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ㄖㄣˊ [ren2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Human beings: [ren2lei4], [ren2qUn2]↓;
窮志短 poverty and ambition make strange bedfellows;
面獸心 a brute under a human mask;
模狗樣 pretending to be what one is not, also said of a pederast;
頭畜鳴 an animal in human form;
中騏驥 (compliment) a very clever child;
不知,鬼不覺 done in complete secrecy;
大心大 (usu. of a girl) become gradually more assertive as one grows older;
小鬼大 a child daring to do great mischief, (facet.) a boy with a high ambition;
敬不高 to be respected encourages one to be worthy of such respect;
義水甜 perfect harmony between friends;
有臉,樹有皮 “face” is as important to man as the bark is to tree;
命關天 a case involving life and death;
命案 a case of manslaughter;
肉巿場 a brothel;
浮於食 too many workers with little to do;
浮於事 ditto, more applicants than available jobs;
定勝天 man is the master of his own fate;
多嘴雜 a babel of voices, divided counsel, “too many cooks spoil the soup”;
頭份兒 to share a thing equally among all (“to each a share”);
傑地靈 a place propitious for giving birth to great men;
間地獄 a veritable hell on earth;
間天堂 heaven on earth;
海 huge crowds (“a sea of human beings”);
生於世 living in a time like this;
to live this life;
生朝露 the evanescence of life (“human life is like the morning dew”);
微言輕 (self-derogatory) lowly placed as I am, my words can carry little or no weight;
言可畏 advice to behave correctly for fear of incurring gossip;
不可貌相 don't judge anyone by appearances;
behave oneself properly;
to conduct oneself in a certain way;
a superior man (opp. 小 a mean fellow, a scoundrel), (lit.) a grown-up (opp. 小 a child);
a great man.
(2)  Everybody: 皆讚美 praised by one and all;
all without exception;
people in general;
所共知 as everybody knows.
(3)  A grown-up: 他的兒子業已成了 his son has come of age.
(4)  A person of a certain character: 法 a legal (juridical) person;
自然 a natural person;
公證 a notary public;
辯護 (law) the defense counsel (attorney);
保護 protector;
申請 an applicant;
監護 (law) the guardian of a minor.
PronOther: 棄我取 I will take whatever others don't want;
取我與 I will part with whatever others may want;
一己百 if others succeed by making one ounce of effort, I will make a hundred times as much effort;
己所不欲,勿施於 don't do to others what you would not have others do to you;
推己及 do as you would be done by others, judge others as you would like to be judged by others.
Words1.保 [ren2bao3], n., a personal guarantee (opp. 舖保 guarantee offered by a business firm). 
2.表 [ren2biao3], n., a person of exemplary conduct, a paragon of virtue. 
3.稱 [ren2cheng1](1)  n., (gram.) the first, second or third person; (2)  a nickname by which a person is known. 
4.臣 [ren2chen2], n., a minister of State. 
5.情 [ren2qing2], n., (1)  what comes naturally to man, what is inherent in human nature; (2)  a favor done to s.o.; (3)  a present (gift); (4)  a wedding or birthday party, a funeral service, (5)  attendance at such a party or service; (6)  affection, love, personal attachment; (7)  a gesture of kindness or generosity: 情貨 a person holding a job on the strength of a recommendation by an influential individual; 情兒 a favor done to another; 情味(兒)genuine human warmth. 
6.權 [ren2qUan2], n., the rights of man, human rights: 權宣言 (Fr. history) Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen; 權法案 (British history) the Bill of Rights of 1689. 
7.群 [ren2qUn2], n., (1)  a crowd of people; (2)  mankind: 群兒 ([ren2qUe2er0]) a crowd. 
8.道 [ren2dao4], n., (1)  kindness, humanity, mercy: 道主義 humanitarianism; (2)  sexual intercourse: 不能道 impotency,-t; (3)  (Budd.) the stage of human existence. 
9.燈 [ren2deng1], n., a person thin and frail (“like a lamppost”). 
