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ㄏㄞˇ [hai3.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  The sea, also the ocean: 外 overseas;
洋 the ocean;
上 at sea, also “at Shanghai”;
go out to sea (as for fishing);
船 sea-going ships;
as a symbol of infinity: 闊天空 in open sea and sky, also (of talk) at random, without reference to reality;
角天涯 the corners of the world;
枯石爛,誓山盟 lovers’ pledge of eternal loyalty (until “the seas dry up and rocks decay”);
市蜃樓 mirage, s.t. imaginary;
the four seas, the universe around;
一家 all mankind is one family.
(2)  Fig. of a huge gathering: 人 the sea of humanity (in a crowd): 人戰術 human wave tactics;
,文 the ocean of learning, of literature;
the sea of sin and degradation;
(Budd. of the material or human life) a sea of troubles;
無邊 a sea of eternal regets;
the expanse of stars;
a sea of clouds.
AdjGreat, unlimited: 量 great capacity: [hai3han2]↓;
罵 (MC) random and unrestrained scolding;
說 wild talk;
碗 a very large bowl.
Words1.岸 [hai3an4], n., seacoast; 岸線 coast line. 
2.百合 [hai3bai3he2], n., (zoo.) the sea lily, crinoid. 
3.拔 [hai3ba2], n., sea level: 拔一千尺 1000 ft. above sea level. 
4.豹 [hai3bao4]1, n., (zoo.) the seal. 
5.報 [hai3bao4]2, n., theater posters on programs; any posters. 
6.表 [hai3biao3], phr., beyond the seas. 
7.濱 [hai3bin1], n., seacoast; sea beach. 
8.捕 [hai2bu3], v.t., warrant to find and arrest (criminal) on seas. 
9.產 [hai2chan3], n., marine products. 
10.潮 [hai3chao2], n., the tides. 
11.青 [hai3qing1], n., (MC) dress with broad sleeves; also monk's robe. 
12.床 [hai3chuang2], n., the floor of the sea. 
13.膽 [hai2dan3], n., (zoo.) the seaurchin. 
14.島 [hai2dao3], n., an island. 
15.帶 [hai3dai4], n., (bot.) an edible seaweed, Laminaria angustata
16.盜 [hai3dao4], n., pirate. 
17.燈 [hai3deng1], n., (zoo.) a tiny phosphorescent animal at sea, Doliolum tritomis
18.底 [hai2di3], adj., bottom of the sea; 底電線 submarine cable. 
19.笛 [hai3di2], n., a small flute-like musical instrument. 
20.東青 [hai3dong1qing1], n., a seabird on the China Sea, valued for its feather. 
21.法 [hai2fa3], n., maritime law. 
22.防 [hai3fang2], n., (1)  coastal defense; (2)  the port Hai-phong. 
23.風 [hai3feng1], n, sea breeze. 
24.港 [hai2gang3], n., harbor. 
25.狗 [hai2gou3], n., (zoo.) the seal. 
26.關 [hai3guan1], n., maritime customs. 
27.國 [hai3guo2], n., maritime country. 
28.股 [hai2gu3], n., gulf. 
29.涵 [hai3han2](1)  adj., with great generosity which forgives all; (2)  v.t., (court.) to forgive or tolerate (errors). 
30.花石 [hai3hua1shi2], n., coral. 
31.貨 [hai3huo4], n., marine products; overseas products. 
32.蜇 [hai3zhe2], n., (zoo.) jellyfish. 
33.鯽 [hai3ji4], n., (zoo.) a life-bearing sea fish, Ditrema temminckii
34.禁 [hai3jin4], n., ban on foreign trade or intercourse: 禁大開,開放禁 open country to foreign trade. 
35.鏡 [hai3jing4], n., (zoo.) a kind of flat shellfish, Amusium japonicus, whose shell is used in windows. 
36.軍 [hai3jUn1], n., the navy. 
37.客 [hai3ke4], n., travellers or merchants from abroad. 
38.口 [hai2kou3], n., seaport. 
39.葵 [hai3kui2], n., (zoo.) sea anemone. 
40.浪 [hai3lang4], n., sea waves. 
41.里 [hai2li3], n., nautical mile. 
42.流 [hai3liu2], n., sea or ocean current. 
43.狸 [hai3li2], n., the beaver. 
