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ㄍㄥ [geng1 (*ㄍㄥˋ [geng4 as adv.; *ㄐㄧㄥ [jing1).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  A surname.
(2)  (Also *[jing1]) one of the five watches on a night: 三半夜 about midnight;
深夜漏 in the dead of night;
雞鳴五 day break, dawn (lit., “when the cock crows at the last night watch”);
雞 chicken simmered for a whole night.
V(1)  To change, alter, modify: 改,動,[geng1gai3], [geng1dong4], [geng1huan0]↓;
make changes in;
改弦張 introduce reforms.
(2)  Rotate, take turns at: [geng1fan1], [geng1dai4]↓.
(3)  Revise, correct, amend: [geng1zheng4], [geng1ding4].
(4)  To experience: [geng1shi4]↓.
Adv(1)  (*[geng4]) Once more, over again, still further: 上一層樓 go up a storey still higher.
(2)  To a higher degree: vern. oft. [geng4jia1]↓;
多 more;
好 much better;
難 more difficult;
苦 more bitter or harder;
使我為難 embarrass me so much the more;
叫人不知如何是好 place one in an impossible fix.
Words1.代 [geng1dai4], v.t., replace (s.o.) with another, take turns. 
2.迭 [geng1die2], adv., in succession. 
3.訂 [geng1ding4], v.t., revise (books, etc.). 
4.端 [geng1duan1], n., new beginning. 
5.動 [geng1dong4], v.t., modify, change (personnel, post, texts, etc.). 
6.番 [geng1fan1], v.i., be assigned to duties by rotation. 
7.夫 [geng1fu1], n., a night watchman. 
8.改 [geng1gai3], v.t., alter, change (dress, plans, etc.). 
9.鼓 [geng1gu3], n., a night watchman's drum or clapper. 
10.換 [geng1huan0], v.t., replace, substitute, change (dress, position, regulations, etc.). 
11.張 [geng1zhang1], v.t., as in 改絃張 to reform (lit., restring musical instrument). 
12.正 [geng1zheng4], v.t., make corrections: 來函正 letter to a newspaper editor to correct an inaccurate report. 
13.加 *[geng4jia1], adv., as in 加厲害 still worse; 加可憐 still more pitiful. 
14.漏 [geng1lou4], n., hourglass, a device for measuring time of the night watches. 
15.樓 [geng1lou2], n., a watch tower. 
16.名 [geng1ming2], phr., to change one's name. 
17.深 [geng1shen1], adv., late at night: 深人靜 all is quiet in the dead of night. 
18.生 [geng1sheng1], v.t., as in 自力生 put forth new life by one's efforts. 
19.新 [geng1xin1], v.t. & n., renew, -al, renovate, -tion: 一元復始,萬象新 with the beginning of another year, everything is fresh again; 新設備 (of industrial plants) renovate equipment and facilities. 
20.戍 [geng1shu4], v.t., transfer garrison forces. 
21.事 [geng1shi4], v.i., have experience of, be experienced: 少不事 too young and inexperienced; 事未多 with little experience in practical affairs. 
22.始 [gen1shi3], v.i., begin a new page: 與民始 (pledge to) give the people a new deal. 
23.替 [geng1ti4], v.i. & t., to substitute, to change. 
24.頭 [geng1tou2], n., the time of a night watch; 五頭 at the fifth watch. 
25.次 [geng1ci4], n., as in 一個次 a night watch (=[tou2]↑). 
26.卒 [geng1zu2], n., troops assigned to garrison duties by turns. 
27.衣 [geng1yi1], phr., to change dress. 
28.易 [geng1yi4], v.t., alter, change (plans, etc.).