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ㄑㄧㄥ [qing1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  (LL) bamboo strip, formerly used for writing: such bamboo strip;
completion of a book or film production;
prepared bamboo strip for writing (“sweated bamboo,” i.e., heated bamboo to drive out moistrue, also called 汗).
(2)  Green pastures: [qing1er0]↓.
Adj(1)  Green, greenish, sometimes blue;
cf. 錄,[qing1lU4], [qing1cui4]↓;
虛虛 very green;
山綠水 green hills and blue waters;
天 the blue sky;
臉色發 sallow, greenish complexion;
腫 bluish swelling on skin;
出於藍而勝於藍 pupil excels teacher (“green comes from blue but excels blue”);
不管紅皂白 phr., irrespective of right or wrong in dispute (“green, red, black or white”).
(2)  Not ripe: 梅,杏 green prune, apricot;
橘子還呢 the orange is not ripe yet;
黃不接 food shortage between two harvests, gap between generations or any gap in succession.
(3)  Young: 年 (of person) young, immature;
他很年 he is very young;
春,[qing1chun1], [qing1nian2]↓.
(4)  Black, dark, greyish: 牛,狐 black ox, black fox;
驪,馬 grey horse;
dark, heavy blue;
dark green;
purplish black;
素 black and white (clothing);
絲 black hair.
(5)  Gracious: 眼 (the black of eye) sympathetic look, dist. 白眼 (white of eye) look of disdain;
覽,鑒,及 (in letters) for your gracious perusal;
眼,[qing1yan3], [qing1lai4]↓;
show favor to (person), kindly look or consideration.
Words1.錢 [qing1qian2], n., coins of copper or copper alloys. 
2. [qing1qing1], adj., green (grass). 
3.春 [qing1chun1], adj. & n., (1)  young, period of youth: 春時代 years of one's youth; 春期 puberty; adj. & n., (2)  age (in asking of a youth): 你春幾何 how young (i.e., old) are you? 
4.蟲 [qing1chong2], n., a caterpillar. 
5.雀 [qing1qUe4], n., a small singing bird, Eophona personata
6.黛 [qing1dai4], n., a Chinese medicine made from scum on indigo, for external use. 
7.燈 [qing1deng1], n., an oil lamp, esp. in temple. 
8.豆 [qing1dou4], n., green beans in gen. 
9.蛾 [qing1e2], n., moth; (LL) (fig.) eyebrow (resembling moth's feelers). 
10.礬 [qing1fan2], n., ferrous sulphate. 
11.蜂 [qing1feng1], n., a kind of wasp, Stilbum amethyslinum
12.蚨 [qing1fu2], n., (LL) money, cash. 
13.蛤 [qing1ge2], n., a kind of edible clam (=蛤蜊). 
14.光眼 [qing1guang1yan3], n., (Chin. med.) glaucoma (cf. [qing1mang2]↓). 
15.宮 [qing1gong1], n., (LL) residence of crown prince. 
16.果 [qing1guo3], n., (1)  the olive; (2)  fresh fruit; 果公會 fruit-dealers’ association. 
17.蒿 [qing1hao1], n., (bot.) Artemisia apiacea
18.花 [qing1hua1], n., (1)  fine grains on ink stone; (2)  flower design on porcelain. 
19.花魚 [qing1hua1yU2], n., a fish, Scomber japonicus
20.灰 [qing1hui1], n., greenish lime. 
21. [qing1jian3], n., (LL) books in gen. ( being bamboo strips). 
22.椒 [qing1jiao1]1, n., green pepper. 
23.鮫 [qing1jiao1]2, n., a ferocious sea fish, Isuropsis glauca
24.金 [qing1jin1]1, n., lead or tin. 
25.衿(襟) [qing1jin1]2, n., (LL) students, youth (from students'dress in classical times). 
26.竹絲 [qing1zhu2si1], n., a small, green, poisonous snake. 
27.稞 [qing1ke1], n., a variety of wheat grown in high plateaus of Tibet and Chin. Turkestan. 
28.兒 [qing1er0], n., (1)  green pasture, green fields: 逛兒 take a walk in the countryside; 放兒 to pasture cows, sheep; (2)  seedlings in field: 看兒 watch seedlings against birds; (3)  (coll.) egg white. 
29.欖 [qing1lan3], n., olive. 
30.睞 [qing1lai4], n., (LL) your gracious look or consideration. 
31.帘 [qing1lian2]1, n., sign of wine shop. 
32.蓮 [qing1lian2]2, n., lotus, (fig.) Buddha's eyes. 
33.藜 [qing1li2], n., walking stick. 
34.蛉 [qing1ling2], n., a dragonfly. 
35.鱗魚 [qing1lin2yU2], n., herring. 
36.樓 [qing1lou2], n., (LL) a singsong house; a brothel. 
37.鸞 [qing1luan2], n., a bird with many bright colors, related to 鳳 42.70. 
