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ㄒㄧˇ [xi3.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  A small vessel containing water for painting: 筆 or 筆.
(2)  A surname.
V(1)  To wash. to clean: 乾 dry clean;
臉 wash face;
不乾淨 cannot be washed clean;
頭,髮,[xi3tou2], [xi3fa3], [xi3shou3]↓;
全村 kill everybody (bloodbath) in the village.
(2)  To clear (s.o.) of suspicion, charges: [xi3yUan1]↓;
Words1.兵 [xi3bing1], phr., clean military weapons--stop war. 
2.塵 [xi3chen2], v.i., to give a dinner to friend on return from travel (“wash the dust”). 
3.城 [xi3cheng2], phr., have a bloodbath, killing all inhabitants of city. 
4.盪 [xi3dang4], v.i., to wash clean (clothing). 
5.滌 [xi3di2], v.t., to wash away dirt, to clean (dishes, clothing, bad habits, heart). 
6.耳 [xi3er3], v.i., (1)  usu. in 耳恭聽 listen respectfully (“wash ears”); (2)  (AC) to shut one's ears to turmoil of world affairs: 耳不聞. 
7.兒 [xi3er2], v.i., custom of giving bath to baby on its third day, see [xi3san1]↓. 
8.髮 [xi2fa3], v.i., have hair washed, shampoo. 
9.刮 [xi3gua1], v.i., wash and polish. 
10.甲 [xi2jia3], v.i., see [xi3bing1]↑. 
11.濯 [xi3zhuo2], v.t., to wash (hands, feet); to bathe. 
12.禮 [xi2li3], n., baptism: 行禮,受禮 to give, receive baptism. 
13.腦 [xi2nao3], n. & v.i., brainwash. 
14.牌 [xi3pai2], v.i., to shuffle cards. 
15.三 [xi3san1], v.i., see [xi3er2]↑. 
16.心 [xi3xin1], v.i., to change one's heart and reform: 心革面. 
17.手 [xi2shou3], v.i., (1)  to “wash hands”--(of thieves) too leave the gang and reform; (2)  go to lavatory; 手間 [xi3shou3jian1], n., lavatory, toilet. 
18.刷 [xi3shua0], v.t., (1)  to wash and brush; (2)  to clear person's name of guilt charges, see [xi3xUe3]↓. 
19.拭 [xi3shi4], v.t., wipe and wash (utensils). 
20.雪 [xi2xUe3], v.t., to right a wrong, to clear charges. 
21.削 [xi3xUe4], v.t., see [xi3xUe3]↑. 
22.頭 [xi3tou2], v.i., have hair washed. 
23.澡 [xi2zao3], v.i., to take a bath. 
24.眼 [xi2yan3], phr., “wash eyes”--watch attentively. 
25.衣 [xi3yi1], v.i., do laundry; n., 衣店 laundry shop. 
26.冤 [xi3yUan1], v.i., to right a wrong. 
27.浴 [xi3yU4], v.i., to take a bath; v.i., 浴室 n., bathroom.