10.地 [ren2di4], n., the environment in which a person finds himself: 地生疏 (be placed) in an unfamiliar environment; 地不宜 finding oneself in an unsuitable environment. 
11.丁 [ren2ding1], n., (1)  persons who have come of age; (2)  people in general. 
12.堆兒 [ren2dueer0], n., a crowd of people. 
13.犯 [ren2fan4], n., a criminal (suspect). 
14.販子 [ren2fan4zi0], n., one who traffics in human beings. 
15.夫 [ren2fu1], n., coolies. 
16.根 [ren2gen1], n., (Budd.) the human reproductive organ. 
17.格 [ren2ge2], n., (1)  personal character, personality: 格化 personify, -ication; (2)  a legal entity. 
18.工 [ren2gong1](1)  n., a man-day; (2)  n., human effort; (3)  adj., artificial, man-made (opp. 自然 natural); 工呼吸 artificial respiration; 工呼吸器 respirator; 工授精 artificial insemination; 工腎臟 artificial kidney. 
19.股(兒) [ren2gu3]([er0]), n., formerly, annual bonus given to the manager of a business partnership. 
20.海 [ren2hai3], n., huge crowds: 海浮沈 to experience all the vicissitudes of life; 海戰術 human wave tactics of warfare. 
21.豪 [ren2hao2], n., the ablest and bravest of men, a man among men. 
22.和 [ren2he2], n., group morale. 
23.話 [ren2hua4], n., seemly words, utterances becoming a decent man. 
24.寰 [ren2huan2], n., the world of men. 
25.戶 [ren2hu4], n., the people. 
26.證 [ren2zheng4], n., testimony given by a witness in a law court. 
27.家 [ren2jia1], n., (1)  a dwelling house; (2)  s.o. else's home; (3)  a high-class family: 清白家 a decent family; 富貴家 a rich and politically influential family; (4)  a family engaged in a certain occupation: 務農家 a farm family; 作工的家 an artisan’s (workingman's) family; (5)  a wife: 娶個家 get married; (6)  (*[ren2jia0]) some one, one, used to denote (a) somebody else: 家的事你不用管 don’t meddle with somebody else's business; [ren2jia0], (b) used to denote others:家可不能像你那麼胡說 others, another, will not talk such nonsense as you do; (c) or to denote the speaker himself: 你成天拿家開玩笑 you are making fun of me all the time; (d) to denote persons of a particular class: 男家 the menfolk, 女家 womenfolk; 婦道家 ditto; 女孩家 girls; [ren2jia1], (7)  the husband's family before marriage: 給她找個家 choose a prospective husband for her; 已經有家兒了 she is already engaged. 
28.鑑 [ren2jian4], n., a loyal minister who can correct the prince’s failings (“a human mirror in which one's true self is reflected”), (also 鏡). 
29.間 [ren2jian1], n., (1)  this human world, this human life (with all that it may imply): 生於此間 born into this world of ours; (2)  social intercourse: 吾無宦情兼拙於間 (LL) I don't care to be an official, nor am I a good mixer; 間味 the flavor of human life; 間苦 bitter human life. 
30.傑 [ren2jie2], n., a hero among men. 
31.境 [ren2jing4]1, n., human habitations, a place where men make their homes. 
32.鏡 [ren2jing4]2, n., (=[ren2jian4]↑). 
33.精 [ren2jing1], n., a child with the ways of grown-ups; uncanny person. 
34.粥 [ren2zhou1], n., (fig.) a crowded mass of human beings. 
35.眾 [ren2zhong4], n., the masses, the people at large. 
36.中 [ren2zhong1], n., (physiol.) the middle line of upper lip; 中白 (herb med.) urine sediments used as a drug; 中黃 (herb med.) a drug to cure fever, made of powdered licorice root put in a bamboo tube and soaked in a cesspool for several months. 
37.主 [ren2zhu3], n., the reigning monarch, ruler. 
38.種 [ren2zhong3], n., the human species, a person's race. 
39.治 [ren2zhi4], n., (Confu.) government by men, the rule of men (opp. 法治 government by law, the rule of law). 
