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ㄧㄡˇ [you3.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Being: 生於無 being comes from not being.
(2)  A surname.
V(1)  To have;
there is (are), opp. 沒 or 沒 there is (are) not: 那,豈 how can there be? 豈此理 how unreasonable! 了 I have it! 所 all there is;
生必死 just as there is life, so there must also be death;
oft. 終 finish what is started;
姓 has both name and surname (clear identity);
去 there is exchange of calls, gifts;
色 quite vivid, alive;
理 very clear and precise;
oft. coupled with negative word 無,沒:頭無尾 leave s.t. half done, start off but never finish;
眼無珠 having eyes without pupils (cf. “having eyes, see not”)--blind;
備無患 be prepared and you won't be sorry;
教無類 with education there is no distinction between classes or races of men;
則改之,無則加勉 to correct mistakes if you have committed them, and to avoid if you have not.
(2)  To possess, own: 為而不 (老子) to do s.t. but not claim possession: 所權 right of ownership;
owned by public;
,己 privately owned;
state-owned (railways, etc.);
owned by private capital;
forms many phrr. with words denoting strength, skill, etc.: 氣力 possesses strength;
骨頭 has backbone;
手段 possesses tact;
把握 has confidence;
根底 has background training, etc.
(3)  (Court.) in phrr. expressing causing trouble: 勞,累,惹 sorry to have caused so much trouble;
等 thank person for waiting;
僭 apologize for taking a higher seat at table;
請 send for s.o.’s presence.
(4)  To be betrothed, married, pregnant: 了人家了 (girl) is already betrothed;
室 (man) is already married;
身,[you3shen1], [you3xi3]↓.
(5)  There are many: 日 (LL) and 日子了 (vern.) many days already: 歲數了 well-advanced in age;
開設年 founded many years ago.
AdjAbundant, wealthy: 富 rich;
之年 an abundant year.
Conj(LL) pr. [you4], used like “又”:三十五 thirty-five;
五年 fifteen years.
Words1.邦 [you3bang1], n., (AC) the feudal princes. 
2.邊兒 [you3biaer0], phr., contains an inkling, a vague outline, adumbrations: 兩個人商議已經邊兒了 the negotiations are taking shape. 
3.不是 [you3bu4shi0], phr., be in the wrong; also in case s.t. is wrong: 不是找我 if anything is wrong, come to me. 
4.產階級 [you2chan3jie1ji2], n., the propertied class; bourgeoisie. 
5.碴兒 [you3cha2er0], phr., have a grudge. 
6.成(兒) [you3cheng2]([er0]), phr., there is some hope. 
7.錢 [you3qian2], adj., rich. 
8.頃 [you2qing3], adv., (LL) after a while. 
9.期徒刑 [you3qi2tu2xing2], phr., a sentence to hard labor for a specified period. 
10.情 [you3qing2](1)  adj., warm, affectionate; (2)  n., 情人 lovers. 
11.趣(兒) [you3qU4] ([you3qUe4er0]) adj., interesting. 
12.袋類 [you3dai4lei4], n., (zoo.) Marsupialia
13.的 [you3de0], pron. & adj., some: 的來,的不來 some will come and some will not; 的人 some people; 的時候 sometimes; 的地方 some places; 的是 there is no lack of it. 
14.底 [you2di3], phr., 底,並不害怕 is familiar with (the problem, proposal) and is not afraid. 
15.毒 [you3du2], adj., poisonous. 
16.分 [you3fen4], phr., have a proper share (of benefit, responsibility): 他很分兒 (coll.) he has powerful connections. 
17.服 [you3fu2], phr., (LL) be in mourning: 服的 a kinship that requires keeping of mourning. 
18.哏 [you3gen2], adj., comical, witty. 
19.鉤條蟲 [you3gou1tiao1chong2], n., (zoo.) tapeworm, Taenia solium. [WEdit: Should read "鉤絛蟲" [you3gou1tao1chong2]] 
20.恆 [you3heng2], adj., having persistence, permanence. 
21.後 [you3hou4], phr., leave progeny after death, opp. 無後 without progeny. 
22.奇 [you3ji1], phr., (LL) and over: 百元奇 one hundred odd dollars. 
