: 63A.42-2     £|£² gou1    .
N.(1) (gou1zi0, er0) A narrow waterway: ·¾´ë gou1qU2, ·¾¬® gou1xU4¡õ;
¤ô·¾ a gutter, ditch;
³±·¾ a covered drain: ³±·¾úG½²î fail miserably in a very easy task;
¶§·¾ an open drain;
·t·¾ a sewer;
·¾¯Ó¤l a sewer rat.
(2) A rut on road, a line cut on surface.
V.t.Connect, to bridge: ·¾³q gou1tong1¡õ.
Words1. ·¾À° gou1bang1, n., side embankment of a ditch.
2. ·¾´ë gou1qU2, n., a ditch, an irrigation canal.
3. ·¾¹D gou1dao4, n., a ditch.
4. ·¾Âp gou1du2, n., see gou1qU2¡ô.
5. ·¾À¤ gou1huo4, n., a gutter.
6. ·¾¬® gou1xU4, n., a ditch in fields.
7. ·¾³q gou1tong1, v.i., foster mutual understanding: ·¾³q·P±¡ promote friendly relations;
8. ·¾³q gou1tong1, v.i., ·¾³q¤¤¦è¤å¤Æ to bridge the gulf between Chinese and Western cultures.
9. ·¾²´ gou1yan3, n., opening of sewers.
10. ·¾ªu¡]¨à¡^ gou1yan4 (gou1ya4er0), n., see gou1bang1¡ô.

´ø Num. Index: 63A.42-2     £y£¹£³ tuan1    .
N.Rapids: «æ´ø¡A´øÃu¡A´ø¤ô rapids.
Words1. ´ø«æ tuan1ji2, adj., (of river, fall) flowing rapidly.
2. ´ø¬y tuan1liu2, n., a swift flow stream, river, etc.

®ø Num. Index: 63A.42-2     £££¸£± xiao1    , [Usu. printed ¡¼]
V.i. & t.(1) To diminish, vanish: ®ø·À¡A®ø¥¢¡A®ø¤` xiao1mie4, xiao1si4, xiao1wang2¡õ;
®ø¸~¡A®øª¢ decrease swelling, inflammation.
(2) To consume, spend, be used up: ®ø¯Ó xiao1hao4¡õ;
¶}®ø expenditure.
(3) To cancel in ¨ú®ø 31S.82.
(4) to melt, digest: ®ø¤Æ xiao1hua4¡õ;
®ø·» xiao1rong2¡õ;
¦Y¤£®ø (lit.) ¡§cannot digest or hold in stomach,¡¨ i.e., cannot stand, unbearable, intolerable (insult, expense);
¦Y±o®ø can take it.
(5) usu. in ¤£®ø does not need: ¤£®ø¤@­Ó¤ë¤w¦³¦^­µ got a reply in less than a month;
¤£®ø»¡¤F it's not necessary to say.
Words1. ®ø»º xiao1qian0, n. & v.i., relaxation, distraction, pastime: ®ø»º®ø»º have a little relaxation;
2. ®ø»º xiao1qian0, n. & v.i., ®ø»º¤@©] have a night of fun;
3. ®ø»º xiao1qian0, n. & v.i., ¤µ¤Ñ¦p¦ó®ø»º¡A¦³¬Æ»ò®ø»º what can we do today for a pastime? ®ø»º·³¤ë pass the years idly or in pleasure.
4. ®ø°£ xiao1chu2, v.t., abolish, do away with (obstacles »Ù®`), remove (prejudice, misunderstanding).
5. ®ø«o xiao1qUe4, v.t., to lessen, do away with, see xiao1chu2¡ô.
6. ®ø¬r xiao1du2, v.t., to sterilize, disinfect.
7. ®ø¨¾ xiao1fang2, v.i., to fight fire: ®ø¨¾¶¤ fire brigade.
8. ®ø¶O xiao1fei4, v.i. & n., spend, consume;
9. ®ø¶O xiao1fei4, v.i. & n., expenditure: ®ø¶O¬Æ¤j great deal of expenditure;
10. ®ø¶O xiao1fei4, v.i. & n., ®ø¶OªÌ the consumer;
11. ®ø¶O xiao1fei4, v.i. & n., ®ø¶O«~ consumer goods;
12. ®ø¶O xiao1fei4, v.i. & n., ®ø¶O¤H¶U´Ú consumer credit.
13. ®ø¯Ó xiao1hao4, v.i. & n., (things) diminish in quality, quantity or value, or cost to maintain;
14. ®ø¯Ó xiao1hao4, v.i. & n., (cars) consumption of gasoline;
15. ®ø¯Ó xiao1hao4, v.i. & n., (persons) habit of expenditure;
16. ®ø¯Ó xiao1hao4, v.i. & n., costs of maintenance;
17. ®ø¯Ó xiao1hao4, v.i. & n., ®ø¯Ó«~ consumer goods, see xiao1fei4¡ô.
18. ®ø¤Æ xiao1hua4, v.i. & t. & n., digest, -tion;
19. ®ø¤Æ xiao1hua4, v.i. & t. & n., ®ø¤Æ²G digestive juice;
20. ®ø¤Æ xiao1hua4, v.i. & t. & n., ®ø¤Æ¾¹©x digestive organs;
21. ®ø¤Æ xiao1hua4, v.i. & t. & n., ®ø¤Æ¨t²Î digestive system, tract.
22. ®ø¤õ xiao1huo3, v.t., to fight fire;
23. ®ø¤õ xiao1huo3, v.t., ®ø¤õ¾¹ fire extinguisher (also ·À¤õ¾¹);
24. ®ø¤õ xiao1huo3, v.t., ®ø¤õ®ê hydrant.
25. ®ø»î xiao1hun2, see ¾P»î 81A.42.
26. ®øªø xiao1zhang3, n., growth and decay;
27. ®øªø xiao1zhang3, n., increase and decrease, wax and wane.
28. ®ø´î xiao1jian3, v.i. & t., to decrease (expenditure, time, effort).
29. ®ø·¥ xiao1ji2, adj., (1) negative, as opp. to ¿n·¥ positive: ®ø·¥§@¥Î negative purpose;
30. ®ø·¥ xiao1ji2, adj., (2) inclined not to hope or struggle, passive, cynical: ¥L«Ü®ø·¥ he is not interested, pessimistic;
31. ®ø·¥ xiao1ji2, adj., (3) the reverse: ®ø·¥¤è­± the reverse side.
32. ®ø¤¤ xiao1zhong1, n., anc. name for diabetes (also called ®ø´÷ xiao1ke3¡õ, modn. ¿}§¿¯f ¡§sugarurine disease¡¨).
33. ®ø´÷ xiao1ke3, n., ditto.
34. ®ø·À xiao1mie4, v.t., to exterminate, destroy (enemy, danger, threat, groups, beliefs, future troubles, etc.).
35. ®ø«Ú xiao1mi3, v.t., to stop, to prevent (future trouble).
36. ®ø¿i xiao1mo2, v.i. & t., to grow less and less, to wear off: ®ø¿i·³¤ë to waste away the years;
37. ®ø¿i xiao1mo2, v.i. & t., ®ø¿i·³¤ë to waste away the years;
38. ®ø¿i xiao1mo2, v.i. & t., ·³¤ë®ø¿i the years wear on, pass away.
39. ®øÂè¡]·»¡^ xiao1rong2, v.i., (of substance) to melt.
40. ®ø®L xiao1xia4, v.i., to take a summer holiday.
41. ®ø¶¢ xiao1xian2, v.i., to kill time, pass time idly: ®ø¶¢¨à free leisure time.
42. ®ø®§ xiao1xi2, n., (1) (LL) growth and decay;
43. ®ø®§ xiao1xi2, n., (2) (xiao1xi2 or xiao1xi0) news, news report (from battlefields, Paris, etc.);
44. ®ø®§ xiao1xi2, n., ®ø®§¨à xiao1xie1er0, n., (coll.) a floor trap.
45. ®ø¨ü xiao1shou41, v.i. & t., (1) to take, bear (burden, hard days): «ç¥Í®ø¨ü (MC) how can one bear this?
46. ®ø¨ü xiao1shou41, v.i. & t., also (2) to enjoy (great dinner, luck).
47. ®ø½G xiao1shou42, adj., emaciated.
48. ®ø´» xiao1shu3, v.i., see xiao1xia4¡õ.
49. ®ø¥¢ xiao1si4, v.i., to vanish, be forgotten.
50. ®ø³u xiao1shi41, v.i., to pass away.
51. ®øÄÀ xiao1shi42, v.i., (1) (Budd.) explain difficult text or passage;
52. ®øÄÀ xiao1shi42, v.i., (2) remove (misunderstandings, worries);
53. ®øÄÀ xiao1shi42, v.i., are removed.
54. ®ø¥Û xiao1shi2, n., saltpetre, niter (see correct ®ø¥Û 31B.42);
55. ®ø¥Û xiao1shi2, n., ®ø¥Û¦Ç calcium hydroxide, slaked lime.
56. ®ø¨a xiao1zai1, v.i., to remove (by magic, prayer, incantation) impending ill fortune.
57. ®ø¤` xiao1wang2, v.i., to perish.
58. ®ø·n xiao1yao2, v.i., (AC) u.f. ³p»» 22.83.
59. ®ø©] xiao1ye4, n., night snacks (also wr. ®d©]).

²I Num. Index: 63A.42-2     £y£µ£¾ tang3    .
V.i. & t.To flow down, to drip: ²I²´²\ tears drop;
²I²´©Ù²\ crying and wiping tears;
²I¦½ perspire;
²I¥X¨Ó¤F (tears, sweat) come out, (water in cups) brim over.

Ï¥ Num. Index: 63A.42-3     £·£½ er2    .
Adj.º§Ï¥ with tears and mucus streaming.

Àá Num. Index: 63A.42-3     £§£¹£½ ru2    .
V.t.Immerse, moisten: Àá¬V ru2ran3¡õ;
Àá¼í¡AÀáÀã to wet;
ªgÀá to taint, tinge or dye;
ˇˇ dripping with water.
Adj. & adv.Late: ÀẢ to tarry or linger longer than necessary.
Words1. Àáü½ ru2ji1, v.i., (of persons) be delayed, linger for a long time.
2. Àá¬V ru2ran3, v.t., (1) immerse, imbue, permeate;
3. Àá¬V ru2ran3, v.t., (2) to wet, dip in liquid.
4. Àá§Ô ru2ren3, phr., be tolerant, forbearing, indulgent.
5. Àá»Ý ru2xU1, phr., (AC) muddle along.

Åô Num. Index: 63A.42-3     £t£«£¿ ba4    .
N.Name of river near ªø¦w, in Shensi, famed in poetry.

¯F Num. Index: 63A.42-3     £º£¶£¾ yong3    . [Var. ´é 63A.50]

®þ Num. Index: 63A.42-4     £¡£º£³ jUan1    .
N.(1) A small stream: ®þºw jUan1di2¡õ;
®þ®þ jUan1jUan1¡õ.
(2) A surname.
V.t.To choose: ®þ¦N jUan1ji2¡õ.
Words1. ®þ®J jUan1ai1, n., (lit.) tiny dust;
2. ®þ®J jUan1ai1, n., (fig.) (LL) tiny bits, trivialities.
3. ®þºw jUan1di2, n., small drops of water: ®þºwÂk¤½ every cent goes to the public.
4. ®þ¦N jUan1ji2, v.i., choose an auspicious day.
5. ®þ®þ jUan1jUan1, n., a streamlet: ®þ®þ¤£¾Ã¡A²×¬°¦¿ªe if small leaks are not plugged up in time, they will become streams.

Ìù Num. Index: 63A.42-4     £¡£º£¶£¾ jiong3    .
Adj.(1) Deep: ÌùÌù (of water) clear and deep.
(2) (U.f. ­~) distant, vast.

¬} Num. Index: 63A.42-4     £x£¹£¶£¿ dong4    .
N.(1) Cave, cavern, grotto: ¤s¬} cave in mountains;
¥P¬} fairy grotto;
¬}¥Þ¡A¬}¸] dong4xUe4, dong4ku4¡õ.
(2) A hole, leak: ¬}¤Õ¡A¤Õ¬} a hole;
leakage (in argument, plan);
¬}¤f entrance to cave.
Adj.Open, clear, thorough: ªÅ¬} empty;
¬}©ú¡A¬}º« clear, transparently clear;
¬}­YÆ[¤õ clear like looking at fire.
Adv.Clearly, through: ªù¤á¬}¶} gate is wide open;
¬}¨£ see through;
¬}Àë¨ä¦l see through his treachery;
(in correspondence, court.) ¬}±x¡A¬}¹î see through;
¬}ų please be kindly informed;
¥@¨Æ¬}©ú¬Ò¾Ç°Ý to understand practical affairs clearly is (also) knowledge (not only book knowledge).
Words1. ¬}º« dong4che4, adj. & adv., clear, -ly.
2. ¬}¬ï dong4chuan1, v.i. & t., penetrate, pierce through.
3. ¬}©Ð dong4fang2, n., nuptial chamber: ¬}©ÐªáÀë©] wedding night.
4. ¬}©² dong4fu3, n., abode of fairies.
5. ¬}¸] dong4ku4, n., cave, cavern.
6. ¬}­ dong4xiao1, n., bamboo flageolet.
7. ¬}¥Þ dong4xUe4, n., cave.
8. ¬}¤Ñ dong4tian1, n., cave as fairies' abode: ¬}¤ÑºÖ¦a some scenically beautiful place (as near temple);
9. ¬}¤Ñ dong4tian1, n., §O¦³¬}¤Ñ hidden but beautiful spot, a world all its own.
10. ¬}®x´ò dong4ting2hu2, n., name of big lake in Hunan.

­ä Num. Index: 63A.42-4     £x£¸£± diao1    .
Adj.Withered, withering, see compp.¡õ.
Words1. ­ä´¯ diao1bi4, adj., (of living, business) on the decline, hard up.
2. ­ä¹s diao1ling2, adj., dwindling in numbers, quantity, volume (business, family, population, etc.).
3. ­ä¸¨ diao1luo4, adj., ditto.
4. ­äÁ diao1xie4, adj., withered, -ing (of flowers).
5. ­äµä diao1wei3, adj., ditto.

´õ Num. Index: 63A.42-4     £¹£¬ wo1    .
N.An eddy, whirlpool: ±Û´õ.
Words1. ´õÂÎ wo1chong2, n., a tiny water insect, turbellaria.
2. ´õ¹q¬y wo1dian4liu2, n., (phys.) eddy current.
3. ´õ±Û wo1xUan2, n., whirlpool.

·Æ Num. Index: 63A.42-4     £~£¹£«£½ hua2    .
N.A surname.
V.i.(1) To slip: ·Æ¤U¥h¡A·Æ±¼¤U¥h to slip down;
·Æ­Ë slip and fall down.
(2) To glide an in skating, see ·Æ¦B¡A·Æ³· hua2bing1, hua2xUe3¡õ.
Adj.(1) Slippery (floor, etc.): ¥ú·Æ shining smooth;
·Æ·È·È very slippery.
(2) Deceitful: ·ÆÀY·Æ¸£, see ·ÆÀY hua2tou2¡õ;
·Æ¤£¼T·È (a) very slippery, (b) deceitful, oily, see ·Æ·È hua2liu1¡õ.
(3) Of sneaky, undependable character: ¥©·Æ¡A¦l·Æ deceitful;
¤N·Æ¡A¬¾·Æ cunning;
ªo·Æ¡AªoµÄ·Æ½Õ flippant, cheaply popular;
ªo¼L·Æ¦Þ a flippant talker, see ·Æ½] hua2ji1¡õ.
Words1. ·Æ¦B hua2bing1, v.i., to skate on ice.
2. ·Æ¨® hua2che1, n., a pulley.
3. ·Æ¬ñ hua2gan1, n., sedan chair, borne by two bamboo poles (Szechuan).
4. ·Æ½] hua2ji1, (re. pr. gu3ji1, now rare), adj., humorous, facetious.
5. ·Æ¸ø hua2jiao1, n., slip and fall down: ·Æ¤@¸ø.
6. ·Æ¾¯ hua2ji4, n., grease for machines.
7. ·Æºë hua2jing1, v.t., have nocturnal emission.
8. ·Æ·È hua2liu1, adj., very smooth and slippery.
9. ·Æ½ü hua2lun2, n., a pulley.
10. ·Æ¼íªo hua2run4you2, n., lubricant.
11. ·Æµ¾ hua2xiang2, v.i., to glide and wheel round (as birds);
12. ·Æµ¾ hua2xiang2, v.i., ·Æµ¾¾÷ a glider.
13. ·Æ¤ô hua2shui3, v.i., & n., to water-ski;
14. ·Æ¤ô hua2shui3, v.i., & n., water-skiing.
15. ·Æ¥Û hua2shi2, n., talc.
16. ·Æ³· hua2xUe3, v.i., to ski.
17. ·Æ¡¼ hua2ta4, adj., (of roads) slippery.
18. ·Æ±è hua2ti1, n., a slide for children.
19. ·ÆÀY hua2tou2, adj., & n., cunning;
20. ·ÆÀY hua2tou2, adj., & n., a cunning person.

Äj Num. Index: 63A.42-5     £v£¸£½ mi2    .
Words1. Äjº© mi2man4, v.t. & adj., to flood, overflow: ¾Ô¶³Äjº© war clouds hang over the horizon, also wr. À±º© 50A.42.

º| Num. Index: 63A.42-5     £{£²£¿ lou4    .
N.(1) An hourglass;
a water clock or clepsydra: º|¨è lou4ke4, º|¹ª lou4gu3¡õ;
»Éº| a copper water clock;
º|ºÉ§ó´Ý the small hours of the dawn;
²©º| piles, anal hemorrhoids.
(2) (Budd.) depravity, defilement: µLº|¡A¦³º| free, not free, from defilement.
V.i. & t.(1) Leak (out), disclose, drip, evade: ¬ªº| reveal secret, divulge;
³zº| make known;
¨«º| unintentionally disclose;
º|­·Án¡Aº|®ø®§ leak out information;
º|¬ª lou4xie4¡õ;
º|ÅS lou4lu4¡õ;
»¡º|¤F (¼L) unintentionally divulge s.t. secret;
º|©³ lou4di3¡õ;
º|¤F¦Ñ©³ leaked out one's personal secrets;
º|«B (of roof, etc.) leaking;
º|¤ô (of cup, bottle, etc.) leaking;
º|¤Õ lou4kong3¡õ;
³ýº|¤F¡A«B¦çº|¤ô¡A¿ûµ§º|¤ô¡Athe kettle, raincoat, fountain pen, is leaking;
º|¥X¨Ó leaked out;
º|®ð not air-tight;
º|ºô (of fish) escape from net.
(2) Leave out, be missing, conceal from: ¿òº| drop out, be missing;
¥¢º| be lost, missing;
º|¦C left out of a list or account;
º|³ø fail to report or declare;
º|µ| evade tax, esp. by smuggling;
º|ú fail to pay;
º|¤U be left out;
º|±¼ lou4diao4¡õ;
²æº| be missing or omitted;
º|¤F¤@¦æ¡Aº|¥h¤@¦r a line, a word is missing;
º|°á¤@¥y have skipped a sentence in reading;
¯Äº| an error;
º|¤£¤F§A you'll never be left out;
¬Æ»ò¨Æº|±o¤F¥L? nothing can be concealed from him.
(3) (Of bodily fluids) flow freely, exude, discharge, ooze (said of semen, tears, secretions or pus).
(4) (In swordplay) to give (perhaps purposely) an opening as lure for attack.
Words1. º|½H lou4chuang1, n., (1) (med.) fistula;
2. º|½H lou4chuang1, n., (2) (med.) vaccinia, cowpox.
3. º|±¼ lou4diao4, v.i., be missing or left out.
4. º|©³ lou4di3, n., (1) A leak in bottom of a vessel for liquids;
5. º|©³ lou4di3, n., (2) disclosure of confidential information (©³¡×©³²Ó).
6. º|¬} lou4dong4, n., (1) see lou4di3(1)¡ô;
7. º|¬} lou4dong4, n., (2) an inconsistency, a flaw in argument.
8. º|¤æ lou4dou3, n., a funnel for liquids.
9. º|°Â lou4dou1, v.i., reveal true nature.
10. º|Á_ lou4feng4, n., a crevice: À±¸Éº|Á_ to mend a crack.
11. º|­· lou4feng1, v.t. & adj. & n., (1) not air-tight;
12. º|­· lou4feng1, v.t. & adj. & n., (2) (fo secret) leak out;
13. º|­· lou4feng1, v.t. & adj. & n., (3) (Chin. med.) apoplexy caused by alcoholism.
14. º|ºÞ lou4guan3, n., (1) (med.) anal fistula;
15. º|ºÞ lou4guan3, n., (2) (med.) an ulcer that does not heal easily.
16. º|Âd lou4gui4, n., theft of goods in a store by its own employee(s).
17. º|¹ª lou4gu3, n., drum beat to announce the watches at night.
18. º|³ý lou4hu2, n., a water clock, an anc. device for measuring time.
19. º|¥g lou4zhi1, n., (1) a syphon;
20. º|¥g lou4zhi1, n., (2) an unfavorable balance of international payments.
21. º|¨è lou4ke4, n., (1) hourglass or water clock;
22. º|¨è lou4ke4, n., (2) a short interval of time.
23. º|¤Õ lou4kong3, n., see lou4dong4¡ô.
24. º|¨à lou4er0, n., a flaw or weakness: À˺|¨à pick fault with.
25. º|ÅS lou4lu4, v.t., reveal (a secret).
26. º|¨@ lou4shao2, n., a strainer, a colander.
27. º|²{ lou4xian4, v.i., be exposed to public view.
28. º|¬ª lou4xie4, v.t., leak out (secret).
29. º|®v lou4si4, v.t., (AC) disclose military secret.
30. º|¤Ñ¡]¨à¡^ lou4tian1 (lou4tiaer0), n., a hole in the roof, through which light comes in (dist. in ÅS¤Ñ open air).
31. º|°] lou4cai2, (1) v.t., suffer financial loss;
32. º|°] lou4cai2, (2) adj., be in capable of becoming rich.
33. º|¤l lou4zi0, n., (1) a funnel for liquids (lou4dou3¡ô);
34. º|¤l lou4zi0, n., (2) a flaw or weakness.
35. º|©] lou4ye4, n., the dead of night.

ºv Num. Index: 63A.42-6     £{£¸£½ li2    .
V.i.To drip: see ²Oºv 63A.01;
¼åºv 63A.70.

ºw Num. Index: 63A.42-6     £x£¸ di1    .
N.A drop, driplet (liquid, tear, rain, etc.).
V.i. & t.To drip one by one (tear, blood, sweat, oil, etc.): ºw¦å anc. method of verifying blood affinity by dripping blood of son on deceased parent's bone to see if it is absorbed or not.
Words1. ºwÂÎ di1chong2, n., (zoo.) infusoria.
2. ºwµª di1da1, adj. & adv., descriptive of dripping sound, also ºwºwµªµª di1di1da1da1, ºwúG·f©Ô di1li1da1la1.
3. ºwºw di1di1, (1) adj., descriptive of dripping sound;
4. ºwºw di1di1, (2) every drop;
5. ºwºw di1di1, (3) adv., in phrr. ºñºwºw dripping green, ¼bºwºw very charming or pretty (of gilrs).
6. ºw©wºÞ di1ding4guan3, n., (clem.) burette.
7. ºwÃw di1li4, n., sound of dripping.
8. ºw·È·È di1liu1liu1, n., sound of fluid dripping or flowing;
9. ºw·È·È di1liu1liu1, n., ºw·È¨à¶ê di1liu1er0yUan2, very, very round (as of pearl).
10. ºw²~ di1ping2, n., dripping bottle.

·¹ Num. Index: 63A.42-8     £ª£¹£¿ su4    .
V.i. & t.Trace up (river);
·¹¬y¦Ó¤W going up river;
(fig.) trace to origins: ·¹¥»¡A·¹·½ ditto;
to reminisce: °l·¹ think back (the past).

²_ Num. Index: 63A.42-8     £{£¹£´£½ lun2    .
V.i.To sink down, decline: ¨H²_ to perish;
be submerged, see ²_¤`¡A²_³´¡A²_³à lun2wang2, lun2xian4, lun2sang4¡õ;
²_¦Ù¯HÅè (of person's gratitude ) sink into the marrow--extreme gratitude.
Words1. ²_¸¨ lun2luo4, v.i., drift, decline or sink into (poverty, depravity, etc.).
2. ²_·À lun2mie4, v.i., see lun2wang2¡õ.
3. ²_³à lun2sang4, v.i., perish.
4. ²_³´ lun2xian4, v.i., be subjugated, be fallen.
5. ²_­E lun2xU1, v.i., sink together, one after another.
6. ²_¤` lun2wang2, v.i., perish, sink into oblivion.

ôe Num. Index: 63A.42-8     £º£®£¿ yUe4         (also £¸£±£¿ yao4    ).
V.t.To boil (tea).

²c Num. Index: 63A.42-8     £¸£±£½ yao2    .
Adj.Confused, mingled: ²V²c ditto.
Words1. ²c¶Ã yao2luan4, (1) Adj., confused;
2. ²c¶Ã yao2luan4, (2) v.t., to upset (peace and order).

ËU Num. Index: 63A.42-8     £§£¹£°£¿ rui4    .
N.(1) River bends.
(2) The confluence of streams.

´ñ Num. Index: 63A.50-1     £t£¬£½ bo2    .
N.´ñ®ü the Pohai, formerly, Gulf of Chihli.

Ãv Num. Index: 63A.50-1     £~£³£¿ han4    .
Adj.Wide, extensive: ¯EÃv extensive, also ¯E¯EÃvÃv.
Words1. Ãv®ü han4hai3, n., the Mongolian desert, the Gobi.

ËP Num. Index: 63A.50-1     £¢£¸ chi1         (*£¢£º qU1    ).
V.i. & t.(1) ËP¯ù to make tea (by pouring boiling water over it).
(2) (*qU1) ËPªo to pour hot oil over cooked meat or vegetable.
(3) (*qU1) to drench with water;
§â­»¤õ¨àËP¤F to drench burning incense stick with water (and extinguish it).

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.50-3     £¹ wu1         (*£¹£« wa1    ). [Var. of ¦¾¡A¦Ã]
N.(1) Stagnant pool: ¦P¬y¦X¡¼ (contempt.) ¡§birds of a feather flock together.¡¨
(2) Depressed state: ¶©¡¼ rise and decline.
V.t.(1) To rape, violate (woman): «Á¡¼¡A¡¼°d wu1ru4¡õ.
(2) To defile, smear, tarnish (name): ¡¼öG wu1mie4¡õ.
(3) (*wa1) To dig (¡×«õ).
Adj.(1) Dirty, smudged, muddy, spattered, polluted: ¡¼¿B¡A¡¼«¯ wu1zhuo2, wu1gou4¡õ;
¡¼¦À a muddy pool;
¡¼ÂI wu1dian3¡õ;
¡¼¦W be smudged in name.
(2) Base, corrupt (official): ³g¡¼¡A¡¼¦O ditto.
Words1. ¡¼ÂI wu1dian3, n., a stain (on clothing, character).
2. ¡¼¡¼ wu1du2, n., a muddy pool.
3. ¡¼«¯ wu1gou4, n., dirt, filth;
4. ¡¼«¯ wu1gou4, n., stain.
5. ¡¼Â© wu1hui4, (1) n., dirt, filth, garbage;
6. ¡¼Â© wu1hui4, (2) adj., disreputable (conduct), filthy (place).
7. ¡¼¿B wu2zhuo2, adj., dirty, filthy.
8. ¡¼º© wu1man4, v.t. & adj., to smudge, besmirch;
9. ¡¼º© wu1man4, v.t. & adj., besmirched.
10. ¡¼öG wu1mie4, v.t., to smear (person's name);
11. ¡¼öG wu1mie4, v.t., to humiliate (person);
12. ¡¼öG wu1mie4, v.t., desecrate, calumniate (sacred name).
13. ¡¼¬V wu1ran3, v.t., to pollute, contaminate;
14. ¡¼¬V wu1ran3, v.t., befoul, corrupt;
15. ¡¼¬V wu1ran3, v.t., ¡¼¬Vª« n., pollutant;
16. ¡¼¬V wu1ran3, v.t., ªÅ®ð¡¼¬V pollution of the air;
17. ¡¼¬V wu1ran3, v.t., ¡¼¬V·l·´ contamination.
18. ¡¼°d wu1ru4, v.t., to humiliate;
19. ¡¼°d wu1ru4, v.t., to violate (woman).
20. ¡¼¯ä wu1xiu4, adj., foul smelling.
21. ¡¼«U wu1su2, adj,. cheap and common.

¦Ã Num. Index: 63A.50-3     £¹ wu1    . [Var. of ¦¾ 63A.00]
Adj.(AC) overflowing.

ÂE Num. Index: 63A.50-3     £~£¹£¶£½ hong2    .
N.(1) The wild goose;
wild swan: »´¦pÂE¤ò light as swan'sdown;
ÂE­¸ to go away for some great undertaking;
ÂE¤ö footprints of birds--traces of past events;
as carrier of letters, see ÂE¶­ hong2yan4¡õ;
hence ÂE«K when convenient to send a letter;
«sÂE¹M³¥ phr., starving people fill the land.
(2) A surname.
Adj.(LL) vast, grand (interch. §» 62.93 ¥° 50A.93 sometimes also ¬x 63A.80): ÂE·ß¡AÂE¹Ï (LL) great plan or undertaking;
ÂE®¦ your great favor;
ÂE¤å (LL) your great piece of writing;
ÂE¾§ (LL) great scholar;
ÂEºÖ¡AÂEÁH great luck or blessing;
ÂE°ò (LL) great foundation for undertaking.
Words1. ÂE¹È hong2ao2, n., (AC, allu.) the cry of starving people.
2. ÂEÄ_ hong2bao3, n., secret collection of books, usu. Taoist.
3. ÂE³Õ hong2bo2, adj., learned, widely read.
4. ÂE·¾ hong2gou1, n., a gap or gulf separating two parties or units;
5. ÂE·¾ hong2gou1, n., a boundary line.
6. ÂEÃ[ hong2hu2, n., a large swan;
7. ÂEÃ[ hong2hu2, n., (fig.) ÂEÃ[¤§§Ó great ambitions.
8. ÂE¤ö hong2zhao3, n., ¡§goose footprints,¡¨ sundry traces.
9. ÂE¯P hong2lie4, adj., great, meritorious.
10. ÂEªù®b hong2men2yan4, n., (AC, allu.) a dinner at ÂEªù where treachery (murder of invited guest) was planned.
11. ÂE»X hong2meng2, n., (AC) primordial world, before the universe was formed (also wr. ÀÛ).
12. ÂE¶­ hong2yan4, n., the wild goose, reputed in literary tradition as messenger carrying letters (see also ¶­ 51A.11);
13. ÂE¶­ hong2yan4, n., mail.

Ìø Num. Index: 63A.50-3     £{£­£¿ le4    .
N.Marks, cracks or perforations on rocks made by action of waves.
V.i. & t.(1) (LL) v.t., carve, write, inscribe: Ìø¥Û inscribe characters on a stone tablet;
¤âÌø written with one's own hand;
Ìø¦¹©^ÂÐ this is written in reply to yours;
Ìø¥¬¡AÌø¹F you are hereby ininformed.
(2) V.i., (of rocks) split according to their natural veins.

´é Num. Index: 63A.50-3     £º£¶£¾ yong3    . [var. ¯F]
V.i.(1) To gush forth (as spring): ´é¥X¨Ó gush forth;
´é¬u a gushing spring;
¼é´é (crowd) push forward in waves.
(2) (Prices) soar up.

´÷ Num. Index: 63A.50-4     £}£­£¾ ke3    .
N. & adj.Thirsty: ¤f´÷¡A¼L´÷ thirsty;
ÄÈ´÷ thirst and hunger;
¦n´÷ very thirsty;
¤î´÷ to slake thirst;
±æ±ö¤î´÷ to slake thirst by thinking of plums;
¶¼¾}¤î´÷ stop thirst by drinking poison--senseless measure;
Á{´÷±¸¤« start to drill well when thirsty--too late;
´÷µ§ use of semi-dry brush in calligraphy.
Adv.Earnestly: ´÷©À thinking of person greatly;
´÷±æ earnestly hope;
´÷ºÎ very sleepy;
´÷±ý wish very much;
´÷¥õ¡A´÷¼} admire greatly from distance;
´÷·Q earnestly hope.

´ö Num. Index: 63A.50-4     £y£µ tang1         (*£¦£µ shang1    ).
N.(1) Hot water, hot springs: ´ö¨N bath;
´ö¬u tang1qUan2¡õ.
(2) Soup: ¤û¦×´ö beef broth;
Âû´ö chicken soup;
´öüù soup with noodles;
µæ´ö vegetable soup;
°ª´ö simple plain soup, stock for cooking;
¼õ´ö¡A¿L´ö soup in stew;
ªw´ö diluted, spoiled: ³o¥ó¨Æ¤wªw´ö¤F this affair has been spoiled;
¸¨´öÂû all wet, drenched through, like drowned chicken;
­u´öÁФõ willing to go through fire and water, take all risks;
ª÷«°´ö¦À golden city and boiling hot moat--(lit. & fig.) for strongly fortified city;
´öºÐ¡A´ö½L tang1pan2, ´ö¸J tang1wan3¡õ;
´ö¦Ï scalded or blanched lamb with skin on.
(3) A surname.
Words1. ´ö¥] tang1bao1, n., dumpling with juicy meat.
2. ´ö»æ tang1bing3, n., as in ´ö»æºá celebration of third day of baby's birth, with noodles in soup, as a wish for long life.
3. ´ö°Í tang1chi21, n., spoon: ¤j´ö°Í ladle.
4. ´ö¦À tang1chi22, n., strength of city's defenses, see ª÷«°´ö¦À under N.2¡ô.
5. ´ö¬u tang1qUan2, n., hot springs, (more oft. called ·Å¬u).
6. ´öÁç tang1guo0, n., butcher's cauldron at slaughterhouse.
7. ´ö÷i tang1huo4, n., anc., cauldron for boiling man alive.
8. ´ö¨à tang1er0, n. & adj., soup;
9. ´ö¨à tang1er0, n. & adj., ´ö¨à¨Æ s.t. insubstantial, empty show, pure talk.
10. ´ö½L tang1pan2, n., soup plate.
11. ´ö±C¤l tang1po2zi0, n., bedwarmer, made of copper or pewter and filled with hot water for warming up bed.
12. ´ö´ö *shang1shang1, adj., (AC) descriptive sound of water.
13. ´ö¤ô¡]¨à¡^ tang1shui3 (tang1shueer0), n., (1) drinks;
14. ´ö¤ô¡]¨à¡^ tang1shui3 (tang1shueer0), n., light food like vegetable soup;
15. ´ö¤ô¡]¨à¡^ tang1shui3 (tang1shueer0), n., (2) (MC) financial means: À¸¤l¦³¦h¤j´ö¤ô an actor cannot afford much;
16. ´ö¤ô¡]¨à¡^ tang1shui3 (tang1shueer0), (3) (coll.) n. & adj., trouble, -some: ³o¥ó¨Æ¤Ó´ö¤ô this matter is too troublesome.
17. ´öÀY tang1tou0, n., medical recipes, decoctions.
18. ´öÄ{ tang1taurn, n., dumplings.
19. ´ö¸J tang1wan3, n., soup bowl.
20. ´öÃÄ tang1yao4, n., medical stews, concoctions.
21. ´ö²G tang1ye4, n., medical potions.
22. ´ö¤Þ tang1yin3, n., liquid taken with medicine to help circulate in body.
23. ´ö¶ê tang1yUan2, n., see tang1tuan2¡ô.

¿B Num. Index: 63A.50-4     £¤£¹£¬£½ zhuo2    .
Adj.(1) Muddy, foul (water), turbid (stream): ¦Ã¿B dirty, filthy;
²V¿B turbid;
¿B¬y turbid stream;
¿BñR zhuo2lao2¡õ;
¿B°sinferior, unstrained wine;
¿B¥@an immoral world or times.
(2) ¿B¥À voiced consonant, opp. ²M¥À voiceless consonant.
Words1. ¿BñR zhuo2lao2, n., (LL) unstrained wine.
2. ¿B¤H zhuo2ren2, n., vulgar person.
3. ¿Bª« zhuo2wu4, n., (abusive) a lout, an oaf.
4. ¿B­µ zhuo2yin1, n., voiced consonant.

·Ä Num. Index: 63A.50-5     £z£¸£¿ ni4         (*£z£¸£±£¿ niao4    ).
N.(*niao4) Urine: «K·Ä to pass urine;
·Ä¾¹ niao4chi4¡õ.
V.i. & t.(1) Be submerged in water: ·Ä¦º be drowned;
·Ä°­ ghost of one drowned.
(2) Be addicted to ¨H·Ä be fond of to excess;
¯Ô·Ä ditto;
·Ä©ó°s¦â be addicted to wine and women;
·Ä·R ni4ai4¡õ.
(3) Urinate (*niao4): ·Ä§¿ (*niao4sui1) pass water;
·ÄûÒ to wet the bed;
·Äª¡ ditto;
·Ä¿Ç¤l to wet the pants.
Words1. ·Ä·R ni4ai4, v.t., to love (s.o.) blindly.
2. ·Ä¾¹ ni4chi4, n., a urinal.
3. ·Ä¾ ni4zhi2, v.i., fail to do one's duty.

¶¾ Num. Index: 63A.50-5     £w£¶£½ feng2         (*£u£¸£¶£½ ping2    ).
N.A surname: ¶¾°ü feng1fu1, personal name: one willing to take on risky, difficult job (AC allu., famous soldier and tiger killer who took up job of fighting a cornered tiger).
V.t.(*ping2) ¶¾ªe (AC) swim across river.
Words1. ¶¾¦i *ping2ji2, n., god of rivers, also called ªe§B.

·¼ Num. Index: 63A.50-6     £u£µ pang1    .
Words1. ·¼ÒJ pang1bo2, adj., (AC) convulsed, agitated (of air under pressure).
2. ·¼´û pang1pai4, ·¼·¼ pang1pang2, ·¼¨K pang1pei4, ·¼íW pang1pi4, adj., describing voluminous, rushing water.
3. ·¼ªb pang1tuo2, adj., (of rain, tears) pouring.

Âm Num. Index: 63A.50-6     £££¸£®£¿ xie4    . [Closely related ªn 63A.21, ¬ª 63A.71]
V.i.(1) To flow down in a torrent;
to pour down out: Âr¥¬ªº¤ôª½Âm¤U¨Ó the water pours down over the falls;
¶ÉÂm¤UÃh pour out my thoughts (or troubles).
(2) Suffer loose bowels: ¤W¦R¤UÂm vomit and have watery bowels;
¦RÂm cholera;
Âm¨{ (¤l) xie4du4(zi0)¡õ.
Words1. Âm¨{¡]¤l¡^ xie4du4(zi0), v.i., & n., have loose bowel movements, diarrhoea.
2. Âmµg xie4li4, n., diarrhoea;
3. Âmµg xie4li4, n., ÂmµgÆQ Epsom salt, see xie4yan2¡õ.
4. Âm³¿ xie4lu3, adj., (soil) impregnated with lime or salt, therefore barren.
5. Âm¤g xie4tu3, n., bare land which cannot retain moisture.
6. ÂmÆQ xie4yan2, n., see xie4li4yan2¡ô.
7. ÂmÃÄ xie4yao4, n., a laxative.

¨W Num. Index: 63A.50-8     £w£´£½ fen2    
N.Name of river and district in Shansi;
¨W°s wine produced in Shansi.

Þ[ Num. Index: 63A.50-8     £¹£¶£¾ weng3    .
Adj.(1) Flowing, rushing (flood).
(2) Rising, dispersing (clouds).

¼ó Num. Index: 63A.50-9     £££¸£¿ xi4    .
N.Bad land containing deposits of salt.

åü Num. Index: 63A.50-9     £{£±£¿ lao4    .
V.t. & n.Inundate, -ation: §òåüµL±` sometimes drought and sometimes floods.

¬¬ Num. Index: 63A.50-9     £££º£´£½ xUn2    .
Adv.(LL) indeed: ¬¬¬ü¥B¤¯ (AC) indeed handsome and kind;
¬¬¤£»z¤] (LL) indeed it is true and not hearsay.

¬¤ Num. Index: 63A.50-9     £££º£¶ xiong1    .
Adj.(Of sea) turbulent, tempestuous;
roaring, uproarious.
Words1. ¬¤°Ê xiong1dong4, adj., restless.
2. ¬¤¬¤ xiong1xiong1, adj., roaring.
3. ¬¤´é xiong1yong3, adj., (of waves) dashing, crashing (also wr.¯F).

²^ Num. Index: 63A.50-9     £y£±£½ tao2    . [Dist. ³³¡A±Ç]
V.t.(1) To rinse, wash: ²^¤@²^ stir s.t. in water to cleanse;
²^°®²b wash it clean;
²^¦Ì wash and clean rice before cooking;
²^ª÷¡A²^¬â´zª÷ wash gold.
(2) Clean out (also wr. ±Ç): ²^¤«¡Aªe¡A³±·¾ clean out well, dredge river, clean out sewer.
(3) Eliminate in ²^¨O tao2tai4¡õ.
(4) Cleanse breast by writing: ²^¼g¡A²^Âm tao2xie3, tao2xie4¡õ.
Words1. ²^®ð tao2chi4, adj., naughty (child).
2. ²^¼á tao2deng4, v.t., stir (ointment, mixture).
3. ²^Õñ tao2lu4, v.i., become physically weakened through overindulgence in sexual pleasures.
4. ²^¯« tao2shen2, adj., annoying (e.g., naughty child).
5. ²^¼g tao2xie3, v.t., to write of (emotions) as a form of catharsis.
6. ²^Âm tao2xie4, v.t., pour out sentiments in writing.
7. ²^¨O tao2tai4, v.t., eliminate: ³Q²^¨O be eliminated.