40.爵 [ren2jUe2], n., official titles (opp. 天爵 moral greatness). 
41.君 [ren2jUn1], n., the monarch. 
42.客 [ren2ke4], n., guests (=客, opp. 主 the host). 
43.口 [ren2kou3], n., (1)  population: 口統計 census taking; (2)  all the members of a family; (3)  the mouth as an organ of speech: 膾炙口 (of literary works) be spoken of with relish. 
44.兒 [re2er0], n., (1)  a person; (2)  a concubine; (3)  a human figure or picture; (4)  a person's looks and conduct. 
45.籟 [ren2lai4], n., sounds of the human voice (opp. 天籟 the sounds of nature). 
46.來瘋 [ren2lai2feng1], n., childish pranks in the presence of guests. 
47.類 [ren2lei1], n., mankind, human beings, humanity at large, the human species. 
48.力 [ren2li4], n., manpower, manual labor, human force; 力車 a rickshaw; 力股(兒)=[ren2gu3]↑. 
49.倫 [ren2lun2], n., (1)  ethical relations; (2)  personal character. 
50.馬 [ren2ma3], n., (1)  coolies and beasts of burden; (2)  people on the move as a group; (3)  soldiers and horses. 
51.們 [ren2men0], n., people in gen., the indefinite “they”. 
52.面 [ren2mian4], n., the human face: 面獸心 the brute of a man (“an animal under a human mask”). 
53.命 [ren2ming4], n., human life: 命官司 a case of murder or manslaughter; 命攸關 a matter of life and death. 
54.民 [ren2min2], n., the people: 民陣線 popular front; 民公社 Commune; 民票 (幣) currency of Communist China. 
55.謀 [ren2mou2], n., plans (schemes) made by men, opp. god's will. 
56.品 [ren2pin3], n., (1)  personal character; (2)  personal looks. 
57. [ren2ren2], n., everybody: 為我,我為 all for one and one for all. 
58.瑞 [ren2rui4], n., a great benefactor of men, oft. a venerable highly respected character. 
59.日 [ren2ri4], n., the 7th day of the first lunar month. 
60.勝 [ren2sheng4], n., formerly, ornamental flowers (花勝) or figures cut from colored material and used as presents on the 7th day of the first lunar month. 
61.參 [ren2shen1]1, n., the ginseng. 
62.身 [ren2shen1]2, n., (1)  the human body: 身保護狀 a writ of habeas corpus; (2)  man's physical frame: 投生身 (Budd.) be reincarnated in human form; (3)  personal character: 身權 (law) personal rights. 
63.生 [ren2sheng1], n., the life of man, human life: 生如夢 life is but a dream: 生觀 one's outlook on life, philosophy of life. 
64.相 [ren2xiang1]1, n., physiognomy. 
65.像 [ren2xiang4]3, n., a portrait. 
66.性 [ren2xing4], n., (1)  human nature (opp. 獸性 animal nature; n., 神性 divine nature); n., (2)  human feelings, emotions, and impulses; (3)  ([ren2xing0]) a person's temperament and character: 他的性不好 he is ill-tempered; (4)  ([ren2xing0]) man's emotional and rational faculties: 這個不通性 this man know nothing of human feelings, remains unmoved and unsympathetic. 
67.心 [ren2xin1], n., (1)  a person's disposition; (2)  one's inclination: 心不齊 people are of different minds; (3)  human conscience, one's better self: 他要有心,才怪呢 it would be strange, indeed, if he had a conscience! (4)  gratitude: 必有一份心 I must express my human gratitude; 心兒 [ren2xie1er0], n., the middle of a crowd: 在心兒裡站著 stand in the midst of a crowed. 
68.行 [ren2xing2], n., human decency: 他簡直不是行 he doesn't behave like a man at all; 行道 a sidewalk. 
69.形兒 [ren2xing2er0], n., a human shape (form). 
70.手 [ren2shou3], n., personnel engaged in a specific task, employees. 
