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ㄧㄥˊ [ying2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NSurplus (also wr. 贏): [ying2yU2]↓.
Adj(1)  Full: 豐 in abundance;
惡貫滿 sunk in sin, having a full record of crimes and misdeeds;
千累萬 in hundreds and thousands.
(2)  Light and supple: 輕 supple (body).
Words1.虧 [ying2kui1], n., (1)  profit and loss; (2)  waxing and waning of the moon. 
2.滿 [ying2man3], adj., full to overflow. 
3. [ying2ying2], adj., (1)  supple (figure, gait); (2)  clear, lucid (light, water). 
4.餘 [ying2yU2], n., surplus profit.