®ü Num. Index: 63A.50-9     £~£¯£¾ hai3    .
N.(1) The sea, also the ocean: ®ü¥~ overseas;
®ü¬v the ocean;
®ü¤W at sea, also ¡§at Shanghai¡¨;
¥X®ü go out to sea (as for fishing);
®ü²î sea-going ships;
as a symbol of infinity: ®üÁï¤ÑªÅ in open sea and sky, also (of talk) at random, without reference to reality;
®ü¨¤¤Ñ²P the corners of the world;
®ü¬\¥ÛÄê¡A®ü»}¤s·ù lovers' pledge of eternal loyalty (until ¡§the seas dry up and rocks decay¡¨);
®ü¥«¸Â¼Ó mirage, s.t. imaginary;
¥|®ü the four seas, the universe around;
¥|®ü¤@®a all mankind is one family.
(2) Fig. of a huge gathering: ¤H®ü the sea of humanity (in a crowd): ¤H®ü¾Ô³N human wave tactics;
¾Ç®ü¡A¤å®ü the ocean of learning, of literature;
Äô®ü the sea of sin and degradation;
­W®ü (Budd. of the material or human life) a sea of troubles;
«ë®üµLÃä a sea of eternal regets;
¬P®ü the expanse of stars;
¶³®ü a sea of clouds.
Adj. & adv.Great, unlimited: ®ü¶q great capacity: ®ü²[ hai3han2¡õ;
®ü½| (MC) random and unrestrained scolding;
®ü»¡ wild talk;
®ü¸J a very large bowl.
Words1. ®ü©¤ hai3an4, n., seacoast;
2. ®ü©¤ hai3an4, n., ®ü©¤½u coast line.
3. ®ü¦Ê¦X hai3bai3he2, n., (zoo.) the sea lily, crinoid.
4. ®ü©Þ hai3ba2, n., sea level: ®ü©Þ¤@¤d¤Ø 1000 ft. above sea level.
5. ®ü°\ hai3bao41, n., (zoo.) the seal.
6. ®ü³ø hai3bao42, n., theater posters on programs;
7. ®ü³ø hai3bao42, n., any posters.
8. ®üªí hai3biao3, phr., beyond the seas.
9. ®üÀØ hai3bin1, n., seacoast;
10. ®üÀØ hai3bin1, n., sea beach.
11. ®ü®· hai2bu3, v.t., warrant to find and arrest (criminal) on seas.
12. ®ü²£ hai2chan3, n., marine products.
13. ®ü¼é hai3chao2, n., the tides.
14. ®ü«C hai3qing1, n., (MC) dress with broad sleeves;
15. ®ü«C hai3qing1, n., also monk's robe.
16. ®üûÒ hai3chuang2, n., the floor of the sea.
17. ®üÁx hai2dan3, n., (zoo.) the seaurchin.
18. ®ü®q hai2dao3, n., an island.
19. ®ü±a hai3dai4, n., (bot.) an edible seaweed, laminaria angustata.
20. ®üµs hai3dao4, n., pirate.
21. ®ü¿O hai3deng1, n., (zoo.) a tiny phosphorescent animal at sea, Doliolum tritomis.
22. ®ü©³ hai2di3, adj., bottom of the sea;
23. ®ü©³ hai2di3, adj., ®ü©³¹q½u submarine cable.
24. ®ü²Ã hai3di2, n., a small flute-like musical instrument.
25. ®üªF«C hai3dong1qing1, n., a seabird on the China Sea, valued for its feather.
26. ®üªk hai2fa3, n., maritime law.
27. ®ü¨¾ hai3fang2, n., (1) coastal defense;
28. ®ü¨¾ hai3fang2, n., (2) the port Hai-phong.
29. ®ü­· hai3feng1, n, sea breeze.
30. ®ü´ä hai2gang3, n., harbor.
31. ®üª¯ hai2gou3, n., (zoo.) the seal.
32. ®üÃö hai3guan1, n., maritime customes.
33. ®ü°ê hai3guo2, n., maritime country.
34. ®üªÑ hai2gu3, n., gulf.
35. ®ü²[ hai3han2, (1) adj., with great generosity which forgives all;
36. ®ü²[ hai3han2, (2) v.t., (court.) to forgive or tolerate (errors).
37. ®üªá¥Û hai3hua1shi2, n., coral.
38. ®ü³f hai3huo4, n., marine products;
39. ®ü³f hai3huo4, n., overseas products.
40. ®ü¸½ hai3zhe2, n., (zoo.) jellyfish.
41. ®üÃV hai3ji4, n., (zoo.) a lifebearing sea fish, ditrema temminckii.
42. ®ü¸T hai3jin4, n., ban on foreign trade or intercourse: ®ü¸T¤j¶}¡A¶}©ñ®ü¸T open country to foreign trade.
43. ®üÃè hai3jing4, n., (zoo.) a kind of flat shellfish, amusium japonicus, whose shell is used in windows.
44. ®ü­x hai3jUn1, n., the navy.
45. ®ü«È hai3ke4, n., travellers or merchants from abroad.
46. ®ü¤f hai2kou3, n., seaport.
47. ®ü¸ª hai3kui2, n., (zoo.) sea anemone.
48. ®ü®ö hai3lang4, n., sea waves.
49. ®ü¨½ hai2li3, n., nautical mile.
50. ®ü¬y hai3liu2, n., sea or ocean current.
51. ®ü¯W hai3li2, n., the beaver.
52. ®ü¬¥¦] hai2luo4yin1, n., (translit.) heroin, also ®ü¬¥­^.
53. ®üÅÚ hai3luo2, n., (bot.) a kind of seaweed.
54. ®üÀs¤ý hai3long2wang2, n., (myth.) Dragon King of the Seas.
55. ®üÆj hai3lU2, n., (zoo.) Steller's sea lion, a Northe Pacific sea animal.
56. ®ü°¨ hai2ma3, n., (zoo.) the walrus, see hai3xiang4¡õ.
57. ®üÅÁ hai3man2, n., (zoo.) sea eel.
58. ®ü­± hai3mian4, n., sea surface.
59. ®üºø hai3mian2, n., sponge.
60. ®üÃø hai3nahn, phr., perils of the sea, shipwreck.
61. ®ü¤º hai3nei4, n. & adv., in the country: ®ü¤º¦P­M fellow citizens of China;
62. ®ü¤º hai3nei4, n. & adv., ¥|®ü¤§¤º ¡§all within the Four Seas¡¨--the world.
63. ®ü¤û hai3niu2, n., (zoo.) the sea cow or manatee, manatus senegalensis.
64. ®üâx hai3ou1, n., bubbles on sea, (Buddhist fig.) transient character of human life.
65. ®üÅà hai3ou2, n., (zoo.) sea gull.
66. ®ü¬£ hai3pai4, n., ¡§Shanghai style or school,¡¨ orig., a school of Chin. opera, now generally (contempt.) of girls, magazines going after the fashion of the day: ®ü¬£¤k­¦¡A®ü¬£§@­·.
67. ®ü½L¨® hai3pan2che1, n., (zoo.) the starfish (also called ®ü¬P).
68. ®üî_ßê hai3piao1xiao1, n., dried central part of cuttlefish.
69. ®ü­Y hai3re4, n., (AC) myth.) god of the sea.
70. ®ü¤W hai3shang4, adj., maritime: ®ü¤W«OÀI maritime insurance.
71. ®ü°Óªk hai3shang1fa3, n., maritime law.
72. ®ü°Ñ hai3shen1, n., sea cucumber, bechede1mer, a delicacy, stichopus japonicus.
73. ®ü³D hai3she2, n., (zoo.) sea serpent.
74. ®ü¶H hai3xiang4, n., (zoo.) the walrus (also called ®ü°¨ hai3ma3¡ô).
75. ®üÂA hai3xian1, n., sea food (shrimps oysters, fish, etc.).
76. ®ü®l hai3xia2, n., (geog.) straits, channel.
77. ®ü¼S hai3xiao4, n., tidal wave.
78. ®ü¬P hasixing1, n., the star fish.
79. ®üëk hai3si1, n., (zoo.) a sea shell, scala lamellosa.
80. ®üá hai3ta4, n., (zoo.) the seal, enhydra marina.
81. ®ü­a hai3tai2, n., an edible seaweed.
82. ®üÅy hai3tan1, n., sea beach.
83. ®ü´Å hai3tang21 (hai3tang0), n., (bot.) the cherry apple tree or its fruit (the latter also called ®ü´ÅªG malus halliana);
84. ®ü´Å hai3tang21 (hai3tang0), n., begonia.
85. ®ü¶í hai3tang22, n., sea wall, sea embankment.
86. ®üµæ hai3cai4, n., (bot.) agaragar, an edible seaweed.
87. ®ü¿ù hai3cuo4, n., sea delicacies: ¤s¬Ã®ü¿ù exotic food from mountains and seas.
88. ®ü¹Ï hai3tu2, n., maritime map.
89. ®ü³b hai3tun2, n., (zoo.) the dolphin or porpoise (dist. ªe³b 63A.00).
90. ®ü¤l hai3zi0, n., (North China) lakes, ponds.
91. ®üĦ hai2zao3, n., a large class of seaweeds.
92. ®ü¥~ hai3wai4, adj. & adv., overseas, abroad.
93. ®üÆW hai3wan1, n., (geog.) gulf or bay.
94. ®ü¤ý¬P hai3wang2xing1, n., (astron.) the planet Neptune.
95. ®ü¨ý hai3wei4, n., sea food.
96. ®ü¿P hai3yan4, n., (zoo.) the petrel, procellaria furcata, making nest on sea cliffs--the origin of ¡§birds' nest,¡¨ a delicacy.
97. ®ü¤ú hai1ya2, The Hague.
98. ®üÆQ hai3yan2, n., salt from the sea;
99. ®üÆQ hai3yan2, n., also a county in Kiangsu.
100. ®ü¬v hai3yang2, n., ocean.
101. ®üÆN hai3ying1, n., (zoo.) sea eagle;
102. ®üÆN hai3ying1, n., osprey.
103. ®ü­û hai3yUan2, n., sailor.
104. ®ü¨¡ hai3yU4, n., (bot.) alocasia macrorhiza.
105. ®ü¹B hai3yUn4, n., sea transportation.
106. ®ü¶¨ hai3yU2, n., a corner or small town by the sea.

ÆW Num. Index: 63A.50-9     £¹£³ wan1    . [Pop. ¡¼]
N.A bay, cove, inlet: ´äÆW¡A¦¿ÆW ditto;
®üÆW gulf;
刮W to go around corner.
V.t.To anchor, tie up: §â²îÆW¦í;
ÆWªy´ä¤f tie up at the harbor.

Àã Num. Index: 63A.63-4     £ª£¿ si4    . [Var. of ·Ã]
N.Moisture, damp, dampness: Àã®ð si4chi4¡õ;
­·Àã (Chin. med.) arthritis, rheumatism;
Àã¯l si4zhen3¡õ.
Adj.(1) Damp, moist, swampy: ¼éÀã damp (climate);
Àã¦a swampy ground;
Àã©u damp season;
À㵪µª¡AÀãÕñÕñ¡AÀã¬z¬z dripping wet.
(2) Wet, soaked: ¦çªAÀã¤F clothing has got wet;
Àã³z¤F soaked through.
Words1. Àã®ð si4chi4, n., (Chin. med.) a term which includes rheumatism, arthritis, gout and some fungus disease.
2. Àã«× si4du4, n., degree of humidity;
3. Àã«× si4du4, n., Àã«×ªí si4du4biao3, n., hygrometer.
4. Àã¯l si4zhen3, n., a kind of skin disease with boils.
5. Àã¼ö si4re4, adj. & n., (climate) hot and damp, sultry, damp heat.
6. ÀãºÚ si4wa1, adj., swampy (region).

²J Num. Index: 63A.63-6     £º yU1    .
N.Silts, sediment: ²Jªd yU1ni2¡õ.
V.i.To silt, to block up: ²J¶ë yU1se4¡õ.
Adj.Clogged up, slimy, full of sediments.
Words1. ²Jµ@ yU1gai4, v.t., to irrigate with muddy (and fertile) water.
2. ²J¿n yU1ji1, v.i, to form sediment.
3. ²Jº¢ yU1zhi4, v.i., to become sluggish.
4. ²Jªd yU1ni2, n., mud sediment.
5. ²J¦× yU1rou4, n., see ²J¦× 61A.63.
6. ²J¶ë yU1se4, v.t., to block up (river).
7. ²J¦å yU1xUe4, n., blood clot, see ·ï¦å 61A.63.

ª~ Num. Index: 63A.63-8     £{£¸£¶£½ ling2    . [Dist. §N¡õ; usu. printed ¡¼]
Adj.Nice and cool;
(of sounds, breeze) cooling.

§N Num. Index: 63A.63-8     £{£¶£¾ leng3    . [Var. usu. printed §N]
N.A surname.
V.i. & t.To cool, freeze, ignore: ³o¥ó¨Æ§N¤U¨Ó¤F the matter has cooled down;
§â¥L§N¦b¤@Ãä let him cool his heels;
§N¥L¤@°}¤l give him the cold shoulder, ingnore him a while;
§NûóÁy put on a stern face;
¤ß§N¤F have lost all interest, become indifferent;
¤ßÀY¤@§N be suddenly seized by fear.
Adj.(1) Cold, cool, chilly: ´H§N cold, wintry;
¦B§N icy cold;
§N·¥¤F bitterly cold;
§N¦º¤F dead cold;
§N®k leng3qiao4¡õ;
§N¦B¦B cold like ice: ¥L¹ï§Ú§N¦B¦B¦a he's so cold towards me;
§N´Ë´Ë¡A§N¨þ¨þ (of room, place, laugh, manner) dreadfully cold;
§N­á leng3dong4¡õ;
§N«o leng3qUe4¡õ;
§NÂÃ leng3cang2¡õ;
§N¾® congealed;
§N¤ô (¯D) cold water (a cold bath);
§N°s unwarmed wine;
§N¸§¡A§NºÐ¡A§N½L hors d'oeuvres, leng3hun1, leng3die2, leng3pan2¡õ;
§N¶¼ leng3yin3, §N­¹ leng3shi2¡õ;
§N­·¨ë°© the wind is piercingly cold;
§N¦½ cold sweat;
§N¦å cold blood;
§N­±¡A§NÁy¤l a cold face;
§N·x leng3nuan3¡õ.
(2) Secluded, unfamiliar: §N¦r unfamiliar word;
§N«Ñ deserted lane;
§N»÷ leng3pi4¡õ.
(3) Disinterested, coolheaded: §N²´ take a cool look, look at coolly.
(4) Neglected, ignored slighted, not in vogue;
§¤§NªO¹¹ be given a low job without much work, be kept waiting, slighted;
§N©x official with not much duty;
§Nªù¡A§N®c¡A§N³f leng3men2, leng3gong1, leng3huo4¡õ;
§N²M²M¡A§N§N²M²M¡A§NÚGÚG cold and dreary;
§N²M¡A§N²H¡A§N¸¨ leng3qing0, leng3dan0, leng3luo4¡õ.
(5) Sarcastic, sneering, jeering, displeased: §N¯º leng3xiao4¡õ;
§N¸Ü leng3hua4¡õ;
§N¨¥§N»y shafts of ridicule, talking behind s.o.'s back;
§N§N¦a in a sneering manner.
(6) Done in secret: §N½b a covered barbed remark;
©ñ§Nºj (lit. & fig.) to fire sniper shots;
¥´§N®± hit (s.o.) from behind;
©â§N¤lµ¹¥L¤@¤M to stab him unawares;
§N¤£¨¾ be caught unawares;
§N°s¨à«á¥Ç wait for another chance to avenge oneself on an enemy.
Words1. §N¥¬ leng3bu4, n., loose-textured gauze for use as screen in summer.
2. §N¸z leng3chang2, adj., disinterested in human welfare or worldly affairs.
3. §N®k leng3qiao4, adj., (of speech) cuttingly cold, biting, sarcastic.
4. §N®ð leng3chi4, n., cold air;
5. §N®ð leng3chi4, n., §N®ð¾÷ air-conditioner.
6. §N²M leng3qing0, adj., solitary, quiet, desolate, also §N²M²Mªº.
7. §N¬u leng3qUan2, n., (geol.) a cold spring.
8. §N«o leng3qUe4, vi., to cool off, to slight;
9. §N«o leng3qUe4, vi., §N«o¾¹ cooling apparatus.
10. §N²H leng3dan0, (1) adj., indifferent, cool, apathetic;
11. §N²H leng3dan0, adj., ºA«×§N²H an indifferent attitude;
12. §N²H leng3dan0, (2) v.t., §N²Hûó¥L cool off toward him;
13. §N²H leng3dan0, (3) v.i., to cool down: µ¥³o¤@°}¨g¼ö«l§N²H¤U¨Ó just wait for all this excitement to quiet down;
14. §N²H leng3dan0, (4) adj., plain, simple, homely: ¥Õªá§N²HµL¤H·R the white flowers are too plain and simple to be popular.
15. §NºÐ leng3die2, n., a cold dish, (also leng3pan2¡õ).
16. §N­á leng3dong4, v.t., (1) to freeze;
17. §N­á leng3dong4, v.t., (2) leave in the cold: §â¥L§N­á°_¨Ó give him the cold shoulder, ¡§freeze¡¨ person;
18. §N­á leng3dong4, v.t., §N­á¾÷ freezer.
19. §N®c leng3gong1, n., palace where a queen or an imperial concubine fallen into disgrace lived: ¥´¤J§N®c (fig.) fallen into disfavor.
20. §N¸Ü leng3hua4, n., cool, sacarstic remark.
21. §N¸§ leng3hun1, n., cold meats, hors d'oeuvres.
22. §N³f leng3huo4, n., goods not much in demand.
23. §N¾Ô leng3zhan4, n., (1) the cold war;
24. §N¾Ô leng3zhan4, n., (2) a cold shudder.
25. §N¾¯ leng3ji4, n., (phys.) a freezing mixture.
26. §NÀR leng3jing4, (1) adj., (of place) lonely, quiet;
27. §NÀR leng3jing4, (2) v.i., §NÀR¤@¤U keep cool, calm down, for a moment.
28. §Nª÷ leng3jin1, n., (1) a kind of gold-sprinkled paper;
29. §Nª÷ leng3jin1, n., (2) lightyellowish color.
30. §N»Å leng3ku4, adj., cold-blooded, ruthless;
31. §N»Å leng3ku4, adj., lacking in human warmth.
32. §N¸¨ leng3luo4, (1) adj., (business, family) on the decline;
33. §N¸¨ leng3luo4, (2) v.t., to slight or ignore (s.o.).
34. §Nªù¡]¨à¡^ leng3men2 (leng3merer0), n. & adj., s.t. not in popular demand, not in vogue: ¨«§Nªù choose the less popular course;
35. §Nªù¡]¨à¡^ leng3men2 (leng3merer0), n. & adj., Ãz¥X§Nªù a ¡§sleeper,¡¨ a dark horse which has won;
36. §Nªù¡]¨à¡^ leng3men2 (leng3merer0), n. & adj., an unexpected success.
37. §N­± leng3mian4, adj., displeased, stern-faced.
38. §Nºz leng3mo4, adj., (1) indifferent, apathetic;
39. §Nºz leng3mo4, adj., (2) unsentimental: §NºzµL±¡ sternly cool and unmoved.
40. §N·x leng2nuan3, adj. & n., (1) (of weather) degree of warmth: ¤Ñ®ð§N·x the warmth of temperature;
41. §N·x leng2nuan3, adj. & n., (2) ¤H±¡§N·x fickleness of human nature, change of attitude among friends.
42. §N½L leng3pan2, n., (Chin. cuisine) a dish of assorted cold meats (also leng3dieih¡ô).
43. §N»÷ leng3pi4, lonely, deserted, obsolete, out-of-the-way;
44. §N»÷ leng3pi4, (of words, allusions) unusual.
45. §N¯º leng3xiao4, v.i. & t., sneer at scoff, at, n., a sneer.
46. §N¤ß leng3xin1, adj., apathetic, unenthusiastic, discouraged.
47. §N­¹ leng3shi2, n., a cold lunch, a cold meal, cold snacks.
48. §N¦å leng2xUe4, adj., cold-blooded, hard-hearted: §N¦å°Êª« cold-blooded animals.
49. §NÂÃ leng3cang2, v.t., keep in cold storage.
50. §N¡¼ leng3zao4, n., (1)a cold stove;
51. §N¡¼ leng3zao4, n., (2) (fig.) a person out of office: ¿N§N¡¼ befriend such a person so as to gain his favor in anticipation of his comeback.
52. §N²´ leng2yan3, adj. & adv., detached: §N²´®ÇÆ[ take a detached point of view.
53. §Nßjªk leng2yan3fa3, n., (med.) the application of a cold compress to an affected part of the patien's body (also §N¼Å).
54. §N¶¼ leng2yin3, n., cold drinks.

º® Num. Index: 63A.63-9     £º£½ yU2    .
N.A surname.
V.t.To fish: º®Ây¡Aº®¯Î yU2lie4, yU2weng1¡õ;
(fig.) fish for profit: º®§Q¡Aº®¹Ü yU2li4, yU2duo2¡õ;
º®¤H±o§Q the third party benefits when two parties fight each other (from allu. øf°F¬Ûª§¡Aº®¤H±o§Q fight between the crane and the mother-of-pearl).
Words1. º®°Û yU2chang4, n., fisherman's song.
2. º®¹Ü yU2duo2, v.t., (officials) rob the people (as a fisherman catches fish).
3. º®¤Ò yU2fu1, n., fisherman.
4. º®¤÷ yU2fu3, n., (AC) ditto.
5. º®´ä yU2gang3, n., fishing bay or harbor.
6. º®¤á yU2hu4, n., a professional fisherman.
7. º®¤õ yU2huo3, n., lights from fishing boats.
8. º®¨ã yU2jU4, n., fishing tackle (rod, net, etc.).
9. º®­¦ yU2lang2, n., (poet.) fisherman.
10. º®Ây yU2lie4, v.i., to fish and hunt.
11. º®§Q yU2li4, v.i., to take illegitimate profit: ±q¤¤º®§Q get personal profit from it.
12. º®±C¡]¨à¡^ yU2po2er0, n., fisherman's wife.
13. º®¤H yU2ren2, n., fisherman.
14. º®¦â yU2se4, v.i., to philander, go for women.
15. º®¦Ä yU2xUn4, n., fishing seasons.
16. º®¤l yU2zi3, n., (LL) fisherman.
17. º®¯Î yU2weng1, n., (LL, poet.) old fisherman.
18. º®·~ yU2ye4, n., profession of fishing.

¨P Num. Index: 63A.70-1     £x£¹£´£¿ dun4    .
Adj.See ²V¨P 63A.70.

¬~ Num. Index: 63A.70-1     £££¸£¾ xi3    .
N.(1) A small vessel containing water for painting: ¬~µ§ or µ§¬~.
(2) A surname.
V.t.(1) To wash. to clean: °®¬~ dry clean;
¬~Áy wash face;
¬~¤£°®²b cannot be washed clean;
¬~ÀY¡A¬~¾v¡A¬~¤â xi3tou2, xi3fa3, xi3shou3¡õ;
¦å¬~¥þ§ø kill everbody (bloodbath) in the village.
(2) To clear (s.o.) of suspicion, charges: ¬~­Þ xi3yUan1¡õ;
¬~³· xi3xUe3¡õ;
Words1. ¬~§L xi3bing1, phr., chean military weapons--stop war.
2. ¬~¹Ð xi3chen2, v.i., to give a dinner to friend on return from travel (¡§wash the dust¡¨).
3. ¬~«° xi3cheng2, phr., have a bloobath, killing all inhabitants of city.
4. ¬~Àú xi3dang4, v.i., to wash clean (clothing).
5. ¬~º° xi3di2, v.t., to wash away dirt, to clean (dishes, clothing, bad habits, heart).
6. ¬~¦Õ xi3er3, v.i., (1) usu. in ¬~¦Õ®¥Å¥ listen respectfully (¡§wash ears¡¨);
7. ¬~¦Õ xi3er3, v.i., (2) (AC) to shut one's ears to turmoil of world affairs: ¬~¦Õ¤£»D.
8. ¬~¨à xi3er2, v.i., custom of giving bath to baby on its third day, see xi3san1¡õ.
9. ¬~¾v xi2fa3, v.i., have hair washed, shampoo.
10. ¬~¨í xi3gua1, v.i., wash and polish.
11. ¬~¥Ò xi2jia3, v.i., see xi3bing1¡ô.
12. ¬~ÀÞ xi3zhuo2, v.t., to wash (hands, feet);
13. ¬~ÀÞ xi3zhuo2, v.t., to bathe.
14. ¬~§ xi2li3, n., baptism: ¦æ¬~§¡A¨ü¬~§ to give, receive baptism.
15. ¬~¸£ xi2nao3, n. & v.i., brainwash.
16. ¬~µP xi3pai2, v.i., to shuffle cards.
17. ¬~¤T xi3san1, v.i., see xi3er2¡ô.
18. ¬~¤ß xi3xin1, v.i., to change one's heart and reform: ¬~¤ß­²­±.
19. ¬~¤â xi2shou3, v.i., (1) to ¡§wash hands¡¨--(of thieves) too leave the gang and reform;
20. ¬~¤â xi2shou3, v.i., (2) go to lavatory;
21. ¬~¤â xi2shou3, ¬~¤â¶¡ xi3shou3jian1, n., lavatory, toilet.
22. ¬~¨ê xi3shua0, v.t., (1) to wash and brush;
23. ¬~¨ê xi3shua0, v.t., (2) to clear person's name of guilt charges, see xi3xUe3¡õ.
24. ¬~«ø xi3shi4, v.t., wipe and wash (utensils).
25. ¬~³· xi2xUe3, v.t., to right a wrong, to clear charges.
26. ¬~«d xi3xUe4, v.t., see xi3xUe3¡ô.
27. ¬~ÀY xi3tou2, v.i., have hair washed.
28. ¬~¾þ xi2zao3, v.i., to take a bath.
29. ¬~²´ xi2yan3, phr., ¡§wash eyes¡¨--watch attentively.
30. ¬~¦ç xi3yi1, v.i., do laundry;
31. ¬~¦ç xi3yi1, n., ¬~¦ç©± laundry shop.
32. ¬~­Þ xi3yUan1, v.i., to right a worng.
33. ¬~¯D xi3yU4, v.i., to take a bath;
34. ¬~¯D xi3yU4, v.i., ¬~¯D«Ç n., bathroom.

¼å Num. Index: 63A.70-1     £¡£¸£± jiao1    .
V.t.To sprinkle with water, spray: ¼åªá to water flowers;
¼å¤ô to water (plants), sprinkle water on;
¥H°s¼å·T take to drinking to forget one's sorrows.
Adj.Degenerate, decadent: see compp.¡õ.
Words1. ¼åÁ¡ jiao1bo2, adj., (of customs, manners) bad, degenerate.
2. ¼å­· jiao1feng1, n., degenerate ways, decadent manners.
3. ¼å¯B jiao1fu2, adj., see jiao1bo2¡ô.
4. ¼å©u jiao1ji4, n., decadent times, fin de siecle.
5. ¼åÄv jiao1jing4, adj., pushing, grasping, greedy for influence and power.
6. ¼åºv jiao1li4, adj., see jiao1bo2¡ô.
7. ¼å¥½ jiao1mo4, n., see jiao1bo2¡ô.

²T Num. Index: 63A.70-1     £¸£³ yan1         (*£¸£³£¿ yan4    ). [Related ±» 10A.70]
v.i. & t.(1) To soak, to cover with liquid: ¯Ø¤l¤ô²T±o²´·ú¯k soap water gets into the eyes and hurts;
³Q¦½²T±oÃø¨ü (skin) is irritated by the sweat.
(2) To flood over, to drown: ²T¦º¤F drowned;
¤ô²T water floods (area);
²T¨S yan1mo4¡õ.
(3) (*yan4) (coll.) to cover with water, to soak: ¾Mµæ®É¡A­nÅý¤ô²T¹Lµæ¨Ó immerse the vegetable (to be pickled) completely under water.
(4) To stay, stop over: ²T·È¡A²TÄñ yan1liu2, yan1chan0¡õ.
Adv.Widely read: ²T³Õ¡A²T³e yan1bo2, yan1guan4¡õ.
Words1. ²T³Õ yan1bo2, adj., widely read (¡§immersed¡¨ in learning).
2. ²TÄñ yan1chan0, v.i., (1) (of illness) linger a long time;
3. ²TÄñ yan1chan0, v.i., (2) to delay (business) drag along.
4. ²T¨I yan1chen0, v.i., ditto.
5. ²T³e yan1guan4, adj., see yan1bo2¡ô.
6. ²T·Î yan1jian1, v.i., to ¡§stew¡¨ in grief.
7. ²T½î yan1jian0, v.i., to trample down,
8. ²Tº¢ yan1zhi4, v.i., to be bogged down in career.
9. ²T¯d yan1liu2, v.i., to linger in life;
10. ²T¯d yan1liu2, v.i., to stay over for a long period.
11. ²T¨S yan1mo4, v.t., (1) to drown in water;
12. ²T¨S yan1mo4, v.t., (2) to be overshadowed or forgotten;
13. ²T¨S yan1mo4, v.t., (3) to disregard or abuse, see yan1jian0¡ô.
14. ²T¼í yan1run4, adj. (MC, of girl) shy, coy.
15. ²TÃÑ yan1shi4, adj., widely read.
16. ²T«ò yan1xU4, v.i., (AC) as in ²T«ò¦b¥~ to live in exile.
17. ²T±J yan1su4, adv., (LL) overnight.
18. ²T³q yan1tong1, adj., conversant with many things, knowledge able.
19. ²T¶® yan1ya3, adj., well-read and cultured.
20. ²T¤ë yan1yUe4, adv., (LL) for a whole month (without undressing).

´ä Num. Index: 63A.70-2     £|£µ£¾ gang3    .
N.(1) A small steam.
(2) A harbor, port: ®ü´ä a seaport;
º®´ä a fishing port;
Á×­·´ä a bay, a harbor as a storm shelter;
´ä¤f gang3kou3, ´äÆW gang3wan1¡õ;
»â´ä a pilot licensed to steer ships into or out of a harbor;
»â´ä²î a pilot-boat;
¸ü³f´ä port of loading;
¨ø³f´ä port of discharge.
Words1. ´äĵ garngjing3, n., harbor police.
2. ´ä¤f gang3kou3, n., a prot, harbor: ´ä¤fµ| port dues;
3. ´ä¤f gang3kou3, n., µLµ|´ä¤f a free port.
4. ´äÆW gang3wan1, n., a bay.
5. ´ä°È§½ gang3wu4jU2, n., port authorities, harbor bureau.

Ïu Num. Index: 63A.70-2     £©£¾ ci3    .
N.(AC) moisture (sweat).
V.t.To wet: Ïuµ§ dip brush in ink.
Adj.(AC) clear, bright.

¦À Num. Index: 63A.70-2     £¥£½ chi2    .
N.(1) A pond, a pool: ³½¦À fish pond;
´åªa¦À swimming pool;
¦À°ó chi2tang22¡õ;
¼Q¤ô¦À fountain;
¦À¤ß center of pool;
®£«D¦À¤¤ª« (allu. fig.) of person of great abilities, not a common pool fish.
(2) A city moat: ¦À³½¾D¬o (when city burns) the fish in the moat suffer--victim of disaster of another's doing;
«°¦À city wall and moat--city defense.
(3) A surname.
Words1. ¦Àªh chi2zhao3, n., pools, ponds in gen.
2. ¦Àºk chi2xie4, n., pond and terrace in a rich mansion.
3. ¦À¶í chi2tang21, n., ponds.
4. ¦À°ó chi2tang22, n., pool path vs. ¬Ö°ó tub bath in bathhouse.
5. ¦À¤l chi2zi0, n., (1) pool;
6. ¦À¤l chi2zi0, n., (2) formerly, pit in a theater.

¬« Num. Index: 63A.70-2     £y£±£½ tao2    .
N.Name of river, of lake in Kangsuh.
V.t.(AC) to clean away: ¬«¨O var. of ²^ËQ 63A.50.

ûÄ Num. Index: 63A.70-2     £¸£³£¿ yan4    . [Var. of ùÐ 63A.30]

¨J Num. Index: 63A.70-3     £º£³£½ yUan2    .
N.Name of a river in Hunan.

Åx Num. Index: 63A.70-3     £ª£«£¾ sa3    . [Var. of Ïs 63A.41]
V.i.To splash (fluid on ground): Åx¤F¤@¦a splashed all over the ground: Åx±½ sa3sao3¡õ.
Adj.Big-hearted, genial: Åx¸¨ sa3luo4¡õ;
Åx²æ sa3tuo0¡õ ÃtÅx 63A.22.
Words1. Åxªá sa3hua1, adj., (jacket, pants) embroidered (¡×üZªá).
2. Åx®a sa3jia1, pron., (MC dial.) I (the speaker), usu. wr. Ïs®a.
3. Åx²\ sa3lei4, v.i., shed tears.
4. Åx¸¨ sa3lou4, (1) adj., (a) generous, not inhibited;
5. Åx¸¨ sa3lou4, adj., (b) dreary (scene);
6. Åx¸¨ sa3lou4, (2) v.t., to slight (person).
7. ÅxµM sa3ran2, adj., (descriptive) alarmed (manner).
8. ÅxÅx sarsa3, adj., clear, lucid.
9. Åx±½ sarsao3, v.i., to spray and sweep floor.
10. Åx²X sa3xi1, adj., bleak, cold and dreary.
11. Åx½u sa3xian4, adj., embroidered, see sa3hua1¡ô.
12. Åx¤ô¨® sarshui3che1, n., cart for spraying water.
13. Åx´ö sa3tang1, v.i., to fail like a drowned chicken): ¨º¥ó¨Æ¥L¿ìªºÅx´ö¤F that affair entrusted to him is a complete fiasco.
14. Åx²æ sa3tuo0, adj., unconventional, taking it easy, free from sordid concerns.

¦Ä Num. Index: 63A.70-3     £££º£´£¿ xUn4    .
N.Flood tide: ¼é¦Ä ditto;
¬K¦Ä¡A¬î¦Ä swollen current of spring, of autumn.
Words1. ¦Ä¦a xUn4di4, n., a check point;
2. ¦Ä¦a xUn4di4, n., also garrison area.
3. ¦Ä±½ xUn4sao3, v.t., (AC) to sweep, wash away (former works).

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.70-4     £}£¹£µ£¿ kuang4    . [see ªp¡õ]

ªp Num. Index: 63A.70-4     £}£¹£µ£¿ kuang4    . [Pop. ¡¼]
N.(1) Condition (of person, society): : ´ºªp¡A±¡ªp¡Aª¬ªp gen. condition (of person, community, village, etc.);
ªñªp recent condition;
­Wªp hard, impoverished condition;
᤻p gen. condition, a gen. review.
(2) A surname.
V.t.(1) (LL) to compare: Ä´ªp analogize;
¥H©¹ªp¤µ compare the present with the past.
(2) (AC) var. of ³X¡AÛè to visit, to give present.
Adv.(1) Furthermore, besides: ªp¥B kuang4qie3, ªp­Ý kuang4jian1¡õ.
(2) Not to speak of: ªp or ¦Óªp¡A¦óªp;
¥L³s§Ú³£¤£Å¥¡A¦óªp¬O§A he would not even listen to me, not to speak of you.
Words1. ªp¥B kuang4qie3, adv., besides, furthermore.
2. ªp­Ý kuang4jian4, adv., besides: ªp­Ý¦o¦³¨â­Ó©t¨à besides, she has two orphans.
3. ªp¨ý kuang4wei4, n., flavor (of poverty, etc.): ¬î¤Ñªºªp¨ý the flavor of autumn;
4. ªp¨ý kuang4wei4, n., ÅKµ¡ªºªp¨ý taste of prison life (¡§behind the bars¡¨).

¯J Num. Index: 63A.70-4     £¸£¿ yi4    .
V.t.To moisten.
Words1. ¯J¼í yi4run4, v.i., to moisten: (fig.) to provide with funds.
2. ¯JÀã yi4si4, adj., damp.
3. ¯J¯J yi4yi4, adj., (LL of perfume) pervading.

²V Num. Index: 63A.70-4     £~£¹£´£¿ hun4         (*£~£¹£´£½ hun2        , *huun    ).
V.i.(1) To mix with or in: ²V¦X hun4he2¡õ;
²V¤J to mix in with s.t. else.
(2) To drift along, to muddle through, kill time: ²V¤é¤l to pass time or occupy job without real work;
²V¤@®É¦A»¡ willing to drift along for a time and then see;
­J²V¡A°­²V do nominal work;
²V¶º¦Y¡A²V¤@¹y do s.t. for sake of the ricebowl;
²V¤£¤U¥h can no longer permit oneself to drift along;
²V¤F¤@¦~ muddled or occupied job for one year.
Adj. & adv.(1) Without order, plan or purpose: ²VÂø hun4za2¡õ;
²V¶] run foolishly about;
²V¾x make senseless fuss;
²V¾Ô a free-for-all;
²V»¡ talk without plan or purpose;
²V¥@Å]¤ý a devil to create chaos in life.
(2) (*huun) Mixed-up, see ²V¶Ã¡A²V²c¡A²V¦¿Às huunluan4, huunyuar, huunjiang1long2¡õ.
(3) (*hun2) Dirty, filthy: ²V³J¡A²VÂÎ hun2dan4, hun2chong2¡õ;
²V¤J¡A²V¤ô hun2ren2, hun2shui3¡õ.
Words1. ²V¦¨ hun4cheng2, adj., mixed: ²V¦¨®È a mixed brigade.
2. ²V¥R hun4chong1, v.t., to pass fictitiously for s.t. else.
3. ²VÂÎ *hun2chong2, n., (abusive) you silly goose, jackass (less severe than hun2dan4¡õ).
4. ²V³J *hun2dan4, n., (common abusive, esp. to inferiours) lout, poor devil, skunk (very offensive word).
5. ²V¨P hun4dun4, adj., (1) nebulous, before the universe took shape;
6. ²V¨P hun4dun4, adj., (2) mentally dense or undeveloped.
7. ²V¸¹ hun4hao4, n., nickname.
8. ²V¦X hun4he2, (1) v.t., to mix with;
9. ²V¦X hun4he2, (2) adj., mixed;
10. ²V¦X hun4he2, adj., ²V¦Xªk (math.) combination;
11. ²V¦Xª« (chem.) compound.
12. ²V²V hun4hun4, (1) adj., dark, opaque;
13. ²V²V hun4hun4, adj., blackened, blurred;
14. ²V²V hun4hun4, (2) v.i., to drift along or through: ²V²V½}¤F, see V.i.2¡ô.
15. ²V±b hun4zhang4, excel., ²V±b¤ý¤K³J (also ²V½ã) (extreme abuse) ¡§to mix curtains,¡¨ i.e., get into wrong bed--completely immoral and shameless.
16. ²V¸ñ hun4ji1, v.i., to occupy place without being worthy of it.
17. ²V¦¿Às *huunjiang1long2, n., a dredging machine.
18. ²V¿B *hun2zhuo2, adj., dirty, muddy (water), immoral (world).
19. ²V¿à hun4lai4, v.i., to lie fatuously.
20. ²V¶Ã *huunluan4, adj., chaotic, disorderly.
21. ²V¦W hun4ming2, n., nickname (also wr. ë¡).
22. ²V¾®¤g hun4ning2tu3, n., cement, concrete.
23. ²VµM hun4ran2, adj., without distinction.
24. ²V¤H *hun2ren2, n., idiot (also ´ý¤H).
25. ²V¤ô *hun2shui3, n., muddy water: ²V¤ôºN³½ to fish in troubled waters.
26. ²V¨Æ hun4shi4, phr., to seek job without special skill or ability.
27. ²V¦å¨à hun4xUe4er0, n., ¡§mixed blood,¡¨ person born of parents of different races.
28. ²V¤l hun4zi0, n., (contempt.) a nondescript member of profession without real qualification: ¾Ç²V¤l¡A³ø²V¤l one who makes a living by teaching, journalism, without merit.
29. ²VÂø hun4za2, adj., mixed, of mixed quality or elements, of different kinds: ¹C«È²VÂø visitors of all kinds.
30. ²V²c *huunyao2, adj., all mixed up: ²V²cµøÅ¥ to confuse the public opinion.
31. ²V¤@ hun4yi1, adj., formed or blended into one.
32. ²V¤¸ hun4yUan2, n., the primordial chaos.

¦Æ Num. Index: 63A.70-4     £w£³£¿ fan4    . [Interch. ¥Æ 63A.70 in sense of floating on water; var. of ªx in sense of broadness]
V.i.(1) Float, flood: see ¦ÆÀÝ fan4lan4¡õ.
(2) Drift on boat: ¦Æ¦à.
Adj. & adv.General, -ly, broad, -ly: ¦Æ·R²³ (AC) love all people;
¦ÆºÙ generally called;
¦Æ½× (or ªx½×) general discussion or survey;
as translation of Eng. ¡§pan¡¨: ¦Æ¬ü Pan-American;
¦Æ¤Ó¥­¬v Pan-Pacific;
¦Æ«D¥D¸q Pan-Africanism;
¦Æ©Ô¤B¥D¸q Pan-Latinism.
Words1. ¦Æ¦Æ fan4fan4, adv., flowing freely.
2. ¦ÆÀÝ fan4lan4, v.i., (of flood) spread over;
3. ¦ÆÀÝ fan4lan4, v.i., (ideas, customs) spread like a flood.

Õó Num. Index: 63A.70-4     £w£°£½ fei2    .
N.Name of river in Anhwei.

¿I Num. Index: 63A.70-4     £v£¸£´£¾ min3    .
N.Place name;
name of river in Honan.

¥Æ Num. Index: 63A.70-5     £w£³£¿ fan4    . [Interch. ¦Æ 63A.70]
V.i.To flood.
Adj.Broad, unconfined: ¥Æ½× general discussion.
Words1. ¥ÆÀÝ fan4lan4, v.i., (of flood water) break dams and overflow (¡×¦ÆÀÝ).

Éú Num. Index: 63A.70-5     syh    . [Dist. ¥Æ]
N.Bank of river, lake: ²P¥Æ river banks, compared to limits of discussion;
µL²P¥Æ limitless;
also wr. ²PÒ].