71.壽 [ren2hou4], n., one's span of life; 壽保險 life insurance. 
72.師 [ren2shi1], n., a person of exemplary conduct. 
73.士 [ren2shi4]1, n., men or scholars in get. 
74.氏 [ren2shi4]2, n., persons born of a particular locality: 就是本地氏 is a native son here. 
75.巿 [ren2shi4]3, n., a densely populated place. 
76.世 [ren2shi4]4, n., this human world or life. 
77.事 [ren2shi4]5, n., (1)  the conscious world: 昏迷過去,事不知 fainted and lost all consciousness; (2)  ways of the world: 不懂事 ignorant of the ways of the world; (3)  human efforts: 盡事,聽天命 do one's human best and leave all else to God; (4)  a present: 送黃金一百兩,權當事 sent one hundred ounces of gold as a present; (5)  sexual knowledge: 她已漸省事 she is growing to be sex-conscious; (6)  personnel affairs: 事處 (科) personnel department (section). 
78.熊 [ren2xiong2], n., (zoo.) the brown bear. 
79.體 [ren2ti3], n., the human body: 體美 beauty of the human figure, as exemplified in nudes. 
80.頭兒 [ren2tou2er0], n., one's character, looks or ability. 
81.頭稅 [ren2tou2shui4], n., the poll tax. 
82.才 [ren2cai2] ([ren2cai0]), n., (1)  a talented person; (2)  good looks: 有幾分才 pretty good-looking (also wr. 材). 
83.造 [ren2zao4], adj., artificial, man-made: 造絲 artificial silk; 造奶油 (牛油) margarine. 
84.擇 [ren2ze2], n., artificial selection. 
85.望 [ren2wang4], n., social prestige, good repute. 
86.味兒 [ren2weher0], n., the joy of living, joie de vivre: 活著沒味兒 there is no joy in continuing to live. 
87.位 [ren2wei4], n., (1)  personnel: 寶號位一共多少 how many employees are there in your shop? (2)  one's ability and the job he holds: 位相宜 is the right man for the right job. 
88.為 [ren2wei2], adj., artificial man-made: 為淘汰 artificial selection (opp. 天然淘汰 natural selection). 
89.文 [ren2wen2], n., human culture: 文主義 humanism; 文地理 human (social, anthropo-) geography; 文科學 the humanities. 
90.物 [ren2wu4], n., (1)  an outstanding personage; (2)  men and things. 
91.煙 [ren2yan1] ([ren2yan0]), n., (1)  smoke from the kitchen chimney; (2)  an inhabited area: 煙稠密 a densely populated locality. 
92.樣 [ren2yang0], n., decent personal appearance or conduct: 把小孩子慣得一點樣沒有 the child has been so spoiled that he doesn't know how to behave; 樣兒 the human shape: 許多逃難的都不成樣兒了 many refugees looked so wretched that they were hardly recognizable as human beings; 樣子 a good, decent-looking person. 
93.牙子 [ren2ya2zi0], n., formerly, one who traffics in human beings. 
94.言 [ren2yan2], n., (1)  human speech; (2)  public opinion: 何恤於言 pay no attention to what others say (of oneself); (3)  a rumor: 言不可信 don't believe rumors. 
95.妖 [ren2yao1], n., (1)  a devil in human form, an evil genius; (2)  a freak, a person showing abnormal sex characteristics; (3)  a person fond of fancy dress and excessive make-up. 
96.影兒 [ren2ying3er0], n., (1)  the human form; (2)  one's whereabouts. 
97.員 [ren2yUan2]1, n., staff members, personnel. 
98.猿 [ren2yUan2]2, n., the ape, anthropoid. 
99.緣(兒) [ren2yUan2]3 ([ren2yuarer0]), n., ability to like people and be liked  
100.欲 [ren2yU4]1, n., human wants, pleasures of the flesh, esp. those of sex and food. 
101.慾 [ren2yU4]2, n., ditto. 
102.魚 [ren2yU2], n., a mermaid, merman; 美魚 a good woman swimmer.