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ㄎㄨㄣ [kun1. [Arch. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NOne of the eight diagrams, denoting the earth, the [yin1], the feminine, see [ba1gua4] 八卦 80.80;
heaven and earth, the universe.
AdjFeminine, of woman: 範 exemplary woman;
德 feminine virtues;
鞋 female shoes;
see compp.↓.
Words1.宅 [kun1zhai2], n., (formerly LL), the bride's family. 
2.角 [kun1jiao3], n., an actress. 
3.軸 [kun1zhou2], n., axis of the earth. 
4.伶 [kun1ling2], n., an actress. 
5.戲 [kun1xi4], n., a play by an entirely female cast. 
6.造 [kun1zao4], n., (fortunetelling) horoscope of a woman. 
7.輿 [kun1yU2], n., (LL) the earth: 輿之學 (formerly) geography.