¬u Num. Index: 91.02     £¢£º£³£½ qUan2    .
N.(1) A spring (of water): ¬u·½¡A¬u¤ô qUan2yUan2, qUan2shui3¡õ;
·Å¬u hot springs;
¼Q¬u geyser.
(2) The underground as symbolic of burial: ¶À¬u under the burial ground;
¬u¤U qUan2xia4¡õ.
(3) Coins (¡×¿ú): ¥j¬u¡A¬u¥¬ ancient coins (for collectors);
¬u¹ô qUan2bi4¡õ.
Words1. ¬u¹ô qUan2bi4, n., ancient coins (metal pieces in different shapes), also ¬u¥¬.
2. ¬u¥¬ qUan2bu4, n., see qUan2bi4¡ô.
3. ¬u¦a qUan2di4, n., oasis.
4. ¬u¸ô qUan2lu4, n., the nether world.
5. ¬u¯ß qUan2mo4, n., underground river.
6. ¬uÄ[ qUan2rang3, n., burial ground.
7. ¬u¤U qUan2xia4, n., in the graveyard, (fig.) dwelling place of the dead (¡×¶À¬u¤§¤U).
8. ¬u¤ô qUan2shui3, n., spring, spring water.
9. ¬u¥Û qUan2shi2, phr., rocks and springs, as place for enjoying nature: ¬u¥Û¤§¼Ö.
10. ¬u»O qUan2tai2, n., (LL) graveyard.
11. ¬u²´ qUan2yan0, n., point in ground from which spring water issues.
12. ¬u·½ qUan2yUan2, n., springs, source of water.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.02     £¤£¹£¶£¿ zhong4    . [Var. ¡¼¡A²³, pop. ¡¼]
N.The multitudes: ¥Á¡¼ the people, multitudes;
¤j²³ the masses;
Æ[¡¼¡AÅ¥¡¼ the audience;
¤½¡¼ the public;
¥Ü¡¼ exhibit (criminal) in disgrace to the public;
±o¡¼¡A¥¢¡¼ win, lose, the public support.
Adj.(1) Of the people, the public: ¡¼«ãÃø¥Ç an aroused public is difficult to tackle with;
¡¼§Ó¦¨«° a united people is like a city defense;
¡¼¤fÃ{ª÷ a public clamor can melt metals;
¡¼Àº©öûs what is supported by the people is easily accomplished;
¡¼±æ©ÒÂk the people's hope (confidence) is centered on (one person);
¡¼¥Ú¤§ªº target of public criticism.
(2) Numerous;
¡¼¦h zhong4duo1;
¡¼¹è zhong4gua3¡õ;
¡¼¥Í zhong4sheng1¡õ.
Words1. ¡¼¦h zhong4duo1, adj., numerous.
2. ¡¼¹è zhong4gua3, phr., the comparative difference in numbers (¡§many and few¡¨): ¡¼¹è¤£¼Ä the few cannot fight the many.
3. ¡¼¥Í zhong4sheng1, n., (Budd.) the myriad living things;
4. ¡¼¥Í zhong4sheng1, n., (coll. & abusive) beast (¡×¯b¬¹ 60.41).
5. ¡¼¦ì zhong4wei4, n., (in public address) equiv. ¡§ladies and gentlemen.¡¨
6. ¡¼Ä³°| zhong4yi4yUan4, n., the House of Representatives;
7. ¡¼Ä³°| zhong4yi4yUan4, n., ¡¼Ä³­û a congressman;
8. ¡¼Ä³°| zhong4yi4yUan4, n., a member of parliament.

âl Num. Index: 91.02     £££¸£¶£½ xing2         (also £¸£¶£½ ying2    ).
N.âl¶§ a county name in Honan.

³U Num. Index: 91.02     £x£¯£¿ dai4    .
N.(dai4zi0) Bag, sack, pocket: ¦ç³U¡A¤f³U pocket;
¥¬³U¡Aür³U calico, hemp, sack;
¯È³U paper bag;
¿ú³U wallet;
·Ï³U tobacco pouch.
Words1. ³U¹« dai4shu3, n., the kangaroo.

³P Num. Index: 91.02     £¡£¸£« jia1    .
Words1. ³P¸Æ jia1sha1, n., cassocks.

¸Í Num. Index: 91.02     £z£¸£±£¾ niao3    .
Adj.Curling upward;
delicate and graceful.
Words1. ¸Í¸Í niaurniao3, adj., (1) curling up in the air like smoke: ­»·Ï¸Í¸Í;
2. ¸Í¸Í niaurniao3, adj., (2) (interch. ÜõÜõ) ditto;
3. ¸Í¸Í niaurniao3, adj., waving in the wind;
4. ¸Í¸Í niaurniao3, adj., (3) (of female figure) delicate and graceful: ¸Í¸Í´@´@, see Üõ 93A.50.
5. ¸Í¸Í niaurnuoo, adj., (1) delicate and slender;
6. ¸Í¸Í niaurnuoo, adj., (2) (of female figure) delicate and graceful (var. Üõ®R).

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.10     £¨£¹£½ zu2    . [Pop. of ¨ò 60.10]

Ëq Num. Index: 91.10     £¨£±£¿ zao4    . [Common var. ¨m]
N.(1) Soap: ªÎËq ditto;
­»Ëq perfumed soap;
ÃÄËq carbolic soap;
Ëq¯» washing soda, detergent powder.
(2) A menial servant: Ëq¡¼ (AC) office boys, attendants.
(3) A manger: ËqôU a stable;
Ëq´Ì ditto.
Adj.Black: Ëq¥Õ zao4bai2¡õ.
Words1. Ëq¥Õ zao4bai2, n. & adj., black and white, (fig.) right and wrong.
2. Ëq¤æ zao4dou3, n., the shell of an acorn.
3. ËqùA zao4du2, n., an army flag.
4. ËqÄs zao4fan2, n., sulphate of iron.
5. Ëq°w zao4zhen1, n., see zao4ci4¡õ.
6. Ëq²ó zao4jia2, n., (bot.) the pods of soap bean tree, gleditschia japonica.
7. Ëq¾c zao4xie2, n., a kind of slippers.
8. Ëq¹u zao4xUe1, n., (1) riding boots;
9. Ëq¹u zao4xUe1, n., (2) formerly, black boots as part of formal dress.
10. Ëq¨ë zao4ci4, n., thorns on soap bean tree (see zao4jia2¡ô) used in Chin. medicine (also called Ëq°w).

¨õ Num. Index: 91.10     £t£° bei1    .
V.t.Disregard: ¨õ¤§µL¬Æ°ª½× regard it as beneath discussion;
¨õ°`©}¸` to humble, humiliate oneself in serving master;
¦Û¨õ self-effacing;
¦Û¨õ·P inferiority complex.
Adj.(1) Low, humble, inferior, of low rank: ¨õ©x¡A¨õ¾ (court.) terms used by minor official in self-reference in addressing superiors, like ¡§your humble servant¡¨;
¨õÃã«p§ with humble words and rich gifts, with unctuous subservience;
¨õ¨õ¤£¨¬¹D phr., beneath discussion or mention;
Á¾¨õ, see 60A.22 humble.
(2) Of lower generation: ¤ñ¥L¨õ¤@½ú is one generation lower (opp. °ª¤@½ú higher);
¨õ¿ËÄÝ relatives of younger generation.
Words1. ¨õ»À bei1bi3, n., of low character, mean;
2. ¨õ»À bei1bi3, n., underhand, dishonorable (method, character): ¨õ»À¤â¬q hanky-panky tactics.
3. ¨õÁ¡ bei1bo2, n., bad, unproductive (land).
4. ¨õ¦æ bai1hang2, n., of lower generation (nephews, etc.).
5. ¨õ½â bei1jian4., adj., lowly, menial (work, people).
6. ¨õ¦H bei1lUe4, adj., bad, inferior in quality;
7. ¨õ¦H bei1lUe4, adj., dishonorable, mean (conduct).
8. ¨õÅý bei1rang4, adj., humble, courteous.
9. ¨õ¤H bei1ren2, n., (MC) your humble servant.
10. ¨õ¤U bei1xia4, adj., low, lowly.
11. ¨õÀã bei1si4, adj., (of land, house) low and damp.
12. ¨õ¥Ð°| bei1tian2yUan4, n., institution for the poor (also wr. ´d¥Ð°|.
13. ¨õ¦Ã bei1wu1, adj., mean, filthy, dishonorable (ways, conduct, character).

ªú Num. Index: 91.10     £w£¹£¿ fu4    .
N.A mound;
character for radical ¡¼ wr. on left (¨¾);
cf. ¡¼ wr. on right (¨¹), see ¨¶ 40.70.
Adj.Abundant, big, wealthy: ª«ªú¥Á±d goods overflow and the people are happy.
Words1. ªúîn fu4zhong1, n., (AC) grasshoppers.

ÔG Num. Index: 91.10     £¤£¹£´£¾ zhun3    .
N.A small eagle.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.10     £|£± gao1    . [Pop. of ¡¼]
N.(1) A marsh, the banks of a marsh: ¦¿¡¼ a river bank.
(2) A surname.
Words1. ¡¼¤ñ gao1bi3, n., (1) a tiger's skin;
2. ¡¼¤ñ gao1bi3, n., (2) (MC) a seat made of tiger's skin on which a schoolteacher sat, hence (LL) teacher's chair.
3. ¡¼ªù gao1men2, n., (AC) the outermost one of five palace gates.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.10     £¨£¹£°£¿ zui4    . [Anc. var. of ¸o 41.22]

ºº Num. Index: 91.10     £{£¹£¬£¿ luo4    .
N.A brindled ox.
Adj.(1) Brindled in color.
(2) Eminent, outstanding: ¨ôºº¤£üc ditto;
ºººº¤jªÌ the most essential points.

ó£ Num. Index: 91.10     £u£³£½ pan2    .
N.Big leather belt.

Áq Num. Index: 91.10     £ª£¹£¶£¾ song3    .
V.t.(1) To shock, see Áq°Ê¡AÁqÅ¥ song3dong4, song3ting1¡õ.
(2) To rise straight up: °ªÁq¡AÁq°_ shoot high up (as skyscraper).
(3) U.f. ®ª 22A.01.
Words1. Áq°Ê song3dong4 (song3dong0), v.t., to ruffle, shock, disturb the mind.
2. ÁqªÓ song3jian1, v.i., to shrug shoulders.
3. ÁqÄß song3jU4, adj., shocked (¡×®ªÄß).
4. ÁqÅ¥ song3ting1, phr., as in ¦M¨¥ÁqÅ¥ a startling statement creates a sensation.

¬Ó Num. Index: 91.11     £~£¹£µ£½ huang2    .
N.(1) Emperor: ¬Ó«Ò huang2di4, ¬Ó¤W huang2shang4¡õ;
¬Ó«Ç the imperial house;
¬ÓÀx the crown prince;
¤Ó¤W¬Ó emperor's father.
(2) A surname.
Adj.(1) Honorific word for deceased ancestor used chiefly on tablets, tombstones: ¬Ó¦Ò my late illustrious father;
¬Ó§­ my late illustrious mother.
(2) Great, magnificent: ¡]«a°Ã¡^°ó¬Ó impressive-looking.
(3) Flurried, in a flutter: ­Ü¬Ó¡A¬Ó¬Ó ditto (cf. ´q 22A.11).
Words1. ¬Ó«Ò huang2di4, n., the emperor.
2. ¬Ó¦Z huang2hou4, n., empress.
3. ¬Ó¬Ó huang2huang2, adj. & adv., (1) magnificent: °ó°ó¬Ó¬Ó open, -ly, in open view;
4. ¬Ó¬Ó huang2huang2, adj. & adv., (2) agitated: ­Ü­Ü¬Ó¬Ó in a great flurry.
5. ¬Ó¤W huang2shang4, n., Your Majesty;
6. ¬Ó¤W huang2shang4, n., His Majesty.

³ù Num. Index: 91.11     £t£±£¾ bao3         (also £u£¹£¿ pu4    ).
N.Fortress, small fort, walled village: «°³ù fortifications on city wall;
N.¸M³ù 31B.42.
Words1. ³ùÂS bao2lei3, n., earthwork for defense;
2. ³ùÂS bao2lei3, n., fortress: (lit. & fig.) ºë¯«³ùÂS spiritual fortress.

¾Á Num. Index: 91.11     £}£´£¾ ken3    .
V.t.To cultivate (land): ¾Á¥Ð cultivate or till farm;
¶}¾Á to colonize wild country.
Words1. ¾Á¯î ken3huang1, v.i., to reclaim wasteland.
2. ¾Á´Þ ken3zhi2, v. t., to cultivate, grow trees, vegetables.

¶÷ Num. Index: 91.11     £¸£¶£½ ying2    .
N.Grave, cemetery: ¶÷¦a ditto.
Words1. ¶÷¼X ying2fen2, n., a grave.
2. ¶÷¥Þ ying2xUe2, n., ditto.

¼ü Num. Index: 91.11     £¸£¶£½ ying2    .
N.Gem luster.
Adj.Lustrous: ´¹¼ü¡A¼ü¼í ditto;
¼ü¼ä pure and lustrous.

¦} Num. Index: 91.20     £t£¸£¶£¿ bing4    . [Pop. ¦}; cogn. ¨Ã; interch ¨Ö]
N.Place name in ¦}¦{ (bing1 or bing4): ¦}¦{°Å¤M famous scissors produced at Bingjou, also (fig.) highly efficient person.
V.t.To annex: ­Ý¦}¡A¦}§] annex and absorb (neighboring country), more commonly wr. ¨Ö;
¦}¤é¦Ó­¹ (LL) to eat on alternate days.

»ó Num. Index: 91.20     £t£¸£½ bi2    .
N.(1) Usu. »ó¤l bi2zi0¡õ the nose: ¤j»ó¤l big-nosed person, (coll.) Russians;
¶ò»ó¤l snub-nosed person;
ÁV»ó¤l¡A°s»ó»ó¤l¡A¬õÁV»ó¤l bottle-nosed;
¤û»ó¤l¡A¤û»ó¤l¦Ñ¹D (facet.) old Taoist priest;
ÆN»ó hawk-nosed.
(2) »ó¨à bi2er0: the raised part of a cover or seal, usu. with holes, convenient for lifting, as in a teapot (¯ùÜò¨à);
eye of needle °w»ó¨à.
Words1. »óµÄ bi2qiang1, n., nasal cavity;
2. »óµÄ bi2qiang1, n., nasal twang.
3. »óúý bi2feng1, n., nasal bridge.
4. »ó¥[µª¨à bi2ga1da2er0, n., nasal catarrh.
5. »ó°© bi2gu3, n., nasal bone.
6. »ó¦y bi2jian1, n., the tip of nose.
7. »ó·Ç bi2zhun3, n., nasal bridge.
8. »ó¤Õ bi2kong1, n., the nose;
9. »ó¤Õ bi2kong1, n., the nostrils: ¤@»ó¤Õ¥X®ð (two persons) echo one another's opinion.
10. »ó±ç bi2liang2, n., bridge of nose.
11. »ó¡¼ bi2niouh, n., (med.) nasal hemorrhage, epistaxis.
12. »ó¤û¨à bi2niu2er0, n., nose dirt, hardened mucus in nostrils.
13. »ó®§ bi2xi2, n., (1) breath: ¥õ¤H»ó®§ phr., depend upon another's pleasure;
14. »ó®§ bi2xi2, n., (2) snore: »ó®§¦p¹p snore like thunder.
15. »ó®÷ bi2ti4, n., nasal discharge, (coll. bi2ding0): »ó®÷¹Ç§a¨à bi2ti4ga1ba1er0, caked nasal discharge outside nostrils;
16. »ó®÷ bi2ti4, n., »ó®÷²´²\ªº adv., weeping and sniffling.
17. »óÀY bi2tou2, n., the nose.
18. »ó¤l bi2zi0, n., the nose;
19. »ó¤l bi2zi0, n., see N.1¡ô.
20. »ó¯ª bi2zu3, n., the earliest ancestor;
21. »ó¯ª bi2zu3, n., (fig.) the first person to do s.t., earliest founder.
22. »óûÇ bi2yan1, n., snuff;
23. »óûÇ bi2yan1, n., »óûÇÜò bi2yan1hu2, n., snuff bottle.
24. »ó«|³ï bi2yan1hou4, n., (physiol.) nasopharynx.

©§ Num. Index: 91.21     £x£¯£¿ dai4    .
N.Var. for ®õ¤s Taishan.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.21     £x£±£¾ dao3    . [Anc. var. of ®q 91.50]

êß Num. Index: 91.21     £¸£¶ ying1    .
N.(AC) a long-necked, smallmouthed jar.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.22     £¥£¿ chi4    .
Words1. ¡¼ chi4chu4, (1) v.i., to walk (¡¼ explained as the left foot, and ¡¼ as the right--the two components forming ¦æ to walk);
2. ¡¼ chi4chu4, (2) n., symbol for ¡§ch¡¨ before a1, e1, o1, u sounds (not before i, yU1) in Chin. phonetic alphabet;
3. ¡¼ chi4chu4, (3) a radical: as in ¦æ¡Aµó, index No. 91B.

¤ù Num. Index: 91.22     £u£¸£³£¿ pian4    .
N. adjunct.Descriptive of things on a stretch, such as clouds, light, pervasive atmosphere: ¤@¤ù¦n¸Ü a stretch of sincere talk;
¤@¤ù±m¶³¡A¤ë«G a stretch of colored clouds, moonlight;
¤@¤ù®É¶¡¡A®É¥ú a stretch of time;
¤@¤ù¦n·N¡A³ß®ð¡A²Y²D an atmosphere of goodwill, hilarity, solitude, loneliness.
N.(1) Card, slice: oft. ¤ù¨à piaher0, a slice: ¤Á¦¨¤@¤ù¤@¤ù¨à cut into slices;
¥d¤ù card;
¤ù¥Ø card catalogue;
¦W¤ù name card, also ¤ù¤l;
©ú«H¤ù postcard;
Âû¤ù¡A¦×¤ù¡A³½¤ù chicken, pork, fish served in slices;
³·¤ù snowflakes;
ªá¤ù flower petals;
ÃĤù tablet of medicine.
(2) Film: ½¦¤ù¡A©³¤ù photographic film;
¬Û¤ù photograph;
¼v¤ù movie;
¤ù¦W name of movie;
¤ù°Ó movie distributor;
¤ùÀY the first part of movie, giving name of producer, etc., see ¤ù¤l pian4zi0¡õ.
Adj.Small in amount, small, thin: ¤ù®É a short moment;
¤Ö¯d¤ù¨è please remain for a little while;
¤ù¨¥§éº»¡A¸Ñ¯É settle a case, dispute, with just a few words;
¤ù¨¥¤E¹© (LL) a word from you carries great weight;
¤ù¯È°¦¦r just a short note, a scrap;
±þ±o¤ù¥Ò¤£¯d completely destroy enemy, ¡§not a piece of armor intact¡¨;
¤ùµ½ just a little good side (of character).
Words1. ¤ù¬q pian4duan4, n., incomplete section (taken out of context), or part.
2. ¤ù¨è pian4ke4, n., a short moment.
3. ¤ù¨à´ö pian4er0tang1, n., soup of flat noodles.
4. ¤ù­± pian4mian4, adj., one-sided (talk).
5. ¤ù®É pian4shi2, n., a short moment.
6. ¤ù¤l pian4zi0, n., movie film.

©­ Num. Index: 91.22     £t£¬£½ bo2    .
N.(1) Silks: ¦ç©­ to dress in silks;
¥É©­ (AC) jades and silks, oft. used as presents.
(2) A surname.

¦å Num. Index: 91.30     £££º£®£¿ xUe4         (more common in litr. phrr.); *£££¸£®£¾ xie3     (more common in coll. phrr.).
N.Blood: ¦å¯ß¡A¦å²y¡A¦åºÞ, etc., xUe4mo4, xUe4qiu2, xUe4guan3¡õ;
¼ö¦å¨k¨à red-blooded patriots, (refers to idealism, enthusiasm);
see ¦å®ð¡A¦å©Ê xUe4chi4, xUe4xing4¡õ;
§N¦å°Êª« cold-blooded animal, (fig.) an apathetic person;
¯D¦å­W¾Ô a bloody battle, ¡§bathed in blood¡¨;
§l¦å°­ blood-sucking vampire;
³h¦å¯g anemia;
¦R¦å throw up blood;
¦å¦½ blood and sweat: ¦å¦½¿ú hard-earned money, money earned with blood and sweat;
¦å²\ tears of blood;
§t¦å¼Q¤H¡A¦å¤f¼Q¤H make unfounded, scurrilous attacks upon person;
¬y¦å¼ÐªS (battlefield) strewn with blood, descriptive of a blood bath in war.
Adj.(1) Bloody color: ¦å¬õ.
(2) Bloody: ¦å¥v story of bloody battles;
¦å¾Ô bloody battle;
¦å²O²O¡A¦åÕñÕñ¡A¦å©¿²O«f dripping with blood, describing a bloody sight.
(3) Related in blood: ¦å¿Ë¡A¦å²Î¡A¦å±Ú xUe4qin1, xUe4tong3, xUe4zu2¡õ.
Words1. ¦å®× xUe4an4, n., a murder case.
2. ¦å¥» xUe4ben3, n., capital investment which represents lifetime saving.
3. ¦å±Y xUe4beng1, n., menorrhagia of the uterus.
4. ¦å»æ xUe4bing3, n., cruor, (coagulated) blood clot.
5. ¦åªy xUe4bo2, phr., a pool of blood.
6. ¦å¸z *xie3chang2, n., blood sausage (of sheep intestines stuffed with blood).
7. ¦å§Õ xUe4chen2, n., sincerity from the heart.
8. ¦å¸Û xUe4cheng2, n., ditto.
9. ¦å®ð xUe4chi4, n., animal spirits, vigor, oft. equiv. Eng. ¡§guts¡¨--courage, enthusiasm: ¤Z¦³¦å®ð¤§¤H all who have feeling (must feel aroused by the atrocities, etc.);
10. ¦å®ð xUe4chi4, n., ¤Z¦³¦å®ðªÌ²ö¤£´L¿Ë all who are endowed with breath (¡§blood¡¨) respect their parents;
11. ¦å®ð xUe4chi4, n., see xUe4xing4¡õ;
12. ¦å®ð xUe4chi4, n., ¦å®ð¤§«i brute courage, as dist. moral courage;
13. ¦å®ð xUe4chi4, n., ¦å®ð©Ò¨Ï slave to animal nature;
14. ¦å®ð xUe4chi4, n., ¦å®ð¥¼©w physical vigors of young people;
15. ¦å®ð xUe4chi4, n., ¦å®ðµê®z weak constitution, gen. debility.
16. ¦å¿Ë xUe4qin1, n., blood kin.
17. ¦å²M xUe4qing1, n., blood serum.
18. ¦å²y xUe4qiu2, n., blood corpuscles: ¬õ¦å²y¡A¥Õ¦å²y red, white corpuscles.
19. ¦å®ê¯g xUe4chuan2zheng4, n., thrombosis.
20. ¦å¨ª¯À xUe4chi2su4, n., hemoglobin.
21. ¦å¹D¤l *xie3dao4zi0, n., scars of cuts on skin.
22. ¦åºÞ xUe4guan3, n., blood vessels;
23. ¦åºÞ xUe4guan3, n., arteries (°Ê¯ß) and veins (ÀR¯ß);
24. ¦åºÞ xUe4guan3, n., ¦åºÞµw¤Æ arteriosclerosis.
25. ¦åÅÛ xUe4gu3, n., (Chin. med.) swelling in belly, described as due to clotting of blood from a fall or injury.
26. ¦å®ü xUe4hai3, n., (1) (Chin. med.) name of arterial focus point (¸g¥Þ) on inner thigh;
27. ¦å®ü xUe4hai3, n., (2) ¦å®ü­Þ¤³ a blood feud.
28. ¦å¦½ xUe4han4, n., hard toil (of sweat and blood).
29. ¦å©¿²O«f xUe4hu1linla1, adj., shockingly bloody (appearance).
30. ¦åªá xUe4hua1, n., sprays of spurting blood.
31. ¦å¬¡ *xie3huo2, adj., (coll.) frighteningly serious: ³oÂI¤p¨Æ¡AÅý§A»¡±o¨º»ò¦å¬¡ you make this trifle sound terribly serious.
32. ¦å¬õ xUe4hong2, adj., blood-red color.
33. ¦å¸ñ xUe4ji1, n., blood stains.
34. ¦å¯m xUe4jia1, n., a scab, clot of blood formed on wounds.
35. ¦å¼ß xUe4jiang1, n., (blood) plasma.
36. ¦åºÜ xUe4jie2, n., resin of certain palms, used as an herb (looking like ¡§dried blood¡¨).
37. ¦å§Ò xUe4ji4, n., days when eating of meat or slaughter of animals is forbidden.
38. ¦å´¹ xUe4jing4, n., (min.) blood-red quartz crystal.
39. ¦åòL shyehzhu1, n., the bitter acorn oak, quercus acuta.
40. ¦å²© xUe4zhi4, n., bleeding piles.
41. ¦å¶ô xUe4kuai4, n., coagulated blood clot;
42. ¦å¶ô xUe4kuai4, n., thrombus;
43. ¦å¶ô xUe4kuai4, n., ¦å¶ô¤l (*xie3kuai4zi0) blood clot.
44. ¦åÁ« xUe4kui1, n., anemia.
45. ¦å®w xUe4ku4, n., blood bank.
46. ¦å¨à *xie3er0, n., commonly refers to blood oozing from surface cut.
47. ¦å²\ *xie3lei4 (xUe4lei4), phr., blood and tears (from utter distress).
48. ¦å®Æ *xie3liao4, n., a paint mixture containing animal blood.
49. ¦å²O xUe4lin2, n., gonorrhea with traces of blood.
50. ¦å½ü xUe4lun2, n., see xUe4qiu2¡ô.
51. ¦å°g xUe4mi2, n., a mother's swooning off due to excessive loss of blood during child delivery.
52. ¦å¯ß xUe4mo4, n., (1) blood circulation: ¦å¯ß¬y³q;
53. ¦å¯ß xUe4mo4, n., (2) the blood pulse;
54. ¦å¯ß xUe4mo4, n., (3) blood relationship, see xUe4tong3¡õ.
55. ¦åªj¤l *xie3mo4zi0, n., froth formed on stored blood.
56. ¦å¬Ö xUe4pen2, n., (coll.) a big mouth, as ¦å¬Öªº¤j¤f.
57. ¦å¬Ä xUe4po4, n., dark red amber.
58. ¦å¤H¨à *xie3reer0, n., a person covered all over with blood.
59. ¦å¤b xUe4ren4, n., bloodstained knife.
60. ¦å¦â xUe4se4, adj., blood-red color (¦å¦â¨à *xie2sha3er0);
61. ¦å¦â xUe4se4, adj., ¦å¦â¯À haemoglobin.
62. ¦å¬¹ xUe4sheng1, n., animal sacrifice.
63. ¦å¤pªO xUe4shiaurban3, n., blood platelets or thrombocyte.
64. ¦å©Ê xUe4xing4, n., animal spirits, physical courage, guts.
65. ¦å¤ß xie4xin1, n., sincerity of heart.
66. ¦å¸{®ð xUe4xing1chi4, n., smell of fresh blood.
67. ¦å«¬ xUe4xing2, n., blood type, blood group (considered in transfusion).
68. ¦å¦æ¾¹ xUe4xing2chi4, n., blood circulatory system.
69. ¦å®Ñ xUe4shu1, n., letter written in blood (in some dramatic crisis).
70. ¦å¤ô *xie2shui3, n., the blood as a fluid;
71. ¦å¤ô *xie2shui3, n., water mixed with blood.
72. ¦åÄÝ xUe4shu3, n., blood relative.
73. ¦å­¹ xUe4shi2, n., eating of sacrificial meat.
74. ¦åµê xUe4xU1, n., anemia.
75. ¦å§¿ xUe4sui1, n., blood in urine.
76. ¦åµ·¡]¨à¡^ *xie3si1(xie3seer0), n., fine capillaries;
77. ¦åµ·¡]¨à¡^ *xie3si1(xie3seer0), n., blood fibers.
78. ¦å¶à xUe4syh, n., blood descendant.
79. ¦å´ö¤l *xie3tang1zi0, n., see xie2shui3¡ô.
80. ¦å²Î xUe4tong3, n., blood relationship, consanguinity: ¦å²Î¥D¸q jus sanguinis, law of certain countries which recognizes child's citizenship by its parents', irrespective of where it is born (opp. Äݦa¥D¸q jus soli).
81. ¦å¶Å xUe4zai4, n., blood debt, a debt to be settled by blood.
82. ¦å±Ú xUe4zu2, n., consanguine relation.
83. ¦å¦Ã xUe4wu1, n., blood stains.
84. ¦åÀ£ xUe4ya1, n., blood pressure.
85. ¦åÀù xUe4yan2, n., leukemia.
86. ¦å²G xUe4ye4, n., blood: ¦å²G´`Àô blood circulation;
87. ¦å²G xUe4ye4, n., ¦å²GÅÖºû¯À fibrin, which helps coagulation of blood when exposed to air.
88. ¦å¦L *xie3yin4, n., blood stains (on clothing, etc.).
89. ¦å¤Í¯f xUe4you3bing4, n., hemophilia.
90. ¦å½t xUe4yUan2, n., see xUe4tong3¡ô.
91. ¦å¥ÉÅè xUe4yU4sui3, n., (min). bloodstone.
92. ¦å·w *xie3yUn4, n., see xUe4mi2¡ô.
93. ¦å¾l xUe4yU2, n., (Chin. med.) human hair (used as medicine).

¯s Num. Index: 90.30     £µ£¿ ang4    .
N.(1) A wine cup, a vessel.
(2) An ounce: ¯s´µ ang4si1¡õ.
Adj.(1) (AC) standing up or out.
(2) Vigorous, full of life: ¯sµM ang4ran2¡õ.
Words1. ¯s¯s ang4ang4, adj., (LL) vigorous, full of life.
2. ¯sµM ang4ran2, adj., (of portrait, description) full of life, interesting, alive.
3. ¯s´µ ang4si1, n., (translit.) an ounce.

º[ Num. Index: 91.30     £¡£¸£¿ ji4    .
N.(1) Confines: Ãûº[ (¡×µL¬J) without limit;
¤j¼wµLº[ (LL) your kindness (generosity) knows no bounds.
(2) A surname.
Conj.And: ¬Y¬Y¥ý¥Íº[¤Ò¤H Mr. and Mrs. So and so.
Words1. º[¤µ ji4jin1, phr., (LL) up to the present, till now (¡×¦Ü¤µ).

½L Num. Index: 91.30     £u£³£½ pan2    . [Dist. ºn¡A½Y]
N. adjunct.¤@½L¥Í·N a business deal;
¤@½L´Ñ a game of chess.
N.A tray, plate, dish: ¤@½Lµæ a dish at table;
§N½L¡A²D½L hors d'oeuvres;
©é½L mixed hors d'oeuvres;
usu. ½L¤l pan2zi0¡õ or ½L¨à pa2er0: Áy½L¨à a person's face contour;
anc. tub (cogn. modn.¬Ö);
a platelike object, like ´Ñ½L chessboard, 10B.80;
ºâ½L abacus, 92A.20;
¥´ºâ½L calculate cost and profit.
(2) Market prices, quotations on stock market: ¶}½L¡A¦¬½L opening, closing quotations.
(3) A surname.
V.t.(1) To investigate: ½L½ã audit accounts;
½L®w¡A½L³f take inventory of stockpiles, goods;
To cross-examine: ½L°Ý¡A½L¨s pan2wen4, pan2jiu4¡õ.
(2) To sell out shop: ½L©±¡A¥X½L offer to sell.
(3) To grind jade.
(4) To cross, entwine, twist about: ½L½¥¡A½L»L¨à to cross legs;
½L°_¾vÄ| coil up queue on the head;
½L®Ú¿ù¸` (of trees) with twisting roots and intercrossing branches.
Words1. ½L­é pan2bo21, v.t., practice usury;
2. ½L­é pan2bo21, v.t., otherwise rob (person) of his property.
3. ½L»é pan2bo22, v.i. & t., crossexamine repeatedly.
4. ½Lò¡ pan2bo23, adj., expansive, encompassing in space (also ®Çò¡ see 60.50).
5. ½LÄñ pan2chan0, n., money for travelling expenses.
6. ½L¬d pan2cha2, v.t., examine thoroughly (luggage at customs).
7. ½L¿ú pan2qian2, n., ditto.
8. ½L¤t pan2chuan1, n., see pan2fei4¡õ.
9. ½L¦± pan2qU1, v.i. & adj., winding, twisting, having many turns (of roads).
10. ½L¶O pan2fei4, n., money for travelling expenses;
11. ½L¶O pan2fei4, n., daily expenses.
12. ½Lºb¤l pan2gang4zi0, n., physical exercise at crossbars.
13. ½L¥j pan2gu31, n., (Chin. myth.) person who created the universe.
14. ½L°© pan2gu32, n., pelvis, also (°©½L).
15. ½L®Ù pan2huan2, v.i., loiter, linger around.
16. ½L¤¬ pan2hu4, adj., crossing and recrossing.
17. ½LÀò pan2huo4, v.t., find (smuggled goods, booty) after search.
18. ½Lµ² pan2jie2, adj., intertwining (of branches).
19. ½L¨s pan2jiu4, v.t., make thorough investigation.
20. ½LÂà pan2zhuan3, v.i. & t., to pan.
21. ½L½õ pan2jU4, v.t., occupy (­n¬z high posts, strategic posts).
22. ½L§Ë pan2long4, v.t., (¡×¼·§Ë), stir up trouble.
23. ½LÀsÂ} pan2long2pi3, n., gambling habit (allu. to anc. gambler, Liu Parnlurng).
24. ½L¥§¦èªL pan2ni2xi1lin2, n., (translit.) penicillin.
25. ½L¶ pan2rao2, v.i. & t., surround, loiter around (person);
26. ½L¶ pan2rao2, v.i. & t. fill (heart) with memories;
27. ½L¶ pan2rao2, v.i. & t. fill (room) with incense, smoke.
28. ½L­» pan2xiang1, n., incense coils.
29. ½L±Û pan2xUan2, n. & v.i. & t., circle around (of roads);
30. ½L±Û pan2xUan2, n. & v.i. & t., play diplomacy with person.
31. ½Lºâ pan2suan0, v.i., calculate.
32. ½L¡¼ pan2sun1, n., see pan2can1¡õ.
33. ½LÀ\ pan2can1, n., picnic;
34. ½LÀ\ pan2can1, n., blue plate type of dinner.
35. ½Lªû pan2tuo2, (1) n., (AC) (poet.) saddle;
36. ½Lªû pan2tuo2, (2) adj., rugged (of rocks).
37. ½L¤l pan2zi0, n., (1) A plate, dinner plate;
38. ½L¤l pan2zi0, n., (2) vessel for grinding jade;
39. ½L¤l pan2zi0, n., (3) tips at singsong houses.
40. ½L¸ê pan2zi1, n., see pan2fei4¡ô.
41. ½L°Ý pan2wen4, v.t., interrogate (suspects, etc.).
42. ½L´õ pan2wo1, n., whirlpool.
43. ½L¾~ pan2ya1, n., woman's coiled hairdo.
44. ½L¤ú pan2ya2, n., cogs on wheel.
45. ½LÆ{ pan2yU4, adj., (of foliage) heavy and intertwining.
46. ½L¹B pan2yUn4, n. & v.t., ship (goods).

°â Num. Index: 91.40     £¦£²£¿ shou4    .
V.i. & t.(1) To sell: °â³f sell goods;
°â¥X¡A¥X°â to sell (land, house, goods);
¹s°â sell in retail;
·G°â sell at reduced price.
(2) To sell (idea, plan) as in Eng.: ¨ä­p¤£°â one's plan was not adopted;
±o°â was adopted.
Words1. °â»ù shou4jia4, n., selling price.
2. °â½æ shou4mai4, v.t., to sell;
3. °â½æ shou4mai4, v.t., °â½æ³B sales department, box office.
4. °â«~©Ò shou4pin2suo3, n., sales counter or shop.

Àç Num. Index: 91.40     £¸£¶£½ ying2    .
N.(1) (Mil.) a battalion: ÃM§LÀç cavalry battalion;
Àçªø ying2zhang3¡õ.
(2) Barracks, camp, encampment, army headquarters: ¤j¥»Àç (mil.) general headquarters;
²ÏÀç to encamp, pitch tent;
±JÀç to camp out;
°½Àç make surprise attack on enemy camp;
©ÞÀç decamp;
Àç¹õ ying2mu4¡õ;
®L¥OÀç summer camp;
°V½mÀç training camp;
¶°¤¤Àç concentration camp.
V.t.(1) To run a business, to plan and manage: ¸gÀç to run business;
Àç·~ ying2ye4¡õ;
Àç¥Í¡AÀç§Q¡AÀç¨p ying2sheng1, ying2li4, ying2si1¡õ;
°êÀç¡A¥ÁÀç (business) run by state, by municipal government, by private capital.
(2) To plan, build, construct: Àç«Ø¡AÀç³y ying2jian4, ying2zao4¡õ.
(3) To nourish: Àç¾i ying2yang3¡õ.
(4) (AC, u.f. ¿¢) to entangle.
(5) To seek measures, to try: Àç±Ï ying2jiu4¡õ;
Àç§Q ying2li4¡õ;
ÀçºÖ seek good luck;
ÀçõW seek a living;
ˍ˿ seek cure.
Adj.U.f. ¿¢ perplexed.
Words1. Àçªí ying2biao3, n., (AC) boundary lines drawn before construction.
2. Àç¨D ying2qiu2, v.t., (AC) to seek (help).
3. Àç³þ ying2dian4, v.i., to offer sacrifices.
4. Àç¦a ying2di4, n., encampment, camp ground.
5. Àç³c ying2fan4, v.i., to be pedlar;
6. Àç³c ying2fan4, v.t., to peddle (food, etc.).
7. Àç©Ð ying2fang2 (ying2fang0), n., a barracks.
8. Àç°Æ ying2fu4, n., second in command of a battalion.
9. Àç²V¤l ying2hun4zi0, n., a veteran in soldiering of the ragged, undesirable type;
10. Àç²V¤l ying2hun4zi0, n., an army ragamuffin.
11. Àç¤õ ying2huo3, n., campfire: Àç¤õ·| a campfire (party).
12. Àçªø ying2zhang3, n., battalion commander, a major.
13. ÀçÂN ying2zhai1, phr., to give feast to monks and have mass said for the departed.
14. Àç«Ø ying2jian4, v.t., to construct (building).
15. À秲 ying2ji4, n., whores supplied by the army.
16. Àç±Ï ying2jiu4, v.i., to try to rescue (man in water, etc.).
17. Àçªv ying2zhi4, v.t., to build, construct.
18. Àç§Q ying2li4, v.t., to make money, to work for profit, see ying2si1¡õ.
19. Àç¶Ã ying2luan4, adj., (AC, u.f. º·¶Ã) perplexing, -ed.
20. Àç¹õ ying2mu4, n., a tent.
21. Àç½L ying2pan2 (ying2pan0), n., a barracks;
22. Àç½L ying2pan2 (ying2pan0), n., tent.
23. Àçµ ying2shan4, v.i., (LL) to construct (buildings).
24. Àç¥Í ying2sheng1, (1) v.i., to make a living;
25. Àç¥Í ying2sheng1, (2) n., a profession;
26. Àç¥Í ying2sheng1, n., Àç¥Í¨à business: ¾ã¤Ñ¨SÀç¥Í¨à°µ have no business to do the whole day.
27. Àç¨p ying2si1, v.t., to make private profits: Àç¨p»R¹ú be corrupt in politics.
28. Àç¥Ð ying2tian2, phr., (1) to till the farm;
29. Àç¥Ð ying2tian2, phr., (2) to create settlement for unemployed.
30. Àç¤l ying2zi0, n., (Mongolian) village, or encampment.
31. À縮 ying2zang4, v.i., to provide for proper burial;
32. À縮 ying2zang4, v.i., to manage funeral.
33. Àç³y ying2zao4, v.i., to construct buildings: Àç³y¼t ying2zao4chang3, n., firm for constructing buildings, architects;
34. Àç³y ying2zao4, v.i., Àç³y¤Ø standard foot of Manchu Dyn.
35. Àçü} ying2wei4, n., nourishment, nutrition.
36. Àç¾i ying2yang3, n., nutrition: Àç¾i¤£¨¬ malnutrition.
37. Àç·~ ying2ye4, (1) v.i., to run business;
38. Àç·~ ying2ye4, (2) n., a business: Àç·~µ| business tax.
39. ˍˍ ying2ying2, adj., hustling and bustling about.

½Y Num. Index: 91.40     £u£³£½ pan2    .
N.A big rock, foundation stone (½Y¥Û¤§¦w safe as a rock).
Words1. ½Yò¡ pan2bo2, adj., see ½Lò¡ 91.30.
2. ½Y¤ú pan2ya2, adj., see ½L¤ú 91.30.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.40     £¢£¸£³ qian1    . [Anc. var. of ·^ 91.72]

¥Õ Num. Index: 91.41     £t£¯£½ bai2         (sp. pr. £t£¯£½ bai2        ; re. pr. *£t£¬£½ bo2        ; in certain phrr. marked **£t£¯£½ bai2        , or **£t£¬£½ bo2    , alternate pr. also used.)
N.(1) A surname.
(2) The spoken parts of opera, such as dialogue: »¡¥Õ¡A¹D¥Õ also ¥Õ¤f¡]¨à¡^ bai2kou1 (e'l)¡õ;
¿W¥Õ soliloquy.
(3) ¯B¤@¤j¥Õ (*bo2) have a strong drink, to celebrate (¤j¥Õ name of goblet).
V.i. & t.(1) (LL) to present (case), clear up, lay before or confess to superior: ªí¥Õ¤ß¸ñ bare one's heart, true intentions;
¦Û¥Õ to explain oneself, confess;
µL¥H¦Û¥Õ no chance to explain;
§t­Þ²ö¥Õ suffer unjust accusation, with no chance to clear one's name;
¯u¬Û¤j¥Õ the case is entirely cleared up.
(2) Turn white: ¥Õ¤F¤Ö¦~ÀY hair turns white on a young head, from deep sorrow.
Adj.(1) White in color: ¥ÕÀY¡A¥Õ¾v white hair;
¥ÕÀY°º¦Ñ (of married couple) reach old age together;
³·¥Õ white as snow;
³o¤XÀY¥Í±o¥Õ¥Õ²b²bªº this maid has a very fair complexion;
¥Õ¯í¯í cloud-covered, mist-covered;
¥Õ®Ì®Ì¡A¥Õ´·´·¡A¥Õ½J½J¡A¥Õ´Ë´Ë dazzlingly white;
¥Õ¥Í¥Í (of complexion) pale;
¥Õ¾H¾H white with anger;
¥Õ²´ cold stare, cold disdainful look, showing white of eye: ¾D¤H¥Õ²´ receive such stare;
¥Õ²´¬Ý¤H giving such look;
¥Õ¾s¹L»Ø phr., life is short like white pony's shadow across a crevice;
¥Õ­±®Ñ¥Í white-faced scholar, inexperienced in life;
¥Õ¬Ü¨ª²´¨à phr., bare-faced (lie);
¥Õ¦â®£©Æ white terror;
¥Õ¶³»aª¯ (allu.) the vicissitudes of fortune, events (like changing cloud formations);
¥Õ¶³¿ËªÙ phr., remembrance of parents (home) ¡§from sight of white clouds¡¨;
the color of mourning: ¬ï¥Õ wear white of mourning;
hence ¥Õ¨Æ (**bai2) funeral, contrasted with ¬õ¨Æ wedding;
hence ¬õ¥Õ wedding and funeral gifts;
part of many compp., as ¥Õ¿} bai2tang2, ¥Õüù bai2mian4¡õ.
(2) Clear: ©ú¥Õ clear, easy to understand;
¤£²M¤£¥Õ¡A¤£©ú¤£¥Õ not clear, also not open, slightly underhand (of conduct).
(3) Clean, pure, whole, plain, unmixed, unblemished, unused: ¼ä¥Õ fresh and clean (skin, laundry);
¤@­±¥ÕÃè¤l has a clear face, or innocent heart;
¥Õ¶}¤ô plain boiled water;
¥Õ¶º rice without things to go with it, also white, polished rice;
¥Õ¤å text without commentary;
¥ÕµN boiled in plain water;
ú¥Õ¨÷ hand in blank examination paper;
¥Õ¤â emptyhanded;
¥Õ¤â¦¨®a built up fortune from scratch, a selfmade man;
¥ÕÂz·L·å (**bo2) phr., slight flaw in a white jade, (fig.) blemish in man's good character.
Adv.(1) For no reason, in vain, without results, gain or compensation: ¥Õµ¥ wait in vain;
¥Õ¦£ work in vain, waste efforts;
¥Õ¶O¡]²å¦Þ¡Aª÷¿ú¡A¤u¤Ò¡^ waste (words, money, efforts);
³o¸Ü¤£¬O¥Õ»¡¤F»ò don't you think the words were completely wasted? ¥Õ¦º¡A¥Õ¬¡ die, live in vain;
¥Õ©À¡A¥Õ·Q hope futilely;
¥Õ¥Õªº without results;
¥Õ¥R¼Æ just fill up the number without competency;
¥Õ®Ä³Ò¡A¥Õ³Ò¯« labor in vain;
¥Õ±o¤F got it free;
¥Õ¨«¤F¤@½ë made a trip to no purpose;
¥Õ°µ¤F¤@¤Ñ¤u¤Ò work a whole day without results;
¥Õ°e¡A¥Õµ¹ give away, give away foolishly;
¥Õ¦Y eat without pay;
¥Õ¦aÂ_¨x¸z (*bo2) vainly longing for loved one.
(2) Simply, just: ¥s¤F¥b¤Ñ¡A¥Õ¤£µªÀ³ knocked at the door for a long time, but just got no reply;
¥L¤µ¤Ñ¤£ª¾«çªº¡A¥Õ¤£ªÖ¦Y°s he simply refused to drink today, I don't know why.
Words1. ¥Õ»ó¤l bai2bi2zi0, n., a sly person.
2. ¥Õ¹] bai2qian1, n., zinc.
3. ¥Õ¿ú bai2qian2, n., (1) paper money for the dead;
4. ¥Õ¿ú bai2qian2, n., (2) (dial.) a pickpocket.
5. ¥Õóf **bai2qiang2, n., silver.
6. ¥Õ«´ bai2chi4, n., unregistered deed, contract, contrasted with ¬õ«´.
7. ¥Õè *bo2chi1, n., idiot, mentally arrested person.
8. ¥Õ©}µæ bai2qU1cai4, n., a medical herb, chelidonium majus.
9. ¥Õ·f bai2da1, adv., in vain.
10. ¥Õ¥´ bai2da3, n. & v.i., (AC) game of shuttlecocks;
11. ¥Õ¥´ bai2da3, n. & v.i., (a hand) fight without weapons.
12. ¥Õ±a bai2dai4, n., leucorrhoea.
13. ¥ÕðJ­· bai2dian4feng1, n., (med.) see ðJ 61A.82.
14. ¥Õ¤B **bai2ding1, n., illiterate person;
15. ¥Õ¤B **bai2ding1, n., (AC) common man, private.
16. ¥Õ¤B­» bai2ding1xiang1, n., (bot.) white lilac;
17. ¥Õ¤B­» bai2ding1xiang1, n., sparrow drippings used for treating wounds.
18. ¥Õ¨§ bai2dou4, n., (bot.) white peas or beans.
19. ¥Õ¡¼ bai2dun3, n., kaolin, white clay used for porcelain.
20. ¥Õ°î **bai2e41, n., (min.) chalk;
21. ¥Õ°î **bai2e41, n., ¥Õ°î¨t bai2e4xi4, n., (geol.) cretaceous system.
22. ¥Õ¸° bai2e42, n., (bot.)¡×¥É¯, the tuberose, also hosta sieboldiana.
23. ¥Õ«X bai2e43, n., White Russian(s).
24. ¥ÕÄs bai2fan2, n., alum.
25. ¥Õªþ¤l bai2fu4zi3, n., (bot.) a medical herb.
26. ¥Õ°®¡]¨à¡^ bai2gan1(bai2ga1er0), n., strong liquor made from °ª¸d 60.42 gao1liang2.
27. ¥ÕÂF bai2ge1, n., pigeon;
28. ¥ÕÂF bai2ge1, n., ¥ÕÂF²´ look of disdain.
29. ¥Õ¦c **bo2gui1, (AC) allu., need for caution in speech (can grind off flaw in jade, but not undo damage of words).
30. ¥Õ®c bai2gong1, n., the White House.
31. ¥ÕªG¡]¨à¡^ bai2guo3(er0), n., (1) gingko tree,
32. ¥ÕªG¡]¨à¡^ bai2guo3(er0), n., its fruits;
33. ¥ÕªG¡]¨à¡^ bai2guo3(er0), n., ¥ÕªGªQ the gingko pine;
34. ¥ÕªG¡]¨à¡^ bai2guo3(er0), n., (2) euphem. for hen's egg (to avoid the word ¡§egg¡¨).
35. ¥Õ°© **bai2gu3, n., bones of the dead.
36. ¥Õ»U bai2hao1, n., (bot.) white rush, artemisia stelleriana.
37. ¥Õ³ï bai2hou2, n., diphtheria.
38. ¥Õªá bai2hua0, n. & v.t., sweet words to console;
39. ¥Õªá bai2hua0, n. & v.t., bair hua, spend (time, money) without results.
40. ¥Õ¸Ü bai2hua4, n., the vernacular: ¥Õ¸Ü¤å¾Ç vernacular literature.
41. ¥Õ¤Æ¯f bai2hua4bing4, n., a plant disease, causing loss of colors in leaves.
42. ¥Õ¦Ç bai2hui1, n., lime.
43. ¥Õ³f bai2huo4, n., (coll.) heroin.
44. ¥Õªê bai2hu3, n., ¡§White Tiger¡¨: (a) an evil spirit;
45. ¥Õªê bai2hu3, n., (b) name of a star;
46. ¥Õªê bai2hu3, n., (c) the right side;
47. ¥Õªê bai2hu3, n., (d) a woman without pubic hair.
48. ¥ÕÂN bai2zhai1, n., vegetarian fast, excluding also salt, sauces.
49. ¥Õ¡¼ **bo2jian3, n., (LL) letter of impeachment.
50. ¥ÕíLÅú bai2jiang1can2, n., silkworm which died from a certain disease, used as medicine.
51. ¥Õª÷ **bai2jin1, n., platinum.
52. ¥Õ°s bai2jiu3, n., bai2gan1¡ô.
53. ¥ÕÍ¿ **bai2ji2, n., (bot.) mucilaginous root, used as medicine.
54. ¥Õ±Þ **bo2zhou4, n. & adv., (in) daytime.
55. ¥ÕÖâ *bo2zhu4, n., fine linen.
56. ¥Õ¿B bai2zhuo2, n., gonorrhea.
57. ¥Õ¥º bai2zhu2, n., see ¥º 10.01.
58. ¥Õªé bai2zhi3, n., (also wr. ¥ÕÓ²) (bot.) angelica anomala, an aromatic herb.
59. ¥Õ¤f¡]¨à¡^ bai2kou1(e'l), n., dialogue spoken part in opera.
60. ¥ÕÄú bai2la41, n., white wax: ¥ÕÄúÂÎ (zoo.) flata limbata, insect which exudes material for making wax.
61. ¥ÕøN bai2la42, n., solder.
62. ¥ÕÄõ¦a bo2lan2di4, n., brandy.
63. ¥Õõý **bo2lian4, n., (bot.) ampelopsis serjaniaefolia.
64. ¥Õ½m bai2lian4, n., (LL) white silk;
65. ¥Õ½m bai2lian4, n., (fig.) waterfall.
66. ¥Õ½¬±Ð bai2lian2jiao4, n., White Lotus Society, a secret sect.
67. ¥Õµg bai2li4, n., (med.) dysentery, dysenteria alba.
68. ¥Õ»â¶¥¯Å bai2ling3jie1ji2, phr., white-collar workers.
69. ¥Õºh¥Û bai2liu2shi2, n., (min.) a kind of marble.
70. ¥Õ³M¤l bai2ling2zi0 (bai3ling2zi0), n., a kind of gnat.
71. ¥ÕÅS **bai2lu41, n., name of season in old calendar, about Sept. 8.
72. ¥ÕÆO bai2lu42, n., egret.
73. ¥Õ¿ÂÃÆ bai2ma3yi4, n., white ant (also ¥ÕÃÆ bai2yi4).
74. ¥Õ¤ò¨à¦½ bai2maarer0han4, n., big sweat.
75. ¥Õ³Â **bai2ma2, n., (1) hemp;
76. ¥Õ³Â **bai2ma2, n., (2) (AC) imperial edict.
77. ¥Õ­T bai2mao2, n., reed, imperata arundinacea;
78. ¥Õ­T bai2mao2, n., ¥Õ­T¤d¨½ a stretch of monotony.
79. ¥Õ·Ñ bai2mei21, n., anthracite.
80. ¥ÕÅð bai2mei22, n., mucor stolonifer, white mould on bread, etc.
81. ¥Õüù bai2mian4, n., white wheat flour;
82. ¥Õüù bai2mian4, n., ¥Õüù¨à bai2miaher0, heroin.
83. ¥Õ´y **bo2miao2, v.i. & n., paint, sketch, chiefly contour lines without color.
84. ¥Õ»e bai2mi4, n., white honey.
85. ¥Õ¥Á **bo2min2, n., (AC) common people¡×¥Õ¤B.
86. ¥Õ¾¥ bai2mo41, n., (dial.) chalk.
87. ¥Õ½¤ **bai2mo42, n., (biol.) sclerotic coat in the eye.
88. ¥Õ¤ì¦Õ bai2mu4er3, n., edible, gelatinous white tree fungus.
89. ¥Õ¤º»Ù bai2nei4zhang4, n., (med.) cataract.
90. ¥Õ©à¸é bai2nian1ze2, n., a shoplifter.
91. ¥ÕÏì bai2pi1, n.,¡×ÏìÁ÷ arsenic.
92. ¥Õ¥Ö®Ñ bai2pi2shu1, n., a white paper issued by government.
93. ¥Õ¥ÖªQ bai2pi2song1, n., white pine.
94. ¥Õ¼ö bai2re4, adj., white heat: ¥Õ¼ö¤Æ adv., extreme state of passion;
95. ¥Õ¼ö bai2re4, adj., ¥Õ¼ö¹q¿O n., tungsten lamp.
96. ¥Õ¤b *bo2ren4, n., naked knives, swords: ¥Õ¤b¾Ô (mil.) hand-to-hand combat, bayonet charge.
97. ¥Õ¤H bai2ren2, n., white man.
98. ¥Õ¤é **bai2ri4, adv., in broad daylight: ¥Õ¤é¨£°­ phr., (derog.) wild daydream, pure fantasy.
99. ¥Õ¬â bai2sha1, n., silica or silex.
100. ¥Õ¨F¿} bai2sha1tang2, n., refined cane sugar.
101. ¥ÕåR **bai2shan41, n., see bai2e41¡ô.
102. ¥ÕÅë bai2shan42, n., white eel.
103. ¥Õ¨¢ bai2shao2, n., (bot.) root of peony (¨¢ÃÄ 20A.50) used as medicine.
104. ¥Õ¡¼ **bai2xiang3, n., a kind of preserved fish (also ¥Õ­º³½ seiaena schlegeli).
105. ¥Õ¤U *bo2xia4, n., (MC) anc. name of Nanking.
106. ¥Õ¬Û *bo2xiang4, v.t., (Shanghai dial.) to loaf and seek pleasure: ¥Õ¬Û¤H (dial.) playboy.
107. ¥ÕÂA bai2xian1, n., (bot.) (also wr. ¥Õû¡A¥Õ¦ÏÂA) dictamnus albus, a medicinal herb.
108. ¥Õøp (also øq) **bai2xian2, n., (zoo.) a kind of pheasant, phasianus nyothemerus.
109. ¥Õßê bai2xiao1, n., insect which blights rice plants.
110. ¥ÕÕ® **bai2xi4, (also ¥Õ´·), adj., (LL) pure white (complexion).
111. ¥Õ¿ü bai2xi2, n., pewter.
112. ¥Õ­º **bai2shou3, adj., white-haired.
113. ¥ÕÁ¦ bai2shu3, n., potato.
114. ¥Õ¥|³ß¨à bai2si4xie1er0, n., clown in opera, whose nose region is painted white.
115. ¥ÕÅ~ bai2xUan1, n., (med.) ringworm.
116. ¥Õ¦å¯f bai2xUe4bing4, n., leukemia.
117. ¥Õºµ bai2xiong2, n., the white bear.
118. ¥ÕªQ bai2song1, n., white pine.
119. ¥Õ¿} bai2tang2, n., refined sugar.
120. ¥ÕÃÃ bai2teng2, n., rattan, cane plant.
121. ¥Õ¤Ñ bai2tian1, n., daytime;
122. ¥Õ¤Ñ bai2tian1, adv., in daytime.
123. ¥Õ÷² bai2tiao2, n., a fish (also ¡¼³½ zucco platypus).
124. ¥ÕÅK bai2tie3, n., tin, tin plate.
125. ¥ÕÀY¯Î bai2tou2weng1, n., (zoo.) the grey starling, sturnus cineraceus.
126. ¥Õµæ bai2cai4, n., cabbage.
127. ¥Õ¹Î®° *bo2tuan2shan3, n., white round silk fan.
128. ¥Õ¨ß *bo2tu4, n., the rabbit in the moon;
129. ¥Õ¨ß *bo2tu4, n., the moon.
130. ¥Õ»É bai2tong2, n., white copper.
131. ¥Õ¦r bai2zi4, n., ¡×§O¦r bie2zi4, incorrect form of a character.
132. ¥ÕÁ¨ bai2wei2, n., (bot.) cynanchum atratum.
133. ¥Õ¤å bai2wen2, n., text without commentary.
134. ¥Õ¶­ bo2yan4, n., the white goose.
135. ¥Õ·¨ bai2yang2, n., the white poplar, populus balsamifera.
136. ¥Õ¦ç *bo2yi1, n., (AC) common people;
137. ¥Õ¦ç *bo2yi1, n., ¥Õ¦ç¤Ñ¨Ï ¡§white angel,¡¨ nurse in white;
138. ¥Õ¦ç *bo2yi1, n., ¥Õ¦ç¤j¤h the Goddess of Mercy (Kwanyin).
139. ¥ÕÃÆ bai2yi4, n., white ant.
140. ¥Õ»È bai2yin2, n., silver dollar or ingot.
141. ¥Õ¨¡ bai2yU4, n., (bot.) small, white taro.
142. ¥Õ³½ **bai2yU21, n., (1) the white fish;
143. ¥Õ³½ **bai2yU21, n., (2) an insect (also ¦ç³½ lepisma saccharina) which eats into clothing, paper.
144. ¥Õ·® **bai2yU22, n., (bot.) the white elm.
145. ¥Õ¶³¥À bai2yUn2mu3, n., (min.) muscovite, of the mica group.
146. ¥Õ¶³¥Û bai2yUn2shi2, n., dolomite, a kind of white marble.