44.洛因 [hai2luo4yin1], n., (translit.) heroin, also 洛英. 
45.蘿 [hai3luo2], n., (bot.) a kind of seaweed. 
46.龍王 [hai3long2wang2], n., (myth.) Dragon King of the Seas. 
47.驢 [hai3lU2], n., (zoo.) Steller's sea lion, a North Pacific sea animal. 
48.馬 [hai2ma3], n., (zoo.) the walrus, see [hai3xiang4]↓. 
49.鰻 [hai3man2], n., (zoo.) sea eel. 
50.面 [hai3mian4], n., sea surface. 
51.綿 [hai3mian2], n., sponge. 
52.難 [hai3nan4], phr., perils of the sea, shipwreck. 
53.內 [hai3nei4], n. & adv., in the country: 內同胞 fellow citizens of China; 四之內 “all within the Four Seas”--the world. 
54.牛 [hai3niu2], n., (zoo.) the sea cow or manatee, Manatus senegalensis
55.漚 [hai3ou1]1, n., bubbles on sea, (Buddhist fig.) transient character of human life. 
56.鷗 [hai3ou1]2, n., (zoo.) sea gull. 
57.派 [hai3pai4], n., “Shanghai style or school,” orig., a school of Chin. opera, now generally (contempt.) of girls, magazines going after the fashion of the day: 派女郎,派作風. 
58.盤車 [hai3pan2che1], n., (zoo.) the starfish (also called 星). 
59.螵蛸 [hai3piao1xiao1], n., dried central part of cuttlefish. 
60.若 [hai3re4], n., (AC) myth.) god of the sea. 
61.上 [hai3shang4], adj., maritime: 上保險 maritime insurance. 
62.商法 [hai3shang1fa3], n., maritime law. 
63.參 [hai3shen1], n., sea cucumber, bechede1mer, a delicacy, Stichopus japonicus
64.蛇 [hai3she2], n., (zoo.) sea serpent. 
65.象 [hai3xiang4], n., (zoo.) the walrus (also called [hai3ma3]↑). 
66.鮮 [hai3xian1], n., sea food (shrimps oysters, fish, etc.). 
67.峽 [hai3xia2], n., (geog.) straits, channel. 
68.嘯 [hai3xiao4], n., tidal wave. 
69.星 [hai3xing1], n., the star fish. 
70.螄 [hai3si1], n., (zoo.) a sea shell, Scala lamellosa
71.獺 [hai3ta4], n., (zoo.) the seal, Enhydra marina
72.苔 [hai3tai2], n., an edible seaweed. 
73.灘 [hai3tan1], n., sea beach. 
74.棠 [hai3tang2]1 ([hai3tang0]), n., (bot.) the cherry apple tree or its fruit (the latter also called 棠果 Malus halliana); begonia. 
75.塘 [hai3tang2]2, n., sea wall, sea embankment. 
76.菜 [hai3cai4], n., (bot.) agaragar, an edible seaweed. 
77.錯 [hai3cuo4], n., sea delicacies: 山珍錯 exotic food from mountains and seas. 
78.圖 [hai3tu2], n., maritime map. 
79.豚 [hai3tun2], n., (zoo.) the dolphin or porpoise (dist. 河豚 63A.00). 
80.子 [hai3zi0], n., (North China) lakes, ponds. 
81.藻 [hai2zao3], n., a large class of seaweeds. 
82.外 [hai3wai4], adj. & adv., overseas, abroad. 
83.灣 [hai3wan1], n., (geog.) gulf or bay. 
84.王星 [hai3wang2xing1], n., (astron.) the planet Neptune. 
85.味 [hai3wei4], n., sea food. 
86.燕 [hai3yan4], n., (zoo.) the petrel, Procellaria furcata, making nest on sea cliffs--the origin of “birds’ nest,” a delicacy. 
87.牙 [hai1ya2], The Hague. 
88.鹽 [hai3yan2], n., salt from the sea; also a county in Kiangsu. 
89.洋 [hai3yang2], n., ocean. 
90.鷹 [hai3ying1], n., (zoo.) sea eagle; osprey. 
91.員 [hai3yUan2], n., sailor. 
92.芋 [hai3yU4], n., (bot.) Alocasia macrorhiza
93.運 [hai3yUn4], n., sea transportation. 
94.隅 [hai3yU2], n., a corner or small town by the sea.