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ㄈㄥ [feng1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Wind, breeze, storm: 清 (徐來), 涼 pleasant breeze;
,大 typhoon;
,羊角 whirlwind, tornado;
季候 monsoon;
暴雨,暴,颱災 storm;
吹草動 grass bends as wind blows -- influence, also state of restlessness, sensitive to slight upsets;
聲鶴唳 wind whistles and wild geese cry -- state of fear and turmoil;
樹欲靜而不止,子欲養而親不待 (AC allu.) a son's regret at not being able to serve parents in their old age, shortened as 樹 or 木 ;
前燭 candle before a draft, short time left for aged people, also 燭殘年.
(2)  A prolific term, associated with clouds, rain, moon, frost, water: 雲,雨,月,霜,[feng1yUn2], [feng1yU3], [feng1yUe4], [feng1shuang1], [feng1shui0]↓;
with waves, stream, tide: 浪,流,[feng1lang4], [feng1liu2], [feng1chao2]↓;
with light, landscape: 光,, ↓;
花雪月 wind, flower, snow and moon--romantic themes.
(3)  Of utensils having to do with wind: 扇,[feng1shan4], [feng1mao4]2, etc. ↓.
(4)  Of customs, atmosphere: usu. [feng1qi4]↓;
俗,[feng1su2], [feng1tu3], etc. ↓;
people's customs;
literary atmosphere;
,家 traditional atmosphere, culture of family;
,刁 immoral atmosphere;
eccentric or corrupt atmosphere;
collection of folk songs in classical Book of Poetry.
(5)  Charm, tone, style: 韻 charm;
趣,度,味,格,[feng1qU4], [feng1du4], [feng1wei4], [feng1ge2], [feng1zhi4]↓;
character: 高亮節 (in praise of a person's) high and upright character;
而起 (AC) heard of the reputation and came;
骨,節, [feng1gu3], [feng1jie2]↓;
appearance, demeanor: 姿,儀,範,[feng1zi1], [feng1yi2], [feng1fan4], [feng1cai3]↓.
(6)  Various ailments: 傷 common cold;
疼 headache, migraine: 濕,[feng1shi1]1, [feng1tong4]↓.
(7)  A surname.
V(1)  Spread rumor: 聞,[feng1wen2], [feng1chuan2]↓;
var. of 諷 to criticize: 示,議 show opinion, criticize by innuendo;
(=可為範) (LL) may be a model for others.
(2)  To move, spread out, like air: 行一時 be popular;
發,意氣發 angers rise;
馳電製 come like a storm, flash like lightning;
起雲湧 erupt like a storm.
Adj(1)  Handsome, romantic, talented, elegant: [feng1ya3]↓.
(2)  (MC) u.f. 瘋:他了 he has gone crazy.
(3)  In heat, see 馬牛 [feng1ma3niu2]↓.
Words1.暴 [feng1bao4], n., storm. 
2.痺 [feng1bi4], n., paralysis. 
3.伯 [feng1bo2], n., god of wind. 
4.潮 [feng1chao2], n., crisis, school or labor strike: 鬧潮 create a crisis. 
5.車 [feng1che1], n., windmill; propeller-like toy. 
6.塵 [feng1chen2], n., hardships of journey, dust of journey: 塵僕僕 hard journey; secular world of trials and temptations: 墮落塵 (of woman) become prostitute; 塵女子 such professional women. 
7.氣 [feng1qi4], n., current customs, fashion: 不良氣 bad moral atmosphere; style of character: 豪邁氣 a heroic air or style. 
8.琴 [feng1qin2], n., reed or pipe organ. 
9.情 [feng1qing2], n., romantic feeling (of friendship, love): 一段情 a romantic episode; 情萬種 exceedingly fascinating and charming (woman). 
10.傳 [feng1chuan2], v.i., it is rumored. 
11.圈 [feng1qUan1], n., halo around moon on windy night. 
12.趣 [feng1qU4], n., charm of personality: 此人甚有趣 this man has an exceedingly charming personality. 