¦Û Num. Index: 91.41     £¨£¿ zi4    .
N. & Pron.Also used as adv. (as in self-), self, oneself: ¦Û¤v zi4ji3¡õ;
¦Ûºç oneself;
¦Û¨­ zi4shen1¡õ;
¦Û¡]¤v¡^­Ó¨à (all by) oneself;
¦Û®a ditto;
¦Û®a¤H¡A¦Û¤v¤H¡]¨à¡^ one's own people, kith and kin;
¦Û¤v«l¨à intimacy between friends;
¿W¦Û all alone, by oneself;
¦Û¤v¶é¨à what's produced in one's own home;
¦ÛÅU¦Û (be) selfish, self-regard(ing);
¦Û¼e to comfort oneself;
¦Ûªp compare oneself to another;
¦Û¤ñ ditto;
¦Û¦n self-respect(ing);
¦Û³Æ provide s.t. oneself;
¦Û©^ spend on oneself (in food, clothing, etc.);
¦Û¶O at one's own cost (expense);
¦Û¼É¦Û±ó give up hope in oneself, lose self-confidence (self-respect), self-degradation;
¦Û¥Ì¼Z¸¨ ditto;
¦Û¨p¦Û§Q (act) selfish(ly), self-seeking, egoistic;
¦Û´Û´Û¤H self-deceit (-deception), try to deceive others only to end in deceiving oneself;
¦Û«è¦Û¦ã be contrite and reform oneself, regret one's past mistakes and try to do better in the future;
¦Û»ï±o·N be puffed up with pride, be self-satisfied;
¦Û»ï²M°ª imagine oneself to be superior to others;
¦Û¥»¦Û¥ß depend on one's own resources and ability;
¦Û©R¤£¤Z think of oneself as a superior being;
¦Û¸Ø blow one's own trumpet, sing one's own praises;
¦Û¬á ditto;
¦Û¥ô take upon oneself;
¦Û«Ý treat oneself to;
¦Û«ù assume a superior air, (exercise) self-control: ¤£¯à¦Û«ù cannot control one's passion;
¥H¡K¦Û©~ pretend to be¡K;
¦ÛÁ¾ to humble oneself, be modest (humble);
¦Û¾k have one's heart in one's boots, be greatly discouraged;
¦Û±¸¼X¹Ó to dig one's own grave.
Adj. & adv.(1) Personal(ly), done by (to, for) oneself: ¿Ë¦Û do s.t. oneself;
¦Û²z pay personal attention to, (of expenses) pay out of one's own pocket;
¦Û¦æ¸Ñ¨M settle a dispute by the parties concerned themselves or by oneself;
¦Û¨M self-determination;
¦Û­z¡]¦Û³¯¡^ make a personal statement (explanation);
¦Û°Ý ask oneself;
¦Û¤Ï self-examination;
¦Û«K do as one pleases;
¦Û±M arbitrarily decide to do this or that;
¦ÛªÎ enrich oneself by unlawful means;
¦ÛÂË introduce oneself: ¤ò¹E¦ÛÂË allu. to the story of Mao Sui who volunteered to serve as an emissary to the Kingdom of Chu;
¦Û×± brag about oneself, show off, be vainglorious;
¦Û´C (of a woman) marry a man without the help of a go-between;
¦Û§Ú¤¶²Ð introduce oneself to s.o.;
¦Û¥ï zi4fa11¡õ;
¦Û©Ï self-destruction, do things harmful to oneself;
¦Û®c castrate oneself;
¦Û±þ zi4sha1¡õ;
¦ÛºÉ (commit) suicide;
¦Ûµô ditto;
¦Û¿~ zi4yi4¡õ;
¦Û¸g kill oneself;
¦ÛÍð¡A¦Û¦F cut one's own throat;
¦Û¤À¥²¦º know oneself to be doomed;
¦Û¶Ë hurt (cut, injure, grieve for) oneself;
¦Û±ó despair of oneself;
¦Û³^ zi4song4¡õ;
¦Û³d blame oneself;
¦Û»~ it's all one's own fault;
¦ó¥H¦Û³B what shall one do (to extricate oneself from a predicament)? ¦Û¨î self-control, -discipline;
¦Û­º zi4shou3¡õ;
¦Û­W deny oneself all the good things of life, bring trouble on one's own head: ¦ó¦Û­W¤Dº¸ why should you be so hard on yourself? ¦Û°Q­W¦Y do s.t. which will only cause trouble to oneself;
¦Û§@¦Û¨ü suffer the consequences of one's own action;
¦Û§@Ä^ sow the seeds of one's own ruin;
¦Û°Q¨S½ì invite ridicule (dislike, rebuff), make oneself unwelcome;
¦Û»·»·¤H to hold yourself aloof will only end in making others turn away from you;
¦Û§Ú³³¾K indulge in self-delusion as an escape from reality;
¦Û§ÚÀË°Q self-examination;
¦Û±Ï±Ï¤H do s.t. that will save both oneself and others;
¦Û¦¨¤@®a develop one's own style of writing (painting, calligraphy), found a new school of thought;
¦Û§Ú§@¥j do what others have never done before;
¦Û¥X¾÷ªV strike out a new path for oneself, originate an idea (method, fashion);
¦Û§@Áo©ú act on the strength of one's own imagined cleverness;
¦Û§i¾Ä«i volunteer one's services;
¦Û§ëùºô fall into a trap set for oneself by another;
¦Û¬Û¥Ù¬Þ self-contradictory;
¦Û¬Û´Ý±þ mutual annihilation, internecine;
¦Û¬Û½Ä¬ð mutually conflicting;
¦Û¶ê¨ä»¡ give a satisfactory explanation of what one has said or done;
self-justification: ¤£¯à¦Û¶ê¨ä»¡ unable to do that;
¦ÛÅU¤£·v unable even to fend for oneself;
¦Û¥´¼L¤Ú contradict oneself (¡§slap one's own face¡¨);
¦Û¨¥¦Û»y murmur (talk) to oneself, keep on chattering though no one is listening, make unilateral declaration;
¦Û¿f¦Û´Û deceive oneself;
¦Û»º to solace oneself;
¦Û®T amuse oneself;
¦Û¶¼¡]·r¡^¦Û°u enjoy a cup of wine all by oneself;
¦Û±o¨ä¼Ö take delight in doing s.t. as a pleasurable occupation;
¦Û©^ provide the necessities of life for oneself: ¦Û©^¬ÆÁ¡ live very simply;
¦Ûµ¹¦Û¨¬ self-sufficient, -cy;
¦Û®Ä offer one's services to help;
¦Û­¹¨ä¤O earn one's own living.
(2) Natural(ly), spontaneous(ly): ¦ÛµM zi4ran2¡õ;
¦ÛµM¦ÓµM come very naturally;
¦Û·í¡]®¬§ï¡^ will willingly (repent, mend one's ways);
¦ÛÀ³ will of course¡K.
Prep.From, since: ¦Û¤W¦Ó¤U from top to bottom, come from above;
¦Û¤µ¡]¦Ó«á¡^ from now on;
¦Û¤µ¤Ñ¡]¦~¡^°_ beginning from today (this year);
¦Û¥j¥H¨Ó from time immemorial;
¦Û¤Ñ¦Ó­° descend from heaven, come from nowhere;
¦³ªB¦Û»·¤è¨Ó have a friend coming from afar;
¦Û±q zi4cong2¡õ;
¦Û¥´ zi4da3¡õ;
¦Û¯÷ from this point on;
¦Û«á zi4hou4¡õ;
¦Û¦¹ zi4ci3¡õ;
¦Û²L¤J²` (of studies) advance step by step (¡§from the shallow to the deep¡¨);
¨Ó¦Û¦ó³B where have you (they, has he, it) come from?
Words1. ¦Û·R zi4ai4, n. & adj., self-respect(ing).
2. ¦Û¨õ·P zi4bei1gan3, n., inferiority complex.
3. ¦Û¥Õ zi4bo2, v.i. & n., (make) a deposition or personal statement, clear oneself of all suspicion.
4. ¦ÛºÙ zi4cheng1, v.t., to call oneself¡K.
5. ¦Û­¼ zi4cheng2, v.i., (math.) multiply a number by itself.
6. ¦Û±j zi4qiang2, v.i., (of a person or nation) make earnest efforts to stand on one's own feet.
7. ¦Û¨ú zi4qU3, v.i., bring on oneself (punishment, etc.): ¦Û¨ú¨ä°d bring disgrace on one's own head.
8. ¦Û¥´ zi4da3, prep., since, from: ¦Û¥´¬Q¤Ñ´N¨S¨Ó has (have) not come since yesterday.
9. ¦Û¤j zi4da4, v.i., assume a superior air, look down upon all others, be self-assertive.
10. ¦Û±o zi4de2, adj., (1) self-satisfied: ·N®ð´­´­¡A¬Æ¦Û±o¤] proud and pleased with oneself;
11. ¦Û±o zi4de2, adj., (2) be at peace with oneself, feeling perfectly happy: ­Á¥õ¦Û±o be contented and happy wherever one may be;
12. ¦Û±o zi4de2, adj., §g¤lµL¤J¦Ó¤£¦Û±o²j a superior man is at peace with himself under any and every circumstance.
13. ¦Û°Ê zi4dong4, adj. & adv., (1) voluntary, -ily;
14. ¦Û°Ê zi4dong4, adj. & adv., (2) automatic, -ally: ¦Û°Ê¹q¸Ü zi4dong4dian4hua4, n., telephone by dialing.
15. ¦Û¦h zi4duo1, v.i. & adj., (be) self-satisfied or self-conceited.
16. ¦Û¥ï zi4fa11 (zi4fa2), v.i., (1) do harm to oneself: °ê¥²¦Û¥ï¦Ó«á¤H¥ï¤§ a country must destroy or weaken itself before others could destroy it, humiliate it;
17. ¦Û¥ï zi4fa11 (zi4fa2), v.i., (2) be puffed up with pride: ¤£´±¦Û¥ï dare not be proud of oneself.
18. ¦Ûµo zi4fa12, (1) v.i., (of persons) do s.t. on one's own initiative, (of things) to start by itself;
19. ¦Ûµo zi4fa12, (2) adj., self-moving.
20. ¦Û«Ê zi4feng1, v.i., isolate oneself: ¬G¨B¦Û«Ê unwilling to move forward.
21. ¦Û­t zi4fu4, v.i., think highly of oneself.
22. ¦Û¯Ñ¹A zi4geng1nong2, n., an owner-farmer.
23. ¦Û»¨ zi4hao2, adj., to be proud of.
24. ¦Û«á zi4hou4, adv., thereafter, from then on, ever since.
25. ¦Û¸Ñ zi4jie3, v.i., (1) satisfy one's own conscience, rationalize;
26. ¦Û¸Ñ zi4jie3, v.i., (2) extricate oneself from a bad fix.
27. ¦Û¤v zi4ji3, (1) n., one's self;
28. ¦Û¤v zi4ji3, (2) close friends or relatives: ³£¬O¦Û¤v¤H¡A¦ó¥²«È®ð we are close relatives or friends, why stand on ceremony?
29. ¦Û¤v zi4ji3, (3) (zi4ji0) adj., intimate: ©¼¦¹¤£©ë§ô we are so intimate, please just make yourselves at home.
30. ¦ÛÂà zi4zhuan3, n. & v.i., (astron.) rotate, -ation.
31. ¦Û¶Ç zi4zhuan4, n., autobiography.
32. ¦Û§U zi4zhu4, n., self-help: ¦Û§U¤§¤H one who depends upon himself;
33. ¦Û§U zi4zhu4, n., ¦Û§UÀ\ cafeteria, (self-service) buffet.
34. ¦Û­« zi4zhong4, v.i., hold oneself with dignity, refrain from committing nuisance.
35. ¦Û¥D zi4zhu3, v.i. & adj. & n., (be) independent, -ce, be one's own master.
36. ¦Ûªv zi4zhi4, n. & adj., self-government, -ing: ¦Ûªv»â (political science) a dominion, esp. of the British Commonwealth of Nations.
37. ¦Ûµ´ zi4jUe21, v.i., (1) become extinct;
38. ¦Ûµ´ zi4jUe21, v.i., (2) invite one's own destruction, invite public contempt.
39. ¦Ûı zi4jUe22, v.i. & adj. & n., (be) self-conscious, -ness;
40. ¦Ûı zi4jUe22, v.i. & adj. & n., realize oneself.
41. ¦Û¨M zi4jUe23, v.i., self-determine: n., ¥Á±Ú¦Û¨M national self-determination.
42. ¦Û¨Ó zi4lai2, adv., from the very beginning: ¦Û¨Ó¥Õ a small moon-cake, esp. for the Mid-Autumn Festival (so-called from its white crust);
43. ¦Û¨Ó zi4lai2, adv., ¦Û¨Ó¬õ ditto (so-called from its reddish-brown crust);
44. ¦Û¨Ó zi4lai2, adv., ¦Û¨Ó¤õ (a) matches;
45. ¦Û¨Ó zi4lai2, adv., (b) a gas lamp;
46. ¦Û¨Ó zi4lai2, adv., ¦Û¨Ó¤ô¡]¨à¡^ tap water, water supply;
47. ¦Û¨Ó zi4lai2, adv.,¦Û¨Ó¤ôµ§ a fountain pen.
48. ¦Û¤F zi4liao3, v.i., deal with a situation by oneself;
49. ¦Û¤F zi4liao3, v.i., ¦Û¤Fº~ a self-centered person.
50. ¦Û¶q zi4liang4, v.i., know one's own limits: ¤£ª¾¦Û¶q undertake what is beyond one's power.
51. ¦Û¤O zi4li41, v.i., do s.t. by one's own effort: ¦Û¤O§ó¥Í rely on oneself, take fate in one's own hands.
52. ¦Û¥ß zi4li42, v.i. & adj., (be) independent (cf. ¿W¥ß 91C.50).
53. ¦Û«ß zi4lU4, v.i. & n., (exercise) self-control (self-discipline).
54. ¦Û»ïÄÁ zi4ming2zhong1, n., (old term for) a clock that strikes every quarter, half or full hour.
55. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., (1) natural(ly), spontaneous(ly), free(ly);
56. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., by itself: ¨ì®É¦ÛµM©ú¥Õ when the time comes you will naturally understand;
57. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., (2) of course, doubtless: ¥L°Ûªº¦ÛµM¤£¦n¡A§A¤]¤£¨£±j of course he can't sing very well, but you're not much better;
58. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., (3) (zi4ran) unconstrained, free from compulsion, flexible;
59. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., (4) n., nature: ±µªñ¦ÛµM live close to nature;
60. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., ¤j¦ÛµM the great universe;
61. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., ªY½à¦ÛµM enjoy nature;
62. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., ©ºªA¦ÛµM conquer nature;
63. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., (5) adj., pertaining to nature: ¦ÛµM­õ¾Ç natural philosophy;
64. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., ¦ÛµM¬É the world of nature, Nature;
65. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., ¦ÛµM¬ì¾Ç the natural sciences;
66. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., ¦ÛµM¤O natural forces (wind or water power);
67. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., ¦ÛµM¬ü the beauties of nature;
68. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., ¦ÛµM¤H (law) a natural person (opp. ªk¤H legal person);
69. ¦ÛµM zi4ran2, adj. & adv., ¦ÛµM²{¶H natural phenomena, the phenomena of nature.
70. ¦ÛÑ¡ zi4ren4, adv., (MC) freely (¡×¾¨ºÞ): ¦ÛÑ¡½Ð§A³­§Ú¨Ó§¤§¤ please feel free to come and have a chat.
71. ¦Û­Y zi4ruo4, adj., self-composed, serene, unruffled.
72. ¦Û¦p zi4ru2, adj., ditto.
73. ¦Û±þ zi4sha1, n. & v.i., (commit) suicide.
74. ¦Û¶Ë zi4shang1, v.i., (1) hurt oneself;
75. ¦Û¶Ë zi4shang1, v.i., (2) feel sorry for oneself.
76. ¦Û¨­ zi4shen1, (1) n., (one's) self;
77. ¦Û¨­ zi4shen1, (2) pron., oneself.
78. ¦Û«H zi4xin4, v.i. & n., self-confidence: ¤£´±¦Û«H dare not trust my own opinion, etc.
79. ¦Û©Ê zi4xing4, n., (Budd.) one's original nature.
80. ¦Û¬Ù zi4xing3, v.i. & n., introspect;
81. ¦Û¬Ù zi4xing3, v.i. & n., self-examination, introspection.
82. ¦Û·s zi4xin1, v.i., make a fresh start in life, cut off one's bad habits.
83. ¦Û­× zi4xiu1, v.i., (1) review one's lessons;
84. ¦Û­× zi4xiu1, v.i., (2) to study by oneself without the benefit of teachers;
85. ¦Û­× zi4xiu1, v.i., (3) cultivate oneself, make oneself a better man.
86. ¦Û¦æ¨®¡]¨à¡^ zi4xing2che1(er0), n., a bicycle.
87. ¦Û­º zi4shou3, v.i., (of criminals) surrender oneself to the police.
88. ¦Û¥¢ zi4si4, v.i., be at a loss as to what to do.
89. ¦Û¬O zi4shi4, v.i. & adj. & adv., (1) (be) self-conceited;
90. ¦Û¬O zi4shi4, v.i. & adj. & adv., (2) henceforth, from then on.
91. ¦Û§Ç zi4xU4, n., (1) an author's autobiographical sketch;
92. ¦Û§Ç zi4xU4, n., (2) preface to one's book.
93. ¦Û±Ô¦¡ zi4xU4shi4, n., (a novel of) the autobiographical type.
94. ¦Û³\ zi4xU3, v.i., set a goal for oneself;
95. ¦Û³\ zi4xU3, v.i., permit nothing else but¡K.
96. ¦Û¶D zi4su4, v.i., file a lawsuit against s.o.
97. ¦Û³^ zi4song4, v.i., blame oneself.
98. ¦Û¨p zi4si1, adj., selfish, egoistic.
99. ¦Û±q zi4cong2, adv., ever since (that time).
100. ¦Û¦¹ zi4ci3, adv., from now on, from that time on.
101. ¦ÛÃÙ zi4zan4, v.i., (1) sing one's own praises;
102. ¦ÛÃÙ zi4zan4, v.i., (2) introduce oneself.
103. ¦Û¦b zi4zai4, adj., (1) able to do anything of one's own free will;
104. ¦Û¦b zi4zai4, adj., (2) (also zi4zai0) carefree, without the least worry;
105. ¦Û¦b zi4zai4, adj., (3) (zi4zai0) comfortable, pleasant;
106. ¦Û¦b zi4zai4, adj., (4) (Budd.) (of the mind) free of delusion.
107. ¦Û´L zi4zun1, n., self-respect;
108. ¦Û´L zi4zun1, n., ¦Û´L¤ß ditto.
109. ¦Û¨¬ zi4zu2, adj., (1) self-sufficient;
110. ¦Û¨¬ zi4zu2, adj., (2) self-satisfied.
111. ¦Ûü} zi4wei4, n., self-defense.
112. ¦Û§Ú zi4woo, n., one's self, the ego: ¦Û§Ú³³¾K imagine oneself to be better than one really is;
113. ¦Û§Ú zi4woo, n., ¦Û§Ú«Å¶Ç¡]´­¡^ blow one's own trumpet.
114. ¦Û¿~ zi4yi4, v.i., commit suicide by hanging.
115. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, (1) v.i., be free to act without restraint;
116. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, (2) adj., free from control or outside interference: ¦Û¥Ñ¤H a freeman (opp. ¥£Áõ a slave): ¦Û¥Ñ°ê®a¡]¤H¥Á¡^ free nations (peoples);
117. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, (3) n., liberty, freedom: «ä·Q¦Û¥Ñ¡A¨¥½×¦Û¥Ñ¡A¥Xª©¦Û¥Ñ¡A«H¥õ¦Û¥Ñ¡A¶°·|µ²ªÀ¦Û¥Ñ freedom of thought, speech, the press, belief, assembly and association;
118. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¤½®ü¦Û¥Ñ (international law) freedom of the seas;
119. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñ¥D¸q¡]ªÌ¡^ liberalism (a liberal);
120. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥ÑÄÒ (Eng. history) the Liberal Party;
121. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñ¯«¹³ Statue of Liberty;
122. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñ´ä a free port;
123. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñµe freehand drawing;
124. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñ±Ð¨| a liberal education;
125. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥ÑÄvª§ free competition, system of free enterprise;
126. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñ¾·~ the liberal professions;
127. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n.,¦Û¥ÑÅÊ·R free love;
128. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñ¶T©ö (econmics) free trade, freedom of trade;
129. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñ¤é Freedom Day (allu. to the release of prisoners of war by South Korea on January 23, 1954);
130. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñ¸Ö free verse;
131. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñ¥@¬É the free world;
132. ¦Û¥Ñ zi4you2, n., ¦Û¥Ñ·N§Ó free will.
133. ¦Û¥Î zi4yong4, adj., self-willed to the point of foolishness: ·M¦Ó¦n¦Û¥Î enterprising but ignorant, (person) ignorant without knowing it.

ÉÇ Num. Index: 91.41     £££¸£´£¿ xin4    .
Words1. ÉǪù shinhmen2, n., the boneless opening in a baby's skull.

Éî Num. Index: 91.41     £|£« ga1    .
Words1. ÉîÉí¡]¤l¡^¡]¨à¡^ ga1la2(zi0)(er0), n., an out-of-the-way corner: ÀðÉîÉí a nook of the wall;
2. ÉîÉí¡]¤l¡^¡]¨à¡^ ga1la2(zi0)(er0), n., ÂæbÉîÉí hidden in a secluded spot, in a cranny;
3. ÉîÉí¡]¤l¡^¡]¨à¡^ ga1la2(zi0)(er0), n., ¨ì³BÉîÉí¥h§ä search every nook and cranny, (possibly corruption from ¨¤¸¨).

úì Num. Index: 91.41     £©£¹£¶ cong1    .
N.Chimney: ·Ïúì.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.41     £{£¸£´£½ lin2    . [Abbr. of Á{ 51S.40]

¦V Num. Index: 91.42     £££¸£µ£¿ xiang4    .
N.(1) A surname.
(2) Direction: ¤è¦V ditto;
­·¦V direction of the wind;
©w¦V definite direction;
¤£ª¾¥h¦V do not know where (he, it) went;
¶É¦V¡AÁͦV tendency, inclination, also v.t., incline toward;
Âk¦V the direction home;
v.t., to turn toward (religion, ruling regime);
direction of movement;
V.t.(1) To face, also facing (see also Prep.¡õ): ¦VªF¡A¦V¦è face (or facing) east, west;
¦V«áÂà aboutface (mil.).
(2) To aim, strive, develop in certain direction: ¦V¤W develop, strive upwards;
¦Vµ½ seek after the good;
ªYªY¦Vºa (of plants) grow luxuriantly;
see ¦V¼}¡A¦V¤Æ xiang4mu4, xiang4hua4¡õ;
¦V­· xiang4feng1¡õ.
(3) To side with, favor (person): §A¦Ñ¬O¦VµÛ¥L you always take his side.
Adj. & adv.Past, earlier days: ¦V¨Ó¡A¦V¤é xiang4lai2, xiang4ri4¡õ;
¦VªÌ in former times;
(also the past subjunctive) ¦V«D¦¥¨Æ³Æ (LL) if the army had not been prepared in those days;
¦V¨Ï if it had been.
Prep.Toward: ¦V©ú¡A¦V±ß toward dawn, dusk;
¦V«e¡A¦V«á forward, backward;
¦V¥kÂà turn right;
¦V¥L»¡ speak to him;
¦V¤W«Ò¬è¨D pray to God;
©b¦V¦Û¥Ñ flee to freedom;
¦V¤õ¨ú·x warm oneself before the fire.
Words1. ¦V­I xiang4bei4, n., ¡§front and back¡¨--inclination toward and away from: ¤H¤ßªº¦V­I the public attitude for or against (a regime);
2. ¦V­I xiang4bei4, n., (callig.) the facing together or facing away of components of character.
3. ¦V·í¨à xiang4dang0er0, n., (coll.) means of livelihood, way out: ¤@ÂI¦V·í¨à³£¨S¦³ don't know how to make a living, have no way out.
4. ¦V­· xiang4feng1, (1) v.i., to flock toward, be attracted to;
5. ¦V­· xiang4feng1, (2) adv., windward.
6. ¦V«á xiang4hou4, adv., (1) backwards;
7. ¦V«á xiang4hou4, adv., (2) in the future: ¦V«á«ç»ò¿ì©O what of the future?
8. ¦V¤Æ xiang4hua4, v.i., to turn toward.
9. ¦VµÛ xiang4zhe0, prep., facing.
10. ¦VªÌ xiang4zhe3, adv., formerly.
11. ¦V¨à xiang4er0, n., direction: Âà¦V¨à change direction.
12. ¦V¨Ó xiang4lai2, adv., usually, so far: ¦V¨Ó¬O¥L¥X¥D·N usually he makes the decisions;
13. ¦V¨Ó xiang4lai2, adv., ¦V¨Ó¤£½Ð°² so far (he) never asked for leave.
14. ¦V¨Ò xiang4li4, n., gen. practice, the usual rule.
15. ¦V©ú xiang1ming2, (1) adv., toward dawn;
16. ¦V©ú xiang1ming2, (2) n., the bright side of room.
17. ¦V¼} xiang4mu4, v.t., to admire (person, also ÂQ¼}).
18. ¦V¤º xiang4nei4, adj., introvert.
19. ¦V¤é xiang4ri4, adv., in former days;
20. ¦V¤é xiang4ri4, adv., usually;
21. ¦V¤é xiang4ri4, adv., ¦V¤é¸ª the sunflower.
22. ¦V¾å xiang4xiao1, adv., see xiang4ming2¡ô.
23. ¦V¤ß¤O xiang4xin1li4, n., (phys.) centripetal force;
24. ¦V¤ß¤O xiang4xin1li4, n., sense of cohesion in unit.
25. ¦V±ß xiang4wan3, adv., toward evening.
26. ¦V©¹ xiang4wang3, v.t., to be attracted toward, to crave for, admire (person) (also ÂQ©¹).
27. ¦V¥~ xiang4wai4, adv., (1) turning or orientated outward;
28. ¦V¥~ xiang4wai4, adv., (2) (MC) over and above (a number);
29. ¦V¥~ xiang4wai4, adv., (3) adj., extrovert.
30. ¦V¶§ xiang4yang2, adj., ¡§facing the sun¡¨--(house) admitting sunlight freely.
31. ¦V¶¨ xiang4yU2, v.i., ¡§facing a corner or dead end¡¨¡Ðbe left out: ¥H§K¦V¶¨ (hurry to buy) so that you will not miss the great chance.

ÊF Num. Index: 91.42     £{£¹£¿ lu4    .
Words1. ÊF¨½ lu4li1, n., a name of a place.

¦à Num. Index: 91.42     £¤£² zhou1    .
N.(LL) a boat, usu. rowboat, sailboat (cf. modn. ²î 91S.40): ¤p¦à¡A«ó¦à a small rowboat;
º®¦à fishing boat;
¦à¨®¤§­W the hardships of a journey;
¦P¦à¦@ÀÙ those in the same boat (should) cooperate for the same aim.
V.t.(AC) ¦ó¥H¦à¤§ what shall one wear on the girdle?
Words1. ¦à·ª zhou1ji2, n., (1) boats, boat traffic;
2. ¦à·ª zhou1ji2, n., (2) (AC) (fig.) pilot to weather a storm--i.e., good minister.
3. ¦à¤H zhou1ren2, n., boatman.
4. ¦à®v zhou1si4, n., (1) see zhou1zi3¡õ;
5. ¦à®v zhou1si4, n., (2) anc. navy.
6. ¦à¤l zhou1zi3, n., boatman.

¯á Num. Index: 91.42     £¡£¸£¾ ji3         (£¡£¸£½ ji2    ).
N.The backbone, a ridge: ­I¯á the spine;
¯á±ç ji3liang2¡õ;
¤s¯á mountain ridge;
«Î¯á the ridge of a house.
Words1. ¯á´Õ ji3zhui1, n., (physiol.) the vertebrae: ¯á´Õ°Êª« (zoo.) the vertebrates.
2. ¯á¬W ji3zhu4, n., the spinal column.
3. ¯á±ç ji3liang2 (ji3liang, ji3ning), n., the backbone, the spinal column.
4. ¯áÅè ji3sui3 (ji3sui0), n., the marrow.

¯Ù Num. Index: 91.42     £££¸£®£½ xie2    . [Var. of û~]
N.Ribs, flank;
¯Ù¤U xie2xia4¡õ.
V.t.(1) To intimidate, coerce: ¯Ù­¢¡A¯Ù¨î xie2po4, xie2zhi4¡õ.
(2) To close: ¯ÙªÓü®¯º (of flatterer) shrug the shoulders and offer an ingratiating smile.
Words1. ¯Ù¨î xie2zhi4, v.t., to coerce, control by force.
2. ¯Ù­¢ xie2po4, v.t., coerce (s.o. into doing s.t.).
3. ¯Ù¥Í xie2sheng1, v.i., give birth by Caesarian operation (¡§under the ribs¡¨).
4. ¯Ù¤U xie2xia4, n., the armpit;
5. ¯Ù¤U xie2xia4, n., under the ribs.
6. ¯Ù®§ xie2xi2, v.i., (LL) gasp with fear.
7. ¯Ù±q xie2zong4, n., person(s) forced into doing, obeying.

¹m Num. Index: 91.42     £¡£º£´£¿ jUn4         (*£¡£º£³£¿ jUan4        , *£¤£¹£¿ zhu4    ).
N.(*jUan4) A surname.
Adj.(1) (*zhuan4) Of lasting flavor;
¹m¥Ã jUn4yong3¡õ.
(2) Outstanding (also wr. ¡¼¡A«T): ¹m©Þ jUn4ba2¡õ.
Words1. ¹m©Þ jUn4ba2, adj., (of mountain peak) towering;
2. ¹m©Þ jUn4ba2, adj., (personality) distinguished, outstanding.
3. ¹m¥Ã *jUan4yong3, adj., (of speech or writing) of absorbing and enduring interest.

¸f Num. Index: 91.50     £º£®£¿ yUe4    .
N.Name for Kwangtung province: ¸f¤H¡A¸f»y Cantonese (man, dialect);
¸fµæ Cantonese food.

¤O Num. Index: 91.50     £{£¸£¿ li4    .
N.(1) Ability, capacity, mental power: ¥Ø¤O;
²´¤O eyesight;
¦Õ¤O sense of hearing;
Åé¤O bodily strength;
ºë¤O mental energy;
¥Í¤O¡A¥Í©R¤O vitality;
¥Í´Þ¤O virility, fecundity;
¼Ý¤O strength of purpose, perseverance;
¯à¤O ability;
¾z¤O energy, strength of character;
¾y¤O magic power;
°O¾Ð¤O memory;
´¼¤O intelligence;
³Ð³y¤O creativity;
¤~¤O talent;
¼vÅT¤O influence;
¸¹¥l¤O public appeal;
°]¤O financial power;
¶Õ¤O¡]½d³ò¡^ (sphere of) influence;
°ê¤O national power;
¤H¤O manpower;
§L¤O armed forces;
ªZ¤O military might;
ºÉ¤O¦Ó¬° do one's utmost;
¤O¤£±q¤ß lacking the ability to do what one would like to do;
¤O¤£³Ó¥ô without the required ability to undertake a given task;
¤O¤§©Ò¤Î what lies in one's power to carry out.
(2) (Phys.) force, energy, power: ±i¤O tension;
¤ô¤O hydraulic power;
¹q¤O electric power;
¤õ¤O thermodynamic power;
°Ê¤O motive power;
¦V¤ß¤O centripetal force;
Â÷¤ß¤O centrifugal force.
(3) Muscular strength: ¤O¤jµL¤ñ without a match in physical prowess;
¤O®ð li4chi0¡õ;
¤O®ð¬¡¨à work requiring physical exertions;
¤O¶q li4liang4¡õ;
¤O¥i©Þ¤s so strong as to be able to lift a mountain;
µ¬¯h¤OºÉ utterly exhausted, dead tired;
¤OºÜÁn¼R with voice hoarse and not an ounce of strength left;
»M¤O¹L¤H physically stronger than other people.
(4) Physical labor: ­W¤O a coolie;
¤O¥í¡A¤O§Ð li4fu1, li4yi4¡õ.
(5) A surname.
Adv.Energetically, vigorously, strenuously: ¤O¨D¤W¶i strive vigorously to improve oneself, to do better;
¤O¹Ï¦Û±j (of nations) struggle to stand on one's own feet;
¤O¯Ñ engage in farming;
¤O¥Ð ditto;
¤O¾Ô fight with all one's might;
¤O½Ð to request most ardently;
¤O¦æ¤£«å do (s.t.) persistently without letup;
¤Oª§¤W´å endeavor to gain the upper hand;
¤O¯e±q¤½ continue to attend to one's duties in spite of illness;
¾Ú²z¤Oª§ make utmost efforts to fight for one's point of view.
Words1. ¤O¤Ú li4ba0, n., (northern dial.) a layman, an outsider, a person not in the trade (also ¤O§â¡A¤O¤ÚÀY¡A¤O¤Ú¨à¡A¤O²Â¨à).
2. ¤O®ð li4chi0, n., strength, energy: ¨S¦³¤O®ð weak physically.
3. ¤O¿ú li4qian2, n., a tip, gratuity paid to bearer of gifts.
4. ¤O¥í li4fu1, n., a porter.
5. ¤O¶q li4liang4, n., strength, force, power: ·P¤Hªº¤O¶q power to inspire people.
6. ¤O¤h li4shi4, n., a person of great physical strength, (boxing) a prize fighter;
7. ¤O¤h li4shi4, n., oft. ¤j¤O¤h.
8. ¤O¾Ç li4xUe2, n., (phys.) mechanics.
9. ¤O§Ð li4yi4, n., conscript labor, labor service.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.50     £t£³£¿ ban4    . [Pop. of ¿ì 60S.10]

³Ò Num. Index: 91.50     £{£±£½ lao2         (*£{£±£¿ lao4    ). [Pop. ¡¼]
N.(1) Accomplishment, work: ¥\³Ò merit, achievements.
(2) A surname.
(3) Worker, laborer: ³Ò¤è the labor (opp. ¸ê¤è the management);
³Ò¸êªÈ¯É trouble between labor and management.
(4) (Chin. med.) a wasting disease, any disease resulting from excessive physical weakening: ³Ò¶Ë lao2shang1, ³Òêq lao2zhai4¡õ.
V.t.(1) Do manual work: ³Ò°Ê lao2dong4¡õ;
³Ò¤ß¡A³Ò¤O mental and manual work(ers).
(2) To trouble (s.o.) with (s.t.): ³Ò¾r lao2jia4¡õ;
³Ò¤H¶O°¨ (of tasks) involve a lot of labor;
³Ò¥Á lao2min2¡õ;
®{³Ò©¹ªð made a trip in vain.
(3) (*lao4) Bring gifts to fighting army, bring comfort to: ³Ò­x lao2jUn1¡õ;
¼¢³Ò to comfort (victims of flood, etc.).
Adj.Hard, wearisome: ·Ð³Ò troublesome;
¯h³Ò tiring, tiresome, tired.
Words1. ³Ò«O lao2bao3, n., labor insurance (short for ³Ò¤u«OÀI).
2. ³Ò¨B lao2bu4, v.t., (court.) (of friends) come to pay a visit: ¬Q¤Ñ³Ò¨B¡AÁÙ¨S¦³¦^«ô©O I have not yet paid a return call on you for your call on me yesterday.
3. ³Ò¹y lao2dun4, adj., weary and tired.
4. ³Ò°Ê lao2dong4, v.i., (1) do physical labor;
5. ³Ò°Ê lao2dong4, v.i., ³Ò°ÊªÌ workers, laborers;
6. ³Ò°Ê lao2dong4, v.i., ³Ò°Ê¸` Labor Day;
7. ³Ò°Ê lao2dong4, v.i., (2) (lao2dong0) (court.) to bother, trouble: ¤S±o³Ò°Ê±z sorry to trouble you again;
8. ³Ò°Ê lao2dong4, v.i., ³Ò°Ê¤j¾r please be good enough to do me a favor.
9. ³Ò¥F lao2fa2, adj., physically exhausted.
10. ³Ò·Ð lao2fan2, v.t., (court.) cause (s.o.) trouble: ³Ò·Ð§A may I trouble you?
11. ³Ò¶O lao2fei4, v.t., cost trouble and expenses.
12. ³Ò¤u lao2gong1, n., labor, individual workers or as a class.
13. ³Òêq lao2zhai4, n., (med.) tuberculosis (¡×ªÍÀ÷).
14. ³Ò¯g lao2zheng4, n., ditto.
15. ³ÒÁZ lao2ji1, n., work done, accomplishment, merit.
16. ³Ò¾r lao2jia4, v.t., (usu. used in the second person) please do me a favor: ³Ò¾r§A¤@·|¨à may I trouble you for a moment? ¤£´±³Ò±z¤j¾r dare not trouble you;
17. ³Ò¾r lao2jia4, v.t., ³Ò¾r¡I ³Ò¾r¡I thank you so much!
18. ³Òª÷ lao2jin1, n., compensation for work, reward, fee.
19. ³Ò­Â lao2jUan4, adj., tired out.
20. ³Ò­x *lao4jUn1, v.t., cheer up troops with gifts (also ³Ò®v).
21. ³Ò­W lao2ku3, (1) v.i., to work hard;
22. ³Ò­W lao2ku3, (2) adj., having to work hard;
23. ³Ò­W lao2ku3, (3) (*lao4ku3) v.t., encourage, bring comfort to (s.o.).
24. ³Ò¨Ó *lao4lai4, v.t., (also ³Ò±t) encourage (s.o.) to enlist or come over.
25. ³Ò²Ö lao2lei4, v.t., to trouble, bother: ¤Ó³Ò²Ö¤F it's too much trouble;
26. ³Ò²Ö lao2lei4, v.t., ³Ò²Ö±z¤F sorry to have bothered you.
27. ³Ò¤O lao2li4, n., manual labor: ³Ò¤O¤u§@ physical or manual labor;
28. ³Ò¤O lao2li4, n., ¥X½æ³Ò¤O sell one's labor for a living;
29. ³Ò¤O lao2li4, n., ³Ò¤O©Ò±o income from labor.
30. ³Ò¸L lao2lu4, adj., hard-working: ©b¦£³Ò¸L running about;
31. ³Ò¸L lao2lu4, adj.,³Ò¸L¤F¤@¾ã¤Ñ have slaved for a whole day;
32. ³Ò¸L lao2lu4, adj.,³Ò¸L©R a person born to a hard lot, (joc.) a born slave.
33. ³Ò¥Á lao2min2, v.t., (1) belabor the people: ³Ò¥Á¶Ë°] waste of manpower and public funds;
34. ³Ò¥Á lao2min2, v.t., (2) (*lao4min2) to cheer up the people by gift or message.
35. ³Ò¶Ë lao2shang1, n., (Chin. med.) disease resulting from gen. weakening and exhaustion.
36. ³Ò¯« lao2shen2, v.t., bother (s.o. or oneself) with (s.t.);
37. ³Ò¯« lao2shen2, v.t., ³Ò¯«§A may I trouble you? please be so kind.
38. ³Ò¤ß lao2xin1, v.t., (1) do mental work: ³Ò¤ß¤u§@¡]ªÌ¡^ white-collar work(er)opp. lao2li4¡ô;
39. ³Ò¤ß lao2xin1, v.t., (2) to worry.
40. ³Ò§Î lao2xing2, adj., tire body out (for living).
41. ³Ò®v *lao4si4, v.t., comfort troops with gifts, see lao2jUn1¡ô.
42. ³Ò¤°¤l lao2shi2zi0, n., (¡×¨c¤°¤l) an eyesore, anything disagreeable or abominable.
43. ³Ò·ñ lao2cui4, adj., wearied and worn.
44. ³Ò§@ lao2zuo4, n., (1) manual labor class in school;
45. ³Ò§@ lao2zuo4, n., (2) manual labor.
46. ³Ò¸ê lao2zi1, n., labor and management, labor and capital: ³Ò¸êÃö«Y labor relations.
47. ³Ò°È lao2wu4, n., service.
48. ³Ò¿P lao2yan4, n., (LL) §B³Ò lanius bucephalus, and swallows: ³Ò¿P¤À­¸ (LL) going in different ways, said of friends at time of departure.
49. ³Ò§Ð lao2yi4, n., labor service, (criminal law) hard labor.

®q Num. Index: 91.50     £x£±£¾ dao3    .
N.Island: ®qÀ¬ island;
¥b®q peninsula;
üc®q¡A¦C®q archipelago, ©t®q lone island.
Words1. ®q°ê dao3guo2, n., island kingdom or country.

¬° Num. Index: 91.50     £¹£°£½ wei2    . [Var. of ¬° 90.50; abbr. ¡¼]

¾r Num. Index: 91.50     £¡£¸£«£¿ jia4    .
N.(1) A carriage, cart: ¨®¾r formerly, imperial vehicles, hence, the emperor.
(2) An honored presence, travel or arrival: ´L¾r¡A¤j¾r¡A»O¾r your good (honorable) self;
¾rÁ{ your kind presence;
¸t¾r His Majesty;
¤ý¾r His Royal Highness;
±s¾r¿Ë©º (of the army) under the personal command of the emperor;
ªP¾r thanks for calling;
­Ô¾r wait for your arrival;
¾×¾r polite refusal as one unworthy to receive a visitor, oft. as a matter of form;
ªð¾r return trip;
¬ß§Y©R¾r please kindly come at once.
V.t.(1) To drive (a vehicle), sail (a ship), fly (an airplane): ¾r¨® drive a car;
¾r²î pilot a ship;
¾r­¸¾÷ fly an airplane;
¾r¾p jia4shi3¡õ;
¾rûó¤@¸­«ó¦à row a small boat.
(2) To mount (a horse): ¾r°¨ harness a horse, ride on horseback;
(fig.) to control: ¾r¶¿ jia4yU4¡õ;
¾r»´´N¼ô follow the beaten path, do s.t. with ease through experience;
Ä˶³¾rÃú (fairy tale) travel through space;
¾r¶³Âk to ride the clouds and come home.
Words1. ¾r±Y jia4beng1, v.i., (euphem.) die, said of a sovereign.
2. ¾rÁ{ jia4lin2, n., (court.) your gracious presence, the pleasure of your company.
3. ¾r¾p jia4shi3, v.t., to drive (a car), pilot (a ship);
4. ¾r¾p jia4shi3, ¾r¾p­û a pilot, driver;
5. ¾r¾p jia4shi3, ¾r¾p¿µ Command Module.
6. ¾r¶¿ jia4yU4, v.t., to control, govern (subordinates).

¯Q Num. Index: 91.50     £¹ wu1    .
N.(1) A crow: ¯Q­÷ the young crow reputed to feed its mother--(LL) filial piety;
®Ñ¸g¤T¼g¡A¯Q²j¦¨°¨ (anc. proverb) when a book is copied thrice, the characters ¯Q and ²j become °¨;
¥Õ³¾ÀY white-headed crow-an impossibility.
(2) The sun (alleged to have a spot looking like a threelegged crow;
cf. ¨ß rabbit standing for the moon): hence ¯Q¨ß (the crow and the rabbit) the sun and the moon;
ª÷¯Q the golden sun.
(3) A surname.
Adj.Black: ¯Q¶Â wu1hei1¡õ;
¯QŽ black beard;
¯Q¤ì black wood, ebony;
¯Q±ö black plums;
¯Q¾ñÆV black olives;
¯Q¶³ dark clouds;
µo¯Q turn black.
Adv.How: ¯Q¥i¡A¯Q¯à how can? ¯Q¦³¦¹¨Æ how can such a thing be? no such thing! (also wr. ´c).
Excl.¯Q¥G (u.f. ¶ã©I) alas! (also wr. ¯Q×|).
Words1. ¯Q¨§ wu1dou4, n., black beans.
2. ¯QÀt wu1gui1, n., tortoise (also a term of abuse).
3. ¯Q°©Âû wu1gu3ji1, n., the silky chicken with black bones--a delicacy.
4. ¯Q¶Â¡]¨à¡^ wu1hei1 (wu1he1er0), adj., jet black.
5. ¯Q¦X wu1he2, n., as in ¯Q¦X¤§²³ rabble troops.
6. ¯Q³ñ wu1hui4, n., a poisonous plant of crowfoot family, monkshood, wolfsbane (also called ¯QÀY³ñ).
7. ¯QÂû wu1ji1, n., see wu1gu3ji1¡ô.
8. ¯Q¤y wu1jin11, n., formerly, hat of black gauze, see wu1sha1¡õ.
9. ¯Qª÷ wu1jin12, n., copper and gold alloy.
10. ¯Q­´ wu1jiu3, n., (bot.) the rock fern.
11. ¯Q¦Ý wu1zhou4, n., (bot.) the tallow tree.
12. ¯Q¦Ë wu1zhu2, n., black bamboo.
13. ¯Q©Ô wu1la1, n., a moccasin used in ¦NªL Kirin, northeast Manchuria, filled with ¯Q©Ô¯ó for warmth.
14. ¯Qõý²ù wu1lian2mei2, n., (bot.) a vine, cissus japonica.
15. ¯QÀs¯ù wu1long2cha2, n., oolong tea.
16. ¯Q³Á wu1mai4, n., a kind of buckwheat.
17. ¯Q¤ì wu1mu4, n., black wood.
18. ¯Q¯½ wu1sha1, n., a hat of black gauze, generally known as official's cap, esp.since Tarng Dyn.
19. ¯Qµ·Äæ wu1si1lan2, n., thin black lines as ruling on paper or silk for paintings.
20. ¯Q±ø³D wu1tiiaurshe2, n., a kind of snake.
21. ¯QÀY wu1tou2, n., see wu1hui4¡ô.
22. ¯Q¶î wu1tu0, adj. & n., (1) muddy;
23. ¯Q¶î wu1tu0, adj. & n., (2) half-boiled, warm (water);
24. ¯Q¶î wu1tu0, adj. & n., (3) var. of ½k¶î unclear;
25. ¯Q¶î wu1tu0, adj. & n., muddleheaded.
26. ¯Q¦«¨¹ wu1tuo1bang1, n., Utopia.
27. ¯QÂø wu1za2, adj., see wu1he2¡ô.
28. ¯Q¸é wu1ze2, n., cuttlefish.
29. ¯Q¯Q wu1wu1, adj., descriptive of cry of pain, like Eng. ¡§wow!¡¨
30. ¯Q¾~ wu1ya1, n., the crow.
31. ¯Q²´¡]¨à¡^Âû wu1yan3 (wu1ya3er0) ji1, n., ¡§black-eyed chicken¡¨: ¯Q²´Âû¦üªº venomous look of hatred.
32. ¯Q¡¼ wu1yU4, n., water chestnut.
33. ¯Q³½ wu1yU2, n., black fish.
34. ¯Q¶³ wu1yUn2, n., (1) dark clouds;
35. ¯Q¶³ wu1yUn2, n., (2) woman's black hair.

³¾ Num. Index: 91.50     £z£¸£±£¾ niao3         (*£x£¸£±£¾ diao3    ).
N.(1) Bird: ³¾Ãþ all creatures of the bird family;
³¾»yªá­» singing birds and fragrant flowers;
³¾Ã~¦æ bestiality, beastly conduct;
³¾Ã~¬P´² (of human beings) scatter like birds and animals;
³¾ºÉ¤}Âà kick out (s.o.) after his services are no longer needed, (lit.) ¡§the bow and arrows are stacked away when there are no more birds to shoot¡¨;
³¾­±Ã[§Î (of starving people) haggard, emaciated;
¤H¬°°]¦º¡A³¾¬°­¹¤` a man dies for money;
a bird dies for food.
(2) Male genital organ (var. Îx) *diao3: ¼¼³¾ (MC) a curse word, oft. used in ¤ôâq.
Words1. ³¾±_ niao3chao2, n., a bird's nest.
2. ³¾Âò niao3qiang1, n., fowling piece.
3. ³¾à¶ niao3chong4, n., ditto.
4. ³¾¹D niao3dao4, n., dangerously narrow hill path.
5. ³¾½f niao3zhuan4, n., form of anc. script so called because it looked like birds' footprints.
6. ³¾Àý niao3kan4, (1) v.i., look down from above;
7. ³¾Àý niao3kan4, (2) n., a bird's-eye view.
8. ³¾¸^ niao3ke1, n., see niao3chao2¡ô.
9. ³¾¨½ niaurli3, n., (surveying) distance in miles ¡§as the crow flies.¡¨
10. ³¾´C niao3mei2, n., a bird used as a decoy to catch other birds.
11. ³¾«H niao3xin4, n., (³¾«H­·) seasonal wind occurring in the third month of the lunar calendar.

Àm Num. Index: 91.50     £¸£µ yang1    .
N.See ÀpÀm 92.50.

Åa Num. Index: 91.50     £¸£¶ ying1    .
N.The Chin. oriole: ÅaÅa¿P¿P orioles and swallows--a bevy of young girls;
Åa®¡AÅa¦Þ chirping (as of orioles);
Åa¨¦ (LL, allu. of scholars) not yet well-known or officially successful.
Words1. Åa¾E ying1qian1, v.i., (LL allu.) (1) be promoted in office;
2. Åa¾E ying1qian1, v.i., (2) move into a new house.
3. Åaªá ying1hua1, n., birds and flowers of spring.

µJ Num. Index: 91.63     £¡£¸£± jiao1    .
N.A surname.
Adj.(1) Burned, scorched: µJÀYÄêÃB utterly exhausted from overwork or anxiety;
¿NµJ¤F scorched, charred;
¯NµJ¤F burned in roasting or baking;
µJ¯Ü jiao1zui4¡õ;
µJ¨ý taste of burned food;
µJ¯ä smell of s.t. burning;
µJ¨` jiao1zhuo2¡õ.
(2) Anxious, uneasy, restless, worried: µJ«æ jiao1ji2, µJ¼{ jiao1lU4, µJ¤ß jiao1xin1, µJļ jiao1zao4¡õ;
µJ»Ä sad at heart, distressed;
µJ­W miserable, wretched.
Words1. µJÂI jiao1dian3, n., (lit. & fig.) focus, focal point.
2. µJ¶Â jiao1hei1, adj., burnt black.
3. µJ¶À jiao1huang2, adj., yellowish brown, browned (food).
4. µJ«æ jiao1ji2, adj., extremely anxious and restless.
5. µJ¨` jiao1zhuo2, adj., (1) scorched by fire, burnt;
6. µJ¨` jiao1zhuo2, adj., (2) anxious, nervous, worried.
7. µJ´÷ jiao1ke3, adj., dying of thirst.
8. µJ¬\ jiao1ku1, adj., withered by sun or heat.
9. µJ¹p jiao1lei2, n., a clap of thunder.
10. µJ¼{ jiao1lU4, adj., anxious, worried, apprehensive.
11. µJ·Ñ jiao1mei2, n., see jiao1tan4¡õ.
12. µJ¤ß jiao1xin1, adj., distressing at heart.
13. µJ«ä jiao1si1, adj., anxious, worried, pensive.
14. µJ¬´ jiao1tan4, n., coke.
15. µJ¿} jiao1tang2, n., caramel.
16. µJ¤g jiao1tu3, adj., scorchedearth: ¤@¤ùµJ¤g with everything burned down and lying in ruins;
17. µJ¤g jiao1tu3, adj., µJ¤g¬Fµ¦ the scorchedearth policy.
18. µJļ jiao1zao4, adj., anxious and fretful.
19. µJ¯Ü jiao1zui4, adj., crisp.

ÂL Num. Index: 91.63     £x£¯£¿ dai4    .
N.(1) Eyebrow black, used like eyebrow pencil.
(2) In ¯»ÂL (powder and black) cosmetics, used to denote well-dressed (painted) ladies, or actresses.
Adj.The color black.

