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ㄖㄨㄥˊ [rong2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Military affairs: 事 warfare, fighting;
機 military operations (secrets), strategy;
寄 a military assignment;
military matters;
伍 the rank and file, the army;
投筆從 give up civilian pursuits to join the army;
士 privates;
馬 war-horses;
車 a war-chariot;
器 weapons;
裝,服,衣 military dress, uniform;
旃 military tent.
(2)  General name for barbarian tribes in the west: 西 the Western Barbarians;
“the Canine Barbarians”;
蠻 an anc. barbarian tribe in the south;
狄 barbarian tribes to the west and the north.
(3)  A surname.
AdjGreat: 功 outstanding service to the country;
公 ditto.
Words1.行 [rong2hang2], n., troops. 
2.葵 [rong2kui2], n., (bot.) the hollyhock, Altaea rosea (also 蜀葵). 
3.路 [rong2lu4], n., military chariots. 
4.幕 [rong2mu4], n., military headquarters. 
5.首 [rong2shou3], n., (1)  one who starts a war: 毋為首 don't be the first to start a war; (2)  the first to pick a fight. 
6.菽 [rong2shu2], n., the garden pea. 
7.鹽 [rong2yan2], n., the rock salt.