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ㄕˊ [shi2. [Abbr. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Time: 間,候(兒),[shi2jian1]2, [shi2hou0]([er0]), [shi2guang1]↓;
,短 long time, short time;
,彼 at this time, at that time;
此日 this day and hour;
at that time;
何地 when and where;
(impulse of) a moment;
at that time;
at the same time;
timely, before it is too late;
(a) temporary (government), (b) just at the moment, on the spot (propose a resolution, back out, etc.);
at any time;
之需 thing which may be needed any time, money for exigencies;
不我與 time is running out.
(2)  Date, hour: 一小 an hour;
[shi2chen0], [shi2ke4], [shi2qi2]↓;
appointed hour;
,依 punctually;
,逾 belated (for appointment, etc.), after appointed time;
set time limit.
(3)  O’clock: 三 three o'clock;
半 or 三三十分 half past three or three thirty.
(4)  Ancient system of dividing 24 hours into 12 two-hour periods, named by duodecimal cycle 子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥, beginning with 子 11:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m.;
正 12:00 midnight;
正 12:00 midnoon;
around 8:00 a.m.;
see Appendix A.
(5)  Period, times, days, season: 少 youth;
old age;
old times;
ancient times;
[shi2dai4], [shi2yUn4], [shi2shi4]1↓;
fashionable (dress);
against the times or prevailing customs.
Adj(1)  Current (affairs, fashion, etc.): [shi2shi4]3, [shi2zhuang1], [shi2shang4], [shi2mao2]↓.
(2)  Timely: 雨,雪 timely rain, snow.
AdvOften, continuously: [shi2shi2]↓;
學而習之 learn and review it from time to time.
Words1.輩 [shi2bei4], n., people (usu. scholars) of the times. 
2.變 [shi2bian4], n., (1)  political changes; (2)  the change of seasons. 
3.病 [shi2bing4], n., (1)  the ills of the times; (2)  (Chin. med.) epidemic. 
4.不常兒 [shi2bu0chang2er0], adv., oftentimes (=常). 
5.差 [shi2cha1], n., (1)  difference in hours between different longitudes; (2)  seasonal changes in length of day. 
6.常 [shi2chang2], adv., often. 
7.辰 [shi2chen0], n., (1)  hour, time in gen. sense (=[shi2hou4]: 在這個辰 at this (late, etc.) hour; 辰不早了 it is late; (2)  see N.4↑ (see Appendix A). 
8.氣 [shi2qi4], n., (1)  epidemic; n., (2)  ([shi2qi0]) adj., lucky: 他真是氣 he is really lucky. 
9.期 [shi2qi2], n., (1)  time limit; (2)  period: 在這個期 during this period; 乾隆期 Chiarnlurng (Chienlung) period. 
10.代 [shi2dai4], n., epoch, era, period: 代不同 the times are different; 那個代 in those days; 代偶像 idol of the times. 
11.調 [shi2diao4], n., popular song. 
12.分 [shi2fen4], n., season; time (early, late). 
13.光 [shi2guang1], n., time (early, late); passing hours: 光流逝 the days (years) pass. 
14.好 [shi2hao4], n., popular fashion. 
15.候(兒) [shi2hou0]([er0]), n., time: 這個候 at this time; 甚麼候兒 what time, when? 
16.會 [shi2hui4], n., luck, right time (as person comes “at the right time” and succeeds). 
17.貨 [shi2huo4], n., goods of the season. 
18.政 [shi2zheng4]1, n., current politics. 
19.症 [shi2zheng4]2, n., (Chin. med.) seasonal illness. 
20.機 [shi2ji1], n., an opportune moment. 
21.價 [shi2jia4], n., current price. 
22.艱 [shi2jian1]1, n., (LL) problems and difficulties of the country. 
23.間 [shi2jian1]2, n., (common term) time, duration; time as a philosophic notion: 空間與間 space and time; 開會的間太長 the meeting lasts too long; 間不早了 it is late; 有間性 limited to a period only, temporary, (news) of temporary interest, (offers, business quotations) valid for a limited time; n., 間表 n., timetable. 