ªd Num. Index: 63A.70-5     £z£¸£½ ni2         (*£z£¸£¿ ni4    ).
N.(1) Mud, mire: ªd¤g ni2tu3¡õ, ªd¨F ni2sha1¡õ;
ªdÂI (¤l) (¨à) muddy stains, dirty or soiled spots;
Äêªd soft mud, quagmire;
²Jªd filthy mud;
ªd¤Ú ni2ba1¡õ;
ªdÀ× ni2ning4¡õ;
¤@¨­¬Oªd get muddy all over;
ªd¤ô ni2shui3¡õ;
Äê¾K¦pªd dead drunk;
©Mµ}ªd do lousy work;
ªd¤û¤J®ü like clay buffalo drowned at sea--disappear;
ªd¶ì¤ìÀJ ¡§an idol,¡¨ a simpleton who does not move a finger to work.
(2) Any paste-like matter: ´Çªd¡A»[ªd (Chin. cuisine) mashed dates, garlic;
¦Lªd a stamp pad specially for use with seals;
¦×ªd minced meat.
Adj.Muddy, soiled.
V.i.(1) (*ni4) be narrow-minded, limited in outlook: ©ëªd be bigoted, be a stickler for (forms, tradition);
ªd¥j ni2gu3¡õ.
(2) Linger, loiter: ¦o¤´ªdû󤣨« she still lingered around and wouldn't go.
V.t.Coax, cajole, wheedle: ªd¥Lªf°s coax him to buy some wine.
Words1. ªd¤Ú ni2ba1, n., mud, earth.
2. ªd«C ni2qing0, n., deep green.
3. ªdÄÏ ni2qiu1, n., (zoo.) the loach.
4. ªd¤M ni2dao1, n., a trowel for plaster.
5. ªd«Ê ni2feng1, v.t., to seal (a letter, etc.) with wax.
6. ªd·¾ ni2gou1, n., a gutter or drain.
7. ªd¥j *ni4gu3, v.i., be ultra-con-servative, be a slave to anc. authorities, customs,or traditions.
8. ªd¤õ¤s ni2huo3shan1, n., a volcano of steaming lava.
9. ªd¸} ni2jiao3, n., (1) feet soiled with mud;
10. ªd¸} ni2jiao3, n., (2) feet of clay.
11. ªdª÷ ni2jin1, n., gold dust used as surfacing material.
12. ªd°s *ni4jiu3, v.i., be addicted to liquor.
13. ªdº¢ *ni4zhi4, v.i., be bogged down, bigoted, old-fashioned.
14. ªd¼ã ni2lao4, n, a marsh, swamp, morass, bog.
15. ªdÀ× ni2ning4, n., deep mud, mire;
16. ªdÀ× ni2ning4, adj., muddy.
17. ªdªd pr. ni2ni3, adj., ¹sÅSªdªd (AC) with shining dew;
18. ªdªd pr. ni2ni3, adj., ºû¸­ªdªd the shining, glistening leaves.
19. ªdËò ni2pi1, n., moulded pottery not yet put in a kiln to bake.
20. ªd¤H¡]¨à¡^ ni2ren2 (ni2rerer0), n., earthen figurines--a kind of toy.
21. ªd¨F ni2sha1, n., (1) sediments, silt;
22. ªd¨F ni2sha1, n., (2) worthless things;
23. ªd¨F ni2sha1, n., (3) mud and sand.
24. ªd¹³ ni2xiang4, n., (1) a Buddhist image;
25. ªd¹³ ni2xiang4, n., (2) any earthen image.
26. ªd­º ni2shou3, v.i., to kowtow by touching the ground with the forehead.
27. ªd¤ô ni2shui3, n., (1) a mixture of earth and water;
28. ªd¤ô ni2shui3, n., (2) sweat drips;
29. ªd¤ô ni2shui3, n., (3) ªd¤ô¦K bricklayer.
30. ªd¬´ ni2tan4, n, (min.) peat.
31. ªd­L¡]¨à¡^ ni2tai1(er0), n., (1) an earthen idol;
32. ªd­L¡]¨à¡^ ni2tai1(er0), n., (2) pottery not yet put in a kiln to bake, see ni2pi1¡ô.
33. ªd¶í ni2tang2, n., a mud pond.
34. ªd»L ni2tui3, n., (1) legs soiled with mud;
35. ªd»L ni2tui3, n., (2) the rabble, riffraff: ªd»L¥ú±ì.
36. ªd¶î ni2tu2, n., (1) muddy path;
37. ªd¶î ni2tu2, n., (2) (fig.) low social status or position;
38. ªd¶î ni2tu2, (3) v.t., (AC) to look down upon (honors, etc.) as dirt.
39. ªd¤g ni2tu3, n, mud and soil.
40. ªd¿A ni2ze2, n., muddy pond, swamp;
41. ªd¿A ni2ze2, n., (fig.) where one flounders.
42. ªd¾K ni2zui4, v.i. & adj., (be) dead drunk, ¡§plastered.¡¨
43. ªd«½«½ ni2wa2wa0, n., (1) clay doll;
44. ªd«½«½ ni2wa2wa0, n., (2) clay doll offering in temple of goddess of fertility.
45. ªd¤Y ni2wan2, n., (Taoist) the upper pubic region.
46. ªd¶¼ *ni4yin3, v.i., be insistent on inviting others to drink.

¨Y Num. Index: 63A.70-6     hahng         (*£~£µ£½ hang2    ).
N. & v.i.(*hang2) A ferry;
ferry across.
Words1. ¨Y⥠hahngmang3, adj., (LL) see hahngmang2¡õ.
2. ¨Y¯í hahngmang2, adj., (LL) (of flood) sweeping, rushing.
3. ¨Yòc hahngxie4, phr., ¨Yòc¤@®ð (orig.) like master and pupil (¨Y and òc);
4. ¨Yòc hahngxie4, phr., (of people) of the same ilk.

¬y Num. Index: 63A.70-6     £{£¸£²£½ liu2    .
N.(1) (Of personal character, ability, composition, performance) class, grade, rate: ²Ä¤@¬y¤H«~ first-rate character;
²Ä¤T¬y third-rate;
¤@¬y¤Hª« persons of the same type;
¤W¬y¤H¤h (ªÀ·|) higher-class people (society);
¤¤¬y¤Hª«(ªÀ·|) middle-class persons, (society);
¤U¬y low-brow, mean;
¤U¬yªÀ·| lower-class society, esp. ruffians, racketeers;
¥¼¤J¬y ¡§out of the run¡¨--person not yet qualified in academic circles;
¬y«~¡A¬y¨È liu2pin3, liu2ya4¡õ;
¤k¬y ladies in gen.;
¡K¤§¬y of a certain class;
ªÀ·|¦W¬y well-known persons, V.I.P.'s, fashionable society.
(2) School of thought, current of ideas: ¾§ªÌ¤§¬y the Confucianists;
¤T±Ð¤E¬y the three religions and classical nine schools of thought, see ¤E¬y 91.70;
¬y§O liu2bie2¡õ.
(3) N. & v.t., (send to) exile.
(4) Current, flow: ¬v¬y¡A®ü¬y ocean current;
·x¬y¡A´H¬y warm, cold current of air, water;
¨ª¹D¬y the tropical current;
ªe¬y river, river current;
¼ç¬y undercurrent, undertow;
¥D¬y main current;
¤ä¬y subsidiary current, branch of river;
·½¬y current, trend, origin (of ideas, schools, institutions);
¦P¬y¦X¦Ã birds of a feather flock together, associate oneself with undesirable elements or group;
¶¶¬y¡A°f¬y with, against the current;
½ü¬y take turns.
V.i.(1) To flow: ¬y¦½ to perspire;
¬y¦å bleed;
¬y²\ shed tears;
²\¬yº¡­± tears cover one's face.
(2) To drift, float, spread: ¬y¶Ç¡A¬y¥¬ liu2chuan2, liu2bu4¡õ;
¬yªÚ liu2fang1¡õ;
to drift into: ¬y¤J«U®M drift into inanities;
¬y©ó§Î¦¡ become formalistic.
(3) V.t., (LL) to exile (s.o.).
Adj.(1) Floating about, without fixed place: ¬y±@¡A¬y±F liu2chang1, liu2kou4¡õ.
(2) Without foundation: ¬y¨¥ liu2yan2¡õ.
Words1. ¬y½ú liu2bei4, n., class of persons (usu. contempt.).
2. ¬yÅÜ liu2bian4, n., change and historical development (of school).
3. ¬y§O liu2bie2, n., a certain branch of thought, of belief;
4. ¬y§O liu2bie2, n., (¡×¬£§O).
5. ¬y¹ú liu2bi4, n., malpractice;
6. ¬y¹ú liu2bi4, n., shortcoming, failure arising out of system.
7. ¬y¥¬ liu2bu4, v.i., (of ideas, religion) spread abroad.
8. ¬y²£ liu2chan3, v.i. & n., (have a) miscarriage;
9. ¬y²£ liu2chan3, v.i. & n., meeting for which quorum cannot be obtained;
10. ¬y²£ liu2chan3, v.i. & n., (of a plan) fail to materialize.
11. ¬y±@ liu2chang1, n., streetwalker, floating prostitute.
12. ¬y¶Ç liu2chuan2, v.i., to spread in time or place: ÁÁ¨¥¬y¶Ç gossip spreads.
13. ¬y¼u liu2dan4, n., stray bullet.
14. ¬yÌX liu2dang41, (1) adj., (character, composition) undisciplined, ebullient;
15. ¬yÌX liu2dang41, (2) v.i., spread or meander like river's course.
16. ¬y¿º liu2dang42, adj., undisciplined, profligate;
17. ¬y¿º liu2dang42, adj., loaf about.
18. ¬y°Ê liu2dong4, adj. & v.i., drifting about, floating: ¬y°Ê¤á¤f floating population;
19. ¬y°Ê liu2dong4, adj. & v.i., ªÅ®ð¬y°Ê air current, ventilation;
20. ¬y°Ê liu2dong4, adj. & v.i., ¬y°Ê°]²£ liquid assets.
21. ¬y¬r liu2du2, v.t. & n., (have) evil effect (of teachings, opium): ¬y¬r«C¦~ poison young minds.
22. ¬y©ñ liu2fang4, v.t., send to exile.
23. ¬yªÚ liu2fang1, v.i., leave a good name: ¸U¥@¬yªÚ¡A¬yªÚ¤d¥j leave a good name to posterity.
24. ¬y­· liu2feng1, n., as in ¬y­·¾lÃý remaining, lasting influence.
25. ¬y¥ú liu2guang1, (1) n., the quickly passing time;
26. ¬y¥ú liu2guang1, (2) the floating moonlight on water;
27. ¬y¥ú liu2guang1, (3) (liu2guang0) to loaf about, unemployed.
28. ¬y·Æ liu2hua0, adj., slippery, cunning (person).
29. ¬yÂà liu2zhuan3, v.i., to float about, drift around;
30. ¬yÂà liu2zhuan3, v.i., to move constantly from place to place.
31. ¬y½è liu2zhi2, n., a liquid substance.
32. ¬y±F liu2kou4, n., roving bandits.
33. ¬yÄý liu2lan3, v.i., to glance over (books) (commonly ·ÈÄý), to survey a moving spectacle.
34. ¬y®ö liu2lang4, v.i., to travel freely, to work and drift from town to town: ¬y®ö¦¿´ò to move about the country without definite employment.
35. ¬y³s liu2lian2, v.i., to loiter, linger: ¬y³s§Ñªð indulge in pleasures without stop.
36. ¬y§Q liu2li4, adj. & n., fluent, -cy.
37. ¬yÂ÷ liu2li2, v.i., to live life of refugee: ¬yÂ÷¥¢©Ò to wander about lost or homeless;
38. ¬yÂ÷ liu2li2, n., corrupt form for ¯[¼þ glass.
39. ¬yÅS liu2lu4, v.i., show unintentionally (sentiment from writing, speech): ¯u±¡¬yÅS reveal true sentiment.
40. ¬y¸¨ liu2luo4 (liour-'luoh), v.i., to drift about, homeless.
41. ¬yª] loiurmang2, n., rascal, roughneck;
42. ¬yª] loiurmang2, n., ruffians as a group.
43. ¬y¥Á liu2min2, n., refugee;
44. ¬y¥Á liu2min2, n., poor people driven away from home.
45. ¬y¦~ liu2nian2, n., (1) the passing years: ¦ü¤ô¬y¦~ years pass by quickly;
46. ¬y¦~ liu2nian2, n., (2) a fortuneteller's prediction of the year's course in person's life, also prediction year by year.
47. ¬y¬ß liu2pan4, n., loving glance, lingering look: ¬ü¥Ø¬y¬ß be witching glance of a beauty's eyes.
48. ¬y¬£ liu2pai4, n., branch or sect (of teachings);
49. ¬y¬£ liu2pai4, n., type (of persons), trend (of writing).
50. ¬y°t liu2pei4, v.t., send to distant exile.
51. ¬y«~ liu2pin3, n., type, class of person (cultured, sophisticated, third-rate, etc.).
52. ¬y¤H liu2ren2, n., (MC) refugee;
53. ¬y¤H liu2ren2, n., exiled person.
54. ¬y¡¼ liu2rong3, n., (AC) refugees, unemployed.
55. ¬y¨F liu2sha1, n., anc. term for desert;
56. ¬y¨F liu2sha1, n., sandy loam, silt, bog.
57. ¬y½u«¬ liu2xiang4xing2, adj., streamlined.
58. ¬y¬P liu2xing2, n., meteor, shooting star: ¬y¬P¼C very fast swordplay;
59. ¬y¬P liu2xing2, n., ¬y¬PÂñ (anc. weapon) chain and hammers.
60. ¬y¦æ liu2xing2, (1) adj., fashionable, much in vogue (style, customs);
61. ¬y¦æ liu2xing2, adj., epidemic: ¬y¦æ©Ê·P«_ influenza;
62. ¬y¦æ liu2xing2, adj., ¬y¦æ¯f epidemic;
63. ¬y¦æ liu2xing2, (2) v.i., circulate, become gen. accepted.
64. ¬y¤ô liu2shui3, phr., flowing water: ¦æ¶³¬y¤ô easy, freeflowing style of writing;
65. ¬y¤ô liu2shui3, phr., ¥ú³±¦p¬y¤ô time passes like flowing water;
66. ¬y¤ô liu2shui3, phr., ¬y¤ô½ã¡A¬y¤ôï journal of accounts;
67. ¬y¤ô liu2shui3, phr., ¬y¤ô®u dinner served to guests as they arrive.
68. ¬y¥Ú liu2shi3, n., flying or stray arrow.
69. ¬yĬ liu2su1, n., tassels (of flags).
70. ¬y«U liu2su2, n., customary practice, common customs;
71. ¬y«U liu2su2, n., gen. run of people.
72. ¬y³q liu2tong1, v.i. & n., circulate (of air, currency);
73. ¬y³q liu2tong1, adj., current, common.
74. ¬y¤` liu2wang2, v.t., live as refugee abroad.
75. ¬y¨È liu2ya4, n., (slightly derog.) class (of persons);
76. ¬y¨È liu2ya4, n., degenerate or succeeding group.
77. ¬y¨¥ liu2yan2, n., gossip, hearsay (esp. malicious).
78. ¬yÅa liu2ying1, n., singing parakeet;
79. ¬yÅa liu2ying1, n., oft. singsong girl.
80. ¬y¿Ã liu2ying2, n., firefly.
81. ¬y°ì liu2yU41, n., river valley, river basin, area along a river.
82. ¬y´J liu2yU42, v.i., to stay abroad: ¬y´JªF¨Ê live in Tokyo (for certain years).

ò] Num. Index: 63A.70-6     £{£¹£¶£½ long2    .
N.(1) Name of a river.
(2) Rapids: ò]¤Ò good swimmer over rapids;
ò]ò] sound of water or rain.

Ãs Num. Index: 63A.70-6     £¸£¶£½ ying2    .
N.An occean: ªFÃs (¡×ªF¬v) Japan.
Words1. Ãs®ü ying2hai3, n., sea, ocean.
2. Ãs¾È ying2huan2, n., the whole earth, the world.
3. Ãs¬w ying2zhou1, n., (AC) a fairyland in Eastern Sea.

âu Num. Index: 63A.70-6     £{£¹£¿ lu4    .
V.t.To drip through filter, to filter.

ªb Num. Index: 63A.70-6     £y£¹£¬£½ tuo2    .
N.Name of a river.
Adj.·¼ªb see 63A.50

ÒF Num. Index: 63A.70-6     £~£¹£³£¾ huan3         (also £¹£³£¾ wan3    ).
N.Ten days: ¤T¤ë¤WÒF¡A¤¤ÒF first ten days, second the days of the third month.
V.t.To wash (silk, laundry): ÒF³· to clean (one's name )of false accusations.

º­ Num. Index: 63A.70-6     £~£¹£¿ hu4    . [Pop. ¡¼]
N.Another name for Shanghai: º­ªCÅK¸ô Shanghai-Hangchow Railroad.

¨I Num. Index: 63A.70-6     £¥£´£½ chen2    . [Pop. of ¨H]

¦Å Num. Index: 63A.70-9     £¹£³£½ wan2    .
Words1. ¦ÅÄi wan2lan2, adj., (AC) weeping profusely.

¨H Num. Index: 63A.70-9     £¥£´£½ chen2         (*£¦£´£¾ shen3    ). [Pop. ¨I, which is not used for surname]
N.(*shen3) A surname.
V.i.(1) To sink (lit. & fig.): ¨H¤U¥h sink down;
¨H¸¨¡A¨H¨S chen2luo4, chen2mo41¡õ;
¨H³½¸¨¶­¤§®e a beautiful face which ¡§cause fish to sink out of sight and the flying crane to drop down¡¨ out of shame: ¦è¨H (the sun) sinks in the west;
sink in sin, iniquity: ¨HµB¡A¨H°g chen2mian3, chen2mi2¡õ.
(2) (Coll.) to take a short nap, rest: ¨H¤F¤@­Ó¬Ú¨à take a nap;
¨H¤@¨H¦A¿ì rest a while, then take it up again.
V.t.To down, keep down: ¨H¤UÁy¨Ó pull a long face;
¨H¦í®ð¡A¨H±o¦í®ð contain anger.
Adj. & adv.(1) Deep, -ly, heavy, -ily, buried in (thought);
¨HºÎ soundly asleep;
¨Hµh deep in sorrow, also deeply painful;
¨H¾K heavily drunk;
¦Ûı°s¨H¤F felt he had drunk too much already.
(2) Dark, -ly, silent, -ly: ¨H«ä¡A¨H¼{¡A¨H¼~ chen2si1, chen2lU4, chen2you1¡õ;
¨HÀq¡A¨H±I chen2mo42, chen2ji4¡õ.
(3) Physically heavy: ³o¶ô¥ÛÀY¤Ó¨H¤F this rock is too heavy: ¨H­« chen2zhong4¡õ;
¨HÄAÄAªº¡A¨H¨l¨lªº very heavy.
(4) Sluggish: ¨Hº¢ chen2zhi4¡õ.
Words1. ¨H¨H chen2chen2, adj. & adv., dark, -ly;
2. ¨H¨H chen2chen2, adj. & adv., deep, -ly: ¾K¨H¨H dead drunk;
3. ¨H¨H chen2chen2, adj. & adv., ©]¨H¨H the night is dark and silent.
4. ¨H¼ç chen2qian2, adj., pensive, meditative in character: ¨H¼ç¦n¾Ç quiet and studious.
5. ¨H¹F chen2da2, adj., thoughtful and clear-headed.
6. ¨H¾ý chen2dian4, n. & v.i., (chem.) sedimentation;
7. ¨H¾ý chen2dian4, n. & v.i., precipitation;
8. ¨H¾ý chen2dian4, n. & v.i., precipitate.
9. ¨H©³ chen2di3, n., sediments.
10. ¨H¹y chen2dun4, adj., delayed.
11. ¨Hûã chen2e1, n., serious and protracted illness.
12. ¨H¥ñ chen2fu21, (1) v.i., stay under cover, (sorrow) keep contained;
13. ¨H¥ñ chen2fu21, (2) adj., feeble (pulse).
14. ¨H¯B chen2fu22, (1) v.i., to drift along (¡§sink and swim¡¨);
15. ¨H¯B chen2fu22, (2) n., the vicissitudes.
16. ¨HÞÌ clherngu4, n., see chen2e1¡ô;
17. ¨HÞÌ clherngu4, n., also inveterate bad habit.
18. ¨H¶o chen2han1, (1) adj., comfortably drunk or soundly asleep;
19. ¨H¶o chen2han1, (2) v.i., ¨H¶o¸g¥v be absorbed in studies of classics and history.
20. ¨H«p chen2hou4, adj., deliberate, considerate, thoughtful in conduct.
21. ¨H±I chen2ji4, adj., (news) dead silent: ¨H±IµL»D (person) unknown;
22. ¨H±I chen2ji4, adj., (character, style) contemplative.
23. ¨HÀR chen2(')jing4, adj., quiet, poised.
24. ¨H­« chen2zhong4, adj., heavy physically;
25. ¨H­« chen2zhong4, adj., deliberate in character, action: ¨H­«¨à hen2zhong4er0, n., responsibility: ¥L§@¨Æ¤£ªÖ¾á¤@ÂI¨H­«¨à will not undertake responsible tasks.
26. ¨HµÛ chen2jour, adj., (words) carefully weighed, considered;
27. ¨HµÛ chen2jour, adj., (action) every step carries weight.
28. ¨Hº¢ chen2zhi4, adj., (1) bogged down;
29. ¨Hº¢ chen2zhi4, adj., (2) long in a job without official promotion;
30. ¨Hº¢ chen2zhi4, adj., (3) bored, depressed.
31. ¨H¸¨ chen2luo4, v.i., drop or sink down.
32. ¨H²_ chen2lun2, v.i., be damned, sunk in sin.
33. ¨H¼{ chen2lU4, v.i., think carefully: ¨H«ä¼ô¼{ plan carefully, deliberate thoroughly.
34. ¨H´e chen2men4, adj., boring, dull (atmosphere);
35. ¨H´e chen2men4, adj., (feel) bored.
36. ¨HµB chen2amiaan, v.i., wallow in (pleasures of drink, women).
37. ¨H½u chen2mian2, adj., (LL) long confined to bed.
38. ¨H°g chen2mi2, adj., gone astray: ¨H°g¤£®© gone, lost in evil, stuck with wrong ideas.
39. ¨H¨S chen2mo41, v.i., (1) sink in water, drown;
40. ¨H¨S chen2mo41, v.i., (2) (LL) be unknown.
41. ¨HÀq chen2mo42, v.i. & adj., silent, be silent, reticent.
42. ¨H·Ä chen2ni4, v.i., drown oneself (in pleasures, sex).
43. ¨H­» chen2xiang1, n., gharu-wood, ligumaloes.
44. ¨H¤ß chen2xin1, adj., (coll.) get angry, offended (¡×ÜÒ¤ß).
45. ¨HÂã chen2sui4, adj., deep.
46. ¨H«ä chen2si1, v.i., to contemplate, ponder.
47. ¨H¼Ý chen2yi4, adj., determined, having strength of character.
48. ¨H§u chen2yin2, v.i., to ponder.
49. ¨H¼~ chen2you1, n., deep, languishing sorrow or worry.
50. ¨H­Þ chen2yUan1, v.i., suffer a grievous wrong, be falsely accused and condemned.
51. ¨HÆ{ chen2yU4, adj., deeply depressed, downcast.
52. ¨H«i chen2yong3, adj., silently determined.

µ@ Num. Index: 63A.70-9     £|£¯£¿ gai4    .
V.t.(1) To supply with water: Äéµ@ irrigate;
µ@¥Ð to flood the fields.
(2) Cleanse, wash.

Éý Num. Index: 63A.70-9     £¢£¸£¿ chi4    .
Adj.(AC) dry, dried up.
Adv.(AC) almost: Éý¥i¤p±d is doing pretty well.

¨T Num. Index: 63A.70-9     £¢£¸£¿ chi4    .
N.Steam, vapor.
Words1. ¨Tªí chi4biao3, n., steam gauge.
2. ¨T¨® chi4che1, n., automobile: ¤½¦@¨T¨® bus.
3. ¨T²î chi4chuan2, n., steamboat, -ship, steamer.
4. ¨T²Ã chi4di2, n., steam whistle.
5. ¨T»\ chi4gai4, n., steam valve.
6. ¨TºÞ¡]¤l¡^ chi4guan3(zi0), n., steam pipe.
7. ¨TÁç chi4guo1, n., boiler of steam engine;
8. ¨TÁç chi4guo1, n., a double boiler pot served on table (Yunnan Province).
9. ¨T¤Æ chi4hua4, v.i., to vaporize.
10. ¨T¾÷ chi4ji1, n., steam engine.
11. ¨T¤O chi4li4, n., steam power.
12. ¨TÁÓ¡]¤l¡^ chi4nian3(zi0), n., steam roller.
13. ¨T¤ô¡]¨à¡^ chi4shui3 (chih-shuee-'l), n., aerated water.
14. ¨Tµ© chi4tong3, n., steam cylinder (also called ¨T¬û chi4gang1).
15. ¨Tªo xi4you2, n., gasoline, kerosene;
16. ¨Tªo xi4you2, n., ¨Tªo¿O kerosene lamp;
17. ¨Tªo xi4you2, n., ¨Tªo¾÷ internal combustion engine.

ªw Num. Index: 63A.70-9     £u£±£¿ pao4    .
N.Blister, foam, bubble: °_ªw (¨à) form a blister.
V.i.(1) To make by scalding: ªw¯ù make tea;
ªw¶º pour boiling water over cooked rice.
(2) To marinate, soak (meat, vegetables) in water, sauce, as preparation for cooking.
(3) (S1.) (a) to court (girl);
(b) get involved or mixed up in affairs: ¥L­Ìªw¤W¤F they have become lovers;
they have got involved;
¥L¤wªw¤W¤F¦o he has won her heart;
ªwĨ©h to chase a girl persistently.
Words1. ªw¤Û pao4huan4, n., illusion.
2. ªwªj pao4mo4, n., foam, froth.
3. ªwµæ pao4cai4, n., a treated vegetable root from Szechuan.
4. ªw¼v pao4ying3, n., bubble;
5. ªw¼v pao4ying3, n., (fig.) an illusion, or short span of life.

ÒZ Num. Index: 63A.70-9     £v£°£¾ mei3    .
V.t.Contaminate: Áפ§­YÒZ avoid person like a plague.
Words1. ÒZÂp mei3du2, v.t., (court.) ÒZÂp²MÅ¥ bother (soil your ears) by request.
2. ÒZÒZ mei2mei3, adj., (AC) ªe¤ôÒZÒZ smooth-flowing river.
3. ÒZ¦« mei3tuo1, v.t., (court.) entrust (person) to do s.t. (¡§soil your hands¡¨).
4. ÒZ¦Ã mei3wu1, v.t., to soil, besmirch (good name, etc.).

Âq Num. Index: 63A.71-4     £¡£¸£³£¿ jian4    .
V.i. & t.Splash: Âq¤F¤@¨­¤ô splashed with water all over;
Âqªd spatter with mud;
Âq¦å cover with drops of blood;
¦åÂq blood spurts.
Words1. ÂqÂq jian4jian4, adj., (of flowing water) murmuring, babbling chattering, bickering.

ª{ Num. Index: 63A.71-5     £v£¸£´£¾ min3    .
Words1. ª{µ´ min3jUe2, v.i., be lost for ever;
2. ª{µ´ min3jUe2, v.i., (race) extinguished.
3. ª{·À min3mie4, v.i., (of heritage, books, races) perish.
4. ª{ª{ min2min3, adj., confused, rushing;
5. ª{ª{ min2min3, adj., (AC) descriptive of clear flowing water.
6. ª{¨S min3mo4, v.i., perish, be forgotten (of person's name).

¬ª Num. Index: 63A.71-7     £££¸£®£¿ xie4    . [Var. of ªn 63A.21; related Âm 63A.50]
V.t.(1) To leak, let off (steam): ¬ª¤ô leak out water;
¬ªÅS xie4lu4¡õ.
(2) Give vent to: ¬ª«ã¡A¬ª¼« give vent to anger;
»Ǒ to revenge;
¬ª¼¤ to release from sexual urge.
Words1. ¬ª®ð xie4chi4, v.i., (1) lose power or compression;
2. ¬ª®ð xie4chi4, v.i., (2) be frustrated, humiliated, deflated: ³o»ò»´ªºªF¦è³£®³¤£°Ê¡A¤Ó¬ª®ð¤F it's too humiliating to be unable to lift such a light object;
3. ¬ª®ð xie4chi4, v.i., ³s³o¼Ëªº¤k¤H³£°l¤£¤W¡A¯u¤Ó¬ª®ð¤F it's too humiliating to be rejected by such a plain-looking woman.
4. ¬ª©³ xie4di3, v.i, to reveal one's past: ¬ª¤F¥Lªº¦Ñ©³ reveal his old past.
5. ¬ª¤O xie4li4, v.i, to lose compression.
6. ¬ªÅS xie4lu4, v.t., to leak out (a secret).

²L Num. Index: 63A.71-7     £¢£¸£³£¾ qian3    .
Adj. & adv.(1) Shallow (river, pool, plate): ¤£ª¾²`²L unfathomable, do not know the depths or bottom of things;
ÀÁ²L (of boat) run aground;
²L²Lªº²±¤@¸J¶º give me just a small portion of rice;
²L·r§C°Û sip (wine) slowly and hum a tune.
(2) Superficial, not deep or profound: ²LÁ¡¡A²L­® qian3bo2, qian3lou4¡õ;
²L¨£¡A²LÃÑ superficial opinion, (also used court. of one's own opinion);
²´¡]¥ú¡^²L shortsighted;
¯B²L¡A²Ê²L rough and superficial (knowledge);
¤~²¨¾Ç²L (court. phr.) an inexperienced and uninformed person like myself.
(3) Elementary, easy to see and understand : ³o®Ñ¤Ó²L¤F this book is too elementary;
µ{«×«Ü²L very elementary (grade);
²Lªñ¡A²L©ö qian3jin4, qian3yi4¡õ.
(4) Light, mild in color or flavor: ²Lºñ light green;
²L¬õ pale red, rose.
(5) In a cursory manner: ²L¯º give a cursory smile;
²LÀ|§Y¤î just have a tiny sip, (fig.) not going into subject in depth.
(6) (Of animal furs) short.
Words1. ²LÁ¡ qian3bo2, adj., superficial, cursory (knowledge);
2. ²LÁ¡ qian3bo2, adj., uninformed.
3. ²Lªñ qian3jin4, adj., common place (facts);
4. ²Lªñ qian3jin4, adj., plain, simple (explanation), elementary.
5. ²L­® qian3lou4, adj., untutored, uninformed, provincial (oft. court. of oneself), superficial.
6. ²L©ú qian3ming2, adj., clear and easy to understand.
7. ²L¤H qian3ren2, n., (LL) an uncultured person.
8. ²LÂA qian3xian31, adj., little, flimsy (knowledge).
9. ²LÅã qian2xian32, adj., plain, easy to understand (language, test).
10. ²L»¡ qian3shuo1, n., an introduction, or simple guide to subject (oft. title of a book): ¬Û¹ï½×²L»¡ a simple introduction to the theory of relativity.
11. ²L¾Ç qian3xUe2, adj., (LL) ²L¾Ç¤§¤h a superficial scholar.
12. ²L»D qian3wen2, adj., not well read, uninformed.
13. ²L©ö qian3yi4, adj., simple and easy, elementary.

Õç Num. Index: 63A.71-7     £££º£¿ xU4    . [Var. of ¬® 63A.30]

´î Num. Index: 63A.71-7     £¡£¸£³£¾ jian3    .
V.t.Take away, deduct: ´îªk jian3fa3¡õ;
´î¥h subtract;
¥[´î add and subtract;
´î¤Ö jian3shao3¡õ;
¼W´î increase or decrease;
´î»ù slash prices;
´î»´ jian3qing1¡õ;
´îµ¥ downgrade;
´î­Ä reduce salary (as a form of punishment);
´îÁ~ cut down salary scale;
´î¦D commute a sentence;
´î¦çÁY­¹ practise austerity, be more economical;
´îªÎ educe one's weigh;
¤¥ (­·) ªö¤£´î·í¦~ (of person) as goodlooking as ever;
´î¥b reduce by one half;
´î¸o extenuate an offense or crime;
ÁY´î to cut (expenses, funds);
µô´î to cut (personnel, funds);
«d´î ditto;
´î¦â jian3se4¡õ;
´î·l to waste, destroy.
Words1. ´îµ§¦r jiarnbi3zi4, n., characters written in a simplified form.
2. ´î»´ jian3qing1, v.i. & t., become or make lighter, (fig.) extenuate, mitigate, lighten (burden, responsibility).
3. ´îªk jiarnfa3, n., subtraction.
4. ´î¸¹ jian3hao4, n., the minus sign(-).
5. ´î¦â jian3se4, v.i., lose color by fading, deteriorate, become less attractive.
6. ´î¤Ö jiarnshao3, v.t., take away from a quantity (amount), make less.
7. ´î¬Ù jiarn(')sheng3), adj. & v.i. & t., (be) economical, economize.
8. ´î¦D jian3xing2, n. & v.i., commute sentence.
9. ´î¼Æ jian3shu4, v.t., (math.) reduce the number of;
10. ´î¼Æ jian3shu4, n., a subtraction.
11. ´î³t¤õ½b jian3su4huo3jian4, n,. (astron.) retro-rocket.

·À Num. Index: 63A.71-7     £v£¸£®£¿ mie4    .
V.t.(1) Extinguish, blot out, obliterate: ·À¤õ extinguish fire, ·À¤õµ© fire-extinguisher;
·À¤ô³ï fire hose;
·À¿O put out the light;
·À¤F¨}¤ß blot out conscience;
·À¤ß¡A·À©Ê dehumanize;
·Àªù¡A·À¤á exterminate entire family;
·À±Ú¡A·ÀºØ genocide, exterminate entire race;
·´«Í·À¸ñ chop up corpse and obliterate traces;
·À¤f silence witness of crime by killing him;
·À¦¹´Â­¹ (AC) (promise to) destroy enemy before breakfast.
(2) Oft. used as vb. complement to form comp.: ¼³·À beat and put out fire;
¶Ï·À­ê±F destroy completely bandits;
Äè·À¼Ä¤H annihilate enemy.
Words1. ·À±¼ mie4diao4, v.t., destroy, annihilate, obliterate.
2. ·À³» mie4ding3, v.i., be drowned (¡§head submerged¡¨).
3. ·Àµ´ mie4jUe2, v.t., destroy completely, annihilate.
4. ·À¨S mie4mo4, v.i. & t., (make) disappear, be gone.
5. ·À¤` mie4wang2, v.i., perish: ¦Û¨ú·À¤` seek one's own downfall;
6. ·À¤` mie4wang2, n., perdition.

Âo Num. Index: 63A.72-2     £{£º£¿ lU4    .
V.t.To filter, strain: ¹LÂo to filter;
Âo¯È filter paper;
Âo²M to filter clear;
Âo¾¹ a filter (apparatus);
Âoªi¾¹ filter (electronics).
Words1. Âo¤ô¦À lu4shui3chi2, n., filtered reservoir.

â¡ Num. Index: 63A.72-2     £~£¹£³£¿ huan4    .
Adj.See º©â¡ 63A.82.

¨G Num. Index: 63A.72-6     £¢£¸£´£¿ qin4    .
N.Name of river.
V.i.To seep in: ¨G¤H¤ßµÊ (of music, good writing) touch one's heart.
Words1. ¨G³z qin4tuouh, v.t., (of music, mood, atmosphere) penetrate;
2. ¨G³z qin4tuou, v.t., (of air, cold, fragrance) seep in;
3. ¨G³z qin4tuou, v.t., (of political enemies) infiltrate.

ªc Num. Index: 63A.72-6     £v£¸£¿ mi4         (also £t£¸£¿ bi4    ).
V.i. & n.To secrete: ¤Àªc secrete, -tion;
ªc§¿ºÞ¡Aªc§¿¾¹ urinary canal.

Õù Num. Index: 63A.72-8     £z£¸£³£¾ nian3    .
N.(MC) a dredge.
Adj.ÕùÕù (LL, of water) placid, calm.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.80-1     £x£¹£½ du2    . [Var. of Âp¡õ]

Âp Num. Index: 63A.80-1     £x£¹£½ du2    .
N.Ditch, gutter: ·¾Âp.
V.t.To disturb, bother: «_Âp¡A¤zÂp¡A·ÐÂp (court.) bother (with request, etc.);
Á¶Âp besmirch, blaspheme (God);
¦ÛÂp to masturbate.
Words1. Âp¾ du2zhi2, v.i., be guilty of dereliction of duty.

·¿ Num. Index: 63A.80-1     £y£¸£³£½ tian2         (£x£¸£³ dian1    ). [Usu. printed ¡¼]
N.Another name for Yunnan Province.

Ãu Num. Index: 63A.80-1     £{£¯£¿ lai4    .

º{ Num. Index: 63A.80-1     £¨£¿ zi4    .
N.Stains: ªoº{¡A¤ôº{¡A¾¥º{ oil, water, ink stains.
V.t.Soak, steep: ®ûº{ steep in water, ret.

¬x Num. Index: 63A.80-2     £~£¹£¶£½ hong2    .
N.(1) Flood water: ¤s¬x mountain stream or current;
¬x¤ô hong2shui3¡õ.
(2) A surname.
Adj.(LL) big, vast, grand: ¬xÀÜ big waves;
¬x¬y big current;
¬xÄÁ big bell;
¬xºÖ great luck;
¬x®¦ great favor;
¬x¤~ great talent;
¼e¬x generous, large-minded (interch. ÂE¡A§»).
Words1. ¬x¯î hong2huang1, n., primordial times.
2. ¬x¶v hong2jUn1, n., (AC) nature or heaven as the source of life.
3. ¬x«G hong2liang4, adj., (of voice) resonant.
4. ¬x¤ô hong2shui3, n., flood, flood water.

²N Num. Index: 63A.80-2     £¢£¸£½ chi2    .
N.Name of river in Honan.

Õî Num. Index: 63A.80-2     £y£¸£³£¾ tian3    .
Adj.(AC) muddy turbid;
ÕîËS buried and lost.

æC Num. Index: 63A.80-2     £~£¹£µ£½ huang2    .
N.(1) A pool: ¤ÑæC the cluster of stars near Auriga;
»ÈæC the Milky Way.
(2) A colored paper, now used chiefly in ¸ËæC mounting, 21.02.

Ùþ Num. Index: 63A.80-2     £¤£´ zhen1         (also £¤£¶ zheng1    ).
N.Name of river in Kwangtung Province.

Ãx Num. Index: 63A.80-2     £t£¸£´ bin1     (also pirn).
N.(Rare var. of ÀØ) river bank;
sea beach.
Prep.About, near to: Ãx¦M¡AÃx¦º near death, about to die.

¼ì Num. Index: 63A.80-2     £}£¹£°£¿ kui4     (also hueih).
V.i.(Of dam, river) to break, overrun;
(of troops) disperse, be routed;
¼ì§L routed soldiers;
¼ì¤£¦¨­x army has collapsed;
¼ì±Ñ be defeated;
(of boils, ulcers) break out, fester, see ¼ìÄê kui4lan4¡õ;
¼ì·ù break alliance.
Words1. ¼ì¨M kui4jUe2, v.i., (of dams) break.
2. ¼ìÄê kui4lan4 v.i., (of abscess, ulcer) fester, form pus.
3. ¼ì¶Ã kui4luan4, v.i., (of troops) disperse in confusion.
4. ¼ì´² kui4san4, v.i., (of troops) be dispersed, collapse in disorder.
5. ¼ì³ò kui4wei2, v.i., break through enemy blockade.
6. ¼ìºÅ kui4yang2, v.i., ulcerate;
7. ¼ìºÅ kui4yang2, v.i., ­G¼ìºÅ n., stomach ulcer;
8. ¼ìºÅ kui4yang2, v.i., ¸z¼ìºÅ intestinal ulcer.

ø¯ Num. Index: 63A.80-4     £~£±£¿ hao4    . [Interch. ¯E 63A.40]

ºt Num. Index: 63A.80-6     £¸£³£¾ yan3    .
V.i. & t.(1) To perform (play, etc.): ºtÀ¸¡Aºt­û¡Aºt¥X yan3xi4, yan3yUan2, yan3chu1¡õ;
§êºt to play (a certain role);
ªíºt to perform on stage;
¤Wºt (paly) be presented to public;
¤½ºt public performance;
¹wºt preview;
¾Éºt v.t. & n., to direct (movie, play), director;
ºt»¡¡AºtÁ¿ yan3shuo1, yan3jiang3¡õ.
(2) To develop, evolve: ¤Ñºt natural evolution;
ºt¤Æ¡AºtÅÜ yan3hua4, yan3bian4¡õ;
±Àºt to deduce, deduction;
¼Åºt explain in detail, expound (cf. ¼Å­l to do in a perfunctory manner).
(3) to do exercises: ºt²ß¡Aºtºâ yan3xi2, yan3suan4¡õ;
¾Þºt do military exercises.
Words1. ºtÅÜ yan3bian4, v.i. & n., (history, events) evolve, develop.
2. ºt°Û yan3chang4, v.i. & n., (give) singing performance.
3. ºt¥X yan3chu1, v.i. & n., to present (a play, etc.), a presentation: ºt¥XªÌ producer (of play, film).
4. ºt¤Æ yan3hua4, v.i., (situation, events) evolve, develop: ºt¤Æ½× theory of evolution.
5. ºtÁ¿ yan2jiang3, v.i. & n., to lecture, to deliver a speech, a lecture an address.
6. ºt¶i yan3jin4, v.i., make progress.
7. ºt¼@ yan3jU4, v.i., to give a stage performance, esp. ºq¼@ opera.
8. ºtÀ¸ yan3xi4, v.i., ditto.
9. ºt²ß yan3xi2 (yan3xi0), v.i. & n., (1) (mil.) to carry out an exercise;
10. ºt²ß yan3xi2 (yan3xi0), v.i. & n., (2) to learn to perform (boxing, fencing, etc.);
11. ºt²ß yan3xi2 (yan3xi0), v.i. & n., (3) to rehearse.
12. ºt»¡ yan3shuo1, v.i., to give a talk, lecture, address;
13. ºt»¡ yan3shuo1, n., a lecture, an address.
14. ºtºâ yan3suan4, v.i., do exercise in mathematics.
15. ºt«µ yan3zou4, v.i. & t., to perform on musical instrument.
16. ºt¸q yan3yi41, n., a historical novel (as ¤T°ê§Óºt¸q the three kingdoms);
17. ºt¸q yan3yi41, n., (yan3yi0) adj., exaggerated, romanticized: §A»¡¥Lªº¥»»â¨º»ò¤j¡A¥¼§K¦³ÂIºt¸q¤F you are exaggerating his physical prowess.
18. ºtö yan3yi42, v.i. & t., to deduce, make a deduction;
19. ºtö yan3yi42, v.i. & t., ºtöªk deductive method (opp. Âk¯Çªk in ductive method).
20. ºt­û yan3yUan2, n., actor, performer.

ÀØ Num. Index: 63A.80-6     £t£¸£´ bin1         (also £u£¸£´£½ pin2    ). [Pop. û¼]
N.Bank of river, sea: ®üÀØ sea beach;
·ËÀØ river bank.
Prep.Near, alongside: ÀØ®ü¡AÀØ©¤ alongside the sea, coast.

