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ㄇㄠˊ [mao2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  ([mao2er0]) Hair, fur, down: [mao2fa3]↓, 細 down (=毫 60.70);
,獸 hair or fur of dog, beasts;
feather; 雞 chicken feather or down;
被 goose-down quilt;
hair on armpit;
骨悚然 have goose flesh.
(2)  A ten-cent piece, ten cents: 一元三=$1.30 (also 角).
(3)  A surname: 遂自薦 phr., common 遂 who recommended himself to post--to recommend oneself.
Adj(1)  Hairy, furry: 竹,筍,桃 species of bamboo, bamboo shoot, peach with fine down on stem or fruit.
(2)  Woolen: 織品 woolen fabrics;
衣,[mao2yi1], [mao2xian4]↓.
(3)  Coarse: 腳 flurried in movement, rough-handed, see 騰騰 [mao2mao0teng0teng0]↓.
(4)  Flurried, nervous: 把他嚇了 made him nervous with fright;
心裡發 feel nervous, see [mao2gu0]↓.
(5)  Too detailed: 不勝舉 too numerous to mention one by one (cf. 枚舉 10B.82).
(6)  Very young, not grown-up: 孩子 (coll.) little child;
丫頭 (coll.) young maid before puberty;
驢 young, small donkey.
(7)  Rough, approximate: 利,息 approximate interest (income).
Words1.包 [mao2bao1], adj. & n., (person who is) bumptious. 
2.邊紙 [mao2bian1zhi3], n., common Chin. writing paper made from bamboo pulp. 
3.筆 [mao2bi3], n., writing brush. 
4.病 [mao2bing0], n., weakness, shortcoming, trouble: 機器常出病 engine often develops troubles; 病在哪兒 what is the cause of the trouble? 胃的病 stomach trouble; 文章有小病 s.t. not quite right in an article. 
5.玻璃 [mao2bo1li0], n., frosted glass. 
6.蟲 [mao2chong2], n., caterpillar; also called 蟲. 
7.翅類 [mao2chi4lei4], n., (zoo.) Trichopteria, family of winged insects. 
8.豆 [mao2dou4], n., very young and tender soybean. 
9.髮 [mao2fa3], n., hair on head, opp. or 汗 on rest of body. 
10.茛 [mao2gen4], n., (bot.) Ranunculus acris
11.咕 [mao2gu0], adj., frightened, flurried, see [mao2er0gu1ji1]↓. 
12. [mao2zhan1], n., felt. 
13.腳雞 [mao2jiao3ji1], n., (derog.) rash, bumptious fellow. 
14.薑 [mao2jiang1], adj., (contempt.) rash, restless (of person). 
15.巾 [mao2jin1], n., hand towel, bath towel. 
16.錐 (子) [mao2zhui1]([zi0]), n., (LL) writing brush. 
17.重 [mao2zhong4], n., overall weight including packing. 
18.孔 [mao2kong3], n., pore. 
19.兒咕咭 [mao1er0gu1ji1], adj., see [mao2le0gu1ji1]↓. 
20.藍 [mao2lan2], adj., pale blue. 
21.勒咕咭 [mao2le0gu1ji1], adj., frightened . 
22.騰騰 [mao2mao0teng0teng0], adj., flurried and disorderly. 
23.女 (兒) [mao2nU3]([er0]), n., young virgin. 
24.茸 [mao2rong2], adj., hairy, furry, also 茸茸. 
25.衫兒 [mao2sha0er0], n., swaddling clothes. 
26.瑟鎗 [mao2she4qiang1], n., Mauser rifle or pistol. 
27.繩 (兒) [mao2sheng2er0], n., woolen yarn. 
28.線 [mao2xian4], n., woolen yarn. 
29.細管 [mao2xi4guan3], n., capillary: 細管現象 capillary action or phenomenon. 
30.詩 [mao2shi1]1, n., the Book of Poetry (亨’s version). 
31.蝨 [mao2shi1]2, n., a kind of louse which inhabits in hairy region of skin. 
32.廁 [mao2si0], n., privy, toilet (see 茅廁 20A.00). 
33.毯 (子) [mao2tan3] ([zi0]), n., woolen blanket. 
34.桃 (兒,子) [mao2tao2] ([er0], [zi0]), n., a kind of small (furry) peach. 
35.團 [mao2tuan2], n., (MC) the feathered tribe. 
36.兔子 [mao2tu4zi0], n., (abusive) “louse,” “ass” (of person). 
37.子 [mao2zi0], n., (1)  (coll. in times of Boxer Rebellion) foreigner, white man; 大子 white man; 二子 Chinese converts, employees of white men; (2)  tuff of hair on child's head; (3)  used in place of [mao2er0], in some cases, like fine hair on peach (桃子). 
38.賊 [mao2ze2], n., burglar. 
39.足類 [mao2zu2lei4], n., (zoo.) Chaetopoda, family of worms. 
40.窩 [mao2wo1], n., (Northern dial.) warm cloth shoes. 
41.腰 [mao2yao1], phr., to bend down from the waist. 
42.衣 [mao2yi1], n., woolen sweater. 
43.羽 [mao2yU3], n., feathers and furs.