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ㄓㄣ [zhen1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Rare valuables, treasure, what is highly prized, see Adj.↓.
(2)  A delicacy in food: 山海味 delicacies from land and sea.
AdjRare, highly prized, valuable: 貴,[zhen1gui4], [zhen1pin3]↓;
本 rare edition;
禽異獸 rare birds and animals;
attached to vbb. indicating esteem: 愛,賞,[zhen1ai4], [zhen1shang3], [zhen1cang2]↓;
視 prize, cherish.
Words1.愛 [zhen1ai4], v.t., love dearly, cherish. 
2.寶 [zhen1bao3], n., jewellery; rare treasures. 
3.奇 [zhen1qi2], n., rare objects. 
4.怪 [zhen1guai4], n., ditto. 
5.貴 [zhen1gui4] ([zhen1gui0]), adj., valuable, precious, priceless, of great value. 
6.珠 [zhen1zhu1], n., pearl; 珠蘭 see 珠蘭 31A.01; 珠毛 (兒) [zhen1zhu1mao2] ([er0]), skin of lamb embryo; 珠米 corn; 珠菜 a vegetable, Lysimachia clethroides
7.重 [zhen1zhong4], v.i. & t., to take good care (of health): 千萬重 please take good care of yourself. 
8.品 [zhen1pin3], n., a highly valued art object. 
9.賞 [zhen1shang3], v.t., to appreciate highly. 
10.攝 [zhen1she4], v.i., as in 善自攝, see [zhen1zhong4]↑. 
11.羞(饈) [zhen1xiu1], n., delicacy of food. 
12.惜 [zhen1xi2], v.t., to cherish, love dearly. 
13.藏 [zhen1cang2], v.t., to keep (rare editions, art works) as of great value. 
14.物 [zhen1wu4], n., rare objects, also rare food. 
15.聞 [zhen1wen2], n., strange and interesting news. 
16.異 [zhen1yi4], adj., rare, highly esteemed.