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ㄧㄠˋ [yao4 (*ㄧㄠ [yao1).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
NNecessity, need, urgency: 必 necessity;
沒有必 there is no need;
prime importance;
need, necessity, also v.t., to need.
Vb(1)  Want: 我走 I want to go;
他不 he does not want (to, it).
(2)  Going to: 將 ditto: (將)下雨了 it is going to rain;
天快黑了 it is going to be dark soon.
(3)  Should: 你知道,小心 you should know, should be careful.
V(1)  To want (s. t.);
to demand or request: 我他來 I want him to come;
這本書我了 I have already requested for this book;
了去 he has requested and taken it away;
得,不得 [yao4de2], [yao4bu0de0]↓.
(2)  (*[yao1]) (LL) to sum it up: 之.
(3)  (*[yao1]) (a) Demand: [yao1qiu2]↓;
(b) coerce: 挾,[yao1xie2], [yao1meng2]↓;
(c) (AC) ambush and capture on the way: 將而殺之 was going to ambush and kill him.
AdjImportant: [yao4jin3]↓;
of prime importance;
most important;
most important and do not forget;
言不煩 an important statement need not be prolix.
ConjIf (=若, related): [yao4shi0]↓;
不然 [yao4bu0ran2]↓;
不來 if you don't come;
不,我們回去罷 if not, we'll go back.
Words1.隘 [yao4ai4], n., strategic pass. 
2.便 [yao4bian4], adv., (MC) often, usually. 
3.不的 [yao4bu0de0](1)  adv., extremely: 窮得不的 unbearably poor; (2)  phr., extremely bad: 這肉壞了不的 this meat is spoilt, to be rejected. 
4.不然 [yao4bu0ran2], phr., if not, otherwise (I refuse to go, etc.). 
5.強 [yao4qiang2], v.i., to want to forge ahead, be a success. 
6.求 *[yao1qiu2], v.i. & t., to demand, request (s.t., that). 
7.衝 [yao4chong1], n., place which bears the brunt of attack; strategic area. 
8.道 [yao4dao4], n., (1)  main route, highway; (2)  important teaching. 
9.得 [yao4de2] ([yao4de0]), adj., (Szechuan dial.) desirable, good; 不得 (的) see [yao1bu0de0]↑. 
10.點 [yao4dian3], n., important point. 
11.地 [yao4di4], n., important place, position. 
12.端 [yao4duan1], n., important point. 
13.犯 [yao4fan4], n., chief culprit; important convict. 
14.飯(兒)的 [yao4fan4] ([yao4fa4er0])[de0], n., a beggar. 
15.港 [yao4gang3], n., principal port. 
16.括 [yao4gua1], v.i. & t., to summarize. 
17.乖乖 [yao4guai1guai1], v.i., to kiss, see [yao4tzueeer0]↓. 
18.故 [yao4gu4], n., serious business. 
19.公 [yao4gong1], n., important official business. 
20.好 [yao4hao3], v.i., be good friends with: 兩個人很好 the two are very good to each other. 
21.害 [yao4hai4], n., (1)  vital part of body; (2)  vital area of defense. 
22.謊 [yao4huang3], v.i., (seller) asks fantastic price in preparation for haggling. 
23.賬 [yao4zhang4], v.i., to ask for repayment. 
24.價兒 [yao4jia4er0], n., the price offered for sale. 
25.件 [yao4jian4], n., important items, articles, documents. 
26.近 [yao4jin4], n., (LL) those close to the ruling power. 
27.勁(兒) [yao4jin4] ([yao4jie4er0]), n., strenuous effort. 
28.緊 [yao4jin3], adj., important: 不緊 unimportant, never mind. 
29.津 [yao4jin1], n., (LL) important road or avenue, esp. to success or power. 
30.擊 *[yao1ji2], v.t., to waylay and attack. 
31.著 [yao4zhuo2], n., an important move step; essential point (of book), prime aim. 
32.旨 [yao4zhi3], n., essential point (of book), prime aim. 
33.口 [yao4kou3], n., important point of entry or exit. 
34.臉 [yao4lian3], v.i., to care for “face”, also 臉面; 不臉 shameless. 
35.領 (1) [yao4ling3], n., main themes, main points of discussion: 不得領 completely at sea; (2)  (AC) also pr. (*[yao1ling3].), main point; 得全領 (=腰領) keep head on shoulders, escape being dismembered. 
36.路 [yao4lu4], n., vital route, esp. to power. 
37.略 [yao1lUe4], n., a summary. 
38.買 *[yao1mai3], v.i., as in 買人心 to win people's hearts. 
39.盟 *[yao1meng2], v.i., to obtain treaty by threat of force. 
40.眇 *[yao1miao3], adj., (AC) enticing, engaging. 
41.妙 *[yao1miao4] ([yao4miao4]), adj., (AC) engaging, attractive. 
42.命 [yao4ming4], adv., desperately: 窮的命 desperately poor; 疼的命 ghastly painful; 命鬼 (兒) (said of one's child) a pest. 
43.目 [yao4mu4], n., principal points. 
44.鬧 [yao4nao4], adj., busy (thoroughfare). 
45.人 [yao4ren2], n., important person, V.I.P. 
46.塞 [yao4sai4], n., vital area of defense, a fortress. 
47.項 [yao4xiang4], n., main items. 
48.挾 *[yao4xie2], v.t., to coerce (person) by threat of force. 
49.是 [yao4shi0], conj., if (=若是). 
50.事 [yao4shi4], n., important business. 
51.素 [yao1su4], n., main factor, essential element. 
52.菜 [yao4cai4], v.i., (1)  (sl.) assume airs; (2)  to order food in restaurant. 
53.圖 [yao4tu2], n., important plan. 
54.在 [yao4zai4], phr., the important thing is. 
55.嘴兒 [yao4zui3er0], v.i., to make a kiss. 
56.嘴吃 [yao4zui3chi1], phr., to ask for food like a glutton. 
57.聞 [yao4wen2], n., summary of important news, headline stories of the day. 
58.務 [yao4wu4], n., important affairs. 
59.樣兒 [yao4yang4er0], phr., care about putting on a good front. 
60.義 [yao4yi4], n., essential points. 
61.因 [yao4yin1], n., important cause.