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ㄏㄢˊ [han2 (*ㄏㄢˋ [han4).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To keep in the mouth (sp. pr. hern): 沙射影 “to spit sand on a shadow”--to make innuendos, spread groundless rumors;
血噴人 make scurrilous attacks (“spit blood”);
飴弄孫 to play with grandchildren with candy in mouth;
英咀華 (of writing) containing the cream of the literary tradition;
毫 wet the brush with tip of tongue.
(2)  To contain (a smile, anger), to hold back, to suffer without showing directly: 怒,嗔 feel anger without showing;
恨,怨 to nurse regret, hatred;
羞 ashamed or shy;
淚 restraining one's tears;
苞未放 (of flowers) just budding, not yet opened, (of girls) yet a virgin;
味 containing or sampling flavor.
(3)  To cover and protect: 包 to cover and forgive.
(4)  (*[han4]) Bury: 玉,珠 bury with jade, pearls in mouth;
殮 bury thus.
(5)  To bear (blemish): 辱,垢忍辱 bear shame, humiliation.
Words1.磣 [han2chen0], adj., unseemly, ugly-looking (also wr. 寒磣). 
2.胡 [han2hu0], adj. & adv., unclear, not explicit, careless, ambiguous (reply): 胡了事 to settle case carelessly; 一點不胡 make clear, definite commitment (also wr. 糊). 
3.混 [han2hun3], adj. & adv., see [han2hu0]↑. 
4.笑 [han2xiao4], adj., (1)  wearing a smile; (2)  name of a flower in South China. 
5.羞 [han2xiu1], adj., feeling ashamed, timid; 羞草 (bot.) Mimosa pudica, whose leaves are sensitive to touch. 
6.蓄 [han2xU4], adj., restrained but suggestive in speech or writing, not saying all on one's mind. 
7.桃 [han2tao2], n., (bot.) term for cherry apple. 
8.囈 [han2yi4], v.i., to talk during sleep. 
9.冤 [han2yUan1], v.i., suffer an injustice, nurse grievances.