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ㄙˋ [si4.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
AdjFour: 第 number four;
4 and 5, oft. connote the sense of dispersal: 分五裂 all split up;
分五裂 from all sides (things appear);
捨五入 (in accounting) omitting decimal fractions smaller than 0.5 and counting all others, including 0.5, as 1;
4 and 8, usu. indicating foursquare, well balanced: 停八當,平八穩 (affair) very well disposed indeed;
4 and 6: 六夾開 clearly presented;
六(句子) [si4liu4]↓;
four sides, all around: 面,方,邊,[si4mian4], [si4fang1], [si4bian1], [si4wei2]1↓, 下,[si4xia4], [si4qi3]↓;
脖子流汗 sweating all the neck round;
面落地 all four walls covered with paper;
腳兒朝天 falling backwards with hands and legs in the air.
Words1.拜 [si4bai4], phr., (AC) deep bow four times. 
2.表 [si4biao3], phr., in all directions, beyond confines of visible world. 
3.邊(兒) [si4bian1] ([si4biaer0]), phr., in all four directions: east, west, north, south; all around; 邊形 [si4bian1xing2], a square. 
4.壁 [si4bi4], phr., on all the walls of a room: 家徒壁 a house empty of all furniture; also all around, on all sides. 
5.部 [si4bu4], phr., standard library classification into four categories: (a) 經 classics, (b) 史 history, including geography, (c) 子 philosophy and the arts and sciences, and (d) 集 collected works (subject or author); see [si4ku4]↓. 
6.不像 [si4bu4xiang4](1)  adj., nondescript; (2)  n., a fly swatter. 
7.稱 [si4chen4], adj., (face) well-balanced, well-proportioned. 
8.起 [si4qi3], adv., all around (uprising). 
9.垂 [si4chui2], adv., (AC) on all frontiers (垂 u.f. 陲). 
10.處(兒) [si4chu4]([er0]), adv., (look for s.t.) everywhere. 
11.大 [si4da4], phr., (1)  (Budd.) the four elements of earth, water, fire, air; (2)  大金剛 the statues of four guardian spirits at entrance to temple; (3)  大門兒 the fox, the skunk, the porcupine and the snake, superstitiously considered as spirits to influence human life. 
12.德 [si4de2], n., the traditional four fundamentals in girl's education: 婦德 behavior, 婦言 speech, 婦容 appearance, and 婦功 needlework and cookery. 
13.地 [si4di4]1(1)  adv., see [si4chu4]↑; (2)  adj., neat: 這個人好地 (coll.) this person is very neat and tidy. 
14.諦 [si4di4]2, n., (Budd.) the four “truths” of life: 苦 misery and pain, 集 acquisition, 滅 extinction, and 道 salvation by the right path. 
15.方 [si4fang1], adj. & adv., (1)  everywhere, in (from) all directions; (2)  foursquare, square; 方步兒 solemn measured steps; 方塊兒 a square piece, also (facet.) a short, stumpy person; 方臉兒 a square face, square-jawed. 
16.海 [si4hai3](1)  adv., “the four seas”-the whole world: 海一家 the whole world is one family; adv., 海之內,皆兄弟也(子夏) all the people of the world are brothers; (2)  ([si4hai0]) adj., (coll.) generous: 為人很海 is very generous to people. 
17.合 [si4he2](1)  adv., (dust) closing all around; (2)  合房(兒) or 合兒 Chin. house with courtyard in center and rooms on four sides (三合兒 rooms on three sides). 
18.呼 [si4hu1], n., (MC Chin. phonetics) the four classes of syllabic forms: 開口 regular or open; 齊齒 beginning with “i” ([yi1]) sound; 合口 beginning with “u” ([wu1]) sound, 撮口 beginning with * ([yU1]) sound: thus [an1], [yan1], [wan1], [yUan1]
19.胡 [si4hu2], n., a junior [hu1] stringed instrument, with four strings. 
20.郊 [si4jiao1], n., the suburbs. 
21.季(兒) [si4ji4] ([si4jie4er0]), n., the four seasons; 季花兒 the representative flowers of the four seasons: peony (spring), pomegranate (summer), chrysanthemum (autumn), and plum (winter). 
22.極 [shi1ji2], n., the ends of the universe. 
23.周 [shi1zhou1], adj., on all sides: 周遭兒,周圍 ditto. 
24.柱冊 [shi1zhu4ce4], phr., formerly, (in official accounting) the four “columns” of “carried over,” “income,” “expenses” and “balance.” 
25.知 [si4zhi1]1, phr., the “four knows”- “heaven knows; god knows, I know and you know”-there is no absolutely secret dealing. 
