[ji4. [Usu. wr.]Homophone
AdjComplete, full: 日有食之 (AC) there was a full eclipse;
(AC) the moment of full eclipse;
成事實 a fait accompli, an accomplished fact;
limitless: 感荷無 (LL) thank you ever so much (“no and of thanks”).
Adv(1)  Already: 往不咎 let bygones be bygones;
成,遂 already done or committed.
(2)  Since: 來之,則安之 since we have come, let us stay and enjoy it.
(3)  Then, later on: 而悔之 afterwards he repented of his promise.
(4)  …且 both…and: 醉且飽 have had enough of both wine and food.
ConjSince: see [ji4ran2]↓.
Words1.得權 [ji4de2qUan2], n., right of acquisition. 
2.而 [ji4er2], adv., then, soon thereafter, sometime later. 
3.然 [ji4ran2], conj., since, as (it is so, etc.). 
4.是 [ji4shi4], conj., ditto. 
5.望 [ji4wang4], n., the 16th day of a lunar month (“day after 望, the full moon”).