ÞH Num. Index: 63A.80-6     £v£¸£¶£½ ming2    . [Interch. ­ß 62.80]
N.(1) The dark ocean: ·ÉÞH the deep, blue sea.
(2) (AC) drizzle.
Words1. ÞH⥠ming2mang3, adj., boundless.
2. ÞHÀÛ ming2meng2, (1) n., drizzle;
3. ÞHÀÛ ming2meng2, (2) adj., heavily overcast.
4. ÞHÞH ming2ming2, adj., drizzling.

ù¢ Num. Index: 63A.80-6     £|£³£¿ gan4    .
N.Name of river in Kiangsi.

É¢ Num. Index: 63A.80-8     £u£«£¿ pa4    .
Adj.¼êÉ¢ peng2pa4, sound of rushing water (var. ¼ê´û).
Words1. ɢɢ pa4pa0, adj., (LL) scintillating (of light ripples in water).

û¼ Num. Index: 63A.80-9     £t£µ bang1    .
N.(1) Unnavigable stream, not leading to river: ¬v®ùû¼ locality or dialect of suburbs of Shanghai.
(2) (*bin1) U.f. ÀØ 63A.80.

º¤ Num. Index: 63A.81-1     £ª£²£¿ sou4         (*£¦£¹£¿ shu4    ).
V.i. & t.To gargle;
to wash: ªE¬yº¤¥Û (poet.) to pillow oneself on a rock in stream and let water souse over the body;
¿dº¤ the morning ablutions.
Words1. º¤¤f shu4kou3, v.i., to rinse mouth.

¨O Num. Index: 63A.81-1     £y£¯£¿ tai4    .
V.t.Rinse, wash away: ²^¨O get rid of unnecessary or undesirable (personnel, posts, various growths);
¤ÑµM (¦ÛµM) ²^¨O natural selection;
µô¨O reduce (personnel, etc.).
Adv.Too (¡×¤Ó): ¨O¨× too extravagant.

Ïp Num. Index: 63A.81-1     £¸£½ yi2    .
N.Nasal mucus.

¯H Num. Index: 63A.81-1     £¡£¸£«£½ jia2    .
V.i. & t.Saturate, soak, drench: ¦½¬y¯H­I perspire all over: ¯H¯H jia2jia2¡õ.
Adj.(1) Harmonious: ¯H¬¢ jia2xia2¡õ.
(2) Forming a cycle: ¯H¨° jia2chen2¡õ;
¯H¤é jia2ri4¡õ.
Words1. ¯H¨° jia2chen2, n., the duodecimal cycle of twelve days, see Appendix A.
2. ¯H¯H jia2jia2, adj., damp, moistened.
3. ¯H¤é jia2ri4, n., the decimal cycle of ten days, see Appendix A.
4. ¯H¬¢ jia2xia2, adj., agreeable, on friendly terms with.

´ê Num. Index: 63A.81-1     £©£²£¿ cou4    . [Pop. ¡¼]
v.i. & t.to assemble, fit into, fit together, make up number: ´ê¦b¤@°_ put together, ´êªñ approach, press near (person, place);
´ê¹L¨Ó move over here;
´ê¦X cou4he0¡õ;
´ê¤À¤l (cou4fen4zi0) join the pool;
´ê¼ö¾x¨à join the fun.
Words1. ´ê¥© cou4qiao3, adv., by chance, by luck.
2. ´ê½ì¨à cou4qUe4er0, v.i., to take part in and join the fun.
3. ´ê·f cou4da0, v.t., to patch together lines--as in bad writing.
4. ´êÁx¤l cou4dan3zi0, v.i., gather courage on the strength of numbers.
5. ´ê¦X cou4he0, v.i., (1) to pool together (a sum of money);
6. ´ê¦X cou4he0, v.i., (2) to do s.t. for form's sake.
7. ´ê¶° cou4ji2, v.t., (people) come together, concentrate on place.
8. ´ê²z cou4li3, adj., see ßs²z 42A.81.
9. ´ê¤â cou4shou3, adv., have (money) at hand.
10. ´ê¼Æ¡]¨à¡^ cou4shu4(er0), v.i., to make up a number without active work.
11. ´ê´ê cou4tsou, v.i., gather to gether among friends.

ºz Num. Index: 63A.81-2     £v£¬£¿ mo4    .
N.Desert in comb. ¨Fºz, desert, expanse, wasteland.
Adj.Aloof, cold: ºz¤£Ãö¤ß, totally unconcerned;
ºz¤£¬ÛÃö entirely unrelated;
§Nºz cold (attitude).
Words1. ºzºz mo4mo4, adj., (AC) extended all over: silent, noiseless.
2. ºzµM mo4ran2, adj., cold, aloof.
3. ºzµø mo4shi4, v.t., look down upon, ignore, regard as unimportant.

º~ Num. Index: 63A.81-2     £~£³£¿ han4    .
N.(1) The Chinese race: º~¤H¡Aº~±Ú¡Aº~¤å¡Aº~»y han4ren2, han4zu2, han4wen2, han4yU3¡õ;
(2) º~«Ç¡Aº~´Â¡Aº~¥N the Hahn Dynasty, 206 B.C.¡Ð220 A.D.: º~®a¤Ñ¤l a Hahn emperor;
º~¿j¡Aº~¥Ë brick, tile-brick of Hahn Dynasty;
º~¸O a Hahn monument or inscription;
º~¾§ scholars of Hahn Dynasty;
º~¾Ç han4xUe2¡õ.
(3) The river Han (Hankow).
(4) A man: ¦nº~ a good brave fellow;
¨k¤lº~ a manly man, a male with reference to brave manhood;
¤jº~ a great, big fellow;
§§º~¡A²rº~ a husky man;
¤¿º~ ruffian;
ºÆº~ a madman;
º~¤l han4zi0¡õ.
Adj.Chinese: º~Âå Chinese medicine or physician;
º~®u Chinese feast, etc.
Words1. º~½Õ han4diao4, n., a Hupeh form of Chin. opera, forerunner of present Peking opera (see ¥Ö® 22.82).
2. º~¦l han4jian1, n., a Chinese traitor.
3. º~¤H han4ren2, n., the Chinese people;
4. º~¤H han4ren2, n., º~¤H¨¥»y Chinese language.
5. º~©m han4xing4, n., Chinese surname adopted by people of foreign tribe.
6. º~®Ñ han4shu1, n., Chronicles of Hahn Dynasty.
7. º~¾Ç han4xUe2, n., (1) Sinology;
8. º~¾Ç han4xUe2, n., (2) the philology of Manchu Dyn., which aimed at restoring philology of Hahn period, opp. §º¾Ç or speculative school of Suhng Dyn.
9. º~¤l han4zi0, n., (1) A male, (coll.) a man with implied masculine qualities: °÷±o¤W¬O­Óº~¤l a real masculine person;
10. º~¤l han4zi0, n., (2) (Vulg.) husband: °½º~¤l (of woman) commit adultery.
11. º~±Ú han4zu2, n., the Chinese race.
12. º~¦r han4zi4, n., the Chinese characters or script.
13. º~¤å han4wen2, n., the Chinese language or literature.
14. º~»y han4yU3, n., Chinese language.

²\ Num. Index: 63A.81-6     £{£°£¿ lei4    . [Var. ¡¼]
N.A tear: ²´²\ tears;
¬y²\ to weep;
²\²ª tear stairs;
²\²ª¥¼°® tears are not yet dry;
²\¯] tear drops;
²\¤H¨à person melting in to tears;
²\¨L¨L full of tears, tearful.
Words1. ²\§O lie4bie2, n., tearful farewell.
2. ²\¸¢ lei4xian4, n., (physiol.) the lachrymal glands.

Ùí Num. Index: 63A.81-8     £v£°£¾ mei3    .

µA Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £~£¹£³£¿ huan4    .
V.i.To thaw out: µAµM¦BÄÀ to explain or understand clearly, like thawing of ice.
Adj.µAµA (of flood) overflowing.

¨U Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £¹£¬£¿ wo4         (also £¹£¿ wu4    ).
V.t.(1) To irrigate (field): ¨U¥Ð.
(2) To boil for a short moment: ¨UÂû³J to soft-boil shelled egg (also called ¨UªG¨à wo4guo1er0).
Adj.Fertile (soil): ªÎ¨U ditto;
¨U¤g¡A¨UÄ[ fertile fields;
¨U³¥¡A¨U­l (LL) fertile valley.
Words1. ¨UªG¨à wo4guo3er0, n., see V.t.2¡ô.
2. ¨UÄÇ wo4rao2, adj., fertile (valley).
3. ¨U¨U wo4wo4, adj., (AC) robust.

ÚG Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £¡£¸£² jiu1    .
N.(LL) a body of water.
Adj.Low, damp, narrow and small: ÚG¹i damp and narrow.

·Ë Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £££¸ xi1         (also £¢£¸ chi1    ).
N.A river: ¤p·Ë a brook.
Words1. ·Ë¨¦ xi1gu3, n., river valley;
2. ·Ë¨¦ xi1gu3, n., river and valley.
3. ·Ë¼î xi1jian4, n., mountain brook.
4. ·Ë¬y xi1liu2, n., river current, stream.

·Í Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £££¸£²£¿ xiu4    .
N.(Chem.) bromine.

¿D Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £±£¿ ao4         (*£º£¿ yU4    ).
N.(1) A sea inlet.
(2) (*yU4) (AC) a swampy ground.
(3) Short for ¿D¤j§Q¨È Australia: ¿D¬w ditto (cf. ¶ø°ê 90.81 for Austria).

¨M Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £¡£º£®£½ jUe2    . [Pop. úW]
V.i. & t.(1) To dredge (rivers).
(2) (Of dikes) burst open: ¨M¤f jUe2kou3¡õ.
(3) Break off (friendly relations): ¨Mµõ jUe2lie4¡õ.
(4) Decide, determine: ¨M©w jUe2ding4, ¨MÂ_ jUe2duan4, ¨M­p jUe2ji4¡õ;
¥Á±Ú¦Û¨M national self-determination;
§_¨M refuse, turn down (a request), veto (a resolution);
¨M¾Ô jUe2zhan4¡õ;
¨M¦º¾Ô a life-and-death struggle (war, battle);
¨M³Ó jUe2sheng4¡õ;
¨M»Û¶¯ wage a decisive fight (battle), challenge s.o. to fight it out;
see who is the better one.
(5) Put (prisoner) to death: ¥ß¨M summarily execute;
¨M¨ä­º cut off his (their) head(s);
¤j¨M formerly, annual execution of prisoners condemned to death;
¦Û¨M commit suicide.
(6) (U.f. ³Z) bid farewell to: ¨M§O take leave of (never to meet again).
Adj.Decided, firm: °í¨M resolute, firm.
Adv.Certainly: ¨M©¹ (LL) will certainly go;
¨M¦æ (LL) certainly carry out;
¨M¤£ certainly not.
Words1. ¨M©w jUe2ding4, (1) v.i. & t., decide (to do);
2. ¨M©w jUe2ding4, (2) adj. & adv., firmly decided, determined, resolved;
3. ¨M©w jUe2ding4, (3) n., a decision.
4. ¨Müç jUe2dou4, v.i. & n., (fight) a duel.
5. ¨MÂ_ jyueirduan4, (1) v.i., make a firm decision;
6. ¨MÂ_ jyueirduan4, (2) n., decision.
7. ¨M¾Ô jUe2zhan4, v.i. & n., (to fight) a decisive battle.
8. ¨M­p jUe2ji4, (1) v.t., decide: §Ú¨M­p­n¨« I've decided to go;
9. ¨M­p jUe2ji4, (2) adv., certainly: ¨M­p¬O¥L¨Ó¤F certainly it's he who has come.
10. ¨Mµ´ jUe2jUe2, v.t., (1) break off with (lover, friend);
11. ¨Mµ´ jUe2jUe2, v.t., (2) bid final farewell.
12. ¨M¤f jUe2kou3, v.i., (of floods) cause a breach in dikes, over flow.
13. ¨Mµõ jUe2lie4, v.i., (of persons) quarrel and break off friendly relations, (of situation) come to a breaking point.
14. ¨M©ú jUe2ming2, n., (bot.) the foetid cassia, cassia tora.
15. ¨MµM jUe2ran2, adv., decidedly, resolutely, firmly.
16. ¨M¼» jUe2sa1, v.t., cause (undertaking) to fail or flop.
17. ¨MÁÉ jUe2sai4, n., (athletic) finals.
18. ¨M³Ó jUe2sheng4, (1) adj., (of battle plans) capable of insuring victory;
19. ¨M³Ó jUe2sheng4, (2) v.i., make a final bid for victory.
20. ¨M¤ß jUe2xin1, n., decision, resolution: §Ú¤U¤F¨M¤ß I've made a firm decision;
21. ¨M¤ß jUe2xin1, v.i., decide: §Ú¤v¸g¨M¤ß I have decided.
22. ¨M¿ï jUe2xUan3, n., a run-off ballot to choose between two top contenders.
23. ¨Mºâ jUe2suan4, v.i. & n., (to make final accounts, to close accounts at end of fiscal or calender year.
24. ¨M¾Ü jUe2ze2, v.i., make a final decision between possible alternatives.
25. ¨M·N jUe2yi41, v.i., be determined, resolved, decided (to do).
26. ¨Mij jUe2yi42, v.i. & n., (to have) a resolution adopted at a meeting or conference.
27. ¨MºÃ jUe2yi2, v.i., resolve doubts.
28. ¨Mº» jUe2yU4, v.i., pass judgement on legal case.

ªt Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £¸£µ yang1    .
Adj.(1) (AC) broad and deep (flood): ªtªt yang1yang1¡õ.
(2) (AC) massive (clouds).
Words1. ªt⥠yang1mang3, adj., (1) expansive, limitless (prairie, etc.);
2. ªt⥠yang1mang3, adj., (2) misty (morning light).
3. ªtªt yang1yang1, adj., (AC) broad and deep;
4. ªtªt yang1yang1, adj., (AC) grand, impressive: ªtªt¤j­· orig. said in praise of »ô Chir music, now used in praise of the impressive manner of a great country (ªtªt¤j°ê).

Ï{ Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £w£¹£½ fu2         (*£w£¹£¿ fu4    ).
V.t.(*fu4) Ï{¤ô to swim.
Adj.Light, mild, (of color) pale: ²H¬õ¡A²Hºñ pale red (pink), pale green;
(of food) simple, not flavored: ²H¶º plain rice:
²H¯ù¡A²H°s weak tea, diluted wine;
(of water) fresh, not salty;
(of soup) not salty enough;
(of friendship, painting, dress, composition) simple, of refined simplicity: ²H±½¸¿ç® unpainted eyebrows;
»´´y²H¼g describe with a delicate touch;
§g¤l¤§¥æ²H¦p¤ô a gentleman's friendship is simple (but solid, not demonstrative);
²M²H¡A¶®²H of simple elegance (of writing);
¥­²HµL©_ insipid, common;
§N²H cool, indifferent;
²H©u slack season.
Words1. ²Hªy dan4bo2, adj. & v.t., as in ²Hªy©ú§Ó live a simple life, showing one's goal in life;
2. ²Hªy dan4bo2, adj. & v.t., ²Hªy¦W§Q indiefferent to fame and wealth;
3. ²Hªy dan4bo2, adj. & v.t., also wr. ²HÁ¡¡A¿Fªy.
4. ²H®ð dan4chi4, n., nitrogen, now generally wr. ´á.
5. ²H²H dan4dan4, adj., mild-flavored.
6. ²H¦Ë dan4zhu2, n., a special finequality bamboo.
7. ²Hºz dan4mo4, adj., cool, indifferent.
8. ²HµM dan4ran2, adj., cool, not too excited.
9. ²H¤ô dan4shui3, n., (1) fresh water, opp. sea water;
10. ²H¤ô dan4shui3, n., ²H¤ô³½ fresh water fish;
11. ²H¤ô dan4shui3, n., (2) town in Formosa, usu. spelled Tamsui.
12. ²Hµæ dan4cai4, n., a kind of shellfish.
13. ²H¶® dan4ya3, adj., elegantly simple.

Àä Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £u£¹£½ pu2    .
N.(1) Name of river.
(2) A surname.

¦¸ Num. Index: 63A.81-9     £©£¿ ci4    .
N.(1) Order, sequence: ¦¸§Ç¡A¦¸²Ä¡A¦¸¤ñ ci4xU4, ci4di4, ci4bi4¡õ;
¨Ì¦¸ one by one in order;
¦ì¦¸ seating arrangement;
©x¦¸ official rank.
(2) Number of times, time or instance: ¦¸¼Æ ci4shu4¡õ;
¦h¦¸ many times;
²Ä¤@¦¸ the first time;
¦A¦¸ a second time;
¾ú¦¸ many times in the past.
(3) Location, stopping place during travel: «È¦¸¡A®È¦¸ while sojourning abroad;
¦à¦¸ during voyage;
¯Ý¦¸ (lit.) the chest region, (fig.) mental attitude (broad- or narrow-mindedness).
(4) Time: ¥¿¦æ¤§¦¸ while walking.
V.t.(AC) to stop over (at some place).
Adj.(1) The second, the next: ¦¸¤l¡A¦¸·@ second son, daughterin-law;
¦¸¤é¡A¦¸¦~ the next day, year;
©~¦¸ stand as number two;
¦¸¤§ next to it;
¨ä¦¸ the next in order or importance;
¦¸©ó next to s.t. in order or importance;
¦¸­n next in importance.
(2) Second-rate: ¦¸µ¥¡A¦¸³f ci4deng3, ci4huo4¡õ;
¨D¨ä¦¸ look for the second best;
¤HÀY¤Ó¦¸ (coll.) has too few friends or social contacts.
Words1. ¦¸¤ñ ci4bi4, (1) n., order of arrangement;
2. ¦¸¤ñ ci4bi4, (2) (AC) to rank with.
3. ¦¸µ¥ ci4deng3, adj., second-class, grade.
4. ¦¸²Ä ci4di4, (1) n., order, sequence;
5. ¦¸²Ä ci4di4, n., main threads;
6. ¦¸²Ä ci4di4, (2) adv., one after another.
7. ¦¸°© ci4gu3, phr., (AC)¡×¨ë°© cut to the bones (sharp wind, law).
8. ¦¸³f ci4huo4, n., second-rate merchandise.
9. ¦¸ªø ci4zhang3, n., vice-minister.
10. ¦¸½f ci1zhuan4, n., (LL) person's ¡§second¡¨ or poetic name.
11. ¦¸®u ci4xi2, n., second highest seat.
12. ¦¸¼Æ ci4shu4, n., number of times.
13. ¦¸§Ç ci4xU4 (ci4xU0), n., order of sequence.
14. ¦¸¦L ci4yin4, n., see ci4zhuan4¡ô.
15. ¦¸Ãý ci4yUn4, v.i., to write poem with same rhyme words as those used in a previous poem by a friend, usu. about same occasion.

Ò] Num. Index: 63A.81-9     syh    .
N.River bank: ²PÒ] ditto, limits of expanse.

­â Num. Index: 63A.82-1     £{£¸£¶£½ ling2    . [Err. var. Õæ]
N.(1) Ice floes.
(2) A surname.
V.t.(1) To provoke, invade, persecute, humiliate: ´Û­â bully, humiliate;
­â¹G¡A­â°d ling2bi1, ling2ru4¡õ.
(2) To soar aloft: ­âªÅ¡A­âµê¡A­â¾]¡A­â¶³ to soar to the skies, fly in the void;
­âªi (like fairies) walking over ripples.
Words1. ­â¼É ling2bao4, v.t., persecute.
2. ­â¹G ling2bi1, v.t., persecute, force.
3. ­â±á ling2cheng2, n., early dawn (cf. «I±á).
4. ­â¿ð ling2chi2, v.t., anc. punishment for heinous crime by slow forture;
5. ­â¿ð ling2chi2, v.t., (fig.) persecute.
6. ­â¾r ling2jia4, v.t., to overtake.
7. ­âÂÇ ling2ji2, v.t., to bully.
8. ­â¼F ling2li4, adj. & adv., (advance) fearlessly.
9. ­â¶Ã ling2luan4, adj., in great disorder (also wr. ¹s¶Ã).
10. ­â­h ling2nUe4, v.t., persecute.
11. ­â°d ling2ru4, v.t., to persecute, publicly disgrace or humiliate.
12. ­â¾] ling2xiao1, phr., soaring to the skies (of person's career, ambition), also see V.t.2¡ô.

Àâ Num. Index: 63A.82-2     £~£¹£¬£¿ huo4    .
V.t.(1) (AC) to cook.
V.t.(2) (Of water) to crash on.

²Q Num. Index: 63A.82-2     £¦£¹£½ shu2    .
Adj.(of women) quiet, refined: ½å²Q good, understanding (wife);
²Q¼w¡A²Q°û shu2de2, shu2wan3¡õ;
²Q¬ü¡A²Q¤k shu2mei3, shu2nU3¡õ;
²Q¤ß goodnatured, heart of refinement;
²Q«º ladylike demeanor.
Words1. ²Q¼w shu2de2, n., refinement (of ladies).
2. ²Q½d shu2fan4, n., model woman.
3. ²Q¬ü shu2mei3, adj., refined and beautiful.
4. ²Q¤k shu2nU3, n., beautiful girl, refined girl.
5. ²Q·V shu2shen4, adj., (of women) quiet and modest.
6. ²Q©Ê shu2xing4, n., the inborn refinement.
7. ²Q°û shu2wan3, adj., (of women) elegant, refined.

æJ Num. Index: 63A.82-2     £¥£¶£½ cheng2    . [Var. of ¼á 63A.30]

ªi Num. Index: 63A.82-2     £t£¬ bo1         (less commonly £u£¬ po1    ).
Fin. part.MC var. of modn. §a¡A ¡§¤ë¨à¡A§A¦­¨Ç¥X¨Ó§a¡I¡¨ (probably pr. ba1).
N.Wave: ¤ôªi esp. in comp. ªi®ö bo1lang4¡õ;
­·ªi storm, crisis;
ªi°Ê bo1dong4¡õ, wave motion;
ªiÃÔ¶³¸Þ (LL) phr., beautiful turns of thought, fast, unexpected, exciting changes.
V.i.To spread over: ªi¤Î¡Aªi²Ö bo1ji2, bo1lei4¡õ.
Words1. ªi©ù po1ang2, n., Bonn.
2. ªiªi bo1bo1, v.i., run about¡×©bªi.
3. ªiªø bo1chang2, n., (phys.) wave length, frequency.
4. ªi¦Ú bo1chen2, n., (LL) denizens of the sea.
5. ªi«N bo1qiao41, adj., (MC) beautiful.
6. ªi®k bo1qiao42, adj., (lit. & fig.) with ups and downs.
7. ªi¿º bo1dang41, (1) V.i., surging and spreading;
8. ªi¿º bo1dang41, (2) adj., restless, agitated.
9. ªiÀú bo1dang42, v.i., (of ship) to rock and roll.
10. ªi°Ê bo1dong4, n. & v.i., wave motion;
11. ªi°Ê bo1dong4, n. & v.i., undulate;
12. ªi°Ê bo1dong4, n. & v.i., fluctuate.
13. ªiúý bo1feng1, n., wave crest.
14. ªi¨¦ bo1gu3, n., trough of wave.
15. ªi§é bo1zhe21, n., frustrations on the way, unwelcome turns of events.
16. ªiæÆ bo1zhe22, n., slanting strokes in calligraphy (¡×modn. ºJ±Ì).
17. ªi¤Î bo1ji2, v.t., (of lawsuits, disasters) spread to involve (others), cause repercussion to.
18. ªi®ö bo1lang4, n., waves, breakers.
19. ªi®ö¹ª bo1lang4gu3, n., child's toy drum, with beads striking drum by turning handle.
20. ªiÄõ bo1lan21, n., Poland.
21. ªiÄi bo1lan22, n., aftermath, sequel of events;
22. ªiÄi bo1lan22, n., interesting turns esp. in literature (¤å³¹ªiÄi), or minor developments in music.
23. ªi²Ö bo1lei4, v.t., involve (others), like bo1ji2¡ô.
24. ªi¸W bo1leng2 (bo2leng2, also wr. µÔîU¡Aor µÔµæ bo2cai4), n., spinach;
25. ªi¸W bo1leng2 (bo2leng2, also wr. µÔîU¡Aor µÔµæ bo2cai4), n., ªi¸W»\ bo1leng2gai4, n., kneecap.
26. ªiù (±K) bo1luo2(mi4), n., pineapple.
27. ªiùªù bo1luo2men2, n., Brahmin;
28. ªiùªù bo1luo2men2, n., ªiùªù±Ðªi Brahmanism.
29. ªiù±K¦h bo1luo2mi4duo1, n., (Sanskr.) paramita, salvation, crossing from sensuous life to nirvana.
30. ªi¤h¹y bo1si4dun1, n., Boston.
31. ªi´µ bo1si1, n., Persia.
32. ªiÀÜ bo1tao2, n., big waves.
33. ªi¯¾ bo1wen2, n., ripples.

ÞY Num. Index: 63A.82-2     £ª£² sou1    .
Words1. ÞY«K sou1bian4, n., excrements;
2. ÞY«K sou1bian4, n., urine and feces.
3. ÞY·Ä sou1niao4, n., urine, urination;
4. ÞY·Ä sou1niao4, n., urine and feces.

Éü Num. Index: 63A.82-3     £¥£«£¿ cha4    .
N.A branch of river or current: Éü¬y.

¨V Num. Index: 63A.82-3     £¡£¸£½ ji2    .
N.A surname.
V.t.Draw (liquid);
¨V¤ô draw water from a well;
¨VßX a well-rope;
¨V°s draw wine from a jar;
¨V¤ô¾÷ a chain pump.
Words1. ¨V¹D ji2dao4, n., a conduit, a water channel.
2. ¨V¨V ji2ji2, adj. & adv., anxious(ly), restless(ly): ¨V¨V©ó¦W§Q restlessly seeking for fame and riches.
3. ¨V¤Þ ji2yin3, v.t., (1) (of water) draw up and conduct from one place to another, as with a pipe;
4. ¨V¤Þ ji2yin3, v.t., (2) ¨V¤Þ«á¶i select and promote (younger men) to better positions.

¼â Num. Index: 63A.82-3     £u£¬ po1    .
Vb.To splash, pour out (water) with a splash, sprinkle: ¼âº¶ extinguish by spraying water;
¼â¾¥ po1mo4¡õ;
¼â§N¤ô (phr.) dampen enthusiasm of an occassion;
throw a wet blanket.
Adj.Spiteful, coarse, esp. ¼â°ü po1fu4, n., loud-mouthed, sharptongued woman;
¼â°ü½|µó billingsgate;
¼â»¶ po1la41¡õ.
Words1. ¼â»¶ po1la41, adj., bad-tempered, violent (of persons), also aggressive;
2. ¼â»¶ po1la41, adj., ¼â»¶³f po1la4hou4, n., (abuse) scoundrel.
3. ¼â¨ë po1la42, adj., making splashing sound (of fish).
4. ¼â¿à po1lai4, adj., (Soochow dial.) rascally.
5. ¼â¾¥ po1mo4, n. & v.i., splash-ink, technique of painting.
6. ¼â¥Ö po1pi2, adj., mischievous (child).
7. ¼â¼â po1po1, adj., jumping about (of fish);
8. ¼â¼â po1po1, adj., ¬¡¼â¼âªº adv. & adj., bouncing, lovely (of children, spirit, descriptive passage).
9. ¼â±C®Q po1po2niang2, n., (MC) spiteful woman.
10. ¼â¤Ñ po1tian1, adj., overwhelming: ¼â¤Ñ¤jº× phr., overwhelming disaster;
11. ¼â¤Ñ po1tian1, adj., ¼â¤Ñ´I¶Q immensely rich.

º© Num. Index: 63A.82-4     £v£³£¿ man4    .
V.i & t.(1) To flood, spread over (an area): ¤ôº©ª÷¤s¦x flood water reaches Jinshan Temple;
¤ôº©¹L½¥ flood water reaches the knees;
Äjº© spread all over (of snow, atmosphere, etc.);
º©¤sÃä³¥ (of flowers, etc.) all over the hills nad valley.
(2) Do not say, let alone: º©»¡¬O¥L (¡×¥ð»¡) let alone it is he, even others will do the same.
Adj. & adv.Unconcerned(ly), (at) random, casual(ly): º©¹C travel extensively, or without fixed schedule, destination;
º©½Í¡Aº©»y random, casual talks;
©hº©À³¤§ (LL) just promise him casually (to save trouble);
º©¤£¸g¤ß phr., totally unconcerned or inattentive;
º©µL¤î¹Ò on and on, without limitation;
º©µL­­¨î totally without restrictions.
Words1. º©µ§ man4bi3, n., casual literary notes (¡×ÀHµ§), also casualstyle sketches.
2. º©µe man4hua4, n., cartoon, caricature.
3. º©â¡ man4huan4, adj., flooded, illegible (of bad print);
4. º©â¡ man4huan4, adj., widespread (of diease): º©â¡¤£¥i¦¬¬B situation is so far gone beyond control.
5. º©¿ý man4lu4, n., casual notes.
6. º©º© man4man4, adj., descriptive of long stretch of (clouds, night);
7. º©º© man4man4, adj., º©º©ªø©] all the long, dark night, also (fig.) long, dark period without hope or enlightenment;
8. º©º© man4man4, º©º©¦a adv., (pr. man4mande1) slowly.
9. º©®g man4she4, n. & v.i., (phys.) diffusion.
10. º©½Í man4tan2, v.i. & n., casual conversation.
11. º©¤Ñ man4tian1, adj. & adv., as in ¿@Ãúº©¤Ñ the air is covered with a heavy mist;
12. º©¤Ñ man4tian1, adj. & adv., º©¤Ñ°Q»ù (of shopkeeper) quote sky-rocket prices, prepared for haggling.
13. º©­l man4yan3, v.i., grow and spread (¡×½¯­l 20A.82.).

®û Num. Index: 63A.82-5     £¡£¸£´£¿ jin4     (also jin).
V.t.Immerse, soak: ®û³z jin4tou4¡õ;
®û§ jin4li3¡õ;
®û¤£³z waterproof;
®ûÀã to wet, drench;
®ûº{ jin4ji4¡õ;
®û¤ô soak in water, drench;
ªo®û soak in oil;
®û¦º drown;
®û¦b¤ôúG immerse in water.
Adv.Gradually, step by step little by little: ®ûº¥ jin4jian4, ®û°² jin4jia3, ®û¬V jin4ran3, ®û¼í jin4run4, ®û²] jin4yin2¡õ.
Words1. ®û°² jin4jia3, adv., (LL) gradually, little by little.
2. ®ûº¥ jin4jian4, adv., slowly but surely, imperceptibly.
3. ®ûº{ jin4ji4, adj., saturated.
4. ®û§ jin4li3, n., baptism: ®û§·| the Baptist Church.
5. ®û¬V jin4ran3, v.t., influence gradually, contaminate(d).
6. ®û¼í jin4run4, adv., gradually, imperceptibly.
7. ®û«H·| jin4xin4hui4, n., the Baptist Church.
8. ®û³z jin4tuo4, adj., soaked through and through.
9. ®û²] jin4yin2, adv., by degrees, through a long process.

¾ý Num. Index: 63A.82-5     £x£¸£³£¿ dian4    .
N.(1) Sediment: ¨I¾ý sedimentation;
¨I¾ýª« n., precipitate.
(2) Var. for ÀQ indigo.
Words1. ¾ý¯» dian4fen3, n., starch;
2. ¾ý¯» dian4fen3, n., glucose.

¨Z Num. Index: 63A.82-6     £¹£´£½ wen2    .
N.Name of river in Shantung.
º««che4. [Cf. ¹ý¡AºM]
V.t.To penetrate, get to the bottom: º«©³ che4di3¡õ;
¬}º« penetrate (truth, mystery);
¤jº«¤j®© great awakening.
Adj. & adv.(1) Thorough (in gen., interch. º« 91B.82, except in sense): º«®© completely understand or awaken to truth;
³zº« thorough, -ly;
³eº« carry to the end;
³eº«¥D±i realize teaching, carry out principles.
(2) (Water) pure, clean: ²Mº«.
Words1. º«©³ che4di3, adj. & adv., thorough, -ly (also wr. ¹ý©³).

´ç Num. Index: 63A.82-6     £x£¹£¿ du4    .
N.Ferry, ferryboat.
V.t.To cross over: ´çªe¡A´ç®ü cross river, sea;
»·´ç­«¬v cross the big ocean;
¹L´ç transition;
¹L´ç®É¥N transitional period;
¤Þ´ç (law) extradite, -tion;
(Budd.) ¶W´ç¡A´ç¤Æ¡A´ç¹L­W®ü rescue from life of pains and misery and reach the other shore (©¼©¤) of salvation.
Words1. ´ç°² du4jia4, v.i., spending a holiday.
2. ´ç¤f du4kou3, n., ferry station.
3. ´çÀY du4tou2, n., ditto.
4. ´ç¤l du4zi0, n., ferry boatman.

Äk Num. Index: 63A.82-8     £{£¸£³£¿ lian4    .
Words1. ÄkùÐ lian4yan4, adj., flooding;
2. ÄkùÐ lian4yan4, adj., billowing.

µE Num. Index: 63A.82-9     £º£³£½ yUan2    .
Adj.Sound of gurgling water.

¿E Num. Index: 63A.82-9     £¡£¸ ji1    .
V.t.(1) Incite, stir up, move emotionally: ¿E°Ê ji1dong4¡õ;
¨ë¿E stimulate, excite;
·P¿E be grateful to;
¿E©ù ji1ang2, ¿Eµo ji1fa1¡õ;
¿E©ó¸q¼« be moved to action by righteous indignation;
¿EÀy ji1li42, ¿EÄU ji1qUan4, ¿E±N ji1jiang4¡õ.
(2) (Of currents) to dam up and divert: ¬°¥Û¶¬¿E¨ÏªFª` build a stone embankment to divert the currents eastward;
¿E¿B´­²M cast out the wicked and cherish the virtuous (¡§eliminate the impure from the pure¡¨).
(3) Dunk: §N¤ô¤@¿E soak(ed) in cold water;
ÆJ«B¤@¿E wetted by a sudden downpour.
Adj. & adv.(1) Rapid(ly), quick(ly), swift (ly): ¿EÅÜ ji1bian4¡õ;
«æ¿E hurriedly;
¿E®ö¡A¿E¬y turbulent waves, currents.
(2) Excessive(ly), extreme(ly): ¿E¤Á ji1qie4¡õ;
¹L¿E immoderate(ly), extreme (opinion);
¿E½× extremist views;
¿E¯P ji1(')lie4¡õ.
Words1. ¿E©ù ji1ang2, adj. & v.i., (be) emotionally wrought up: ºB´n¿E©ù righteously indignant, aroused to action.
2. ¿EÅÜ ji1bian4, v.i., (1) to burst out all of a sudden;
3. ¿EÅÜ ji1bian4, (2) n., a violent change, mutiny.
4. ¿E¤Á ji1qie4, adj., outspoken in expressing one's views: ¨¥¦h¿E¤Á speak out without fear or favor.
5. ¿EÄU ji1qUan4, v.t., persuade, exhort, encourage, prevail upon.
6. ¿E°Ê ji1dong4, v.t., to excite (populace);
7. ¿E°Ê ji1dong4, v.t., p.p., get excited, be inflamed.
8. ¿Eµo ji1fa1, v.t., arouse, incite, stir up.
9. ¿E±N ji1jiang4, v.t., to goad into action, incite to greater efforts, by moving words.
10. ¿E¯P ji1(')lie4, adj., (1) vigorous, strenuous: ¿E¯P¹B°Ê energetic physical exertions;
11. ¿E¯P ji1(')lie4, adj., (2) intemperate, unrestrained: ºA«×¿E¯P violent attitude;
12. ¿E¯P ji1(')lie4, adj., ¨¥½×¿E¯P extremist views.
13. ¿E¼F ji1li41, v.i. & t., (1) v.t., encourage, stimulate (also ¿EÀy¡õ);
14. ¿E¼F ji1li41, v.i. & t., (2) see ji1qie4¡ô.
15. ¿EÀy ji1li42, v.t., encourage, boost: ¿EÀy¤h®ð give a boost to the morale (of the army or people).
16. ¿E«ã ji1nu4, v.t., to anger, inflame, enrage.
17. ¿E½à ji1shang3, v.t., be moved to admiration, to appreciation greatly.
18. ¿E¨ë ji1ci4, v.t., inflame, stimulate, goad.
19. ¿Eµ© ji1tong3, n., a hose pipe.
20. ¿E´­ ji1yang2, (1) v.t., to inspire;
21. ¿E´­ ji1yang2, v.t., p.p., be inspired;
22. ¿E´­ ji1yang2, (2) adj., inspiring.
23. ¿E¶V ji1yUe4, adj., (of music) swelling with clear and shrill tones.

¨S Num. Index: 63A.82-9     £v£°£½ mei2         (*£v£¬£¿ mo4    ). [Vor. ¡¼]
V.i. & t.(*mo4) (1) To drown, be buried: ¨I¨S¡A²T¨S be drowned;
¤j¤ô¨S¹L«Î³» roof was submerged in the flood;
(fig.) lie hidden;
Áô¨S ditto;
®I¨S­^¶¯ let hero or genius lie unknown;
¨S¨SµL»D be completely unknown or unrecognized.
(2) To disappear: ª{¨S vanish;
¨S¸¨ mo4luo4¡õ.
(3) To confiscate: ¨S¦¬¡A¨S¤J¡A¨S©x mo4shou1, mo4ru4, mo4guan1¡õ.
(4) U.f. ª\¨S to die.
Adv.Not, have not, did not (gen. dist. ¤£ do not): ¨S¦³ have not;
¨S¨Ó he has not come, did not come;
¥L¨S»¡ he did not say;
¨S®Æ¨ì did not expect;
¨S·Q¨ì never thought;
¨S¨£¹L¥@­± has not known high society;
in certain formations ¨S´± have not dared;
¨SªÖ was not willing;
followed by n., meaning ¡§have no¡¨ or ¡§-less¡¨;
¨S¦³¥Î¡A¨S¥Î¨à useless, have no use for;
¨S¥Ö¨SÁy shamelessly;
¨S¥D·N without plan in mind;
¨Sªk¤l helpless;
¨S·N«ä dull, insipid;
further examples, alphabetically arranged: (ch) ¨S¥X®§ (person) without future or serious purpose in life;
¨S¤Ø¤o speak without measuring one's words;
(d) ¨S¹ï¨à unequalled, peerless;
(f) ¨S¥÷¨à is not lucky or entitled to a share;
¨SºÖ®ð have not the luck (to enjoy, etc.);
¨SÁ_¨à without an opportunity;
(g) ¨S®Ú°ò without solid foundation;
¨S°©ÀY without backbone or determination;
(j) ¨S«l (¨à) spiritless;
¨S·Ç¨à not certain (to come, etc.);
¨Sªv¨à nothing can be done;
¨SÂá no way to go about it;
(er0) ¨SÁy be disgraced;
¨S¸ô¨à helpless;
(m) ¨Sªù¨à hopeless, blindly groping for;
¨S©R recklessly (run, etc.), to die;
¨SÃШà without regular standard;
(r) ¨S¤é¤l without any definite dates;
¨S¦º¬¡ recklessly;
(s) ¨S·Q¨à hopeless;
¨S¤U±é without further news;
¨S¿³¡A¨S¤ß¸z in not mood for;
¨S¤ß²´¨à mindless, unthinking;
(t) ¨SÀY®× a mystery without clues;
¨SÀY©« anonymous letter.
Words1. ¨S½ì¡]¨à¡^ mei2qU4 (mei2qUe4er0), adj., receive a rebuff: °Q¨S½ì¨à.
2. ¨S¾¦ *mo4chi3, phr., ¨S¾¦¤£§Ñ will never forget as long as I live.
3. ¨Sªº mei2de0, phr., nothing: ¨«§a¡A§Ú¤]¨Sªº»¡¤F let's go, I have nothing further to say;
4. ¨Sªº mei2de0, phr., ¨Sªº¦Y¡A¨Sªº¬ï nothing to eat, nothing to wear.
5. ¨S¦a *mo4di4, v.i., (LL) lie buried.
6. ¨Sµu¡]ªº¡^ mei2duan3(de0), adv., ceaselessly: ¥L¨Sµuªº¨Ó he comes here continuously.
7. ¨SÂ_ªº mei2duan4(de0), adv., ditto.
8. ¨S©x *mo4guan1, v.t., be confiscated by law.
9. ¨S¨Ó¥Ñ mei2lai2you2, adj., without any cause, for not reason.
10. ¨S¸¨¨à mei2lao4er0, adv., helpless, in a fix (also ¨S¸¨¨à).
11. ¨S¤F mei2le, v.i., to disappear, vanish;
12. ¨S¤F mei2le, prep., without: ¨S¤F¥L¤£¦¨ we cannot do without him.
13. ¨S¸¨ *mo4luo4, v.i., be on the decline.
14. ¨S©`¦ó *mo4nai4he2, adv., cannot help (doing).
15. ¨S¶] mei2pao3, phr., cannot get away, --certain of success.
16. ¨S¤J *mo4ru4, v.t., be confiscated.
17. ¨S¬Æ»ò¡]¨S¤°»ò¡^ mei2she2me, phr., nothing important;
18. ¨S¬Æ»ò¡]¨S¤°»ò¡^ mei2she2me, phr., not bad (quite good).
19. ¨S¦¬ *mo4shou1, v.t. & p.p., confiscate(d).
20. ¨S¨Æ mei2shi4, n., nothing important or exciting;
21. ¨S¨Æ mei2shi4, phr., all right: «O§A¨S¨Æ I guarantee you nothing will happen;
22. ¨S¨Æ mei2shi4, phr., ¨S¨Æ¤H a detached observer.
23. ¨S¥@ *mo4shi4, adv., for life: ¨S¥@¤£§Ñ remember for life.

¯C Num. Index: 63A.82-9     £¡£º£´£¿ jUn4    .
V.t.(¡×Àà) To dredge: ¯Cªd¾÷ a dredger.

º§ Num. Index: 63A.83-1     £{£¸£³£½ lian2    .
Words1. º§º¬ lian2yi1, adj. & n., (AC) rippling (water).
2. º§º§ lian2lian2, adj., as in ª_®÷º§º§ weep profusely.

