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ㄈㄤˋ [fang4 (*ㄈㄤˇ [fang3).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To let go, release: 出,出去 let out (gas, rumor, news, etc.);
羊,牛,囚犯 let off sheep, cattle, to pasture, let free prisoners;
虎歸山 phr., let tiger back to the mountain--cause future trouble;
鷹 release hawk for prey: (fig.) a confidence trick--set up a woman to ensnare a man, then run away with money, jewels (also 白鴿);
砲,爆竹,風箏 fire guns, firecrackers, fly kite;
電,水 turn on electricity, water;
槍,箭 shoot gun, arrow;
學,假,[fang4xUe2], [fang4jia4], [fang4bang3]↓;
set free;
(2)  To ease restraint, let up, open up, break free: 聲大哭 cry aloud;
言高論 phr., high-flown talk;
心,手,懷,[fang4xin1], [fang4shou3], [fang4huai2], [fang4dan3]↓;
辟雅侈,無所不為 live immorally;
see also 肆,縱,蕩,[fang4si4], [fang4zong4], [fang4dang4], [fang4dan4]↓.
(3)  To let out: 大 enlarge (photograph);
寬 loosen;
長 let down hem line, make longer;
[fang4song1], [fang4qing2]↓.
(4)  To exile, send away, forsake: 逐,黜,[fang4zhu2], [fang4chu4], [fang4qi4]↓.
(5)  To appoint or send on mission abroad: 欽差大臣 send as envoy plenipotentiary;
reassignment to countryside;
appointment to post outside of the capital.
(6)  To float (loans), lend for interest;
distribute (relief): see 債,利,[fang4zhai4], [fang4li4], [fang4zhang4]↓;
盤,[fang4pan2], [fang4zhen4]↓.
(7)  To put down, to place: 下 put down;
下去 let go from hand;
不下 cannot let go;
下簾子 let down the curtain;
在一邊 place on one side;
下屠刀,立地成佛 put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha right on the spot;
put (away) in safe place;
銀行 deposit in the bank.
(8)  (*[fang3]) 於利而行 (AC) unrestrained in quest of profits;
as var. of 仿 in 效 imitate.
Words1.榜 [fang4bang3], v.i., publish results of examination. 
2.棄 [fang4qi4], v.t., let go, throw away (s. t. useful): 棄權利 waive rights; 棄妻兒 abandon wife and children; 棄責任 neglect duty. 
3.晴(兒) [fang4qing2]([fang4qi2er0]), v.i., (of sky) clear up, become sunny. 
4.出 [fang4chu1], v.t., let out (of confinement, container); spread abroad (news, rumor, etc.). 
5.黜 [fang4chu4], v.t., degrade (official) and send to remote province. 
6.春 [fang4chun1], v.i., (of vegetation) grow buds in spring. 
7.膽 [fang4dan3], v.i., & adv., wholeheartedly: 膽做去 go ahead without hesitation. 
8.大 [fang4da4], v.t., to enlarge, blow up (photograph); 大器 enlarger. 
9.大鏡 [fang4da4jing4], n., magnifying glass. 
10.誕 [fang4dan4], adj., bombastic: 誕不經 fantastic, absurd (talk). 
11.蕩 [fang4dang4], adj., dissolute. 
12.刀 [fang4diao1], v.i., be haughty and violent; be bully. 
13.定 [fang4ding4], v.i., (of groom's family) present gift to girl's family as formal engagement. 
14.過 [fang4guo4], v.t., let pass (some offence): 不能過 cannot allow (s.t.) to pass without action; 過機會 pass up an opportunity. 
15.懷 [fang4huai2], v.i., (drink, etc.) to heart's content. 
16.火 [fang4huo3], v.i., to commit arson. 
17.賬 [fang4zhang4], v.i., lend money for interest; sell on credit. 
18.債 [fang4zhai4], v.i., lend money for interest. 
19.賑 [fang4zhen4], v.i., give famine, flood relief. 
20.假 [fang4jia4], v.i., (school, office) have holiday. 
21.逐 [fang4zhu2], v.t., exile (offender); drive (tribes) outside border. 
22.款 [fang4kuan3], n., loan: 通知款 call loan. 
23.寬 [fang4kuan1], v.i. & t., loosen (clothing, binding): 寬胸懷 relax, be broad-minded. 
24.浪 [fang4lang4], v.i. & adj., be dissolute: 浪形骸 be completely informal as among friends. 
25.量 [fang4liang4], v.i., & adv., (drink, etc.) to capacity. 
26.利 [fang4li4], v.i., lend money for interest, practice usury. 
27.溜 [fang4liu1], v.i., let (boat) drift; (rain water) flood (streets). 
28.牧 [fang4mu4], v.i. & t., let off to pasture. 
29.盤 [fang4pan2] ([fang4pa2er0]), v.i., hold cheap sale: 大盤 great cheap sale. 
30.砲 [fang4pao4]1, v.i., fire guns; (of tires) explode; make high-flown talk or criticism with a view to publicity. 
31.屁 [fang4pi4], v.i., break wind: (abusive) 別屁 don't talk rot, stuff and nonsense! 他說話等於屁 his words cannot be taken seriously; 狗屁 (severely abusive) dog sh-t. 
32.任 [fang4ren4],  v.i., indulgent, permissive, laissez faire: 任自然 ditto. 
33.哨 [fang4shao4], v.i., set up patrol (as security measure). 
34.射 [fang4she4], v.i. & t., to shoot (bullet), project (picture), emit (rays); 射性 n., radiation; n., 射塵 radioactive fallout. 
35.生 [fang4sheng1], v.i., (Budd.) buy (caught birds, fish) to stop slaughter; 生池 [fang4sheng1chi2], n., fish pool in temple. 
36.下 [fang4xia4], v.t., let go (responsibility, duty): 不下 cannot let go. 
37.心 [fang4xin1], v.i., cease worry, fear: 請你心 don't worry; 心不下 cannot help worrying; (AC) 求其心 recover original goodness of heart. 
38.手 [fang4shou3], v.i., let go: 手做去 go to it without hesitation; 手不下,不下手 cannot let go (responsibility). 
39.學 [fang4xUe2], v.i., (of school) close after day's work or semester. 
40.鬆 [fang4song1], v.i., & t., loosen up, relax, be relaxed. 
41.肆 [fang4si4], v.i. & adj., take too much liberties, unruly: 不可肆 do not forget your manners. 
42.縱 [fang4zong4], v.i. & t., to break rules of conduct; allow the young to do so. 
43.洋 [fang4yang2], v.i., (of ship, person) go abroad. 
44.映 [fang4ying4], v.t., to project; 映機 projector.