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ㄅㄞˋ [bai4.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To make a bow, obeisance;
usu. perform gesture of respect, varying from simple bow, hands at side (鞠躬 [jU2gong1]), or hands cupped one on top of the other (揖 [yi4]), or palms together, fingers stretched (Budd. 合十 [he2shi2]);
to kowtow and worship on bended knees (跪 [gui4bai4]);
usu. perform ceremonial forms in celebrations: 年,節 make ceremonial calls on New Year, festival;
佛 worship Buddha at temple;
(a) a week;
(b) church service;
(=跪) kowtow on knees.
(2)  To receive or confer government post: 相 to make or be made prime minister;
官,爵 be conferred post, rank.
(3)  Formally establish or swear relationship: 老師 formally acknowledge (person) as master, teacher;
在門下,門牆 ditto;
把子,結兄弟 be sworn brothers.
AdvAs court. prefix esp. in letters: 啟,覆 humbly communicate, reply;
謝 humbly thank;
懇, 禱 my humble request;
賜,領 humbly receive (gifts, advice);
誦來札 I have read your letter;
你的新書已讀了 I have read your new book;
Words1. [bai4bai4], n., (in Taiwan) religious festival. 
2.表 [bai4biao3], v.i., send memorandum to emperor. 
3.別 [bai4bie2], v.i., take leave: 別以來 since I last saw you. 
4.懺 [bai4chan4], v.i., (Budd.) say mass for people. 
5.茶 [bai4cha2], v.i., (MC) ask guest to come in and have tea. 
6.親 [bai4qin1], v.i., formally visit and be introduced to friend's parents. 
7.訪 [bai4fang3], v.t., make calls on (person). 
8.服 [bai4fu2](=佩服), v.t., greatly admire. 
9.跪 [bai4gui4], worship on knees. 
10.賀 [bai4he4], v.i., send greetings, felicitations. 
11.會 [bai4hui4], v.t., make official calls, esp. to make acquaintance. 
12.火教 [bai4huo3jiao4], n., Zoroastrianism (fire-worship). 
13.章 [bai4zhang1], v.i., send emperor memorandum. 
14.見 [bai4jian4], v.t., (court.) visit, call on; 
15.見禮 (兒) [bai4jian4li3] ([bai4jian4lie1er0]), n., gift given on making formal calls. 
16.教 [bai4jiao4], v.i., (court.) receive instructions. 
17.金主義 [bai4jin1zhu3yi4], n., (facet.) cult of gold-worship. 
18.桌 [bai4zhuo1], n., table for making and receiving ceremonial obeisance. 
19.客 [bai4ke2], v.i., go on the round of calls on friends. 
20.禮 [bai4li3], n., see [bai4jian4li3]↑. 
21.門 [bai4men2], v.i., pay thanks by personal visit. 
22.命 [bai4ming4], v.i., (1)  receive emperor's order; (2)  (court.) receive or thank for receiving (message, advice). 
23.掃 [bai4sao3], v.i., to make ceremonial visit at relative's tomb. 
24.神 [bai4shen2], v.i., to worship deity or deities. 
25.壽 [bai4shou4], v.i., to congratulate someone's birthday in person. 
26.臺 [bai4tai2], n., see [bai4zhuo1]↑; esp. the stone altar at tombs. 
27.堂 [bai4tang2], v.i., perform formal bows by bride and groom in old custom. 
28.天地 [bai4tian1di4], v.i., (bride and groom) bow to heaven and earth as part of wedding ceremony. 
29.託 (托) [bai4tuo1], v.t., request, entrust (service, favor) to (person); 這個事情托你了 I leave this matter in your hands. 
30.望 [bai4wang4], v.i. & t., (court.) pay personal call (on person). 
31.謁 [bai4ye4], v.i. & t. ditto.