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ㄉㄨㄥˋ [dong4.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N([er0]) Jelly: 肉兒 meat jelly.
VTo freeze, congeal: 凝 freeze;
硬了 (coll.) freeze hard;
死,斃 frozen to death;
殭 benumb, -ed, frozen unconscious.
AdjIcy cold: 冷,腳 freezing cold; 冰 icy cold.
Words1.瘡 [dong4chuang1], n., chilblains, frostbite. 
2.結 [dong4jie2], v.t., freeze (funds); freeze hard. 
3.餒 [dong4nei3], v.i., suffer from cold and hunger. 
4.肉 [dong4rou4], n., frozen meat. 
5.石 [dong4shi2], n., (min.) steatite. 
6.藏 [dong4cang2], v.i. & n., refrigerate, -tion. 
7.原 [dong4yUan2], n., tundra, arctic and antarctic regions permanently covered with ice.