23.價 [you3jia4], adj., marketable; 價證券 marketable security. 
24.間 [you3jian4], phr., (LL) (1)  after a while; (2)  there is a wavering of loyalty; (3)  there is a difference; (4)  (AC) (illness) is getting better. 
25.加利 [you3jia1li4], n., (bot.) eucalyptus. 
26.機的 [you3ji1de0], adj., (chem.) organic: 機酸 organic acids; 機體 organism; 機物 organic matter; 機化合物 organic compounds; 機化學 organic chemistry. 
27.勁 [you3jin4], adj., strong, powerful. 
28.酒 [you2jiu3], phr., (coll.) gotten drunk. 
29.準兒 [you2jueeer0], adj., (1)  having definite goal; (2)  definite; (3)  firm, resolute; also 準頭 
30.來 [you3lai2], adv., (MC, at the end of a sentence) already. 
31.落兒 [you3lao4er0], phr., have a dependable living. 
32.臉 [you2lian3], phr., have the honor (“face”): 臉的人 person with good social status. 
33.理 [you2li3]1, adj., reasonable. 
34.禮(兒) [you2li3]2 ([you2lie3er0]), adj., as in 彬彬禮 polite, courteous, good-mannered. 
35.零 [you3ling2], phr., and odd: 八百零 800 odd. 
36.門兒 [you3merer0], phr., know the ropes, be on the right track. 
37.面兒 [you3miaher0], phr., know how to keep up appearances. 
38.名 [you3ming2], adj., famous, well-known, renowned. 
39.染 [you2ran3], phr., has had illicit intercourse with man or woman. 
40.如 [you3ru2], phr., for example. 
41.日 [you3ri4], adv., (vern. 日子) (1)  many days: 日子沒會面了 we haven't seen each other for many days; 還日子呢 there are good many days yet--a long way off; (2)  a definite date set: 喜事日子沒 is the date set for the wedding? 
42.身 [you3shen1], adj., pregnant, expecting. 
43.生 [you3sheng1], adv., as in 生以來 from birth, since life began. 
44.限 [you3xian4], adj., limited; 限公司 a limited stock company; 限責任 limited liability. 
45.閑 [you3xian2], adj., possessing leisure, leisurely (life): 閑階級 the leisure class. 
46.孝 [you3xiao4]1, adj., be in mourning for parents. 
47.效 [you3xiao4]2, adj., efficacious. 
48.些(兒) [you3xie1] ([you3xie1er0]), adj. & pron., a few, several, some: 些人 some people; 些不對 s.t. is wrong. 
49.隙 [you3xi4], phr., having a grudge. 
50.喜 [you2xi3], adj., expecting a child. 
51.心 [you3xin1], adv., purposely, having the intention to; 心人 a good-hearted person; 心胸 possessing ambition, courage, generosity; 心眼兒 (person) of calculating type. 
52.形 [you3xing2], adj., visible, opp. 無形 invisible. 
53.數 [you3shu4], adj., (1)  (AC) destined, fated; (2)  (AC) in good form: 登降數 ascend and descend in form; (3)  the best: 數的人才 among the best; 數兒 best, rare; limited number (of books, etc.); 肚裡數兒 know very well in one's heart. 
54.事 [you3shi4]1, phr., (1)  (AC) celebrate some great occasion; (2)  be occupied; (3)  come across some untoward accident. 
55.識 [you3shi4]2, adj., possessed of understanding, insight. 
56.時 [you3shi2], adv., sometimes. 
57.司 [you3si1], n., official, judge officer in charge. 
58.蹄類 [you2ti3lei4], n., (zoo.) Ungulata
59.味兒 [you3weher0], adj., good-flavored (food), pleasing (music, writing). 
60.為 [you3wei2], phr., can accomplish great things, promising. 
61.意 [you3yi4], adv., intentionally, have intention to (harass, cause trouble, etc.). 
62.因(兒) [you3yin1] ([you3ye1er0]), phr., 事出因 there is a reason for it. 
63.緣 [you3yUan2], phr., have the luck; (love affair) decreed from above, (marriage) “made in heaven.” 
64.餘 [you3yU2], adj., enough and to spare.