13.燈 [feng1deng1], n., storm lantern. 
14.調 [feng1diao4], n., tone or style (of personality, writing). 
15.度 [feng1du4], n., suavity of style. 
16.洞 [feng1dong4], n., wind tunnel. 
17.範 [feng1fan4], n., ideal or ideal personality. 
18.帆 [feng1fan2], n., sail of boat. 
19.概 [feng1gai4], n., inspiring personality. 
20.乾 [feng1gan1], adj., sun-dried or dried by hanging (duck, sausage, etc.). 
21.格 [feng1ge2], n., style of person, writing; mode of a generation. 
22.光 [feng1guang1], n., landscape; special atmosphere; beautiful impression. 
23.骨 [feng1gu3], n., (exotic, strong) character; personality. 
24.寒 [feng1han2], n., cold: 受了 or 感冒寒 catch cold. 
25.花菜 [feng1hua1cai4], n., (bot.) nasturtium. 
26.化 [feng1hua4], n., (1)  moral atmosphere: 有傷化 corrupting atmosphere; hence 化區 district of loose women; (2)  (geol.) weathering of rocks; (3)  (chem.) efflorescence. 
27.懷 [feng1huai2](1)  n., poetic or romantic sentiment; (2)  v.t., worship (the anc. great). 
28.華 [feng1hua2], n., beauty, elegance; 絕代華 unsurpassed beauty (woman) of a generation. 
29.疹 [feng1zhen3], n., a kind of measles; German measles (urticaria). 
30.箏 [feng1zheng1], n., kite. 
31.鑑 [feng1jian4], n., (1)  (LL) knowledge of human character; (2)  physiognomist: 鑑家. 
32.教 [feng1jiao4], n., moral culture, moral customs. 
33.節 [feng1jie2], n., integrity of character. 
34.紀 [feng1ji4], n., moral standards: 紀蕩然 moral standards have disappeared. 
35.鏡 [feng1jing4], n., glasses worn as protection against sandstorm. 
36.景 [feng1jing3], n., scenery; 景區 scenic spots. 
37.致 [feng1zhi4], n., charm (of painting, person). 
38.口 [feng1kou3], n., draft: 站在口 stand in a draft. 
39.兒 [feng1er0], n., breath of rumor: 有點兒 there is a kind of rumor. 
40.浪 [feng1lang4], n., storm during voyage; crisis: 經過多少浪 went through many crises; 興作浪 create nuisance, stir up trouble; 平浪靜 the storm abates, all is calm. 
41.蘭 [feng1lan2], n., a kind of orchid, Angraecum falcatum
42.涼 [feng1liang2], adj., cool: 涼地方 a cool corner; 說涼話 make cool, sly criticism. 
43.流 [feng1liu2], adj., (1)  romantic: 流人物 a romantic person; (2)  distinguished, handsome, lovable: 流可愛,流蘊藉,倜儻 ditto; (AC) =流餘韻 surviving influence of poets, high characters. 
44.馬牛 [feng1ma3niu2], adj., when a horse and a cow are in heat, they have nothing to do with each other (不相及)--gen. term for “totally unconnected” affair. 
45.貌 [feng1mao4]1, n., handsome appearance. 
46.帽 [feng1mao4]2, n., a cowl, storm cap, covering jowl and neck. 
47.靡 [feng1mi3], v.i., be popular, fashionable: 靡一時 (LL) be popular for a time. 
48.魔 [feng1mo2], n., as in 中魔 become crazy; (v.t.) 魔了他 made him head over heels in love. 
49.木 [feng1mu4], phr., see N.1↑. 
50.鳥 [feng1niao3], n., bird of paradise. 
51.波 [feng1po1], n., upsets, trials during progress, crisis: 渡了這一場波 pass over this crisis; 平地起波 a crisis out of nowhere. 
52.人 [feng1ren2], n., poet. 
53.騷 [feng1sao1], adj., (1)  (of woman) men-crazy, amorous; (2)  poetically sentimental. 