¨m Num. Index: 91.70     £¨£±£¿ zao4    . [Var. of Ëq 91.10]

Þr Num. Index: 91.70     £¢£º£¶£½ qiong2    .
Adj.The orphaned and widowed: Þr¿W orphaned, widowed;
ÞrÞr lonely.

¤E Num. Index: 91.70     £¡£¸£²£¾ jiu3    .
N. & adj.The number nine: ¤E¤ë September;
¤E¤@¤K¨ÆÅÜ The Mukden Incident of September 18, 1931.
Words1. ¤E¦¨ jiu3cheng2, n., (1) (mus.) nine movements;
2. ¤E¦¨ jiu3cheng2, n., (2) ninety percent: ¤E¦¨·s 90% new.
3. ¤E¬ jiu3qiao4, n., the orifices of the body.
4. ¤E­« jiu3chong2, n., (1) the sky (formerly, believed to be of nine strata, ¤E­«¤Ñ being the highest);
5. ¤E­« jiu3chong2, n., (2) the palace grounds.
6. ¤E¬u jiu3qUan2, n., Hades, the underworld.
7. ¤E¹© jiourding3, n., the nine tripods which, according to legend, were cast by Emperor Yu and handed down from dynasty to dynasty as symbols of imperial authority.
8. ¤EÐÂ jiu3gai1, n., see jiu3tian1¡õ.
9. ¤E¡¼ jiu3gao1, n., a marsh, swamp.
10. ¤EÂk jiu3gui1, n., (abacus) division by divisors not greater than ¡§9¡¨.
11. ¤E®c®æ jiu3gong1ge2, n., (callig.) squares into which each page of a copybook is divided (so called from the nine small squares forming a big one).
12. ¤EûQ¸z jiu3hui2chang2, adj., (of lovers) pining after one another, wasting away through grief.
13. ¤E¤E jiourjiu3, n., (1) the period of eighty-one (9¡Ñ9) days counting from the winter solstice;
14. ¤E¤E jiourjiu3, n., (2) (math.) multiplication of the numbers 1 to 9 by the same numbers seriatim;
15. ¤E¤E jiourjiu3, n., ¤E¤Eªí the multiplication table up to nine times nine.
16. ¤E³sÀô jiu3lian2huan2, n., a toy consisting of nine interlocking links.
17. ¤E¬y jiu3liu2, n., the nine schools of thought in anc. China.
18. ¤E¤û jiu3niu2, n., as in ¶OºÉ¤E¤û¤Gªê¤§¤O spent a tremendous amount of labor or money;
19. ¤E¤û jiu3niu2, n., ¤E¤û¤@¤ò a drop in the ocean.
20. ¤E¦p jiu3ru2, n., birthday felicitations (¡§nine best wishes¡¨).
21. ¤E¾] jiu3xiao1, n., the farthest limits of the sky.
22. ¤E¦º jioursi3, phr., ¤E¦º¤@¥Í a ten percent chance to survive.
23. ¤E¤Ñ jiu3tian1, adj., high up in the heaven, sky-high.
24. ¤EÀY³¾ jiu3tou2niao3, n., (1) an evil omen;
25. ¤EÀY³¾ jiu3tou2niao3, n., (2) a tricky person.
26. ¤E±Ú jiu3zu2, n., (1) the nine generations from great-great-grandfather down to one's great-great-grandson;
27. ¤E±Ú jiu3zu2, n., (2) nine generations of paternal and maternal relatives.
28. ¤E¤­ jiourwu3, n., the royal prerogative or position: ¤E¤­¤§´L.
29. ¤E«­ jiu3yin2, n., the utmost limits of the sky.
30. ¤E«Õ jiu3you1, n., the nether world, hell.
31. ¤E²W jiu3yUan1, n., an abyss, a deep chasm.
32. ¤E­ì jiu3yUan2, n., a cemetery, graveyard.

¤Y Num. Index: 91.70     £¹£³£½ wan2    .
N.(wan2zi0, wan2er0) A pill, a small ball: ³½¤Y fish ball;
¦×¤Y pork ball.
V.t.(LL) to make pills: ¨Ï±A¤YÃÄ ask a maid to roll pills.
Words1. ¤YÃÄ wan2yao4, n., pill of medicine (cf. ¤¦ 42.42, ´² 20S.82).

¦° Num. Index: 91.70     £££º£¿ xU4    .
N.The rising sun.
Words1. ¦°¤é xU4ri4, n., the morning sun.
2. ¦°¦° xU4xU4, adj., (1) bright, clear;
3. ¦°¦° xU4xU4, adj., (2) full of spirit.

ØP Num. Index: 91.70     £}£¹£°£½ kui2     [Var. ¶f 11.83]

ú\ Num. Index: 91.70     £u£¸£¶£½ ping2    . [Var. of ¾Ì 63.72]

àí Num. Index: 91.70     £w£¹£½ fu2    .
N.A species of wild duck: àíÁͳ¶ÅD wild ducks waddle and sparrows leap, i.e., leaps of joy;
àí¤A the difficulty of distinguishing different species of ducks in the distance.
V.i.Swim: àí¤ô¡×¯B¤ô.
Words1. àí¯ý fu2ci1, n., water chestnut, var. of ²òÂÉ.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.70     £w£³£½ fan2    . [Pop. of ¤Z 42.70]

°­ Num. Index: 91.70     £|£¹£°£¾ gui3    .
N.(1) A ghost, goblin: °­©Ç evil spirits;
°­ª« phantoms;
°­¾y demons;
ºÃ¯«ºÃ°­ distrustful, suspicious (lit., ¡§imagining seeing ghosts everywhere¡¨);
°­¨Ï¯«®t at the behest of supernatural powers;
°­­ú¯«¡]¯T¡^¸¹ terrifying cries;
°­»î disembodied spirits;
³o«Î¤l¾x°­ the house is haunted.
(2) A term of abuse for any ignoble character: ¦º°­ you damn fool;
¦Ñ°­ an old fool;
«_¥¢°­ a daredevil;
¾j°­ a glutton;
¾~¤ù°­ an opium addict;
À÷¯f°­ a tuberculous person;
¤p¾¹°­ a mean miser;
¶Õ§Q°­ a bootlicker, toady;
½a°­ a pauper, poor satyr, devil, church mouse;
¦â°­ a satyr, sex maniac;
°s°­¡A¾K°­ a drunkard;
­Þ°­ the ghost of a person whose violent death has yet to be avenged;
¬vµ^°­ a player of pop music in night clubs.
(3) A surname.
Adj.(1) Tricky, deceitful, mischievous: °­­p¦hºÝ wily and mischievous;
°­­L gui3tai1¡õ;
°­°­¯©¯© malicious, demonical, devilish;
°­ÀY°­¸£ secretive, furtive, stealthy;
§Ë°­ playing tricks;
·o°­ instigate trouble.
(2) Clever, crafty, artful: °­Ã\ gui3xia2¡õ;
°­¾÷§D¨à devilishly clever;
°­Áo©ú ditto;
°­¤~ the devil of a genius, clever like a devil.
(3) Unbelievable, false: °­¸Ü outright lies.
Words1. °­¹D gui3dao4, n., (1) witchcraft, sorcery;
2. °­¹D gui3dao4, n., (2) (Budd.) the way of destiny of hungry ghosts.
3. °­¿OÀÒ gui3denqing2, n., (bot.) edible tulip, tulipa edulis.
4. °­©ò gui3fu3, adj., as in °­©ò¯«¤u extremely skillful or ¡§divine¡¨ workmanship.
5. °­²V gui3hun4, v.i., (1) take a devil-may-care attitude;
6. °­²V gui3hun4, v.i., (2) make nuisance for others.
7. °­¤õ gueirhuo3, n., a will-o'-the-wisp.
8. °­¸` gui3jie2, n., the ghost festival on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month (cf. All Souls' Day).
9. °­Áy¡]¨à¡^ gueirlian3 (gui3liaaer0), n., (1) grimaces: °µ°­Áy make grimaces;
10. °­Áy¡]¨à¡^ gueirlian3 (gui3liaaer0), n., (2) a mask.
11. °­¿ý gui3lu4, n., a register of the names of the dead supposedly kept in the nether world.
12. °­ªùÃö gui3men2guan1, n., (1) the Styx;
13. °­ªùÃö gui3men2guan1, n., (2) the jaws of death.
14. °­Ã\ gui3xia2, adj., sly, crafty.
15. °­¥« gui3shi4, n., (1) an unlighted night fair;
16. °­¥« gui3shi4, n., (2) a marketplace where ghosts are said to congregate.
17. °­¯© gui3sui4, (1) v.i., & adj., (of house) (be) haunted;
18. °­¯© gui3sui4, (2) adj., (of conduct) dishonorable, tricky, intriguing.
19. °­­L gui3tai1, n., evil plots, dark schemes: Ãhûó°­­L fearful with a guilty conscience.
20. °­ÀY gui3tou0, adj., (of children or things) cute: °­ÀY°­¸£ secretive, stealthy;
21. °­ÀY gui3tou0, °­ÀY¤M gui3tou0dao1, n., formerly, a sword for beheading persons sentenced to death.
22. °­¤l gui3zi0, n., (abusive) a devil: ¬v°­¤l a ¡§foreign devil.¡¨
23. °­¼v gueirying3, n., an apparition: ¥¿­n§ä¥L¡A¥L°­¼v¤]¤£¨£¤F just as I wanted to see him, he had vanished without a trace.
24. °­ãÚ gui3yU4, n. & adj., (a) scheming and malicious (person): °­ãÚ§Þ¡]É«¡^­Ç malicious intrigues, underhanded tricks.

ïi Num. Index: 91.70     £££¸£± xiao1    .
N.A mythical mountain spirit or demon.

¾y Num. Index: 91.70     £v£°£¿ mei4    .
N.See Å^¾y 91.70¡õ.

èÙ Num. Index: 91.70     £t£«£½ ba2    .
N.Evil spirit causing drought.

»í Num. Index: 91.70     £}£¹£°£½ kui2    .
N.(1) Leader, chief: µs»í bandit chief;
ÄÒ»í party boss;
¸o»í chief culprit;
»í¬` the helm of state.
(2) First in civil examinations: »í¤¸ kui2yUan2¡õ.
(3) A constellation, var. of «¶¬P 12.11.
Adj.Big of stature: see »í®©¡A»í°¶ kui2wu4, kui2wei3¡õ.
Words1. »í©¤ kui2an1, adj., tall, stalwart.
2. »íµð kui2ga2, n., (zoo.) big clam.
3. »í­º kui2shou3, n., the leader, head of band or group.
4. »í°¶ kui2wei3, adj., tall and big in stature, strong in build.
5. »í±ï kui2wu4, adj., ditto.
6. »í¤¸ kui2yUan2, n., the first in civil examinations.

ÃR Num. Index: 91.70     £{£¸£µ£¾ liang3    .
N.See ÃSÃR 91.70.

ÃS Num. Index: 91.70     £¹£µ£¾ wang3    .
Words1. ÃSÃR wang2liang3, n., mountain spirits, demons.

Å^ Num. Index: 91.70     £¥ chi1    .
Words1. Å^¾y chi1mei4, n., A goblin, banshee, evil mountain sprite.

èØ Num. Index: 91.70     £££º£¿ xU4    .
Adv.¶ÂèØèØ frightfully dark.

ñ Num. Index: 91.70     £y£¹£°£½ tui2    .
N.(AC) the brown bear, ursus arctos collaris (also called ¨ªºµ).

¥ü Num. Index: 91.70     £¤£±£¿ zhao4    . [See 22.70]

ÎÀ Num. Index: 91.72     £y£³ tan1    .
Pron.Courtesy form of ¥L (ta1), he: ÎÀ¦Ñ¤H®a¡AÎÀ¦Ñ¥ý¥Í (cf. ±z nin2 for §A ni3).

Ñ¡ Num. Index: 91.72     £§£´£¿ ren4         (*£z£¸£´£½ nin2    ).
Pron.(*nin2) (MC¡×±z) polite form of ¡§you.¡¨
V.t.Consider, think of, take into account.
Adj.(1) (MC) that: Ñ¡®É ren4shi2¡õ;
Ñ¡®É¸` at that time.
(2) (MC) what (=modn. ¬Æ»ò): ¦³Ñ¡¸Ü§h©J is there anything I can do for you?
Adv.(1) (MC) so, thus, in this way (=modn. «ç): ¥Í¦º±`¦³¡A¦p¦óÑ¡©È©Ä man being mortal, why should one be so afraid of death? Ñ¡¯ë ren4ban1¡õ;
Ñ¡ªº¯ë in such a way;
Ñ¡¨Ç ren4xie1¡õ.
(2) (MC) why: Ñ'a ren4di41.
Words1. Ñ¡¯ë ren4ban1, adj., (=modn. «ç¯ë) such a kind of.
2. Ñ'a ren4di41, adj. & adv., (MC) (1) such a (person, thing);
3. Ñ'a ren4di41, adj. & adv., (2) why, how: Ñ'a¹D¥L¤£¬O¤H¡H why do you say that he is a brute?
4. Ñ¡ªº ren4di42, adj. & adv., (MC) ditto.
5. Ñ¡¨Ó ren4lai2, adv., (MC) so, thus.
6. Ñ¡»ò ren4mo0, (MC) (1) adv., thus, so, in this way;
7. Ñ¡»ò ren4mo0, (2) pron. what: ÀÙ±oÑ¡»ò¨Æ what does it avail?
8. Ñ¡¨Ç ren4xie1, adj., (MC) these, so many, of this sort.
9. Ñ¡®É ren4shi2, adv., (MC) at that time.

®§ Num. Index: 91.72     £££¸£½ xi2    .
N.(1) Children: ¤l®§ one's children and children's wives (u.f. ·@): ®§°ü¡A®§¨k¡A®§¤k xi2fu4, xi2nan2, xi2nU3¡õ.
(2) Interest on loan: ¦~®§¡A¤ë®§¡A¤é®§ annual, monthly, daily interest;
°_®§´Á day when capital bears interest;
¥I®§ pay the interest;
ªÑ®§ stock dividend;
¥X®§ bear interest, (fig.) productive;
¦³¥X®§ (of young men) will ¡§bear fruit¡¨--be of some use;
¨S¥X®§ of no use--will never amount to anything.
(3) News: ®ø®§ news, report.
(4) Breath: ®ð®§¡A»ó®§ breathing;
«Ì®§ hold one's breath in fear or rapt attention;
¤@®§©|¦s so long as this breath is left--alive;
³Ý®§ gasp for breath;
Àþ®§ in a wink;
¶¡¤£®e®§ in a split second;
®§®§¬ÛÃö vitally interrelated;
¼Û®§ a sigh, also to sigh;
¤Ó®§¡Aªø¤Ó®§ draw a deep sigh.
V.i. & t.(1) To grow: ´þ®§¡A¿»®§ (of living things) grow and multiply.
(2) To rest, stop, cease: ¦w®§¡A¥ð®§¡A·²®§¡A¡¼®§ to stop for rest;
¨Æ¹E®§ (LL) the matter was then closed, affair was settled.
(3) V.t., to stop: ®§¥æ drop friendship;
®§§L¡A®§¾Ô stop war;
®§ª§ stop quarrel;
®§«ã stop anger, be pacified;
®§©ÀÀY drop idea, usu. in pursuing lover, but also other schemes;
®§Á½ kill the rumor.
Words1. ®§¿ú xi2qian2, n., interest money.
2. ®§°ü xi2fu4, n., daughter-in-law.
3. ®§¯Ó xi2hao4, n., news, esp. report of sickness, battle.
4. ®§ªÓ xi2jian1, v.i., to lay down the burden (¡§ease the shoulder¡¨).
5. ®§­É xi2jie4, v.i., borrow with interest.
6. ®§´Ú xi2kuan3, n., interest from deposit.
7. ®§¯ß xi2mo4, n., pulse beat.
8. ®§¨k xi2nan2, n., one's own son.
9. ®§¤k xi2nU3, n., one's own daughter.
10. ®§²¼ xi2piao4, n., interest coupon.
11. ®§Ä[ xi2rang3, n., (AC) fertile soil.
12. ®§¨Æ xi2shi4, v.i., to settle affair: ®§¨Æ¹ç¤H a policy of compromise to let everybody have peace.
13. ®§¤g xi2tu3, n., (AC) see xi2rang3¡ô.
14. ®§¼v xi2ying3, v.i., to retire from activities (in some place).

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.72     £©£¹£¶ cong1    . [Var. of ¥^ 92.83]

±y Num. Index: 91.72     £¸£² you1    .
V.i.(1) To lift, hold above: ©¹¤W¤@±y¡A´Nûs°_¨Ó with a heave, it was lifted up.
(2) Do things in a leisurely way: §A¦Ñ¤]±o±yµÛ¨Ó you, sir, must take your time;
±y°± you1ting2¡õ.
Adj.(1) Sad: ±y±y you1you1¡õ.
(2) Long past and gone, remote: ±y¤[ you1jiu3¡õ;
±yÂÕ you1miu4¡õ;
±y»· you1yUan3¡õ.
Words1. ±y©¿ you1hu1, adj., fritter away one's time, energy.
2. ±y¤[ you1jiu3, adj., long enduring.
3. ±yÂä you1miao3, adj., faraway: ¨}ªB±yÂä (friends) separated by long distance.
4. ±yÂÕ you1miu4, adj., absurd (far off the mark).
5. ±yµM you1ran2, adv., naturally, without effort.
6. ±y°± you1ting0, v.i., restrain oneself: ³Ü°s­n±y°±ÂI¨à¡A¹L¦h´N¾K¤F one must control oneself a little in drinking, not to get drunk.
7. ±y´­ you1yang2, adj., (melody) floating, lingering.
8. ±y±y you1you1, adj., (1) (travel) long, far going or gone;
9. ±y±y you1you1, adj., (2) sad: ±y±y§Ú«ä sadly I remember;
10. ±y±y you1you1, adj., (3) restless, adrift: ±y±y¿º¿º restless and drifting without direction;
11. ±y±y you1you1, adj., (4) ±y±y¤§½Í abstruse, impractical discussion.
12. ±y»· you1yUan3, adj., long, faraway (distance).

±z Num. Index: 91.72     £z£¸£´£½ nin2    .
Pron.(Polite form of address) you (second person singular)

·^ Num. Index: 91.72     £¢£¸£³ qian1    .
N. & adj.(1) Transgression, error, erroneous: ¸o·^ sins of transgression or omission;
¤£·^¤£§Ñ (LL) neither err nor forget.
(2) Upset: see ·^ÞË qian1ke1, ·^¥ñ qian1fu2¡õ.
V.t.To transgress time limit: see ·^´Á qian1chi2¡õ.
Words1. ·^´Á qian1chi2, v.i., to transgress time limit, delay (in payment, etc.);
2. ·^´Á qian1chi2, v.i., (2) adj., passed time limit.
3. ·^¥ñ qian1fu2, phr., (from ·^¶§¥ñ³±) imbalance or upset of yin1 and yang1 principles.
4. ·^º¢ qian1zhi4, v.i., get blocked up, delayed.
5. ·^ÞË qian1ke1, n., a disaster or epidemic, ascribed to imbalance of yin1 and yang1, see qian1fu2¡ô.
6. ·^­± qian1mian4, phr., (LL) be separated (among friends).
7. ·^§Ç qian1xU4, adj., (LL of weather) unseasonable (heat or cold).
8. ·^ÊÖ qian1te4, n., (LL) sin, fault, transgression.

¼£ Num. Index: 91.72     £ª£¹£¶£¾ song3    .
Words1. ¼£°Ê song3dong4 (song3dong0), v.t., instigate to action.
2. ¼£±v song2yong3, v.t., ditto.

¾Î Num. Index: 91.72     £t£°£¿ bei4    .
Adj.Tired, fatigued: usu. ¯h¾Î feel or look exhausted;
­±¦³¾Î¦â have a tired look.
Words1. ¾Î¿à bei4lai4, n., (coll.) a ne'erdo-well.

Ãg Num. Index: 91.72     £¥£¶£½ cheng2    . [Var. ¡¼]
V.t.(1) (LL) to punish: Ãg»@ cheng2fa2¡õ;
Ãgªv cheng2zhi4¡õ;
ÄYÃg¡A­«Ãg, punish sharply;
Ãg´c¡AÃg¤¿ punish the wicked;
Ãg¤@ĵ¦Ê punish one as warning to a hundred.
(2) Take or give warning: Ãg«eÏh«á take a lesson from the past and avoid future mistakes;
Ãg©Á guard against losing temper;
Ãgü§jø~ once burnt by hot soup, blow at cold pickles-overcautious;
Ãg¿ì to investigate and deal with.
Words1. Ãg³Ð cheng2chuang4, v.i., see cheng2jie4¡õ.
2. Ãg³B cheng2chu3, v.t., to punish, deal with.
3. ÃgÄU cheng2qUan4, v.t., to warn against transgressions.
4. Ãg»@ cheng2fa2, v.t., to deal cut punishment.
5. Ãg§Ù cheng2jie4, v.t., to stop with warning.
6. Ãgªv cheng2zhi4, v.t., to punish.

Àµ Num. Index: 91.72     £}£´£¾ ken3    .
V.i. & t.To beg (person) sincerely or humbly: Àµ¨D ken3qiu2¡õ.
Adj.Earnest, sincere: ¸ÛÀµ sincere, see Àµ¤Á¡AÀµ¼° ken3qie4, ken3zhi4¡õ.
Adv.Earnestly, sincerely: Àµ½Ð¡AÀµ¬è earnestly beg (s. o.);
˵̋ try earnestly to beg off, decline;
ÀµÁ thank sincerely;
ÀµÄU¡AÀµ¿Ï earnestly persuade or admonish (s. o.).
Words1. Àµ¤Á ken3qie4, adj., sincere, earnest (request, etc.).
2. Àµ¿Ë·| ken3qin1hui4, n., meeting of group (clan, alumni) for social purposes.
3. Àµ¨D ken3qiu2, v. t., to beg (s. o.) sincerely to.
4. Àµ¼° ken3zhi4, adj., earnest and warm (plea, words).

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.80     £££¸£¶ xing1    . [Abbr. of ¿³ 90.80]

³f Num. Index: 91.80     £~£¹£¬£¿ huo4    .
N.(1) Money: ³f¹ô huo4bi4¡õ.
(2) Goods, commodity: ¨Ó³f incoming goods;
¥X³f production of goods;
¶R³f¡A½æ³f buy, sell, goods;
Âø³f¡]©±¡^ dry goods (store);
¦Ê³f¤½¥q department store;
³f¨® freight car, boxcar, truck;
³f­Ü¡A³f´Ì a godown, warehouse, storehouse;
³f»ù price of goods;
´£³f³æ bill of lading;
³f¯u»ù¹ê (comm. advertisement) honest prices and goods.
(3) (AC) bribery.
(4) A term of abuse of persons: Äê³f louse;
²Â³f idiot, fathead;
½â³f lout, (of woman) hussy;
¤£¬O¦n³f is not decent person.
V.t.(LL) to sell: ³fª«©ó¥« sell things at the market.
Words1. ³f¹ô huo4bi4, n., currency, coins.
2. ³f¥¬ huo4bu4, n., (AC) ditto.
3. ³f¬u huo4qUan2, n., (AC) ditto.
4. ³f´Þ hyohzhi2, n., (AC) trade and commerce.
5. ³f­¦ huo4lang2, n., formerly, itinerant seller of trinkets, toys, etc.
6. ³f«~ huo4pin3, n., goods, quality of product (scarce, high-class, cheap, etc.).
7. ³f¦â huo4se4, n., kinds and quality of goods: ³f¦âÁc¦h many varieties of goods;
8. ³f¦â huo4se4, n., ¦n³f¦â fine quality of goods.
9. ³f½c huo4xiang1, n., container (also ½cÂd): ³f½c¹B¿é containerized shipping, containerization.
10. ³fª« huo4wu4, n., stock of goods.
11. ³f¹B huo4yUn4, n., freight transportation.

¶P Num. Index: 91.80     £~£­£¿ he4    .
N.A surname.
V.i. & t.To congratulate: ¼y¶P to celebrate;
¹D¶P to offer congratulations;
¥i³ß¥i¶P you are to be congratulated;
¯¬¶P¡A®¥¶P·sÁH Happy New Year! ¶P«È friends who come to congratulate.
Words1. ¶P¹q he4dian4, n., a telegram of congratulations.
2. ¶P¨ç he4han2, n., a letter of congratulations.
3. ¶PÄõ he4lan2, n., a compound surname.
4. ¶P§ he4li3, n., present on some happy occasions.
5. ¶P¦~ he4nian2, v.i., offer New Year congratulations;
6. ¶P¦~ he4nian2, ¶P¦~¤ù he4nian2pian4, n., New Year greeting card.
7. ¶P­Y he4ruo4, n., a compound surname.
8. ¶P³ß he4xi3, v.t., to congratulate on happy occasion.
9. ¶P·³ he4sui4, v.i., see he4nian2¡ô.
10. ¶P»ö he2yi2, n., a present on happy occasion.

¶U Num. Index: 91.80     £x£¯£¿ dai4    .
V.i. & t.(1) To loan: ­É¶U borrow;
¶U¥X lend;
¶U¤J borrow;
§i¶U borrow;
»­¶U buy on credit.
(2) Let off easily or pardon: ¼e¶U forgive (person) for offense;
let off easily;
¶U´î reduce or convert sentence;
³dµL®Ç¶U responsibility for mistake cannot be blamed on others;
ÄY¨s¤£¶U (offender) will be strictly prosecuted.
Words1. ¶U¤è dai4fang1, n., (in balance sheet) the credit side, opp. ­É¤è debit.
2. ¶U­É dai4jie4, n., lend.
3. ¶U¥D dai4zhu3, n., creditor.
4. ¶U´Ú dai4kuan3, n., money loan.

¸î Num. Index: 91.80     £{£¸£´£¿ lin4         (re. pr. £§£´£¿ ren4    ).
V.i. & t.To hire (labor), rent (room, house): ¸î©Ð¤l¡A¸î«Î rent a room, a house;
©Ð¤l¥X¸î house for rent;
¸î¤u hire(d) help.
Words1. ¸îª÷ lin4jin1, n., rental, rent money.

¥¡ Num. Index: 91.81     £¸£µ yang1    .
V.t.To beg: ¥¡¨D¡A¥¡¤Î¡A¥¡§i yang1qiu2, yang1ji0, yang1gao4¡õ;
¥¡½Ð yang1qing3¡õ;
¥¡´C to ask s.o. to act as matchmaker.
Adj.(1) Central: ¤¤¥¡;
¤¤¥¡¬F©² the central government.
(2) Run out: ©]¥¼¥¡ the night is not spent yet.
Words1. ¥¡á× yang1qiang0, v.i., to drag on (of business, illness): ¥Lªº¯f¤]¤£¹L¥¡áפ@¤Ñ¬O¤@¤Ñ½}¤F his illness is just a matter of dragging on from day to day;
2. ¥¡á× yang1qiang0, v.i., ³o­Ó¶R½æ¥¡á×ûó this business is just dragging on (and may close any day).
3. ¥¡½Ð yang1qing3, v.i. & t., to make a request;
4. ¥¡½Ð yang1qing3, v.i. & t., to request (a doctor, etc.).
5. ¥¡¨D yang1qiu2, v.t., to beg (a person).
6. ¥¡§i yang1gao4, v.t., make an earnest request of (s.o.).
7. ¥¡¤Î yang1ji0, v.t., see yang1qiu2¡ô.
8. ¥¡¥¡ yang1yang1, adj., (AC) (1) bright (flags);
9. ¥¡¥¡ yang1yang1, adj., (2) tinkling, jangling (bells).

ªØ Num. Index: 91.81     £º£½ yU2    .
N. & adv.See ¶·ªØ 91S.80.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.81     £y£²£½ tou2    . [Abbr. of ÀY 30S.80]

¯ä Num. Index: 91.81     £¥£²£¿ chou4         (*£££¸£²£¿ xiu4    ).
N.(1) (*xiu4) Bad smell, stink, notoriety: ¯ä¨ý¬Û§ë people of the same ilk like each other;
¿ò¯ä¸U¦~ leave a name that stinks through the ages.
(2) (*xiu4) (AC) smell in gen.: ¨ä¯ä¦pÄõ its smell is like that of the orchid.
V.i. & t.(1) To smell, emit a bad odor: ¥L¦í¨º¨à¯ä¨ì¨º¨à he smells everywhere he goes.
(2) (*xiu4) U.f. ¶å to sniff at.
Adj.(1) Stinking, ill-smelling, odoriferous: ¯ä·¾ stinking sewerage;
¯ä®ðâÀ¤H (person) stinks;
¸{¯ä emitting foul smell, having body odor or smell of raw meat;
¯ä¦W chou4ming2¡õ;
as term of contempt: ¯ä¤k¤H woman of bad reputation, hussy;
¯ä¿ú filthy lucre.
(2) Suffering decay, unwelcome: ¥L­Ì¥»¬O¦nªB¤Í¡Aªñ¨Ó©¿µM¯ä¤F the two good friends have recently cooled off;
¥L¦b¨ºúG§Ë±o«Ü¯ä he has earned a bad name for himself there.
Adv.Severely, mercilessly: ¯ä¥´¡A¯ä½| to beat up, scold, mercilessly (cf. Áà 31S.70);
¯ä´~ give a severe beating;
¯ä¦º chou4si3¡õ.
Words1. ¯ä¾í chou4chen2, n., (bot.) a citrus fruit, citrus bigaradia.
2. ¯äÂÎ chou4chong2, n., bedbug.
3. ¯äÂÎ chou4chong2, n., bedbug.
4. ¯ä¨§»G chou4dou4fu0, n., fermented bean curd.
5. ¯ä·P *xiu4gan3, n., (1) odor in gen.;
6. ¯ä·P *xiu4gan3, n., (2) specific odor of certain minerals when heated or treated.
7. ¯ä®Ú chou4gen1, n., bad, incorrigible character.
8. ¯äÄZ chou4jiaur, v.i., (sarcastic) chatter nonsense.
9. ¯äÄê chou4lan4, v.i., to rot.
10. ¯ä¦W chou4ming2, n., notorious reputation.
11. ¯ä¥ÖÅn chou4pi2nang2., n, (Budd.) a bag of stinking fluids, i.e., the human body.
12. ¯ä¨Æ chou4shi4, n., scandal (also Áà¨Æ).
13. ¯ä¦º chou4si3, (1) v.i., stinks to heaven;
14. ¯ä¦º chou4si3, (2) adv., terribly painful: ¥´¤F­Ó¯ä¦º beat one half dead.
15. ¯ä¿á¤l chou4ti2zi0, n., (coll. contempt. or abusive) a hussy.
16. ¯ä®ñ chou4yang3, n., (chem.) ozone.
17. ¯ä¤\ chou4yao1, n., (MC) as in ¸Ë·Ù¯ä¤\ put on airs.

¶ø Num. Index: 91.81     £±£¿ ao4    .
N.(1) (AC) southwest corner of house.
(2) Mystery, see Adj.¡õ.
(3) Hidden recesses, forbidden grounds: ¸T¶ø palace grounds.
(4) Short for ¶ø¦a§Q Austria: ¶ø°ê Austria (dist. ¿D¬w Australia).
Adj.Mysterious, profound: ¶ø§® ao4miao4¡õ;
²`¶ø¡A¥È¶ø abstruse, difficult to understand: ¶ø¦®¡A¶ø¸q profound meaning.
Words1. ¶ø³Õ ao4bo2, adj., profound (scholarship, etc.);
2. ¶ø³Õ ao4bo2, adj., wealthy.
3. ¶ø°Ï ao4qU1, n., (AC) inland, heartland.
4. ¶øªL¤ñ§J ao4lin2pi3ke4, n., (translit.) Olympic.
5. ¶ø§® ao4miao4, adj., mysterious, wonderful, beyond one's understanding.
6. ¶ø¯µ ao4mi4, n., mystery ¡×¯µ¶ø.
7. ¶ø²¢ ao4tian2, adj., (fruit) sweet and luscious.
8. ¶øðó ao4ze2, n., (LL) deep mystery.
9. ¶ø­l ao4yan3, adj., deep, profound.
10. ¶ø´© ao4yUan2, n., ally, moral or material support during crisis.

¤õ Num. Index: 91.81     £~£¹£¬£¾ huo3    .
N.(1) Fire: ¥Í¤õ light the fire;
ÂI¤õ light lamp;
©ñ¤õ set fire, arson;
¥¢¤õ catch fire accidentally;
±Ï¤õ to fight a fire;
ûó¤õ (jaurhuo3) catch fire;
ûs¤õ light fire for cooking meals;
ªZ¤õ¡A¤å¤õ quick or slow fire in cooking;
¤õ¤W¥[ªo add fuel to the fire, (fig.) of trouble;
¤õ¿N¬Ü¤ò fire catches eyebrows--extremely urgent;
¤õ¿N¤F burned by fire;
¤õ¿N¤ß overanxious, impatient (¡§heart is burning¡¨);
¤õ¿N¡A¤õ¿R in flames, on fire, of scorching temperature;
¤õ¾ð»Èªá bonfires display or brilliantly lighted garden.
(2) Anger, rage, fury, surge of emotions: ¤õ®ð huo3chi41¡õ;
¨x¤õ gall, anger;
°Ê°_¨x¤õ arouse one's gall;
«ã¤õúX¤Ñ a surge of great fury;
¤W¤õ¡Aµo¤õ¡Aûó¤õ, flame up in anger;
¥L¤@Å¥¤F´N¤W¤õ he flamed up as soon as he heard it;
µL¦W¤õ a state of uncontrollable rage;
¼¤¤õ the fire of passion.
(3) (Chin. med., of food) stimulant to the spleen, the gall, the heart (¤W¤õ¡A¨x¤õ¡A¤ß¤õ).
(4) (Mil.) firepower: ¤õ¤O huo3li4¡õ;
­x¤õ ammunition;
¾Ô¤õ battle fire;
¯¥¤õ artillery fire;
²l¤õ signal fires, signs of war coming.
(5) A surname.
V.i. & t.To get angry: ¥L¤õ¤F¡A¤õ¨à¤F he became angry;
¤õ¤W¥[ªo add oil to fire, inflame one's anger.
Adj.Fiery: ¤õ©Ê huo3xing4¡õ;
¤õÚÜÚÜ irritable, irascible.
Words1. ¤õ§â huo2ba3, n., torch.
2. ¤õ¦ñ¡]¨à¡^ huo3ban4 (huo3ba4er0), n., orig., comrade in arms, now (pop.) colleagues, companions in same establishment.
3. ¤õ´Î huo3bang4, n., an acrobatic show with lighted torches.
4. ¤õ©Þ¤l huo3ba2zi0, n., short funnel put over stove to make fire burn faster (also called ©Þ¤õÅø¨à).
5. ¤õ¨Ö huo3bing4, v.i. & n., open fight between two parties.
6. ¤õ¬Á¼þ huo3bo1li0, n., fireproof glass.
7. ¤õ®ã huo3chai3, n., matches.
8. ¤õ¨® huo3che1, n., a train: ¤õ¨®¯¸ railway station;
9. ¤õ¨® huo3che1, n., ¤õ¨®ÀY locomotive.
10. ¤õ¦¨©¥ huo3cheng2yan2, n., igneous rocks.
11. ¤õº£ huo3chi1, n., sealing wax.
12. ¤õÅÒ huo3qian1, n., formerly, warrant for immediate presence at court.
13. ¤õ¹X huo3qian2, n., fire tongs.
14. ¤õ®ð huo3chi41, (1) n., quick temper: ¤õ®ð¤Ó²± very quick-tempered;
15. ¤õ®ð huo3chi41, (2) adj., (of art work) not mellow.
16. ¤õ¾¹ huo3chi42, n., firearms.
17. ¤õ»ô huo3chi2, n., (1) (AC) see huo3hou4¡õ;
18. ¤õ»ô huo3chi2, n., (2) jewelry or jewellike thing.
19. ¤õÂΡ]¨à¡^ huo3chong2(er0), n., firefly, glowworm (coll. for ¿Ã¤õ).
20. ¤õív huo3dan1, n., erysipelas (also called ¤¦¬r).
21. ¤õ¤æ huo2dou3, n., a charcoal-burning pressing iron.
22. ¤õ©Ð¤l huo3fang2zi0, n., low-class resort for beggars and idlers.
23. ¤õ¤Ò huo3fu1, n., formerly, cook in army, etc.
24. ¤õ»\ huo3gai4, n., stove cover.
25. ¤õÁç huo3guo1, n., chafing dish.
26. ¤õ¯Ó huo3hao4, n., wastage of metal in minting coins.
27. ¤õ­Ô huo3hou4 (huo3hou0), n., timing in cooking to get proper degree of softness;
28. ¤õ­Ô huo3hou4 (huo3hou0), n., (fig.) depth of scholarship or thought.
29. ¤õªá huo3hua1, n., sparks.
30. ¤õ¤Æ huo3hua4, v.i. & n., cremate, -tion.
31. ¤õª° huo3hu2, n., the red fox.
32. ¤õ¦v huo3zhai2, n., (Budd.) the world of troubles of the senses (¡§house on fire¡¨);
33. ¤õ¦v huo3zhai2, n., ¤õ¦v¹¬ a married Buddhist monk.
34. ¤õÂû huo3ji1, n., a turkey.
35. ¤õ°Å huo2jian3, n., (1) fire tongs;
36. ¤õ°Å huo2jian3, n., (2) curling tongs, curling irons.
37. ¤õ½b huo3jian4, n., a rocket, rocket missile: ´î³t¤õ½b retrorocket;
38. ¤õ½b huo3jian4, n., ´w°Ê¤õ½b (astron.) braking rocket;
39. ¤õ½b huo3jian4, n., ¤õ½b¬¶ (mil.) huo3jian4pao4, bazooka.
40. ¤õ±Ð huo3jiao4, n., Zoroastrianism, worship of fire.
41. ¤õ­p huo3ji4, n., an employee of a shop (usu. wr. ¥ë­p¡A¹Ù­p).
42. ¤õĵ huo2jing3, n., fire alarm.
43. ¤õ°s huo2jiu3, n., alcohol.
44. ¤õ¿j huo3zhuan1, n., firebrick.
45. ¤õÀë¡]¨à¡^ huo3zhu2(er0), n., candles and lamps in gen. as possible cause of fire (in Peking dial. also huo3zhu1er0).
46. ¤õºØ huo2zhong3, n., kindling, material for lighting fire.
47. ¤õ©~¹D¤h huo3jU1dao4shi4, n., a married Taoist priest, cf. huo3zhai2¡ô.
48. ¤õ¯È huo2zhi3, n., a paper roll for lighting water pipe for tobacco.
49. ¤õª¡ huo3kang4, n., heated kang1 in North China, see ª¡ 91D.70.
50. ¤õ§| huo3keng1, n., ¡§fire-pit¡¨--a place of misery, esp., the life of a prostitute: ¸¨¤F¤õ§|¡A¸õ¥X¤õ§| fall into, get out of, prostitute's life.
51. ¤õ¤f huo2kou3, n., crater.
52. ¤õ¸_¤l huo3kuai4zi0, n., firetongs.
53. ¤õ¨à huo3er0, n., see huo3chi41¡ô.
54. ¤õ«G¡]¨à¡^ huo3liang4(er0), adj., bright, illuminated.
55. ¤õÅI huo3lian2, n., formerly a flint cutter for gotting sparks.
56. ¤õ¤O huo3li4, n., (mil.) firepower.
57. ¤õÅ¢ huo3lung, adj., suffocated from heat: ªá¤õÅ¢¤F flowers wilt from heat.
58. ¤õÄl huo3lu2, n., a stove;
59. ¤õÄl huo3lu2, n., fireplace.
60. ¤õ½ü huo3lun2, n., (1) (LL) the sun;
61. ¤õ½ü huo3lun2, n., (2) a steamboat (also ¤õ½ü²î).
62. ¤õ«_ huo3mao4, adj., become enraged.
63. ¤õºø huo3mian2, n., guncotton.
64. ¤õ­] huo3miao2, n., a flame (licking houses).
65. ¤õªd huo3ni2, n., fire clay.
66. ¤õµP huo3pai2, n., formerly, a military order to render service to imperial courier along the way.
67. ¤õ¼ö huo3re4, adj., very hot: ¥L­Ç¨à¥´±o¤õ¼ö they two are enamored.
68. ¤õµ³ huo3rong2, n., tinder.
69. ¤õ³Ê huo2san3, n., summer sunshine: ¤õ³Ê°ª±i the sun is shining fiercely.
70. ¤õ¦â huo3se4, n., strength and condition of fire in stove;
71. ¤õ¦â huo3se4, n., a person's ruddy complexion.
72. ¤õ¤s huo3shan1, n., volcano.
73. ¤õ¿N huo3shao1, n., a fire disaster;
74. ¤õ¿N huo3shao1, n., ¤õ¿N¶³ resplendent sunset.
75. ¤õ¦Þ huo3she2, n., tongue of fire.
76. ¤õ÷ huo3sheng2, n., fuse.
77. ¤õÀI huo2xian3, n., fire insurance.
78. ¤õ½u huo3xian4, n., direct line of fire in battle.
79. ¤õ§X¤l huo3xia2zi0, n., (sl.) a cheap coffin.
80. ¤õµv huo3xiao1, n., saltpeter.
81. ¤õ©Ê huo3xing4, n., (1) strength of fire;
82. ¤õ©Ê huo3xing4, n., (2) fiery temper.
83. ¤õ¬P huo3xing1, n., (1) the planet Mars;
84. ¤õ¬P huo3xing1, n., (2) sparks.
85. ¤õ¥Û huo3shi21, n., flint.
86. ¤õ­¹ huo3shi22, n., (1) daily meals, board: ¤õ­¹¤£¨¬ insufficient food at meals;
87. ¤õ­¹ huo3shi22, n., ¤õ­¹¶O boarding fee;
88. ¤õ­¹ huo3shi22, n., (2) (AC) eating cooked food instead of raw.
89. ¤õ³t huo3su4, adv., urgent: ¤õ³t°e¨ì deliver immediately.
90. ¤õ¥Ð huo3tian2, v.i., (AC) to hunt by burning wooded area.
91. ¤õÀY huo3tou2, n., (1) formerly, the principal cook;
92. ¤õÀY huo3tou2, n., (2) (AC) common footmen;
93. ¤õÀY huo3tou2, n., (3) person responsible for causing a conflagration.
94. ¤õ±m¨à huo2tsaaer0, n., (Chin. theater) a device to represent appearance of a ghost by burning resin.
95. ¤õ»L huo2tui3, n., ham.
96. ¤õµ©¤l huo2tong3zi0, n., a metal funnel or small chimney.
97. ¤õ¸® huo3zang4, n., cremation.
98. ¤õ¨a huo3zai1, n., fire accident, a conflagration.
99. ¤õÒF¥¬ huo2wan3bu4, n., asbestos cloth.
100. ¤õºô huo2wang3, n., (mil.) a crossfire;
101. ¤õºô huo2wang3, n., a barrage.
102. ¤õ²´ huo2yan3, n., an eye inflammation.
103. ¤õ¿V huo3yan4, n., flames.
104. ¤õÃÄ huo3yao4, n., gunpowder;
105. ¤õÃÄ huo3yao4, n., ¤õÃÄ®w ammunition depot.
106. ¤õÂ`¤é huo3yao4ri4, n., (LL) Tuesday.
107. ¤õ¤Þ¤l huo2yin3zi0, n., material for starting fire.
108. ¤õªo huo3you2, n., kerosene.
109. ¤õ³½ huo3yU2, n., (zoo.) a fish, lepidotrigla strauchi.

ª¢ Num. Index: 91.81     £¸£³£½ yan2        . [Related µK £¸£³£¿ yan4    , 91D.21]
N.(1) Inflammation: ®ðºÞª¢ bronchitis;
ª¼¸zª¢ appendicitis;
Ãö¸`ª¢ arthritis;
ªÍª¢ pneumonia;
¸£ª¢ encephalitis;
¸£½¤ª¢ meningitis, etc.
(2) Flame: ¤õª¢.
Adj.Hot (weather): ª¢¼ö yan2re4¡õ;
ª¢¤é hot sun.
Words1. ª¢¤è yan2fang1, n., (AC) the southern region.
2. ª¢¸~ yan2zhong3, n., inflammation with swelling.
3. ª¢²D yan2liang2, n., change of temperature;
4. ª¢²D yan2liang2, n., (fig.) change in attitude toward persons: ¥@ºAª¢²D change in warmth or coolness in attitude, following upon success or failure.
5. ª¢¼ö yan2re4, adj., blazing hot, sweltering.
6. ª¢®L yan2xia4, n., hot summer.
7. ª¢´» yan2shu3, n., ditto.
8. ª¢¤Ñ yan2tian1, n., hot summer days.
9. ª¢ª¢ yan2yan2, adj., scorching, overpowering (influence).
10. ª¢¶§ yan2yang2, n., scorching sun.

º· Num. Index: 91.81     £¸£¶£½ ying2    .
V.i.To shimmer, flicker.
dazzling, -ed.
Words1. º·¥ú ying2guang1, n., fluorescence: º·¥ú¿O fluorescent lamp (now called ¤é¥ú¿O).
2. º·´b ying2huo4, v.t., to dazzle, confuse, mislead;
3. º·´b ying2huo4, v.t., p.p., dazzled, perplexed.
4. º·¥Û ying2shi2, n., (min.) fluorite, fluorspar.
5. º·º· ying2ying2, adj., shimmering, twinkling (stars), flickering (will-o'-the-wisp).

Þs Num. Index: 91.81     £t£±£¿ bao4    .
Words1. Þs¶º bao4fan4, n., a Cantonese food, consisting of rice cooked with meat or sausage in same pot, the latter served separately;
2. Þs¶º bao4fan4, n., a casserole.

¥v Num. Index: 91.82     £¦£¾ shi3    .
N.(1) History: ¾ú¥v ditto;
«C¥v history in sense of record for posterity;
³q¥v general history;
³¥¥v¡A¥~¥v private or unofficial records of a period;
¤å¾Ç¥v literary history;
«ä·Q¥v history of thought;
­õ¾Ç¥v history of philosophy, etc.;
½s¦~¥v annals, chronological history;
¥v®Æ¡A¥v¸Ü shi3liao4, shi3hua4¡õ;
°ê¥vÀ] national archives;
¥vµL«e¨Ò unprecedented in history.
(2) An official: ±s¥v imperial censor;
¥O¥v¡A¨å¥v a government secretary.
(3) A surname.
Words1. ¥vµ§ shi2bi3, n., a habit of writers to hint at, rather than write explicitly (for reader to read between the lines).
2. ¥v³¡ shi3bu4, n., history as one of the four main divisions of Chin. libraries (¸g¡A¥v¡A¤l¡A¶°, see ¥|³¡ 41.41).
3. ¥vÀ] shi2guan3, n., national archives, bureau in charge of writing and preserving historical records.
4. ¥v©x shi3guan1, n., a court historian.
5. ¥v¸Ü shi3hua4, n., historical narrative.
6. ¥v®Æ shi3liao4, n., historical data.
7. ¥v½× shi3lun4, n., historical essay.
8. ¥vµû shi3ping2, n., historical criticism.
9. ¥v­¼ shi3sheng4, n., histories, historical works.
10. ¥v¸Ö shi3si4, n., epic poetry, historical narrative poem.
11. ¥v¾Ç shi3xUe2, n., (1) the study of history;
12. ¥v¾Ç shi3xUe2, n., (2) the science of history, historiography.
13. ¥v¥U shi3ce4, n., anc. history books, historical works.

°¦ Num. Index: 91.82     £¤ zhi1    .
N. adjunct.A piece of indeterminate character, usu. can be grabbed by hand;
oft. of animal: ¤@°¦Âû¡A¤@°¦ª¯ a chicken, a dog, etc., also ¤@°¦²´·ú an eye--not used of things which cannot be grasped or lifted by hand.
Adj. & adv.(1) Lone, alone: °¦¤â single-handed, with a lone hand;
°¦¨­ alone (steal into enemy ranks, etc.);
°¦¼v a lonely figure;
¿W¨ã°¦²´ (of person) discern what others don't;
°¦¥ß stand alone.
(2) Very small number: ¤ù¨¥°¦¦r just a few words.

Àè Num. Index: 91.82     £££¸£®£¿ xie4    . [Dist. ÅÜ 93.82]
Adj.Regulated, harmonious.
Words1. Àè©M xie4he2, adj., living in harmony.
2. Àè²z xie4li3, adj., well-regulated: ³±¶§Àè²z the yin1 and the yang1 are in balance.

Âù Num. Index: 91.82     £¦£¹£µ shuang1         (*shuahng    ). [Pop. ¡¼¡A¡¼]
N.(1) (*shuahng) A surname.
(2) A pair (of chopsticks, hands, knees);
a couple, male and female: ¦¨Âù¦¨¹ï in pairs, female and male;
Âù¿Ë both parents, father and mother;
¤÷¥ÀÂù¥þ both parents living;
ÂùºÞ»ô¤U writing with both hands simultaneously--do two things at the same time;
½b³eÂùóç kill two birds with one stone;
ÂùªS hull rice by two persons in alternation;
µLÂù peerless, matchless.
Adj.(1) Double, both: Âù­±¡AÂùÃä both sides, bilateral (treaty, etc.);
Âù¼h double layers;
Âù¤Q shuang1shi2¡õ.
(2) Even (days): Âù¤é.
Adv.In pairs: Âù±JÂù­¸ (lovers) always keep each other's company, compared to birds flying and nestling together;
Âù´Ï (lovers) live together;
amphibious: Âù´Ï°Êª«.
Words1. 坫묈 *shuahngbang4er0, n., (coll.) twin sons.
2. Âù¿Ë shuang1qin1, n., both parents: Âù¿Ë¤j¤H used in letters to both parents.
3. Âù¥´ shuang1da3, phr., (tennis) play doubles.
4. Âù¤è shuang1fang1, adv., both sides: Âù¤è¦P·N both parties agree.
5. Âù¤À¨à shuang1feher0, n., double portion.
6. Âùúý¾m shuang1feng1tuo2, n., twohumped camel.
7. Âù´T¡]¨à¡^ shuang1fu2(er0), n., cloth of double width.
8. Âù¹_ shuang1gou1, v.t., (callig.) trace contour of a stroke, leaving center hollow.
9. Âù±¾¸¹ shuang1gua4hao4, v.t., register a letter with demand for receiver's receipt.
10. ÂùÃö shuang1guan1, adj., a pun, word with double meaning: ÂùÃö»y¡A·N¸qÂùÃö word with double meaning.
11. Âù­y shuang1gui3, n., double track;
12. Âù­y shuang1gui3, n., Âù­yÅK¸ô double-track railway.
13. Âù®c shuang1gong1, n., cocoon with double covering.
14. Âù® shuang1huang2, n., as in °ÛÂù® an act of entertainment, with one person making mouth gestures and another hidden behind making the voice;
15. Âù® shuang1huang2, n., (fig.) two persons agree to say the same thing.
16. Âù¤E shuang1jiu3, n., ¡§doublenine¡¨--families of bride and groom meet on 18th day after wedding.
17. Âù¥ß¤H¨à shuang1li4rerer0, n., the radical ¡§¡¼¡¨ (91B);
18. Âù¥ß¤H¨à shuang1li4rerer0, n., index No. 91B, when on left side of character.
19. Âù§ shuang1li3, n., simultaneous bow by bride and groom to elders on wedding day.
20. Âù³° shuang1lu4, n., an anc. dice game (also wr. Âù¤»).
21. Âù¦W shuang1ming2, n., (MC) personal name with two characters.
22. Âù¥Í shuang1sheng11, n., twins.
23. ÂùÁn shuang1sheng12, n., words with the same initial consonant, alliteration (like §Ï©» fang3fu2);
24. ÂùÁn shuang1sheng12, n., such related words (like ¼e¡AûÂ both beginning with k, ¤`¡AµL beginning with w).
25. Âù¨­¤l shuang1shen1zi0, adj., (woman) being pregnant.
26. ÂùÅT¨à shuang1xiang1er0, n., firecrackers with double explosions.
27. Âù©m shuang1xing4, n., a twosyllable surname.
28. Âù³ß shuang1xi3, n., ¡§double happiness¡¨--wedding.
29. ÂùÂù shuang1shuang1, adv., in pairs.
30. Âù¼Æ¡]¨à¡^ shuang1shu4(er0), n., (math.) even numbers.
31. Âù¤Q¡]¸`¡^ shuang1shi2(jie1), n., a Chinese national holiday, on October 10, also called ¡§Double Tenth.¡¨
32. Âù¥ÛÀY shuang1shi2tou0, n., a bar with two stones on the ends for lifting weight.
33. Âù®M¨® shuang1tao4che1, n., carriage pulled by team of horses in front and behind (also called ¤G®M¨®).
34. Âù²´¥Ö¨à shuang1yan3pierer0, n., double eyelid.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.83     £¥£¹£¬£¿ chuo4    .
N.A radical (var. ¡¼) seen in ¹D¨µ, etc.;
appears as bottom stroke ¡§83¡¨ in index system.
V.i.(AC) to walk, stroll.

­{ Num. Index: 91.83     £¡£¸£« jia1    .
N.(1) ÄÀ­{ (translit. from Sanskr.) Sakya, the clan or family of the Buddha.
(2) ­{«n (Bible) Canaan.
Words1. ­{ÂÅ jia1lan2, n., a Buddhist temple (also ¦÷ÂÅ).
2. ­{¸­ jia1ye4, n., Kasyapa Buddha (also wr. ­{Äá).

­¢ Num. Index: 91.83     £u£¬£¿ po4        . [Err. var. ûO; cogn. of ¹G £t£¸ bi1    , 30.83.]
V.t.To force, compel: ­¢¥L§ë­° compel one to surrender;
­¢¦º persecute to death;
­¢¥O demand, compel by force majeure (person to);
­¢¤W±ç¤s force to join the rebels;
­¢±q compel compliance;
­¢±o compel: ­¢±oµL¸ô¥i¨« give (person) on choice but to (leave, etc.);
­¢¤£±o¤w have no choice but;
­¢©ó¶Õ¤O compelled by force or circumstances;
±j­¢ make s.o. do s.t. by force;
À£­¢ to oppress.
Adj.Be very close, hard pressed, urgent: ­¢¤£¤Î«Ý cannot wait, time does not allow;
®É¶¡¥^­¢ in a rush;
§½­¢ hard pressed;
§½¶Õ¦M­¢ situation is tense;
¥^­¢ compel;
µ~­¢ persecute.
Words1. ­¢¤Á po4chie, adj. & adv., urgent, -ly (request, etc.).
2. ­¢®` po4hai4, v.t., ruin, injure, persecute (person).
3. ­¢±B po4hun1, v.i., force into marriage.
4. ­¢À»¯¥ po4ji2pao4, n., trench mortar.
5. ­¢¯Ù po4xie2, v.t., compel by force or threat.

