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ㄆㄧㄥˊ [ping2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Short for Peiping: 劇 Peking opera.
(2)  The even tone: 陰,陽 first and second tones;
仄 ([ping2] and [ze4]) even and uneven tones, basis of Chin. poetic rhythm.
(3)  Peace: 太,和 peace (in country).
(4)  Scale, measure of silver: 庫 Treasury Scale;
Customs silver scale.
(5)  A surname.
V(1)  To pacify, bring peace to: 治國天下 rule country and unify the world in peace: 定 subjugate (rebels) and restore peace.
(2)  To restore to normal: 他的病復了 his illness is over, has gone back to normal;
物價落 prices drop to normal.
(3)  To weigh and pay: 出十兩銀子 pay out ten ounces of silver.
Adj(1)  Flat: 地 flat, level ground, see [ping2di4]↓;
底 flat bottom;
底鞋 low-heeled shoes, opposed to high-heels 高跟鞋;
視 look on straight level;
(2)  Common: 郵,信 ordinary mail;
常,時,[ping2chang2], [ping2shi2], [ping2min2]↓.
(3)  Balanced, calm: 心靜氣 phr., calm, -ly;
心而論 objectively speaking, without emotional bias;
靜,安,[ping2jing4], [ping2an1], [ping2dan4]2↓.
(4)  Fair, objective: 公 fair.
Words1.安 [ping2an1], adj. & n., well, peace, -ful: 身體安 in good health; 安無事 all is well; 安信 letter reporting safe arrival or all is well. 
2.版 [ping2ban3], n., offset (printing). 
3.白 [ping2bai2], adv., without any reason (of insult, quarrel); see [ping2kong1]↓. 
4.輩(兒) [ping2bei4] ([ping2beher0]), n., of same generation (as between brothers, cousins). 
5.常 [ping2chang2], adj., ordinary, not distinguished, common; (euphem.) so-so; adv., ordinarily. 
6.情 [ping2qing2], adj. & adv., calm: 情而論 objectively speaking. 
7.楚 [ping2chu3], n., (LL) prairie. 
8.旦 [ping2dan4]1, n., early dawn. 
9.淡 [ping2dan4]2, adj., mild in color; mild-flavored; easy-reading (prose): 淡無奇 nothing exciting. 
10.等 [ping2deng3], n. & adj., equal, -ity: 男女等 sexual equality; 等待遇 equal treatment. 
11.地 [ping2di4](1)  n., flat ground; (2)  adv., suddenly and without cause or warning: 地風波,地一聲雷 sudden, unexpected trouble, catastrophe; 地起孤丁 quarrel, trouble without reason. 
12.定 [ping2ding4], n. & adj., peaceful; v.t., to conquer: 定天下 conquer the world. 
13.糴 [ping2di2], phr., a measure for stabilization of grain prices by buying grain when it is cheap. 
14.反 [ping2fan3], v.i., reverse court sentence, freeing the wrongly condemned. 
15.方 [ping2fang1], n., (math.) square; 方尺 [ping2fang1chi3], square foot; 方根 [ping2fang1gen1], square root. 
16.凡 [ping2fan2], adj., ordinary, undistinguished, common. 
17.房 [ping2fang2], n., one-storied house, bungalow; contrast 樓房 several-storied house. 
18.分 [ping2fen1], v.t., divide equally. 
19.復 [ping2fu2], v.t., quench (rebellion); v.i., recover (from illness); restore (price) to normal. 
20.光 [ping2guang1], adj., (of lenses) anastigmatic; adj.,glasses not for far or nearsighted. 
21.衡 [ping2heng2], n. & adj., equilibrium, -brious; 衡表 balance sheet (also called 狀況表,財務狀況表). 
22.話 [ping2hua4], n., storyteller's copy at teahouses in Suhng Dyn. 
23.章 [ping2zhang1], v.t., settle (state business); n., usu. 同章(政)事 prime minister (Tarng Dyn.). 
24.整 [ping2zheng3], adj., neat (dress, facial features). 
25.正 [ping2zheng4], adj., fair, impartial; right proportioned (facial features). 
26.價 [ping2jian1], n., low price. 