¾® Num. Index: 63A.83-2     £z£¸£¶£½ ning2    .
V.i. & t.(1) (Of liquids) to congeal, freeze, solidify;
(of vapor) turn into liquid;
(of water) turn into ice: ¾®¦¨©TÅé (of liquids) become solid;
¾®¦í congeal;
¾®©T¡A¾®µ²¡A¾®­á ning2gu4, ning2jie2, ning2dong4¡õ.
(2) To fix: ¾®¥Ø¡A¾®²¶ focus one's eyes upon (s.t. or s.o.);
¾®Ú»¡A¾®µø (of eyes) watch intently, see ning2shi4¡õ.
(3) To gather together;
(of liquids) coagulate: ¾®¯«¡A¾®¶° ning2shen2, ning2ji2¡õ.
Words1. ¾®­á ning2dong4, v.i., coagulate, freeze.
2. ¾®©T ning2gu4, v.i. & n., (of liquids) solidify, -fication;
3. ¾®©T ning2gu4, v.i. & n., ¾®©TÂI freezing point;
4. ¾®©T ning2gu4, v.i. & n., ¾®©T¾¯ coagulant.
5. ¾®µ² ning2jie2, v.i. & n., condense, -ation.
6. ¾®¶° ning2ji2, v.i., to flock together.
7. ¾®§© ning2zhuang1, adj., (of women) dolled up, prettily dressed.
8. ¾®èô ning2zhu4, v.i., stand transfixed;
9. ¾®èô ning2zhu4, v.i., stand still waiting.
10. ¾®­« ning2zhong4, adj., (of manners) dignified.
11. ¾®¯× ning2zhi1, n., as in ½§­Y¾®¯× skin smooth like lard or butter.
12. ¾®º¢ ning2zhi4, adj., (of speech or action) slow-moving, not flowing freely;
13. ¾®º¢ ning2zhi4, adj., involved, blocked up.
14. ¾®»E ning2jU4, v.i. & n., (1) (chem.) coagulate, -tion;
15. ¾®»E ning2jU4, v.i. & n., (2) ¾®»Eºë¯« concentrate attention.
16. ¾®¯« ning2shen2, v.i., to concentrate.
17. ¾®·Q ning2xiang3, v.i., meditate.
18. ¾®µø ning2shi4, v.t., to stare at, look intently.
19. ¾®«ä ning2si1, v.i., meditate.

²G Num. Index: 63A.83-6     £¸£®£¿ ye4         (re. pr. £¸£¿ yi4    ).
N.Fluid: ¦å²G blood (in circulation);
³è²G¡A²C²G saliva;
ºë²G semen.
Words1. ²G¤Æ ye4hua4, v.t., liquefy.
2. ²G¥Ä ye4zhi1, n., juice.
3. ²GÅé ye4ti3, n., fluid state.

ºx Num. Index: 63A.83-6     £££º£³£½ xUan2    .
Words1. ºx¨à shyuarer0, n., (1) whirlpool;
2. ºx¨à shyuarer0, n., (2) a whorl on fingerprint or in hair.
3. ºx´õ xUan2wo1, n., whirlpool.

Õà Num. Index: 63A.83-6     £x£¸£³£¿ dian4    .
N.Swamps, swampy region.

ªx Num. Index: 63A.83-9     £w£³£¿ fan4    . [Var. of ¦Æ 63A.70]
V.i.Drift: ªx¦à drift or go about in boat.
Adj. & adv.Broad, unconfined: ªx½× general discussion;
ªx¯«½× pantheism;
ªxÆ[ in a general survey;
ªx°Ý ask in general;
ªxÄý browse among books;
¯Bªx vague, unspecified;
ªÅªx vague and devoid of content;
ªx¾r¤§°¨ (AC) horse that throws rider.
Words1. ªx±` fan4chang2, adj. & adv., (1) superficial;
2. ªx±` fan4chang2, adj. & adv., (2) generally, frequently.
3. ªxªx fan4fan4, adj. &adv., vague, -ly, superficial, -ly, cursory.
4. ªx·¸ fan4yi4, v.i., overflow (see ¦Æ 63A.70).

²C Num. Index: 63A.83-9     £££¸£³£½ xian2    .
N.Saliva: ¤f²C ditto;
²C¥Ö¿àÁy¡A²C¥Ö²CÁy disgusting, slobbering appearance.

¼ê Num. Index: 63A.91-1     £u£¶ peng1    .
Words1. ¼ê´ò peng2hu2, n., the Pescadores Islands.
2. ¼ê´û peng1pai4, adj., descriptive of crashing, booming sound of waves.
3. ¼êíW peng1pi4, n., AC var. of peng1pai4¡ô.

¯A Num. Index: 63A.91-2     £¦£­£¿ she4    .
V.i.(1) To wade across water: ¯A¤ô ditto;
¶[¯A travel across land and water.
(2) to run across, to experience: ¯AÀI explore places of difficult access (peaks, etc.);
¯A¥@¡A¯A¨¬ she4shi41, she4zu2¡õ.
(3) Be related to, connected with: »P§ÚµL¯A has nothing to do with me;
¯A¤Î she4ji2¡õ;
¤z¯A to interfere (rearely Ãö¯A);
¥æ¯A v.i. & n., to negotiate on diplomatic or legal matters;
¿ì¥æ¯A start negotiations.
Words1. ¯Aµ§ she4bi3, phr., (LL) ¡§wet the pen¡¨--to take pen and write when in mood: ¯Aµ§¦¨½ì make an interesting or sparkling line as it comes by itself.
2. ¯A¤Î she4ji2, v.t., to involve, relate to incidentally: ¯A¤Î­Ó¤H¨p¨Æ involve a mention of a man's personal affairs (¤Î here is prep.).
3. ¯AÄý she4lan3, v.t., as in ¯AÄý¸s®Ñ read widely, esp. in cursory reading.
4. ¯AÂy she4lie4, v.i., ditto.
5. ¯A¾ú she4li4, v.t., to go through, live through (periods, countries).
6. ¯A·Q she4xiang3, v.i., to fancy, indulge in fanciful thinking;
7. ¯A·Q she4xiang3, v.i., think of casually.
8. ¯A¥@ she4shi41, phr., to have experience (of life).
9. ¯A¨Æ she4shi41, phr., to have experience or handle affairs.
10. ¯A³^ she4song4, v.i., to be involved in lawsuit.
11. ¯A¨¬ she4zu2, v.i., to go through tentatively, to have a taste of (gambling house, etc.).

¨F Num. Index: 63A.91-2     £¦£« sha1    .
N.(1) Sand: ²Ó¨F fine sand;
­·¨F¡A¨g­·¨F sandstorm;
¤@½L´²¨F a tray of loose sand--a nation or group without cohesion, each individual for himself;
¬y¨F quick sands.
(2) A surname.
Adj.(1) Hoarse (voice): ¨F°×.
(2) Gritty (taste): ¨FÅ{ sandy pulp (of pear, etc.).
(3) Sandy in appearance: ¨FªO¨à sha1ba3er0¡õ.
Words1. ¨FªO¨à sha1ba3er0, adj., as in ¨FªO¨à¿ú a coarse copper coin.
2. ¨F¥] sha1bao1, n., sandbag, also sha1dai4¡õ.
3. ¨F¥¬ sha1bu4, n., emery cloth.
4. ¨F³õ sha1chang2, n., battlefield.
5. ¨F²L¨à sha1chiaaer0, n., a shallow earthen basin.
6. ¨F¿ú sha1qian2, n., very thin bad ancient cash.
7. ¨F¿l sha1chi4, n., (LL) desert dunes.
8. ¨F¥C sha1qiu1, n., sand dunes.
9. ¨F²î sha1chuan2, n., sand junk, with flat bottom, esp. for avoiding getting stuck on river bed.
10. ¨F³U sha1dai4, n., sandbag, also sha1bao1¡ô.
11. ¨F䢤l sha1diao4zi0, n., an earthen pot with wide cover on top and short spout.
12. ¨F¤B³½ sha1ding1yU2, n., sardine.
13. ¨Fµo sha1fa1, n., (translit.) sofa.
14. ¨F¤è sha1fang1, n., a cheap coffin, consisting of a square (¤è) box of fir-wood (¨F¤ì) planks.
15. ¨F¯» sha1fen3, n., emery powder.
16. ¨Fªú sha1fu4, n., sand dunes.
17. ¨FÁç sha1guo1, n., an earthen pot, good esp. for stewing.
18. ¨FªG sha1guo3, n., crab apple.
19. ¨F¦\ sha1zha4, n, a Turkic surname.
20. ¨FÂû sha1ji1, n., the sand grouse.
21. ¨F¨¤ sha1jiao3, n., sand spit, also sha1zui3¡õ.
22. ¨F¥Ò sha1jia4, n., the dragonet fish.
23. ¨F¬w sha1zhou1, n., a sand bar;
24. ¨F¬w sha1zhou1, n., sand bank.
25. ¨FÄÁ sha1zhong3, n., sand glass.
26. ¨F¯È sha1zhi3, n., sandpaper.
27. ¨F§| sha1keng1, n., sand pit.
28. ¨F©Ô sha1la1, n., also sha1lU4, salad (also wr. ¨F«ß).
29. ¨FÙ± sha1leng, adj., gritty in taste.
30. ¨FÄt sha1li4, n., pebbles, gravel.
31. ¨F±ù sha1li2, n., a species of pear, with gritty pulp.
32. ¨Fº| sha1lou4, n., sand filter;
33. ¨Fº| sha1lou4, n., such filter used for marking hours.
34. ¨FÀs sha1long2, n., (translit.) salon (of art).
35. ¨FÂo sha1lU4, n., sand filter.
36. ¨F²r sha1meng3, n., the file fish.
37. ¨Fªù sha1men2, n., Buddhist monk;
38. ¨Fªù sha1men2, n., a Shaman priest;
39. ¨Fªù sha1men2, n., ¨Fªù±Ð Shamanism.
40. ¨F­± sha1mian4, n., (1) sand bank;
41. ¨F­± sha1mian4, n., (2) (Shamiahn) Island of Shameen at Canton.
42. ¨FÀ± sha1mi2, n., (Budd.) an acolyte, novice;
43. ¨FÀ± sha1mi2, n., also ¨FÀ±¤l (sha1mi2zi0).
44. ¨Fºz sha1mo4, n., desert.
45. ¨F¿i sha1mo2, v.t., to sandpaper, see sha1zhi3¡ô;
46. ¨F¿i sha1mo2, v.t., an emery wheel.
47. ¨F¤ì sha1mu4, n., a tree of fir family, Cunninghamia sinensis;
48. ¨F¤ì sha1mu4, n., c.f. §ü 10B.91.
49. ¨F¤c sha1shao2, n., an earthen ladle.
50. ¨F°Ñ sha1shen1, n., (bot.) the blue bell, adenophora verticillata.
51. ¨FÃÉ sha1xie4, n., ¡§show hand¡¨, poker (also translit. as ±ô«¢).
52. ¨F¥Û sha1shi2, n., (1) gravel;
53. ¨F¥Û sha1shi2, n., (2) sandstone.
54. ¨F¨O sha1tai4, v.t., to sift, eliminate (¡×²^¨O 63A.50).
55. ¨FÅy sha1tan1, n., sandbank, also said of sandbar.
56. ¨F¿} sha1tang2, n., unrefined sugar.
57. ¨F¥Ð sha1tian2, n., tidal lands, sand flats.
58. ¨F¶¬ sha1ti2, n., sand bar.
59. ¨FÅú sha1can2, n., a sand bug, nereis diversicolor.
60. ¨F¤g sha1tu3, n., gravel;
61. ¨F¤g sha1tu3, n., sand soil.
62. ¨F¤l sha1zi0, n., grains of sand.
63. ¨F¼L sha1zui3, n., sand spit, a projection of sand bank into river or sea.
64. ¨Fóë sha1tzuei, n., (zoo.) the sandpiper;
65. ¨Fóë sha1tzuei, n., the snipe.
66. ¨F°× sha1ya3, adj., hoarse (voice).
67. ¨F¶­¨à sha1ya4er01, n., a paper kite with a long tail, appearing like a line of flying geese.
68. ¨F¿P¨à sha1ya4er02, n., the common kite, shaped like a swallow.
69. ¨FÃÇ sha1ying2, n., sand fly.
70. ¨F³½ sha1yU2, n., the shark (also wr. ÃT).

´ù Num. Index: 63A.91-4     £v£¸£±£¾ miao3    . [Cogn. ÂÆ 20A.70, ¬í 90A.91, ªH 10.41]
Adj.(1) Distant and difficult to see.
(2) Descriptive of long stretch of water.
Words1. ´ù¯í miao3mang2, adj., elusive, indiscernible: ´ù¯í±o«Ü completely at sea, uncertain.
2. ´ù´ù miao2miao3, adj., very small and distant.
Adj.(Of pool, current) deep and clear.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.91-6     £~£¹£¿ hu4    . [Abbr. of º­ 63A.70]

ÍB Num. Index: 63A.91-8     £{£¸£¿ li4    .
Adj.Foul or poisonous: ÍBÄ^ an evil genius;
Adj.ÍB®ð foul air, miasma.

º¯ Num. Index: 63A.91-9     £¦£´£¿ shen4    .
V.i.To seep through: º¯¥X to leak out.
Words1. º¯º| shen4lou4, v.i., leak through (secret, liquid).
2. º¯¤J shen4ru4, v.i., to infiltrate (of liquids, enemy agents): º¯¤J¦a¤U seep through the ground.
3. º¯³z shen4tou4, v.i., (1) to pass through filter;
4. º¯³z shen4tou4, n., osmosis;
5. º¯³z shen4tou4, v.i., (2) see shen4ru4, shen4lou4¡ô.

²Y Num. Index: 63A.93-1     £¢£¸ chi1    . [Interch. Ðâ]
Adj.(1) Chilly, uncomfortably bleak: ²Y²Y (AC) windy and rainy;
²Y­·­W«B bleak wind and wretched rain.
(2) Sad, mournful, disconsolate (Var. ±~ 22A.93): ²Y¤Á¡A²Y²D¡A²Y·¡ chi1qie4, chi1liang2, chi1chu3¡õ;
²Y²\ forlorn tears;
²Y«| sad sobs.
Words1. ²Y¤Á chi1qie4, adj., (of weeping, song) mournful, disconsolate: ²Y¤Á°Ê¤H sadly moving.
2. ²Y·[ chi1chuang4, adj,. sad and forlorn.
3. ²Y·¡ chi1chu3, adj., see chi1qie4¡ô.
4. ²Y§N chi1leng3, adj., cold, bleak.
5. ²Y²D chi1liang2, adj., sad;
6. ²Y²D chi1liang2, adj., forlorn, lonely: ²Y²Y²D²D ditto;
7. ²Y²D chi1liang2, adj., ¦Ñ´º²Y²D lonely in old age.
8. ²Y¼F chi1li4, adj., (of wind) bitterly cold.
9. ²Y°g chi1mi2, adj., see chi1liang2¡ô.
10. ²Y¤ß chi1xin1, adj., (coll.) discomfort in stomach.
11. ²YºG chi1can3, adj., sad, hard up, oppressed.
12. ²Y·É chi1cang1, adj., var. of chi1chuang4¡ô.
13. ²YÆv chi1yan4, adj., (of love story) sad and beautiful.

²S Num. Index: 63A.93-1     £ª£¹£¶ song1    .
N.Name of river in Kiangsu.

ªk Num. Index: 63A.93-1     £w£«£¾ fa3         (*£w£« fa1        , *£w£«£½ fa2        , *£w£«£¿ fa4    ).
N.(1) (fa3zi0, pr. fa2zi0; fa3er0, pr. fa1er0, fa2er0 or fa3er0) method, way, means: ªk¤l¡Aªk¨à way, method, means of doing: ¥Î¬Æ»òªk¤l in what way, by what means, can you do it? ¨Sªk¤l cannot do a thing, have no choilce: ¨Sªk¤l (or ¨à) §i¶D¥L there is no way to tell him;
·Qªk¡A³]ªk think of some way (to do);
µLªkÄU¥L there is no way to persuade him.
(2) In art & literature, technique, method, principles of composition: µ§ªk technique, style of writing;
³¹ªk composition;
®Ñªk calligraphy;
µeªk method of painting;
¤»ªk six principles of art by Á»® C.A.D. 490.
(3) The law: ªk«ß fa3lU4¡õ;
¥Áªk civil law;
¦Dªk criminal law;
¥qªk justice;
¥ßªk legislature;
¾Ëªk constitution;
ªkªv government by law;
ªk®a fa3jia1¡õ;
¦uªk¡A¥Çªk obey, violate, the law;
°õªk carry out the law, justice;
ªk¾Ç°| law college;
ªk¾Ç¨t department of law;
ªk©w legal, fixed by law: ªk©w»ù®æ¡A¸ê®æ¡AÅv§Q legal price, qualifications, rights;
ªk©w¤H¼Æ quorum;
ªk©w§Q²v¡A¦~ÄÖ¡A¥N²z¤H legal interest, age, agent;
ªk¥O¡Aªk³W¡Aªk«h fa3ling4, fa3gui1, fa3ze2¡õ.
(4) Tradition-honored institutions: ¥ý¤ýªk¨å¡Aªk³¹;
¦³¤ýªk¡A¨S¦³¤ýªk respect, having no respect, for established code of behavior.
(5) (Budd.) the Law, the church, the teachings of the church: ªk®v¡Aªk®y term of address to abbot, master;
ªk¹ª temple drum;
ªk¾¹¡Aªk»O music instruments, altar used in Buddhist mass;
ªk¹³ Buddhist portrait or statue;
ªk²î´¶«× paper boat burned on Buddhist All Souls' Day;
ªk¿é±`Âà The wheel of transmigration always goes on;
ªk®ü¡Aªk¤O great power of salvation;
ªk®v¡Aªk²´¡Aªk½t fa3si4, fa3yan3, fa3yUan2¡õ.
Words1. ªk®× fa3an4, n., legal case.
2. ªkÄ_ fa2bao3, n., (1) the almsbowl, walking stick of Budd. monks;
3. ªkÄ_ fa2bao3, n., (2) gen. term for magic weapon or formula, most precious secret: ÀH¨­ªkÄ_ a standby (like a good dictionary).
4. ªk¹ô fa3bi4, n., legal tender.
5. ªk³õ fa3chang2, n., execution ground.
6. ªk¨å fa2dian3, n., time-honored code, tradition, statutes.
7. ªk«× fa3du4, n., (1) statutes, code;
8. ªk«× fa3du4, n., (2) method, means;
9. ªk«× fa3du4, n., correct pattern.
10. ªk©x fa3guan1, n., court judge;
11. ªk©x fa3guan1, n., formerly, Taoist of rank.
12. ªk³W fa3gui1, n., regulations;
13. ªk³W fa3gui1, n., statutes.
14. ªk°ê fa3guo2, n., France;
15. ªk°ê fa3guo2, n., ªk°ê¤H Frenchman;
16. ªk°ê fa3guo2, n., ªk°ê¸¹ French horn.
17. ªkø fa3hui4, n., (court.) your painting, se fa3shu1¡õ.
18. ªk®a fa3jia1, n., (1) The Legalist School of 4-2nd cen. B.C.;
19. ªk®a fa3jia1, n., (2) (court.) professor (¡×¤è®a);
20. ªk®a fa3jia1, n., (3) (AC) ªk®a©Ø¤h learned men and advisors.
21. ªk¾r fa3jia4, n., (LL, rare) emperor's carriage.
22. ªkĵ fa2jing3, n., the police.
23. ªkÂÅ fa3lan2, n., see µW·ã 31A.93.
24. ªkÄõµ³ *fa4lan2rong2, n., flannel.
25. ªk­¦ *fa4lang2, n., franc, a currency.
26. ªkÄõ¦è *fa4lan2xi1 (fa3lan2xi1), n., France.
27. ªk¦O fa3li4, n., officer of the law.
28. ªk¥O fa3ling4, n., statutes, (mil.) law, order.
29. ªk²z fa2li3, n., legal theory, principle of law.
30. ªkÁ³ fa3luo2, n., conch shell used as trumpet in Buddhist and Taoist masses.
31. ªk«ß fa3lU4, n., the law, laws.
32. ªk½X¡]¨à¡^ fa3ma0er0, n., see ¯|½X 31B.93.
33. ªkªù fa3men2, n., initial approach to become Budd. believer: ¤£¤Gªkªù gen. term, the only correct approach to subect, success.
34. ªk¤H fa3ren2, n., legal person.
35. ªk®Ñ fa3shu1, n., (court.) your esteemed calligraphy.
36. ªk³N fa3shu4, n., magic trick;
37. ªk³N fa3shu4, n., gen. effective means.
38. ªk®v fa3si4, n., (Budd., Taoist) master.
39. ªk¦¡ fa3shi41, n., model, pattern (of conduct, composition).
40. ªk¨Æ fa3shi42, n., Buddhist or Taoist mass.
41. ªk°ó fa3tang2, n., court of law.
42. ªk©« fa2tie3, n., model of calligraphy for practice.
43. ªk®x fa3ting2, n., law court.
44. ªk«h fa3ze2, n., model to be copied;
45. ªk«h fa3ze2, n., rules.
46. ªkºô fa2wang3, n., the various laws and statutes regarded as elaborate net to catch violators.
47. ªk²´ fa2yan3, n., (court.) your esteemed judgment (of art);
48. ªk²´ fa2yan3, n., Buddha's eyes of magic power.
49. ªk¨¥ fa3yan2, n., (AC) venerable, old teachings.
50. ªk¦ç fa3yi1, n., cassocks.
51. ªk°| fa3yUan4, n., court of law.
52. ªk½t fa3yUan2, n., destined union with Budd. church.

ªl Num. Index: 63A.93-5     £~£¹£¶£½ hong2    .
Adj.(Of water) deep and clear.

Ìð Num. Index: 63A.93-6     £££º£³£¿ xUan4    .
Words1. ÌðµM xUan4ran2, adv., tearfully: ÌðµMª_¤U, or ÌðµM¬y®÷ shedding tears in profusion.
2. ÌðÌð xUan4xUan4, adj. & adv., gleaming (tears), glistening (dew).

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.93-6     £w£«£¾ fa3         (£w£« fa1        , £w£«£½ fa2        , £w£«£¿ fa4    ). [Anc. of ªk 63A.93]

¡¼ Num. Index: 63A.93-8     £º£½ yU2    . [Usu. wr. ´ü 63A.00]

´þ Num. Index: 63A.93-8     £¨ zi1    .
N.Taste: ´þ¨ý zi1wei4¡õ.
V.i. & t.(1) V.i., grow, thrive, flourish, develop: ´þ¿» (of plants) flourish, thrive;
´þªø wax, grow bigger;
´þ´Þ wax, multiply, procreate;
´þ­Z (of plants) thrive, grow vigorously, luxuriate;
´þ¥Í zi1sheng1, ´þ½¯ zi1man4¡õ.
(2) (Of liquids) spurt out: ¤ôºÞ¤l¦V¥~´þ¤ô water is bursting out from the hose.
(3) V.t., nourish, foster, cultivate: ´þ¾i zi1yang3, ´þ¸É zi1bu3, ¯÷¼í zi1run4¡õ.
Adv.(LL) very, to a great degree: ¨ä´þ­h¬Æ he (it) is terribly cruel;
ªk¥O´þ¹ü¡Aµs¸é¦h¦³ the more laws and regulations, the more thieves and robbers there are.
Words1. ´þ¸É zi1bu3, (1) v.i., take nourishments;
2. ´þ¸É zi1bu3, v.i., ´þ³±¸É¶§ nourishment for vitality.
3. ´þ¸É zi1bu3, (2) adj., nourishing, nutritious.
4. ´þ½¯ zi1man4, v.i., (of grasses) spread in abundance.
5. ´þ¿° zi1ni, adj., (of dough or the like) thoroughly mixed so as to appear smooth and shiny.
6. ´þ¼í zi1run4, (1) v.t., (lit.) moisten, to water (plants), (fig.) to tone up, nourish (skin), moisten (throat), soften (skin);
7. ´þ¼í zi1run4, (2) adj., nourishing, kind to (the throat).
8. ´þ¥Í zi1sheng1, (1) v.i., wax, multiply, procreate;
9. ´þ¥Í zi1sheng1, (2) v.t., stir up, incite: ´þ¥Í¨ÆºÝ to cause or make trouble.
10. ´þ®§ zi1xi2, v.i., (1) (interest) accrue;
11. ´þ®§ zi1xi2, v.i., (2) (cattle) multiply.
12. ´þ¨Æ zi1shi4, v.i., cause trouble, create an incident, stir up disturbances.
13. ´þ¼L¨à zi1tzueeer0, v.i., (1) beam with smiles;
14. ´þ¼L¨à zi1tzueeer0, v.i., (2) (of flowers) burst open.
15. ´þ¨ý zi1wei4, n., (1) the taste of food, flavor;
16. ´þ¨ý zi1wei4, n., (2) the sensation one feels: Åý§A¹Á¹Á§¤¨cªº´þ¨ý let you have a taste of life in jail.
17. ´þ¾i zi1yang3, v.t., nourish;
18. ´þ¾i zi1yang3, v.t., ´þ¾i«~ nourishment;
19. ´þ¾i zi1yang3, v.t., ´þ¾i®Æ nutritious elements;
20. ´þ¾i zi1yang3, v.t., ´þ¾i¤À ditto.
21. ´þªÞ¨à zi1ya2er0, v.i., to bud.

¦¼ Num. Index: 63A.93-9     £§£¹£¾ ru3    .
N.A surname.
Pron.(AC, LL) you: ¦¼½ú ru3bei4¡õ;
¦¼±ä¡A¦¼µ¥ (plural, familiar form) you.
Words1. ¦¼½ú ru3bei4, pron., (pl.) you, used by elders in speaking to children.
2. ¦¼½` ru3yao2, n., a rare variety of chinaware of the Suhng Dyn., so called from the place ¦¼¦{ in Honan where it was made.

ë Num. Index: 63B.00-1     £x£±£¾ dao3    .
V.i. & t.To pray, beg: ëªÁ pray at temple;
믬 pray for blessing;
¬èë¤W«Ò pray to God: ¬O©Ò¦Üë¡A¬Oë¡A¬°Ã« (in letters, at the conclusion) this is what I beg of you.
Words1. ë§i dao3gao4, v.i. & t., to pray (to God);
2. ë§i dao3gao4, n., a prayer: °µÃ«§i to pray.
3. ë¤å dao3wen2, n., prayer.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63B.00-1     £x£±£¾ dao3    . [Abbr. of ë 63B.00]

âû Num. Index: 63B.01-2     £v£°£½ mei2    .
N. & v.i.(AC) (make) prayer for progeny.

Å¡ Num. Index: 63B.02-6     £§£µ£½ rang2    .
N.A ritual to exorcise evils: ¬èÅ¡ such ritual.
V.t.Drive out by prayers or magic: Å¡¸Ñ exorcise evil spirits;
Å¡¨a make effort to avert calamity by sacrifices;
Å¡°£ exorcise, drive away or out (demon, devil).

¸S Num. Index: 63B.02-9     £{£¹£¿ lu4    .
N.(1) A blessing: ºÖ¸S¹Ø¦Ò good luck and long life.
(2) Salary: ­Ä¸S.
(3) Rank and post: ¸S¦ì¡A¸S¯´ rank.
(4) A surname.

ÁI Num. Index: 63B.10-4     £¥£³£½ chan2         (*£¦£³£¿ shan4    ). [Abbr. ¡¼]
N.(1) (Budd.) meditation, from Sanskr. channa (zen being Japanese spelling): §¤ÁI¡A°ÑÁI observe chan2 with crossed legs in quiet meditation for cleansing the mind of thoughts and for supreme realization of essence of reality, see ÁI®© chan2wu4¡õ.
(2) (Generalized) Buddhism: ÁIªL¡AÁI§ú chan2lin2, chan2zhang4¡õ.
(3) (*shan4) Special worship of the earth, or of sacred mountain in august ceremony.
V.i.(*shan4) To abdicate in favor of another person: ÁIÅý¡AÁI¦ì shan4rang4, shan4wei4¡õ;
¨üÁI accept rule abdicated by previous ruler.
Words1. ÁIûÒ chan2chuang2, n, bed or divan for meditation.
2. ÁI©w chan2ding4, n., the utter calm of mind attained by purging the mind of all thoughts.
3. ÁI©Ð chan2fang2, n., a monastic room.
4. ÁIÃö chan2guan1, n., ditto.
5. ÁI©M¤l chan2he2zi3, n., (MC) one who practises meditation.
6. ÁI§ú chan2zhang4, n., Buddhist cane, orig. a cane with a padded head for knocking on head of one who falls asleep.
7. ÁI¾÷ chan2ji1, n., chan2 subtleties.
8. ÁIÔU chan2jie2, n, a gatha (short verse) containing a chan2 message.
9. ÁI¸g chan2jing1, n., mass said for the deceased.
10. ÁI±I chan2ji2, v.i., (Budd.) pass away (cf. ±I·À 62.82, Nirvana).
11. ÁI«È chan2ke4, n., believer who practises chan2.
12. ÁIªL chan2lin2, n., the monasteries.
13. ÁIÅý *shan4rang4, v.i., (in time of Emperors ³ó and µÏ) to abdicate in favor of a chosen able man and not by heredity.
14. ÁI¤ß chan2xin1, n., the meditative or purified mind.
15. ÁI®v chan2si4, n., the guru, chan2 master.
16. ÁI°ó chan2tang2, n., a monastic hall.
17. ÁI¦ì *shan4wei4, v.i., to abdicate in favor of another (crown heir, etc.).
18. ÁI®© chan2wu4, v.i., to realize, a realization or awakening to truth.
19. ÁI´È chan2yi3, n., seat for meditation.
20. ÁI®® chan2yUe4, n., the inner bliss and peace from meditation.

²» Num. Index: 63B.10-8     £££¸£µ£½ xiang2    .
N.(1) Omens (orig. indicating good and bad, but generally limited to good augury).
(2) Good luck, happy omens: ¦N²» common term for good luck (also wr. ¦N¦Ï);
¤£²» bad omen, ill luck.
(3) Sacrificial offering on the anniversary of the death of parents--¤p²»¡A¤j²» on the first, second such anniversary.
Words1. ²»¥ü xiang2zhao4, n., good omens.
2. ²»ª÷ xiang2jin1, n., term for ancient sacrificial bronzes.
3. ²»·ç xiang2rui4, n., good omens.
4. ²»¶³ xiang2yUn2, n., beautiful, auspicious clouds, used esp. in describing the skies accompanying appearances of Buddha.

ªÀ Num. Index: 63B.11-1     £¦£­£¿ she4    .
N.(1) God of the land: ªÀ²½¡AªÀ½^ she4ji41,2¡õ.
(2) A club, group, corporation, business agency: ·|ªÀ (esp. Japanese) corporation;
­µ¼ÖªÀ¡A¸ÖªÀ music club, poetry club;
®È¦æªÀ tourist agency;
³q°TªÀ news agency;
ªA°ÈªÀ service center or bureau;
³øªÀ¡AÂø»xªÀ newspaper, magazine corporation.
(3) Day of sacrifice to the god of the land: ¬KªÀ spring sacrifice;
¬îªÀ autumn sacrifice--occurring on the fifth ¥³ day after ¥ß¬K and ¥ß¬î, see Appendix B.
Words1. ªÀ·| she4hui4, n., society: ¤W¬yªÀ·| upper-class society;
2. ªÀ·| she4hui4, n., ªÀ·|¤ß²z¡A±Ð¨| social psychology, education;
3. ªÀ·| she4hui4, n., ªÀ·|²{¶H social phenomena;
4. ªÀ·| she4hui4, n., ªÀ·|¾Ç sociology;
5. ªÀ·| she4hui4, n., ªÀ·|¥D¸q socialism;
6. ªÀ·| she4hui4, n., ªÀ·|ºÖ§Q social welfare;
7. ªÀ·| she4hui4, n., ªÀ·|½å¹F community leaders.
8. ªÀ¤õ she4huo3, n., festival of ¡§beginning of spring¡¨ (see ¥ß¬K 60.30).
9. ªÀªø she4zhang3, n., chief of agency, club, corporation, see N.2¡ô.
10. ªÀ¥æ she4jiao1, n., social intercourse, life: ªÀ¥æ¬É men and women active in social life;
11. ªÀ¥æ she4jiao1, n., ªÀ¥æ©Ê gregarious instinct, sociability.
12. ªÀ²½ she4ji41, n., sacrifice to the god of land.
13. ªÀ½^ she4ji42, n., (1) orig. the god of grains;
14. ªÀ½^ she4ji42, n., (2) generally, the state, the nation: ªÀ½^¤§«e³~ the future of the state;
15. ªÀ½^ she4ji42, n., ªÀ½^©Ò¿à the mainstay of the country and the people;
16. ªÀ½^ she4ji42, n., ªÀ½^¤§¦Ú a pillar of the state;
17. ªÀ½^ she4ji42, n., ªÀ½^¾Â altar to the god of grains and the soil.
18. ªÀ½× she4lun4, n,. editorial comment.
19. ªÀ¼q she4miao4, n., temple to the god of the land.
20. ªÀµû she4ping2, n., editorial comment.
21. ªÀ¤é she4ri4, n., see N.3¡ô.
22. ªÀ¹« she4shu3, n., ¡§temple rats¡¨: «°ª°ªÀ¹« those who prey upon the people and fatten themselves.
23. ªÀ­Ü she4cang1, n., formerly, public granary.
24. ªÀ¹Î she4tuan2, n., (1) a corporation, a corporate body;
25. ªÀ¹Î she4tuan2, n., (2) any social group.
26. ªÀ¤g she4tu3, n., (AC) feudal state given to a prince.
27. ªÀ¤Í she4you3, n., a club member.
28. ªÀ­û she4yUan2, n., ditto.

âú Num. Index: 63B.11-3     £¸£´ yin1    .
V.i.To offer sacrifices: âúªÁ.

¯« Num. Index: 63B.22-2     £¦£´£½ shen2    .
N.(1) Spirit, God, gen. term for the spirits, the gods, the deities, supernatural beings: ¯«¥P¡A¯«©Ç shen2xian1, shen2guai4¡õ;
¯«©ú¡A¯«ÆF shen2ming2, shen2ling2¡õ;
¤Ñ¯« celestial spirits;
¤s¯« spirit of the mountains (cf. §¯ 93A.81, ºë 22C.42);
oft. coupled with °­ demons: ¯«¤£ª¾¡A°­¤£Ä± without even the spirits knowing about it--mysteriously;
¯«¥X°­¨S appear and disappear mysteriously;
¯«®t°­¨Ï messengers of the gods and spirits;
¯«¤H¦@¸Ý abominated by both gods and men.
(2) The mind, the soul, the man's spirit;
¯«§¹®ð¨¬ full of spirit and energay;
¯«¤£¦uªÙ out of one's mind (¡§soul departed from its abode¡¨);
¯«¨Ó¤§µ§ an inspired passage;
¤ß¯« the mind, mental state;
¦w¯« tranquilize the nerves;
¾i¯« rest and restore energy;
¥Î¯«¡A¶O¯«¡A³Ò¯« to troubele oneself, hence a formula to thank people for taking the trouble;
¾®¯« focus attention;
¥X¯« absent-minded, daydreaming;
¥¢¯« dejected;
¯d¯« (please) be careful.
(3) Demeanor, expression: ¯«¦â¡A¯«®e¡A¯«ºA¡A¯«§Ó shen2se4, shen2rong2, shen2tai4, shen2zhi41¡õ;
¶Ç¯« (of painting) conveying the true spirit of the subject portrayed;
to draw a portrait;
²´¯« look, expression of eyes.
V.i.To appreciate, comprehend: ¯«¦Ó©ú¤§¡A¦s¥G¨ä¤H it is up to every individual to try to comprehend.
Adj.Divine, miraculous, superb: ¯«§®¡A¯«©_ shen2miao4, shen2chi22¡õ;
¯«¥G¨ä¯« marvellous! divine! ¯«®Ä magical effect (of medicine);
¯«Âå a great physician.
Adv.By, of the spirit: ¯«¹£¥ª¥k my spirit is always with you;
µL¥ô¯«©¹ admire from the distance greatly;
¯«¥æ be spiritually attracted to a friend one has not met;
¯«¸Ñ to understand by the spirit, not the rational mind.
Words1. ¯«®ð shen2chi41, (1) n., expression of face, atmosphere, painting or group;
2. ¯«®ð shen2chi41, (2) (shen2chi0) adj., wearing a proud, self-satisfied look;
3. ¯«®ð shen2chi41, (shen2chi0) adj., ¯«®ð¬¡²{ phr., looking selfsatisfied.
4. ¯«¾¹ shen2chi42, n., symbols of imperial power (throne, tripod, etc.).
5. ¯«¯­ shen2chi21, n., celestial (¯«) and terrestial spirits (¯­).
6. ¯«©_ shen2chi22, adj., magical in effect, miraculous (event);
7. ¯«©_ shen2chi22, adj., extraordinary (art work).
8. ¯«±¡¡]¨à¡^ shen2qing2(er0), n., facial expression.
9. ¯«¼p shen2chu2, n., cabinet beneath a niche for idol.
10. ¯«Åv shen2qUan2, n., (1) divine power;
11. ¯«Åv shen2qUan2, n., (2) ¯«Åv®É¥N period of theocracy.
12. ¯«¹D shen2dao4, (1) n., (a) path leading to tomb;
13. ¯«¹D shen2dao4, n., ¯«¹D¸O tablet on side of tomb giving biographical sketch (always laudatory) of deceased;
14. ¯«¹D shen2dao4, n., (b) (MC) the deities in gen.;
15. ¯«¹D shen2dao4, (2) (shen2dao0) adj., ¯u¯«¹D (child) unusually brilliant.
16. ¯«¤÷ shen2fu4, n., Roman catholic father.
17. ¯«ºÖ shen2fu2, n., (MC) sacrifices for blessing of the gods.
18. ¯«©Ç shen2guai4, n., spirits and demons: ¯«©Ç¤p»¡ supernatural tales.
19. ¯«¤u shen2gong1, phr., °­©ò¯«¤u (of art masterpiece) extraordinary as if done by the spirits.
20. ¯«¸Ü shen2hua4, n., mythology;
21. ¯«¸Ü shen2hua4, n., a myth.
22. ¯«»î shen2hun2, n., (1) soul (cf. ÆF»î);
23. ¯«»î shen2hun2, n., (2) state of mind: ¯«»î¤£©w frightened or depressed, out of one's wits;
24. ¯«»î shen2hun2, n., ¯«»îÄA­Ë heart in torment, crazy with longing of loved one.
25. ¯«ü½ shen2ji11, n., a miracle.
26. ¯«¾÷ shen2ji12, n., (1) a sudden inspiration;
27. ¯«¾÷ shen2ji12, n., (2) a divine plan: ¤£¥i¬ªÅS¯«¾÷ God's secret may not be revealed (said by magicians, Taoists).
28. ¯««Á shen2jian1, (1) n., (AC) the deities and demons;
29. ¯««Á shen2jian1, (2) adj., hypocritical, deceitful (plotters).
30. ¯«¨Ê shen2jing11, n., (LL) euphemism for national capital.
31. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, (1) n., nerves;
32. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, (2) adj., nervous;
33. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¯«¸g¨t the nervous systems;
34. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¯«¸g²Ó­Mnerve cells;
35. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¯«¸gÅÖºû ganglions of nerves;
36. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¯«¸g°I®z nervous prostration, neurasthenia;
37. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¯«¸g¿ù¶Ã mentally deranged, mental disorder;
38. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¥æ·P¯«¸g sympathetic nerves;
39. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¯«¸gª¢ neuritis;
40. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¯«¸g¯f mental derangement, in sanity;
41. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¯«¸gµh neuralgia;
42. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¯«¸g½è neurotic;
43. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¯«¸g¹L±Ó oversensitive;
44. ¯«¸g shen2jing12, adj., ¸g¾Ô¾Ô war of nerves.
45. ¯«¦{ shen2zhou1, n., the Divine Continent--China.
46. ¯«¥D shen2zhu3, n., a spirit tablet.
47. ¯«§Ó shen2zhi41, n., state of mind: ¯«§Ó¤£²M (of patient) in confused state of mind;
48. ¯«§Ó shen2zhi41, n., ¯«§Ó²M¥Õ in a clear state of mind.
49. ¯«´¼ shen2zhi42, adj. & n., intelligent, -ce;
50. ¯«´¼ shen2zhi42, adj. & n., mental agility.
51. ¯«§g shen2jUn1, n., laudatory epithet of sovereign, deity.
52. ¯«¯È shen2zhi3, n., paper money burnt for use in nether world.
53. ¯«¨à she2er0, n., see shen2chi41¡ô.
54. ¯«²á shen2liao2, v.i., to tell a tall tale.
55. ¯«¤O shen2li4, n., God's power;
56. ¯«¤O shen2li4, n., magical power.
57. ¯«ÆF shen2ling2, n., the spirits, various deities: ¯«ÆF«O¯§ may God protect (us).
58. ¯«§® shen2miao4, adj., astounding, subtle, utterly delightful (piece of writing): ¯«§®²ö´ú so subtle as to be difficult to guess what comes next.
59. ¯«¯µ shen2mi4, adj., mystical, beyond one's comprehension, mysterious (movements).
60. ¯«©ú shen2ming2, n., (1) the deities, used also in address to God;
61. ¯«©ú shen2ming2, n., (2) (AC) man's comprehending soul.
62. ¯«¤k sernnU3, n., (1) a goddess;
63. ¯«¤k sernnU3, n., (2) a female enchanter: ¯«¤k¥Í²P prostitution.
64. ¯««~ shen2pin3, n., (art criticism) one of the ¡§divine class¡¨--inimitable work of a genius.
65. ¯«¤H shen2ren2, n., a person of extraordinary, God-like appearance.
66. ¯«®e shen2rong2, n., facial expression.
67. ¯«¦â shen2se4, n., facial expression (downcast, etc.).
68. ¯«¸t shen2sheng4, adj., sacred, holy: ¯«¸t¤£¥i«I¥Ç (regarded as) sacred, not to be touched or criticized.
69. ¯«¹³ shen2xiang4, n., (1) an idol, an image;
70. ¯«¹³ shen2xiang4, n., (2) portrait of an idol.
71. ¯«¥P shen2xian1 (shen2xian0), n., a fairy, a Taoist immortal;
72. ¯«¥P shen2xian1 (shen2xian0), n., ¯«¥P¬G¨Æ a fairy tale;
73. ¯«¥P shen2xian1 (shen2xian0), n., ¯«¥P¤¤¤H the happiest mortal alive;
74. ¯«¥P shen2xian1 (shen2xian0), n., ¯«¥P²²ÄÝ most happily married.
75. ¯«¦æ¤Ó«O shen2xing2tai4bao3, n., ¡§Superman.¡¨
76. ¯«³N shen2shu4, n., magic: (a) use of magical power by deities;
77. ¯«³N shen2shu4, n., (b) remarkable skill (of physicians).
78. ¯«¾Ç shen2xUe2, n., theology;
79. ¯«¾Ç shen2xUe2, n., ¯«¾Ç°| theological seminary.
80. ¯«ºâ shen2suan4, n., remarkable prediction of affairs.
81. ¯«³t shen2su4, adj. & adv., amazingly fast, with utmost speed.
82. ¯««ä shen2si1, n., thinking of the distant ones;
83. ¯««ä shen2si1, n., deep thinking.
84. ¯«¦ü shen2syh, (1) adj., looking like, resembling;
85. ¯«¦ü shen2syh, (2) n., resemblance.
86. ¯«ºA shen2tai4, n., a man's look or expression.
87. ¯«±m shen2cai3, n., glamour, spirit (in appearance), healthy look.
88. ¯«³q shen2tong1, n., magical power of the deities: ¯«³q¼s¤j superior magic in battle of the spirits and demons;
89. ¯«³q shen2tong1, n., (fig.) a person's extraordinary power of getting what he wants: ¤jÅ㯫³q show what one is capable of, (deity) shows his magic power.
90. ¯«µ£ shen2tong2, n., a child prodigy.
91. ¯«¦ì shen2wei4, n., see shen2zhu3¡ô.
92. ¯«ª« shen2wu41, n., (1) a supernatural being;
93. ¯«ª« shen2wu41, n., (2) an old tree, tortoise, etc., associated with myth or fable.
94. ¯«®© shen2wu42, v.i., to understand through the spirit.
95. ¯«ªZ shen2wu3, adj., epithet of a great conquering general.
96. ¯«·N shen2yi41, n., God's will.
97. ¯«²§ shen2yi42, adj., miraculous (tales, events).
98. ¯«¿o shen2ying3, adj., remarkably intelligent.
99. ¯«Ãý shen2yUn4, n., flavor of poem or painting;
100. ¯«Ãý shen2yUn4, n., (litr. criticism) flavor theory of poetry of ¤ýº®¬v.
101. ¯««i shen2yong3, adj. see shen2wu3¡ô.

