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ㄇㄟˊ [mei2 (*ㄇㄛˋ [mo4). [Vor. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(*[mo4]) (1)  To drown, be buried: 沉,淹 be drowned;
大水過屋頂 roof was submerged in the flood;
(fig.) lie hidden;
英雄 let hero or genius lie unknown;
無聞 be completely unknown or unrecognized.
(2)  To disappear: 泯 vanish;
(3)  To confiscate: 收,入,[mo4shou1], [mo4ru4], [mo4guan1]↓.
(4)  U.f. 歿 to die.
AdvNot, have not, did not (gen. dist. 不 do not): 有 have not;
來 he has not come, did not come;
說 he did not say;
料到 did not expect;
想到 never thought;
見過世面 has not known high society;
in certain formations 敢 have not dared;
肯 was not willing;
followed by n., meaning “have no” or “-less”;
有用,用兒 useless, have no use for;
臉 shamelessly;
主意 without plan in mind;
法子 helpless;
意思 dull, insipid;
further examples, alphabetically arranged: (ch) 出息 (person) without future or serious purpose in life;
尺寸 speak without measuring one's words;
(d) 對兒 unequalled, peerless;
(f) 份兒 is not lucky or entitled to a share;
福氣 have not the luck (to enjoy, etc.);
縫兒 without an opportunity;
(g) 根基 without solid foundation;
骨頭 without backbone or determination;
(j) 勁 (兒) spiritless;
準兒 not certain (to come, etc.);
治兒 nothing can be done;
轍 no way to go about it;
([er0]) 臉 be disgraced;
路兒 helpless;
(m) 門兒 hopeless, blindly groping for;
命 recklessly (run, etc.), to die;
譜兒 without regular standard;
(r) 日子 without any definite dates;
死活 recklessly;
(s) 想兒 hopeless;
下梢 without further news;
興,心腸 in not mood for;
心眼兒 mindless, unthinking;
(t) 頭案 a mystery without clues;
頭帖 anonymous letter.
Words1.趣(兒) [mei2qU4] ([mei2qUe4er0]), adj., receive a rebuff: 討趣兒. 
2.齒 *[mo4chi3], phr., 齒不忘 will never forget as long as I live. 
3.的 [mei2de0], phr., nothing: 走吧,我也的說了 let's go, I have nothing further to say; 的吃,的穿 nothing to eat, nothing to wear. 
4.地 *[mo4di4], v.i., (LL) lie buried. 
5.短(的) [mei2duan3]([de0]), adv., ceaselessly: 他短的來 he comes here continuously. 
6.斷的 [mei2duan4]([de0]), adv., ditto. 
7.官 *[mo4guan1], v.t., be confiscated by law. 
8.來由 [mei2lai2you2], adj., without any cause, for not reason. 
9.落兒 [mei2lao4er0], adv., helpless, in a fix (also 落兒). 
10.了 [mei2le0], v.i., to disappear, vanish; prep., without: 了他不成 we cannot do without him. 
11.落 *[mo4luo4], v.i., be on the decline. 
12.奈何 *[mo4nai4he2], adv., cannot help (doing). 
13.跑 [mei2pao3], phr., cannot get away, --certain of success. 
14.入 *[mo4ru4], v.t., be confiscated. 
15.甚麼(什麼) [mei2she2me0], phr., nothing important; not bad (quite good). 
16.收 *[mo4shou1], v.t. & p.p., confiscate(d). 
17.事 [mei2shi4], n., nothing important or exciting; phr., all right: 保你事 I guarantee you nothing will happen; 事人 a detached observer. 
18.世 *[mo4shi4], adv., for life: 世不忘 remember for life.