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ㄧㄝˇ [ye3. [Dist. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(AC) blacksmith: 良 a good blacksmith.
V(1)  To forge (iron): 金 smelt metals;
(fig.) to shape (character): 陶 to shape character by gradual influence.
(2)  To do make-up: 容 to touch up face;
容誨淫 to dress prettily is to arouse sex desires.
AdjWell made-up: 妖 seductive-looking;
Words1.工 [ye3gong1], n., blacksmith. 
2.金 [ye3jin1], v.i., to smelt metal; 金學 metallurgy. 
3.豔 [ye3yan4], adj., attractive looking, gorgeous. 
4.遊 [ye3you2], v.i., to philander.