ªÂ Num. Index: 63B.22-3     £¢£¸£½ chi2    .
N.A surname.
Adj. & adv.(AC) ample, very: ªÂ´H (AC) severely cold.
Words1. ªÂªÂ chi2chi2, adj., (AC) slow;
2. ªÂªÂ chi2chi2, adj., ample;
3. ªÂªÂ chi2chi2, adj., numerous.

¬è Num. Index: 63B.22-9     £¢£¸£½ chi2    .
V.i. & t.(1) To pray (to s.o.) for (s.t.): ¬èë¡A¬è½Ð chi2dao3, chi2qing3¡õ;
¬è¦~¡A¬è«B¡A¬è´¸ to pray for New Year, for rain, for clear sky.
(2) (Oft. in correspondence) I beg to ¡Ïvb.: ¬è½Ð¡A¬èÀµ I beg to request;
¬è½ç¥É­µ please reply;
¬è±æ I dare to hope;
©|¬è­ì½Ì I beg you to forgive.
Words1. ¬è³ø chi2bao4, v.i., formerly, to offer sacrifices in spring (¬è) and autumn harvest (³ø).
2. ¬è½Ð chi2qing3, v.i., to beg, request.
3. ¬è¬è chi2chi2, adj., (AC) descriptive of drizzling rain: ¥Ì«B¬è¬è.
4. ¬èë chi2dao3, v.i. & t. & n., to pray to God;
5. ¬èë chi2dao3, v.i. & t. & n., a prayer;
6. ¬èë chi2dao3, v.i. & t. & n., ¬èë·| a prayer service;
7. ¬èë chi2dao3, v.i. & t. & n., ¬èë¤å text of prayer.
8. ¬è©À chi2nian4, v.i., (Budd.) to pray to God.
9. ¬èÁÉ chi2sai4, n., a religious thanksgiving festival oft. with parades: from ¬è¯«ÁÉ·|.
10. ¬èÂQ chi2xiang4, v.i., (AC) hope for some goal.

¯® Num. Index: 63B.22-9     £¨£¹£¬£¿ zuo4    .
N.(1) Throne: ¨ò½î«Ò¯® ascended the throne at last.
(2) Year: ªì·³¤¸¯® (AC) in the first year of the reign.
V.t.To bless: ¤Ñ¯®©ú¼w Heaven blesses the virtuous.
Words1. ¯®©R zou4ming4, n., (AC) divine blessing.
2. ¯®­N zou4yin4, n., (AC) posterity, descendants.

¬ç Num. Index: 63B.30-2     £¤£¾ zhi3    .
N.(LL) good luck, blessing: ºÖ¬ç¡A¹Å¬ç¡A¤é¬ç used in salutations in letters, like ¡§wish you every happiness.

§ Num. Index: 63B.30-2     £{£¸£¾ li3    . [Abbr. and anc. var. ¡¼]
N.(1) (Orig.) religious rituals, (later) ceremonial observances in general: §»ö li3yi2, §ªk li3fa3¡õ;
§¨î social institutions, set of etiquette;
§Åé forms and ceremonies;
§«U li3su2¡õ;
§¨à ceremonial rules;
§¼Æ li3shu4, §»ª li3mao4, §¸` li3jie2, §±Ð li3jiao4, §¸ô¨à li3lu4er0¡õ;
¨å§ a formal ceremony;
±B§ wedding ceremony;
¸®Â§ burial rites;
³à§ funeral services;
¦æ§ hold a ceremony, also to salute;
·q§ to salute, a salutation;
§¤U©ó¤H¥²¦³©Ò¨D when s.o. humbles himself before you, he must have some request to make of you;
§¦h¤H¤£©Ç you won't be blamed for being extra polite.
(2) Gifts, presents: °e§ give presents;
§ª« li3wu4, §«~ li3pin3¡õ;
§³æ a list of gifts;
§³f items on sale in gift shops;
¶P§ wedding presents;
¹Ø§ birthday presents;
§©|©¹¨Ó etiquette requires reciprocity;
§µL¤£µª all courtesies must be returned;
§»´·N­« a small gift given with sincere wish.
(3) Propriety, social customs, see §ªk¡A§«U li3fa3, li3su2¡õ.
(4) A body of social customs and cultural institutions as embodied in Confucianism, see §±Ð li3jiao4¡õ.
V.t.Show respect to: §½å¤U¤h (of kings, princes, etc.) go out of one's way to enlist the services of the talented and the learned;
§¹J (¥H§¹J¤§) treat (s.o.) with high respect.
Words1. §«ô li3bai4, (1) v.i., (also °µÂ§«ô) attend a religious service, go to church;
2. §«ô li3bai4, (2) n., a week: ¤W§«ô last week;
3. §«ô li3bai4, n., ¨â¤T§«ô two or three weeks;
4. §«ô li3bai4, n., §«ô¤é¡A§«ô¤Ñ Sunday, the day of worship;
5. §«ô li3bai4, n., §«ô¦x (Islam) mosque;
6. §«ô li3bai4, n., §«ô°ó a church or chapel.
7. §³¡ li3bu4, n., the Board of Rites under the monarchy (in charge of education and culture).
8. 夜f li3qUan4, n., gift coupon.
9. 夻k li2fa3, n., ceremonial rites and regulations.
10. 夻A li3fu2, n., ceremonial or formal dress.
11. §±Ð li3jiao4, n., Confucianism, the teaching of social order.
12. §¸` li3jie2, n., ceremonial rules, etiquette.
13. §°O li3ji4, n., book of rites, one of the Confucian classics (usu. spelled ¡§Liki¡¨).
14. §ª÷ li3jin1, n., monetary gifts.
15. §¸ô¨à li3lu4er0, n., politeness, etiquette.
16. §»ª li3mao4, n., politeness of manner.
17. §¯¥ li3pao4, n., gun salute.
18. §«~ li3pin3, n., gift.
19. §Åý li3rang4, n., courtesy of manners.
20. §¼Æ li3shu4, n., etiquette, polite behavior.
21. §«U li3su2, n., social customs and institutions.
22. §°ó li3tang2, n., an assembly hall, auditorium.
23. §©« li3tie1, n., formal invitation card.
24. §ª« li3wu4, n., presents.
25. §»ö li3yi2, n., ceremonials;
26. §»ö li3yi2, n., gifts, etiquette.

¯ª Num. Index: 63B.30-4     £¨£¹£¾ zu3    .
N.(1) An ancestor: ¯ª¤÷ zu3fu4¡õ;
´¿Â§ great-grandfather;
°ª¯ª great-great-grandfather;
»ó¯ª one's earliest known ancestor;
¤Ó¯ª posthumous title conferred on the founder of a dynasty.
(2) A founder, an originator: ¯ª®v zu3si4¡õ.
(3) Sacrifice to god of travellers: ¯ª³þ¡A¯ª¹D¡A¯ªÀ^ zu3dian4, zu3dao4, zu3jian4¡õ.
(4) A surname.
Words1. ¯ª½ú¡]¨à¡^ zu3bei4 (zu3beher0) n., ancestors, forefathers.
2. ¯ªÃ@ zu2bian1, phr., vying to push ahead in friendly rivalry (allu. to the story of ¼Bµb and ¯ª³|).
3. ¯ª§­ zu2bi3, n., one's deceased grandmother.
4. ¯ª²£ zu3chan3, n., ancestral estate.
5. ¯ª¶Ç zu3chuan2, adj., handed down from generation to generation.
6. ¯ª¥N zu3dai4, n., ancestors, for bears.
7. ¯ª¹D zu3dao4, v.i., bid good-bye to departing friend by offering sacrifice to the patron god of travellers.
8. ¯ª³þ zu3dian4, n., a sacrifice to the deceased on the eve of his burial rites.
9. ¯ª¤÷ zu3fu4, n., grandfahter.
10. ¯ª°ê zu3guo2, n., one's fatherland.
11. ¯ª±b zu3zhang4, v.i., hold a sacrifice to the patron god of travellers to bid good-bye to a departing friend.
12. ¯ªÀ^ zu3jian4, v.t., give a party in honor of (a departing friend).
13. ¯ªÄy zu3ji2, n., the land of one's forefathers.
14. ¯ª¦Ò zu2kao3, n., one's deceased grandfather.
15. ¯ª¥À zu2mu3, n., grandmother;
16. ¯ª¥À zu2mu3, n., ¯ª¥Àºñ (min.) pure emerald.
17. ¯ª¤W zu3shang4, n., remote ancestors.
18. ¯ª¯« zu3shen2, n., the patron god of travellers.
19. ¯ª¥ý zu3xian1, n., ancestors, forbears, forefathers.
20. ¯ª­z zu3shu4, v.t., follow in the ways of (sages, saints).
21. ¯ª®v zu3si4, n., (1) founder of a religious sect;
22. ¯ª®v zu3si4, n., (2) the legendary founder of a craft or occupation.
23. ¯ª°e zu3song4, v.t., give a farewell party in honor of (s.o.).
24. ¯ª©v zu3zong1, n., remote ancestors, forbears.
25. ¯ªªZ zu2wu3, phr., be a worthy successor to ancestral greatness (¡§walking in the footsteps of one's ancestors¡¨).
26. ¯ª·~ zu3ye4, n., (1) great achievements of one's ancestors;
27. ¯ª·~ zu3ye4, n., (2) ancestral estate.
28. ¯ª¿ò zu3yi2, adj., (of property) bequeathed by ancestors.

Òé Num. Index: 63B.40-1     £~£¹£¿ hu4    .
N.(AC) blessing: ¨ü¤Ñ¤§Òé receive the blessings of heaven.

ÁH Num. Index: 63B.40-1     £££¸ xi1         (£££¸£¾ xi3    ).
N. & adj.Happiness (used in New Year greetings): ®¥¶P·sÁH Happy New Year;
¼yÁH to celebrate a happy occasion.

¯§ Num. Index: 63B.40-1     £¸£²£¿ you4    .
V.i.(Of God) to bless, protect (family, people).

¡¼ Num. Index: 63B.41-2     £¤£«£¿ zha4    . [Interch. ãÜ]
N.(AC) year-end sacrifice of thanksgiving for good crops.

ºÖ Num. Index: 63B.41-3     £w£¹£½ fu2    .
N.Blessing, happiness, good luck, prosperity, regarded as corresponding to one's character or destiny: usu. ºÖ®ð fu2chi4, ºÖ¤À fu2fen4¡õ;
¦³ºÖ (®ð) under a good star;
¨ÉºÖ enjoy oneself or easy way of living;
ºÖ«p¡AÁ¡ destined, not destined, to enjoy life;
µLºÖ©Ó¨ü do not have the luck to enjoy the good gifts of life;
counted among the good things of life: ºÖ¸S¹Ø¦Ò prosperity, high position and long life;
ºÖµLÂù¦Ü¡Aº×¤£³æ¦æ good fortune does not come in pairs, and disasters do not come alone;
ºÖ¦Ü¤ßÆF when good luck comes, one has good ideas;
¤­ºÖÁ{ªù the five blessings come to this house;
µoºÖ to grow plump.
V.t.(LL) to bless: ºÖµ½º×²] God blesses the good and punishes the evil.
Adj.(1) Blessed, happy, lucky: ºÖ¤H lucky man;
¬}¤ÑºÖ¦a blessed spot, usu. some scenic spot high on mountains or near temples.
(2) Things connected with sacrifices: ºÖ°s¡AºÖª« sacrificial wine, offerings.
(3) Used in letters in conveying good wishes: ºÖ¦w, blessed with good health;
ºÖÅé¡AºÖ°` your bodily health;
ºÖ§È enjoy the blessings of God.
Words1. ºÖ®ð fu2chi4, n., good luck, one's alloted happiness: ¨S¦³³oºÖ®ð haven't the good luck;
2. ºÖ®ð fu2chi4, n., ¤Ó¤Ó¡A§A¯uºÖ®ð madam, you are a blessed woman, implying that she deserves all the good luck, not just lucky.
3. ºÖ¤À fu2fen4, n., one's allotted share of happiness, see fu2chi4¡ô.
4. ºÖ§Q fu2li4, n., welfare, fringe benefits: ºÖ§Q°òª÷ welfarefund;
5. ºÖ§Q fu2li4, n., ªÀ·|ºÖ§Q social welfare.
6. ºÖ¦â fu2se4, n., deep liver color.
7. ºÖ¬P fu2xing1, n., lucky star.
8. ºÖ­µ fu2yin1, n., good new, the Christian Gospel: ºÖ­µ°ó Christian church of some denominations.

ò¥ Num. Index: 63B.42-3     £z£¸£¾ ni3         (*£v£¸£½ mi2    ).
N.(1) One's deceased father whose tablet is preserved in the ancestral temple;
such tablet carried in travel.
(2) (*mi2) A surname.

º× Num. Index: 63B.42-4     £~£¹£¬£¿ huo4    .
V.Disaster, misfortune, opp. of ºÖ good fortune: º×¤£³æ¦æ misfortunes do not come singly;
º×ºÖµLªù God's even-handed justice;
¥¹¤iº×ºÖ sudden changes of fortune: (¯f±q¤f¤J) º×±q¤f¥X disaster emanates from careless talk;
º×°_¿½Àð troubles start inside the house (such as fratricide);
·Sº×¡AÂôº× provoke or cause trouble;
¶Àº× the Yellow Peril;
º×±w¡Aº×®` huo4huan4, huo4hai4¡õ.
V.t.To bring disaster to: (LL) º×¥Á¡Aº×°ê¬o¥Á bring disaster to the country and its people.
Words1. º×®Ú huo4gen1, n., root of trouble;
2. º×®Ú huo4gen1, n., seed of future trouble.
3. º×®` huo4hai4, (1) n., disaster, evil;
4. º×®` huo4hai4, (2) (huo4hai0) v.t., to injure (people, country).
5. º×±w huo4huan4, n., constant or continuing cause of trouble (flood, famine, banditry).
6. º×­º huo4shou3, n., chief culprit.
7. º×¤ô huo4shui3, n., (LL) woman compared to flood causing trouble to an individual or ruling dynasty.
8. º×©l huo4shi3, n., see huo4gen1¡ô.
9. º×­L huo4tai1, n., see huo4gen1¡ô.

¯¨ Num. Index: 63B.50-5     £©£½ ci2    .
N.(1) Ancestral temple, memorial temple: ©v¯¨ ditto;
¯¨°ó ci2tang2¡õ;
¥Í¯¨ memorial temple to a living person.
(2) Sacrifices of worship.
V.i. & t.To offer sacrifices.
Words1. ¯¨¯¬ ci2zhu4, v.i. & n., (offer) sacrificial prayer.
2. ¯¨°ó ci2tang2 (ci2tang0), n., ancestral temple.
3. ¯¨§À ci2wei3, n., owl's tail, decoration on roof ridge (usu. wr. °E§À¡A쮧À).

æÌ Num. Index: 63B.50-5     £v£«£¿ ma4    .
N. & v.t.Sacrifice to the place on hill where army stops: æ̤ú (MC) sacrifice to army colors before campaign.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63B.70-2     £{£¸£¾ li3    . [Pop. and anc. var. of § 63B.30]

Ö½ Num. Index: 63B.70-2     £y£¸£± tiao1    .
N.Ancestral hall: ©ÓÖ½ (in ancestor worship) nephew continues uncle's line if uncle has noson;
­ÝÖ½ the same nephew continues both his father's and uncle's lines.

¯¬ Num. Index: 63B.70-4     £¤£¹£¿ zhu4    .
N.(1) Officer administering the sacrifices: ¼q¯¬ such officer at ancestral sacrifice.
(2) A surname.
V.i. & t.(1) To pray for blessing to bless: ¯¬ºÖ¡AºÖ¹Ø zhu4fu2, zhu4shou4¡õ;
(used in letters) to pray for s.o.'s health: ®¥¯¬¡A·q¯¬¡A»»¯¬¡A¯¬Ã« I pray that;
¯¬Ãã zhu4ci2¡õ;
¼y¯¬ to celebrate (occasion);
¹w¯¬ I pray in anticipation.
(2) ¯¬¾v¦Ó»r (AC, of savage tribes) cut their hair and go naked.
Words1. ¯¬ºÖ zhu4fu2, v.t., to bless, to invoke blessing: ¤W«Ò¯¬ºÖ§A­Ì may God bless you!
2. ¯¬áL zhu4gu3, v.t., (LL, AC) pray for longevity.
3. ¯¬¶P zhu4he4, v.t., to congratulate.
4. ¯¬¯¬ zhu4zhu4, v.t., make chuckchuck sound to call chicken;
5. ¯¬¯¬ zhu4zhu4, v.t., chicken's sounds.
6. ¯¬¿Ä zhu4rong2, n., the god of fire: ¯¬¿Ä¬°¨a a conflagration.
7. ¯¬¹Ø zhu4shou4, v.i., offer birthday congratulations.
8. ¯¬Ãã zhu4ci2 n., the prayer for blessing;
9. ¯¬Ãã zhu4ci2 n., text of a felicitation on some occasion.
10. ¯¬¤å zhu4wen2, n., a prayer for blessing.

µø Num. Index: 63B.70-4     £¦£¿ shi4    .
V.i. & t.(1) (LL) to look (modn. ¬Ý): µø¦Ó¤£¨£ look but do not see;
ª`µø look at closely;
¾®µø look steadily, stare at;
¥¿µø face (a fact);
±×µø look askance at;
°½µø peep at;
­Áµø look down or over;
ªñµø¡A»·µø near-, farsighted;
³zµø see through,also ³zµøµe painting in perspective.
(2) To regard, consider, treat: µø¬°¡Aµø§@ regard as (important, best man, a risk);
µø¡K¦Ó©w it all depends¡K;
µø¦p¡Aµø¦P treat like (one's own brother, etc.);
µø§@µ¥¶¢ regard as light matter;
µø°]¦p©R worship money (¡§like his life¡¨);
µø¦º¦pÂk take death calmly (¡§like going home¡¨);
­«µø¡A»´µø regard seriously, despise;
regard as important, not important;
»Àµø¡AÂƵø despise;
µ½µø treat kindly;
¤³µø¡A¼Äµø be hostile to (person, country).
(3) To inspect: ¨µµø patrol;
ºÊµø keep (s.o. or his movements) under watch or surveillance;
À˵ø inspect (goods, etc.);
µø¾Ç shi4xUe2¡õ.
(4) To take charge: µø¨Æ shi4shi4¡õ.
Words1. µø®t shi4cha1, n., (astron.) parallax.
2. µø¹î shi4cha2, v.t., to inspect (school, etc.).
3. µø´Â shi4chao2, v.i., (of emperor) attend court, give audience.
4. µø©x shi4guan1, n., the sense of vision or sight.
5. µø¨¤ shi4jiao3, n., (phys.) visual angle.
6. µø®| shi4jing4, n., (µøª½®|) (astron.) apparent diameter.
7. µøı shi4jUe2, n., sense of vision: µøı¾¹ sight organ.
8. µø¤O shi4li4, n., power of vision: µø¤Oªí instrument for measuring vision.
9. µø¯à shi4neng2, n., (power or function of) eyesight.
10. µø½u shi4xian4, n., line of vision.
11. µø¨Æ shi4shi4, v.i., to attend to duties (after leave or assuming post).
12. µø¾Ç shi4xUe2, n., formerly, provincial inspector of schools.
13. µøÅ¥ shi4ting1, n., (1) what one sees and hears, personal observation;
14. µøÅ¥ shi4ting1, n., (2) µøÅ¥±Ð¨| audiovisual method of education.
15. µø³¥ shi4ye3, n., field of vision.

ªÁ Num. Index: 63B.70-5     syh    .
N.(1) (AC, in Shang Dyn.) a year.
(2) V.t. & n., sacrifice to the gods or ancestor;
ªÁ¨å ceremony of sacrifices.

¬é Num. Index: 63B.71-9     £¢£¸£½ chi2         (*£¤ zhi1    ).
N.(1) An earthly god, opp. ¯« god in heaven: ¤W¤U¯«¬é (to) all the gods of heaven and earth.
(2) (AC) peace and happiness;
(in letter formula, interch. ¸R) your peace and happiness.
Adv.(1) Greatly: ¬é®¬ greatly repent.
(2) (*zhi1) (LL) only, but, as var. of ¥u zhi3: ¬é¦³ there is only;
¬é¬O is only, but, it's;
¬é­n you need only to.
(3) Respectfully: ¬é¿í¡A¬é¥õ respectfully obey, request.

¯­ Num. Index: 63B.71-9     £¤ zhi1    .
Adv.(LL) Respectfully (¡×·q, used in letters): ¯­©^¡A¯­©Ó respectfully received;
¯­ÁÂ respect fully thank;
¯­¿í respectfully obey, etc.

í° Num. Index: 63B.71-9     £¡£¸ ji1    .
N.Luck, good fortune.
Words1. í°²» ji1xiang2, v.i. & n., pray (prayer) to the gods for blessing.

¯¦ Num. Index: 63B.72-6     £v£¸£¿ mi4         (also £t£¸£¿ bi4    ). [More common var. ¯µ; related ±K]
N.A surname.
Adj.Secret, mysterious, abstruse: ¯¦±K mi4mi4¡õ;
¯¦¦Ó¤£«Å kept secret;
¯«¯¦²ö´ú mysterious;
¯¦Äy abstruse or esoteric treatises.
Adv.Secretly: ¯¦¶Ç¡A¯¦±Â secretly handed down;
¯¦»s made from secret formulas.
Words1. ¯¦¤è mi4fang1, n., secret formula (medicine).
2. ¯¦³Z mi4juer, n., secret (of success, etc.).
3. ¯¦±K mi4mi4, n., secret: ¯¦±K¤å¥ó secret, classified documents;
4. ¯¦±K mi4mi4, n., ¯¦±K·|ij secret conference;
5. ¯¦±K mi4mi4, n., ¯¦±K§ë²¼ secret ballot;
6. ¯¦±K mi4mi4, adv., secretly;
7. ¯¦±K mi4mi4, adv., ¯¦±Kµ²ªÀ secret society.
8. ¯¦®Ñ mi4shu1, n., secretary, private or official: ¯¦®Ñªø mi4shu1zhang3, n., secretary-general;
9. ¯¦®Ñ mi4shu1, n., ¨p¤H¯¦®Ñ personal secretary;
10. ¯¦®Ñ mi4shu1, n., °õ¦æ¯¦®Ñ executive secretary;
11. ¯¦®Ñ mi4shu1, n., ¾÷­n¯¦®Ñ confidential secretary;
12. ¯¦®Ñ mi4shu1, n., ¯¦®Ñ³B secretariat.
13. ¯¦¥v mi4shi3, n., inside story.
14. ¯¦»D mi4wen2, n., exclusively intimate news.

æÐ Num. Index: 63B.80-1     £¤£´ zhen1    .
Adj.(AC) blessed.

¸R Num. Index: 63B.80-2     £¢£¸£½ chi2    .
N.Good luck, blessing: (used chiefly in greeting formula in letters) ¤å¸R greetings for literary men;
¸R²»¡A¸R¦w¡A¸RºÖ generally, the best luck.
Adj.¸RµM (LL) serene, poised.

ºÕ Num. Index: 63B.80-2     £¤£´ zhen1         (also £¤£¶ zheng1    ).
Adj.Auspicious: ºÕ²» a good omen.

âù Num. Index: 63B.81-1     £££¸£¿ xi4    .
N.Anc. festival in spring and autumn held on water banks to drink (âù¶¼) and cleanse away the evil influences.

¬æ Num. Index: 63B.81-3     £££¸£³ xian1        . [Dist. Ï÷ (pr. £¸£± yao1    ) evil spirit]
Words1. ¬æ±Ð xian1jiao4, n., Zoroastrianism.

Ï÷ Num. Index: 63B.81-9     £¸£± yao1    .
N.Evil spirit.

Òê Num. Index: 63B.82-1     £w£¹£½ fu2    .
V.t.To cleanse away, to wash away evil influence.
Words1. Òê°£ fu2chu2, v.t., to abolish, cleanse away.
2. Òêâù fu2xi4, n., (AC) ceremony of washing away evil influence near river.

Òç Num. Index: 63B.93-1     £¢£º qU1    .
V.t.To drive off (cold), to exorcise (evil influence, etc.): Ò稸 exorcise evil spirits;
Òç¨a ward off disaster;
ÒçºÃ to dispel doubts;
Òç·ð (medicine to) relieve bronchial inflammation;
Òç­·¥hÀã (Chin. med.) relieve certain in flammations (arthritis, etc.);
Òç°h reduce (fever);
Òç´² disperse colds, congestions in patient's system.
ÒçÒç qU1qU1, adj., (AC) in great formation.

ùK Num. Index: 63C.00-1     £u£³£¿ pan4    .
N.Knot and loop in Chin. cloth button.

¿È Num. Index: 63C.00-5     £§£¹£¿ ru4    .
N.A mattress, a cushion: ¿È¤l bedding;
ûÒ¿È ditto;
³Q¿È quilt and blanket;
¿È³æ (¨à) (¤l) bed sheets;
¿È®M quilt cover;
¿È¯ó hay used as bedding (cf. ¡§hit the hay¡¨).

ü¦ Num. Index: 63C.00-5     £¡£¸£³£¾ jian3         (£¡£¸£³£¿ jian4    ).
N.Pleats: ¥´ü¦ make pleats in (dress, skirt).

÷ü Num. Index: 63C.00-5     £{£³£½ lan2    .
N.(AC) A gown, combination of blouse and skirt.
Words1. ÷ü¸È lan2qUn2, n., (AC) a supporter for the stomach.
2. ÷ü­m lan2shan1, n., (AC) a scholar's dress.

ü¡ Num. Index: 63C.01-1     £¹£«£¿ wa4         (*£v£¬£¿ mo4    ). [Var. of Äû 63C.71]
Words1. ü¡¨{ *mo4du4, n., formerly, woman's girdle, with pocket.
2. ü¡¸¡ *mo4fu4, n., see mo4xiong1¡õ.
3. ü¡¯Ý *mo4xiong1, n., formerly, woman's undervest, to keep breasts flat (also wr. ©Ù¯Ý).

ÃÌ Num. Index: 63C.01-1     £¡£¸£´ jin1    .
N.(1) Part of dress covering chest (interch. Ó× 63C.32): ¹ïÃÌ a coat that fastens down the front;
¤jÃÌ¡A¤pÃÌ (or úGÃÌ) the large, inner, lapel of a Chin. coat;
Ã̱a sash.
(2) A brother-in-law: ³sÃÌ¡AÃÌ¥S§Ì brothers-in-law whose wives are sisters;
ÃÌ¥S jin1xiong1, ÃÌ§Ì jin1di4¡õ.
(3) mental outlook: ÃÌÃh jin1huai2, ÃÌ´Á jin1chi2, ÃÌ«× jin1du4¡õ;
¯ÝÃÌ one's general attitude, temperament (lit., ¡§chest¡¨) (broad-minded, etc.).
Words1. ÃÌ´Á jin1chi2, n., aspirations, life's ambition.
2. ÃÌ§Ì jin1di4, n., brother-in-law who has married a younger sister of one's wife.
3. ÃÌ«× jin1du4, n., attitude of person: Ã̫׼e§» (¯U¤p) broad-, narrow-minded.
4. ÃÌÃh jin1huai2, n., attitude of mind: ÃÌÃh¼e¤j (or ¯U¤p) generous, magnanimous, charitable, tolerant (or miserly, narrowminded, mean, revengeful, intolerant).
5. ÃÌ¥S jin1xiong1, n., brother-in-law who has married an elder sister of one's wife.

»r Num. Index: 63C.01-4     £{£¹£¬£¾ luo3    . [AC var. úL¡A¡¼¡Aõð]
Adj.Nude, bare, uncovered: »rÅé luo3ti3¡õ;
»ràn naked and barefooted;
¨ª»r»rªº completely naked;
»rßô (AC) naked, undressed;
»r½u exposed wire;
»r¤l´Óª« plant with exposed seed, like pine, gymnospermae;
»r¸® naked burial.
Words1. »rªá luo3hua1, n., (bot.) flower without petals or calyx.
2. »r³Á luo3mai4, n., a kind of barley (bearing seeds without spikes).
3. »rÅé luo2ti3, adj., naked: »rÅé¹B°Ê nudist movement;
4. »rÅé luo2ti3, adj., »rÅéÀç nudist colony.

½È Num. Index: 63C.01-9     £t£±£¾ bao3    . [Var. of ¡¼].
N.See îu½È 63C.93.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63C.01-9     £¨£«£½ za2    . [Anc. var. of Âø 60S.11]

ã÷ Num. Index: 63C.02-1     £t£¸£±£¾ biao3    .
N.(AC) neckerchief, neckcloth.
V.t.To mount (picture), see ã÷çÈ biao3bei4¡õ.
Words1. ã÷çÈ biao3bei4, v.t. & n., mount, mounting (for Chin. scrolls).
2. ã÷µeçE biao3hua1pu4, n., shop for mounting Chin. paintings.
3. ã÷½k biao3hu2, v.t., paste up (windows, wallpaper, etc.).

òë Num. Index: 63C.02-2     £z£¹£¶£½ nong2    .
Adj.(AC) (of dress) heavy;
(of color) resplendent: òëµØ (AC) gorgeous.

öJ Num. Index: 63C.02-4     £t£¬£½ bo2    .
V.t.Expose, bare;
expose to the sun.
N.(Obs.) collar.

ÛÏ Num. Index: 63C.02-5     £}£´£¿ ken4    .
N.Armpit (of clothing).

çÇ Num. Index: 63C.10-2     £~£¹£° hui1    .
N.(AC) ceremonial robe of empress.

¿Ç Num. Index: 63C.10-6     £}£¹£¿ ku4    . [Common var. of ü¢ 63C.50]
N.(ku4zi0) Pants, trousers: ªø¿Ç pants;
µu¿Ç shorts;
¤T¨¤¿Ç pantie, bikini;
¥d¨ä¿Ç khaki trousers;
¿Ç³U trouser pockets;
¼ö¿Ç hot pants.
Words1. ¿Ç¤e¨à ku4cha3er0, n., underpants.
2. ¿Ç±a ku4dai4, n., trousers belt.
3. ¿ÇÃË ku4dang4, n., seat of trousers.
4. ¿Ç¸}¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ ku4jiao3(er0)(zi0), n., ends of trousers.
5. ¿Ç»L¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ ku4tui3(ku4tueeer0)(zi0), n., (1) the trouser-legs;
6. ¿Ç»L¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ ku4tui3(ku4tueeer0)(zi0), n., (2) formerly, ankle cover for women with bound feet.
7. ¿Ç¸y ka4yao1, n., top of trousers;
8. ¿Ç¸y ka4yao1, n., ¿Ç¸y±a trousers belt or girdle.

çà Num. Index: 63C.10-6     £}£¹£´ kun1    .
N.(LL) trousers: çÃÃË (kun1dang1) seat of pants.

»t Num. Index: 63C.10-9     £t£¸£¿ bi4         (*£u£¸£½ pi2    ).
N.(1) Benefit: ¦³»t©ó¾Ç·~¡A¤½¦@¯´§Ç is of help to school studies, to public order;
see »t¯q bi4yi1¡õ.
(2) (*pi2) An anc. surname.
Adj.Secondary, small, see »t³c, »t±N bi4fan4, bi4jiang4¡õ.
Words1. »t¸É bi4bu3, n., benefit, help.
2. »t³c bi4fan4, n., small pedlar.
3. »t±N bi4jiang4, n., (MC) minor or assistant commander.
4. »t¯q bi4yi1, n., benefit: ¦³»t¯q©ó¤HÃþ is of service to mankind.

ßô Num. Index: 63C.11-4     £¥£¶£½ cheng2    .
Adj.»rßô (AC) naked.

¸Ì Num. Index: 63C.11-4     £{£¸£¾ li3    . [Pop. of úG 60.02]
N.(1) The lapel of a coat next to and hidden beneath the row of buttons: ¥k°M to button coat on the right-hand side;
¥ª°M button it on the left-hand side, as the barbarians do;
ÀÄ°M (of a man or woman) formerly, salute by gathering up the folds of the coat before bowing.
(2) The sleeves of a coat.
(3) A sleeping mat: °M®u a place where one sleeps.
V.t.To sleep: °Mª÷­² lie down to sleep fully armed.
»oogua4. [Var. ¡¼]
N.A long gown, a jacket worn over gown: »o¤l an outer garment;
ÂÅ¥¬¤j»o an indigo long gown;
°¨»o a jacket;
³T»o the full dress with long gown and jacket.

ëz Num. Index: 63C.22-6     £¡£¸£®£¿ jie4    .
N.Swaddling clothes: ëz¤l diapers.

³R Num. Index: 63C.30-4     £y£³£¾ tan3    . [Var. òé]
V.t.To bare, leave naked: ³Rãü»rßô (AC) stand completely naked;
¥ª³R ancient custom of leaving left arm uncovered, hence ¥ª³R¡A°¾³R to be partial to one side, see ³R§È tan3bi4¡õ.
Words1. ³R§È tan3bi4, v.t., be partial to.
2. ³RÅ@ tan3hu4, v.t., ditto.
3. ³RÅS tan3lu4, v.t., to expose.
4. ³R§K tan3wen4, phr., (AC) anc. funeral custom of baring right shoulder and wrapping hair up inside turban.

Ä° Num. Index: 63C.30-5     £{£³£½ lan2    .
N.Ragged garments.
Words1. Ä°Á¹ lan2lU3, adj., (of clothes) tattered, torn and ragged, shabby (also Ä°Á\¡AÂÅÁ\).

Ó× Num. Index: 63C.32-8     £¡£¸£´ jin1    .
N.The lapel of coat: «CÓ× (AC) scholar's robe with black collar.

¿Ê Num. Index: 63C.40-2     £x£« da1    .
Words1. ¿Ê¥] da1bao0, n., waist band outside jacket, used to carry things.
2. ¿Ê³s¡]¨à¡^ da1lian(da1liaer0), n., small band with pocket for holding things (money, etc.).

¸È Num. Index: 63C.40-5     £¢£º£´£½ qUn2    .
N.(1) (qUn2zi0, qUn2er0) Skirt, petticoat: Ũ¸È petticoat;
³ò¸È apron;
°g§A¸È miniskirt.
(2) The fringe of turtle meat.
Words1. ¸È³¦ qUn2chai1, n., womenfolks: ¸È³¦¬Fªv rule by petticoats.
2. ¸È±a qUn2dai4, n., (1) skirt and girdle;
3. ¸È±a qUn2dai4, n., (2) having to do with wife's relations or influence: ¸È±aÃö«Y wife's relationships;
4. ¸È±a qUn2dai4, n., ¸È±a©x a man who owes his official position to wife's influence;
5. ¸È±a qUn2dai4, n., ¸È±a­· the rule of women.
6. ¸È±aµæ qUn2dai4cai4, n., (bot.) a plant of long leaves that grows on seaside, ulopteryxpinnatifida.

ãú Num. Index: 63C.40-5     £¡£º jU1    .
N.The large inner flap of Chin. dress;
its lower border.

¸Î Num. Index: 63C.40-8     £º£¿ yU4    .
Adj.(1) Ample, well-provided: Â׸ΡA´I¸Î rich, wealthy;
¥R¸Î¡A¸Î¦p abundant, well stocked.
(2) Lenient: ¼e¸Î.
V.t.(LL) to enrich: ¸Î°ê¸Î¥Á ¡§to enrich the state and the people¡¨--slogan of tax collectors.

ÛË Num. Index: 63C.40-8     £¡£¸£«£½ jia2    .
N.(1) A lined garment.
(2) (*jie2) (AC) a kind of collar.

òî Num. Index: 63C.40-9     £¥£³ chan1    .
N.(AC) the flap in Chin. jacket, covering the right chest.

»u Num. Index: 63C.41-1     £¥£¹£¾ chu3    .
N.(1) (AC) a bag, satchel;
»u¹õ pall, shroud.
(2) A surname.
V.t.(AC) to pad with cotton wool.

³S Num. Index: 63C.41-2     £££¸£²£¿ xiu4    .
N.(xiu4zi0, er0) Sleeves: °¨¿á³S folded back sleeve, oft. seen on stage in military uniform;
ªø³S long sleeves;
µu³S¡A¥b³S short-sleeved, half sleeves;
µL³S sleeveless;
ªø³Sµ½»R long sleeves help in (Chin.) dancing;
¦h°]µ½¸ë plenty of capital makes it easy to trade.
V.t.(To carry in sleeve: ³S¤b carry dagger concealed in sleeve;
³S¤â xiu4shou3¡õ.
Words1. ³Så¼ xiu4da1, n., section in cloth to be cut into sleeves.
2. ³S³¹ xiu4zhang1, n., insignia worn on sleeve, chevron.
3. ³S¬Ã xiu4zhen1, adj., pocketsized, pocket (edition, dictionary): ³S¬Ã¾ÔÄ¥ German pocket battleship built after Versailles.
4. ³S½b xiu4jian4, n., formerly, arrow worked by spring concealed in sleeve.
5. ³S¤f xiu4kou3, n., cuff of sleeve;
6. ³S¤f xiu4kou3, n., ³S¤f¶s cuff links;
7. ³S¤f xiu4kou3, n., ³S¤f¨àúGÀY»¡½} let's talk in extreme privacy.
8. ³S¦© xiu4kou4, n., sleeve button.
9. ³S¤â xiu4shou3, phr., ³S¤â®ÇÆ[ look on with folded arms, hands in sleeves--not willing to help.
10. ³S®M xiu4tao4, n., oversleeve, detachable cover for sleeve.
11. ³SÀY¨à xiu4tou2er0, n., see xiu4kou3¡ô.
12. ³Sµ©¨à xiu4tong3er0, n., the lower-arm part of sleeve.

ÃË Num. Index: 63C.41-2     £x£µ dang1    .
N.Seat of pants: ¿ÇÃË the hip part of trousers.

ÓÒ Num. Index: 63C.41-4     £z£¸£¿ ni4    .
N.(AC) woman's undergarment: ÓÒªA.

ÛÇ Num. Index: 63C.41-4     £¸£´ yin1    .
N.(1) (AC) undergarment.
U.f. ¯ô coverlet, 20A.41.

Á· Num. Index: 63C.41-5     £¤£­£½ zhe2    .
N.A pleat in skirts: ¦ÊÁ·¸È pleated skirt;
Á·¦± a geological fold.

