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ㄕㄨㄟˇ [shui3.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Water: 鹹,淡 salt, fresh water;
自來 running water, water from the tap;
well water;
soda water, sparkling, carbonated water;
蒸溜 distilled water;
stagnant water;
flowing water;
with the current;
against the current;
,滾 boiled water;
tea and drinks;
landscape, landscape painting;
中撈月 fish for moon in the water--futile phantasy;
摸魚 to fish in troubled waters;
深火熱 (people) in deep distress, an abyss of suffering;
乳交融 get along swimmingly with each other, mix well like milk and water;
到渠成 canal is formed when water comes--s.t. achieved without effort;
落石出 doubts will clear up when facts are known;
洩(泄)不通 (of road) so jammed as to be impassable;
crowd, audience, tightly packed;
清無魚 fish do not come when water is too clear--said of ultra-pure official, giving no chance for malpractice;
漲船高 ship rises with the tide--a person's social rise benefits those related to him.
(2)  Travel by water, opp. 旱 or 陸 land: 路,旱路(陸路) travel by water, by land;
陸交通 land and sea communications;
戰 sea or river battle.
(3)  Cosmetic lotion, fruit juice: 花露 eau de cologne;
生髮 hair lotion.
(4)  Silver content in coins: 貼,扣 discount for inferior coins.
(5)  Quality: 頭貨 goods “of the first water” (as said of diamond, artist in Eng.);
top quality.
(6)  A surname.
VTo coax (person): 連帶拍,把他問的三心二意 by coax and threats made him confused, undecided.
AdjTransparent, clear or wet like water: [shui3liang4]↓;
淋淋,淥淥 dripping wet;
汪汪 watery (eyes).
Words1.半球 [shui3ban4qiu2], n., water hemisphere. 
2.泵 [shui3beng1], n., water pump. 
3.表 [shui2biao3], n., water meter, water gauge. 
4.鬢 [shui3bin4], n., curl of hair below the temple. 
5.筆 [shui2bi3], n., writing brush of fairly stiff quality, kept moist in brass stop when not used. 
6.玻璃 [shui3bo1li0], n., (chem.) water glass, sodium or potassium silicate. 
7.產 [shui2chan3], n., marine products (fish, shellfish, etc.). 
8.汊 [shui3cha4], n., tributaries, a branch of current. 
9.蒼玉 [shui3chang1yU4], n., aquamarine or beryl. 
10.車 [shui3che1], n., (1)  wheel (for propelling water for the fields from river); (2)  water cart; 車前 (bot.) the dragon's tongue, Ottelia alismoides (also called 龍舌草). 
11.丞 [shui3cheng2]1, n., see [shui3zhu4]↓. 
12.程 [shui3cheng2]2, n., watercourse, waterways; voyage. 
13.成岩 [shui3cheng2yan2], n., (geol.) aqueous or sedimentary rocks; n., 成礦物 n., hydrogen sulphite. 
14.球 [shui3qiu2], n., water polo. 
15.芹 [shui3qin2]1, n., celery. 
16.禽 [shui3qin2]2, n., waterfowl. 
17.池 [shui3chi2], n., a pond, pool. 
18.圈 [shui3qUan1], n., (geol.) hydrosphere. 
19.泉 [shui3qUan2], n., (water) spring. 
20.丹 [shui3dan1], n., putty (also called 油灰). 
21.道 [shui3dao4], n., waterways; drainage system. 
22.滴 [shui3di1], n., (1)  drops of water; (2)  tiny case or pot for dripping water in ink slab. 
23.殿 [shui3dian4], n., a hall overlooking lake; emperor's houseboat. 
24.底電線 [shui2di3dian4xian4], n., submarine cable. 
25.痘(兒) [shui3dou4]([er0]), n., chicken pox, varicella. 
26.碓 [shui3dui4], n., mill, powered by water, for hulling rice. 
27.燉兒 [shui3duo1er0], n., food warmer, a large bowl containing hot water for keeping food warm (also wr. 囤兒). 
28.厄 [shui3e4], n., (LL) death by drowning. 
29.法(兒) [shui3fa0]([er0]), n., an ornamental fountain, fountain display. 
30.粉 [shui2fen3], n., (1)  bean noodle; (2)  lady's powder paste. 
31.分 [shui3fen4], n., percentage of water (in cooking); moisture, humidity. 
32.飛 [shui3fei1], n., a method of collecting solids (such as cinnabar) by sedimentation. 
33.肺 [shui3fei4], n., (zoo.) water lung. 
34.夫 [shui3fu1], n., water carrier. 
