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ㄍㄨㄤ [guang1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Light: 燈 lamplight;
sunlight, sunshine;
the moon, the firefly, a pearl;
[guang1xian4], [guang1mang2], [guang1ze2]↓;
to shine, emit light;
(燈) flashlight;
反照 the dying flicker of a man's life;
[guang1ming2], [guang1hui1]↓.
(2)  Favor, grace: 借兒 (phr. used in asking for favor) pardon me please! 沾,叨 share in reflected glory.
(3)  A surname.
VRecover, regain, glorify: [guang1fu4]↓;
(of sun or moon) reappear after eclipse, (of territory) be restored;
前裕後 win praises for one’s ancestors and enrich one's posterity;
宗耀祖 reflect glory on one's ancestors;
耀門楣 bring honor to the family name;
發揚大 to glorify, broaden and heighten (a nation's cultural heritage).
Adj(1)  Bright, brilliant, shining: [guang1liang4]↓;
風霽月 (of a person's character) benign and openhearted (like “a light breeze and clear moon”);
天化日之下 in broad daylight.
(2)  Smooth: [guang1hua2]↓;
刮垢磨 make s.t. clean and smooth by scraping and polishing;
塌塌 bare, without decoration;
撻撻 shiny and smooth;
溜溜 ditto, naked;
溜 slippery;
潤 sleek.
(3)  Glorious, bringing honor, gracious: [guang1lin2], [guang1jiang4]↓;
waiting to be honored by your company;
寵 be honored;
(4)  With nothing left, everything gone: 當,賠,輸,吃 with everything pawned, lost in business, gambling, consumed;
了 nothing left, every cent spent;
naked, penniless;
炕蓆兒 completely destitute.
(5)  Naked, nude: [guang1luo3]↓;
屁股 bare buttocks;
膀子 bare-armed;
腳 barefoot(ed);
腿 barelegged;
著身子 naked;
脊梁 barebacked;
stripped naked;
眼子 nude;
眼兒 (usu. of children) without clothes.
AdvOnly, alone: 剩下他一人在家 he alone remains at home;
說不做 only talk and don't act.
Words1.板兒 [guang1ba3er0], n., worn-out fur coats showing hide below. 
2.圈 [guang1qUan1], n., (photography) diaphragm or lens aperture of a camera. 
3.大 [guang1da4], v.t., to brighten, develop to a higher stage. 
4.蛋 [guang1dan4], n., a person reduced to destitution: 窮蛋 a penniless loafer. 
5.度 [guang1du4], n., (phys.) intensity of light. 
6.復 [guang1fu4], v.t., recover: 復失地 regain possession of lost territory; 復節 Restitution Day, day of restitution of sovereignty. 
7.桿兒 [guang1ga3er0], n., a bachelor or widower: 窮桿兒 a poor bachelor; 桿兒生活 the life of a man without wife and children. 
8.怪 [guang1guai4], adj., absurd, fantastic: 怪陸離 grotesque fantastic. 
9. [guang1guang1], adj., (1)  bright, shining: 亮; (2)  smooth: 滑滑; (3)  not a cent left: 輸得的 lost every cent in gambling; (4)  naked: 脫得 stripped naked. 
10.顧 [guang1gu4], v.t., (1)  (court.) to honor with your gracious presence; (2)  (court.) (of customers) come to shop. 
11.棍 [guang1gun4], n., (1)  a bachelor (also 棍兒,桿子); (2)  a ruffian, desperado; (3)  ([guang1gun0]) a person showing a bold front: 你充甚麼棍 what are you trying to put on? 
12.華 [guang1hua2]1, n. & adj., glory, -rious, splendor, -did, replendent. 
13.滑 [guang1hua2]2, adj., shiny and smooth. 
14.輝 [guang1hui1](1)  n., glory, splendor; (2)  adj., glorious, splendid. 
15.火 [guang1huo3], v.i. & adj., provoke(d) to anger. 
16.腳的 [guang1jiao3de0], n., the poor (lit., “persons without shoes to wear”): 腳的不怕穿鞋的 the poor are not daunted by the rich. 
17.降 [guang1jiang4], v.i. & t., to honor with your gracious presence. 
18.景 [guang1jing3], n., (1)  circumstances at a given time and place: 景很難 times are very hard; (2)  ([guang1jing0]) prospects: 景是要下雨 it's likely to rain. 
19.兒 [guang1er0], n., (1)  dim lights; (2)  (=子) eyeglass lenses. 
20.亮 [guang1liang4], adj., bright and clear, glossy, shining. 
21.臨 [guang1lin2], v.i., (court.) honor (me, us) with your gracious presence. 
22.裸 [guang1luo3], adj., nude, naked. 
23.芒 [guang1mang2], n., flashes, rays of light: 芒萬丈 blazing ahead, glorious radiant. 
24.面兒 [guang1mian4]([guang1miaher0]), n., a flat, smooth surface. 
25.明 [guang1ming2](1)  n., glory, brilliance; (2)  adj., bright, brilliant, shining, openhearted. 
26.年 [guang1nian2], n., (astron.) light year. 
27.波 [guang1po1], n., (phys.) light wave. 
28.譜 [guang1pu3], n., (phys.) a spectrum. 
29.榮 [guang1rong2], n., & adj., glory, -rious. 
30.線 [guang1xian4], n., ray of light. 
31.鮮 [guang1xian1], adj., fresh and bright. 
32.手 [guang1shou3], adj., barehanded. 
33.學 [guang1xUe2], n., (phys.) optics. 
34.頭 [guang1tou2], adj., (1)  close-shaven; (2)  bareheaded, uncovered. 
35.頭兒 [guang1tou2er0], n., a kind of cake. 
36.彩 [guang1cai3], n., (1)  (of lights) brilliance, splendor; (2)  glory, honor. 
37.子 [guang1zi0], n., eyeglass lenses. 
38.澤 [guang1ze2], n., luster. 
39.耀 [guang1yao4], adj. & n., magnificent, -nce, illustrious, bright, -ness. 
40.陰 [guang1yin1], n., a duration of time: 陰如箭 time passes fast. 
41.源 [guang1yUan2], n., (phys.) light source.