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A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
Adj(1)  Doctrinaire, dogmatic, abstruse, impractical: 闊,[yU1kuo4], [yU1fu3]↓.
(2)  Roundabout, remote (interch. 紆 93B.00), intricate: 曲,[yU1qU1], [yU1hui2]↓.
Words1.氣 [yU1qi0], adj., stubborn, unrealistic. 
2.曲 [yU1qU1], adj., twisted, with many turns. 
3.誕 [yU1dan4], adj., perverse, absurd and pretentious, bombastic. 
4.道 [yU1dao4], adv., by roundabout path. 
5.夫子 [yU1fu1zi3], n., (contempt.) a cranky professor; a person with encrusted opinions. 
6.腐 [yU1fu3], adj., antiquated, reactionary, dogmatic (person, ideas), senile-minded. 
7.緩 [yU1huan3], adj. slow, cumbersome (progress). 
8.迴 [yU1hui2], adj., (road) twisting about. 
9.見 [yU1jian4], phr., impractical, doctrinaire opinion. 
10.久 [yU1jiu3], adj., a very long time. 
11.拙 [yU1zhuo2], adj., stupid and narrow-minded. 
12.滯 [yU1zhi4], adj., sluggish. 
13.直 [yU1zhi2], adj., stubborn and simple-minded (opinion). 
14.拘 [yU1jU1], adj., dogmatic, impractical. 
15.闊 [yU1kuo4], adj., abstruse, unrealistic. 
16.陋 [yU1lou4], adj., vulgar and uninformed. 
17.路 [yU1lu4], n., see [yU1dao4]↑. 
18.論 [yU1lun4], n., bombastic talk or opinion. 
19.儒 [yU1ru2], n., encrusted Confu. scholar. 
20.遠 [yU1yUan3], adj., remote.