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ㄇㄟˊ [mei2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NA countable piece: 一銅版,三李子 one copper coin, three plums;
a game of guessing numbers.
(1)  (AC) stem: 伐其條 cut down its branches and stems.
(2)  Piece of stick used as mouth gag: 銜疾走 (army) hastening with mouth gags esp. in night attacks.
(3)  A surname.
Words1.卜 [mei2bu3], phr., (AC) 卜功臣 cast lot among ministers. 
2.舉 [mei2jU3], v.t., enumerate, esp. 不勝舉 too many to enumerate piece by piece. 
3. [mei2mei2], adj., (AC) abundant growth (of fruit).