26.肢 [si4zhi1]2, n., the four limbs-arms and legs. 
27.至 [si4zhi4], n., the exact boundaries on four sides of land, specified in deeds; 至兒 ditto, also 定至兒 set limits to undertaking; 辦事有至兒 be precise in one's affairs. 
28.塊瓦兒 [si4kuai4wa3er0], n., a hat (in cold countries) with reversible flabs on four sides. 
29.框闌兒 [si4kuang1la2er0], n., the radical “”; index No. 41. 
30.庫 [shi1ku4], n., usu. 庫全書 the imperial library of Chienlung named after the “four vaults” of classics, history, philosophy and collected works of literature, see [si4bu4]↑. 
31.稜(兒)(子) [si4leng2]([er0])([zi0]), n., a utensil with four-cornered shape; n., 稜子 [si4leng2zi0], (a) n., a vulgar, coarse fellow; n., (b) adj., rude in speech. 
32.令 [si4ling4], n., see [si4ji4]↑. 
33.六 [shi1liu4], n., a euphuistic style of parallel constructions, known esp. for pairs of sentences of four and six characters. 
34.鄰 [si4lin2], n., next-door neighbors. 
35.靈 [shi1ling2], n., (AC) the four spirits in AC mythology: the unicorn, the phoenix, the turtle and the dragon. 
36.面(兒) [shi1mian4] ([si4miaher0]), adv., on all sides: 面受敵 surrounded by enemy on all sides; 面楚歌 (allu.) ditto-hear the [chu3] songs (of enemy) on all sides; 面體 (math.) a tetrahedron. 
37.民 [si4min2], n., the four classes of people in order of importance: 士 scholars, 農 farmers, 工 artisans, and 商 merchants. 
38.明兒 [si4ming2er0], adv., (coll.) all around: 明兒都是籬笆 hedges all around. 
39.旁 [si4pang2], adv., all around. 
40.平調 [si4ping2diao4], n., (Chin. opera) the songs of 二黃 [er4huang2] (also called 平調). 
41.散 [shi1san4], adj., dispersed, scattered about. 
42.聲 [shi1sheng1], n., the four tones: (1)   陰平 ([a1]), (2)   陽平 ([a2]), (3)  上 (pr. [shang3]) ([a3]), and (4)  去 ([a4]) in standard national tongue, without 入聲 the “entering tone”; in other classifications, (1)   and (2)   are regarded together as 平, while 入聲 is added. 
43.下(裡) [shi1xia4] ([li3]), adv., everywhere. 
44.向 [si4xiang4], adv., toward all directions. 
45.鄉 [si4xiang1]1, n., suburbs (on all sides). 
46.廂 [si4xiang1]2, n., the suburbs in four directions, esp. Peking. 
47.絃琴 [si4xian2qin2], n., the violin (usu. called 小提琴). 
48.星 [si4xing1], n., the end part, lower part (orig., end of steelyard, marked by four asterisks). 
49.書 [si4shu1], n., The Four Books: (1)  大學 The Great Learning, (2)  中庸 The Doctrine of the Mean, (3)  論語 Confucian Analects, and (4)  孟子 The Works of Mencius-formerly, required reading in all elementary grades. 
50.時 [si4shi2], n., see [si4ji4]↑. 
51.序 [si4xU4], n., (LL) the four seasons (序=時序). 
52.體 [si4ti3], n., see [si4zhi1]2↑. 
53.則 [si4ze2], n., (arithmetic) addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 
54.坐 [si4zuo4], n., the audience around, the company at a dinner. 
55.圍 [si4wei2]1, adv., all around. 
56.維 [si4wei2]2, phr., the four basic virtues of 禮,義,廉,恥(管子) manners, justice, integrity and honor, regarded as the “hawsers” (or anchors) of the ship of state. 
57.五子 [si4wu3zi0], n., wine (a pun, from 4+5=9, “nine” 九 [jiu3], being homonym for “wine”. 
58.眼人 [si4yan3ren2], n., (vulgar) a pregnant woman (counting two eyes for the embryo). 
59.言時 [si4yan2shi1], n., a poem with lines of four characters each esp. in 詩經 Book of Poetry
60.野 [si4ye3], n., the open countryside. 
61.裔 [si4yi4], n., (AC) distant regions. 
62.夷 [si4yi2], n., the barbarians on borders of China. 
63.元 [si4yUan2], n., (anc. Chin. polynomial algebra) 天地人物 standing for A, B, C, D. 
64.月 [si4yUe4], n., (1)  the fourth lunar month; (2)  April. 
65.運 [si4yUn4], n., see [si4shi2], [si4xU4]↑.