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ㄕㄡ [shou1. [Abbr. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To receive: 書,信 receive letter;
receive (letter), take over charge (of property);
to confiscate;
下,受 to receive;
發 receive and dispatch;
發室 room for incoming and outgoing mails.
(2)  To collect: 稅 collect taxes;
租 collect rent;
欠,債 collect debts;
買,[shou1mai3], [shou1gou4]↓;
舊貨 buy secondhand goods;
民心 win over people's support.
(3)  To keep in safe place, bury, incorporate, incarcerate: 存,[shou1cun2], [shou1liu2]↓;
屍(尸) bury the dead;
殮,[shou1lian4]1, [shou1zang4]↓;
拿,捕,[shou1na2], [shou1bu3], [shou1ya1]↓.
(4)  To take back, withdraw, conclude: [shou1hui2], [shou1fu4]↓;
兵 withdraw troops from battle;
歸國有 to nationalize (industry);
淚 stop weeping;
買賣 close up business;
工,[shou1gong1], [shou1chang2]↓;
(5)  To harvest, and n., a harvest: 成,[shou1cheng2], [shou1huo4]
Words1.報機 [shou1bao4ji1], n., telegraphic receiving set. 
2.捕 [shou1bu3], v.t., to arrest (person). 
3.場 [shou1chang2] ([shou1chang0]), n., end, ending (of a play): 沒有好場 will come to a bad end. 
4.成 [shou1cheng2] ([shou1cheng0]), n., harvest. 
5.復 [shou1fu4], v.t., to recover (lost territory). 
6.購 [shou1gou4], v.t., to buy up for business (crops, etc.) or collection (jewelry, stamps). 
7.工 [shou1gong1], v.i., to finish (work). 
8.回 [shou1hui2], v.t., (1)  to take back; (2)  to rescind (order). 
9.穫 [shou1huo4], n., harvest; (fig.) results (of study, exploration). 
10.張 [shou1zhang1], phr., close up business. 
11.監 [shou1jian1], v.t., to take into custody, throw into prison. 
12.驚(兒) [shou1jing1]([er0]), phr., formerly, in case of child receiving a shock or in state of coma, take the child’s clothing and calling its name in open air, hoping to call back child's frightened soul. 
13.支 [shou1zhi1], n., receipt and expenditure: 支相等 receipt and expenditure balance; 支平衡 a balanced budget. 
14.據 [shou1jU4], n., a receipt, written note acknowledging money received. 
15.口(兒) [shou1kou3]([er0]), n., a healed or healing wound. 
16.攬 [shou1lan3], v.t., (1)  to have within control; 沒有攬了 get out of control; (2)  攬民心 win over the people's support. 
17.殮 [shou1lian4]1, v.t., to lay (body) in coffin. 
18.斂 [shou1lian4]2(1)  v.i., to harvest; (2)  v.t., to collect (taxes); (3)  v.i., to mind one's steps, refrain from rash action; 斂劑 astringents, medicine for stopping bleeding ,loose bowels, etc. 
19.留 [shou1liu2] ([shou1liu0]), v.t., to take in, accept (orphan) for care. 
20.錄 [shou1lu4], v.t., to accept (new students) in register; to include in catalogue or collection of books. 
21.買 [shou1mai3], v.i., to buy (products), usu. in quantity: 買人心 try to win popular support. 
22.沒 [shou1mo4], v.t., to confiscate. 
23.拿 [shou1na2], v.t., to arrest, detain. 
24.盤 [shou1pan2], n., closing price on stock market. 
25.入 [shou1ru4], n. & v.t., receipt or income; to receive income. 
26.容 [shou1rong2] ([shou1rong0]), v.t., to provide housing for; 容所 shou1rong2shuoo, n., house of detention, house for refugees, victims of disaster. 
27.殺 [shou1sha1], n., (MC) see [shou1chang2]↑. 
28.梢 [shou1shao1], n., (MC) see [shou1chang2]↑. 
29.降 [shou1xiang2], v.i., receive surrender. 
30.繫 [shou1xi4], v.t., see [shou1bu3]↑. 
31.受 [shou1shou4], v.t., to receive (praise, blame, torture, insult, benefit, gifts, etc.). 
32.束 [shou1shu4], n. & v.i., ending of story; bring to an end. 
33.贖 [shou1shu2], v.t., formerly, bail out from exile for aged, young, sick, etc. 
34.拾 [shou1shi2] ([shou1shi0]), v.t., (1)  tidy up (room): 不可拾 unmanageable; (2)  (sl.) 拾他 put s.o. (thieves) out of the way. 
35.縮 [shou1suo4], v.i. & t., shrink up, curtail (business, deals). 
36.條(兒) [shou1tiao2] ([er0]), n., a receipt. 
37.藏 [shou1cang2], v.t., to collect and keep (curios, rare editions); 藏家 [shou1cang2jia1], n., a collector of art. 
38.存 [shou1cun2], v.t., to receive, to keep (money, photograph, book, etc.). 
39.葬 [shou1zang4], v.t., to bury (dead). 
40.尾 [shou1wei3], n., ending of affair, story. 
41.押 [shou1ya1], v.t., see [shou1jian1]↑. 
42.養 [shou1yang3], v.t., keep and raise (an orphan). 
43.益 [shou1yi4], n., income, profit. 
44.益稅 [shou1yi4shui4], n., property or business tax. 
45.音 [shou1yin1], v.i., to receive radio message; 音機 radio receiver.