35.甘草 [shui3gan1cao3], n., (bot.) Amsonia elliptica
36.閣 [shui3ge2], n., an open hall by the side of water. 
37.溝 [shui3gou1], n., drains, ditch. 
38.管 [shui2guan3], n., water pipe, pipe line; n., 管系 [shui3guan3xi4], n., (zoo.) water-vascular system. 
39.關 [shui3guan1], n., water gate. 
40.光 [shui3guang1], n., the shining surface of rivers, lakes, sea. 
41.鬼 [shui2gui3], n., (1)  underwater monster or sprite; (2)  (facet.) a frogman. 
42.工 [shui3gong1], n., a sailor; one who works on dams, etc. 
43.郭 [shui3guo1], n., outer city bordering on the water. 
44.果 [shui2guo3], n., fruit in gen. 
45.國 [shui3guo2], n., flooded area. 
46.臌 [shui2gu3], n., see [shui3zhang4]1↓. 
47.花 [shui3hua1], n., spray: 花兒 n., (a) water spray; n., (b) chicken pox; (c) furs made of sheepskin. 
48.患 [shui3huan4], n., floods. 
49.滑石 [shui3hua2shi2], n., (min.) brucite. 
50.會 [shui3hui4], n., formerly, volunteer fire brigade. 
51.戽 [shui3hu4], n., dipper. 
52.火 [shui2huo3], n., water and fire, (AC) the necessities of life; fire and flood disasters: 火不相容 (of temperament) incompatible, inborn hostility. 
53.紅 [shui3hong2], n., pale pink. 
54.柵 [shui3zha4], n., a weir. 
55.戰 [shui3zhan4], n., naval battle. 
56.脹 [shui3zhang4]1, n., dropsy in the belly. 
57.漲 [shui3zhang4]2, n., flood tide; v.i., water rises. 
58.閘 [shui3zha2], n., floodgate. 
59.蒸氣 [shui3zheng1qi4], n., steam. 
60.腳 [shui2jiao3]1, n., fees for loading, unloading. 
61.餃(兒) [shui2jiao3]2([er0]), n., Chin. ravioli. 
62.攪 [shui2jiao3]3, n., storms in the skies, rumblings in the sky before rainstorm. 
63.膠 [shui3jiao1], n., hide glue (also called 黃明膠). 
64.界 [shui3jie4], n., (geol.) hydrosphere. 
65.鏡 [shui3jing4], n., (LL) (1)  the moon; (2)  (AC) person of intellectual brilliance. 
66.警察 [shui2jing3cha2], n., water police, marine police. 
67.晶(精) [shui3jing1], n., crystal; 晶包 a bun containing sweetened pork fat; 晶體 the crystalline lens of the eye; 晶宮 crystal palace; 晶鹽 natural salt crystals; 晶球 crystal ball. 
68.韭 [shui2jiu3]1, n., (bot.) a kind of leek, Isoetes japonica
69.酒 [shui2jiu3]2, n., (self-deprecatory) wine offered to guest--“my insipid wine.” 
70.注 [shui3zhu4], n., a tiny pot holding water for ink slab. 
71.竹葉 [shui3zhu2ye4], n., (bot.) Aneilema keisak, a water plant. 
72.準 [shui2zhun3], n., (1)  a water level; (2)  level (of education, art, magazines, morals, etc.); 準器 a water gauge, water level; 準圖 map showing sea level of places. 
73.蛭 [shui3zhi4], n., the leech. 
74.質 [shui3zhi2], n., fluid matter. 
75.居 [shui3jU1], v.i., (men and fish) make one's home on rivers, lakes, waterways. 
76.蕨 [shui3jUe2], n., (bot.) an edible water plant, Ceratopteris thalictroides
77.客 [shui3ke4], n., (1)  a boatman; (2)  a buyer who travels to obtain shop supplies. 
78.坑(兒)(子) [shui3keng1]([er0])([zi0]), n., a pond. 
79.葵 [shui3kui2], n., (bot.) the water mallow, Brasenia purpurea (=蓴). 
80.老鴨 [shui2lao3ya1], n., pop. name for cormorant. 
81.蠟蟲 [shui3la4chong2], n., a wax-producing insect in Szechuan. 
82.蠟樹 [shui3la4shu4], n., (bot.) Ligustrum ibota
83.老鼠 [shui3lao2shu3], n., water rat; beachcomber, waterfront thief, tramp. 
84.雷 [shui3lei2], n., torpedo; submarine mines; 雷艇 torpedo boat (also 魚雷艇). 
