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ㄑㄧㄝˇ [qie3 (*ㄐㄩ [jU1).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
Fin(*[jU1]) (AC) 士曰既 the man said, “I have been already”;
曰父母 I call you our parent;
cf. (MC) 者 and modn. , possibly related.
Adv(1)  Expressing a temporary request or order: 住 please stop (for a while);
慢 slowly please, let's stop and discuss;
別管他 let's forget about him for the present;
請稍坐 please take a seat (and wait);
這衣服穿哪 keep the dress, don't throw it away;
,姑 for the time being;
置之勿論 let's not discuss it for the present.
(2)  Expressing impending event: 城拔矣 the city will soon be taken.
(3)  Even (=尚): 犬有忠義 even a dog has a sense of loyalty.
(4)  At random: 苟偷安 seek peace at any price, without ambition or at sacrifice of principles.
Conj(1)  Now (introducing a new thought): 夫 now (introducing a gen. statement);
說 formula for opening or continuing a story.
(2)  Furthermore, besides: 爾言過矣 and further you are wrong in your statement;
如 and besides for example;
,況 moreover, besides;
(3)  And, while: 走 fight a retreat back, fight while falling back;
君子有酒,多旨 (AC) the gentleman has wine, good and plenty of it.