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ㄍㄨˇ [gu3 (ㄍㄨˊ [gu2).Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  A bone: 架,子,頭,骼,[gu3jia4], [gu3zi0], [gu3tou0], [gu3ge2], [gu3rou4]↓;
the ribs, spareribs, (sl.) a skinny person;
瘦如柴 emaciated like a stick;
皮包 skinny;
(2)  Bone structure, type of personality, moral character: 風 a person's temperament and character;
a proud character;
(3)  A corpse, skeleton: 下無怨,上無怨人 no one, whether dead or living, will have any cause to complain;
朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死 while the rich dine and wine, the poor die of cold by the roadside.
Words1.棒 [gu3bang0], adj., very hard in character. 
2.氣 [gu3qi0], n., (1)  independence of character: 這人很有氣 the man is noted for his backbone, i.e., for his sterling character; n., (2)  (callig.) firm and steady strokes. 
3.董 [gu3dong0] ([gu3dong3]), n., curios, antiques (also wr. 古董). 
4.朵兒 [gu2duo0er0], n., an unopened flower bud. 
5.法 [gu2fa3], n., (Chin. painting) building of the structure of a picture. 
6.粉 [gu2fen3], n., fertilizer made from bones. 
7.肥 [gu3fei2], n., fertilizer made from animal bones. 
8.幹 [gu3gan4], n., (1)  leading spirit in group, leading staff; (2)  practical ability. 
9.鯁 [gu3geng3], adj., upright, fair and just (also wr. 骾). 
10.骼 [gu3ge2], n., a skeleton, structural pattern (also wr. 格). 
11.折 [gu3zhe1], n., fracture of bones. 
12.架 [gu3jia4], n., a framework, skeleton structure. 
13.節 [gu3jie2], n., (physiol.) joints. 
14.質 [gu3zhi2], n., bone substance or structure. 
15.科 [gu3ke1], n., orthopedics: 科醫生 an orthopedist, a bone specialist. 
16.力 [gu3li4]1(1)  n., (callig.) strength or force of strokes; (2)  ([gu2li0]) adj., strong; (3)  ([gu2li0]) adj., of strong texture: 這張紙很有力 this piece of paper has a very strong texture. 
17.立 [gu3li4]2, adj., bony, with bones sticking out. 
18.碌 [gu2lu0], adj., rolling, spinning, turning round and round. 
19.膜 [gu3mo2], n., (physiol.) periosteum. 
20.牌 [gu3pai2], n., dominoes. 
21.盤 [gu3pan2], n., (physiol.) the pelvis (also 盆). 
22.肉 [gu3rou4], n., blood relationships, kith and kin: 肉至親 of one's own flesh and blood. 
23.相 [gu3xiang4], n., a person's bone structure as indicating type of personality: 賤相 lazybones; s.o. not worthy of help; 相學 the study of bone structure as indicating character (as in phrenology). 
24.血 [gu3xUe4], n., one's flesh and blood, see [gu3rou4]↑. 
25.髓 [gu2sui3], n., (physiol.) marrow. 
26.炭 [gu3tan4], n., bone black. 
27.頭 [gu2tou0], n., (1)  a piece of bone: 頭兒筷子 chopsticks made of bone; (2)  (abusive) a person with ugly looks: 瞧你這塊頭 just see what a figure you are cutting! (3)  one's moral character: 硬頭 a person of moral integrity; 有頭 has backbone; 沒頭 weak-kneed; 輕頭 flippant; 賤頭 (abusive) you cheap skate, louse. 
28.子 [gu3zi0], n., (1)  ribs of umbrella, fan: 傘子,扇子; (2)  innermost part: 這是他子裏頭的事 that's his most personal affair; 這人子裏很厲害 this man is really very shrewd inside. 
29.癌 [gu3yan2]1, ([gu3ai2] preferred), n., cancer in the bones. 
30.炎 [gu2yan2]2, n., osteitis; 髓炎 osteomyelitis
31.瘍 [gu3yang2], n., (med.) bone ulcer.