24.節 [shi2jie2], n., (1)  festival; (2)  (AC) seasonal changes; (3)  ([shi2jie0]) see [shi2hou1]([er0])↑. 
25.忌 [shi2ji4]1, n., taboo of the times. 
26.計 [shi2ji4]2, n., chronometer, clock, watch. 
27.禁 [shi2jin4], n., current taboo, ban. 
28.景 [shi2jing3], n., the times (good, bad); gen. conditions of a time. 
29.裝 [shi2zhuang1], n., current fashion in dress. 
30.中 [shi2zhong1]1, adj., (AC) moderate, appropriate, not extreme. 
31.鐘 [shi2zhong1]2, n., a clock. 
32.值 [shi2zhi2], n., current price or value. 
33.局 [shi2jU2], n., gen. situation (of country). 
34.刻 [shi2ke4](1)  n., time, hour; (2)  adv., every moment: 刻不忘,不離 not forget, not separate, for a single moment. 
35.曆 [shi2li4], n., (AC) calendar. 
36.令 [shi2ling4], n., (1)  (AC) seasonal regulation; (2)  seasonal changes; (3)  ([shi2ling0]) epidemic (also 令病 [shi2ling0bing4]). 
37.流 [shi2liu2], n., scholars of the times, contemporaries. 
38.論 [shi2lun4], n., (1)  current criticism, essays on current topics; (2)  public opinion. 
39.髦 [shi2mao2](1)  adj., fashionable; (2)  n., vogue: 新髦 new vogue. 
40.鳥 [shi2niao3], n., seasonal bird. 
41.派(兒) [shi2pai4] ([shi2pa4er0]), n. & adj., fashion, -able. 
42.牌 [shi2pai2], n., (MC) tablet indicating hour of the day, hung at office. 
43.評 [shi2ping2], n., (1)  newspaper editorial, criticism on current topics; (2)  prevailing criticism. 
44.人 [shi2ren2], n., people of the period, contemporaries. 
45.日 [shi2ri4], n., date, time limit. 
46.尚 [shi2shang4], n., fashion. 
47.下 [shi2xia4], adj. & adv., present: 下的情形 the present condition. 
48.限 [shi2xian4], n., time limit. 
49.鮮 [shi2xian1], adj., fresh (fish, fruit, etc.). 
50.賢 [shi2xian2], n., the great scholars of the period, social leaders of the time. 
51.效 [shi2xiao4], n., time limited efficacy. 
52.新 [shi2xin1], adj., novel, newfangled. 
53.興 [shi2xing1], adj., fashionable, novel at the time. 
54.行 [shi2xing2], adj., current (vogue, disease); popular, enjoying popularity. 
55.世 [shi2shi4]1, n., the generation. 
56.式 [shi2shi4]2, adj., fashionable. 
57.事 [shi2shi4]3, n., current affairs. 
58.勢 [shi2shi4]4, n., current trend of events. 
59. [shi2shi2], adv., always, at every moment. 
60.序 [shi2xU4], n., the course of the seasons. 
61.望 [shi2wang4], n., a person's popularity: 望所歸 the object of public esteem. 
62.文 [shi2wen2], n., formerly, essay in the eight paragraphs prescribed for civil examinations (八 股 80.80), as opp. to other non-prescribed forms. 
63.務 [shi2wu4], n., current public affairs: 識務 familiar with the current situation; (AC) farmer's activities of the season. 
64.彥 [shi2yan4]1, n., see [shi2xian2]↑. 
65.諺 [shi2yan4]2, n., local proverb. 
66.樣(兒) [shi2yang4]([er0]), n. & adj., fashion, -able. 
67.醫 [shi2yi1], n., a popular physician. 
68.疫 [shi2yi4], n., epidemic, plague. 
69.宜 [shi2yi2], adj., appropriate, proper (dress, opinion): 不合宜 unpopular (opinion). 
70.遇 [shi2yU4]1, n., luck in popular reception or in timely recognition by superior. 
71.譽 [shi2yU4]2, n., popularity, gen. esteem. 
72.運 [shi2yUn4], n., luck, times: 運不濟 run into bad luck or times. 
73.雨 [shi2yU3], n., timely rain; (fig.) a teacher's good influence.