38.螺 [qing1luo2], n., a kind of clam, Acmaea schrenckii
39.龍 [qing1long2], n., (1)  dragon, as a symbol of good omen; (2)  the left side (opp. 白虎 the right side). 
40.綠 [qing1lU4], n., green color: 綠山水 landscape painting of northern school with fine lines and bluish-green colors; 山綠水 beautiful country scene (“green mountains and blue waters”). 
41.盲 [qing1mang2], n., amaurosis, due to optic nerve, but without organic trouble; color blind; see [qing1guang1yan3]↑. 
42.茅 [qing1mao2], n., (bot.) Miscanthus tinctorius, a grass whose stem and leaves are used for yellow dye. 
43.梅 [qing1mei2]1, n., green prunes: 梅竹馬 the games of childhood, hence, the period when a boy and girl grew up together. 
44.黴 [qing1mei2]2, n., a green mold, penicillium; 黴素 ditto. 
45.苗 [qing1miao2], n., system of farmers’ loan at planting time, to be returned at harvest, instituted in 1069 A.D. by 王安石, (also called 苗錢). 
46.目 [qing1mu4], see [qing1yan3]↓. 
47.囊 [qing1nang2], n., geomancy (from a book on geomancy 囊經). 
48.鳥 [qing1niao3], n., (myth.) bird messenger of Fairy God-Moth-er 西王母; (LL) messenger; The Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck. 
49.年 [qing1nian2], n. & adj., youth; youthful; 年期 adolescence; 年會 Y.M.C.A.; 年商會 Junior Chamber of Commerce; 年節 Youth Day. 
50.女 [qing1nU3], n., the goddess of frost. 
51.盼 [qing1pan4], n., your gracious look or consideration. 
52.皮 [qing1pi2], n., (1)  a tree, Ilex macropoda; (2)  orange peel, used in medicine; (3)  (coll.) a ne'er-do-well, an eccentric or impertinent fellow. 
53.萍 [qing1ping2], n., duckweed. 
54.紗障(帳) [qing1sha1zhang4], n., (in Manchuria) tall growing Indian corn, sorghum, etc. convenient for hiding of rebels. 
55.衫 [qing1shan1], n., (1)  plain dress; (2)  see [qing1yi1]↓. 
56.蝦 [qing1xia1], n., shrimp; prawn. 
57.士 [qing1shi4], n., (LL) bamboo. 
58.石 [qing1shi2], n., granite; also Lapis lazuli
59.史 [qing1shi3], n., history: 史留名 have a niche in history, leave one's name to posterity. 
60.蒜 [qing1suan4], n., leek. 
61.絲 [qing1si1], n., black hair: 斬斷絲 shave off one's hair to enter monastery. 
62.苔 [qing1tai2], n., moss, lichens. 
63.天 [qing1tian1], n., (1)  the clear, blue sky: 天白日 in broad daylight; (2)  as symbol of justice: 重見天 regain freedom, freed from prison; formerly, address to judge: 天大人. 
64.頭菌 [qing1tou2jUn4], n., a mushroom, Lactaris hatsudake
65.菜 [qing1cai4], n., fresh vegetables in gen. 
66.翠 [qing1cui4], adj., beautiful green (garden, etc.). 
67.蔥 [qing1cong1](1)  adj., ditto; (2)  n., onion. [qing1ci2]1, n., pure pale-green porcelain, much valued. 
68.詞 [qing1ci2]2, n., Taoist prayer, written on special paper. 
69.桐 [qing1tong2]1, n., the [wu2tong2] (梧桐 10A.40). 
70.銅 [qing1tong2]2, n., bronze; 銅時代 the Bronze Age; 銅器 bronze vessels. 
71.紫 [qing1zi3], adj. & n., (1)  purple and blue (bruise); (2)  ancient officials of high rank (dressed in purple and green). 
72.蛙 [qing1wa1], n., the common frog. 
73.眼 [qing1yan3], v.t., look on with favor or pleasure, dist. 白眼 show white of eye in disdain. 
74.陽 [qing1yang2]1, n., (LL) springtime. 
75.楊 [qing1yang2]2, n., a kind of willow, Salix thunbergiana (also called 楊). 
76.衣 [qing1yi1], n., (1)  (AC) servant, maid; (2)  plain informal dress: 衣小帽; (3)  (AC) green robes worn in spring; (4)  (Chin. opera) role of simple good young woman (dressed in black, specializing in singing). 
77.熒 [qing1ying2]1, adj., shining (of lamp light, jade). 
78.蠅 [qing1ying2]2, n., green flies, Lucilia caecar (also called 金蠅). 
79.玉 [qing1yU4], n., sapphire (=藍寶石). 
80.魚 [qing1yU2], n., a carp-like fish. 
81.雲 [qing1yUn2], n., the region of clouds: (a) symbolic of great official career or literary rank; 直上雲 hit the highest literary honors; and (b) symbolic of retirement to nature.