¸É Num. Index: 63C.42-1     £t£¹£¾ bu3    .
V.t.(1) To repair, restore to good condition: oft.¸É¤@¸É have it repaired;
¸É¦ç¡AÄû¡A¾c repair or mend clothing, stockings, shoes;
¸É¤ú fix up teeth by repairing cavities, etc.;
¸ÉÁç¡A¸ô tinker pans, repair roads;
¸Éº| stop up holes in jars, also addenda in texts;
¸É¤Ñ¤§¤O (myth allu.) power to restore cracks in the sky (of ¤k´E), great strength;
oft. ­×¸É¡A¶ñ¸É¡A¥´¸É mend clothing.
(2) Add, supplement, fill up deficiencies: often ¸É¤W¡A¸É¥I¡A¶K¸É pay or make up deficiencies in payment;
¸É°² take deferred holidays;
²K¸É¦çªA make more clothing;
¦Y¸É¡A¦Y¸ÉÃÄ take tonic;
¸É¨x¡A¤ß¡AªÍ¡A°©¡A¦å (of tonics) help nourish the liver, heart, lungs, bones, blood;
¸É¤¸®ð help restore vitality.
(3) Be of help to: ¸É§U¶O¥Î help to defray expenses;
µL¸É©ó¨Æ¡AµL¸É¤j§½ be of no help, do not help matters;
¤£µL¤p¸É may be a little help.
(4) Make amends, reparations, make up for, reform: ¸É½Ò make up for missed classes in school;
¸É¹L make amends for mistakes;
±N¥\¸É¹L (¸o) lenient consideration for person's mistakes in view of past or future achievements;
¸ÉÀv¡A©è¸É¡A½ß¸É make reparations for damages or deficits in accounts;
¶Ô¯à¸É©å make up for lack of natural talent by hard work.
Words1. ¸É¥Õ bu3bai2, n., material for filling up leftover space in magazines, etc., also (court.) of one's own humble contribution to journals.
2. ¸É¾À bu3bi4, v.i., (court.) serve to cover up a wall, (of one's own scrolls).
3. ¸ÉÀv bu3chang2, v.t. & n., compensate, -tion.
4. ¸É±¡¡]¨à¡^ bu3qing2(buu-chir-'l), v.i., show gratitude by gifts.
5. ¸É¥R bu3chong1, v.t. & n., add to (previous remarks, provision for expenses);
6. ¸É¥R bu3chong1, v.t. & n., supplement;
7. ¸É¥R bu3chong1, v.t. & n., ¸É¥R±Ð§÷ supplementary text.
8. ¸É¯Ê bu3qUe1, v.t., to fill up vacant post.
9. ¸É½aªº bu3qiong2de0, n., sewing woman who makes living by mending clothes.
10. ¸É©w»y bu3ding4yU3, n., (gram.) complement.
11. ¸ÉØM (°v) bu3ding0, n., (coll.) as in ¥´¸É°v mend shoes, clothes, etc.
12. ¸ÉÁ_ bu3feng2, v.i. & t., (1) sew up;
13. ¸ÉÁ_ bu3feng2, v.i. & t., (2) bu3feng4, fill up cracks.
14. ¸É¬ûªº bu3gang1de0, n., mender of earthenware.
15. ¸É°©¯× bu2gu3zhi1, n., (bot.) psoralea corylifolia, medicinal herb for strengthening bones.
16. ¸É¨¤ bu2jiao3, n., (math.) supplement of an angle (to make up 180¢X).
17. ¸Éµ¹ bu2ji3, n., supplementary rations;
18. ¸Éµ¹ bu2ji3, n., ¸Éµ¹½u (mil.) supply route.
19. ¸É´º bu2jing3, n., (of painting) background details.
20. ¸É±Ï bu3jiu4, v.t., rescue from danger;
21. ¸É±Ï bu3jiu4, v.t., rectify error.
22. ¸É§U bu3zhu4, n. & v.t., help, supply needs;
23. ¸É§U bu3zhu4, n. & v.t., give grants to.
24. ¸Éºó bu3juoh, v.t., mend, take up loose ends and make repair;
25. ¸Éºó bu3juoh, v.t., edit or collect odd pieces to make a book.
26. ¸ÉÐu bu3jU1, v.t., (LL) repair, restore.
27. ¸É¦Ò bu2kao3, n. & v.i., (take) examination after missing or failing.
28. ¸Éº|¬} bu2lou4dong1, v.i., to stop a leak, (fig.) to implement omission and errors.
29. ¸É¾cªº bu3xie2de0, n., shoe repair man or shop.
30. ¸É²ß bu3xi2, v.i. & n., (take) supplementary classes: ´c©Ê¸É²ß extra coaching lessons to help pass examinations, which injure and upset students' health.
31. ¸É¨¬ bu3zu2, v.t., supply what is lacking (statement, expense).
32. ¸É¸Jªº bu3wan3de0, n., porcelain mender.
33. ¸ÉÃÄ bu3yao4, n., tonic.
34. ¸É¿ò bu3yi2, n., supplement oft. edited to supply missing material in collected works or main work;
35. ¸É¿ò bu3yi2, n., addendum.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63C.42-2     £}£´£¿ ken4    .
N.The armpit of clothing (var. of ÛÏ).

çÈ Num. Index: 63C.42-2     £t£°£¿ bei4    .
N. & v.t.See ã÷çÈ 63C.02.

ôË Num. Index: 63C.42-3     £§£¹£½ ru2    .
N.(1) A jacket: µuôË a short jacket;
ôË¿Ç jacket and trousers.
(2) Children's bib.
(3) Fine silk.

½Ê Num. Index: 63C.42-6     £t£¸£³£¾ bian3    .
Adj.Small in area, narrow, crowded in: ½Ê¤p small in territory.
Words1. ½Ê²L biarnqian3, adj., narrowminded, superficial.
2. ½Ê«æ bian3ji2, adj., nervous, impatient.
3. ½Ê¯U bian3xia2, adj., narrowminded;
4. ½Ê¯U bian3xia2, adj., narrow in area.

îq Num. Index: 63C.42-6     £{£¸£½ li2    . [Var. of íÐ 93B.42]

ÓÔ Num. Index: 63C.42-8     £z£«£¿ na4    .
N.(1) A Buddhist cassock.
(2) A monk: ¦ÑÓÔ an old monk (usu. in self-reference).
V.t.(1) (Of clothes) mend, patch up: ¦ÊÓÔ¥» edition consisting of reprint of assorted anc. books.
(2) Sew: ÓÔ¾c©³ to sew cloth soles of shoes.

ü¢ Num. Index: 63C.50-1     £}£¹£¿ ku4    .
N.See common var. ¿Ç 63C.10.

ãü Num. Index: 63C.50-4     £££¸£½ xi2    .
N.(AC) top jacket.
V.i.Go naked, see ³Rãü 63C.30.

½Å Num. Index: 63C.50-4     £~£­£½ he2    .
N.(AC) coarse cloth: ¦ç½Å wear rough cloth;
½Å¤Ò (AC) poor people.
Adj.Dark, dull brown: ¯ù½Å¦â ¡§tea brown¡¨ color.
Words1. ½Å·Ñ he2mei2, n., brown coal, lignite.
2. ½Å¬´ he2tan4, n., ditto.
3. ½ÅÅKÄq he2tie3kuang4, n., limonite.
4. ½ÅĦ he2zao3, n., (bot.) a kind of seaweed.

ë| Num. Index: 63C.50-4     £y£« ta1    .
N.(1) Lace hemming: ë|ü\¤l ta1tao1zi0, such hemming.
(2) ¦½ë|¨à undershirt.

ªì Num. Index: 63C.50-5     £¥£¹ chu1    .
N.Beginning: ¦~ªì (·³ªì), ¤ëªì beginning of year, month;
°_ªì¡A³Ìªì at the beginings;
¤Óªì primordial beginnings of universe;
·íªì in those days;
¤H¤§ªì when man was first born.
Adj.(1) Added to first ten days of each month: ªì¤@¡Aªì¤G¡Aªì¤T the first, second, third day of lunar month;
ªì¾Ç¡Aªì¤p¡Aªì¤¤ chu1xUe2, chu1xiao3, chu1zhong1¡õ.
(2) First: ªì½Z first draft;
ªìª© first edition or printing;
ªì¨B first steps;
ªì´Á first period;
ªì¦¸ first time;
ªì¸Õ first attempt, preliminary test;
ªì«× first experience.
Adv.First, just: ªì¥XÄl just out of the oven;
ªì¹Á·s¨ý have a first taste of novelty;
ªì¥X­TÃf just having first experience in life after graduation;
ªì±B newly married;
ªì¥Í just born, also first-born;
ªì´¸ sky has just cleared.
Words1. ªìµ¥ chu1deng3, n., elementary grade: ªìµ¥¤p¾Ç elementary school;
2. ªìµ¥ chu1deng3, n., ªìµ¥¤¤¾Ç junior high school (contracted ªì¤¤).
3. ªì¥Ç chu1fan4, n., first offender.
4. ªì¥ñ chu1fu21, n., the first ten of the thirty days of hottest summer (¤T¥ñ).
5. ªìªA chu1fu22, n., simple dress (before person becomes official): ªðªìªA live life of common people, after being official.
6. ªì¶¡ chu1jian1, adv., (MC) at first.
7. ªì¥æ chu1jiao1, n., new friend.
8. ªì¶¥ chu1jie1, n., first steps;
9. ªì¶¥ chu1jie1, n., first book of introduction (to subject).
10. ªì¤¤ chu1zhong1, n., see chu1deng3¡ô.
11. ªì§Ó chu1zhi4, n., original ambition (of youth).
12. ªì¯v chu1mian2, n., ¡§first sleep¡¨ of new-born silkworm.
13. ªì¥Á chu1min2, n., primitive people.
14. ªì¤é chu1ri4, n., the morning sun.
15. ªìÁÉ chu1sai4, n., preliminary contest.
16. ªì¼f chu1shen3, n., first trial;
17. ªì¼f chu1shen3, n., first official reveiew.
18. ªì¤p chu1xiao3, n., see chu1deng3¡ô.
19. ªìÄm chu1xian4, n., first offering of wine, the first libation in sacrifices.
20. ªì¤ß chu1xin1, n., one's original intention.
21. ªì¾Ç chu1xUe2, n., a beginning student;
22. ªì¾Ç chu1xUe2, n., beginning studies;
23. ªì¾Ç chu1xUe2, n., ªì¾ÇªÌ beginner, novice.
24. ªì¦¯ chu1xUn2, n., the first ten days of month.
25. ªìÀY chu1tou2, (1) n., beginning;
26. ªìÀY chu1tou2, (2) adv., at the beginning.
27. ªì¯ª chu1zu3, n., (Budd.) first founder of sect.
28. ªì©] chu1ye4, n., (1) beginning of the night;
29. ªì©] chu1ye4, n., (2) the wedding night;
30. ªì©] chu1ye4, n., ªì©]Åv right of medieval feudal lord to sleep with vassal's bride on wedding night.
31. ªìÄ@ chu1yUan4, n., one's original wish.
32. ªì¤ë chu1yUe4, n., the new moon.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63C.70-4     £}£¹£´ kun1    . [Var. çà 63C.10]

Äü Num. Index: 63C.70-4     £t£¯£¾ bai3    .
N.Hem of long grown: ¤UÄü.

Ũ Num. Index: 63C.70-6     £¥£´£¿ chen4    .
N.(1) Underclothing: Ũ¦ç¡AŨ­m chen4yi1, chen4shan1¡õ.
(2) (er0) Lining: »âŨ¨à¡A³SŨ¨à collar lining, sleeve lining.
V.t.(1) To set off contrast: ³­Å¨ to enhance honor, value, gaiety as guest at party, to serva as supporting character;
¤ÏŨ to serve for contrasting effect;
Ũ¦« chen4tuo1¡õ.
(2) To help: À°Å¨ (Cantonese dial.) (of buyer) patronize, help, assist in minor role: Ũ¾Q¨à¡AŨ¬I chen4pu1er0, chen4si4¡õ.
Words1. Ũ¥¬ chen4bu4, n., underlining.
2. Ũ¿ú chen4qian0, n., (Budd.) gifts to the temple, see chen4si4¡õ.
3. Ũ¸È chen4qUn2, n., petticoat.
4. Ũ¯È chen4zhi3, n., inserted paper (between pages);
5. Ũ¯È chen4zhi3, n., paper lining in clothing.
6. Ũ¿Ç chen4ku4, n., panties.
7. Ũ¨à che1er0, n., ditto.
8. ŨúG¡]¨à¡^ chen4li3 (chen4lieeer0), n., lining.
9. Ũºø chen4mian2, n., quilting, cotton padding.
10. Ũ¾Q¨à chen4pu1er0, n., padding for packing cases.
11. Ũ­m chen4shan1, n., shirt;
12. Ũ­m chen4shan1, n., undervest.
13. Ũ¬I chen4si4, n., (Budd.) gifts to temple.
14. Ũ¦« chen4tuo1, v.i., to serve for contrast (colors in painting, characters in novel).
15. Ũ¦r chen4zi4, n., inserted words outside melodic form prescribed in a ci2 (§ºµü) poem.
16. Ũ¦ç chen4yi1, n., underclothing.

¿É Num. Index: 63C.70-9     £¥£¾ chi3    .
V.t.To strip off (clothing, rank, office).
Words1. ¿É¹Ü chi3duo2, v.t., to deprive (person) of (s.t.): ¿É¹Ü¤½Åv deprive (person) of citizen's rights.
2. ¿É­² chi3ge2, v.t., to dismiss, expel.
3. ¿É¾ chi3zhi2, v.i., deprive of office.

³T Num. Index: 63C.70-9     £u£±£½ pao2    .
N.Long gown, robe;
military cloak: usu. ³T¤l pao2zi0;
ªø³T fulllength gown;
ºX³T modren woman's gown;
¦P³T comrade in arms;
¶À³T emperor's yellow gown, sometimes symbolic.
Words1. ³T­ô pao2ge1, n., (dial.) member of secret society in Szechuan.
2. ³T»o pao2gua4, n., formal costume in Manchu court;
3. ³T»o pao2gua4, n., ªø­m°¨»o modn. Chin. gown and jacket.
4. ³TÓC pao2hu4, n., anc. costume at imperial audience (ÓC memorial tablet): ³TÓCµnúè phr., (contempt. of officials) taking position of power, as in a dress rehearsal.
5. ³T¥M pao2zhang4, n., military dress.
6. ³T¿A pao2ze2, n., comrade in arms (term of friendship).

ëq Num. Index: 63C.70-9     £z£¯£¿ nai4         (*le    ).
Words1. ëq÷û nai4dai4, (1) n., a summer hat;
2. ëq÷û nai4dai4, (2) adj., stupid and dull;
3. ëq÷û nai4dai4, adj., (of a person's appearance) unkempt, slovenly (also *lede0);
4. ëq÷û nai4dai4, ëq÷û§L *lede1bing1, n., a slovenlydressed person.

Äû Num. Index: 63C.71-2     £¹£«£¿ wa4    . [Var. ¡¼]
N.(wa4zi0) Socks, stockings: µ·Äû silk stockings;
¬Á¼þµ·Äû¡A¥§Àsµ·Äû nylon stockings;
¤òÄû woolen socks;
¥¬Äû formerly, cloth stockings;
usu. ¾cÄû shoes and socks.

°N Num. Index: 63C.71-9     £¢£¸£½ chi2    . [Dist. ¬é]
N.(1) A monk's cassock.
(2) U.f. Ž 63B.71, but, only.

ßø Num. Index: 63C.81-1     £¡£¸£«£½ jia2    .
N.A lined garment (also ÛË 63C.40).

ðÖ Num. Index: 63C.81-2     £u£¹£½ pu2    .
a wrap: ðÖ³Q¦Ó¥X (AC) come out in a wrap.

òð Num. Index: 63C.81-8     £{£¸£³£¿ lian4    .
N.òðü£ var. of ÀÄü£ 81S.82.

¡¼ Num. Index: 63C.81-9     £±£¾ ao3    . [Pop. of ÃÍ 63C.81¡õ]

°L Num. Index: 63C.81-9     £v£°£¿ mei4    .
N.(LL) sleeves: ¤À°L to part among friends;
¤À°L¥H¨Ó since friend's departure;
Áp°L¡A§â°L hold hands (lit., sleeves), reunite among friends.

µö Num. Index: 63C.81-9     £w£¹£½ fu2    .
N.¥]µö cloth scarf used as wrap.

ÃÍ Num. Index: 63C.81-9     auu    . [Pop. ¡¼]
N.A jacket: §¨ÃÍ lined jacket;
´ÖÃÍ quilted jacket;
¥ÖÃÍ fur jacket;
µuÃÍ jacket.

³Q Num. Index: 63C.82-2     £t£°£¿ bei4         (in certain AC phrr. var. of ©Ü *£u£¸ pi1    ).
N.Quilted bedding, quilt: ´Ö³Q cotton quilt, see ³QªA¡A³Q»\¡A³Q³æ¡A³Q®M bei4fu0, bei4gai4, bei4dan1, bei4tao4¡õ.
V.t.To cover, spread: ¿A³Q¤Ñ¤U benefits spread to all people;
³Q½ÅÃh¥É phr., (AC) dress poorly and be rich spiritually (½Å poor man's dress);
³Q (*pi1) °í°õ¾U (¡×©Ü°í) phr., well armed with armor and weapons.
Aux. vb.Equiv. ¡§be¡¨ in passive voice: ³Q¤HÅ¥¨£ be heard, overheard by others;
³Q¿ï be elected;
³Q¤H¿Ñ®`¡A«V°d¡A±À±R be murdered, humiliated, worshipped by others;
³Q¥L®³¨« was taken away by him;
Åv§Q³Q­é¹Ü was deprived of his rights, etc.;
³Q°d¡A³Q®`¡A³Q²Ö¡A³Q´Û etc., be humiliated, murdered, implicated, cheated, etc.;
except where clearly desirable to indicate recipient of action (elect, deprive, insult etc.), the passive voice does not require ³Q¡G¿ú¥Î§¹¡]¡×óq³Q¥Î§¹¡^¡A©Ð¤l¿N±¼¡AªùÃö¤W money is spent, house is burned down, door is closed (when n. is followed by v.t.).
Words1. ³Q­¼¼Æ bei4cheng2shu4, n., (math.) the factor to be multiplied, the multiplicand.
2. ³Q°£¼Æ bei4chu2shu4, n., (math.) the factor to be divided, dividend.
3. ³Q·f¤l bei4da1zi0, n., bed sack.
4. ³Q³æ bei4dan1, n., bed sheet.
5. ³Q°Ê bei4dong4, adj., passive (contrast ¥D°Ê active, taking initiative).
6. ³QªA bei4fu0, n., bedding: ³QªA¾§¦æ bei4fu2ru2xing4, phr., (AC) keep Confucian conduct every moment (like personal clothing).
7. ³QÂнu bei4fu4xian4, n., insulated wire.
8. ³Q»\ bei4gai4, n., bedspread.
9. ³Q§i bei4gao4, n., the accused;
10. ³Q§i bei4gao4, n., defendant (opp. to ­ì§i plaintiff).
11. ³Q°s bei4jiu3, adj., drunk.
12. ³Q¿È bei4ru4, n., bedding and mattress, gen. term for beddings (¤@§É³Q¿È).
13. ³Q¿ïÅv bei4xUan3qUan2, n., the right to be elected.
14. ³Q®M bei4tao4, n., bed sack.
15. ³QºÛ bei4wo1, n., warm inside space of quilts: ¦b³QºÛúG well wrapped up in bed.

Ю Num. Index: 63C.82-3     £¥£«£¿ cha4    .
N.(Tailoring) split on sides of gowns: ¶}Ю make a sidesplit.

ä@ Num. Index: 63C.82-3     £x£¹£¬£½ duo2    .
V.t.To mend (clothing): ¸Éä@;
ª½ä@ cassock, gown of scholars or monks with girdle and low collar, also called ¹D³T.

ðÔ Num. Index: 63C.82-3     £t£¬£½ bo2    .
Words1. ðÔöK bo2shi4, n., (MC) farmer's raincoat;
2. ðÔöK bo2shi4, n., workman's jacket.

½Æ Num. Index: 63C.82-9     £w£¹£¿ fu4    .
Adj.(1) Compound, complex, opp. simple: ½Æªº¦çªA dress with lining;
Ác½Æ complicated;
½ÆÂø fu4za2¡õ.
(2) Repeated, double: sometimes used for ÂÐ in ½Æ¿ï second election;
½Æ¦Ò¡A½Æ¸Õ second examinations;
½Æ¼f appeal trial, a second examination for approval, see ÂÐ 31.82;
½Æ¨M to cast a second vote.
Words1. ½Æ¤ñ fu4bi3, n., (algebra) compound proportion.
2. ½Æ¤À¼Æ fu4fen1shu4, n., (math.) compound fraction.
3. ½Æ¦X fu4he2, adj., compound;
4. ½Æ¦X fu4he2, adj., ½Æ¦Xª« («~) fu4he2wu4 (pin3), n., a compound;
5. ½Æ¦X fu4he2, adj., ½Æ¦Xµü fu4he2ci2, n., compound word.
6. ½Æ°Oªk fu4ji4fa3, n., double entry system.
7. ½Æ»s«~ fu4zhi1pin3, n., duplicates, copy work.
8. ½Æ¨MÅv fu4jUe2, n., right of referendum.
9. ½Æ§Q fu4li4, n., compound interest.
10. ½Æ¦W¼Æ fu4ming2shu4, n., (algebra) compound numbers.
11. ½Æ¼g¾÷ fu4xie3ji1, n., duplicator, mineograph;
12. ½Æ¼g¾÷ fu4xie3ji1, n., ½Æ¼g¯È fu4shieeizhi3, n., carbon paper.
13. ½Æ©m fu4xing4, n., compound (bisyllabic) surname.
14. ½Æµü fu4ci2, n., compound word.
15. ½ÆÂø fu4za2, adj., complicated, mixed (society, task, etc.).
16. ½Æ²´ fu4yan3, n., compound eyes (like those of flies).
17. ½Æ¸­ fu4ye4, n., (bot.) compound leaf.
18. ½Æ¦L fu4yin4, v.t., to make duplicate;
19. ½Æ¦L fu4yin4, ½Æ¦L¾÷ duplicator.
20. ½Æ¤¸­µ fu4yUan2yin1, n., diphthong, also called ½ÆÃý fu4yUn4.

îr Num. Index: 63C.83-1     £{£¸£³£½ lian2    .
N.See ¿Êîr 63C.40.

¿Æ Num. Index: 63C.83-5     £y£¹£´£¿ tun4    .
V.i. & t.(1) To take off clothes.
(2) To drop off (skin, hair): ªáä¿Æ¤F the petals have fallen off.
(3) To fade, see ¿Æ¦â tun4se4¡õ.
(4) To shirk, fall behind: ¿ÆÀYÁY¸£ slink away;
¿Æ«áÁÍ«e to rush forward and back to show anxiety to serve.
Words1. ¿Æ¦â tun4se4, v.i., fade in color.
2. ¿Æ¤â tun4shou3, v.i., to put hands inside sleeves.
3. ¿Æ®M¨à tun4tao4er0, v.i., (of knots) loosen, slip;
4. ¿Æ®M¨à tun4tao4er0, v.i., shirk off responsibility.

׿ Num. Index: 63C.91-8     £¤£´£¾ zhen3    .
N.(AC) unlined jacket.

­m Num. Index: 63C.91-9     £¦£³ shan1    .
N.(shan1zi0, er0) Jacket, gown, shirt: ªø­m long gown;
µu­m jacket, pajamas;
Ũ­m shirt;
¦½­m inner vest;
¹B°Ê­m sport jacket;
¤ò½u­m knitted sweater;
ü}¥Í­m knitted undervest;
¦ç­m dress in gen.
Words1. ­m¤l shan1zi0, n., (1) anc. woman's dress;
2. ­m¤l shan1zi0, n., (2) (Chin. opera) the role of a young woman (¡×«C¦ç).

׶ Num. Index: 63C.93-1     £¢£º qU1    .
N.(AC) end of sleeve.
V.t.(AC) hold up one's sleeves;
׶¦ç½Ð¨ü·~ lift up one's arms in salutation and ask to be received as disciple.

Á¹ Num. Index: 63C.93-2     £{£º£¾ lU3    .
Adj.See Ä°Á¹ 63C.30.

îu Num. Index: 63C.93-5     £¢£¸£µ£¾ qiang3    .
N. & v.t.(To carry baby on back in) swaddling clothes: îu­t to carry on back.
Words1. îu½È qiang2bao3, n., swaddling clothes;
2. îu½È qiang2bao3, n., ¦bîu½È¤¤ during infancy.
3. îu©ê qiang3bao4, n., infancy.

Ñ° Num. Index: 63D.02-6     £¸£¾ yi3    .
N.(1) (AC) the throne.
(2) Door screen painted with a battle-axe.

̲ Num. Index: 63D.10-1     £~£¹£¿ hu4    .
N.A bucket with rope for baling (bailing) water (for irrigation).
V.t.̲¤ô to bale water (to irrigate).

¶± Num. Index: 63D.11-9     £|£¹£¿ gu4    . [Var. or ¹µ 91A.11]
Words1. ¶±­û gu4yUan2, n., employee, clerk (usu. wr. ¹µ­û).
2. ¶±¶Ä gu4yong2, n. & v.i., hire of services.

´v Num. Index: 63D.22-2     £w£° fei1    .
N.Door panel: ¥´¶}§Aªº¤ß´v open your heart.

úË Num. Index: 63D.40-9     £¢£¸£¾ chi3    . [Var. of ±Ò 63S.82, ¡¼]

ªÓ Num. Index: 63D.42-4     £¡£¸£³ jian1    .
N.The shoulder: ÂùªÓ the shoulders;
ªÓ»H jian1bang3¡õ;
ªÓ»H¨à¼e have large circles of friends;
ªÓ¼¯ÁÔÀ» overcrowded with people and traffic;
ªÓÀY jian1tou2, ªÓ­K jian1jia3¡õ;
¤@ªÓ¾á¸ü assume full responsibility;
ªÓ³¹ jian1zhang1, ªÓ±a jian1dai4¡õ;
¨ÃªÓ shoulder to shoulder;
¤ñªÓ ditto;
ÅKªÓ¾á¹D¸q be a champion of righteousness and justice.
V.t.(Lit. & fig.) to shoulder (responsibility), take on the shoulders: ªÓ­t jian1fu4, ªÓ²ü jian1he4¡õ;
ªÓ¬D carry on the shoulder;
ªÓÁÖ jian1yU2¡õ;
ªÓÂò carry arms.
Words1. ªÓ»H jian1bang3, n., the shoulders: ¦³ªÓ»H willing to shoulder responsibilities.
2. ªÓ±a jian1dai4, n., a shoulder belt.
3. ªÓ­t jian1fu4, v.t., assume responsibility for, carry (a burden).
4. ªÓ²ü jian1he4, v.t., (lit. & fig.) carry on the shoulder.
5. ªÓ³¹ jian1zhang1, n., an epaulet.
6. ªÓ­K jian1jia3, n., the shoulder blade.
7. ªÓÀY jian1tuo2, n., the shoulders.
8. ªÓÁÖ jian1yU2, n., a sedan chair, palanquin.

«ó Num. Index: 63D.42-4     £t£¸£³£¾ bian3         (*£u£¸£³ pian1    ).
N.(1) Hall name or shop name over door, var. of °Ð;
«óÃB such inscription.
(2) (*pian1) An anc. surname.
Adj.Flat: À£«ó¤F crushed flat;
«ó¼L¡A«ó»ó¤l flat mouth (bill), snub nose.
Words1. «ó¬f biarnbai3, n., (bot.) chamaecyparis obutosa, a flat-leafed cypress.
2. «ó¾á bian3dan1, n., carrying pole, with flat face resting on shoulders.
3. «ó¨§ bian3dou4, n., a kind of large, flat bean, dolichos lablab.
4. «ó¦à *pian1zhou1, n., a skiff.
5. «ó­¹ bian3sh, n., a kind of Chin. ravioli or meat dumpling.
6. «ó¶òÁy bian3ta1lian3, n., flat face.
7. «ó®ç bian3tao2, n., flat peach;
8. «ó®ç bian3tao2, n., «ó®ç¸¢ bian3tao2xian4, tonsil;
9. «ó®ç bian3tao2, n., «ó®ç¸¢ª¢ tonsillitis.
10. «óÀYÁ³µ· bian3tou2luo2si0, n., thumbscrew.
11. «óÂÎ bian3cong2, n., tapeworm;
12. «óÂÎ bian3cong2, n., also an insect found near elms.
13. «ó¼L¹X biarnzui3qian2, n., flat-nosed pliers.

ÎÓ Num. Index: 63D.42-4     £¡£º£¶ jiong1         (£¡£º£¶£¾ jiong3    ).
N.(1) A wooden bar for bolting door: ÎÓÃö jiong1guan1¡õ.
(2) A door.
V.t.To close, shut.
Words1. ÎÓÃö jiong1guan1, n., a door bolt.
2. ÎÓÁä jiong1jian4, n., lock, door bolt.
3. ÎÓôò jiong1jUe2, n., a hasp for locking.

®° Num. Index: 63D.50-5     £¦£³£¿ shan4         (*£¦£³ shan1     as vb.).
N. adjunct.¤@®°ªù¡A¤@®°µ¡ A door, a window.
N.(1) (shan4zi0, er0) A fan: ¤@§â®°¤l a fan;
ºP®° folding fan;
¹Î®° round fan without folds;
¦Ð®° feather fan;
¹q®°¡A¹q­·®° electric fan;
ªÝ¿¼®° palm-leaf fan;
­·®° punkah;
¥´®° to use a fan;
¬î®°¨£®½ abandoned (lover) like fan in autumn.
(2) A door panel: ³æ®°ªù a single-panelled door.
V.i. & t.(*shan1) (1) To fan (fire, person).
(2) To fan up (flame), instigate, (also wr. ݵ¡Aº´): ®°°_­·¼é stir up crisis;
®°°Ê shan1dong4¡õ.
(3) (*shan4) (AC) to geld animals (also wr. õb).
Words1. ®°¨®¡]¤l¡^ shan4che1(zi0), n., a winnowing machine.
2. ®°¿º *shan1dang4, v.t., to stir up unrest.
3. ®°°Ê *shan1dong4, v.t., to instigate (trouble, strike).
4. ®°°©¤l shan4gu3zi0, n., frame of fan.
5. ®°´b *shan1huo4, v.t., to misguide (youth, etc.) by words.
6. ®°¼Y¨à shan4juoher0, n., pendant attached to a fan.
7. ®°­±¨à shan4miaher0, n., the ¡§face¡¨ (covering) of a fan, oft. containing painting or calligraphy.
8. ®°ã| shan4sha4, n., (AC) parasol, a held-up shade during parade.
9. ®°§Î shan4xing2, adj., fan-shaped (window, etc.).
10. ®°´­ *shan1yang2, v.t., (LL) (of fame) spread about.
11. ®°»¤ *shan1you4, v.t., see shan1huo4¡ô.

©Ð Num. Index: 63D.50-6     £w£µ£½ fang2    .
N.(1) A surname.
(2) House (fang2zi0) ©Ð«Î¡A©ÐªÙ fang2wu1,fang2she4¡õ;
¥­©Ð one-storied house;
¼Ó©Ð several-storied house;
©Ð³» house roof;
©Ð¯á ridge of roof;
©Ð¿ú¡A©Ð¯² house rent;
©Ð«´ house lease;
©Ð®½ house tax;
©Ð«È tenant;
©Ð©« (¨à) poster of house for rent.
(3) Room: ´[©Ð room;
¤W©Ð¡A¤U©Ð inner, outer rooms in house with courtyard, those living in these rooms;
«È©Ð guest room;
®M©Ð suite;
(¬~) ¾þ©Ð bathroom.
(4) Branch of family: ªø©Ð¡A¤G©Ð eldest, second branch;
©Ðªø¡A©ÐÀY¡]¨à¡^, ©Ð¦Ñ (MC) head of branch.
(5) Shop: ÃÄ©Ð pharmacy.
(6) Compartmentarized structure: ¸Á©Ð beehive;
½¬©Ð lotus pod.
(7) Name of office or service: ¯ù©Ð waiter;
ªù©Ð gatekeeper;
½ã©Ð treasurer, cashier.
Words1. ©Ð²£ fang2chan3, n., house property, real estate.
2. ©ÐªF fang2dong1, n., landlord, landlady.
3. ©Ð¤À fang2fen4, n., order of family branch.
4. ©Ð¤¤³N fang2zhong1shu4, n., art of love-making.
5. ©Ð¦Ñ fang2lao3, n., (MC) head of maidservants;
6. ©Ð¦Ñ fang2lao3, n., head of family branch.
7. ©Ð²Ö fang2lei3, n., (MC) family (of officials living abroad).
8. ©ÐôS fang2long2, n., house windows.
9. ©ÐªÙ fang2she4, n., house.
10. ©Ð¤U fang2xia4, n., (MC coll.) wife.
11. ©Ð¨Æ fang2shi4, n., sexual intercourse.
12. ©Ð©«¡]¨à¡^ fang2tie3(fang2tie1er0), n., poster of ¡§house for rent.¡¨
13. ©Ð«Î fang2wu1, n., house, building.

±¯ Num. Index: 63D.70-4     £~£¹£¿ hu4    .
N.(1) (AC) name of bird.
(2) Retinue, see compp.¡õ;
¶[±¯ 40B.82.
(3) A surname.
Words1. ±¯¹Í hu4bi4, n., emperor's retinue.
2. ±¯±¯ hu4hu4, adj., (AC) bright and broad.
3. ±¯¾r hu4jia4, n., emperor's retinue.
4. ±¯±q huh-tzuhng, n., see hu4jia4¡ô.
5. ±¯¾i hu4yang3, n., (AC) grooms and cooks.

©Ñ Num. Index: 63D.81-1     £{£¸£¿ li4    .
N.Offense, humiliations: ¸o©Ñ sin, crime;
¥H¦Û¨ú©Ñ invite humiliations upon one's own head, commit offense.
V.t.(AC) come to: ©Ñ¤î reach;
»ð­¸©Ñ¤Ñ the hawk flies up to heaven (cf. ¡¼ 20A.30).
Adj.Perverse, tyrannical: ¨Ä©Ñ intractable, wicked;
©Ñ®ð a foul or evil-foreboding atmosphere;
¼É©Ñ ruthlessly oppressive.

¹M Num. Index: 63D.83-4     £t£¸£³£¿ bian4    . [Var. ûT 91B.42]
N.time in repetition: ¤@¹M (say, sing) once;
³\¦h¹M many times.
Adv.All around: ¹M¦a all over the place, see ûT 91B.42.

¤á Num. Index: 63D.91-6     £~£¹£¿ hu4    . [See ¤á 63.91]

¡¼ Num. Index: 63S.22-3     £{£µ£½ lang2    . [Usu. wr. ­¦]
N.(1) A young man, a man: ¤Ö¦~­¦ a youth;
¨à­¦ a young man or son;
·s­¦ a bridegroom;
¦ñ­¦ the best man;
¥O­¦ (court.) your son;
­¦¤~¤k»ª (matchmaking) a perfect match between a man and girl;
­¦¤ß¦pÅK (a young girl complaining) you are so hardhearted;
±¡­¦ a woman's lover;
½æªo­¦ a peddler of vegetable oils (unlikely but lucky lover);
¤û­¦ a cowherd (constellation);
¤j­¦¡A¤G­¦¡A¤T­¦ the eldest, second, third son;
­¦¸¤ lang2jiu4¡õ.
(2) An official title under the monarchy: ¨Í­¦ vice minister;
­¦¤¤ lang2zhong1¡õ;
­û¥~­¦ councillor, ranking next to ¨Í­¦.
(3) A surname.
Words1. ­¦½} lang2ba4, n., (MC) (Fukien dial.) one's father (MC transcription of ®Q¤÷ niourbeih).
2. ­¦§B lang2bo2, n., (1) (MC court.) my husband;
3. ­¦§B lang2bo2, n., (2) ¡×­¦½}¡ô.
4. ­¦·í lang2dang1, adj., (1) (of clothes) too ample;
5. ­¦·í lang2dang1, adj., (2) (of manners) easy-going: ¤Ý¨à­¦·í take things easy, take a devil-may-care attitude;
6. ­¦·í lang2dang1, adj., (3) helpless;
7. ­¦·í lang2dang1, adj., ¤£Ä±¾K­¦·í¤F soon become helplessly tipsy;
8. ­¦·í lang2dang1, adj., (4) ¡×ècÅL 81A.02.
9. ­¦±N lang2jiang4, n., an official title under the monarchy (¡×¤¤­¦±N).
10. ­¦¸¤ lang2jiu4, n., the husband of one's sister, the brother of one's wife.
11. ­¦¤¤ lang2zhong1, n., a pop. term for a doctor: ¦¿´ò­¦¤¤ a quack doctor;
12. ­¦¤¤ lang2zhong1, n., also a cheat in gambling.
13. ­¦§g lang2jUn1, n., (1) (court.) my husband;
14. ­¦§g lang2jUn1, n., (2) (LL) your son;
15. ­¦§g lang2jUn1, n., (3) ·s­¦§g a newly successful candidate in a government examination under the monarchy.

®Ô Num. Index: 63S.42-4     £{£µ£¾ lang3    .
Adj.Clear, bright: ©ú®Ô clear and distinct;
®Ô®Ô brilliant;
¤Ñ®Ô®ð²M clear atmosphere under a blue sky;
²M®Ô clear and bright;
®Ô¤ë a bright moon;
®ÔŪ reading alound;
®Ô»w ditto, recitation;
®ÔÁn a clear voice.

½¡ Num. Index: 63S.50-5     £u£¸£³ pian1    .
Adj.Flying, fluttering in the wind (like butterfly wings): ½¡­YÅåÂE (of woman, dancer) elusive, gracefully moving or disappearing.
Words1. ½¡÷_ pian1qian1, adj., flying or dancing gracefully.
2. ½¡ò¿ pian1huan2, adj., ditto.
3. ½¡½¡ pian1pian1, adj. & adv., (1) gracefully moving, flying, dancing;
4. ½¡½¡ pian1pian1, adj. & adv., (2) happy and contented: ½¡½¡¥H¦Û¼Ö;
5. ½¡½¡ pian1pian1, adj. & adv., (3) handsome and attractive: ½¡½¡¨Î¤½¤l a handsome beau;
6. ½¡½¡ pian1pian1, adj. & adv., ½¡½¡ÄÞÄÞ impressive (of building).
7. ½¡µM pian1ran2, adv., gracefully: ½¡µM»Y¤î graciously come, arrive.

ÅU Num. Index: 63S.80-3     £|£¹£¿ gu4    .
N.A surname.
V.i. & t.(1) V.i., to look back: ¦^ÅU cast a backward glance, make a retrospect;
¸qµL¤ÏÅU proceed without hesitation.
(2) V.t., to look at or around: ÅU¬ß gu4pan4¡õ;
¤£­È¤@ÅU not worth a glance;
ÅU¼v¦Û¼¦ (a lonely girl) look at one's image in the mirror and fall in love with or pity oneself;
ÅU¦W«ä¸q think what a title or name should imply;
¥|ÅUµL¤H look around to find nobody anywhere.
(3) V.t., take care of, look after: ÅU©À gu4nian4¡õ;
ÅUÅÊ be fondly attached to;
ÅU±¤ gu4xi2, ÅU«ò gu4xU4¡õ;
·RÅU care for out of love;
·ÓÅUtake good care of (children, kins, folk, etc. away from home), look after (house, etc.);
ÅU®a take care of one's family;
ÅUĺ gu4shan0¡õ.
(4) V.t., take into account or consideration: ÅU¤£±o¨º³\¦h have to ignore those things;
ÅU¤£¤F have to leave out of consideration;
ÅU¤£¹L¨Ó have no time to consider;
ÅU¤Î gu4ji2¡õ;
ÅU­±¤l¡AÅUÁy for the sake of face;
ÅU¼{ gu4lU4, ÅU§Ò gu4ji4¡õ;
ÅU¦¹¥¢©¼ (of two persons or things) take one into consideration to the neglect of the other;
ÅU«e¤£ÅU«á consider only the present and forget about the future.
Adv.(LL) however, thus, so, nevertheless, indeed, really: ÅU¤D however;
ÅU¦Ó nevertheless;
ÅU¦p¬O¥G how could it be so? is it so indeed? ÅU§Ñ¤§­C have you really forgotten? (Cf. ©T 41.41, Adv.2).
Words1. ÅU¥þ gu4chyuarng, v.i., show consideration for: ÅU¥þ¤j§½ so to act in the interests of everybody concerened.
2. ÅU¦± gu4qU3, v.i., listen to songs, be a patron of the singsong house.
3. ÅU¨ì gu4dao4, v.t., take into consideration.
4. ÅU§Ò gu4ji4, v.t. & n., have scruples about: ¸vµLÅU§Ò have no scruples at all.
5. ÅU¤Î gu4ji2, v.t., have regard for take into account.
6. ÅU¥D gu4zhu3, n., a client, customer.
7. ÅU«È gu4ke4, n., see gu4zhu3¡ô.
8. ÅU¼{ gu4lU4, v.t., be seriously concerned about or with: ÅU¼{©P¨ì thoughtful about everything (side of hospitality).
9. ÅU©À gu4nian4, v.t., remember with love or concern (old friendship, etc.).
10. ÅU¬ß gu4pan4, v.t., look around: ÅU¬ß¦Û¶¯ strut about pleased with oneself.
11. ÅUĺ gu4shan0, v.t., to look after, assist: ¥LªÖÅUĺ¤H he is always willing to look after others.
12. ÅU±¤ gu4xi2, v.t., to pity, love (children), take good care of (one's reputation, ¡§face¡¨).
13. ÅU«ò gu4xU4, v.t., have compassion on, to pity.
14. ÅU°Ý gu4wen4, n. & v.t., an adviser;
15. ÅU°Ý gu4wen4, n. & v.t., ·íÅU°Ý be adviser.

±Ò Num. Index: 63S.82-9     £¢£¸£¾ chi3    . [Var. úË¡A¡¼; pop.¡¼]
N.A letter: ®Ñ±Ò.
v.i & t.(1) To open, open up: ¶}±Ò¡A±Ò¶} to open;
±Òµ¡ open window;
±ÒÃC face opens up insmiles;
to open letter: ¿Ë±Ò ¡§personal letter¡¨ marked ¡§personal¡¨;
¤j±Ò¡A³Ô±Ò (marking on envelope) addressed to very important person;
to open up one's mind: ±Ò´¼¡A±Òª¾ ditto;
®¶Å¤±Òí~ phr., (fig.) to open mind (¡§make the deaf hear and the dim-sighted see¡¨);
±Ò­}¡A±Òµo chi3di2, chi3fa1¡õ.
(2) To communicate by letter or notice: ·q±ÒªÌ (opening words of letter) wish to communicate;
±Ò¤W¡AÂÔ±Ò (court. end of letter after signature) by so-and-so;
ªþ±Ò postscript;
¸[±Ò (to superior, parent) I wish to communicate;
±Ò«µ to send memorial to emperor;
±Ò§i to communicate (in public notice) ±Ò¨Æ chi3shi41¡õ.
Words1. ±Ò³ø chi3bao4, v.i., to report (in offical report).
2. ±Ò³¬ chi3bi4, v.i., to open and close (as the seasons, doors, etc.).
3. ±Ò³B chi3chu3, n., (AC) a short rest.
4. ±Ò¾¦ chi2chi3, v.i., (1) to open up in smile;
5. ±Ò¾¦ chi2chi3, v.i., (2) to say s.t. difficult: Ãø©ó±Ò¾¦ difficult to say it (requesting unusual favor, asking for loan).
6. ±Ò­} chi3di2, v.t., to open mind, esp. of the young, stimulate thinking.
7. ±Òµo chi3fa1, v.t., see chi3di2¡ô.
8. ±Ò«Ê chi3feng1, v.i., to break seal;
9. ±Ò«Ê chi3feng1, v.i., open sealed envelope.
10. ±Òîh chi3zhi2, v.i., to wake from hiberation in spring.
11. ±Ò»X chi3meng2, v.t., to instruct very young (as in kindergarten and primary school), enlighten: ±Ò»X®É´Á beginning of thinking, age of enlightenment;
12. ±Ò»X chi3meng2, v.t., ±Ò»X¦Ñ®v teacher who gave instruction at one's childhood.
13. ±Ò¦æ chi3xing2, v.i., to start on journey.
14. ±Ò¨Æ chi3shi41, n., a public notice.
15. ±Ò¥Ü chi3shi42, v.t. & n., reveal, revelation;
16. ±Ò¥Ü chi3shi42, v.t. & n., ±Ò¥Ü¿ý Revelation of New Testment.
17. ±Ò¨U chi3wo4, v.t., (AC) to advise the king.