ü¾ Num. Index: 91.83     £¡£º£¶£¾ jiong3    . [Pop. of ­~ 42.83]

°l Num. Index: 91.83     £¤£¹£° zhui1    .
V.i. & t.(1) To chase after (lit. & fig., enemy, thief): °l¤kªB¤Í try to woo a girl friend;
°l»° zhui1gan3¡õ;
°lÂÜ zhui1zong1¡õ;
°l¨D zhui1qiu2¡õ;
°lÀH zhui1sui2¡õ;
°l­· said of horse's swiftness;
¨ÓªÌµS¥i°l (AC) the future can still be redeemed.
(2) To trace: °l·½¡A°l¨s¡A°l·¹ zhui1yUan2, zhui1jiu4, zhui1su4¡õ.
(3) To hanker back, to reminisce, recall the past: °l±¥ zhui1dao4¡õ;
°l¾Ð¡A°l©À¡A°l®¬¡A°l·Q think back, see zhui1yi4, zhui1nian4, zhui1hui3, zhui1xiang3¡õ.
(4) In some cases, to act retroactively: °lÁÙ¶Šdemand payment of old debts;
°l«Ê¡A°lÃØ give person posthumous rank;
°lÅB recover thief's booty;
°l¥[¹wºâ to pass addition to budget;
°l¯Á¿n¤í demand repayment of past debt.
(5) (*duei) (AC) to carve.
Words1. °l®· zhui1bu3, v.t., search and arrest (escaped thief, prisoner).
2. °l¨D zhui1qiu2, v.t., seek after (wisdom, progress, ideal girl friend).
3. °l±¥ zhui1dao4, v.t., to grieve for person's death;
4. °l±¥ zhui1dao4, °l±¥·| zhui1dao4hui4, n., memorial service for the dead.
5. °l»° zhui1gan3, v.t., to chase after: °l»°¤W¥h hurry up, go forward to match s.o.
6. °lÅw zhui1huan1, v.i., (LL) to enjoy oneself: ©¹·³°lÅw¦a where one was having a good time last year.
7. °l®¬ zhui1hui3, v.i. & t., to regret.
8. °l¦^ zhui1hui2, v.t., to recover (debt, lost property).
9. °l¼x zhui1zheng1, v.i., to demand payment of taxes owed.
10. °lÂË zhui1jian4, v.t., as in °lÂˤ`»î to pray for blessing on the dead.
11. °l¨s zhui1jiu1, v.t., to pursue investigation of origin, sources, cause of event, etc.
12. °l¬ì zhui1ke1, v.i., see zhui1zheng1¡ô.
13. °l©À zhui1nian4, v.t., to remember with fond regret (anything past).
14. °l³­ zhui1pei2, v.t., to keep company of an elder.
15. °l»{ zhui1ren4, v.t., to approve retroactively.
16. °l·Q zhui1xiang3, v.i. & t., to think back (upon old days, etc.).
17. °lÀH zhui1sui2, v.t., to follow (a leader, master).
18. °l·¹ zhui1su4, v.t., to trace back to the sources or early beginnings.
19. °lÂÜ (ü²) zhui1zong1, v.t., to imitate, emulate (anc. models).
20. °l°Ý zhui1wen4, v.t., to cross-examine, find out the bottom;
21. °l°Ý zhui1wen4, v.t., to question one responsible for mistake.
22. °l¾Ð zhui1yi4, v.t., think back (past events), to call up in reminiscence.
23. °l¼v zhui1ying3, v.i., to paint portrait of one deceased.
24. °l»· zhui1yUan3, v.i., as (AC) in ·V²×°l»· to offer sacrifices to remote ancestors.
25. °l·½ zhui1yUan2, v.t., see zhui1su4¡ô.
26. °l¤ë zhui1yUe4, n., the day after the full moon at Mid-Autumn Festival.

¶i Num. Index: 91.83     £¡£¸£´£¿ jin4    .
N.(1) Personal ranking: ¥ý¶i seniors, persons of higher rank, better knowledge, more experience;
(of countries) more advanced ;
«á¶i juniors, persons of lower rank, poorer knowledge, less experience;
«á¾Ç¥½¶i I, your junior.
(2) A courtyard: «e¶i¡A«á¶i front, back, yard;
¨â¶i°|¤l a building with a front and a back yard;
¶i²` jin4shen12¡õ.
V.i. & t.(1) Go ahead, move forward, advance (opp. °h fall back, retreat): «e¶i proceed, press on, go forth, make headway;
¶i¦æ jin4xing2, ¶i°h jin4tui4, ¶i¹G jin4bi1, ¶i§L jin4bing1, ¶i§ð jin4gong1, ¶i¤î jin4zhi3¡õ;
¶i¦û (of troops) push on and occupy;
¶iµo to set out (on a journey);
ªø¶i make progress, advance;
¤W¶i try to do better, (of students) pursue further studies;
¶i¨B jin4bu4, ¶i¨ú jin4qU3, ¶i¯q jin4yi4, ¶i®i jin4zhan3¡õ;
±o¤o¶i¤Ø the more one gets, the more one wants to have;
¶i¤@¨B go a step further, furthermore, moreover;
¤£¶i«h°h one either forges ahead or gradually falls behind.
(2) Enter, come in, make way into (opp. ¥X leave, go away, depart): ¶i¨Ó jin4lai, ¶i¤J jin4ru4, ¶i¤f jin4kou3, ¶i¥h jin4qU4¡õ;
¶i¨Ê go to the capital;
¶i¾Ç®Õ go to school, enroll as a student.
(3) Introduce, recommend: ¤Þ¶i introduce (new plants, varieties, breeds);
¶i½å jin4xian2¡õ.
(4) To present: ¶i°^ jin4gong4, ¶iÄm jin4xian4¡õ;
¶i§e offer (presents) to superior;
¶i°s fill up s.o.'s wine cup and toast him;
¶i­» go on pilgrimage, visit temple.
(5) Receive (money payments): ¶i´Ú jin4kuan3, ¶i¶µ jin4xiang4, ¶i½ã jin4zhang4¡õ.
Words1. ¶i¹G jin4bi1, v.t., to press hard.
2. ¶i§L jin4bing1, v.i., despatch troops, to order an attack on the enemy.
3. ¶i¨B jin4bu4, v.i. & n., (make) progress, advance (ment), improve (ment): ¶i¨Bªº progressive.
4. ¶iµ{ jin4cheng2, n., progress.
5. ¶i¿ú jin4qian2, n., cash received.
6. ¶i¥X jin4chu1, n., entrance and exit;
7. ¶i¥X jin4chu1, n., receipt and expenditure;
8. ¶i¥X jin4chu1, v.i., go out and in.
9. ¶i¥h jin4qU4, v.i., go in, enter.
10. ¶i¨ú jin4qU3, v.i., endeavor to improve one's lot or acquire more;
11. ¶i¨ú jin4qU3, adj., energetic, enterprising, aggressive (spirit).
12. ¶i°^ jin4gong4, v.i., (of a vassal state) pay tribute to the suzerain.
13. ¶i§ð jin4gong1, v.t., to mount an attack on (the enemy), (fig.) pursue (girl) with attentions.
14. ¶i¤Æ jin4hua4, (1) v.i., evolve, develop;
15. ¶i¤Æ jin4hua4, (2) n., evolution: ¶i¤Æ½× theory of evolution.
16. ¶i®i jin4zhan3, v.i. & n., to advance, improve, make progress.
17. ¶i½ã jin4zhang4, n., money income, receipts;
18. ¶i½ã jin4zhang4, v.t., enter in account.
19. ¶i¨£ jin4jian4, v.t., to interview (s.o.).
20. ¶iÀï jin4jUe2, v.t., promote to a higher rank.
21. ¶i¤î jin4zhi3, n., (1) manner of conducting oneself, personal carriage: ¶i¤î¹l®e dignified in carriage: ¶i¤î¹l®e dignified in carriage;
22. ¶i¤î jin4zhi3, n., (2) decision to go forward or not: ¨ú¶i¤î formerly, wait for royal instructions.
23. ¶i¤f jin4kou3, n., (1) an entrance;
24. ¶i¤f jin4kou3, n., (2) imports.
25. ¶i´Ú jin4kuan3, n., income, revenue, receipts.
26. ¶i¨Ó jin4lai, v.i., come in (into), enter.
27. ¶i¤J jin4ru4, v.t., make way into, set foot in, penetrate, be admitted into.
28. ¶i¨­ jin4shen11, v.i., gain entrance or be admitted into some exclusive circle: ¶i¨­¤§¶¥ a steppingstone to such circle.
29. ¶i²` jin4shen12, n., (of a house) distance from entrance to the rear.
30. ¶iÄm jin4xian4, v.t., offer as present, pay tribute.
31. ¶i¶µ jin4xiang4, n., =jin4kuan3¡ô.
32. ¶i½å jin4xian2, v.i., recommend properly qualified persons for service.
33. ¶i­× jin4xiu1, v.i., pursue further studies, take an advanced course in school or college.
34. ¶i¦æ jin4xing2, v.i., proceed, go ahead, advance, carry on: ¶i¦æ¦± a march.
35. ¶i¤h jin4shi4, n., formerly, a successful candidate in national examinations, the ¡§third degree¡¨ (cf. ¨q¤~ 90.50, ûs^¤H 90.00).
36. ¶i¾Ç jin4xUe2, v.i., go to school or college.
37. ¶i°h jin4tui4, n. & v.t., (decision) to do or not to do, go forward or not: ¶i°hºû¨¦ find oneself in a dilemma, between the devil and the deep sea;
38. ¶i°h jin4tui4, n. & v.t., ¶i°h¨âÃø equally difficult to go on or retreat.
39. ¶i¨¥ jin4yan2, v.i., to offer suggestions, make recommendations.
40. ¶i¿Ö jin4ye4, v.i., to interview (superior).
41. ¶i¯q jin4yi4, n., progress, improvement (esp. in education).

¹N Num. Index: 91.83     £~£¹£µ£½ huang2    .
N.Leisure, time: esp. ¤£¹N (LL) have no time for;
¦ó¹N (LL) how can I have the time to.
Adv.(1) Hurrying, scurrying.
(2) Nervous: ¹N¹N huang2huang2¡õ.
Words1. ¹N¹N huang2huang2, adv., in a hurry.
2. ¹N«æ huang2ji2, adj. & adv., urgent, in a great hurry: ¹N«æ¸Uª¬ great urgency.
3. ¹NÁØ huang2jU4, adj. & adv., hurriedly.

ÁÜ Num. Index: 91.83     £¸£± yao1    .
V.i. & t.(1) To invite, request: ÁܽСAÁܶ° yao1qing3, yao1ji2¡õ;
熨b invite to dinner.
(2) To receive (blessings of heaven, reward, award, etc.): Áܽà¡AÁÜ¥\ yao1shang3, yao1gong1¡õ.
(3) To stop over: Áܯd yao1liu2¡õ.
(4) (Coll.) to weigh: §â³o¥]®³¯¯Áܤ@ÁÜ weigh this parcel on the scale.
Words1. ÁܽРyao1qing3, v.t., to invite (professor, lecturer);
2. ÁܽРyao1qing3, v.t., invite (person to dinner, etc.).
3. ÁÜ¥\ yao1gong1, v.i., to seek credit for another's accomplishment: ÁÜ¥\¹Ï½à.
4. Áܶ° yao1ji2, v.t., to invite (person) to assembly.
5. ÁÜ°Ç yao1le4, v.t., to force (person) to stay.
6. Áܯd yao1liu2, v.i., invite to stop over.
7. ÁܶR yao1mai3, v.t., as in ÁܶR¤H¤ß (politician) to buy popularity.
8. Áܽà yao1shang3, v.i., try to please s.o. so as to win his favor and be rewarded.

Ãä Num. Index: 91.83     £t£¸£³ bian1    . [Pop. ¡¼]
N.(1) Border, edge, outer regions: Ãä½t border of dress, see bian1yUan2¡õ;
©¤Ãä near the bank;
ªeÃä river bank;
¤ÑÃä®ü¨¤ remote regions.
(2) Near-by place, around, about: ¨­Ãä¨S±a¿ú do not carry money about person;
®ÇÃä at the side, near by: ³o¤H®ÇÃä by this person.
(3) Side, section: ¥ªÃä¡A¥kÃä¡AúGÃä¡A¥~Ãä the left, right side, inside, outside;
«eÃä¡A«áÃä the front, the back.
(4) Border of a country, frontier: Ãä¬Ù border provinces;
Ã䶫¡AÃä¹i¡AÃä¶ë bian1chui2, bian1ai4, bian1sai4¡õ;
©ÝÃä¡A´ÞÃä expand, colonize frontiers;
Ã䨾 frontier defense;
Ãä±w frontier troubles.
(5) A surname.
Adv.Along, while: Ã䧤Ãä½Í sit and chat along, sit talking.
Words1. Ãä¹i bian1ai4, n., frontier pass.
2. Ãä»À bian1bi3, n., (LL) frontiers, frontier region.
3. Ã䶫 bian1chui2, n., frontier region.
4. Ãä´T bian1fu2, n., (1) width of cloth, paper;
5. Ãä´T bian1fu2, n., (2) character, behavior of person: ¤£­×Ãä´T phr., loose, immoral conduct.
6. Ãä·¾ bian1gou1, n., roadside ditch.
7. Ãäæ bian1jiang1, n., national border.
8. ̊ƒ bian1jie4, n., borderline.
9. Ãä»Ú bian1ji4, n., (1) border: Ãä»Ú®Ä¥Î¡A¦¨¥», marginal utility, cost;
10. Ãä»Ú bian1ji4, n., (2) (Budd.) extremity of material universe;
11. Ãä»Ú bian1ji4, n., (3) clue, point in talk: »¡¸Ü¤£ûóÃä»Ú talk far off the mark or subject.
12. Ãä®Ø bian1kuang1, n., frame (for pictures, etc.).
13. Ãä¨à biaer0, n., frequently used in ¤@Ãä¨à on one side;
14. Ãä¨à biaer0, n., ³oÃä¨à on this side;
15. Ãä¨à biaer0, n., approach: ºN¤£ûóÃä¨à cannot find the approach.
16. ÃäÄl bian1lu2, n., (MC & dial.) chafing dish.
17. Ãäªù bian1men2, n., side door.
18. Ãä¶ë bian1sai4, n., border pass, border region.
19. Ãä´[ bian1xiang1, n., side box in theater;
20. Ãä´[ bian1xiang1, n., (MC) side.
21. Ãä¤ß bian1xin1, n., (LL) heart of traveller away from home.
22. Ã䦡 bian1si4, adj., (Peking dial.) smart, handsome.
23. ÃäÀY­· bian1tou2feng1, n., (med.) migraine.
24. Ãä½t bian1yUan2, n., hem (of dress, etc.);
25. Ãä½t bian1yUan2, n., outskirts.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.83     £t£¸£³ bian1    . [Pop. of Ãä¡ô]

³} Num. Index: 91.83     £|£¹£µ£¿ guang4    .
V.i. & t.To stroll, saunter, wander about, visit: ³}³} take a walk;
³}¨Ó³}¥h to stroll aimlessly;
³}µó to stroll along the streets, go window-shopping;
³}¿O go and see the sights of the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month;
³}üK¤l to visit brothels.

³| Num. Index: 91.83     £y£¸£¿ ti4    . [Var. à~]
V.t.(AC) keep away from.
Adj.(AC) distant, faraway.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.83     £·£¾ er3    . [Var. of Ââ 31.83]

Âä Num. Index: 91.83     £v£¸£±£¾ miao3    . [Cogn. ÂÆ¡A´ù]
Adj.Distant and small.
Words1. ÂäÂä miao2miao3, adj., distant.
2. ÂäµM miao3ran2, adj., ditto.

Üý Num. Index: 91.93     £u£³£½ pan2    .
Words1. ÜýÜý pan2pan2, adv., (AC) to and fro.
2. Üý¬À pan2san1, adj., stroll slowly (cogn. ±C¸Æ 63.93, also wr. ½L¬À).

¤\ Num. Index: 91.93     £¸£± yao1    . [Pop. of ûJ 93.93]

¡¼ Num. Index: 91.93     £t£³ ban1    .
Words1. ¡¼çº ban1mao2, n., the Chin. cantharis, cicindela chinensis, a poisonous fly (also ¯Zçº).

¿Ã Num. Index: 91.93     £¸£¶£½ ying2    .
N.(1) A will-o'-the-wisp, glowworm.
(2) U.f. º·, see 91.81.
Words1. ¿Ã¤õÂÎ ying2huo3chong2, n., will-o'-the-wisp, glowworm.

Åú Num. Index: 91.93     £©£³£½ can2    . [Common var. Åú 51.93]

¥I Num. Index: 91A.00-1     £w£¹£¿ fu4    .
V.t.(1) To deliver (s.t. to s.o.): ¥Iµ¹¬Y¤H give to s.o.;
¥æ¥I deliver;
¥I¶l put in the mail;
¥I±ê¡A¥I¦L fu4zi3, fu4yin4¡õ.
(2) Dismiss off the mind: ¥I¤§¤@¯º laugh and forget about it;
¥I¤§¤@¬² confine to the flames;
¥I¤§¬y¤ô¡AªF¬y throw to the winds, forget affair as s.t. past.
(3) To pay: ¥I¿ú¡A¥I²{´Ú pay money, cash;
¤ä¥I pay out;
§Y¥I pay on demand;
¨£²¼§Y¥I demand draft, payable at sight;
¹w¥I pay, -ment, in advance;
¥¼¥I unpaid;
¥I²M¡A¥I°W all paid;
¤î¥I stop payment;
¥N¥I pay for another.
(4) Entrust: ¥I¦«¡A¥IºÞ fu4tuo1, fu4guan3¡õ;
¥I¥H­«¥ô entrust with important post.
Words1. ¥IÍq fu4bi4, v.t., entrust with responsibility.
2. ¥I¤þ fu4bing3, v.i., confine to the flames.
3. ¥IºÞ fu4guan3, v.t., entrust to one's care.
4. ¥I´Ú fu4kuan3, v.i., pay out: ¤À´Á¥I´Ú pay by instalment;
5. ¥I´Ú fu4kuan3, v.i., ©w´Á¥I´Ú pay on term, time payment;
6. ¥I´Ú fu4kuan3, v.i., ³f¨ì¥I´Ú cash on delivery (C.O.D.);
7. ¥I´Ú fu4kuan3, v.i., ¤U©w¥I´Ú cash with order (C.W.O.);
8. ¥I´Ú fu4kuan3, v.i., ¥I´Ú¥æ³æ documents against payment.
9. ¥I°U fu3tuo1, v.t., entrust (person, affair).
10. ¥I¾N fu2zi3, v.i., send to press.
11. ¥I¦L fu4yin4, v.i., ditto.

³Å Num. Index: 91A.00-1     £w£¹£¿ fu4    .
N.(1) A surname.
(2) Teacher: ®v³Å (LL) teacher;
¤Ó³Å¡A¤Ó¤l¤Ó³Å Imperial Tutor to crown prince.
V.t.(1) Apply: ³Å¯» apply face powder;
³Å±m add coat of colors, (cf. ¼Å 10S.82).
(2) Add to, increase: ³Å¯q as rare var. of ªþ¯q.

¶Ç Num. Index: 91A.00-1     £¥£¹£³£½ chuan2         (*£¤£¹£³£¿ zhuan4    ).
N.(1) (*zhuan4) Biography: ¶Ç°O ditto;
¦C¶Ç section in dynastic histories, devoted to biographies of famous men;
¥~¶Ç¡A§O¶Ç other than official biography;
¤p¶Ç a short biographical sketch;
¦Û¶Ç autobiography;
¥ß¶Ç to write a biography for s.o.
(2) (*zhuan4) Anc. commentary: ¶Çª`¡A¶Ç²¨ chuan2zhu4, chuan2shu1¡õ;
¬K¬î¤T¶Ç the three records or elucidations relative to events covered in Confucius' spring and autumn annals.
(3) (*zhuan4) Courier system: ¶ÇªÙ¡A¶ÇÅæ chuan2she4, chuan2yi4¡õ.
(4) (chuan2) Tradition: ¯u¶Ç true oral tradition;
¦çüʯu¶Ç (Budd.) true teachings: ®a¶Ç inherited in the family;
¿ò¶Ç 22.83.
V.i. & t.(1) To deliver, pass on, around or to posterity: ¶Ç°e¡A¶Ç»¼ chuan2song4, chuan2di4¡õ;
¶Ç¦®¡A¶Ç¶@ deliver imperial decree;
¶Ç«H deliver a letter;
¶ÇÀÊ deliver a declaration of war;
¶Ç¾\¡A¶Çµø circulate, pass round for perusal.
(2) To spread: ¦W¶Ç¥@¬É name spreads over the world;
¶Ç¹D chuan2dao41¡õ;
«Å¶Ç to publicize, do propaganda, also spread (doctrine, belief);
¶Ç¼½¡]¥¬¡^¡A¶Ç¬V chuan2bo4 (chuan2bu4), chuan2ran3¡õ;
¶Ç¯f spread disease.
(3) To bequeath: ¶Ç¤l¶Ç®] bequeath to children and grandchildren;
¶Ç®a¡A¶Ç¥@ chuan2jia1, chuan2shi42¡õ.
(4) To transmit: ¶ÇÁn¡A¶Ç¼ö transmit sound, heat;
¶Ç¹q conduct electricity;
¶Ç¾É chuan2dao42¡õ.
(5) To summon to court: ¶Ç®×¡A¶Ç°T chuan2an4, chuan2xUn4¡õ.
Words1. ¶Ç®× chuan2an4, v.t., to summon to court.
2. ¶Ç¼½ chuan2bo4, v.t., to spread (news, ideas, disease, etc.).
3. ¶Ç¥¬ chuan2bu4, v.t., ditto.
4. ¶Ç©_ chuan2chi2, n., (1) (Tarng, Suhng Dyns.) a short story;
5. ¶Ç©_ chuan2chi2, n., (2) (Yuarn Dyn.) a short play;
6. ¶Ç©_ chuan2chi2, n., (3) (Mirng Dyn.) a long play;
7. ¶Ç©_ chuan2chi2, ¶Ç©_¯ë adj., like a story.
8. ¶Ç¥N chuan2dai4, v.i., to bequeath (throne, object) to future generations.
9. ¶Ç³æ chuan2dan1, n., a billet, a handbill, a sheet circulated for publicity.
10. ¶Ç¹F chuan2da2, v.t., (1) to communicate (thoughts, ideas);
11. ¶Ç¹F chuan2da2, v.t., (2) to transmit order from above.
12. ¶Ç¹D chuan2dao41, v.i., & t., to preach religion, teach disciples.
13. ¶Ç¾É chuan2dao42, v.t., to conduct (heat, electricity).
14. ¶Ç¿O chuan2deng1, v.i., (Budd.) to pass the lamp of doctrine from master to pupil.
15. ¶Ç»¼ chuan2di4, v.t., to hand round (letter, message).
16. ¶Ç³_ chuan2e2, phr., ¥H³_¶Ç³_ inherit and pass on wrong reports or errors.
17. ¶Çµo chuan2fa1, v.i., (LL) order to start on journey.
18. ¶Çªk chuan2fa3, phr., (Budd.) to pass on teaching from master to disciple.
19. ¶ÇÆ[ chuan2guan1, v.t., to circulate (object) for public inspection.
20. ¶Ç¹ª chuan2gu3, phr., to announce visitor by beating drum at funeral.
21. ¶Ç³ê chuan2huan4, v.t., to summon (person) to court.
22. ¶Ç¯u chuan2zhen1, n., a portrait;
23. ¶Ç¯u chuan2zhen1, n., portraiture.
24. ¶Ç®a chuan2jia1, v.i., bequeath to the family: ¶Ç®a¤§Ä_ art object kept as heirloom.
25. ¶Ç±Ð chuan2jiao4, v.i., to preach;
26. ¶Ç±Ð chuan2jiao4, ¶Ç±Ð¤h chuan2jiao4shi4, n., missionary.
27. ¶Ç°O *zhuan4ji4, n., a biographical sketch, biography.
28. ¶Ç¸g chuan2jing1, phr., (1) to hand down the classics or sacred books;
29. ¶Ç¸g chuan2jing1, phr., (2) (Chin. med.) (of disease) pass to different systems in the body.
30. ¶Çª` *jUan4zhu4, n., commentary on classic.
31. ¶Ç­« chuan2zhong4, phr., see ­«®] 90.11.
32. ¶ÇºØ chuan2zhong3, v.i., to reproduce own kind.
33. ¶Ç¦® chuan2zhi3, v.i., to deliver imperial decree.
34. ¶Ç²¼ chuan2piao4, n., (1) a court summons, subpoena;
35. ¶Ç²¼ chuan2piao4, n., (2) (accounting) a voucher.
36. ¶Ç¬V chuan2ran3, v.t., to infect, communicate disease;
37. ¶Ç¬V chuan2ran3, v.t., ¶Ç¬V¯f communicable or infectious disease.
38. ¶Ç¼f chuan2shen3, v.i., to summon for trial.
39. ¶ÇªÙ *zhuan4she4, n., formerly, courier station.
40. ¶Ç¯« chuan2shen2, v.i., to give expression in art work, esp. portraiture;
41. ¶Ç¯« chuan2shen2, v.i., see chuan2zhen1¡ô.
42. ¶Ç¼g chuan2xie3, v.i., to make copies by hand.
43. ¶Ç«H chuan2xin4, v.i., (1) to communicate (tradition, belief);
44. ¶Ç«H chuan2xin4, ¶Ç«H¿ý story of passing of teaching from master to disciple;
45. ¶Ç«H chuan2xin4, v.i., (2) to deliver letters;
46. ¶Ç«H chuan2xin4, ¶Ç«HÂF homing pigeon.
47. ¶ÇÁ~ chuan2xin1, phr., (from Á~ºÉ¤õ¶Ç--²ø¤l) to pass on the torch of learning.
48. ¶Ç±Â chuan2shou4, v.t., to teach, hand down (anc. teaching, esp. esoteric).
49. ¶Ç²¨ *zhuan4shu1, n., commentary and further elucidation of said commentary.
50. ¶Ç»¡ chuan2shuo1, v.i. & n., story that goes around: ¥Á¶¡¶Ç»¡ folk tale;
51. ¶Ç»¡ chuan2shuo1, v.i. & n., ¶Ç»¡¥t¤@®ø®§ I hear another piece of news.
52. ¶Ç¥Ü chuan2shi41, v.i., to show around.
53. ¶Ç¥@ chuan2shi42, v.i., to bequeath to posterity.
54. ¶Ç«Å chuan2xUan1, v.i., to summon to imperial audience.
55. ¶Ç°T chuan2xUn4, v.t., to summon for trial.
56. ¶Ç°e chuan2song4, v.t., to deliver (message, news).
57. ¶Ç²Î chuan2tong3, n., (1) tradition of ideas;
58. ¶Ç²Î chuan2tong3, n., orthodox tradition;
59. ¶Ç²Î chuan2tong3, n., (2) imperial succession.
60. ¶ÇÃÙ *zhuan4zan4, n., brief moral comment (or eulogy) at end of biographical sketch.
61. ¶Ç©v chuan2zong1, v.i., see chuan2dai4¡ô.
62. ¶Ç»D chuan2wen2, phr., it is reported that, I hear that.
63. ¶Ç¨¥ chuan2yan2, n., story circulated, a report.
64. ¶Ç´­ chuan2yang2, v.t., to spread (teaching, etc.).
65. ¶Ç©] chuan2ye4, v.i., to go round as night watchman.
66. ¶ÇÅæ *zhuan4yi4, n., courier station.
67. ¶ÇºÃ chuan2yi2, v.i., to pass on (story, theory, etc.) with reservations as to authenticity.

¨Í Num. Index: 91A.00-1     £¦£¿ shi4    .
N.Attendant: ¨Í±q¡A¨ÍªÌ¡A¨Íü}, etc. shi4zong4, shi4zhe3, shi4wei4, etc.¡õ;
¨Í±A¡A¨Í¤k¡A¨Í¨à shi4bei4, shi4nU3, shi4e2, etc.¡õ;
¤º¨Í¡A±`¨Í palace attendant, official-in-waiting, (since Tarng Dyn.) eunuch.
V.t.To attend upon, to wait upon: ¨Í°¼¡AÀH¨Í to wait upon;
ªA¨Í to serve, look after (master, the aged, the sick);
¨Í©^ shi4feng4¡õ.
Words1. ¨Í±A shi4bei4, n., formerly, personal attendant maid or maidslave.
2. ¨ÍŪ shi4du2, n., royal tutor, a rank varying in duties from one dynasty to another, including editorship.
3. ¨Í¨à shi4e2, n., personal maidservant.
4. ¨Í©^ shi4feng4, v.i. & t., to attend upon (parents, ruler, etc.).
5. ¨ÍªÌ shi4zhe3, n., an attendant, a waiter.
6. ¨ÍÁ¿ shi4jiang3, n., imperial tutor, scholar-in-waiting, a Hanlin academician, varying from one dynasty to another.
7. ¨Í­¦ shi4lang2, n., formerly, official rank, with different status, including (Tarng) a minister of imperial secretariat;
8. ¨Í­¦ shi4lang2, n., oft. equiv. vice-minister.
9. ¨Í¤k shi4nU3, n., personal maid.
10. ¨Í±q shi4zong4, n., royal retinue.
11. ¨Íü} shi4wei4, n., retinue of bodyguards.
12. ¨Í±s shi4yU4, n., royal attendants in gen.

¾© Num. Index: 91A.00-1     £¥£²£½ chou2    .
N.Mate, companion, rival: µL¾© without rival.
Words1. ¾©Ãþ chou2lei4, n., class, people of the same class.
2. ¾©¤Ç chou2pi3, n., rival.

­Ê Num. Index: 91A.00-1     £¸£¾ yi3    . [Closely related to and largely interch. ¨Ì 91A.02]
V.i. & t.(1) To lean on: ­Êªù¦Ó¥ß stand leaning by the door;
­Ê§ú lean on a cane, see ­Ê¥M yi3zhang42¡õ.
(2) To rely on (wealth, powerful connections): ­Ê¶Õ yi3shi42¡õ.
(3) To lean heavily on (person) for help: ­Ê­t yi3fu4¡õ;
­Ê°U¡A­Ê¿à yi3tuo1, yi3lai4¡õ.
Words1. ­Ê³Ä yi3bang4, v.i., to copy slavishly (anc. models), claim the prestige of schools and -isms.
2. ­ÊÍq yi3bei4, v.t., to rely on for advice, entrust moral responsibility to (person): ­ÊÍq¥¿®ï rely heavily on his advice.
3. ­ÊÁ¡ yi3bo2, v.t., (LL) to crowd together, pile on top of each other (such as one illness after another).
4. ­Ê­t yi3fu4, v.t., rely, depend on for a living.
5. ­Ê¥ñ yi3fu2, v.i., to be causally related: º×ºÖ¬Û­Ê¥ñ in fortune lies the seed of misfortune, and vice versa.
6. ­Ê§ú yi3zhang41, (1) phr., to lean on a cane;
7. ­Ê§ú yi3zhang41, (2) v.t., ­Ê¥M to rely on (powerful connections, etc.), to rely for help.
8. ­Ê¥M yi3zhang42, v.t., to rely on powerful connections (also ¨Ì).
9. ­ÊµÛ yi3zhuo2, (1) v.t., rely on support;
10. ­ÊµÛ yi3zhuo2, (2) n., s.o. or s.t. to rely on.
11. ­Ê¾a yi3kao4, v.t., ditto (also ¨Ì¾a).
12. ­Ê¿à yi3lai4, v.t., to rely on (s.o.), not to stand on one's own feet (also ¨Ì);
13. ­Ê¿à yi3lai4, ­Ê¿à©Ê lack of self-reliance, inability to stand on one's own feet, habit to depend on others.
14. ­Ê¾[ yi3lU2, phr., see yi3men2¡õ.
15. ­Êªù yi3men2, phr., (1) ­Êªù­Ê¾[ said of mother waiting for son's return (¡§lean waiting by house door, and then by alley gate¡¨);
16. ­Êªù yi3men2, phr., (2) ­Êªù½æ¯º said of prostitutes standing by the door and smiling on passengers.
17. ­ÊÁn yi3sheng1, phr., to write §ºµü ci2, whose form is governed by the melody.
18. ­Ê«î yi3shi41, v.t., to depend on (also ¨Ì).
19. ­Ê¶Õ¡]¥M¶Õ¡^ yi3shi42, phr., to rely on powerful connections.
20. ­Ê¦« yi3tuo1, v.t., to rely on s.o.'s support (also ¨Ì).

¤± Num. Index: 91A.00-3     £x£¸£¶ ding1    .
Adj.§D¤± lonely, without relatives.

¦ó Num. Index: 91A.00-3     £~£­£½ he2    .
N.A surname.
Pron.What: ¦³¦ó¥i»¡ what can I say? ¦³¦ó¤£¦P what is the difference? ¬°¦ó for what reason? ¦ó¥h¦ó±q what should one do?
Adj.What: (LL also gen.)¡×¬Æ»ò¡G¦ó¯q¡A¦ó®` what's the advantage? what's the harm? etc.: ¦ó¦~¡A¦ó¤é what year, day? ¦ó¤H who? ¦ó³B¡A¦ó¦a what place? ¦ó®É when? ¦ó¬G¡A¦ó¦]¡A¦ó¬° why? for what reason? ¬O¦ó¹D²z what is the explanation for this?
Adv.(1) How, why (interrogative): ¦ó¥H³o¼Ë how so? ¦ó¤£³o¼Ë why not this way? ¦ó¤£¥ý¨« why don't (you) go first? ¦ó¼Ö¦Ó¤£¬° gladly, I don't see any reason why not;
¦ó§J¿²¦¹ (LL) how could it achieve this (without great persistence, etc.)? ´X¦ó (LL) how many? also geometry;
¦p¦ó how? ¦p¦ó°µªk how it is done? ©`¦ó (in remonstration) why (did he risk it)? etc.;
¦ó­W he2ku3¡õ.
(2) How (in exclamation): «s­µ¦ó°Ê¤H how touching!
(3) Equiv. negative ¤£¡G¦ó´±¡×¤£´± how dare I, I dare not;
¦ó³ô¡×¤£³ô how can I bear (to see s.t.);
¦ó³ô³]·Q dare not imagine;
¦ó¥²³o¼Ë¡]¡×¤£¥²¡^ why must it be so, it's too much trouble;
¦ó¶·¡]¡×¤£¶·¡^. Many of these constructions are extremely idiomatic, see below¡õ.
Words1. ¦ó¥² he2bi4, phr., not necessary.
2. ¦ó¤£ he2bu4, phr., why not.
3. ¦ó¹Á he2chang2, adv., never: ¦ó¹Á¨£¹L¿ú never saw a cent;
4. ¦ó¹Á he2chang2, adv., as a counter question: §Ú¦ó¹Á¤£ª¾¹D don't I know? (of course I know).
5. ¦ó´Á he2chi2, adv., contrary to expectation: ¦ó´Á¦³³o¼Ëµ²§½ never thought it would end up like this (same usage with ¦ó®Æ¡×¤£®Æ).
6. ¦ó³B he2chu4, adv., where, what place?
7. ¦ó³× he2chi4, phr., not different from, is the same as: ¦ó³×¤ÑÄ[¤§§O the difference is like between heaven and earth;
8. ¦ó³× he2chi4, phr., ¦ó³×±þ¤÷ it's the same as if (s.o.) killed his own father.
9. ¦óµ¥ he2deng3, adv., (1) how (=very): ¦óµ¥§Ö¼Ö how happy;
10. ¦óµ¥ he2deng3, adv., ¦óµ¥©T°õ how stubborn;
11. ¦óµ¥ he2deng3, adv., (2) what kind: ¦óµ¥¤Hª« what kind of a person?
12. ¦ó±o he2de2, adv., how¡Kcan: ¦ó±o±À¶}³d¥ô how can one deny the responsibility?
13. ¦ó¿W he2du2, phr., is it only (= not only): ¦ó¿W°Ý§Ú why question only me?
14. ¦ó§« he2fang0, adv., ¡§what's the harm¡¨: ¦ó§«¸Õ¸Õ no harm trying;
15. ¦ó§« he2fang0, adv., ¦ó§«¬Ý¤@¬Ý let's take a look.
16. ¦ó´± he2gan3, phr., how¡K dare (=dare not).
17. ¦ó¤z he2gan1, phr., »P§A¦ó¤z what's that to you? has nothing to do with you.
18. ¦ó¬G he2gu4, adv., for what reason? why (leave without permission, etc.)?
19. ¦óªÌ he2zhe3, adv., which one: ¦óªÌ¦n¡A¦óªÌ¤£¦n which one is good and which is bad.
20. ¦ó¦Ü he2zhi4, adv., would not¡K to such extent: ¦ó¦Ü¤@±Ñ¶î¦a would not have suffered such crushing defeat (if, etc.)
21. ¦ó³ô he2kan1, phr., it's too much to bear: ¦ó³ô¦^­º (poet.) it's too sad to look back.
22. ¦óªp he2kuang4, adv., besides, furthermore.
23. ¦ó­W he2ku3, adv. phr., for what earthly reason? totally unnecessary¡G§A³o¬O¦ó­W it's unnecessany to do this;
24. ¦ó­W he2ku3, adv. phr., ¦ó­W¨Ó why bring this trouble on yourself?
25. ¦ó¤D he2nai3, phr., why then?
26. ¦ó­Y he2ruo4, adv., more literary than ¦ó¦p he2ru2¡õ.
27. ¦ó¦p he2ru2, adv., (1) why not: ¦ó¦p¹ï¥Lª½Á¿ why not talk to him directly;
28. ¦ó¦p he2ru2, adv., (2) how about: ¦A¨Ó¤@½L´Ñ¡A¦ó¦p how about another game of chess?
29. ¦ó¦p he2ru2, adv., (3) what do you think: §Ú¤ñ¥L¦ó¦p what do you think of me as compared with him?
30. ¦ó®ø he2xiao1, adv., not necessary: ³o¦ó®ø§A»¡ you don't have to tell me this.
31. ¦ó­º¯Q he2shou3wu1, n., (bot.) polygonum multiflorum.
32. ¦ó¨Æ he2shi4, adv., (LL) for what reason: ¦ó¨Æ¥O§A¦p¦¹·Ð´o what makes you so worried? ¤z­ë¦ó¨Æ (LL) what has that to do with you?
33. ¦ó®É he2shi2, adv., when, at what time: ¦ó®ÉÂk¨Ó what time are you coming back?
34. ¦ó¶· he2xU1, adv., not necessary: ¦ó¶·§A¦Û¤v¥h you do not have to go yourself.
35. ¦ó³\ he2xU3, adv., (LL) how many, so many;
36. ¦ó³\ he2xU3, adv., from what place: ¤£ª¾¦ó³\¤H his place of origin unknown.
37. ¦ó´¿ he2ceng2, adv., see he2chang2¡ô.
38. ¦ó«v he2zai1, phr., (LL) why?
39. ¦ó¦b he2zai4, phr., where is (s.t.): ¨º¤H¦ó¦b where is that person? ¥Î·N¦ó¦b what is the motive?
40. ¦ó«h he2ze0, phr., why? (a rhet. question).
41. ¦ó¨¬ he2zu2, phr., not worthy of: ¦ó¨¬±¾¾¦ not worth bothering about.
42. ¦ó¿× he2wei4, phr., what is meant by¡K?
43. ¦ó¬° he2wei2, adv., (1) why (in rhet. question): ¦ó¬°±Ë¦¹¨ú©¼ why choose this rather than that? ·N±ý¦ó¬° what is (he) trying to do?
44. ¦ó¬° he2wei2, adv., (2) what is: ¦ó¬°¤­¤j¬w what are the Five Continents?
45. ¦ó¥H he2yi3, adv., (1) why: ¦ó¥H¬G for what reason? ¦ó¥H¥L­nÃã¾ why does he want to resign?
46. ¦ó¥H he2yi3, adv., (2) how: ¦ó¥H¨¥¤§ how should one explain it? ¦ó¥H¥æ¥N how to give a proper account? ¦ó¥H¦Û¸Ñ how can one justify oneself?
47. ¦ó¦³ he2you3, phr., (LL) one would think nothing of, it's not difficult: ¯à¥H§Åý¡A¬°°ê¥G¦ó¦³ (AC) if one taught good manners, it would be nothing difficult to rule a country.
48. ¦ó¥Ñ he2you2, adv., how come: ¦ó¥Ñ¨£±o what makes you think so?

¨Ò Num. Index: 91A.00-3     £{£¸£¿ li4    .
N.(zi0) (1) Example, precedent, s.t. analogous: ·Ó¨Ò according to usual practice;
ûs¨Ò give example, for instance;
´©¨Ò follow a set precedent;
«e¨Ò¡A¥ý¨Ò precedent;
¥Ü¨Ò what is shown as example;
¨Ò¦p for example;
¨Ò¥y sentence as example;
±`¨Ò¡AºD¨Ò¡A¨ҡA¦¨¨Ò usual practice;
¨Ò®× regular practice and precedents;
¨Ò¥~ exception;
µL¨Ò¥~ without exception;
¯}¨Ò break a precedent or rule;
¶}¤@¡]´c¡^¨Ò set a (bad) precedent.
(2) Routine, what is regular: ¨Ò¦æ¤½¨Æ routine business;
¨Ò°² regular holiday.
(3) Statutes, regulations, specific rules: ¨Ò³W¡A³W¨Ò regulations;
ªk¨Ò legal statutes;
§P¨Ò a court decision serving as a precedent;
¤Z¨Ò¡A¨Ò¨¥¡AÁ`¨Ò author's ¡§general remarks¡¨ on selection, organization and points of detail about a book.
V.t.To compare: ¥H¦¹¨Ò©¼ compare one thing with another.
Words1. ¨ÒÃÒ li4zheng4, n., (math.) proof of a given proposition or theorem.
2. ¨Ò°² li4jia4, n., a legal holiday (also ¨Ò°²¤é).
3. ¨Ò¦p li4ru2, phr., for example, for instance, such as.
4. ¨Ò¥~ li4wai4, n., an exception.
5. ¨Ò¨¥ li4yan2, n., gen. remarks on points of detail of a book.

­Ë Num. Index: 91A.00-3     £x£±£¾ dao3         (in sense of ¡§fall down,¡¨ ¡§tumble down¡¨), *£x£±£¿ dao4     (in sense of ¡§reverse¡¨).
V.i.Fall down, lie down: ©Ð¤l­Ë¤F house tumbles down;
­Ë»ñÄAÆ} or ÄAÆ}­Ë»ñ have sexual intercourse.
(2) Take turns: ­Ë¯Z¨à take turns;
­Ë¤£¶} cannot meet the turnover in business.
(3) Go bankrupt: »È¦æ­Ë¤F the bank is bankrupt.
V.t.(*dao4) Pour out: ­Ë¯ù¡A­Ë¤ô pour tea, water;
­Ë©Ô§£ pour out garbage;
­Ë¹L¨Ó put in reverse.
Vb. complement.Down: ±À­Ë¡A¥´­Ë push down, overthrow(n);
¶^­Ë¡AºL­Ë¡A®â­Ë fall down;
ÅG­Ë defeat by argument;
¶ò­Ë¡A§~­Ë or ­Ë¶ò¡A­Ë§~ tumble down.
Adv.(1) (*dao4) Back, in reverse order or wrong direction: ­Ë°h fall back;
­Ë¬y flow back;
­ËÂà turn in reverse;
­Ëûx narrate from the end;
­Ë¸m¡A­Ë¸Ë set upside down, set up wrong;
­ËÄa hang upside down;
­Ë­Iûó¤â hands on the back;
­Ë½ß¡A­Ë¤í be in deficit;
¤Óªü­Ë«ù allow one's powers to fall into another's hands;
­Ë¤à dao3ge1¡õ;
­Ë¦æ°f¬I (of government) exercise tyrannical rule;
­Ë©â¤@¤f®ð gasp inwards in surprise;
­ËÁ^«Ä¨à ¡§tie baby the wrong way,¡¨ make mistakes in common things or when one assumes too much;
­Ë¥´Ær¨à orig. a woman's haircoil, ¡§reversed gong,¡¨ (fig.) everything upside down;
­Ë¥´¤@¯Ò blame on others while oneself is at fault.
Adv. conj.(*dao4) Nevertheless, after all (¡×¨ì©³): ¥L­Ë©³»¡±o¤£¿ù what he said wasn't wrong after all;
³o­Ë¤£­nºò after all, this is not so important;
on the contrary (¡×¤Ï¦Ó): ­Ë§â¨Æ±¡§Ë»ø¤F on the contrary, contrary to what you think, the matter has been made worse;
³o¼Ë­Ë¦n¿ì (¡×¤Ï¦Ó¦n¿ì) as it is, the matter is so much simpler;
­Ë¤£¦p rather: ­Ë¤£¦p¦º¤F°®²b I'd rather die, it would seem better to die;
but: §A»¡¬O¥L¡A­Ë¤£¬O¥L you think it is he, but it isn't;
­Ë¬O¥L¤Ó¤Ó®³¿ú¥X¨Ó (he refused) but it was his wife who put up the money.
Words1. ­Ë§â dao3ba3, v.i., (1) back down, fall;
2. ­Ë§â dao3ba3, v.i., (2) dao2ba3, (coll.) buy stocks on margin.
3. ­Ë¥] dao3bao1, v.i., substitute one thing for another;
4. ­Ë¥] dao3bao1, v.i., give away gift received to s.o. else.
5. ­Ë«ó¨à dao2biaaer0, v.i., (coll.) run around to get cash or goods.
6. ­Ë³¬ dauubi4, v.i., go bankrupt.
7. ­Ë´¡ *dao4cha1, n., a literary technique of beginning at the middle of the story or mentioning s.t. to be expanded later.
8. ­Ë¤í *dao4qian4, v.i., to owe instead of gaining.
9. ­Ë³J dao3dan4, v.i., make trouble, create mischief (also wr. ·o³J).
10. ­ËÂ_ dao3duan4, v.i., as in µL­ËÂ_ (MC) without stop.
11. ­Ë¤à *dao4ge1, v.i. & n., mutiny;
12. ­Ë¤à *dao4ge1, v.i. & n., (of warlords) change sides (Peking coll. pr. dao3ge2).
13. ­Ë±¾ *dao4gua4, n., (1) (zoo.) a kind of parakeet;
14. ­Ë±¾ *dao4gua4, n., (2) v.i., hang upside down.
15. ­Ë¦n¡]¨à¡^ *dao4hao3(er0), v.i., to hiss at performance (reverse applause).
16. ­Ë´« dao3huan4, v.i. & t., replace.
17. ­Ë»ù dao3jia4, n., selling-out price.
18. ­ËÄZ dao3jiao4, v.i., chew the cud.
19. ­Ë¬y¨ë *dao4liu2ci4, n., hangnail.
20. ­Ë·° dao3mei2, adj., unlucky, run into bad luck.
21. ­Ë¶Ú dao2sang3, adj., having hoarse voice (of opera singers).
22. ­Ëᢠ*dao4xi3, v.i., in ­Ë᢬۪ï hearty welcome (not waiting to put on slippers properly).
23. ­Ë¼Æ *dao4shu4, n., (math.) reciprocal.
24. ­ËÄa *dao4xUan2, v.i., be hanged upside down;
25. ­ËÄa *dao4xUan2, v.i., extreme oppression under tyranny.
26. ­Ë³\ *dao4xU3, adv., perhaps (¡×¤]³\).
27. ­Ë½ñªù dao4ta4men2, v.i., (of bridegroom) adopts wife's family name.
28. ­ËÄË dao3teng, v.i., turn upside down (also wr.·oÄË).
29. ­Ë¶K¡]¨à¡^ *dao4tie1 (*dao3tie1er0), v.i. & t., lose in bargain (like selling below cost);
30. ­Ë¶K¡]¨à¡^ *dao4tie1 (*dao3tie1er0), v.i. & t., (sl.) (of a woman) pay her paramour instead of being paid.
31. ­Ë´À dao3ti4, v.i., substitute, replace.
32. ­ËÀY dao3tou2, v.i., (1) lay down one's head to sleep;
33. ­ËÀY dao3tou2, v.i., (2) die: ¥L­è¤@­ËÀY the moment he dies;
34. ­ËÀY dao3tou2, v.i., ­ËÀY¶º¡A­ËÀY©G¡A­ËÀY¯È meal given, prayer said, paper money burned at death.
35. ­Ë±m *dao4cai3, n., sa in ³Ü­Ë±m to hiss a speaker or actor.
36. ­Ë­Ü dao3cang1, n., see dao2sang3¡ô.
37. ­Ë±ä dao3cao2, v.i., (coll.) ¡§lose face.¡¨
38. ­Ë®âüp *dao4zai1cong1, v.i., fall head down first.
39. ­Ë¡¼ dao3zao4, adj., see dao3mei2¡ô.
40. ­Ë¦r¡]¨à¡^ dao3zi4 (dao3ze4er0), to mispronounce (in Peking opera).
41. ­Ë¼v *dao4ying3, n., inverted image or reflection in water.
42. ­Ë¹B dao3yUn4, n., bad luck;
43. ­Ë¹B dao3yUn4, n., (*dao4) reverse.

¥J Num. Index: 91A.00-3     £¨£¾ zi3         (*£¨£¯£¾ zai3        , *£¨ zi1    ).
N.(*zai3, zi3) A very small thing, a kid: ½Þ¥J a piglet, a contemptible fellow, a victim of slave traffic;
(Cantonese) s.t. small: ²Ó°A¥J sai1mengzai3, a child;
¤û¥J¿Ç cowboy pants.
Words1. ¥JªÓ *zi1jian1 (zi1zi3), n., duties, responsibilities, official burdens.
2. ¥J±K zi3mi0, adj., (of knitwear) close-knitted (of textiles) closewoven.
3. ¥J²Ó zi3xi4, v.i. & adj., (1) pay(ing) attention to every detail, do(ing) things carefully;
4. ¥J²Ó zi3xi4, v.i. & adj., (2) attentive, careful.

°¼ Num. Index: 91A.00-4     £©£­£¿ ce4         (also £¨£­£¿ ze4    ).
V.i. & t.(1) To slant, incline (ears), move sidewise (eyes): °¼¦Õ¡A°¼¥Ø¡A°¼»D ce4er3, ce4mu4, ce4wen2¡õ.
(2) To incline forward: °¼­« ce4zhong4¡õ.
Adj.(1) Side: °¼­±¡A°¼«Ç ce4mian4, ce4shi4¡õ;
°¼ªù side door.
(2) (AC) immoral, seductive: °¼´A¡A°¼Æv¡A°¼ÄR enticing, seductive;
°¼¼| immoral.
Words1. °¼µ§ ce4bi3, n., method of laying brush on paper at a slanting angle.
2. °¼¬f ce4bo2, n., a species of cypress, the arborvitae, thuja orientalis.
3. °¼¦Õ ce4er3, v.i., to incline one's ears to listen.
4. °¼À» ce4ji2, v.t., to make flank attack: ®ÇºV°¼À» make oblique references, innuendoes, sly injurious remarks.
5. °¼­« ce4zhong4, v.t., to lay special emphasis (on aspect).
6. °¼­± ce4mian4 (ce4mian), n., side view;
7. °¼­± ce4mian4 (ce4mian), n., side dimension;
8. °¼­± ce4mian4 (ce4mian), adv., from the side.
9. °¼¥Ø ce4mu4, v.i., to look askance at.
10. °¼¨­ ce4shen1, v.i., to lean to one side;
11. °¼¨­ ce4shen1, v.i., to occupy uneasy place in some group.
12. °¼«Ç ce4shi4, n., (1) concubine;
13. °¼«Ç ce4shi4, n., (2) (AC) lineage of s.o. other than the eldest son.
14. °¼Å¥ ce4ting1, v.i., to listen on the side, to eavesdrop.
15. °¼»D ce4wen2, v.i., to learn on the side (news) from others.

­Ì Num. Index: 91A.00-5     £v£´£½ men2         (usu. men    ).
Pron. part.Plural particle for pron: §Ú­Ì¡A§A­Ì¡A¥L­Ì we, you, they;
(now also more generally used for persons: ªB¤Í­Ì¡A¦P­M­Ì friends, fellow citizens, but not for things like teacups, glasses).

°± Num. Index: 91A.00-6     £y£¸£¶£½ ting2    .
N.Ten per cent (¡×¦¨),¡Kout of ten: ¤Q°±¤H®a¥h¤F¤E°± nine out of ten families are gone.
V.i. & t.(1) To stop: °±¦í¡A°±µÛ¡A°±¤U¨Ó come to a stop;
°±¤@·|¡A°±°±¡]¨à¡^ by and by, after a while;
¤£°±ªº¡]°Ê¡AÁ¿¡A¸õ¡^ (move about, talk, jump) continuously;
°±¥Î to stop using: °±¾p stop engine (of ship);
°±¥Z stop publication (of periodical);
°±°â stop selling;
°±¾Ô cease fire;
°±©d¦A°ù divorce wife and remarry.
(2) V.i., to bog down, remain inactive: °±¹y¡A°±º¢ ting2dun4, ting2zhi4¡õ.
V.t.To fix or get ready: °±¦n¤F (room, etc.) has been got ready;
½Õ°± mediate, arbitrate (a dispute);
(in participial use) °±·í got ready, all in proper place;
°±·í¡A°±§´¡A°±¤Ã ting2dang4, ting2tuo3, ting2yUn21¡õ.
Words1. °±¿ì ting2ban4, v.t., give up, close up (business, project, school);
2. °±¿ì ting2ban4, v.t., v.i., close down.
3. °±ªy ting2bo2, v.i., to lie at anchor, lie alongshore.
4. °±¨® ting2che1, v.i., to stop driving, to park: °±¨®úè ting2che1chang2 (ting2che1chang3), a parking lot.
5. °±ûÒ ting2chuang2, v.i., lie on deathbed (cf. ting2ling2¡õ).
6. °±·í ting2dang4, adj., all set, all arranged (of luggage, various arrangements for trip, etc.).
7. °±¹y ting2dun4 (ting2dun0), v.i., be at a standstill owing to difficulties, bog down.
8. °±¥I ting2fu4, v.i., stop payment (of check, salaries).
9. °±¤u ting2gong1, v.i. & n., stop work, stoppage of work.
10. °±¾Ô ting2zhan4, v.i. & n., to cease fire;
11. °±¾Ô ting2zhan4, v.i. & n., a cease fire, armistice.
12. °±º¢ ting2zhi4, v.i., be held up, delayed, not progress normally;
13. °±º¢ ting2zhi4, v.i., be tied up, blocked up.
14. °±¤î ting1jyyr, v.i. & t., gen. word for ¡§stop¡¨ (of work, negotiations, clock).
15. °±Â¾ ting2zhi2, v.i. & t., relieve of office, dismiss, suspend.
16. °±¥Z ting2kan1, v.i., cease publication (of periodical).
17. °±½Ò ting2ke4, v.i., suspend classes in school.
18. °±¼ã ting2lao4, n., cesspool.
19. °±¯d ting2liu2, v.i., stop over during journey, delay for rest, etc.
20. °±ÆF ting2ling2, v.i., to keep coffin at certain place pending burial.
21. °±¤ô ting2shui3, (1) v.i., stop water supply;
22. °±¤ô ting2shui3, (2) n., still water.
23. °±«Í¶¡ ting2si4jian1, n., morgue.
24. °±¾Ç ting2xUe2, v.i., give up schooling;
25. °±¾Ç ting2xUe2, v.i., suspend from school.
26. °±°T ting2xUn4, v.i., stop court proceedings.
27. °±§´ ting2tuo3, adj., (of arrangements) all set.
28. °±¶¼ ting2yin3, n., (med.) indigestion, form of stomach affection.
29. °±¤Ã ting2yUn21, adj., well blended or proportioned.
30. °±¶³ ting2yUn22, phr., (allu.) thinking of absent friends or relatives.

