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ㄔㄨˊ [chu2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Hay, fodder: 議,[chu2yi4], [chu2yan2]↓.
(AC) animal that feeds on grass: [chu2huan4]↓.
V(1)  To pasture (sheep, cattle): [chu2mu4]↓.
(2)  (AC) to cut grass.
Words1. [chu2gao3], n., fodder. 
2.狗 [chu2gou3], n., a sacrificial straw dog, s.t. discarded after use: 天地不仁,以萬物為狗(老子) “Nature is unkind, it treats all things like straw dogs.” 
3.豢 [chu2huan4], n., (AC) meat of animals that feed on grass () and on flesh (豢). 
4.糧 [chu2liang2], n., fodder. 
5.靈 [chu2ling2], n., (AC) straw effigy of man or animal, buried to serve the dead (in place of real man, woman or horse). 
6.秣 [chu2mo4], n., fodder. 
7.牧 [chu2mu4], v.i., to pasture (sheep, cattle). 
8.蕘 [chu2rao2], n., as in 蕘者 (AC) grass and woodcutter; (fig.) rustic, used in self-deprecation: 蕘之言 my rustic remarks. 
9.言 [chu2yan2], n., (self-deprecating) my rustic, humble words. 
10.議 [chu2yi4], n., (self-deprecating) “a humble discussion”; (LL) an essay on some current topic.