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ㄧㄡ [you1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
Adj(1)  Quiet, tranquil, serene, secluded: 靜,[you1jing4], [you1ya3]↓;
(2)  Deep hidden, unconstrained, natural: [you1qing2]↓;
(3)  Of the world of spirits: [you1ming2]2↓.
Words1.閉 [you1bi4], v.t., (1)  to place under house detention; (2)  formerly, to cut off ovary as a form of female castration. 
2.棲 [you1qi1], v.i., to live in seclusion. 
3.囚 [you1qiu0], v.t., to cast in prison, incarcerate. 
4.期 [you1qi2], n., a secret rendezvous. 
5.情 [you1qing2], n., one's most deeply felt emotion; innermost thoughts. 
6.獨 [you1du2], adj., isolated. 
7.憤 [you1fen4], n., suppressed anger or frustration. 
8.谷 [you1gu3], n., secluded valley. 
9.會 [you1hui4], n., a lover's rendezvous. 
10.魂 [you1hun2], n., ghost. 
11.靜 [you1jing4], adj., secluded, tranquil. 
12.居 [you1jU1], v.i., to live in seclusion. 
13.蘭 [you1lan2], n., the orchid (which grows in out-of-the-way places)--symbol of content with accomplishment without seeking notoriety. 
14.靈 [you1ling2], n., phantom; an evil monster. 
15.美 [you1mei3], adj., quietly beautiful, serene. 
16.昧 [you1mei4], adj., dark. 
17.門 [you1men2], n., (physiol.) the pylorus. 
18.眇 [you1miao3], adj., distant, remote, indiscernible. 
19.明 [you1ming2]1, n., the world of the living and that of the dead: 明異路 the line that separates the living from the dead. 
20.冥 [you1ming2]2(1)  adj., dark, shadowy; (2)  n., (Budd.) Hades. 
21.默 [you1mo4], n., (translit.) humor: 默感 sense of humor. 
22.壤 [you1rang3], n., (Budd.) Hades. 
23.人 [you1ren2], n., (LL) a recluse. 
24.深 you1 shen, adj., profound. 
25.邃 [you1sui4], adj., deep and impenetrable. 
26.思 [you1si1], n., deep, unspoken thoughts. 
27.雅 [you1ya3], adj., tranquil and enjoyable, (of a study) quiet and in good taste. 
28.咽 [you1ye4], adj., submerged gurgling (water); silently sobbing. 
29. [you1you1], adj., (AC) faraway, distant (hills). 

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ㄧㄡ [you1. [See 21.21]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect