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ㄒㄩㄢˊ [xUan2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  A surname.
(2)  The (Taoist) mysteries: 談 discuss Taoist mysticism.
Adj(1)  Dark, black: 服 black gown;
圭,玉 black jade;
狐 black fox.
(2)  (Taoist) mystic: see 學,門,根,[xUan2xUe2], [xUan2men2], [xUan2gen1], [xUan2pin4]↓;
(Budd.) 關 the path to right doctrine;
軌 (Budd.) the mysterious way.
(3)  Abstruse, mysterious, subtle, profound: 這話說的太了 this talk is getting too abstruse, mysterious;
奧,[xUan2ao4], [xUan2miao4]↓;
理,旨 mystic truth;
德 the concealed, profound virtues;
策,略,謀 subtle, profound strategy;
談 abstruse talk;
Words1.奧 [xUan2ao4],  (1)  adj., abstruse, difficult to comprehend; (2)  n., mystery, profundity. 
2.裳 [xUan2chang2],  n., (AC) black dress of mourning. 
3.青 [xUan2qing1], adj., deep black color. 
4.穹 [xUan2qiong1], n., (AC) the profound vastness beyond the skies. 
5.根 [xUan2gen1], n., (1)  (Taoist) the mysterious root of all things; (2)  (Budd.) person's endowment at birth. 
6.宮 [xUan2gong1], n., (1)  (AC) (Taoist) the hall of profound meditations; (2)  (AC) the inner palaces. 
7.鶴 [xUan2he4], n., (zoo.) the black crane, Grus cinerea
8.黃 [xUan2huang2], n., (LL) heaven ( black) and earth (黃 yellow): 黃未判 before the heaven and earth were separated or before creation; 天地黃 first sentence in 千字文 sometimes used as index words (like A, B, C, D). 
9.機 [xUan2ji1], n., (Taoist) the mysteries of the universe; in pop. Taoism, the mysterious workings of fate. 
10.教 [xUan2jiao4], n., Taoism. 
11.津 [xUan2jin1], n., (Budd.) the ferry to salvation. 
12.籍 [xUan2ji2], n., (Budd.) the sutras. 
13.覽 [xUan2lan3], phr., (Laotse) observe all universe with a quiet meditative mind. 
14.理 [xUan2li3], n., the mystic truth. 
15.流 [xUan2liu2], n., (Budd.) the monks and nuns (in black, or grey robes). 
16.門 [xUan2men2], n., (1)  (Budd.) the Buddhist truth or doctrines; vestibule; (2)  Taoism; Taoist church. 
17.妙 [xUan2miao4], adj., mysterious, subtle, profound: 妙莫測 difficult to guess or comprehend 
18.默 [xUan2mo4], adj., silent, reticent (associated with calm and meditation). 
19.鳥 [xUan2niao3], n., poetic name for the swallow. 
20.女 [xUan2nU3], n., (Chin. mythology) a goddess who assisted the Yellow Emperor (黃帝) to subdue 蚩尤 (also styled 九天女). 
21.牝 [xUan2pin4], n., (Laotse) the Mysterious Mother of things in universe. 
22.圃 [xUan2pu3], n., a mythical fairyland on 崑崙 Kunlun Mountain. 
23.塞 [xUan2sai4], n., (LL) the Great Wall. 
24.參 [xUan2shen1], n., (bot.) a species of black jinseng, Scrophularia oldhami (also called 黑參). 
25.象 [xUan2xiang4], n., meteorological phenomena. 
26.室 [xUan2shi4], n., (1)  (LL) mausoleum; (2)  (LL) a dark room. 
27.石 [xUan2shi2], n., loadstone, magnetic stone. 
28.虛 [xUan2xU1](1)  adj., abstruse, mystical; (2)  n., 故弄虛 play tricks, make things look unnecessarily mysterious. 
29.學 [xUan2xUe2], n., (1)  metaphysics; (2)  mysticism; (3)  Taoism; (4)  Buddhism. 
30.孫 [xUan2sun1], n., great-great-grandson, cf. 曾孫 great-grandson. 
31.談 [xUan2tan2], n., abstruse, mystic talk; Buddhist or Taoist discussion. 
32.堂 [xUan2tang2], n., (1)  (AC) a northern room; (2)  (in Tang Dyn.) a mausoleum. 
33.天 [xUan2tian1], n., the Northern Sky: 天上帝 (Taoist) God of Northern Heavens. 
34.宗 [xUan2zong1], n., a gen. term for Buddhist church. 
35.悟 [xUan2wu4], v.t. have mystic insight. 
36.武 [xUan2wu3], n., (1)  the seven constellations of northern sky (斗,牛,女,虛,危,室,壁); (2)  (Taoism) spirit of Northern Sky: 武大帝 (also 真武大帝) also interpreted as Spirit of Water. 
37.武岩 [xUan2wu3yan2] n., (min.) black basalt.