­Á Num. Index: 91A.00-6     £w£¹£¾ fu3    . [Cogn. ¥ñ 91A.81, ªþ 32A.00]
V.i.To bend down: ­Á¥ñ prostrate;
­Á­º bend one's head (in thinking, etc.);
­Á­ºµL¨¥ bend one's head in silence;
­Á­º¶K¦Õ¡A­Á­º¶É¦Õ whisper, listen closely;
­Á­º¶¶±q¡A´N½d obey, submit ¡§with bent head¡¨;
­Á¬B stoop and pick up;
­Á¬B§Y¬O can find (s.t.) everywhere.
Adv.(Court.) design to, condescend to, prefixed to many vbb.: ­Á¤¹¡A­Á­ã condescend to grant, approve (request);
­Á©À kindly consider or remember;
­Á¹î¡A­Á¶¶ÁÖ±¡ (of superior) consider carefully, yield to public sentiment.
Words1. ­Á´N fu3jiu4, v.i., (court.) deign to accept (post).
2. ­Á±q fu3cong2, v.i. & t., follow others' lead;
3. ­Á±q fu3cong2, v.i. & t., deign to follow advice, request.
4. ­Á¥õ fu2yang3, n., as in ­Á¥õ¤§¶¡ in but a short moment.

¦î Num. Index: 91A.00-6     £¤£¹£¿ zhu4    . [Var. of ¡¼]
V.i.To stand waiting.
Words1. ¦î­Ô zhu4hou4, v.i., to wait patiently or anxiously (for your reply ©ú±Ð, etc.).
2. ¦î¥ß zhu4li4, v.t., to stand still.
3. ¦î¬ß zhu4pan4, v.t., see zhu4hou4¡ô.

°½ Num. Index: 91A.00-8     £y£² tou1    . [Usu. printed ¡¼]
N.Burglar: ¤p°½¨à petty thief.
V.i. & t.(1) To steal (oft. forming words with nn. or vbb. like a prefix meaning secretly, stealthily): °½ªF¦è steal things (jewelry, etc.);
°½¨ú¡A°½¨Ó¡A¨Ò±o succeed in stealing;
§Ú³Q°½¤F I have been burglarized;
°½ÅÑ tou1qie4¡õ;
°½ÂûºNª¯ small burglar of the type of dog thieves and chicken thieves;
°½¤u´î®Æ (contractors) save illegally on material and labor;
°½´Ã±¸¹Ó break into tombs to rob the dead;
°½¤Ñ´«¤é audacious scheme of cheating people;
°½ÀsÂà»ñ secretly steal male child and substitute female child;
°½¤H¡A°½º~¤l (of women) have illicit relations with men;
°½­»ÅÑ¥É (of men) have illicit relations with women;
°½±¡¡A°½´Á tou1qing2, tou1chi2¡õ;
°½¬Ý¡A°½¿s¡A°½²´¨à to keep, act like a Peeping Tom;
°½Å¥ eavesdrop;
°½¼L steal food;
°½«C steal green crops, melons, fruit;
°½«B¤£°½³·¡A°½­·¤£°½¤ë thieves steal on rainy or windy nights, not on snowy or moonlight nights;
°½´H°e·x do everything to help, see to the comfort of (friends).
(2) To attack by surprise or at night: °½Àç night attack on camp.
(3) To do s.t. illegally: °½µ| smuggle, evade tax.
(4) To steal a moment of leisure, live on borrowed time: ­e¥B°½¥Í live on without ambition;
°½¦w tou1an1¡õ;
°½¤u¤Ò steal a moment;
°½ªÅ¨à (tou1kong4er0) ¨Ó manage to come at what spare moments possible;
°½¶¢ tou1xian2¡õ.
Adj.(AC) lazy, mean: «h¥Á¤£°½ then the people will not be lazy or deceitful;
°½Á¡ mean, decadent (customs).
Adv.Secretly: °½©¹ go secretly;
°½ûó¨Ó come secretly;
°½¬Ý®Ñ read, consult books stealthily;
°½°½¨à tou1tou1er0.
Words1. °½¦w tou1an1, v.i., have no higher ambition than just to get by.
2. °½¥© tou1qiao3, v.i., do s.t. not properly to save trouble.
3. °½ÅÑ tou1qie4, v.t. & n., to steal;
4. °½ÅÑ tou1qie4, v.t. & n., thievery, a thief.
5. °½´Á tou1chi2, v.i., (MC) see tou1qing2¡õ.
6. °½±¡ tou2qing2, v.i., have illicit relations with men, women.
7. °½ªÅ¡]¨à¡^ tou1kong4(er0), adv., when one can get away from duties (come for a visit, etc.).
8. °½¨à tou1er0, n., a petty thief: ¤p°½¨à.
9. °½Ãi¡]¨à¡^ tou1lan3(tou1la3er0), v.i., to idle or be negligent at work.
10. °½§Nªº tou1leng3de0, adv., (coll.) unexpectedly.
11. °½¥Í tou1sheng1, v.i., live on without meaning or purpose.
12. °½¶¢ tou1xian2, v.i., spare a few moments from work to do s.t. else.
13. °½Å§ tou1xi2, v.t., make a surprise attack on enemy (camp).
14. °½°½¡]¨à¡^ tou1tou1('l), adv., stealthily;
15. °½°½¡]¨à¡^ tou1tou1('l), adv., also °½°½ºNºNªº tou1tou1moumoude0.
16. °½¼L tou1zui3, v.i., steal food.
17. °½ªo¨à tou1you2er0, adj., slippery and lazy.

«W Num. Index: 91A.00-9     £{£¸£¿ li4    .
Adj.Smooth, active, sharp, intelligent, clever: «W¸¨ li4luo4¡õ;
§D«W skillful, clever (person).
Words1. «W«G li4liang4, adj., simple and effective: ÁÙ¬O·F¨ºÂÂÀç¥Í«W«G it would be much more comfortable to carry on my old trade.
2. «W¸¨ li4luo4, adj., (¡×§Q¸¨) wellexecuted: ³o¥ó¨Æ¿ì«W¸¨¤F this matter was skillfully handled;
3. «W¸¨ li4luo4, adj., °®²b«W¸¨ smooth and clean (conclusion, deal).
4. «W¯Á li4suo0, adj., ditto.

«R Num. Index: 91A.00-9     £w£¹£½ fu2    .
N.Prisoner of war.
V.t.Take prisoner of war;
take booty;
see «RÀò fu2huo4¡õ;
³Q«R be taken prisoner.
Words1. «RïU fu2guo2, v.i., (AC) to cut off left ear of war prisoner or of corpse as sign of number of wounded or dead.
2. «RÀò fu2huo4, v.i., capture (booty).
3. «R¸¸ fu2lu3, n., prisoner of war;
4. «R¸¸ fu2lu3, n., «R¸¸Àç war prisoners' camp.
5. «R±° fu2lUe4, v.t., ransack (city) and capture prisoners.

¥ð Num. Index: 91A.01-1     £££¸£² xiu1    .
N.Good times, luck: ¥ð±­¡A¥ð©S xiu1chi11, xiu1jiu4¡õ.
V.i.(1) To rest: ¥ð®§¡A¥ð°² xiu1xi0, xiu1jia4¡õ;
¥ð¡¼ to stop and rest;
¤£¯v¤£¥ð go without sleep or rest.
(2) To retire: ¥ð¦Ñ retire from old age;
°h¥ð retire from office.
(3) To cease, give up: (LL) ¥ð¨o time to stop or give up for failure: §g¥i¥ð¨o would advise you to give up trying or time to retire for your good.
(4) Do not (followed by vb.): ¥ð·Q do not think (I can help you any more, etc.);
¥ð©Ç do not take offense or be surprised (if I fail to do s.t.);
¥ð­n³o¼Ë do not be like this;
¥ð©È do not be afraid;
¥ð±Ð¥L¨«¤F do not let him get away.
V.t.To stop (s.t.): ¥ð¾Ô armistice, cease fire;
¥ð§L stop war as policy;
¥ð¥Z stop publication (of magazine);
¥ð·| close, adjourn meeting;
¥ð·~ close up business;
¥ð¾Ç xiu1xUe2¡õ.
Adv.Off: Âk¥ð get off and retire;
½}¥ð let off, settle a quarrel.
Words1. ¥ð±­ xiu1chi11, phr., happy and unhappy events, for better and worse: ¥ð±­¬ÛÃö mutually concerned in case of a good (¥ð) or bad (±­) turn.
2. ¥ð©d xiu1chi12, v.i., to divorce wife.
3. ¥ð¤õ¤s xiu1huo3shan1, n., an extinct or dormant volcano.
4. ¥ð°² xiu1jia4, n., holiday.
5. ¥ð©S xiu1jiu4, n., good or bad luck, see xiu1chi11¡ô.
6. ¥ð­P xiu1zhi4, v.i., (LL) retire from office (­P¡×­P¥K retire).
7. ¥ð¤î²Å xiu1zhi3fu2, n., a rest in musical score.
8. ¥ð§J xiu1ke1, n., (med.) shock.
9. ¥ð¦Ñ xiu1lao3, v.i., retire from old age.
10. ¥ð¯P xiu1lie4, n., (AC) impressive achievements.
11. ¥ð¨N xiu1mu4, v.i., a day of ¡§rest and bath.¡¨
12. ¥ð·v xiu1xia4, n., holiday, days of rest.
13. ¥ð¶¢ xiu1xian2, (1) adj., free from work;
14. ¥ð¶¢ xiu1xian2, adj., enjoying leisure;
15. ¥ð¶¢ xiu1xian2, (2) n., leisure.
16. ¥ð·² xiu1xie1, v.i. & n., to rest, relax.
17. ¥ð¥ð xiu1xiu1, adj., (1) (AC) good at heart;
18. ¥ð¥ð xiu1xiu1, adj., (2) (MC) ¥ð¡I¥ð¡I alas!'tis enough¡õ
19. ¥ð®§ xiu1xi0, v.i., to take a rest.
20. ¥ð®Ñ xiu1shu1, n., a letter by husband to wife announcing divorce.
21. ¥ð¾Ç xiu1xUe2, v.i., to stop attending school: °Ç¥O¥ð¾Ç expelfrom school.
22. ¥ð¾i xiu1yang3, v.i. & n., rest and recuperate, -tion.

¨Ü Num. Index: 91A.01-1     £¤£¹ zhu1    .
Words1. ¨Ü¾§ zhu1ru2, n., dwarf;
2. ¨Ü¾§ zhu1ru2, n., also (AC) court jester.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.01-1     £{£¯£½ lai2         (*£{£¯£¿ lai4    ). [Anc. form of ¨Ó]
V.t.(*lai4) Var. of ±t 91B.01.
Words1. ¡¼¤l lai2zi3, n., (MC) a prostitute (in Yuarn drama).

ÐÒ Num. Index: 91A.01-1     £z£°£¿ nei4    .
Pron.(Soochow dial.) you (singular).

¹± Num. Index: 91A.01-1     £{£¸£±£½ liao2    .
N.Companion, colleague: ¦P¹± colleague in government service;
©x¹± official, usu. in derog. sense, bureaucrat: ©x¹±¥D¸q bureaucracy;
¹õ¹± see 20A.22.
Words1. ¹±ÄÝ liao2shu3, n., minor officials or staff under superior.
2. ¹±´B liao2xU4, n., husbands of sisters.
3. ¹±¦õ liao2zuo3, n., formerly, asisstants to high officials.
4. ¹±¤Í liao2you3, n., colleague and friend.

ܸ Num. Index: 91A.01-3     £u£¸£±£¿ piao4    .
Adj.Agile (body), smart-looking.
Words1. ܸ®« piao4han3, adj., ferocious, warlike.

«O Num. Index: 91A.01-4     £t£±£¾ bao3    .
N.(1) Official in charge: ¤Ó¤l¤Ó«O¡A¤Ö«O Imperial Tutor in charge of upbringing of crown prince;
®c«O ditto;
¤Ó«O (coll.) juvenile deliquent;
°s«O wine shop owner or waiter.
(2) Guarantor: ³V«O¡AçE«O (find) guarantor (among shop owners);
©Ó«O stand as guarantor, -tee.
V.t.(1) To keep, maintain in good condition with special meanings in compp.: «O«ù¡A«O¾i bao3chi2, bao3yang3¡õ;
«O°·¡A«O©T¡A«O¨|, etc. bao3jian42, bao3gu4, bao3yU4¡õ.
(2) Guarantee, be responsible for safekeeping: «O¤£¦í cannot guarantee;
«O§A¨S¿ù I guarantee it is okay;
Ãø«O cannot guarantee¡Kwill not happen;
¦Û¨­Ãø«O cannot even be sure of one's own safety;
«OÃÒ¡A«OºÞ¡A«OÀI bao3zheng4, bao3guan3, bao3xian3¡õ.
(3) Recommend: «OÂË¡A«Oûs bao3jian41, bao3jU3¡õ.
Words1. «O¦w bao3an1, v.i. & n., public security;
2. «O¦w bao3an1, «O¦w¶¤ bao3an1dui4, n., security corps;
3. «O¦w bao3an1, v.i. & n., «O¦wªL ¡§national park¡¨ area where chopping down of trees is forbidden, protection forest.
4. «O«O bao3bao0, n., darling child (usu. wr. Ä_Ä_).
5. «OÃð bao3biao1, n., bodyguard, armed escort.
6. «O«ù bao3chi2, v.t., maintain (road condition, temperature, etc.).
7. «O¥þ bao3qUan2, v.t., protect (reputation, life, property).
8. «O³æ bao3dan1, n., certificate of guarantee;
9. «O³æ bao3dan1, n., insurance policy.
10. «O¥I¤ä²¼ bao3fu4zhi1piao4, n., guaranteed check.
11. «OºÞ bao2guan3, v.t., be in charge of (jewels, property, etc.): «OºÞ®w bao2guan3ku4, n., safety vault;
12. «OºÞ bao2guan3, «OºÞ¤H custodian.
13. «O©T bao3gu4, v.i., (of contractors) guarantee delivery in good shape within time limit.
14. «OÅ@ bao3hu4, v.t., protect: «OÅ@°ê bao3hu4guo2, n., protectorate;
15. «OÅ@ bao3hu4, v.t., «OÅ@³¾ bao3hu4niao3, n., birds protected under law against shooting;
16. «OÅ@ bao3hu4, v.t., «OÅ@¤H bao3hu4ren2, n., guardian;
17. «OÅ@ bao3hu4, v.t., «OÅ@¦â bao3hu4se4, n., protective coloration.
18. «O»Ù bao3zhang4, n. & v.t., protection (of civil rights, life, property).
19. «OÃÒ bao3zheng4, n. & v.t., guarantee: «OÃÒ¤H bao3zheng4ren2, n., guarantor;
20. «OÃÒ bao3zheng4, n. & v.t., «OÃÒ®Ñ bao3zheng4shu1, n., guarantee certificate.
21. «O¾r bao3jia4, v.t. & n., (be) emperor's escort, esp., in times of crisis.
22. «OÂË bao3jian41, v.t., recommend (person) from responsible quarters.
23. «O°· bao3jian42, v.i. & n., (regimen, exercises for) physical health.
24. «Oµ² bao3jie2, n., bail.
25. «O­« bao3zhong4, v.i. & t., (please) take good care of yourself: «O­«¨­Åé take care of health.
26. «O­ã¡]¨à¡^ bao3zhun3 (bao3jueer0), v.i., guarantee (in coll. sense): «O­ã§A¨S¨Æ I guarantee nothing will happen to you.
27. «Oûs bao2jU3, v.t., recommend (person) for post with personal guarantee.
28. «O¨à bao3er0, n., guarantor for hired help.
29. «O¯d bao3liu2, v.t., (1) reserve: «O¯dÅv§Q reserve rights;
30. «O¯d bao3liu2, v.t., (2) defer discussion for future.
31. «O¥À bao2mu3, n., nurse;
32. «O¥À bao2mu3, n., (fig.) benefactor, good angel, godmother (also wr. «O©i nursemaid).
33. «O¤H bao3ren2, n., guarantor.
34. «O¤s bao3shan1, n., (euphem.) protector;
35. «O¤s bao3shan1, n., (sometimes) go-betweener.
36. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., (life, fire) insurance: «OÀI§AµL¨Æ¡A¥L¤£´±¨Ó guarantee nothing will happen, that he dare not come;
37. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., «OÀI¤½¥q insurance company;
38. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., «OÀIª÷ÃB insured amount;
39. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., «OÀI³æ insurance policy;
40. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., «OÀI¶O premium;
41. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., «OÀI«c¤M safety razor;
42. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., «OÀI½c safe-deposit box;
43. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., ¶Ë®`«OÀI injury insurance;
44. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., ¤õ¨a«OÀI fire insurance;
45. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., ¤H¹Ø«OÀI life insurance;
46. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., °]²£«OÀI property insurance;
47. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., ½Æ«OÀI double insurance;
48. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., ®ü¤W«OÀI marine insurance;
49. «OÀI bao2xian3, v.t. & n., «OÀI½u fuse.
50. «O¦u bao2shou3, (1) v.t. & n., keep (secret, tradition, family property);
51. «O¦u bao2shou3, (2) adj., conservative: «O¦uÄÒ Conservative Party;
52. «O¦u bao2shou3, adj., «O¦u¥D¸q conservatism.
53. «OÄÀ bao3shi4, n. & v.i. & t., bail out.
54. «O¦s bao3cun2, v.t., keep, preserve, guard from loss, harm: «O¦s°êºé preserve the national heritage;
55. «O¦s bao3cun2, v.t., «O¦s¥jª« preserve historical treasures.
56. «O·Å²~ bao3wen1ping2, n., thermos bottle.
57. «O¾i bao2yang3, v.t., take good care of (health): «O¾i¨­Åé.
58. «OÀ¦°ó bao3ying1tang2, n., orphanage.
59. «O¦ö bao3you4, v.t., protect and bless (of God): «O¦ö¥­¦w God give us peace and health.
60. «O¨| bao3yU4, v.t., take care of and educate.

«Y Num. Index: 91A.01-9     £££¸£¿ xi4    .
V.t.(1) To tie up, (lit. & fig.) (¡×ô): «Y­·®·¼v to ¡§tie up the winds and chase after shadows¡¨ (also ®·­·®»¼v)--rely on rumors or speculations;
«YÀV tie rope around neck;
see «YÁu¡A«Y²Ö xi4bi4, xi4lei3¡õ.
(2) (Gen. LL & Cantonese coll.) be (¡×¬O): ¦¹«Y this is;
½T«Y actually is;
©e«Y really is;
­ì«Y¡A¥»«Y originally was;
ªG«Y if it is true that.
(3) Involve, interrelate: Ãö«Y connections, implications, consequences, see Ãö 52B.00;
©Ò«Y«D¤p has grave implications or consequences.
Words1. «YÁu xi4bi4, n., (LL) bracelet.
2. «Y¿æ shihizhong3, v.i., (LL) come in close succession (¡×±µ¿æ).
3. «Y²Ö xi4lei3, n., burden, added responsibility.
4. «Y¼Æ xi4shu4, n., (math.) coefficient;
5. «Y¼Æ xi4shu4, n., ¿±µÈ«Y¼Æ (phys.) coefficient of expansion.

§A Num. Index: 91A.01-9     £z£¸£¾ ni3    .
Pron.You (singular);
§A­Ì (ni3men) you (plural);
§A¦Ñ (familiar but respectful) you venerable sir;
§A¬O½Ö who are you, sir? cf. ±z nin2, 91.72;
§AÁ@ look at that! §A¦n how do you do?

±ø Num. Index: 91A.01-9     £y£¸£±£½ tiao2    .
N. adjunct.A long piece, hard or soft: ¤@±ø½u a piece of thread;
¨â±ø»L two legs: ¤T±ø¸È¤l¡A¿Ç¤l¡A¤ò¤y three skirts, pairs of trousers, towels;
¤@±øµó a street;
¤@±øª¯ one dog;
¤@±øÀs¡A³D¡A³½ one dragon, snake, fish;
¤@±ø©Ê©R (kill) one life;
´X±ø¹D²z several reasons, lines of reasoning, etc.
N.(1) A long piece, hard or soft: Äѱø¡A¯»±ø noodles, vermicelli;
ÅK±ø iron bar;
¬h±ø willow branch.
(2) Thread or line of presentation, esp. ±ø²z tiao2li3¡õ: ±ø²z¤À©ú¡A¦³±ø¦³²z clear, orderly presentation;
¦³±ø¤£¯¿ orderly (reasoning, etc.);
±ø¤ÀÁ\ªR point by point exposition.
(3) Vein, wood grain: ±ø¯¾ tiao2wen22¡õ.
(4) Item, clause, article of law or agreement: ²Ä¤T±ø article 3;
¤@±ø¤@±ø¸ÑÄÀ explain point by point;
±ø³W¡A±ø¨Ò tiao2gui1, tiao2li4¡õ.
(5) (tiao2zi0, er0) A slip of paper, a short note: «K±ø¡A¦r±ø¨à memo, scribbled note;
¤U±ø¤l give written order (by superior).
Adj.Growing healthily (of plants): ±ø¹F¡A±øÔJ¡A±øºZ.
Words1. ±ø³¯ tiao2chen2 (tiao2chen0), n., a memorandam, an official letter to superior containing proposals, requests: ¤W±ø³¯.
2. ±ø³e tiao2guan4, n., continuity of thought, ideas.
3. ±ø³W tiao2gui1, n., regulations.
4. ±ø¥ó tiao2jian4, n., conditions (of agreement, approval);
5. ±ø¥ó tiao2jian4, n., conditions or factors: ¥²­nªº±ø¥ó prerequisite.
6. ±ø°O tiao2ji4, n., formerly, official stamp on documents.
7. ±ø´Ú tiao2kuan3, n., articles of agreement, treaty.
8. ±ø¨Ò tiao2li4, n., regulations, statutes, rules.
9. ±ø²z tiao2li3, n., line of reasoning;
10. ±ø²z tiao2li3, n., orderly presentation: «Ü¦³±ø²z very clear, orderly.
11. ±ø¥Ø tiao2mu4, n., articles, items.
12. ±ø¤l tiao2zi0, n., see N. 5¡ô.
13. ±ø¤å tiao2wen21, n., text of legal paper.
14. ±ø¯¾ tiao2wen22, n., lines, grain in wood, etc.
15. ±ø¬ù tiao2yUe1, n., treaty: ¦hÃä±ø¬ù multilateral treaty;
16. ±ø¬ù tiao2yUe1, n., ¦@¦P¨¾ü}±ø¬ù mutual defense treaty;
17. ±ø¬ù tiao2yUe1, n., ¤¬¤£«I²¤±ø¬ù treaty of nonaggression.

¸l Num. Index: 91A.01-9     £y£± tao1    . [Var. êÖ]
N.Silk braid;
±m¸l colored silk braid.
Words1. ¸lÂÎ tao1chong2, n., a kind of tapeworm.
2. ¸l¤l tao1zi0, n., silk braid on border of gowns: ¸l¤lÄ|¤l silk braid in a queue.

³Ç Num. Index: 91A.01-9     £¡£¸£®£½ jie2    .
N. & adj.Talented, extraordinary (person): »¨³Ç¡A­^³Ç¡A¤H³Ç a hero.
Words1. ³Ç¥X jie2chu1, adj., eminent, outstanding.
2. ³Ç§@ jie2zuo4, n., a masterpiece.

Ü¿ Num. Index: 91A.01-9     £¥£¿ chi4    .
Adj.See ˲ܿ 91A.70.

ÍÞ Num. Index: 91A.02-1     £¢£¸£²£½ qiu2    .
Words1. ÍÞÍÞ qiu2qiu2, adj., (AC) courteous.

ÐÏ Num. Index: 91A.02-1     £t£¸£±£¾ biao3    .
V.t.To distribute: ÐϤÀ to divide;
ÐÏ´² to distribute.

»ú Num. Index: 91A.02-2     £z£¹£¶£½ nong2    .
Pron.(1) (MC) I (first person).
(2) (Dial.) ´ë»ú he, she.
(3) (Soochow dial.) you (singular).

äë Num. Index: 91A.02-4     £££º£³ xUan1    .
Words1. äëÁ¡ xUan1bo2, adj., (LL) frivolous.
2. äë¤l xUan1zi3, n., (LL) a frivolous person.

°¹ Num. Index: 91A.02-4     £¹£° wei1    .
V.i. & t.To lean close to: °¹Áy put cheek and cheek together;
°¹ªñ come close, esp. among lovers;
°¹¶K¡A¬Û°¹ ¡§necking¡¨;
°¹·R hug, otherwise be close and familiar;
(related µT wei1, 91C.02);
°¹¥V¨à (of farmer) stay indoors to pass the winter.

­Î Num. Index: 91A.02-5     £¥£µ chang1    .
N.Ghost of one devoured by tiger: ¬°ªê§@­Î such ghost helps tiger to devour others--to assist tyrants.

¨Ì Num. Index: 91A.02-6     £¸ yi1    .
V.i. & t.(1) To consent, to obey a wish: ¨Ìûó§A obey, accept your wish;
§Ú­nÂ÷±B¡A¦o¤£¨Ì I want a divorce, but she will not consent;
§A¨Ì¤£¨Ì will you do what I say, or won't you? ¨Ìûó¥Lªº¸Ü½} just do what he wants.
(2) To rely on, to be based upon: ¨Ì¿à¡A¨Ì¾a yi1lai4, yi1kao4¡õ;
¨Ì¤s¾a¤ô (a city) based on the hill at the back and overlooking the river or sea;
¨Ì¤HÆX¤U to be dependent on s.o. for a living;
¨Ì¯óªþ¤ì orig. (of brigands) based on jungles and wild country, also (fig.) rely on powerful friends;
also as n., µL¨ÌµL¾a friendless and helpless;
¾Ì¨Ì s.o. or s.t. (friends, relatives) to rely on for help;
¨Ì®Ñª½»¡ go by the book.
(3) (Coll.) to pardon: ¤£¨Ì¤£ÄÇ will never pardon;
§Ú¥²©M§A¤£¨Ì I'll not let you go with this, see ÄÇ 81B.70.
Prep.According to: ¨Ì§Ú©Ò¨£ according to my mind;
¨Ì¥L¡]©Ò¡^»¡ according to what he says;
¨Ì«ß¿ì²z settle according to law;
¨Ì¹ê©Û¨Ñ confess the truth at court.
Words1. ¨Ì³Ä yi1bang4, v.t., to rely on s.o. more powerful;
2. ¨Ì³Ä yi1bang4, v.t., to imitate slavishly anc. models in writing: ¨Ì³Ä¥j¤H.
3. ¨Ì«e yi1qian2, adv., as it used to be, as formerly, see yi1jiu4¡õ.
4. ¨ÌÀ¹ yi1dai4, v.t., (LL) to look up to (s.o.) with respect or gratitude.
5. ¨Ìªþ yi1fu4, v.t., to act as satellite (to s.o.), to join s.o.'s camp;
6. ¨Ìªþ yi1fu4, v.t., to go to (relative) for a living.
7. ¨ÌÂk yi1gui1, (1) v.t., to return to (place, person, faith);
8. ¨ÌÂk yi1gui1, (2) n., an anchor, refuge: µL©Ò¨ÌÂk drifting, without anchor or shelter.
9. ¨Ì¥M yi1zhang4, v.t., to rely on (person, money, situation, personal connections).
10. ¨Ì·Ó yi1zhao4, (1) prep., according to (your opinion, terms of contract, etc.);
11. ¨Ì·Ó yi1zhao4, (2) v.t., to obey, accept, follow (path, instructions, wish, etc.).
12. ¨Ì yi4jiu4, adv., as it used ot be, still¡Kas usual: ¨Ì¤£§ï still unrepentent;
13. ¨Ì yi4jiu4, adv., ¨Ì³h§x poor as usual.
14. ¨Ì¾Ú yi1jU4, (1) n., basis (for statement, belief, reasoning): ¨S¦³¨Ì¾Ú without basis;
15. ¨Ì¾Ú yi1jU4, (2) v.t., to base oneself on: ¨Ì¾Ú³o¾Ç»¡ according to this theory.
16. ¨Ì¾a yi1kao4, v.t. & n., to depend on (s.o.);
17. ¨Ì¾a yi1kao4, v.t. & n., dependence, support.
18. ¨Ì¿à yi1lai4, v.t., ditto.
19. ¨ÌÅÊ yi1lian4, v.t., to continue to long for, to love.
20. ¨Ì¼} yi1mu4, v.t., to love, adore, long for (person).
21. ¨ÌµM yi1ran2, adv., still, as usual.
22. ¨Ìµ} yi1xi1, adj., indistinct (shadows, image).
23. ¨Ì¹ê yi1shi2, adv., (report, confess) truthfully, according to fact.
24. ¨ÌÀH yi1sui2, v.t., to follow (person, wish).
25. ¨Ì±q yi1cong2, v.i. & t., to accept, obey (opinion, command).
26. ¨Ì¦¸ yi1ci4, adv., according to proper order.
27. ¨Ì°U yi1tuo1, v.t., (1) to live with s.o. when in need;
28. ¨Ì°U yi1tuo1, v.t., (2) to take anecdote in history as basis;
29. ¨Ì°U yi1tuo1, v.t., to write fiction based on fact.
30. ¨Ì¹H yi1wei2, v.i., as in ¨Ì¹H¨â¥i be undecided, have no definite conviction of one's own.
31. ¨Ì¼Ë yi1yang4, adv., according to model or pattern: ¨Ì¼Ëµe¸¬Äª do the routine thing without thinking, slavishly copy or imitate.
32. ¨Ì¨Ì yi1yi1, adj., clinging, unable to part.
33. ¨Ì­Ê yi1yi3, v.t., see yi1kao4¡ô.
34. ¨Ì¬ù yi1yUe1, (1) adj., see yi1xi1¡ô;
35. ¨Ì¬ù yi1yUe1, (2) phr., in accordance with promise.

³Ã Num. Index: 91A.02-6     £¡£¸£« jia1    .
Words1. ³Ã¥ë jia1huo0, n., (1) furniture, utensils, tools, instruments;
2. ³Ã¥ë jia1huo0, n., ¦Y¶º³Ã¥ë dining sets;
3. ³Ã¥ë jia1huo0, n., «cÀY³Ã¥ë razors and combs;
4. ³Ã¥ë jia1huo0, (2) (sl.) pistols, knives, swords, etc.;
5. ³Ã¥ë jia1huo0, n., (3) (contempt.) a man or boy: ³o³Ã¥ë this fellow;
6. ³Ã¥ë jia1huo0, n., Ãa³Ã¥ë a bad egg;
7. ³Ã¥ë jia1huo0, n., ¦n³Ã¥ë what a guy! ¤p³Ã¥ë a little imp.
8. ³Ã¨ã jia1jU4, n., furniture, household goods (also wr. ³Ã­Ñ).

ÍÝ Num. Index: 91A.02-6     £{£¸£µ£½ liang2    .
Adj.Good and able: Íݤu skillful workman (¡×¨}¤u).

¹³ Num. Index: 91A.02-9     £££¸£µ£¿ xiang4    .
N.An image, figure: §Î¹³ appearance;
µe¹³ painted portrait;
¹³»ª xiang4mao4¡õ;
¿ò¹³ portrait of deceased;
¥Û¹³ statue;
·Ó¹³ photograph;
·Q¹³ imagination.
V.t.To resemble: ¨â¤H¬Û¹³ the two resemble each other;
¯u¹³¥L really resembles him;
¹³¼Ò¹³¼Ë with airs of importance;
¹³·Ù¦³¤¶¨Æ (Shanghai dial.) ditto.
V.i.To seem to, appear to (+vb.): ¦n¹³ or ¹³ or ¹³¬O (as an independent phr.) it seems;
¥L¹³¡]¦n¹³¡^¤£¤jÄ@·N he seems not very willing;
¹³ or ¦n¹³­n¤U«B¤F it looks like raining;
¦n¹³¤£¦b®a seems not be at home;
¦n¹³¤£Å¥¨£ seems not to hear;
as if: ¦n¹³§A¤£¬O§Ú¿Ë¥Í¤k¨à as if you were not my own daughter.
Adj.(Like the Eng. ¡§like,¡¨ this can be considered adj. or prep. because it takes an object--¡§like me,¡¨ ¡§like him,¡¨ ¡§like new,¡¨ etc.) like, alike: ¹³³o­Ó¡A¹³¨º­Ó like this, like that: ¹³§Ú³o­Ó¤H a person like me;
¤£¤j¹³ is not like (his doing);
¤Ó¤£¹³¸Ü it's beyond the limit--going too far;
it's preposterous.
Words1. ¹³©h xiang4gu1, n., male prostitute or entertainer at banquet (¡×¬Û¤½ 10B.41).
2. ¹³¸Ü xiang4hua4, phr., in ¤£¹³¸Ü too much, beyond the limit.
3. ¹³¨à xiang4er0, n., (1) person's gen. appearance;
4. ¹³¨à xiang4er0, n., (2) µ¹§A¤@­Ó¹³¨àÁ@ (a threat to punish) let you see what it is like.
5. ¹³»ª xiang4mao4, n., person's looks: ¹³»ª«D¤Z a distinguished appearance (also ¬Û»ª).
6. ¹³¤ù xiang4pian1, n., a photograph.
7. ¹³¥Í¨à xiang4sheng1er0, n., assumed airs: ¤£¥Î°µ³o¨Ç¹³¥Í¨à¤F you don't need to put on this act.
8. ¹³¬O xiang4shi4, phr., it seems: ¹³¬O¨S¦¬¨ì«H seems to have not yet received the letter.
9. ¹³¦ü xiang4syh, phr., ditto.
10. ¹³ÃÙ xiang4zan4, n., a verse of a few lines in praise of person who is subject of a portrait.
11. ¹³¼Ë¨à xiang4yang4er0, adj., proper in appearance: ¬ï±o¹³¼Ë¨à dress properly.

¤° Num. Index: 91A.10-1     £¦£½ shi2         (*£¨£«£½ za2    ).
N.(1) (Anc. mil.) a file of ten soldiers.
(2) U.f. ¡§¤Q¡¨, ten.
(3) (AC) ten songs.
Adj.(1) (za2) Miscellaneous (¡×Âø): ¤°¸H chop suey, odds and ends;
¤û¤° odds and ends of beef.
(2) U.f. ¬Æ in ¤°»ò za2mo1¡õ.
Words1. ¤°¦Ê shi2bo2, adj., (AC) tenfold or hundredfold.
2. ¤°¤£¶~¨à shi2bu1xia2er0, n., person in a variety show who sings to the accompaniment of musical instruments he himself plays.
3. ¤°¾¹ shi2chi4, n., miscellaneous utensils.
4. ¤°¥ó¡]¨à¡^ shi2jian3 (shi2jia3er0), n., (1) a miscellany of objects;
5. ¤°¥ó¡]¨à¡^ shi2jian3 (shi2jia3er0), n., (2) entrails, tripe, gizzard, etc.
6. ¤°ÀA shi2jin3, adj., garnished with different ingredients (also wr. ¤QÀA).
7. ¤°»ò shi2mo1 (or she2, weak form sh), adj., weak form of ¬Æ»ò shen2mo1, what: ¦³¤°»ò¥i¦Y what is there to eat?
8. ¤°¶~¨à shi2xia2er0, adj., (coll.) quiet: ¤â¸}¨S­Ó¤°¶~¨à hands and feet never still for a moment.
9. ¤°Å§ shi2xi2, adv., as in ¤°Å§¬ÃÂà carefully packed and preserved.
10. ¤°ª« shi2wu4, n., common everyday articles or objects.
11. ¤°¤@ shi2yi1, n., (1) one tenth;
12. ¤°¤@ shi2yi1, n., (2) the tithe (tax).

¥ó Num. Index: 91A.10-1     £¡£¸£³£¿ jian4    .
N. & n. adjunct.A unit or item of anything: ¤@¥ó¤j¨Æ a memorable (important) event;
¤@¥ó®×¤l a lawsuit, an incident;
¤@¥ó·s»D a piece of news;
¤@¥ó¦çªA a dress;
¤@¥ó¦æ§õ a piece of luggage;
¥ó¥ó each and every item, all items;
¥ó¼Æ number of items of pieces;
½×¥ó­p¹S payment by the piece;
±ø¥ó a provision, condition;
ª«¥ó articles, things.

Ê^ Num. Index: 91A.10-1     £y£¸£¾ ti3    . [Pop. of Åé 42B.30]

­Æ Num. Index: 91A.10-1     £££¸£¶£¿ xing4    .
Adj. & adv.(1) By luck or chance: ­Æ§K escape (punishment, etc.) by luck;
­Æ¦s luckily survive;
­Æ¶i be promoted by luck;
äï­Æ 91A.82, by luck.
(2) Sometimes err. var. of ©¯ 11.10.

­Ä Num. Index: 91A.10-1     £w£¶£¿ feng4    .
N.Salary: Á~­Ä salary;
¤ë­Ä monthly pay.
Words1. ­Ä¿ú feng4qian2, n., salary, pay.
2. ­Äµ¹ feng4ji3, n., salary, subsidies.
3. ­Äª÷ feng4jin1, n., (LL) salary.
4. ­Ä¸S feng4lu4, n., salary of officials.
5. ­Ä»È feng4yin2, n., see feng4jin1¡ô.

ÐÓ Num. Index: 91A.10-2     £¤£¹£¬£½ zhuo2    .
Adj.(AC) awe-inspring.

¦ñ Num. Index: 91A.10-2     £t£³£¿ ban4    .
N.Companion: oft. ¦P¦ñ¡A¦ñ«Q;
²×¨­¦ñ«Q life companion;
®È¦ñ travelling companions.
V.t.Accompany (person at dinners, concerts, etc.).
Words1. ¦ñ·í ban4dang1, n., (MC) servant (also wr. ÀÉ).
2. ¦ñ©h ban4gu1, n., (MC) see ban4niang2¡õ.
3. ¦ñ¨à ba4er0, n., companion: °µ¦ñ¨à keep person company.
4. ¦ñ­¦ ban4lang2, n., best man at wedding.
5. ¦ñ®Q ban4niang2, n., bridesmaid.
6. ¦ñ­¹ ban4shi2, v.i., hold a sinecure.
7. ¦ñ±J ban4su4, v.i., keep vigil at funeral (also pr. ban4xU2 in Peking dial.);
8. ¦ñ±J ban4su4, v.i., pass night with person (of prostitute).
9. ¦ñ«µ ban4zou4, v.i. & t. & n., accompany (-niment) in musical performance.

°¶ Num. Index: 91A.10-2     £¹£°£¾ wei3    .
Adj.Great, robust: °¶¤j¡A°¶¤H wei3da4, wei3ren2¡õ;
¶¯°¶ impressivelooking;
§§°¶ robust;
°¶¤V¤Ò a husky fellow;
Â×¥\°¶·~ great service to the country.
Words1. °¶©¤ wei3an4, adj., tall and robust.
2. °¶¤j wei3da4, adj., great (man, country, record).
3. °¶¤H wei3ren2, n., a great man.

Ê[ Num. Index: 91A.10-3     £t£¶ beng1    .
N. & v.t.(AC, rare) emissary, send emissary to.

»÷ Num. Index: 91A.10-5     £u£¸£¿ pi4         (*£u£°£¿ pei4    ).
Adj.(1) Remote, seldom visited: »÷³B¡A»÷¦a¡A½a¶m»÷Ä[ seldom visited place, romote village;
»÷«Ñ out-of-the-way alley;
¯î»÷ (also *pei4) desolate, remote and less civilized (place).
(2) Devious, unorthodox: °¾»÷¡A¨¸»÷ strange (teachings, conduct).
(3) Rare: »÷¦r rare character;
¥Í»÷ rarely seen (character).
Words1. »÷¹D *pei4dao4, n., quiet bypath.
2. »÷¨å pi4dian3, n., rarely known allusion (in writing).
3. »÷ÀR *pei4jing4, adj., quiet and out-of-the-way (place).
4. »÷­® pi4lou4, n., rustic, uncultivated (person, place).
5. »÷Ä[ pi4rang3, n., remote, little known region.
6. »÷»· pi4yUan3, n., remote (place).

ÐÉ Num. Index: 91A.10-6     £©£¹£°£¿ cui4    .
N.(AC) deputy, assistant, also v.i., act as assistant magistrate.

¨Ë Num. Index: 91A.10-8     £¸£µ£½ yang2    .
V.i. & t.To pretend: ¨Ë°° pretend to be;
¨Ë¤£ª¾¡A¨Ë¬°¤£ª¾ pretend ignorance;
¨Ë¯f¡A¨Ë¨g¡A¨Ë¦º pretend to be ill, to be mad, to be dead.

¥a Num. Index: 91A.10-9     £¢£¸£³ qian1    .
N.(1) ¡§Capital¡¨ of ¤d (thousand) in writing checks.
N.(2) Var. of ¦é 32A.10.

­Ú Num. Index: 91A.10-9     £t£¸£¿ bi4         (£t£°£¿ bei4    ).
Adv. conj.(1) (LL) So that, in order that: ­Ú±o¥ß¨è¶i¦æ so that we may proceed at once;
­Ú±o¶gª¾¡A­Ú¦U¾Ï¿í so that all may know, all may obey (the new law).
(2) (Cogn. of ³Æ) to serve for: (AC) ­Úµe§@©] to make the day serve as night.

É® Num. Index: 91A.10-9     £¹£¾ wu3    .
N.A surname.
Words1. É®§@ wu3zuo4 (wu3tzuo), n., formerly, medical examiner of dead or wounded bodies.

ËÆ Num. Index: 91A.10-9     £v£²£½ mou2    .
V.t.(AC) imitate: ËƦⴢºÙ (AC) try to match manner and appearance;
¬ÛËÆ alike in appearance.
Adj.Equal, matching: ©¼¦¹¬ÛËÆ matching each other.

¥K Num. Index: 91A.11-1     £¦£¿ shi4    .
V.i.To be official: ¾Ç¦ÓÀu«h¥K ¡§officialdom is the natural outlet for good scholars¡¨ (from analects);
¥K©ó»ô was official in chi2;
¥X¥K join government service;
­P¥K resign from government;
¥K¶i¡A¥K³~¡A¥K«Æ shi4jin4, shi4tu2, shi4huan4¡õ.
Words1. ¥Kª© shi4ban3, n., court register of officials: µn¥Kª© enter government service.
2. ¥K«Æ shi4huan4, n., officials as a class, the gentry.
3. ¥K¶i shi4jin4, n., official career.
4. ¥K¸ô shi4lu4, n., ditto.
5. ¥K¤k shi4nU3, n., men and women of supposedly educated class;
6. ¥K¤k shi4nU3, n., ¥K¤kµe Chin. painting of human figures.
7. ¥K³~ shi4tu2, n., official career.

¨Î Num. Index: 91A.11-1     £¡£¸£« jia1    . [Cf. ¹Å 11.40, sometimes synonymous]
Adj.Good, nice, pleasing, beautiful: ¨Î¸` a happy occasion, a joyful festival;
¨Î´º a lovely scene, a fascinating sight;
¨Î¥y a wellturned phrase, celebrated verses of a poem;
¨Î§@ an excellent piece of writing or art work;
¨Î´B (euphem.) a son-in-law;
¨Î°¸ a happily married couple;
¨Î¹ï ditto;
¨Î¤h a cultured person;
¨Î¤l§Ì worthy children;
¨Îªp (of persons) in fine or excellent condition;
¨Î¨ý dainty dishes;
¨ÎªÔ delicacies.
Words1. ¨Î®ð jia1chi41, n., auspicious atmosphere or prospects.
2. ¨Î¾¹ jia1chi42, n., (LL) person of great potentialities.
3. ¨Î´Á jia1chi2, n., wedding day, rendezvous between lovers.
4. ¨Î½ì jia1qU4, n., high spirits, matters of intense interest, relish.
5. ¨Î¸Ü jia1hua4, n., charming stories, anecdotes.
6. ¨Î¹Ò jia1jing4, n., a desirable stage of affairs: º¥¤J¨Î¹Ò getting more and more enjoyable (in drink, etc.).
7. ¨ÎÄR jia1li4, n., a beauty.
8. ¨Î¤H jia1ren2, n., a beauty, a pretty woman, a handsome young man.
9. ¨Î­µ jia1yin1, n., good tidings.

¶È Num. Index: 91A.11-2     £¡£¸£´£¾ jin3         (also £¡£¸£´£¿ jin4    ).
Adv.Only, solely, merely, just: ¶È¶È jin3jin3¡õ;
¤£¶È not only;
¶È¥i may only;
¶È¯à can only;
¶È°÷ barely enough;
¶È¥u only (in an emphatic sense);
¶È¦¹ only this and no more;
µ´µL¶È¦³ s.t. very unique, rare.
Words1. ¶È¶È jin3jin3, (1) adj., only this and no other;
2. ¶È¶È jin3jin3, (2) adv., only, barely, scarcely.

õÀ Num. Index: 91A.11-2     £z£¹£¬£½ nuo2    .
N. & v.t.(AC) a festival to exorcize the devil causing any plague;
to hold such a festival: ¶m¤HõÀ (AC) the villagers were holding this festival.
Adj.ÖaõÀ (AC) soft and pliant;
see Öa 91C.00.

¶Ê Num. Index: 91A.11-2     £©£¹£° cui1    .
V.t.To urge, press for (payment of debt), request (doctor) urgently to come: ¶Ê«P¡A¶Ê¹G cui1tsuh, cui1bi1¡õ;
¶Ê½Ð request urgently;
¶ÊÂk ask urgently to return home;
¶Ê¿ì request s.t. be done quickly.
Words1. ¶Ê¹G cui1bi1, v.t., to press for s.t. to be done (payment of rent, etc.).
2. ¶Ê½Ð cui1qing3, v.t., to request guest to come to dinner (formerly, make repeated requests as form of sincerity).
3. ¶Ê«C cui1qing1, v.i., hasten hatching of silkworms by heat.
4. ¶Ê»° cui1gan3, v.t., to hasten (s.o.) to come;
5. ¶Ê»° cui1gan3, v.t., to hasten to destination.
6. ¶Ê¤Æ¾¯ cui1hua4ji1, n., (chem.) a catalyst (also called IJ´C).
7. ¶Ê§© cui1zhuang1, n., formerly, bridegroom's gift of cosmetics, etc. sent to bride on day before wedding;
8. ¶Ê§© cui1zhuang1, n., ¶Ê§©¸Ö poem written on day of friend's wedding.
9. ¶Ê¬ì cui1ke1, v.i., urge payment of taxes.
10. ¶Ê²\¼u cui1lei4dan4, n., tear bomb.
11. ¶Ê¯v cui1mian2, v.t., to hypnotize;
12. ¶Ê¯v cui1mian2, v.t., ¶Ê¯v³N hypnotism;
13. ¶Ê¯v cui1mian2, v.t., ¶Ê¯v¾¯ soporific.
14. ¶Ê©R²Å cui1ming4fu2, n., s.t. (such as bad news) which hasten person's death.
15. ¶Ê­¢ cui1po4, v.t., to press for (payment, etc.).
16. ¶Ê¥Í cui1sheng1, (1) v.i., (Chin. med.) to hasten child delivery;
17. ¶Ê¥Í cui1sheng1, (2) n., gift of maiden family to expectant mother one month before delivery.
18. ¶Ê°Q cui1tao3, v.i., to press for repayment of debt.
19. ¶Ê«P cui1tsuh, v.t., to press for, ask for quick carrying out.

Ë» Num. Index: 91A.11-3     £¤£½ zhi2    . [Pop. of «¿ 93A.11]

ÄØ Num. Index: 91A.11-4     £{£¹£¬£½ luo2    .
N.See ܼÄØ 91A.93¡õ.

«Z Num. Index: 91A.11-4     £{£¸£¾ li3    .
N.Rustic songs.
Adj.Unpolished, rustic, vulgar: see «Z»y li3yU3, «Zºq li3ge1¡õ.
Words1. «Zºq li3ge1, n., folk songs.
2. «Z«U li3su2, adj., rustic, vulgar, unrefined.
3. «Z¨¥ li3yan2, n., vulgar speech, unrefined language.
4. «Z»y li2yU3, n., colloquial speech, colloquialisms, slang.

¦í Num. Index: 91A.11-6     £¤£¹£¿ zhu4    .
V.i.(1) Reside, live at (place): ¦í©Ò¡A¦í¦v zhu4suo3, zhu4zhai2¡õ;
¦í®a zhu4jia1¡õ;
¦í³B where one stays;
©~¦í live, reside;
¼È¦í¡A¤[¦í reside temporarily, for long;
¦í¤£¤U house is too small for residence.
(2) Lodge, stop for the night: ¦í¤F¤@©] stop for one night;
¦í·² stop for rest.
(3) To stop (action): ¦í¤f¡A¦í¤â zhu4kou3, zhu4shou3¡õ;
¦í¼L (an order) shut up! ¦í¤F­ú stop crying;
¦í¨B stop while walking.
(4) Remain: ºqºÉÁnµS¦í (LL) the song has stopped but the voice remains (lingers).
Adv.(Free suffix after many vbb.) fast as in ¡§hold fast,¡¨ indicating success in holding or obtaining: §ì¦í have grasped (it)--succeeded in doing so;
®³¦í¡A®»¦í have grabbed or arrested;
¸j¦í¤F have (one) bound;
¬Ý¦í¤F keep sharp watch (on person);
¤î¤£¦í cannot stop (flow, etc.);
¯d¤£¦í did not succeed in asking guest to stay longer;
§Ô¤£¦í cannot help (protesting, laughing, etc.);
¨ü¤£¦í cannot bear (s.t.).
Words1. ¦í«ù zhu4chi2, n., abbot, business manager of monastery.
2. ¦í¤á zhu4hu4, n., inhabitant;
3. ¦í¤á zhu4hu4, n., his house.
4. ¦í¦v zhu4zhai2, n., residence, house.
5. ¦í®a zhu4jia1, v.i., (1) reside at home: §A¦b¨ºúG¦í®a where do you live?
6. ¦í®a zhu4jia1, v.i., (2) (of a married woman) live at maiden home.
7. ¦í§} zhu4zhi3, n., address (of person, office).
8. ¦í¤f zhu4kou3, v.i., (an order) shut up!
9. ¦í¤â zhu4shou3, v.i., stop (an order to cease doing s.t.)!
10. ¦í©Ò zhu4suo3, n., place where one lives, accommodation.

«A Num. Index: 91A.11-6     £¤£¹£° zhui1    .
N.Used as a radical, denoting generally birds and fowl (as in Âû besides ü÷ hen, and ¹n pheasant).

¹­ Num. Index: 91A.11-6     £y£¹£¶£½ tong2    .
N.(1) Page, boy servant: ®a¹­ boy servant: ®Ñ¹­ page boy attending to studio.
(2) Interch. µ£ 60.11.

¹µ Num. Index: 91A.11-6     £|£¹£¿ gu4    . [Var. of ¶±]
V.t.Employ the services of: ¹µ¤u gu4gong1¡õ;
¹µ¨® hire a car;
¹µ¤£°_ cannot afford to hire s.o.;
¹µ¨Óªº a person employed for temporary service;
¹µ²î hire a boat.
Words1. ¹µ¤u gu4gong1, n., a hired hand.
2. ¹µ¥D gu4zhu3, n., an employer.
3. ¹µ­û gu4yUan2, n., an employee.
4. ¹µ¥Î gu4yong4, v.t., engage (person, his services).
5. ¹µ¶Ä gu4yong2, n., a person employed by another: ¹µ¶ÄÃö«Y relationship between employer and employee.

¥ô Num. Index: 91A.11-9     £§£´£¿ ren4         (*£§£´£½ ren2    ).
N.(1) One's duty, assignment, responsibility: ¥ô°È ren4wu4¡õ;
³d¥ô official duties;
­«¥ô heavy responsibility;
¥ô­«¹D»· ability to carry heavy responsibilities through thick and thin.
(2) An official post: ­u¥ô go to assume office;
¨ø¥ô step down from office;
¨ì¥ô take up a post;
¨ü¥ô receive an appointment to office;
±µ¥ô take office;
¨«°¨¤W¥ô go to take office;
¦b¥ô during one's tenure of office;
«e¥ô¡A«á¥ô former, present incumbent;
·s¥ô¡AÂÂ¥ô new, old appointee;
­ì¥ô original officeholder;
¾ú¥ô successive officeholders;
ÂË¥ô (of section chiefs, secretaries, etc.) appoint on recommendation;
¡¼¥ô (of viceministers, counsellors, etc.) appoint by selection;
¯S¥ô (of Cabinet members, ambassador, etc.) appoint by special decree.
(3) (*ren2) U.f. §³: pregnancy.
(4) A surname.
V.t.(1) Appoint, assign: ¥ô©R ren4ming4¡õ;
¥ô½å select good men for service;
¥ô§K ren4mian3, ¥ô¥Î ren4yong4, ¥ô´Á ren4chi2, ¥ô¨Ï ren4shi3¡õ;
©e¥ô (of clerks, copyists, etc.) to appoint or commission;
¸u¥ô (of teachers, professors, advisers, etc.) appoint by invitation;
½Õ¥ô to transfer.
(2) Be responsible for: ¥ô³Ò ren4lao2¡õ;
¥ô«è bear blame;
¾á¥ô serve as, occupy the position of;
¥X¥ô assume the duties of;
±M¥ô hold a full-time job;
­Ý¥ô serve concurrently as;
¥ô¤º during one's tenure of office;
ªì¥ô assume office for the first time;
³Ó¥ô´r§Ö be fully qualified for work (duties, assignment);
³s¥ô serve for a second term;
­²Â¾¯d¥ô be stripped of official title but not dismissed.
(3) Let, allow: ¥ô¾Ì ren4ping2, ¥ô«K ren4bian4¡õ;
¥ô¥Ñ let it be;
¥ô±q ren4cong2, ¥ô·N ren4yi4, ¥ô©Ê ren4xing4¡õ;
¥ô©Ò±ý¬° let him do as he pleases, give him a free hand.
(4) To trust: «H¥ô entrust, have confidence in.
(5) Let anyone: ¥ô¦ó¤H³£¤£³\¶i¨Ó no one shall come in no matter who he is.
Adj.Any, no matter who, what, how: ¥ô¬Æ»ò¸Ü³£¤£Å¥ won't listen no matter what you say.
Words1. ¥ô«K ren4bian4, phr., just as you (he) please(s), be free (at liberty) to.
2. ¥ô®ð ren4chi4, adj., hotheaded, quick-tempered, impetuous, rash.
3. ¥ô´Á ren4chi2, n., tenure of office, a tour of duty.
4. ¥ô±¡ ren4qing2, adj., (¡×¥ô©Ê ren4xing4¡õ).
5. ¥ô¹F ren4da2, adj., easygoing, happy-go-lucky, free from worldly worries.
6. ¥ô¦ó ren4he2, adj., any, whatever (person, place, thing).
7. ¥ô©S ren4jiu4, v.i., take upon oneself all the blame.
8. ¥ô³Ò ren4lao2, v.i., bear responsibility for task, devote oneself wholeheartedly to duty.
9. ¥ô§K ren4mian3, v.t. & n., appoint(ment) and dismiss(al).
10. ¥ô©R ren4ming4, v.t. & n., appoint(ment) to office.
11. ¥ô¾Ì ren4ping2, phr., (1) (¡×¥ô«K ren4bian4¡ô);
12. ¥ô¾Ì ren4ping2, phr., (2) no matter what, see Adj.¡ô.
13. ¥ô¤H *ren2ren2, (1) n., (AC) a flatterer, a toady, a sycophant, a deceitful person (¡×úK¤H);
14. ¥ô¤H *ren2ren2, (2) adj., open to everybody.
15. ¥ô«L ren4xia2, n., a gallant and chivalrous person.
16. ¥ô©Ê ren4xing4, (1) v.i., do as one pleases, follow one's natural bent;
17. ¥ô©Ê ren4xing4, (2) adj., intractable, refractory, recalcitrant: ¤£¥i¥ô©Ê don't be self-willed.
18. ¥ô²v ren4shou4, adj., ingenuous, artless, simple, natural.
19. ¥ô¨Æ ren4shi41, (1) v.i., to shoulder responsibility, discharge one's duties: «i©ó¥ô¨Æ fulfill one's duties faithfully and energetically;
20. ¥ô¨Æ ren4shi41, (2) v.i., assign duties to (s.o.).
21. ¥ô¬O ren4shi42, conj., even if.
22. ¥ô¨Ï ren4shi3, v.t. & n., (1) (appoint to) service;
23. ¥ô¨Ï ren4shi3, v.t. & n., (2) duties, responsibilities;
24. ¥ô¨Ï ren4shi3, (3) conj., even if.
25. ¥ô¤Ñ ren4tian1, v.i., leave everything to divine will.
26. ¥ô±q ren4cong2, phr., let s.o. do as he pleases.
27. ¥ôÁa ren4zong4, adj., unrestrained.
28. ¥ô°È ren4wu4, n., an assigned task, duties, responsibilities.
29. ¥ô·N rhehnyi4, v.i., do as one pleases.
30. ¥ô¥Î ren4yong4, v.t., appoint to service.