85.蓼 [shui2liao3], n., (bot.) water pepper, Polygonum hydropiper
86.亮 [shui3liang4], adj., (1)  bright and clear (looks); (2)  juicy (fruit). 
87.簾 [shui3lian2], n., a screen of water (as in waterfall). 
88.療 [shui3liao2], n., hydrotherapy. 
89.力 [shui3li4]1, n., water power: 力學 hydraulics; 力電 hydroelectric power; 力電機 hydroelectric power plant; 力摩托 hydraulic motor; 力昇降機 hydraulic elevator; 力起重機 hydraulic crane. 
90.利 [shui3li4]2, n., water conservancy, irrigation: 利局 conservancy bureau; 利工程 marine hydraulic engineering. 
91.禮 [shui2li3], n., gifts of fruit and sweetmeats. 
92.霤 [shui3liu4], n., a bamboo, clay or iron pipe, cut open, for guiding rain water down from the eaves. 
93.流 [shui3liu2], n., water current. 
94.漏 [shui3lou4], n., an (anc.) water clock, clepsydra. 
95.路 [shui3lu4]1, n., (1)  course of water; (2)  voyage. 
96.陸 [shui3lu4]2, n., travel by land and water. 
97.輪 [shui3lun2], n., water propeller. 
98.龍 [shui3long2], n., (1)  (coll.) fire engine and its hose; (2)  (bot.) Jussieua repens; n., 龍頭 [shui3long2tou0], n., water tap, hydrant. 
99.綠 [shui3lU4], n., pale green. 
100.馬 [shui2ma3], n., (1)  water beetle; (2)  (fig.) racing boat on Dragon Boat Festival. 
101.錳礦 [shui2meng3kuang4], n., (min.) manganite. 
102.煤氣 [shui3mei2qi4], n., water gas. 
103.門 [shui3men2], n., floodgate; 門汀 cement (translit.), otherwise called [shui3ni2]↓. 
104.面(兒) [shui3mian4]([shui3miaher0]), n., water surface. 
105.綿 [shui3mian2], n., (bot.) Spirogyro longata (also called 石衣,石苔). 
106.蜜桃 [shui3mi4tao2], n., a juicy variety of peach. 
107.米 [shui2mi3], n., the minimum food of rice and water. 
108.黽 [shui2min3], n., (zoo.) Hydrotrechus remigator, an insect which lives and moves on water surface. 
109.脈 [shui3mo4], n., natural waterways. 
110.墨畫 [shui3mo4hua4], n., ink-wash painting. 
111.磨 [shui3mo2], n., (1)  ([shui3mo4]) water mill; (2)  fine work on jade, etc. by grinding with water as lubricant; 磨調 reference to 崑曲 a variety of opera. 
112.木作 [shui3mu4zuo4], n., bricklayer and carpenter. 
113.母 [shui2mu3], n., (zoo.) jellyfish. 
114.鳥 [shui2niao3], n., waterfowl. 
115.牛 [shui3niu2], n., (water) buffalo; 牛兒 pop. term for snail. 
116.泥 [shui3ni2], n., cement; 鋼筋泥 reinforced concrete. 
117.牌 [shui3pai2] ([shui3pai0]), n., a lacquered board in shops, used like slate for erasable writing. 
118.泡 [shui3pao4], n., bubble; blister. 
119.瓢 [shui3piao2], n., calabash or gourd used as dipper. 
120.皮兒 [shui3pierer0], n., (coll.) water surface. 
121.平 [shui3ping2], n., sea level, elevation from the sea; 平尺 a water level; 平舵 airplane vane regulating climbing and descent; 平角 (math.) horizontal angle; 平面 (math.) horizontal plane; 平線 horizon; water level, also level (of attainment, etc.). 
122.波 [shui3po1], n., ripples of water. 
123.上飛機 [shui3shang4fei1ji1], n., hydroplane. 
124.上運動 [shui3shang4yUn4dong4], n., aquatic sports. 
125.筲 [shui3shao1], n., water pail. 
126.蛇 [shui3she2], n., water snake; 蛇腰 waist slightly bent. 
127.螅 [shui3xi1], n., (zoo.) hydra. 
128.險 [shui2xian3]1, n., short for 上保險 marine insurance. 
129.蘚 [shui2xian3]2, n., (bot.) Sphagnum japonicum
130.仙 [shui3xian1], n., the narcissus. 
131.鄉 [shui3xiang1], n., swampy regions, lake areas; (LL) watery kingdom. 
132.榭 [shui3xie4]1, n., see [shui3ge2]↑. 
