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ㄓㄨㄥˋ [zhong4 (*ㄔㄨㄥˊ [chong2 usu. as adv.).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Weight, heaviness: 加 increase weight.
(2)  (*[chong2]) Layer: [chong2chong2]↓;
天 (Budd.) the nine layers of heaven or the ninth layer.
VTo place value upon: 自 self-respect;
君子自 (in watercloset) leave the place clean;
take good care of (your) health;
然諾 do not make promises lightly;
友情 would do many things for a friend;
,推 regard highly (person).
Adj(1)  Heavy, thick: 味太 flavor is too rich;
油太,色太 oil, color is too heavy;
利 usury;
任 responsible post;
工業 heavy industry;
金屬 heavy metals;
油 heavy oil;
負 a heavy burden;
酪 heavy cream.
(2)  Important, valuable: 要,[zhong4yao4], [zhong4da4]↓;
器,寶 valuable treasure;
兵 a great army.
(3)  serious, solemn: 加 become more serious (of illness);
了 illness has become serious;
solemn (demeanor, ceremony);
些 don't be frivolous;
於泰山 (AC) a person's death could be of the greatest significance (or 輕於鴻毛 of no importance at all);
為人厚 person is kind and generous.
(4)  (*[chong2]) Double, multiple: 壁 double wall;
關 series of fortified passes;
譯 retranslation;
圍 besieged in several depths;
遠涉洋 across several oceans;
瞳 (reputed to have) double eye pupils.
Adv(1)  Heavily, severely: 打 flog heavily;
責 rebuke harshly, also heavy responsibility;
懲,罰,辦 punish severely;
傷 severe wound;
酬,賞 richly rewarded, rich reward.
(2)  (*[chong2]) Repeatedly, again, successively: 複,[chong2fu4], [chong2die2]↓;
寫 rewrite;
來一遍 do it once again;
張 re-open shop;
整旗鼓 regrouped for battle (lit. or fig.);
溫舊夢 renew the old romance;
Words1.遷 [zhong4qian1](1)  v.i., (AC) reluctant to move from native district; (2)  (*[chong2qian1]) move again to new place. 
2.器 [zhong4qi4], n., (AC) national treasure. 
3.親 *[chong2qin1], v.i., intermarry by several marriages between families. 
4.出 *[chong2chu1], v.i., (of a passage) appear twice in book (as in Analects). 
5. *[chong2chong2], adj. & adv., layer after layer, multiple series (mountain ranges, roof tops): 疊疊 ditto. 
6.泉 *[chong2qUan2], n., underground springs: 泉之下 nether world. 
7.大 [zhong4da4],  adj., weighty, important, serious (disaster, crime, undertaking, etc.). 
8.典 [zhong4dian3]1, n., severe punishment, serious regulation. 
9.點 [zhong4dian3]2, n., important point. 
10.疊 *[chong2die2], adj., & adv., reduplicated, repeated, -ly, again and again: 規疊矩 too numerous regulations; see *[chong2chong2]↑. 
11.地 [zhong4di4], n., important precincts, place of strategic importance, not accessible without permission. 
12.噸 [zhong4dun4], n., gross ton, long ton. 
13.犯 [zhong4fan4], n., person convicted of grave crime. 
14.複 *[chong2fu0], adj., repetitious (writing), redundant. 
15.婚 *[chong2hun1], v.i., (of man or woman) be illegally married to two spouses. 
16.整 *[chong2zheng3], v.t., readjust (debts, credit). 
17.鎮 [zhong4zhen4], n., important military base: military governorship. 
18.繭 *[chong2jian3], adj., (AC) many calluses on feet. 
19.寄 [zhong4ji4], n., (LL) post or appointment of heavy responsibility. 
20.九 *[chong2jiu3], n., the 9th day of 9th lunar month, a festival esp. for climbing mountains. 
21. (的) [zhong4zhong4]([de0]), adv., (1)  very heavily (punish, reward, etc.); (2)  see [chong2chong2]↑. 
22.科 [zhong4ke1], n., a grave crime (felony, murder, etc.). 
23.量 [zhong4liang4], n., (1)  weight; (2)  substance: 有量 (of writing) having real substance. 
24.力 [zhong4li4], n., gravitation. 
25.落 *[chong2luo4], v.i., (of illness) relapse, take a turn for the worse. 
26.率 [zhong4lU4], n., (phys.) specific gravity (also 比). 
27.名 [zhong4ming2], n., great reputation. 
28.明 *[chong2ming2], n., (AC) the light of sun and moon. 
29. [zhong4pao4], n., heavy artillery. 
30.申 *[chong2shen1], v.i. & t., to reiterate, recapitulate; adv., repeatedly. 
31.身子 [zhong4shen1zi0], adj., pregnant. 
32.孝 [zhong4xiao4], n., deep mourning for parents. 
33.心 [zhong4xin1], n., (phys.) center of gravity. 
34.新 *[chong2xin1], adv., again, anew. 
35.修 *[chong2xiu1], v.t., rebuild; (p.p.) rebuilt (temple, road, etc.); take (a given college course) again owing to failure to get passing marks the first time. 
36.水 [zhong4shui3], n., (phys.) heavy water. 
37.視 [zhong4shi4], v. t., to value (name, friendship, money, etc.). 
38.世 *[chong2shi4], adj., (AC) generations of. 
39.侍下 *[chong2shi4xian1], phr., the time when grandparents were alive. 
40.孫 (子) *[chong2sun1]([zi0]), n., great-grandson. 
41.孫女 *[chong2sun1nU3], n., great-granddaughter. 
42.聽 [zhong4ting1], adj., heavy of hering. 
43.頭戲 [zhong4tou2xi4], n., an opera difficult to play or sing. 
44.罪 [zhong4zui4], n., a grave crime. 
45.闈 *[chong2wei2], n., (1)  inner palace; (2)  address to grandparents. 
46.文 *[chong2wen2], n., repetitious passage; word that appears twice; an ancient variant in 說文“Shuowern.” 
47.午 *[chong2wu3], n., the 5th day of 5th lunar month (also called 端午). 
48.壓 [zhong4ya1], n., heavy pressure. 
49.樣兒 *[chong2yang4er0], adj., identical. 
50.陽 *[chong2yang2], n., see *[chong2jiu3]↑. 
51.要 [zhong4yao4], adj. & n., important (thing, person, task, etc.): …的要 the importance of…. 
52.音 [zhong4yin1], n., accented (syllable, vowel). 
53.茵 *[chong2yin1], n., double-soft cushion. 
54.淵 *[chong2yUan1], n., (LL) deep waters.