¨Ö Num. Index: 91A.20-9     £t£¸£¶£¿ bing4    . [Interch. ¦}]
V.t.(1) To combine (cases, treatments): ¨Ö¦X bing4he2¡õ;
Âk¨Ö¤@°_ combine together;
¨Ö³ to pool food together or combine two persons' food to keep one alive;
¨Ö®×¿ì²z handle two matters, cases as one.
(2) To annex (territory): ­Ý¨Ö to annex;
¨Ö§]¡A¨Ö·À bing4tun1, bing4mie4¡õ.
Adj. & adv.(As var. of ¨Ã) to go side by side, take place at the same time or place: »ôÀY¨Ö¶i go forward together;
¦Êªá¨Ö©ñ all flowers bloom together;
½Ñ¯f¨Öµo different diseases break out at the same time.
Words1. ¨Öµo bing4fa1, v.i., (of diseases) occur concurrently.
2. ¨Ö°© bing4gu3, v.t., bury husband and wife in same grave.
3. ¨Ö¦X bing4he2, v.t., combine (treatment), annex (territory);
4. ¨Ö¦X bing4he2, v.t., handle several cases in one.
5. ¨ÖªÓ bing4jian1, adv., (fight, proceed) shoulder to shoulder.
6. ¨Ö·À bing4mie4, v.t., destroy (country).
7. ¨Ö§] bing4tun1, v.t., annex and absorb (neighboring country).

¥P Num. Index: 91A.21-2     £££¸£³ xian1    .
N.(1) A fairy, (Taoist) immortal, a genie: ¥P¤H xian1ren2, ¥P¤½ xian1gong1¡õ;
¯«¥P a fairy;
¯«¥P¬G¨Æ a fairy tale;
¤j¥P a genie;
¤Ñ¥P celestial fairy;
¬ü­Y¤Ñ¥P pretty as a fairy (oft. said of bride);
­×¥P try to become an immortal by Taoist regimen;
¦¨¥P become an immortal;
¤K¥P 80.80;
¥P®q fairy island, fairies' abode in mountains;
¥P¶m¡A¥P¬É fairyland;
¥P¬} fairies' cave;
¥P©² fairies' abode;
¥PÄy register of names of immortals.
(2) (Oft. used as modifier, in praise of) immortal, celestial talent or heavenly beauty: ¥P¤~ ethereal poet (as §õ¥Õ);
¥P­·¹D°© (of person) sagelike type;
¥P«º a woman's ethereal beauty;
°s¥P great poetic drinkers;
¸Ö¥P immortal poet.
(3) N. modifier, having to do with Taoist, esoteric magic: ¥P³N¡A¥Pªk fairy magic;
¥P¤è¡A¥PÃÄ Taoist magic medicine;
¥P¤¦ xian1dan1¡õ;
¥PÀ] where a Taoist recluse lives;
¥P¥h¡A¥P³u¡A¥P¹C pass away and ascend to heaven on a stork;
¥PÅb stork, a particular pet of Taoist.
Words1. ¥P¯Z xian1ban1, n., the fairy retinue or staff.
2. ¥P¸V xian1qin2, n., a stork.
3. ¥P¤¦ xian1dan1, n., (1) pill of immortality;
4. ¥P¤¦ xian1dan1, n., (2) (complim.) very excellent medicine.
5. ¥P¤è¨à xian1fang1er0, n., magical prescription, oft. given in temples in prayer to a god.
6. ¥P©h xian1gu1, n., a female immortal: ¦ó¥P©h one of the Eight Immortals.
7. ¥P¤½ xian1gong1, n., court. address for an immortal, also ¥P¯Î, sometimes as fig. of speech for venerable old man.
8. ¥PÅb»L xian1he4tui3, phr., long, slender legs (of a person, like a stork's).
9. ¥P¯u xian1zhen1, n., an immortal, a Taoist god.
10. ¥P®a xian1jia0, n., see xian1ren2¡õ.
11. ¥P­T xian1mao2, n., (bot.) a grass, curculigo ensifolia, whose root is used as medicine (also called ¡§Brahmin ginseng¡¨±Cùªù°Ñ).
12. ¥P¤k xian1nU3, n., a fairy maiden;
13. ¥P¤k xian1nU3, n., a very pretty girl.
14. ¥P¤H xian1ren2, n., a fairy;
15. ¥P¤H xian1ren2, n., ¥P¤H®± a kind of cactus, cereus multiplex;
16. ¥P¤H xian1ren2, n., ¥P¤H¾á a bar with two big stones, used for exercise;
17. ¥P¤H xian1ren2, n., ¥P¤H´x a kind of cactus, opuntia ficus;
18. ¥P¤H xian1ren2, ¥P¤H¸õ n., a confidence trick, using woman as decoy who then absconds with jewels and money.
19. ¥P³N xian1shu4, n., magic formula.
20. ¥P³u xian1shi4, v.i., (euphem.) pass away.
21. ¥P¾Â xian1tan2, n., altar for use in planchette (§ß¥ä) for invoking spirits.
22. ¥P®ç xian1tao2, n., (poet.) peach.
23. ¥P¤~ xian1cai2, n., a genius.
24. ¥Pµ£ xian1tong2, n., boy servant of immortals: ¥Pµ£¥É¤k boy and girl servants in fairyland.
25. ¥P¤l xian1zi3, n., (1) an immortal, genie;
26. ¥P¤l xian1zi3, n., (2) pretty woman.
27. ¥P¹C xian1you2, v.i., (euphem.) pass away.

Ê\ Num. Index: 91A.21-5     £¢£º£½ qU2    .
Pron.(Cantonese dial.) he (pr. nearly like koer), related ´ë 63.01.

°³ Num. Index: 91A.21-5     £¸£³£¾ yan3    .
N.(1) A surname.
(2) U.f. ³÷ earthen bank or dyke.
V.t.(1) To suppress, lay off, lay down: °³§L stop military preparations;
°³ºX®§¹ª (lit.) call off the army maneuvers, (fig.) stop all activities and lie low (¡§furl flag and silence the drums¡¨);
°³ªZ­×¤å to disband troops and attend to civilian affairs (after conquest).
(2) To flop down, lie down on back: °³ª×¡A°³¤² yan3wo4, yan3pu1¡õ.
Words1. °³î¿ yan2jian3, (1) adj., winding up and down, undulating;
2. °³î¿ yan2jian3, (2) v.i., (AC) to sit idle, to idle about.
3. °³¤² yan3pu1, v.i., to fall down.
4. °³¹« yan2shu3, n., (AC) the mole.
5. °³ª× yan3wo4, v.i., to lie face up.
6. °³¥õ yan2yang3, v.i., to bend and straighten up.
7. °³¤ë yan3yUe4, n., the crescent moon;
8. °³¤ë yan3yUe4, n., °³¤ë¤M a curved sword or curving knife--an anc. weapon.

ܺ Num. Index: 91A.21-5     £º£¾ yU3    .
Words1. ܼܺ yU3lou2, n., a hunchback.
2. ܺ¤H yU3ren2, n., ditto.

­Ï Num. Index: 91A.21-5     £¡£º£®£½ jUe2         (*£¡£º£®£¿ jUe4    ).
Adj.(1) Obstinate, stubborn: ­Ï±j jUe2jiang4¡õ.
(2) (*jUe4) Rude in manner or speech: µÊ®ð­Ï illtempered;
³o¤H­Ï·¥¤F this man is most impertinent;
­Ï¤Ú´Ò¤l a rude fellow.
Words1. ­Ï±j jUe2jiang4, adj., obstinate, stubborn.

Ø\ Num. Index: 91A.21-9     yao2    .
N.Name of aboriginal tribe in Southwest China.

§G Num. Index: 91A.22-1     £t£¹£¿ bu4    . [Interch. ¥¬ in sense of ¡§spread¡¨ ¡§announce¡¨]
V.t.To spread, publicize, announce, propagate: ´²§GÁÁ¨¥ spread rumors;
¶Ç§G©R¥O publish orders.
Words1. §G¹D bu4dao4, v.t. & n., spread (of) gospel.
2. §G¨¾ bu4fang2, v.i. & n., patrol, set up defense line with patrols or defense works.
3. §G§i bu4gao4, n. & v.t., announce (-ment) (also wr. ¥¬).
4. §G¨À bu4jing4, v.t. & n., to lay trap.
5. §G´º bu4jing3, n. & v.i., (set) background, decorations (in garden, drama) (also wr. ¥¬).
6. §G¸m bu4zhi4, n. & v.t., arrange (-ment of) house interiors, dispose (troops);
7. §G¸m bu4zhi4, n. & v.t., make arrangements for (uprising, any big event);
8. §G¸m bu4zhi4, n. & v.t., set pieces in chess (also wr. ¥¬).

¤² Num. Index: 91A.22-2     £u£¹ pu1         (also £w£¹£¿ fu4    ).
V.i.Fall to the ground, drop dead: «e¤²«áÄ~ others take up position as soldiers fall on the battlefield;
heroic fighting.

¥ò Num. Index: 91A.22-2     £¤£¹£¶£¿ zhong4    .
N.(1) A surname.
(2) ©ø¥ò brothers.
Adj.No. 2: ¥ò¬K¡A¥ò®L second mooth in spring, summer, (second and fifth lunar month), cf. ©s for 1st, and ©u for last or 3rd.
Words1. ¥òµô zhong4cai2, v.i. & n., mediation, arbitration: ¥òµôªÌ or ¤H mediator, arbitrator.
2. ¥ò¤l zhong4zi3, n., (AC) younger brother.

¦ù Num. Index: 91A.22-2     £¦£´ shen1    .
V.i.(1) To stretch: ¦ù¥X stretch out: ¦ù¤â¡A¦ù«ü extend a hand, a finger;
¦ù¤j©æ­ô raise a thumb in admiration;
¦ù¦ÞÀY loll out tongue in surprise;
¦ùÀV crane one's neck;
¦ùÀY±´¸£ poke one's head to peek at;
¦ù»LÀü²´ to fall dead.
(2) To unbend, open up: ¦ù¬Ü lift an eyebrow to show satisfaction;
¦ù¸y to stretch oneself;
¦ù­Þ shen1yUan1¡õ;
¦ù¶} open (one's arm);
¯à©}¯à¦ù (a great man) can bend or unbend¡Ðcan take temporary setbacks;
¦ùÁY shen1suo1¡õ.
Words1. ¦ù¤í shen1qian4, v.i., to stretch and yawn (also ¤í¦ù).
2. ¦ù±i shen1zhang1, v.i., to expand (power).
3. ¦ùÃÒ shen1zheng4, n., (AC) evidence (of guilt).
4. ¦ù§Ó shen1zhi4, v.i., to have wish, ambition fulfilled.
5. ¦ù¶} shen1kai1, v.i., to stretch open.
6. ¦ù¤â shen1shou3, v.i., to stretch one's hand: ¦ù¤â¤£¨£´x¡]¤­«ü¡^ pitch-dark;
7. ¦ù¤â shen1shou3, v.i., ¦ù¤â´N¿ì do s.t. at once.
8. ¦ùÁY shen1suo1, v.i. & adj. & n., flexible, -bility;
9. ¦ùÁY shen1suo1, v.i. & adj. & n., adjustment;
10. ¦ùÁY shen1suo1, v.i. & adj. & n., range of change: ¦ùÁY¾l¦a room for adjustment;
11. ¦ùÁY shen1suo1, ¦ùÁY©Ê shen1suo1xing4, n., flexibility, elasticity.
12. ¦ù¸y¨à shen1yao1er0, v.i., to stretch oneself (after bending);
13. ¦ù¸y¨à shen1yao1er0, v.i., (fig.) to hold one's head high: ¤£·Q¤µ¤é«¥­Ì¤]¦ù¸y¨à¤F never thought we would see this day of success.
14. ¦ù­Þ shen1yUan1, v.i., to ask for redress of an injustice;
15. ¦ù­Þ shen1yUan1, v.i., to redress an injustice.

¦ò Num. Index: 91A.22-2     £w£¬£½ fo2         (*£t£¸£¿ bi4    ).
N.(1) (*bi4) ¦òÍ® Bihshi, AC proper name;
(AC¡×´]) to assist.
(2) Buddha, (sakyamuni ÄÀ­{¦È¥§, see ¦òªû fo2tuo2)¡õ;
also various Buddhas, applied to those having attained Buddhahood;
Buddhahood, state of holiness and wisdom, also different manifestations of Buddha;
Buddhist religion, things having to do with Buddhist faith: ¦ò·µ¡A¦x¡A¼q¡A«b Buddhist temple;
¦ò¡¼ niche for Buddha: ¦ò°ó hall with statue of Buddha, Buddhist sutra;
¦ò°ê¡A¦ò¸g country of Buddha, Buddhist sutra;
¦ò·| Buddhist festival and activities;
§¦ò¡A«ô¦ò to worship Buddha;
©À¦ò repeat the name of Buddha;
¦ò½Ï¤é Buddha's birthday, the 8th of 4th lunar month;
¯D¦ò¸` festival of bathing of Buddha, 8th of 4th lunar month;
©ñ¤U±O¤M¡A¥ß¦a¦¨¦ò ¡§lay down the butcher's knife and become Buddha on the spot¡¨--the Buddha nature being innate in man;
¦ò©Ê fo2xing4¡õ;
¦ò²´¬Û¬Ý (MC) regard with mercy;
¦ò¤f³D¤ß words of Buddha and heart of a serpent;
¦òÀYÀ¹ÁT desecration, sacrilege;
¬'ò living Buddha;
ªüÀ±ªû¦ò Amitabha, used like ¡§Halleluya!¡¨ ¡§God be praised,¡¨ usu. fulfillment of a wish.
Words1. ¦òªk fo2fa3, n., power of Buddha;
2. ¦òªk fo2fa3, n., the law of Buddha.
3. ¦òªG fo2guo3, n., the attainment of Buddahood.
4. ¦ò®ü fo2hai3, n., the wide-open church of Buddhism.
5. ¦ò®a fo2jia1, n., Buddhist follower;
6. ¦ò®a fo2jia1, n., school of philosophy.
7. ¦ò¥Ò¯ó fo2jia2cao3, n., (bot.) sedum lineare.
8. ¦ò±Ð fo2jiao4, n., the Buddhist religion.
9. ¦ò¸g fo2jing1, n., sutra.
10. ¦ò¦Ñ fo2lao3, n., Buddha and Laotse, their teachings oft. considered related in respect to life phenomena.
11. ¦òªù fo2men2, n., the school of Buddhism: ¦òªù§Ì¤l Buddhist followers.
12. ¦ò®á fo2sang1, n., place name¡×§ß®á 10A.81.
13. ¦ò¹³ fo2xiang4, n., statue of Buddha.
14. ¦ò©Ê fo2xing4, n., Buddha nature.
15. ¦ò¤â fo2shou3, n., an aromatic citrous fruit, with tip ending like fingers.
16. ¦ò¨Æ fo2shi4, n., Buddhist religious service: °µ¦ò¨Æ have mass, prayer said.
17. ¦òªû fo2tuo2, n., translit. of term Buddha, quite exact in pronunciation of 600 A.D.
18. ¦ò¯ª fo2zu3, n., respectful address of Buddha.
19. ¦ò¤l fo2zi3, n., Bodhisattva µÐÂÄ 20A.40;
20. ¦ò¤l fo2zi3, n., a Buddhist;
21. ¦ò¤l fo2zi3, n., a kind person.

­Ö Num. Index: 91A.22-2     £u£¯£½ pai2    . [Dist. ±Æ; var. ±r]
Adj.Prefix denoting comic, comedy.
Words1. ±r½á pai2fu4, n., arch. form of light, ornate descriptive poetry of 4th-6th cen.
2. ±rºq pai2ge1, n., (AC) comic songs, oft. satiric.
3. ±r¥y pai2jU4, n., a Japanese form of light poetry consisting of 17 words.
4. ±rë¦ pai2nUe4, v.i. & adj., satiric, -ize.
5. ±r¿Ó pai2xie2, adj., comic, satiric.
6. ±rÅé¸Ö pai2ti3si4, n., light, comic poetry.
7. ±rÀu pai2you1, n., comedian.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.22-6     £¥£¯£¾ chai3    . [Abbr. of ¾«¡õ]

¾« Num. Index: 91A.22-6     £¥£¯£¾ chai3    . [Abbr. ¡¼]
N.(LL) fellow, group: §^¾« we;
¾«½ú¡A¾«Ãþ fellows of the same class or group;
¦P¾« fellows, friends;
¾«°¸ companion.

ɲ Num. Index: 91A.22-8     £¡£¸£®£¿ jie4    .
N.(1) A male servant: ¶Qɲ (court.) your messenger or boy;
´Lɲ ditto;
¤pɲ a young attendant.
(2) Pop. of »ù price.

¥õ Num. Index: 91A.22-9     £¸£µ£¾ yang3    .
V.i. & t.(1) To face upward: ¥õ¤Ñªø¼S to make a long whistle or cry into the air;
¥õ­±´Â¤Ñ to fall down face up;
­Á¥õ¤§¶¡ in a short moment (of ¡§facing up and down¡¨).
(2) To hope: ¥õ±æ yang3wang4¡õ;
¥õ¯à¦X·N hope it is what you want.
(3) To look up to (person): ·q¥õ admire and respect;
¥õ¼} yang3mu4¡õ;
¤[¥õ short for ¤[¥õ¤j¦W formula for first meeting of well-known person;
«H¥õ to believe in (God, s.t.).
(4) (Documentary to subordinate official or common people) hope: ¥k¥õª¾±x hope you take note of the above;
¥õ§Y¿í·Ó hope you will obey and do accordingly.
(5) To rely on, depend on: ¥õµ¹¡A¥õ¿à yang3ji3, yang3lai4¡õ;
¥õ¤H»ó®§ depend on another's whims and pleasures (¡§snort and sneezes¡¨);
¥õ­¹©ó¤H to depend on another for living.
Adv.Up, upwards: ¥õµø¡A¥õÆ[ looking upwards.
Words1. ¥õ¤K¤e yang3ba1cha1, v.i., to fall down on one's back with legs pointing up: ¥õ¤K¸}¨à¡]¤l¡^ ditto.
2. ¥õ¬r yang3du2, phr., to take poison (drinking face up).
3. ¥õ¥ú yang3guang1, n., Rangoon.
4. ¥õ¥M yang3zhang4, v.t., to rely on, see yang3lai4¡õ.
5. ¥õ¨¤ yang2jiao3, n., (math.) angle of elevation.
6. ¥õµ¹ yang2ji3, v.t., to support (parents).
7. ¥õ¤î yang2zhi3, v.t., to admire greatly (as one stops looking up at a peak).
8. ¥õ¿à yang3lai4, v.t., to rely on (favor, support).
9. ¥õ¼} yang3mu4, v.t., to admire (person).
10. ¥õÃk yang3pan1, v.i., to climb up;
11. ¥õÃk yang3pan1, v.i., (fig.) to climb socially.
12. ¥õ±æ yang3wang4, v.i. & t., hope.
13. ¥õÃÄ yang3yao4, phr., to quaff medicine.

§@ Num. Index: 91A.22-9     £¨£¹£¬£¿ zuo4         (*tzuo        , *£¨£¹£¬£½ zuo2    ).
N.A profession: ¥Ë§@ mason, bricklayer;
¤ì§@ carpenter;
§@§{ zuo4fang0¡õ;
¬~¦ç§@ laundry.
V.i. & t.(1) V.i., arise, stand up: ¸t¤H§@ a sage arose;
«È§@¦ÓÃã the guest stood up to say good-bye.
(2) V.t., do, make, work at (usu.) interch. °µ, the vernacular form, except certain phrr. where §@ is preferred): §@¤u do manual work (physical labor);
§@¨Æ to busy oneself with, be engaged in (employed at), work for a living;
§@¦çªA¡]¾c¤l¡^ make a dress (shoes).
Words1. §@«O zuo4bao3, v.t., stand guarantee, go security (bail) for (person): §@«O¨£ be guarantor and witness.
2. §@½} zuo4ba4, v.i., give up, dismiss as not worth more discussion.
3. §@¦ñ¡]¨à¡^ zuo4ban4 (zuo4ba4er0), v.t., serve as companion for (person), keep (s.o.) company.
4. §@¡¼¤l *tzuobie3zi0, v.i., be embarrassed, condemned, reproached.
5. §@§O zuo4bie2, v.i., bid s.o. goodbye.
6. §@¹ú zuo4bi4, v.i., practise irregularities (fraud);
7. §@¹ú zuo4bi4, v.i., cheat (in examination, work).
8. §@¦¨ zuo4cheng2, v.t., (1) have (s.t.) made or done;
9. §@¦¨ zuo4cheng2, v.t., (2) help to do, make a success of;
10. §@¦¨ zuo4cheng2, v.t., (3) play a trick on (person).
11. §@±¡ zuo4qin0, v.i. & t., (1) admire s.o. out of respect;
12. §@±¡ zuo4qin0, v.i. & t., (2) intercede, mediate;
13. §@±¡ zuo4qin0, v.i. & t., (3) make a pretense.
14. §@½ù zuo4chuo4, v.i., (1) see zuo4ba4¡ô;
15. §@½ù zuo4chuo4, v.i., (2) work and stop.
16. §@¦± zuo4qU3, v.i., write a song, set a song to music, compose melody: §@¦±®a composer.
17. §@¤ï zuo4dai3, v.i., as in ¬°«D§@¤ï do evil.
18. §@©è zuo4di2, v.t., offer (s.t.) as compensation.
19. §@¹ï zuo4dui4, v.t., (1) to set against, be opposed to;
20. §@¹ï zuo4dui4, v.t., (2) to match (person) with another in marriage.
21. §@´c zuo4e4, (1) v.i., see zuo4dai3¡ô;
22. §@´c zuo4e4, (2) adj., moody, melancholy;
23. §@´c zuo4e4, (3) v.i., vomit, see zuo4ou3¡õ.
24. §@¥ï zuo4fa1, v.i., to act as a gobetween in marriage.
25. §@ªk zuo4fa3, (1) n., a method of making, preparing, manufacturing, cooking;
26. §@ªk zuo4fa3, n., procedure, course of action, step taken;
27. §@ªk zuo4fa3, (2) v.i., practise magic;
28. §@ªk zuo4fa3, (3) legislate, make laws: §@ªk¦ÛÀÅ caught by one's own laws or device.
29. §@¤Ï zuo4fan3, v.i., to rebel, revolt, turn against.
30. §@§{ *tzuofang0, n., a workshop.
31. §@¼o zuo4fei4, v.t., annul, make null and void, declare invalid.
32. §@­· zuo4feng1, n., way of doing things.
33. §@¦ò¨Æ zuo4fo2si0, v.i., (Budd.) say mass.
34. §@ºq zuo4ge1, v.i., compose a song.
35. §@±ð zuo4geng3, v.i., obstruct, impede, hamper, hinder.
36. §@À] zuo4guan3, v.i., formerly, serve as a private tutor.
37. §@©Ç zuo4guai4, v.i., make trouble, play tricks, act in a strange way: ¤Ö©M§Ú§@©Ç don't play any of your dirty tricks on me.
38. §@¥j zuo4gu3, v.i., (euphem.) (LL) pass away (¡§join the ancients¡¨).
39. §@¯Ó zuo4hao4, v.i., (coll.) (1) take up arms in revolt;
40. §@¯Ó zuo4hao4, v.i., (2) make trouble: ¥Í¨Æ§@¯Ó instigate incidents and make trouble.
41. §@¬¡¡]¨à¡^ zuo4huo2(er0), v.i., work to earn a living.
42. §@¾Ô zuo4zhan4, v.i., to fight, make war.
43. §@ÃÒ zuo4zheng4, v.i., serve as a witness in court.
44. §@®a zuo4jia1, (1) n., an author, writer;
45. §@®a zuo4jia1, (2) v.i., (AC) take care of personal finance.
46. §@°² zuo4jia3, (1) v.i., pretend, present a false front;
47. §@°² zuo4jia3, (2) v.t., to take, make an imitation copy.
48. §@õ zuo4jian3, v.i., (of silkworm) to spin a cocoon;
49. §@õ zuo4jian3, v.i., (fig.) tie oneself up with duties (like a cocoon): §@õ¦Û¿£ ditto.
50. §@¶ù zuo4jia41, v.i., (of a woman) help another to get married (¡§make a trousseau for her¡¨): ¬°¤H§@¶ù to busy oneself with helping other people.
51. §@»ù zuo4jia42, v.t., assess the value, set a price.
52. §@½î *zuo2jian0, v.t., trample under foot, treat harshly.
53. §@­p zuo4ji4, v.t., intend, have in mind, aim at: §Ú¥»¤£¬°­ë§@­p (LL) this was not done with you in mind.
54. §@«l zuo4jin4, v.t., render assistance to (s.o.): ¥L¯uµ¹§A§@«l he went all out to help you.
55. §@´N zuo4jiu4, v.i., get s.t. successfully done.
56. §@«æ zuo4ji2, v.i., make haste, be snappy.
57. §@¥D zuo4zhu3, v.t., make the final decision (also °µ¥D).
58. §@«È zuo4ke4, v.i., (1) be a guest at a friend's;
59. §@«È zuo4ke4, v.i., (2) sojourn in a strange land.
60. §@Áï zuo4kuo4, v.i., to show off, make a vain display.
61. §@­W zuo4ku3, v.i., to work at arduous task.
62. §@¼Ö zuo4le4, v.i., (1) enjoy oneself, have a good time;
63. §@¼Ö zuo4le4, v.i., (2) (zuo4yUe4) to play music;
64. §@¼Ö zuo4le4, v.i., write scores.
65. §@¹p *tzuolei2, v.i., bring disaster on one's own head.
66. §@®Æ¡]¨à¡^ *zuo2liao4(er0), n., (of food) seasoning.
67. §@¶Ã zuo4luan4, v.i., rise in revolt, turn against the authorities.
68. §@¹Ú zuo4meng4, v.i., to dream;
69. §@¹Ú zuo4meng4, v.i., give free rein to one's imagination.
70. §@´C zuo4mei2, v.i., act as gobetween in marriage (also °µ).
71. §@¼¯ *zuo2mo0, v.i., make conjectures, try to figure s.t. out.
72. §@»ò zuo4mo2, adv., (MC) what for? why? what is one doing? (also §@»ò¥Í).
73. §@¹õ zuo4mu4, v.i., (LL) serve as a secretary (assistant, adviser) to an official, be on his staff.
74. §@Ãø zuo4nan2, v.i., find oneself in a predicament, don't know what to do.
75. §@Ä^ zuo4nie4, v.i., (abuse) do some cursed thing, be guilty of an act that will bring its own retribution.
76. §@¹Ã zuo4ou3, v.i., (1) vomit, turn the stomach;
77. §@¹Ã zuo4ou3, v.i., (2) feel resentment, detest, loathe.
78. §@¬£ zuo4pai0, n., (1) gestures and movements of actors on stage;
79. §@¬£ zuo4pai0, n., (2) affected manners.
80. §@³­ zuo4pei2, v.i., sit at the same table with the guest of honor.
81. §@«~ zuo4pin3, n., a literary or artistic work.
82. §@¤H zuo4ren2, v.i., (1) behave oneself properly, maintain correct relations with other people;
83. §@¤H zuo4ren2, v.i., (2) help develop the capabilities of young talents.
84. §@¦â zuo4se4, v.i., to change color, as in anger.
85. §@µ½ zuo4shan4, v.i., do good turns.
86. §@Án zuo4sheng1, v.i., break silence, begin to speak.
87. §@¿³ *zuo2xing0, (1) v.t., hold in high regard: ûó¹ê§@¿³³o´X­Ó¤H (MC) set these few men on a pedestal;
88. §@¿³ *zuo2xing0, (2) vb. phr., might as well let: §@¿³¤k«Ý¶@°µ­Ó´C¤H might as well let the lady-inwaiting be the go-between;
89. §@¿³ *zuo2xing0, (3) adj., sanctioned by tradition: ¤jµs¬Û¶Ç¦³³o­Ó³W¯x¡A¤£§@¿³®`Ã𧽪º robbers are bound by a traditional rule not to attack those operating an escort service for travellers;
90. §@¿³ *zuo2xing0, (4) adv., perhaps, maybe: ¬Ý³o¤Ñ®ð¡A§@¿³­n¤U«B given such weather, maybe it's going to rain.
91. §@­A zuo4shua3, v.i., (1) to joke, poke fun;
92. §@­A zuo4shua3, v.i., (2) to play, make merry.
93. §@­z zuo4shu4, v.i., make original contributions and be a transmitter of those of others.
94. §@¸Ö zuo4si4, v.i., write poems, versify.
95. §@¶Õ zuo4shi4, v.i., gesticulate: ûs¤â§@¶Õ make a gesture with hands;
96. §@¶Õ zuo4shi4, v.i., ¸ËµÄ§@¶Õ put on airs.
97. §@»Ä *tzuosuan1, v.i., (1) feel stomach acidity;
98. §@»Ä *tzuosuan1, v.i., (2) (zuo4suan1) be jealous of husband, or wife.
99. §@¯© zuo4sui4, v.i., (some evil spirit) cause trouble, make mischief.
100. §@³t zuo4su4, v.i., hurry up, make haste.
101. §@¦º *tzuosi3, v.i., (abuse) dig one's own grave.
102. §@ºA zuo4tai4, v.i., (1) put on pretenses;
103. §@ºA zuo4tai4, v.i., (2) strike an attitude.
104. §@µh zuo4tong4, v.i., to ache, cause pain.
105. §@¥~ zuo4wai4, v.i., stand on ceremony (as ¡§with outsiders¡¨): §Ì¥S¥ð§@¥~ brothers don't need to stand on ceremony.
106. §@¬° zuo4wei2 (zuo4wei0), (1) n., conduct and actions;
107. §@¬° zuo4wei2 (zuo4wei0), n., accomplishments, achievements;
108. §@¬° zuo4wei2 (zuo4wei0), (2) vb. phr., regard as: §@¬°½}½× let the matter be dropped (¡§regard as ended¡¨).
109. §@¤å zuo4wen2, v.i. & n., (write) an essay, composition, article.
110. §@ª« zuo4wu4, n., (1) farm crop;
111. §@ª« zuo4wu4, n., (2) literary or artistic composition.
112. §@©ã zuo4ya1, v.i., offer as security.
113. §@²´ zuo4yan3, v.i., (1) serve as an informer;
114. §@²´ zuo4yan3, v.i., (2) (Chin. game of ¡§go¡¨) make an encircling movement so as to occupy more space on the chessboard.
115. §@Äo zuo4yang3, v.i., to itch.
116. §@·~ zuo4ye4, v.i. & n., (do) a school assignment, homework.
117. §@´¥ *tzuoyi1, v.i., to make an obeisance.
118. §@­Þ *tzuoyUan1, v.i., fall into a trap set by oneself.
119. §@¥Î zuo4yong4, n., (1) essential function: ¾÷¾¹ªº§@¥Î¦b¸`¬Ù¤H¤O it's the function of machines to save manpower;
120. §@¥Î zuo4yong4, n., (2) underlying purpose: ¨º¦³¬Æ»ò§@¥Î what purpose can it serve?
121. §@¥Î zuo4yong4, n.,(3) motive, reason: ¥L»¡¨º¥y¸Ü¥²¦³§@¥Î he must have some good reason for saying so;
122. §@¥Î zuo4yong4, n.,(4) action produced by some natural force: ¤Æ¾Ç§@¥Î chemical action;
123. §@¥Î zuo4yong4, n.,(5) effect: ³oºØÃĵo¥Í¤F¹w´Áªº§@¥Î this drug has had the expected effect (on the patient).
124. §@«M zuo4yong3, phr., (AC) originate an immoral (vicious, wicked) practice: ©l§@«MªÌ¨äµL«á¥G cursed be he who first introduced the practice of burying wooden images (and later living beings) with the dead (Mencius).

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.22-9     £¢£¸£±£½ qiao2    . [Abbr. of ¹´ 91A.42]

­È Num. Index: 91A.30-1     £¤£½ zhi2    . [Usu. printed ­È]
N.Price, cost: »ù­È value, price;
¼W­È increase in value;
¶S­È devalue (currency).
V.i. & t.(1) Be one's turn, be on duty: ­È¤é¡A­È¯Z¡A­È¶Ô day or turn on duty;
½ü­È take turns;
­È¨Æ¤H person on duty;
·í­È take one's turn;
­È¬P one's turn on duty on Sunday.
(2) Come upon, meet: ­È¤Ñ¤U«B it happens to rain;
­È¥L¤£¦b®a he happens to be not at home;
­È¦¹¦M«æ¤§¬î at such a critical time.
(3) To cost or be worth (price): ­È¦h¤Ö¿ú how much does it cost? »ù­È¤dª÷ worth a thousand dollars: ­È±o¡A­È¿ú zhi2de0, zhi2qian2¡õ.
Words1. ­È¿ú zhi2qian2, adj., valuable, worth money: ¤£­È¿ú worthless.
2. ­È±o zhi2de0, adj., worth it: ³o¥ó¨Æ­È±o¶O¤@µf¤ß this matter is worth careful thinking;
3. ­È±o zhi2de0, adj., ­È±o¬ã¨s worth careful study;
4. ­È±o zhi2de0, adj., ¯u­È±o really worth it ;
5. ­È±o zhi2de0, adj., ¤Ó¤£­È±o not worth the trouble.

¦õ Num. Index: 91A.30-1     £¨£¹£¬£¾ zuo3    .
N.An assistant: ¦õÂø zuo3za2, ¦õ¶L zuo3er4¡õ;
ĵ¦õ deputy police officer;
¨µ¦õ assistant police inspector.
V.t.Serve as an assistant to: »²¦õ serve as an assistant (adviser, minister) to s.o.
Words1. ¦õ¶L zuo3er4, n., deputy administrative officer.
2. ¦õÃÒ zuo3zheng4, n., evidence that serves to substantiate (a statement, charge).
3. ¦õ¨® zuo3jU1, n., (AC) a reserve carriage for use in an emergency.
4. ¦õ²z zuo2li3, (1) v.t., assist s.o. in management;
5. ¦õ²z zuo2li3, (2) n., assistant manager.
6. ¦õ©R zuo3ming4, v.i., assist a prince to gain the throne and found a new dynasty.
7. ¦õÂø zuo3za2, n., gen. term for minor clerks and assistants.

¾¨ Num. Index: 91A.30-2     £¡£¸£´£¾ jin3    . [Abbr. ¡¼]
V.i. & t.Be free, feel free to: ¾¨ºÞ jin3guan3, ¾¨±Ð jin3jiao4, ¾¨¦Û jin3zi4¡õ.
Adv.Particle used for emphasis or as a superlative: ¾¨©³¤U down to the lowest level, beginning from the very bottom;
¾¨¤WÀY up to the highest point, starting with the topmost;
¾¨¶q jin3liang4, ¾¨°÷ jin3gou4, ¾¨¥ý jin3xian1, ¾¨ûó jin3zhe0¡õ;
¾¨¥i¥H certainly may, be free to.
Words1. ¾¨°÷ jin3gou4, phr., more than enough (adequate, sufficient).
2. ¾¨ºÞ jirnguan3, adv., even if (=jin3jiao4¡õ).
3. ¾¨ûó jin3zhe0, phr., to the greatest possible extent: ¾¨ûó¦U¤Hªº¯à¤O°µ¨Æ let each one do his best.
4. ¾¨±Ð jin3jiao4, adv., with no restrictions imposed.
5. ¾¨¶q jin3liang4, adv., as much (many) as possible, to the fullest extent.
6. ¾¨Åý jin3rang4, adv., be as humble and yielding as possible.
7. ¾¨¥ý jin3xian1, adv., as early (soon) as possible.
8. ¾¨¦Û jin3zi4, phr., let s.o. do as he pleases.

¤¯ Num. Index: 91A.30-3     £§£´£½ ren2    .
N.(1) The core or kernel of fruits: §ö¤¯ almonds;
ªG¤¯ fruit kernels;
®ç¤¯ peach kernels.
(2) (¡×¤H) ¦P¤¯ colleagues, fellow workers.
(3) Anything resembling a kernel: Àû¤¯ the pupil of the eye;
½¼¤¯ shelled shrimps.
(4) Love, benevolence, charity, humanity: ¤¯¸q ren2yi4¡õ;
¤¯·R ren2ai4¡õ;
¤¯·O ren2ci2¡õ.
(5) A person of great virtue: ¦Æ·R²³¡A¦Ó¿Ë¤¯ love one's fellow men and associate with the virtuous;
(Confu.) a true man as an ideal.
Adj.(1) Respectable, esteemed: ¤¯¥S ren2xiong1¡õ;
¤¯§Ì ren2di4¡õ;
¤¯¤½ ren2gong1¡õ.
(2) Sensitive to external stimuli: ³Â¤ì¤£¤¯ (lit.) insensitive, partially paralyzed, (fig.) unfeeling, apathetic, indifferent.
(3) Humane, compassionate, humanitarian (policy, government), merciful (heart, character).
Words1. ¤¯·R ren2ai4, n., love of one's fellow men.
2. ¤¯¼w ren2de2, n., love, kindheartedness, benevolence, humanity.
3. ¤¯§Ì ren2di4, n., (1) (addressing a younger friend) ¡§my dear little brother¡¨;
4. ¤¯§Ì ren2di4, n., (2) (addressing one's student) ¡§my dear friend.¡¨
5. ¤¯®¦ ren2en1, n., kind and gracious acts, tender feelings.
6. ¤¯­· ren2feng1, n., pervading atmosphere of kindness and generosity.
7. ¤¯¤½ ren2gong1, n., (court.) honored sir (used for venerable people).
8. ¤¯«p ren2hou4, adj., kindhearted, charitable, considerate, sympathetic.
9. ¤¯¬F ren2zheng4, n., (politics) policies for the good of the people;
10. ¤¯¬F ren2zheng4, n., a humane government (Mencius).
11. ¤¯¨à rerer0, n., the kernel of a fruit.
12. ¤¯¨½ ren2li3, n., a village (district, neighborhood) noted for good customs.
13. ¤¯¥Á ren2min2, v.i., love the people;
14. ¤¯¥Á ren2min2, v.i., practice kindness to the people.
15. ¤¯¤H ren2ren2, n., a kindhearted (compassionate) person: ¤¯¤H§g¤l men of goodwill, philanthropists;
16. ¤¯¤H ren2ren2, n., (Confu.) ideal of true man.
17. ¤¯Án ren2sheng1, n., (AC) the mellowing influence of classical music and poetry.
18. ¤¯¤ß ren2xin1, n., kindheartedness, charity: ¤¯¤ß¤¯»D a good repute for kindness.
19. ¤¯®¤ ren2shu41, adj., kind and forgiving.
20. ¤¯³N ren2shu42, n., (AC) acts of kindness, the ways of the kindhearted.
21. ¤¯¥S ren2xiong1, n., (vocative) my good friend.
22. ¤¯·O ren2ci2, adj. & n., kindness, charity, love, tender mercy.
23. ¤¯¯Î ren2weng1, n., address of elderly person in letters, my esteemed sir.
24. ¤¯¨¥ ren2yan2, n., (AC) precepts, moral teachings.
25. ¤¯¸q ren2yi4, (1) adj., kind and justice;
26. ¤¯¸q ren2yi4, (2) n., humanity and justice;
27. ¤¯¸q ren2yi4, (3) (*ren2yi0) well-behaved: ³o­Ó¤p«Ä¤l«Ü¤¯¸q¡A¤£²^®ð (coll.) this little boy has good manners and is never naughty.

Ée Num. Index: 91A.30-3     £ª£« sa1    .
N.(Vern. short for ¤T san1) three persons: ¥L­ÌÉe ta1msa1, they three.

»ø Num. Index: 91A.30-3     £¡£¸£µ jiang1    .
V.i. & t.(1) V.i., remain stiff and motionless: »ø¤² to fall, prostrate.
(2) V.t., dare (s.o.), set on: »ø¨Æ jiang1shi4¡õ.
Adj.(1) Numb, stiff, motionless: »ø¥ß¡A»øª× jiang1li4, jiang1wo4¡õ;
»øª½ stiff and rigid;
­á»ø¤F stiff with cold;
¨­Åé¤w¸g»ø¤F rigor mortis has set in;
»øµw numb and rigid.
(2) Deadlocked: »ø§½ jiang1jU2, »ø«ù jiang1chi2¡õ;
§Ë»ø¤F¡A¾x»ø¤F come to an impasse;
»ø¤Æ jiang1hua4¡õ.
Words1. »ø«ù jiang1chi2, v.i., be deadlocked, stalemated.
2. »ø¤Æ jiang1hua4, v.i., come to a deadlock, reach an impasse.
3. »ø§½ jiang1jU2, n., a deadlock, impasse, stalemate.
4. »ø¥ß jiang1li4, v.i., stand motionless.
5. »ø«Í jiang1si4, n., vampire;
6. »ø«Í jiang1si4, n., a reported walking corpse.
7. »ø¨Æ jiang1shi4, v.i., stir up trouble between others.
8. »øª× jiang1wo4, v.i., lie stiff and motionless.

¥î Num. Index: 91A.30-3     £¹£¾ wu3    .
N.(1) (AC) a unit of five soldiers: ¥îªø wu3zhang3¡õ.
(2) Troops, rank and file: ¶¤¥î ditto;
¦æ¥î¥X¨­ was originally in the army;
¤J¥î¡A°h¥î join, retire from military service;
¸¨¥î fail in examinations;
²Û»P¬°¥î ashamed to be seen in the same company.
(3) Used for ¡§spelling out¡¨ the number ¡§five¡¨ in checks, instead of ¤­.
Words1. ¥îªø wu2zhang3, n., (mil.) (roughly corresponds to) squad leader, now generally called ¯Zªø.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.30-3     £¤£¶ zheng1    . [Cogn. ©Ã 22A.30]

Ê` Num. Index: 91A.30-3     £u£¸ pi1    .
Adj.(AC) Moving (herd);

¦ý Num. Index: 91A.30-4     £x£³£¿ dan4    .
N.A surname.
Adj.(1) Only, just, merely: ¦ý¦³¤@­Ó¡]¡×¥u¦³¡^ there's only one;
¦ýÅ¥¥L§h©J just follow what he says;
¦ý§¤µL§«¡A¦ý»¡µL§« just sit down, just speak out what is on your mind;
¦ý¥u¤@¦¸ only this once;
¦ý¤£¹L§Ú­Ì¨â¤Hª¾¹D it's only between us two;
¦ý¶·¡A¦ý­n only want;
¦ý±æ only hope;
¤£¨D¦³¥\¡A¦ý¨DµL¹L do not hope to distinguish myself, but only not to make mistakes;
oft. used negatively in ¤£¦ý¡A°Z¦ý¡A«D¦ý not only;
¤£¦ý¦p¦¹ not only this.
vern. usu. ¦ý¬O LL ¦ý or ¦ý«Y, see ¦ý¬O dan4si0;
if only: ¦ý¨Ï dan4shi3¡õ.
Words1. ¦ý¤Z dan4fan2, conj. & adv., whoever, whenever, whatever, all: ¦ý¤Z¬O¤H¡A³£¦³­Ó¨}¤ß all men have a conscience;
2. ¦ý¤Z dan4fan2, conj. & adv., ¦ý¤Z¤£¹Hªk¡A³£¥i¥H°µ whatever is not against the law is permissible.
3. ¦ý¥u dan4zhi3, adv., only: ¦ý¥u«ë I only regret.
4. ¦ý¬O dan4si0, (1) conj., but, nevertheless;
5. ¦ý¬O dan4si0, (2) adv., only: ¦ý¬O¤@­Ó¤p«Ä¤l it's only a child.
6. ¦ý¨Ï dan4shi3, conj., only if: ¦çªg¤£¨¬±¤¡A¦ý¨ÏÄ@µL¹H only if I could follow my wish, it does not matter that my dress is wet.
7. ¦ýÄ@ dan4yUan4, v.i., wish, hope: ¦ýÄ@§A¯à¦­¨ì hope that you can come early;
8. ¦ýÄ@ dan4yUan4, v.i., ¦ýÄ@§A¦¨¥\ wish you success;
9. ¦ýÄ@ dan4yUan4, v.i., ¦ýÄ@¦p¦¹ I hope so.

¦ì Num. Index: 91A.30-6     £¹£°£¿ wei4    .
N. adjunct.¤T¦ìªB¤Í¡A«È¤H three friends, visitors.
N.(1) Status, seat, position: ¦a¦ì a person's status or situation;
¦ì¨õ¡A¦ì´L low, high status;
«È¦ì¡A¥D¦ì seat of guest, of host;
Åý¦ì to play for giving higher seat to s.o. else, also to abdicate;
¥»¦ì a unit, basic unit.
(2) Seat of authority;
the throne, spirit tablet: »¹¦ì¡AÁI¦ì abdicate the throne;
°h¦ì give up post of power;
¯«¦ì¡AµP¦ì spirit tablet.
(3) Person: ³o¦ì¬O½Ö (more court. than ³o­Ó¤H) who is this gentleman? ½Ñ¦ì¡A¦C¦ì (term in public address) ladies and gentlemen;
¦n´X¦ì a good many persons;
²Ä¤@¦ì number one person, also (gram.) first person;
²Ä¤T¦ì third person;
¤T¦ì¤@Åé the Trinity.
V.t.(AC) to take its place: ¤Ñ¦a¦ì²j things in the universe take their proper places;
¦ì¡]©ó¡^ªF«n situated in southeast.
Words1. ¦ì¤À wei4fen0, n., proper status.
2. ¦ì¸¹ wei4hao4, n., seat numbering;
3. ¦ì¸¹ wei4hao4, n., (AC) official title.
4. ¦ì¸m wei4zhi4 (wei4zhi0), (1) n., (a) situation, position, post;
5. ¦ì¸m wei4zhi4 (wei4zhi0), (b) place: ©ñ¦b¬Æ»ò¦ì¸m where did you put it?
6. ¦ì¸m wei4zhi4 (wei4zhi0), (2) v.t., to place (a person) in some post.
7. ¦ì¦¸ wei4ci4, n., order of seating.
8. ¦ì¤l wei4zi0, n., a seat, a post.
9. ¦ì±æ wei4wang4, n., social status and prestige.

­Ã Num. Index: 91A.30-6     £}£¹£¶ kong1    .
Words1. ­Ã˾ kong1tong2, adj., (LL) as in phr., ­Ã˾µLª¾ innocent like a child.
2. ­Ã¶Í kurngzong3, adj., (AC) (1) hard pressed;
3. ­Ã¶Í kurngzong3, adj., (2) in a great hurry;
4. ­Ã¶Í kurngzong3, adj., (3) very much occupied.

¨× Num. Index: 91A.32-9     £¥£¾ chi3    .
Adj.(1) Extravagant: °ø¨× ditto;
¨×¥Î waste money;
extravagant talk: ¨×¨¥¡A¨×½×¡A¨×½Í chi3yan2, chi3lun4, chi3tan2¡õ.
(2) Dissolute, immoral (¨¸¨×).
(3) Broad, open (vowels).
Words1. ¨×¨× chi2chi3, adv., (LL) extravagantly.
2. ¨×½× chi3lun4, n., extravagant, high-sounding talk.
3. ¨×Ãû chi2mi3, adj., extravagant, wasteful.
4. ¨×½Í chi3tan2, n., see chi3lun4¡ô.
5. ¨×¨¥ chi3yan2, v.i. & n., to exaggerate, swagger.

¦ô Num. Index: 91A.40-1     £|£¹ gu1         (also £|£¹£¾ gu3        , *£|£¹£¿ gu4    ).
V.t.Estimate, assess the value, see compp.¡õ;
¦ô°ï¨à estimate value of whole lot;
¹w¦ô make a preliminary estimate;
Âi¦ô put a higher value on things already assessed.
Words1. ¦ô³æ gu1dan1 (guu-dan), n., an estimate of prices submitted to a prospective customer, a quotation.
2. ¦ô»ù gu1jia4 (gu3jia4), v.t., (business) to quote the current price;
3. ¦ô»ù gu1jia4 (gu3jia4), v.t., estimate value (of jewels, etc.).
4. ¦ô­p gu1ji4 (gu3ji4) n. & v.t., (make), an estimate (of costs).
5. ¦ô¶q gu1liang0 (gu3liang4), v.t., (1) calculate (distance, conditions);
6. ¦ô¶q gu1liang0 (gu3liang4), v.t., (2) to estimate.
7. ¦ôºN gu1mo0, v.t. & n., (1) (make) a rough estimate;
8. ¦ôºN gu1mo0, v.t. & n., (2) (be on) guard against.
9. ¦ô¦ç *gu4yi1, n., secondhand clothes.

¹¯ Num. Index: 91A.40-1     £££¸ xi1    .
Adj.Happy: ¹¯¼Ö to enjoy oneself.

¦ö Num. Index: 91A.40-1     £¸£²£¿ you4    .
V.t.To help: §È¦ö¡A«O¦ö (of God) to help, protect, bless (also wr. ¯§).

°´ Num. Index: 91A.40-2     £§£¹£¬£¿ ruo4    .
Adv.So, to such an extent or degree: °´¤j¦~¬ö so old, so much advanced in age;
°´¤j©Ð¤l such a big house;
°´»·ªº¨ì³oúG¨Ó have come from so far;
°´¦h so much.

¦û Num. Index: 91A.40-2     £¤£³£¿ zhan4    .
V.t.(1) To occupy, esp. by force or illegally (also wr. ¥e): ¦û¾Ú zhan4jU4¡õ;
¦û«K©y take advantage of situation;
¦û¤W­· take advantageous position;
¦ûÀu¶Õ gain advantage, stand ahead, in contest;
«I¦û¡AÅQ¦û encroach on territory, take illegal possession of;
¦û¦³ seize possession.
(2) U.f. ÛÑ 22S.70, to covet, watch.
Words1. ¦û¹Ü zhan4duo2, v.t., see zhan4ling3¡õ.
2. ¦û¾Ú zhan4jU4, v.t., to occupy, esp. illegally.
3. ¦û»â zhan4ling3, v.t., to take possession by force.
4. ¦û¥ý zhan4xian1, v.i., to reach or occupy ahead of others.

«Q Num. Index: 91A.40-4     £{£º£¾ lU3    .
N.Companion: ¦ñ«Q companion;
±¡«Q lovers, sweetheart;
¥P«Q companion in fairyland.

­Ð Num. Index: 91A.40-5     £¡£º£¿ jU4    .
Adj.(1) Proud, haughty, arrogant: ­Ð¶Æ supercilious, conceited, puffed up.
(2) Slightly bent.