27.肩 [ping2jian1], adj., of equal status. 
28.交道 [ping2jiao1dao4], n., level railroad crossing. 
29.靜 [ping2jing4], adj., quiet, tranquil. 
30.金 [ping2jin1], n., gold-thread embroidery. 
31.準 [ping2zhun3], phr., see [ping2di2]↑; 準基金 equalization fund. 
32.直 [ping2zhi2], adj., straight and even. 
33.居 [ping2jU1], adv., see [ping2ri4]↓. 
34.劇 [ping2jU4], n., Peking opera. 
35.均 [ping2jUn1], n. & adj., average: 均分數 average marks; 均地權 socialistic control of land value. 
36.康里 [ping2kang1li3], n., redlight district. 
37.空 [ping2kong1], adv., suddenly, out of the blue: 空造謠 create rumor without basis. 
38.林 [ping2lin2], n., wood groves on level ground. 
39.面 [ping2mian4], n., flat surface; 面幾何 plane geometry. 
40.民 [ping2min2], n., common people, the people; n. 民教育 popular education. 
41.明 [ping2ming2], n., dawn. 
42.脈 [ping2mo4], n., (Chin. med.) regular, even pulse. 
43.年 [ping2nian2], n., year which is not leap year. 
44. [ping2ping2], adj., so-so, ordinary, nothing special. 
45.人 [ping2ren2], n., ordinary person; (LL) ordinary free citizen. 
46.日 [ping2ri4], adv., in the usual course of things, usually. 
47.色 [ping2se4], n., intrinsic value of coins. 
48.沙 [ping2sha1], n., sand beach: 沙落雁 wild geese on the beach, (theme for painting). 
49.射砲 [ping2she4pao4], n., trench mortar. 
50.身 [ping2shen1], adj., normal standing position after bowing. 
51.生 [ping2sheng1], n. & adj., life, lifetime: 生事業 lifetime work; 生大事 big event in one's life; adv., in the past. 
52.西 [ping2xi1], v.i., (of the sun) incline to the west; pacify the western region. 
53.信 [ping2xin4], n., ordinary mail. 
54.昔 [ping2xi2], adv., in the past. 
55.行 [ping2xing2], adj., (1)  parallel; (2)  going together; 行線支票 crossed cheque. 
56.手(兒) [ping2shou3]([er0]), n., proper match in prowess, boxing skill. 
57.順 [ping2shun4], adj., going smoothly, well. 
58.時 [ping2shi2], adv., usually, except on occasions: 時不用功 usually neglect one's studies. 
59.素 [ping2su4], adv., in the past: 素的朋友 old friend; 素不相往來 never were friends before. 
60.坦 [ping2tan3], adj., (of roads) level and easy to walk on. 
61.台 [ping2tai2], n., terrace. 
62.天冠 [ping2tian1guan1], n., (MC) emperor's cap with flat top. 
63.糶 [ping2tiao4], phr., a measure for stablilization of grain prices by selling grain when the prices are high, cf. [ping2di2]↑. 
64.亭 [ping2ting2], v.t., (MC) judge and settle (case). 
65.頭 [ping2tou2], adj., (MC) as in 頭百姓 common people; n., crew cut; 頭正臉 phr., well-featured (of woman or man); 頭甲子 full cycle of 60 years; 頭數 a round number. 
66.槽 [ping2zao1], adj., (of water) filling to the brim. 
67.穩 [ping2wen3], adj., steady, safe, fair (opinion), even, smooth (footsteps, prose). 
68.文 [ping2wen2], n., (MC) prose, usu. 散文 20S.82. 
69.野 [ping2ye3], n., the open suburb, the countryside. 
70.衍 [ping2yan3], n., =[ping2ye3]↑. 
71.易 [ping2yi4]1, adj., easy to understand (writing): 易近人 reasonable and simple (of person). 
72.議 [ping2yi4]2, n., criticism, fair evaluation. 
73.原 [ping2yUan2], n., prairie, flat countryside; 原督郵 (MC) bad liquor. 
74.月 [ping2yUe4], n., February of 28 days (not in leap year).  
75.允 [ping2yUn3], adj., fair, objective.