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ㄒㄧㄤ [xiang1 (*ㄒㄧㄤˋ [xiang4).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(*[xiang4]) (1)  A surname.
(2)  Appearance, looks: [xiang1mao4]↓;
ugly looks;
strange, disgusting appearance;
(Budd.) beyond material distinction or material reality;
real inner self;
real situation.
(3)  (Fortunetelling) physiognomy as indicative of destiny: 凶 face indicating violence, also ill luck.
(4)  Portrait (interch. 像), photograph: [xiang1pian4]↓;
照片 n. & v.t., photograph.
(5)  (AC) prime minister: 丞,宰,首國 ditto;
(emperor) makes s.o. prime minister.
(6)  (Phys.) phase: 律 phase rule.
V(*[xiang4]) (1)  To size up by appearance: 端 observe carefully;
女婿 to look at prospective son-in-law for approval;
地,宅 practise geomancy, look at gen. outlay of land as influencing luck;
馬 look at a horse's physical build.
(2)  to watch for opportunity: [xiang1ji1]↓;
機 or 時而動 watch for the proper moment for action.
(3)  To read person's physiognomy, esp. face and hand reading: 面,術,[xiang1mian4], [xiang1shu4], [xiang1fa3]↓;
[xiang1ming4], [xiang1shi4]2↓;
(4)  To assist (usu. the emperor, ruler): 夫教子 (of wife) assist husband and bring up children.
(5)  to bless: 吉人天 God protects the good men.
AdvMutually, each other, together (oft. used like a prefix to vbb., with the sense “with”): 勸 to reason with, persuade;
會,聚 to meet together;
對 face with;
告 tell (speak with) another person;
煩 to bother (person);
罵,打 scold, fight each other;
爭 wrangle with each other;
助 help each other;
敬如賓 (of couple) treat each other with respect (“like guests”);
剋 (of 五行 the states of motion) mutually reinforce or neutralize;
映成趣 gain by contrast;
提並論 to be mentioned in the same breath, regarded in same category;
形見拙 lose by comparison;
上下 about equal;
實不瞞 I am telling you the truth;
犯 interfere with each other;
商 discuss together;
托,囑 to ask a person to do s.t., etc.
Words1.安 [xiang1an1], v.i., live together peacefully: 安無事. 
2.比 [xiang1bi3], v.i., compare with each other. 
3.差 [xiang1cha4], v.i., to differ, to deviate: 差不遠 not much difference between the two. 
4.稱 [xiang1chen2], v.i., fit together, pair off nicely. 
5.成 [xiang1cheng2], v.i., to help complement, be complementary in action. 
6.切 [xiang1qie4], v.i, (lines) cross each other; [xiang1qie4], v.i., (surfaces) come into contact. 
7.親 *[xiang4qin1](1)  v.i, to look over prospective bride; *[xiang4qin1], (2)  ([xiang1qin1]) adj., intimate, fond of each other. 
8.傳 [xiang1chuan2], v.i., (1)  pass from generation to generation; (2)  it is rumored, the story goes. 
9.處 [xiang1chu3], v.i., live or work together (well, badly). 
10.持 [xiang1chi2], v.i, both parties will not give in. 
11.去 [xiang1qU4]1, v.i., both differ, see [xiang1cha4]↑. 
12.覷 [xiang1qUn1]2, v.i., look at each other with silent understanding; 面面覷 the audience look at each other in surprise. 
13.當 [xiang1dang1], v.i. & adj., (1)  proper, appropriate (compensation etc.); (2)  當於 is equal to (dismissal, etc.); 當的 fairly (expensive, etc.). 
14.等 [xiang1deng3](1)  adj., equal: 等於 be equal to; (2)  n., equivalent, equal amount, number. 
15.得 [xiang1de2], v.i., get along well: 得益彰 each improves by association with the other. 
16.對 [xiang1dui4]. adj., (1)  opposite, facing each other; (2)  as in 對的 relative, opp. 絕對的 absolute; 對論 theory of relativity; 對基金 counterpart fund. 
17.法 *[xiang4fa3], n., the art of fortunetelling by reading faces. 
18.反 [xiang1fan3], v.i., to be opposite, contrary: 正正反 exactly the opposite; 反的adv., contrariwise, on the contrary. 
19.仿 [xiang1fang3], v.i., resemble. 
20.風 *[xiang4feng1], n., formerly, weathercock, weather vane, a device for telling wind direction (also called 風竿,風鳥). 
21.符 [xiang1fu2], v.i., agree with (orig. signature, etc.): 名實符,名符其實 reality corresponds with claims or title. 
22.干 [xiang1gan1], v.i., have to do with: 這事與你毫不干 this has nothing to do with you. 
23.關 [xiang1guan1], v.i., see [xiang1gan1]↑. 
24.公 *[xiang4gong1], n., (1)  Your Excellency, formerly, address to prime minister; n.,(2)  ([xiang1gong0]) (a) young master of a noble house or handsome young man (in vern. literature); n., (b) a pederast: 公堂子 house of pederasts. 