«H Num. Index: 91A.40-6     £££¸£´£¿ xin4    .
N.(1) Mail, letter: «H¥ó¡A«Hºà¡A«H®t¡A«H½c xin4jian4, xin4jian1, xin4chai1, xin4xiang1, etc.¡õ;
¨Ó«H your letter, letter from s.o.;
¥h«H letter to s.o.
§Ö«H express letter;
¦^«H letter of reply;
³o¨Ï©¹ÁÙ exchange of letters and messengers.
(2) News, message, correspondence: ¤f«H oral message;
­µ«H letter, news;
³q«H¡]°T¡^ªÀ news agency;
³q«H¡]°T¡^­û news correspondent.
(3) Agreed signal: «H¸¹ (war, naval) signal;
«HµP xin4pai2¡õ;
¾Ì«H document, evidence.
(4) Regular periodical appearance: ¤ë«H¡A«H¤ô menstruation;
«H­· seasonal winds;
¼é«H tides.
(5) (AC) messenger.
(6) Sincerity;
¥¢«H fail on promise;
­I«H violate promise or agreement.
(7) A surname.
V.i. & t.To believe, to trust: ¬Û«H believe;
§Ú¬Û«H I believe;
±N«H±NºÃ¡AºÃ«H°Ñ¥b half believe and half doubt;
´±¬Û«H¡A¤£´±¬Û«H dare, dare not, believe;
«H±o¡A«H¤£±o believable, unbelievable;
«H±o¤Î¡A«H¤£¤Î¡A«H±o¨Ó¡A«H¤£¨Ó dare, dare not trust;
«H±o¹L¡A«H¤£¹L can, cannot believe or trust, also trustworthy, not trustworthy;
¦Û«H believe in oneself, self-confidence;
»´«H believe whatever one is told;
«H©^¡A«H¥õ¡A«H®{¡A«H°U, etc. xin4feng4, xin4yang3, xin4tu2, xin4tuo1, etc.¡õ.
Adj. & adv.(1) (LL) true, truly, indeed: «H¥G is it true? «H¦³¤§¨o indeed there are such things;
«HµM it is indeed true.
(2) Honest: «H¹ê xin4shi2;
«H¥v xin4shi31¡õ;
«H½à¥²»@ awards and punishments rigorously carried out.
Prep.(Followed by nn. forming adv. phrr.) trusting, guided by: «H¤f¡A«H¤â¡A«H¨B xin4kou3, xin4shou3, xin4bu4¡õ;
«Hµ§¡A«H·N¨à xin4bi3, xin4ye4er0¡õ;
«H°¨¥ÑÅ· ride with lax reins--(fig.) let things take their natural course.
Words1. «Hµ§ xin4bi3, adv. phr., «Hµ§ª½®Ñ write freely without too much hesitation or as fancy dictates.
2. «H¨B xin4bu4, adv. phr., «H¨B¶¢¹C roam about without definitive objective (¡§where the foot takes one¡¨).
3. «H´¡ xin4cha1, n., mail rack.
4. «H®t xin4chai1, n., mailman.
5. «H¦Ú xin4chen2, n., (AC) emissary ¡]¡×¨Ï¦Ú¡^.
6. «H·Þ xin4die2, n., (LL) official memos.
7. «H©³¡]¨à¡^¡]¤l¡^ xin4di3(xin4dieeer0)(zi0), n., original draft for a letter.
8. «H¼n xin4fan1, n., (1) (AC) a banner bearing title of commander;
9. «H¼n xin4fan1, n., (2) (Budd.) banner of believer.
10. «H©^ xin4feng4, v.t., to believe in and worship (God), to be member of (religion).
11. «H«Ê xin4feng11, n., envelope.
12. «H­· xin4feng12, phr., trade wind.
13. «HªA xin4fu2, v.t., see xin4feng4¡ô.
14. «HÂF xin4ge1, n., carrier pigeon.
15. «H¸¹ xin4hao4, n., military or naval signal: «H¸¹¯¥ gun signal.
16. «Hû¿ xin4hui4, n., mail transfer.
17. «H¥¾ xin4zha2, n., letters in gen.: ©¹¨Ó«H¥¾ exchange of correspondence.
18. «H¥ó xin4jian4, n., letters.
19. «Hºà xin4jian1, n., letter paper, esp. artistic paper.
20. «H§½¡]¤l¡^ xin4jU2(zi0), n., formerly, private firm for carrying mail before post office system was established.
21. «H¯È xin4zhi3, n., letter paper.
22. «H¾a xin4kao4, v.t., to trust, rely on (God).
23. «H¤f xin4kou3, adv. phr., «H¤f¶}ªe say whatever comes to one's mind, without proper consideration;
24. «H¤f xin4kou3, adv. phr., «H¤f»Û¶À criticize or make statements freely without careful thought (see »Û¶À 21S.11);
25. «H¤f xin4kou3, adv. phr., «H¤f­J»¡ talk nonsense.
26. «H©À xin4nian4, n., faith, esp religious.
27. «H¤k xin4nU3, n., female believer, usu. µ½¨kµ½¤k (Budd.) men and women believers.
28. «HµP xin4pai2, n., formerly, tally used in delivering official messages.
29. «H¯¥ xin4pao4, n., gun signal;
30. «H¯¥ xin4pao4, n., formerly, also gun signal for daybreak (³ø¾å¯¥) and noon (¤È¯¥) in some cities.
31. «H¤ù xin4pian4, n., postcard (also ©ú«H¤ù).
32. «H¥Ö xin4pi2, n., (vulg.) envelope.
33. «HÅ{¨à xin4rang2er0, n., (coll.) contents of an envelope.
34. «H¥ô xin4ren4, v.i. & t., to trust, place confidence in (person): ¤Ó«H¥ô¤F trust people too much;
35. «H¥ô xin4ren4, v.i. & t., «H¥ô§ë²¼ a vote of confidence;
36. «H¥ô xin4ren4, v.i. & t., «H¥ôª¬ credentials.
37. «H®§ xin4xi0, n., news (¡×®ø®§).
38. «H½c xin4xiang1, n., letter box, pillar box: ¶l¬F«H½c post office box (P.O.B.).
39. «H¦æ¨à xin4xing0er0, n., (coll.) promissory note, deed, certificate.
40. «H¤ß xin4xin1, n., (1) faith, esp. religious;
41. «H¤ß xin4xin1, n., (2) confidence.
42. «H¤â xin4shou3, adv. phr., do.s.t. without previous plan: «H¤â©â¤@¥»®Ñ pick out a book at random.
43. «H¤h xin4shi41, n., (1) believer, follower of religion;
44. «H¤h xin4shi41, n., (2) an honest man.
45. «H»} xin4shi42, n., an oath, a pledge: «H»}¥¹¥¹ (AC) oath solemnly pledged.
46. «H¹ê xin4shi2, adj., trustworthy, honest.
47. «H¥v xin4shi31, phr., trustworthy historical record.
48. «H¨Ï xin4shi32, n., messenger, emissary: «H¨Ï©¹ÁÙ exchange of correspondence and emissaries.
49. «H±J xin4su4, adv., (LL) stay over for two consecutive nights.
50. «H¤Ñ¯Î xin4tian1weng1, n., (zoo.) the albatross.
51. «H±ø xin4tiao2, n., creed;
52. «H±ø xin4tiao2, n., articles of creed.
53. «H±q xin4cong2, v.t., to believe and obey (God, His teachings).
54. «H°U xin4tuo1, (1) to trust, entrust;
55. «H°U xin4tuo1, (2) a trust for managing funds: «H°U°òª÷ a trust fund;
56. «H°U xin4tuo1, «H°U§½ a trust corporation;
57. «H°U xin4tuo1, «H°U»È¦æ a trust (bank).
58. «H®{ xin4tu2, n., follower, believer (of religion).
59. «Hµ©¤l xin4tong3(zi0) n., public post box for sending letters.
60. «H¤l xin4zi0, n., (pop. for ªä lamp pith).
61. «Hª« xin4wu4, n., a token of promise, a ring, etc., as pledge, a keepsake.
62. «H¥õ xin4yang3, (1) n., faith, belief, esp. religious;
63. «H¥õ xin4yang3, (2) v.t., to believe in or worship (God, religion).
64. «H·N¨à xin4ye4er0, adv., (do things) impulsively, as one wishes.
65. «H¸q xin4yi4, n., (1) honesty: ¤£¦u«H¸q do not keep promise;
66. «H¸q xin4yi4, n., (2) justification by faith;
67. «H¸q xin4yi4, n., «H¸q·| Evangelical Lutheran Church (religion).
68. «HÅA xin4yU4, n., reputation for honesty, trustworthiness.
69. «H¥Î xin4yong4, n., (1) a man's trustworthiness, gen. reputation: ¤£¦u«H¥Î do not keep one's words;
70. «H¥Î xin4yong4, n., (2) credit: «H¥Î­É´Ú credit loan;
71. «H¥Î xin4yong4, n., «H¥Î¥æ©ö a business deal on credit;
72. «H¥Î xin4yong4, n., «H¥Î¦X§@ªÀ a cooperative bank;
73. «H¥Î xin4yong4, n., ¯Â«H¥Îª¬ clean credit, also open credit;
74. «H¥Î xin4yong4, n., «H¥Îµû®Ö credit rating;
75. «H¥Î xin4yong4, n., «H¥Î¶Å¨é debenture;
76. «H¥Î xin4yong4, n., «O§I«H¥Îª¬ confirmed letter of credit;
77. «H¥Î xin4yong4, n., ²{ª÷«H¥Îª¬ cash letter of credit.

­¿ Num. Index: 91A.40-6     £t£°£¿ bei4    .
N.Fold, multiple times: ¤T­¿ three times;
¤­­¿ five times;
¦Ê­¿ a hundred fold;
¥[­¿ double: §Q¿ú¥[­¿ double the interest;
¥[­¿¥Î¤u double efforts (to study);
¥[­¿¤p¤ß be twice as careful (extra careful).
V.t.(AC) synonymous with ­I¡G«h¥Á¤£­¿ then the people do not turn their backs on (ruler).
Adj. & adv.Double, -bly: ­¿¼W¶Ë·P doubly grieved;
­¿¼W¡A­¿¥[ doubly.
Words1. ­¿¹D bei4dao4, adv., (of travel) by day and night or by land and water, i.e., with best speed (dist. ­I¹D 22.42).
2. ­¿¨à beher0, adv., (coll.) very, doubly: ­¿¨à«G very bright and shining.
3. ­¿á¢ bei4xi3, adv., double and redouble, (lit.) one to five times.
4. ­¿¼Æ bei4shu4, n., multiple.

­¾ Num. Index: 91A.40-6     £|£¹£³ guan1    .
N.(1) °ó­¾ a boy in the employ of a teahouse, tavern or restaurant.
(2) ­¾¤H guan1ren2¡õ.
Words1. ­¾¤H gua4ren2, n., (1) (AC) an officer in charge of royal chariots;
2. ­¾¤H gua4ren2, n., (2) formerly, a euphemism for prostitutes or courtesans.

«U Num. Index: 91A.40-8     £ª£¹£½ su2    .
N.Social customs: ­·«U¡AºD«U¡A«UºD¡A²ß«U ditto;
¤g«U¡A«Z«U local customs;
¬y«U common current customs;
¥@«U the lay world, the common run of mankind.
Adj.(1) Vulgar, common, everyday, opp. ¶® ya3, elegant: «U®ð¡A«U¤H su2chi4, su2ren2¡õ;
«U¨Æ¡A«U°È common, everyday business: «U°ÈÄñ¨­ tied down by everyday affairs;
«U²Ö business concerns, worries;
«U¦O average official or clerk;
«U¥Ø¡A«U²´¡A«U¦Õ mortal eyes, ears (what they see or hear);
«U¤£¥i­@ unbearably common;
¥¼¯à§K«U have to do what others are doing;
«U®M su2tao4¡õ.
(2) Secular (opp. religious), worldly, (what is) common and only human: «U®a¡A«U¤÷ su2jia1, su2fu4¡õ;
«U±¡¡A«U±ý su2qing2, su2yU4¡õ.
Words1. «U®ð su2chi0, adj., (1) vulgar, common;
2. «U®ð su2chi0, adj., (2) tiresome: ³o¸Ü§ÚÅ¥«U®ð¤F I am tired of this talk.
3. «U±¡ su2qing2, n., common, human feelings.
4. «U¤÷ su2fu4, n., natural father of a monk.
5. «U°© su2gu3, n., as in ¤Z­L«U°© the body as heir to all mortal desires.
6. «U¸Ü¡]¨à¡^ su2hua4(er0), n., common saying.
7. «U®a su2jia1, adj. & n., secular (dress);
8. «U®a su2jia1, adj. & n., monk's blood kins.
9. «U¨Ò¨à su2lie4er0, n., customary rules.
10. «U¬y su2liu2, n., the common run of men.
11. «U¤H su2ren2, n., vulgarian.
12. «U©| su2shang4, n., current fashions.
13. «U¨Æ¡]¨à¡^ su2shi4(su2she4er0), n., common business.
14. «UºA su2tai4, n., vulgar manner.
15. «U®M¡]¤l¡^ su2tao4(su2tao4zi0), n., usual routine social activities (greetings, invitations, etc.);
16. «U®M¡]¤l¡^ su2tao4(su2tao4zi0), n., usual set of phrases, cliches.
17. «U¦r su2zi4, n., popular form of character (as ¡¼ for ¾Ô).
18. «U¤å¾Ç su2wen2xUe2, n., popular literature (ballads, songs, etc.).
19. «Uª« su2wu4, n., (contempt.) a vulgarian, philistine, a vulgar, unrefined person.
20. «U¿Î su2yan4, n., proverb.
21. «U½t su2yUan2, n., person's destiny in mortal world: «U½t¥½¤F the time has not yet come for entering monastery.
22. «U±ý su2yU4, n., natural human desires;
23. «U±ý su2yU4, n., vulgar desires.
24. «U»y¡]¨à¡^ su2yU3(er0), n., proverb, popular saying.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.40-8     £¦£­£½ she2    . [Var. of Ô£ 40A.40]

³É Num. Index: 91A.40-8     £©£µ cang1         (also £¥£¶£½ cheng2    ).
Adj.Vulgar: ³É¤÷¡A³É¤Ò«U¤l (LL contempt.) a vulgar person.

¦÷ Num. Index: 91A.40-9     £¢£¸£®£½ qie2    .
N.Word used in translit. of Sanskr. sound ga1 and ka1 (as also ­{), being also the Chin. pronunciation around 600 A.D. and in Fukien and Canton dialects today.
Words1. ¦÷ÂÅ qie2lan2, n., (Budd.) temple;
2. ¦÷ÂÅ qie2lan2, n., ¦÷Âų¾ the white pelican.
3. ¦÷ù qie2luo2, n., a Cambodian wood, prized for its perfume, eagle wood (also called ¨I­»).
4. ¦÷«n­» qie2nan2xiang1, n., a wood prized for its perfume;
5. ¦÷«n­» qie2nan2xiang1, n., such perfume.

äî Num. Index: 91A.40-9     £x£³ dan1    .
N.Name of country.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.40-9     £¥£²£½ chou2    . [Var. of øA 91S.11]

­É Num. Index: 91A.41-2     £¡£¸£®£¿ jie4    .
V.t.Borrow, lend, make use of, resort to, rely on: ¼È­É temporarily use s.t. belonging to another;
­É¥Î jie4yong4¡õ;
§Ú­Éµ¹¥L¤@¨Ç I've lent him some (money);
¦n­É¦nÁÙ make it a point to return everything one has borrowed;
­É¿ú¡A­É´Ú borrow money, funds;
­É¶Å incur debt;
°²­É borrow, make use of (oft. without due authorization), also use one character to serve for another of similar pronunciation (¡§u.f.¡¨ in this dictionary): °²­É¥L¤H¦W¸q do s.t. in the name of s.o. else;
­É­·¨Ï²î (fig.) sail with the wind;
­É¤M±þ¤H do harm to s.o. through the hands of another;
­ÉÃDµo´§ give vent to one's pent-up feelings on some extraneous pretext;
­ÉªáÄm¦ò make presents provided by s.o. else;
­É«ÍÁÙ»î be reincarnated in s.o. else's body;
­É¬G¥ÍºÝ pick a quarrel or fight on some flimsy pretext;
­É¥ú jie4guang1, ­É¤õ¨à jie4huo3er0, ­É­« jie4zhong4¡õ.
Conj.If, supposing: ­É¦p jie4ru2¡õ.
Words1. ­É¨é jie4qUan4, n., a promissory note, an I.O.U.
2. ­É¶U jieihdai4, v.i., borrow money.
3. ­É¹D jie4dao4, v.i., (of thieves) pass through the premises of s.o. other than the person to be victimized;
4. ­É¹D jie4dao4, v.i., (mil.) carry war via neutral territory.
5. ­ÉºÝ jie4duan1, adv., on one pretext or another.
6. ­É¤è jie4fang1, n., (accounting) the debit side.
7. ­É¥ú jie4guang1, v.i., (1) be indebted to s.o. for his kindness;
8. ­É¥ú jie4guang1, v.i., (2) phr., ¡§by your leave,¡¨ ¡§pardon me, please!¡¨ (used by driver to pass another car).
9. ­É¤õ¨à jie4huo3er0, v.i., borrow matches or a lighted cigarette.
10. ­ÉŲ jie4jian4, v.i., to benefit by another person's past experience and avoid similar mistakes.
11. ­ÉÃè jie4jing4, v.i., ditto.
12. ­É§U jie4zhu41, v.i., secure friendly assistance or support.
13. ­É¦í jie4zhu42, v.i., stay at a friend's for a day or two.
14. ­Éºæ jie4zhu43, v.i., (allu.) draw up a plan of action for others.
15. ­É­« jie4zhong4, v.t., rely on for help, enlist the services of.
16. ­É¾Ú jie4jU4, n., an I.O.U.
17. ­É¦W jie4ming2, v.i., do s.t. on one pretext or another: ­É¦W³_¶B extort money by false pretences.
18. ­É¦p jie4ru2, conj., in case, if, supposing (¡×Ä´¦p).
19. ­É¶µ jie4xiang4, n., loan, debit: ­É¶µ³qª¾ debit memo.
20. ­É§µ jie4xiao4, v.i., (of people in bereavement) discard mourning garment in favor of ordinary dress on exceptional occasions.
21. ­É¹Ø jie4shou4, v.i., offer in prayer to the gods to cut short one's own life to save that of one's parent or other close relative seriously ill.
22. ­É±J jie4su4, v.i., spend the night at another's.
23. ­É±ø jie4tiao2, n., a promissory note, an I.O.U., see jie4jU4¡ô.
24. ­É¦r¨à jie4ze4er0, n., ditto.
25. ­É°Ý jie4wen4, v.i., (court.) may I ask? ­É°Ý°s®a¦ó³B¦³ ¡§is there a tavern anywhere, pray?¡¨
26. ­É¦]¥Ñ¨à jie4yin1you0er0, phr., on one pretext or another.
27. ­É³ë jie4yU4, v.i., use an analogy ¡×¤ñ³ë.
28. ­É¥Î jie4yong4, v.t., borrow for temporary use.

°º Num. Index: 91A.41-2     £¡£¸£® jie1    .
Adv.Together: °º¦Ñ¡A¦Ê¦~°º¦Ñ (of husband and wife) happily married and together reach old age;
°º¦æ go or walk together;
°ºÁô retire together.

ÔM Num. Index: 91A.41-3     £t£¸ bi1         (also *£t£¸£¿ bi4    ). [Var. of ¹G 30.83]

¨Õ Num. Index: 91A.41-3     £t£¯£¾ bai3         (sp. pr.), *£t£¬£½ bo2         (re. pr.); *£v£¬£¿ mo4    .
N. & adj.(1) Var. of ¦Ê hundred, used esp. in checks to avoid mistakes.
(2) Centurion.
(3) (*mo4) A hundred cash.

°Á Num. Index: 91A.41-3     £v£¸£³£¾ mian3    .
V.t.(AC) violate: °Á³W¶V¯x (AC) violate the rules.

­Ò Num. Index: 91A.41-4     £¥£µ£¿ chang4         (*£¥£µ chang1    ).
N.(chang4) U.f. ±@ prostitute: ­Ò§² ditto;
­ÒÀu (LL) prostitutes and actors.
V.t.(chang4) To lead: ­Ò¾É¡A­Ò¨¥¡A­Ò©l chang4dao4, chang4yan2, chang4shi3¡õ;
­º­Ò the first to propose or lead (a movement), found (a theory);
´£­Ò to promote (simplified characters, Esperanto, etc.).
Words1. ­Ò¾É chang4dao4, v.t., to lead (a movement).
2. ­Ò©l chang4shi3, v.t., to invent, found (theory, movement).
3. ­Ò¨¥ chang4yan2, v.t., be the first to propose, espouse, introduce (a doctrine) publicly.
4. ­Òij chang4yi4, v.t., to propose.

¦ú Num. Index: 91A.41-4     £x£¸£³£¿ dian4    .
V.i. & t.(1) To till field as tenant farmer.
(2) (AC) to hunt.
Words1. ¦ú¤á dian4hu4, n., tenant farmer.
2. ¦ú¹A dian4nong2, n., ditto.

Àw Num. Index: 91A.41-4     £{£°£¾ lei3    .
N.A puppet: ³ÈÀw 91A.70.

­Ó Num. Index: 91A.41-4     £|£­£¿ ge4         (*ge0    ). [Modn. form of ºç 92A.41]

Àx Num. Index: 91A.41-6     £¥£¹£½ chu2         (also £¥£¹£¿ chu4    ).
N.(1) Heir: Àx¶à¡AÀx§g¡AÀx¶L chu2syh, chu2jUn1, chu2e4¡õ.
(2) A surname.
V.t.To save, have savings, store up: Àx»W chu2xU4¡õ;
Àx¿n¡AÀxÂÃ chu2ji2, chu2cang2¡õ.
Words1. Àx³Æ chu2bei4, v.i. & t. & n., (make) preparations, esp. for defense;
2. Àx³Æ chu2bei4, v.i. & t. & n., to store up (food, etc.);
3. Àx³Æ chu2bei4, v.i. & t. & n., reserve.
4. Àx¶L chu2e4, n., crown prince.
5. Àx®c chu2gong1, n., ditto.
6. Àx¿n chu2ji2, v.i. & t., to store up, save up;
7. Àx¿n chu2ji2, v.i. & t., to hoard (food).
8. Àx§g chu2jUn1, n., see chu2e4¡ô.
9. Àx­E chu2xU1, n., (1) (AC) servants;
10. Àx­E chu2xU1, n., (2) store of weapons, armory.
11. Àx»W chu2xU4, n. & v.t., savings;
12. Àx»W chu2xU4, n. & v.t., keep savings: Àx»W»È¦æ savings bank;
13. Àx»W chu2xU4, n. & v.t., Àx»W¦s¤á savings account.
14. Àx¶à chu2syh, n., see chu2e4¡ô.
15. ÀxÂÃ chu2cang2, v.t. & n., to hoard, a hoard, accumulations;
16. ÀxÂà chu2cang2, v.t. & n., ÀxÂÃ«Ç storeroom.

¹¬ Num. Index: 91A.41-8     £ª£¶ seng1    .
N.A monk (from ¹¬¦÷ seng1qie2¡õ): ¹¬®{¡A¹¬²³ monks;
¹¬°| seng1yUan4¡õ;
°ª¹¬ monk of high renown;
¹¬¥§ monk and nun.
Words1. ¹¬­{ seng1qie2, n., (translit. of Sanskr. sangha) the monks, priests.
2. ¹¬¹D seng1dao4, n., Buddhists and Taoists.
3. ¹¬¦æ seng1hang2, n., (MC) the monks.
4. ¹¬«Q seng1lU3, n., seng1tu2¡õ.
5. ¹¬¤H seng1ren2, n., a monk.
6. ¹¬«U seng1su2, n., monks and laymen.
7. ¹¬®{ seng1tu2, n., the monks as a group.
8. ¹¬°| seng1yUan4, n., monastery.

»û Num. Index: 91A.41-8     £}£¹£¯£¿ kuai4    .
N.¥«»û (contempt.) common merchant, a broker.

§B Num. Index: 91A.41-9     £t£¬£½ bo2         (*£t£¯£¾ bai3        , *£t£«£¿ ba4    ).
N.(1) Elder brother of father: §B¤÷ bo2fu4¡õ;
dist. ¨û younger brother of father;
¸¤ maternal uncle;
«¼¤V mother's sister's husband;
coll. *bai3: ¤j§B¤l address of first uncle.
(2) (AC) first of brothers in §B¡Ð¥ò¡Ð¨û¡Ð©u series, now oft. used in personal names.
(3) Term of address for husband's elder brother (the mother following children's address).
(4) A count (a noble).
(5) Term of honor, as in ¸Ö§B elderly poet.
(6) (*ba4) (AC) leader of states: ¤­§B¡×¤­ÅQ 31D.42.
(7) A surname.
Words1. §B§B bo1bo0, n., address for elder brother of father;
2. §B§B bo1bo0, n., generally courtesy address for familiar friend of senior generation, like Eng. ¡§uncle¡¨ (°ª§B§B Uncle Gau).
3. §B¹D bo2dao4, n., virtuous person of Jihn Dyn. regretted to have no offspring, hence, §B¹D¤§¼~ (AC allu.) Bodauh's sorrow, i.e., having no children.
4. §B¤÷ bo2fu4, n., father's elder brother.
5. §B¥ò bo2zhong4, n., brothers, elder and younger: ¤£¬Û§B¥ò about equal.
6. §B³Ò bo2lao2, n., the shrike.
7. §B¼Ö bo2le4, n., (AC) famous trainer of horses.
8. §B¤ó bo2si0, n., (AC) elder brother.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.41-9     £t£°£¿ bei4    . [Pop. of ³Æ¡õ]

°¯ Num. Index: 91A.41-9     £¨£³£½ zan2    . [Var. of «¥ 40A.41]

¹° Num. Index: 91A.41-9     £¡£¸£³£¿ jian4    . [Dist. àý]
V.t.Usurp, arrogate, encroach upon: ¹°¸¹ jian4hao4, ¹°ÅÑ jian4qie4, ¹°¶V jian4yUe4, ¹°¦ì jian4wei4¡õ: ¹°°ê¸¹ illegally assume the title of a reigning dynasty;
¹°¤À arrogate to oneself functions or rights belonging to another;
¹°ºÙ assume an unlawful title.
Words1. ¹°ÅÑ jian4qie4, v.t., usurp (power, authority).
2. ¹°¸¹ jian4hao4, v.i., adopt an illegal title.
3. ¹°¦k jian4wang4, adj., presumptuous, overbearing.
4. ¹°¦ì jian4wei4, v.i., usurp the throne.
5. ¹°¶V jian4yUe4, v.i., exceed one's authority, go beyond proper bounds.

­Å Num. Index: 91A.42-1     £¢£¸£³£¿ qian4         (*£¢£¸£¶£¿ qing4    ).
N.(Also *qing4) (LL) ©f­Å husband of younger sister (¡×©f´B).
V.t.To ask or pay s.o. to act as substitute, see ­Å¥N qian4dai4¡õ.
Adj.Beautiful, pleasing.
Words1. ­Å­Å qian4qian4, adj., (LL) pleasing, attractive.
2. ­Å¥N qian4dai4, v. t., (also *qing4), to ask (related ½Ð): ­Å¤H¥Nµ§ ask s.o. to write or paint in name of another.
3. ­Å¡¼ qian4zhuang1, n., beautiful make-up.

¨Ý Num. Index: 91A.42-1     £¸£²£¿ you4    .
V.t.(1) To help.
(2) To assist at: ¨Ý¡¼¡A¨Ý°s (professional girl) assist at drinking;
¨Ý­¹ (AC) assist at dinner (=modn. ³­®b).

³Æ Num. Index: 91A.42-2     £t£°£¿ bei4    .
N. & v.t.(1) Prepare, provide (preparation, provision), furnish, be furnished with: ³Æ°¨¡A³Æ­¹ª« provide with horse, food.
(2) Prepare for, provide against: ³Æ¦Ò prepare for examination, remark (also ³Æµù);
¥H³Æ¤£¸· provide against contingency;
³Æ¥Î provide for use;
³Æ¤å prepare official document;
³Æ¾Ô prepare for war.
(3) Most commonly in combb.: ¹w³Æ prepare;
Äw³Æ plan and provide (funds, plans);
·Ç³Æ be prepared (to start, escape);
¨¾³Æ provide against;
¦³³ÆµL±w with all precautions taken, one is safe;
­x³Æ armament.
Adv.All: ³Æ±x (in letters) I have noted all the contents;
³Æ­z¸Ô±¡ detail all that has happened.
Words1. ³Æ®× bei4an4, v.i. & n., communicate or register for the record.
2. ³Æ¿ì bei4ban4, v.t. & n., prepare, -ation (¦æ¸Ë luggage, ºá®u celebration dinner, etc.).
3. ³Æ¸É bei4bu3, n., qualified candidate for office, waiting for opening.
4. ³Æ¨ú bei4qU3, n., candidates on waiting list.
5. ³Æ²Ó bei4xi4, n., the details.
6. ³Æ§Ñ¿ý bei4wang4lu4, n., memo, official memo.
7. ³Æ¦ì bei4wei4, v.i., (modest) fill the post.
8. ³Æ­û bei4yUan2, n., one filling a post.

«N Num. Index: 91A.42-2     £¢£¸£±£¿ qiao4    .
V.i.(Of prices) shoot up, firm up: ¥«»ù°í«N prices firm up;
®¼«N go up sharply;
«N§Q qiao4li41¡õ.
V.t.To resemble, be like: «N¦ü¬Y¤H resemble a certain person;
«N¦ü¤@úèªÅ¹Ú just like a dream;
also «N¦p ditto (cf. «ê¦p, «ê^¦ü 22A.40).
Adj.Handsome, beautiful (person): «N¤k­¦¡A«N¦n¤k¤l, a pretty girl;
«N¨k¤l a handsome man;
ªø±o¯u«N has grown up very pretty;
«T«N (of man) handsome;
¨Ìªù½æ«N (or ¯º) to flirt near the door with passengers;
«N¥Í¥Íªº³o¨â±ø»L (MC) such pretty legs;
«NãÈ (MC) handsome.
Words1. «N³f qiao4huo4, n., goods which could be picked up at low price and sold for profit.
2. «N§Q qiao4li41, phr., commanding good profits.
3. «NÄR qiao4li42, adj., beautiful, good-looking.
4. «N¥Ö qiao4pi2, (1) adj., sarcastic, ironical: «N¥Ö¸Ü sarcasm;
5. «N¥Ö qiao4pi2, (2) adj., handsome: ¤S¦~»´¤S«N¥Ö young and handsome;
6. «N¥Ö qiao4pi2, (3) v.t., to make sarcastic remarks at: «N¥Ö¥L¨â¥y make a few sarcastic remarks at him.
7. «N¦¡ qiao4si0, adj., handsome, pretty.
8. «N¨Æ qiao4shi4, n., an ¡§affair¡¨ (romance or illegal transaction).

­Õ Num. Index: 91A.42-2     £y£µ£¾ tang3    . [Var. Ål]
Conj.If, supposing that: ­Õ¯à¦p¦¹ if this can be done;
­Õ»X½çÅU (business) if we should have your patronage, if I should have your consideration or visit;
­Õ¬O¨Æ¹ê if it be true;
­Õ´±«e¨Ó if (he) dares to come;
oft. used in bisyllabic compp. in spoken Chinese¡õ.
The followings are used interchangeably: ­Õ¨Ï¤£ªÖ¡A­Õ­Y¤£ªÖ¡A­Õ¦p¤£ªÖ¡A­Õ¬O¤£ªÖ¡A­ÕµM¤£ªÖ¡A­Õ©Î¤£ªÖ if (he) is unwilling:
Words1. ­Õ©Î tang3huo4, conj., if.
2. ­ÕµM tang3ran2, conj., if.
3. ­Õ­Y tang3re4, conj., if.
4. ­Õ¦p tang3ru2, conj., if.
5. ­Õ¬O tang3shi4, conj., if.
6. ­Õ¨Ï tang3shi3, conj., if.

­Ç Num. Index: 91A.42-3     £{£¸£µ£¾ liang3    .
N.(1) See É«­Ç 91A.82.
(2) (liaa) Two persons: ¥L¡]­Ì¡^­Ç the two of them;
§Ú­Ç¡A§Ú­Ì­Ç we two (habitually used in betrothal announcement);
©n©f­Ç the two sisters.

¾§ Num. Index: 91A.42-3     £§£¹£½ ru2    .
N.(1) A scholar, a Confucianist: ¾§ªÌ a Confucian scholar;
¾§¤h a student, one well versed in one of the Confucian classics;
¾§¥Í ru2sheng1¡õ;
¤j¾§ a great teacher;
¦W¾§ a man of great learning;
±J¾§ a savant;
´H¾§ a poor scholar;
¾§¾¥ Confucianists and Mohists (follower of Motse);
¾§®a ru2jia1¡õ;
¾§©v a teacher whom other scholars look up to for guidance;
¾§ªù ru2men2¡õ;
¾§¦O a scholar-official;
¾§Âå a scholar well read in the literature of herb medicine;
¾§³N the way of the Confucian scholar;
¾§¹D Confucianism and Taoism;
¾§¨å the Confucian classics;
¾§¦æ the conduct of a Confucian scholar;
¾§¯À the character of a Confucian scholar;
¾§ªA a scholar's dress;
¾§«a a scholar's headdress;
¾§¤y ditto.
(2) ¨Ü¾§ a pygmy, a dwarf.
Adj.Cowardly: °½¾§ (AC) lazy and spiritless.
Words1. ¾§¨à ru2er2, v.i., (LL) make a forced smile (also À}Ô¢).
2. ¾§½w ru2huan3, adj., slow-witted, sluggish.
3. ¾§¤á ru2hu4, n., a scholarly family.
4. ¾§®a ru2jia1, n., Confucianism, -ists.
5. ¾§±N rirjiang4, n., a soldier who is an equally accomplished man of letters.
6. ¾§±Ð ru2jiao4, n., the teachings of Confucius.
7. ¾§ªL ru2lin2, n., the scholars as a class.
8. ¾§ªù ru2men2, n., (¡×¾§®a ru2jia1¡ô).
9. ¾§¾§ ru2ru2, adj., (LL) provincial, with a narrow outlook.
10. ¾§¥Í ru2sheng1, n., (1) a young scholar;
11. ¾§¥Í ru2sheng1, n., (2) a scholar well versed in one of the Confucian classics.
12. ¾§¾Ç ru2xUe2, n., (1) Confucian scholarship (also ¾§¾Ç¨à);
13. ¾§¾Ç ru2xUe2, n., (2) formerly, official instructors appointed by local governments.
14. ¾§¶® ru2ya3, adj., genteel, refined, cultured.

«M Num. Index: 91A.42-3     £º£¶£¾ yong3    .
N.A wooden figure to bury with the dead (condemned by Confucius, probably on mistaken assumption that human sacrifice originated with use of figurines).

°¸ Num. Index: 91A.42-4     £²£¾ ou3    .
N.(1) Idol, wooden figure: ¤ì°¸ a wooden figure;
°¸¹³ ou3xiang4¡õ.
(2) Mate, spouse: ¨}°¸¡A¨Î°¸ good spouse;
³à°¸¡A¥¢°¸ lose one's wife or mate.
(3) (AC) ±ä°¸ companions.
Adj.Even (number), opp. ©_ odd.
Adv.(1) By chance, accidentally, casually: °¸µM ditto;
°¸¨£¡A°¸»D happen to see, hear;
°¸¹J meet accidentally.
(2) Occasionally: °¸º¸¬°¤§ did it occasionally.
(3) Together: °¸»y (AC) talk together;
°¸µø (AC) look at each other.
Words1. °¸º¸ ourer3, adv., occasionally, not habitually.
2. °¸©Î ou3huo4, conj., if by chance.
3. °¸µM ou3ran2, adj. & adv., accidental, not planned;
4. °¸µM ou3ran2, adj. & adv., also occasionally (meet person, etc.).
5. °¸¤H ou3ren2, n., a clay or wooden idol.
6. °¸¹³ ou3xiang4, n., idol, image;
7. °¸¹³ ou3xiang4, n., (fig.) object of uncritical worship: ±R«ô°¸¹³ idolatry;
8. °¸¹³ ou3xiang4, n., ¥´­Ë°¸¹³ iconoclasm.
9. °¸À¸ ou3xi4, n., marionette, puppet show.
10. °¸©Ê ou3xing4, n., (allowance for) the unforeseen, irregular, unexpected.
11. °¸¼Æ ou3shu4, n., even number.
12. °¸¼v ourying3, phr., (LL) a person and his own shadow-loneliness.

¦þ Num. Index: 91A.42-4     £º£¶£¿ yong4    .
N.Commission fee: ¦^¦þ ditto.
Words1. ¦þ¿ú yong4qian0, n., commission fee.
2. ¦þª÷ yong4jin1, n., ditto.

˾ Num. Index: 91A.42-4     £y£¹£¶£½ tong2         (*£y£¹£¶ tong1    ).
N.Interch. ¹­ 91A.11, see ­Ã˾ 91A.30.
Adj.(*tong1) (AC) (1) Big.
(2) Ignorant: ˾¦Ó¤£º@ ignorant but not simple.
(3) ˾µM untrammeled, freely.

Ð× Num. Index: 91A.42-4     £y£¸£¿ ti4    .
Words1. Ð×Ål ti4dang3, adj., unconventional: Ð×Ål¤£Åù untrammeled, free, romantic (in character).
2. Ð×µM ti4ran2, adj., (AC) aloof, unattached.
3. Ð×Ð× ti4ti4, adj., ditto.

¶Ä Num. Index: 91A.42-6     £º£¶£½ yong2         (also £º£¶ yong1    ).
N.Servant, attendant: ¤k¶Ä maidservant;
¶Ä°ü woman servant.
V.t.To hire;
p.p., be hired.
Words1. ¶Ä«O yong2bao3, n., hired labor.
2. ¶Ä§L yong2bing1, n., mercenary soldier.
3. ¶Ä¤u yong2gong1, n., hired labor or help.
4. ¶Ä®Ñ yong2shu1, v.i., to write letters, etc. for illiterate person.
5. ¶Ä§@ yong2zuo4, v.i., to work for hire.

°¾ Num. Index: 91A.42-6     £u£¸£³ pian1        . [Dist. ûT pr. £t£¸£³£¿ bian4    , 91B.42]
V.i. & t.(1) °¾¤F to have eaten ahead of group dinner (modest exp.).
(2) Incline to one side: ¥L°¾¹LÀY¥h he turned his head.
Adj.(1) Slanting, slanted, favoring one or the other: ¤£°¾¤£­Ê impartial;
°¾©ó¬Y¤è partial to one side;
see °¾¤ß¡A°¾·R¡A°¾»á¡A°¾¨£ pian1xin1, pian1ai4, pian1po1, pian1jian4 and many common compp.¡õ.
(2) Special, on the side: °¾¤~ special aptitude, esp. apart from gen. studies, such as chess;
°¾ªù side door, side line.
Adv.(1) Against one's thinking or wish, in an unexpected and curious way, stubbornly: ¥L°¾¥©¡]¤£¥©¡^¨Ó¤F he turned up against expectations.
(2) Conveying sense of stubborn opposition or emphasizing the opposite: ¥L°¾¤£µªÀ³ he stubbornly refused;
§A­n¥h¡A¥L°¾¤£¥h you want to go, but he insists on not going (on purpose);
§A»¡¥L¤£·|¡A¥L°¾·| you think he cannot do it but (to one's surprise) he can.
Words1. °¾·R pian1ai4, n., special favorite, have fondness for (person, subject).
2. °¾¦w pian1an1, v.i., rule a region (in times of national division).
3. °¾®t pian1cha1, n., deviation.
4. °¾´Ï pian1chi1, v.i., live life of widow, ¡§roost alone.¡¨
5. °¾±¡ pian1qing2, n., (Catholic) the passions.
6. °¾·µ pian1dian4, n., side temple.
7. °¾¤è pian1fang1, n., remote region;
8. °¾¤è pian1fang1, n., °¾¤è¨à pian1fang1er0, (Chin. med.) special, not regular, prescription.
9. °¾©Ð pian1fang2, n., concubine (in gen. use).
10. °¾¼o pian1fei4, v.t., to neglect (some aspects).
11. °¾¾W pian1feng11, n., term, in calligraphy and painting, signifying moving brush at a slant, cf. ¤¤¾W.
12. °¾­· pian1feng12, n., semi-paralysis.
13. °¾©t pian1gu11, adj., bereft of father, with mother living.
14. °¾¬\ pian1gu12, n. & adj., semi-paralysis;
15. °¾¬\ pian1gu12, n. & adj., (part) suffering from neglect.
16. °¾¦n pian1hao4, n., hobby: ¦³©Ò°¾¦n loves it specially.
17. °¾¿Ð pian1hui4, n., taboo against either of two characters in parent's or emperor's name.
18. °¾Å@ pian1hu4, v.t. & n., be partial to and support (one side, person).
19. °¾¨¤ pian1jiao3, n., (astron.) declination of heavenly body from celestial equator.
20. °¾¨£ pian1jian4, n., prejudice.
21. °¾¼Y pian1zhui4, n., one-sided hernia.
22. °¾­« pian1zhong4, n. & v.t., emphasis on one to the detriment of the other (subjects, aspects, etc.).
23. °¾°õ pian1zhi2, adj. & n., stubborn (ness);
24. °¾°õ pian1zhi2, adj. & n., °¾°õ¨g monomania.
25. °¾¨g pian1kuang2, n., special craze;
26. °¾¨g pian1kuang2, n., monomania.
27. °¾³Ò pian1lao2, v.i. & t., (court. of a person who) works harder than the group, also phr., thanking person for special effort: °¾³Ò¤F§A.
28. °¾ª¼ pian1mang2, adj., blind in one eye.
29. °¾®Ç pian1pang2, n., the right and left parts of a character, but more esp. the right (phonetic) part, against the left (radical).
30. °¾°¾ pian1pian1, adv., stubbornly, against expectations, see Adv.2¡ô.
31. °¾»÷ pian1pi4, adj., little known, out-of-the-way (place).
32. °¾»á pian1po1, adj., biased (opinion).
33. °¾­m pian1shan1, n., monastic jacket.
34. °¾¥Í pian1sheng1, n., (MC) see Adv.1¡ô.
35. °¾¦V pian1xiang4, n. & v.t., angle, slanting or favored direction: °¾¦V¬Y¤H inclined toward person.
36. °¾±× pian1xie2, adj., slanted, not fair.
37. °¾¤ß pian1xin1, adj. & n., favoritism, lack of impartiality.
38. °¾»k pian1shi2, n. & v.i., (astron.) partial eclipse.
39. °¾¨p pian1si1, n. & adj., selfish, favoring one's own.
40. °¾³R pian1tan3, v.t., unfairly partial to (person, side).
41. °¾¯k pian1teng2, v.t., (of parents) love specially (a child).
42. °¾ÀYµh pian1tou2tong4, n., (med.) migraine.
43. °¾¤~ pian1cai2, n., special aptitude.
44. °¾¨a pian1zai1, n., disaster caused by drought or flood.
45. °¾­Ê pian1yi3, adj., partial, not fair.

¨Û Num. Index: 91A.42-8     £¸£¿ yi4    .
N.(AC) a dance squad: ¤K¨Û a dance formation of 8 squads or 64 (8¡Ñ8) persons.

­Û Num. Index: 91A.42-8     £{£¹£´£½ lun2    .
N.(1) ­Û±`¡]¤§¹D¡^ Norm, normal human relations: ¤H­Û human relations, ethics;
­Û²z lun2li3¡õ;
¤H­Û¤jºÝ the main principles of human relationships;
¤­­Û the five cardinal relationships king-subject, father-son, husband-wife, between brothers, between friends.
(2) Comparison, class: ¯îÂÕµ´­Û absurd without equal;
µL»P­Û¤ñ without compare, incomparable;
¤£­Û¤£Ãþ (argument, exhibitions, etc.) without sense or order, heterogeneous, jumbled;
»yµL­Û¦¸ (of arguments) rambling, inconsequential talk.
(3) A surname.
Words1. ­Û¤ñ lun2bi3, n., comparable equal.
2. ­Û´° lun2dun1, n., London.
3. ­Û¬ö lun2ji3, n., moral order, social discipline.
4. ­Û²z lun2li3, n., ethics: ­Û²z¾Ç ethics.
5. ­Û¤Ç lun2pi1, n., equal, match.

¹´ Num. Index: 91A.42-9     £¢£¸£±£½ qiao2    .
N.A man living abroad: µØ¹´ Chinese overseas;
¹´­M qiao2bao1, ¹´»â qiao2ling3¡õ;
¹´¥Á those living abroad;
¥~¹´ foreigners in China;
¬ü¹´ Americans in China or living abroad;
¹´°Ó¡A¹´¸ê¡A¹´¤u foreign merchants, capital, labor;
¹´°È (department of) overseas Chinese affairs;
¹´©~¡A¹´´J to live, stay, abroad (as an alien).
Words1. ¹´­M qiao2bao1, n., Chinese fellow-citizens abroad, overseas Chinese (from ¦P­M 42.42).
2. ¹´©~ qiao2jU1, v.i., live abroad.
3. ¹´»â qiao2ling3, n., leaders of overseas Chinese.
4. ¹´¥Á qiao2min2, n., overseas Chinese.
5. ¹´¤H qiao2ren2, n., Chinese who moved down and settled near Shanghai, Nanking during northern invasion, 4th to 6th cen. A.D.
6. ¹´¥Í qiao2sheng1, n., children of overseas Chinese studying in China.

ËÅ Num. Index: 91A.42-9     £¤£² zhou1    .
Words1. Ëűi zhou1zhang1, v.t., (AC) to deceive (also wr. öN±i).

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.42-9     £¡£º£´£¿ jUn4    .
Adj.[U.f. «T] (1) Talented, smart, bright.
(2) Outstanding, conspicuous.

²ç Num. Index: 91A.42-9     £££¸£² xiu1    .
N.Dried meat: (AC) dried meat or ham as gift to teacher in lieu of tuition, hence ²çª÷ xiu1jin1¡õ;
§ô²ç tuition, (AC) ham for tuition.
V.i. & t.Var. of ­× 91A.91.
Words1. ²ç²ã xiu1fu3, n., dried meat.
2. ²çª÷ xiu1jin1, n., tuition fees.

ï¢ Num. Index: 91A.50-1     £££¸£² xiu1    .
Words1. ï¢ö¿ xiu1liu1, n., (zoo.) a small Chin. owl, scops chinensis.

˺ Num. Index: 91A.50-1     £}£¹£«£¾ kua3    .
Adj.(Coll.) stupid: ˺¤l a fool, simpleton.

Íå Num. Index: 91A.50-2     £u£¸£¶ ping1    .
Adj.See §DÍå 91A.63, lonely.

¤´ Num. Index: 91A.50-3     £§£¶£½ reng2    .
Adv.(1) Still, yet: ¤´ÂÂ reng2jiu4¡õ;
¤´Â³e follow the beaten path (the old rut);
¤´µM reng2ran2¡õ;
¤´¦ü similar to, as before;
¤´¬O is still;
¤´¦b yet remains;
¤´´_¦p¦¹ is still the same.
(2) Again and again, over and over: ÀW¤´ often, repeatedly;
ÄÈÄDÀW¤´ famines occurred time and again.
Words1. ¤´ÂÂ reng2jiu4, adv., yet, still, as of old.
2. ¤´µM reng2ran2, adv., as usual, as before.
3. ¤´¤´ reng2reng2, adj., (AC) (1) a great many, a multitude of;
4. ¤´¤´ reng2reng2, adj., (2) downcast, dejected.

ÔU Num. Index: 91A.50-4     £¡£¸£®£½ jie2    .
N.A Buddhist chant or hymn, a Zen riddle in verse.
Adj.(1) (AC) brave, martial.
(2) (AC) rushing past: ­ê¨®ÔU¤¼ not that the carriage was running so fast¡K.

¥Q Num. Index: 91A.50-5     £§£´£¿ ren4    .
N.An anc. measure of varying lengths: ¾À¥ß¤d¥Q (of mountain cliffs) towering sky-high.
V.t.To fathom: ¥Q·¾¬® (AC, interpreted as) to measure the depth of canals and ditches (to dredge).

¦ø Num. Index: 91A.50-5     syh         (*£©£¿ ci4    ).
V.t.(1) To spy on, investigate: °»¦ø to spy on.
(2) To wait for chance: ¦ø«K¡A¦ø»Ø syhbian4, syhxi4¡õ.
(3) (*ci4) To wait upon (person): ¦ø­Ô syhhou0¡õ.
Words1. ¦ø«K syhbian4, phr., wait for opportunity (to speak, etc.), when convenient.
2. ¦ø¹î syhcha2, v.t., to spy on, investigate, trace secretly (movements).
3. ¦ø¿Ò syhdie2, n., a spy.
4. ¦ø­Ô *ci4hou0, v.t., wait upon (person), attend upon.
5. ¦ø»Ø syhxi4, phr., wait for an opening (to attack).
6. ¦ø±´ syhtan4, v.t., to investigate secretly.

«] Num. Index: 91A.50-5     £¡£º£½ jU2    .
Words1. «]«P jU2tsuh, adj., (1) narrowminded;
2. «]«P jU2tsuh, adj., (2) «]«P¤£¦w nervous, uneasy, agitated, discomfited.

¥é Num. Index: 91A.50-6     £w£µ£¾ fang3    . [Interch. ­À]
V.t.Imitate, copy: ¥é¥j in the style of antique (painting, bronze, etc.);
¼±¥é to copy (anc. picture, callig.);
¥é§º copy of Suhng Dyn. style of lettering, name of type.
Words1. ¥é°é fang3qUan1, n., brass or copper paper weight, used in copying calligraphy.
2. ¥é³æ fang3dan1, n., (business) list of goods in stock and their prices.
3. ¥é¦ò fang3fu2, adv., it seems like: ¥é¦ò¬Ý¨£¥L seem to have seen him, usu. wr. §Ï©».
4. ¥é·Ó fang3zhao4, v.t., follow, in accordance with: ¥é·Ó§Aªº·N«ä in accordance with your instructions.
5. ¥é»s fang3zhi4, v.t., made or copied from anc. model.
6. ¥é¯È fang2zhi3, n., lettering sheets for children to practice calligraphy.
7. ¥é®Ä fang3xiao4, v.t., to imitate, to copy, pattern after (model).

³Ä Num. Index: 91A.50-6     £u£µ£½ pang2         (*£t£µ bang1        , *£t£µ£¿ bang4    ).
V.t.(*bang4) To be dependent on: ³Ä¤Hªù¤á to be dependent on person for living;
esp. in ¨Ì³Ä to be dependent on (person), to copy or imitate (masters);
³ÄªáÀH¬h enjoy flowers in spring outing.
Adj. & adv.Close to, by: ³Ä¤á¦Ó¥ß standing close to the door.

¥÷ Num. Index: 91A.50-8     £w£´£¿ fen4        . [Commonly interch. ¤À in all senses below, when ¤À is pr. £w£´£¿ fen4     80.50]
N.(1) Part, portion, lot: ¤@¥÷³ø one copy of paper;
¨C¤@³¡¥÷ every part;
ªÑ¥÷ share of company;
¦¨¥÷ component, factor, proportion.
(2) Duty: ¥»¤À, etc., see ¤À 80.50, N. 3.
Words1. ¥÷¤l fen4zi3, n., (1) member, elements: ·o¶Ã¥÷¤l troublesome elements (in school, etc.);
2. ¥÷¤l fen4zi3, n., (2) (fen4zi0) share in group contributions to wedding gifts, etc.: ÀH¥÷¤l follow everybody in share of contributions.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.50-9     £¹£°£¿ wei4    . [Var. °°]
Adj.(1) False, imitation, fake, forged, not genuine: µê¡¼ false, hypocritical;
¡¼¸Ë¡A¡¼³y wei4zhuang1, wei4zao4¡õ;
¡¼¥» forged edition;
¡¼®Ñ spurious works;
¡¼ÃÒ false testimony;
§@¡¼ to counterfeit;
¡¼¶r¡A¡¼¹ô wei4chao1, wei4bi4¡õ.
(2) A term applied to pretender to the throne or to a contending and therefore ¡§illegal¡¨ state, opp. to legal;
¡¼¬F©² illegal government;
¡¼²Õ´ illegal organization;
¼Ä¡¼ the outlaw regime.
Words1. ¡¼¹ô wei4bi4, n., counterfeit money.
2. ¡¼¶r wei4chao1, n., ditto.
3. ¡¼°ê wei4guo2, n., illegal regime.
4. ¡¼¸Ë wei4zhuang1, v.i. & n., disguise.
5. ¡¼§g¤l wei4jUn1zi3, n., a hypocrite.
6. ¡¼µ½ wei4shan4, adj., hypocritical.
7. ¡¼³y wei4zao4, v.t., to counterfeit.

ÉR Num. Index: 91A.50-9     £{£­£¿ le4    .
N.A surplus or excess.

àò Num. Index: 91A.50-9     £{£±£½ lao2    . [Var. of ³Ò]
N.(North China) a term of abuse gen. used as a suffix: ¥}àò a jailbird;
Æaàò a glutton;
§bàò a damn fool.

§F Num. Index: 91A.50-9     £}£²£¿ kou4    .
Words1. §Fܼ kou4lou2, n., (med.) rickets.

«V Num. Index: 91A.50-9     £¹£¾ wu3    .
V.t.(1) To humiliate, insult, slander: «VºC¡A«V°d wu3man4, wu3ru4¡õ;
¥~«V humiliation at the hand of foreign country.
(2) To bully, harass: ´Û«V to browbeat or bully (s.o.).
Words1. «VºC wu3man4, v.t. & adj., insult, -ing, haughty.
2. «V°d wu3ru4, v.t. & n., to humiliate;
3. «V°d wu3ru4, v.t. & n., -tion.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.50-9     £¤£²£¿ zhou4    .
Adj.(MC) handsome: ÅéºA¤S¡¼ has a handsome figure.

ßo Num. Index: 91A.50-9     £££¸£± xiao1    .
Words1. ßoµM xiao1ran2, adj., & adv., silently, freely (¡×¿½µM 20A.22).
2. ßoßo xiao1xiao1, adj., (1) (AC) bedraggled;
3. ßoßo xiao1xiao1, adj., (2) dispersed, thinning.

¶Ë Num. Index: 91A.50-9     £¦£µ shang1    .
N.(1) A wound: ¤M¶Ë¡Aºj¶Ë¡A¿S¶Ë knife wound, bullet wound, burn;
¶Ë¤f¡A¶Ë²ª shang1kou3, shang1hen2¡õ.
(2) Harm: µL¶Ë no harm (doing s.t.);
¦ó¶Ë¥G (LL) what is the harm?
V.i. & t.(1) To hurt, wound: ¶Ë·P±¡¡A¶Ë©M®ð hurt feelings among friends;
»¡¸Ü¶Ë¤H hurt (offend) people by one's words;
§A§â¤H³£µ¹¶Ë¤F you have offended so many people;
¶Ë¸£µ¬ (of problems, situations) take a great deal of thinking, similar to Eng. ¡§is a headache.¡¨
(2) To harm: ¶Ë®`¡A¶Ë¨­ shang1hai4, shang1shen1¡õ;
·l¶Ë cause damage (to property, life), to diminish or be harmed;
¶Ë­·±Ñ«U offensive to society's morals;
¶Ë¤Ñ®`²z do things offensive to God and reason.
(3) To be affected by, fall ill from: ¶Ë­·¡A¶Ë´H shang1feng1, shang1han2¡õ;
¶Ë°s¡A¶Ë­¹ shang1jiu3, shang1shi2¡õ;
¶Ë¤ô¡A¶Ë¨Å shang1shui3, shang1ru3¡õ;
¶Ë¤}¤§³¾ bird which has been hurt by arrow--person who learns to be cautious from having his finger burnt once.
(4) To feel sad, be saddened: ¶Ë¤ß¡A¶Ë´d¡A¶Ëµh shang1xin1, shang1bei1, shang1tong4¡õ;
«s¶Ë¡A´d¶Ë to grieve over;
¶Ë¬K´d¬î to grieve over passing of spring or feel sad with autumn;
¶Ë·P shang1gan3¡õ.
Adv.Feeling surfeited, nauseated with: ³oÄÕÀ¸§Ú³£Å¥¶Ë¤F I have seen this play so often¡Ðam surfeited with it;
¦Y¶Ë¤F eat to harmful excess.
Words1. ¶Ë´d shang1bei1, v.i. & adj., to regret, be regretful;
2. ¶Ë´d shang1bei1, v.i. & adj., to grieve over.
3. ¶Ë§L shang1bing1, n., wounded soldier.
4. ¶Ë®ð shang1chi4, v.i., feel frustrated, upset (by some event).
5. ¶Ë³B shang1chu4, n., wound, see shang1kou3¡õ.
6. ¶Ë±¥ shang1dao4, v.i., to grieve over (loss of dear one).
7. ¶Ë­· shang1feng1, v.i., (1) to catch cold;
8. ¶Ë­· shang1feng1, v.i., (2) ¶Ë­·±Ñ«U or ¦³¶Ë­·¤Æ harmful to society's morals.
9. ¶Ë·P shang1gan3, adj., sentimental;
10. ¶Ë·P shang1gan3, adj., sad: ¶Ë·P¸Ö sentimental poetry.
11. ¶Ë®` shang1hai4, v.t., to do harm (to life, reputation, property, health).
12. ¶Ë´H shang1han2, n., typhoid;
13. ¶Ë´H shang1han2, n., (Chin. med.) a variety of diseases with fever, including typhoid, paratyphoid, intestinal fever;
14. ¶Ë´H shang1han2, n., ´³¯l¶Ë´H typhus.
15. ¶Ë¯Ó shang1hao0, v.t., to damage, waste away (esp. money, health), see shang1hai4¡ô.
16. ¶Ë²ª shang1hen2, n., scar.
17. ¶Ë°s shang1jiu3, v.i., get sick from too much drink.
18. ¶Ë¬ì shang1ke1, n., (Chin. med.) branch dealing with knife cuts, external injury.
19. ¶Ë¤f¡]¨à¡^ shang1kou3 (er0), n., wound, open wound.
20. ¶Ë³Ò shang1lao2, n., (Chin. med.) ailment arising from overwork, oft. referring to tuberculosis, see À÷ 61A.50.
21. ¶Ë¨Å shang1ru3, v.i., (of baby) have stomach upset, ascribed to improper feeding or overfeeding at breast.
22. ¶Ë¨­ shang1shen1, v.i. & t., to wound or to be wounded, to be injurious to health.
23. ¶Ë¥Í shang1sheng1, phr., (1) to kill life;
24. ¶Ë¥Í shang1sheng1, phr., (2) to impair one's vitality.
25. ¶Ë¯« sheng1shen2, (1) v.i., to be grieved, disheartened;
26. ¶Ë¯« sheng1shen2, (2) adj., (of work) very fatiguing.
27. ¶Ë¤ß shang1xin1, v.i. & adj., feel sad, brokenhearted;
28. ¶Ë¤ß shang1xin1, v.i. & adj., ¶Ë¤ß¤H a sad person;
29. ¶Ë¤ß shang1xin1, v.i. & adj., ¶Ë¤ß¨Æ a sad affair.
30. ¶Ë¤ô shang1shui3, v.i., get sick from drinking too much water.
31. ¶Ë¨Æ shang1shi41, v.i., spoil things (by careless talk, etc.).
32. ¶Ë³u shang1shi42, v.i., grieve over loss of person.
33. ¶Ë¶Õ shang1shi43, n., condition of the injured person.
34. ¶Ë­¹ shang1shi2, v.i., get sick from overeating;
35. ¶Ë­¹ shang1shi2, n., stomach catarrh.
36. ¶Ë·l shang1sun3, v.t., to hurt, damage (reputation, property, etc.).
37. ¶Ë°] shang1cai2, v.i., suffer financial loss.
38. ¶Ë´Ý shang1can2, adj. & n., wounded and disabled.
39. ¶Ëµh shang1tong4, v.i., (1) to feel painful, to ache;
40. ¶Ëµh shang1tong4, v.i., (2) to grieve over loss, feel greatly upset.
41. ¶Ë¤` shang1wang2, n. & v.i., war casualties, the wounded and the killed in war;
42. ¶Ë¤` shang1wang2, n. & v.i., be killed in accident, disaster.
43. ¶Ë²­ shang1yi2, n., (LL) the sufferings of the people from war.

