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ㄧㄝˋ [ye4.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NNight: 日,晝 day and night;
one night, also whole night;
,盡,終 whole night;
半,半 midnight;
,守 keep night patrol;
work or keep awake all night;
sit up all night;
long night;
moonlight night;
dark night;
長夢多 (fig.) prospect is dark and dreary;
深人靜 in the dead of night;
闌 the night is far spent;
未央 it is not dawn yet.
AdjNocturnal, in the night, by night: 行 travel or roam about by night;
航 sail, fly in the night;
景 night view;
飯 supper, midnight supper;
場 evening show (of cinema, etc.);
襲 night attack;
班 night duty, night class.
Words1.半 [ye4ban4], adv., midnight. 
2.叉 [ye4cha0], n., (Sanskr. yaksha) demons that fly by night, (fig.) a very ugly person (also 母叉 a shrew). 
3.車 [ye4che1], n., night train. 
4.氣 [ye4qi4], phr., (AC) the spirit of well-being after a good night's rest. 
5.勤 [ye4qin2], n., night duty. 
6.度娘 [ye4du4niang2], n., (MC) prostitute; 度資 n., prostitute's fees for a night. 
7.分 [ye4fen1], adv., midnight. 
8.光錶 [ye4guang1biao3], n., luminescent watch. 
9.合 [ye4he2], n., (bot.) (1)  mimosa; (2)  Polygonum multiflorum (also called 何首烏). 
10.活 [ye4huo2], n., night work. 
11.壺 [ye4hu2], n., chamber pot. 
12.間 [ye4jian1], adv., during the night. 
13.禁 [ye4jin4], n., curfew. 
14.淨兒 [ye4jing0er0], n., chamber pot. 
15.中 [ye4zhong1], adv., in the night. 
16.課 [ye4ke4], n., evening class, homework. 
17.來 [ye4lai2], adv., during the night. 
18.來香 [ye4lai2xiang1], n., (bot.) tuberose. 
19.郎 [ye4lang2], n., (AC, LL) a small kingdom in southwest China: 郎自大 (allu.) [ye4lang2] people think their country is bigger than China--ignorant boastfulness. 
20.裡(頭) [ye4li0] ([tou0]) adv., in the night, at night. 
21.裡個 [ye4li1ge0] ([ye4er0ge0]) n., last night. 
22.漏 [ye4lou4], n., nighttime (漏 sand clock). 
23.盲症 [ye4mang2zheng4], n., night blindness. 
24.貓子 [ye4mao0zi0], n., night owl, nighthawk. 
25.明珠 [ye4ming2zhu1], n., luminescent pearl. 
26.尿症 [ye4niao4zheng4], n., enuresis, incontinence. 
27.盆兒 [ye4perer0], n., night basin. 
28.消兒 [ye4xiao1er0], n., night snack (also wr. 宵; usu. called 宵). 
29.戲 [ye4xi4], n., evening performance, evening show. 
30.行人 [ye4xing2ren2], n., night prowlers. 
31.市 [ye4shi4], n., night fair. 
32.學 [ye4xUe2], n., night school. 
33.臺 [ye4tai2], n., (LL) the grave, graveyard. 
34.啼 [ye4ti2], n., morbid crying at night of babies. 
35.總會 [ye4zong1hui4], n., night club. 
36.作 [ye4zuo0], n., night work. 
37.晚 [ye4wan3], n., evening. 
38.眼 [ye4yan3], n., some people's ability to see in the dark. 
39. [ye4ye4], adv., every night, nightly. 
40.鷹 [ye4ying1]1, n., the nighthawk. 
41.鶯 [ye4ying1]2, n., the nightingale, bulbul. 
42.遊神 [ye4you2shen2], n., one who turns night into day (also 遊子).