25.好 [xiang1hao3], v.i., be fond of each other; 好的人 good friend or a mistress. 
26.會 [xiang1hui4], v.i., to meet together: 後期會 meet again. 
27.互 [xiang1hu4], adv., mutually (help, envy, etc.) each other. 
28.機 *[xiang4ji1], phr., watch for right time for action. 
29.見 [xiang1jian4], v.i., to meet personally: 見恨晚 regret we didn't meet sooner. 
30.將 [xiang1jiang1], adv., together, in each other's company. 
31.交 [xiang1jiao1], v.i., (1)  (lines) cross each other; (2)  make friends with each other: 交甚厚 they are very good friends. 
32.較 [xiang1jiao4], v.i., compare with: 兩件較 compare the two. 
33.偕 [xiang1jie1], adv., together (go away, etc.). 
34.繼 [xiang1ji4], v.i., follow one another: 繼死亡 die one after another . 
35.近 [xiang1jin4], adj., close by, nearly alike: 住得近 live nearby; 近的朋友 close friend. 
36.助 [xiang1zhu4], v.i., help each other. 
37.知 [xiang1zhi1], v.i. & n., to know a person really well; a very close friend. 
38.看 [xiang1kan1](1)  v.i., look at each other; (2)  (*[xiang4kan0] v.t., to size up (prospective son-in-law, etc.) by looking. 
39.連 [xiang1lian2], v.i., connect together. 
40.貌 *[xiang4mao4], n., gen. looks personal appearance. 
41.面 *[xiang4mian4], v.i., read faces. 
42.命 [xiang4ming4], v.i. & n., fortunetelling. 
43.配 [xiang1pei4], v.i., (1)  to match each other (as shoes and dress); (2)  to mate, pair off . 
44.片 *[xiang4pian4], n., a photograph, esp., a print.  
45.撲 [xiang1pu1], v.i., to wrestle together. 
46.人 *[xiang4ren2], v.i., to read person's character. 
47.若 [xiang1ruo4], adj., similar, like each other. 
48.如 [xiang1ru2], adj. & v.i., like, resemble each other. 
49.善 [xiang1shan4], v.i., be fond of each other (as friends), be familiar with each other. 
50.聲 (兒)  *[xiang4sheng0]([er0]), n., ventriloquist: 對口聲 witty dialogue by professional performers on stage. 
51.向 [xiang1xiang4]1, v.i., face each other. 
52.像 [xiang1xiang4]2, v.i., resemble. 
53.匣子 *[xiang4xia2zi0], n., (Peking pop.) a camera. 
54.信 [xiang1xin4], v.i. & t., believe: 信不會錯的 I believe it is the right thing; 信他 believe him; 不能信 connot believe. 
55.形 [xiang1xing2], phr., (1)  形見絀 lose by comparison; (2)  (*[xiang4xing2]) see [xiang4mian4], [xiang4fa3]↑. 
56.術 *[xiang4shu4], n., see [xiang4fa3]↑. 
57.識 [xiang1shi4](1)  v.i., be acquainted with; (2)  n., an acquaintance. 
58.士 [xiang4shi4], n., fortuneteller. 
59.思 [xiang1si1], v.i., be lovesick; v.i., 思病 n., lovesickness; v.i., 苦思 deep longing; 兩地思 longing of parted lovers; 思子 the gram, a tree, Abrus precatorius, producing red beans (紅豆) which are used as lovers’ souvenirs, see also 紅豆 93B.30. 
60.似 [xiang1si4], v.i., resemble each other. 
61.投 [xiang1tou2], v.i., fit in well: 意氣投 (persons) have the same likes and dislikes. 
62.同 [xiang1tong2], v.i., be alike, be the same (opinion, view of things). 
63.左 [xiang1zuo3], v.i., (1)  diverge, disagree (in opinion); (2)  cross one another's way. 
64.違 [xiang1wei3], v.i., (1)  be parted; (2)  disagree in opinion. 
65.沿 [xiang1yan2], v.i., come down from earlier times: 沿已久 (custom) has been so for a long time. 
66.羊 [xiang1yang2], v.i., (AC) wander, roam about (also wr. (佯). 
67.依 [xiang1yi1], v.i., depend on each other: 母子依為命 the mother and son share their life together. 
68.印 [xiang1yin4](1)  v.i., to bear each other out: 心心印 their hearts are like one; (2)  (*[xiang4yin4]) n., premier’s seal i.e., (carry on) premier's work. 
69.應 [xiang1ying1](1)  v.i., (in official documents) it is proper that (this be communicated, etc.); (2)  ([xiang1ying4]) (a) v.i., to act in response; (b) adj., proper: 嫁得應的人家 (in vern. literature) marry into a proper family. 
70.宜 [xiang1yi2], adj., (1)  fitting and proper; (2)  agreeable (weather, etc.): 氣候不宜 the weather does not agree with a person. 
71.友 [xiang1you3], v.i., be friends together. 
72.與 [xiang1yU3](1)  v.i., live or work together: 很難與 difficult to live with or work with (person); (2)  adv., together (climb mountains, laugh, etc.).