¤C Num. Index: 70.70     £¢£¸ chi1         (£¢£¸£½ chi2    ). [See 10.70]

¤P Num. Index: 70.70     £t£¸£¾ bi3    . [See 21A.70]

üÀ Num. Index: 70S.22-3     £©£¹£´ cun1    . [See 10S.22]

èé Num. Index: 70S.50-9     £t£±£¾ bao3    , [See 21S.50]

¤ñ Num. Index: 70S.70-2     £t£¸£¾ bi3         (*£t£¸£¿ bi4    ). [See 21S.70]

·ø Num. Index: 71.30     £¤£³£¾ zhan3    .
N. adjunct.¤@·ø¿O a lamp (orig., oil-lamp stand with an oil cup).
N.(jian3zi0) A small cup: °s·ø wine cup.

²± Num. Index: 71.30     £¦£¶£¿ sheng4         (*£¥£¶£½ cheng2    ).
N.(1) A surname.
(2) (*cheng2) Úç²± sacrificial offerings.
V.t.(*cheng2) To fill a bowl (with rice, etc.);
²±ÀÔ cheng2lian¡õ.
Adj.(1) Vast, stupendous, great: Âײ± rich (harvest, business);
²±ûs sheng4jU3¡õ;
¦~¤Ö®ð²± young and impetuous;
²±·| a grand occasion;
²±ºá a great banquet;
²±¦W a great reputation;
²±«ã great anger.
(2) Prosperous: ­Z²± thriving (garden, plants);
¿³²± prosperous, thriving (commerce, industry, nation);
²±¥@ sheng4shi4¡õ;
²±°I sheng4suai¡õ.
Adv.Greatly: ²±¦æ sheng4xing2¡õ.
Words1. ²±®ð sheng4chi4, n., explosive manner of person: ²±®ð­â¤H browbeat other people, carry an arrogant air.
2. ²±±¡ sheng4qing2, n., (court.) your great hospitality or kindness.
3. ²±ªA sheng4fu2, n., (AC, LL) festive of formal dress.
4. ²±ûs sheng4jU3, n., a great undertaking: ¦@Á¸²±ûs cooperate with this great project.
5. ²±ÀÔ *cheng2lian, n., proper laying-in of deceased.
6. ²±¦~ sheng4nian2, n., a year of good crops.
7. ²±®L sheng4xia4, n., midsummer.
8. ²±¦æ sheng4xing2, v.i., spread widely: ¨ä¹D²±¦æ its teachings are very popular.
9. ²±¥@ sheng4shi4, n., a great, prosperous era.
10. ²±°I sheng4suai, n., the rise and fall (of dynasties);
11. ²±°I sheng4suai, n., prosperity and decline.
12. ²±·N sheng4yi4, n., see sheng4qing2¡ô.

ë} Num. Index: 71.42     £t£¸£¿ bi4    .
Words1. ë}µo bi4fa1, adj., (AC) windy and cold.
2. ë}ê¼ (®ß) bi4li4, n., the Tartar pipe, piercing and mournful.

»ð Num. Index: 71.50     £º£³ yUan1    .
N.(1) A kiet: ¯È»ð paper kite;
»ð­¸³½ÅD the kites fly in the air and fish jump in the water--(phil.) the pleasure of fulfilling nature or nature's funcitons.
(2) A brown tea color.
Words1. »ð§À yUan1wei3, n., (bot.) a kind of iris, iris tectorum (¡×µµÃ¹Äõ).

¤| Num. Index: 71.71     £¸£¿ yi4    .
V.i.To shoot (birds), hunt with bow nad arrow.
Words1. ¤|Àò yi4huo4, v.t., (1) to shoot down (game);
2. ¤|Àò yi4huo4, v.t., (2) to capture (criminal).
3. ¤|¤H yi4ren2, n., (AC) archer.

¤à Num. Index: 71.71     £|£­ ge1    .
N.(1) A spear, a lance: ¤z¤à weapons of war;
§L¤à weapons;
°Ê§L¤à start open war;
¤à¥Ù lances and spears.
(2) A surname.
Words1. ¤à¾À ge1bi4, n., the Gobi desert (Mongol word for ¡§desert¡¨).

¡¼ Num. Index: 71.71     £¸ yi1    . [Var. of ¡§¤@¡¨]

ûR Num. Index: 71.71     £·£¿ er4    .
N.A ¡§spelled out¡¨ form of ¤G, two (cf. ¶L 71.71¡õ).

¦¥ Num. Index: 71.71     £§£¹£¶£½ rong2    .
N.(1) Military affairs: ¦¥¨Æ warfare, fighting;
¦¥¾÷ military operations (secrets), strategy;
¦¥±H a military assignment;
¦¥­º rong2shou3¡õ;
¦¥¦æ rong2hang2¡õ;
­x¦¥ military matters;
¦¥¥î the rank and file, the army;
§ëµ§±q¦¥ give up civilian pursuits to join the army;
¦¥¤h privates;
§L¦¥ troops;
¦¥°¨ war-horses;
¦¥¨® a war-chariot;
¦¥¾¹ weapons;
¦¥¸Ë¡A¦¥ªA¡A¦¥¦ç military dress, uniform;
¦¥ÑÐ military tent.
(2) General name for barbarian tribes in the west: ¦è¦¥ the Western Barbarians;
¤ü¦¥ ¡§the Canine Barbarians¡¨;
¦¥ÆZ an anc. barbarian tribe in the south;
¦¥¨f barbarian tribes to the west and the north.
(3) A surname.
Adj.Great: ¦¥¥\ outstanding service to the country;
¦¥¤½ ditto.
Words1. ¦¥¦æ rong2hang2, n., troops.
2. ¦¥¸ª rong2kui2, n., (bot.) the hollyhock, altaea rosea (also ¸¾¸ª).
3. ¦¥¸ô rong2lu4, n., military chariots.
4. ¦¥¹õ rong2mu4, n., military headquarters.
5. ¦¥­º rong2shou3, n., (1) one who starts a war: ¤ð¬°¦¥­º don't be the first to start a war;
6. ¦¥­º rong2shou3, n., (2) the first to pick a fight.
7. ¦¥µà rong2shu2, n., the garden pea.
8. ¦¥ÆQ rong2yan2, n., the rock salt.

§Ù Num. Index: 71.71     £¡£¸£®£¿ jie4    .
N.A commandment;
Na vow or pledge to abstain form s.t.
V.t.(1) To warn, give warning: ĵ§Ù¡A§i§Ù ditto.
(2) (Mil.) §Ù³Æ to be on the alert, take extra precautionary measures, declare curfew.
(3) To put a stop to: §Ù·Ï stop smoking;
§Ù°s refrain from drinking (alcohol).
(4) To fast: ñé§Ù¨N¯D to fast and take a bath before a religious observance.
Words1. §Ù³Æ jie4bei4, v.i. & n., see V.t.2¡ô.
2. §Ù°£ jie4chu2, v.t., to cut out (bad habits).
3. §Ù¤Ø jie4chi3, n., formerly, bamboo slat, or foot rule for spanking pupils.
4. §Ù¥¹ jie4dan4, n., ¡§bugle¡¨ call to get up.
5. §Ù¤M jie4dao1, n., a knife carried by a monk.
6. §Ù·Þ jie4die2, n., a monk's or nun's document showing formal membership in monastic order.
7. §Ù¤è jie4fang1, n., see jie4chi3¡ô.
8. §Ù«ü¡]¨à¡^ jie4zhi3 (jie4zhe1er0), n., a (finger) ring.
9. §Ù«ß jie4lU4, n., monastic regulations.
10. §Ù¤ß jie4xin1, n., restraint before danger, fear of making mistakes.
11. §Ù±ø jie4tiao2, n., commandments, see jie4lU4¡ô.
12. §ÙÄY jie4yan2, n., martial law.

¦¡ Num. Index: 71.71     £¦£¿ shi4    .
N.(1) Model, standard.
(2) Rituals, form of ceremony: »ö¦¡ ditto;
µ²±B¦¡ rituals of wedding;
²¦·~¦¡ commencement exercises;
¶}¹õ¦¡¡A³¬¹õ¦¡ opening, closing ceremony.
(2) Form, formula, style: ¤½¦¡ formula;
¼Ë¦¡¡A§Î¦¡ shape, appearance (of pot, vase, ceremony, etc.);
¤èµ{¦¡ (math.) an equation;
·s¦¡¡A¦¡ new, old style;
®É¦¡ fashionable, modern style;
¥¿¦¡ formal, -ly (announced, married, adopted, etc.).
(3) (Gram.) tense: ²{¦b¦¡¡A¹L¥h¦¡ present, past tense;
¥¼¨Ó¦¡ future tense;
¶i¦æ¦¡ progressive tense, voice;
cf. ºA 93.72.
Words1. ¦¡¤l shi4zi0, n., form, pattern (of dress etc.).
2. ¦¡·L shi4wei2, v.i., (Ac) fall in power, become weak, decay.
3. ¦¡¼Ë shi4yang4, n., (1) form, shape of things;
4. ¦¡¼Ë shi4yang4, n., (2) sample.

©Î Num. Index: 71.71     £~£¹£¬£¿ huo4    .
Pron.(1) A certain person: ©Î¤H (¡×¬Y¤H);
©Î¤ê¡A©Î°Ý some one may say, may ask.
(2) (AC) who: ¥O¦¹¥Á¤U¡A©Î´±«V¤© who among the people would dare defy me?
Adv. & conj.Perhaps;
or (LL for vern. ©ÎªÌ¡A©Î³\ huo4zhe3, huo4xU3¡õ): ©Î¦³¤£¬O if something should (perhaps) happen;
©Î§ïªì§Ó perhaps should change one's mind;
either ¡Kor: ©Î¦¹©Î©¼¡A©ÎªF©Î¦è either this or the other;
either east or west.
Words1. ©ÎªÌ huo4zhe3, adv., perhaps: ©ÎªÌ¬O§A perhaps it is you;
2. ©ÎªÌ huo4zhe3, adv., ©ÎªÌ»{¿ù¤F¤H may have mistaken one person for another;
3. ©ÎªÌ huo4zhe3, adv., either ¡K or ©ÎªÌ³o­Ó©ÎªÌ¨º­Ó either this or that.
4. ©Î¬O huo4shi4, adv., perhaps: ©Î¬O¦³¬Æ»ò¹L¥¢ perhaps he may have done something wrong.
5. ©Î³\ huo4xU3, adv., perhaps: ©Î³\§Ú¤£¯à¨Ó perhaps I cannot come (¡×©ÎªÌ huo4zhe3¡ô).

¡¼ Num. Index: 71.71     £º£¿ yU4    .
Adj.Cultured (var. of ­§ 12S.22).

ÊÖ Num. Index: 71.71     £y£­£¿ te4    .
N. & v.i.(1) (AC) (make) a mistake: ®tÊÖ.
(2) (AC) change: ¤£ÊÖ do not change.
Adv.(MC, also modn.) too (in unfavorable sense): ÊÖ¬Æ (¡×¤Ó¬Æ) too much.
ÊÖ¤p too small;
ÊÖ¼F®` too sharp in character.
Words1. Ê֨઺ te4er0de1, adv., as in Ê֨઺­¸ suddenly fly away;
2. Ê֨઺ te4er0de1, adv., ÊÖ¨àºOÄѱø¡AºO»ó®÷ descriptive of sucking in noodles, dripping nose mucus.
3. ÊÖ·«·« te4lengleng, adv., (MC) descriptive of sound of wind or flight of birds.
4. ÊÖ·Ù (±þ) te4sha0, adv., too (esp. MC): ÊÖ·Ù±'h too romantic, sentimental.

¦² Num. Index: 71.71     £¸£¿ yi4         (sp. pr. £¸£®£¿ ye4    ).
V.t.(1) To trail (skirts) on the ground.
(2) To trace: ¦²¥ú¼u yi4guang1dan4¡õ.
Words1. ¦²¥Õ yi4bai2, v.i., to hand in blank paper at examinations (also ¦²¥Õ¨÷);
2. ¦²¥Õ yi4bai2, v.i., formerly, in civil examinations, to skip a paper in copying.
3. ¦²¥ú¼u yi4guang1dan4, n., tracing bullet.
4. ¦²¤Þ¾÷ yi4yin3ji1, n., a tractor.

ªZ Num. Index: 71.71     £¹£¾ wu3    .
N.(1) A footstep: ¨BªZ follow in the footsteps.
(2) A surname.
Adj.(1) Military, opp. to ¤å civilian or cultural: ªZ¤h¡AªZ³Æ wu3shi4, wu3bei4¡õ;
ªZ¤O¡AªZ¤H wu3li4, wu3ren2¡õ;
©|ªZ emphasis on military power;
¥ÎªZ to resort to arms;
°ÊªZ start fisticuffs.
(2) Martial, warlike, chivalrous.
(3) Arbitrary in ªZÂ_ wu3duan4¡õ.
Words1. ªZ§â¤l wu2ba3zi0, n., boxing postures.
2. ªZ³Æ wu3bei4, n., military preparedness.
3. ªZ¥¯ wu3bian4, n., (1) petty officer;
4. ªZ¥¯ wu3bian4, n., (2) (AC) military cap.
5. ªZ¾¹ wu3chi4, n., weapon.
6. ªZ¤¡¡]¨à¡^ wu2chou3(er0), n., an acrobatic actor.
7. ªZ¥¹ wu3dan4, n., actress playing martial role.
8. ªZÂ_ wu3duan4, n., arbitrary (person, judgment).
9. ªZ¤Ò wu3fu1, n., (1) a warrior;
10. ªZ¤Ò wu3fu1, n., (2) (AC) a jade-like stone (also wr. ÞæÏê).
11. ªZ©x wu3guan1, n., a military officer.
12. ªZ¤u wu3gong11, n., acrobatic skill of actors.
13. ªZ¥\ wu3gong12, n., (1) military achievements;
14. ªZ¥\ wu3gong12, n., (2) training in art of attack and defense.
15. ªZ¤õ wu2huo3, n., intense fire in cooking, opp. ¤å¤õ slow fire for simmering.
16. ªZ±N wu3jiang4, n., military general (a loose term);
17. ªZ¸Ë wu3zhuang1, n., military uniform;
18. ªZ¸Ë wu3zhuang1, adj., equipped with weapons: ªZ¸Ë³¡¶¤ armed forces.
19. ªZûs wu2jU3, n., formerly, a military officer of second degree (ûs¤H) in examinations.
20. ªZ®w wu3ku4, n., armory.
21. ªZ¤O wu3li4, n., military power, force of arms;
22. ªZ¤O wu3li4, n., muscular power.
23. ªZªL wu3lirh, n., the world or circle of boxers.
24. ªZ¼q wu3miao4, n., temple to military heroes.
25. ªZ¤H wu3ren2, n., (1) an army man, opp. ¤å¤H scholar;
26. ªZ¤H wu3ren2, n., (2) a war lord.
27. ªZ¥Í wu3sheng1, n., (Chin. opera) man playing martial role;
28. ªZ¥Í wu3sheng1, n., for merly, a cadet.
29. ªZ«L wu3xia2, n., chivalry: ªZ«L¤p»¡ novel of swordsmen.
30. ªZ³N wu3shu4, n., art of personal attack and defense.
31. ªZ®v wu3si4, n., military teacher.
32. ªZ¤h wu3shi4, n., a warrior;
33. ªZ¤h wu3shi4, n., ªZ¤h¹D wu3shi4dao4, (Japanese) bushido, chivalry.
34. ªZÃÀ wu3yi0, n., acrobatic and boxing skills, art of using weapons.

̱ Num. Index: 71.71     £¡£¸£³ jian1    .
Adj.Small, tiny, fragmentary: ̱̱¤§¼Æ an insignificant amount (of money).

¶L Num. Index: 71.71     £·£¿ er4    .
V.i.To show disloyalty: ¶L¤ß er4xin1¡õ.
Adj.(1) ¡§Spelled out¡¨ form of ¡§two¡¨ used in checks to avoid errors.
(2) Disloyal.
Words1. ¶L¦Ú er4chen2, n., a disloyal minister who collaborates with conqueror.
2. ¶L¤ß er4xin1, n., disloyalty of heart.
3. ¶L¨¥ er4yan2, n., dissident talk or opinion.

¥³ Num. Index: 71.71     £¹£¿ wu4    .
N.The number 5 in the decimal cycle, see Appendix A.

¦§ Num. Index: 71.71     £¦£¹£¿ shu4    . [Dist. ¦¦¡A¥³ 71.71]
N.(1) Garrison, frontier guard: ¦§¨ò¡A¦§¤H¡A¦§§Ð¡Ashu4zu2, shu4ren2, shu4yi4¡õ.
(2) No.
V.t.To guard frontier.
Words1. ¦§Ãä shu4bian1, v.i., to guard frontier regions.
2. ¦§¹ª shu4gu3, n., garrison drum.
3. ¦§¼Ó shu4lou2, n., watchtower.
4. ¦§¤H shu4ren2, n., a frontier guard.
5. ¦§¦u shu4shou3, v.i., to set up frontier garrison.
6. ¦§¨ò shu4zu2, n., a frontier guard.
7. ¦§ü} shu4wei4, v.i., see shu4shou3¡ô.
8. ¦§§Ð shu4yi4, n., military service at border regions, oft. a punishment as exile.

¦¦ Num. Index: 71.71     £££º xU1    . [Dist. ¦§¡A¥³]
N.(1) No. 11 of the duodecimal cycle (¦a¤ä), see Appendix A.
(2) The period between 7 and 9 p.m.

¦¨ Num. Index: 71.71     £¥£¶£½ cheng2    .
N.(1) Result, achievement, accomplishment: ¦³¦¨¡AµL¦¨ has, has not results to show;
¦¨¥\¡A¦¨ÁZ¡A¦¨ªG cheng2gong1, cheng2ji1, cheng2guo3¡õ.
(2) One tenth, or ten per cent: ¤»¦¨ 60%.
(3) (AC) 60 li1 of distance.
(4) (AC) a storey: ¤E¦¨®c ninestoried hall.
(5) A surname.
V.i. & t.(1) To complete: ¦¨¥ß cheng2li41¡õ.
¦¨¥æ close a deal;
¦¨±B to be married;
¨Æ¦¨¤§«á after the thing is over;
¦¨¨Æ¤£¨¬¡A±Ñ¨Æ¦³¾l (person) not good enough to accomplish anything, but more than enough to spoil things;
¦¨¤H¤§¬ü to help completion of worthy goal, bring romance to happy ending.
(2) To become: ¦¨¦W¡A¦¨¤F¦W¤H become famous;
¦¨¥P¡A¦¨¦ò become an immortal, a Buddha;
¦¨¸t to be sanctified;
¦¨¾à become captive;
¦¨¬°µL¥Î become useless;
¦¨¬°ÂجРbecome a redundancy;
¦¨¬Æ»ò¸Ü what will people say?
(3) As vb. suffix, in the sense of ¡§become¡¨ or ¡§completed¡¨: Åܦ¨ became;
§Î¦¨ assume the shape, or appearance (of isolation, alliance, triangle, obstruction, etc.);
¤Á¦¨ cut into (slips, etc.);
»s¦¨¡A°µ¦¨ make (made) into s.t.;
¼g¦¨¤p»¡ make into a novel;
§¹¦¨ complete (task), realize (goal), accomplish (mission);
ÃÙ¦¨ to support, etc.
(4) Used like Eng. ¡§do¡¨: ¨º¤£¦¨ that won't do;
¦¨¤£¦¨ will that do? esp. ¤£¦¨ at sentence end or Ãø¹D¡K¤£¦¨ you don't mean that (I should accept all your conditions, etc.), do you?
(5) (MC) maybe: ¤£¦¨¥u¬Oµ¥½} maybe all we can do is just wait here.
Adj.(1) Full, a full measure, whole: ¦¨Âù¡A¦¨¹ï a pair;
¦¨¤é¡A¦¨¤é®a¡A¦¨¤Ñ whole day;
¦¨±í a whole barrelful;
¦¨¶ô the whole piece;
¦¨¦~²Ö¤ë for months and years;
¦¨¤d¦¨¸U thousands and tens of thousands.
(2) Customary, established: ¦¨¨Ò¡A¦¨³W cheng2li42, cheng2gui1¡õ;
¦¨»y cheng2yU3¡õ;
¦¨©R already announced order;
²{¦¨ªº what is already there or available.
(3) Enough: ¦¨¤F that's enough! not any more.
(4) Capable, good: ¨º¤H«Ü¦¨ that man is very capable or useful.
(5) Mature, complete: ¦¨¦~¡A¦¨¤H cheng2nian2, cheng2ren21¡õ;
¦¨¼ô cheng2shu2¡õ;
¬î¦¨ autumn harvest.
Words1. ¦¨®× cheng2an4, n., (law) (1) a case on record;
2. ¦¨®× cheng2an4, n., (2) case law.
3. ¦¨±Ñ cheng2bai4, n., success or failure.
4. ¦¨¥» cheng2ben3, n., cost of production of merchandise, capital of investment.
5. ¦¨¾¹ cheng2chi4, v.i., (1) (of child, person) amount to s.t., become independent in some way;
6. ¦¨¾¹ cheng2chi4, v.i., (2) become a useful object.
7. ¦¨®ð­Ô cheng2chi4hou0, phr., (person's experience) come to maturity.
8. ¦¨¿Ë cheng2qin1, v.i., to be married: ¤w¸g¦¨¿Ë already married.
9. ¦¨¤³ cheng2chou2, v.i., become enemy.
10. ¦¨¥þ cheng2qUan2, v.t., to help others to succeed (in some undertaking).
11. ¦¨¡¼ cheng2qUn2, adv., in hordes, large groups.
12. ¦¨¾¦ cheng2chi3, n., permanent teeth.
13. ¦¨¨å cheng2dian3, n., promulgated laws.
14. ¦¨¤B cheng2ding1, v.i,. (of male persons) come of age.
15. ¦¨ªk cheng2fa3, n., established law or customs, usage, precedent.
16. ¦¨¤è¨à cheng2fang1er0, n., apothecary's formula, dist. physician's prescription.
17. ¦¨¤À cheng2fen4, n., percentages, ingredients.
18. ¦¨¦ò cheng2fo2, v.i., become a Buddha (possible for every man).
19. ¦¨°Æ¨à cheng2fu4er0, n., complete(d) set (as in mahjong).
20. ¦¨ªA cheng2fu2, v.i., have gone into mourning dress after laying-in of deceased.
21. ¦¨­Ó¨à cheng2ge4er0, (1) v.i., have formed shapes: ªG¤l¤w¸g¦¨­Ó¨à¤F the fruits are being formed;
22. ¦¨­Ó¨à cheng2ge4er0, v.i., ¥Lªº¦r¤£¦¨­Ó¨à his characters still lack shape;
23. ¦¨­Ó¨à cheng2ge4er0, (2) n., the whole piece.
24. ¦¨³W cheng2gui1, n., customary rules.
25. ¦¨¥\ cheng2gong1, v.i. & n. & adj., succeed;
26. ¦¨¥\ cheng2gong1, v.i. & n. & adj., success, -ful;
27. ¦¨¥\ cheng2gong1, v.i. & n. & adj., ¦¨¥\ªÌ a successful man;
28. ¦¨¥\ cheng2gong1, v.i. & n. & adj., ¤£¦¨¥\ will, do not succeed.
29. ¦¨ªG cheng2guo3, n., results, achievements.
30. ¦¨Åw cheng2huan1, v.i., (LL) achieve sexual union.
31. ¦¨±B cheng2hun1, v.i. & adj., be married.
32. ¦¨ªø cheng2zhang3, v.i., to grow up;
33. ¦¨ªø cheng2zhang3, n., growth.
34. ¦¨³¹ cheng2zhang1, phr., (1) ¥X¤f¦¨³¹ talk with adroit phrases;
35. ¦¨³¹ cheng2zhang1, phr., (2) ¶¶²z¦¨³¹ lucid and logical, follow as a matter of course.
36. ¦¨©Û cheng2zhao1, phr., ©}¥´¦¨©Û (prisoner) confess after tortures.
37. ¦¨ÁZ cheng2ji1, n., scholastic records;
38. ¦¨ÁZ cheng2ji1, n., result;
39. ¦¨ÁZ cheng2ji1, n., military accomplishments.
40. ¦¨®a cheng2jia1, v.i., become a family man, have a family.
41. ¦¨¨£ cheng2jian4, n., prejudice, stubborn ideas.
42. ¦¨«Á cheng2jian1, n., consummated rape.
43. ¦¨¥æ cheng2jiao1, v.i., close a business deal.
44. ¦¨´N cheng2jiu4, n., results to show for effort;
45. ¦¨´N cheng2jiu4, n., achievements, progress made.
46. ¦¨¦Ë cheng2zhu2, phr., ¯Ý¦³¦¨¦Ë or ¦¨¦Ë¦b¯Ý definite ideas or plans to meet a situation (as concept of bamboo exists in painter's mind before painting).
47. ¦¨§½ cheng2jU2, (1) n., a settled situation or agreement;
48. ¦¨§½ cheng2jU2, (2) v.i., form a (mahjong) party.
49. ¦¨¨à cheng2er0, n., (1) 10%: ¤T¦¨¨à§Æ±æ thirty-percent chance;
50. ¦¨¨à cheng2er0, n., (2) success: §A¬Ý³o¨Æ·Ç¦³¦¨¨à you see this thing will surely succeed.
51. ¦¨¤F cheng2le, phr., (1) (this) will do, is enough;
52. ¦¨¤F cheng2le, phr., (2) come off, succeed.
53. ¦¨¥ß cheng2li41, v.i. & t., (1) to form (a society, church, faction, etc.);
54. ¦¨¥ß cheng2li41, v.i. & t., (2) (hope for child) to become adult and independent.
55. ¦¨¨Ò cheng2li42, n., established rules, precedents.
56. ¦¨Â§ cheng2li3, v.i., (1) ceremony is ended;
57. ¦¨Â§ cheng2li3, v.i., (2) be married.
58. ¦¨©R cheng2ming4, n., an issued order: ¦¬¦^¦¨©R withdraw an order.
59. ¦¨¦W cheng2ming2, n., become famous.
60. ¦¨¦~ cheng2nian2, (1) n. & adj., adult: ¦¨¦~¤H an adult;
61. ¦¨¦~ cheng2nian2, (2) v.i., come of age;
62. ¦¨¦~ cheng2nian2, (3) adv., yearlong: ¦¨¦~®a for a whole year.
63. ¦¨«~ cheng2pin3, n., a finished product.
64. ¦¨¤H cheng2ren21, n., an adult: ¦¨¤H±Ð¨| adult education.
65. ¦¨¤¯ cheng2grern2, phr., be a martyr for a cause: ¦¨¤¯¨ú¸q die for a cause.
66. ¦¨¤é cheng2ri4, adv., all day long (also ¦¨¤é®a¡A¦¨¤é»ù).
67. ¦¨¦â cheng2se0, n., content of silver or gold in coins, jewelry.
68. ¦¨®Ä cheng2xiao4, n., results to show.
69. ¦¨¤ß cheng2xin1, (1) adv., purposely: ¦¨¤ß§@¹ï purposely antagonize person;
70. ¦¨¤ß cheng2xin1, (2) n., preconceived notion.
71. ¦¨¼Æ cheng2shu4, n., (1) round numbers;
72. ¦¨¼Æ cheng2shu4, n., (2) percentage.
73. ¦¨³^ cheng2shung1, v.i., take maters to court.
74. ¦¨»w cheng2shung2, phr., ¹L¥Ø¦¨»w can recite a passage after one perusal.
75. ¦¨»¡ cheng2shuo1, n., (1) an established theory;
76. ¦¨»¡ cheng2shuo1, n., (2) an agreement.
77. ¦¨¼ô cheng2shu2, adj., mature.
78. ¦¨¨Æ cheng2shi4, (1) n., bygones: ¦¨¨Æ¤£»¡ (AC) let bygones be bygones;
79. ¦¨¨Æ cheng2shi4, (2) v.i., to succeed in doing s.t.: ¤£¦¨¨Æ will not accomplish anything.
80. ¦¨ºâ cheng2suan4, n., (1) preconceived idea of costs;
81. ¦¨ºâ cheng2suan4, n., (2) calculated plan.
82. ¦¨¯À cheng2su4, n., elements in the making.
83. ¦¨«U cheng2su2, (1) n., established customs;
84. ¦¨«U cheng2su2, (2) v.i., in ¤Æ¥Á¦¨«U (AC) to influence the people and form moral customs.
85. ¦¨¤Ñ cheng2tian1, adv., all day long.
86. ¦¨§÷ cheng2cai2, v.i., see cheng2chi4¡ô.
87. ¦¨µ£ cheng2tong2, n., (AC) teenage child.
88. ¦¨Á`¡]¨à¡^ cheng2zong3(er0), n., (1) round numbers;
89. ¦¨Á`¡]¨à¡^ cheng2zong3(er0), n., (2) in quantity : ¦¨Á`¨à¶R¤ñ¹s¸H«K©y cheaper to buy in quantities.
90. ¦¨¤å cheng2wen2, (1) n., clear statement (letter) of the law;
91. ¦¨¤å cheng2wen2, (2) n., (coll.) presentable: ¨S¦³¤@¥ó¦¨¤åªºªF¦è not one presenttable thing;
92. ¦¨¤å cheng2wen2, (3) adj., written in black and white: ¦¨¤åªk written laws;
93. ¦¨¤å cheng2wen2, adj., ¤£¦¨¤åªk customs and conventions.
94. ¦¨¼Ë¡]¨à¡^ cheng2yang4(er0), (1) adj., presentable: ¤£¦¨¼Ë¨à not presentable;
95. ¦¨¼Ë¡]¨à¡^ cheng2yang4(er0), (2) v.i., ¦¨¼Ë°_¨Ó to assemble into shape (from cut pieces).
96. ¦¨¨¥ cheng2yan2, n., a promised word.
97. ¦¨¦ç cheng2yi1, n., as in ¦¨¦ç¨à ready-made suits;
98. ¦¨¦ç cheng2yi1, n., ¦¨¦ç¦K tailor, ¦¨¦ç©± tailor shop.
99. ¦¨Ä³ cheng2yi4, phr., come to agreement.
100. ¦¨­û cheng2yan2, n., standing member, constituent.
101. ¦¨»y cheng2yU3, n., a phrase;
102. ¦¨»y cheng2yU3, n., an idiom.

«w Num. Index: 71.71     £££¸£³£½ xian2    .
N.A surname.
Adv.(LL) all: «w¶° all gathered together;
«wª¾¡A«w»D all have heard, all know;
«w¦] all because;
«wºÙ¡A«w¿× all (the people) say or think.

«Â Num. Index: 71.71     £¹£° wei1    .
N.(1) Dignity.
(2) Power, authority, might: §@«Â§@ºÖ assume great airs (of authority);
¤Ñ«Â¡A¯««Â the might of Heaven, of God;
¥Ü«Â make a demonstration, esp. street demonstration of protest;
³B«Â great military power.
V.t.To dominate by power.
Adj. & adv.(1) Powerful, mighty: «Â«H¡A«Â±æ wei1xin4, wiwang4¡õ.
(2) By force: «ÂÀ~¡A«Â¯Ù wei1he4, wei1xie2¡õ.
Words1. «Â¹G wei1bi1, v.t., to threaten by force, to coerce: «Â¹G§Q»¤ coercion and bribery.
2. «ÂÅv wei1qUan2, n., authority, prestige.
3. «Â­· wei1feng1 (wei1feng0), n., air of importance;
4. «Â­· wei1feng1 (wei1feng0), n., prestige, domineering influence.
5. «ÂºÖ wei1fu2, n., power (of punishment or leniency).
6. «ÂÐô wei1he4, v.t., to threaten by force.
7. «Â­« wei1zhong4, n., (LL) weight and importance.
8. «Â¤O wei1li4, n., political or military power.
9. «ÂÆF wei1ling2, n., prestige, power of decision;
10. «ÂÆF wei1ling2, n., «ÂÆF¥P veronica virginica, used as powerful medicine.
11. «Â²r wei1meng3, adj., domineering.
12. «Â¦W wei1ming2, n., prestige.
13. «ÂÁn wei1sheng1, n., prestige, commanding voice.
14. «Â¯Ù wei1xie2, v.t., to dominate by force, to threaten, coerce (person, country).
15. «Â«H wei1xin4, n., public prestige, public confidence.
16. «Â¶Õ wei1shi4, n., dominant power.
17. «Â¤h§Ò wei1shi4ji4, n., (translit.) whisky.
18. «Â±æ wei1wang4, n., public prestige.
19. «ÂªZ wei1wu3 (wei1wu0), adj., dominant (power).
20. «ÂÄY wei1yan2, adj. & n., dignified, severe;
21. «ÂÄY wei1yan2, adj. & n., dignity, severity.
22. «Â»ö wei1yi21, n., dignity, decorum, forbidding appearance.
23. «Â¦i wei1yi22, adj., (AC) leisurely (usu. wr. ¶j¨²).

±­ Num. Index: 71.71     £¢£¸ chi1    .
N.(1) A relative, esp. on wife's or mother's side: ¿Ë±­ relative in gen.;
¬Ó¿Ë°ê±­ princes and princesses of the royal family;
±­ÞÄ relatives of empress;
¥~±­¡A±­ÄÝ¡A±­±Ú wife's or mother's relatives.
(2) An ancient weapon (ancient var. ód) see ±­´­ chi1yang2¡õ.
(3) Adversity: ¥ð±­¬ÛÃö share good and bad luck.
(4) A surname.
Adj.Sad, uneasy: ´d±­¡A¼~±­¡A«s±­ sorrow;
±­µM uneasy, see ±­±­ chi1chi1¡õ.
Words1. ±­±­ chi1chi1, adj., (1) troubled at heart, heavy-hearted;
2. ±­±­ chi1chi1, adj., (2) (AC) brotherly: ±­±­¥S§Ì.
3. ±­¬I chi1si4, adj., (AC) hunchbacked.
4. ±­´­ chi1yang2, n., (AC) battle-axe.

»N Num. Index: 71.71     £¨£µ zang1    .
N.(1) A surname.
(2) A slave: »NÀò zang1huo4¡õ.
(3) (U.f. Ŧ) bribery: ³g¦Ã§¤»N guilty of corruption and accepting bribes.
Adj.(LL) good, right, correct (opp. §_ bad, wrong): ¤H¿Ñ¤£»N (LL) ill-advised;
¦ó¥Î¤£»N (AC) what does it not avail? how can it possibly go wrong?
Words1. »NÀò zang1huo4, n., (AC) a male or female slave.
2. »N§_ zang1pi3, (1) adj., good or bad: ¥¼ª¾»N§_ don't know whether it's good or bad;
3. »N§_ zang1pi3, (2) adv., yes or no;
4. »N§_ zang1pi3, (3) v.t., criticize, speak well or ill of: »N§_¤Hª« pas judgement on men and personalities.

·P Num. Index: 71.71     £|£³£¾ gan3    .
N.Feeling, sensation, emotion, one of the senses: ·Pı gan1jUe2¡õ;
§Ö·P a pleasurable sensation;
©Ê·P¡A ¦×·Psex appeal;
´c·P enmity, sense of revulsion;
¦n·P good will;
·P±¡ gan3qing2, ·P©À gan3nian4, ·P·Q gan3xiang3, ·P¶Ë gan3shang1¡õ;
¦Ê·P¥æ¶° be moved by a mixture of feelings;
·P´n gan3kai3¡õ;
¦³·P¦Óµo (of person) to explode not without reason;
±Ó·P sensitive, -ity, allergic, -gy;
«D±`±Ó·P be allergic to, be extremely sensitive;
»á¦³¦P·P I feel the same way as you do;
·PIJ gan3chu4¡õ;
²Ä¤»·P the sixth sense, intuition;
ÆF·P inspiration.
V.i. & t.(1) V.i., to feel, to experience sensations, passions, etc. usu. ·Pı¡A·P¨ì¡G·P¨ì¤£§Ö feel unhappy, or depressed;
·Pı¤£¦w¡A·PıÃø¹L¡A·Pı¤£µÎªA feel uneasy, sad, unwell;
·Pı¥X¨Ó one can feel it;
¦h·Tµ½·P always melancholy and moody.
(2) V.i., feel grateful: ·PÁ¡A·PÀ¹¡A·P¿E¡A·P®¦ gaan-shieh, gan3dai4, gan3ji1, gan3en1¡õ;
·P¦P¨­¨ü shall feel grateful as a personal favor.
(3) V.t., to move, touch emotionally: ·P°Ê gan3dong4¡õ;
·P¤H¦Ü²` move people deeply be deeply touched.
(4) V.t., (of disease) to contract, be infected by: ·P«_ gan3mao4, ·P¬V gan3ran3¡õ.
(5) (AC, u.f. ¾Ù han4) to shake.
Words1. ·P±¡ gan3qing2, n., (1) friendly feelings: ·P±'n be on friendly terms;
2. ·P±¡ gan3qing2, n., (2) passion, emotion: ·P±¡¥Î¨Æ be swayed by emotions;
3. ·P±¡ gan3qing2, n., ·P±¡½Ä°Ê to act on momentary impulse;
4. ·P±¡ gan3qing2, n., µo¥Í·P±¡ begin to be deeply attached to one another.
5. ·PIJ gan3chu4, n., emotional stirrings: ¦³©Ò·PIJ reaction on seeing, reading s.t.
6. ·PÀ¹ gan3dai4, v.i., be sincerely grateful.
7. ·P¨ì gan3dao4, v.i. & t., to feel, to sense (¡Ïadj.).
8. ·P°Ê gan3dong4, v.t., to move, to touch the feelings of (person), to stir the emotions, passions, or sympathies of: ·P°Ê±o¨Ï¤H¬y²\ move people to tears.
9. ·P®¦ gan3en1, v.i., to feel grateful for some act;
10. ·P®¦ gan3en1, v.i., ·P®¦¸` Thanksgiving Day.
11. ·P©x gan3guan1, n., (physiol.) the sense organs.
12. ·P¥ú gan3guang1, v.i. & adj., (be) photosensitive: ·P¥ú¯È¡A·P¥ú¤ù photosensitive paper, films.
13. ·P²ü gan3he4, v.i., be sincerely grateful.
14. ·P¤Æ gan3hua4, v.t., to move, influence, convert (criminals, etc.) to a better way of life;
15. ·P¤Æ gan3hua4, v.t., ·P¤Æ©Ò reformatory.
16. ·P¥l gan3zhao4, v.t., inspire, rally (s.o.) to a worthy cause.
17. ·P¿E gan3ji1, v.i. & t., be grateful to (s.o.) to for (s.t.).
18. ·Pı gan3jUe2, n. & v.t., feeling;
19. ·Pı gan3jUe2, n. & v.t., to feel (uncomfortable, happy, etc.): see Vb.1.
20. ·P´n gan3kai3, n., painful recollections, regrets: ·P´n¸U¤d be filled with regrets or painful recollections.
21. ·P«_ gan3mao4, n. & v.i., (to catch) cold: ¬y¦æ·P«_ influenza.
22. ·P©À gan3nian4, v.t., remember (s.o.) in gratitude.
23. ·P¬V garnran3, v.t., (1) be infected by (disease);
24. ·P¬V garnran3, v.t., (2) (of thoughts or ideas) be colored or influenced by: ¦o¤]·P¬V¤W´dÆ[¤F her thoughts have also been tinged with passimism.
25. ·P¶Ë gan3shang1, n., grief, sorrow;
26. ·P¶Ë gan3shang1, adj., sentimental (poetry, mood);
27. ·P¶Ë gan3shang1, adj., ·P¶Ë¥D¸q sentimentalism.
28. ·P·Q garnxiang3, n., feeling, impression.
29. ·PÁÂ gan3xie4, (1) V.t. be thankful to (s.o.) for (s.t.);
30. ·PÁÂ gan3xie4, (2) adj., thankful.
31. ·P¨ü gan3shou4, v.i. & t., feel, be touched, react emotionally to (sermon, book, movie);
32. ·P¨ü gan3shou4, v.i. & t., ·P¨ü©Ê n., sensibility.
33. ·P¼Û gan3tan4, v.i. & n., to express deep regrets (for);
34. ·P¼Û gan3tan4, v.i. & n., ·P¼Ûµü an exclamation;
35. ·P¼Û gan3tan4, v.i. & n., ·P¼Û¸¹ exclamation point.
36. ·PÀ³ gan3ying4, n., reaction or response to some outer stimuli.

¼¡ Num. Index: 71.72     £¢£¸ chi1    .
Adj.Sorrowful, heavy-hearted (also wr. ±­).

´b Num. Index: 71.72     £~£¹£¬£¿ huo4    .
N. & v.t.(1) Entice, mislead, baffle: §¯¨¥´b²³ evil doctrine misleads the public;
´b¥@ mislead the people;
´b§Ë to delude;
°g´b lead into false ways;
¨ü°g´b beled astray;
´b©ó°ü¨¥ (LL) listen to one's wife.
(2) Doubt, suspicion, confuse, -sion: ºÃ´b to doubt, a doubt;
´¼ªÌ¤£´b a wise man is never confused;
´b§Ó causing doubts in faith.

ÂÙ Num. Index: 71.83     tsuh    . [Cf. «P 91A.83]
V.t.To knit (brow).
Adj.Knitted (brow);
cramped in space.
Words1. ÂÙè¶ tsuhe4, adv., with knitted brow (in worry).
2. ÂÙª÷ tsuhjin1, n., a form of embroidery with gold thread ruffled.
3. ÂÙ¬Ü tsuhmei2, v.i., knit eyebrows.
4. ÂÙÂÙ tsuhtsuh, adj., (AC) restricted, constrained, not free.

¦E Num. Index: 71S.00-2     £~£¹£«£½ hua2    .
V.t.(1) To paddle (a boat): ¦E²î.
(2) (Swimming) to paddle water.
Words1. ¦E®± hua2qUan2, v.i., to engage in finger-guessing game, each putting out one hand and guessing the total (0-10) of the two parties (also wr. ÁÅ®±).
2. ¦E¤ô³½ hua2shui3yU2, n., a culinary dish containing the tail ends of fish.
3. ¦E¤l hua2zi0, n., a small paddleboat.

¡¼ Num. Index: 71S.00-2     £¥£³£¾ chan3         (*£¥£³£¿ chan4    ).
V.t.(1) To pare off;
raze to the ground.
(2) (*chan4) To smash (rebellions).

ÄM Num. Index: 71S.50-9     £¹£¾ wu3    .
N.See ÆxÄM 41S.50.