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ㄕㄨ [shu1.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  A book: 圖 books;
盡信不如無(孟子) better not to read at all than to believe all one reads;
上,中 in the book or letter;
see compp.↓.
(2)  A letter of correspondence: 信,札,翰, etc., [shu1xin4], [shu1zha2], [shu1han4]↓;
不盡言 (end of letter) there is more what I want to say but cannot.
(3)  A certificate, document: 證 ditto;
診斷 doctor's certificate of diagnosis;
證婚,離婚 marriage, divorce certificate;
official documents;
說明 note of instructions (on how to use appliance, medicine, etc.);
申請 letter of application, etc.
(4)  Script, style of callig.: 畫 calligraphy and painting;
regular, formal style of script;
rapid, cursive style;
running script (halfway between 楷 and 草);
,八分 Hahn Dyn. script;
seal script;
(5)  Storytelling in teahouse, such book for storytelling: 說,大鼓 ditto.
VTo write: [shu1xie3]↓;
此為誌 I write this as a memorial;
春 to write New Year couplets.
Words1.案 [shu1an4], n., writing desk. 
2.辦 [shu1ban0], n., formerly, clerk in government office. 
3.包 [shu1bao1], n., a schoolboy's satchel. 
4.本(兒) [shu1ben3]([shu1beeer0]), n., a volume, a book. 
5.場 [shu1chang3], n., teahouse where there is professional storytelling. 
6.差 [shu1chai1], n., see [shu1ban0]↑. 
7.城 [shu1cheng2], n., a library with books on all sides. 
8.簽(兒) [shu1qian1]([shu1qia1er0]), n., (1)  a book mark; (2)  book label pasted on cover. 
9.篋 [shu1qie4], n., case or trunk containing books, cf. [shu1chu2], [shu1jia4]↓. 
10.契 [shu1qi4], n., (1)  (LL) art or invention of writing; (2)  commercial papers. 
11.啟 [shu1qi3], n., a piece of correspondence. 
12.廚 [shu1chu2], n., a bookcase; (facet.) a person who reads but does not digest reading. 
13.癡 [shu1chi1], n., a bookworm, see [shu1dai1zi0]↓. 
14.獃子 [shu1dai1zi0], n., a bookworm. 
15.丹 [shu1dan1], v.i., to write (with red ink) for stone inscription. 
16.店 [shu1dian4], n., a bookshop, bookstore. 
17.底兒 [shu1dieeer0], n., extent of one's reading, literary background. 
18.蠹 [shu1du4], n., a bookworm, see [shu1dai1zi0]↑. 
19.牘 [shu1du2], n., official correspondence. 
20.法 [shu1fa3], n., art and practice of callig. 
21.坊 [shu1fang1], n., a bookshop, esp. old style. 
22.房 [shu1fang2], n., one's study, library. 
23.子 [shu1ge2zi0], n., a simple bookcase without panels. 
24.館 [shu1guan3], n., (1)  a private school held at home; (2)  formerly, a bookshop; 館兒 a teahouse with professional story telling (說). 
25.櫃 [shu1gui4], n., book cabinet. 
26.翰 [shu1han4], n., (LL) letter of correspondence. 
27.函 [shu1han2], n., (1)  ditto; (2)  formerly, sack for letters. 
28.後 [shu1hou4], n., a postscript, remarks on reading a certain piece of writing. 
29.狀 [shu1zhang4], n., written petitions or written statements. 
30.齋 [shu1zhai1], n., a scholar's study, studio. 
31.札 [shu1zha2], n., correspondence, letters. 
32.跡 [shu1ji1], n., personal handwriting. 
33.家 [shu1jia1], n., a calligraphist. 
34.柬() [shu1jian3], n., (LL) a letter. 
35.架(子) [shu1jia4]([zi0]), n., bookcase. 
36.記 [shu1ji4], n., a secretary; (LL) official recorder; (AC) records. 
37.籍 [shu1ji2], n., books in gen. 
38.傳 [shu1zhuan4], n., (AC) books and records; commentary on 尚 an anc. classic. 
39.桌(兒) [shu1zhuo1]([er0]), n., desk. 
40.帙 [shu1zhi4], n., casing of books. 
41.卷 [shu1jUan4], n., book, esp. in anc. form of a scroll: 卷氣 phr., (of painting, person) air of cultivated refinement. 
42.局 [shu1jU2], n., a publisher, book company. 
43.口 [shu1kou3], n., book margin, usu. containing page number. 
44.扣子 [shu1kou4zi0], n., a critical point in story where the storyteller stops (to collect more cash from listeners). 
45.庫 [shu1ku4], n., a vault for books; a big book collection. 
46.空 [shu1kong1], phr., 咄咄空 (allu.) make futile gestures in space--in exasperation or frustration. 
47.吏 [shu1li4], n., formerly, government clerk. 
48.林 [shu1lin2], n., (LL) “forest of books”-a world of books. 
49.簏 [shu1lu4], n., wastebasket; (facet.) person who reads but does not understand. 
50.眉 [shu1mei2], n., upper page margin. 
51.面 [shu1mian4], n., a written note, which serves as “memo” of an interview. 
52.目 [shu1mu4], n., bibliography, catalogue of books. 
53.腦 [shu1nao3], n., the book back, the spine of the binding. 
54.判 [shu1pan4], n., the verdict. 
55.皮(兒) [shu1pi2] ([shu1pie1er0]), n., book cover. 
56.評 [shu1ping2], n., book review. 
57.舖 [shu1pu4], n., a bookshop. 
58.生 [shu1sheng1], n., a student o scholar: 白面生 scholar inexperienced in affairs of business. 
59.香 [shu1xiang1], n., “fragrance of books”-surrounding or family of scholars: 香子弟 children from a scholarly family; 世代香 family of scholars for generations. 
60.寫 [shu1xie3], v.i. & t., to write. 
61.信 [shu1xin4], n., a letter, correspondence. 
62.手 [shu1shou3] ([shu1shou0]), n., copyist, amanuensis. 
63.肆 [shu1si4], n., (LL) bookshop. 
64.攤(兒)(子) [shu1tan1]([shu1ta1er0])([zi0]), n., a bookstall. 
65.套 [shu1tao4], n., cardboard casing for books. 
66.體 [shu1ti3], n., style of callig. 
67.題 [shu1ti2], n., title or label of a book. 
68.冊 [shu1ce4]1, n., books in gen. 
69.策 [shu1ce4]2, n., books (anciently written on bamboo strips, also called 策). 
70.僮 [shu1tong2], n., a boy serving in scholar's study. 
71.筒 [shu1tong3], n., formerly, envelope. 
72.帷 [shu1wei2], n., “a curtain of books” surrounding a teacher; heaps of books in which a scholar buries himself. 
73.業 [shu1ye4], n., the book trade. 
74.衣 [shu1yi1], n., see [shu1tao4]↑. 
75.役 [shu1yi4], see [shu1ban4]↑. 
76.院 [shu1yUan4], n., a college.