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ㄋㄧˊ [ni2 (*ㄋㄧˋ [ni4).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Mud, mire: [ni2tu3]↓, [ni2sha1]↓;
點 (子) (兒) muddy stains, dirty or soiled spots;
soft mud, quagmire;
filthy mud;
一身是 get muddy all over;
爛醉如 dead drunk;
和稀 do lousy work;
牛入海 like clay buffalo drowned at sea--disappear;
塑木雕 “an idol,” a simpleton who does not move a finger to work.
(2)  Any paste-like matter: 棗,蒜 (Chin. cuisine) mashed dates, garlic;
a stamp pad specially for use with seals;
minced meat.
AdjMuddy, soiled.
V(1)  (*[ni4]) be narrow-minded, limited in outlook: 拘 be bigoted, be a stickler for (forms, tradition);
(2)  Linger, loiter: 她仍著不走 she still lingered around and wouldn't go.
Coax, cajole, wheedle: 他沽酒 coax him to buy some wine.
Words1.巴 [ni2ba1], n., mud, earth. 
2.青 [ni2qing0], n., deep green. 
3.鰍 [ni2qiu1], n., (zoo.) the loach. 
4.刀 [ni2dao1], n., a trowel for plaster. 
5.封 [ni2feng1], v.t., to seal (a letter, etc.) with wax. 
6.溝 [ni2gou1], n., a gutter or drain. 
7.古 *[ni4gu3], v.i., be ultra-con-servative, be a slave to anc. authorities, customs,or traditions. 
8.火山 [ni2huo3shan1], n., a volcano of steaming lava. 
9.腳 [ni2jiao3], n., (1)  feet soiled with mud; (2)  feet of clay. 
10.金 [ni2jin1], n., gold dust used as surfacing material. 
11.酒 *[ni4jiu3], v.i., be addicted to liquor. 
12.滯 *[ni4zhi4], v.i., be bogged down, bigoted, old-fashioned. 
13.潦 [ni2lao4], n, a marsh, swamp, morass, bog. 
14.濘 [ni2ning4], n., deep mud, mire; adj., muddy. 
15. pr. [ni2ni3], adj., 零露 (AC) with shining dew; 維葉 the shining, glistening leaves. 
16.坯 [ni2pi1], n., moulded pottery not yet put in a kiln to bake. 
17.人(兒) [ni2ren2] ([ni2re2er0]), n., earthen figurines--a kind of toy. 
18.沙 [ni2sha1], n., (1)  sediments, silt; (2)  worthless things; (3)  mud and sand. 
19.像 [ni2xiang4], n., (1)  a Buddhist image; (2)  any earthen image. 
20.首 [ni2shou3], v.i., to kowtow by touching the ground with the forehead. 
21.水 [ni2shui3], n., (1)  a mixture of earth and water; (2)  sweat drips; (3)  水匠 bricklayer. 
22.炭 [ni2tan4], n, (min.) peat. 
23.胎(兒) [ni2tai1]([er0]), n., (1)  an earthen idol; (2)  pottery not yet put in a kiln to bake, see [ni2pi1]↑. 
24.塘 [ni2tang2], n., a mud pond. 
25.腿 [ni2tui3], n., (1)  legs soiled with mud; (2)  the rabble, riffraff: 腿光桿. 
26.塗 [ni2tu2], n., (1)  muddy path; (2)  (fig.) low social status or position; (3)  v.t., (AC) to look down upon (honors, etc.) as dirt. 
27.土 [ni2tu3], n, mud and soil. 
28.澤 [ni2ze2], n., muddy pond, swamp; (fig.) where one flounders. 
29.醉 [ni2zui4], v.i. & adj., (be) dead drunk, “plastered.” 
30.娃娃 [ni2wa2wa0], n., (1)  clay doll; (2)  clay doll offering in temple of goddess of fertility. 
31.丸 [ni2wan2], n., (Taoist) the upper pubic region. 
32.飲 *[ni4yin3], v.i., be insistent on inviting others to drink.