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A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N([wu1zi0], [er0])
a hut;
a studio, a bookshop;
及烏 love the house and extend love to crow on its roof (“love me, love my dog”).
(2)  A shelter.
Words1.頂 [wu1ding3], n., roof. 
2.脊 [wu1ji3], n., ridge of roof. 
3.主 [wu1zhu3], n., house owner. 
4.裏人 [wu1li0ren2], n., (coll.) concubine. 
5.漏 [wu1lou4], n., (AC) dark corners of house. 
6.廬 [wu1lu2], n., (LL) a house to live in. 
7.社 [wu1she4], phr., (AC) a building stays where a temple to the god of the land stood -a country destroyed. 
8.簷 [wu1yan2], n., eaves.