Ål Num. Index: 91A.63-2     £y£µ£¾ tang3    .
Adj.(1) See Ð×Ål 91A.42.
(2) Ål¨Ó¤§ª« phr., s.t. come by accident (oft. referring to money, owned permanently by nobody).
Conj.Var. of ­Õ see 91A.42¡ô.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.63-5     £¡£¸£´£¾ jin3    . [Abbr. of ¾¨ 91A.30¡ô]

§D Num. Index: 91A.63-8     £{£¸£¶£½ ling2    .
N.(1) Actor or actress: Àu§D (AC slightly contempt.) actor(s);
¦W§D¡A¬õ§D (LL) famous, popular actor, -tress;
§D¤H (LL) actor, -tress;
¤k§D actress.
(2) A surname.
Adj.See compp.¡õ.
Words1. §D¤B ling2ding1, adj., as in ©t­W§D¤± alone (orphaned, widowed) and friendless;
2. §D¤B ling2ding1, adj., lonely, alone.
3. §D«W ling2li4, adj., (of figure and character) clever, bright, clearheaded, quick in perception.
4. §DÍå ling2ping1, adj., see ling2ding1¡ô.
5. §D³z ling2tou4, adj., see ling2li4¡ô.

Êc Num. Index: 91A.63-9     £y£¹£¶£½ tong2    .
N.A surname.

ÃW Num. Index: 91A.63-9     £¥£²£½ chou2         (also £y£¸£±£½ tiao2        , £¸£²£½ you2    ).
N.A long, slender white fish, zucco platypus (also called ¥Õ±ø³½).

ñì Num. Index: 91A.63-9     £¦£¹£¿ shu4    . [Anc. var.of °¿ 91A.81]

¹® Num. Index: 91A.70-1     £¡£¸£±£¾ jiao3    .
Adj.Fortunate, lucky.
Words1. ¹®­Æ zhao3xing4, adj., obtain by sheer luck, luckily escape (danger) unscathed (also wr. ä﩯¡Aéu©¯).

­Í Num. Index: 91A.70-1     £³£¾ an3    .
Pron.(MC) (1) I, the first person.
(2) My: ­Í¯R¡A­Í¤j­ô my father, my eldest brother.
Words1. ­Í®a an3jia1, pron., (MC) I;
2. ­Í®a an3jia1, pron., ­Í®aªº (MC) my husband.
3. ­Í¨C an3mei, pron., (MC) weak form of an3men¡õ.
4. ­Í­Ì an3men, pron., (MC) we.
5. ­Í«¥ an3za2, pron., (MC) we.

­Â Num. Index: 91A.70-1     £¡£º£³£¿ jUan4    .
Adj.Tired, weary: ¯h­Â fatigued, sleepy, tired;
­Â·N droopy, drowsy, also weary of exacting task;
­Â·¥ overworked, dead tired;
¹½­Â weary;
§x­Â exhausted, tired out;
­Â´k jUan4duo4, ­Â«å jUan4dai4¡õ.
Words1. ­Â¶Ô jUan4qin2, v.i., be tired of work, weary of further efforts, (of politician) want to retire (withdraw from active life).
2. ­Â«å jUan4dai4, adj., languid, sluggish, dull, slow.
3. ­Â´k jUan4duo4, adj., lazy, indolent, slothful.
4. ­Â­¸ jUan4fei1, v.i., (of official) retire, withdraw from active life.
5. ­Â´å jUan4you2, v.i., (1) be tired of sightseeing (traveling);
6. ­Â´å jUan4you2, v.i., (2) (of official) weary of a public life.

¥ö Num. Index: 91A.70-2     £u£¸£¾ pi3    .
Words1. ¥öÂ÷ pi3li2, adj., (LL) separated (of lovers, husband and wife, relatives).

¤Æ Num. Index: 91A.70-2     £~£¹£«£¿ hua4    .
N.(1) Culture: ¤Æ¦æ«U¬ü the spread of culture made for good manners, culture spread and the customs were good;
¤å¤Æ culture;
­·¤Æ public morals, social customs;
¤Æ¥~ outside the pale of Chin. civilization.
(2) Short for ¤Æ¾Ç chemistry: ¤Æ¤u chemical engineering;
²z¤Æ ¡]¡×ª«²z¡A¤Æ¾Ç¡^ physics and chemistry.
V.t.(1) To change, to convert, to transform, to influence: ÅÜ¤Æ to change;
¤Æ¡K¬° change into: ¤Æ¼Ä¬°¤Í convert enemy into friend;
¤Æ·t¬°©ú change dark into light, also legalize what was underground traffic;
¤ÆÀI¬°¦i come out safely from danger, bring order and peace out of chaos and confusion;
¤Æ¾ã¬°¹s break up whole into parts;
¤Æ»G¦´¬°¯«©_ transform the corruptible into mysterious life;
¤Æ¤z¤à¬°¥É©­ ¡§beat swords into ploughshares¡¨--put an end to war and have peace;
¬K­·¤Æ«B the kindly influence of a good teacher.
(2) To disguise: ¤Æ¦W use an alias, to change one's name in disguise;
¤ÆªA change dress;
¤Æ¸Ë hua4zhuang11¡õ;
(3) To transform physically: ¤Æ®ð become gas;
¤Æ¤ô liquefy;
¤Æ¦¨¦Ç become ashes;
¤À¤Æ disintegrate;
·»¤Æ to melt;
¿Ä¤Æ to merge;
¿N¤Æ¡AµI¤Æ¡A¤õ¤Æ to burn up (the dead as in cremation);
¦Ð¤Æ (Taoist) to go up to heaven as a fairy.
(4) In many modn. terms¡×-ize: ¼Ú¤Æ Europeanize;
¦è¤Æ¡A¦è¬v¤Æ westernize;
²{¥N¤Æ modernize;
§Î¦¡¤Æ become mere form, formalize;
¦X²z¤Æ rationalize (industrial management);
¶i¤Æ to be progressive;
´c¤Æ worsen, deteriorate, become worse;
ªí­±¤Æ bring to the surface.
(5) To beg: ¶Ò¤Æ (Budd.) solicit contributions;
¥s¤Æ¤l a beggar;
See ¤Æ½t hua4yUan2¡õ.
Words1. ¤Æ°£ hua4chu2, v.t., to abolish, remove (prejudices, bad customs).
2. ¤Æ«× hua4du4, v.t., (Budd.) to convert to Buddhist way of life.
3. ¤ÆÅb hua4he4, phr., (Taoist & LL) to fly up bodily to heaven.
4. ¤Æ¦X hua4he2, v.i. & n., (chem.) to combine in chemical process;
5. ¤Æ¦X hua4he2, v.i. & n., ¤Æ¦Xª« (chem.) compound.
6. ¤Æ¹Ò hua4jing4, n., in art, the ultimate highest state of becoming like nature itself.
7. ¤Æ¸Ë hua4zhuang11, v.i. & n., to dress in disguise.
8. ¤Æ§© hua4zhuang12, v.i. & n., to apply make-up;
9. ¤Æ§© hua4zhuang12, v.i. & n., ¤Æ§©«~ cosmetics.
10. ¤Æ¦W hua4ming2, v.t., to disguise one's name, adopt a pseudonym.
11. ¤Æ¨­ hua4shen1, v.i., (1) (Budd.) transformation of Buddha in different manifestations;
12. ¤Æ¨­ hua4shen1, v.i., (2) (of persons) a personification (of love, piety).
13. ¤Æ¥Í hua4sheng1, v.i., (Budd.) the creation of life or animals;
14. ¤Æ¥Í hua4sheng1, v.i., become s.t. from nothing.
15. ¤Æ­»¾ð hua4xiang1shu4, n., (bot.) platycarya strobilacea, a tree whose fruit is used for black dye.
16. ¤Æ¥Û hua4shi2, (1) n., (geo.) fossil;
17. ¤Æ¥Û hua4shi2, (2) v.i., to fossilize.
18. ¤Æ¾Ç hua4xU2, n., chemistry;
19. ¤Æ¾Ç hua4xU2, n., ¤Æ¾Ç¦¡ chemical formula;
20. ¤Æ¾Ç hua4xU2, n., ¤Æ¾Ç®a chemist.
21. ¤ÆÅç hua4yan4, n., chemical analysis.
22. ¤Æ½t hua4yUan2, v.i., beg for alms.
23. ¤Æ¨| hua4yU4, n. & v.t., the growth and change of living things by nature.

¥L Num. Index: 91A.70-2     £y£« ta1         (re. pr. £y£¹£¬ tuo1     from anc. ¤Ï¤Á system, but not gen.). [Anc. var. ¥¦ see 62.70; modn. var. ¥L (he) ¦o (she) and ¨e (it) are new, but not gen., except ¦o]
Pron.(1) (AC & LL) other: ¦¹µL¥L no other cause but;
¤£ºÃ¦³¥L never suspected other motives;
¤ýÅU¥ª¥k¦Ó¨¥¥L the king looked elsewhere and talked of other things.
(2) He, she, it (third person in modn. Chinese--cf. ©¼¡A¨ä¡A¤§ in AC): ¥L­Ì ta1men, they;
¥L­Ìªº their;
¥L­Ì­Ç ta1menliaa, they two;
¥Lªº his;
¥L¨º­Ó¤H (contempt.) that person;
§OºÞ¥L don't pay any attention to him (or it);
«D¥L²öÄÝ nobody else is worthy except him;
¥L¶ýªº¡A¥L¥¤¥¤ªº (vulg. abusive) damn it (him)!
Adj.(1) Other, another: ¥L¦~¡A¥L¤é another year, day;
¥L¤H another person, other person(s);
¥L¨Æ¡A¥L¥Î¡A¥L¬G another matter, use, cause;
¨ä¥L the others;
¨ä¥LªB¤Í the other friends;
¥L°ê another country;
¥L¶m¡A¥L³B ta1xiang1, ta1chu4¡õ;
¥L¤s¤§¥Û¡A¥i¥H§ð¿ù (court.) my humble contribution may help to bring out better things from others, (fig.) the value of friendly counsel.
(2) Different: ¹yµÞ¥L§Ó suddenly had other (disloyal) ideas;
§OµL¥L¹Ï no ulterior motive or different plans.
Adv.Elsewhere: ¥L©¹ go elsewhere;
¥L´N accept another job.
Words1. ¥L³B ta1chu4, adv., elsewhere.
2. ¥L°Êµü ta1dong4ci2, n., transitive vb. (cf. ¦Û°Êµü v.i.).
3. ¥L¤è ta1fang1, n., another place;
4. ¥L¤è ta1fang1, n., the other party.
5. ¥L®a ta1jia1, n., (1) his home;
6. ¥L®a ta1jia1, n., (2) some other home or house;
7. ¥L®a ta1jia1, n., (3) he: ³£¬°¥L®a®`±o¤H¨Ó¯f fall lovesick because of him.
8. ¥L­Ì ta1men, n., they.
9. ¥L¤H ta1ren2, n., another, other person(s).
10. ¥L¤é ta1ri4, n., another day.
11. ¥L¶m ta1xiang1, phr., away from home: ¥L¶m¹J¬Gª¾ meet an old friend away from home.

¨Ù Num. Index: 91A.70-2     £y£¸£±£½ tiao2         (*£y£¸£± tiao1    ).
V.t.(AC) steal (as cogn. of °½): ¨Ù¤Ñ¥H¬°¤v¤O lay claim of what one has done nothing to deserve.
Adj.Frivolous, unsteady, see compp.¡õ.
Words1. ¨ÙÁ¡ tiao2bo2, adj., frivolous, impudent.
2. ¨Ù¥© tiaarqiao3, adj., undependable.
3. ¨Ù¹F *tiao1ta4, adj., frivolous, loose.
4. ¨Ù¨Ù¤½¤l tiao2tiao2gong1zi3, n., delicate, spoiled young gentleman.
5. ¨Ù²æ tiao2tuo1, adj., frivolous, undisciplined.

Ä× Num. Index: 91A.70-3     £{£¸£¿ li4    .
N.A pair, a couple: ¥êÄ× husband and wife.
Adj.Of a pair, parallel: Ä×Ãã phrases with parallel constructions;
Ä×¼v a husband and wife appearing in public or in a photograph;
Äצw (in letters) wishing a couple's health;
ÀcÄ× (of litr. style) characterized by parallel constructions.

ܹ Num. Index: 91A.70-3     £££¸£³ xian1    . [Var. of ¥P 91A.21]

¨Ô Num. Index: 91A.70-4     £}£³£¾ kan3    .
Adj.Straightforward, self-possessed, open, see ¨Ô¨Ô kan3kan3¡õ.
Words1. ¨Ô¨Ô karnkan3, adv., openly and without sense of guilt;
2. ¨Ô¨Ô karnkan3, adv., contentedly, at ease.
3. ¨Ôª½ kan3zhi2, adj., open, straightforward.

Íä Num. Index: 91A.70-4     £¢£¸£³£¿ qian4         (*£££¸£³£¿ xian4    ).
V.i.(AC) (1) To look like.
(2) (*xian4) To appear rarely: ÍäÍä, see Ú½Ú½ 41B.70.

¨Ø Num. Index: 91A.70-4     £u£°£¿ pei4    .
N.Pendants, things worn on girdle (cf. ¯\ 31A.70).
V.t.(1) Carry in girdle, belt (knife, sword, ornaments).
(2) Carry in heart, i.e., adore, as ·q¨Ø adore, respect and admire: see ¨ØªA pei4fu4¡õ;
·P¨Ø be grateful (to person) for kindness, favor.
Words1. ¨Ø±a pei1dai4, v.i & t., to carry, to wear (as decorations, etc.)
2. ¨ØªA pei4fu4, v.t., admire from the heart, admit superiority (to person).
3. ¨ØÄõ pei4lan2, n., (bot.) a species of orchid.
4. ¨Ø©¶ pei4shyarn, phr., (AC) wear bowstring as memento to be alert.
5. ¨Ø­³ pei4wei3, phr., (AC) allu. to willingness to change character, (wearing leather ­³ as symbol of softness, and wearing bowstring ©¶ as symbol of alertness).

¥ê Num. Index: 91A.70-6     £}£µ£¿ kang4    .
N.Matrimonial match, see ¥êÄ× kang4li4¡õ.
V.t.(U.f. §Ü 10A.70).
Adj.Strong, virile.
Words1. ¥êÄ× kang4li4, n., married couple: ½å¥êÄ× (court.) you and your spouse;
2. ¥êÄ× kang4li4, n., ¥êÄ×±¡²` a married couple very much in love.

àð Num. Index: 91A.70-6     £¡£¸£²£¿ jiu4    .
V.t.To rent: àð©~ live in a rented house;
àð©~ rent a room or house.

¦ï Num. Index: 91A.70-6     £y£¹£¬ tuo1         (£y£¹£¬£½ tuo2    ). [Var. ¥L 91A.70; interch. ¥¦ 62.70 (not current); var. ¾m 51B.70]
Words1. ¦ï¦ï tuo2tuo2, adj., (AC) as in ©e©e¦ï¦ï easy, graceful in movement.

˲ Num. Index: 91A.70-6     £¥£«£¿ cha4    .
Words1. ˲ܿ cha4chi4, adj., (LL) frustrated, disappointed, uneasy: ˲ܿ¤£¦w uneasy.

­Ù Num. Index: 91A.70-9     £z£¸£½ ni2    .
N.(1) Child: ÑÑ­Ù the old and the young;
­Ù­Ù ni2ni2¡õ;
­Ù¤l (Soochow dial.) son.
(2) Initial or embryonic stage: ºÝ­Ù the beginning or origin of (s.t.).
(3) A surname.
Pron.(Soochow dial.) I, we: ­Ù·f (Soochow dial.) our place, the place where we are.
Words1. ­Ù­Ù ni2ni2, n., (LL) the young and the helpless.
2. ­Ù¡¼ ni2wu4, adj., (also wr. êôÍõ) (LL) uneasy, perturbed, anxious.

¤³ Num. Index: 91A.70-9     £¥£²£½ chou2         (*£¢£¸£²£½ qiu2    ).
N.(1) (*qiu2) A surname.
(2) (*qiu2) (LL) a mate: ¤³°¸ *qiu2ou3¡õ.
(3) Enemy: ¤³¤H¡A¤³¼Ä chou2ren2, chou2di2¡õ;
­Þ¤³ longstanding enemy;
®¦¤³ past favors and insults: ®¦¤³¥¼³ø have not settled old accounts (with person);
¤£¦@À¹¤Ñ¤§¤³ sworn revenge for murder of parents (¡§will not share the same sky¡¨);
used as modifier: ¤³µø¡A¤³«ë chou2shi4, chou2hen4¡õ.
Words1. ¤³¼Ä chou2di2, n., enemy.
2. ¤³«ë chou2hen4, n., old grudge, feud, hatred.
3. ¤³®a chou2jia1, n., personal enemy.
4. ¤³¤f¨à chou2kou3er0, n., see chou2ren2¡õ.
5. ¤³°¸ *chou2ou3, n., rival.
6. ¤³¤H chou2ren2, n., personal enemy.
7. ¤³»Ø chou2xi4, n., old grudge.
8. ¤³µø chou2shi4, v.t., to be hostile to.

³È Num. Index: 91A.70-9     £}£¹£°£¾ kui3    .
N.See ³ÈÀw kui2lei3¡õ.
Words1. ³ÈÀw kui2lei3, n., (lit. & fig.) a puppet.
2. ³È°¶ kui2wei3, adj., great and imposing, stalwart (cf.»í 91.70).
3. ³È²§ kui3yi4, adj., rare, strange.

Éh Num. Index: 91A.70-9     £¸£¿ yi4    .
Adj.Upright, see ¦z 21B.70.
Words1. ÉhµM yi4ran2, adj., (LL) standing upright.
2. ÉhÉh yi4yi4, adj., (AC) straight, tall.

Íé Num. Index: 91A.70-9     £w£¹£¾ fu3        . [Var. ­Á 91A.00; also «j £v£¸£³£¾ mian3    , 92.70]

úQ Num. Index: 91A.71-1     £¨£¯£¿ zai4    .
N.A load carried in boat or carriage.

¥N Num. Index: 91A.71-7     £x£¯£¿ dai4    .
N.(1) Period, age: ¥j¥N ancient age;
·í¥N¡A²{¥N contemporary age and modern age or period.
(2) Generation: ³o¤@¥N¤H people of this generation;
¤U¤@¥N¡A¤W¤@¥N the next, preceding generation;
«á¥N posterity;
¥N¥N generation after generation, every generation;
¥N¦³¶Ç¤H there were people who carried on in every generation.
(3) Dynasty: ­ð¥N¡A©ú¥N, Tarng, Mirng Dyn.;
¾ú¥N in the different dynasties or in the past.
(4) Anc. kingdom.
(5) A surname.
V.i. & t.(1) To act, do for others, to be substitute: ¥N¤H¨ü¹L take the blame for others;
½Ð¥N§Ú¡]¥N¬°¡^­P·N¡A­PÁ please present my respects, or thank s.o. for me;
¥N¬°¶Ç¹F®ø®§ to transmit news for person;
¥N©î¥N¦æ phr., (official) authorized to open letters and act during another's absence: ¥N¹Ô advance money for another;
´À¥N act for: ¥N²z¡A¥Nªí dai4li3, dai4biao3¡õ.
(2) To replace, to succeed one another, take turns: ¥N´« take turns;
¨ú¦Ó¥N¤§ to succeed in s.o.'s or s.t.'s place;
§õ¥N®ç»ø (allu.) peach dies when neighboring pear is hurt by insects, (fig.) of changing lovers;
¥Ê¥N (of officials) one taking the place of another when one's official term is up, (of soldiers) changing guards;
¥NÁÂ dai4xie4¡õ.
Words1. ¥N¿ì dai4ban4, n., charg* d'affaires;
2. ¥N¿ì dai4ban4, v.i., to act as deputy;
3. ¥N¿ì dai4ban4, n., ¥N¿ì°Ó commission agent.
4. ¥Nªí dai4biao3, n. & v.t., represent, -ative, delegate, deputy: §Ú¥Nªí¥L¨Ó I come on his behalf;
5. ¥Nªí dai4biao3, n. & v.t., §A¯à¤£¯à¥Nªí¥L are you authorized to represent him? ¥NªíÁÖ½× represent public opinion.
6. ¥Nµ§ dai4bi3, v.i., to add a few words or write letters for another;
7. ¥Nµ§ dai4bi3, v.i., to sign for another.
8. ¥N¨B dai4bu4, v.i., take vehicle in place of walking.
9. ¥N¯ù dai4cha2, n., betrothal gift, in place of original present of tea.
10. ¥N¹q dai4dian4, n., public statement usu. published in place of telegram.
11. ¥N´« dai4huan4, v.i., replace (each other).
12. ¥N»ù dai4jia4, n., price one pays (for love, fame), some kind of sacrifice.
13. ¥N²z dai4li3, adj. & n. & v.i. & t., acting, deputy: ¥N²z®Õªø acting president of school;
14. ¥N²z dai4li3, adj. & n. & v.i. & t., ¥N²z¤H agent;
15. ¥N²z dai4li3, v.i., ¥N²z·~°È act in such capacity in charge of business.
16. ¥N¦Wµü dai4ming2ci2, n., (gram.) pronoun.
17. ¥NÁ dai4xie4, n., esp. in ·s³¯¥NÁ or ¥NÁ§@¥Î metabolism;
18. ¥NÁ dai4xie4, n., ¬K¬î¥NÁ seasonal changes, change from spring to autumn.
19. ¥N®u dai4xi2, n., remuneration, ¡§money in lieu of a feast.¡¨
20. ¥N¦æ dai4xing2, v.i., to act for person: ¥Nµ¦¥N¦æ a deputy acting for his superior.
21. ¥N®Ñ dai4shu1, n. & v.i., (person who) writes letters, draws up contracts for others.
22. ¥N¼Æ dai4shu4, n., algebra.
23. ¥N§Ç dai4xU4, v.i., as in ¬K¬î¥N§Ç see dai4xie4¡ô.
24. ¥N¬° dai4wei2, v.i., act for: ¥N¬°¿ì²z¡A°õ¦æ¡A½Ð¨D to manage, act, request for another.
25. ¥Nij dai4yi4, n., representative;
26. ¥Nij dai4yi4, n., ¥Nij¨î«× parliamentary system;
27. ¥Nij dai4yi4, n., ¥Nij¬Fªv representative government.

¥ï Num. Index: 91A.71-7     £w£«£½ fa2         (also *£w£« fa1    ).
N.(AC) merit.
V.t.(1) To chop, cut: ¥ï¦B (AC) chop ice;
¥ï¾ð chop (down) trees;
oft. ¬å¥ï (fig.) ¥ï©Ê¤§©ò sexual indulgence injures vitality.
(2) (AC) to attack (country): oft. °Q¥ï send punitive expedition;
¤Ý¥Á¥ï¸o attack the tyrant and relieve the people of their sufferings;
¤f¸Ýµ§¥ï (fig.) condemn by pen and word of mouth.
(3) Boast: ¥ïµ½¡A¥ï¥\¡A¬á¥ï brag of one's own accomplishments.
Words1. ¥ï¬_ *fa1ke1, v.i., (AC allu.) be matchmaker.

»ö Num. Index: 91A.71-8     £¸£½ yi2    .
N.(1) Demeanor: »ö®e¡A»öªí¡A»öºA yi2rong2, yi2biao3, yi2tai4¡õ;
«Â»ö dignified bearing;
ªÚ»ö (woman's) gracious appearance.
(2) Form of ceremony, rule: §»ö ditto;
¥q»ö master of ceremonies;
¥¢»ö commit a breach of etiquette;
»ö¦¡ yi2shi4;
»ö«h yi2ze4¡õ.
(3) Model: »ö½d yi2fan4¡õ.
(4) Instrument: »ö¾¹ yi2chi4¡õ;
´ý¤Ñ»ö armillary sphere;
¤l¤È»ö transit instrument.
(5) A present, gift: ¹Ø»ö¡A¶P»ö gifts for birthday, wedding presents.
V.t.To admire: ¤ß»ö¨ä¤H admire or respect that person.
Words1. »öªí yi2biao3, n., a man's personal appearance, looks.
2. »ö¾¹ yi2chi4, n., instrument (scientific, survey, etc.).
3. »ö½d yi2fan4, n., a person's character worthy of emulation;
4. »ö½d yi2fan4, n., model of conduct.
5. »ö¥M yi2zhang4, n., insignias of rank carried in procession.
6. »öª¬ yi2zhuang4, n., see yi2biao3¡ô.
7. »öª` yi2zhu4, n., (1) (AC) rules of etiquette;
8. »öª` yi2zhu4, n., program of ceremony;
9. »öª` yi2zhu4, n., (2) (AC) rules and instructions on astronomical observation, about armillary sphere.
10. »öªù yi2men2, n., the second gate of official court house leading to main hall.
11. »ö®e yi2rong2, n., demeanor, deportment.
12. »ö«¬ yi2xing2, n., model, pattern (AC also wr. ¦D).
13. »ö¦¡ yi2shi4, n., form of ceremony (as in wedding).
14. »öºA yi2tai4, n., woman's charming ways and gestures: »öºA¸U¤d¡]¤è¡^ distinguished air of elegance and coquetry.
15. »ö±ä yi2cao2, n., anc. bureau of ceremonies.
16. »ö«h yi2ze4, n., model (of conduct, etc.).

§C Num. Index: 91A.71-9     £x£¸ di1    .
V.i. & t.To lower, bend, bow: §C­º bend one's head;
nod as consent.
§C­ºµL¨¥ bend one's head, silent;
§C­º¤U¤ß be servile, submissive.
Adj.Low, opp. °ª high: °ª§C¤£¥­ uneven;
§C»ù low price;
§C¤@®æ one notch (class) lower: §CÁn low voice, whisper;
§C­µ bass, low octave;
§C¼é low tide;
§C­ì low plain;
§C¤T¤U¥|ªº low, menial person or job;
§C½â di1jian4¡õ;
low in grade, inferior: §C³f inferior goods;
§C¯Å½ì¨ý (of writing, entertainment) catering to cheap, lower tastes.
Words1. §C©ù di1ang2, v.i. & adj., (of singing, prices) swing up and down, soar and dip.
2. §C¨I di1chen2, adj., deep and low (voice).
3. §C¦^¡]«Þ¡^ di1hui2, v.i., loiter, linger, sunk in thought.
4. §C½â di1jian4, adj., cheap in price;
5. §C½â di1jian4, adj., low-class.
6. §CªÅ di1kong1, n., low altitude (flying).
7. §C¬Ü di1mei2, adj., looking downward in submission or (of Buddha) kindly.
8. §C°g di1mi2, adj., confused in thinking, dazed.
9. §C¯à di1neng2, adj., stupid, incompetent: §C¯à¨à n., stupid person, an imbecile.
10. §CÁn di1sheng1, adj., soft-voiced, low-voiced.
11. §C¤U di1xia4, adj., low, lowly.
12. §C­º di1shou3, v.i., bend one's head.
13. §CÀY di1tou2, v.i., bend one's head (in thought, submission, in silence), also §C­º di1shou3¡ô.
14. §CºÚ di1wa1, adj., low, low and damp (of place).
15. §C·L di1wei2, adj., lowly, humble (birth, character);
16. §C·L di1wei2, adj., weak and small (voice).
17. §C·Å«× di1wen1du4, n., low temperature.
18. §C°× di1ya3, adj., low and hoarse (voice), creaking noise of oars.
19. §C­µ³¡°O¸¹ di1yin1bu4ji4hao4, n., (mus.) F clef.
20. §C­µ¤j´£µ^ di1yin1da4ti2qin2, n., contrabass;
21. §C­µ¤j´£µ^ di1yin1da4ti2qin2, n., double bass.

«X Num. Index: 91A.71-9     £®£½ e2         (also *£®£¿ e4    ).
N.(Usu. e4) Russia: «X°ê¡A«X¤H *e4guo2, *e4ren2¡õ, Ĭ«X Soviet Russia.
Adv.Soon, in a short moment.
Words1. «X³¼ e2qing3, adv., in a short moment, very soon.
2. «Xº¸ e2eeer0, adv., ditto.
3. «X¦Ó e2e2er0, adv., and soon.
4. «X°ê *e2guo2, n., Russia.
5. «Xù´µ *e4luo2si1, n., Russia.
6. «XµM e2ran2, adv., suddenly.
7. «X¤H *e4ren2, n., a Russian.
8. «X¤å *e4wen2, n., the Russian language.
9. «X©µ e2yan2, v.t., to prolong;
10. «X©µ e2yan2, v.t., to delay.

ÔT Num. Index: 91A.72-4     £ª si1    .
Adj.¤Á¤ÁÔTÔT (AC, of friends) meet and chat earnestly.

»õ Num. Index: 91A.72-6     £¸£¿ yi4    .
N.(1) A hundred million (100, 000,000): ¤Q»õ one billion: »õ¥ü hundreds of millions, great number.
(2) (AC) u.f. Ár to conjecture, 42A.72.

ɳ Num. Index: 91A.72-6     £££¸£´ xin1    .
Words1. ɳɳ shirnshiin, adj., as in ɳɳÍäÍä timid, timorous, easily worried.

¶Í Num. Index: 91A.72-9     £¨£¹£¶£¾ zong3    .
Adv.­Ã¶Í Hurriedly, hastily.

¶Å Num. Index: 91A.80-1     £¤£¯£¿ zhai4    .
N.Debt, loan: ­t¶Å owe debt;
¸ú¶Å evade payment of debt;
ÁٶŠrepay debt;
ûs¶Å raise a loan;
°Q¶Å press for payment of debt, also said of son who keeps on asking for money from parent, hence extravagant;
¶Å»O°ª¿v pile up debts;
¶Å¦h¤£·T when there are too many debts, one stops worrying about them;
¤½¶Å government or corporation bond;
¥~¶Å foreign loan.
Words1. ¶Å¨é zhai4chuan4, n., a bond.
2. ¶ÅÅv zhai4qUan2, n., legal right of bondholders and creditors;
3. ¶ÅÅv zhai4qUan2, n., ¶ÅÅv¤H creditor.
4. ¶Å¤á zhai4hu0, n., debtor.
5. ¶Å®a zhai4jia0, n., see zhai4zhu3¡õ.
6. ¶Åºë¡]¨à¡^ zhai4jing1(er0), n., a person perpetually in debt.
7. ¶Å¥D zhai4zhu3, n., creditor.
8. ¶Å²¼ zhai4piao4, n., see zhai4chuan4¡ô.
9. ¶Å°È zhai4wu4, n., debts.

àó Num. Index: 91A.80-1     £w£´£¿ fen4    .
V.i. & t.(1) To be defeated;
fall down or over.
(2) To spoil: àó¨Æ spoil matters (as by impetuousness).

õÁ Num. Index: 91A.80-1     £¨£³£¾ zan3    . [Cogn. öã 10A.80]

¨Ñ Num. Index: 91A.80-2     £|£¹£¶ gong1         (*£|£¹£¶£¿ gong4    )
N.(1) (*gong4) Articles of sacrifice: ¤W¨Ñ offer sacrifice to the gods or spirits.
(2) Testimonies of a prisoner: ¤f¨Ñ affidavit in court;
µe¨Ñ to sign one's affidavit.
(3) Supplies: ¨Ñ¨D supply and demand: ¨Ñ¤£À³¨D supply falling short of demand;
¨D¹L©ó¨Ñ demand exceeds supply.
V.i. & t.(1) (*gong4) V.i., to offer sacrifices: ¨Ñ¦ò to worship the Buddha;
¨Ñ©^ gong1feng4, ¨Ñ®à gong1zhuo1, ¨Ñ¾i gong1yang3, ¨Ñ¸J gong1wan3¡õ;
¨Ñ¯ª©v¡A¨Ñ¯« to sacrifice to the ancestors, to the gods.
(2) V.i., (law) testify: ¨Ñ­z make a deposition;
¨Ñª¬ gong1zhuang4, ¨Ñ»{ gong1ren4¡õ;
¤Ï¨Ñ¡A½¨Ñ retract a statement.
(3) V.t., to supply: ¨ÑÀ³ gong1ying4¡õ;
¨Ñ¤£°_ cannot supply what is demanded;
¥X¿ú¨Ñ¥LŪ®Ñ give him financial support for his studies.
Words1. ¨Ñ©^ *gong4feng4, n. & v.t., (1) to offer to, offerings;
2. ¨Ñ©^ *gong4feng4, n. & v.t., (2) formerly, a palace official, (Manchu Dyn.) actors who gave command performances.
3. ¨Ñµ¹ gong1ji0, v.t., to supply, furnish, provide, equip.
4. ¨Ñª¬ gong1zhuang4, n., (law) a written deposition, affidavit.
5. ¨Ñ®à *gong4zhuo1, n., sacrificial altar.
6. ¨Ñ»{ gong1ren4, v.i. & t., to confess (theft, etc.);
7. ¨Ñ»{ gong1ren4, n., a confession.
8. ¨Ñµü gong1ci2, n., (law) verbal depositions.
9. ¨Ñ¸J *gong4wan3, n., sacrificial vessel.
10. ¨Ñ¾i gong1yang3, v.t., (1) bring up, rear: §â³o«Ä¤l¨Ñ¾i¤j¤F bring the child up to manhood;
11. ¨Ñ¾i gong1yang3, v.t., (2) care for: ¨Ñ¾i¤÷¥À provide for the needs and comforts of one's parents;
12. ¨Ñ¾i gong1yang3, v.t., (3) (*gong4yang3) offer sacrifice to (the gods).
13. ¨ÑÀ³ gong1ying4, v.t., to supply, furnish, provide.

°» Num. Index: 91A.80-2     £¤£´ zhen1         (also £¤£¶ zheng1    ).
V.t.To detect, spy, do espionage work, see compp.¡õ.
Words1. °»¬d zhen1cha21, v.t., to investigate (murder, legal fraud, etc.).
2. °»¹î zhen1cha22, v.t., ditto: °»¹î¾÷ reconnaisance plane.
3. °»½r zhen1chi4, v.t., to search for (unapprehended criminal).
4. °»ÃM zhen1ji4, n., formerly, cavalry on reconnaissance duty.
5. °»¸ß zhen1xUn2, v.i., gather information in legal investigation.
6. °»±´ zhen1tan4, (1) v.t., to do detective work, spy;
7. °»±´ zhen1tan4, (2) n., a detective, espionage agent: °»±´¤p»¡ detective story.

¶É Num. Index: 91A.80-2     £¢£¸£¶ qing1         (also £¢£¸£¶£½ qing2        ; *£}£¶ keng1    ).
V.i.(1) To incline to one side: ¶É±× qing1xie2¡õ;
¥ª¶É¡A¥k¶É¤À¤l leftist, rightist elements;
to tend toward: ¶É¦V qing1xiang4¡õ.
(2) To aspire, admire: ¶É¤ß¡A¶É¨Ø qing1xin1, qing1pei4¡õ;
¶ÉÔU phr., (Cantonese) to chat, to make conversation;
to have a heart-to-heart talk.
(3) To collapse or cause to collapse: ¶ÉÂСA¶É­Ë qing1fu4, qing1dao3¡õ.
V.t.(1) To pour out, to flow over: ¶É¥X pour out;
¶É·¸ overflow;
¶Éµ¨­Ëæ× turn up lock, stock and barrel;
¶É¦R pour out (one's sorrows, secret thoughts);
¶ÉÂè pour molten metal into ingots.
(2) To use up, exhaust, all resources: ¶ÉÅn¬Û§U ¡§empty one's pocket,¡¨ i.e., give one's all to help;
¶É®a¿º²£ (also pr. *keng1jia1) spend one's entire fortune (to do s.t.), or to be broke.
(3) (Also *keng1¡×§|) to ruin or destroy s.o.: ¶É³´ qing1xian4¡õ.
Words1. ¶É«° qing1cheng2, n., as in ¶É°ê¶É«° allu. to a woman's great beauty (enough to ¡§cause the downfall of a city or an entire country¡¨).
2. ¶É­Ë qing1dao3, v.i., to prostrate;
3. ¶É­Ë qing1dao3, v.i., show extreme admiration or love of a person: ¶É­Ë©ó¦o fall in love with her;
4. ¶É­Ë qing1dao3, v.i., ¤Q¤À¶É­Ë admire greatly (a person);
5. ¶É­Ë qing1dao3, v.i., (2) (qing1dao4) to pour out (feelings, etc.).
6. ¶É°Ê qing1dong4, v.t., as in ¶É°Ê¤@®É powerfully affect the times or generation or have convulsive effect on one's mind.
7. ¶É¦Õ qing1er3, phr., incline one's ear, listen carefully.
8. ¶ÉÂÐ qing1fu4, (1) v.i., to collapse;
9. ¶ÉÂÐ qing1fu4, (2) v.t., overthrow (government), destroy (country).
10. ¶É»\ qing1gai4, phr., (LL) to meet together among friends (as on a journey, the ¡§wagon covers touch¡¨).
11. ¶É°ê qing1guo2, phr., (1) see qing1cheng2¡ô;
12. ¶É°ê qing1guo2, phr., (2) the whole nation.
13. ¶É¨¤ qing1jiao3, n., (math.) angle of inclination.
14. ¶ÉÃÌ qing1jin1, phr., pour out one's heart.
15. ¶ÉÅn qing1nang2, phr., empty one's pocket-give all to help.
16. ¶É¨Ø qing1pei4, v.t., to admire greatly.
17. ¶É¬Ö qing1pen2, phr., ¶É¬Ö¤j«B pouring rain, downpour.
18. ¶ÉÉÈ qing1pi3, v.i., (of buildings) collapse, in dilapidated condition.
19. ¶É¤H *keng1ren2, phr., to frame to destroy person (¡×§|¤H).
20. ¶É³´ qing1xian4, v.t., to frame (a person) to destroy him.
21. ¶É¦V qing1xiang4, v.i., incline toward (person, belief);
22. ¶É¦V qing1xiang4, n., inclination, tendency.
23. ¶É¾P qing1xiao1, v.t. & n., to dump (goods);
24. ¶É¾P qing1xiao1, v.t. & n., dumping.
25. ¶É±× qing1xie2, v.i. & n., incline, inclination;
26. ¶É¾P qing1xiao1, v.t. & n., (geol.) dip.
27. ¶É¤ß qing1xin1, v.i., to fall in love: ¤@¨£¶É¤ß love at first sight;
28. ¶É¤ß qing1xin1, v.i., ¶É¤ß©ó¥L fall in love with him.
29. ¶É¥@ qing1shi4, v.i., (MC) to leave this world--to die.
30. ¶É¶D qing1su4, v.i. & t., get s.t. off one's chest.
31. ¶ÉÅ¥ qing1ting1, v.i., to listen attentively.
32. ¶É¦R qing1tu3, v.t., to pour out (one's feelings).
33. ¶É®y qing1zuo4, v.i., to take the audience by storm.
34. ¶É¦M qing1wei2, adj., (1) dangerous;
35. ¶É¦M qing1wei2, adj., (2) (AC) crafty.
36. ¶Éªî qing1ya4, v.t., to jockey for position, to squeeze out: ¤¬¬Û¶Éªî (of parties, cliques) have internal fight.

Àv Num. Index: 91A.80-2     £¥£µ£½ chang2    .
N.Repayment: ³øÀv remuneration.
V.t.(1) To repay (debt): ÀvÁÙ chang2huan2¡õ;
Àv¶Å repay debt.
(2) To fulfill a promise, pledge: ¦pÄ@¥HÀv have one's wish fulfilled;
ÀvÄ@ chang2yUan4¡õ.
(3) To repay in kind, indemnify: ©èÀv repay with collateral;
½ßÀv to indemnify, an indemnity;
¸ÉÀv make up deficit;
¯ÁÀv demand for reimbursement or compensation;
±o¤£Àv¥¢ the game is not worth the candle;
Àv©R chang2ming4¡õ.
Words1. ÀvÁÙ chang2huan2, v.t., to repay (debt).
2. Àv©R chang2ming4, v.i., to pay with life.
3. ÀvÄ@ chang2yUan4, v.i., fulfill one's wish.

»ù Num. Index: 91A.80-3     £¡£¸£«£¿ jia4    .
N.Price: »ù¿ú jia4qian2¡õ;
»ù·Gª«¬ü (of goods or services) cheap and fine;
»ù®æ jia4ge2¡õ, °ª»ù¦¬ÁÊ offer to buy at attractive prices;
º¦»ù a price hike;
¶^»ù a drop in price;
µL»ù¤§Ä_ a priceless treasure;
¦³»ùÃÒ¨é negotiable instruments;
¦ô»ù (business) to quote prices;
¦ô»ù³æ a quotation;
°Q»ùÁÙ»ù haggle, bargain;
¥b»ù half price;
©w»ù the list price, fixed price;
¥«»ù market price;
¤£¤G»ù one-price system;
¶}»ù offer to sell at a certain price;
¯Á»ù to ask or demand price;
®É»ù the current price.
Words1. »ù¥» jia4ben3, n., business capital.
2. »ù¿ú jia4qian2, n., a thing's cost, price.
3. »ù®æ jia4ge2, n., price.
4. »ù­È jia4(')zhi2, n., (1) value;
5. »ù­È jia4(')zhi2, n., (2) cost;
6. »ù­È jia4(')zhi2, n., (3) worth.
7. »ù½X jia4ma3, n., see jia4mu4¡õ.
8. »ù¥Ø jia4mu4, n., price: »ù¥Øªí price list.

­Ñ Num. Index: 91A.80-4     £¡£º jU1         (also *£¡£º£¿ jU4    ).
Adv.All: ­Ñ³Æ all complete, nothing left out;
­Ñ¥þ ditto.
­Ñ¤w»ô³Æ everything is ready;
­ÑºÉ all finished, nothing left.
Words1. ­Ñ¼Ö³¡ *jU4lebu4 (jyu-le-buh

¾ª Num. Index: 91A.80-6     £t£¸£´£¿ bin4         (*£t£¸£´ bin1    ).
Words1. ¾ª¬Û bin4xiang4 (*bin1xiang4), n., as in ¤k¾ª¬Û bridesmaid;
2. ¾ª¬Û bin4xiang4 (*bin1xiang4), n., ¨k¾ª¬Û best man at wedding.

¥ñ Num. Index: 91A.81-1     £w£¹£½ fu2    .
N.(1) Name of season: ¤T¥ñ or ¤T¥ñ¤Ñ first, second and third ten days after summer solstice, considered the hottest season;
·²¥ñ summer vacation of this period.
(2) A surname.
V.i.(1) To bend down, prostrate: ¥ñ¨­ bend down;
¥ñ®× bend over table (and sleep or work);
¥ñ¦a prostrate on the ground;
«ô¥ñ¡A«m¥ñ to prostrate ceremoniously, (fig.) see Adv.¡õ.
(2) To lie in concealment: ¼ç¥ñ lie in concealment, incubate (of virus, etc.);
®I¥ñ¡AÁô¥ñ to ambush.
(3) To admit defeat: ¥ñ¿é (¡×ªA¿é) fu2shu1¡õ.
V.t.(1) To submit, cause to submit, +n.: ¥ñªk¡A¥ñ¸Ý be executed;
¥ñ¸o submit to punishment;
¥ñ¼C kill oneself by sword.
(2) To sit over (eggs): ¥ñ§Z.
Adj.Prostrate: ¥ñ«Í prostrate dead bodies (on the battlefield);
¥ñ§L soldiers lying in ambush.
Adv.(Court. in correspondence) I pray, I beg, etc.: ¥ñ¬è¡A¥ñ¤^ I pray;
¥ñºû¡A¥ñ«ä I believe (you are in good health);
¥ñ©À remember, I think of (you).
Words1. ¥ñÅG fu2bian4, v.i., admit defeat in argument.
2. ¥ñµ§ fu2bi3, n., (rhet.) a line throwing out a hint to be amplified later.
3. ¥ñ®ð fu2chi4, v.i., esp. ¤£¥ñ®ð not convinced of defeat (also wr. ªA®ð 42A.82).
4. ¥ñôU¡]¾ú¡^ fu2li4, v.i., to be tied to stable post: ¦ÑÆk¥ñôU¡A§Ó¦b¤d¨½ the old horse in stable is yet dreaming of heroic exploits.
5. ¥ñ­d fu2ling2, n., see Ó¬­d 20A.81.
6. ¥ñ²õ fu2mang3, v.i., (of bandits) hiding in jungles.
7. ¥ñ¤ûªá fu2niu2hua1, n., (bot.) berberis vulgaris.
8. ¥ñ¿ª fu2xi1, n., one of earliest legendary rulers 2852¡Ð2738 B.C., reputed to discover the ¤K¨ö pa1gua4, 80.80, and invent writting.
9. ¥ñ¿é fu2shu1, v.i., admit defeat (also. wr. ªA).
10. ¥ñ¨Æ¡]¨Í¡^ fu2shi4, v.t., to serve (person).
11. ¥ñ¦Æ fu2xUn4, n., summer flood.
12. ¥ñ¯S fu2te4, n., (translit.) volt.
13. ¥ñ¤Ñ fu2tian1, n., see N.1¡ô.
14. ¥ñ¶K fu2tie1, adj., see ªA¶K 42A.82.

¥í Num. Index: 91A.81-1     £w£¹ fu1    .
N.Common laborer: ¥í¤l¡A¥í§Ð see ¤Ò§Ð 12.81, comp.

§H Num. Index: 91A.81-1     £¸£¿ yi4    .
N.(AC) mistake.
V.i. & adj.(1) To indulge in pleasures: ²]§H indulging in sensual pleasures (interch. ¶h).
(2) Missing, lost (anc. book): ¿ò§H ditto (interch. ¶h 92.83).
(3) To transcend rules or the common run;
to be distinguished.
Words1. §H¿º yi4dang4, adj., (1) indulgent in pleasure, debauched;
2. §H¿º yi4dang4, adj., (2) uninhibited, uncoventional.
3. §H¹C yi4you2, v.i., to fool around with women, spend one's time in sensual pleasures.

«L Num. Index: 91A.81-1     £££¸£«£½ xia2    .
N.A swordsman, an outlaw champion of the poor and oppressed, one who fights rather than submit to injustice--an ideal of chivalry and honor, popular in legend and novels: »¨«L a hero, a man of honor and courage: «L¤h¡A¼C«L¡A«L«È practised swordsman;
´å«L a roaming swordsman;
ªZ«L¤p»¡¡A¼v¤ù a novel, film, with lots of swordplay and dashing heroes.
Adj.Chivalrous: «L°© chivalrous frame of mind;
«LÁx fearlessness.
Words1. «L«È xia2ke4, n., an expert swordsman.
2. «L¸q xia2yi4, adj. & n., honor and gallantry.

àõ Num. Index: 91A.81-2     £¢£¸ chi1    .
V.i.(AC) to lean, incline to one side, (var. of Ùs);
àõàõ (AC) to totter (as when drunk).

¦ü Num. Index: 91A.81-2     syh    .
V.i.Seem, appear, seem like: ¦ü¥G syhhu0¡õ;
¦ü¬O¦Ó«D appears right but really wrong;
¦ü¦¹ like this;
¦ü¦³¦üµL seems to exist and again not to exist;
used oft. as aux. or as adv., apparently: ¦ü¥i it seems possible to;
¦ü¥² it seems one must;
¦üÀ³¡A¦ü©y it seems one should;
¦ü«DµL¦] it seems (s.t.) happens not without a reason--there is a reason.
Adj.Like, alike (Eng. ¡§like¡¨ in ¡§like this¡¨ is considered an unusual adj. which takes an object): ¬Û¦ü alike;
¦ü§Ú like me;
¦n¦ü (very common) is like;
¦n¦ü¨S¨£¹L seem not to have seen (person) before;
©{¦ü just like;
Ãþ¦ü look like;
µL¦ü lacking in courtesy (of speech, conduct);
¦üªº (used at the end of sentence): ¦n¹³¨S¨£¹L¦üªº it looks like we have not met before.
Prep.(Used as a comparative) than: ¤@­Ó°ª¦ü¤@­Ó each is taller than another.
Words1. ¦üªº si4de0, phr., see Adj.¡ô.
2. ¦ü»ù syhga0, phr., (dial.) used like syhde0¡ô: ¶Â¬´ÀY¤]¦ü»ùªºÆK¨¤¤l a side knot like a ball of charcoal.
3. ¦ü¥G si4hu0, adv., (commonly used in vern. in place of ¦ü) apparently: ¦ü¥G¤Ó¦­ apparently too early;
4. ¦ü¥G si4hu0, adv., ¦ü¥G°µ¤£§¹ it seems not possible to finish it.
5. ¦üÄò syhxU4, v.t., (AC) u.f. ¶àÄò 40S.50 to continue ancestral line.

¹² Num. Index: 91A.81-2     £u£¹£½ pu2    .
N.Servant: ¨k¤H¹²¤H man- and maidservants;
¥£¹² formerly, slaves;
¤½¹² public servant.
Pron.(Court. used by man) ¡§I,¡¨ used like ¡§your humble servant¡¨ in letters (cf. ©c 60.93).
V.i.(AC) to drive carriage.
Words1. ¹²¤Ò pu2fu1, n., (AC) driver;
2. ¹²¤Ò pu2fu1, n., manservant.
3. ¹²©h pu2gu1, n., (AC) arrow.
4. ¹²¹² pu2pu2, adj. & adv., in a hustle: ¹²¹²ªø³~ phr., after an arduous journey;
5. ¹²¹² pu2pu2, ¹²¹²­·¹Ð phr., endure the hardships of travel.
6. ¹²¤H pu2ren2, n., servant.
7. ¹²±q pu2zong4, n., retinue of servants and employees.
8. ¹²§Ð pu2yi4, n., gen. term for servants.

«J Num. Index: 91A.81-3     £~£²£½ hou2    . [Dist. ­Ô]
N.(1) A surname.
(2) A marquis, a rank of nobility: ½Ñ«J the feudal princes of Confucius' times;
«Jªù¡]²`¡^¦ü®ü a rich man's mansion is difficult of access.
(3) (AC) shooting target.
(4) Anc. var. of ¦ó and ºû.

­Ô Num. Index: 91A.81-3     £~£²£¿ hou4    . [Dist. «J]
N.(1) Season, weather: ®ð­Ô weather, climate;
®É­Ô time in gen.;
©u­Ô season, the seasons.
(2) Symptoms: ¯g­Ô.
(3) Timing: ¤õ­Ô timing in cooking.
V.i.(1) To wait, to welcome: µ¥­Ô to wait;
ªï­Ô¡A­Ô¾r¡A­Ô¥ú¡A­Ô±Ð to wait to welcome (your presence at party, etc.).
(2) To await: ­Ô¥Ü¡A­Ô©R await your instructions;
­Ô°T¡A­Ô¼f to await court trial or cross-examination;
­Ô¸É¡A­Ô¿ï hou4bu3, hou4xUan3¡õ.
(3) To take care of the bill: ³o½ã§Ú­Ô¤F I have paid the bill.
Words1. ­Ô¸É hou4bu3, v.i. & n., (be) a candidate: ­Ô¸Éª¾¿¤ a candidate for county magistrate's office.
2. ­Ô¯ß hou4mo4, v.t., (Peking, of physicians) to examine patient.
3. ­Ô³¾ hou4niao3, n., a migratory bird which follows the seasons.
4. ­Ô¿ï hou4xUan3, v.i., be a candidate for election to office;
5. ­Ô¿ï hou4xUan3, v.i., ­Ô¿ï¤H candidate.

»ü Num. Index: 91A.81-8     £¡£¸£³£¾ jian3         (also £¡£¸£³£¿ jian4    ).
Adj.(1) Frugal, economical, sparing: ¸`»ü thrifty;
»ü¾ë jian3pu3¡õ;
»ü¬Ù jian3sheng3¡õ;
»ü¾Ç (of poor student) denying oneself all comforts to save money for studying;
¶Ô»ü hardworking and thrifty;
»ü¥Î frugal, provident, economizing;
»ü¬ù jian3yuei¡õ.
(2) Wanting, lacking, short: »üÁ¡ jian3bo2¡õ;
»ü¸¡ jian3fu4¡õ.
Words1. »üÁ¡ jian3bo2, adj., lacking the necessities of life.
2. »ü¸¡ jian3fu4, adj., scanty in knowledge, ignorant.
3. »ü¾ë jiarnpu3, adj., living a simple life.
4. »ü¬Ù jiarnsheng3, adj., frugal, economical.
5. ȟ jian3yuei, adj., economical, thrifty, practising austerity.

¥ë Num. Index: 91A.81-9     £~£¹£¬£¾ huo3    .
N.(1) ³Ã¥ë furniture.
(2) (AC) a squad of ten men was called ¤õ, hence the derivatives ¥ë­p¡A¥ë¦ñ huo3ji0, huo3ban4¡õ.
(3) Short for ¥ë­¹ the meals: ¥]¥ë board provided by the month, etc.;
·f¥ë share board with others;
¶}¥ë¡A°±¥ë begin, stop, providing of meals.
Words1. ¥ë¦ñ¡]¨à¡^ huo3ban4(huo3ba4er0), n., (pop.) colleague, co-worker in shop (sharing meals, also wr. ¤õ).
2. ¥ë­p huo3ji0, n., employee, waiter.
3. ¥ë­¹ huo3si0, n., board, daily meals (also wr. ¤õ).

°¿ Num. Index: 91A.81-9     £¦£¹£¿ shu4    . [Anc. var. ñì¡Aßo; pop. ¡¼]
Adv.Suddenly, abruptly: °¿µM shu4ran2, °¿©¿ shu4hu1, °¿º¸ shu4er3, ditto.

¡¼ Num. Index: 91A.81-9     £¦£¹£¿ shu4     [Pop. of °¿]

«S Num. Index: 91A.81-9     syh         (*£¢£¸£½ chi2    ). [Var. ¡¼]
N.A comp. Tungusic ¡]ÂA¨õ¡^ surname: ÉE«S pr. *mo4chi2, also *mu4chi2.
V.i. & t.To wait, wait for (time, person): «S¥L¨Ó¤F wait until he comes;
«S¾r (court.) wait for your arrival.
Words1. «S«K syhbian4, phr., when convenient.
2. «S­Ô syhhou4, v.t., to wait for.
3. «S©R syhming4, phr., (AC) abide and wait for God's will.
4. «S®É syhshi2, phr., when the time comes.