133.瀉 [shui3xie4]2, n., diarrhoea. 
134.性 [shui3xing4], n., (1)  the way water acts or moves: 不習性 said of inexperienced swimmer; (2)  性楊花 said of woman of easy virtue (attaches to any one). 
135.心 [shui3xin1], phr., center of stream. 
136.星 [shui3xing1], n., the planet Mercury. 
137.鏽 [shui3xiu4], n., watermarks, rust. 
138.手 [shui2shou3], n., sailor. 
139.師 [shui3shi1]1, n., formerly, the navy. 
140.蝨 [shui3shi1]2, n., (zoo.) Gammarus, a water louse. 
141.勢 [shui3shi4], n., force of river current. 
142.蝕 [shui3shi2], n., water erosion. 
143.蘇 [shui3su1], n., (bot.) rough nettle betony, Stachys aspera
144.松 [shui3song1], n., sea grass, Codium mucronatum
145.梭花 [shui3suo1hua1], n., vegetarian's euphemism for fish. 
146.塔 [shui2ta3], n., water tower. 
147.獺 [shui3ta4], n., (zoo.) the common otter, Lutra vulgars
148.苔 [shui3tai2], n., duckweed. 
149.塘 [shui3tang2], n., a pond. 
150.田 [shui3tian2], n., paddy field; 田衣 Budd. monk's cassock (in pattern of squares like rice fields). 
151.汀 [shui3ting1], n., steam heating (translit.). 
152.亭 [shui3ting2], n., a pavilion on the water. 
153.頭 [shui3tou2], n., (1)  the crest of the wave; (2)  juice of fruit; (3)  luster of jade. 
154.彩(畫) [shui2cai3]([hua4]), n., water color. 
155.草 [shui2cao3], n., (speaking of nomads) lands where there are water and grass: 逐草而居 (of nomads) migrate to wherever water and grass are available. 
156.土 [shui2tu3], n., climate: 不服土 climate does not agree with person. 
157.桶 [shui2tong3], n., water pail. 
158.藻 [shui2zao3]1, n., algae; water plants in gen. 
159.蚤 [shui2zao3]2, n., Daphnia, a tiny insect in water, used as feed for goldfish, etc. 
160.葬 [shui3zang4], n., burial at sea. 
161.災 [shui3zai1], n., flood disaster. 
162.賊 [shui3zei2], n., a pirate (commonly 海盜). 
163.鑽(兒) [shui3zuan4]([shui3tzuaher0]), n., name for diamond. 
164.作坊 [shui3zuo4fang0], n., bean curd factory. 
165.族 [shui3zu2], n., “denizens of the sea,” fishes, turtles and the like; 族館 aquarium. 
166.漬 [shui3zi4], adj., as in 漬貨 water-damaged goods. 
167.位 [shui3wei4], n., water level in rivers, lakes. 
168.文 [shui3wen2], n., (LL) water ripples (=紋); 文地理 hydrology. 
169.鴨 [shui3ya1], n., wild duck. 
170.舀子 [shui2yao3zi0], n., dipper. 
171.漾液 [shui3yang4ye4], n., (physiol.) aqueous humor. 
172.壓機 [shui3ya1ji1], n., hydraulic press: 壓昇降機 hydraulic elevator. 
173.煙 [shui3yan1], n., water pipe for smoking; such tobacco: 煙袋 pouch for water pipe tobacco. 
174.癌 [shui3yan2], n., (med.) noma. 
175.楊 [shui3yang2], n., the willow; n., 楊梅 [shui3yang2mei2], n., (bot.) Geum japonicum; n., 楊酸 [shui3yang2suan1], n., (chem.) salicylic acid; n., 楊酸鈉 sodium salicylate. 
176.曜日 [shui3yao4ri4], n., (LL) Wednesday. 
177.衣 [shui3yi1], n., moss. 
178.印(兒) [shui3yin4]([shui3ye4er0]), n., watermark; formerly, a shop seal. 
179.引擎 [shui2yin3qing2], n., water engine. 
180.音(兒) [shui3yin1]([shui3ye1er0]), n., a clear, round voice. 
181.銀 [shui3yin2], n., mercury; n., 銀燈 [shui3yin2deng1], n., mercury-vapor lamp. 
182.源 [shui3yUan2], n., the source. of a river. 
183.月 [shui3yUe4], n., moon in the water, symbolic of purity: 鏡花月 beautiful but evanescent dreams; 月電燈 acetylene lamp; n., 月電石 n., carbide of calcium. 
184.運 [shui3yUn4], n., water transport.