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ㄐㄧㄣˋ [jin4.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To approach, come close to: 接 come near, approximate;
朱者赤,墨者黑 moral influence by contact or close association;
(of time) drawing nearer and nearer;
close at hand.
(2)  Be closely related to or on intimate terms with: 親 become intimate with, befriend;
親 a close relative;
幸 a court favorite;
侍 a personal attendant of the king;
Adj(1)  Nearby, close (opp. 遠distant, far-off): 便 [jin4bian0], [jin4ji1], [jin4jiao1]↓;
些 nearer;
adjacent, adjoining;
水樓臺先得月 enjoy the benefits of a favorable position (“those on waterfront are the first to see the rising moon”);
光 (photography) light in foreground, nearsighted;
慮 immediate worries;
地,處 vicinity, neighboring district;
岸 near the shore, offshore;
東 the Near East;
海 inshore (opp. 遠洋 deep-sea);
程,途 a short distance or journey;
nearby, adjoining, adjacent;
near, close by, vicinity;
路 a short cut.
(2)  Easy to understand: 淺 can be readily understood.
(3)  Similar to, like: [jin4si4]↓;
look like, approximate;
about to, on the point of;
[jin4li3], [jin4qing2]↓.
(4)  Recent, current, present-day (opp. 久遠 old, past, bygone): [jin4dai4], [jin4nian2], [jin4lai2], [jin4gu3], [jin4kuang4], [jin4shi4]1, [jin4ri4], [jin4sui4]↓;
時 recent times, latter-day;
(most) recently;
事,聞,作 recent event, news, (literary or artistic) work;
憂 current anxieties (worries, troubles);
幾年 in the last few years;
體 (詩) modern-style (poetry).
Words1.便 [jin4bian0], adj., not far away. 
2.情 [jin4qing2], adj., human (personality, philosophy), consistent with human feelings. 
3.代 [jin4dai4], adj. & n., modern (times, age): 代史 modern history; 代人物 modern personages. 
4.古 [jin4gu3], n., the period relatively closer to classical period. 
5.乎 [jin4](')[hu1](1)  adj., in close contact with, intimate; (2)  adv., almost, approximately. 
6.畿 [jin4ji1], n., surrounding districts of the national capital. 
7.郊 [jin4jiao1], n., suburbs of a city. 
8.支 [jin4zhi1], n., a close branch of family. 
9.況 [jin4kuang4], n., the current situation (condition). 
10.來 [jin4lai2], adv., recently, not long ago. 
11.理 [jin4li3], adj., reasonable, fair, just, equitable. 
12.年 [jin4nian2], n. & adv., recent years. 
13.人 [jin4ren2], n., a contemporary. 
14.日 [jin4ri4], n. & adv., (1)  recent days; (2)  recently. 
15.世 [jin4shi4]1, n., modern times. 
16.視 [jin4shi4]2, adj., nearsighted, myopia: 視眼 [jin4shi4yan3] adj. & n., nearsighted(ness), myopic; 
17.視鏡 [jin4shi4jing4], n., spectacles for near sight. 
18.歲 [jin4sui4], n. & adv., (in) recent years. 
19.似 [jin4si4], adj. & v.i., (to look) like, (be) similar to. 
20.因 [jin4yin1], n., an immediate cause.