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ㄙㄨㄥ [song1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NThe pine, fir tree, symbol of integrity (節操) because it endures cold: 筠 pine and bamboo as symbols of integrity;
with the crane 鶴 symbols of long life;
喬 reference to 赤子 and 王子喬 two Taoists, symbols of long life, and of Taoist recluse;
竹梅 (friendship) 歲寒三友, pine, bamboo, plum blossom (three durable plants of winter).
Words1.板 [song1ban3], n., deal board. 
2.柏 [song1bo4], n., the pine and the cypress--the conifers. 
3.楸 [song1qiu1], n., the pine and the catalpa--trees planted on graveyard; hence the graveyard. 
4.球 [song1qiu2], n., pine cones, fir cones. 
5.花 [song1hua0], n., preserved egg (its jelly showing patterns of pine needles); n., 花兒 n., pine cones. 
6.黃 [song1huang2], n., pine flowers with yellow pollen. 
7.活 [song1huo2], n., artificial men, deer, pavilion, etc., made with pine branches, burned for the dead. 
8.針 [song1zhen1], n., pine needles. 
9.雞 [song1ji1], n., (zoo.) the hazel grouse. 
10.膠 [song1jiao1], n., pine resin. 
11.節油 [song1jie2you2], n., turpentine. 
12.脂 [song1zhi1], n., resin, pitch, (chem.) colophony (also called 膏,香); 脂油 resin oil. 
13.菌 [song1jUn4], n., edible thick mushroom grown under pines. 
14.蘿 [song1luo2], n., (bot.) (1)  pine lichen; (2)  a tea produced in Anhuei. 
15.毛 [song1mao2], n., pine needles, see [song1zhen1]↑. 
16.明 [song1ming2], n., resin, resinous pine branch which serves as torch. 
17.木 [song1mu0] ([song1mu0]), n., pine wood, deal. 
18.瓤 [song1rang2], n., see [song1ren2]↓. 
19.仁(兒) [song1ren2] ([song1re2er0]), n., pine seeds. 
20.茸 [song1rong2], n., see [song1jUn4]↑. 
21.香 [song1xiang1], n., pine resin. 
22.樹 [song1shu4], n., the pine tree (with many varieties). 
23.鼠(兒) [song1shu3]([er0]), n., the squirrel. 
24.蕈 [song1xUn4], n., see [song1jUn4]↑. 
25.塔(兒) [song1ta3]([er0]), n., pine cones, fir cones. 
26.濤 [song1tao2], phr., whistling wind through pine forest, compared to sea waves. 
27.子(兒) [song1zi3] ([song1tzeeer0]), n., pine seeds, also called [song1ren2]↑. 
28.煙墨 [song1yan1mo4], n., best ink cake made from pine soot.