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ㄍㄢ [gan1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NA surname.
V(1)  Be willing to, pleased, contented or satisfied with: 心情願 of one's free will;
心有未 be somewhat dissatisfied;
退讓 be prepared to give way to s.o. else;
[gan1yUan4], [gan1xin1]↓.
(2)  Be fond of: 酒嗜音 be fond of wine and music.
AdjSweet(ly), pleasant (ly): [gan1mei3], [gan1wei4]↓;
甜 sweet;
芳 fragrant;
睡 a sweet sleep;
言 sweet, deceptive words;
棠 a wild, small pear;
棠遺愛 (allu.) sweet memories left behind by a popular official after his retirement.
Words1.地 [gan1di4], n., Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Mahatma, 1869-1948. 
2.汞 [gan1gong3], n., (chem.) calomel. 
3.蔗 [gan1zhe0], n., sugar cane. 
4.蕉 [gan1jiao1], n., (bot.) the banana, Sapientum
5.菊 [gan1jU2], n., (bot.) camomile, Chrysanthemum sinense
6.旨 [gan1zhi3], n., delicacies. 
7.苦 [gan1ku3], n., (1)  prosperity and adversity, joys and pains: 同共苦,苦與共 share with s.o. both prosperity and adversity; (2)  as in 個中苦 the taste (experiences) of life; 苦自知 one knows best what one has gone through with. 
8.藍 [gan1lan2], n., (bot.) Brassica oleracea, and its derivatives the cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale. 
9.霖 [gan1lin2], n., timely rain after a long drought. 
10.露 [gan1lu4], n., (1)  the sweet dew; (2)  (fig.) benefits from the ruler. 
11.美 [gan1mei3], adj., pleasant to the taste, sweet and tasty. 
12.心 [gan1xin1], v.i. & adj., (be) pleased, willing: 心情願 be of one's free will; 死也心 be willing even if one had to die for it; 死不心 die with regret (wrong unavenged); 心樂意 be perfectly happy. 
13.休 [gan1xiu1], v.t., be willing to let go or give up (lawsuit, quarrel) (also wr. 干休). 
14.藷 [gan1shu4], n., (bot.) the sweet potato (also 香薯,山芋). 
15.薯 [gan1shu3], n., (=藷↑) see [gan1shu4]↑. 
16.遂 [gan1sui4], n., (bot.) Siebold's spurge. 
17.草 [gan1cao3], n., (bot.) Glycyrrhiza glabra, licorice; (Chin. med.) the dried root of licorice used as an expectorant or laxative or for other purposes. 
18.味 [gan1wei4], n., (1)  sweet flavor; (2)  appetite for food: 食不味 has no appetite for food (in deep sorrow). 
19.油 [gan1you2], n., (chem.) glycerine, glycerole. 
20.願 [gan1yUan4], adj. & adv., willing, -ly, of one's own accord.