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ㄊㄞˊ [tai2 (*ㄊㄞ [tai1).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Moss, lichens: 青 moss;
梅 moss-covered plum tree;
紙 paper made from moss;
錢 small discs of lichens;
茵 carpet of moss.
(2)  (*[tai1]) Whitish coating (fur) on tongue: 舌.
Words1.砌 [tai2qi4], n., mossy steps. 
2.痕 [tai2hen2], n., mossy growths (with footprints). 
3.癬 [tai2xian3], n., lichens. 
4.菜 [tai2cai4], n., (bot.) Corydalis incisa
5.衣 [tai2yi1], n., a spread of lichens.