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ㄕㄚ [sha1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Sand: 細 fine sand;
,狂風 sandstorm;
一盤散 a tray of loose sand--a nation or group without cohesion, each individual for himself;
quick sands.
(2)  A surname.
Adj(1)  Hoarse (voice): 啞.
(2)  Gritty (taste): 瓤 sandy pulp (of pear, etc.).
(3)  Sandy in appearance: 板兒 [sha1ba3er0]↓.
Words1.板兒 [sha1ba3er0], adj., as in 板兒錢 a coarse copper coin. 
2.包 [sha1bao1], n., sandbag, also [sha1dai4]↓. 
3.布 [sha1bu4], n., emery cloth. 
4.場 [sha1chang2], n., battlefield. 
5.淺兒 [sha1qia3er0], n., a shallow earthen basin. 
6.錢 [sha1qian2], n., very thin bad ancient cash. 
7.磧 [sha1qi4], n., (LL) desert dunes. 
8.丘 [sha1qiu1], n., sand dunes. 
9.船 [sha1chuan2], n., sand junk, with flat bottom, esp. for avoiding getting stuck on river bed. 
10.袋 [sha1dai4], n., sandbag, also [sha1bao1]↑. 
11.銚子 [sha1diao4zi0], n., an earthen pot with wide cover on top and short spout. 
12.丁魚 [sha1ding1yU2], n., sardine. 
13.發 [sha1fa1], n., (translit.) sofa. 
14.方 [sha1fang1], n., a cheap coffin, consisting of a square (方) box of fir-wood (木) planks. 
15.粉 [sha1fen3], n., emery powder. 
16.阜 [sha1fu4], n., sand dunes. 
17.鍋 [sha1guo1], n., an earthen pot, good esp. for stewing. 
18.果 [sha1guo3], n., crab apple. 
19.吒 [sha1zha4], n, a Turkic surname. 
20.雞 [sha1ji1], n., the sand grouse. 
21.角 [sha1jiao3], n., sand spit, also [sha1zui3]↓. 
22.甲 [sha1jia4], n., the dragonet fish. 
23.洲 [sha1zhou1], n., a sand bar; sand bank. 
24.鐘 [sha1zhong3], n., sand glass. 
25.紙 [sha1zhi3], n., sandpaper. 
26.坑 [sha1keng1], n., sand pit. 
27.拉 [sha1la1], n., also [sha1lU4], salad (also wr. 律). 
28.棱 [sha1leng0], adj., gritty in taste. 
29.礫 [sha1li4], n., pebbles, gravel. 
30.梨 [sha1li2], n., a species of pear, with gritty pulp. 
31.漏 [sha1lou4], n., sand filter; such filter used for marking hours. 
32.龍 [sha1long2], n., (translit.) salon (of art). 
33.濾 [sha1lU4], n., sand filter. 
34.猛 [sha1meng3], n., the file fish. 
35.門 [sha1men2], n., Buddhist monk; a Shaman priest; 門教 Shamanism. 
36.面 [sha1mian4], n., (1)  sand bank; (2)  (Shamiahn) Island of Shameen at Canton. 
37.彌 [sha1mi2], n., (Budd.) an acolyte, novice; also 彌子 ([sha1mi2zi0]). 
38.漠 [sha1mo4], n., desert. 
39.磨 [sha1mo2], v.t., to sandpaper, see [sha1zhi3]↑; an emery wheel. 
40.木 [sha1mu4], n., a tree of fir family, Cunninghamia sinensis; c.f. 杉 10B.91. 
41.勺 [sha1shao2],  n., an earthen ladle. 
42.參 [sha1shen1], n., (bot.) the blue bell, Adenophora verticillata
43.蟹 [sha1xie4], n., “show hand”, poker (also translit. as 梭哈). 
44.石 [sha1shi2], n., (1)  gravel; (2)  sandstone. 
45.汰 [sha1tai4], v.t., to sift, eliminate (=淘汰 63A.50). 
46.灘 [sha1tan1], n., sandbank, also said of sandbar. 
47.糖 [sha1tang2], n., unrefined sugar. 
48.田 [sha1tian2], n., tidal lands, sand flats. 
49.隄 [sha1ti2], n., sand bar. 
50.蠶 [sha1can2], n., a sand bug, Nereis diversicolor
51.土 [sha1tu3], n., gravel; sand soil. 
52.子 [sha1zi0], n., grains of sand. 
53.嘴 [sha1zui3], n., sand spit, a projection of sand bank into river or sea. 
54.鵻 [sha1zui1], n., (zoo.) the sandpiper; the snipe. 
55.啞 [sha1ya3], adj., hoarse (voice). 
56.雁兒 [sha1ya4er0]1, n., a paper kite with a long tail, appearing like a line of flying geese. 
57.燕兒 [sha1ya4er0]2, n., the common kite, shaped like a swallow. 
58.蠅 [sha1ying2], n., sand fly. 
59.魚 [sha1yU2], n., the shark (also wr. 鯊).