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ㄐㄩˋ [jU4 (*ㄐㄩ [jU1, *ㄐㄩˇ [jU3).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(*[jU1]) A surname.
V(*[jU3]) (1)  Be dejected, lose heart: [jU3sang4]↓.
(2)  Stop, prevent: 止 to hale, stop, put an end to;
之以兵 stop him with armed force;
格 prevent;
駭 obstruct.
AdjMarshy, boggy, swampy: [jU4ru4]↓;
Words1.洳 [jU4ru4], adj., marshy, damp. 
2.喪 *[jU3sang4], v.i., be dispirited, downcast, gloomy. 
3.澤 [jU4ze2], n., a swamp, marsh.