54.色 [feng1se4], n., force of wind; changing weather; changing countenance: 看色 watch a person's countenance or moods. 
55.痧 [feng1sha1], n., see [feng1zhen3]↑. 
56.扇 [feng1shan4], n., rotating fan; electric fan. 
57.尚 [feng1shang4], n., fashion of the times. 
58.聲 [feng1sheng1], n., rumor, news: 聲不對 bad news. 
59.神 [feng1shen2], n., handsome looks or expression. 
60.向 [feng1xiang4], n., direction: 失了向 lost bearings. 
61.箱 [feng1xiang1], n., bellows. 
62.癇 [feng1xian2], n., epilepsy. 
63.邪 [feng1xie2], n., ailment said due to cold or exposure. 
64.信 [feng1xin4], n., seasonal wind; 信子 [feng1xin4zi3], n., (bot.) hyacinth; n., 信子石 (geol.) hyacinth, a semi-precious stone. 
65.行 [feng1xing2], v.i., be fashionable, popular: 行全世界 popular all over the world; v.i., 行草偃 phr., where the wind passes, the grass bends--influence of gentlemen. 
66.霜 [feng1shuang1], n., wind and frost; climatic hardships: 受盡霜之苦 endure all the hardships of exposure; severity of countenance. 
67.水 [feng1shui0], n., Chin. science of geomancy or the influence of landscape (hills, river, layout of land) on people and their fortunes, esp. concerning grave-sites, orig. esthetic: 這地水好 the [feng1shui3] is good or propitious; 水先生 geomancer; 看水 examine site of building, grave from geomantic point of view. 
68.樹 [feng1shu4], n., an allu., see N.1↑. 
69.濕 [feng1shi1]1, n., arthritis, rheumatism. 
70.師 [feng1shi1]2, n., see [feng1bo2] ↑. 
71.俗 [feng1su2], n., social customs (good or bad). 
72.頭 [feng1tou2], n., person's prestige, pomp: 頭十足 very pompous; 出頭 in the limelight, given to publicity; to show off. 
73.采 [feng1cai3], n., (court.) your elegant appearance; person's attractive looks. 
74.從 [feng1cong2], v.i., (LL) follow the lead: 四海從 the world follows. 
75.痛 [feng1tong4], n., arthritic pain. 
76.土 [feng1tu3], n., locality: 土人情 local customs, practices. 
77.災 [feng1zai1], n., disaster of storm. 
78.姿 [feng1zi1], n., looks: 姿綽約 (of lady) charming appearance and personality. 
79.味 [feng1wei4], n., flavor (of prose, personality, regional cooking). 
80.聞 [feng1wen2], v.i. & t., hear by rumor or current talks, get wind of. 
81.物 [feng1wu4], n., local customs and products. 
82.雅 [feng1ya3], adj. & n., elegant, -ce, cultured, sometimes affected: 附庸雅 do the culture bit, join the art or literary cult; 流儒雅 cultured. 
83.謠 [feng1yao2], n., =民歌謠 folk rhymes, folk songs, oft. a criticism of current affairs. 
84.義 [feng1yi4], high conduct, high principles; [feng1yi4], deep respect among friends: 義人情 deep respect and friendship. 
85.儀 [feng1yi2], n., (court.) your noble appearance. 
86.月 [feng1yUe4], n., wind and moon, romance, romantic (talk, affairs). 
87.韻 [feng1yUn4], n., charm and tone of person's style, appearance, character or poetry: 徐娘半老,韻猶存 the woman in her thirty-forties still retains a great deal of charm. 
88.雲 [feng1yUn2], n., winds and clouds; high position; austere heights: 雲際會 riding the crest of fortune; 叱雲 (of great spirit) can command the sea and waves; 雲不測 sudden change of fortune; disaster; 雲人物 men in the news, headlines. 
89.雨 [feng1yU3], n., stormy weather: 雨雨 disturbances, rumor.